Indian Journal of Biochemi stry & Bi ophysics Vol. 37, December 2000, pp. 44 1-446 L( l ( ( . I I::. ~ / -I . Overexpression and reconstitution of a eske iron sulfur protein from the _. cyanobacterium nechocystis 803 ~ ( • I - • • Dirk 1 chneider Karin Jaschkowitz, Andreas Seidler and !Matthias Rogner* L~:stuhl fur Bioc . emi e der Ptlanzen, Fakultat fU r Bi ologie, Ruhr-Uni versitat Bochum, D-447800 Boch um , Ge: : . : V Accepted 23 JUli e 2000 Chl oropl ast cyt b(! co mplexes as well as mitochondrial and bac teri al cyt bCI complexes co ntain a hi gh potenti al Rieske iro'rr-s ul fur protein whic h is essent ial for their fun ction. To charac teri se the isolated Rieske protei n from the meso phili c cyaI nobacteriu m SYll ecli ocystis PCC680 cloned the encod ing gene into an expression vector and overexpressed the protein m E. coli. In cell s overexpressing the protein no typical Ri eske type EPR signal was detected neither in membranes nor in inclu sion bod ies where the majority of the protein was depos ited. The inclusion bod ies were iso lated from the E. coli cell s and denatu rated with 8 M urea. With a si ngle ani on exchange chro matographic step a pure pro tein cou ld be obtained whi ch was used fo r furt her ex periments. The NifS like protein IscS was recently reported to mediate the incorporation of iro nsul fur clusters into fe rredoxin ill vitro. ,used the recombinant IscS pro tein for the incorporation of the cluster into the fo lded Ri eske apoprotein. Spectroscop ic characte ri sation of the resultant pro tein by CD and EPR spectroscopy showed the presence of a typical Rieske iro n-su lfur ce, : 9 ~ . ~/ _ we Introduction Rieske iron-sul fur proteins are essenti al components of cytochro me bCI and cytochrome bel complexes in pro karyoti c and euk aryo tic cell s. They pl ay an important ro le in th e electron transport chain within the cyt bc compl exes and medi ate the electron transfer between a cyt b protein component (cy t b or cyt b6) and a c-type cytochrome (cy t c, or cyt f) (for a recent rev iew see ref. I ) . Ri eske proteins contain a redoxacti ve [2Fe-2S ] cluster whi ch is coordin ated by two cystein s and two hi stidine res idues of the apoprotein . Two additi onal cysteine res idues, whi ch are located close to th e cluster binding res idues, form an intern al disul fide bri dge and are required fo r th e stability of the protein 2. The iron-sul fur clu ster contain- ing Ri eske protein is characteri sed by typical EPR spectra' and an unusual hi gh redox potenti al in th e range of +100 mY to +400 mY (ref. 4). The three di mensional stru cture of the water soluble part of th e Ri es ke protein from the cyt bc, as we ll *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: Mallh ias.Roegner@ruhr-un Abbreviations: CD, circul ar dichro ism; cyt, cytoc hro me; DTT, di th iot hrei tol; ~-DM , dodecyl ~-D-ma l toside ; EDTA, eth ylenediamine tet raacetic acid; EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance; IPTG , i so propy l -~-D- th ioga l ac t opyra n oid; PCR, po lyme rase chain reaction; PMSF, phenylmet hanesulfonyl tluorid; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl su lfa te-polyac rylamide gel electrop horesis; TLCK, Tosyll ysylchl orometh ylketone as of the cyt bJ complex was reso lved up to 1.5 and 1.8 Angs tro m, res pecti ve l/ ·6 . Although th e sequence similarity between the Ri es ke protein s from cyt bc, and cyt bJ compl exes is quite low 6 th eir three di me nsional structure apparentl y is very conserved 7 . Their water so luble part consist of two domains: A small redox ac ti ve domain binding the iron-sulfur clu ster and a larger scaffold domain . As all Ri es ke protein s contain a hydrophobic sequ ence at the N termi nus, th e exi stence of a transmembrane anchor was discussed for a long time. Indeed, the 3D structure of the cyt