Victoria E. Thompson Curriculum Vitae January 2016 School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Arizona State University PO Box 874302 Tempe, AZ 85287-4302 (480) 727-6117 (w) (480) 965-0310 (fax) [email protected] Education: Ph.D. History, University of Pennsylvania, December 1993 B.A. History, University of California at Berkeley, May 1987 Education Abroad: University of Paris I, Paris, France 1987-88 University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France 1985-86 Employment: 2002 - Present 1999-2002 1993- 1999 Associate Professor of History, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ (ASU) Assistant Professor of History, ASU Assistant Professor, Department of History, Xavier University, Cincinnati OH. Awarded tenure and promotion Spring 1999. Courses Taught (Arizona State University only): HST 104 Western Civilization, 1789-present HST 191 History and Film (one-credit seminar for freshmen) HST 300 Historical Inquiry: The French Empire (methods seminar for majors) HST 300 Historical Inquiry: Revolutionary Paris (methods seminar for majors) HST 304 Studies in European History: Rockers, Rebels and Romantics HST 355 Total War and the Crisis of Modernity HST 364 Sex & Society (on ground and online) HST 365 Women and Society in Europe Victoria Thompson, !1 HST 427 French Revolution HST 428 Modern France HST 498 Travel and Travelers in 19th-Century Europe (research seminar for majors) HST 513 Western Civilization since the French Revolution (graduate seminar) HST 591 Writing Cultural History (graduate seminar) HST 591 Space & Place (graduate seminar) HST 598 History and Memory (graduate seminar) HST 598 European Cultural History (graduate seminar) HST 598 Modern France (graduate seminar) HST 598 Modern Europe (graduate seminar) HST 598 The Metropolis in Europe and the U.S. (team taught graduate seminar) HST 590/790 Reading and Conference (Individual Readings courses for graduate students) on French and British Urbanism, Heritage Studies, European Women’s History, European Imperialism, Modern Europe, The French Revolution, Modern France, France in a Global Context, Revolutionary Political Practice, Space & Place. Advanced Research Methodologies in French History HST 700 Introduction to College Teaching and Issues in College Teaching (two part seminar on pedagogy for graduate students) HST 780 Preparing Future Faculty (three semester-long workshops for graduate students on grant writing, the dissertation prospectus and the job market) Fellowships and Awards: Fellow, Provost’s Humanities Fellows Academy, Arizona State University, 2015 Fellow, Institute for Humanities Research, for theme “Affect and Reason,” Arizona State University, 2014-2015 Society for French Historical Studies Koren Prize Honorable Mention for best article published in 2012 for “The Creation, Destruction, and Recreation of Henri IV: Seeing Popular Sovereignty in the State of a King,” in History & Memory, awarded April 2013. Wilcox Faculty Research Award, School for Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University, awarded September 2012. Arizona State University Institute for Humanities Research, Research Cluster Award for co-organizing seminar, “Cultures of Urban Space: International Perspectives” with Wendy Plotkin. 2007-2008, 2006-2007. NEH Summer Seminar Participant, “Revolution and the Making of Identities, France and Haiti 1787-1804,” directed by Jeremy Popkin, Newberry Library, Chicago, summer 2006 American Philosophical Society Research Grant, summer 2004 Women’s Studies Summer Research Award, Department of Women’s Studies, !2 Arizona State University, summer 2003 Faculty-Grant-in-Aid, Arizona State University, summer 2000 American Philosophical Society Research Grant, summer 1997 Xavier University Summer Research Stipend, summer 1995 Mellon Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 1992-93 Chateaubriand Fellowship, French Government, 1991-92 Pepper Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1990-91 Mellon Foundation Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship, summer 1990 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Pennsylvania, May 1990 Scholarship Work in Progress: Inventing Public Space in Paris, 1748-1792. This book-length project in progress examines the relationship between the development of a political public sphere and urban public spaces. “‘This tender tumult:’ Emotional Agency and Politics in Revolutionary Paris.” Article in progress focusing on the role of emotion in the forging of a united public in the early years of the French Revolution. Rockers, Rebels and Romantics: Countercultures in Modern Europe, 1750Present. Under contract with Bloomsbury Publishing. Delivery date: June 1, 2017. Touring the Revolution: Lady Morgan and National Identity in France and Great Britain. This book-length project in progress uses Irish-born writer Lady Morgan (née Sydney Owenson) as a lens to examine British and French national identity in the wake of the French Revolution. Books: Women in Nineteenth-Century Europe, co-author with Rachel Fuchs, Houndsmills, UK: PalgraveMacmillan, 2004. The Virtuous Marketplace: Women and Men, Money and Politics in Paris, 18301870. