TREE -RING BULLETIN, Vol. 52, 1992 DEVELOPMENT OF A TREE -RING NETWORK FOR THE ITALIAN PENINSULA FRANCO BIONDI Laboratory of Tree -Ring Research The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 USA ABSTRACT This article describes the analysis of tree -ring collections from standing trees of sixteen species at twenty sites distributed throughout the Italian Peninsula. Visual and numerical crossdating among ring widths allowed the computation of standard and residual tree -ring chronologies. Relationships among chronologies were identified by Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation, using Bonferroni's inequality to adjust significance level. The oldest living tree sampled to date is a 963 -year old palebark pine (Pinus leucodermis Ant.) at Parco del Pollino. Individuals more than two centuries old were identified at eleven sites for eight species. The tree -ring network so far consists of twenty -two chronologies for nine species at nineteen sites. Seven conifer species account for ten chronologies and two angiosperm species account for the remaining twelve chronologies. The most represented species is Fagus sylvatica L., with eleven chronologies distributed over the entire peninsula and highly correlated with one another. The order of autoregressive models fitted to the data never exceeded two. In particular, the order of autoregressive models fitted to Fagus sylvatica chronologies decreased with decreasing age of sampled trees. Based on the significant coefficients of rank correlation, residual chronologies of Fagus sylvatica could be separated into northern, central, and southern groups. This points to the existence of broad regions distributed along a latitudinal gradient, corresponding to large -scale climatic regimes over the Italian Peninsula. In dieser Arbeit wird die dendrochronologischen Auswertung von 16 Baumarten an 20 über ganz Italien verteilten Standorten vorgestellt. Visuelles sowie statistisches "cross -dating" ermöglichte die Berechnung von Standard- und Residualchronologien. Die Beziehungen zwischen den Chronologien wurden mit Hilfe des Rangkorrelationskoeffizienten nach Spearman beschrieben und mit der Ungleichung nach Bonferroni auf Signifikanz geprüft. Der in dieser Untersuchung älteste, datierte lebende Baum ist eine 963 jährige Schlangenhautkiefer (Pinus leucodermis) am Parco del Pollino. Insgesamt wurden an elf Standorten und von acht Arten einzelne Bäume gefunden, die älter als 200 Jahre sind. Bislang besteht das Chronologien -Netz aus 22 Chronologien von neun Arten an 19 Standorten. Sieben Nadelbaumarten ergaben zehn und zwei Laubbaumarten die 12 übrigen Chronologien. Dabei ist die Baumart Fagus sylvatica mit elf über die ganze Halbinsel verteilten und eng untereinander korrelierten Chronologien am häufigsten vertreten. Die Ordnung der jeweils berechneten autoregressiven Modelle lag niemals höher als zwei. Insbesondere bei Fagus sylvatica wurde deutlich, daß mit abnehmendem Alter der Bäume auch die Ordnung der angepaßten Modelle geringer wurde. Anhand der Signifikanz der Rangkorrelationen konnten die Residualchronologien von Fagus sylvatica in nördliche, mittlere, und südliche Gruppe geteilt werden. Diese Aufteilung deutet auf großräumige Regionen entlang eines Breitengradgradienten hin, die mit großflächig einheitlichen Klimamustern auf der italienischen Halbinsel übereinstimmen. Cet article décrit l'analyse d'échantillons provenant de 16 espèces arbres vivants, issus de 20 sites distribués à travers la Péninsule Italienne. Des synchronisations visuelles et numériques ont permis le calcul de chronologies standards et résiduelles. Les relations entre chronologies ont été vérifiées par le calcul du coefficient de corrélation de rang de Spearman en utilisant la statistique de Bonferroni pour ajuster le niveau de signification.Le plus vieil arbre vivant échantillonné est un Pinus leucodermis Ant. de 963 ans. Des individus de plus de deux siècles ont été trouvés chez huit espèces provenant de onze sites. Le réseau dendrochronologique est composé de vingt -deux chronologies provenant de neuf espèces issues de dix -neuf sites. Sept espèces de conifères ont produit dix chronologies, tandis que les douze restantes correspondent à chronologies, tandis que les douze restantes correspondent à deux espèces d'Angiospermes. Fagus sylvatica L. est `espèce la 16 BIONDI mieux représentée avec onze chronologies distribuées sur la péninsule entière et fortement correllées entre elles. L'ordre des modèles autorégressifs ajustés aux données n'exède jamais deux. En particulier, l'ordre des modèles utilisés pour Fagus sylvatica decroit lorsque l'àge des arbres échantillonnes augmente. Sur base des coefficients de corrélation de rang significatifs, les chronologies résiduelles de Fagus sylvatica pourraient ètre séparées en groupes septentrional, central et méridional. Ceci indique l'existence de larges régions distribuées suivant un gradient latitudinal, correspondant aux régimes climatiques á large échelle couvrant la Péninsule Italienne. INTRODUCTION Tree -ring networks have been established not only in semiarid zones but also in humid, temperate, and cold regions all over the world (Hughes et al. 1982; Jacoby and Hornbeck 1987; Schweingruber et al. 1991). In Italy, a few tree -ring chronologies exist for alpine and northern regions (Bebber 1990; Brugnoli and Gandolfo 1991; Nola 1988; Schweingruber 1985). To date, published tree -ring chronologies for the Italian peninsula are limited to conifers growing on a handful of mountain sites (Bräker and Schweingruber 1989; Santini and Martinelli 1991; Serre- Bachet 1985). The scarcity of Italian tree -ring chronologies does not reflect a scarcity of forests. Total forest coverage amounts to more than 8.6 million hectares, about 28% of the entire national territory (Bortolotti 1989). Since most flatland and low -hill sites are occupied by urban settlements or devoted to agricultural and industrial production, about 60% of Italy's forests are located in mountainous areas, where human presence is reduced and the need to prevent soil erosion and landslides is increased. Proxy records of past environmental changes are not abundant in southern Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, where dendrochronological studies may provide much needed scientific information (Serre- Bachet 1992). The development of crossdated tree -ring chronologies is necessary to the dendroclimatic reconstruction of climatic variation at timescales of decades to centuries (Fritts 1976). Furthermore, tree -ring analysis provides accurate estimates of plant longevity, which relates to the multisided questions concerning senescence and death among plants (Loehle 1988; Molisch 1938). Although Italian forests have been managed for centuries, old individual trees and forest stands still exist, especially in remote areas (Biondi 1988; Società Botanica Italiana 1971). This article outlines the development of a network of tree -ring chronologies for the Italian peninsula using core samples extracted from living trees. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampling sites were selected throughout the Italian Peninsula, between 39.5° and 46.5° north latitude and between 7° and 16.5° east longitude (Figure 1). Criteria for establishing the network of tree -ring sites were: (a) homogeneous horizontal distribution over the entire peninsula; (b) broad elevational range, from sea level to timberline; (c) presence of presumably old trees belonging to species with datable rings (Nardi Berti 1979; Società Botanica Italiana 1971). Field collections took place during the summer months of 1988, 1989, and 1990. Tree selection focused on single or grouped trees that showed the best combination of old age and trunk health. Old age was defined by large stem diameter, strongly tapered trunk, large branches, flat crown top, and dominant position among surrounding trees. Trunk health was defined by lack of large scars, wood mushrooms, or bark stains. In some cases, vigorous, locally dominant trees were selected regardless of their age to compare their ring patterns with those of the old trees. Dead standing trees were also sampled to extend the tree -ring record as far back in time as possible. Wood cores 5 mm thick were extracted using Swedish increment Development of a Tree -Ring Network for the Italian Peninsula 17 Figure 1. Locations of collection sites. Site information is given in Table 1. borers ranging in length from 40 to 75 cm, depending on trunk diameter. Quantitative and qualitative information on sites (i.e., location, elevation, slope, exposure, stand composition, and density) and trees (i.e., trunk diameter, height, crown