IEYONDSSt?S.COM ocrorER20r0 PICrORIAL: THECHEF'SCHOICE ExecullveChefi ork Oldroyddlscusses selecllonrfrom lhe menu of Qrtl2'slodd Engllshreslouronl. by RichordH.Wogner "l jsl lov. @k!s ia s.rc61" o.fM ExGuriv. ch.f Mart OldDyd ed lnll pae QM2 sion .oncs thousn who he di$us ln. iopic. Ac@rdingly.*hcn I 6ked Chcf Oldrcyd wh.t sme ofhis favoriie$htions w.c fom ln. m€nu in theToddEnglishresllJmi on QM2.he6pondedby pEpdins sm€ of de dishe dFl c his F. s.d favonb &d snc whhh c th. fasrit s in mons the e6l5 who dinc in lh. camt orderro illBrdr. his ltMks, (Com.nls by rh. ch€faboule(h dishre *t fonh nert io ils pholo H. fi81 lonEd his pmtsion wo*i.3 in En3led ed in Mich.lir sla 6|Illmts in Flwc. dly h. sw m adwrtismdt in a Brilish €lets O.e ing maguin &d d{id€d to apply for a posnion wilh Cmrd. "l had s fomsr boss who u€d lo work on thc old Fmoda ed Quan M.ry. Hc ws alwys boaling how n ws. I sw 'Cuad' erd I thougln I'd goSood for thal besu* il is lh€ only shipping oDp&y lhrt I h e b€.n pae siomr. abort beingarr y Bndsh @nFny" Oi€ oa 3 ser of twins. nis brorhd Nichol.s ChefOldrcydis in a prniculdlt goodlosition to di$N ll)eF disl6. As orc of $. dirungv..u6 lboad th. gMl (H liF. dr ToddE gusn Reslaumt is wifiin his da of rsDonsibility, MoEovs, ChefOldoyd is tut jur r $p.nis bul a exBde.ccd Drofesiomlch€i tiBe on dc Ql@ Eliz.bdn 2, lhe QM2 md on the lair. Qu@ victoda. Now ndly clev6 y6 Mart is ln. cxctrlive OM2 &d Nichols is the exsutive cheaon1n. new Olen Elizb.lh- ioinedCunada1these 1ime,"we sianedat rhe boton md wotledou wy up." Tlis 'ncluded Maine Cnb CoL. (lurch henu) "t P.onue"d tha sab uk s h&l's cnb catus m vrr g@d. Thelau.e is aferr tonato ehich k nade vithSi"ger\9itha ighl Asia, taste to it ANI ttun we hdedIi L cucunbe.l@to salad. Youhde a c.oh.a*e and d grcanole mM drt ve hare hk sisnaturesa.nis, which he cals \atr'. t is o4e ofhis sisrc- Hi M lonnto Ni6. (lunch nenu) " /hat wc hde on th. hoton is a basil aiolli. heirloon tonatoer nith French bcM, quil eggs oliv* Zt'Tdr RoLtt4l B.e,tt tiinrer nenu) - - 'me nalcd rellor beets co t rith the za'tt spie oad c6he, nuts*hi.h hM bea toled in spic.! It h6l Gree*losurt, a niee rihtunt ansula Mlad and sesane se.d! as ve h it ihterestinE lot aet seex atul sout! thenyou Eel the spi.in6s fun the arugula ls nia. It k ona ofou/ ldoritcs." ml0 BEYONDSHTPS.COM/OqIOBEi P..,P 2 Sltaedd AsportE6, lurch menu) - - "Th i To.l,ls wist on a Cotnt elat!. What re hNe hetu is dt th. b6e ofthe etud, tt1erc is a ni.e toruto nEod an'1 then you hare the .lassic C@sar iih h.!d\ Crcer recipe. Then lor hae the aspuraaLt is.Mt d in bre@l Thll crunbt ukd PMeen. is deerrfied and then \9e slice it L! a nice tuist anr! a delibus Caes salall " Low Lette6 k\ntur nen") - - a tegdotian dish .l.s.ribul o" th. hetu ds "puqPkin Pwee Lht! aturetto biscuit vith a Ma.lein "Everro4. lot s the Lnre LueB. To.l,l alears enphasizeshk Lore Lelters. TIP! are wry, ttry E@d. lt h o tig"alurc dish. Theona ehich we uetl to hde on ttu nenu js the nufre.l plato but thi! ore is punpkin rith anarctto hisctik i^rle. A ni.e lduce an.l u Mddeira To.Ll ruls it is lite d tirtc dec 2010 !EYONDSHTFS.COM/OCTOIER 3 Plt See,edSalno" thlnch ntnn) - th;r &i in.!tu16 ftbpts co'1lit tulillor?r pntu( ':rctn hur^4 ur.l lihon h.u" ''Ttu orl'p6 h^ h*n slorlf lnkll in nj|. ret .\ slofl) k) thnt il h{on!\ tcnder Tht atlnbn. oJ4n\. is cookedalu mjnnlt,r't :ttt th. \ttinlid unn thth:!6i!lbk M n shoullh! jn sl)t:htl! ?ink th! !.ntg sutamt rL{ Uinhernuu) - - \7al ne,I lil't tlt,rt htlonhjnation - - the a,nrornua i4mlnd Thal is o t.dl t\rpitootu^nrI "Thf Lhlrl is jh u rurlort with a tttlt hit ol turcr ,Yt hu\r u tclcriac 0n yur, 11/uht, hbr tqatkthllt \.ith s\ris\ ( ho.l rltich i! hr.ttllrnaied Ihe Jill.t ltil h6 n'httt r.tlotu with '' ,tlt bl hd.l\ suurc! 4tu rrtlked Thtft ;lm) ldrchorarrthht! hl th.h Th.Jnd btJtith th. in L\.n.tth.n v. do un .iche.t skr* tn.|ruh.. it Mar naae.n PeUa lunch n nr) IEYONDSHTPS.COM/ 20t0 OCTOBEi It&l't Canot Ctr. (dinner netu) - - 'Th. mt ca|e is litc a discowry whenpeo c oder it. lYhentotr oaler a camt catu )nu .x1xct u eoke vithafueinsontop Btl wtunit.onc! tou M! bh "l is a r.ry .ohrenl'raty lesisn. tle hde the.aa)t ice Nreamand wc h@e !h. .utrct t0i0. tle hd. pear atul ruisib. This is lile r.ean .heesel/oiin* lnd then the l/.n Chdd.t Pttltht (.linnel mtu) - - 'otu olthe nost Np u dishesve haw hd.l lite ttu openins olthe Qreen Mory 2 eB the chocobtefa q care. on th. ti^t Denu. we had e".ale eith a ruspbeo) sMc dn.l thd ea\ the hiplest hit ewrEveryotu that." "RiEhtNa o" lhe Nv tunL ve tuN th. tn' olchocolate - -.hocotuft fulleh .utu. chocotak ythet a"d ttuttu.xh i arcther neh .hNolde noBe It i mthqvinM.r Whit Chtolat Falkd Ca,. (uth nen!) - - "tt n^rrite Thi' is a whit. .hn oldeldllen cale, chocotate mduyean.tru!fuury ia .rem ad thisMd.r h.ft hjt! .ruthed $ hich aiwr , a litl. textw. Ih. chuolde hntse is lil. a thic* .hNDId. Wth. IEYONDSHtPS.COt/l/JUtY 2010 5
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