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000 Study Guide for Making of the West, volumes 1 (with Mary Dillman) and 2, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2001 !3 Edited Collections: A Cultural History of Work in the Age of Empire (1800-1920), edited volume under contract with Bloomsbury Publishing (London). Volume five of sixvolume series co-edited by Deborah Leigh Simonton (University of Southern Denmark) and Anne Montenach (University of Aix-Marseille). Forthcoming from Bloomsbury Press in 2017. Guest Editor for The Eighteenth-Century According to Jeffrey Merrick, an issue of H-France Salon, 6:10 (2014). I also wrote the Introduction and conducted an interview ( v=PO0CwITVkmg& for this issue. Guest Editor for Cultural History: The State of the Field, a special issue of Humanities, 2014. special_issues/cultural-history Refereed Articles: “An Alarming Lack of Feeling: Urban Travel, Emotions, and British National Character in Post-Revolutionary Paris,” Special Issue on Emotions and the City, Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine 42:2 (2014): 8-17. "The Creation, Destruction and Re-creation of Henri IV: Seeing Popular Sovereignty in the Statue of a King," History and Memory Vol. 24, No.2 (Fall/Winter 2012), 5-40. Awarded 2012 Koren Prize Honorable Mention for best article by the Society for French Historical Studies. “Foreign Bodies: British Travel to Paris and the Troubled National Self,” Studies in Travel Writing 15:3 (September 2011): 243-265 “Knowing Paris: Urban Guidebooks and the Enlightenment City,” Journal of Urban History 37:1 (January 2011): 28-42. “Writing within the Crisis: Meditations on the Edge of a Cliff,” Cultural and Social History 6:1 (March 2009): 87-95. !4 “L’ histoire du genre: Trentes ans de recherches des historiennes américaines de la France,” Cahiers d’histoire: Revue d’histoire critique 96-7 (Oct-Dec 2005): 41-62. “Telling ‘Spatial Stories’: Urban Space and Bourgeois Identity in Early Nineteenth-Century Paris, The Journal of Modern History 75:3 (September 2003): 523-556. “Urban Renovation, Moral Regeneration: Domesticating the Halles in SecondEmpire Paris,” French Historical Studies 20:1 (Winter 1997): 177-223 Chapters in Edited Collections: “Introduction” in Victoria E. Thompson, ed., A Cultural History of Work in the Age of Empire (1800-1920), forthcoming from Bloomsbury Press in 2017. “Travel and the City,” in Nandini Das and Tim Youngs, ed., The Cambridge History of Travel Writing, forthcoming from Cambridge University Press, 2017. “Restoring the Royal Family: “Les adieux de Louis XVI” and the Family of Louis XVIII,” in Nimisha Barton and Richard Hopkins, eds, Practiced Citizenship: Women, Gender and the State in Modern France, forthcoming from Louisiana State University Press, 2016. “Les Bonnes Adresses: Mapping the Elites of Revolutionary Paris,” in John Donne and Paul Janssens, editors, Living in the City: Elites and their Residences, 1500-1900/Vivre en ville: Elites et leurs résidences (XVIe – XIXe siècle) (Brussels: Brepols, 2008): 137-154. “’I went pale with pleasure:’ The Body, Sexuality, and National Identity among French Travelers to Algiers in the Nineteenth Century,” in Patricia Lorcin, ed., Algeria and France 1800-2000: Identity, Memory, Nostalgia (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2006): 18-32. “Creating Boundaries: Homosexuality and the Changing Social Order in France, 1830-1870,” in Jeffrey Merrick and Bryant Ragan, eds, Homosexuality in Modern France (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996): 102-127. “Creating Boundaries: Homosexuality and the Changing Social Order in France, 1830-1870,” reprinted in Joan W. Scott, ed., Feminism and History (London: Oxford University Press, 1996): 398-428. !5 Conference Proceedings “Splendeurs et misères des journalistes: Female Imagery and the Commercialization of Journalism in July-Monarchy France,” Proceedings of the Western Society for French History: Twenty-Third Annual