VOL. XXXIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1904. END OF LENT BRINGS GREAT ANNUAL CHURCH CELEBRATION. BASTBR SUITS { AND TOP COATS. $ In all the years that we have been in business we never were able to present a line that contained so much of real solid worth as the line we now show for BOYS'- Easter, 1004. EASTER CLOTHING. Yet for Fine Styles, for Good Service and for real savings our present A Great Array of Spring Styles ( Good Values, offerings surpass all that have gone before. $10, O Now J e r s e y ' s S h o p p i n s Conlro. "Good clothes we have always made—nobody has ever made better, Smart styles we have always shown—nobody has ever shown smarter, And at a Big Saving in Price. $12, $13, $15. At these prices, for instance, we have succeeded in building into Suits and Top Coats a fuller measure of style and quality than was ever contained in garments at higher prices in former years. T h e S u i t s are in Worsteds, Cassimers, Cheviots, Thibets —practically every favored fabric in plain colors, and the most dressy of the season's mixtures. T h e T o p Coats are mainly in Coverts and yicunas, in dark, medium and light effects, distinctly smart in cut and gotten up with the square, shapely shoulders that good dressers prefer. Open Saturday Evenings till 10 O'clook. W. P. TURNER & CO.. Corner Blackwel I and Sussex Sts, Dover. YOUths' SuitS a n d Top Coat8"New and nobby, UR word "Eaater" la but the Anglicized form of the name of No matter how desperate his circiniistanH'.s in the bleakness of tbe British goddess of spring, and al! our regard for Easter, few week* before, he cannot dtmy himself the dicur Unit comes of full aside from tbat based on religion, rests on the fact that in our reliance on the power which is working tlu- sublime miracle of putting northern hemisphere it ushers in the Spring, a single shrub in bud. 11 Bo comes Easter to stand for tbe rejuvenation of man's soul and Truth crushed to earth will rise ngain." In that is the comfort boJy, and the brown old earth as welt as for the highest religious hoj>e. of the zealot, the reformer, even though tin; KaMw see him go to his Possibly from the same grand original cause tbe blood of man grave for his principles. Heheus theriiviuu uhsuruute in the resurruns warmer when the sap begins toflowin tbe tree, and he breathes rection of every buried eeed that— in a new vigor from tbe springtime breeze. Ever the right comes uppeiuiuht, And ever is justice (ioiiu. A good poet-tells us tbat -when man is young his fancy at that season turns to thoughts of love, perhaps in obedience to the same With the end of Lent in sight the thoughts of everyone therefore tacit command heeded by the wanton lapwing and tbe red breasted, turuB to Easter. To many the occasionfadour for its religious signifirobin. cance, being held by such as a surt of turning point, always for the Be he old or young, the season inspires him with new hope. It good, in the journey of life. At th« various locul churches the ocmust Ho sees all that was dead live again, und, whether he knows it casion will be observed with more than usual regard. Special musical or not, it-is this light that inspires him with new courage That programs have been prepared at several of the houses of worship for iothiug is lost, tbat no effort of bis can come to naught, is the message both morning and evening service, ami there will l>o the uaiml floral taught him and the sermon preached by every oat blade sprouting by decoration*, Tbe musical numbers at the various churches and the order of services will be f ouud lielotv. the wayside, by tbe flower blooming In the crevice of the rocks. At the Memorial Presbyterian church, Dr. Hollowuy will preach at i t A. M. taking &s his subject, " Tbe argument for Immortality as it stands today." There will be a special not equalled anywhere, beautiful plaida and mixtures, topcoats in all the latest shades of covert oloth, aizes H to 20 years. value . ', . . , . . . - . Ocod $16 ' 11,98 Boys' Reefers a n d T o p Coats-- A 1 1 the new and pretty shades of covert cloth, also in splendid quality blue cheviot. Roefers are all made with tasty embroidery on sleeves, durable linings, sizes 2 # to 16 years. Our big leads: at . . 498 Russian, Norfolk, Sailor, Double-Breasted a n d 3-pie'Ce SultS""^ e w e B t and most up-to-date styles, handsome braid trimmings, sizes i to 16; with the extra white eton oollars and cuffs, sizes 2 ^ to 10 . . . . . 4.98 Boys' AH-Wpol Sailor Sult8"Newshades.of serges, The High Mass will be sung at 10o'clock, at jdct at 10:30 A. u, will be "Lesions from the Lilliea*'—an object sermon. At 7:80 P . M . which the choir will n>nUi;r thu following Mr. Earle will speak on "Eastet-and Bap- selections: tism: an Analogy." Tbe blackboard will be Kyrle" Buttmann "Gloria" » Haec Dies" Ett Credo" Mine Hanctus" Concone Agnua Del" Battmann A'seriuon will he preached \>y the roverend pastor, and immediately after mass the "Forty Hours Devotion" will begin with procession through tho church, the pastor carrying the Blessed Sacrament, accompanied by the Acolytes with lighted candles. After tho procession tho Litany of tho Saints will be chanted alternately by the pastor and choir. In the evening at 7.IJ0 Vespers will be sung. SWEDISH JtAJTIBT. The Itov. Karl Arry will preach an Easter sermon in tbe Swedish Baptist church on Sunday at 11A.M. The (subject of bis discourse will be "They have taken atvaymy Lord." At 3 P M. tho Sunday school children will hold Faster-tido services. A pleosiDg program of dialogues, nongs, recitations, etc , will be rendered. At 7:4ti p. M. the pastor will preach on "Hear! Christ has risen." also pretty crash effects, with large sailor collars, two pairs of pant;, one bloomer and ona pair plain pants. Sizes 3 to 10 years, »5.00 value . Boys' . Norfolk . . Suits—la . . A. good . 3.98 HIKE METHODIST. all the new patterns, handsome The regular Sunday services at the Free Methodist Church will be held at IOLKO A. U . and 7:30 P H. llev. George O. Tainblyn will preach the'Easter Bernion at the evening Bervice. Class meeting will be held as usual. rough cheviots and cashmeres, Etrong linings, all with two pairs of bakes short roads. pants, some bloomer pants. Sizes 7 to 16 years. than »i.60, special at . Boys' Hats . ... . . Worth not less 3 . . 3.60 ORACE It. £ CliUUCU and Caps--We carry the best line of boys' hats and caps in Newark, all the new' shapes and ^ styles, also the new light loads.' COAL FLIB5 in some families, not by reason of carelessness or extravagance; it is simply the nature of the Coal. Good enough to make smoky chimneys, but not worth anything for heating purposes. See mat men Coal is not used in your household. Buy your Fuel here and it is certain to be good. Regular consumers ol *ur Lchigh Coal ana fill other grades never enter a word of complaint, but pay their bills promptly. And we considf rjhat a mighty good sign. DOVER LUMBER CO., Tel. jn - .Spring Styles of straw hats in the newest effects. that runs on wheels. Sold Ewrywhar*. • Prices from 25c L. S. PLAUT & CO., ^ V o o d . for everything Mid. b r IT ASDARD OH. CO. r o t t e T21 Broad Street, Newark, N. •I. NO BRANCH STORES. ' ' MAILORDERS. Lehman's Easter News, 94 East Blackwell St. For Full Particulars (jet,Circular at the Store. F. C. LEAMING, Eye-Sight Specialist. Scimtifle examination of the eyee. dorrectlo.»tHpr«crib<xi aud glasses furnished. ' There 1« much in the'know how'snd « perlenoa." OFFICE HOURB-Hondayi,' Wednwtera ami FrM»yi—10.00 to 18:80; 2:00 to 4:110. orFIOSJ-Upatalra, l i t Floor, Over Berry Hardware Co., Corner Blaok_well and Morris Streets, Dover, N, 3. .CONSUi-TnTION FHBB. Looated here permauently. Opens Friday, September 4. Wood's College. 670 Brud St.. Cor. West Park S t . > NEWARK, N. J. I BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPE-, WKITINO AND ENOLISH. A. new corner building—some-1 tiling better than Newark has ever had. The only school in Newark that has not changed.management during the past six yean. The United StateB Bureau of Education reports Wood'* College KB the largest and most successful Hchool of BuBuieas and Shorthand in tho-BUte. Day nini evening session.. Tuition payable ueBklynr monthly. Students telephone 4101 ) VUitois tOffioa telephone 8698 f welcome S»nd for catalogue of uew buildlUg - WOOD BROS. & SONS. Wall Paper. Our new line will range in price from 8c to $5.00 a double roll. All the latest noveltiesFrench Damasks, Silks, Leatherettes. Duplex, Ingrain1?, etc,, etc. A lew of the specials still left. Remember we have a latgftr selection than all other dealers combined. Stamps given "for cash. F. A. RINEHART, Telephone 60 f. J I Clinton street1 finest Sugar Cured Hams, Fiiest Sugar Cured Cali12 l-2clb. fornia Hani. e c ECGS rC AT COST For Saturday only. FLOUR. In spite of every indication of a still further advance in Flour we will sell it at a special price for two days, but will raise it Tuesday. Our flour is the very belt Western spring wheat and is unexcelled. 98 II). sacks $3.10 with 5 00 worth of stamps free Coffee. State House Blend, a mixture of choice Mocha and, Java, absolutely Swift's or Bailey's. Price for Sat. only EGGS Finest Jersey Potatoes, 35c p^k. 1 0 stamps free the very best, no nutter what price you pay. 32c lb and-.5,00 worth stamps with each lb. Saturday only. with each pK. Sat. only. Baking Powder. The Triumph Blend, all the differCentral Baking Powder, absolutely ent kinds; you know the quality. pure, full pound cans and. with each Double on regular stamps with each can, as an Easter inducement, $8 06 (80) worth of stamps free on Satur- pound which means 8 00 worth, for Saturday only. day only. [ < i . o o Worth Red or Green Trading Stamps with any of these articles. 10 Trading Stamps free. 1 can Mustard. 11c I lb.Coroanut. 16c 6 cakes Special Soap. .25c Box of Farina . ;.roc Box Pearl Tapioca loe 1 pkg. Oatmeal 10c Pkg, Prep.Buckwheat.isc 2lbs, Fancy cake.....25c I lb Pea ut Brittle nc 1 bot Blxby Polish....lac 1 bol. Vanilli or Lemon 20c 2 cans Alaska Salmon 30c 2 cans No, 1 Tomatoes 24c 2cans Earlf J. Peas..25c "TO fheese. New York "State is the home ol the rich, full cream, cheese variety that is always sold in- -Lehman's stores. This chetse is tasty—mild or shafrp—and if yeu want any you can have it at this special price', 15c lb. 50c worth of stamps free with each pound,- CLEAN SHOPS. PLEASANT MEAT CUTTERS. PROMPT SJBRVICE; OOLD MEDAL BUTTER. These are enough to cause anyone to attend our great meat departments, but is remarkable, both for quality besides these attractions we supply you with the finest quality of. meats and and price-rthe two together we charge you little money for anything you buy. Want proof? Here tis: mean. We know of butter as Prime Nib Roasts very B easts of Lamb with a Hate Beef-while It lasts good and some as cheap but alb 5c pocket II you d-slro it, a the combination was never plTfinest beef, lb taK & 14c Pot Roasts ol Tender In. . . . . . . . 7cMce shoulder Lamb " ered before. Sweet, tasty and 10c has just the desired quantity of | Beef, lb. . 8,-10, iaKc Ne-ksgood lamb, lb., 6c Chops, lb salt. For two days only 'yC r ONE DOLLAR IN STAnPS WITH I a lbs. Hamburg Steak, »5C albs, link or loose Saiuage, a lb.. 3oc$1 in stamps with alb. at**'*' $3.00 worth of Stamps with g lbs. choice Rump Corned Beef at iac per lb or Ji.in stamps with 27c Elgin Creamery Butter. , 5 ibs. Rolled Corned Beef at 10c per lb. These prices for one week wijh the exceptioa of suoh articles that are marked Saturday only. You must pay for your orders at the store if you want tho extra stamp?. I CLING." M. B. C11URCH—DENVILLE. Easter service of the Sunday school.at which used for comparison and illustration. BT. MAnV'S CATHOLIC. Easter Sunday will be observed in the Denan address wilt be delivered by tho pastor. In St. Mary's church the first moss will be v ille M. E. Church by special services, The musical program for the day follows: HORNINQ "Lo! The Tomb is Empty ".Edward Broome '' Hark I... .Ten Thousand Voices Bounding " Eduardo Harzo. l( (Aftersermon) The Resurrection" f.,. Lillian Taltt Sheldon. (Soprano solo, Mrs. Silberg) "The Day of Resurrection."...F Q Dulcken 'HoBanna" , . .Jules Qranier ST. JOHN'S KFISCOPAL. On Easterday there will be a celebration of tho Holy Communion at 6 A. M. and a t LI A. M , Sunday school service In tbe church at 3 p. u . and evening service at 7:80 r . M. The election of wardens and vestrymen for the ensuing year "will take place a t 6 P . M. on Easter Monday. The musical program for thB day follows: Processional Hymn 109 Anthem—" Cbrlst Our Passover " . . .Chappel Gloria*Patri .....'•. Wovello TeDeum .Hodges Benedictus Novello Introlt—"If We Believe" Simper Kyrio Woodward Gloria TIM Laus Christ! ,' Credo . . . . Anthem—" Why Seek Y e " Clare Offertory—Solo, •" Bright Shines the Golden Sun." Offertoriura "All Things Coma to Thee." Sanctux. Woodward Bcnodictus (pri venit. .". " Agnus Dei ' " Gloria in Excelsls " Nunc dimit Us.... * Old Chant Recessional Hymn 112 EVENING. Processional. H y mn 109 Gloria Patrl Novollo Magnificat , Simper Nuno DimitiB . . . . . . . . . . . / " A n t h e m - " If We Believe "V " Anthem—" Why Seek Y e " . : Cltre Offertory.. "All Things Conaoof Thee" Recessional...... Hymn 112 Services in St. John's church during Passion Week will bo as follows: Wednesday a t 8 p. u , Evening Prayer; Thursday nt 8 i* u. Holy Communion; Good Friday at 10 A. M. divine service and sermon, 8 r. M. Evening Prayer and address. L. LEHMAN & CO. t l W. BLACKWELL ST., DOVER, N. J. THY CROSS The musical program for the Easter services at 10:110 K M , Grace U. E, Churcb, will be as follows: Organ Voluntary. Hymu..." Rise, Glorious Conqueror, Rise." ApoBtles' Creed. Prayer. Scripture Lesson. Offerings. • Anthem "Crown Him " Hymn "Jesus Thy Blood find Righteousness" Easter sermon by the paitur. Anthem "Hail Our Risen King »• Hymn "All Hall the Power of Jesus Name" Benediction. In thar evening at 7:30 the Sunday school,. will render a beautiful Easter tservie* entitled "The Risen Lord," This service consists of choice music, responsive readings and recitations I n addition Mrs. C. A. Trumperand others will recite Among the ploastng features willbB "Six WCQ Violets," a combination of recitations and a motion song. The closing number will be a cross formed by fourteen girls dressed in white "When the t cross fa formed It will be illuminated by colored lights while'all unite in singing "At the Cross " EVENING. Teas. C n />/>]ol To the person purchasing the largest amount ot goods Irom us on Saturday will receive absolutely O | j C C l a l - ~ f r e e J 2 J co w o r t h of Red Star or Greet Trading Stamps besides the ones they get with their purchases, This only applies providing the goods are paid for at the time of purchase. . 3lb. box P r u n e s . . . . . . - 3 ) b boxSlarch. . . . . . 1 canCdcoa t bottle Hl'eing i bottle Ammonia. . . 1 package Macaroni.. 1 package Spaghetti... NO. 20 Telephone^!-!), FIK8T BAPTIST. At the Flrat Baptist church, corner Richards avenue and Union atroot, Rov. J . H, AN EASTER FANTASY. Earle, pastor, Easter will bo observed in a fitting manner. There will be appropriate Bulging, but the spiritual rather than Ihe sal&at7:30, nt which tho monitors of tho 0. Morning lermon by Her. E Gordon on the muRical, is to have pre-eminence. The subB. L. wlUrecelvs Holy Communion in a body. I ((,'min'ntud oil Page S, Column 5), THK IKON BBA, DOVBB, N. J., APRIL h 1904. METHODIST CONFERENCE. After Six Days' Session at Newark Adjournment is had—List of New Appointments. FREE PORTRAITS If you buy $10 worth of goods of us nt onw timi* or in vnrioun small auiuuutnto umlttt u[i thut sum and loan us a clear libotOL-raiib we will reproiluuo it fro« of ct*,l to you. t rallies are extra, but at the option of the buyer. The pictures look ull right, e v e n w i t h o u t frauifs. NEW JERSEY'S TWELVE ACRE STORE. FREE EXHIBITION of Anderson's wonderful painting, t h e "Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone," wijh 12 different glorious day and night effects, ra view dally In •Amusement Hall, second floor, from DA. M. to 6.30 K M., aud Saturday evenings. No admission fee is charged. HAHNE & CO. BROAD, N E W AND HALSEY STS.. NEWARK The Newark H. E. Conference went into session in St. Luke's M. E, Churuh at Newark on Wednesday of last week and the Methodists of this section have since felt considerable interest in its proceedings. The work of tliB early days of tbo conference was behlod closed doors io consideration of disciplinary questions to be discussed. On Saturday the Rev. William C. Nelson of Nutley, offered the opening prayer, and the expository lecture of Rev. Dr. Heury A. Buttz was upon proof of the resurrection of Christ. After the reading of the minutes, the gathering went into executive session. A number of members of the conference were made local deacons, others were elect*1 to •lder'B orders and discharged from their four years of study, and two or throe passed to their fourth year studies. The following preachers were placed upon the supernumerary list: Rev. George V. Dickinson, of Newark ; Rev. Marcus Lai bert, of Hibernia ; Rev. Charles It. Barnes, of Jersey City; Rev. Edgar O, Howlaml, of Rockland Lake. These preachers, who had been on the supernumerary list for the flvo years to which the tlmo Is limited by the discipline, •wore advancftd to the superanuated lint Kev. William O. Nelson, of Nutley; Rev Gilbert H. WInans, of Brooklyn ; Ilev. Join: B. Taylor, of Moutvillo ; Rev- Wilson V Randolph, of Bernardsvllle, and Ilev. William H. Russell, of Jersey City. The report of the stewards, which was also Bubmittod, showed total receipts of f 14,011.12, of wlilcta *5,l)7O was paid to ministers and *8,860. Tbe apportionment of * 10,000 fur next year has been thus divided : Elizabet district, f2,O00 ; Jenwy City district, 12,800 Newark district, $3,200; Fatersou district, *2,0<K). When the session had been opened to the public again the bishop called for the repmof Rer. Dr. Daniel Haileron, presiding elder of tbe Eliztbeth district. Annual reports of the Rov. Dr. Warren L. Hoagland, presiding elder of tlie Newark district, and the Rev. Dr. U. 8. Ryinan, presiillug elder of the Fatersou district, wore read, aud tha means of raining the debt on Centenary Collegiate Institute, a t ffacketts town, were discussed at Mouday'n inoruiug session. The consideration of the Centenary Ii»tttut-* Included a report of the Rov. Dr. Eugene A. Noble, president, and a discussion us to the best way for tbe conference to raise abou •'41,000, which still remains to be paid on the debt of the school, according t o a pledge given two years ago, The conference met again Monday nigli to transact business and did not adjourn unti Tuesday. A motion of Dr. Palmer to have Dr. Buttz continue his Bible expository lectures ai next year's conference was passed. The Rov. Dr. William E. Palmer, the Hev. Dr. Johu T . Dobbins and the Rev. Dr. Jesse L. Hurl but ware appointed as a committee on resolutions. Bishop Cranston paused a t this point in the business to present a gold watch and chain to the Rev, Dr. John R. Wright, thi retiring presiding elder of the Jersey Lity district from the pastors who have been under hta care for the last six years. Dr. Wright made a fitting response and was applauded. The inscription in the back of the watch was BB follows: ''To the Rev. John R Wright D. D , prtaiding elder Jersey City district, Newark Conference, 189S-19U4, from his follow-workers iuUie district" . , , The R e r . Dr. A, B Leonard, corresponding secretary of th« Missionary Society of th , Uethodist Episcopal Church, who spoke at the missionary anniversary Monday night, five years, ICO Summer nvenue, New- erick Bloom; Linden Avenue, Thomas E. Hart, supply; Rockaway, T. S. Molwas Introduced and spoke about tbe Russiau- nrk, N. J.; Arlington, C. 13. Little; Hall; Pallande, William Eakins; 6t. lnenux; Rutherford, F. L. Woat;*StanBasking Hidge, E. S. Jamison; Belle- Paul's, W. H. Ruth; Simpson, R. M. hope, C. W. Demmlngs; StIIlwater, Do Japahose war, ' ' ville, At. w. AVoner; Bornardsvllle, C. Aylsworth; Summit Avenue, E. V. Witt Beery, . supply; Summerfleld, F . Bishop Cranston expressed a hopo tha II. Yon Qlahn: Bloom field—Park, C. K i n s ; Trinity, R. K. Boyd; West Side A. Goeller, supply; Swartswood, H. W. Russia would get licked and tbe applause S. Woodruff; Watsesslng, P. G. Blight: Avenue, W. C. O'Donnell; Union Place, • Selfert, supply; Teabo, H. E. Michael, C. Mooney. Loon In, A. H. Lnmouze, supply; Tranquility, William Stout; alincot thook the church, continuing so long Caldwell, AV. AV. C. Walker; Chatham, F. D. F. Dietendorf; Denvllle, T. E. Gor- supply; Matamoraa, Pa., W. H. Burley; Vienna and Janes Chapel, D. D. Smal/ t h a t there was no question as t o tbe senti don; Bast Oranffo—Calvary, V- C. Bald- Midland Park, W. B. Kiofer; Mid vale, ley, supply; Walpack Center; Samual ment prevailing. win; Ferry. II. C. Thompson; Park F. L. Rhodes; New City and Centenary, Jones; Washington, D. B. F. .Randolph; Avenue, J. M. Meeker; Sunford Street, N. Y.,'Geore;e Fountain; Newfoundland, Waterloo, G. W. Collard; Wharton, F . Centenary'8 >eeus. *• T. G. Spencer; Green Vlllnffo, to bo I. C. Starr; Nyack, N. Y., J. R Appley; L. Rounds. Alexander Craig, corresThe order of the day was then taken ii[i Harrison—Davis Memorial, C. Otisvllle, N. Y., E. E. Fowler; Palis- ponding secretary of tho conTerenca fionsldaratlou of the Centenary Col- supplied; F. Hull; Hilton, to bo supplied; Irvlng- ades, N. Y., J. D. Pappe, supply; Park, Board of Education and member of legiate Institute at Hackettstovrn. A repori ton, J. AV. Ryder. Kearney—Grace, to J. s. Burton, supply; Pearl River, N. Newton Quarterly conference; J,' H. regarding tbe institution was read by tin he supplied; Livingston, to be supplied; Y., and Montvale, J. W. Dalley; Pier- Rober'son, conference. evangelist and Rev. Dr. FEugene A. Nobla, president of tut Madison, J. B. Fnullts; Maplewood, W. mont, N. Y., George Anfcleman; p o r t member of Markot street, Paterson, U. Fleming; Mendhum, F. J. Hubach; Jervis, N, Y., Wesley Martin; Rldgre- , quarterly conference; W. H. MoCort school. He taid the institute was now a sue temperance agent Montclair, J. Y. Dobbins; Morristown, (leld Parity A. L.. Wilson; Ridge wood, j tnlck, conference cess, there being a qu'ck recovery and a y n. H. Urmy; Newark—Centenary, Hen- A. C. McCrea; Rockland Lake and Con- 1 and member of First "Church, Dover, advance since the fire of a few years ago ry Spollmeyer; Central, \V, H. Morgan. fers, N. Y., George Whiteboad; Sparta, quarterly conference 1 C D. Morris, N. J., D. W. C. Ramsey; Sparrowbush missionary to Korea; John Krantz, A\\ the expenses of last year had been mot. Church Kxtonsloji charges—Montgomand Montgaup, N. Y., C. C. Cain; Spring general sales a g e n t of the.'Methodist There are bow 137 boarding students, a gain ery Street, C. J. Hoyt; St. Andrew's, Valley and Monsey, N. Y., Frank Chad- Book Concern, New York, and member D. Eaton; St. Jnihes, to be supplied; of twenty over tbe previous year. There i IX wick; Stockholm and Canistear, t o b e of Wesley Church, Paterson, quarterly West Orange, to be supplied; Dashlell room to accommodate thirty more. Tbe Memorial. J. H. K. Schnltz; I>e Groot, supplied; Stoney Point, N. Y.—L. F . conference. . Elisabeth District. faculty consists of seventeen processors. AV. n. Kent; Eighth Avenue, M. D. Bowman and J. H. Piper; First Church, Presiding Klder, Daniel Halleron, 8 Church; Franklin Street, F. S. Sim- D. W. Ryder. Suffern, N. Y., W. C. Referring to the debt of C35,000 on the mons; Halsey Street, J. A. Cole; Rose- Timbrell; Sussex, C. E. Scuduer; yoars, 173 Mt. Prospect a v e n u e , Newinstitution, of which the conference-pledged vine, T. I. Coultns; St. Luke's, C. T. Thiells. N. Y.., R. S. Youne. supply; ark, N. J. Anbury and Bethlehem, B. itattlf for $26,000 two years ago, he said oulj1 Wilson: St. Pnul's, to bo supplied; Vernon and Glenwood, D. H. Grldley: S. Crowcroft; Bloomsbury, A. J. Bliss; J. Etlne; Waldwick, A. J. Conk^-. Bound Brook, E. E . It ob arson; Calif on *.<,OU bad been paid. He said the debt must South Market Street, to l>e supplied; Viola, Summcrlleld, W. S. Roblnsbn; Trinity, lln; Wesley Chapel and Laden town, N. and Falrmount, W. S. Newsom; Centernow be met. A. R. Cronee; Union Street, J. A. Owen. Y., A. L. smith: West Town and Un- vllle and Woods, to be supplied; CarThe Rev. Dr. George. H. Whitney, forma New Providence, Albert Van Deusen; lonvllle, N. Y.'. S. A. Boall, supply. teret, to be supplied; Chester, C. KL T. H. Landon. prlnclpttl of Bnrden- Gibson, supply; Clinton and Allerton, president of the institute, was invited to th Xutley, Klbert Clement; New Vernon, 'town Military Institute, and member Henry; CuKesbury, to b e ' s u p pbtforra, and then Colonel E. L. Dobbins, to be supplied; Orange, Frank, Mac- of Heading, Jersey City, quarterly con- Andrew pliod; Cranford—First Church, L. H. Daniel; Parslppany, to be supplied; one of the trustees, spoke of the subscriptioi Hough; St. Paul's, J. B. J. Khodes. Pine Brook and Clinton, G. F. Apgar; ference. and the financial outlook. The property wai Ploiisimt Plains and Union Village, to J. W. Yountr, secretary of committee Dunellen, S. K. Doollttle; E a s t Milll of appointments of the Missionary So- stone, George T. Hlllman, supply; Elizr worth i&W.OOO, he said. Of Uio «l.V ,000 eub he, supplied; Rockaway Valley, to be and member of Emory, Jersey abeth—ISpworth, P . H. Murdlck; F u l ccriptlon, f65,000 bad been paid in by th supplied; South Oriuigo, J. L- Hurlbut; ciety ton Street, W. S. Gallaway; P a r k , C. J. H. Egbert; Summit, A, City, quarterly conference. y .trustees. He referred especially to th Springfield, S. Komblo; St. James, H. F. Randolph, .'