.;::~~... {,,., .(> !.;,.trsata ·on. L&bar :!!agel Vol. I 1 u. ( p.u_ 'P, R.la q; .rener~ser Realphu~ll~i)r.ie~'~tt. 1931 1 ln e~o voiumeo ~20·22 !ln!.mel 1on «heoke clat~1r& 1f; an aniDJal \JOnec!.ouon~u:s !n v.hl~h detr;t::Oiail 1tse~f and the structure or thu op;>oeli.1on 1~': oet .uo. to be trAnBuended, com~th1n 0 ooUJpillllns, "Oeelre ln .Siit•c!!ruotl<'n, tbu de.slrall so 7UOh ae t.he br.lns trimeoende·d· .. .!J 1-" · ae,ltJ end 1te 1<lea1Hy .. .,~...-· '"':t"<i J- tlm:.-. t~n<! the oh$aktns or 1t are !Jut tbe t•eo:-011ns act.UI!l or tho ta•aneaendenoo, tr9nota•en•<!e.•~ wi;~.t;;~l lng of _the 4ee1r•. i e "'" l oim.,Qlote !>aoomlns; ilin,y ·{<Jeel.lty, t:l ttiout. conoo! ousnt~ar.. nuriiln ltrlit<B()Oth!et!, 1.deel ln the trenilo.tendenoe ·1 t~·elt.,' " l" 11 elajt.lon of consotou:Bntel s1mpl1o1ty or· 11eP.truct.! on ,.Jst in 1to stmp,l1 o1ty bt~ll•,luip~!~,~~;' be oris' l.n ltselr' oheoke:l and l);>poeed. 'l't,a o1ropl1ol.ty of de~truct.1on ·wu~t be tranucenl11ng c•f botb oppoel too, end ut the Whloh they Drll one end ·by "hlch thoy cut thedl.o<}!ves orr·, lhel r .trennoendl.ng as from their un1t:;. Oppoo1tlon, Wh\Oh ll"pe&r1n6 ul::ll 1 &U ~he one BOU1fe 0 tbe Unity O! tho munt, l'IOrk t.Jn the ot.hdr oppoarln,; so pn.cclve., In ]li,bc•r ncentlerJ, t·~·n:alr11ne 1n t~1lr. rela'"1on 0 t~:-.'th ~t rert. transcend n,c .)IJ,~ect ufld ltnelr e.•· destruction, but 1n 12269 t.ranaaendenae Hs.,lt, oonao! ucnerso ls an 1de&llty of oo4n.1~noe. Ttiu,.,. the lndhldual ao.nork1nt11.e e<!tlv'e and ~:~bjliuit lis trr.nsownde<i, both .reme1nln(5o Di!P.iro .In l.ts de.otru!ltiO• 1or1 doeu not uobievu &iit1 AtGot1on~ nr:d t.ho O!-"Joo&;1ve ev~n dect!•oyed, ~emaina. Labor lc t.llis pr•flcUcal conr.cio·.;Sneeo as· the rel!l t1 on or both tho gflm,ral anJ of' tbe ot ne;ul.ar, 1.1k&l:llae e:~<let aa the maa•r& wM.J'·:b~ they ar<> relatell BB 4~·Jl..ov endl'lhereby they roo:»ln ao thue eopo•·atad. '.·. "Cl'k ac such hsB a conrt.ant c:~<i ~t.fmoe. fn rt 1• tllua tbat tebor 1s 1teelt 6 margUtl :rr.:,a1n1r•g Bctlvo. through den1re ·an·l· p1ASIJ1v8 it and active li(!l!lln~t the objnof}; The toolla tb~ rtlaacinable a:ed1um, ··the el!tet.l ng .o;eneral1 t:,r or tho·""'""''' • tt ar-pesr&.on thlt olde of 1a 1toell' pauelva r·rom .the point ·or vter.·or'·.thli.•·"Oirk•f\ 'ins, an\1 ect1vo a,;e1not t.he thl.ng l'larkeo:l on •. tt .1s ilia ,. ·· by thi .wol'k o:olntillno ttaelr• whet. a.lcnc. roll!atns rrom worktnc: and the r.orl<ed on, and nt>e!'eby ltll oor.tlngency u·· ' mortaltzed; tt propagatee it•elr tn tred1t1ona, wbUEi d~tne; sn~e3i.red'~ylcl, only as b~ 1. lndlvluual~ and It .ls a llm1ted derttuot1rm th~ou,q, neoeeol.t.y or en llbDolute· external. Tho freedom or aonaalo"eneoc triinsoende th1o ne·c·e,oa., ~' alty oncl checks tho cleotruotlon ln nnjoymente,throu,;h ltselr. · It rr:a kea both eeyun conaclouo or one another, ror one anothar0 • CC•ntlnu1n(5 to el<1 ot.; thUD, 1n the fer-\ teelf of the ot.Mr, 10 hl:r.oolf, oach Is 1n t.he conec1o·.,onese or the other, that \n hiD e:~<1etenao 1 \n hie t'or-him:elfneao lo aonsc1oc;sneac Of l>illlDelf, IS for himself. .i.nd the oe:JC r·elnUon 10 auoh " latlon tl-.t, 1n the ·oo\ng of aoneo1o•. sne&n of ~sch, eaali eelf 1o one "itt t.he ott...~r, 1.e., \det.&l relot1.,;.n• 1"8• ·•.· .. ,,., ..•."":"'. ' .. '\', "- ;('-"-.·~·-· -~(' ' ···- .. , fl:'aos 1teulf' rrc111 l"elltlon to ~nJoyment, l.t l>el!omas an lr.:..,.IU- · . ::i . ate 11ni ty wf the ·l!booluta-furaltuelrneeo ot 'both,. i.e., .1 ~ .·b~lng ot the !lthor 1 e Ol>n8o1o .Anee~ •. Th" r•ele:lon ttseU' 111. !ii th1a 11'11nne.r tl:r bG!ng ot.bptb, 1.u. 1 . \' : .. or •::; .. . ·; bQt,t, on!l remal.nirt!) a.a tha '.lii1.ng 1t beoomeo ~~rtage. C•';•'l . .-\. -:_·' . ~ •. 12271 ... .·--. 4. -· S· to one another 1n the o~aon<! way that they ' ' oonQept~. ' ore relatotd l.n the1r. Junt ae labor reete on the needo or the pe.z:ot.~cular a a ~n& ouch, eo pcem•c~~on 1e B1 mply th"t or a p11rt1oular. Ju"t 11,11 l2bor baool!lee in I t.n parUcul.ar1 ty a un1ve1•sul 1 lu the .. eame w6y dooo po~aeae1on. I . tabor o;h1oh rll!nte on tt.t neede ,r a ~r-tloulOJr becomes a uni1!erslll In l.ta ,1 belng t.he .labor of a particular l.nd1v1duel .,~fi'<>~;deo being hued on h!.l needs. ''' cl I.n ':t'ork as suoh the 1•equ1 relll0nt. muet exl. ut. {'~~ltr'nlwle:Jget. 1 l.t wUl have the form or ~hen 1 t 1.11 · unl.vorsDll.ty. l'iben .it ·aJ'._Il'••ra ae so,math1n3 external, as 1norgan1o nature and must ''be·. .l-rnt,· 1t. 113 a unl.ver&8l •~llde, 8 rule of all.labl!r whl.ol:; is !IOIII6tb1r.e; for 1 tssl1'; Howavar 1 th1e uul. versal \ o tor l.Gbor tbe true aseanoe,· and the ne.Uve lack or ~k111 muat. overoo~~t<~1t.ael1' · 1n.leorntng t.he universal. Labor I.e not an l.nuttnot but 8 all.ty 7ih1ch amonn people mskee 1tcelf 1nto a universal and''tb<trli• by 1 e oppoco~ ~o the part.1oular1ty of the l.ndl vidual wb1oh must' ovel'C OGlC 1 t.selr. .lind to work doe•; not exl.st ae ·1nnt1nct out.· l.n tho mode of epl.r1t 1 Juat because what. 1e the eubJeotl.ve aot1vl.ty or a port.1ouler mu~t neverthelaea beoolile an other, a un1verost' rule, and the ektll or t.he purt.\oular 1'1rot returne throu(lh thl.e proneos or learn1n...s t.o t.M cthcr-beoomtn~; of 1 teelf • /. T~o acknowledgement or leobor and elt1ll runs tbe sam" ' 12272 .,. .,, '..::·. ·), j; • --- s. 1nto the un1vera111 th&t 1t d1d in ths paruaulal!' 1ncUv1<'iU!Il:r '~-·.: th~·ough le•r>n1ns• :t ltga1nct tho unl•tereal eklH the piu•U(;ulal!' ea~a 1helr up as a e09cifto !e.:tlll), ~epsrat.ec 1helf therafl'o•• lllllkn 1halr moro Ckl.:lled than the r:>ther11, ~ncl lnvent:a useful toolt~. 'lUt 1t lo the l!ll<e 1nvenUan or a un1v6real wh1ol: 1a "' t,rue unhergal ln ito opee1rta sl<lll. '' 1·••• The other& leorn 1t, t~eneoend tholr opeolfl41\ty IJnd lt boaomon la:med1atel.y a unl• veroal. good. i .·~ (-rhe tool ao such postponan t'or o;en t.l :dut .it reins in 1t hlo fori!IJ i t ·dl.reotl'd agellnst a dllet(l thlne;. re~ta1iu; !I ·.; llll1t.er1al ctcnl.al. ·.l h1s oot1vlty 'llb1.oh 1a •. or aoul'ea, bls ~·easentillll;y the ..death .or Hlittll:', 1f 1t 111 tol'n :1 .. ·:! aotiv~ty I.e ..·· ':i~ .lh . l1v~ns<_,;~ ··.··~ out or . aontnt ll!'ld fiet Up 89 eoma.th1 np, to. be deetro;vell as such. ··.·F:~J 1n . the ma:~h1ne :t1nr man trar.cofln.l.e thtc h!e fol'l!lal· aotlv! t:v ancl ·leta· .•..c·:~ 1 t ·WOrk !or hl.m Goalpl<·tl!ll)", ·nut. thl 0 tra :1~08rodenoe~· llhla~ he ;;, : ... :.l praotloee ae:at!ult naturs anu. with 'l!!t1oh he l<eape "'ltht n hla pazotiouhrlty, nven.,as ·lteelt' a;:.alt1H ~1m. \?hat he r.a . : ;i ~lne r"~ ... ..;.{I· i t• the more he eubJu,;atan H, the lu.,er l::a hlw•elf tiecom"e. Whl.~a.. ·j ·letting nature do the work t.hrou<>,h all kinds. of mach1nee, he ~oatt.· :! <• . . I not transcend the neaees1ty ot hl o labol', but only shoves 1 t. out,. I . f!.Dtranges l t rrol!l nature ond ci11'eatay. hlaself as eomothl ng not l1 v1ng to 1 t. an nomot.hl n;:; 11 v1 ng, nut lt escapee this nesative Hvln.~.:Ar.:l the Mr!< thct. ls left to hlm 1tsalr !:>eoomea meohanloal. He reduoeo 1t only for t-e whole but not for tha partloula?. Rather he I na!•eaeeo 1 t, for the more meoh!llilloel labor beaomoa, the leas value 1t hao, sn;t t.ha ruore he n.uat ln bar ln 1h1a lllllnner. 12273 -,·I i I ··:j~.: 6. ... . '! w 0 .To 'CIU., h\,o labor, a a lbe labQr or. needa .