The Language of Motion

The Language of Motion
325-1 Describe quantitatively the relationship among
displacement, time and velocity
325-3 Distinguish between instantaneous velocity and
average velocity
325-4 Describe quantitatively the relationship among
velocity, time and acceleration
 Physicists have developed a specialized
language to describe motion. The “Physics
language” has one great advantage over
everyday speech: clarity.
 Each term has a single, precise meaning, a
standard set of symbols, and a particular SI unit
of measurement. Observations made in one
place, by one scientist, can be understood
correctly by other scientists working in other
 Symbols: d
di (initial distance)
df (final distance)
∆d (change in distance)
Calculation: ∆d = df - di
Standard Unit: metre (m)
 Distance measures the total length of a
journey along every twist and turn of the
path. Distance is a scalar quantity, so it
has a magnitude (size) but no direction.
 The symbol ∆ is pronounced “delta” and
means “change in”. Therefore, ∆d means
“change in distance”.
 Example: The race covered a distance of
5.62 km along the winding banks of the
 Symbols: t
ti (initial time)
tf (final time)
∆t (change in time)
Calculation: ∆t = tf - ti
Standard Unit: seconds (s)
 Time describes when an event occurs.
Stopwatches or timers are usually reset to
zero at the beginning of an experiment, so
the initial time ti is usually taken as zero.
 Time interval (change in time) describes
the duration of an event. Time is a scalar
 Example: About 30 min in the movie
(time), Amy went out of the theatre for
about 5 min (time interval).
 Symbols: d
di (initial position)
df (final position)
Standard Unit: metre (m)
 Position describes an object’s location, as
seen by an observer from a particular
viewpoint. The observer is usually
assumed to be standing still on Earth’s
 Position is a vector, so you must state
both its magnitude (size) and direction.
The arrow over the letter “d ” means
 Example: The collision occurred 24.75 m
due south of the flagpole.
 Symbols: ∆d
Calculation: ∆d = df - di
Standard Unit: metre (m)
 Displacement describes how much an
object’s position has changed. If the
object ends up back where it started, like a
runner going completely around a
racetrack, its displacement is zero. Even if
it moved a long way. Displacement is a
 Example: We pushed the car, producing a
displacement of 4.5 m at an angle of 25
degrees to the road.
 P. 209
 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8
 P. 219
 11, 12
 Symbols: v
vi (initial velocity)
vf (final velocity)
vav (average velocity)
vinst (instantaneous velocity)
∆v (change in velocity)
Calculation: ∆v = vf - vi
Standard Unit: metres per second (m / s)
 Velocity describes the speed and direction
of motion. That is, it describes how fast an
object’s position is changing. The symbol
v usually means the average velocity over
a particular time interval. For clarity, vav can
be used for the average velocity, with v inst
representing instantaneous velocity
(velocity at a specific instant in time).
 Velocity is a vector.
 Example: The aircraft was traveling at 535
km/h, headed N45 degrees West, when
the weather warning was received.
 Symbols: v or
 Standard Unit: metres per second (m / s)
Speed describes how fast something is
moving. It has the same meaning in
physics and everyday language.
Speed is a scalar and does not indicate
Example The cyclist reached a maximum
speed of 12.00m/s during the race.
 P. 227
 #1
 P. 231
 1,5,6,11
 P. 243
 1,3,4,6,11,12,13,14,17
 Symbols: a
aav (average acceleration)
ainst (instantaneous acceleration)
Standard Unit: metres per second in each second
 Acceleration describes how much an
object’s velocity changes in a certain time.
It results from any change in velocity:
speeding up, slowing down, changing
direction, or a combination.
 Acceleration is a vector.
 Example: Earth’s gravity makes objects
accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 downward.
 P. 243
 1,2,3
 P. 247
∆t = t2 - t1
∆d = d2 - d1
vave = ∆d
∆v = v2 - v1
a = ∆v
∆d = d2 - d1