Life-Cycle Components of Selection in Erigeron annuus: I. Phenotypic Selection Author(s): Donald A. Stratton Reviewed work(s): Source: Evolution, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Feb., 1992), pp. 92-106 Published by: Society for the Study of Evolution Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/03/2012 16:28 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Society for the Study of Evolution is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Evolution. Evolution,46(1), 1992, pp. 92-106 LIFE-CYCLE COMPONENTS OF SELECTION IN ERIGERONANNUUS: I. PHENOTYPIC SELECTION DONALDA. STRATrON' of New York, DepartmentofEcology and Evolution,State University StonyBrook, NY 11794 USA dateand seedling selectionon emergence ofphenotypic and direction -The magnitude Abstract. amongsitesand ofselection theheterogeneity annuuswasmeasuredto determine sizeinErigeron date.Threedisturbance sizeandemergence varianceexplainedbyseedling offitness theproportion of wereimposedto testthehypothesis vegetation) perennial treatments (open,annualvegetation, Selectionwas mostheterogeneous environments. stronger selectionon seedlingsin competitive on a local ofselection inthemagnitude spatialheterogeneity earlyin thelifecycle,withsignificant and selectionwas selectiongradients onlyfecundity affected treatments scale. The disturbance date on emergence differentials in thesignofselection variation in openplots.Significant strongest varied episodes;at laterstagesselection selection andfallviability wasobservedforestablishment during highmortality Seedlingsin theearliestcohortexperienced in magnitude butnotdirection. anddisruptive laterinthelifecycle.Bothstabilizing sizeandfecundity butincreased establishment, but in generalselectionwas date wereobservedduringestablishment, selectionon emergence through dateoperatedindirectly At StonyBrookmostselectionon emergence purelydirectional. Therewerepersistent seedlingsize,whereasat theWeldPreservedirectselectionwas stronger. and components, date and rosettediameteron adultfitness effects of bothseedlingemergence Overall, variancein fecundity. Octoberrosettediameterexplained18% of thetotalphenotypic selection.Wintersurvithanfecundity weremuchmoreimportant components viabilityfitness episodeofselection. vorshipwas thesinglemostimportant seedlingsize. selection, date,phenotypic germination -Erigeronannuus,fitness, Keywords. ReceivedJuly8, 1990. AcceptedJune28, 1991. In most plantpopulations,manymore oftenbecomemoreskewedwithtime,recontribution seedlingsgerminatethan become estab- sultingin a disproportionate lished(Grubb,1977; Cook, 1979) and the ofzygotesfromthefewlargestindividuals seedlingstageis oftentheperiodof maxi- (Solbrig,1981;CookandLyons,1983;Weiis cor- ner,1985). Small variationsin thetiming Ifseedlingmortality mummortality. rate or in theinitialgrowth relatedwithsome phenotypictrait,large ofgermination intolargefitness shiftsin thepopulationmeanvalue ofthat ofseedlingsmaytranslate (Stanton,1985; Waller,1985). trait(i.e., selection)may occurduringthe differences phaseofthelifecycle. Thus,seedlingsize maylocka plantintoa criticalestablishment so thefinal hierarchy, Harper(1977) labels thisperiodthe "en- positionin thefitness selection fitnessdistribution may be largelydetersieve."Conceivably, vironmental enoughto over- mined by events occurringin the first on seedlingsmaybe strong selectionpressuresin later monthsofthelifecycle. rideconflicting stagesofthelifecycle.Ifseedlingcharacters Severalstudieshave shownthe imporare correlatedwithotherphenotypesex- tanceof emergencetimeforseedlingsurand lifetime as wellas fecundity pressedlaterin thelifecycle,selectionmay vivorship, of adult fitness(Howell, 1981; Lee and Hamrick, indirectlyshiftthe distribution notevenexpressedin seedlings. 1983). The firstseedlingsto emergegeta characters their andmaymaintain Variationin seedlingsize maybe one of headstartongrowth increased exhibiting offitness relativesizeadvantage, determinants themostimportant at laterstagesof and fecundity duringtheearlystagesofthelifecycle.Size survivorship with thelifecycle(Ross and Harper,1972;Wal(skewedsize distributions hierarchies a fewlargeindividuals)developearlyand ler, 1985). In some speciesearlygerminacreatinga tradeoff tiondecreasesviability, (Arsurvivorship initial and size between 1 Evoand Presentaddress: Departmentof Ecology 1981), Prince, and Marks 1973; et al., thur lutionaryBiology,PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,NJ whileotherstudieshave showndirectional 08544 USA. 92 PHENOTYPIC SELECTION IN ERIGERON 93 1) how overallcom- weedErigeronannuus.Specifically, forearlygermination selection enponentsof fitness(Howell, 1981; Kalisz, doesselectionvarywiththecompetitive Previousdata suggestthatse1986; Miller,1987). vironment? The above studieshave shownseedling lectionfor earlyseedlingsize should be in morecompetitive environments withfit- stronger size to be a traithighlycorrelated expectedto be under (Stratton, ness, and therefore andErhardt, 1990). 1989;Schmitt consistentpositive directionalselection. 2) Are therecriticalstagesin thelifecycle However,the magnitudeof selectionmay for selectionon these traits?