~.o ··;i a part1oular \nd1 111du&l r.or t!le. :·j :ot the 1181111> t!.llie e un1·vlllrosl, ideal. t ' I'i' ·Meda. well 'filth l•. but 1t. saUsl'les h19 n~eds not Y11th Ut1opro:lllat · ·.;r_ llslhor In t.hat 1t oathtlee h111 neGda• 1t a ·[ aoottior t.bnn H 111. (!t<P.I:'Oilses "!'he 1r.d1vtdual sat.lsne~ b)l! . '!be labor to rill hie nseda, hss to bacoll!a otbor than i t ll!.~f .. 1-~ -· ··~·.• ::"· :-;;_ . Wir. no lon.;:az:. produoeo what he needs or he no longer 118!141! what :he. basproduoed. Rathel' 1t. beco~"s 1natea:l or the aot!Jil~lty ~t tho a.thte.otion or hla noedo, only the pooo1l>Ult.y .<''ta~tlon. ~ul~r. . ·,· or 'i~~OI' for OliO othl.s : -~ ·'t ''.1 thh aaus., ..S Hh lRbor booomee tormP-1., abstraotly un1v11ree1, a ;Ia lh!.ts hitttself to ' :·f: . :. needu by hie l:;bot but r.at by th<> partLoular proauot ot hls iabQr, · ~~~~de, ana partil~:'J~~ . ~i- i~·}~1 w .,obtU1Sfie hlm!!Glt' tor tiu othor niiedo. · E1s labor l:l.' tor neoeso1tJo · ·t.oJ.' ·the lbllt.raot. of needs, and as a un1veroal, not. for hLe noad~ ·~·· :i~ ... : :::~·::·:: :.::·:.:::'::.:~~:::.:: :.::·:; ::··~~d the needs or the partloulsr and hlo aotlvH:v t.heretor. '!'he labor ot aaah becomes 1n r·e;;ard to 1 t.s oont ant e unlvel'oal tor the needs :·~ or &11, Juat as the adJuotment took all or h1o nedde, ~lace for the That 1o, 1t hen a value, sallsraot1ort of HID labol' and hie ponaeoo1on are not, what t.hny arc for hlru, but what they .. ra tar all. one · ·~1.: The aattafacUon oi' needo Is a un1 VF>rsal dap&ntlenaa of eveey• u~on everyone oloe. !"or enoh there dlsa!'Jpars allaecul-lty and Clflrta1nty thbt nlo lnboi'B ns n part1oulsr ar·e dlreot.ly su1teble to b1a needs. A• s n\n!").& needy 1nd1v1duel, he btiCOllleS • univero&l. Trhough the> port1culorUe'l.1-;;; of l&bor, tr.e skill or eeah h 1etely gl'aater for t.h1s lohor. 1:run11d• .. All relat1eonoh1ps ot nature to ttie 12274 J l j : .. 7. P8~t1oulsrlty or men oom~ more under hlo control. lnc.rea11ed. Th\e' uMvern~llty comtort 1a · ln whl.ch the Pllrtlcular need and the ll:bor le olevRted to th1;; ·a!IJuat...,nt 1e ·a Ita sconso1ouanea~ 1s 1111 n'lt an absolute 1~ ror:~~al ulllverau:ty~ •.. whloh th<>aa r-elat.l Bhlpa a>·a deetro;ra<.l• but is d1root!lr" 10tr&l1/!loand1ng this parttuuler in. ordf.lr to rtree Wol:'k1ns frt>rtt 1 to da;>endenue on natur•• > ! '11:ie .rH!!Ids and lt<bor are ale11ataa to the form r They al>upllfy t>u~ t.ht~ d1anat~tl on or aonaol ouancaa. t:.l. e a1 mpl1 o1 ty I c abet.raot tlll'llllllly 1 or the ."onorilt.e whl a h nohtovos 1n Hn BmJ)iriO!Il 1ntln1ty th~ a di as,3a1~1C>R(Jlj O! Pi011'tlaullll'1tyo ·t..lld 1ro th1a tor.mal·no.u;•.. J.w t t.sdr, the 1nd1v1dual · .·on'!y 1noreau(lls hte d&pendenae . - . ' ;" ; q.q ·.. <:· 1t.) .) ' 'I'ho! PB~:"t1ou1orhaHon ' or P.roauots. , (ln lilarstni llesal c1toa A• emtth). EVE>ry one h!ls • epee!.i'lo n:Rxnt7: anpeot. of t.he work an<l.onl.y t.hle oiepoot •. A parucular 1nd!.v1duilll would not be sblg t.n make 120 perhaps not e11e11 e>ne. when ee~h of 18 (kinde of) l:l!lkes 4000 lr. one day. w~rk . are alv1ded among 10 mon, they llut. I f t hn r1ork of there ten ware tl1v1dei1· ~monz 18 1 we would ·~et ,,e.ooo 1r. a day. r'owover, 1n th1s same proportion ao 'he pruduoad egr;regat.e soars, th' value or laf1or tall•~~ ___..,.. .,. <.;(Labor becomes tho more abooltJtely daad au 1 t becomes IUI:iCh1ne labor. '!'he oktlle or el ngla P<!r•sorie becGill6 mora lnt'inae. 1y l111'1ted, hnd tho cr.noolo~anaar. Df'·~.h~ !'aotory wcrltar lo teased down to 1 tc lowe at et up\d1 ty. 12275 ,·_,. s. :::'.I; :{i ~<',.;;;. . · And the oocn9Qt1on or the part1oulsr IC1nc!o or work wltl:db•· · .,., 1<hcle · 1nrtnHe ml!ll9 or neec!c beoomea qul to Lricomprehensiblo ·(uiluber~~chtblll'), and·. a bli nil deper>denl3e. -~ operattlld\- orton ~takes t"" Thus, en ioolato4 work or a. wholiJ cl.eao. ot tum, who .':1 :;1 · .j ~ 'I set.1sty the1r needs .,Hh 1t, suddenly ahe:~k.:.cl, vuparf'luoua, V.11cl U:'ln8080P&r1l1• L ' . JuPt !.he &SD1!!11lat1on or n8t.Ur8 18 SB . alib1aved throu;-,b the 1 noert.1o~ .,r th11 links or :1r•a:ter oo'llfort~ ao thePe otagea or asnh1lsticn are 1n1'1nHaly c11v1e1ble lind t,lle !IS!5i'Gi38te of ot>mforta ma kall 1 t Jl!;a1nB Just a a at>ac.lutelJ ~ooe~t_ort.,abla.) 'l'hene man!.f'old lll:X.rs of noede nn thin;; munt realtee the11' ' •.'r oonQep_t, thell' abetraoUo!h thLO!I ju~t .,:a ae Thier un1verrul oonoept mu~t be the _tb10E! preoenta. eV!"rylhillf.i as UnlV!Ir&Glo. is thls cono11pt In tte mstar1sl e:r1atenoe, !he tor111 ot !lead and · un1 ty or the possi!:11l1 tlea or all th1"gs needed. '18.bor erlovat.ed t.o thU genera::. tty thus fol'm for themselves ll great people a ;na;imoth system of communi t)' and mutual dB(lltnd<> <' ence,_o moving lifo or t.bl <'leall 0 which . 1n 1ts mav11ment io blind•. ' ly and prlmit1vely movlne; h~ro ond there and like I! wU<J a·n1mal·. needs oon11tant and atr1ct control and cill'l>1n;;. c. L1kewtBe t.hls aotlv1t·; or labor and o!' needs, like t.he movement, hall H.•· ••eet1nr; place 1n posoess1on. 1 ta pert1oular11y !l •Jntvereal. Poeeeasion 1n 11 ket~Lse heoomoo smon,~ the whole or a peop~e. It romalne possession or this cart1culer but only 1nsorar &a 1 t it ros1tu<l throu(!t> the '·'one' al conso1ouaneso, or 1'nsorar ae in tt everybody Hk<>w1ee poooeeeoe h1B own, 1.e., 1 t becolllec ?ropcrty, I to e•oluo1on 1 c ouoh that llveryone oommun• · ally eYcluden every one elee, and 1n 'he determinate poseeaelon of each lfl the poceeD!l1c>n ot Iillo In r-orcese1on tbore 1a t.he cont.rsd1t1cton that a thlng to ae !lh1n.; a untwreal, on:l,< "\ 12276 ' 9.•. nevartheleee. only a pe r1,1 oubr ' i ' .. tranaoende 1.toelt throur.b 'ho r. :; poeee.~o1 on. oon~c1ouenees in l.to'!.'lf ae the oppoette or thelr. I ot tha 1nd1inv1dua thet1 I IUI!Ill ·ua:o '--. h··· ~lr po~cel!s1 on Thl a eontra(UI!ti I!!! i"t 1P · Wh!le 1t is oppoaec th• ecknowl~ds.,•nt a ·:d •h" uni ver ael poseer.sl on at the every one poseoaseo l.n tMv pvrticular Tile assurancnl or my po.,eeeaton .ln the ., curs nee rot the ):)Oeaeaelon ot all. In UJy prop&; ty everyone ".aa Mr. property. th~ has Btt&tnect poaoout on. ur.1 verael o Ju~t. form Of' DClllBolouenE'SO, It 11: lly det~trminQcl But ae propel."ty it flu not. re 1!1 ted to me alone but ao_ in tho f01'8501ng ' j>OW~r (~l8rcuee calla thlG - l11b01' Rnd need hao pa.rttcubrlieiJd itself sboo,lutely- a,_.,pro!)iiir_tJ>' . . '", partiaularlses- 1tseli in tbil! medium. r•al'ttculorhatlon 1s••..,., .. ,. . pl&o1n& .or tm cone ret .. • 11 thc...s:m1varsf!l • ~ ln itoolf' be s oppoeed ao 1denttty, !'all to p1aoea and bacoille on abat.r~ot1_on fr.r lt. '!'he tot.el1t7 ·or pa,·ttculllr1ty ~>h1oh'-wf'e Wholl;r in every part1cul&i' 1 n<ltll1dual. but(lo no lcne;e:o be_oa11e_e. of( tm extension or ito e:dat.ence to ·that wh1ch i t 1t.oelt. makeo, 18 · '• transcended only ln the whole of the people. ilnd t.he partloulart~ ot needs and poaseae1 ori oollcpsee In t.he nature of 1 to lndl v1tlual1ty. ConPolouaneeo 110 to tallty or the partloulaJ•o wae the one- ne£!1 of l!loelr and 1te e!l't.ernall ty, 1to posoenolcQ., \ihlle both tall apart, the paruoulal:' ceaoee to hsve tho honor which pla.,<id 1tll Whole oeeenoe ln every Pllrt.!oulllr. In thls ::-art1culer1zat1on that Which le related to 1 t <llreotly ao an \!hat ~<sa or~lln1zottona:~niltitut1g oallecl tt.s per•on, and th&t Which nppeare O)'t.ern£tily to it as mat.t.er of fact, fall apart, elncc foltt.ho honor this dtotlnotion doea "ot exist whtoh ln evory relotlonahtp poclte every poeseuoion 1 t.colr as the whole. 