Conference, Las Vegas, 1995 (1996) “The Creation of a ‘Loyal Opposition’ in France: La Presse and the Legislative Elections of 1857,” in Proceedings of the Western Society for French History Eighteenth Annual Conference, Santa Barbara, 1990 (1991) Entries in edited reference works: "Anais Nin," Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America, 3 vols. (New York: Scribner's, 2004), vol. 2, p. 345-346. "Marguerite Yourcenar," Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America, 3 vols. (New York: Scribner's, 2004), vol. 3, p. 299-300. “Rosa Bonheur,” “Anne-Louis Girodet,” “Pierre Loti,” “Pierre Louys,” and “Alice B. Toklas,” in Robert Aldrich and Garry Witherspoon, eds, Who’s Who in Gay and Lesbian History (London: Routledge, 2001). Review Essays: “Biographers of Paris: Cultural Approaches to the Modern City,” in French Politics, Culture and Society 28:2 (Summer 2010), pp. 118-133. “Boulevard Dreams: Paris and the Myths of Modernity,” in Journal of Urban History 33 (May 2007): 663-669. “Sexuality: Another Useful Category of Analysis,” Journal of Women’s History, 9:4 (Winter 1998): 211-219 !6 Book Reviews: Review of Allan Potofsky, Constructing Paris in the Age of Revolution (Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), for European History Quarterly, 44:1 (2014): 177-178. Review of Stéphane Van Damme, Métropoles de papier: Naissance de l’archéologie urbaine à Paris et à Londres (XVIIe-XXe siècle) (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2012) for H-France Review, 13:116 (August 2013) : http:// Review of Venita Datta, Heroes and Legends of Fin-de-Siècle France: Gender, Politics, and National Identity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011) for H-France Review 12: 119 (August 2012), 4 pages. Review of Annie Lombard-Jourdan, Les Halles de Paris et leur quartier (1137-1969) (Paris: Ecole Nationale des Chartes, 2009) for French History 26:3 (September 2012): 425-426. Review of Rosemary Wakeman, The Heroic City, Paris -1945-1958 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009), for The Journal of Modern History 83:4 (December 2011): 916-917. Review of Zeynep Çelik, Julia Clancy-Smith and Frances Terpak, editors, Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the City through Text and Image (Los Angeles: The Getty Research Institute in association with Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2009), for Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 31:3 (2011): 660-661. Review of Susan Hiner. Accessories to Modernity: Fashion and the Feminine in Nineteenth-Century France (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2010) for the American Historical Review 116:3 (June 2011): 880-881. Review of Mary Jean Corbett, Family Likeness: Sex, Marriage, and Incest from Jane Austen to Virginia Woolf (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008), for English Historical Review, 126 (2011): 191-192. Review of James M. Anderson, Daily Life during the French Revolution (Westport: CT: Greenwood Press, 2007), for The Historian 71:4 (Winter 2009): 880-881. !7 Review of Denise Z. Davidson, France after Revolution: Urban Life, Gender and the New Social Order (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007) for The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 39:1 (Winter 2009):422-23. Review of Sharon Marcus, Between Women: Friendship, Desire, and Marriage in Victorian England (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007) for The English Historical Review 123:505 (December, 2008): 1572-1574. Review of Deborah Cohen, Household Gods: The British and their Possessions (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006) for Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation 24:2 (June, 2008): 207-210. Review of Thomas Cragin, Murder in Parisian Streets: Manufacturing Crime and Justice in the Popular Press, 1830-1900 (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2006) for H-France Review 8:45 (March 2008): 183-186 Review of Nicolas Papayanis, Planning Paris before Haussmann (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004) for The Journal of Modern History, 79:2 (June 2007): 442-443. Review of Jan Goldstein, The Post-Revolutionary Self: Politics and Psyche in France, 1750-1850 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005), for H-France Forum 1:1 (Winter 2006) Review of Jeffrey Merrick and Michael Sibalis, editors, Homosexuality in French History and Culture (New York: The Hayworth Press, 2001), for Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter, 19:2 (Fall 2005): 14-16 