bc, complex clearl y shows a transmembrane hel ix 8 fo r th e Ri eske prote in , sugges tin g strongly a similar structure for the Ri es ke protein of the analogous cyt bJ complex. Up to now several attempts have been made to overex press and characteri ze Ri eske proteins: The Ries ke genes of some hyperth ermophi lic crenarchaeons were cloned and heterologously expressed in E. co li 4.9; aft er purifi cati on these overexpressed protein s we re shown to contain th e typica l Ri es ke iron-s ulfur centre. Also, the Ri es ke protein fro m the mesophilic cyanobac terium Nosfoe PCC7906 was overex pressed, yielding inclusion bodi es whi ch di d, however, not co ntain th e ironsul fur clu ster' o. Instead, th e auth ors reco nstituted the protein by a chemi ca l procedure and were able to show the typica l spectroscopic properti es of a Rieske protein. 442 IND IAN 1. BIOCHEM. BIOPIIYS, VOL. 37, DECEMBER 2000 Here we report the overex press ion and purification of a Ri es ke prote in from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803. The functional reconstitution of the Fe-S-c1uster for thi s Ri es ke protein was for the first time ac hieved using a reco mbinant NifS like protein . Materials and Methods DNA cloning, seqllencing and gene expression E. coli strains were routinely grow n in LB medium suppl emented by 100 Il g/ml Ampicillin (w hen indi cated). For plasmid propagat ion, strain OH5u and for overexp ress ion strain BL2 1(OE3) was used. Molecul ar standard techniques were performed l2. The restriction enzy me Nde I was purchased from New England Bi olabs and all other DNA mod ify ing enzymes from MBI Fermentas. The ge ne encodin g the Synechocystis Ri eske protein II was amplified by PCR using the primers NT1316 (5'-G GGAATTCC AT ATGACCCAGA TTTCTGGCTCCCC) and CT 13 16 (5'-GAGTCGGATCCTTAAGCCCACCAGG GATCTT AGTCG). For clonin g the PCR product into the ex press ion vecto r pRSET6a (ref. 13), a Ndel site was introd uced 5' of th e gene including th e trans lation start codo n ATG and a BWI1HI recognition site was added 3 ' of the stop codon of the ge ne. The PCR ampl ified ge ne was cleaved with Nde I and BWI1HI and cloned into th e Nde l/BwlIHI side of th e exp ress ion plasmid. For overexpress ion a freshly transfo rmed BL21 (OE3) E. coli colony was grow n for 6 hours in 10 ml of LB medium co ntaining 100 Il g/ml ampicillin . Thi s cul ture was used to inocu late 500 ml of th e sa me medi um . After 15 hours incubati on at 37°C under co ntinu ous shakin g th e ce ll s were harvested. Purification of th e overexpressed protein Cell s overex pressing th e Ri eske protein were harvested by centri fugation and inclu sion bodies we re iso lated l2 . After disso lving th em in urea-buffer (50 mM Tri s- HCI, pH 8.3, and 8 M urea) they were purifi ed on an ani on exc hange paRaS 50 HQ co lum n (Persep ri ve Bi osystems) using a Bi oCad 700E system (PE Biosystems). The protein was app lied onto th e co lumn equilibrated with urea-b uffer and e luted with a two-s tep NaCI grad ient (0-0. 18 M, 15 ml and 0.18- 1 M, 8 ml) at a flow rate of 3.5 ml/min . The eluted prote in was co ncen trated by Centricon-l 0 ultrafiltratio n unit s (Am icon). Cell membranes of SYll ecllOcystis and th e cyt b6 f comp lex were preparedl~. Protein co ncentrati ons were determined I). Refolding of the protein and reconstitlltion of th e FeS-Cluster Refolding of the Ri eske protein was done 10. In detai l, the overprodu ced and purified prote in was incubated for 30 min in 50 mM Tris-HCI, p H 8.3, I % ~ mercaptoeth anol and 0.05 % ~ -OM (a ll buffers have bee n flu shed by argo n gas pri or to use). Refo lding of the protein was ac hieved in two ways: a) The protei n was diluted 8-fold in 50 mM TrisHCI pH 8.3, 0.05 % ~-OM, whi ch was suppl emented by I mM PMSF and I mM TLCK to avo id protein degradati on. b) The protein so luti