. Tultlo, AV. S. Coeyman; Vallsburg, PnterMon DUtrlct. tnttniflcenoe of George J. Ferry, of Mead O. J. Shoop. supply; Verona, "Wllhert Everettstown and Milford,. J. W . MoPresiding Elder, C. S. Rynyin (4 Maniman, supply; . Flaesvllle, O. L. 'bam, and urged the preachers to agitate the Wostcott; Whlppany, to be supplied. raising of the remaining 130,000, for which H. A. ButtK, president oC Drew Theo- years), 459 Ellison street, Paterstm, N. Joseph; Flanders and Drakeatown, E. Anderson and Mount Lebanon, H. Conklln; Flemington, P. C, Bascom; logical Seminary nnd member of Madi- J. the conference is pledged William Aten; .Andover, Albert Cain; Frenchtown, M. A. Johnson; German son Quarterly Conference. Belvldore, G. C. Moulsdale; Blulrs- Valley, S. B. Darnell; Gladstone, A. A^ A t the session on Tuesday the Rev A B J. F. Dodu. assistant recording sec- town, O. M. West; Boonton, Nathnnlfll Anderson; High Bridge, 3. D. H a r r i s ; Richardson, who has been called to the Firs retary of tho Missionary Society, and Brooks; Branch vllle, W. C. Ja mea; and Glen Gardner, M. I* AhM. £ . Church a t this place, was appointed on member of the Rosevllle, Newark, Broadway, to be supplied; Buttz vllle Junction darleso; Lebanon, W. B. Wlffg; Linden, and Free Union, D. B. Tompklna; Co- Serenlus Rechlnltzer, supply; Metuchthe revival committee of the Elizabeth dis- Quarterly Conference. C. F. Sittnrly, professor in Drew lumblii aud Hainoeburft. H. P. K i n g ; en, H. M. Simpson; Mt. Horeb, (P. O., trict. , Seminary, and member of Uingmun's Pa., J. H. Shilling, supply; Martinsville), C. E. Walton; Mt. Zlon It was decided to start the canjp meeting Theological Rover—First Church, A. B. Richardson; (P. O<, Zlon), R. D.AlIptt,, supply, New Mudisou Quarterly Conference. Grace. M. T. Glbbs. Bast Rutherford, Dover, G. T. Watts, supply; New a t M t Tabor on August 0 The Revs. A. B. J. A. Gutteridge. financial secretary J. H, Timbrell; Frankfort Plains, AlexRichardson, or Dover, and C. & Woodruff, of the American University, and mem-' ander Scott, supply; Glen Vlow, W. C. Germantown, F. C. Elklns, supply; New formerly of this place, together with C. E. her of tho Irvinglon Quarterly Confer- Brewer, supply; Hackottstown, J. G. Orange and Aldlno, to bo supplied;. ence. G.' F . IlJIman, Johnson; Halnesvlllo and Stewarta- Norton and Mt. Salem, j,Scudd«r, will have charge.' 1 J. C. Qootlrlch, agent of tho AmeriBurd; Harmony and Stewarts- supply; Pattonburg and Little iYork, Tbe Rev. Dr. C, S. Ryraan reported a long can ttlblo Society In tho Philippine vllle,.W. vino, W. H. Carson; Hibernia, W. H. H. W. Ewie. supply; Perth Amboy, S. list for offices, boards and committee. Islands. Hagerty; Hopntcon^r and Hurdtown, C. T. Jackson; Plalnileld—Flrat Church, W. U. Jtidd, professor in .Mount Un- A. Felt, supply; Hope, F. S, Garrls; y?. C Snodgraas; Graco,. E. L. Earp; The Rev.; William H. AlcConnick, of Dcion College, Alliance, O., and member Johnsonburgr, J. C. McCoy, supply; Monroe Avenue, George * Mooney. Quavor, who, though he has not completed fifty of Bernantevllle Quarterly Conference. Kinwsland, Harry " Sponcer, supply: kertown, M. L. Rhodes; Rahway—First years in New Jersey aud Newark confer JiTMey City DlKtrleti Lafayette, R, W. Liake, supply; Little Clturch, W. M. Johnston; Trinity, S. ences, has b*en more than half a century Iu Presiding Klder, C. M. Anderson, of Fulls, W. C. Kinsey;-Montville, A. N. I*. Hammond. Haritan, J. B. Hoard; Westfield. Allemiale—Archer Momor- Scott, suoply; Middle Smlthfleld, J. W. Rosollo P a r k , C. C. Woodruff; Seotdh tha ministry, addretsod the conference a t lal, AY. A. Knox; Alpine, F. A. Mason; Falklmi.*; MUford, V. A. Wood; Mount Plains, Wtarron P. Coon, supply; SerTuesday afternoon session Arcoln, A. IS. Armstrong, supply; Bar- Fern, to he supplied; Mount Freedom geantsvlllo,' supply; SomervUle, E. N. The following- trustees, ware a n - ryvllle, N. Y., F. T* Sloat. Jlayonne— and Mlllbrook, S. O. Rusby; Mount Crasto: Stii-ten Islnud, N. Y., Asbury nounced. Trustees or the Centenary First Church, H. J. Johnston; Forty- * Hermon, A. C. Covey; Mount Hopo, to (New Sprlngvllle), E. C Dutcher; BethF u n d and Preacher^' Aid Society—Min- sixth Street, M- E. Grant; Borgoa be supplied; Mountain View, W. I. Dice, el (Tottenville), Enoch Meachou; Qraco isters, C S. Ryraan,1905; J. B, Fnulks Point, AV. H. Trumhower; Butler, A. supply; Newton, w . C. ' Chadwick; (Port-Rlchmona), 13. M. Garton; Klnga1906; C. R. Barnes, 190G; W. II. Itutli J. Turner; Campgnw, William Jack- North Paterson, Richard Johns; Ox- ley and Chapels (SLupleton), J, C. .3906; J ^ R . " Bryan, 1906; J. A. Gut- aon, supply; Colevllle and Llbertyville, ford, A. M. H a r r i s ; Passaic, G. W, Howard; H. .E. Bright n.nd E. M. Cojripterldge, 1006; S. K. Doollttlo, 1907; J. E3. H. Atwood; Knglewood, AV. J. Hamp- Smith; Paterson—Belle Vista A, N. ton, assistants; St. John's (Rossvllle), Smith, supply; Calvary, H. 13. Curta; r..BosweU, 1907; Daniel Hall aron. lay- ton; Forestburg, N. Y-, AV. C. AVent- Cedar Cliff, C. C. WInans; Embury, W. J. H. Bayliss, supply;'St. Mark's (Prinm a n ; J, TV, Peursall. 1905; W. W. wood; Fort Lee, J. R. Hewitt, supply; W. Vandorhofr; Ep worth Cl?apel, cess Bay)..3. H. Jones; S t Paul's (TotBlfrnchari], 1905; B. 3. WhJtehead, 1905; aiiriiervllle, N. Y., B. J. Ciirry. supply; Franklin Bo wen, supply; Grace, L*- C. teiivllle), R. A. Brown; Staten Island, W H. Barnett, 1006; Joseph Walker, Qreenvllie, N. Y,, and Centervllle. T. Mttiler; Market Street, a. C. Wilding; N. Y., Sumtnerllold'(Mariners' Harbor), 1906; P . H . Lnrter, 1906; -WUHam II. J. Clnrk; Grantwood and AVeehawken, Paterson Avenue, T. C. Mayhtfw; P r o s - J. H. Howard; Trinity (West N e y Murphy,. 1907; M. B, Blanohard, 1907; W. J. Henry, supply; Ilackensack—As- pect street, J. o. Winner; Simpson, Brighton), J. O. Sparnon; Woodrow B F . Edsall, 1907. bury. R. AV. Elliott; Flral Church, H. ! Arthur Lucas; Trinity, J. A. Hensey; (Rossvlllc), Isaac Thomas; Stockton, Trustees Centenary Collegiate Insti- n. Leech. Hnsbrouck llolffhts, Alfred Wesley, C. X Hutchlnson; West P a t o r - Itasemont and King-wood, Qeorgo Price, tute—Ministers, C. M. Anderson, C. S. Kv:ins>: Haverstrnw. N. Y., AA'llllnm: «on, H. C, Lytlo, supply; rhilllpabure— supply; Succnrfunnn, John Bovenlaer; Hyraan; laymen, William H. Murphy, Redheffer; Hewitt anil Rlngwood, R. j First Church, Charles Waldron; W e s - Wostilold, J. R. W r i g h t ; White House, 'JJ. EL Whfteheftd. . „ H. Ithlnesmlth, supply; l^lllsdale, Gard- [ ley, J. F. Maschman; Port Colden and S. D. Decker; Woodbridge, W.. S. MoAssignments of preachers and pre- nor Howland; Hoboken—Flrut Church, Chang-own ter, Herbert Q. Nickerson, Cowan. J. R. Daniels, conference evans i d i n g elders in t h e NewarK Confer' C. L. Mend, AAr. A. Tihnoy. Jersey tjupply; Port Morris, A. W. Wlllewor; gelist and moinber of Perth Amboy enpe were announced by B|ahop Crans City—Brown Memorial. John MacMur- Port Murray and Mount Bethel, Rich- quarterly conference; W. T . Holmes, ton this afternoon a s follows: ray Cimtenary, AV. E. Palmer; Emory, ardson Gray, supply; Richard Mine, B. chaplain In United States Nuvy and 2Vevrarlc District. G G \ogol, Grace, J. F. Androw; Hedmouiber of First Church, Rfthway, d elder. W. U Hoaglund, JLng, Q AV Gardner; Lafayotte, Fredquarterly conference. . >• EASTER Throws Wide Open The Gates of Spring Everybody is looking forward to the soon-coming delightful days to be spent largely out of doors. I The housekeeper is anticipating the inevitable I Spring cleaning, taking down of curtains, refurnishing certain rooms and the putting away of winter garments. Nature, too, is making ready for the Spring and Summer campaign. With Spring come new store features, the newest always to be found in our Great Twelve-Acre Store. Three Acres of Furniture, Floor Coverings and Drapery Textiles and Upholsteries. Nine Acres more of Fashionable Outergarments, Millinery, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Velvets, Woolen Dress Goods and Wash Fabrics, American and French Hand-made Undermuslins, Linens,Linings, Art Embroideries, Lamps, HousefUrnishings, Out Glass. Fine China, Bric-a-brac, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Trunks, Traveler's Conveniences, Harness, Books, Stationery, Men's Furnishings, Trimmings, Ribbons, Jewelry, Silver and Silverware, Cutlery, Watches, Clocks, Leather Goods, etc. Three to Five Times the Biggest Display in New Jersey and all at Popular Prices. Newark, Newark, N. J. r Hahne & Co. N. J. WASHINGTON HAPPENINGS. Pithy Stories of the Nation's Great Capital ate Told in Clever Avoid Speculation= PRUDENTIAL Vein. WABHINOTON, March 2». (Special Correspondence.) Representative Ta*ifey ol lIInneBOta, the Republican wliip, possesses a combination of qualities thut sulllclently account "for his succoss lu politics. He Is frank and outspoken, a bard fighter and yet an adroit politician. jDx-Bepresentatlve James Young of Pennsylvania In speaking of blm the other day.said: "When I first came to congress and was suffering the usual humiliating experiences of a, new congressman I waB Introduced to Tawney. Tlie third time I met him lie called me 'Jim' and kept on calling me 'Jim' ever afterward. One day after I had got into the swing and things had begun to settle down around me so that I no longer saw men as trees walking, I said, 'Tawney, how did you come to call me Jim so early la tbe game)' * " 'My boy,1 said Tawney, 'I Just heard one of your friends call you Jim, and I thought: "He looks like a good fellow. I'm going to call blm Jim too." • "But the effect of It had been to make me feel that I was all right and a pretty big (nun. If a man as prominent os Tawney called me Jim I must be all the apples. If he bad studied out how to make himself solid with a new congressman he could not have found any BUrer way." ^uentln ROOMTCH Goea to Market. Quentln Boosevelt, the president's youngest son, has a new Job. l i e is .no-- supervising the purchase of supplies for tbe White House table and, uccording to all accounts, Is giving excellent satisfaction in this capacity, jilvery morning when Henry PiueUney, tbe colored steward of tlie executive mansion, starts for the market little Quentin runs to the wagon and clambers in. He gravely pulls' out an account book from his coat" pocket and makes an imaginary list of the supplies that are needed for the day. *'I guess we'll have to have a barrel of Ice cream today," he says, "and after that we will get a wagon load of turkeys, won't we, Pinltey?" The smiling Pinckney agrees with everything the diminutive Roosevelt says, and they always make tbe journeys to and from the market on the best of terms. While Pinckney Is ordering what he thinks Is needed for the family and servants Quentln runs about the meat and provision stands and places large orders which are laughingly copied by the butchers and grocers, who promise to "send up the thing right away," and Quentln goes home -with Pinckney satisfied with the sense of duty well performed. . Benatr'a F r o h Air PawdB. Joseph J. SIcCardy at Minnesota U the auditor.of the postofflce department, having come into that position quite recently. His offices are In the upper stories of the big department building.' Mr. McCardy haB been accustomed to the strong, ealubrlous breezes of the northwest and finds It difficult to' accustom himself to the confined and superheated atmosphere of the public buildings here. Accordingly he has ordered that twice each day the windows shall be thrown wide open and kept open for five minutes for ventilation and fumigation. Thin does not ngree with the clerks, male and female,-wbo are accustomed to the high artificial temperature of the department buildings. When tbe first window goes up about the noon hour the clerks scamper out of their rooms and proceed to leisurely promenade the corridors. The same thing occurs in tbe afternoon. There are a large number of women in the auditor's office, many of whom areconsidercdhandsomo and all of whom are attractive,, and now quite n crowd of sightseers may be found any day viewing the 'beauty show during the morning and afternoon promenades started by Auditor McCardy. I Pur your money in i MAS THE STRENGTH OF I ; GIBRALTAR . ' one of the salest oi" all investments—Life In- surance in T H E PRUDENTIAL IH80UK0B- 0 0 . OP AMBBIOA. Ho™.o.nce.N.w.rkN.J. LESLIE D. WABO, Vice President. JOHN F. DtU'DEN, ITelldenl. ,j . roHHEST F. DBVBKN. 8d Vice Fret. EDBAE B. WARD, 2tl Vice President. .FOKKMJi E0WAI1I) dltiY, Secretary. H a K H i . Ju^rlntendent, P->n™>' »"m"«' c ° r - H'"* 1 ™" « * E M e x S t n ! e t ' " Dover, N. J. 1688 Telephone Number 4 A. .Van Horn, "Do it NOW" Ltd. There's magic in that word "Now" —and saved aollars, too, if you're wise enough to M tog"' yi tions 'til later—no extra cost—cash or accommodation terms. Parlor Suits. $20Suits at....$M $25 Suits at. . . . $ 1 9 $35 Suits a t . . . . $28 Bedroom Suits. Regularly $8.00. $30 Suits a t . . . $22 $35 Suits at. . . . $ 2 8 $4OSultsat....$32 $8.98 s R ,Too: ly Golden Oak Kitchen Clotst—double doors. Mahogany Music Cabinet—mirror top. R«f">«rty $s.oo. Full Roll Rattan Rocker. $5.98 R « Continuous Post Enameled Bed -just i u ! Carpets! Best and Newest Here!! Body Brussels Axminsters Velvets Extra Brussels 1.25 98c. 75c 65c yd. op ya. up yd. tip yd. up Brussels All-wool Ingrains Heavy Ingrains Mattings 52c. yd. 59c. yd. 35c. yd. 15c. yd. up up up up $12.00 Solid Oak Extension T a b l e heavy legs. Velour Couches—oak frame deep tufting—beafBprings—regularly (15, Over (00 kinds of Baby Carriages and do-Carts $3.98 to $35. AMOS H.VAN HORN, Ltd. Bo l u r . you w "No. 7»" «nd firct Mm. -AMOS" bafora .nt.ring our store. gmSF. 7 O MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. An InKarance Bareau. BAfY J ^f M««t Ptaa«SL,W«5t of Broad 8 t Representative Edward 'Morrell of PAYMENTS Pennsylvania desires that there shall be established In the department of commerce uud labor a national bureau of life insurance. Officers of.sluidy life Insurance companies, if they are not hardened beyond the blushing point, w may feel the* touch of blood -in their Nowadays and consequently needs to have them Repaired occasionally When cheeks when~thoy read tho title of Mr. you get your wheel out bring it to us and have it cleaned and overhauled It Morroll's bill which provides for estab- won t cost nearly as much as your lime is worth, either. ' lishing the insurancCbureau. I t reads, "For the protection of citizens of the ENAMELING, $2.00. CLEANING. $1.00, United States under fifteen years of age." ' We also Handle a Fine Grade of Nuw uw Wheels Whee and all kinds of SamHe, Everybody Rides a Wheel Mr. Morrell's measure provides that man an ORADE ORADE TRIBUNE, TRIBUNE BOUBLE BOUBLE SPEED SPEED after the passage of the act to bo created by Ms bill no' citizen of 'the 68 OR 1<H GEAR, AT YOUR PLEASURE United States under fifteen years of age shall have his life insured by any company which shall not be qualified legally to place the insurance, in accordance with the provisions of tho A full line of Men's. Women's and Children's shoe.. second section of the bill. This second section provides for.the establishment of. a bureau of life -insurance and makes it compulsory that every company shall satisfy tbe superintendent of tbe bureau that tbe business It conducts or Intends to conduct shall be along the lines not only of business,but of decency and morality. niaifri !L $T5 00 Good qualtty at reasonable IIITIIETII SHE EJDPOBIDHI West Blackwell Street. Dover. Then PettaM Took a Chew. ' "1 come now to tho tobnceo," said Senator Simmons of Xsorth Carolina, In a, speech in the senate. Whereupon Senator Pettus of Alabmna, the oldest man iu the senate, dragged a black plug from bis coattail pocket, and took a chow that.was) .the admiration of all his colleagues. Memorial to the Pllir-lnii. Committees of both house and Benate linve.'reported favorably tho bill'for the appropriation of $-10,000 to the Capo Cod Pilgrims' Memorial association, the sum to be used in erecting a t Provincetown, Mass., a suitnbie lneuVorinl of the 3nnding of the pilgrims..--'' . I C A M , SCHOH-IEL'b.; "I have used ChamberU n H Stomach' and Lf ver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Mrs. F. L Fhelps, Houston^ Texas. For indigestion, biliousness and constipation these tablets «rt,mo»t excellent. Boh} by Killgore Sc WMta,' Dover, ind A. P. Qrwa, Cheater, AREYOUAWARE 000 rtvolulions? THINK OF IT! CHAS. DOLAND & SON WHARTON. JEWELERS. ROCKAWAY. • THE IBON ERA, DOVUB, N. J., APB1X 1, 1904. FOR WOMEN. m HOUSEHOLD. Sl/WD/IY'S . LESSON. COMMENTARY PREPARED BY Parisian Suit. This suit is of royni blue, fancy tailor made, in taffeta, box plaited Bklrt, wltli Cornmcai. Housekeepers need to be cautioned as to tbe quality of the meal they buy. Most of that on the eastern market is of the tasteless, lifeless, steam bolted variety, and nothing good can possibly be made from i t Borne of it is very dark and has a bitter taste. Require of your grocer that he produce for you the "water ground" meal, made from corn grown in the sections where long summers have sweetened i t REV. D. M. STEARNS. An Easter Forecast [Copyright, low, by American Press Association.] THE FAST TRAINS ARE VIA UNION PACIFIC ONLY THREE DAYS OLD DOPHNIOH LIKE Delightful Short Trips "By EVWf/f L. As each of the lessons assigned for today has, next to our blessed Lord, a woman as the central figure, and the 190*. ty £rf»ft, L.. Sakln topic in each Is faith or the necessity and power of faith, we will do well to morn, qf hepts £a1ort. who desire to see the heart of HROUQH consider both lessons. In each we see the picturesque and historical Tht iatt Sor tU arriving/ RAINS DAILY. a woman In trouble, tbe Syropheniclan waterways of Virginia. "Ttuould •tunly come, iht milliner Jtvort, because of her daughter's affliction and Accommodations provided for all Mary Magdalene because of her own Though s/it hi nonrunikjinij. classes or passengers. The wafers, waffles, batter and raised heart's sorrow, but in each case the Into 1h» past 1hm moments it Ida i breads are made as of wheat Dour. If Lord Jesus by His word gives rest and in the balmy air of Old Point frut morm and more is nettled i Be sure your ticket reads over the one-rourth, one-third or one-half pro- Joy and peace, reminding us of that Comfort and Virginia Beach. near iht crest cf Eastertide portion of flour should be preferred great word, "Come unto Me, all ye that UNION PACIFIC there 1B no aspeclal objection to the labor and are heavy laden, and I will At tueathir looKj unstiittdl substitution unless in case of dyspep- give you rest" (Matt xl, 28). Woman Full information furnished on applica who prefers to break his jourtics who cannot safely eat this. Ad- is a notable typo of the church, the TC/XZ)A3? noon. It hat not comet tbn to ney by an agreeable sea-trip here strictly, then, to the use of meal body of Christ, and throughout this and ' mi&ht hasle been expected.") and see if desirable results are not ob- age of the Bridegroom's absence sorR.TENBROECK, den. Eastern Agent, row Is her portion, but He will come tained. ilolee ts tvrattiful and _fact is tflum UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, ' Muffins are usually made of half again, and she will then be glad for^/fnd figure all dejected. four and half meal, but the all meal ever more (Mark 11,10,20; John xvl, 22, 387 Broadway, New York City. in search of good hunting HorlMontuard U a banK. of cloud S3; Rev. xlx, 7). To the people of variety are much preferred by those country. ^Steadily cntuard cratvtinij. whose palates have been trained to Nazareth Jesus was only the Son of S t t . m c r . s a l |3 p .m .t v e r y W ( . o k < l y > Joseph and Mary; to His own kindred appreciate Buch excellence. the house, and anjtious brotaed. The recipe for a delicious kind of He was as one beside himself; to the For full information apply to "Barometer ts falling. "gem" styled "popover" is doubtless religious leaders among the Jews He Via The St. Paul and Union new to many housekeepers and is as was a Samaritan and bad a devil Old Dominion Steamship Co., Pacific Line. follows: One pint of flour and one of (Luke lv, 22; Mark ill, 21; John vll, 20 •Vm—and stilt no hat I 81 Beach Street. New York, N. Y. cornmeal, four eggs, four even tea- vlU, 48), but there were some who had Heatjy the apprehension. Every day in March and April H. B.WALKtK.V. p . & T n . spoonfuls of baking po—der, two table- eyes opened to see Him as the Son of Milliners all are frauds, 'tis flati J. J. BROWN. Qenl. Passenger Alt. low rates from Chicago to the Paspoonfuls of lard, one teaspoonful of David, the Lord of Israel. His own reVrone. alt, to mean indention. salt and enough sweet milk to make a ceived Him not. :ific Ooast and to many intermedismooth batter. Cook' in gem rings, Fly tht~signals of import plain ate points will be offered via the The woman of Tyre and Sldon had a using a portion of the lard to grease Co those who read a teaming. real trouble and was in great need of St. Paul and Union Pacific Line anthracite cool imed aicluBlvely, iraurlin them and having them very hot when Floods and lightning and hurricane a deliverer. She had somehow heard batter is poured in.—Table Talk. . If you are contemplating a trip to oleatdiness and comlort. of the Great Physician, so full ot comAre due'for Raster morning I the West or to the Northwest, it is PANOX TAILOIt UABK. passion, but probably could not go to TH1K TABLE W EKKKOT NOVEMBER 21), 1908. Detachable Fan Handle. Him. Now that He has come near to worth your -while to write to-day three flounces; Eton coat, ornamented There aro innumerable disadvantages' night. A step—a ring I with stole, trimmed with fringe and In having to handle pans of various her she at'once hastens to Him, and, for information about rates and TBAIHB LBAVK DOV1CK AB FOLLOWS "Rustle of tissue paper I having implicit confidence In Him, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Persian embroidery. kinds which are provided with permatrain service to the point you exshe will take no denial from Him. Cries i "Hota darling f" "The steeet. staeet thing I nently attached handles. Burned finFor New York, Newark and pect to visit. What a reward for her In His final gers frequently reBult, and when Somebody cuts a caper. Elizabeth, at 6:29 a. m.; 4:10, Lace For Summer Millinery. word, "O woman, great Is thy faith; S u j p . m. Sundays"5,34 p . m . tSKfes are suddenly smoothed, betimes t Immense UBO is made* of lace, which clothes are used to lift the pans the be it unto thee even as thou wilt" W. S, MOWELL, of cleanliness is not always per. is generally of a mellow hue when not acme For Philadelphia at 6:ap a. m.; <37>e storm signs disappear, oh: Then, too, there are pans (Matt xv, 28). She who was willing General Eastern Agent, actually anted, rarely quite wbite. All missible. 5:25 p. m. Sundays 5:34 p. m. which are not in' tbe nature of- things to take the'dog's porjUon received the Vp the mercury siafftty climbs: sorts of lace are In request, tue heav- provided with handles, and the house- children's bread. Consider our Lord's 381 Broadway, New York. For Long Branch, Ucean Grove for Easter: 'Bright and clear, oh! ier styles of guipure motifs and garcommendation of the centurion's faith Asbury Park and points on New lands with raised patterns for lnterletand that of tbe four who brought their York and Lonjr Branch Railroad, ting and application work; brussels, palsied friend, and contrast His reTlii; Writing Dunk. ' ' 6:29 a. m.; 4:10 p. ni. Bobbed t h e Grave. mechlin and other pillow lace for drabuke of the disciples for. their lack of A much used writing desk sometimes peries and also for veiling shapes COT For all stations to High Bridge faith (Matt vlii, 10; xlv, 31; xvi, 8; A Btartling Incident Is narrated by John becomes ink Ktnined. An. application ered plain with two or three layers of (SUCCESSOR TO A. WIOHTOS) at 6:39 a. m.; 4.10, 5:35 p. m. SunMark li, 5). Then remember His com- Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows : " I was of niter Is wild to do wonders in rein on awful condition. My Bkin was almost 1 pule hued moussollne or tulle. Somedays 5:34 p.m. mand, "Have faith in God' (Mark xl, moving thoso stains. JIlx six or eight ESTABLISHED IN 1848. thing is done with black cbantllly, par22; John xlv, 1). ^Turning for the rest yellow, eyes sunken, • tongue coated, pain drops of niter to n. teaspoonful of waFor Lake Hopatcong at 9:48, -tlcularly as a trimming for black pic-' or our meditation to the Easter lesson continually in back and sides, no appetite, ter, drop on tho stains and rub guickly 9 Gut Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. a. m.; 4:10, 6:56 p. m. turo hats, further decorated with black and keeping the necessity of faith as rowlug weaker day by day. Three phy- with a damp elota. Unless tho niter Is For Rockaway at(S:53, lo-i9, a.m.; plumes. the central thought, we note that our iciiiiB hod given me up. Theu 1 was advised removed at once It leaves a white spot. :°7> 7:4° p.m. Sundays 9:11 a.m. Straw braids figure among toe trimrisen Lord upbraided the disciples for to use Electric Bitters ; to my great joy tho To wet the skin all over once a day mings of made up hats. For this purtbelr unbelief and hardness ot heart first bottle made a decided improvement. I Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Tinning. For Easton, Allentown and pose they must necessarily be of * because they believed not them wlilcb oontinued their we for three weeks, and am and set the blood in action by rubbing Mauch Chunk at (6:29 to Easton) light description. Plain tuscnn, rice had Been Him after He was risen now a well man. I know they robbed the 1B essential If you would have a pera. m.: 4:10(5:25 to Easton) p. m grave of another victim." No one should fect skin. Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air straw and fair braids are applicable, (Mark xvl, 11-14). night here in our W. Q. BE8L.ER, - a* well as lace woven braids wrought lesson It ts written that even Peter and fall to try them. Only SO cents, guaranteed Vice Frea. and GenM Mer. To remove finger marks from photo* All. Kinds of Sheet MeUI Work. in guipure patterns and used as a subJohn as yet knew not the Scripture by W . H . Goodale Co.,, Dover ; A. P. Green, O. M. HURT, stitute for lace. In some of these Hen. Paw. Agt. that He must rise again from the dead Cliester ; Oram & Co., Wbarton, druggists. graphs rub lightly with diluted olcohoi. About half strength is right models the entire trimming is carried Dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Fur(John xx, 9), and, although He had so out in applique or with incrustations often said plainly that He.was to be naces, Zinc, Copper, Sheet Lead, rendered all the more effective by reacrucified and that He would rise again Lead Pipe, Pumps, i c , all kinds of son of the semitransparency of the the third day (Matt, xvl, 21; xvll, 23; TIME TABLE. foundation^ Besides the' guipure of Tinware and Kitchen Utensils, Rexx, 19), tbey bad not received It , straw bmlds, Intervals will be occuCorreoted to January 1st, 1004. frigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil What shall we say of the women KO BUBNT pied by medallions of fine lace formed who so loved Him, followed Him and and Gasolene Stoves. In ruchlngs of narrow ribbon, or, better wife is left to her own devices to find ministered unto Him when we see TRAINS FOR MEW YORK VIA MOR. RIBTOWN-4:» a. m.; 0:48 a. m.; 7-87 a still, with chaplets of "small > roses. means of lifting these from 'the stove. them buying spices that they might Give us a coll. Satisfaction guar- m.i 8:40 a. m.; 9:49 0. oi • 11:20 a m.: • Even when bows of ribbon enter into .A Pennsylvania man, Inspired pr6b- anoint His dead body when the Sab18:60 p. m.: 1:45 p. in.; 2:47 p: m.; 5:58;p. anteed in price and quality. m.; 7:00 p.m. •' tiie scheme of decoration these, will be ably by the. admonitions of his wife; bath was past? That would be on tbe At the oldest established business TRAINS TO NEW" YORK VIA BOONsewed uown flat on the shape so as to has devised a detachable handle that third day (Luke xxlli, 65, 60; xxiv, 1). TON AND PATER8ON-5:20 a. m: °0S»1. form incrustations In'relief .—Millinery will meet all the requirements of the Although they loved Him much, they house of this kind in Dover. m.; 6:25 a. m.; 7:00* a. m.; 7:20* a. m.: 8KH situation.,,: It can be used in lifting did not believe what He said concernTrade Review. , a. m.; 9:18 a. m.; 11:14* a. m.; 1:50" p. m.j any pan, can he attached In an Instant Ing His death and resurrection. The 2:5S» p. m.; 8:43 p. m.; 6:22 p. m.; 6:41*p. and will told the pan as securely as if love of God Is the greatest thing we m.; 8:11 p. m. ( • QEO.O. CUMMINS. M. U.. Hroek. It were soldered directly to, the side of Trains marked + run via Rockaway. _ ' A very elegant chiffon frock is In the .the utenslh It > is removable as easily ever heard of, but on our part the FOR PHILLIPSBURGand EA8TON-6:S3 BTRMT, n i l WABBI a. m.; 9:05 a. m ; 9:27 a. m.: 2:40 p. m.: 8:15 fashionable shade of corn color.- It has M it Is attached, and one of these han- greatest thing is, In some respects, OOVMB. N, J. ~Blx accordion: plaited flounces around dles will serve for. as'many of the faith, for "without faith It Is lmposBlp. m.: 5:06 p. m.; 5:24 p. ra. (8:80 to 9:30 A. V ' the front and/seven In the back, and cooking utensils as the stovo will hold. ble to please God" (Heb. xl, 6). Faith o n n i HOURS < 1 to 8:30 p. u. FOR CHESTER-10:05 a. m.j 3:20rp. m.; In God Is also the only way to be oiled 7:12 p.m. ' around the middle of each flounce is • 17 to 8:80 r. K. With Joy and peace and bave an unband of lace jpedalUons of Ulmy lace Dinuea and Rheumatism raoalv FOR NETC0N0-STANHOPE and NEW•Molal attention. In a deep bream color. . A twist of gold TON—6:60 a. m.: 9:05 a. m.; 0:27 a. m • 14S0 Gettln's, Creaaea Out of Woolen*. troubled heart (Rom. xv, 13; John ilv, p. m.j 6:00 p. m.; 5:24 p.m.; 0:39 p. m.;7:58 . colored chenille outlines) these lace mfr When woolen cloth Is to bo pressed, 1,27). }. m. dallions v«ly effectively. The medal- but-not :Wasbed, it is ; sometimes tbe Mary Magdalene was so occupied FOR WASHINGTON .AND POINTS , lions are of graduated sizes—smaller question of how best to give It the with her own sorrow and with the WEST— 5:22 a. m.; 9:27 s. ra.; 3:15 p. m.; • ones In the top bands of lace and lar- dampness that will enable the hot iron body of, a dead Christ for which she 6:24 p. m. j 7:40 p. m.; 10:05 p. m. ger ones In the bottom, where one raffle to remove folds and wrinkles. Good was seeklng,~that she bad neither eyes; will have a large, medallion on it ana results are to be had by wringing a nor ears for angels not. even for Christ CIVIL AND MINING ENOINEER SUNDAY TEA.INS. •_; the alternate ruffle will have a smaller sheet out of warm water, spreading it Himself till she was startled out of ber FOR NEW YORfc VIA MOKRISTOWli '": one in. ill*i bund. The,yoke has two on a large table, arranging upon it the Btupor by bearing her own name from Room 7,National Union Bank Building, —8:40, 9:49, 11:20 a. m.; 1:45, 2:47, 6:55, j o u n c e s around i t and two bands of pieces to be pressed and then folding His lips. What a blinding, Btupefylng 8:44 p . m . "lace, and the Bleeves have two auunce,s or rolling all In a bundle. • After lying thing unbelief Is! And it is just the FOR NEW YORK VIA BOONTON AND DOVER, N. J.M j r . PATERHON-5:20, ' a n d two bauds of laco and are accor(1:25, 7:20* 9:18 a m.; trouble with many believers today. ,. dlon plaited, like the blouse, and short thus for several hours the cloth Is even- There are so many who accept Him l:50*. 032, 6:41*, H.-ll p. in. ',' The girdle 1B wide, of drawn folds of ly damp, but not wet, and all creases truly Trains marked » run via Rockanay. and put all their trust In His preand' folds, soften, to tho best possible liberty silk, covered with appliques of[HE NEW JERSEY IRON MINING CO FOR PHILLIPSBURO—10:28 a. m.; 0:00 p.m. the laoe and finished in the back with condition for the ironing. The press- cious blood, but by considering them' a silk braid ornament and dangles to ing ratbor thaiitho ironing must be selves and not taking Him at His word Offers for sole desirable farming and ttm FOR NETCONG-STANHOPB and NEWthey lack assurance of salvation, at done slowly with irons not too hot nor TON—0:61), !0;05 a.m.; 11:00, 7:40 p. a. i t m a t c h . " . '•'::.: •••'•: . [' : : . ; ' ' . / " • > ber binds In Morris County In lots of 5 aoret too cold, moving them Just fast enough least continuous assurance. Then there F O B HACKETTSTOIVN, WASHINGTON AND to prevent one from printing Its out- are many assured believers, constrainand upwards and several good building lot* POINTS WEST O.V MAIN Limi—5:22, 10:28, a. line on the goods. Hot enough to raise ed by His love to serve Him gladly, ra.; 8:15, 7:40,.10:05 D. m. •••".••. • - A T r i m F l e n c h S a i l o r . 1 In Port Or*m, K. J Tho hat here shown is intended to the steain, but not hot enough to scorch whoee service Is like buying spices to Address THK NEW JEBSEY IRON MINING CO., ' be worn with a smart pedestrian suit. the wool, is right for the Irons.. La- anoint a dead Saviour—love, but not Postal l n l o r m n u o D . faith. It hi plainly written that He is Its'wide brim and Beyere trimming dies' cloth: treated thus loses every coming Cloning time for outgoing mails from Dover back again to establish a kingcrease 'a'ud - the too clinging softness postofflce: lent it. by wear. - Thinner goods are dom of righteousness on'this earth, yet "DEAR MRS. PtNKHAir:—I suffered for several years-with general A. X. handled the same way with success. tew comparatively are servlngthe liv- weakness and bearing-down pains, caused by womb trouble.- My appe'DGENEJ. COOPER. 7:05—To N. Y. via Morristown. The process, of course,, is that followed ing and true God and waiting for His tite was fitful, and I would lie awoke for hours, and could not sleep, 1 8:50—West, via Easton. ATTORNEY AT t,4W AND by all tnllors and~called "sponging,? Son from heaven (Acts I, 11; ill, 20, 21; until I seemed more •weary in the morning than when I retired. After 8:50—"West, via Scranton. ( Tbess, 1, 0, 10), and therefore their except that no pressing follows the -8:50—East, via Boonton. reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the nSerits of l y d i a AXID Souorron IH OBASOBUV 8:45—Mine Bill (closed). dampnesB'of new cloth, It being mere- service Is not the Joyous, victorious E. Plnkh&m's Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. No one 10:00—Suecosunna, Ironia, CheBtcr (closed). kind that glorifies Him and wins oth- can desoribe the good i t did me. I took three bottlee faithfully, and ly spread smooth and left to dry. Offlmtothe Tone Building, 10:15— Rockaway via High Bridge Branch. ers to Him. , , besides building up my general health, it drove all disease and poison 0:55-East, via Boonton. DOVIB. n. . 10:55—MorriBtown (closed). He Js saying to us as He said to out of my body, and made me feel as spry and active as a young girl. C v j J . A . LTOH'B BTODB. . -. Uitraaehlno Mbunie. P.M. Mrs. Rnkham's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be."— Mary, "My Father Is your Father, and A thoroughly delicious Ice that makes 12:25—East, via Morrirtora. MBS. I t E. HOTHSOS, 847 East Ohio St., Chicago, 111. THOMAS TANNING, 1:30— East, via Newark. an agreeable variation to' the familial my God Is your God; therefore go tell Mrs. Plnkliani Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. 3:30—East, via Horristoivn. ones, yet Is really very little.trouble,to ithers." Not self occupied, but Christ S :60—West, all r^'ntson High Bridge Branch Masons and Builders occupied, and running errands for Him, make, is the maraschino mousse. For Apparently trifling incidents in womin's daily llie frequently produce and Lake Hopatcoug. D O V E R . K. J4:50—West, via Scrantou. a party of eight would be required one with His peace filling our souls. Then, displacements of, the WQmb. A slip on tlie stairs, lifting during menstruation, tor ill kinds of work token ant 4:60— Wost, to Easrnn. pint of sweet cream, one small bottle ut since God ts our Father, bow con we be standing at a counter, running a sewing machine, or attending to the-most allContraota materials furnished. Practical experience 0:80—Succasunnn, Ironia, Chester (closed). maraschino cherries, two teaspoonfuls anxious for food or raiment or any- ordinary tasks may result in displacement, nnd a train of serious evils is started. In every branch of mason wore 6:30—East via Morristown. The first Indication of such trouble should to the signal for quick action. of granulated gelatine and sherry to thing.for He who spared not His own IKCOMINQ UAILS. taste, put the gelatine to soak in a ta- Son, but delivered Hun up tor us all, Don't let the condition >ecome ohronio through neglect or a mistaken idea A. SC. TIME DCK AT II. It, STATION. caa overcome ittoyexercise or leuvlntr it alone* ri blespoonful of cold water, then dissolve how shall He not with Him also freely' that. you 6:80—From New York. More than a million -women have regained health by. the use of Lyula E . In an equal quantity of boiling water give us all tbingB and make all things ~~ ~ fcham's 7:00— " Lnfce Hopatcong. U. a . DVENPORT, Vegetable Compound. 7:00— " West, Uackettstown. and Btrnln, then stand aside, to cool. work together for our good? (Matt vl, I f t h e slightest trouble appears which y o n doriot understand ._' . BBCOJOKa I P A TOUlia FAOB. - :• 7:80— " BuccasunDa, Irouia and Cheater 26-33; Rom. vlll, 28, 32.) Let us also Whip the cream and add the gelatine write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass, for her advice, and a few (closed). COUNSBLLOR-AT-LAW, lay to heart His words to Thomas: "Be make it especially becoming to a young little by little when It Is cold, but betimely words from her will sliowyciu tbe right thing to do. ThM 8:30— JlinB Hill (closed). face. On each, side of the front is a fore It begins to harden. Whip in the not faithless,' but believing." "Blessed advice costs you nothing, but itmay ineanlifeornappineisor Doth. 9:05— East via Morristown. 10 WEST BLACKWELL ST., are they that have hot seen and yet 9:18— West via Buffalo. * stiff bow made of gold braid and vel- liquor from the cherries with powdered Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellinjjton 9:27— East via Booncon. vet The. brnia .around the crown Is of sugar sufficient to make as sweet as the have "believed" (verses 27, 29), and DOVER N. j 10:29High Bridge. learn to say, "Whom Laving not seen St., Kingston, Ont., writes: : the same materials'.—Buffalo News. 11:14— Wost via Soranton. ordinary ice before freezing. Then add love; in whom, though now 1 aee p. K. sherry as rcqulred.'and, lastly, stir the: ' "DEAR MBS; P I H K I U J I : — T o u are indeed a 1:45West via Scrfinton. Him not, yet believing, I rejoieo"(I ESTABLISHED 1880 cherries In. lightly that they may be 1:54— godsend to women, and it they all know what New York, Newark and Morria.'•(..•.- '• ' F l o r a l C h a i n ! . • ' -. . equally throughout the Pet I. 8). town (clo?eii). you could do for them, there •would be no need Floral chains are taking the place of distributed GEORGE E. VOORHEES 2:44— West via Philllpsbnrg. Pour into a mold or the can Dlaluvaahliia; Hlnta. ,' of their dragging out miserable lives in agony. the bead pnes which have been so pop- •whole. Itockaway via High Bridga 4:10— the freezer, cover tightly and bind It Is a saving of time to wash egg, " I suffered for years with bearmg-do-wn pains, Brunch. MORRISTOWN, N. J ular until recently. TueSefloralfan- of edge with a strip of cloth. Pack milk, potato and Hour dishes In cold Chester, Ironia and Buccasanu , womb trouble, nervousness, and excruciating neaft5:00— cies are made of ribbon or silk ana are the (closed). Hardware and Iron Merchant n ice and salt and, let stand for three water, (is hot water only hardens and 'ache, but a few bottles of t y d i a B . Pinkham's worn chain fashion; .Violets, bouton. hours. As a company dessert this deliKast via Morristown. Vegetable Compound made life look Kast via Boonton. roses and forgetmenots ore the favor* cacy la unequaled and is very inexpen- bakes on these materials, while cold : water tends to loosen and dissolve new and promising to me. I am light and Kiiis-rai, H'oodport and Lake Ho6:08— patcoiijf. them. A tiny scrubbing or vegetable live In price. . happy, and I do not know what Bickness >KEDS AND FERTILIZERS West via Hackettstown. 6 : 4 6 brush Is almost indispensable for pois, and 1 now enjoy thebest of health." While There Is Lite'.There Is Hope. OOlce open on StindaYs from 9 a. m. to tatoes, turnips, carrots, etc., as the Ijjdla E. Plnkhom'B VegetaMe' . A. Thoughtful Man. I was afflicted with catarrh; could neither 10 a. m. Compound can always be relied upon to restore 15. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew dirt can be removed much luoro quicktaste nor smell and could hear but little. • ' " It is a sovereign cure for 'faat to dotn the hour of need. Bis wife had ly and effectively with a brush than Ely'« Cream B a l m cured It.—Maroua G. such simply by wnshlng in water. Notice is hereby Riven that tbe annual an unusual caie of stomach and liver meeting of tbe stockholders of the Dover Shaute, Railway, N. J. . trouble, physicians could not help. her. He Electric Light Company will bo bold at tbo Cream Balm reached me safely and tbo thought of ond tried Dr. King's New Life Spoolnl Low Rates via the Klobel all troubles of ufilce of the company in the Town of Dover, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. -Plate Hand uterus in tho early ijtnge of development, and checlts any tendency to mncer- ff. J., on Wednesday, April 20f 1904. at 9 p. "effebtfasurprising. Hyson Bays the Brat and she got relief at. once aud.was fin* oua humors. I t subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tones up the JI , for the election of Directors and for* all application gave.deolded relief. Bespoot- ally cured. Only B5o. at W. H. Goodale Co., to points In the West and Southwest. One entire Residence No. 7, S. Sussex street, Doyer, ither business that may properly come before female system. Its record of cures is the greatest In tho world, and ,be meeting, * tolly, Mrs. ftaikiin Freeman. Dover, JS. H. Dover; A. F. Green, Chester ; Oram & Co., way colonist, and round. trip homesQekerfi' should be relied upon with confidence. ,ver Cboj. H. Bennett's Nowa Btore. tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays of The transfer hooks will be closed on April FORFEIT If wo onnot forthwith jirndrao the original lsttoti Mil ilgnaturu ot . vTho Balm does not Irritate or cause snees- Wuarton, drug stores. Ofllce No. 16>^ B. Sussex street. eachmonth to April inclusive. See local aboveMlUuionlsll, wMoiTill prrnro tlielr nbsnhito .»nuta«mi, 1004. • ing? BoldTiy druggista at 50 ote. or mailed Of ont, or writo R. B. Payne, General Agent, I, D. CONDIT, ^|!yBrotliBr» W Warren 8t;, New York. Btttacrlba for.the Bai (J. per year. Buffalo, Now York 11-llw 19 4w , Sea'y and Treas. v \ CHICAGO TO CALIFORNIA For the Tourist For Those Who Seek Rest For the Business Man For the Sportsman 833 to California. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. 8, R. 0ENN1STT, •1 myh LACKAWANNA RAILROAD GEORGE t . JENKINS, Mrs. Hughson, of Chicago, whose letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia R Pinfcham's Vegetable Compound. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. DALRYMPLE THK IBON ERA, DOT3SE, W. J., APRIL 1, 1904. 'Tllid RKD VlttUIN." Michel, known throughout a l l Franco uud Continental Euro)>e an " t h e red virgin," is dying In Furis Thirty years ago this woman WOK thu central figure in the gay French uipiial, for nhe was one of the great moving spirit* in UJO Commune, which worklug in tho imniu uf liberty uud utjual rights, deluded i'aris with blood, repeating in ag£ '1 twin tUo trogedieti of tho Involution. The Cumtiiuue Bought to obtain hy violence, rodriws far wrongs fiuicicd mid real. They iijiplitid thu idii'b to imildicigs and iu a : I.I>UI-N sjircud turror throughout the biu city. Among thu most active of tlioso uiUguidcd pcrjpli.' WUH Lmiinn Miuhul, otherwise called "Lhu red virgin" ur " the Potroluuso." ThiB lu*t was duo to thi' propensity of the women to carry nlxiut with them kenwetio. Their at:t. of vioiorx-t) worn most atrocious, and for wliat i Tlmt mi em of rest uud peace might follow: Wii.-n the troops got to work, they liuntwi iloun V 1-8(1 niiBcrouutH and shot them I\A they nmd i ho inuuy dogu. Zbc Hron Era. KOUNIIKU 187O. J. W . I J O C J A N , MANAfJlNU I'UULIHBIED EVEHY K1UDAV AT D O U B R , N . J., 1IY THE DOVER HRINTINO COMPANY PUBUBHIBS AND FUOPBIITOUH TEMil'IlONB NO. SUHSCHIl'i ION IlATKis One Year $1.00 Six MaiitliN • " > " SBB OUR NEW LINE OF Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Hatting?, Rugs. AXMINSTER CARPETS We nre Bhowiof? a handsome line of side3-piece suits, all full size bedsteads, dressers boards this epring. New styles just in this week. and wash stands. About twenty styles t>. se- At 14 O0--Sideboord with two Bmall swell lect from. 3-piece Golden Oak bmts at <Wen.;one lar^e linen drawer, two doors to 1500.18.00, 20.00, 22.00, 23.00, 25.00 cloBi't, luirror UxU, »be« oeroBB top, two shelves 28.00, 30.00 and up to 50.00 each. ou sides. The largest and best assortment of H«lr..oni Vt 17 OO'-Hns two small swell front drawers, Suits we have ever shown. one lnrculicen drawer, two doors to ohina closet, mirror W i t , shelf across top and two small Dressers. ohtlviis, nicely imrved. Eieht styles to select from. Golden Oak At 19 0 0 Has mirror 14x24, shelf aoross top Dresser with three large, drawers, mirror nuil two'bin»U "helves at sides, two small swell 20x24, 8.60. fronts ami one large drawer. A handsome sideGolden Oak Dresser with one lnrjje ;uul two board. small drawers and hat box with mirror 20x2-1, At 25 00—Sideboard of quartered golden onl; mirror 10x28, swell front drawers, shelves 8.50. Golden Oak Dresser with two small and two Herons top and two small shelves at sidee, handsomely carved, large drawers, mirror 20x24, 9.50. Golden Oak Dresser with three large drawers, and 1 others with two large and two small drawers, Several other styles at 20.00, 25.00, 30.00 and ;up ! mirrors 22x28,1000. to 35.00 eacb. _ _ _ _ _ And a large assortment up to 15.00 eacli. New Goods at theOld Price. Bought Before the Advance. HENRY J. MISEL. Tlivue MoultiB An intoieHihig fact Iu connection with al) great riotniiri upuuavuls is that women play an Import mil. part. Under right conditions FRIDAY, A*'RIL 1904. they an 1 splendid luudern, inerclleHi t o a deKruoMiut bi'lit'H tlioir strength, traiuiug aud viiviroiimaita. Htnco Joan of Arc right down to our own impulsive Currie Nation " We do not know the. aims of mi/u woiiiL-n Imvt) biton willing to trend where men which to us in the onp. truth whfhh jim'iii ream I lo loud. l l n m o t Jiuecher Btowe over all other*. Hut for the take of Hit {liny(til an imiiunani part In LIw movement truth and in order to keep alive in our SOUIH iigaiutit Hluvery. Her influence wus felt a l the desire to neelc it, we must necesnarity be Ihrmigli the gri'tit Htruvglu. It I* tbe coupling Ueve it to he <->"•• great truth. Then, if sum of tntoiiM) Kfiicurlt.y with inteufio emotiou that day we find that we have gone estray, that t makes woiiiui) HO lovublo uud so dungerouu. in unimportant and incoherent, it will he Louise Micliol in tlie eyos of fellow couimundue to the ardor inspired in us bu Us ««/'• IU'(1H la u suiiil. In tliu eyea of tho law abiding paml importance, that we shall be enabled uhi> in adL'vll. At nil ovonta she was a woman Our big Holiday trade thoroughly cleared out our to discover it (unimportance and once this in of lli'i-t'o I»U«B!OH IUKI oxtromu action, uud last year's stock, and the work of replenishing has aHBitred, it will teach vs what we ought nr.itwitliul greatly funi'iilne. Jt iu woll that wo to do. Meanwhile it i» well to inn, in see now been completed. Practically every article in haw nut many Hko her. for it, the boldest powers of our heartH and the store is new. We are brains. Then, even should the ultimate outAN KXTRA 8KSSIOV. come prove to be, pitiful, it will be no tonal showing the latest styles tn Governor Murphy has downed i t expedient matter to have laid dare the mvanneim or tin magnificent array of Diaemptineis of nature's aim,—MAIETKUUNOK to eall an extra nation of thu IjOglblature for the purpose of deposing of tlie Morris Canal monds, Watches, Jewabauilonmont report and the bill relating to . Intent reports art) that the Japimufu huve the she Hit inn ° r plgmniH from tr^ps. The extra elry, Silver-ware, Cut not siiccoudurf in pnttlug tlie lid ovor I'ori gathorhig of thu lawnmlturs is set for April Glass, Novelties. Arthur. __ • \2, and the antlon if tho Governor will meot TJ10 ruiuark of Reimtor Hoar that tli the hearty npproval of till citizens. The Morpeople of tliu Mormou church evidently ris Cunnl has long been u vexing question to " havo ft sort of veto power over tlie Iionl," tho [woplo nt largo, hut particularly those cuts right through ti tut of cantnnd Bopliistry residing iu the northern part of the state. Tho report prepared by ex-Governors Grlggs, Manual skill, technical knowledge and mudern appliances are necWortHfliid Voorhuea is refreshingly compre St. Pout woman reriwed to kins her husband hensive, and there is nothing to p-event the essary to do satisfactory optical work. Eyes examined and prescrip ou the ground flint ho placed poison on life honorahlu lugitdative bcKly from taking imtion of Dr. Knapp's German eye water free. Him for thu purpose of getting rid of lior mediate action In Dm mutter. In fact someHome wotnen don't have to UBU any poison thing should lie tiono at once because Iho welleastwise nut of thu urtillciul sort. fare of the people detnnnd it. It hati been SltiN OF THB B i d CLOCK. alleged by uoma tint the best interests of tlie Official ft'atch Inspector of tbo D , t,. &, W. It. R. United States ObserTalory.tlme Mr. Cleveland linn Written tlint "obsolete itate have not been cared for. This position hourly by Western Uulon Telegraph Comjiauy. issues nuil questio* B no lougor challenging cnu hardly bo Mmtulned, for thti question bus jwpular interest should bo manfully aban resolved iU If into one of available asseta. If doued." Hy tho term " absolute" could Hie tbe proper y sells for enough to pay 'bo debts M A jm W f f k VEGETABLE SICILIAN wipe of Princeton bnvowoniit Uie DeuiucrnUc of the company thu state gets thu residue. If party I the nshtil6 brinu lias than the iiiiiouht of the iudebtuiluess th- n thu Lehigh Valley Is to pay A Jersey City woman bought twenty og|:f difVureuL'o, That IH ull there Is to it, aud from a ]>udi11ei* tho ottwr day, und lutt-v fount Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used tho time therefore seemx t ipe for a settlement that uiglit of thorn were wade ot wood Jh to have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all of tlio Murrls Canal question. u this au infringement by the woodchuck on DAZZLING DISPLAY OF NEW SPRING JEWELRY. We have just received a new stock, about a dozen styles for your selection. Golden Oak' Chiffoniers with 5 drawers, 5.00 to 8.50 each. With mirror 12x18, two small and three large drawers and hat box, 8.00. With two small and four large drawers and mirror. 