Review of Carolyn J. Eichner, Surmounting the Barricades: Women in the Paris Commune (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004) for H-France, February 2006. Review of Niall Ferguson, The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000 (New York: Basic Books,2001) for The Journal of Modern History 76:3 (September 2004), 654-656. Reprinted in Jeff Hunter, editor, Contemporary Literary Criticism vol. 250 (Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, 2008: 29-31. Review of Philip Mansel, Paris Between Empires: Monarchy and Revolution, 1814–1852 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003) for H-France, April 2004. !8 Review of Richard D.E. Burton, Blood in the City: Violence and Revelation in Paris, 1789-1945 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001) for The Journal of Modern History 76:1 (March 2004): 191-193. Review of Peter Watkins, La Commune (Paris 1871), film produced by 13 Productions, La SEPT/Arte, and Musée d’Orsay, 1999 for H-France, August 17, 2003. Review of Gendering European History, 1780-1920 by Barbara Caine and Glenda Sluga (Leicester University Press, 2000), The Historian, 65:2 (Winter 2002): 492-3 Review of Lisa Tiersten, Marianne in the Market: Envisioning Consumer Society in Fin-de-Siecle France (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001). H-France, July 19 2002. Review of James Smith Allen, Poignant Relations: Three Modern French Women (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000) and Whitney Walton, Eve’s Proud Descendants: Four Women Writers and Republican Politics in Nineteenth-Century France (Stanford University Press, 2000), H-France, 29 May 2001. Review of Horse-Drawn Cabs and Omnibuses in Paris: The Idea of Circulation and the Business of Public Transit by Nicholas Papayanis (Louisiana State University Press, 1996), Journal of Modern History 70:2(June 1998): 478-9 Review of God’s Plagiarist: Being an Account of the Fabulous Industry and Irregular Commerce of the Abbé Migne by R. Howard Bloch (University of Chicago Press, 1994), Nineteenth-Century Prose 24:1 (Spring 1997): 141-5 Review of Paris Babylon: The Story of the Paris Commune by Rupert Christiansen (Viking Penguin, 1994), The Historian 58:4 (Summer 1996): 897-8 Review of The New Regime by Isser Woloch (W.W. Norton & Company, 1994), The Historian 57:3 (Spring 1995): 652-3 !9 Invited Talks: “Rehabilitating Marie-Antoinette,” to be presented at Whitman College, March 2016. “The Parisian Royal Plaza as Revolutionary Public Space,” presented at University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 10 2014. “Inventing Public Space: The Royal Plaza in the Era of the French Revolution,” presented at the Faculty Works-in-Progress Series, SHPRS, Arizona State University, March 19 2014. “Reading Public Monuments: Henri IV and the French Revolution,” presentation for the Public History Brown-Bag Lecture Series, Arizona State University, September 29, 2010 Speaker, Plenary Session in Honor of Rachel Fuchs, Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, Santa Clara CA, August 2010. “Les Bonnes Adresses: Mapping the Urban Elite in Revolutionary Paris,” presented at “Living in the City: Elites and their Residences – Vivre en Ville: Les Résidences des Elites,” roundtable, Brussels, Belgium, February 2006. “From Panorama to Privy: The English in Post-Revolutionary Paris,” presented at The French Studies Institute, New York University, New York, April 2005. “Les Bonnes adresses: Mapping the Elites of Post-Revolutionary Paris,” Seventh Conference on Urban History, Athens, Greece, October 2004. “Valuing the City: Real Estate Speculation and the Idea of the Market in Paris, 1789-1830,” at conference “The Fable of the Market,” University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, November 2003. “Navigating the Shifting Social Order of Nineteenth-Century Paris,” History Workshop, University of Arizona, March 2001 “Strangers in a Strange Land: Navigating the Shifting Social Order of Early Nineteenth-Century Paris,” presented at the Cincinnati Seminar on the City, February 1997 !10 “Redefining Women’s Work: Gender and Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century France,” presented at “Gender and National Identity: A Year-Long Series of Lectures and Panels,” University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, April 1995 Conference Papers: “L’affaire du Carrousel: Gender, Nationalism and the Urban Landscape in Imperial Paris,” presented at the annual conference of the Western Society for French History, Chicago, November 2015. “A