on was dia lysed for 15 hr against thi s buffer. Inco rporat ion of the FeS-c lu ster was performed enzy mati call y using th e overprod uced and purified NifS-like Synechocystis protein IscS (ref. 16). I mM OTT, I mM pyrodoxalphosphat e, 2 rnM Fe(NH~hCSO~h 10 mM L-cystein and 6 Il g IscS were added und er stri ctl y anae robic co ndit ions and t he soluti on was incubated for 2 hr at 30°C. One vo lume of th e reconstituti on mi xture (typ ically 5 ml) was dialysed for 15 hr against 100 vo lumes of 50 111M TrisHCI, pH 8.3, 0.03 % ~-OM, I 111M PMSF, I rnM TLCK and 10 mM EDT A. Samp les we re concentrated to a final vo lume of I ml on Ce ntri con -I () ultrafiltration units (A micon). SOS PAGE and immun ological analysis was routin ely done l2 . For detection of th e overexpressed protein a peptide antibody directed against the protein N-terminus was used. Spectroscopic characterisation of th e reconstitllt ed protein Circular dichroism spectra (ro utin ely between 300 nm and 600 nm) we re recorded on a J asco 7 15 CD spectrometer, using a slit width of 2 nm ; th e signal to noise rati o was improved by a 10-times acc umulati on of the spectra. EPR spec tra we re reco rded at the Sec ti on de Bi oenergetiqu e, CEA-Sac lay, France, on a Bruker EPR200 spectrometer; a helium cryostat (Oxford In struments) kept the sample temperature at 15K. Other parameters for the measurement include 6.3 mW mi crowave power, 10 G mod ul ati on amplitude and 9.44 GHz microwave frequency. Results Overproduction of th e SynecllOcystis Rieske protein A plasmid for th e overexpress ion of th e Synec!lOcystis Ri eske protein was ge nerat ed by PCR- SCHNEIDER el a l.: OVEREXPRESSION AND RECO STITUTION OF RIESK E IRON SULFU R PROTEIN amplification of the petC gene; the resultin g 540 bp DNA fra bGment was cloned into the express ion vec tor pRSET6a and sequenced. Thi s plasmid was used for overex pressi on of the Syn echocystis Ri es ke protein. For analysing the success of the overexpress ion, membranes from SYll echocystis, purified cyt brJ co mpl ex of SYllechocystis and E. coli cell s were separated by SDS-PAG E, followed by immuno-bl ottin g. Fi g. I shows th e cross reacti on of the Ri es ke antibody with a 19 kDa band in the th ylakoid membranes of Synechocystis (lane I) and al so with the iso lated cyt brJ co mplex (lane 2). The apparent molecular mass of 19 kDa agrees we ll with the molecular weight of th e Ri es ke protein as detcrmined from th e correspondin g amin o acid sequence. As th e se parated E. coli protein s show a band of identi cal apparent mass (lane 3), crossreactin g with the same antibody, thi s indica tes the successful overex press ion of th e Ries ke protein. The recombinant protein accumulated to about 15 % of th e total E. co li cell protein s. Further an alys is showed that th e protein is located exclusive ly in the inclusion body frac ti on of E. coli . Purific([tion of th e ove rp rodll ced protein Since ne ither the inclu sion bodi es iso lated from E. coli nor the E. coli membranes showed EPR signals typica l for iro n-sulfur clusters we tri ed a different strategy by reco nstitutin g the iron-sulfur clu ster into the co rrectl y folded apoprotein . Although th e inclusion bodies are hi ghl y enri ched in th e ove rex pressed protein furth er purificati on of the Ri es ke protein was required. The inc lusion bodi es from E. coli were denatured with 8 M urea and th e reco mbinant Ri es ke protein was purified by ani on exchange chromatograph y; Fi g. 2 shows a typical HPLC eluti on pro fil e: Whil e most E. coli proteins copuri fied with the inclusion bodi es did not bind ont o the co lumn , th e overex pressed Ri es ke protein eluted at about 20 mM NaCI , yie lding about 10 mg Ri es keprotein . Fi g. :\ shows overexpressed Ri es ke protein at di fferent stages of puri fi cat ion, revea led on S