12x20, 8 . 5 0 . With mirror 12x20, one larg-e swell front drawer, two small and two large drawers and hat box, 9.50. And several other styles at prices from 10.00 trf 20.00 each. Wardrobes. About a dozen styles to choose from. Some single doors; others with double doors, in Golden Oak and Mahogany, at 8.00,10 0 0 , 1 2 . 0 0 , 1 3 . 0 0 , 1 4 . 0 0 , 1 5 . 0 0 , 1 6 0 0 and up to 30.00 each. _ _ _ _ _ J; HAlRHOUSE, l^ Wash Stands. El ALrJJo Hair Renewer dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing. ^ifSXJU^iSMX * * Conucutlcut'ft rights, or a niniplo ease of fraud » UIIYAN'S CAN1>U>AT15, "The president is called impulsive, but he Tim Ne»v York DarnocrBoy apjjenra to have FEAST OF PASSOVER. decided that it will have none ot Hearst in IH keeping a Arm hand on the throttle iu thin The Feast of Passover, or Pcssacli, began der-this]he&£*arepubtheir'n." Buch at Uaat is the Inference neutrality bustuws, air the same," says the BoBton Transoript. Mr. Roosevelt well un- drawn from the election held early m tlie days. The luxury ot tho feast Is only limited 'mentvrill be received (or IBM than ISMDtr derstands what is due his country uud htnwoett. Hill seems to havo found u- Democratic by th« worldly wealth of tho participants, j for tlie flint tnMrtion party and hla "impulsiveness" therefore is Moses in the person cf Parker who believes Wednesday noon all loaven was removed , ——' •• • that ho can lead tho party out of the wilderthe kiud fine puople waut. from every Jeitiah household, with the fol-1 FOR BENT—Property No. 10 North Hossex S. Another blow for Hearst came from lowing prayer uttered by its head: "All stiei't occupied as saloon aud dwelling. ApWe know that It Is Spring because tho New Jersey. His Houkmantti had sent the •na^rof feaven which I. in my possession ^£SZ2Zol&xT SS"rapture of the song-sparrow aa he Hashes statement out over the laud that Bryan's man which I have not Been or removed shnll be Friday, who thinks that the people want htm through the Bunlfght null and accounted as dust ot tho earth." _ F o R n E K T T h Q R l v e r g l d e V i B 8 i o n bulWi toliBad the Democratic hoata, would win a - Shifting his light load of song. Services are being held in all Jewish houses i 9 o f f e r e d f o r r e n t e t t h e r , n p ^ t o r t h e who\0 From post 10 pout, along the cheerless fence," swooping victory. The self-respecting ele- ot worahlp In the larger cities. There will bo butldtng, Possossion givon immediately tells us BO. Besides there is the hedgehog und ment of tho opposition could not, however, no services Ju this town Apply to I. W. SKAEINO. the strawberry and the 6*ne sublime truth swallow the peltow journalist. Bryan's man AURS. FBANCEB bBBast of Firt H o r n , an will likely capture a few of the western states, that King Frost ts leaving the ground. experienced nurse In confinement c*aet>, Is but developments of the last week indicate llerfcConirh Modtolno tor children. open for engagemcat. o n-m thai he baa shot bis bolt so for as the East is After a cotirtdhlj> running over thirty-two When you buy a oough m dicine for siiifiU concerned. years, a New Hampsbfre man finally plucked chiidren you want on, ,» which you up courage enough to have the ceremony Btr place implicit confidence. You want one; Ctaorge Btrtet, Water Btreet, Garden street, performed. This was just two hours before that not only telteves but cures. You want * of the pope ty of the late Theodore "Young, he died, aud he gave as reason for HO long Csnt-a-WjrJ Column. China Closets. Chiffoniers. Comfort. Eye Sideboards. Bedroom Suits. We have on sale about a half dozen styles of separate wash stands. Wash Stands with one drawer, two duors and towel rack, 3.25. With one large drawer, two small drawers, one door and towel rack, 3.50. With one large swell front drawer, two small drawers, door and towel rack, 4.00. And several other styles at from 5.00 to 7.00 each. Now styles received this week. We mention a few : At 15,00—In Golden Oak, glass sides and door; four Bbelvee, mirror Gxl2. .. __ At J6.00—Golden Oak, swell glass sidea, three shelves. At 23.00-Quartered Oak, mirror 10x30, baok of top BUelf, swell glaSB sides. At 30.00 - Quartered Oak, with swell glass side* and door, canopy top, mirror 10i24. • • Carpets. Our Spring: stock is now complete and ready for your inspection, I t inoludeB the new patterns aud colorings in Ingrains, Tapestry, Brussels, Uody Brussels, Velvets, eto. Ingrain Gurnets at 25c, 45c, 50c, and $0c, yd. Tapestry Brussels at 75c, 80c,, 85c, 90c J»rd. Velvets, 1.00, J.JO and J,»5 yard. Body Brussels, J,25 yard. Tapestry Hall and Stairs to match, 90c. yard. Ingrain Stair Carpets, 25c.,45c. and 50c. yard. lSruBsela .Stair CarpetB, 80c. yard. . Smyrna ltugs, 75c. to 5.50, aooording to size.. Wilfcou HugB-27s54, 3,50 ~ , -...' . 30x63,5,50. • Ingrain Art Squares, handsome styles at 6,00. 7,20, 8.40 and 9.60 each. AIHO a complete line of Mattings, Oil Cloths ; and Linoleums. THE GEO.RICHARDS CO. 0AKW 0PWA HOUSE IT'S SORT OF "BETWEEN SEASONSSlH ..^S^^SSSSt^iS. SPSS3 Saturday, April 2, 1904 THE LAUNDRY BUSINESS, 1 Mormou testified ttmt the women of MATINEE AND NIGHT. EDWARD WALDMANN, postponing the JnfcresUiig event that ho ob- Utah are tho most dins to in the world. .jected to being a bridegroom. Looks very Must menn chased.—Evening Express loin's Cough Remedy meets all .of these conTbe celebrated Germin-KngHab comedian ' much as tho the woman after all had a vury Morristown. ditions. There is nothing BO good for the. lucky escape. It begins to look like Judge Parkor coughs and colds incident to childhood. It will capture, ttie nomination, unless, of is also a certain preventive and cure for The of bUP tho DIUb&UUIUDIP stockholders With tho passing or Sfr Edward ArVold iu course, Homchmii' takes It Into his head , _ * UO nannual u l l Ull* «meeting a i v w l U H UJ. 4 4 -" ( London last week, tt*ere disappears from the to rush Into tho St. I^nuls - convontloi croup, and thoroiB no danger whatever from of the Hlbornia Mine K. B. Co. will bo held Dramatization of tha famous novel of -Robert held nloft.— A^usta {Gn.) Chronicle Louis Sterenson. publlo eye one of the notable moa of the day, (Dem.). whooping cough when it is given It has on MON 'AY, APKIL 4tb, a t S p m., at the In a literary way he put forth many poor™ been u»od In many epidemics of that disease company* office, Dover, H, J . PRICES: ilrynn says Cleveland Is an impossiK M l and some proeo which excited and pleased f or " " Secretary bility, and Cleveland dismisses Bryan with perfect success. Kor sale liy Ktllgoro' 1 8 _o w the moment, but In all his writings them U from consideration with a passing & White, Dover, and A. P. Green, Chester. [, I8C. Mills, 25:. only one creation likely to live—" The light ejaculation. LucUy thnt there are OABTO] of Asia." It is very properly clawed the cliei few others In reserve.—Cincinnati EnBeantlu y* lha Kind You Haw» £ Veiling--.25c., 3 5 C , 50C. COMBINE. quirer IDGinJ. d'aouvro of his life's work. Tlie llenrxt .irtJvlty may lieJn tlie In No** ton tbo five coustables have formed of conservutlvo Democrats hy inducing a combine and hereafter will refuse to serve f _ The Buffalo Coronaerclal says tliat " Those them to set together In support of MONDA.T AND TUESDAY, any papers unless the coin is f orlbcomiug in j ' who are flattering themselves that the De- sinerlo candidate for nomination hon- advance. The custom has' been to take tlie | April 4, April 5. JVEJV'f-Cliffi.mocracy in the older and less Impulsive atatc ors. Instead of scattering their lire papers and collect when you could, but many Tho Parker boom is saining because , , , , The gimnasiutn olassof the Men's Club of cannot be beguiled into the Hearst movemei of the mnnifest necessity for doing cases are settled out of court without regard S t J o h u . a j ^ , ^ w J U {vpm ^ M ^ ( n will bo annoyed when they read that he has something to offset tho work of the captured six outofeisM of tlie delegates from anents of the "yellow kid."—Troy fortbeconBtables cost-, and those gontlemou ..gym.1 r^a^ o a Wednesday night of next Record (Hep.). are therefore "stuck" for price of their ser >w w k ttfc8 tfclock> Vrot Qourlle, of Morrisllhode iBlaud." ~ Producing a modern up-to-date circus ^^^_ town, tbo instructor, has worked lip ar pie The Democracy of this country and T*ces* Yet it Is a safe -wager that the yellow peril of tills state should be proud of the , „ . „ ' '\ng program. Besides tbe class exhibition • performance. will never seriously menace this country. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. - ° ' ° • 'exhibit! f overwhelming sentiment in favor of her Tnvorlte son, nntl there should be I was troubled with a distress in my stom- b r o a d s w o r d ^0T^ ^ j , ^ ^ tag puncher JUST AS SEEN UNDER CANNAS 11 determined effort mado at the naIt is satd that Hearst's Rhode Island camtional convention to effect his nomina- ach.sour stomach and vomiting spelle, and o f M o r r | s t o w n will also be on'tba program, Showing the arrival or the circus train paign cost him thctrifUng sum of *3S,0u<>, tion. New York must urst declare can truthfully say tbat Chamberlain's Af ter tho "gym" work there will be dancing. Unloading the animals. Putting up the white In Massachusetts a preliminary fund o horself unequivocally for Parker and Stomach and I/ver Tablets cured me.—Mrs. , , mm^^ tents.. Gorgeous spectacular parade. 114,000 has been sent to the faithful ,uml nmn then ask the national convention to T. V. Williams, Laingsburg, Mich. Th'se' HiK KeUnotlons The menagerie. Feeding the animals likewise.—Buffalo Evening Times than half a million ftpent In establishing an- do tablets are guaranteed, to euro ever? cose of (Dem.). Grand entry. other Chinese journal, that is a red and yelN stomach trouble of this character. For sals " low newspaper. At this rate of buying deleA REAL CIRCUS PERFORMANCE. by Killgoro & White, Dover, and A. P. gates, the campaign will cosvWitlie a pretty A BOUQUET OF SMILES. Green, Chester. DOVER TEAM WON. Acobats—Aerial Artists—Hippodrome penny. It is a pity too, for ho hasnt as much A KumluUer. •hsw aaaenowball—In July. The Dover Bowling Team defeated the M Races—Daring and Perilous Char- NOTICE OF MEETING. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE ENGLAND'S Famous Moving Pictures. "Th«r«v said the tailor, "that suit certainty fits you perfectly." As thoroughly exemplifying the progress of " Yes, Indeed, you may justly fwl proud of the American manufacturer of cutlery, there that," replied the customer. *' It's a credit to will be exhibited at,the World's Fair a carv- you." " W^ll-er-I hope you won't forget It'a a debit ing knife with a blade thirty feet iu length and an edge like that of a razor The object, of course, istoshow that the home manufacStumped. turer haa now reached a point in his art HA tins lectured on the tUm where he {ears no rival. Such a realization Of both hot and frlftid zone ; — Wtf made possible by the application of ReNo towvt in all thB universe publican principles of trade. This is one of To thai mat) is unknown. the many little thlnga tUat the voters will remember next fall. But vain la all hia learnlnt— • His wife has floored him fist With the flowers that bud and blossom During tbo lout few years, Rockefeller ha On ber brand-new Easter bat. given away nearly forty million dollars, ana now he has-ander .oonteniplation the introToo Many Words. duction of what may be o«lleda mon«y giv" Don't use poor soap," read Hungry Hawkins ing machine That I* to say, tutproposes that rrom the pl*ce ot newspaper tbat came n-lth a hereafter, every dollar given to charity shall id out. tw along line* of the greatest good, and the Some folks wiute er lot uv words,11 growled greatest earning' and productive enpacity, Weary Walker. " In dut wnti-nce I'd leave out "-, For the purpoMofsnopeasfully rarrjingout da word * poor.* ** • ;~ ^ • hla aohemes in* muJtl-mHUooafro has placed Trtson vlsltor-Whnt broyKht you here, my map! ayuUDg attorney at the head of his charity Convict—guperatllton, ma'am. bureau. Some men are born rich, some, etc. I'rison rW(or— Superstition ? ConTlct—Yes, ma'am. It was the uolucky 18, •* After all the Emp'tra of China Is just a la'am. Prison vUitor-Tliirtecn ! la what way* *" plain every d*y woman, no moro^ secretive Convict-Why, the ju!«e an' the Jury united -iL'r or lcat frank than tor Christian cousins. against mr. ma'am. ^ Read what Pierre Lot! says of her and be • • • 4 A j o u r own judge Hexeitis: "Exquisltoand The A m a t e u r Artist, ^ itrasge, with her atr of a cold" goddess who Amateur-Thta Is my iateit attempt a t a land* v -glanoes here, who glancoa there, who glancw scape. May I aak what you UilnV of the per* % oM knows not whither; exquisite with, her spective f •- aoarcely ^ opened eyee, all length Vke two ob- Artist—Tbe perspective fs ttaitranfc pout. The -" 'tiuaa 2in»% black and very remote from the further away you stand the better It looks. other mow slender lines which ore the The less t Rlrl bluihea Uie more abe tans. She walks in a rjthm, lathe reUgl< Lota of meo ;ou never would su«pect are not oiu> tBUTiod, o**t In lore. &»< TWO SURVEYS. Maillsou Bowling Team onDolan'salleys.™- iot Races—Side Show and Concert. The trouble between Fraufc Nelson and tlie terd»y '" t u r « ! s t r a i 8 D t « " " » " " ^o f A real circus in all its splendor by Morris County Traction Com|«ny, in the 'Po™-, led In the scoring, putting up a tally lie motion pictures. The only cntefmatter of placing the tr« lley polai which Ur. of 214. Iiliidamiry, of; Hadison, was next be>t with a score ot 1W. The home team had ainment of its kind now being produced Nelson c'nima were planted on his propertyj seems not to have abated in the least Ur. comfortable margins in tbe first and last in this country. Nelson says the niip prepared by thi Boon- games, the second one befog a trifle cjose. A REAL NOVELTY. DON'T MISS IT. ton Iron Company; of whom he purchased his property, is the only correct survey, and PRICES; Big line, choice patterns going at 7c., 8c according to that instrument the poles ore Matinee, Children 10c; Adults, 20c. within hU line The traction c mipaiiy and Do. yard. J. H. Oritnin, 6 North Sanex Evening, ibe, 30c and }oc base their action, it is said, on a survey made street, Dover. by Town Engineer George B. Jenkins, Ladies 15c Monday night. Cordials a n t Brandies at I K. Harris', 42 N. SuKU street, Oorer. Reserved geata on isle at Kill, GET THIN. Thli ynn will continue to do nnless jou ton* Dp younligestivo organs. MAY BRING SUIT. ;ore & White's Drug Store, Dover. A. B. Jackson, of this toim, who was arrested Monday night of last week, together with M.-J. Vlfet, of Hacbettst ,wa, charged Do Dot diet, eat good, nnurieblng tori, anil with horse stealing prafem>d by George Ukfl 000pill Immediately aftvr citcli me&l. Gardiner, is reported to have tokenrtep*to MONDAY, APKIL 4, I This fs our Prescription. bring suit against Officer Dehler, who made N . BJAIF8 DTSf «PSIA PttlS. •12:30 o'clock p. in., the arrest and Mr. Gardiner who made the TaltoouriuIviceftodrstchiiseto-daT. . o receive and open bids for tbe charge. It is said Jackson baa retained Wo keep tntm lor sale Prlcoiacu. ng of Union ttnet bridge over tbe Whito wrapper If constipated. Vellow II Charles Stillwcl1, of Morntown, as counsel. river. iway bovelaaroregnlnr. • Plans and upeddcaUoD. mar be •am with XothlugEqual to.Chamberlaln'aColic* •By of Uw committee or at tbe Freeholder.' Booms at JUorrJstoin]. [. Dr Cholera nntl Diarrhoea Bemedjr The committee reserve* IberiKbt toretart lor Bowel ConipIaintM i n anyoraUbld*. ""*vn wreject CUUdrcn. A. K. BAKES, Chairman, •VFe have used Chamberlain's Colic, JOKV MOLLKS, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemaly in our famJonjr D. SMITH, ily for years," says Mn. J. B. Cookc, of j , D*.J-A.DEANECO- \ P i t t s . WILLIAM K o n r r . r NeJerlauds, Texas. *• We bare given it to! Committee, all of our children. We hare used other \ for the same purpose, but never > If you see the name KREMO, medicines tound tmytiurf' to tqua} CbamberlaJo^ II ii's a tootli powder. Enough ou will use it as directed ft will s i w i n On dnuwfct and la boliUm «/to- Van* 171b, cure." For tale by KfJJgore & White, Uo- KH rot Hue mt hot pit MJOOM, eta Tba «n:il. Price a;'rert and A. F. Green, Cbmter, j W ^H. Ctwley Co, DbteitaUi* ItmU. TeL HOW SO? BRIDGE SALE. We are after ^ you. Take / 2 - , ' ' Deane's Dyspepsia J Ballantine Bock Beer For all bf KlUfonftWhite. too co'd for Housecleaning with the Lace Curtainsfantl other work that it brings, and a low thermometer doesn't will linen very fast. • ^ •:/':/•'- y:. ir'J* It's a good lime to have your family.? wash done on the rough-dry, pound system; the steam of wash day is hot a pleasant thing in the house this cold weather. • • -. ""'.^ Ii's a good lime all the lime lo come 10 the DOVER STEAM LAUNDRV,; with anything under the sun you war-'; laundered and laundered properly. Call. me on 'phone io-a if jou want t(> asjc any questions about it—free collection • and free delivery. A postal card 'will; bring my wagon for your work, iii m DOVER STEAM 75 West Blackwell Street, JOHN K. COOK, Proprietor THB Insurance O|§ OF= H H R T F 0 R D , C O N N v i S for losses w a in Con0BS S CC t h e C o m p » M 1" ^ » organs , to *hict> we now add our estimated Josses, «325,ooo at Baltimore and 8 2 S at Rochester. N. V., making a grand totaTot $26 ; •,;. r-.'X'.*i H has paw for losses since the CompanyV a s $51,802,212.15. ana has a Surplus to policy-holders of $3,581,016.53 r^Z™™*«. A - ^ Sufisctlbc for tbe iron Era. &\ It THE IBON ERA, DOVER, U . J., APRIL, 1. 1904. BASE BALL NOTES. BOARD OF HEALTH. DEATH CAME FROM ABOVE. The Board of Health held its regular Andrew Dudnczlek, a Slav miner, employed monthly meeting on Tuesday night transact- i the .V barton mioe at Upper Hiburnia.wui* ing the usual run of business. fatally injured in the mine Thursday night An unsigned communication addressed Co an he was leaving work. Uudsxczlek together M. L. Fairer bus Mcured a position in the Edward Hoagland, of Buach street, 1B viuitHealth Inspector Taylor was read. ThB with several other Slav miners bad stopped ante factory et Bockaway. riter, while not the most dashing in the ?ork for the day aud was uuiting for the ig friends in Bcranton, Fa. You know what this means. The newCouncilman Otto S»ktb»rg Bpent Sunday Viss Maguire and Miss Egan spent Sunday universe, placed great store on cleanliness and skip" to return, intendiug to ride to tbe and Monday is Brooklynith MissElva Doremus, of Boonton. est and liest styles possible to obtain. We in the letter set forth that the household as surface, although the company rules strictly Edward McCarthy has received rather a well as the children ot Mrs. E. Wright, of forbids this. Dudacziek, more daiiitg than &HrB. Joeeph Foley and son of Sussex street, know of nothing- so snappy and dressy as Hudson street, were in need of a general ttls fellows, stood directly under the loaded hat* returned from a visit at Jersey City. good offer from the Madison A. A. the " Atterbury System '' for young men. cleaning up. Mr, Taylor In response to "skip" which was making the ascent. Bis John Hanson will remove his family from Miss Sadie Fraser baa returned to her home They cost a trifle more than ordinary uestions put by members of the hoard, said companions shouted to him to stop back in Morrlstown after a visit with friends in this place to Oakland, Cal, on Monday. that he bad visited the place and given the thinking him In danger of being hit by fall- Dover. clothing but make up for it in workmanEz-Manhal Jamea Bagan spent the early woman to understand she must clean house ing pieces of ore: Suddenly there was a ship and fit. part ol the week In Hoboken and Newark. Mfss Kan Guilfoil, of Faterson, is visiting and children. Mr. Taylor said that later he rushing sound and Dudacziek was Been to Tho regular meeting oF the Aaiociation of returned to the house and Mrs. Wright Had fall. The others ran to the epot and found Mrs. A. J. Lauenstlen, of West Blackwell Exempt Firemen will be held Monday night. made gome improvement. that tbe unfortuoate man bad been pierced street. J. N Brown is clearing tome three acres of The report of Inspector Taylor was re- by a raming board, a plank 16 feet long Mr. and Mrs D. H. VanDoren, of Feapock, which had fallen about SOU feet. brush land on his property near Black Fond. ^nt the early part of the week with relaceived and ordered filed. The following bills were ordered paid : . A team will be organized from tke emThe plank had Btruok tbe miner on his left tives In Dover. J. O. Taylor, (50 ; Edward Braxton, t l ; shoulder and went through the body protrudMiss May Lowe, who has been teaching ployees of tie Ulster Iron Works on Satur3. W. EUicott, | i o ; Edward Totten, tS. ing on tbe othor aide. It required two strong school at Astoria, L. I., is visiting her mother day. Our Children's Department is complete The hill ot Fred. Angle's was held up, the men to pull the board out Dudacziek was n Richardson Boulevard. The regular monthly meeting of Lafayette with all the novelties of. the season, contoard thinking the bill something of an im- rendered unconscious when struck and died Miss Nellie Kevins, of Yonbers, JN. Y., Council, K. of O, will be held on Monday sisting of all the latest weaves and patposition. The bill was for groceries supplied •wo hours later. pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward night. terns. a Mr. Bey wood and his family who lind He was about thirty years old and leaves Kelly, of West BlackweH street. The grand offioenof the state will visit r 3t been sick. The board bad paid tbe doctor idow and two children in the old country. Mrs. Robert Youug and daughters, the Court Beach Glen, Foresters of America, nd furaiBhed a nurse, and claimed that since The interment was in the CathoHc cemetery Dover A. A. will be held Hisses Julia and Hazel, spent Saturday and April 14. Beywood was receiving benefits from a lodge at Bibernia on Saturday. unetime during the coming week. Sunday with relatives in Brooklyn. The Sacrament of the lord's Supper will A team composed of the printer* in the he ought to pay bis own grocery bill. I t was Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bftlgood, of Sussex be administered in the Bwedtth Bapttat church »wn, truly an "all star" aggregation, will ordered returned unendorsed by the finance B o y Y o u r Wine street, are entertaining their daughter, Hiss ' a t 6 r M. on Sunday. ilay the Crescents on the MoDavitfieldSat- ommittee. t the Dover Wine and Liquor Store, 42 N. Laura Bidgood, of Franklin Furnace. Secretary J. H. C. Hunter asked the Sussex Btreet,Dover. The Ella bowling team of Orange will roll irday, April 9. The "prints" line up as fol8 tf Mrs. R. M. Hill and daughter, Mies Marthe team fromDover Lodge,782, B. P. O. Elks DWS : Fisher, r. f.; Davey, c. f:; Gibbons, 1. board to take some action in tbe matter of orie, will leive on Monday tor an extended on Wednesday evening, April 6. ;Opdyke, S.S.; Donobue, 8db,; Smith, 1st the moneys which had been turned Into the OBITUARY. council by Justice of the Peace Gage. Dr. visit with relatives at Montreal, Canada, A team of youngsters has been organized .; Powers, p.; Ayres, c ; Egan, 2d b. Hunter said tbe money was fines that had Mini fiadie Richards has returned to her at St.