Descriptions New of from Noteworty and Pacific Western Gastropoda Indian and Oceans By Tokio On February, the from writer former T. from keeplng Mr. lady to express kinds and gentlemen his sincere and Here paper. for the Dr・ to thanks T・ In Entemnotrochus and of this course SHIKAMA urashima has been in Kugenuma, etc. to tbanks OzAKI he for wishes different study・ OISHI, et writer cordial Also K・ Mr・ The latter the in Tokyo, his generoslty・ and 1976shells and SuzuKI M・ extends HABE the The NAKAYASU Mr・ writer during suggestion China K・ and kindness their Seas some gain could Japan. Mr・ from offered in Osaka MuRAKAMI this help of Taiwan East-South SouthⅦestern of shells H. comprlSe from coasts SOme、unknown These these by丘shermen Paci丘c off Fujisawa, in )ouney in brought w・ere were during writer for shells Mrs. the from Mr・ Chu Sham Chiang Tainan・ study to have some the study chance noteworthy also could in OISHI in Nagasaki Mr・ S・ HAYASEI Mikawa-Isshiki・ and interresting 77 1975 SHIKAMA* nOV. SP. ウラシマオキナエビス(節) (Pl. I)escription: thick and shell yellow a point Selenizone lated striations above and columella many layer mm wide. Locality: high 97・8mm East stored China of and Sea, Geology). in compared but lip outer striations. oblique narrow, the of aperture Shoulder of are to runnlng selenizone, deep and large, smooth,flat llOmm associated vide; with very and very writer's rumPhii, than Protoconcb tolerably whorl with higher splre There deep. Fasciole of last Base shells *地学教室(°ept. open, straight. lines. sized run which ridges and exposed. Types: Two shell Snture Umbilicus thin growth larger 97.2 axial cancellated. whorl spiral 1) texト丘g. of teleoconch. Slit narrow of side selenizone. 2, outline volutions many丘ne b, medium general OppOSits Just 1a, 1.5 volutions. with carries just in 9 with and to small latter the trochiform light at Shell like 1,丘gs. and collection, smaller rumPhii. that small, deep, along whorl rather it・ of smooth, terminated last rather wborl・ angu- splral many丘ne hence touching depressed sometimes presented one 76・9mm of surface protoconch・ and with nacreous by OISIiI; high and 10 T. Text一点g. 1. Right: Remarks: and This genral more Spiral is and Margarites rumphii, cancellated to in rumPhii of the ×1.7 nat. it by surface (Pupillaria) australis in shown whorl, left: size. is rather similar from distinguished species colouration yellow penultimate ×1.5 nat. but outline of ridges urashima, Sf-JIKAMA lower. size. shell construction higher relatively whorl, StIIKAMA spire, etc. CHIANG et ミナミスヂマキュビス(節) 2,丘gs. (Pl. Description: Protoconch and lip・ not surface white. IIolotype: shell collection, presented Locality: South Remarks: spire, deeper (HANCOCK) less spiral and ridges・ M・ small・ light pinkish very Spiral large with white. thin, pinkish white high, has ridges greyish 20.8mm and spire. Teleoconch to white layer wide deep・ not Aperture low relatively sized. small suture and and with in stored 3 many, inner thick Nacreous to the greyish writer's CHIANG. China is well suture relatively surface 25Amm by In general GouLD PuPillus and deep while Margarites as ang・ulated unlustrous, lustrous much sized volutions Umbilicus weak・ Inner layer l・5 carries Shoulder volutions・ 血e large Shell 1a, b) and Sea, outline, colour pattern liked but is distinct by less or CouTHONY cinerea M・ groenlandicusCIIEM.・ in by丘sberies gained stronger are by and smaller spiral Separated may be near Kaoshung, Taiwan. M. spiral ridges, size, relatively ridges. M. by higher much this species (P.) higher (P.) sordida spire and in general New outline and In shell structure Gastropoda noteworty and spiral Western from (Microgaza) opalina SHIKAMA オパールシダタミ(新) (Pl. 2,丘gs. Description: Shell Protoconch deep Umbilicus with edge run from and outer and the small edge This little a two more species of it by whitish grey of is microgaza, also to the suture shoulder flat, consisting of also ridge latter and off deep・ Pacific is but band subsutural DALL rotulla but species this which is distinct touching slightly convex peripheral with Calliostoma, as the edge spiral third ridge・ Axial and threads are and and Nine colour becomlng Four arranged third with ridges, ridges from run dotts・ same first ridge prlmary primary secondary brown many prlmary between fourth bands white runnlng run ridges latter smooth, Whorl tuberclesI smau between ridge・ There secondary between small, deep・ suture tur- trochoid, Protoconch shoulder・ mumerous peripheral first prlmary -ヤシエビス(新) b) sized Three visible and nov. of teleochonch・ Spire high and ridge・ ridges, secondary of rim species, to sp. 3a, angnlated with peripheral prlmary one bet∇een rather brown ridges above second between with 6 volutions 1.5 volutions. with spiral run nodulous allied large to