DSPAG E. Refoldin g of th e Rieske protein and in co rpo ration of th e FeS ellIster Reco nstitut ion of th e R ieske protein was achi eved in two steps: First the HPLC purified Ri es ke protein had to fold co rrec tl y, and then th e iro n-sulfur c luster coul d be inco rporated. Fo r th e foldin g of the protein two meth ods ha ve bee n appli ed successfully : In th e 1 2 443 3 .., 'I i • •• Fig. I- Overex pression of the full length S\'II ecllOc."slis Rieske protein in E. coli [Immunoblot of a SOS-gel of SYll echocyslIS membranes (lane I ), purili ed cyt b(/ co mpl ex (lane 2) and cell ex tract of E. coli overexpressing the Ri es ke protein (lane 3) . The specilic anti body directed against the N-termin us of the SYll echo cysl is Rieske protein shows the presence of the protein in all three samples]. first one the soluti on of the denatured protein was qui ckly dilut ed 10-fold in a buffer without urea; and in th e second one, the protein so luti on was di alysed ove rniGht aG b b ainst a buffer without urea resultin g in a slow urea removal. Both procedures did not show siG nificant difference in the amount of reconstituted b . Ri es ke protein . After refoldin g the apoprotelll was used for the incorporati on of the iron-sulfur clu ster simil ar to th e method reported in ref. 16 . The inserti on of th e iron-s ulfur c luster into the Ri es ke apoprotein was chec ked by spec troscopic met hods. Figure 4 shows th e CD spectrum of the reconstituted Ri es ke protein with two band s at 326 nm and 394 nm. Although max ima and minima differ sli ghtl y in their positions, the overall spectrum is in good agreement with the CD spec trum of th e cy t bc I Ril7 es ke protein indicating a successful reconstituti on. Ori ginally , EPR spec troscopy was used for the characteri zation of the iron-sulfur clu sters l8 , and th e EPR spec trum of the reco nstituted Ri es ke protein fro m Synechocystis is shown in Fig. 5. The spectrum shows the typical g va lues for Ri es ke proteins with gz= 2.04 and gy= 1.90. As th e gz area is broad, the co rrect va lue is diffi cult to determin e from thi s EPR spec trum . However, the similarity of thi s spectrum with the EPR spec trum obtained from iso lated SyneellOcystis cyt bGf complex 19 and other Ri es ke proteins strongly sUGGests that the overprodu ced Ri eske protein was bb . correctly refolded and the iron sulfur c luster was tn corporated. Discussion Overexpression and pur(fic([tion of th e recolI/binont Rieske protein Although E. coli is th e most popul ar hos t organism . . 10 I for heterologous ex press ion of fo retgn protellls, Ile overexpress ion of membrane prote ins in E. coli ofte n 444 INDI AN J. BIOCHEM . BIOPHYS., VOL 37, DECEM BER 2000 1.0~------------------------------------------~ E c o CX) N .....CO Q) g 0.5 - CO ..0 0.5 u ..0 Z oCJ) co « o 0.0 o 5 10 15 20 Time / min Fig. 2-Pu ri ticat ion of overex pressed and enriched Ri eske pro tein by an ion-exchange chromatograp hy. IE lu tion profil e of a typi cal anion-exchange I-IPLC run (g ray line, peak of Ri eske protein shaded) with a NaCI gradient from 0-1 M (black line). Absorbance was recorded at 280 nm] . leads to cell death caused by the toxicity of the overex pressed protein . While this toxi c effect is often caused by th e association or incorporati on of the recombinant protein into E. coli membranes, th e toxicity often decreases when the protein is located in inclusion bodi es. As th e formati on of inclu sion bodies results primaril y from hydroph obi c interactions, the success ful overex press ion of a protein with only one potential transmembrane helix like the Ri eske protein seems reali sti c. There are examples for the integrati on of overexpressed and correctly fold ed membrane proteins into E. coli cel l membranes 2o, and also the overexpression of a correctly fold ed Rieske protein with