(i.e., which se- components In particular, most andfecundity varyamongenvironments. ofviability lectionon earlyseedlingsize maybe more strongly covarywithseedlingsizeandemerintensein densepopulationswithhighin- gencedate?)Finally,3) How muchof the can be excompetition(Shaw, finalvariancein relativefitness tra- or interspecific 1986; Schmittet al., 1987).Largeseed size plained by eventsat the seedlingstage? size) Measurements earlyseedling ofgeneticvariationarepre(whichinpartdetermines is favoredin moreclosed habitats(Salis- sented in a companionpaper (Stratton, oftheseed 1992). bury,1942) and themagnitude inexperiments with increased sizeadvantage MATERIALS AND METHODS high levels of competition(Black, 1958; 1989). Stanton,1984; Stratton, Erigeronannuus(Asteraceae)is a comof monearlysuccessionalweednativeto eastand eventhedirection The magnitude as a winselectionmaynotbe constantacrossselec- ernNorthAmerica.It is classified tionepisodes(Cleggetal., 1978;Arnoldand ter annual; seeds typicallygerminatein and expressedat the August,seedlings overwinter as rosettes Wade, 1984b).Characters com- plantsbolt and flowerthe following somefitness sumseedlingstagemayaffect first year ponentsbut not others,or theremay be mer.Someplantsdo notreproduce betweenfitnesscomponents.For butinsteadremainas rosettes untilthesectradeoffs may increase ond or thirdsummer.Erigeronannuusis example,earlygermination but at triploidand apomictic,reproducing fecundity) solely seedlingsize (ultimately ifthereare bytinywind-dispersed thecost of increasedmortality seeds.Seed producclimaticconditionsduringes- tionis high:a singleplantmayproduceas unfavorable selectioninto manyas 100,000genetically identicalseeds tablishment. By partitioning episodesone can exposethe (Stratton, 1988). thecomponent was set up at two sites criticalstagesofthelifecycleforselection The experiment tradeoffs,near StonyBrook,New York, USA. The and identify potentiallifehistory evenwhenthereis littleorno netselection. Weld Preserve(WP) sitewas an old field, fiveyears,and had a It is usefulto separatenaturalselection fallowapproximately co- densecoverofprimarily Solidagospp.The into two components:the phenotypic which StonyBrookcampussite (SB) was an old variancebetweena traitand fitness, meanswith- gardenplot dominatedby grasses,Artegovernschangesinphenotypic in a generation, and thegeneticvariancefor mesiavulgaris, and Daucus carota.The SB thetrait,whichallowsa responseto selec- site was moremesicthanWP, beingpartionacrossgenerations (Landeand Arnold, tiallyshadedbyan oak forestto thesouth, thatde- and thesubstrate was less sandy. 1983). The ecologicalinteractions rate ofthree blockconsisted Eachexperimental terminea plant'ssurvivorship, growth and ultimatefecundity dependon pheno- 1 m2plots,each randomlyassignedone of withthe envi- threedisturbancetreatments. The treattypesand theirinteraction ronment.Focusingsolelyon the mean re- mentsincludedbare tilledsoil ("open"), whileimportantfor tilledsoil witha sparsecoverof summer sponse of genotypes, evolution,obscuresmuchoftheecological annuals("annual"),and naturalvegetation thereproductive withsmall 10 x 10 cm disturbances ("pedynamicsthatdetermine success of an individual.Here I address rennial").Plots in the open and annual be- treatments the relationship were tilledone week priorto questionsconcerning I transdate planting.For theannualtreatment tweenseedling (germination phenotypes inthecommon planted16 seedlingsof Ambrosiaartemiandseedlingsize)andfitness 94 DONALD A. STRATTON overeachcellandlightly seedswasscattered coveredwithsoil to helphold theseedsin mom place. I used seeds from10 Erigeronge~ EE ENC1Eu notypes,all collectedfroma largepopulation at the Weld Preserveand therewere two replicatesof two maternalfamiliesof each. See Stratton(1992) forthe genetic details.Seedswereplantedbetween31 July and 2 August1987,neartheendofthenorPerennial malperiodofseeddispersal / on LongIsland. weekly foremerwere censused The plots 1 ~~~~Annual w | / El Open o o o o0 from15 Augustto genceand survivorship o-e o-o o-o during 6 September. Seedlingsthatemerged o o o 0 * o o-a o-o@l each censusweekweredefinedas an emerDe 0 oe gencecohort.Therewerefourcohorts.A ineachcellwere subsetofup to 10seedlings 0 0o o o0 cohortusingcolmarkedineachemergence Whenmorethan 10 or coded toothpicks. I ranseedlingsin a givencohortemerged, domlyremovedthe excess seedlings.Because mostoftheexcessseedlingsemerged in cohort1,thinning increasedthevariance date by an averageof 13%. design.Three in emergence FIG. 1. Summary oftheexperimental (Open,Annual, Afterseedlingswereestablishedand after treatments disturbance experimental Perennial)werereplicatedin six blocksat two sites, mostearlymortality had occurred,I perStonyBrookand WeldPreserve.Seedsweresownin ofthesurviving marked a subset manently 40 10 x 10 cmcellswithineach 1 m2plotand several and mappedtheirlocationwithin weremeasured percell.Thesolidcirclesshow seedlings seedlings thepositionofAmbrosiaplantsin theAnnualplots. thecell. An averageof three(maximum= ineachcellwerechosensuch four)seedlings thattheywereapproximately equallyspaced af- and evenlydividedamongcohorts.Again, siifoliaintothetilledplotsimmediately tertheErigeronseedswereplanted(Fig. 1). because initial densitieswere not conI removedexcessseedlings. The Ambrosiawereabout25 cm tallwhen trolled, Seedling This treatment resultedin a removalin Octoberincreasedthe phenotransplanted. 