-Mary's parochial sobool. J. T- MorThe Board of Directors of the Wharton A' Michael O'Gradv. Opposite the Bank, DOVER, N. J.3 been paid by Messrs Newklrk and Hickok, K. met on Monday night and appointed Bevrisey, of Mine Hill, 1B manager. Michael O'Orady, aged 83, died at his homo, home in New York City after a visit with after being suod by the board and i&at tbe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards of Morris iral'committees for the coming season. PreeD. Wolf 8c Company have an ad on page 8 money belonged to the board. Dr. Hunter Mine Hill, on Friday of last week of general treet. which would interest those who would save deot Harry Kennedy was made a oommittee further call he had told Justice Gage where debility. Mrs. Edward Everett has returned to bor money. Bee them about furnishing your if one'to have charge of the grounds; G. A^ the money belonged, but nevertheless Mr. Mr. O'Grady was born in Limerick County, Burkhart, W. T. Turner, and William Foley home in New York after a visit with her home. * ; Gage bad turned ^be money into toe town. Ireland, and came to this country in 1844, were appointed as executive committal to parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Cox, of Gold A carpenter shop 84x40 feet to be occupied work la. conjunction with Manager 1. H.Dr. Hunter was instructed to take steps to locating at first in Quebec, Canada, where he street. recover the sum. ' taid about a year. Leaving there he went by N. R. Wilooi, will shortly be built on Uie 'llllams. This committee was appointed at to Montreal where he stopped about two The Misses Kate MacFall, of New York Dover Lumber Company property, Ea»t the manager's suggestion. A committee on years and later came to Montague, Sussex City, and Sadie MacFall, of East Orange, are BlackweU street. A. Great, Sensation. gates and grand stand was also appointed. county. About 1854 Mr. O'Gratly moved to visiting their parents on West Blackwell The monthly meeting of the Dover Free The team line up is not yet known, but the There was a big sensation In Leesvilie, Ind. •street^ Public Library Association will be held in heat possible will be secured. Behring of the 'ben W. H. Brown of that place, who was Mine Hill, wbioh at that time was a prosperok, of Mount Arlington, attended a the library on Tuesday afternoon'of-next Monarch A. A,, of New York, will probably expected to die, bad his life saved by Dr. ous mining section, and. worked BB a contracting miner in the Dickerson mine, one of cantata, " The Crucifixion," at the General ^ e e k , a t 8 : 8 0 p . m. » secured f of an InfleW position. Be is one King's New Discovery for Consumption. E e tbe rlofaebt iron oro mines in this vicinity. Theological Seminary in New York City ' I endured insufferable agonies The newly elected officers of Dover Lodge it the fastest in the gains. An effort is be- writes; After the mines closed Mr. O'Grady con- Wednesday evening! 783, B. P; O. Elks will be installed on Thurs- ing made to secure the services of Ray Gerber, from asthma, but your New Discovery gave tinued bis residence at that place until the Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Segur, formerly of me immediate relief and soon thereafter - day evening of next week.. All members are who formerly played with Washington. time of his death. He was one of the oldest this town, but latterlyof Nolan's Point, Lake expected to attend. The season at Wharton opens in two weeks, effected a complete cure." Similar cures of memberi of Bt. Mary's parish. He leaves a Hopatcong, has taken a cottage at 07 Clark RevrKarl Arry will bold a speoial «erv!ce Ipril 16, with the Meriden, Conn., State consumption,' pneumonia, bronchitis and rife and three sous, Mouslgoor O'Grady, of avenue, Ocean Grove. n i p are numerous. It'B the peerless remedy lathe Swedish Baptist oburoh this, Friday league team on the Wharton grounds. New Brunswick, Dr. T, F, O'Grady, of FatMrs. Charles Brockway and daughters, the for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50o.. night at 7:45 p. m , taking as his Bubjoct ereon, and James O'Orady, of Marysvilie. Hisses Maud and Kate, of New York City, Th.e Wharton A. A. has an understanding I (1.00. Guaranteed by W. H. Goodalo " Christ andtoeCross." with tbe manager of the Pittsburg National Co., Dover ; A. P. Green, Chester ; Oram Also two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Groves, spent Sunday with *fr. and Mrs Richard of Mine Hill and Mrs. J. H. Grimm, of Dover. Henry, of Sanford street. Jolly Griffin of this town, left on Monday League team to the effect that the first open : Co., Wfaarton, druggist. Trial bottles free. (or Philadelphia when Ue will viiit relatives. date the penant winning Pittsburg team has Tho funeral services were held in St. Mary's The "Wrauglers" will meet at the home of From Uiere Griffin expeots to goto St. Louis when on their eastern trip will be played with church on1 Monday at 10 o'clock. A solemn T h e Best Fltcins; to attend the exposition, high moBs was sung by Rev. Father Hamp- :he Misses Olivia, Harriet aud Marjorle Hill, the Wharton A A. at Wharton. "'roapect street, tomorrow night. A pleasare the Btandard Patterns. For sale at J ton, of Faterson. Rev. Father Kelly, of Mr. W, H. Ammtrmm hue been translerH. Grhnra's, 0 £?. Sussex street. Hoboken, was deacon and Rev. Father ing program bos been arranged. ' red from the Morrlstown exchange of theN. T h e Beat p l a c e Mr and Mrs William Bedgeman have isJoseph, of the Franciscan monastery at Y. * N. J Telephonn Co to the Dover exbuy good whistey, whloh win prove to be LEFT CAR STANDING. Faterson was uub-deacoa. Rev. Father Mc- sued invitations to the marrlagf of their change on Blaokwell Btreet. as represented, is at tbe Dover Wine and Tho argument that " a trolley through the Cormock, of^Netcone, preached tbe funeral daughter. Miss Martha Sedgeman, to James Ike degree team of Morris Conncil, Jr. O. Mouor Store, 43 N. SUVKX street, Dover. county would spoil the splendid roads" would sermon. The-interment was In Bt. Mary's Kaappenberger on the evening of April 14 U. A. M , yent to Kockaway on Monday be a dead Issue if advanced at this time. cemetery. A number of the clergy from The contracting parties are well known in eight to work degrees on a number of candiONE ON UR. GRIFFIN. Never since the roads have been macada- nearby attended as follows : Rev. Father Dover. dates in the Hockaway council. ' Mr. and Mrs. Seeley B. Patterson, of : W hat might have been another horse Btea,V mized have they been in such a dangerous Andrew, Franciscan monastery, Paterson; • Bev. F. B. OarriB, of Brancbville, g case but which was really a case of miS' condition. The western slope of Mine Hill, Dean MoNulty, of St. John's cburob,*Fat- AUentown, formerly of Dover, have issued preached in Brace church on Sunday at both to cite an instance, la In particularly bad ereon ; Uonsignor Shepard, of Jersey City. Invitations for the wedding ot their daughmorning and evening services. His sermons taken identity occurred on at ondajr morning. shape. Aside frouji the condition ottbe road and Dean Flyan, of Morristown. ~ ter, Miss Eltanor Wright. Patterson to Geo. John Griffin, bead bookkeeper in The George ' were InteresUng and to the point. W. Hunaicker, to take place at the home of Rioharda Company's stores, ordered a horse a mounted oil tank early in the week, bad -•'•'•' W. P. Turner * Co., the popular clothiers, CnarleB E. ZeeK. the bride's parents Saturday, April 9. and carriage of liveryman _Edward Totten ruit off the track on the siding of the Lacltset forth a swell looking window display at awanca^Railrood at Kenvil and blocked more Cnarles E. Zeek, aged 60, died at life borne and when placing the order,'told the stable their-store comer of Sussex and Blackwell man to tie thehorse in front of The George than half the road. Instead of removing this t Berkshire Volley on Friday of last week. ThG Ladles' Auxiliary of the Hebrew streets. See the ad found on page one, llchard Company's grocery Btore to await obstruction at once the railroad company Mr. Zeek was horn in this section and has Mt. Slnal saw the anniversary of Its Telephone call 78-b. DOVER, M. J. E. J: Sdhwari, of Newark, will spend Sun- its coming* Sometlnjeu later, Mr, Griffin simply ordered a lantern put out and left the spent his entire life ia this locality. He flrsf birthday on Tuesday, ana to fitleaves a widow and nine adult children. The tingly celebrate the event, the memday with h'is parente, Mr.:.ana Mrs. L,D. who was in somewnat'of a hurry, wenttothe car to await their convenience* funeral services were held at hie late borne jers tondored a whilst and reception to -\:: 8ohwar«, ot Sussex; Btreeti. Mr- Schwara street, untied a horse hitched in the place he the gentlemen, claiming it their right, : on Monday, Rev. T.jff. Chambers officiat- since 1904 is a Map year. The affair leavec/Dover on Sqnilay-night for a week's had designated and drove'to his home on Mokel Plate Road's N e w T o u r i s t ing . Interment was in the Succasunna cemi held In the Schwarz building, op\ : triptoCleWland; Ohio.::' .,-_• Sanford street where i e met Mrs. Griffin r Sleeping Car*. etery. • posite Searing's Hotel. The place was and returned to tawn. As he turned the tastefully decorated for the occasion, The Easter ball badges ot Vigilant Engine If you expect to take advantage of tbe low Mary G. CMterllne. Compwy, No. 8, are'exUblted in the show corner from Sussex street into Blaoknell a colonist rates to the Pacific Cooet, write ft. Mrs.. Mary O. Oaaterline, aged C8 Some thirty persons sat at whist from 9 until 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. S, Ba'ssler windows of Plerapn & Company's clothing man from Totten's stables driving a Mvery E. Payne, General Agent. 391 Main street, years, died at her home in Franfclln and L. B. Schwarz won the first ladles' rig accosted him asking where he got his out: Buffalo, N. Y., for particulars regarding on Monday ofvchronlc bronchitis. Mrs. ,nd gentlemen's prizes respectively. store;' Tj» bairttito year, as formerly, will All ttie new and popular workB of fiotion at 1.08fit. Mr. Griffin told where tto rig had. their splendid' tourist sleeping care. They Casterllne had lived at Franklin - for Consolation prizes were also awarded likely he an enjoyable affair. '••• r ;• _ been .procured. -The stableman let out a afford a comfortable journey at a very low some twenty years. S h e was active lira. L. Norton, Mrs. Max Heller,.Mrs. Our etock of books comprises over 2,000 titles, including fiction, Thewbeptlon' of Prif/Charles J Brimeel's In all church and social work and was S. Heller, Miss A, Heller, and Messrs. yell saying: " l a m Just bringing you one; 16-lOw loved and esteemed by all who knew Simon Harris, H. L. Sehwarz and Louis classics, poets, e t c , from 10c up. dancing claas will b» held on Friday evening rou'U get pinched for hone-stealing" Grif- cost. Heltnan. Miss O. Silberg- and Louis er. ' • „ : • • " - " • of'next week ffi Elite Hall Theafteraoon fen turned a shade whiter, and made all haste . '.The funeral services were held y e s - Norton were given the booby prizes. reception an J cotillion will be held Saturday to return the "borrowed"animal, and climbREMOVALS. terday at the Union Chapel, Franklin, Several gentlemen. In brief. speeches, afternoon of next week ,at S P ^ H . . ,' • ;"'• ing in his oWn rig drove onT, his ban* on end. Tbe following are those wbci have changed Rev .T, A. Reeves, of Rockaway, a s - hoped for the continued success of the WlUlam S. White and Supervising Prin- The horse turned out .to Be one of P. 0 .their place of residence, somB coming, to and la.tea b y ths Hev. Dr. W. W. Hal- auxiliary. Refreshments were served. the essential of polite correspondence, in all the new styles aud tints. ioway, of Dover, officiating:. Mrs. Cascipal J. Howard Hulsart attended the meet- Buck's,-who had 'driven in .town on business other* leaving town i terllne is survived by a husband* and ha te s urv y a Pat up OipreBBly for polite correspondence at ing of the Laymen's Association at. Newark and tied In the place Mr, Griffin bad ordered .C. I). Platt, from Jf» ProspBCt street to^the one. ddaughter. h t S i ill also l b be will Services CARS RUNAWAY. on Friday of 1-st week as"delegatis of the the livery horse tied). Boobaway road, near the QeHart homestead. held at the Ardmore Presbyterian A train load of cars, which had been loaded ehurch at Philadelphia to-day. td IIn ' First and Grace M,E; churches respectively. Albert Mitchell, from Newark to Wharton. terment will be 'In the cemetery ad- 'ith iron ingots and left on a Biding at the : '- Wmlnm Uiliman has an exhibltloB of his William QlmBteadj from Lincoln avenue joining the church... So}atlo Rbenmatl.vm Cared. Wharton furnace on Tuesday, got away and ; ".-' baniJIlvork to the show •windows of J. W. , . -. Mm. DmI have been subject to sciatic rheumatism to Union street ran down grade, smashing into a freight cor Mrs. Augru'stus Danlelson, aged Balier & Son, that ia novel and very oma- 'or yeara,*' Bays B. H. Waldron, of Wilton Xwiiliam Pollard, from Essex street to furtb> r along." Tbe car was overturned and yeiirs, died at her home on the road ' mental. The artipiw exhibited are the horns unction, Iowa. "My joints were stiff and Richardi avenue. to Placatlnny Tuesday, of Inflamma- ithers badly damaged. One car of ingots Charles Wagner, from Baker itreet to tion of tho bowels., She Is survived by rent over the bank aud another jumped the of cattle highly polished and mounted V The gave me much pain and discomfort My husband and seven, children. The track. ^workwaa all done by baud, j J; - ; jointB would cfaok when I Btrafghtened up, Anglesey N. J. Harrv Wood, from 'Baker street t i Fair- funeral services will be . held at the A freight train was drilling in tbe yard used Chamberlain's t t i n Balm and have ?O jinies Roach, formerly of^ttils town, and Bethlehem Congregational church oh • for niany years anemployeof THKIBOK EJIA, een thoroughly cured. Have not had a pain view avenue. The Dining Room Sunday at 2:30 p. m .,Rev. J. A. Dahl- and in putting in a car, the line of iron laden Mrs. Mary Sullivan, from Blackwell street gren officiating. Interment will be Incars was bumped. The brakes being unable died InV Nuw York O|ty s«ir)e- three weeks or ache from the old.'trouble' for many is perhaps the most to Prospect street. " H1U cemetery; to hold the weight the runaway followed. ago. -Word was received in Dover of his months. It is -certainly a' most wonderful important for nice Edward Babcock, from Newton to ProsThe eastern track was blocked for a very f& • deathbutthlswielt.' Death wasd«etopneu liniment." .For sale b j KIDgore & White, : pect street. Eczema, minutes. monia.- A-widoW aurv|ve»." ;••'•:'•»'"•• •*••" Dover, and A. P. Qreen, Chester. Mn. Peter Wink, from 94 West Blaokwall gcald head, hivep, itchlneBS of the skiu of any J, H. Martin has begun suit against John str«et to Beimnnt avenue. sort, instantly relieved, permanently cured. It should be handsome, Dawefbr-damages of about «S^I0.'. Pete END OF. LENT. The Brown Trading Stamp Company, from Doan's Ointment. A6any drug Btore. DoIan.Mr. Martin claims stole oa»ay moulds solid and well made. Mr. Eduard Waldmann, who will es- Dickersoa sfeet to the Bchwsrii store on and other property amountinfc to atwot the say the dual role In "Dr. Jekyll ana Sussex street Continued from page I Our designs are very ," sum named, and sold them to Uawe, who gave Mr, Hyfle" at t!\° BaKer Opera House, pleasing, are of fine Bldgood Brothers, from Warren street to RESOLUTIONS. him some $8 or $4, for the lofc.qencethe Saturday matinee' and evening, .is n the Trewartha store ou Sussex street. subject'' Resurrection of Christ." The evenquality, workmanship Whereas it has pleased Almighty God, in German actor of note.. Although the ing exercises will be 6c great interest, conraajor-ity*- of his successes have been J.'.V. McCoHum bas removed from 150 His wise Providence, to remove our siBter, excellent and the fintaining recitations, songs, dialogues, adThe o a t e r f i a r y Burke, widow pf the late scored in his native country and Bng- North Sussex Btreet to 68 Bergen street. Sarah Stryker, from.our midst; and while ish beautiful. Thomas Burko, against Bridget Burke, her landV' .there is In Mr. W&ldmann no trace ot. foreign training In manner Walter t&hofleld has removed from Wlilp- we bow In humble submission to Him who AS HOLIDAY OJFTS FIBST IltTHODIST. motker-in-jaw", to recover certain (toods bfc- or accent. He is a olose student ot the doeth all things well, be ib resolved;. pany to bouse corner of Central avenue and —NONE BETTER.— Easter services will be conducted by Rev lonfrfng to the sstate of Thomas Burke, which classic drama; and brings lo his work First—That we, the Official Board or the PequanDoo Btreet was to be tried before Ijuiifee,of toe .Peaee a vitality and realism that Is mast Hibernla M. E. Church,-tender to Brother Albert B. Richardson tbe neir pastor. Ho -Mr. Waldmann has s u r u n t t l effective. will probably be greeted by a large congregaO t>yi^b!OTjpostepe* rounded/himself with a capable com- Personally Conducted T o u r to Callfor- Stryker and his 'family our heartfelt sympa- tion. The morning service will beat 10:E0 thy is this hour of their bereavement; A f i ^ i C y . . • . ; : . i t ^ : • :-, • pany, while the scenic environment IJ EAST BLACKWELL STREET, DOVER, NEW JERSEY. and the topio " Our rfaen Lord.". At 7:80 in nla for M e t h o d U t C m f e r e n o e . ill be adequate in every reapeot. The regular mopthly business meeting of Second—That these resolutions be entered the evening Mr. Richardson Will take as bis .. •'•• ••• JfovlDa- f l c ' n r n , ' , The New^Jersey Central, which is the initial the W; C. T. U w»l be held in the First M. r.The• best'mpvlnsr picture entortain- road for the tourof the New JerBoy iiretho- upon the minutes ot this meeting; that o copy- theme "The problem of the ages." : be sent to Brother Stryker and that the same p. churcb on Tuesday of next; week at S a H . ment that | t has been the good forAt-the morning service these musical feaA» members 'are earnestly repjuMtwJ tpTbe tune' of our the.ater-ffoers-to witness dis' s to the. General Uotbodlatu CoDference at bo sent to "The Iron Era,"" Index" and the tures will be rendered: "Easter Response" present as arrangemBntswill be cprop'eted at was presented at the Opera HOUBO Los Angeles, California; has a most elaborate the *' Rockaway Record," with the request aud " The First Fruits of Them That Slept.1 Wednesday night. A company, styled fhfs meeting for fhe qounty ronveitlon wbioh England's Famous Moving Pictures, itinerary maped out, • including a visit to that Somerville papers please copy. At the eveuiug exercises " An £aster Allela Signed, - I-'-. . . will be M d IP J^YPron Wednrtdayj^prll S/1 producing, a .complete and, up-to-date Washington, Chicago, Bt. Louis, Grand C!an< lia" and " Jesns Lives," will be rendered by THE OFFICIAL BOABD OF Word has been received from Philadelphia olrcus Just- as boon under oanvaB. I n yon, LOB Angeles, San Francisco, t-'nltLake, the clioir.by C. B. Gage that his son-in-law, David Wil- fact; eyerythingr was- shown.from the Pike's Peak, Niagara Fal'e and other of tbe BIBERNIA M. £^CnDBCH. arrival of the circus trains in" the At the Stveedish Betbleham Congregational TO PURCHASE YOUR drict, died on Wednesday in * Joplln, Mo., morning through street parade, out- principal cities. The tour will be under, the W M . H . STANTON, ohurch there will be Easter services at 10 direct personal supervisfon of the Rev.O. L. hospifcil.- Mr. Wlldrlcki-mu a former, resi- side attractions, menagerie, the b i g - Acting. Secretary M. aud at 4 P.M. At the morning service a id, of Hoboken, and for a tour of the con- Hibernia, N. J., March 29,1904. dent of tliia town;" He haVbeen employed in snow, side Bhow with all Its fakirs, pei'ial program arranged by the children tearing down 'tents and re- tinent at a moderate Dries this will be the a powder manufacturing plant In Joplln and concert, loading on trains again. The plotures meat comprehensive ever attempted, The Jm presented. ' Miss Esther Kelson, ot a telegram received early Wednesday said he brought forth rounds of-applause and Headache Wlossea Moody'3 school, Northeflold, Mass., will take Talk this question over carefully. Determine which - had been Injuredbut not seriously. Eater Ir the illustrated songs b y Mr. Hftrry trip veill be made by special train in Pullman can be had at Harris Che jewelers ia solid gold part la the exercises, sleepera, and. every convenience and comfor Bqberts wars thorqushly enioyea by store can reasonably do the best for you. Which the day the news of his death came. frames at }3, $1 and 15 per pair. A thorough FIIIST PRBSBYTXHIAN. everybody present.—rMalone Forum, will be'afforded the tourist. .: .. store is doing the best ? Such talk will bring you est of your eyes will be Riven free of charge. At the morning service of tbe flirst PresbyThis oxhibHlqn will b e saen at the The New Jersey Central has arranged a here. We oourt disouBsion—investigation. We are terian church, Morristown, the voluntary Baker Opera House Monday and T e s very elaborate illustrated itinerary, which 1 day, April 4 and §. will be "The Heavens are Telling.' Tbo TOWN CASES AC/UN. now ready for Spring buyers. Our vnriety is fascinintMobtaiued.of Rev. Dr. Mead, Hoboken, George Raynor, of Mqrristown, wra evening service will be one ot special musical ". J M or of.O,\M- Burt, G. P. A., Now JerA final rule under tbe opinion of tbe Suarrested at Morrlatown on T " « « ating. Styles were never before so elegant find efinteresti.tne choir rendering Dudley Buck's To Care a Cola i n t w o Pay sey Central, New York, or from H. E, Ruhe, preme Court in the case of A. M. MacFall mqrninB as he was about: to * » " J cantata "Christ the Victor," a companion feotive, and low prices-prices consistent with high- train on a charge ot embenlMi|l takeLaxative Brorao yalmnB. Tablets. Al: D. P. A., Allentown, Pa. 1 against the Town of Dover,'dismissing tli piece to " The Coming of the King," sung a monbyo' belonslne to Jacaul & Com draughts refund the money tf It falls to cure. grade goods-prevail. It is not n question of value writ of certiorari with costs was matlo on pony,with whioh firm Mr. Raynor M Christmas. Tuesday, March 39. The ruleB di'scharging recently, employed las a salesman am B W. Qrove'8 denature ll on n e b box, 25c, in our store--you know you will get your money's DOWN GETS TWO YEARS. Tho opening voluntary will be the *' Uareh collector. The amount, said to hay the rule to ?how causa allowed in the case o worth; you have only to please your fancy. followed by the Seen taken waB. 860 .and tt la oUlrnea Pete Dolan, "Axhandle Pete," was tried Tillyer ngalnst Mindermann and Clark Religeuso" by Giulmant, 1 OLD PASTOR LEAVES. 6y Jaoqul & Company t t a t j t wo i^ra Judge Mills in the special session*} al against; Scaring, were also entered on Tues- "Hallelujah Chorus ' from Handel's " MesSuits of choice weaveB, of worsteds aud cheviots, aone Bomo time, during June, 190? The congregation ot tho-First M. EJ. Morriatown on Monday-and was sentenced t< day aud were discharged with costs. Tho siah" by the choir. The offertory anth'rn S i n c e t h a t time Raynor has left th church some silk lined, the newest styles and patterns, $8.00 tendered a farewell reception two yearn QD(1 s * 1 months in State's prl-ou public tbuB sees the long drawn out fight of will be "Tho Choir Angolio" by B. W. Hanso« the firm. When arrest? to the Rev. P Spfoy and Mrs. William EaKln to $20.00 Mr. Raynor was taKen before .»«•«<• on Wednesday nlarht. The Rev. Bakin Edward Fleury, also of Dover, who WOB the late officers of tho town against the town corn. After the short sermon the choir »ill of the Peace a t l u w e " a n i « a v t . b a t goes to the Palisade churoh, at Jerflo' awaiting trial for attempting to steal a pi and present officers reach an end, render the cantata, a masterpioco of AmeriCome in and take a look at the now things, at any for his appearance In the Mm o ! MOO, City. He Is a man of strong character, can Church &Jusio from a box car on the Lnckawanna Railroad, Oebrge Raynor was at one tlmti i having the courage of his convictions, rate. came before Judge Mills on tbe same day an resident of DoVer and was a membej and it la to be hoped that his "line* Sign of t h e Wet Clock. o? h f c o m m o n Council. He has noth have fallen In pleaaant .places." Boti was given two months in the county jail. M a k e s a Clean S w e e p . W e will examine your eyes without ing to Bay concerning his urreat i r Rev. and Mrs. Eakina wore preBontei There's nothing like doing a thing thorcharge, toll you just what glasses you need, prlsant omplo>er Aloxaoacr Bnnnel. ivlth umbrellas, Refreshments wer A Cry m t b e ot East oQrunso refuses to believe th and supply you with the best lenses tlmt can oughly. Of nil the salves you ever heard of, lerve* by membora "of the Epwort ohar&.o t omuoiilement has caused many aBympatbetlo mother acute be had. fiucklen'tt Arnica Salve is the best. It J. HAIRHOUSE, •easue.1 ;, dlstreBa. A little one in agony from IrritaOptician, sweeps away and cures bums, sores, cuts, NO. 11 E. BLACKWELL STREET, DOVER, N. J. Ordinary Household'Accidents tion that would be unbearable in an old bruises, bolls, ulcers, skin eruptions nnu Sign of tbe big clock. have no terrors when there's » bottle of D one. Parolti, boaliog ana aootbiog, gives repiles, It's only 26 cents and" guaranteed to We Give Qreen or Red Trading Stamps, give satisfaction by W. H. Qoodale Co. Thomas'Ecleotrlo Oil in the medicine cheat lief ab onoe. and prevents return. Careful Woo a W h i s k e y Dover i A. P. Green, Chester ; Oram & Co, Heals burnfi, cute, bruises, spraliiB Iustani mothers endorse it. Price 25 oente. For Bale c>b I. K. Harris', 42 N. SUBSSX strect.Dover. Wharton, drugstores. by KUlKore & White. ~ 8-U relief, LOCAL JOTTINGS "I have been trying," said a veteran ball xank, (t to locate tbe first authentio mention * • • • ball, and have come to the conclusion that it is found in the Bible, where the good ook sayB Noab pitched the arkkinslde and nit. Of course, they had somewhat different les in those days, and different names for e paraphernalia. Pitched the ark. Inside and out, doubtless means that Noah threw an and out shoot, called 'the ark,' and prohibly an old-fashioned way of spelling 'arc' oab seems to have been a winner, too, but game was called off on account of rain, and the downpour, whloh lasted forty days, ut the league out of busiooBB." i Your deductions are extremely logical," said the old man. "For my part, I have be6n trying to find mention of baseball in the rama, and the most remarkable, instance I discovered is where the words ocour in l Hamlet:"AbiC,apalpableli!tr Thiobowa that Hamlet had pushed one out too hot for e infield to handle, so that nobody could be charged with an error." And they bad a highball and expressed deep rpnifiing for the opening of tiie season. Swell Clothing. [ Children's Department 3 B i Spring style of Hats for Men, Boys and Children are ready and on display. S Pierson & Co. immn FOR THE FUH. I SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOWS EMPIRE GRAIN DRILLS MOWERS, REAPERS AND BINDERS. HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW CASTINGS, GARDEN TOOLS, POULTRY NETTING, WIRE FENCING. EAGLE 1904, BICYCLES. IS. H. Berry Hardware Company \ HURD'S FINE STATIONERY, M, C. HAVENS', 15 S. SassexISt. Tel. 55-a. Dover, IS. J, Purniture AT BAKER'S; • ' s u i t . • • • • ' ' • « • • - : ' • / . • ' . ' ' • , - . • : . • • : -•• ~ r > • J.W. BAKER & SON, I WHERE ARE YOU GOING \ I &PRIINO CLOTHES? | | C. N- Polasky, | tf UUUJU4UM THE IKON BRA, DOVBB, K. J., APBIL 1, 1904. ELLb PORT MORRIS. CI-AgSES -:K0B:- CIVO, DEPORTMENT AND &is prisoner fell into n paroxysm of Mall or Telephone Orders promptly Filled PHYSICAL CULTURE, rage. Engineer John Brady, of Holmken, paid a ELITE HALL.WARREN ST..DOVER "I'll git pup to kill ye!" she shrieked, short visit to Port Morris lost Monday. C1I VBI.KS J. HKITKEEL. Prlnolpnl. striking at him. "I don't know notbiu' PostmaBter George Burt bus recovered from 'bout yer Six Crossroads, uer no pa bis recent sickness uud is about bis usur.l „ , , . n . A. AcKU-y.M"si""' -mrrKWe*. pers, ner yer Mr. I-Iarkols neither, ner work. Classes will continue every Friday you, ye razorbacked ole devil, Pap afternoon at 4 P M. and every Friday Engineer Jotepb McConneil, of Hobokeu, Ml kill ye! I^cnve me go! Leave we Bjraut several days with friend" and relatives evening at 8.30 until May 27th. Evengo! Pap 'II UII1 ye! I'll git Mm to here last week. 4 me receptions will be held April 8-52. kill ye!" Suddenly her struggles ceaswith closing reception May 27th, '9°4. Assistant YardmoBter Ed. Todd has been ed, her-eyes closed, her tense little mus- sfck for sojne days with a severe attack ol Saturday matinee receptions and cles reluxed, and Bhe drooped toward tlie grip, but is now somewhat better. cotillions April 9-23. w' t h closing re« ••< • . . ; ; j ; ; the tioor, Tlie old man shifted his grip ception May 28, 1904-. Ellas Wright, forniurly of this place but \ \\\ \ Copyright. 