Sense of Space: Sentiment and the Storming of the Bastille,” at “History and the Senses: Society for the Study of French History 28th Annual Conference, Durham, England, July 2014. “The Gift of Mentoring,” presented at Roundtable in Memory of Donna G. Ryan, annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Atlanta GA, October 2013. “Managing Memories: The Royal Plaza in Restoration Paris,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Cambridge, MA, April 2013. “Absent Icons: Parisian Ruins in the Work of Jacques Tardi,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Los Angeles, CA April 2012. “Knowing Paris: Changing Approaches to Describing the Enlightenment City,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association- Pacific Coast Branch, Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 2009 “Time Travel: Touring the Ruins of Revolutionary Paris,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, St. Louis, Missouri, March 2009 “At the Feet of Henri IV: Reconciliation and the Politics of Commemoration during the Restoration,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 2008. !11 “Perfecting the National Garden: Liberty and License in the Revolutionary Tuileries,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 2007. “Strangers in a Strange Land: Experiencing the Self as Other in Foreign Spaces,” presented at “Defining Space,” an international interdisciplinary conference sponsored by University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, October 2007 “Remembering Paris: Emigré Memoirs and the Spaces of Identity,” presented at the annual conference of the Society for French Historical Studies, Houston, Texas, April 2007 “Revolution and the Remapping of Elite Paris,” presented at the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Urban History Association, Tempe, AZ, October 2006 “Remembering and Forgetting: Female Urban Archetypes in Emile Zola’s La Curée,” presented at Urbanism, Urbanity and the Nineteenth-Century Novel, a conference sponsored by the Dickens Project, University of California at Santa Cruz, August 2006. ‘Jean-Jacques went on Foot’: Louis-Sébastien Mercier and the democratization of Parisian space,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Palo Alto, CA, March 2005. “Paris through Foreign Eyes: Colonialism, Tourism and National Identity, 18151880,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Paris, France, June 2004. “Consuming the Revolutionary City: Images of Paris after 1789,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Newport Beach, CA, October, 2003. “In the Shadow of the Guillotine: Parisian City-Images from Transparency to Opacity,” presented at the Sixth Conference on Urban History, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2002 “‘I went pale with pleasure:’ The Body, Sexuality, and National Identity Among French Travelers to Algiers in the Nineteenth Century,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, San Francisco, January 2002 !12 “’Hidden Life is Full of Evil’: Urban Space and Social Reform during the July Monarchy,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Chapel Hill, March 2001 “Foreign Bodies: The English in Paris and the French in London in the Nineteenth Century,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Los Angeles, CA, November 2000 Participant in roundtable entitled “The History of Paris: New Perspectives, New Directions,” annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Washington, D.C., March 1999 “Navigating the Hybrid City: French Travel Writers in Nineteenth-Century Algiers,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Boston, November 1998 “The Paradoxical Ouvrière: Female Stereotypes in Mid-Nineteenth Century Feminist Writings,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Ottawa, Canada, March 1998 “Debt and Debauchery: The Passions of the Stock Market in Second-Empire Popular Literature,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Charlotte, NC, October 1996 “Zola’s Tableau de Paris: Sexuality, Gender and Commerce in La Curée,” presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, Chicago IL, December 1995 “Splendeurs et misères des journalistes: Female Imagery and the Commercialization of Journalism in July-Monarchy France,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Las Vegas, NV November1995 “Crossing Boundaries: Homosexuality and the Elaboration of a New Social Order in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France,” presented at the American Historical Association Convention, Chicago, IL, January 1995 “The Politics of Motherhood: Family and Work Identities for Working-Class Women in Mid-Nineteenth Century France,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Missoula, Montana, October 1993 !13 “Contamination and Control: The Public Presence of Working-Class Women in Nineteenth-Century Paris,” presented at the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 1993 “The Rise and Fall of the Grisette: Images of Working-Class Women in Bourgeois Writings during the July Monarchy,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Orcas Island, Washington, October 1992 “The Creation of a ‘Loyal Opposition’ in France: La Presse and the Legislative Elections of 1857,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Santa Barbara, California, October 1990. Conference Panels Chaired/Comments: Chair for panel, “Parisian Margins,” annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Colorado Springs, CO, April 2015. Comment for panel, “Space, Place and Gender,” Conference in Honor of Rachel Fuchs, Arizona State University, Tempe, April 2014. Comment for “Emotions of War: Reacting and Rebuilding in War’s Aftermath in the Third Republic,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Atlanta, October 2013. Chair for “The Eighteenth Century According to Jeffrey Merrick” annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Cambridge, MA, April 2013. Comment for “Highways, Markets and Parks: Constructing Public Spaces and Conceptualizing Public Utility in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Portland, OR, November 2011. Chair for “Looking Death in the Eye: A Cultural History,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Portland, OR, November 2011. Comment for “Making Business Culture in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century France,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Quebec City, Canada, November 2008. Comment for “Work, Culture and Politics in the Early Years of the Third Republic,” annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Urbana-Champaign, IL, April 2006 !14 Comment for “France and Africa,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Lubbock, TX, October 2004. Chair for “Nineteenth-Century Justice and Politics,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Lubbock, TX, October 2004. Comment for “Post-Revolutionary Political Culture, 1815-1871,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Newport Beach, CA, October 2003 Comment for “Forging a Market Culture, from the Enlightenment to the Early Third Republic,” annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Toronto, Canada, April 2002 Chair for “Cafés and Subcultures in Modern France,” annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Scottsdale and Tempe, March 2000 Chair for “The Transformation and Creation of Public Space in the French City,” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Asilomar, CA, November 1999 Chair for “The Engagée Press in Nineteenth-Century France” annual meeting of the Western Society for French History, Lexington, KY, 1997 Service Professional Service Leadership Positions: C-Chair, Advanced Placement (AP®) European History Test Development Committee, 2013-2016 Co-Chair, Advanced Placement (AP®) European History Curriculum Development & Assessment Committee, 2010-2013; Committee Member 2008-2010 President, Society for French Historical Studies, 2009-2010 Co-Editor, H-France Forum, 18th and 19th centuries, 2009-2010 Chair (2007-2008) and member (2006-2007 and 2008-2009), J. Russell Major Prize Committee, American Historical Association Prize Committee Chair (2006-07) and Member (2004-06), French Historical Studies Research and Travel Awards !15 Additional Positions: Academic Advisory Committee, History, College Board, (2015-2016). AP European History Exam Reading, Kansas City, Reader (2015), Table Leader (2016) Executive Committee, Society for French Historical Studies, 2009-2012 Social Science Research Council, Selection Committee for the International Dissertation Research Fellowship Program, 2009-2011 H-France, Book Review Advisory Panel, 2009-2010 Institute of International Education, Selection Committee, Fulbright Fellowships for France, 2010 (MA and Ph.D. candidates); 2009 and 2006 (BA candidates) Editorial Board, French Historical Studies, 2004-2007 Governing Council, The Western Society for French History, 2000 – 2003 Prize Committees, Audre Lorde and Gregory Sprague Prizes, the Committee for Gay and Lesbian History, Spring 2000 Program Committee, 2000 Meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Scottsdale