50 cm canopywithsparseshade by two typicvarianceof emergencedate by only Duringthe first 3%. weeksaftertransplanting. were I measuredthemaximumrosettediamweek,theopenand annualtreatments plots,I clipped eterofeach seedlingand monitoredsurviverysimilar.In theperennial to 10cmtofacilitate thevegetation planting vorshipduringcensusesin October1987, removaltook March,May, July1988, and April,July butno tillingor whole-plant covergrewbackreadi- 1989. In theJulycensusesI estimatedthe place.The perennial to condi- seedproduction correspond ly. These treatments ofeachreproductive plant. tions experiencedby Erigeronannuus in Because of thelargenumberof seeds prorangingfrom duced per plant (25,900 + 1,660 in this successionalenvironments newlyfallowfieldsto threeto fiveyearold experiment), I countedthenumberofflower All can be con- heads(capitula)oneachplantandestimated successionalcommunities. sidered"natural"habitatsof E. annuus. thenumber ofseeds/capitulum fromthedisk Thereweresixblocks(4 at WP and 2 at SB) diameter.The numberof florets percapitfora totalof 18 plots(Fig. 1). ulumwas determined bytheequation:floEach plotwas dividedinto40 10 x 10 rets= 38.9 + 7.27(DiskArea)(in mm2;r2 ina checkerboard cmcells,arranged design. = 0.81; Stratton, 1988). The diskdiameter A plugof soil was removedfromeach cell increaseswiththeage ofthecapitulum,so and theresulting hole was refilled withau- all measurements weremadeon headswith toclavedsoil.A small"pinch"(600-900) of dehiscentanthersin onlytheoutertwo or SB WP END PHENOTYPIC SELECTION IN ERIGERON 95 fraction, s is surEach floret threewhorlsofdiskflorets. pro- whereg is thegermination ofreproducducesone single-seeded acheneso, assum- vivorship,r is theprobability in each year. ingequal seedset,fecundity is proportional tion,and f is the fecundity Fitnesswas made relativeby dividingby to thetotalnumberofflorets. in each 1 m2plot. SelectionEpisodesand FitnessCompo- themeanfitness nents.-I dividedthelifecycleintoa series Measuring PhenotypicSelection.-While focusedon the primarily of selectionepisodesthatmultiplicativelythis experiment and fitness Vi- covariancebetweenphenotypes combineto determine lifetimefitness. thethreeexandcorrelational), abilityselectionwas dividedintofivecom- (descriptive disturbance treatments testedthe ponents.Theestablishment episodewasde- perimental thatthemagnitude ofdirectional finedas emergence through theSeptember hypothesis census;fall,winter, spring, and secondyear selectionon seedlingsize shouldbe greater viabilityselectionepisodescovertheperi- in theplotswithhighlevelsofcompetition ods September-October, October-March,(perennial)comparedto the open and anMarch-July 1988,andJuly1988-July 1989, nual plots.In addition,the replicateplots respectively. The divisionsare somewhat withinsitesallowedad hoc testsforspatial ofselectionbearbitrary buttheycorrespond to themajor variationin themagnitude phasesofthelifecycleofE. annuus(estab- tweentheStonyBrookand Weld Preserve lishment, winterdormancy, springgrowth) sites. and foreach selection and represent periodsof distinctenviron- For each character mentalsourcesofmortality. Desiccationwas episodeI calculatedthedirectional and staa particularly fromlinearand important sourceofmortality bilizingselectiongradients of relativefitnesson and fallselection quadraticregressions duringtheestablishment was appar- the phenotype(Lande and Arnold,1983). episodeswhereasfrost-heaving sicharacters areconsidered overthe Whenmultiple entlythemajorsourceofmortality thevectorof partialregreswinter.Survivorsof a particularselection multaneously, estimatesthedirectselecvalueofone, sion coefficients episodewereassigneda fitness otherwise was zero forthatepisode. tion on each characterwhile controlling fitness The fecundity component wasestimated by indirecteffectsof selectionon correlated I standardized all characters to theseedproduction ofplantsthatsurvived characters. to reproduce.Each replicate1 m2plotwas unit variancebeforeestimatingselection. definedas a populationforthepurposeof Standardizedselectiongradientshave the computingrelativefitnessand estimating advantage of being directlycomparable Because amongpopulationsandcharacters. phenotypic selection. werenotmeasured Most estimatesof lifetimefitnesswere theseedlingphenotypes zerobecauseofthelargenumberofplants simultaneously, themultipleregression apI dis- proachcouldnotbe extendedto analysesof thatfailedto surviveto reproduction. of fitcountedthefecundity ofsecondyearplants lifetimefitness.Multipleregression andMarch date,October, by the populationgrowthrate,usingthe nessonemergence wherewiis the rosettediametercould only includedata equation:wi= z X-Xsi(X)mx) ofindividuali,Xis thepop- from individualsthat survivedthrough absolutefitness earlierselectionepiulation growthrate, si(X)is survivorship(0 March,thusignoring or 1) and mi(x) is thefecundity ofindividual sodes. Insteadthe componentsof lifetime i at timex (Serviceand Lenski,1982). I selectionwereestimated separately andlifecalculatedX separatelyforeach of the 18 timeselectionwas computedas thesumof overallepisodes(Arnold gradients replicateplotsby populationprojectionof selection were theLesliematrix(A) untiltheestimatesof andWade,1984a). Selectiongradients X (ratioof populationsizes in successive made additiveby substituting the initial within0.001 (Table phenotypiccovariancematrixP0 forthe generations) converged 1). The transition matrixwas oftheform conditionalcovariancematrixPi observed at thebeginning ofeachepisode(Wadeand The initialphenotypiccoKalisz, 1990). g sl rl) gs2r2.f21 A [gS2 variancematrixwas constructed byrepeatrl ) ? ISi. (1 edlysolvingforPi in theequation 96 DONALD A. STRATTON 1. Demographic parameters usedin calculating thepopulation growth ratein the18 plots.The values