12277 '•.;· ·,; ·. ·:· 1o.· .. v~1. ',1 '. ~ ·' n .• 21,.217 hCtUIJl Gplr1t '!'be lll>1r1 t. 1 a actual mlrther a a I ntelll.genao nor ns will, but al'l' I! til 1ntell1:;ant:lft 11>'1ot.s sB w~ll• l. •". • in tnt.,.lU~erY.Je l.tl\11 .un1 t1 oom• t>f t•o untveroale, al!d 1n the urt1verslll Villl el<lste thl.a (~lata selt'• IJ'f.'ir~t~al ha~ It tG a J>.-no·R1ne of 1tv • the un1 ver••J. 11111. ""late~nao Pnli 1ts 'being ;U In thece elementc 'he~ rore61!1nl?. ':.: .new to be praeent<tdl 1n It • Juet au in be wlll t.he abstrF.iat. 1nt.all1t;enor; has trllnec•nded 1 taelf' or haF- acbl.:ved .1 ts .obJect., i ' .• :; )~J .throu jl • 1 tP.elf~ eo. here tts abstl'eot alll 1B to . be transcended .. :::·.-{!. . ' . ' '· " • ! ·_·•.--:_'·' ''.:·.···Jj or • Rill tr.anaoended '. to produ11e 1 n the ele:r.enta or un1 vereal . . . ' · _llldfied e~ sunoe thU sptrltual actual1 ty. ' ,'- ·- t h" •~enera 1. ; 'Ro.kn~·;._;;·,:~ · • .:'·· ·_,,_,'_1-~J(·-.?~:{~-: Ju6t as poan4!&&1ci!1, :•/;_;~ · thereby tranoof'rma 1tsolf lnto right, eo labor earlier of'l'lllll 1 teftlf 1 nto :· r -~cane-:_'' _''~l.·• i>h11 t wac thB f'em1l:,< good, in •'".ivb.1oi'i';~j ·· • .·, .;·.-:,·;i.! -··· ~:~~~r1tal enJoymant knew l:tsell', beoomeo the e;an~n·al deec:i and en• ,. /~1 ·Joy:oe'lt of all, and tha <ltfferenoe of tho 1nd1~·t(Juel beoom~~ ·:;! a ;• J • knowledge ot good and e_v1l • peroonol rl,;ht and not-rli!'Jlt• I )I AcknoVIledged F.l<lstence Aoltnowledgln"~a lmOJedl&ta sctual1ty, and In ite element...owe h&ve t.he pernon i'!rot as for I taolf in gnerel. wo rk!mp:. P.B!'O ;'! ,, _:; ·. :1 It 1 s e r.Joyine; and ':1 f,1rot deol.re hr-o the appe&t'&noe of right., fOI' 1t Uts oatual, 1.e., lt 1tnelf has un1versal splrl.tual be1.ng. . r.oi-lc cf' all encl for all, and enJoyment - the "nJ<>ymant of sll. ;;,vary• .·... ·~ _· ~ 1 l· 'i •\ one serves every one &l£e and helpu, or t.ho: ln,l1vid1Jal hllre tlrst · -~ hBB part1culor e:clAt.enoo. ':'ei'ore 1 t ws.o only abstract Ol' untrue. Sp1r1t can eot !toelf (root?) esolly in an allstract1on, analyoe <~ . ,,~ 'iq ,:'f) but.· -'i ··~ 1t~olt', &nd fi11Je 1teel!' a__n ,!cY1&tence oc the an1mal cannot, where• ' I' r. c ever the oolf that plsaoo 1 to>olf in a syotom, becomes 111 (?), 12278 . !j . 'l;· ' .• u. d~o1re. 1t han· Ol')ly mamenta.ry -'·leappear1ng e;,iAtanoe, . J!9re 111 0PPOIIfi4· ,to me. I p'a abstract. ror-1 tl!d!"neee st:ond~ its 1nr.r.,.anin rlllture.aa. o,..1a~en.t. rt relatoa 1tvelf ne;aUvely to 1t llnr.l tr••r;ooends thie In thB tmH:r of tiotll, but ln th1n wey . that 1t 0 om 1'1ret. forme Hoeu· I!GC a eelr, ubcervoo 1~t/toi'm nnd consumou 'l''ne e.x1atence, the ocope of rllit.oAra'l.nlleds -- fin marl)1nr a) 1m::utd11>t<> ! or work e) c.- 1~tm.,<Uet.o•r.ov"m"nt or .1o1ng that lD not t.skcm up ln knowlngj He wor-k hl>s tha cha~our or ablltl!'aa.t1on. .... ~.3~a It worko not as plirttlllula•• oonorete tollality of.· an· "lfamant. or l>el.ng tn· general, a .multit.uCe or nseids,·. · 'l"tlc, .t~1ngD which uorve for thelr aat1ataot1on ar-e .manurat.ure4 Ill& Form. 1'h1o msnuraotur.1nf:. how.,ve1•, 1s 1t.oelr s mauU:'old, 1s tb~ mok1ng•Of•1tsoelt-1ntn-a- thing or eonoC'1ouaroeen, It· But it. is 1n the element or un1vera&l1ty thpt lt becomes en.abatraa.t. · .work1ng •. ~·ha neede ere· mann to take up thto n~anynesa lnto •b.e ! 0 to work, 1e tho abotraotl.on of tbo·unlversal foi"DIC (Ollder) but. a seU'•IIIOv1n;>, for .. at.1on (bililen). - The I•fo.!"-1 t.sclr 19 abttraot. It 1a to be oure w~rk1n~, but 1te ~ebor le QOOor~bngly abstract, ri.,IId 1n general 1a nnsly!!ed 1nto 1to many aepecte, '1'1.·., ahst.raot in 1 te mov1ns 1o the f'or-ttcelfneoo, tho doln:;,thll working. Beaaw. s& 1t 1o woJ•ked only for tho needs no ob&tl•aot,ror-1tealfness, so 1t 1s nl~<> only abotrnllt.ly wo~ked. Thl s '<r·~th or deolro, ,·,htch 0>'1~t.a here. /,o itc concept 1a, 0!0 111 ltn f!ork. l~ the oono.ep·~., the ·'I ~:.. ueract.lon or all t.ha needo or t.ha rsrt.iaular 1c not, as a <levelope lnt.o the e>"lnt.;abJ&ot., what. lo brou~t b"fore h1a:o. tlr.1vera!ll labor 1n 0 ncoor<Hne;ly, d1v1o1on of · abor. '>l<•nom1z1ng, Ten oa" make no rneny pln• os s hundrecJ, ·:very pert1oular, aooord- 1ne;ly0 beoa use he ic here rsrtlcular, worke for a neod. Tho con- 12279 ! .I .. ' 12o '\ ct:. h1n· labor ""tendo bcyon<l hla naad. t.~nt Mads or many, awOl every one sat1af1as t.ha nalldB or d~ee the He ~o.me. wcrl!~ t'c:r the Moor·d1nt;ly 0 e~oll mnny and the nattoraatton or Ills Ulat"q apeo1al r>elld!! 16 the labor or many oth er.n. f1nou hl s labol' ! a t.hla ab~tl'act (k1nd}, he ralst£ts bl~nel: t<Biihotrliot I or aoocird1ng:k t.o the r~o1o n~ or thln!)boo•1• not. intat•m•lly rlah, olrcum<•:>flat, er:lrl t l"hlch ~ange . .... and 1s ma•~~~ over 1t. strength c ons!•Jto 1 n u,o tearin~ It has no 11 nalyzlng, comprehoru:1va, con~rolo 11 greBt oonur@t~ lebo~ but !tO 1 n tho sbGti'Bol-1 on, tn tlie . splll't of _t,he ·c~>n~re~o lnto many ebetraot eu:.paote • . label' 1 r:a·Gl1' beoDmea qu1h"mechoc1cal or rolat1ve til a slmple_ · det.erm1nn t1on. ·' / ' .··But th•> more abstract Lt "t>e>comce, thrt. more it 1s_ on:Ly· ' . ·:- . ·· ~,' ·.· (J-_ ·, . . .: ,~./e.betrRct .'f from -·---1 MtlvHy, ancl t.huo t.e to oe·p6hle labor and 1n the plsoo of hiD sc;.ttv1ty, Dubstlt.uttns t~t- or e.xternal' ne ture • . \1 nf 0 ~r extrst~t1ns htll!oell':~· He needs msr•f> movem~ nt and tbh ha :b:~~ tetrr n atl nlltureJ ~ forms or •pooa snn tlme - thu abetract eyternal 8 80 ID!7 thti pure m~ve ..:ent ri. nda -. 1o Juut the relat1D'! aotlvtty, tho machine. Eotween tho!f:ll manlfol<l abstract eroducts there mu~t now be found a movement whereby tt ageln becomea concrete needs, 1£< 0 needs or a pnz•tlaule•l ---(in margln1 determ1net1cn 1n 1taelf: t•et.urn to re.rt.loular1ty)-··--th1e becornee a subject contstnn !n 1teelf many of the eemo ----(1n margln1 He has :oade 1t e beLns for t.he noode or others, Just ao 1n ramt.ly pceaeseion ·· he held 1t In oppoatUon to lt.celf. B1mple Ol<1ctenoe 1~ un1v·real. '/'he ground ta• beoause hllll 1!1e posceas1on has now t.he mesnlng or betn5 tor another )-----'!'he Judgolent 12280 . ... ··;;~ ~-o:,··~,·. ".i . opposes ae ·lle.tol'mlned abet1•eat1on1 itli unlvertia.Uty to llhlch 1t att.al.ned 0 h Are the oame. '.~1 .. , I .·J the eq.,elity or t.hc como or vc;lue- •. 1n lhle tb~; . Th1a vululi! it.selt ._.e thl.ns ill money, tp oonuretlon, t•> poseausl on .I '!'he DOtU)'Il · :} llli e"ehan~e. --·(ln a.are;1ro b) 'I·' I la hOI' he ob&erve• t h6 un1 vereall ty or 1\blselr • ot hlo f'orm,. or that 1t 1a ror ot.horo. !~e Wlll 8CCIOl'.dlt.!il:t . post t, to BhBl'B w1 th ot.hor6 or thooe oth<>rs shaul<i bot viowod tberllin, ·'!'he i!O:Cond movement. 1>'h1 ch ocnta~!llil! I :J .·,:,; :\.i1 the movements o.t .,;!); the t'trot d~velopo, I I la doing t!64~nut i!I'\O~er I, lind ot' <:oJ~;.' . '.' .. · ae,, liS· 8okr.owlegad by him, as eometh~n;,{ that rsletas it~ellt. ~:\·:\} .. _,.-·;~; •' . -.. '. :~·;_:. _}j}.~ :1111 PCB80111.1lon,.but thL= it ~111 h&ve only l'llth m,y wlll, ·Jua.t ~.11:2::";,. :. :••.... ·.:.;Yf. . .I dl r·eot 11\YB&I:i to h1& With hh 1r1ll • The equal1ty ot buth 18 • ·,';;1 · · liok.nowle:Jsed - Value,. mellnl·ng ot' tho t-h1ng •. . ·•. l~. . ..• '..:':-.-\~· 'l'ho thlns has tile. · ''.:'~ meaning t>f reletlon t.o another. To lle. tor anothel', fl:rletenoe is, <i'j . oo:m:n;ledgod tn1ntenoe, 1.