an incorporated iron-sulfur cluster has been reported49·. However, the overexpressed, full length Ri eske protein of Synechocystis was only found in the inclu sion body fract ion which did not show any typical EPR Ri eske signal after so lubilizat ion in nondenaturating buffer; thi s indicates that th e protein is overex pressed in an denatured form. Since the references given above show the poss ibility to incorporate an iron-s ulfur cluster into Ri eske proteins overexpressed in E. coli , the misfolding of the apoprotein should be th e reason for th e absence of a Rieske EPR signal. It should be pointed out, however, that th ese references on the one hand refer to the overexpress ion of Ries ke proteins from thermophilic crenarcheo ns4.9; on the other hand, Holton et al. 10 mention th e presence of overexpressed Ri eske protein from the cyanobacterium Nostoc PCC7906 in E. coli membranes, but they were not able to detect any Ri eske Ironsulfur cluster in the membrane fraction. The inclusion bod ies puri fied form E. coli cell s overexpressing the Syn echocystis Ri eske protein were hi ghly enriched with the reco mbinant protein , and the denaturated protein was obtained in an essent iall y pure form by only one additional pu rificati on step which allowed further reconstituti on experiments (Fig. 2). It should be be noted th at we were un ab le to obtain reconstituted Ri eske proteins fro m so lu i1i sed inclusion bodies unl ess the Ri eske prote in was furth er solubilized. Thi s indicates that other proteins colocated in the inclu sion bodies may interact with th e Ri es ke protein , thereby interfering e ither with the folding of the protein or with the incorporation of the iron-sulfur cluster. SCH NE ID ER el MW a /.: OVEREXPRESSION AND RECONSTITUTION OF RI ES KE IRO N SULFUR PROTEIN CE IB 445 2,....-------------, IEC 40 kDa .... r:I\ ~ 30 kDa "CI E 0 Q U 20 kDa • -1 10 kDa -2+----+----+---~ Reconstitutioll of th e overexpressed protein In principle, the recon stitution procedure for the Rieske protein developed in thi s paper is derived from the one reported for the cyanobacterium Nostoc PCC7906 (ref. 10), whi ch was the first one for any Rieske protein : In the first step the protein is allowed to fold correc tl y and then the iron-sulfur cluster is incorporated. However, different from Holten et al. who used a chemical procedure for the incorporation of the cluster, we applied an enzymatic approach for the iron-sulfur cluster formation. The NifS-like protei n IscS from Synechocystis was recentl y show n to be ab le to mediate the inco rporati on of iron-sulfur clusters into ferredoxin ' 6 in vitro by ac ti vati on of su lfur from cysteine. Instead of ferredoxin , we used thi s meth od for th e reconstituti on of the refold ed Ri es ke proteins and probed the successful reconstitution by the characte ri stic CD and EPR signals. Further experiments which are in progress should show whether this IscS protein plays a role in vivo also in the maturation of the Ri es ke protein. 500 400 300 Fig. 3-S DS-PAGE of the overexpressed Rieske protein at dilTerent stages of purillcati on. [MW, molecul ar mass standard; CE, total E. coli protein ; IB , inclu sion bodies; IEC, Rieske protein after anion-exchange chromatographi c purillcation] . 