medium and yelloⅥ7ish distinct from gained colouration. Shell and was shell Atlantic shoulder・ by presented wide. One of fasciole, edge collection, writher's (Tristichotrochus) hayashii, thick rated, not dark brown also inner sharp with are from Kii. 450m offKushimoto, S. nuda DALL from Northeastern etc. whorl surface, shell, iridescent near angulated Description: while a sharp with Axial striations curved subrhombic 13.3mm and shells is nodulous type the (Pl. 2,丘gs. and very with little inflated・ thougha arrangement・ Honshu. construction Calliostoma ridges of teleoI low, Spire gently and Aperture high species outline, general it by distinct from light 4 volutions rather丑at touturous in stored 8.9mm one in to with nOV・ c) narrow surface. island, Toga; Remarks: from Base of 0ffsouthwestern KashiwaJlma a Sp. with brown reddish nodules shells largest Locality: is HAYASHI, 1.5 volutions. rounded. Fasciole basal on Three HAYASHI; and ll lips. Types: by Oceans tint, lustrous white and with a depressed band rim of small and subsutural with on Numerous丘ne lines arrangement. growth visible narrow. many et trochiform round, light Shoulder surface. b, 2a, thin, sized, and are torturous of whorl small small which smooth whorls iridescent・ Sutre deep tubercles lndian and shell and less splral ridges・ ridges but is distinct by thinner be unlque MARGARITES・ among and large size this species may Solafiella conch. Paci丘c run stlture Base distance・ 12 T. Columella narrow, pure and white umbilicus inner surface. lip and nacreous Ⅱolotype: Shell 33・2mm thin outer collection, base This but is Species kiiensis ridges from by it by spiral nodulous IKEBE deep; Or sculpture in in rare with the writer's be may occurrence. DuNKER in distinct between ridges LISCHKE COnSOr quite sculpture primary suture ridges shoulder. and it in nodulous splral by smaller size and near but are from distinct angulated shoulder At of base・ rate belongs any this species and rhombic stored wide, is allied to unicum larger size, more Species unlque and 34.7mm and Kii, 350m distinct periphery above high Aperture closed. HAYAStII. 0ffKushimoto, Remarks: of by presented Locality: SHIKAMA it to the groups consor, of kiiensis-unicum. Minolia midu)ayensis, band subsutural Surface StriationsI many ridge small, distinctly of Spiral sharp outer 一ip. inner Ⅱolotype: Shell wbicb it by This sbsence species of basal on I)escription: has tubercles surface whorl ation. Callus nacreous Shell shallow. whorl is 6-9 spiral suceeding light thin of while inner a whorl and axial There uppermost thin white, in and thick with stored are the and writer's Islands. A. but ADAMS ridge distinct broⅥTn by and is from blotches axial whorl surface. 6a, edge which are thick, Outer white lip thin. and of blotches and and curved. gently blotches of twisted. of brownish brownish teleoconch. shoulder Edge nodulous・ whorl of irregular axial volutions base exterio-downward Shoulder bas 4 with between projected with b) trochoid ridges also columella nov.タカサゴカンス(新) 2,丘gs. sized, trlgOnal, brown sp. distinct whorl. violetish Base small There are which of spiral formosana, (Pl. Last white. and brown etc. Galeoastraea Suture to Midway to Punctata near yellow crenulation. Aperture subquadrate lslands is with numerous vide, of volutions Suture deep Columella axial Bomin 5 with penultimate nartow・ surface of it nacreous. 14・8mm high and 13.7mm SuzuKI. tubercles surface, whorl and on and by collection, offered Loeality: Sea from Remarks: with creamy 5 numerous and 2 volutions. smooth lustrous, ridges angulated, with Umbilicus deep on round b) trochoid, and depressed, whorl twisted・ 4a, b, 5a, thick, sized, small Protoconch teleoconch・ runnlng Shell nov.コガネシダタミ(新) 2,丘gs. (Pl. Description: sp. black Aperture of wbor】. carries sharp overlapped Surface black of colour- colouration. suboval with New and Gastropoda noteworty Ⅱolotype: Shell 24・8mm by collection, from high Paci丘c and w!de, stored Western 26.2mm and lndian 13 Oceans in the writer's NAKAYASU. offered Localitry: 0ffTaiwan. Remarks: but is This distinct by axial less than species in than Serpuorbis spire with to -one spiral (s・s・)yokojima, flated, convolute, tu、dinal striation striations large Shell direction along 1a, flat with feebly or unlque Serpuorbis of Murex by aperture, is thick and Axial a with 2,丘gs, not angulated・ each other shoulder Numerous on tube sipbonal Ⅱolotype: and Shell East Remarks: outline but margin Of varix・ distant from are high kiiensis KIRN distinct by axial less of from the other nOV.トウカイツブリ(新) turrated 8 volutions with deep・ Varix distinct, striations radial long on white run of rugose to parallel tube siphonal Distal eminent・ and 31.2mm and by and ribs SowERBY rectirostris species diameters NAKAYASU. relatibely portion of Ⅶide, stored in are liked the writer's sea. Species this in OISHI. China M・ lustrous. very blotches. 