health, and core position) was recorded in the field and later entered into a computerized database. Whenever possible, information on site history, forest management, climatic regime, pedology, and other factors was gathered from published and unpublished literature. All increment cores were glued to wooden mounts, sanded with a belt sander, and polished by hand until the smallest rings were clearly visible. Ring counting provided a preliminary estimate of tree age. Crossdating was ascertained by skeleton plots (Stokes and Smiley 1968) and by visually comparing samples under a binocular microscope. Ring widths were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. Crossdating was independently verified by another researcher and by numerical techniques (Holmes 1983). Ring width was modeled as an exponential function of both a deterministic component, the intrinsic growth trend, Y (Fritts 1976), and a stochastic component, the autoregressive process, I (Box and Jenkins 1976): BIONDI 18 wt = L e (Y + where: wit = ring width at year t in specimen i. The autoregressive process was defined as: lit = El - Op(B)11it + co it where: Op(B) = autoregressive operator, B being the backward shift operator and Op the polynomial in B of order p; p is also the order of the autoregressive process (Box and Jenkins 1976); coif = white -noise series. Standard tree -ring chronologies (Figure 2) were developed by removing only the intrinsic growth trend, as follows: nt where: E (ln wár - t i=1 nt It = average ring index at year t; In = logarithmic transformation, used to obtain homoscedastic time series (Davis 1986); yit = intrinsic growth trend at year t in specimen i; it was estimated by a cubic spline with 50% variance reduction at a frequency of one cycle per 50 years (Cook and Peters 1981); nt = number of specimens that included year t; to minimize errors, no chronology value was computed using just a single specimen, hence nt >_ 2 always. Residual tree -ring chronologies (Figure 3) were computed by removing both components, as follows: nt -wt - E (B)(ln wit - yát) i=1 nt where: tot = average residual ring -index at year t. Selection of the best autoregressive model for the data followed guidelines given by Biondi and Swetnam (1987). Dendrochronological parameters, such as mean sensitivity and signal -to -noise ratio (Fritts 1976), were computed for the standard tree -ring chronologies. Such parameters are based on ring -width measurements, and may be used to quantify crossdating quality (Fritts and Shatz 1975). Other indicators of crossdating quality are the percentage of variance explained by the first principal component (Morrison 1983) of the ring -width measurements, the number of locally absent rings, and the square ratio between number of ring- widths included in the chronology and number of rings originally collected. The last parameter, called dating efficiency, or D, ranges from 0 (no crossdating) to 1 (total crossdating), although both extremes do not apply to published chronologies. The square term emphasizes the nonlinear relationship Development of a Tree -Ring Network for the Italian Peninsula 19 --......-.,.,.r., MTFSS MEORS TARAS MEPSS CLPSS MSFSS SRPPS CRFSS PCPPS MBFSS CAPES FUFSS MAFSS MNRRS POFSS VAFSS BSFSS BRFSS PAPNS GELDS PRFSS 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Figure 2. Time -series graphs of standard tree -ring chronologies. Chronology codes are explained in Table 2. between original sample size and final chronology replication. In other words, the square term stresses that a chronology built from 400 rings out of 1600 collected rings is worse, in terms of dating efficiency, than a chronology built from 400 rings out of 800. The advantage of this parameter over, for instance, the number of increment cores collected and measured is that a single core may be measured only in part or, on the other hand, it can be broken into more than one ring -width series. 20 BIONDI MTFSR Nr+wW4www MEORR TARAR MEPSR CLPSR +,N..V MSFSR SRPPR CAFSR PCPPR MBFSR CAPER FUFSR MAFSR MNAAR POFSR VAFSR BSFSR BAFSR PAPNR GELDR PAFSR , . . 1 . 1700 . . . 1 . 1750 . . 1800 . 1 1850 1900 1950 2000 Figure 3. Time -series graphs of residual tree -ring chronologies. Chronology codes are explained in Table 2. The exploratory nature of the analysis called for robust indicators of relationships among chronologies and for stringent significance levels. Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation (Sokal and Rohlf 1981) was calculated between all possible pairs of residual tree -ring chronologies. Since each chronology was tested for correlation with 21 other chronologies, the level of significance was adjusted using Bonferroni's inequality (Morrison 1983). Hence, only p- values less than 0.05/21 = 0.0024 were considered significant. Development of a Tree -Ring Network for the Italian Peninsula 21 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 568 increment cores was collected from standing trees of 16 species at 20 sites (Table 1). No sampled stand could be considered free of human influence, and site conditions varied greatly in terms of elevation, topography, substrate, soil, and vegetation types. However, most sampled trees were located in forested areas that are not easily accessible or are set aside for conservation purposes as parks and natural reserves. Conifers were more represented than broadleaf species, with eleven compared to five species. Pinus was the most sampled genus, with six species at nine sites. The oldest living tree was a 963 -year -old pale bark pine (Pinus leucodermis Ant.) sampled in July 1989 at Parco del Pollino. Individuals more than two centuries old were identified at eleven sites for eight species (Table 1). They included a 535- year -old Abruzzo pine (Pinus nigra var. italica Hoch.), a 501- year -old sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), a 475 -year -old yew (Taxus baccata L.), a 417 year -old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), a 309 -year -old silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), and a 287 -year -old European larch (Larix decidua Mill.). The maximum number of annual xylem rings counted on a single specimen sets a lower bound for species longevity, because increment cores were taken at least 1.0 m above germination level and most cores did not include the stem pith. Crossdating occurred at every site for at least one sampled species. Dating problems were frequent and differed from species to species and from site to site. Brera (Table 1) was the only site where the number of crossdated samples was too small to produce a reliable tree -ring chronology. Brera, a botanical garden in the city of Milan, was also the only site where samples were collected from an exotic species. Four tree -ring chronologies, Quercus robur L. at Lagoni di Mercurago and Fagus sylvatica L. at Maiella, Foresta Umbra, and Parco del Pollino, were developed from fewer than ten samples (Table 2). They were included in the tree -ring network because of good crossdating among specimens, but additional collections are planned at those sites to increase sample size. Crossdating among annual ring patterns of sampled trees indicates by itself the existence of an environmental factor, climate, that limits tree growth at large spatial scales (Hughes et al. 1982). However, trees growing in managed forests under temperate climates usually show poorly synchronous growth variation (Schweingruber 1988). Most published tree -ring chronologies (NOAA 1992) are not computed from a constant number of specimens throughout their length, and their earliest time span is commonly based on a single specimen. To minimize the likelihood of dating errors, the earliest time span of the chronologies presented here was computed using at least two, three, five, six or eight specimens, depending on crossdating quality and on the availability of nearby tree -ring chronologies for the same species (Table 2). The tree -ring network for the Italian Peninsula developed so far consists of 22 chronologies for 9 species at 19 sites (Table 2). Seven conifer species accounted for ten chronologies, and two angiosperm species accounted for the remaining twelve chronologies. The most represented species was Fagus sylvatica L., with eleven chronologies distributed over the entire peninsula (Table 2, Figure 1). Pine species were the second largest group, with six chronologies, also scattered from northern to southern Italy. The development of chronologies at Parco d'Abruzzo, Parco del Circeo, San Rossore, Campolino, and Parco del Pollino is described elsewhere (Biondi 1988, 1992, 1993; Biondi and Visani 1993). The tree -ring chronologies