oflambdaare sensitive to theestimated germination fraction and thusto myestimateoftheinitialnumberof seedsplanted(600-900/cell). I usedthehighestimate, buttheactualvalueofXmaybe as muchas 50% higher. Highervaluesof X willfurther decreasethevalue of delayedreproduction. N = totalnumberof seedsthat = N/(900*40);s = survivorship; emergedperplot(germination fraction r = probability ofreproduction, given thatit survivesthrough year1 or 2;f = fecundity; X= populationgrowth rate. TABLE Year I Site Block N Open SB 1 SB 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 Mean Annual SB 1 SB 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 Mean Perennial SB 1 SB 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 Mean SI ri 1,355 1,246 483 387 669 146 714 0.041 0.036 0.025 0.027 0.009 0.009 0.025 0.257 0.476 0.806 0.829 0.542 0.875 0.631 1,187 632 298 713 881 146 643 0.048 0.022 0.033 0.031 0.004 0.009 0.025 169 320 643 930 600 464 521 0.016 0.012 0.017 0.047 0.014 0.011 0.020 Year 2 fi S2 r2 f2 A 4,152 6,216 66,739 43,839 11,656 47,053 29,943 0.75 0.86 0.57 0.62 0.20 1.00 0.67 0.27 0.55 1.00 0.80 1.00 0.50 0.69 6,854 7,220 20,195 20,036 8,705 13,949 12,826 2.32 4.21 18.06 10.64 1.17 1.54 6.32 0.229 0.524 0.971 0.955 0.800 0.750 0.705 4,572 6,517 54,990 42,318 6,870 82,437 32,951 0.58 0.87 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.75 0.81 0.18 0.75 1.00 0.67 0.50 0.33 0.57 24,241 10,244 10,952 9,962 6,321 24,798 14,420 2.77 1.95 14.63 24.81 0.61 2.31 7.85 0.143 0.000 0.636 0.292 0.000 0.186 0.210 6,583 0 11,534 13,266 0 5,687 6,178 0.83 0.67 0.46 0.83 0.21 0.76 0.63 0.60 0.50 0.67 0.74 0.00 0.52 0.51 5,490 6,942 58,541 15,757 0 12,916 16,608 0.46 0.52 2.92 6.07 0.00 0.84 1.80 ferentials and selectiongradients werecomputed from 1,000 bootstrap replications of wherehyis a 3 x 3 matrixof stabilizing the simple or multiple regression (Efron, selectiongradients and / is a 3 x 1 vector ofdirectional selection gradients (Landeand 1982). The data wererandomlyresampled 1,000timesfromtheorigArnold,1983; Lynchand Arnold,1988). withreplacement inal distribution, restandardized, and used Notethatpriorto thethirdcensus,hy and A to compute new regression coefficients. I are only partiallyobserved.The unmeasuredelementswereassumedto be zero, used theupperand lower2.5% ofthedisofbootstrapped estimatesto find undertheassumption thatselectioncannot tribution act directlyon charactersbeforetheyare the95% confidence intervalsfortheselecexpressed(LynchandArnold,1988).Given tion gradients.Individualselectiongradian estimateofPO,conditional selectiongra- entswereconsidered tobe significant iftheir dients, d', were made additive by /i = 95% confidenceintervalsdid not include PO-P4i/ (Wade and Kalisz, 1990). zero.Becausethereis a highprobability that StatisticalAnalyses. -The distribution of at leastone of 18 selectiongradients willbe lifetime fitness was highlynonnormal, hav- nominallysignificant duringeach episode, inga largeexcessof individualswithzero experimentwise errorwas controlledusing fitness.Similarly,survivorship could only the sequentialBonferroni method(Rice, assumevaluesof0 or 1, violatingthenor- 1989). malityassumptionof regression analysis. Overallsignificance of theselectiongraThus, significance levels forselectiondif- dientsacrossthe entirerangeof environP = Pi + Pgiy,P, (P- )(P,O) PHENOTYPIC 97 SELECTION IN ERIGERON 100 signed mentswas testedvia nonparametric rankstests,usingvaluesfromthe 18 plots 80 Even whenindividualesas observations. fromzero, timatescannotbe distinguished 60 ofthesignofselectiongradients 0 consistency providesevidencethatselectionis nonzero, 40 ofselectionacross andtestsforrepeatability 20 environments. of selectionwas testedby Heterogeneity 0 samplesforeachpair 300 bootstrap drawing 0 for of plotsand computingthe difference each bootstrapreplicate.The twoselection if the different weresignificantly gradients intervalof thedifferbootstrapconfidence 100 ence did not includezero (Dixon et al., ofthe 153 pairwise 80 1987). The proportion differ-Q0. comparisonsthatweresignificantly entwas usedas an overallindexofthehet660 of selectionduringa givenepi- 0 erogeneity sode. To correctformultiplecomparisons, 40 ofselectionwas onlyconsidheterogeneity whenat least 12/153pairs (0 eredsignificant confidenceintervals had nonoverlapping (frombinomial probability;P = 0.95; N = 0 SB 20 40 80 60 WP 1 cohort 2 cohort cohort 3 - -*- 20 100 40 60 cohort 4 80 100 about 153). Notethatthistesttellsnothing Weeks only FIG. 2. Survivorship which pairsofplotsshowheterogeneity, curvesforfourcohortsofE. overall. annuus.Mortality thatselectionwas heterogeneous few thefirst wasconcentrated during at Episodesofhighmortality Comparisonsof themagnitudeof selec- weeksafteremergence. plantsthatdied foland sites 46 and 95 weeksshowflowering treatments tionamongdisturbance Kruskal-Wal- lowingreproduction. weretestedbynonparametric lis testsor Friedman'smethodforrandomized blocks(SAS, 1988) usingthe 18 selecto Thesedo not 50% ofthetotaldeathsfromemergence as observations. tiongradients A secondperiodofhighmorbutrather require reproduction. justtestforheterogeneity, especially in therankof selec- talityoccurredduringthewinter, differences consistent tion gradientsamongsitesor disturbance forplantsin latercohorts.The mean survivorshipfromOctoberto Marchwas0.57. treatments. Plantsin theperennialplotsweresignifRESULTS and hadlowersurvivorship, icantlysmaller, inallplots. lowerfecundity thanplantsin theopenand Over12,000seedlings emerged The averageseed proOfthese,6,251weremarkedbycohortand annualtreatments. 