81・7mm by wall brown transverse many delicate. scalloped and margln且ne 516 in number, relatively weak and spines parietal 3 brown carries whorl brown Two-three oval presented collection, Locality: violetish whorl. Aperture spine; of last v・arices inwhorl longlMedian b) suture and small Sp. fusiform, sized, very 7a, sharply・ extended striations. OISHI, et shells of last distinguished clearly brown SHIKAMA medium short between ribs sbort・ Shell Protoconch by other volutions and white 17.5-24.5mm offered transverse many (Pl. teleoconch・ are in diameters, the striations・ There keeled・ Species (s・s・)tunghaiensis Deseription: nodules Of last whorl surface longitudinal lips of with 46・7-53・6mm Ventral surface. many to attached shoulder Coiling 3-4 of in the stored writer's collection, Locality: Philippine Islands. species have is species more b) and broken・ spire Parallel This this of on nov.ヨコジマ-ビガイ(新) aperture, Remarks: blotches colour of whorl Serpuorbis, as sized and shell sp. surface angulated runnlng ridges 3,丘gs. atta・ching white IIototype: by and DALL aSteriana them. side,・ attaching Protoconch and angulated・ Or of last whorl tubercles (Pl. I)escriptoin: of base blotches colour DALL Persica near rather Peripheral of last whorl・ in the both species, while shoulder in this is species stouter elensis and and construction DALL coarser M. lamination gallinage of shell. in of SowERBY general scalloped are far SHIKAMA T. 14 chicoreus nobilis, sp. nov.クレナイセソジュ(新) (pl. 2,丘gs. 9a, b; 5,丘g・ Pl・ 1) turrated and sized, thick, pinkish white,fusiform・ l・5 Protoconch with 8 volutions small, round, pink add of teleoconch. vith deep Spire high, narrow suture shoulder・ varix and angulated with volutions. one largest on and red penultimate whorl;first thick with 13 pinkish spines incurved Two Spines distally・ axial ridges posteriorly. eminently expanded splral sharp There are striations, running many between nodulous. varices Description・. some Shell canal and is very which lips. outer Shell and In Japan Cebu high size, less is is 30・2mm and of aperture surface in stored wide, the writer's it from by 2 RADWIN (?-artemis LAM-ARCK aculeatus near distinct between ridges axial nodulous SowERBY saulii developed rossitieri is rare distinct from also commonly, occurs aculeatus chicoreus is of splneS, rami sp. gloriosus, Description: medium sized, Protoconch teleoconch・ of volutions. Spire There whorl. penultimate anterior distinct suboval are long. not with siphonal Ⅱolotype: last of portion thin Two inner small・ suture outer Two spines ridges lips. between shoulder 5 on above canal are present siphonal varices Siphonal 2 with angulated splneS along with and which but and white violet and ridges thick stout, light round, deep with pinkish tube nodulous・ very narrow, broad. columella and not white gently curved・ in the 24.5mm Shell 49.1mm stored highand wide, Remarks・. This outline of and axial etc・ Only on relatively Aperture slit-like tube by presented collection, Locality: 0ffCebu in general whorl・ by species (新) beautiful Splral eminent, species 8a, b) thick, runnl咽many Varix whorl・ but high, moderately this this nov.ウタヒメセシジ- Shell 6.volutions but peristome, White (Pl. 2,丘gs・ absence with inner Philippines・ Island, species Species disappears- a也d and unthick tube and peristome and Siphonal of splneS, pinkish red colouration area Cebu, In same this distinctly developed the of of spines・ rami are hence they synpatric and rossitieri CROSSE, coexists with aculeatus species. of with subrhombic Inner red・ pinkish red pinkish NAKAYASU・ by but D'ATTILIO) larger straight, Aperture sharp 55・Omm This RerEtarks: species tube lustrous・ offered collection, Off Locality: varices, by more Siphonal narrow・ Peristome pinkish red and Ⅱolotype: et black. brownish of which deep small splneS NAKAYASU・ Island, species and On writer's is Philippines・ near saltatrix construction Varix shoulder of KuRODA but shell and by two aculeatus from distinct LAMARCK them by axial ridges be- and is nodulous New tween and Gastropoda noteworty from Western lndian and Oceans- 15 varices. Murexiella martini, sp. Description: 7 witb Shell valutions carries high angulated tively thick Just spine 4 with 3 of very spines its preceeding- and wit′b thin tremely lip. the Remarks: 28.1mm bigb and curved eminently Species axicornis but are by damicornis near higher siphonal LAMARCK tube, longicornis Or SiPho lower splre, (s.s.) aurorae, whorl. There thin, dotted dark brown Shell sp. are high runnlng many and lip; inner surface white Ⅱolotype: Shell 38.2mm collection, offered Loeality: Smith Band Every distinct axial surface and in by and by varices. in long near tube sipho皿al distinct distinct be may is spines weaker nov.