
lie> with
t>u....ucr.,i< codes. On. po.n\cularly ...aIou, MP,
.ager to ><nd ou t • batch of report., got 50 fru'tra ted by the fonn,
had to complete to ,upport a ""IlK"St for AHl>£<l ffiwlopes that ,he
Ihn-w he""l! on the mercy _ and the ,tationery supply - of a friendly
NGO instead.
- TTip'k"dle "I'P""i""~
Paper tiger
funho1 difficultln plai/;lle our poor Mrs 10 the form of obscure parl~
memary pl'OC<'dures a nd protocol,. Some ta ke refuge In a kind of
humOUJ. Deluged by document>. locludlog a host of Immlnem whi"
par"'''' !01I1e are a'kln ~ why colour i. >till an i»l>e.
Cutter press
A lk""""ay in A~ ".ffer who intervlewe<l """ Credo Mu""••
coople of month, ago with. vlow tu. JXl"Ibk Orlich> wa, recently
remin<k-d ab<>Jl • prroictlon he made then: " Bef"", september," he
Intoned. ' South Afrtc. will 11.1"" a Muilim ~nt·11>e I"oph"")'
wo, 1'<GI1k'd when Ida... omen w~ ",.rct>ed by prnldenll.1 snifk-r
dog' on 21 July before t he arrival of • very ;mflOrtant llU"'1. With
""'Ison Mandel. and dl.'puty pn>sldent> rw de KJerk .nd Thobe Mbeki
out of t he country a' the lime. thal would be ,.. Dull... om..,
_ MulWa 1"'1"<"1"",
A radio news "'port_bout the current wave of 'trikes proved contu,ing
10 the eig!lt·Y"aI-<>ld. """",,-mad son 01. an ldasa memt>eJ of
"Mommy,' he .>led, gazing at • p"st",. of hi>favourite South Afli<:an
><:>00:, 'lar. "1lIt' .Ilth"'" black MU ke" bo>tter th.n Doctor Khumalol"
- ThaI deprnds "" Ih< gw!' roo hu .... in mind, deou.
Nol A4 away
Mr.. !'lot only do they ha... to <le..:J with hostility O/lIM
i>..... of tli'" Inn.IN .. Ia....... thel. ctfI<i<1lCJl I. being blunt... by bat·
PIty 0U1
1h<' Sunday p"'" ;; waging a vendetta against him. Deputy """Idenl
~w de K1..k complains. The Iat..t couse of hi, anooya~ i. that they
have their knives out I><:<;a"", ht> guvernment forked out RZ,4 mlll"",
for "ate cutlery.
- C(J<J/::'ng up dn """"''''''''' din?
A Goodwood pen>iorleT who rKeIlUy JeU \'lctlm to the national Car
theft .yndrome managed to ha"" the la" laugh , lJrIving throogh town
with a friend atter h.. cor was .tolen out>i<le a local ,uperma" ,"" wh at
did "'" 'pol parled outside the J'O'I office but h.. GU. !'Oolldog a
shady <ha'I<1'" maklllll a phone call from a collhox nearby, ,he
n ipped into her cor and 'ped off. The ,hady charartet burst into a Jury
aOO drop.kkked ttte phone.
- A_
l ind of crime beot.
Inviting trouble
A l>.rsy eX""'li"" acquiK'd a repotallon for unu..... l lad of dlKn'tlon
att.. a litefal to alyped reply to an imitation ioformed hi, would_be
ho'" that he WI' "flattened" to ~ w tttetr card,
_ .'\0 oo.y he's dillY.
Idasa welcomes new era with Wilmot
By M oira Levy
DASA e m.... a new ..a .. Wilmot James lakes over .. ex""'li""
dire<;too-. brlngiog with him a fresh set of Idea, on a J'O'Hpartheid
role for the or~ani..tlon .
Jame' ..... ldasa'. wor k .hitt in ~ from brldge-buildllllland f><illtatlon
10 lndude a roIe;li agenl of dvil sodety. actively en~agin~ with
ll"""mment on the process of tran.ition.
As torme-r head of the oodoIogy departmenl 01 lhe Uniwrsity of
cape Town, he brings to lda.>a a """n lmeresllo government policy
and practice. He hopes to extend Ida.. '. work Into policy n>VIew
and as>essmenl, focu,lng 00 n>onilming Ihe r"'rformance of
ll"""rnmem. particularly In relation 10 delivery 00 e lection proml...,
He would also like to see Ida.. <lewlop its C3parity to collate and
di""minate informatior> on progress in <lemooaty_buildiog and
Judgiog from his published bo:X>ks and artlcks, James bring'lto hi,
new post a duai analytical inwrest: t><ism aOO it, application in t he
modern world: and t~ <lewloprnent of ooem"" labour 'Y'tem., In
particular migrant labour.
Ja""" has emphasised hi. desire to see Ida", change from an organi...
lion rt:x:>Ied in lhe tenet> of liberal democraty to """ that now al'"
InclU<les In I" bt!<f the aim of attaining socially desitable goal s. In on
a<1<1res, to a meeting of Ida.. >tafllrom around thecounlry. he ..1dt hat
tho: changed (XlIitlcal e nvi ronme nt ma<le il mo", possible to contMbu'"
to growth and <lewlopmenl.
James began hi, new job with a tour of Ida..', regional o ffices, t alO ns
time to talk t o ,taff. Ii"en to their hopes a nd grtevaoces, and runsult
on the way forward.