in Biondi 1992 are available from the International Tree -Ring Data Bank (NOAA 1992). Mean sensitivity and signal -to -noise ratios (Table 2) of standard tree -ring chronologies BIONDI 22 Table 1. Summary of 1988 -90 tree -ring collections.' Table 1. Summary of 1988 -90 tree -ring collections.) Site and Species 1-Caneiglio a. Fagua sylvatica b. Abiea alba Tree Core DEB Height (cm) (a) Elevation Slope N R (%) (m) 5 2 14 3 58- 63 70- 86 26-28 32-34 1160-1265 1220-1240 40- 48 45- 60 149 104 1468 251 8 16 82 -139 15 -24 1430 -1480 20- 27 209 2319 12 24 50- 66 21 -27 925- 975 7- 51 67 1209 12 27 67 -126 27 -35 750- 765 22- 71 226 3528 44- 81 57- 80 15 -22 18 -28 290- 305 300- 320 5- 60 0- 45 89 84 868 447 158 617 3206 667 2- Valzurio Pague aylvatica 3 -Monte Mottarone Pague aylvatica 4 -Monte Barro Pague aylvatica 5- Lagoni di Mercurago a. Pinas sylvestris b. Quercua robar 7(1) 13(1) 8 4 6 -Brera Gingko biloba 2 6 91 -127 18 -20 16 23 24 -106 4 -11 2 6 35- 38 16 32 25- 38 8 17 14 28 120 0 7 -Monte Nero a. Abies alba b. Pínus mugo 1585 -1710 1625 -1640 15- 80 10- 20 309 148 8 -10 490- 530 14- 40 86 40- 63 17 -21 1185 -1215 44- 68 99 1408 45- 93 10 -28 1570 -1720 0- 64 155 3110 95 -122 16 -27 1603 -1663 50- 65 287 3598 41- 74 20 -27 1515 -1555 23- 42 79 1675 991 -1316 836 -1126 20- 80 15- 60 361 125 4523 418 6 8 -Ca' del Lupo Pinus sylvestris - 2095 9 -Monte della Scoperta ragua aylvatica 10- Campolino Picea excelsa 11 -Monte Gerbonte Larix decidua 10(1) 19(1) 12 -Testa d'Alpe Abies alba 14 28 13 -Badia Prataglia a. Pagos aylvatica b. Abiea alba 16(1) 30 2 4 43 -136 102 -103 8 -30 38 -39 7 14 12 86-151 105-147 21-27 26-29 0- 1 6 0- 20 0- 20 148 158 1483 1304 4 2 8 2 62- 64 60- 80 11-13 13-15 1110-1190 1400-1410 65- 70 150-200 142 515 629 977 a. Pague aylvatica 10 b. Acer pseudoplatanus 2 19 4 59 -123 121 -150 19 -30 27 -29 1320 -1375 1350 -1360 0- 20 15- 16 211 308 2122 1046 6 8 10 108 -151 56 -101 27 -31 16 -24 13 -20 720- 770 25- 90 725- 750 0- 15 0- 55 0- 40 186 66- 90 475 1008 472 2453 69-261 41- 76 80-207 79-123 18-34 5-22 12-48 24-25 1290-1895 1310-1760 1680-1850 1238-1260 0- 53 55-110 24- 75 417 535 501 225 10158 7837 4185 978 70- 89 73- 97 25 -27 25 -26 22 -24 116 207 188 1845 1009 847 963 350 188 204 18707 1850 1110 14-San Rossore a. Pinua pinea b. Quercus robur 15-Maiella a. ragua sylvatica b. Pinus nigra 0 16 -Bosco di S. Antonio 17- Foresta Umbra a. ragua aylvatica b. Pinus halepensis c. Taxas baccata 3 4 5 18-Parco d'Abruzzo 22(2) 43(4) a. Pagus sylvatica b. Pinus nigra 16(2) 32(4) 14 c. Acer pseudoplatanus 8 d. Quercus cerna 3 6 9 18 6 6 13 94 19 -Parco del Circeo a. Pinus pines b. Quercua cerria c. Quercua irainetto 3 3 84 -108 20 -Parco del Pollino 90 -188 a. Pinas leucodermis 21(3) 42(6) 8 74 -121 4 b. Pague sylvatica 110 -154 4 10 c. Quercua cerria d. Abies alba 3 5 104 -151 4 18 25 23 -24 -25 -36 -35 -50- 20- 0 35 45 1790 -2050 1535 -1930 920- 950 1500 -1540 0 0 0 28 -100 20- 40 15- 25 10- 25 611 Site numbers are the same as in Figure 1. Numbers of trees and cores in parentheses indicate specimens taken from dead trees. Nmm: Maximum number of rings counted on a single specimen. Rte: Total number of rings counted on collected specimens. Development of a Tree -Ring Network for the Italian Peninsula 23 Table 2. Statistics for standard tree -ring chronologies developed to date.' Site, Species, (Chronology ID) First Last Lc T C D LAR PC1 MS SD At S/N p ( %) 1- Cansiglio a. Fagus sylvatica (CAFSS /R) 1886 1988 103 3- 5 5 -11 .45 0 41 .15 .18 .40 1.8 1 1796 1988 193 2- 8 3 -16 .79 4 56 .26 .24 .22 4.6 2 1943 1989 47 5 -12 8 -23 .65 0 25 .09 .09 .15 2.8 0 1867 1988 122 4 -12 5 -25 .46 2 37 .15 .16 .32 5.1 1 1913 1925 1988 1988 76 64 3- 7 2- 4 5 -13 .78 46 35 .11 .16 .17 .20 .68 .47 5.5 0.8 1 3- 8 .82 1 0 1839 1989 151 5 -12 5 -17 .33 0 35 .13 .15 .38 4.3 2 1912 1989 78 3 -16 5 -32 .89 0 24 .11 .13 .47 3.2 2 1903 1989 87 4- 8 5 -17 .79 1 52 .24 .23 .17 6.8 0 1858 1988 131 3 -12 5 -24 .61 0 24 .11 .11 .10 2.6 0 1737 1988 252 3 -10 3 -19 .84 25 66 .26 .26 .28 15.2 1 0 42 .11 .13 .37 7.9 1 2- Valzurio Fagus sylvatica (VAFSS /R) 3- Mottarone Fagus sylvatica (MTFSS /R) 4 -Monte Barro Fagus sylvatica (MBFSS /R) 5- Mercurago a. Pinos sylvestris (MEPSS /R) b. Quercus robur (MEQRS /R) 7 -Monte Nero a. Ables alba (MNAAS /R) 8 -Ca' del Lupo Pinus sylvestris (CLPSS /R) 9 -Monte della Scoperta