アケボノツムバイ(新) 3a, fusiform, deep 3-4 b) turrated, sLuture and spiral spiral shoulder ridges fusiform, with thin stored in of sharp Protoconch striae. Aperture light and unangulated Brown striae. thick and very small, and sharp lustrous. and high 13.7mm and wide, the writer's of- spiral shell. Kanamarua lsland. Midway near species ridges. thin ex- canal SuzuKI. by interspaces but more and Straight Spiral of 2.5 volutions. with deeper with interspaces vith Remarks: Siphonal HEDLEY spire sized, medium Spire white. yellowish penultimate Aperture suboval white. DuNKER (Pl. 3,丘gs. : on etc. whorl, Deseriptio′n upvard. large uppermost visible suture. and on one Philippines. is species distinct clearly of last varix Island, to projected the rela- pro)ected antero-leftward. 26.5mm in maximum stored width, NAKAYASU. MARTIN NANG in Cebu via by presented This spines narrow narrow, collection, writer's IJOCality: 0ffCebu with very.short very tube Shell and oblique siphonal distinctly compared run Columella and narrow a and Varices whorls. outer Ⅱolotype: long Varix of whorl sharp. distally.; uppermost expanded curved and and Ⅵ7itb 2 brown and white, round light yellowish ridges gently turrated trocboid, small, spiral ′small, short Two mentiond. thick, Whorl are which long, b) deep. Four spines them, 10a, moderately Protoconch suture and shoulder. largest whorl The other sized, teleoconch. of Spire volutions. small nov.カセンホネガイ(新) 2,丘gs. (Pl. outer Paci丘c of Aulacofusus are Manaria ridges. is also distinct distinct is also from from distinct this by this species from,this smooth by by whorl T. S甘IKAMA et HAYASEI, 16 EosiPho SHIKAMA pygmaeus (Pl. Description: tions small suture with undeep 2 brown spiral with mat? and Columella whorl・ rather Largest SHI. Locality stored 14.3mm shell high Edsyu-nada : round Fine 5 voluand with Spire 2 with volutions. Whorl white of whorl. turrated and shoulder threads splral on penulti- Aperture 'twisted・ and narrow 15 about sub- lip. outer carrylng thin rhombic Types: Three shells b) round rugose, white, nOV.ヒナツムバイ(新) fusiform, small, bands. colour 2a, thin, sized, Protoconch teleoconcb. of bigb Shell 3,丘gs. Sp. in the writer's 6.9mm wide. Daio-zaki off doom Cape, by presented collection, deep; HAYA- in rare qulte occurrence. Remarks E. : known from Celebes Sea is allied smithi (ScHEPMAN) larger more from it by size, stouter shell or species but spiral ridges, hayashii, nov. sp. Shell Description: are and lip many outer and by cancellated lenticular with 4-5 spiral thick outer Shoulder striations. lip and deep of whorl Denticle canal. anterior angulated・ of distinct. and Ⅱolotype: b) fusiform, turrated and white sized, coloured・ 7 volutions Protoconch small with of teleoconcb・ are 7 carries axial ridges which nodulous whorl Penultimate Aperture 4a, small high relatively smooth. rugose -ヤシトクサバイ(新) (Pl. 3,丘gs. and this etc. Phos Spire to is distinct Shell 21.8mm high and ll.1mm in Ⅶ・ide, stored the writer's by HAYASHI. collection, presented Loeality: Ensyu一皿ada. Remarks: coarser This spiral is rather species striations, spiral near bands colour ML'tra (Tiara) 3,丘g. (Pl. Shell Description: of dark epidermis unin且ated twisted and by is more forma taiwanica, (A. ADAMS) et CⅢIANG.タイワンフデ(節) morchii SⅠiⅨAMA with absent but distinct smooth by axial etc. ridges, grooves HINDS roseatum large, yellovish shoulder of whorl. 6 on above which 2 volutions. with Teleoconcb 5 strong folds. brown penultimate of Columella wide and covered deep small, white, deep. suture distinct with Protoconch whorl. canal and high ̄with smooth whorl 8 volutions. Siphonal turrated Spire colour. Surface has 5) fusiform, elongate nov. mom. round lustrous Siphonal by and spiral and and tube New and bent twisted, Posterior rightward. described: Specimen from guished by and This been more known as hence lectors, narrow and deep. canal belongs high to 26.9mm and species by forma common indian Oceans wide, stored ADAMS 17 in the Japan the both distin- and more grooves, slender form Japanese in species between difference The etc. A. morchii spiral more surface, whorl not the and Sea. forma smooth paci丘c CEIANG. by Japanese the W ̄estern 113.5mm Shell writer's collection presented Locality: South China Remarks: from Gastropoda noteworty of morchii has many col- by stored although forms be may spire to slgni丘cant here. write ML'tra (Tiara) SHIKAMA abyssicola et HAYASIiI, Sp. nOV. ワダツミイトマキフデ(新) (Pl. Descriptioh: tions Spire volutions. small high ridges on hence threads, distinct and Larger shells 19.6mm shell Locality: noteworthy Praestantissima this is species Description: acutely ventral groove runs thread on brown light thread twisted by and lip. light white axial folds columella deepest the ln HAYASHI. by presented 100-150m carry white b; Pl. 5,丘g. thick Dorsal deep. It bottom among be may the OISHI, et spire of dorsal spiral callus folds. carries 4 weak inner surface of aperture small, and between Aperture reddish A pad-like. surface of two and and while shallow splral of lines. A last whorl. last whorl white spiral Fasciole posterior white Columella vhite, them. lanceolate brown not pro- lustrous Surface growth Spire brown brown, spire.callus. and outline. violetish light callus thread spiral band in oval numerous with spire 2) and brown yellowish anterior a SEIKAMA Protoconch callus. dorsal an 7a, sized, anterior portion brown and reddish. between with which ridge nov.