• a., l t !e t·h., epeatt1o ~tlll. or e~eri· "' pilrtlcular ln 1 t. and the t r eq:Jil a t.y, end t.huo t<>r everyone ·lB the Yllll of onot.her - unlty or abeo.luta dlti"er~nae./•-· The abntraot thine; appeaa:s ln e"ahange ae 1t la, namely, to bfl t.hlo !llteratlon, to I'& turn :, t'roo. th•nghood to t.b.. I, and cJ ot aoureo thus, e1nae lte t.blnz;neae ocnolote ln this, to b& th• · .jj poBaeael ''On or another. · .·~.:~ rcvo1'7 one gl voo h1mealr hLe poeeerJolan, trcnaoendo hls e:rlntenae, and c1 nae lL !s acknowledged therttln, ,1 the other Pl'eoarves 1 t w1 th thq w1lllngr,eeo of tho f:r~t, .. They 'l ·~ are 8o>:nowledged, each rooe1 vee trom the "••II other the poe seas!on or the other, so thct he reaelve~ lt only 1neof•r rs the othor lS tne negattve Of \t.eelf, loGoo BB property, ! t lo throu<J11 mediation at' "vary one, the nogat1ng or ble belnt~o hle hsvln,;J an!l thle lv medl&ted throu:;h the nae;at!.ng or the othera. 12281 ·'.1 Only 11 . :,/ . j j J ' • < ~~ :'• :,I ... L.· ,,,, 14. ' .Only beoau ae the other d! e;>ooea or his m&tte!' or tact ( Sl!o':la) '· ltn' tl.lo e~ual1t.r 1n the t.htng ae 1h tnwa1•dnlllil 18 i do ! do 1t, i !.U '.'tlluo, ~<h1u~ la!;o my oomrlete aoneont and the intention I ot otb .. r - the poalt1ve mlna and thus t.he be1ng, t;JG unlty :lf lilT Will and h1e, L\n<'l my will pease~ ae actual, e:r.1stent.. ledged bet115 111 the e:do·tento ..,. being 'l'l1erolry, my will 1fi vaUdo ~orieeos\on ,1s tl'4netor~r.ed lntp proll"rty, POIIBelus, ·. 1. h~a Tl•o actlaiolr,.:; the Uo:tBpll'l.tU!Il 11i8Mlng of my !'l~Vin.,-; I rn POBIIa;•aiori' 80 tble P81't10u.I.III'J.·; !'ere, however. (we bave)tlsll lh'lkno~rleci,;ed btllna;, Lfie. (!ndiv,) 'being or 'the possel!slon, that the th1ne 111. and I gralipa 1 t 011 ur;ve11lr. "'a> l!>lld Hers 1 ,, th" b31n,; of the uni vereal .q.!fj. ·~.-.~rV.~ n s. 1s mediated t.hro)Jgll the other or h un1veroal. llJ. ~~ . .8 1 ~4a valvo, tht sensuous movemont 1e the e.xohan.se•~ -· came uni.vereo·ll T.y is au!td\ati.on to property, as ·knC>"lni; a:ovement. ·.•.. ·.. . . · ilooor,tlngly, 1mmedln te .·:i~§~·~trJ:~~. ."~~~kr.o~l<ldged,1.e,, ·· r 5 wh1 cl?.1 n medlstet'l throusJ! be1ns ,all••.'''·'i ita e:.istenoe h.· eplr1tual e"htenae-·f'~ marESinl a) l"OI'ille b) !!emo!7, Valui}-----Hare the oontinsenay ct ~·5 ~ ne1zur<1 by · .r~ ever,yth1n~ "··. "'"~~. (tJ"r· · !;~>•11 ne; t>eln;o I tbe poen•eoor• 18 trtmeoended. r have hranallllrmeui) · tbllough labor and through &l<or•ange 1nto &n IIlli nokno•.le•~S<tiS; t.hue r. unt veNJol - not th1o rartlcular person the aama time r~mlly. I.e., property to a) th~ uovement ot tb 1 n eltohsnge. lnhere1 ta nue 1 o thorerore ( el mpl:r j a llhsuo;c lrl t-he indvldusl, 1 ho family ! • ·he conotsnt - tbl s does not ,yet n~:pe8r lly i.' here.-4-··f.n margin: l iH6 the c jtlt.1n akill, 1:.:1 r.al1nAt.l on, t.olent. - t>et t.er :IOJ'e ~ency ot posaeoe1on. eaceso1 ble I myoolt obnolutaly neae~oar~----fhe oource, origin or property is hero that or work, of my doing ltoelr- tmmedlete rolf and oelng aaknowled~;ed. .'· ' ,. ' Grun:l. I ''"' tho o11uoe Juet beceuoe I hava willod- tbe "urpose bn oxchang& is the oauee, The ground 11> the universal, r have "lllad in B>'ohon~o tc. pon1t my th1ng oe ~relue, 12282 15· 1e. 1nn'i!r mvcement, 1nnel:' dolng, ae Woi'!c that 1e ami!: 1ntu It 1 P 1 n l!otl': oeeee the sac:a al1 """ t.1 on. 1~ t~~~ke !ll,VBelt lml'l~dia+.ely 1nto a thl ne:1 1nt.o a term ·. he1n6 1e work. r. Thus I alienate lllyaelr trocr. t.hl.s my «~:~rUst<ti'loe, m111ce 1-. opm<Jtlllng etr:enge to me, 1md preserve myattlC tlHJI"<ltn, JuGt tf-1& •~Y·l v1ec m, ao~nowlcd~ad e~i~tenoe, be1ns ~s ~.nown. There. ·~·immediate I, bere'my ror-~yseltnene, ruy parson • .~;ooor,.'llngl:v. :I <.!enol dllr her~ u;~i aoknowlegod hetng ae · .. lind m, W!ll h ti11s. W.il1d1ty; 12283 •• ·;.. ~ .. -· -·~~· '• ,,. I ', Vol, II, 2)1·2)) Bo 11118 lsro of. immediate fll<1St.EIOOS o! the i;,dlvldue.l 0:11111ts as .., lAw of 1 !.o wlll, or 1 t ar.hleveo thlo ao such 1n tho ot ormun,<:.nt e,.inten~n. d1~appearanoe- _ ~rhough tt:u d~eth or tbos parents, lt bo!loomes t'Dottlver 1t oppe11ro at tho <>x1 otent., Glnott they woro bel'ore 1n tho s·at"• It 111 •he &otual VAl1dlty of pr•opert::~ eleme'lt. or aatl'!ll e·~tlatence through the work or MJ.l. pro~ota the famlly, lea;ree 1t in Uo boln;:;, tbe rarllily• the Pubston:e an! neaer.s1 ty or th~ pa:-tloulc:r"•. U 111 t.he unoonso1oua r;u .. rdlan ovr.r the_ perttculare' lll'hose ...,.. ,,,.. Thus it.: (&r'?} appea•·o aa part.1oular. have dlftd. •;_. rt· 1o and ne(lesDlty • 1U hliJ'd side in 11bloh 1t sppll!lre. i•'irst. or al!, 1 t is the ,unt versel l'lf;ht, p1•opurt.r proteotlr.g ttvery·una 1n hlo 1o;:.edlat" !lor.eeasion. heredlty exahaD!!<h But t.hl.o 1a nnly· formal r1ght 0 that ln view of opaoll.ll ORQeo remains qulte free (ocntlngency or heNrdH.y.) 1nd1vtduel appesro ae aoqulr1n~ thrc.ue;b labor, Horo lt io m!lsoly hia l~>w, that what he p1•oduoed and whst he e:~~ohanged lon.:c to him. Rut the univo"P.Bl1~ at the e&n,e time hlo ne,cetu!ltj which CBO!'lfieed him in hie f1•ee l'lght. /. 7he unlverncl 1e a} pure nee eo~! ty to the paruaular n ngo. f!e hoo hle unoonaotnuo eld "' once ! n the unl ve1•eal, Tha ooolety 1o hlo na~ uro, on wboee elementary bHnd move111ent h• deprtndo, lihloh IJrllnervea or transoendo hln: Epl!'i tuelly l'"d pby. elaally, b} he lo th,•re through !m:tedlete poeeess1on or complPtely aocldental, :l&ture juot an much, He wor•ks an abetr.. cl labor, He But. thto beoomeo another form or oont1n~.en~ Y• 12284 ·: ... 17 •. ;1. Re can worok more·but thla dlsorollnae t.l-le value or hU laborr· · he ~oe:. not. thereby depart rrom t'h• urllv~trnal r~>hti<lnabtpii. ;; ~eede nr<> thoro by mul tl pll ell, 1r.tll lllllny. Tastoa 11re r.:vory par· Uo ula;• 1 a div~Je4. refint~ttl. They ;.ot more va~lBtlona. A 4r6os1n;; IF <lom&nd~h\oh br·ine;n the thtn.~f.l t,, be m1ed oont1nl.u•llr ·' neare!" to auetnm.- 1'he demand 1~ JuotmentrJ (lnaapao1t1ae) be t>rovltlea l'or. lealll.lflero). ' •w<le t.hat all n\ dee or htB malllo {cor%,. oorokDoro!'f 1 oend- ·. H'i' 1n cult1v~teclne s rmturall:; dnJoylng J>'l':>aon. (.aut at the anruo ttrne ho beccU>.on throc;u.~h tho· a::>t:tr*lltlon or ~ ·• ·labor, ~:~eohanionl, llt.upa1'1ed• splrltl<len, '· ~.-.. 'l'h!! sp1roltual 1 th!e praGervecl. sol~·-cansc1ouel'l lvln;~. b!ll!Oli!EIO &n empty doing. ·.. atrel\f5~l:l The cr th" ~elf oonol.str. \n 1te woel.t.h at ra.ne;el tbl,ll 1e· He oron let. freo nomo work ae CIIIOhintii'YI the inoro -fol'lllal lollt. ' '. · theruby _baao!Uen hlo own. dol.ne.·· Mlu. dull r.ork ·o~nr1n01.1 hhl to i;me point and laLor 18 more ;.orfec:t the more oM-o1dod lt 1&. But. t.hls variety produaaa tbo mode, (he ohange 8 t>lenes•, the friiiiOdom ln tho UIJC or t.be !'ol'mO of theae ti'>l:~-~~. kinde of ameut•loa,.mto' aro not oonetent. Outs 'of '!'he1ro 8lterat1on 1e esoentll!ll onll rational, mot'" roat1onlil t.h&n ilt1D111ne; t.c1 one rastrl'on ' !n t:h1oh part1ouler forms ore dE>olare<l to·b~ r1l<ed, 1'h3 t>eaut1ful ,ls aast but & ! n no rooda. ot.berl>l eo ther<e YIOuld be round nu tr-ee boa .char:nlng ono, 1.e., the D!IIIW oror.aoont. or nnothPrl dr1ve• deelrOI to ~roueed foro t.h1o 11h1ch belonev to aooo;·J1nr,ly cont.lrr<,ant. (ruot as undoR1:Jt.1n~; other~ and would b<i lD tt.e "reetUn.;; ror •'"' elmpl1tlcetlon of labor, I 'lVer~t.ion. of new :naohlnee, eta • IJhe vi<Uls of t-ho portloulnr (1nd1v) 1n the po!!e1bl1ty of thlll p,.oeerv~n: h1~< e>"lllt~noe. "'h1s 1• oubJugated to the colllplete ...... . oa~IQIJ< <•ntangler.:ont ol' the &ccl.dentc or ell. ;, m:.al t1 tutda~ 111 12285 . ,. 