and Tempe Arizona Program Committee, 1997 Meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, Lexington, Kentucky Referee, American Historical Review, The Journal of Women’s History, French Historical Studies, The Journal of Urban History, Frontiers; Cambridge University Press; Bedford/St. Martin’s University Press; University of Toronto Press; Oxford University Press, Longman Publishers, Syracuse University Press, Stanford University Press, The Haworth Press, Routledge. Referee, Postdoctoral fellowship, Research Foundation, Flanders, Belgium (2015) Tenure and Promotion Review for University of Oklahoma (2012) Tenure and Promotion Review University of North Carolina-Charlotte (2009) Review for Renewal of Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University (2008) Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Katie Jarvis, University of WisconsinMadison (Chair: Suzanne Desan), 2013-14 University Service (Arizona State University only) Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Humanities Research, 2015-2016 Member, CLAS Quality of Instruction Committee, 2014-2016. Executive Board Member, Faculty Women’s Association, 2009-2012; 2013-14 Faculty Representative, Commission for the Status of Women, 2008-2010; 20132014 !16 Search Committee for Director of Student Financial Aid Office, Member Graduate Leadership Group, May 2012 Table Discussion Leader, Faculty Women’s Association Leadership Summit, February 2012 Panelist for Graduate College Workshop, “Best Practices in Creating a Climate that Values and Fosters Good Writing,” April 2011 Steering Committee for Development of Graduate Concentration in Urbanism, 2007-2008 Faculty Women’s Association Leadership Project, Spring 2008 Graduate Council, 2004-2008 Committee on the Ford Diversity Initiative, Arizona State University, 2003-2004 Committee on Quality of Instruction, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 20012004 (Chair 2003-2004) Committee on Public Art in MCSSB, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 20012002 Faculty Fellow, Arizona State University 2000-2001 Workshop Participant in Way Up Conference for Women in Higher Education in Arizona, October 2001 School/Department Service (Arizona State University only) Leadership Positions: Head of History Faculty, 2014-2015 Director of Graduate Studies for History, 2010-2012 Associate Chair, Department of History, 2006-2007 Chair, Search Committee, Lecturer in European History, spring 2015 Chair, History Diversity Committee, 2014-2015 Co-Chair, Awards Committee, 2011-2012 Chair, Graduate Policy Committee, 2010-2012 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee, 2010-2012 Chair, Steiner Award for Best Thesis or Dissertation, 2011 Chair, European Field Exam Committee, 2007-2008 Chair, Committee on Quality of Instruction, 2003-2005; Member 2006-2007 Chair, European Field Committee, 2002-2005 Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2002-2005 Chair, Search Committee in Europe/Global History, 2003-2004 SHPRS Personnel committee, 2016-2019 Graduate Committee, 2013-2016 SHPRS Executive Committee, 2014-2015 Search Committee, Clinical Professor for Online MA Program, spring 2014 Faculty Council, 2011-2012 !17 Public History Steering Committee, 2011-12 SHPRS Transition Committee, 2011-2012 Seven-Year Review Committee, 2001-2003; 2011 Search Committee, Director of Public History Program, 2009-2011 Graduate Policy Committee, 2007-2010; 1999-2001 Graduate Admissions Committee, 2009-2010, 2006-2007, 2004-2005 Personnel Advisory Committee, 2008-2009; 2004-2006; 2000-2002 Presentation Committee for A. Holian, third year review, Spring 2008 Presentation Committee for L. Manchester, promotion and tenure Fall 2007 Award Committee, Wallace E. Adams Memorial Award, Chair, 2003, Chair 2001, Member 2008, 2000, 2014 Graduate Field Exam Committee (European History), Chair 2007, Member, 2011, 2010, 2008 Search Committee on Migration History, 2004-2005 Carnegie Initiative Committee, 2003-2005 Committee to Revise Promotion and Tenure Guidelines, 2001-2002 Search Committee, Position in Medieval History, 2000-2001 2010 Committee, 2000-2001 Colloquium Committee, 1999-2001 Organizer, Women’s History Reading Group, 2000-2001 Placement and Promotion Committee, 1999-2000 Chair, Ph.D. Committee, Nichole Lucero Chair, Ph.D. Committee, Tiffany Christensen Chair, Ph.D. Committee, Linnea Caproni Chair, Ph.D. Committee, Benjamin Hruska (graduated May 2012). Member, Ph.D. Committee, Evan Medley Member, Ph.D. Committee, Amy Long Member, Ph.D. Committee, Paul Kuenker Member, Ph.D. Committee, Andrea