1599, by "Doabltday fSL MTcCfar* Co. '.',*', ', to support her, and In uu lnstunt she I'rivate lessons by appointment. * !•« • Copyright. 1902. by MeClure, ThiUip* *"32, Co. • £« j twisted out of his bands and sprang now of Hoboken, was here one day last week Unquestionably trie Cheapest Houseln Newark for Reliable Dry Ooods last week looking after his property and callout of reach, her eyes shining with tri- ing on friends, umph and vtinoiu. Engineer Peter Mowery, wife and son Al STYLE, ELEOANCE AND LOW PRICE^ "Yauay, Mr. Kazorback!" she slirill- bert, aotr located at Movrlatown, paid a visit tln'ir lijirdiucsri iiiul begun to tlitnfe ou what tlii'.v slunilil do to tlie luuu win ed. "How's tbat fer bigh? Pap 'II to their eon William and bis family of thia CHAPTER II. h;id bi'oiifihi misfortune itud terror up till ye Sunday! Ve'Jl be screechin' ii place last Sunday. "llIE Brtecou liueUljotird rnttii' R. A. WittiK and wife, of Philadelphia, | uIoiiH the phistU'eouutry rum ou tlit'Ut. i iii' a lout; time Lu hud bc\.'i hell iu a week, an* we 'ull set up an' fmlflislun:; ttit'Jr tJiriviifjiiJix letters uui drink our applejack an' Inff!" aro ou a vialt to lire. Wittig's father, Georg lliu roims setting u slnir|> p«< Wiiniiiijjs in a nihutui which he bended Martin pur-sued her lumber!ugly, but Coo, who bought Mrs. Bwa'n's house a few We have made extensive preparations in our waist section. Every us tliey turned onbiwiird o Corner Academy and HaIsey Street "11 uiwiy i>( tilt! I >:i.v." sbe was agile as a monkey aud run months ago for a resiricucu. new spring novelty is here exhibited at the usual uniform low prices lor the pike toward bourn (one block fear of post office, Newark.) dodging up and down the counters and Whi'ii the Hrlrtt-m? buckbonrd liud lef Master Will Morgan, sou of Rev. William which the STRAUS STORE is noted. The following items will prove in"They'll uinkc; the eight nillea I tin* Oiurisruii'.ls fnv liehlml and bad mocked him, singing, "Gran'mammy, H Morgan, of Newark, who spent tlie wlnte teresting reading: three-quarters of uu hour," snid J«(U: UriscoG proudly, lio turned from h! limn* iu sinht «f riiittvlllo Mr. Itris- Tipsy Toe." At last she tlrctl of tbe at Ashville, N. C., iu ilia pine regions oa aePERSIAN AND INDIA LAWN WAISTS-Elaborately trimmed gnme nnd darted out of the door, flinguiij's visilur turned to Klsbeo with a couut of bronchial trouble, has recovei'tKl am daughter nt bis side to Alias Sherwood 1 with lace, liny tucks and hemstitching, twenty different styles to choose of successfully preparing young who sut with Mr. Kisboo behind them iviH'lilimi of tliu HliiviT that the laugh- ing back a bourse laugh a t him as sbe Js expected to come home tills week. from, all made with the new bishop sleeves and fancy stock collars, Q g £ men and young women for business went. He followed, but when be reachand pointed tthend with his whip ter ot Mr. Skilled bud caused her and It was rejiorted that Mrs. Shields had sold the regular $1.50 and $2 sort, in all sizes, choice and placing them into responsible "Just beyond that bend we pass throng! said half under her breath, "I wish—I ed the street she was a more shadow the Lacundy house to David Less, and while half wlxh-lhnt we lnUl not driven Hitting under the courthouse trees. He there was some ground for the rumor the Six Crossroads." anil good paying positions have BEAUTIFUL JAP AND CHINA SILK WAISTS-With new yoke looked after her forebodingly, then Miss Slicnvooi] leaned forwiird ongvr through tlieiv." Sin; clasped Mr. FIsileal was not cons urn ti tod, and the property and long shoulder effects, trimmed wi-.h Valenciennes lace and insertions. gained for this school the enviable ly, ""Whut did you mean last iiiRl. buu's hand gently. Ills eyus shone. Ho turned his eyes toward tbe Palace ho- 1B still iu the murket us Mm. Shields does not some are strictly tailor-made. We use only the best washable silks, giving distinction of being recognized aa after the lecture," she suld to Fisbei touched hw lingers with a strange, shy IPI on the corner. The editor of tbo wish to continue tbe business. our guarantee with every garment. Similar waists are selling al $4 2 7Cj the LAkOEST. OLDEST AND "when you asUed Mr. Mnrtln who wn reverence. and 55 in other stores, our special price only..'.' •' The roundhouse hero is getting a thorough BEST school of buBiness and shortto be with Mr. UurklcesV" "You will un?vt him tomorrow," he renovation. Much of the floor about the hand in New Jersey. It will give "Who was watching him," ho an- suid softly. stalls bns beeu ro fair]; the oil room has been Ml aooi« Odlt vered Free of Charge. Samples Sent on Application. swered. you more for your money and in She laughed nnd pressed his hand re-floored and a pah1 of steps (lives accesa to "Watching him? I don't under- "I'm ufitiid not. I was almost at his the attie so as to make the stores kept there less time than any other school in stand." aldo last night when Minnie asked him handy to reach. Tho inside of the house has this section of the country. Ask "Yes; they have sJiot nt him frou to call on me. He wasn't even interbeen whitewosaed, tho windows cleaned and C. A. CAWLEY, Seo'yl *»V. H. CAWLKY, Jit., Treas. any former Ooleman student—yon'll the woods ut night, and"— ested enough to look at me." frames pointed making a great improvement W. H. CAWUSV, President find one living near you. Catalogue "But who wnWlies him?" hi Us looks Inside and out. "The young meu of the town. Hi Efforts are lieing made to organize a to Something over two hours later, as free. has a habit of taking long walks uflu Mr, Tom Mart In was putting things to dies* society auxiliury to tho Brotherhood of J. KUdLER, Jr., Prln. dark, and he Is heedless of alf rcmoi rights iu his douiulu, the Dry Goods Locomotive Firemen, who hove a. Lodge here etrnnee, so the young men have organ Emporium, previous to hla departure nearly nineteen years old but have never had Manufacturing Carbonators and Bottlers Ized a guard fop him, nricl every oven- for the evculng's gossip mid checkers ladies organize. About twenty will probably Ing one of them follows him until be nt the drug store, be stumbled ovor make application for a charter and « ill start DISTRIBUTORS B A L L A N T I N E ' S goes to the office to work for the night, eotaethluts soft lying1 on the floor beout with the idea of enlisting as many as pot OP It is u different young umn each night, hind :\ counter. Tlio tiling rose nnd sible, as the order,takes uot oiily tbe wives, and tlie watcher follows nt a distauee, would hnve evaded him, but he put out but aUo tbe mothers, sisters and daughters of A NEW BEER, BO that he does not suspect." the members of the B. L. F. his hands and pinioned it nnd dragged —A*— "But how many people know of thli it to tlie tthuw window, wliui'u the light arrangement?" of tlie fading day dcUncd his capture. It's d i e Ltitle Colds "Neurly every oue In the county ex- Tlie capture shrieked ami squirmed that grows to big colds; tbe big colds that cept tbe Crossi-onds people, though Ills and fought on mostly. Grasped hy tho end iu consumption and deatu. Watch ibi not improbable that they have discov shoulder, lie held a lean, fierce eyed, Wholesale Dealer In ittlo colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. ered it." undersized girl of fourteen chid in one "And has uo one told him?" rugged cotton garment, unless the cout Our Mineral Waters are Guaranteed Pure and Non-alcoholic. "No; he would not allow it to cou- of dust she wore over nil might be esMORRISTOWN. • tlnuc. He will not even arm himself.1 teemed another. Her cheeks were salThe record of 277, made by Clifford 8. Ru"They follow and watch him night low, and hoi* brow was already shrewd"J'it nit pap to hill yc!" Canal street,between Sussex and Morris. L. D. Td. 49a —AUD— after iifgut, nntl every one knows and ly lined, and her eyes were as hypo- Herald was seated under the wooden tau ou the Tapkauw alleya Friday afternoon, no oue tells him? Oh, I must say," critical as they were savage. She Factories at Somervlllo, Dover, Flemlnglon and Plilllipsburg, N. J. awnitm, with bis elmlr. tllit'ii buck remained for only "one day. Saturday Edward cried the girl, "I think these are good very thin and little, but old .Tom's tigninst a past, tfnxliig dreamily at lbc Mitchell rolled SSO with eleven strikes and ono spare. people!" brown face grew u shade nearer white murky roil afU'i^low iu tho west. Misses Margaretta and Lucille Boyle, The buckbonrd turned the bund In the when the light fell upon her. "Wfjint*s 1!JL- n«e of tryln1 to' botliur ofTbe Family Trade Our Specialty. Brick Church, liava returned home utter road, and they entered a squalid settle"You're uo Flattvlllo girl," ho said him with it?" old Tom itsked lUins visiting their auut, Mrs. Jacob Wulfers, of ment built raggedly nhout a black- sharply. "lle'd only laugh." He noted thnt Pioe Btreet, smith shop and a saloon. "I'd hate to "You He!" criwl tlie child. "You lie! Wllllnm Todd, the drug, book Lave n breakdown here," Brlscoe re- I am! You leave me go, will you? I'm young Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Cutler, of Koh and wall paper clerk, sat near the ed- dena, marked quietly. have opened their country residence, 11 N. SUSSEX ST., DOVBW. lookin' for pap, and you're a liar!" itor, whittling absently. .Martin chuc- after spending tbe winter In New York. Half a dozen shanties clustered Hear "You crawled in here to sleep after kled. "William's turn tonight," he Mr. and Mrs. G, C. Wraith, of Wilmingthe forge, a few roofs scattered through your- fioveu mile walk, didn't you?" murmured. "Well, tlio boys *IJ take From Chicago every day in March and April, 1904, Incorporated rVarc:i 3rd, |ft74v ton, Del., are visiting friends iii Morrfstown. the shiftlessly cultivated fields, four or Martin went on. enre of him." He locked the doors of Miss Grace Babbitt, of Newark, is visiting Only $ 3 3 Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, five barns propped by fence rails, some "You're u liar!" slie screamed. the Emporium, tried them and dropped her grandmother, Mrs. Babbitt, of South ....THE... sheds with gaping apertures through "Look here," said Martin slowly, Portland, Seattle; Tacoma, and many other points kflvs in his pocket, street. Miiw Ainy Babbitt, of Newark, is the which the light glanced from side to 'you go hack to Six Crossroads and MORRIS COUNTY (To be ccntinved neut weel). guest of Miss Louise Babbitt, who lias been side, a squad of thin razorbuck hogs tell your folks that if anything happens on the Pacific Coast. Low rates to hundreds of other visiting In Newark during the last month. now and then worried by gaunt bounds, to a hair of Mr. Ilarkless' bead every points. Choice of routes if you select the nnd some abused looking hens groping shanty in your town will burn, and Tbe basketball game scheduled between FLANDERS. about disconsolately In the mire, Mr. and Mrs. William Durham liave n theY. M. C. A. team and tbe South End your grandfather, and your father, aud broken topped buggy with a twisted your uncles, and your brothers, aud moved to Succnsuuna. Field Club, of East Orange, has been canMorrlstown, New Jersey. wheel, settling Into the mud of the your cousins, and your second cousins, Miss Laura Seals Is spending some time celled. PHEBIOENT-HENRY W. MILLER. middle of the road (there was always nnd your third cousins will never have with her sister, MrCSllas Miller, of Dover. Miss Nellie Hlggins, of South street, is able VlCE-PREBiOEN-r-AURELIUSB. HULL. nbundnnt mud here In the driest sum- the good luck to see the penitentiary. Miss Kate Salmon, of Moutclnlr, has bc^i to be about after being confined to ber home - AMD TflEAIVREfT-H T. HULL mer); a dim face sneering: from a bro- Reckon you eon remember that mes- visiting with relatives in and lvar Flanders. alt winter. ASSETS, . . . . $2^42^4502 ken window—Six Crossroads was for- sage? But before I let you go to carry A meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held Mr. and Vra, Bennett Bowman and family bidding and forlorn enough by day. it I guess you might as well hand out LIABILITIES,- . . 2,40134 9* on Monday for Lambertville, where they Wednesday nigbt to organize an athletio The thought of what might issue from the paper "they sent ytm over here left club. There Is enough material for an excelwill reside. SURPLUS • - 241,460 08 it by night was unpleasant, nnd the lent team and with the* new Held iu King Mr. and Mm, Natban Scnuyler liavo r e Tickets good in tourist sleeping cars. Rate for legends of the Crossroads, together with-" "INTEREST Is dedatefl and paid i n Janustreet, there will be plenty of opportunity to ary and July of each year from the with an uiishapm threat easily fancied tute." He broke off suddenly and nod- maved from aear Canton to this place, on c. develop material. Baseball, football, tennis double berth, Chicago to California, only $7. Write profits of the previous six months' briefin tbe atmosphere of tbo place, made ded to a little old man in a buck E. MyerB'farin, ness. There will be special Easter services in the andtraok athletics will receive the most atturning off from the road into a Miss Sherwood shiver as (hough a cold to-day for complete information. tention. • 2>EP0SITS made on or before the 3rfl larrn lane which led up to a trim cot- Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon by draft had crossed her. day of January, April, July aud Ofr Tho annual ball of Humane Engine Comtage with a honeysuckle vine by the tho Sunday school. tober draw interest from the first day ol "It Is so slnisterl" she exclaimed. door. "Tlint's Mrs. Wimby's husband," Thomas L. Walters, of Bound Brook, won pany will be held Tuesday evening of next said, months respectively. Correspondence Solicited. "And so unspeakably mean! This Is said the judge iu an undertone. recently a visitor for a short time with bis week in Washington Hall. The last of tho subscription dances given where they live, the people that bate Miss Sherwood observed that Blrs. sister, Mrs. F. P . Hildebrant. under tho auspices of the *'4Cn" will be given him, is it? The White Caps?" Wimby's husband was remarkable for The MissesEdiLh and Eva Miller, ot Dover; OENERAU EASTERN AGENT, "They call themselves that," replied the exceeding pJaintiveness of his ex- re spemUng several days with tlieir grand- Easter Monday night in Washington Hall. Mrs. I. R. Sflverberg, of Early street, forBrlscoe. "Usually White Caps are a pression. He was a weazened, blank, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Seals, vigilance committee in a region where pale eyed little man, with a thin white Tbe members of tbe M,E, Church at tended merly of Newark, was agreeably surprised at 381 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. the law isn't enforced. These fellows mist of neck whisker, aud be was services in the Presbyterian ^Church, Rev, ber homo Sunday evening by friends In. honor of her birthday. Among those pr. sent were aren't that kind. They got together to ressed in clothes much too large for Ir. Conklin being away to c uference. itr. and Mr*. S. Dannan, of New YYirk; Mr wipe out grudges, and sometimes didn't him. No more inoffensive llgure than Rev. E. H. ConUin, of tho M. E. Church, need any grudge—just made their raids this feeble.little old umn could, he im- preached In the Davis Memorial Cburuh Iu and Mrs. Max Brown, Mrs. L. Jacobs, of for pure devilment. There's a feud be- agined, yet his was the distinction of East Newark last Sunday night on Invitation Brooklyn; Mr. Arthur Kulms, of Boston,and Mr. and Miu Maurice Kuhns, of Chicago ' twGou us and them that goes back Into having received a hostile visit frotn his of the pastor, pioneer diiys, and only a tew of us old leighbors of the Crossroads. A vagic* Mm Mary J, Sbarp, who has been spentf- and Ira Dortnan, of Newark. folks know much about it." ionding tluker, he had worried'the one iug several weeks with her bister, Mi's. Robei t Tho Morris Academy baseball team had its "And he was the first to try to stop respectable person of the section, a !. Carlisle, of Newirk. has returned to her first outdoor practio Friday afternoon and widow, who had refused several gen- home iu Bartley. the boys showed up well. Seven inemthorn?" "Well, you see, our folks are pretty tlemen nt the Crossroads, and so coruMiss Helen Bart ley, of Perldomen Ptmi- •t-ra of last year's team are sure of a place. I Colonist one-way tickets) to Pacific Coast ilete was the bridegroom's insignifiTheother places are being hotly contested for. long suffering," said Briscoe apologetnary, Pcnnslmrg, Pa., is spending tlie Easter ically. "We'd sort of got used to the cance that to ull the world his own vacation of ten dayB with her parents, Mr. On account of tho i lnesa of Justice Abom j points, daily until April 29th, , $ 5 0 . 0 0 name was lost. Tlie bride continued to Q. Garretson, tbo trial of Frank Butsa for meanness of the Crossroads. It took aid Mrs. Samuel Bartley. FOR CONVENIENCE SAKE f.ie murder of.Minnie Root, at Hlbemia Jatt a stranger to stir tilings up, and he ie known by her former name OH "Mrs. Los Angeles or Sau Francisco, Cal., and let us put Into your houses some, or^ Mr. aud Mrs. Britttu H. Shepherd, tf did. He sent eight of them to tlie peni- Wimby," mid her spouse wtrs usually PlaiuOeld, returned to their home Saturdny •inter, has heni postponed until tbe Vay culled "Widder "Woman Whnby's husreturn, April 2'2 to 30. Eeturn limit all, ol the following devices: :. tentlary, some for twenty years." r a wtek's stay with tlieir parents, Mr. »rm of court. It will probably begin tn ANNUNCIATORS, TELEPHONES Wednesday, May 4. As they passed tho saloon a roan band" or "Mr. AVImby." The bride sup- uud Mrs. James T. Shepherd. '.June 30. . . . . . . $67.00 plied his wardrobe with the garments Tho widely circulated story that Richard stepped Into the doorway and looked Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 8 Able and family BELLS, BURdLAR ALARMS, of her former husband, nnd, alleging 1 a t them. He was con ties a and clad In have removed to this place from Ketcong . A. McCurdy, president of the Mutual Life INCANDESCENT LIMITS, garments worn to the color of dust this proceeding as the cause of their Mr. Ablo will open a whoelwriRht Imsness In Insurance Compauy of New York, is very HI sfLOUIS^WORLD'S FAIR EXCURSION TICKETS, Commencing April His bare head was curiously malform- anger, tlie White Caps broke into the tbe shop formerly occupied by Bennett Bow- in California, and that he is to be brought Season tickets, (return limit December 15) $ 3 4 , 0 0 - Sixty day tickets, etc. Our supply ol these goods Is of farmhouse one night, tore the old man aoine immediately, is an error. Mr. Mc-8 2 8 . 3 5 - Fifteen-day tickets, $ 2 3 . 2 5 . Season and sixty-day ticket the very latest make and design. Our ed, higher on one side than on the othman, er, and though the buckbonrd passed from his bed and before his wife's eyes George Gray, of Bartley, had the misfor- Cunly Is not ill and has not been ill. On prices are moderate. Consult us rapidly and a t a distance tills singular hishud 1iiin wftb sapling shoots till he tune to catch his foot between the sled runner Friday of last week he mul his party were ex- good via Chicago in one direotion if desired. Coach excursion, May 11, lopsldcdncss was plainly visible to the was near to death. A little yellow cur and a tree while hauling firewood, recently, pected to arrive at Santa Barbara, and their (return limit 10 day) $ 1 8 . 0 0 . RICHARD P. WARD, that hud followed his master on his occupants, lending an ugly significance straining tlie foot badly, but without sorious Itinerary brings them home about April 15. For tickets and full particulars call on any Lackawanna agent or address to his meager, yellow face. He was wanderings was found licking tho old injury. The mubic Easter Sundays is always an ' . " 'el. 84.R. 11 North Sussex st. .Dover. tall, lean, hard, powerfully buJJt. Ho man's wouuda, and tbey deluged tlie Tbe infant son ot Mr, aud Mrs. Nelson O. especial feature of St. Peter's Church, and G U Y A D A M S , Division Passenger Agent, eyed the strangers with affected lan- dog with kerosene and then threw the King, of Mount Olive, pnssod away after a this year the grnud organ will 1» suppleguor and then, when they had gone by, poor animal upon a bonfire they had brief life Saturday morning. The funeral mented by two trombones, two trumpets and MAN OR WoriAN. 749 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. made and danced around In heartiest broke Into sudden-loud laughter. earvices were lield Sunday afternoon and fn- two drums. Mozart's Mass No.,7, la B flat, enjoyment.. 8 will be sung, the unthem being Martin's "That was Bob Sklllett,. the. worst of " ° r " O l t l a n i n D o s e r or irment was made at Mount Olive; 11 paper is read that h-»5 a the lot," said the judge. "Hurkless The man recovered, hut that was no A creamery; owned and operated by a Magiilty His Nauio." J. L. Janeski, tenor; Capital $(00,000 " " h u s b a n d or friend sent his son and one brother to prison, palliation-of the offense to the mind of et'cfc company of prominent farmers in this D G. Ueeching, bass, and Harold Arnold, so nking LIQUOR ? and it nearly broke his heart that he a hot eyed young Minn from the east 'icinlty, is to be opened soon In tbe building prano, will he the soloists The large boy nt erested in their Surplus 30,000 L M L Mr / Si hj T ,t e u s a n deniMh couldn't swear to Bob." who was besieging the county authori- known as the " old boiler work," which has loir connected with this church is one if fina out what , ' When they were beyond the village ties for redress and ivrJtI»ff*briiD8tone been purchased of Henry M. Sovereign, of aefinestIn tho country. Lane Method is and why li i i Directoi-s of the Morris County Club have and In the open roatKngaln Miss Slier- and saltpeter for hla paper, The pow- elianou. wood took a deep breath. "I think I ers of the county proving cither lack- Atthe recent borse Bale of TV. W.Triramer adopted a new set of plans. These call for a Special breathe more freely. That WOB a hid adaisical or timorous, ho appealed to unusually good prices -ware received for a flue huftdfog 110 feet long "instead of 190 feet. Department those of the state, and he went every lot of horses. About eighteen •were sold a t This will cut tho expense down to about £50,- Commercial eotis laugh he sent after us." The jndge glanced at his guest's face night to sleep a t a farmhouse the own- an average of (ICO each. The sale BOS one 000, Workmen bave started to clear up the Credits 3}f per cent, interest and chuckled. "I guess wo won't er of which had received a warning t the best of tbe kind ever held in tho place. rubbish left aftor tho fire last fall and to take quarterly. all points. frighten you much," he said. "Young from the White Caps, and one night it Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Myers had a down the old walls. One of the features of lady, I don't believe you'd be afraid of befell thnt he was rewarded, for the rather exciting return to their home from >be club to bo abandoned will be the swimrpool. DuringtbecomingBuinmerthere Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued many things, would you? You don't raiders attempted an entrance. He and Sunday school last Sunday afteuoon k Just available in all parts look like it. Besides, the Crossroads he farmer and the farmer's sons beat after leaving the cliurcti, tile horse feeling will be very little doing at tho olub. No dates of the world. > been made for any tournaments as there isn't PJattville, nnd the White Caps tr the marauders and did a satisfacto- particularly good from standing, bieked over The John J. Little Co., have been too scared to do anything ry amount of damage In return. Two tbo whiflletreo and fell, breaking the shaft. will be no accommodations. EDWAllD a w i , I much except try to get even with tho Miba Florence Vundortilt Twombly lias the White Gaps they captured and The occupants and horse escaped injury. No. 43 Main Street, NEWTON, N~ J, • J-VlcePres'ts. Herald for the last two years—ever bound, aud otlicra they recognized. Tbe Board ot Trustees ot tbo M. E. Church uned the girl friends who will precede her I. W. SE4UIN0, Pres't. H. M. GKOIIOI!, I E. W. RosEVEitt, Sec'y Trens since it went for them.'