18. ~~,"~ ;~'~· . .·• (~--: . ,-:_'j, llondcalae~\ ' ",! ·--!) iooordLngly t.o the wholly etupefyln;;, unhoaltby, inileou'ira and unek1lled labor of' fBOtilrlea, ma~ruotor~u. mlnu. j et.c. "ltholo b'•anehee of l.i1ductry whl.an Qvprortod a l&.r(':e bulk. '1 ' ot the pop lat1o1; suddenly fold up bee&•••". the mode o)l&>tij;l'S or . ' ' beoaueo tbe val.uec ~r tt.el r pr~ducto f&ll on aovour.t of ;,ew t:~na. b:t ' . IIIU'IIINee 1nvantiona 1n oth<>r ocuntl•ten or tor Clther ret<•ono. ere t.nus rsbondontHl t o nelplaeu povorty. vs.at ft'eal th an~ vest. pt··~erty ete~;>fi \\'toll! mllll141ae" ·• ilA co nO l.o t, bet ween rcrth, a ;:>voerty un• ble to 1mpro1fe ite oon<Ht.ion." <'e<h, like every meso, ruakeo ltcelf pDwerful. Acoumulst1on of walth occurn, partly thro"gh !IOGI.- dent, partly through the un1varoaHty of 1 t" <l1ntrl.l!ut1on. tt •.- . l.ng le an l.ntere•t polnt ln !l:ar a 'llay 11llhk that wi;o'!lirar caet~ IIlli ·~anoe over the •ml.voreal ~astnee,, collectall aroun\5 h1m,. ;La,l'ge m11oe attractc the omal1.11r t.o tt. g!·v•m• ~ho ~:au, GbBtr8Cf.1.on of l"bor .Iii i~'·'-'· Aaqutai.Uon· lea meny-G1dll!d r.ystem .. that hrlng!l tn t'Jioai' all eld.oe, which a B:n£1ller buolneol! cannot ueo, ..- t.o bl.m lt- w1c1er scope, l'$!1ohtiB th& The h1e;he!Dt :noet p&rt1oular ltlnd end attel 1'hta in equal tty e>r rr,sl th ana th<> poverty, tht'e .need and neceoaH.y hE>comos· the hl.i)l'.est dlen:flmbal•msnt o! will• 1nnar r~volt,, end hate;> 'l'h<l ne·.eeult,r which IIi the rer!'ect con• tl.ngenay or part.louln,. Ol<l.otenae I.e just. tha prese:-wd substance · ' of 1 t. 'Ctate powor steps 1n ani! mur.t pro-.1!de that every sphere be preeerved, 1 nt.erveneP, eoek:~ 'IIO.yo out., new at-.annull?. nf' 1n other lands,eta. which make aotl.vlty more dlrriault to the .elCtent t.hat 1t en OJ'oaohes too :nuch t.o 1he Freedom or trade r~:na1ne ~1ea<tvantagee c.f neoeaeory; th~ 1nterve-tle>n GIUSt ot be as ·unc.pporont eo poertble- for l.t 1o tho fleld of arhl!l.trary dl.ll• Cl<'etion (\'iUlkur). ~·he app~aranao of pov;er mu11t be avo1dod and one should save r.oth~no; wh1ch 1 o not lnYt.o be c · ved, but occupy the surrerc~ng clase .. c 1n other ways. The otato power 10 tho 12286 'l un1 ve~slll ovareeerr tho P~~rt !euler 1e only IDilf burled. With 'the Pl!rtlolJl·ar. 'i':'ade bt!oomliB to be sure lett by 1tcelt. but 'Wi'th R•orlfi OD Of th1s i>tJr.e •·a ti~n and inO!'BiiOe Of PDVI!rlty • Poor taxe~ and 1oct.Hutl!ons era dell'landf,d, ',' . . ;·:. 12287 ' In m111t<:ry affairs, also, Hesel w&s forcJd to ' t.ackiethe e•sence at'' the problem. No !Ur%1<1110 people 1a mo:re Willino>; to shed ita blood for r:ermany' than the 'Jerman r.ecple; nc people more capable militarily • .It is .hence not cowat•dice or military l.ncapaoity Which fuakeethe r-errr.tm army the leughinc; stock of .. Eurcpe. The German e:rm1ea must indulge l n nsgotetlohs,· bet wean various arml.es .and nut conduct a war w1 th. orders ·r,•om &bcve because- of 1 ts laok of anc organi·c ...., ..• ···- ·'· unhy between eta &es. 12288 . '•''·(,'-1...;:_·.' . _,,:_ : ;J:-·.: t;l' • \· r'lohts oarr1ed out· ths struggle for nationalism ae an i!l<ltlvo propagont11at and ,, ~ol1t1o1an. At tl:e aamo t1rne, he trorked ovt. a metapbyatoo to coi-·roapond · · ·'!n t-o,th tbear;y an~_.prsctic.o.':> to this acttvlty.'-..._f !Ji . J he rellll.l1ned"dot11nated b;y ..-- I/ the 1ndlvldualiot ideology or the pact oentux•y, and hie metaphyslca was essent1al.l;r that or thi! tsolat.ed Ego. · Hegel, on the c.tber hand, w·cu ''IIMB'dPl!llaiiJI aoh1ev.,ment or the nation. Over. and ove1; ag~in he contended that the unification of particular wills by laws and pb~asea did not make Germany a state. As such it was merely a formal end not on organic unity. ::l 1 oJhl o di etl nett on between an a ggregn tl on (Menge) ..;.--- and an organism (~em!)in&ha~_t), between the partlculare (E1n'Zelnen) and th<> Bt'R unity (E1nhe1t), as appl1e~,_tc ---·----· • . •, ·.· J , :::; j 1•, the German nst1on, was the beginn1no; or Hee,el' s ph1los~ '":':] ophy. More specifically, he railed against the extstlng .. /.:1 . :j state or noltttcsl affaire, whereln"the State counted. .•. i among lte subJects, serfs, bourgeoisie, free nobility !i and princes, who themselves 1n turn have subJE<ltB« and ! l etrvctures:il whose relationshins eytst not as pure pol1 tic&l but tn 1nf1nHe modifications." 12289 . j 2•' t.r•anoaendenoe 1t;self, oonso1 ueneos La an 1deal1ty or· tranaoendllnae. . T!Jus, the _1nd1v1dulll ae workln(l U ootive an:2 tlie obJ<iot 1i•· ~ransoended, both ·rema1n1 ng, ,,-\'' Daa1re ~ n it~ ion does not aobi&V8 eat1ofaot1on, sad the (destroyed, remains. l:!1Et obJec~1ve even ae, Lsbol' 1e this pra~tical cor:ao1:ouaneoo as _r,btl.on of _both the gent~ral and of the· e1ne;ul.ar. It 1\l<:eii1oe e:x1at as the means whereby they ere rel.lited ae .op•p(lst6;i:;J :in(i ,.ber•eby the:r remain as thus sepe"sted. . .;. ~- .·: ' -. ,.ork as such hss a eonet.ant sxietanae. It is t.hua that, Labor 1s 1te'e>'lf ~ _:·.·_it and fiotlve ll!)ainsttbe obJect)~. 'fhe tool iS the . :' I -~ r,eilsonable medium, the ex!et.1n!l geners11ty of- the·praot1 · .. ~.·--~:-··~---~-·- ---'~------ --:-·"-· process. . ' . . ., .. . ~.. ·.<i;' It appea1•s on the side. o.f the aot1ve ae:sln'st':.~!ie ····pMss1ve, 1S 1toelf passive f.rom the point. of " ing, and aatJve n;;s1nat the--th1ng worked on. ·by.. the work maintains lteelfJ Wbat alone ,:e~:~a1ns from the working and th!! worlied on, and whereby 1t s . contingency. ~- morta11zod. It, propagatea 1 taelf 1n trsd1 t1ons, wh1ls botli\'!t>'~,:;~~ des1r1np; 'end tbe desil'sd sY11lt only as tndtv1dual• and :l:t is. a 11m1 ted destlluot1on through neoesG1t,y or an absolute e>:ternal, The freedom or conscl o usneso tranoconde thl. o neoc:s' · · · sity and cheake tha destruction in ertjoyment~hrough itself. It rna kes both oexes conscl.ous of one another, for one anothe:o, oont.~nu1ng to ex1st; thus, 1n the for-itself of 1 s hi a: self, sach is ln t.he conac1 o us ness or the !n hl.a el<letence, tn h1e for-hl.mrelfneeo is connc1ousneas of himself, is for himself i J.nd the sel< !'elation to euoh a re- lation tmt, in the belnp; of oonsoio,;;;ilefls or each, each himeelf le one with the other, t.e.;, ideal relation. Desire ·; ·, ... : '• .·::._ ::di_~.~~~ ,, -,:-- ."' •••:. 1hoU "'" " " " ' " h ' ' ' " ' " ' • 11 .,..... M .. :~J~ ftte un1 t,y ,9f th:> &b\illlUtB•fr11'-1tBelfneaa ot ·both, 1 .a c·o 1t. . .. ,. ·ln. the beoome e 'lo va. ,o;.nd ·enJol'ment 1e 1n tl1il'espaat '~>f 1t11eH" " hatng o: the ether'~> conso1o·.~neee.• Th3 rdat1on \tai.lf.I.G \. 1n t~1& mfinmtr th& baing or botb and r;oematn1r.g IIG tho be1ng Of ootb. 1oe •• l.t b8CIOIIIEI2 lt&l'!'l.&geo ' .. ~ ,. , ... ::-··. .. ·• c~·~r ... . ,·, ;~ .' ~-. } ·- i \ 12291 ~,,, .,;,~ .'.il . ' (~~ .r· . :·•, . 1,'• - f 4. ; •.i ,. i Vol. I; PP• .. 2~-41, ) .i i !. ' ! .ix Amon a the B• people labor and 0. poseess1 on are rslated to one a notiHil' in th8 uame way tha~ tbGY are related •.n theil' oonceJ>t&. Jur.t as lf:bor .reate on the needn or the pazotioulaz• ae one euoh. so poeeeusion is eimpl:y that or a partioular, Just as labor becomes 1n 1ta pGrt1culsrl.ty a unive,.eal, 1n the same way dooo poasaseion, t •. Lebar Which l'eets on the n~eds or e particular beooma·l!