Fagus sylvatica (MTFSS /R) 1 10- Campolino Picea excelsa (CAPES /R) 11 -Monte Gerbonte Larix decidua (GELDS /R) 12 -Testa d'Alpe Abres alba (TAAAS /R) 13 -Badia Prataglia a. Fagus sylvatica (BAFSS /R) 14 -San Rossore a. Pinua pines (SRPPS /R) 1915 1988 74 2 -14 3 -28 .92 1773 1988 216 2 -13 3 -25 .38 1 31 .15 .17 .35 5.1 1 1897 1988 92 3- 7 5 -13 .54 5 31 .13 .16 .49 1.4 1 1849 1988 140 1- 4 2- 7 .68 0 52 .19 .19 .27 0.1 2 1785 1988 204 1- 9 2 -17 .74 2 52 .29 .33 .45 8.6 2 .67 0 63 .27 .24 .18 3.1 2 15- Maiella a. Fagus sylvatica (MAFSS /R) 16 -Bosco di S. Antonio a. Fagus sylvatica (BSFSS /R) 17- Foresta Umbra a. Fagus sylvatica (FUFSS /R) 18 -Parco d'Abruzzo a. Fagua sylvatica (PAFSS /R) b. Pinus pigra (PAPNS /R) 19 -Parco del Circeo a. Pinos pinea (PCPPS /R) 20 -Parco del Pollino a. Pinus leucodermis (POPLS /R) b. Fagus sylvatica (POFSS /R) 1852 1988 137 1670 1760 1988 1987 319 228 3 -22 5 -41 .71 5 -16 .14 17 0 39 38 .19 .11 .18 .14 .25 .55 9.5 2.6 2 3- 8 1885 1988 104 4- 9 5 -18 .86 6 42 .13 .17 .54 5.4 2 1 -21 2 -39 .82 7 5- 7 .24 1 38 59 .15 .20 .32 3- 4 .14 .20 8.0 1.9 2 2 1036 1824 1988 1988 953 165 3 6 .31 1 The last letter of the Chronology ID identifies standard (S) and residual (R) chronologies. Chronology length, from the first to the last year. Lc: T, C: Number of measured trees and cores. D: Dating efficiency, i.e. the square ratio between number of measured rings and number of collected rings. LAR: Number of measured locally absent rings. Amount of variance explained by the first principal component of the ring -width measures. PC1: MS: Mean sensitivity. Standard deviation. SD: Autocorrelation of first order. A1: Signal -to-noise ratio. S/N: p: Order of the autoregressive model used to obtain the residual chronology. were small compared to commonly reported values (Fritts 1976). Mean sensitivity was ? 0.2 in some Fagus sylvatica chronologies and in the Larix decidua chronology at Monte Gerbonte, whose signal -to -noise ratio was the only one to exceed ten. Low mean sensitivity and signal -to -noise ratios were most likely caused by the limited number of available specimens, the conspicuous human disturbance, and the combination of climatic factors limiting tree growth at each site. Locally absent rings were included in twelve tree -ring chronologies (Table 2). The greatest number of locally absent rings was included in the Larix decidua chronology at Monte Gerbonte and in the Fagus sylvatica chronology at Parco d'Abruzzo. Locally absent rings were included in seven of the eleven beech chronologies, in one of the two Pinus sylvestris chronologies, in both Pinus pinea chronologies, and in the Pinus leucodermis chronology. Locally absent rings may also have occurred elsewhere because not all collected rings were BIONDI 24 crossdated. For instance, no locally absent ring was included in the Pinus nigra chronology at Parco d'Abruzzo, although they were likely to occur before A.D. 1750, when collected specimens could not be crossdated because of many contiguous microrings (Biondi and Visani 1993). Autoregressive models of first and second order were able to remove the autocorrelation (Table 2). In particular, the order p of selected autoregressive models for beech tree -ring series decreased from two to one to zero with decreasing age of beech trees. When most specimens were taken from trees older than 150 years - as at Valzurio, Parco d'Abruzzo, Bosco di Sant'Antonio, Maiella, Foresta Umbra, and Parco del Pollino - the best model was a second order autoregressive process (Table 2). This model always included a positive relationship with the previous year but a negative relationship between values two years apart (Biondi 1993). At Monte Barro, Cansiglio, and Badia Prataglia, where very few trees exceeded 100150 years of age, the best model was a first -order autoregressive process (Table 2) with a positive parameter estimate. At Mottarone and Monte della Scoperta, where most tree ages were less than 100 years, no significant autocorrelation remained after removing the growth trend, hence p was equal to zero (Table 2). Further research is needed to rigorously test if cambial age affects autocorrelation of wood growth in Fagus sylvatica and possibly in other tree species. Coefficients of rank correlation were computed between every possible pair of residual chronologies (Table 3). The Fagus sylvatica chronologies showed the best agreement with one another. The only exception was the Mottarone site (Table 2), which showed no strong synchrony with other beech chronologies. Trees at that site were young, fast growing, and thus scarcely sensitive to year -to -year climatic variations. By comparing site locations (Figure 1) with significant correlations (Table 3), it was possible to identify a northern, a central, and a southern group of chronologies. The northern group centered around the beech chronology at Valzurio (VAFSR), which also correlated significantly with northern chronologies of coniferous species in mountain areas, such as Abies alba at Monte Nero (MNAAR) and Larix decidua at Monte Gerbonte (GELDR). The central group clustered around the beech chronology at Badia Prataglia (BAFSR), which correlated significantly with every other beech chronology except Mottarone, Foresta Umbra, and Parco del Pollino. The southern group was best represented by the beech chronology at Parco d'Abruzzo (PAFSR), which also correlated significantly with other southern chronologies of coniferous species in mountain areas, such as Pinus nigra at Parco d'Abruzzo (PAPNR) and Pinus leucodermis at Parco del Pollino (POPLR; Table 3). Annual stem growth of old European beeches at Parco d'Abruzzo, whose precipitation and temperature regimes could be described as Mediterranean mountain climate, is greatly affected by the accumulation and melting of winter snowfall (Biondi 1993). Radial growth is mainly limited by summer drought and relies heavily on the accumulation and melting of winter snowpack to meet moisture demand in the growing period. The widespread occurrence of old beech individuals and forest stands and the climatic sensitivity displayed by their annual rings is likely to allow further refinement of existing dendroclimatic reconstructions for southern Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. The Pinus leucodermis chronology at Parco del Pollino (Table 2; Biondi and Visani 1993) covered a larger area and a longer time span than Serre- Bachet's (1985) chronology for the same species. Spurious correlations between discrete time series may arise when values are autocorrelated (Monserud 1986). Hence, autocorrelation in Serre- Bachet's chronology, abbreviated SBPLS, was removed before computing correlations between chronologies. The 1 13:.43(121) 13:.40( 86) 1:.46(102) 18a:.28(215) 9:.39( 86) 17:.27(135) 15:.33(138) 18a:.37(135) 20b:.58(163) 4-MBFSR 9-MSFSR 13-BAFSR 15-MAFSR 16-RSFSR 17-FUFSR 18a-PAFSR 9:.40( 63) 4:.31(121) 2:27(191) 18a:.20(227) 18a:.17(317) 7-MNAAR 11-GELDR 18b-PAPNR 20a-POPLR 18a:.58(163) 5-MEQRR 18a:.26(251) 2:.25(148) 17:32(135) 15:37(138) 20b:.32(135) 20b:.29(163) 18a:.37(138) 4:.43(121) 16:.26(202) 15:.39( 86) 2:37(121) 1:.35(102) 2:35 (102) 15:.30(138) 17:.37(135) 15:27(135) 13:26(202) 13:.35(138) 9:.40( 86) 1:.33(102) 13:.33(191) 4:.33(102) 16:29(163) 13:.28(215) 18a:.25(202) 16:33(138) 15:.35(138) 18a:.22(191) Chronology ID are identical to those used in Tables 1 and 2 and in Figures 1, 3, and 4. Each row of Significant Correlations is ordered by magnitude of correlation. The number of observations used to compute each correlation is given in parentheses. Only correlations having p- values < 0.0024 were considered significant and included in this table. 20b-POFSR 4:37(121) 2:22(191) 13:.46(102) 2-VAFSR Significant Correlations With Fagua sylvatica Chronologies 1-CAFSR Chronology Other Fagus 16:25(202) 20b:.30(138) 2:.33(191) SBPLR:.66(824) 20a:.33(227) 11:26(251) 5:.40 (63) 7:.31(121) 7:25(148) 18b:.33(227) SBPLR:.30(214) 18b:.20(227) 11:27(191) Significant Correlations With Other Chronologies Table 3. Spearman's coefficients of rank correlation between pairs of residual tree -ring chronologies.' 