- They're lay- Then the state iiuthoritlcg hearkened to now fa as follow: \V. L. Morgan, Gh S.Wnck, to tho altar of St Thomas' Church April 19, ' i n g for Ilarkless partly for revenge and the voice of the Herald and its owner. George Wack.W. S/HUQT, Silas Slitter, Jacob fhen Bhe will wed William A.M. Burden A WrKlnB Paper SneRolion. partly because they daren't do any- There wore arrests, anil in the course Parl'ament, M. B. Hildebrant, Jr., F.V. Bur- As a matter of course, Miss Ruth Twombly thing until he's out of the way." " of time there was a trial. Every prls- roughs and B, F, Pool.* After tbe election wilt bo her sister's maid of honor. The brides- If you have your address stamped on your note paper, remember wLen Tho girl gnvo a low cry "With a sharp iner proved an alibi—could hnve proved the.board reorganized with G.. S. WacU, maids are Miss Gwendolen Burden, sister of ordering a supply to buy also a few dozen—but the editor of the Herald, president; W. L. Morgan, secretary, and M. the bridegroom; Miss Fredorica Wobb, the quires of tho intake of breath. "Ah, oaegtowa tired snmo paper to use unoride's cousin; Miss Theresa Iselin, daughter of this everlasting American patience! if ter virtually conducting the proaecu- R. Hildebrant, jr., treasurer. Btamped. Whou n friendly letWhy don't the Plnttvillo people do lon, went upon the stand and swbre to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters, their brother f Adrian Iselin; Miss Cornelia Bryce, daugh- ter you will oftenwriting neca more tbun one nan after man. Eight men went to nd sister, Frank and Miss Florence Peters, ter of General and Mrs.- Lloyd Bryce; Mfes fiheet, and tbe uddress something before they"— on the second is "It's just as I Bay," Briscoe answer- he penitentiary on His evidence, five of Orange, have -been spending a ahort timo Pauline Robinson, daughter of S. Beverly not merely unnecessary, but is quite a ed. "Our folks are sort or .used to tt them for twenty years. The Platt- with Mr. aud Mrs George Vay. Saturday Robinson, and Miss Charlotte Jones, daugh- blemtsli, and your unstamped paper them. I expect wo do about all we illc brass baud Serenaded the editor.of evening Mr. and Mrs. Vay also entertained , ter of Mi's, Frauk Jones, of Boston, -who is a will snve the repetition and effect a sister to Mr. Twombly. The ushers chosen can. The boys look after him nights, be Herald again. veral friends from Flanders in lionor ot slight economy.. but the main trouble is that we can't There wore no more raids, and the Mr, Vay's birthday snuiversary. Mr. Peters by Mr. Burden are Lewis Cass 3>dyard, jr., James Lawrence, jr., H. Hogera Wlnthrop, A Lazy Liver mako Iilm understand he ought to lie Hx Crossroads men who were left kept P*PPOSltu (J, S. PatenTl vo 8 number ot fine selections on ono of(•William P.Woodward, CbarlesDanaDraper, makes a Uzy man. Burdock Blood Bittern Is more afraid of them. It he'd lived hero o their hovels, appalled and shaken, Edison's beat phonographs and refreshments William Poat, John Saltonstall and Francis all his lite he woithlhc,It they #ct >ut a s time went by nnd left them tin- wereBerved, the natural, never falling remedy for a laiv ^. • I Loo Htggfnsoa, tha Jaxt too ot Boston. film there'll be tiouble of an illcirnl nurecovered a measure of Urer. CAHO ~ E l 15he Gentleman From Indiana ' • • Women's WaistslorEasterT^ Forty=two Years THE W. H. CAWUEY CO. Beers, Ales and Porters. HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE $1.00 PER BOTTLE Special Brew H. D. MOLLER'S, per box. WINES, MQU0R8 CIGARS $33 to the Pacific Coast H, D. MOLLER, SAVINGS BANK Chicago, Milwaukee <£ St Paul Railway. S. HOWELL, Lackawanna Bales BLBCTIP SUPPLIES Railroad THE DOVER TRUST COMPANY CHICHESTERSPILLS PATENTS THE EBON ERA, DOVEB, N. J., APRIL. 1, 1904. WOMEN'S WORK AT THE FAIR. H1BERNIA. WHARTON. GERMAN VALLEY. •vw-fc-v-* Frank Rowe spent Sunday at Dover with "" A number of people at this place attended Irving Miocldtt in on the sick list. Aug. Lunger, pf Rockfiwoy, ni>ent the first the M, E. Conference at Newark this weuk, h's children. DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN Mrs. Frank Huzen, of Rockaway. viblUxl part of the weak in towu. Mrs. Jehu Sparnon visited her daughter in Miss Lydia Runyon in tbe guest of her OPENING her mother, Mrs. Mary EuBtice, on Saturday. Dover on Sunday. H/vlNDSONE slater, Mrs. David Swartz SftT., MARCH 2 6 . UNTIL SAT., APRIL 2 . Fierce Everett has removed with hiu family Maggie tficbols, a t Upper Hiberula, On Every Committee There Will Be hasMIBB Daniel Smith spent Sunday witb bla parSPRING from Whartuu proper to the Luxemburg tbe scarlet fever. SOUVENIR ent, Mr. end Mm Alfred Bmith. VVB. John Moore spent Saturday with her side. at Least One of the (rentier Robert Campbell, of Newark, is visiting at ANNOUNCEJames Spargo this week purchased a corkmother, Mrs. Margaret Moore. TO ALL Sex—News Notes. The Btork recently visited the home of. Ing good team of bays of George Stjuiers, of the borne of William Duffurd, Jr. Mrs George K. Vulk is cuuvuit^ciug from MENT, Cheater. Mahlon Docker leaving afineboy. LAOY VISIBY COUNTESS DE MONT AIOU. The Rev. T. F. Chambers will preach in a bftvere attack of heart trouble. The public school has reopened after a close Woman'* work at tbe World's Fair will of ten days oa account of scarlet fever. Miss Lydla Thomas ii visiting her ulster SATURDAY, the Luxemburg Presbyterian church on SunTORS THE not as heretofore be sequestered in a building Mrs. A M Larrlaon, in Mendham, Mrs. Frank Mills and child, of Dover, are day at 7 p. M. by itself, as If unworthy to compete witb 'spending a few days with her relatives, Former Collector A P. Down Is convalesMARCH 2 6 , A special meeting of the Borough Council FIRST tbat of men; It will be classified witb the | Tnei'4 Is another case of scarlot fever in will be held oa Monday night for the pur- cent from a severe attack of the grip. acn'evemeuts of tbe sterner Bex, compelling New Row in the family of Thomas Nichols. pose of selecting fire chiefa. ENDING 8. 13. Park was a lay delegate to tbe NewOPENING recognition or defeat according to its worth. A large delegation from Hopewell Lodge, ark M E. Conference There were no services in tbe church on SATURDAY, The Board of Lady Managers has the priv- Sunday last, but it Is expected that the new E. of P. of Wharton, attended the funerul of D/\Y, Miss Hettie Howell is on a visit to her ilege of appuiutmg a woman on every jury pastor to he on hand Easter. brother, John Howell, in Uockawuy^ Chavlea Zeek at Berkshire on Monday. APRIL 2. MARCH 26. to pronounce oa the merit of woman's work. A. E. Button, of Newark, was a recent Alfred Osborne received word thia week John Ruska was killed in the Andover mine Feminine handicrafts will be more generally at noon Tuesday. The rope broke and the that his daughter, Mrs. Mary Ridner, of guest of Dr. Edward Button. exploited than ever before; tbe women will be car full of ore felt to the bottom striking him Newark, was seriously ill in a Newark hosHorace Todd, of New York City, was a reP exceptional saving opportunities will appeal to those who are particular about tLeir wearing represented in art, education, manufactures, on the head and almost crushing it to a pulp. pital.. cent guest of Mrs. Emily S. Todd. apparel, our store will be thronged all day with buyers. We think we've more exclusive styles metallurgy, agriculture, foreatiy. horticul- Be was about 28 years old and leaves a wife At the recent orgauiztnjr of tbe Board of A surprise family reunion was tendered ture, transportation, etc. to show you than any other Btore. Our opening will be a moat notable event. Every clever style and one child. Daniel Flchter on Bunday, the occasion being Education M. T.Welsh was elected president, Women have but ono building distinctly hia G4th birthday. Here's hoping " Undo md P. B. Dufford, clerk. which will make it immensely interesting and bear in mind that while the prices are low the qualitheir own, tbe Board of Lady Managers being L e t t e r t o A. E. A U g r u u u . Airs. M- C, Thorpe has returned to SuccaDan" sees many more. fies are not. comfortably housed In a spacious structure. Walter Elite aud James Farr wore duck sunua, after spending naveral days with her Dover, If. J. Never before ha* suoh a considerable sum In oonjunotion with our other showing in all our other departments the Dear Blr; This story cub] two ways, and hunting at Lake Denmark oa Wednesday, daughter, Mrs Elmer E. Beams. been employed in hospitality; these ladies inAll's. Win. Dufford is the guest of her parEllis went duck hunting on Tuesday also and tend to keep open house for the entertain- teaches two sets of people. great feature will be our handsome line of EASTEB MILLINERY. ents, Itev, and Mr/ Alfred A Hilkr, of succeeded in getting a ducking only. ment of the 'Various cluba and patriotic or- Father Galvln, Westerly, B. I., had his cliurch and residence painted. Good j o b ; Mr. and Mrs. James Spargo spent the fore Hartwick, N. Y. ganizations. The funeral of Bauson Stephens, TO years part of the weak with Mrc. George Robinson and this Is now he went at it. Every state building will keep open house, Measured all carefully—seems t o hare of Roseville. While there Mr. Spargo visited old, was held at his late home last Monday -most of them being presided over by a lady. afternoon, Rev. H, Preston McHeury ofllclatthe session of the M. E. Conference at The visiting organizations of women will known Devod. ing. Interment was made in th« family plat Then got bids from the painters, paint to Newark. moke a brave showing. in the Union Cemetery at Naugbright. A number of friends and-relatlves gathered bfi supplied by them and by him. The Federation of Women's Clubs and the The body of Anthony Btelce, whose funeral at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Fred. King on Saved 170 by using Devoe. patriotic and fraternal societies have mon One of thoBe painters ought to have got Friday night of last week to aid In rightly was held in Dover last Monday, was interred - opolized at leaaf half of the 260 conventions celebrating that couple*' eighth wedding an- n the family plot at Naughrlght Monday that money. Yours truly,' ' to be held during the exposition. afternoon. 18 P. W. DEVOE & Co. niversary. A jolly time was bad. Exhibits demonstrating tbe fact that the One of German Valley's young men took B. E. Hart who was formerly^employed at A. M. Goodale, Dover, and Castner, HogerB sorcalled weaker sex Is entering fresh fields the Wharton furnace, removed his family his best girl out for an automobile ride reThe most attractive stock we've yet shown. Smart, chic, tasteful creations that of sndtavor, will be in evidence, Women & Co., Whavton, sell our paint. and household goods to Norristown, Fa., to- cently and being so absorbed iu the doctrine impress not only with thoir beauty and quality but with value represented ior who run stock farmB in Ohio and Colorado day. Mr. Hart has the contract to macada- of cupld, lost his overcoat, and didn't discover will show blooded cattle. A mining magnate value is first consideration here. CHESTER. _./ mize a considerable portion of roadway in bis IOSB until ha reached his destination. And will display specimens of ore, and a Southern it was a frosty night, too. Love is sometimes Miss Slater, of Morristown, is the guest of that section. cotton planter will emphasize the fact that a Mrs. Charles Flhia for a few days. The Rev. William 13, Blakeslee will preach equal to a Yukon heater. woman can manage a plantation. From tfa« Kuno C. NOTLK. Miss Nicholas entertained over Sunday Mr. in St. John'i church on Sunday at 10 ;S0 A. M. middle West comes a successful foundryand 7 p. M.~ At the morning service tbe SacRlbtenhouse, of tfetcong, woman, while the head of a great wagon Mrs. Charles Bcrlbner has returned afler rament of the Lord's Supper will be adminA beauty doctor recommends tho use factory hails from New York. As raisers of istered and the evening service will be an of tho following lotion for blackheads: small fruits and .in dairying and poultry spending a fortnight In Dover. Easter sermon. Miss Dawson has returned to New York One ounce of spirits of rosemary and keeping women will compete for recognition These suits at $22- 98 are copies of the latest Here's a stirring sale of particularly handwhere she Is spending sometime with friends A notice to property owners of this borough half a dram of boraclc acid added to imported models and are made of tho new PanaSeveral women of artistic bent have been lere.' 1B published in another column setting forth three ounces of water. Sue says that some Buits, same style as shown along side,made engaged by the dairy companies to model In ma cloth in black, blue and brown, along side, Mrs. William Wolverton, of Easton, Is an order to clean up their property. A sec- this should be rubbed into the ekui in the new collarless Eton and Blouse styles, of long shouldered effect, Blurred and finished with butter, and in this plastic material have spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. tion of an ordinance of the Board of >iealth thoroughly. There is nothing In it to achieved wonders. , fine cheviots in black and blue and brown broad- fancy ornaments, full blouse back autl front, finis quoted and the least penalty is ten dollars injure or inflame the skin. Smitb. .' Of the half million dollars expended fn Dr. Benjamin Hedges, of Plainfleld, was a for not complying. cloths. The jacket is satin lined, handsomely ished with high girdel of plaided silk, wide balsculptural decoration women have secured a guest of his mother, Mrs. A. E. Hedges, The Rev. William ff. Blakeslee, formerly trimmed, crushed silk belts, skirts in the new Joon sleeves with lace cuffs, new model dress ,,- considerable part. Six are included lit the over Sunday. pastor of Bfc. John's M. E. church, of this blouse. TheBe 135.00 suits on special sile at distinguished corollary of artists selected to gored styles. Suit on special Bale at $ 1 1 . 9 8 . Mr. and Mrs. Hamuel Stelce and family plac6, has been made a supernumerary. As $22 98. embellish the buildings. In the Art Palace attended the funsral of the former's father, pastor of St. John's tho Rev. Blakeslee en- C u » te moit peepl* »nd HUH miny the work of feminine painters compares which was held at Dover on Monday. Handsome line of Ladies', AlisBes and Childeared himself to hU people in a manner trouilM,—pimplM, boili and other . Ladies' and Misses' fancy tailored made suits favorably with that of men. In rug weavdren's separate coats in Covert, Taffeta and Peau The Aunt Jerusha's quilting party enter- wholly lasting and his goinx Is viewed with •ruptloDi, beiidw lou of sppetit*, ing, working in metal, book binding and special 5 . 9 8 - 7 . 9 8 , regular price 8.00-10.00. tainment Was held In Days' Music Hall last sincere regret. Tho Rev. Fred. L, Rouads, de Soie. decorative 'work, <roman has made great tlut t i n ! fteling,fluat bilioiuiwu, Friday evening netted $58. Amone those of Bound Brook, has been assigned to this progress.. iBdlfutlam u d hwdtch*. Ladies' Separate Skirts from 1.98 to 10-98 who took part in the entertainment were the charge. The Model Nursery emanated from a following: Lydia Squier, Mabel Drake, A fine line of Voiles, Nuns' Veiling, Crepe de Th« • » • « on* f *tiridot them tht for the opening days. We have Dress (roods woman's brain, and 1B equipped aud run by a LIUle Nichols, Rose Stone, Nettle Thorpe, Ohene, Cheviots, Broadcloths and mixed goods. k*ttn, u d th< w v to get rid of them committee from the Board of Lady Managers, Dora Budd, Mrs. J. Tredway, Mabel Tredand trimmings to suit you all. In prices we are u « t * kaUd mp tkt lyitem that hai In education, women pedagogues will show wa'y, Viola Sheets, Carrie Commons, Esther Special for Saturday, the a6th—100 pieces lowest. . n l M Cr»m tktn ii to tokt what boa been accomplished. Benkel, Mae Dee, Nellie Chapman, Maryof 8o and 9o toweling, 5 yds to each customer at BOROUOH OF WHARTON. , Many of the concessions for -restaurants Frost, Harry Baiker; Frank Pritto, William 4c per yd. • We have the Voiles, Crepe de Paris, Orepe ' have been sought by women. la fact, in Appleby, Samuel Stone, Alfred Dudley, All property owners aro hereby notified to v everything pertaining to progress women will. H»rbert Conover, Leslie Thorpe, Matt Pljmn, clean their property as per the Rubjoined tie Chinee, Black Feau de Soie, Panama Cloths, Annual Sals of Wahts ordinance before April M, 1904, after which " take a hand. Fred. Thorpe, Charles Flynn. data tbe borough authorities will arrange to Cheviots, Broadcloths and others too numerous Here are wonderful waists values, GOO Crepe remove tbe garbage weekly. Tbe garbage to fa •mfclaitlan th« Spring be placed in boxes or barrels aud easily acto mention and trimminga to match all colors o de Chine Wnists at $4.98- Same style as shown f a i r N e w s Note«. of untqu«llod . MAKES WOBk EASIER. cessible. ; • alongside in the new spring shades-chanipagno, . Thirty-five miles of roadway have bean dreBS goods. J. H. w ILLIA:MS, Mayor. lmj f l t | l m th* blood u light blue,white and black yoke,buck aud Bleeves constructed within the World's Fair grounds. DOVER FPOPLC ABB FLEABED TO LEARN W E . FOBOE, Clerk. iktwa \j aa*fwdtod,Mdlul andiwwith clusters of pin tuck and front of HOW IT IS DOSE. Ninety thousand gallons of water will pour AIT ORDINANCE And BB Easter is sooa on hand, if you wish a finished tt • waist trimmed with Val lace, full pouch, sleeves, over the three cascades at the World's Fair of the Board of Health of the Borough of fine garment made in our store place your order It's pretty hard to attend to duties, ouffs and collars trimmed with Val lace. These Wharton, Morris County, N. J., relating to every minute • ' *" With a constantly aching back ; filth and garbage, the accumulation, removal •aaM I*M<I' on time as the department is very busy. 600 waists special at 4.98••Us, nmptaa More than 200 kinds'of rice are shown in and depositing thereof, and providing for tbe With annoying urinary disorders; punishment of persons offending aguintt tho M N M i af Mit Siam'B agricultural display at the World's Paarlaala Doan's Kidney Pills make work easier. Saturday, April 2nd, and Following Week if Any are Left. same. • ' •Fair.- "\_ .' ' "• . ' '. ; ' They cure backache. Be it ordained by the Board of Health of A $6,00 Peau i3e Cene Waist at 3,69. Peau de Soie Eton Jaokets-~soinething new—special at The biggest searchlight In the world \ M the Borough of w barton, in tbe County of They cure every kidney ill. 4,98 and 7,98 Ladies' Peau de Soie Champagne Coats, embroidery collar, lace cuffs, New York be seen at the Worlds Fair. ' It was. recently William' Cleave, of Searing street, black- Morris, as IOIIOWB, to wit: mo mMltato, kit ha m to 1 Bee 1. Tbat no animal or vegetable sub.finished in an electric plant at Lowell, Mass. smith shop on Morris street, says: " I wasBtance prices $15,00, our price 10.98or garbage, not street Bireepl gs, •at BMd'i, u d c* It today. It .Weighs nearly four tons, is of fi,2M,000 subject to a, severe pain* across my back and papor, muck or curt, gathered In cleaning 1 yards, buildings, cellars or sewers, nor waste candle power and projects a beam of ligLt dull achiug in my loins I ooutd not turn of mills or factories, nor any materials which Bevebrteetrinduun ter. . in bed wittiout having a sharp acute twinge are offensive or tend by decaying to become Tb$ guides who will operate the push chairs in iny loins Such work as shoeing horses putrid or to render the atmosphere Impure, 1 or unwholesome, shall be deposited Alexander Kanouse and Joseph Bowman, at tlie Louisiana Purchase Exposition will be caused me intense pain. I saw Doan's Kidney unpleasant upon, used to fill up or raise the surface «r partners tradlug, & c , as A. Kauoute & OPEN1NQ.OF NEW SPRING AND^ASTER CLOTHING FOR MEN AND . selected from the students of universities in" •Pills highly recouimflnded in our daily paper level of any lot, ground, street or alley in tbe and I concluded to give them' a trial. 1 got Borough of W barton, unless pursuunt to a Co., vs*. A. B. Baxter & Co, In attachthe Untied States. Hundreds of applications r ment. On contract. . BOYS, NEW SPRING SHOES, SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS them at KUlgore & White's drug store and special permit from the Board of Health, I N pursuance of an order of publication have been made. Preference >U1 be given : Auy person or persons, or corporation viomade in the above stated cause, on the FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. . to students work'ng their, way through col- after using them a short time I was entirely lating tbe provisions of th's or being the day of the date hereof ; fc. lege. Every succEsful applicant must weigh free froth my .bachacbe My mother also owner or any lot and allowing or permitting Notice is hereby given that a writ 'of atSPECIAL BOYS' SUITS, beautiful new de-' BOYS' NEW PERCALE SHIRTS, 50c. kind used this remedy for nervousness, and wasany of the aforesaid substances to be deposnot leas than 1-W pounds, must not bo less tachment was issued in Baid cause out of the signs, positive $2.50 value at $1.50. at 39o. each,- with and without collars. benefttted very much. She, as well as my- ited upon the same, stall on conviction thereof said Morris County Circuit Court, on tbe than nvc Lot seven and one half Inches tall, forfeit and pay a penalty of not lees than ten self,.thinks Doan's Kldnoy Tills are a reliable thirtieth day of January, 1004, aud returnMEN'S SPRING SUITS, latest cut, well and JIB age must be between IU and 33 years remedy. I will take pleasure in recommend- dollars nor more than twenty five dollars for ablo on tho 23d day of Fobrunry tbou next; MEN'S FANCY HOSE, 15c. values at 100. of the court, at tbe suit of the said plaintiffs, Alexander tailored, all new weaves, fancy and plain colors, per pair. . Eighty-one companies,, firms and Individ- ing them to anyone I hear complatting of a each effenoe, in the discretion : bes des cost of convictiou.' Kanouse and Joseph Bowman, partners trad' : uala will aid iu making Tennessee s mineral lame back." positive value $10.00 ; special $6.98. Sec. 1 of ordinance da'ed March 15th, 1003, ing, &o., es^A. Kanouse & Co,, against the New styles in MEN'S SPRING HATS, soft exhibit at the WorldV Fair. They w-H conestate of A. B. Baxter & Co,, for the sum of in tbe Sanitary Code. 20-2tv Doan's Kidney PlUs for sale by a'l dealers; MEN'S GOOD QUALITY PANTS, new and stiff, Dunlap and Youngs shapes, $2.00 tribute specimens of the following ininerals; six thousand dollars, and duly returned into price 60 cents. Uailed on receipt of price said court oa the twenty-third day of Febspring colors, sizes 32 to 44; $2'.5o kind at $1.75 Hats at $1.50. Coal,[coke, iron, copper, zinc, lead, marble, ruary, 1H04. : Bhite, .barytes, silica, gold, phosphate, dolo- by Fostor-MUburn Co., Buffalo,. N. Y., sole Dated February 25,1904. i mite,-m-nsftutwe, pyrites,of iron, clays, agents for the United States. DANIEL 8. VOORHEES, Remember the name Doan's and take no Signature . lftbu^ia^ihing sWt>, petroleum, .mineral . Clerk "_^ - " of waters, cement, t>ii->lo, onyx, building stone, substitute. ' B. W. ELLICOTT, Att'y for Plaintiffs, • pottery i.nMiuiti, tire brIckAetc. ' Madam la Y o u r Toilet Table Properly Dover, .N. J. 16-5w <0iuaker Student** F l a n . We sell Shoes that wear wall, feel comforta- soles, broad and cuban heels, regular $2.50; ' 'lii^Knighte of Columbus have opened an bleand look stylish. They are the only kind special $ 2 . 