· a• ,unive_real in its t~:bfitng the labor of a :al!.,d~alPo.beitlg 'baaail on h1a needs, q 'llhen, it· ils In work .•~ such the z:equlremnt mus.t exist. aokninrllldgitd, it will have the form. ot. un1varsBlity•· Whim ' .'·: . ,• ,\ a ·appears 11e oomethit:t~ extornal- 1 ae inorganic nature and m_uet be • labor whi.ch 1111 :yarnt, it is a universal mode, a rule cit ell · •:;'omething f.o&• itself', HowGver, 1;hie un1vereal1s tor lsbor.tha. true essence, and the native lack of skill must overaomeiteelt · !n learning the universal, Labo1• 1s not an inet1not but :a ality which among people makes itself into a universal and . ~ her~~' by is opposed to t.ho partioulllrity of' the 1ndl.v1du&l which IIIUst overo ome itself. And to work does not exist as instinct but tn· the mode of ep1r1t, Just because what is the subJective aot1v1ty of a pa,.tioular must. nevertheleas be11ome !In other, a universal rule, and the skill of the part.!oular f1rat returns through prooeas of learning to the other-beo om1ng or 1 taelr, /3 Tt>e acknowledgement of labor and ek1ll rune tho same 12292 into the universal that 1t. did in the psrt1cu~"r individual¥ Against the uni v11rn1· ekill the partfaular .. ...-:~ thr•>ugh learning. sets itself up ae &·specific (sltUl), euporatee itRelf ther,rro•, mak~s itself more ek1ll!ld than tlle othara; and 1nvente useful t.uola. t~ua 'lilt. 1 t to the axw \nvent.1 on or a uni verP.al which univorP&l· 1.n its ep.ao1tlc skill. 18 11 The others learn 1t, tl!le.nsoend their epeo11'1o1ty nnd 1t b()oowae immediately .a un1- ·' vera.-1 good. The tool &A such postpones r~:r man h1 s m6t.erial. d&n1sl~ But·1t reins in 1t ·hiS rdr~; 1 t r<!ma1.ns hle aat1vH.y llb1'!h ie ! .•. . dil'l!Ot~d llgalinat 8 . ,'\/':r:~:::~::: ::: :: dead th1!l(l;o 0 ' ···. .,_. ' :: ' hill aot1Vl.ty 1a 0 d::t::::d :: ouch. ..the.lliaoh!ne :tllr.a man transcends ,tll1e hie formal aoti.Y1ty ~nd. nut this transoen®n.1e, wh1ob.he praot1oes·aga1nnt naturct and w1t.h whtch he kaepe dthin hia part1oular1 t;r, .- OIIUI'Bflo ::m::~:~:· t:tb:t 1t .ork'ror b1m o_omplately. ··~-. Of aven~;~ee 1 tllelf oga1nEt him. What t\e 1 t., the more he subJugates 1t, the lowe~ he htor.aelr becomee. ,,.,... ,ac:J letting nature do the work through all kinde or machines, he not transcend the necessity or h1o labor, but only bhovea 1t estranges it !ro., nstu e and d1reoti\JC hisself ae something not l1vln!S to 1t ae something 11v1ng. Dut. 1t eeaapaa this negative l1v1nt> a no the work thst. 1 e left to h1.m 1 teelf becomes m11ohan1oa1 · He r•eduoeo it 011ly tor t'·e ·r;bole but not tor the pertLoular. Rather he lnoreaeee 1t, Cor the more mechan1oal ,. l~bor becomes, the leeo value 1t hoc, anu the more he must lnbc>r 1n 1tl1s manner. • 12293 6. needa 1a ftt the same time a universal, ideal. aa d~termined by him, MP.n satiotbs hl.a. Rather in that it oat.1 efies h1.e ne.,do,, 1 t U another than 1t ta. (Maroboea "Th" individual sattenes ·his !Ieoda by his labor but not by the pl:irt1oular r•roduot or hi& lsboi'. '!be laho1' to i'1ll h1s needs, hss to become other than it ls.•) llan .no longer ·Pl'oduaee what he noedo or he no longer no~ade what t.e hssproduced. Rather 1t. beoomes instes<'l of the aotual1 ty oft ·all of hie needs, That 11!, it has a •;alue. His l~bor and hie po&IIBilCJion are not, what they are for hlm, but what they ere for one upon everyone else. For each tbere disappars all eecuM ty and· certainty that hio labors as a particular er•e directly suitable to his needo. Aa a single needy individUal, he becomes a unlverecl, Trhough the partiaularizaL1.~n or labor, the skill or each is 1mmed1etely greater for this labor. All relalionchipe or nature to the .I j I 12294 I f ,, • Pllrt!.oular1t~ lnoreased. ot men come more under hls pontrol. Tl11a urt1vero~l1ty ln whloh the cornt'ort .ll· ~atoular naecl »nd tb·ii l!lbor 1a ala7at,e~ to th1o ad,Justm&nt le ~ rorms.l unlverallt..y~ Its ooonaolou~ne~• 1a KR not an absoluts ln Wh1ah these relatloa~ ohlps·are destroyed, but 1s dlrocted 1Dtr11moond1ng thlo .. part1 oulsr 1n Ol'der toffee "workln(\ from 1 te (iepnndenao on. nature • '!h.:. netide an:l. labor are· aleeat"d to the form or oonac1ouatJOBih Th"Y a1mpl1!'y but tt.l e sl.mpl1 o1ty \ e ab.•tract,tllrmally un!. Y!ll'~6l,~ the cilaeo.,otlol"l ot the oono::oet.e an whl.~h schlevos ln th! a 1nt1n1ty at partlcularlty. emp1~1oal 'mannqr•, whtlt. ~t sub Juga tea nature u i·t.selt,· tile .tndlv\duci onl;y lnoreaa_ec hh dependanae opor. 1 t. '·I • · ~ ·'l'he pa~tl ou~arizstlo n or labor !ncreaaae til& aggre~tlir > or produata ~· (1~ margl.~l In an Engllllll ,raatory '11! "'"n work on one pln. Hegel ottes A. r.m1 th). Everll one ~sa a apso1~1o li!Ub:nl'Jt aspect. or the wo~k.and-.only th1a anpect. A. put~odlar. ·, "· . !.t{d1v1dual woulcl not bit able to me ko 120 perhaps not even onjj·o llhen each" of 18 (klnds or) ·work are. dlv!.dfld amor.g 10 men, makes 4000 !n one day. But if thv wnrk or theee tan 111mong 18, we would .;at 48,000 in a day, ;.~owever, in thle same proportion as !·he prod\JOad ae;gregate soars, the value of labor talla, ~ Labor becomae the mere absolutely de~d an it beacmea maahlne labor. '. The &kllls of a1ngle persona become more 1nr1n1 ly Uml ted, and the ccnsc1 ou ana eo or the raatory v;orll:ar 1 s toaecd · down to 1 te lowest etup1d1 ty. 12295 8 •. 11 And the. oonnect1on of t.he part1 oular kinds of WOl"k wl th.lile whole 1nrl.n1 t~ malls or needs becomes qulte 1neomprnhflnll1ble rt ;.. l ' (unubers1chtba:l'), and a blind <lspendsnoe. Thus,· an Uobted operated - orteo makes the wor:r. of a whole olsen or men, who 'satisfy t.he1r na<His with lt, and unneoaenar1ly. ~l 1.'~1ddenJ:y checked, su,pertluous, Just as tile ar.alm11at1on or nature I.e Bch1aved tl.rough th(! inoert1on o.r the 11nka or :;reatf!r oomro:l't, eo these stllses or aen1dlat1on are in1'1n1tely divisible and thl3 aggregate of oomforts mal~" it ap;ainB Just l!lS absolutely uncomfortable. Thqs-, mamf'old labo:l'a "f needs as thl.ne; must real1ze their ~on~ept, their abstraction. Thier univerval ooncep~ must be a tbtng' juet'aa the th1ng preeentA everything ao un1nraal··· l.lol!eJ 1~ - th\a concept in its matertsl e"1stenae, the forin ot ·.'!_nit:! or t.he poss1b1l1ties ot·all t.hlnge inoedad. Need an-i rlebor elevated to this generl!lll.ty thus 'rorra for themselves a great people e mammoth ayst.em or community and mutual d8Pfif!d;;; ' enoe, a mo·.r1ng life of 'the dead, which in its movement is blind• · ' . l;r and Pl'im1t1vely· moving h~re and there and like a 111ld animal. needs oonatant and strict control and curbing. C. Llkewl.ae this. activity or labor and of needs, like the·· movement, hae lte resting place ln poaaosslon. ite pa.rt.loular!ly a unlvercal. '·-· likewiSe beoomea among the wbGle or a peop~f.l It remains possession of this particular but llnlY. insofar ac it 1C poa\ted in~orar Poseeasion in throu&~> the general cor:sM.oasnesa, or &e 1n tt everybody 11kewlse 1t becomec property. poeaesao~ his cwn, i.e •• lt.o eaolusion ic such that everyone commun~ ally eycludec every one else, and ln the determinate possession of each ls the poeaession of all. In ooaoeeelon there 1& the oo>nt.raditlcton that a thl.ng 1o as llbint; a universal, ani 11 12296 This ·~Dntrl.ld10t!.On neverthele"s only a particular paeseesion. · traneo·ands ·itself throue;h the· consu1ousneso. «!lile it lri it.oelf as the o:;>pt-e1te c.f iti!elr. 111 opp'osed It 1• i.h= a·cknowloadgmell.t. ot the 1n4iv1dual posseBElon BI!IIDit a·rd the uniyersel ;>DB&eoa1on st the in that t1me '.llil.