20a:.17(317) 26 BIONDI *So* I)* ky% Aiii40001 WOofoiv 1000 1200 SBPLR 490,1404 SBPLS 4#01$ POPLR $&40, feliWii*SA(1444iikikie4 POPLS 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 4. Time -series graphs of standard and residual Pinus leucodermis chronologies. SBPLS is Serre -Bachet's (1985) chronology; SBPLR is the residual chronology derived by fitting an AR(3) model to SBPLS. The other two chronologies are the standard and residual chronologies developed in this study (Table 2). residuals from a third -order autoregressive model, or AR(3), formed the prewhitened chronology, abbreviated SBPLR (Table 3, Figure 4). A second -order autoregressive model, or AR(2), was selected to transform POPLS into POPLR (Table 2). Most likely, the type of standardization used to remove the growth trend in the present study left a smaller amount of autocorrelation in the average ring indices than the one used to develop SBPLS. The correlation between the two Pinus leucodermis chronologies was the highest between any pair of chronologies (Table 3). The generally low correlation between chronologies for coniferous species agreed with previous dendroclimatic studies of European species. Densitometric methods based on X -ray techniques have been suggested to maximize climatic signals present in annual rings of conifers growing on cold -moist sites near alpine and northern timberline (Schweingruber 1988). Since densitometric methods are not very effective when applied to angiosperms, ring width is the main parameter available for such species. It is therefore fortunate, from a den drochronological standpoint, that tree -ring chronologies derived from ring -width series of European beech growing in the Italian Peninsula are highly synchronous, to the extent of reflecting broad geographic regions and climatic patterns. CONCLUSIONS The tree -ring network for the Italian Peninsula consists of 22 tree -ring chronologies at 19 sites. No sampled stand could be considered free of human influence, and site conditions varied greatly in terms of elevation, topography, substrate, soil, and vegetation types. However, most sampled trees were located in forested areas that are not easily accessible or are set aside for conservation purposes as parks and natural reserves. Eleven sites yielded individuals more than two centuries old for eight tree species. Development of a Tree -Ring Network for the Italian Peninsula 27 Fagus sylvatica is the most promising species in terms of plant longevity, widespread distribution, crossdating quality, and climatic sensitivity. Significant coefficients of rank correlation between beech tree -ring chronologies highlight the existence of three broad regions distributed along a latitudinal gradient, corresponding to large -scale climatic patterns across the Italian Peninsula. Future research should disentangle the multivariate information embedded in tree rings of Italian species and exploit existing chronologies for dendroclimatic reconstructions. In southern Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, dendrochronological studies provide much needed proxy records of past environmental changes (Dutilleul and Till 1992; Meko 1985). The new Italian network presented here is another mosaic stone needed to complete existing tree -ring databases, such as those developed by Schweingruber (1985) and SerreBachet (1992). Once combined with ongoing research efforts in other Mediterranean countries (Biger and Liphschitz 1992; Creus et al. 1992; Gadbin 1992; Guibal 1992; Gutiérrez 1989; Kuniholm and Striker 1987), dendrochronology of Italian species will contribute significantly to our understanding of climate -tree growth relations in temperate environments. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tree -ring sampling was supported, in part, by the Dr. M. Aylwin Cotton Foundation, the Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, and the Centro Ricerche Termiche e Nucleari/ENEL. Data processing was funded, in part, by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the Centro Ricerche Termiche e Nucleari/ENEL, and The University of Arizona. I owe thanks to Giorgio Schenone, Franco Tassi, and Malcolm K. Hughes for their support. A few foresters, park rangers and volunteers helped me during field collections. Richard Holmes, Bob Lofgren, and Henri Grissino -Mayer wrote software used for data processing. Simona Visani was most helpful in dating and measuring a number of samples. Jeff Dean, Paul Sheppard, and two anonymous reviewers provided comments on the original manuscript. REFERENCES Bebber, A.E. Una cronologia del lance (Larix decidua Mill.) delle Alpi orientali italiane. Dendrochronologia 3:201206. Biger, G., and N. Liphschitz Tree ring and dendrohistorical investigations in Israel - the use of imported timber in 19th century 1992 1990 Israel. 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