2,160ofthe ductionin perennialplotswas 14.2 x 103 censusedforearlysurvivorship; numberedand comparedto 27.1 x 103 and 32.3 x 103 wereindividually survivors rate, seedsin theopen and annualplots(F[2,440] growth measuredforrosettediameter, Most = 3.43, P < 0.05). Only 19% of surviving and lifetime fecundity. survivorship, seedlingsemergedin the firstgerminationplantsreproducedas annualsin perennial cohort,whichincluded53% ofall seedlings. plots,comparedto63% and70%intheopen Cohorts2, 3, and 4 contained12, 20 and and annualtreatments (F[2,121= 9.58, P = 0.003). As a result,estimatesofpopulation respectively. 15% ofall seedlings, dur- growthrateshoweddecliningpopulations was concentrated Seedlingmortality ing the firstthreeweeks followingemer- (X < 1) in 4/6perennialplots(Table 1). Selectionon EmergenceDate.-Direcgence(Fig.2). On average,42% ofall seedlings died withinthreeweeks. Mortality tionalselectionon emergencedate during phase was significantly accountedfornearly the establishment duringestablishment DONALD A. STRATTON 98 15 . Establishment 1.0 0.5 OiAi 0.2- 0.0 0.0 Winter 's * p a 0d. I 0. 0. (1) .0.5~ 0 .10.5L 0. 0. .0. - 1.5 - - -- i - j ftjrh Fecundity 0.5 C) _r -1S8- 1.0 0 t I 0.6- * ' .0. Fall 0.8 o. o I Fiatns 01.0' .1.8 FIG. 3. Standardized on emergence selection differentials forselection datein 18 plotswith95% confidence intervals. The unitsarephenotypic In thisand all otherfigures, standarddeviations. opensymbolsshowplots at StonyBrookandclosedsymbols showplotsat theWeldPreserve. SquaresareOpenplots,circlesareAnnual arePerennialplots. plotsand triangles treatments or bein 6 of tionamongdisturbance lateremergence) positive(favoring the 18 plotsand significantly negativein 4 tweenthetwosites. plots(Fig. 3). In addition,thereweresig- Threeplotsat theWeldPreserve hadsignificant quadratic components tothefitnessnificant in the selection forlateremergence thepresence ofbothsta- fallselectionepisode(September surface, indicating to Octobilizingselection (fourplots)anddisruptiveber)whereasearlyemergence was favored selection(threeplots)duringtheestablish- in fourplots(all at StonyBrook)(Fig. 3). mentepisode(Fig.4). Fourmoreplotshad Disruptive datewas selection on emergence significantly positivequadratic componentspresent inthreeplots(Fig.4). Onemorehad minimum wasoutside a significantly butthesurvivorship positivequadraticcoefficient therangeof phenotypes. Thus theseplots butshowednetdirectional selection forearhadmonotonic directional selection forlate ly emergence. of disTherewas no effect thefitness emergence, although surface was turbancetreatment on the magnitudeor significantly curved.Both directional and shapeoffallviability buttherewas selection stabilizing/disruptive selection differentials of direcsignificant spatialheterogeneity during establishment weresignificantly het- tionalanddisruptive selection amongblocks erogeneous overalland showedspatialde- and sites(Table 2). pendenceamongblocks(Table2). However Once seedlingssurvivedestablishment therewas no significant variationin selec- and fallmortality, directional selectionto- PHENOTYPIC SELECTION IN ERIGERON 99 wardearlyemergence dominatedall other 1.5 Establishment selectionepisodes(Fig.3) and therewas no significant stabilizingor disruptiveselection.Winterviabilityselectionfavoredearlyemergence in 10/18plots,withan average directionalselectiondifferential of -0.26 0.5standarddeviations.Wintersurvivorship wasovertwiceas highforthefirst twoemergencecohortscomparedto thetwolatercohorts (0.70 versus 0.33; G = 199.6; P < -10 .00.0001). Selectionwas strongerat Stony C) Brookthanthe Weld Preserve,but again c 00. 0.5therewas no effect of the competitive environmenton wintersurvivorship (Table 2). The netwinterselectiondifferential was partially theresultofcorrelations withseedlingsize. On average,51% oftheselection differential was due to indirectselection FIG. 4. Stabilizingand disruptive selectiondifferthrough seedlingsize.Indirectselectionwas entialson emergencedate duringtheestablishmentand moreimportant at SB, whereit accounted fallviabilityselectionepisodes. Negativeselectiondiffor87% of thetotalwinterviabilityselec- ferentialsindicatestabilizingselectionand positiveselectiondifferentials indicatedisruptiveselection.Open tiondifferential, comparedto 19% at WP symbols = SB, closed = WP; squares = Open plots, (Friedman'stest,P < 0.003). Directwinter circles = Annual plots, triangles= Perennialplots. viabilityselectionon emergencedate was observedin seven plots (Table 3A). The threedisturbance treatments had no signif- selectiongradientson emergencedate (conicanteffect on eitherdirector indirect win- trollingfor selectionon size) were not sigterviabilityselectionon emergence date. nificantbut generallypositive,especiallyin The timingof reproduction was highly the open plots (Table 3A). Direct fecundity dependenton the date of emergence.Of selectiongradientson emergencedate were plantsthatreproduced, 78% ofplantsin co- significantly heterogeneousamong thethree hort1 flowered theirfirstyear(annuallife disturbancetreatments,but the patternof cycle)comparedto only61% of plantsin heterogeneitydid not support my a priori latercohorts(G = 11.2, P < 0.001). No predictionsof strongerselection in perenplantsthatgerminated after20 Augustflow- nial plots (Table 3A). Most of the fecundity eredat StonyBrookduringyear1. Similar- selection