~• every one posoesees 1n this particulat• posse.so~on .• 'I·be asouranoe of my ponsegsl.on 1s the &reuranoa o! t!le posaeaeion ~n lily or all. prope '·ty eve·ryane bas h1a propel!'ty. Ji..Y posaess1on It 1a determ1ned oa mJ has attained th~ possession. But as property it~~ not related to me alone but· farm or aonsa1ouonesa. ·un1vorsal• Just as in t.h;, forssolns power (1larouoe celle this medium)..~· · and need hae part1culo;ol1 zed H' self absolutely• ~ uo 'l,jbol"' :·. . ,<·-· ; ' J>&~tioulari!llee i.t~elr in this 1Jtedium. ,,'"' .. plu:oins ot tl:e pro· peJ~t.!' J~~~~ Part1eulcrhat1on h. the concr~te in the universal. Dlfferenilee ·'·•ht\'Ji':it · :_. .,.~;; ' in itself has opposed as 14entlt.y, fall tc p!.aoas·ard·becoiile an· abetraot.1 on for 1t. The t'otal1 ty of pP.r t1cularlt;r which ·W~s wholl;p· in'evory particular 1nd!cll!4ual but(1B no longer• bea;;;uao \:. the extension or its existence to that wh1ch it 1tselt makes, 1s tran.soendscl. onl;r in tho whole o1' the poeple. And the psrt1oular1~ rJr ··neods tmd poesessi on collapses 1n the nature of lta ind1 v1dual1ty. Con~ciouaneso as to tallt;r of the particulars wae the one- nuDa of 11;self and 1ts external! ty, its poeoasoion. While both ·rell apart, the particular oeaoea to have the honor which pllioe4 ! te whole es•el'lOe in every part.io•Jlar. thst l':hich ,.e In th1 a partlculariza t1on rotlated to 1 t dh•ectly no an organizatLonoilnst1tut1g what was oallecl 1 ts person, and that which lip pears exter•nally to 1t as matter or fact, fall apart, since foto.the honor this d1&• t1not1on doea not exist which 1n every relationship poe1te posaeoslon 1taelr ae the whole. ev~ll'1 12297 •. ·. 10•· · Vo:L. I I • 21}-217 Actual Spl.r1t The 'ap1r1t 18, aott.:al nullther ae 1ntell1g~noe ae ne>r will; but . exists 1r•te 111genoe axteta ae will; 1 .e., in 1ntell1s~•l0e- tnu unity· unlver~_als, of two '.plete self. &nd_1n the universal will exl.ots i.h1U CDI!I•'' It 1B a lm'Jw1ng or 1to aY.lstence and 1ts betng•;11! 1Jp11'1t\16l - tba' un1varoal w1ll. rn. these alew.ento the forego1ngc hila now to· be presented} 1n It, • Juet as 1n ~ wl_ll tbe abot. raot ~lltalll.ganoo t~r~u"' ' -~ has transcended 1 taelr or hao aoh1eved as C?bjeot;. 1C:!JSlt, so hen, t.ho abstract w1ll U or •u ..tranaoe.llde!1 _to produoe ~n the· elements or, unl,~ers~i'.-- 1!Cltntliio•'''~:Si ·•,;..-,,. '. . ..•ledged '. . ·,, exi gtence th1 s . sp1r1 tual actl!.!ll1 ty. · Juet .as_. po•es_•aliJa\ ' ' ' ._ thiltoeby tran1.1orrms i_teeli' into right,· so labe>r earl1e,r ofl•m.ll 1ta&lf l.nto t.he general, ··!: What'\,wao· the fsm1ly good, 1ri wb'' n.uri ta-_:7. enjoyment knew ttAol t, boo_omea t lle ge!le rsl 1\ee.:\ and en,~ 'joylllent. or all, and the cll.ft'erenoe or t.he 1ndlvtdue1 baccmer; a. knowledse or good and evil - personal r~ght and not•r1ght. Acknowledged Existence Aoknowlede;lllinl:s 1m!lled1ate aat.ua l1 ty, and 1n ·He elecent. ewe have· the person f1rot as for 1tnelf 1n gneral, ·llo?k),ng. It 1r; enjoy1ns and. Here f1Y.at deoire hae >.he appearance or right, fol' 1t U:s actual, 1.e., it 1t.oelf has universal sp1r1tual bal.ns. work ot all ana for all, and enjoyment - the enjoyment of all.· sveryone se!"Jes every one elEe and helps, or the lnJ1v1dual here r1ret hal pert1oulor existence. e~1r·1t Before 1t r.ao only abstract 0" untrue. oan eet 1teelf (rest?) ells1ly 1n an RbBt.rect1on, analyse Haelf, and s1ve itself an e><1stence ae the animal cannot, whereever the self that places 1t"elf 1n a system, becomes 111 (?), 1?.298 11 •. it 11.&£ only momentmry .:teeppearin~ exioitenoe. He.re is du1re. Opposed t.o Ill" I ae abstract for-t teolfnesa stands! 1 ts inorganic nature llf' "'"1et~nt, transc.Pooc thi~ lt I'Sl&tua itself negatively to 1t and 1n the U!'ltty ot both, but 1n this way, that it · own · 1'1r£t to1•me ·it eelf aaa a salt, obeurvee 1 tc/r orm and co"m•mee itC<>lt accord 1ngly o . . '!'he CJX1stenoe, t.ha scope of naturel.neede •• . that ia not taken up 1n knowing; tte work has the charaotel' ot: &Eat:>actl.on. It worke not as pa1·tt1cular oono'ra•.a toll1111tyor · needli)-;-la en element ot baing l.n gonersl, a mult1tuae or ,needs~ it !.a in the element or univE'rea'll.ty that 1t becomas.an iil:latraot The 'needs are many; to take up tll1a manyness l.nt.o'·the · ii ael!'-moving fGrm&t1on (b11iil.en}, The I-for-1tcelf 1s abli'•raot. It is to be sure work1n~, but its labor is aocorHbngly ahstraot, Need l.n g~neral is analysed into ito many aspects, Th~ abstraot in its moving l. a the for-1 tselfnth!O, the .d oine;, tile worlrlng. ':aeoal! ee it 1~ worked only fo1• the needs as sbstract,for•itoeltness, so 1t is also only abstr~otly worked. truth or deoire, 11h1 ch ex1 et. e work. nere, Thi a 1e the concept, .the '••' .j , . ' -1 ·'' :i' I As ita concept is, so 1 a 1 ta llat1o1'act1on or all the needo of the particular is not, as 1 t develops into the eY1Ste object., what 1 u brought before h1Cio Universal labor 1o, accordingly, division of ·abor, economizing. T~n can makd as many pins aa a hundred, Bvery part1av1ar, accord• 1ngly, beoausa he 1s hare particular, worko for a need, The non· 12299 ..' 12. tertt ct h1o labor e:.tanda beyond h1a ne.ad, ·He worko ·tor the· llllade ot man,v, &nd every one does th!l same, Acc·o~dlngly 0 eaoh aatiot'iel! the na~d~ c!' man)( and ~.he sat.1eracts.on or his many special needa 1a thw labor or many othuro, f1noe hla labor is th1s abstract (k,.nd), he ral.ateii birtsel :- asabstraot I or ICCiord1ne;x to the ·mod" or th1 ngbood, not a • or,mproh<~ nsl ve, 1nternelly l"1cll• olrcumopeo!:, an1r1t 1Yh1oh o<>ntrola a gre:at range and ta master over 1t. It hos no oonorets labor but ita at1•ength oona1cto 1n the analyzinG, 1n the abstl!aot1on, 1n the ·t.eering opart or 1;he ooncret.e.1nto many ·ebatraot aspects~ ·Hill · ·laboi' 1toe:u· b&oomee quite lliechaniMl or. relative to a ai.mple . ·,deteninatlon • .·But t.he mor.e ab.iftFa.ct it. beolimes, the ruore 1t. io ooir>' ablltraot a ott Yi ty, and thus he 1-s capab;Le or trom labor and 1n the pla~e of h1 a aot1v1ty, eubet1 tut1ri,:; tb.tt Qt extet•nal natura. He needo .. more movement and tb1e be rinde '-·n external na turez ox the pure move•,ent 1 a Jug t the reiati on . or &batraot forms Of Sp&OEI &nil til!!& • the Bbetr"Ot ext&l't1Bl ao ti vi ty, the mnoh1 ne, · Be·~ween theoe man1rold abstract produote there must now be found a movement whereby it again becomeo concrete ne&da, l.s, needa or a pnrt1oula•·f ---(ln mal'glnl delerm1net1on in l.teelf: return to p<artioular1ty)----th1s heoomee a aubjeot aontll1ns 1n ·1 teelf m.•ny of the sarne --·-(1n margin. He hae IIlii de it a being for the needa of othera, Just. ao in family possession he held 1t in oppoeittcn to l.toelf, simple exiotence 1s un1vr·rsal, The !P'Ound 1e, because hlta · Ilia poaeeeoion has now the meaning of' being for another)-----The Judgment wh1oh it analyzed, 12300 opposes as determlned abetrllot\ons its unlve!'