コガネボタル(節) medium thick to white runs inhabiting 3,丘gs. posteriorward. light smooth, outer Sheu covered one Five primary spiral distinct runnlng Cape, utopica aureocallosa (Pl. jected secondary -white 2 with brown with cancellated. Daio-zaki off subsp. and and group. Baryspira high are in the wtiter's collection, 6.4mm wide. and Ensyu-nada, that whorl. 7 volu- witl1 brown violetish Whorl white One and narrow. stored high slender round, becomlng Aperture white. Two Types: fusiform, There ridges. surface whorl b) deep. not penultimate which betⅦeen primary visible small, suture and 4 6a, thich, sized, Protoconch teleoconch. of spiral Shell 3,丘gs. with thick and lustrous. and splral thick, smooth T. 18 Ⅱolotype: Shell Remarks: by China This a subspecies from known Sea o庁Kagoshima Parentalis (KuRODA known of whorl, Gemmula but may be the MS) from the In 1964, it Pleistocene Kikai by spire Group hitherto by by and the Kikai of thick extremely callus illustrated was to regarded rare quite 1964 of dorsal spire in occurrence.a ((シラガボタル(鹿間) pl. 3,丘gs. as and SHIKAMA, SHIKAMA rosario HAYASHI, et Deseription: Shell medium 10 volutions of teleoconch. 2 volutions. Spire vith with and Whorl white brown whorl and callus of angulated spire, shoulder KuRODA's the under writer lsland, narrow. subrhombic Remarks: to peripheral 12.4mm and spiral Axial striae i ̄t. of touching long tube of in ridges runnlng and surface stored wide, tortulous shoulder inner lip; outer 20 Sipbonal twisted. penultimate one V-shaped narrow, suture. on run ridges. deep, thin high and aperture the writer's be may Shorter deep. loo-150m Japan, species splre, weak. ridges on second About smooth undeep ridges eminent, sixth land with spiral and brown, globous, and most turrated HAYASHI, Channel, This narrower small, relatively with 44.6mm by presented collection Locality: Kii spiral ones spiral and lustrous. Ⅱolotype: Shell white fourth fusiform, elongate narrow One prlmary third splral Aperture b) primary Posterior sinus ridges. narrow Columella ridge. to Second Four whorl, of which fourth ones correspond and oblique First and lla, high, very last on nOV.コゲジュズカケクダマキ(新) sized, thick, Protoconch tint. sharp. third gemmate; visible Third brownish with Sp. 3,丘gs. (Pl. by (MS) (MS)*, ** name or writer's utoPica (マボロシリュウグウボタル) ☆as splral groove etc. KuRODA aureocallosa It is characterized Islands. anterior hence Prefecture is commonly last the Kyushu. utoPica near coloured, Species 8a, distinct is violet of utoPica. Amami-Oshima in stored wide, West off near subspecies utopica b)) 18.1mm and OISHI. of it is beautiful callus high 40.3mm presented collection, Locality: East SIIIKAMA tube siphonal PowELL murrayi nearest by and but is distinct third-post-third stronger ridges. Turricula (Comitas) SHIKAMA ensyuensis HAYASEI, et sp.nov.エンシュウイグチ(新) (Pl. * ** Index As Fossils Parentalis utoPica, form of is name the name of Japan (Asakura), for gevin a Parentalis utoPica. 3,丘gs. fossil may 9a, p. b, 112, species be 10a, b) 33,丘g. pl. as treated a 7. subspecies as a different of a recent species species name or a New Description: spire and splral Shell high very lustrous and with colour wide, depressed 1ate. A, Two with associated There B but is relatively distinguished and by white A it This by are which high Spire tions. wide. by covered outer Anterior Types SEI ; larger is distinct conus high shallow blotches highwith not and surface arranged ; wide・ living in a SHIKAMA nodules of shoulder PILSBRY nodules of shoulder -ヤシイグチ(節) b) turrated spiral with 7 volu- and with 2 volu- brown・ yellowish Axial wide・ ribs Aperture bands subsutural and striations twisted. and distinct and relatively and lustrous white, of light of it surface Shoulder mode- nodulous beloⅥ7 suboval thin with narrow. and the by fisheries is rather nodules near of HABE motojLmai shoulder, of Mikawa-Isshiki axial ridges ; very in spiral of HAYA- by presented collection, writer's ll.5mm wide. and SHIKAMA (Pl. Shell 13・6m rare・ striations whorl by and etC. (s.s.)keatiformis spire distinct gained it