0 0 per pair. inforihatioD bureau in the Commercial build- Ton may Imailueit is, and It may he, but' Efforts are'bciug made by the BtuNOTICE TO CREDITORS. ing atfSt. LouiB. The object is to furnish not unless AaeptlkOD, t i e fragrant antiseptic, flents at tbB University of Pennsylvawe CAN sell ; the only kind we WANT to sell. Little Mep's Shoes from &'/ to 13}^, regular iufoniiotion_regardlng the World's Fair to tootlr powder, i> prominent. This pieparn- ' nia to raise a fund to send Professor ESTATE OF GEORGE A- DRAKE, DKOKABED, The Uncle S a m Shoe, for Men and Boys, are $1.25 ; special $1.00 per pair.2 U perfection, favoured by fastidicus George 13. Kistler, swimming inBtruct• inquiring'momb rs The liueaii will also ttbn Pursuant to the order of the Surrogate of superior to any shoe on the market. New lasts, folks and endorsed by dentbta whn knowB Girls' Shoes, 11^ to 2, regular $1.50; special look af ter the welfare of \ha visiting Knights Prtoi 26 ote. For sale bv KillRore & White. orfttthe Houston club, to Europe tho the County or Morris, made on tltefifthday latest up-to-date shapes. Every pair guaranFebruary A D , one .thousand niue huucoming Bummer. Kistler ,1s conflde'nt of and their families > Mle attoadlng the expodred and four notice is hereby given to all teed to wear, $2.0O,$2.5O,$3.O0 and $ 3 5 0 $1.25 per pair. that he can swim the 'English channel 'persons having claims cgainst the estate of sition.; The order has nearly 5C0,OUO mem Tlie ;Most Popular D e n t i s t In Y o u r Infants' Soft Sole Shoes, all colois, 19c. pair. per pair. • anal proposes to go abroad and train George A. Drake, late of the County of Mor. • ••' b e r s . ;•_ • . " .• • ' ',' . " •• • .. T o w n ' ' ris, deceased, to present the eauie, under oath Patent Leather Shoes for confirmation and Women's Shoes, made of^-Kidskin, Patent faithfully for the trial. In order to or Tba headquarters of tbe National Bureau affirmation, to the subscriber on or before he In abreast of toe time, will tell you that mnke the plan a popular one the Len- the fifth day of November next, being nlno Leather and Ideal Patent Kid • some have nat- communion; also SLIPPERS of every kind. of Identification will be removed fromtWash- If Peroxide is tbe besc antiseptic for tbe mouth. ural kid tops, medium and broad extension NEW SPRING RUBBERS. ingtoo, D. C , aud established in the Palace If he knows Florafoam, he will advise you ox Athletic club of Philadelphia has months from the date of said order; and any creditor neglecting to bring iu and exhibit . of Education at the World's Fair, St. Louis. that It is the perfumes offlowers with offered the Boxing and Wrestling club his, her or their claim under oath or affirmaPeroxide combined, maklnir a preparation " All of the busings of the bureau will be fragrant and refreshing.- Price twenty-five of the University of Pennsylvania the tion within the time so limited will be foruso of Its arena for a tonrnarnont, the ever barred of his. her or their action there' transacted from the World's Fair grounds,* cents. For sale by Killcore & While. proceeds of which can be used to fur- for against the* Administrators. First corner from D., L. & W, depot. Opposite postolfice. and every picture of every criminal arrested Dated the fifth day of February A. D. 1904. ther the project. in each city that Is A member of the organiIRVING M, DRAKE, Tbe Moat Beancltur.oomDlexlon i n the zation will be on exhibit. The Bertillon sysCHARLES N. DHAKE, TTnltett States I W h o haa It T . Administrators, tem of photographing "and measuring crlmWe do not wish to atate,' but we do know 18-9w . Flanders. 3 ^ J India is shown In this practical exhibit; tbat any latty osn attain purity and smoothness of skin by avoiding soap and by using You may not be able to remove a NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Orris and Almond Heal for toilet and bath. F l o w e r s a t the-Fair. wrinkle, but you may remove a frown It is so charmingly perfumed an to render It ESTATE OP JONAS H. BDHOHBLL, DECEASED. A great conservatory, forty feet high and delightful. Price 2J cents. For sale by Kill and so chnnge your wrinkles Into rivPursuant to the order of the Surrogate of ulets of laughter. (INOOHPOUATKD UNDEB T B B LAWB OF T B B BTATB OF NSW J E B 8 E 7 ) more than 200 feet square, a floral clock 100 gore 6t White. Doverj.: the County of Morris, made on the nineteenth feotacrOBS Its dial, sunken gardens 760 feet day of February A. D, one thousand nine C A P I T A L . .„ •• • * • S3S.OOO long, six acres of blooming roses and a great Your doctor: will tell you that hundred and four, notice Is hereby given to .ffioea—ttooioB 1 and 8 Morris Ooooty persons having claims againBt the estate bed'S? v I'I flowers are the distinguishing thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- a'l MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY Savings Buik Building Jonas H. Burchell, late of the County of Iu Exquisite Flavor fenSfres 01' the elaborate flower display at dren become strong and well of Morris, deceased, to present tlie same, under . and Rich Color the World's Fair. oath or affirmation, to the subscriber on or by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. before the nineteenth day of .November next, Titled Examined, At intervals during the seven months of Make it Ideal Small doses, For a few days. being nino mouths from tbe date of said orLoans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate. the exposition flower shorn will be given,,but for Table and der; ~aiidiwy creditor neglecting to bring in Acts as agent tn the purchase and sale ot Real Estate the beautiful landscape scheme and exhibits and exhibit liis, her or their claim under oath Cooking. _ Valuations appraised by Committees ot the Board of Directors or affirmation within thA time so limited will of the Horticulture department will always Children all be forover barred of his, her or their action be presented to the vision. therefor against the Administratrix Like it. , President WILLABD Vf. Ourutn, Vice Presldant and Connie Inpicfo the big hot house of the horticulture The change.is very prompt Dated tho nineteenth day of February A, AuaroTUB h. RKVIBK, Secretary indTrenaurer palace there is room for every specimen of D. 19t!4, and very marked. Ask your WlUwd W. Ottler John H. C»raHi* QayMltt/m MAIIY ETTA BuncnicLL. , florabnbwutoeacuellmate Sweet jessamines • uere Famno*erf wiltw*) n. Rkldmor* doctor why it is. He has our -*• Administratrix, /rotn tho Southland mingle.their fragrance 15-0-w Dover, N. J. formula and will explain. •with the flowers o£ tho Nortb, and the caotl of tlie desert will blossom boslde the verdure But, In a few weeka, Ayct'B Bui--, qf the oasis pletely restored mo to health." Notice to the PublicWater plants d|p their leaves In the lagoons MRS. B. BUOKUlNSTElltVltlOliind, N , J . .and In nooVs and corners of the great exhibit Notice IB hereby given hy tbe Mnyor, K corrier, Aldermen anri Common Councllmen palaces are bud and vine. State buildings^ for. of Dover, tbat Jeccib J. Vrepland, bavitig MANUFACTURERS OP and foreign pavilions have fitted their conbeen appointed and duly qualified a- oaacFsor servatories with native Howers and there will .of (''over, bis tax duplicate bavinf? b(>en received and accepted' by Raid Cnnrnon C'>unbo at this exposition such a botanical colleccil as tbe oiHcial tax duplicate, containing' tion as was novor before seen in the world's Billousness.constlpation prevent re the authrrizad ussesRmeutij or tbe Tuwti for hist ry. covory. Cure these with Ayer's Pills, the year 1903, DO other assessments will* be recognized. Further, that Fr«nol3 H. Tlppctt, bavins been appointed by fold ('ounoll as Cullcclor ot TaXLtiof thu Town of Dover, and huv!ng Cures Crip duly qualified and given Lbe n quired bond for the faithful performance of bis duties, be fn Two Days. (s and will be recognized aa the only authorized and lawful Collector tn receive tbe taxes ol 1008 for the Town of Dover. flffice aaJ Works, No. 78-86 North Sussex Street Dated Dover, N. J., Heptomber 23 ll»a .350. I. W. BEARING, Mayor. Killgoro & White, BlacVlvoll and Suss [ SyywiMimoalMMWtpMlnpaatUnopUn. Thfa rignatmt, ^ V ' " ^ ' Attest : - F . W. Ii. MINDEKHASN, Clerk. 4 _ Boston Store & Annex EIGHTH EASTER OPENING I NEW MILLINERY In Bewildering Variety Ready for Spring and Easter Wearers. Special Announcement—Spring Opening Sale. Women's Suits at $11.98. Women's $35.00 Suits at $22.98. Spring Humors Big; Dress Special NOTICE TO PROPERTY HOLDERS Hmod'M Sarsaparilla and Pills Ploiris oouqig Circuit Goun. Boston Store Annex. SUOB Specials—ReiiaDie Footwear, lew spring Slices 1904 s p s . Biackwell Street. Corner of Essex, Dover, N. J. Morris County Mortgage and Realty Company. Sarsaparilla Morris County Machine and Iron Co. MOLASSES The Children ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Castings in Iron, Brass and Bronze. Forcings of Every Description. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TM*U.£ (frA ttrttls, Dover, N, J. DOVER, N. J. IBO3* BEA, DOVBB, N. J., APBIL 1, 1904. THERE ISNO SUBSTITUTE FOR ,REMEDY CATARRH lu ttieh*ad iiii'i;kly. II f+ftl n lh. U ETA n Isabwrtatl. llealx uuil L U L U N fl CMU nrou^;t>} lliu iiiHmljraut:. ltt-t.t4,rt-8 t l j u D. WOLFF & CO., tiiiiti< TanU) «nij Kiuell Full ni/.e, 5()c. at fnu^ia' by mall. TrI it Blw inc. by mail. ELY HROTHERS, to Wnir«uStri'at. New V T I CBEflTEST OF BLL 18 East Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. New Jersey's Only Cash or Credit Department Store. Mucu Tone. POWDER It is the only rational tn*.'<\iivnt of CATARRH I- nm which is general in its ac ion Such a remedy is Mexall Mucu Tone. For catarrlia roses from the M. E. Church, jiink anil ii casket bouijuet of cnlla lilies conditions of every organ. The funeral was In ;IIHI v hite roses. i of Am OH Aimer, and an eloquent For Colds, Coughs, Bronch.sermon1 was preached by Itev. C. W DemtiiK- ** he having returned from conCatarrh of the ference fur thin wad service. The ill ial Catarrh, coiist-d WIIH a half alsLer to Stephen Thompson, Mrs. Wood, of Stanhope, Stomach and Intestines and for ;iud Mrs. Novmim, of Pennsylvania, wlio wlili liei- husband und daughter Catarrhal Troubles of Kidney Halite, survive her. Interment was in SLunhuiiu Union Cemetery. and Generative Organs in Women. Sold under a posiLetter to Hurry L. SoJiwarz. tive guarantee to give satisfacDover, N. J. Dear Sir : "When you can buy paint for tion or money returned by us A Stride Forward Absolutely Pure day, April MATTER OF HEALTH M-H-H-M-M •! !• M-M-M-H--H-K-:- STANHOPENETCONQ. K" ' v = ? -ESS .s Aja Stamps have a nation.. .cp u « « thei the supenonty of then- premrams Co^s shov" rooml n this Mrs. Mat Noble and daughter, Lctin, Bpent Saturday in Dover. Mrs. Newman, of Pater.min visitor at this store Saturday. Sunday and Monday In town. .spe Mrs. I* D, Ward and daughter, Alice, were In Hackettstown Friday. RolJie Sickles, ot Hol)okcn, spent Sunday with Ills parents here. loss than Davos ; don't; save your money. Budd Lake has boon stacked with Mr. Aaron HIKE-US, Piafuffeld, N. J., albass by the flsh commlsHiant*r«. W. S. Hancy. of Franklin Furnace, ways UHod 15 gallons of paint for his house; Devoe took 11. was a visitor in Stanhope this wouk, Will be celebrated by the giving away of *ioo,ooo worth of Rr.d Star Trading Stamps. Every . customer will receive $1.00 in David Button moved to the house Mr. Ezra Katlnneli, Williawsport, Pa. stamps free on April 2nd, our sixth anniversary. In ad-'ition to this we will make great price concessions in a 1 departments. always used 11 ; Devon took (J. vacated by Mr. Wtildron this week. Are YOU Ready for EaSUr? "If not do not hesitate. Open a-i account. Pay iisJi.OO a week and we will furnish your Easter will be observed sundny by Ml*. Buvt Young, Girard, Pa.t alwayi. used DOVER, N. J . appropriate services at St. Michael's a gutlou for certain rot-ius; took half as home or clothe yourself and family better and more sa .1,1 .ctorily than you have ever anticipated 5 0 , 0 0 0 people and cliurch. much Devoe. William Waldron moved to the farm, Mr. Nathaniel Barber, Canton, N. Y., . 5 0 0 0 homes in the State of New Jersey are annually being supplied with Furniture and Clothing by our liberal Credit 15,000 that he has rented in Sparta, on Mon-bought 1- Devoe ; used lens tlmu tf. which allows you to pay us as you get paid weekly or monthly. Our guarantee, cash price and money refunding sysday. Nothing has ever equalled it. System You can always buy paint for lesa than John Atno, ot Stanhope, 81 years of Nothing can ever surpass it. tern has convcrted thousands who never believed in our system before. Why not try it yourself and take advantage of our use, ia recovering from a severe 111- Dovoo \ dou't; save your money. neaa. The wearing counts the name way and anniversary, Saturday, April 2nd. It Is rumored that Mrs. Theodore doublos the flifference. .. Hand received a legacy of $500 last TUe cost of painting ia by the gallon. Weall week. most gallons. 'J'he Stanhope and NetcanE schools paint costs most;Yours truly, arc this week observing tlie a 17 F. W. DEVOE & Co. •BprliiK vacation. A. M. Goodule, Dover, and I astnor, Hogers Jerry Thomas held a public sale of F personal property at Ills farm neur & Co., W barton, sell our paint. Amity, Thursday. - D. E. Abel moved Tuesday from NetA Perfect For All Throat and Sew Jersey Patents. cons' to Plandera, where he has rented Cure: Lung Troubles. Granted this week. Reported by C. A. a wheel wrfg-ht shop. Money tuck If It falls. Trill Bottles free. .. Mr. and Mrs. Rdwarfl Schubert ara Snow, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C : happy over the advent Tuesday of aE. H Bennett* Bast Orange, boating apparagirl Into the family. tus; A. D'huyvetters, Pnterson, weftstopEugrene Sampson moved from Bart- niotion mechanism for looms; C. G. Dolbier, leyville last week Into the house with Newark, towel or other rack; A. L. Eccles, Mr. Everett Ruple. EYerl Sickles, wlio lias been laid up Trenton, Bad iron; F. A. Heath, Jersey City, Illinois Central Railroad. With the grip, IIUB recovered and re- p'ow attachment; P. D Laible, Newark; bottle-washing machine; D. M. Moore, Newsumed work this week. LOW KATES WEST AND NORTHWEST MARCH 1st Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haggerty have ark, apparatus for wireless transmission of TO APRIL 30th PROM CHICAGO TO common ced housekeeping in part at energy: D. M. Moore, Newark, peafeed-wave the house with T. M. Voorhees. wireless transmission; D. M. Moore, Newark, San Frimciaco, LOB Angeles. Sacrar Mr. Robblns, until lately employed electric tube lighting; D. M. Moore, Newark, at the Mineral Wool Works, moved his mento and many other points in electric tube-lamp; W. H. Page, Burlington, family to "Wlutrton this week. California . . . . . $ 3 3 . 0 0 Theodore Hand moved from Net- coff-liolder; \Y, F. Powers, Camdeu, lifePortland, Tacomii.SenUleand taauy eong to 'Whnrton on Tuesday, whore boat huucbiug apparatus; j M, Seymour, he has secured work at the furnace. Jr.) Newark, heating system; W< H, tipaugother points in Oregon, Washington The roof of the new bank building lor rnd II, J. Spanglor, Newark, folding sett; and British Columbia . ( 3 3 0 0 was completed this week and the work II. P. Thiele, Newark, safety gas-cook; J. E. Spokane and to many other points on tiie Inside la rapidly progressing-. Tynan, PaterBoa, belt-driven twisting maTho Board of Health ol the Borough in Eastern Washington, .Northern of Netcongr has organized by electing chine. Idaho and Eastern Oregon,830.50 Dr. John Miller president, and Charles For copy of any of abore patents send ten Eaton secretary. Helena, Butto, Anaconda and many cents in postigu stamps with daU of this The Stanhope, Jr., Cornet Band are paper to C. A. Snow & Co , Watjuington, D C other points in Montana, $ 8 0 . 0 0 getting ready for a big time at their entertainment," to be held on the evenBait Lake City, Ogden, Grandjunction, Bawlins, Larainie anH many ing of AnrU 22d, at Union Hall. Beninese Cannot tie Cored NIMITABLE—a mighty groupiug of atjle favorites, exclueivo productions and novelties from h'alf a other points in Utah, Oolorado and Wyoming . . . v . $ 3 U 0 0 Mr. Sutton, of Furnace avenue, will >y local applications, a« they cannot reach hundred makers who.e names alone me gunrauteeB of excellence in thoae detail* egsential to s perPERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST SLEEPING OARS from Cliloago, Cinmove his family" to Bethlehem this he diseased portion of the ear. There (s only week. Mr, Eaton expects to occupy oua way to cure deafness, and tbat is by concinnati and Louleville. Cboice of routes to California—directly Bouth via New Orfect garment Magoifiotnt costumes or street nnd carriage (?ownB, m«d« of laces, voiles beautiful silk* the house vacated by Mr. Sutton. stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by leans— Soutbsrn Paclflo -sud a warm climate or via Omnha and the Central West. and the many dainty fabnOB most in vogue right now. Tailor-made suits, walking or dress skirts The funeral ot George Frame, who au inflamed coiulitioivof the mucous liuing of PASSEN0ER8 TO NOftTH PACIFIC COA8T POINTS may go via ST. PAUL jackets and.ooata, silk, linen or washable shirt wnist suits, and so we might enumerate ad lib. 'or via OMASA.' Excellent service is offered in each direction. For particulars call was killed at Haekettstown on Tues- the eustacbiHU tube. When this tube gets on noare-t Ticket Agent or addresB . ~ day, was held at the home of his aunt, inflamed you luve a run>bling BO«ntl or Imperfect bearing, and when it (B entirely closed T, S* BISHOP, Geueral Custerii PasBOnirer Affvnt, S80 U'vvuy, New York. Mrs. Rice, last Friday afternoon. deafness is the result, and unless the inflamPresident A. B. Cope, ot the Sussex can be taken out and,this tub4 reCounty Teachers' Club, has announced mation stored to iU normal condition, hearing will that the annual meeting of the club be destroyed forever; nine cased out of ten . , . , .. wearing thia lot to Bell for just about one-third less than tha will he held at Newton on May 21. are caused by catarrh,, which ia nothing but bad expeoted tbey would reUil. Very fine aualitv voilna in i,ii,,u v.»~«.« v.i » It. M. Stevens removed his family an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.. from Stanhope to Newark on Thurs- We will give One Hundred Dollars for any day. He .'expects to close out his sta- case of deafness (caused by catarru) tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. tionery business hero during the prosent month. I Send for circulars, froe. F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. TV. A. Applegate, whose blacksmith I " Sold by drugffiBts, 7fio. shop was destroyed by fire recently, ...THE CELEBRATED... all's Family Pills are the best. has temporarily fitted up a shop on the rear of the lot that he formerly irienoe ol years was all utilized in the gatherinK of these stoctn MW ~ « t• a , occupied and is now doing business W ideas as to how their children should be dressed, ana not infreauentw t ^ f - t ? , , 1 " ^ & V 6 * X . e d International Cricket. there. h oliB h ions of their own. i'hese wwrtments are tho uhstautial result o o W a L f*l Ve ° P i n 8 International cricket will in nil probAs one of the results of the recent ofofie and desires of the other, and believe there will be DO d f c L in t 1 n ° f ™ 0 1 1 1 ' series of special services, nine per- ability be played in Philadelphia In olute Wash or wool fabric dresses, suits and guimpes, inoludiu" genuino"B ta R y pleasing both, sons were added to the membership If June ami July. For several years it the Stanhope Presbyterian Church, last has been the custom to liuve visits of. which we ave the laauufaoturer's sole representatives in Newark Silk . ! ! r t u ^ Bi ^ te ' t B n i t B | t o r and Sundny morning, six of whonv were foreign tennis made in t h e autumn, fetas, Peau de Soles, Pongees and a full line of raiu coata »nd jaekets ° ° l o r e d tafHave established an agency on Warren received on confession of faith. but tbc wen t i e r ID September aad OcMrs. John Rose, an aced resident tober has of lute been found to bo unCHILDREN'S REEFERS-Exof Stanhope, died a t nor home here CHILDREN'S DRESSES-Cashcellent qy quality cloth reelers in new- ,. ... _ „,,.,. Street, near Dickerson Street. Suturday afternoon, after a long 111- fnvoruble for the game. mere kinds with white silk or selfiiess, fi om the results of paralysis. The Associated Cricket Clubs of es-. shades—neatly finished or trim- lot serge, b ack and white shepherd Sho wait about 78 yearB of age and had Philadelphia hna extended nn invital colored yokes, prelty shades, neatly been nrictlcally a lifelong resident of med with braid —sizes from 2 j g o plaids or mixtures, s i z e 5 + , 0 I 4 y e a r s tnmmed, sizes from 61014. •% nn Stanhope. The funeral was held from tion to the Marylebono Cricket club, To saloonkeepers and hotelkeepers—Take Notice tO4 years, at 1.70 her lute home Tuesday ufternoon, Rev. through F. B. Lncey, to Bend an Eng4 98. 8.98 to 10.98. i, at2.o,8and J.7O Dr Morgan officiating, interment being lish team over to piny a series of In the Stanhope Cemetery. Besides her matches here hi Juno and July. husband Mrs. Rose is survived by one daughter, Mrs. U ,S. Huncy, of Franklin Furnace. iNTHTJSIASTIO and unstinted praise from thousands who have been Silas D. Mansfield, who had been a RICHARD O'CONNOR, Ageilt? wett-known resident of Stanhope and t H f t t lB hMth b vicinity for the past fltteon years, died on Saturday at the home of his son in in Newark after nn Illness of a row Every farmer knows that flays -with pneumonia. He was about Our milliners have covered themselves with glory and th J 80 yearn of age and for many yetin- •ome plants grow better than are prior to his removal to Stanhope wn* so like the originals that it is difficult to tell one from the otlur unt"theprke°'ta °f Fre"ch arHsts n succrisful contractor nntl builder in itliers. Soil may be the same New York state. Tlie funeral was held Rpady-lo-wenr hots are growingiu favor, and fortunately we've in, •• ' ""'*" '* ' m(i ad seed may seem the same Tuetdav morninif from tho Stntihop* the b e s t s t l e B Froshytcrlari church, Bev. Dr. Morgan purchased a t a time when wholesalo prices were lower thnn they are uow ™ y ut some plants are weak and officiating. there strong. Frnnk Smith, of Waterloo, and mist Clarnbelle stackhouse, ol Stanhope And that's the way vyith wero united in marriage on Sunday. March 26th, by Rov. B. J. Morgan, at .liildren. They are like young the standpoint of value, have oompured with those of the present , from tho homo of Mr. Smith's parents, Hon. plain and plaid efieots, prettily tiimmed with flowers, ribbous, ornaim. and Mrs Peter D. Smith. The cere- plants. Same food, same home, mony was performed at the request of jame care but some grow big »'». "to. Our speoul 4 . 9 5 leaders at the contracting P&rtlep, on learning that Mr Smith hart only a short time ind strong while others stay to live The weddlnff was to have jmall and weak. taken place last fall bin. was postONLY DIRECT ALL WATER ROVTB BETWEEN poned nt that time on account of Mr. Scott's Emulsion offers an Smith's uerloMB Illness, from a shock of paralysis. He died on Tuesday af- jasy way out of the difficulty. ternoon, about 48 hours after thecere- Child weakness often means Escnsszsaii mony. . . . y Mrs John Hay ward, who has been starvation, not because of lack a *r«iU sufferer for several years past, >£ food, but because the food "died at her home hrfre Thursday afternoon. She hud been sick, about ten !oes not feed. days with the grip, which turned to pneumonia. The first part of the week Scott's Emulsion reallyfeeds St. Johns River Service between Jacksonville and Sanford, blood poison set in. which^aused herFla.. and Intermediate Landings . death. The funeral was held from her md gives the child growing J a t e home Monday afternoon a t 3 strength. The " Clyde Line " is the favorite route between NEW YORK, .O'clock Mrs. Haywnid was of such n BOSTON, PUIX.ADEI.PHIA and EASTKHN POINTS, «nd For Infants and Children, ' bright* choorful disposition that she Whatever the cause of weakCHARLESTON, S. C and JACKSONVILLE, FLA., making was generally beloved. She was a Dated March 28, \ii:i. direct connection for all points South and Southwest 40. AppHcations ness and. failure to grow— ••— M "I'P'icationa received -member of the Methodist Church, LaA HOK B. SUTTOK, k street, Newarkys. ' 315 ?'5 Market FASTEST MODERN STEAMSHIPS <& FINEST SERVICE Bears the dles' Aid, and Mlzpfth I^dge, No. 20. Scott's Emulsion seems to find V of B.7 which latter . o c l . t y attendTHEO C. EGER, O. M. Signature of ed lh a body nnil hold services at the it and set the matter right. WM. F. CLYDE & CO., General Agtnts, 19 State Street, Nro Vosx ' Brave, membors also nctlng- as. bearers. Scad for free sample. "Among- the floral tribute. w«re_a_pn ; Scott & Iknrne, chemists, 409 Pearl St., New York K1LLG0RE& WHITE, Dr. King's New Discovery C£F™V iflaais SPRING AND OPENING SIXTH ANNIVERSARY D. WOLFF & CO., The Largest and Most Liberal Cash or Credit Jouse in the State. MARKET & HALSEY STS: I Fashionable Easter Garments. Special -Silk Lined Voile Suits. A New Beer Depot. Misses' and Children's Wear. ORANGE BREWERY Orange Beer in Kegs or Bottles. Young Plants ek MILLINERY FOR EASTER. ^ "° Trimmed Hat Wonder Z::::::::;=™* FLORIDA: NewJVork, Bamberger & Co., Newark. Boston u>d Charleston, S. C. Jacksonville, Florida CASTOR IA The Kind YouHat* Always Bought fioc. andlf.ooialldnjgfcifttl, * j SUBSCRIBE FOR WE
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