600 Wavelength [nm] Fig. 4-Vi sible CD spectrum of the reconstituted Rieske protein in reduced state. [The spectrum was recorded at 25 °C in 50 mM Tris-HCI p H 8.3. System settings : Bandwidth, 2 nm; scan speed, 50 nm/min; res ponse, 4 sec; reso lu tion , 2 nm ; acc umul ation , 10J. 9z=2.04 I 3100 3300 9y =1 .9 1 I 3700 3500 Magnetic field [G] 3900 4100 Fig. 5-EPR spectra of the reconstituted Rieske protein in reduced state. For experimental co nditions see Materials and Methods. INDIAN J. BIOCHEM. BIOPHYS ., VOL. 37, DECEM BER 2000 446 The re are several reports on th e chemical reco nstitution o f all-cysteine ligated iron-sulfur c lu ste rs into apoproteins in th e lite rature" I - 23 . Also, for some prote ins with cysteine ligated iron-sulfur c lusters, it is shown that IscS can be used for recon stitution 16. Our re port shows for th e first time an involveme nt of IscS in the formation of a cys teine/hi stidine ligated ironsu I fur cluster ill vitro. Th e gz and gy values of the clu ste r, gz= 2 .04 and gy= 1.90 , as dete rmined from th e EPR spectra , are in good agree me nt with the values obtained from th e whole co mplex 19 . These data indi cate that the g values of th e Ri es ke centre are inde pe nde nt of th e procedure used to in corporate the protein into the c yt brJ co mpl ex. It is known that Ri es ke prote in s are involved in fo rmation of th e plastoquin o le oxidation site of th e cyt be co mpl exes and also in inte raction s of th e ir lumin a l part with other su bunits of the complex2~. Althou gh th e iron-sulfur cluster is located in the e xtrinsic domain on th e Ri eske prote in , inte rac tion s betwee n th e luminal prote in part and other proteins with poss ibl e e ffec ts o n the g values cannot be excluded . As th e iso lated, reconstitut ed Rieske protein from Sy ll ec/weysfi s shows the same EPR s ignal as the cyt bel complex with a n integrated Ries ke protein , o ur results indicate th at the spec troscop ic prope rti es of thi s subunit are indepe ndent of its in co rporation into th e cyt bol complex. Th e successful ill vitro reco nstituti on of the SYll eehoeysfis Ri es ke prote in prese nted in thi s pape r is an excell e nt basis for furth e r characterisation o f th e s pec ifi c rol e of thi s subunit, es pecially for th e study of structure/func ti o n re lation s invol vin g s ite direc ted mutati ons. 2 3 Davidson E, Ohni shi T, Alla-Asafo-Adjci & Daldal F ( 1992) Biochemisll y 3 1, 3342-33 5 I Ri eske J S, Hansen R E & Zaugg, W S (I %4) } Bioi Ch em , 30 17-3022 4 Henninger T, AnemOller S, Fitz-Gibbo n S, Mill cr J H, Schiifer G & Schmidt C L ( 1999) } Bioell erg Biomembr 3 I , 5 Iwata S, Saynovots M, Link T A & Mi chel H ( 1996) Stmc- 6 Carrell C J, Zhang H, Cramer W A & Smith J L ( 1997 ) 119 - 128 ture 4 , 567-579 Structure 5, 161 3-1625 7 8 Murzin A G ( 1998) Cllrr Opin St m c Bioi 8, 380-387 Zhang Z, Hu ang L, Shulmeister V M, Chi Y -I , Kim K K, Hun g L -W , Cro ns A R, Berry E A & Kim S - ( 1998) Nature, LOlldoll 392, 677-684 18 Schmidt C L , Hat zfeld 0 M, Pctcrsen A P, Link T A & Sch ~ifer G ( 1997) Biochelll Biol,h),s Res Com 234, 283-287 Holton B, Wu X, Tsapin A I, Kramer 0 M, Malkin R & Kall as T ( 1996) Biochemistry 35, 15485-15493 Mayes S R & Barber J ( 199 1) Plallt Mol Bioi 17,289-293 Sambrook J, Fritsch E & Maniat is T (1 989) Molecul ar C1oning-A Labo ratory Manu al, Co ld Spring Harbo r Prcss, New York Schopfer R (1993) C eli e 124, 83-85 Wenk S -0, Boronowsky U, Peterman E J G, Higer C, van Amerongen H, Dekker J P & RogneI'M (1998) PhotosYllth esis: Mechallisms alld Eflects, Vol III (Garab G & Puztai J cds), pp 1537 -1 540, Klu wer Academic Publi shers, Netherlands Bradford M M ( 1976) A ll al Biochell l 72, 248-254 Jasc hkowi tz K & Seidlcr A Biochemistry (in prcss) Link T A, Saynovits M, Assmann C, Iwa ta S, Ohni shi T & von Jagow, G ( 1996) Ellr} Biochem2 37, 7 1-75 Ri eske J S, Zaugg W S & Han sen R E ( 1964) } Bio I Ch elll 19 239,3023-3030 Wenk , S-O (2000) Charak terterisicrung dcs Cytochrom hr,/, 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 Komp lexes aus gcrichtcten Mut anten dcs Cyanobaktcriums SYll echoc,l'stis PCC 6803 , Ph D th csis, Ruh r-U ni versiliil 8 020 chum, Germany Gri ss hammer R & Tatc C G ( 1995 ) Qllar{ Rev Biol,h."s 28, 21 Zhao J, Warrcn P, Li N, Bryand D A & Goldbeck J R ( 1990) We would like to acknowledge A .W . 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