by splre, Description: sutures in stored species from higher relatively deep Ensyu-nada, This deep white 31.4mm Remarks: HAYASHI kamakurana near distinct fusiform, small, many narrow, 12a, very epidermis shells one IJOCality: but has canal Two : highand distinct is nov. sp. thin, selenizone and angulated columella Shoulder. rately has more and 3,丘gs・ sized, rather with Whorl lustrous thin lip. small Protoconch of teleoconch. A species less (Pl. tions lanceo- it・ of Shell canal・ by presented B, 43・7mm B; and (Rectisulcus) hayashii, RectiPlanes Description: writer's ones・ weak from band spiral with collection type 2 types are has and deep shoulder・ it・ than rarer much although Remarks: anteriorly in the white many and Vide; Mikawa-Issiki; by丘sheries of gained Fulgoraria (Psephaea) conccina corrugata Ensyu-nada, area projected and shells stored high 12mm and 46・3mm Locality: same long tube on ridge nodulous Aperture narrow twisted・ and small, carries a white angulated with V-shaped・ Selenizone and wide Axial suture・ 19 turrated・ and brown, yellowish shoulder shallow, near lustrous white, light and sinus lies very narrow, Siphonal type rather Posterior and Types: deep Suture band・ splral Whorl volutions. fusiform Protoconch teleoconch・ of Oceans Indian and thin, sized, medium 8 volutions with Paci丘c Western from to small 2 striations・ columella Gastropoda noteworty and large 10 et 4,figs. 1a, sized, volutions of last whorl in 3 relatively OISHI, b; pl・ thick, and smooth, broad SP. nOV.チャガス1)イモモドキ(節) 5,fig・ 7) conical many fine lustrous, bands almost with and spiral the striations・ with 7 other white sides・ straight regular narrow Suture brown bands・ 20 T. Holotype: Shell 62・6mm by collection, presented Locality : East Remarks to allied this distinct C・ (Pionoconus) grooves Conus also though very conch ∇ith 3-4 last whorl Suture spiral light anterior smooth, Two spiral white and Spire has bands colour black spotts. Aperture twisted. Ⅲolotype: less colour orange and whorl There colour. Aperture narrow and brown regular Ⅱolotype: Shell carries offered collection, Locality: on ■numerous black shoulder surface last of white, Of whorl. and narrow milky white. in stored wide, spotts. composlng whorl Fasciole of striations; and white last lip; inner be may near aduertex band, subsutural last of whorl ambaroides, 4,丘gs. small more bl・ack with the writer's GARRARD but distinctly blotches is keeled by and inner about surface 3) and white 20 with deep not and and spiral tip of last whorl white nov.カニンイモ(新) 5,丘g. conical lustrous, running sp. b;pl. Suture smooth, are 3a, sized, Anterior dottlng・ white depressed etc. 6 volutions. with of last Surface of Proto- rare. colouration it, Shell high not portion blotches straight Surface angulated. with black. almost distinctly with丘ne 30.9mm and band dotted outer depressed (Pl. Spire thin (Phasmoconus) Deseription: and and species more of Co-iluS different teleoconch. of sharply wharユ middle black ; sides conical 8 volutions threads very beautiful brown bands shoulder. by this by 6) stout, brown bigb Ocean; it by thick shoulder, round from subsutural and of white with and distinct in more NAKAYASU. This from are 58.1mm by collection, offered Loeality: Indian distinct There narrow Shell Remarks: on bands colour axial run by is rather Ocean but pattern 5,丘g. pl. with of reddish 14 spiral it has of portion writer's nov.ゴクラクイモ(新) thick, shallow Shoulder threads・ b; high not sp. 2a, sized, spire curved; small・ the grooves. 4,丘gs. Shell medium little a colour distinguished paradiseus, (Pl・ Indian Of portion clearly spiral (Rhizoconus) Description: in stored SowERBY and anterior of is keati outline general stramineus and by more pattern colour (Phasmaconus) spiral wide, Sea. in species more 31.Omm and OISHI. China Conus : high S上iIKAMA with curved slightly spiral striations with sides. distinct. blotches beautiful of of brown striations 20 spiral grooves. about colour carries light violetish tint. Spire also blotches. 33.2mm by■ H. Philippines. high MuRAKAMI. and 15.8mm wide, stored in the writer's New Remarks: is nearest In general this outline but species Textilia from Gastropoda noteworty and snrface and is distinct dusaueli benten Paci丘c Western by 4,丘gs. (Pl. Description: both and sides and with 2 shoulder of whorl very brown There smooth, 1ustrotlS rather last of broad spiral spire and deep bands whorl. narrow and narrow aperture with white Shell 78.8mm Holotype: collection, Locality: 0ffSenkaku Remarks: In 1971, but described. not axial belongs lsland Mauritius brown axial white that East China posterior with many threads run canals・ on Aperture twisted. Inner surface the writer's in stored more distinct rather 1872, a famous shell (L.) forma bullatus from stomach bongo SHIKAMA