Penelope is the daughter of Icarius and the wife of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca. Icarius was a Spartan king and a champion runner. To avoid problems among Greek princes, he would not allow anyone to marry his daughter unless he beats him in a race. Odysseus succeeded and married Penelope. After they got married, Icarius tried to persuade Odysseus to remain in Sparta. He did leave with Penelope, but Icarius followed them, imploring his daughter to stay. Odysseus told her she must choose whether to be with her father or with her husband. Penelope did not answer, but modestly covered her face with a veil. Icarius correctly understood that this was a sign of her will to leave with Odysseus, let them go and erected a statue of Aidos (Modesty) on the spot. She only has one son by Odysseus, Telemachus, who was born just before Odysseus was called to fight in the Trojan War. She waits twenty years for the final return of her husband, during which she has a hard time snubbing marriage proposals from 108 odious suitors. On Odysseus's return, disguised as an old beggar, he finds that Penelope has remained faithful. She has devised tricks to delay her suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Every night for three years, she undoes part of the shroud, until Melantho, one of twelve unfaithful serving women, discovers her chicanery and reveals it to the suitors. When the disguised Odysseus returns, she announces in her long interview with the disguised hero that whoever can string Odysseus's rigid bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe heads may have her hand. When the contest of the bow begins, none of the suitors is able to string the bow, but Odysseus does, and wins the contest. Odysseus has now revealed himself in all his glory, yet Penelope cannot believe that her husband has really returned, she fears that it is perhaps some god in disguise and tests him by ordering her servant Euryclea to move the bed in their bridal-chamber. Odysseus protests that this cannot be done since he made the bed himself and knows that one of its legs is a living olive tree. Penelope finally accepts that he truly is her husband, Homer implies, that from then on, Odysseus would live a long and happy life together with Penelope and Telemachus, wisely ruling his kingdom and enjoying wide respect and much success. Les Hors-d’œuvre 24 000 Crudités Broccoli, cherry tomato, carrot, cucumber & endive Les Trempettes: Edamame Sel ou Chili-Sel (10 minutes) Servies avec Tranches de Baguette Dorées Chankleech de Chèvre 9 000 Avocado, tomato, corriander, onion & lemon juice 9 000 Beetroot, tahini, garlic, almond, cumin, mint, lemon juice & olive oil 9 000 Guacamole Betterave Salsa Tomato, jalapeño, chili, onions, corriander & lemon juice 6 000 Olive, vegetables, caper & olive oil 9 000 Tapenade Végétarienne Spicy Labneh Cow’s milk yogurt cheese, tomato, jalapeño, chili, onions, corriander & lemon juice 9 000 BaBa Ganoush Eggplant, tahini, garlic, almond, cumin, mint, lemon juice & olive oil 9 000 Les Salades Pénélope Salad ½ Salad (Lemon-Oil) Asparagus, zucchini, endive, lettuce, baby corn, cherry tomato, mushroom & linseeds 19 000 Pomme de Terre (Lemon-Mustard) Potato, mesclun, cherry tomato, coriander, blueberries, garlic, walnut & pumpkin seeds 15 000 Quinoa aux Legumes (Lemon-Mustard) Quinoa, seasonal vegetables, sundried tomato, dates, herbs & spices Edamame: Choice of Salt or Chili-Salt 12 000 Baked vegetables spring rolls 17 000 Fruits platter: mango, pineapple, berries, kiwi, grape & red apple 24 000 Melon & Parma ham 17 000 Choice of Roquefort or Chorizo - filled dates 17 000 Garlic, mozzarella, cheddar, parmigiano, chive, parsley & olive oil 17 000 Rouleaux de Printemps au Four (6 pièces - 15 minutes) Dried