&allty tc whluh lt l!ttatn~d, is the equality or the same or value. In. nre the same. ·Th!e value itself ae th1"!5 is money. The eeturn to concretion, to posseua1on is a"ohanga. ----(in ••arg1:lt b) In his abstract labc>r he 'obeeorvee the unl.·tero.:Uty or h1meelr, or hh fr:orm, or that it 1o for others. He w!ll acco1•:11ngli' p»sl t, . to chere 111 th others or tha•e others should be viewed thel'oltn. ···.;- The second Ulovement wh!oh oont.a1ned the movements ot. . · tnil' tirnt dev.eloplli ! I .is dolng l!;gs1nst ano!hei' I·, and.o1' · .s.. ,, as !ilaknowleBed by h:lm, a a aomet.htng that. relatu. itae!t· I ey p~sseaslon, but this it will h&vo only with m,y· wn::., · Just.'· . I . ! d1J.~ec:t mYBoU to h1e with hie will, ·The equality .of .botb·1 'i~kn~wle<lseC: . . .· - Value, meaning of tt.e thing, meani.ns of relation to another. To be !'or anoth..,r, ;xl.atome . aolmowledsed e.•iotenoe, i.e., 1t 1s tbe epeoit!u ':1111 ot"every par•tiaular in it. end their. equality, and thuo for e.veryone thrn•i.' 1a, th& will or another ·• un1 ty of obso,lute <11f1'erenoe ,).;...,. The abstract thing appeaes in exchange as 1t 1s, narsaly·~·· to be thlo alteration, to return from th,mshood to the I, a.nd ot course thus, since its thinsnese oone1ats ln this, to bo. ~n,e.'~'l possessloan o1' another. Eve~ one gtvso himeelt his poeseae>onc:c' tr&~aaends his eriatenoe, and slnoe 1t ie &aknowledged therein, tbtt other pre~arves 1 t with the wllllngne~a of tho t'1ret. are ecknowladged, each rscal vee from t.hc :taall other the possees- . ' i ! .·.. I . !on o! the ot.her, so thot he recelveu 1t only 1nsc.fsr as the other 1e the negative of itself, i.e., as property. ! t ls med1at1on of every one, tho negating of h1s being, h1s havi~l Brl<l thle 1s mediated through the negating or the others. Only 12301 ,.>' 14. Only because the other disposes ot.h1a matter or taot (Sachs), do I do 1t; An: tt:1D equel!.ty 1n the t.h1np u 1to 1'GW&rdn"n .1!1 1ta value, whtoh lallc my oomplet.e conoent and the intention ot tbcr othe:o - the poe1 t::. v,; mine and thus the b.-.1.ng, ·the Will and hie 0 and Ulf Will '0!1888~ aa actual, 8X1Btento lC!dged being 1B the ex1otent. p:llllllfBD.• '!'her~~. ot DJT' The BOk.,ov- liiY wUl ia valid. Possees1on 1e tranatozomfld l,nto property. \•sino; ·hu the unap1.ri tual meaning or my hsving (1nd1v.) lir,~1ty &e I In pormeus1on .. thle ,art1culer' . Here, howover, (we heve)tae aoknowlede,ed being, the bBing or the poasse·a1on, that the thing S.s. and l aai and ' g;,•lispa H 019 lllf&Blf, Here 1.r the bdn,~ o! the un1 ver eal · hsvlng le ~ed1eted through the other or 1B vern~>l univer~al. to vtllue, the 'sensuous· moveillen t 1e the·exollange. . :• ·aooordingly, immediate h?v1ng whioh1a mediated throusn . beln$ . 'l -_,_·.:. knowledged,1.e., 1te e"istenlle 1e spiritual e:x1otenoe,.-•(1n mlirg1n1 a) Forme b) Me '!lory. Value )-----Here _the oonttnsena,:: ot seizure- by the poeoesaor i e t,ransoended. I hava ( trana1!Drs:e;,.) ev.,l';rthing t.bDough labor and through i!IXChange into an··aoknc)wJ.eCiig4!:4; ,- being. I am thus a ·~~~.~ verasl - not th~s particular pet-eon the aare.e t1me f>.~mUy. J: ,e., property 1o- a) th~ •oyement of in exchange. Inhereitance 1s therefore (simply) a change in the 1noviduel, the family is 'he oonotsnt - th1a does not yet appear 11ero.-~---(1n marg1nl I em the contin~ency of possession. My akill, ~nolinat1on, talent - better more aaoeeeible accident I myself absolutel:t neaeeoary)----tlhe aouroe, or1g1n of prc;perty 1s here thet of work, of my doing l~nelf - immediate •elf end being aaknnwledged. Grund. I om the cause JuRt beuaueo I have ttilled - the purpose bn exchange 1a the cause. The ground 1s the universal. I have ·r.1lled in Axohant:e to poei t my thing sa valuct, 12302 '· '·' /i" .... -- .. . (,. oa~ea ~.he It 1"ir 1n both same slienat1 on.> '.• fi ·I DISks lli,.VIIelt 1mmec:Uately ·into a thing, into· a fo!'m vhcoe~· . being is work. a Thua I aliena teo ("? 11~1 '!:her•· zr l Jnat in I vtow my eoknowlec!g4d B:!>:htenoe, bel.ug as known. 1.1l\mec!1ate I, hero my tor.,myselrnese, my 178reon, · ·At'o;jrdingl;r, I consider her•e my ao!rnowlegeu betnc; . ·..and DIY. will 1.B this valid1 ty. -. ' myoelt trorr. th1e my Alrhtenoe, lllllke 1t someti!tna atrang'1 to.me, •nd •prnoerV!I myself ·therein. th1 s ; .,.t t!l ·.· I I I ! 12303 1 ) 16. ..!.!'I' \'i r.··... ·· f' . . B• 'i'h1s law of 1mmed11lto S:rlfiltenae of the individual SX!!!te ae law of its will, or .1 t a~ll1evlll th.io a.• ~uoh in the disappearance ot ooo.t1ngent·elt1ett>ntn. Trhough the d~ath of thQ parents, it beoomea positive: 1t appears se the ex1ot,ent, ninoe tte.y.wer.v It is •.ne aat!'sl validity or property, tbe befr,ro tn t.hP. s 'ate. element of ectual ex·1et.ence through the work o~ all. The law prot;eots the family,. leaves 1t in 1tn ho1ng,. the· fat~1ly• the· substance and ne('&es1ty e;t the part1uulsrs• "r. :it 1c·, the ~moonsaioun gua~d1sn over th" part~nuls1•s whose ' !'..!lye died.• . 'l'hus it (er?) .appe&•·s s3 particular. . It. is and neoaen1 ty - 1 ts r.ard side 1n which 1 t cppeare. • ·First ot all, 1t 1a the un1vel'eal right, pr'?perty ln ':prot'.liung everyone exchange. "speoial ~n hie immedi>.tte poeeesc1o·n, hei'edlt;r But· th1 s 1e only formal right, that in view" of I)SSB.D remains quite free (contingency of hered1t.yo) indiv!.dual appears ae aoqu1rint1 through labor, Here it ie m"l!lely his law, th!lt. what ho produced end l>hat longs to him. But the universal iB at tha eame time his neceoe1~~ which l1ao••1f1eed h1m in his i'roe right, The un1 versal 1 a e) pure neceeci ty to ths particular work·· ings. He hac hie unooneotoue e~1stence 1n the universal. The society is h1s nature, on whose elementary blind movso1er.t he de~nds, which preserveR or transcends him spiritually and pby- stoelly. b) be 1a there through 1mmedieta possession or heredity. compJ.etely accidental, j-. nature just an much. He works an abstract l•.bor. He oonqueril But. thie beoomen another form of oont1ne;en~ oy. 12304 •.. 17• · ~ He, can. work lllOre but this diilor&aues the valua ot hls l&bOl"J he d~es nat tho !'Bay <leps••t rr-.om the u.ni veraal relat1onah1pa·. () \leede are thereby lllult1pl1ad. 1rii.il OJany. <:ve!'y ?!l!"ticular is div1ded '!'iletes are refined, They get more vatiet1one. A ·d••eaal.ng is doman<!a wh1ah. brings the tbinse t.o be user! continuall;r beoorue • an owpty doing.. The · . '.1· thereby boJoom,.,;· his o11r1 doing~ ljie. dull work· confines lllm t.o one polnt, and label' 1s more perfect the m~re on .. ~eide>l it But th1a v·ar1ety produced the mode, ::: th~ cherJgegbloneseo h:: the · .. · <\,.,·,i~ ::·''-:!,~ ,:::· :::::,::::,:: ::""';:I :::::.':~~,::.: ::~:.:: essential and rational, mo"'e rational than atiokl.ng to one rashlon/·f 1n which particular forma cr" declared •o be f1xed, The beautiful ... 1e aaat l n no mode, Ot.hez•w1 so there would be foun1 no !"roe bea\olt:r ·1 but a ch3.r:rlng one, 1.e., tho DXf'jRR ot•nt.ment of another: drJ.ve, desire ic aroused for this Vlh1ch helene~ tc othcrp &nd would be acco•·dl.ngly oont.1n,;ent. ox ;~ Just as undosLct.ing 1D tho wr•er1.11115 for a1mplit'1oat1on of labor, invention uf <i;,w machines, etc. cmJe okl.lle of the particular (ind1v) in the poo~1bl1t.y of thiS precervl n:l hie elr1stenoe. '1'h1s 1• subjugated to the complete eRI:f:i!>ll entanglement of the &co1dent.s of al'l. ;, multHul!:delr iB 12305
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