spiral This spire, et of DANCE, bands but OISHI, its clearly from more distinct spire, distinct SowERBY living of丘sh KosロGE species threads to S. subspecies cone lower According e上c. gained brown rarest by by illustrated brown axial wider whorl, was it rare. extremely obsolete. from shoulder, Sea; Ⅵ7aS is whorl last of and wide, species 3 has ADAMS, or threads Textilia Island, is distinguished but Mauritius the 29.5mm shell H. band spiral and beautiful last of dusaueli to thick anterior tint. high this His threads white and and cancellated axial of Three OISHI. by presented Ⅶhite, deep spiral middle brown of last bands dotting. colour run white angulatee Surface 17 shoulder, Several Fasciole anteriorwide light orange with About curved pinkish and striations. threads white bands. spire. gently small, suture light on with very deep of run axial and nov. conical, spiral white brown last whorl. of shoulder and and GMELIN 9) orange. carry colour Subsp. 21 1971) many yellowish Several OISHI, Tether and light of whorl elongate with running narrow pattern Protoconch high are radiatus of last 5,丘g. teleoconch. of whorl. b;pl. thick, sized, Spire volutions. wide portions large 8 volutions colour relatively of Shell 4a, C. et ベンテンイモ(小菅, Oceans sculpture, colour SHIKAMA lndian amp in Wrote 60 fathoms. mom. nOV. and with ショウジョウナツメイモ(節) 4,丘gs, (Pl. Description: curved small, both round, subsutural broad thick broad ones. Shell medium sides. Spire light violetish band red White high not red bands. orange coloured inner surface thick and orange nearly dotted Aperture yellow- splral orange band red runnlng Fasciole sporadically. milky deed rather smooth, narrov or Suture with white gently Protoconch of teleoconch. whorl red narrow with ellipsoid 2 volutions. Last spotts 5) 7 volutions with t∇isted. red 5,丘g. thin, with and A triangular light b;pl. sized, depressed. weakly spiral 5a, thin anterior and 3 with between narrow, outer rim. lip; T. 22 Specimens writer's mm described: collection, wide, in last whorl, the type China form Admiralty Another surface is known Spire sides・ (?) Shell Paci丘c. mid. oishii, sp. white, carrylng spaces. There are 4,丘gs. and form Islands, belong may while to thier Remarks: tinct by this in by by and T・ AzuMA, M・ CERNOHORSIくY, is in near 31, of 1967・ Mitridae vol. 3, Forma Also it from Admilarty may colour. violetish red. in the writer's stored this near the by same outline surface surface dis- be liked may H. sculpture. Asprella characteristics. and is but species (L.)also granulatus by general but sculpture is 2. vol. York). osl-RANIく(New Gastropoda from South China Seal Jap. of Pub. the Paci丘c, the rev. ed. Pacif. Pub. (Sydney). (Sydney). World, 1. pt. the Mitrinae subfamily lndo.Paci丘c 17. no. The New Shells Pacif. of Gastropoda 1971. selected Ⅴ. N Four Marine The S.P. rather inter- 2. no. 1976. 19, vol. wide, distinct clearly Seashells. Ibid・, 1960. canal anterior be Hermes colouring・ Descriptions W・0・ E.良. whorl broad with relatively blotches organg of reddish may is distinguished 1972. L.R. of stepped whorls last grooves PILSBRY but be vol. Mollusca, and Surface both curved Sea. American 1972・ Jour. Mal., slightly pattern. colour 1974・ deep of surface 13.1mm Referen(:es ABOTT, with Suture OISHI. kikaiensis may conical striations. spiral high China SHIKAMA HABE distinct and 31.6mm colouring reddish 22 whorl of blotch pattern kuroharai spiral inner■ Conus alabasteroides with STnall irregular collection, presented Loeality: East b) elongate 8 volutions・ about Shell : 6a, runnlng tip of last Ⅱolotype * RIPINGALE, off Admiralty This of colouration nov.オオイシイモ(新) sized, and shoulder smooth, Anterior small high relatively angular DANCE, from red group*. Description: Co又, 25.0 highand OISHI. is characterized by thick orange or fasciole・ According to MARSH (Pl. CROSS, by presented in the stored wide, 56.8mm one Sea. Asprella with 28.2mm highand collection, vivid red colouration is distributed in the type orange 64.Omm NAKAYASU. same This inner of the East Remarks: by offered stored IJOCality: Shell SHIKAMA in Case Treat. Invert. History of Pal., Mollusca I. Geol. Soc. Hawaiian Pleurotomariids. the Amer. Shell News, 8. no. 1969. Rare nomination be not to East Shells. may Univ. be useless that unsigni丘cant China Calif. Sea. in Press. taxonomy this form but it may became to be be useful known for as collectors. distributed New and T. HABE, S. Hoikusha 1973. A N, 1930. Geol. Type The Soc. (Zool.), 1971. --, 47. Tropical The lslands the and 2, vol. fossil Japan, of Indentity and by HwASS, 1969. M. the of 2-3. mos. Jay. recent. and Species described BRUGUIERE in OLIVI and Shell On Eniemonotrochus China South the 1955. Venus, Jour. Conus of 1972. IV, Linn. Jour. 313・ Unique T. KuRODA, 23 4. Specimens from collected 2. γol. Japanese the of Calliostoma・ Calliostoma no. Described SuzuKI, S. and KosuGE, Oceans lndian and Colour, in Fauna Japanese of 18, VOT. Species Molluscan of Mollusca Trochid 1968. World the of Paci丘c (Tokyo). Catalogue Geogr., A. KoHN, Western (Nagasaki). A 1942. from Shells Catalogue Area Adjacent IKEBE, S. 1966. KosuGE, and Paci丘c. HIGO, Gastropoda noteworty Sea. Pacif. World. the of Species Japanese the Mal. 27, vol. News, Shell Conus of 1879) (ScEiEPMAN, rumphii 丁ap. Jour. newly 4. no. no. spec. MalリVOl. (Ⅰ). Jap. Jour. 18, no. 4. 