goat’s cheese, tomato, jalapeño, chili, onions, corriander & lemon juice 11 000 9 000 Assiette de Fruits Jambon de Parme et Melon Dattes Farcies au Roquefort ou au Chorizo (6 pièces) Pain à l’Ail et aux Trois Fromages (5 pièces) Cales de Pomme de Terre Cuites au Poivre Noir Baked Potato wedges, black pepper, rosemary, cherry tomato, cucumber & olives 10 000 Mini Tortilla: Pizza ou Quesadillas Mozzarella - Cheddar Corn Tortilla, Mozzarella, Cheddar, mushroom & salsa 14 500 Corn Tortilla, goat’s cheese, mushroom, tomato & pesto sauce 17 000 Corn Tortilla, Halloumi, Mozzarella, tomato & pesto sauce 14 500 Corn Tortilla, Parmigiano, Roquefort, Emmental, Mozzarella & mushrooms 17 000 Corn Tortilla, Chorizo, Mozzarella, basil & salsa 17 000 Chevre - Pistou Halloumi - Mozzarella Quatre Fromages Chorizo - Mozzarella 19 000 11 000 Avoccado, corriander, chives, tomato, oregano, walnut & pumpkin seeds 19 000 11 000 Les Fromages et Les Charcuteries Asparagus, rocket, thyme, lettuce, cherry tomato & sunflower seeds 13 000 Assiette de Labneh Avocat (Lemon-Mustard) Asperges (Balsamic-Mustard) Roquette et Parmesan 22 000 (Balsamic-Mustard) Cow’s milk yogurt cheese, toasted bread & vegetable platter 15 000 Goat’s milk yogurt cheese, toasted bread & vegetable platter 19 000 Cow’s milk yogurt cheese, white truffle oil, toasted bread & vegetable platter 22 000 Halloumi, toasted bread, cherry tomato, cucumber & olives 16 000 Cheese platter: Brie - Roquefort - goat’s cheese & dried goat’s cheese 29 000 Fine cheese platter: truffled Brie - Manchego 12 months - Gorgonzola & pickles 48 000 Assiette de Labneh de Chèvre 19 000 11 000 Goat’s cheese, mesclun, sundried tomato, cherry tomato, fig, walnut & pumpkin seeds 19 000 11 000 Assiette de Halloumi 13 000 Assiette de Fromages Rocket, mushroom, Parmigiano Chèvre (Maple Mustard) Caprese “ Mozzarella di Bufala ” Buffalo Mozzarella, basil, lettuce & cherry tomato Saumon Fumé (Pesto) 22 000 Crabe (Lemon-oil) (Lemon-Mustard) 25 000 14 500 Choice of Crab, mango, mesclun, heart of palm & black sesame seeds Sticks 19 000 Meat 30 000 Thon Fumé Assiette de Labneh à L’ Huile de Truffe Blanc Assiette de Fromages Fins Smoked salmon, mesclun, avocado, kiwi, capers & black sesame seeds (Lemon-Mustard) Assiette de Charcuteries Cold cuts platter: smoked Turkey - Parma - Chorizo - Bresaola, pickles & butter 29 000 Assiette de Jambon de Patte Noire Pata negra served with pickles & butter 48 000 Smoked salmon platter served with lemon half, pickles & butter 48 000 Cheese & cold cuts platter served with jam, dried fruits, pickles & butter 48 000 Smoked Tuna, potato, mesclun, caper, green pepper, olives & sunflower seeds 25 000 14 500 Assiette de Saumon Fumé Roast beef carpaccio, mesclun, Parmigiano, oregano & fennel seeds 25 000 14 500 Assiette de Fromages et de Charcuteries 25 000 14 500 Carpaccio Rôti de Boeuf Bresaola (Lemon-Mustard) (Balsamic-Mustard) Bresaola, rocket, Parmigiano & black sesame seeds Lemon-Oil / Lemon-Mustard / Balsamic-Mustard / Maple-Mustard / Pesto Les Plats Chauds Sans Gluten Penne Arrabbiata Les Sandwich et Les Amuse-Bouches Fromage Végétalien 9 500 Gluten free Penne, Parmigiano, black olive, tomato sauce, olive oil, basil, chili & garlic 20 000 Sandwich Bite Vegan cheese, olive, cherry tomato, thyme, rocket, balsamic & olive oil 13 000 3 000 Guacamole, tapenade, thyme, rocket, chives, cherry tomato, pine kernels & blueberries 13 000 3 000 Guacamole Mozzarella di Bufala ” et Pistou 16 000 3 500 Brie, basil & kumquat jam 16 000 3 500 Quatre Fromages et Champignons Mozzarella, goat’s cheese, Cheddar, Emmental, mushrooms, mesclun, cherry tomato & pickles 16 000 Halloumi et Tomates Séchées Halloumi, mesclun, basil & sundried tomato Aubergines et Mozzarella di Bufala 13 000 Eggplant, cherry