on emergencedate operated inly,theprobability ofreproducing at all was directlythroughseedlingsize. muchhigher forplantsintheearliestcohort The cumulative effectof phenotypicsecomparedto all others(0.235 versus0.073, lection on emergencedate was to decrease G = 513.8, P < 0.000 1). Among plantsthat mean emergence time in most plots, but reproduced, earlyemergence resultedin in- blocks 5 and 6 at WP had net positive secreasedfecundity atbothsites(Fig.3). Plants lectionon emergence date (Fig. 5, upper). in cohort1 had 26% higherfecundity at The cumulativeselectiondifferential was StonyBrook(7,420 versus5,860)and 41% -0.69 standarddeviationsat SB. Thiscorhigherfecundityat the Weld Preserve responds to a decrease in mean emergence (38,000versus27,000)comparedto plants dateof5.2 days.Lifetime selection onemer= 10.2,P < 0.001). gencedate had a significant in latercohorts(F11,4511 positivequaIndividualfecundity selectiondifferentials draticcomponentin 7/18plots(Table 2), werenot significant, partlya resultof the primarily becausecohorts3 and 4 bothhad smallnumberofplantsthatsurvivedto re- uniformlylow fitness(Fig. 6) ratherthan produce,butselectionwasconsistently neg- disruptive selectionon emergence date.At ativeacrossall plots(P < 0.01,signedranks SBnmostofthelifetime selectionon emertest).Whilethenetfecundity selectiondif- gencedate was theresultof indirectselecferentials favoredearlyemergence, direct tion throughseedlingsize (Table In 3.. 100 DONALD A. STRATTON 2. Heterogeneity ofselectiondifferentials. Heterogeneity ofselectionamong sites,blocks,and disturbance treatmentswas testedvia Kruskall-Wallistestsusing the 18 selectiongradientsas observations.Heterogeneity among plots is given by the proportionof the 153 pairwise comparisonsthatare significantly different. Overall heterogeneity among plots may be considered significantif it is greaterthan 8% (see text). TABLE Heterogeneityamong treatments 2 Directional selectiondifferentials Emergencedate Viability Establishment 0.25 Fall 0.50 Winter 0.14 Spring 1.13 Year-2 2.71 Fecundity 2.47 Lifetimefitness 0.18 October rosettediameter Viability Winter Spring Year-2 Fecundity Lifetimefitness 0.78 0.78 2.16 1.22 5.23 Sites Blocks Plots X2 X2 % 0.71 7.89** 8.43** 0.43 0.13 1.38 11.00*** 0.56 1.06 0.13 1.45 0.65 selectiondifferentials Stabilizing/disruptive Emergencedate Establishment 1.27 2.25 Fall 0.98 0.08 Lifetimefitness 0.57 0.82 October rosettediameter Winter 2.14 5.93* 11.99** 13.66* 13.19* 1.56 1.33 10.35* 14.56* 51* 48* 17* 11* 35* 17* 54* + No. significant - 4+ 3+ 1+ 0 0 9.59 4.30 3.45 9.10 3.27 16* 6 15* 11* 29* 8+ 0 0 1+ 9+ 9.94 11.12* 4.29 70* 20* 29* 7+ 4+ 5+ 6.28 12* 3410- 10- 4- 6- *** P < 0.001; ** P < 0.01; * P < 0.05. highwintersurvivormostoftheselectionat WP acted mm had uniformly contrast, In all plots, ship (Fig. 8). Althoughthe fitnesssurface on emergence dateitself. directly curved,therewas netposlifetimeviabilityselectionon emergence was significantly witha sizethreshse- itivedirectional selection thanfecundity date was muchstronger at lection(Table 3C). old. The thresholdeffectwas stronger in significant heteroSelectiononSeedlingSize.-Viabilityse- StonyBrook,resulting lectionon Octoberrosettediameterpri- geneityof quadraticselectiondifferentials variationinwinter amongsites(Table 2). Overall,winterviamarilyoperatedthrough The mean directionalselec- bilityselectionaccountedfor80% of the survivorship. (Table 3). was +0.41 standarddevi- lifetime tiondifferential selectiondifferential were had onlya weak diameter ations; winterselectiondifferentials Octoberrosette in 8 ofthe18plotsafteradjusting effect in partbecauseof significant on springviability, error,but all 18 were thelow opportunity forselection.The variforexperimentwise at P 5 0.056 (Fig.7). anceinrelative was0.15, nominallysignificant survivorship spring selec- comparedto 1.43forwinter There Most of thevariationin phenotypic viability. of Octoberdiameteron tionoccurred amongplotsandamongblocks was also no effect (P = 0.07), and therewereno significantsurvivorship duringthesecondyear(Table (Ta- 2). treatment effects ofsiteor disturbance were ble2). Quadraticselectiondifferentials On average,Octoberrosettediameterexin 9/18plots (all negative)but plained18% ofthetotalvariationin fecunsignificant therewas no evidenceof an intermediatedity.Individualfecundity selectiondifferin anyplots,but maximum.Seedlingslargerthan20 entialswerenotsignificant fitness PHENOTYPIC SELECTION IN ERIGERON 101 TABLE 3. Meanphenotypic selection gradients (A) andphenotypic correlations (B) foremergence date,October, andMarchrosette diameter. Becauseofheterogeneity within theWeldPreserve, meanswerecomputed separately forblocks3,4 and 5,6. Asterisks denotesignificant heterogeneity amongdisturbance treatments or locations usingFriedman'stestforrandomized blocks.Valuesin boldfaceindicateconsistency ofthesignof selection gradients within thelocationortreatment. Underhoofno selection, theprobability thatall sixselection gradients havethesamesignis P = 0.03. No stabilizing or disruptive selection gradients weresignificantly different from zero.The numberofplotswithindividually significant selectiongradients (afteradjusting forexperimentwise error)is shownat theright.Compositeselectiongradients (C) werecalculatedas thesumofselectionoverall component episodes. Site Variable SB WP(3,4) Disturbancetreatment WP(5,6) A) Viabilityselectionepisodes Establishment Emergence 0.0849 -0.0996 