1956. MARSH, (Brisbane) T. OKUTAN王, I 1966. On Yob. 1973. Loc. °it., 1999. Univ., of Taxonomical by M.N. (pt. 2). Notes on in the type British 1961. Gastropoda, 1941. A London, Review vol. lndo・Paci丘c, the 25, γol. pt. 1. 1. no. Indo・Paci丘c 7. found East offChoshi, Gastropoda 16. no. 18. °it., Marine New from from Gastropoda Species Museum 24, pp. Turrids the Japan. Jap. Southwestern Japan. East South and Mal., of Some (N.E.). 29, vol. Turrid China 170-290. Gastropoda originally 28, γol. 2. no. 2. no. Genera Jap・ Jour. Mall, vol・ Based γol. the on 33, no. Type 4. 5・ 1, Prosobranchia・ Chinese Siboga-Collection of the Jap. Jour. Mal. (pt. i). Conchylioum, teil of the on 1918 丁ap. Jour. Thesaurus 1882. Students, 10. no. °it., no. ScHEPMAN, Ibid., G.B. School Mal. (Ⅰ). 丁ap. Jour. in Marine 2. sec. Notes 1970. Specimens for Mid.・high 20. no. 1975. ▲ Jacarande 4. (ⅠⅠ).Loc. (ⅠⅠⅠ).Loc. Description Soc. Monograph Turridae Noteworthy Nat. Ibid. W. World. the of (Tokyo). Turridae Family no. Some 1971. described l 21, Ibid., T.C. Shells 5. no. 1970. SowERBY, Illustrated Gakken Japanese The 1, vol. 1963. Seas. 1. no. Cone Ibid., pt. 1a. Loc. °it. γol. 1, no. Mikadotrotrochus On salmiana Mal., T. 19, γol. 1964. 1961. S°i. Rep. SHUTO, Living vol. T. Jour. WENZ, On 1964. 1967. SHIKAMA, 1975. T. (Gastropoda). A.W.B. Mollusca, YEN, BABE, and i. PowELL, 0.H. I Mollusca, OyAMA, RIPPINGAILコ, and Mal., (ⅠⅠ).丁ap. Jour. Ibid. ∫.A. Borntrager in the British (Berlin). Museum. Proc. Mal. Explanation of Plate 1 (all xO.6) Figs1 Fig. Figs・ 1a, b・ 2. 3a, Entemnotrochus urashima SHIKAMA rumphii ScHEPMAN. Ibid. b・ Entemnotrochus et OISrlI, sp. nov. T. See. SHIKAMA 転変 Ozaki Photo. ⅠⅠ,Plate 1 Explattation (all b. size natural Figs. 1a, Margarites Figs. 2a, b, Figs. 3a, b. Figs. 4a, b, 5a, b. Figs. 6a, b. Figs. 7a, b. Murex Figs. 8a, b. Chicoreus gloriosus, Figs. 9a, b. Chicoreus nobilis, Figs. lo乱, b. c・ (Pu?illaria) Solariella (Microga2a) unless australis Plate 2 otherwise SflIKAMA Minolia sp. midwayensis, Galeoastraca formosana, (s.s.) sp. sp. SHIKAMA martini, nov. nov. Sp. CHIANG, et HAYAS甘Ⅰ, nov. x2. nov. sp. tunghaiensis nov. stated) et 0?alina SIIIKAMA hayashii, (Tristichotrochus) sp. CaZliostoma Murexiella of nov. et OISI叫Sp. nOV. Sp. nOV. Sp. nOV. ×2. T. Ozaki SHIEAMA Photo. See. ⅠⅠ,Plate 2 Explanation (all natural Figs. 1a, b. Ser?uorbis Figs. 2a, b. EosiPho Figs. 3a, Figs. 4a, b. Figs. 5. Mitra Figs. 6a, b・ Figs. 7a. b Figs. 8a, b Figs. 9a, b Figs. 10a b Figs. lla Figs. 12a Phos (s.s.) yokojima, SHIKAMA Pygmaeus Shipho b. size (s.I.) hayashii, aurorae, sp. of unless Plate 3 otherwise stated) nov. sp. HAYASFI, et sp. nov. ×2. nov. nov. sp. (Tiara) morchii forma taiwanica SHtKAMA (A. ADAMS) S=IKAMA (Tiara) abyssicola et HAYASrlI, Sp. nOV. Barys?ira SHtKAMA utopica et OISrn, subsp. aureocallosa et Mitra Baryspira ♪arentalis Turricula Turricula (Comitas) ensyuensis (Comiias) ensyuensis b Gemmula rosario b Recti?lanes KuRODA S=zKAMA (Rectisulcus) et et C7iIANG. ×2. nov. SHIKAMA. SHIKAMA et SHIKAMA HAYASI-I, hayashii, sp. et sp. nov. HAYASHl, fIAYASHI, noV. sp. sp. nOV. noV. type type A. B. T. SHIKAMA Ozaki Photo. See. II, Plate 3 ExphnatioA (all natural Figs. 1a, b. Conus Figs. 2a, b. Conus Figs. 3a, b. Conus Figs. 4a, b. Textilia dusaveli (s.s.) keatiformis S日IKAMA ♪aradiseus, (Rhizoconus) (Phasmaconus) ambaroides, Figs. 5a, b. Textilia bullatus Figs. 6a, b. AsPrell (?) oishii, benten (L.) sp. nov. 4 size) et j?ongo OIStlI, sp. nov. nov. sp. SHtKAMA forma Plate Of sp. et nov. OISFI, SH[KAMA subsp. et nov. OISHt. T. Ozaki S甘Il(AMA Photo. See. II, Plate 4 Explan&tion (all F g.1 F g.2 ど g.3 F g.4 F g.5 ど g.6 Chicoreus about nobilis, sp. natural size of Plate unless 5 otherwise stated) nov. Barys?ira SflIKAMA et OIS甘Ⅰ, subsp. nov. uto♪ica aureocallosa Conus (Phasmaconus) ambwoides, sp. nov. As?rella (?) oishii, Sp. nov. Textilia bullatus (L・) forma ゃongo S=IKAMA et OISHI, subsp. Comus (Rhizoconus) 9aradiseus, nov. sp. Conus (s・ s・) keatiformis SHIKAMA et OISHI, sp. nov. F g.7 ど g.8 Entcmnotrochus ど g.9 Textilia dusaveli urashima bcnten S旺IKAMA S=lKAMA et et OISI叫Sp. OISHI, subsp・ nOV. nov・ ×4/7. nOV. T. SEIKAMA Sec. ⅠⅠ,Plate 5
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