Field Member, Ph.D. Committee, Morgan Hoodenpyle Member, Ph.D. Committee, Nathan Hallam Member, Ph.D. Committee, Julie McCarty Member, Ph.D. Committee, Emily Lewis Butterfield (graduated December 2015) Member, Ph. D. Committee, Stephanie Schreiner (graduated December 2014) Member, Ph.D. Committee, Marco Cabrera-Gesereck (graduated May 2013) Member, Ph.D. Committee, Patricia Biggs (graduated Dec. 2011) Member, Ph.D. Committee, Jaimee Gruring (graduated summer 2011) Member, Ph.D. Committee, Richard Hopkins (graduated Dec. 2008) Member, Ph.D. Committee, Ute Chamberlain (graduated Dec. 2007) Member, Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams Committee, Katherine Klein (2007) !18 Member, Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams Committee, James Precht (2004) Member, Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams Committee, Charles Miller, (2003) Chair, MA Thesis Committee, Amanda Tester Chair, MA Thesis Committee, Alexandra Deselms Chair, MA Thesis Committee, Alexander Halsne Chair, MA Thesis Committee, Ryan Ehrfurth (graduated July 2014) Chair, MA Thesis Committee, Jayne Kaiser (graduated May 2012) Chair, MA Thesis Committee, Julia Stevenson (graduated Dec. 2011) Co-Chair (with Jann Warren-Findley), MA Thesis Committee, Linnéa Caproni (graduated Aug. 2009) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Brianna Klass Member, MA Thesis Committee, Taraneh Ahouraiyan (graduated Dec. 2011) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Alexandra Lindgren-Gibson (graduated 2009) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Stephanie Scheiner-McBride (graduated 2008) Member , MA Thesis Committee, Bethany Brown (graduated 2005) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Michael Smith (graduated 2004) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Jaimee Gruring (graduated 2003) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Eric Bright (graduated 2001) Member, MA Thesis Committee, Robert Barnes (graduated 2000) Chair, Secondary Field Committee in Space & Place, Paul Kuenker (Spring 2012) Chair, Secondary Field Committee in Space & Place, Monica Bilka (Spring 2012) Member, Secondary Field Committee in Cultural History, Ben Beresford (Spring 2012) Director, Honors Thesis and Creative Project, Kaycee Miller, 2016 Director, Honors Thesis, Samantha Sirk, 2015-2016 Director, Honors Thesis and Creative Project, Taylor Nun, 2015-2016 Director, Honors Thesis, Heajin Yu, 2013-2014 Director, Honors Thesis, Jennifer Littleton, 2012-2013 Director, Honors Thesis, Katie Norris, 2012-2013 Director, Honors Thesis, Devon Orr, 2011-12 Director, Honors Thesis, Grace Kim, 2010 – 2011 Director, Honors Thesis, John Walker, 2003-2004 Director, Honors Thesis, Elizabeth Gobble, 2003 Director, Honors Thesis, Adam Michael, 2000-2001 Second Reader, Honors Thesis, Mary Smiley, 2009-2010 Second Reader, Honors Thesis, Darra Clarke, 2002-2003 Second Reader, Honors Thesis, Martin Becker, 2002-2003 Second Reader, Honors Thesis, Bernadette Goracke, 2000-2001 !19 Second Reader, Honors Thesis, Julie Lockridge, 2000-2001 Mentor, History Department Undergraduate Internship, Coreen Harris, Spring 2012 Mentor, History Department Undergraduate Internship, Roxanne Stehlik, 20092010 Mentor, History Department Undergraduate Internship, Ryan Furtkamp, 20092010 Mentor, Senate Internship Program, Jon Hogue, spring 2009 Community Service Member, Discovery France Advisory Committee, Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 2016-17 Roundtable Participant, “25 Years of German Unity,” September 2015 Quiz Master, State Finals, Arizona Academic Decathlon, March 2010 Presentation on the Economic History of the French Revolution, Academic Decathlon, November, 2009 Panel Participant: Why Paris? French Historians in the City of Light, History Department Homecoming, October 2008 Consultant to AAEC High School student on her National History Day Project on Marie-Antoinette, spring 2008 Panel Participant, Panel on Colonial Legacies in the Middle East, History Department Homecoming, October 2006 Research Presentation to “The Salon,” a Scottsdale, AZ literary group, August 2005 Panel participant, Panel on Gender and History, History Fest, History Department, Arizona State University, February 2004. Presented talk on The Virtuous Marketplace at Arizona Book Festival, April 5, 2003 Panel Member, Department Roundtable on “The United States and Iraq: The View from Europe,” February 19, 2003 Guest Lecturer, “France and the Holocaust,” McClintock High School, December 2002 !20
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