0.2926 *** Fall Emergence -0.0744 -0.0138 0.3130 * Winter Emergence -0.2933 -0.4320 0.0763 * October 2.8992 0.1361 0.7463 * Adult(Spring+ Year 2) Emergence 0.0321 0.0561 0.0543 October -0.2615 0.1176 -0.2942 ** March 0.5443 0.1363 Fecundity selection Emergence 0.0350 0.0707 October -0.1391 0.3150 March 0.2181 0.1632 B) Phenotypic correlations EmergenceOctober -0.534 -0.473 EmergenceMarch -0.443 -0.329 October-March 0.917 0.334 C) Compositeselection gradients Emergence date Totalindirect -1.5044 -0.3575 Totaldirect -0.2157 -0.4185 Totalviability -1.6980 -0.6424 Totalfecundity -0.0220 -0.1335 Octoberrosettediameter Total indirect Totaldirect Totalviability Totalfecundity * 0.6720 2.4985 3.1253 0.0453 0.0513 0.5688 0.2744 0.3457 0.5761 ** 0.2232 -0.0187 0.2707 + -0.277 + -0.162 0.611 * -0.2213 0.9595 * 0.5190 * 0.2192 + 0.4949 ** 0.5438 0.7735 * 0.1549 No0. sig. Open Annual 0.1254 0.0306 0.1220 0.0365 0.1092 0.0792 + 7 -0.2152 -0.3409 0.6696 0.7312 0.0928 2.3809 + 7 10 Perennial 7 0.0371 0.0592 0.0462 -0.0056 -0.0864 -0.3461 0.3144 0.3549 0.2710 0.0711 0.3124 -0.2451 0.2150 0.4258 0 0 0.5874 3 0.0158 ** 0.1079 * 0.0112 * -0.432 -0.494 -0.358 -0.351 0.554 -0.310 0.598 -0.273 0.711 0 0 4 ** -0.6527 -0.4679 -1.0737 0.2547 -0.0709 -0.0815 -0.4379 -0.6299 -1.0743 0.0399 0.0911 -0.0808 0.3145 0.9763 0.8633 0.4275 0.4865 0.3996 0.8609 0.0253 0.4173 2.5734 2.7881 0.1117 ** + P < 0.001; ** P < 0.01; + P < 0.05 but not significantwith Bonferroniadjustment. overallfecundity selectionwas significantly thetotalfecundity selection on seedlingsize. greaterthanzero (P = 0.02, signedranks Thethreedisturbance treatments differed in test).In mostplots,fecundity selectionwas the directfecundity selectionon October muchweakerthanthetotalviabilityselec- rosettediameter(Table 3A). Howeverthe tion(Table 3A; Fig. 5, lower).The effect of phenotypic selectionforlargeseedlings was seedlingsize on fecundity was muchstron- highest inopenplots,a pattern oppositepregeramongplantsthatreproducedthefirst dictions. year(fi= 0.26; significant in 8/18)thanthe Therelationship between seedling sizeand effect on thefecundity ofsecondyearplants lifetimefitnessshowedpurelydirectional (ns). Thus delayedreproduction decreased selection, withno evidenceofcurvature of 102 DONALD A. STRATTON 10000 1.0 2000 8000 r-0.5 --SB CL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C * 6000 0.0 Esab FalWntrAul: E00 euniyFins -0.5 LL 4000 U 2000 Winter Adult Fall Estab. FecundityFitness 0_ _0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 Cohort Episode FIG. 6. Mean fitness (?SE) of plantsin the four emergence cohortsat StonyBrookand theWeldPreserve.Notethedifference in scaleon theordinate. E oo 2.01.5- .0 (0 E o 0.5 -: 0 .0 -0 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - was weakestin highcompetition perennial In plots,a patternoppositeto predictions. contrast,Van der Toorn and Pons (1988) did reporta trendforstronger selectionon dateclosedhabitatsintwospegermination cies of Plantago. Fall and winterviabilityselectionfavoringearlyemergence cohortswas stronger at Episode StonyBrook than at the Weld Preserve, relatedto thecomselectiondiffer- whichmaybe partially FIG. 5. Cumulativestandardized date(upper) petitiveregime.One of the mostobvious entials(?SE) forselectionon emergence and Octoberrosettediameter(lower)at StonyBrook environmental betweenthetwo differences bothspring siteswasthedifference Adultviability includes andWeldPreserve. inpercent vegetation forplantsthatdelayedrepro- cover. The and year-2survivorship at Brook wereall plots Stony duction. Open symbols= SB, closed = WP; squares = rapidly colonized by other species (primar= = Open plots,circles Annualplots,triangles PerenWinter Aduft Fecundity Fitness nialplots.Data fromblocks5 and 6 at WP areshown ilygrasses,Artemesiavulgaris,and Stellaria withdottedlines. media) and by Octoberhad >80% cover. Seedlingsin latercohortsfacedincreased withthesespecieswhichmay competition thefitnesssurface(Fig. 9). Octoberrosette partiallyaccountforthestronger selection diameterexplained22% ofthephenotypic on emergence dateat SB. At theWeldPrevariancein lifetime fitness. servetheopenandannualplotsmaintained low percent vegetation cover (< 40%) DIscuSSION AtStonyBrook, theexperiment. throughout HeterogeneousSelection.-The differ- theopenplotsresembled theperennial plots encesintheenvironment thatcausethehet- aftertwo monthsand werenot equivalent of selectionamongthereplicate to theopentreatment at theWeldPreserve. erogeneity plotsoperateovera local scale,butremain Becausethethreedisturbance treatments did I foundfewconsistent unknown. that itis notsurprising differencesnotremaindistinct, in the magnitudeof phenotypicselection estimatesofselectiondid notshowconsiswithrespectto thethreedisturbance treat- tentdifferences amongtreatments. ments,so my a priorihypothesisof inWithintheWeldPreservesite,therewere creasedselectionon seedlingsize in com- largeand consistent in thepatdifferences wasnotsupported petitiveenvironments by ternof selectionbetweenblocks 3 and 4 thesedata. Therewas significant heteroge- versusblocks5 and 6. Thisspatialvariation neityamongdisturbance treatments forfe- in selectionwas generally muchlargerthan selection envicundity forbothseedling the bioticeffects of the competitive gradients sizeandemergence date.Howeverselection ronment.The relevantenvironmental dif- PHENOTYPIC Winter 2.0 ~ 1.0"I5 1.5-~~ ._ 103 SELECTION IN ERIGERON 1.0 - f~ Fecundity 0.5 1.0~~~~~~~~~~~001 0.5 N X X5 4.0- . 