tomato, Mozzarella, zucchini, tomato, tapenade & thyme 16 000 Fromage de Chèvre et Tapenade Gluten free Penne, cream, Roquefort, rocket, basil & mushroom 22 000 Tortellini cheese, mushroom, zucchini, asparagus, cherry tomato Parmigiano, garlic & tomato sauce 22 000 Arborio rice, cream, cocoa powder, Parmigiano, mushroom, endive, chive & white wine 22 000 Arborio rice, cream, Parmigiano, mushroom, endive, chive, red wine & mild Chorizo 26 000 Arborio or Wild rice, onion, carrot, baby corn, coriander, bell pepper, cherry tomato, chili powder & cumin 20 000 Tortellini Fromage aux Legumes Risotto au Cacao et aux Champignons Risotto au Vin Rouge et au Chorizo Doux Buffalo Mozzarella, basil, cherry tomato, pesto sauce & olive oil Brie et Confiture de Kumquat Sans Gluten Penne aux Champignons et au Roquefort -3 000 -- Riz Mexicain ou Riz Sauvage Mexicain Riz Sauvage Truite, Thon ou Saumon Fumé Choice of smoked: trout / salmon / tuna, wild rice, Parmigiano, endive, chive & white wine 26 000 Quinoa au Saumon Fumé Quinoa, smoked salmon, Parmigiano, mushroom, endive, chive & white wine 26 000 LES COMBINAISONS Trempettes Goat’s cheese, tapenade, cherry tomato, rocket & olive oil 16 000 3 500 Choose your 6 dips 40 000 Manchego 6 months, rocket, tomato, butter, dried berries & pickles 16 000 3 500 Choose your 6 bites 22 500 Truffled Brie, basil, cucumber, butter & pine kernels 20 000 4 500 LES DESSERTS Manchego 6 Mois d’âge Brie Truffé Amuse-Bouches (15 minutes) Pain au Caramel - “ Pain Perdu ” (15 minutes) Truite Fumée et Fromage Crêmeux Multi-cereal baguette served with one scoop of vanilla ice cream Smoked trout, cream cheese, endive, caper, dill, balsamic & olive oil 20 000 4 500 Crème Brûlée Smoked Tuna, pear, mesclun, caper & lemon-mustard sauce 20 000 4 500 Gâteau aux trois Chocolats Smoked salmon, cream cheese, endive, caper, dill, balsamic & olive oil 20 000 4 500 Chantilly et Mangue Turkey, Emmental, mesclun, cherry tomato & pickles 20 000 4 500 Parma ham, goat’s cheese, rocket, cherry tomato, balsamic & olive oil 20 000 4 500 Bresaola, cherry tomato, rocket, Parmigiano, balsamic & olive oil 20 000 4 500 Mild Chorizo, Manchego 6 months, mesclun, tapenade & pickles 20 000 4 500 Australian beef tenderloin, mesclun, Parmigiano & lemon-mustard sauce 20 000 4 500 Pata negra, Manchego 6 months, aoili sauce, mesclun, butter & pickles 24 000 5 500 Thon Fumé Saumon Fumé et Fromage Crêmeux Dinde Fumée et Emmental Jambon de Parme et Fromage de Chèvre Bresaola et Parmesan Chorizo Doux et Manchego 6 Mois d’âge Rôti de Boeuf Tenderloin Jambon Patte Noire et Manchego 6 Mois d’âge Caramelized creamy custard with notes of citrus & cinnamon Chocolate Cake served with one scoop of vanilla ice cream Chantilly cream, fresh mango & maple sauce Mousse au Chocolat et aux Fruits Rouges Chocolate mousse topped with berries Salade de Fruits Fruit salad: mango, pineapple, kiwi, apple, grape & berries Boule de Glace Ice cream scoop: Vanilla - Chocolate Boule de Sorbet Sorbet scoop: Lemon - Strawberry 14 750 14 750 14 750 14 750 14 750 14 750 4 750 4 750 Les prix sont indiqués en livres libanaises toutes taxes comprises Veuillez aviser votre serveur à propos de vos possibles allergies alimentaires ou vos restrictions diététiques, avant de commander. Saumon Fumé / Pata negra / Bresaola / Thon Fumé 3 000 Sandwich or Hot Dish + 1/2 Salad + Mini Fruit Salad + Soft Drink Huile à la Truffe 2 000 La Formule Midi - 3pm Nous utilisons uniquement des pains aux grains complets. Café de Pénélope vous propose au quotidien un menu de plats et boissons internationaux confectionnés à partir de meilleurs ingrédients disponibles sur le marché tout en maintenant des prix abordables, sous la direction de la société “ Café de Pénélope S.A.L. ”
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