226 Ken y a Sub sidia ry L egislaIi l.- n . ] 964 FIRST SCHED lILE-(Col1td.) JO For a t ra n sit permit in re spect of bul k con signments o f firea rms and / or ammuniti on ar ri vin g in Ken ya and de stined 500 for an y place o utsid e Kenya Fo r a tran sit permit in re spec t of firearm s and / or ammunition in the per son al po sse ssion o r p ersonal baggage o f an y pe rson a rriv in g in K en ya a nd proceed ing to a n y place outside Ken ya 20 Made th is 31 st da y o f M a rch 1964 . JOSEPH MURUMBI , Minister o] Stale . L EG AL (PS IL l I) N OTICE No. 105 TH E INT ERPRETATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS ACf (Cap . 2) D ELEOA Tl ON OF POW ERS 1N EXERCISE of the po wers conferred by sect ion 38 (1) of the Iriterp retation and Ge neral Provisions Act tbe Mi nister for Home Aff a ir s hereb y delegates to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for H ome Affa irs, th e exe rci se of the po wers and the performance of th e du tie s spe c ifie d in the fourtb column o f the Schedule to th is Notice, and co n fe rr ed upon or vested in the Min ister by tbcprovisions of the A ct spec ified in tbe first , seco nd and third columns o f the said Sc hed ule . SCHED ULE Sh ort Titl e Cap . No . Section N ature o f Pow er or DUly Probation of Offender s Act. 64 17 (c) The co nsti tut ion and dutie s of a Probatio n Comm ittee or Pr obation Committees. D at ed th is 251b da y of Ma rc h 1964 . A . OGINGA ODlNGA , Minist er for Home Affairs. (PR IS . 34 / 1/ 111) LEG' L NO TICE No. 10 6 THE PRISONS ACT (Cap. 90) 1N EXERC1SE of th e powers co n fe rr ed by sectio n 24 of th e Prisons Act a nd in p u rsu ance o f a di rect ion " issu ed under sec tion 38 ( I) of tbe Interpretati on and G eneral Provisions Act, tbe Permanent Sec reta ry f or Home Affairs hereby declares th at the Waterfalls Vet erin a r y Carnpj in th e Thik a Di stri ct, C entral Regi on . sba ll cea se to be a prison for the purposes o f the A ct. Date d this 25th day of M arch 1964. M . K. MWENDWA, Perman ent Secretar y. Millistry of H o me A {lair s. * L. N. 692 / 63. PRI Nffi D BY rim 'l' L.N . 668/ 6 1. GO VER NM E NT PRI NIl' R, NArRO n!
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