3.0- i Fitness -1.0 _ diameter. forOctoberrosette and 95% confidence intervals Open selection differentials FIG. 7. Standardized = Perennial plots. symbols= SB, closed= WP; squares= Open plots,circles= Annualplots,triangles ferences are not known,howeverblocks5 selectionwas observedamongthe 18 plots and 6 appearedto have sandiersoil that in nearlyall selectionepisodes.Selection earlyin thelifecydriedout fasterduringthefalland winter, was mostheterogeneous suggesting thepossibleimportanceof abi- cle, withmost of the variationoccurring oticfactors. The severedesiccationmayac- amongblockswithinsites.Severalrecent countforthelargeviability selectionagainst studieshave examinedthe spatialheteroofphenotypic selectionwithinplant in thoseblocks.However, geneity earlyemergence suchinferences aboutthecausesofselective populationsand thesehave shownsimilar and direction of heterogeneity are merelyspeculative.To variationin themagnitude makecausalstatements aboutparticular se- selectionamongplots(Kalisz, 1986; Stewconlectiveforcesthe consequencesof abiotic artand Schoen,1987). The emerging selectionon life variationin soiltypemustbe testedexper- sensusis thatphenotypic characters is strongand variableon as was done forthecompetitive history imentally, a local scale, even withinseeminglyhoregime(cf.Wade and Kalisz, 1990). Significant variationin themagnitude of mogeneouspopulations(but see MitchellOldsandBergelson, 1990).Unliketheother 0 1.0 I= 0 0 0 0 30000 0 SB I @~0.8I j 20000 C~~~~~~~~~~~ SB0 0.6 IL 0.4 10000 0.2 0.0 II WP *~~~~~~~ ? 0 * 20 40 60 J 80 October Rosette Diameter(mm) FIG. 8. Mean wintersurvivorship(?SE) as a function of October rosettediameterat Stony Brook and the Weld Preserve.Each mean is based on minimum of 12 plants. 0 20 40 60 October Rosette Diameter fitness FIG. 9. Mean lifetime (?SE) as a function of Octoberrosettediameterat StonyBrookand the WeldPreserve. 104 DONALD A. STRATTON studies,the fitness-related size characters Direct versusIndirect Selection.-Much examinedin thisexperiment did not show ofthetotalselectionon emergence dateand variationin thedirection ofselection:large Octoberrosettediameterwas theresultof seedlings hadhigher viability andfecundity,directselection,in additionto indirectseas is expectedoffitness-related lectionthrough traits. effects on sizeat laterstages The phenotypic selectionon emergence ofthelifecycle.The largedirecteffects on daterevealedan apparenttradeoff between seedlingcharacters resultfromtheimporthesize advantageofearlygerminating in- tance of viabilityfitnesscomponentsfor dividualsand survivorship duringestab- lifetimeselectionin Erigeron.In contrast, lishment. Similarpatterns wereobservedby Mitchell-Olds andBergelson (1990) showed Arthuret al. (1973) and Marksand Prince littledirectselectionon seedlingsin Im(198 1) forcomparisons offallvs. spring ger- patiens,wherefitnesswas entirelydeterminating plants.Viabilityversusfecundityminedbyfecundity. In thisexperiment, the tradeoffs withrespectto germination date mostimportant singlecontribution wasthat have generally notbeen observedin single throughwintersurvivorship. Winterviaseasoncomparisons (Kalisz,1986;A. Biere, bilitydifferences explainedoverhalfofthe pers.comm.),althoughsuch tradeoffs are selectionon Octoberrosettediameterand oftenassumedforlifehistory characters at weretwiceas largeas selectionduringthe equilibrium. Directionalselectionon seed- adultlifestages. lingsize may be expectedto decreasethe Therecan not be "direct"fecundity semeanemergence dateuntilthisselectionis lectionon emergence dateinthesamesense balancedby conflicting viabilityselection thattherecan be directfecundity selection againstindividuals thatgerminate tooearly. on adultphenotypes. The directfecundity In blocks1 through 4, negativedirectional selection gradients simplyindicatethatthere selectionat laterstagesofthelifecyclewas are residualeffects of emergence date that much stronger thanthe positiveviability can not be explainedby the increasedfeselectionduringestablishment, whereasin cundityof largerplants.In particular,if blocks5 and 6 at WP thenetselectionon seedlingsize is heldconstant, lateemerging remainedpositive. emergence seedlingsmusthave grownfaster.PresumShape oftheFitnessSurface. -Quadratic ablythepositivefecundity selectiongradicoefficients in earlyviabil- ents show a continuing weresignificant expressionof the ity selectionepisodes,revealingboth sta- fastergrowthratesofthoseseedlings. bilizingand disruptiveselectionon emer- Each of theselectiongradients are meagencedate.Thisresulted from largevariation suredwitherrorand the errorsare comintherelativesurvivorship ofcohorts2 and poundedwhen severalselectiongradients 3 duringestablishment. The highmortalityare combined. Quantititiveconclusions of cohort3 was largelyresponsibleforthe about the precisemagnitudes of the comobserveddisruptiveselection.Laterselec- positeselectiongradients maynotbe wartion episodesshowedonlymonotonicdi- ranted.Nevertheless, therepeatability withrectionalselectiontowardearlyemergence. in each block(Table 3) providesevidence Quadraticselectiondifferentials were sig- thatthe compositeselectiongradientsare nificant forlifetime selectionon emergence reasonablyaccurateindicationsofthemadate,and forwinterviabilityselectionon jor patterns of selection. Octoberdiameter,but all had monotonic Othershave used pathanalysisto assess fitnessfunctions. 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