The ftoneo\fe Falls Times VOLUME 104 NUMBER 46 \0 ONTARIO ST. SERVING MENDON. RUSH AND \!VEST BLOOMFIELD .jOe a copy HONEOYE FALLS, N.Y. $11.00 a Year Till! HSl)A \', NOV. la, 191\6 624·1272 PT A Executive Board School Bus Regulations Are Topic of Meeting Paul Smith. Director of Transportation for the Honeoye Falls-Limn School District, was the guest speaker at tho Nov. 5 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima PTA Executive Board. Mr. Smith noted thnt the district currontly tmnsports some 1825 students to and from areo schools using 25 large buses nnd three smaller vehicles. The averaga bus trip hos increased by approximntely 20 miles in the past ten years in keeping with the growth of new housing developmonts throughout the district. However, evory ntlompt is mode to keep bus routos to 45 minutes. Tho district transports students to 1:J privnte schoob within the mnndntus of federnl Inw. Every bus must curry 11 full cnpncity lond (GO studonts) £It 90me time during tho dny in ordor for tho district to receive its full shoro of stnte oid. Although bUS{lS oro designed to fit throll pllrsons to u sont, it is difficult to sit threo udult-sizll porsons togo thor . This nlllllns thll t High School bURos lit full cnpncity will usunlly indutitl 90mo studlllltS stllllding. Twolvil stllndons IIrn nllowud hy Illw. Mtllr Illn. I. nil IlOW sdllllli !lusns sulll in thn stlltn of Nnw Yllrk will havu throo 91111t hults por ~!l!nt dllsi!<nml so thut thu middle bolt cnnnot huc~l(1 thll outor two. Nllw bU~(lg will IIlso hllVIl incfllllHlId pllddin!/, nffllctivoly cuttiu)! The RA II Sails Again at HF-L Sailing a paper boat through high seas may not be your cup of tea, but it was certainly topic for discussion for the students of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School on Oct. 2B. Norman Baker, second-in command on Thor Heyerdahl's Ra I and II expeditions, was in town as part of the Encounters in Excellence Program. Thor HeyerdaW is a Norwegian scientist nnd ex- plorer with a disposition for sailing uncommon vesBolg against opposition to provo II point rogarding the possiblo origins of nncient peoploH. His best known voynge, tho Kun-Tiki, wns modo in 1947 when he Bniled from Poru to Polynosin on 0 balso wood raft. He proved his point thnt similnritios uotweon thn South Pacific Islnndors and South Americnn Indions might not be coincidentlll. Until his trip. it wns nssumod thnl tho Polynosilll! Islond!1 woro populutod by Asillns dospito tho fnet thnt such II trip would bo Illlninst tho wostwnrd CUffunt lind provnilinR wimls. Tho Ru oxpoditions wurn modo 10 provo II Himilllf point thut Contral Amoriclln Indiull uncuslilrH may huvo oriRinn\od in Egypt. Similnritius botw(lon tho two culturns ubound. Both hnd pyrnmids, picturo Continul~t on Page :1 Norman Baker (rlghl) with HF-L MIddle School ariliudenll, ((rom I.rt 10 right) Krlltlna Garling. Kolle MIller, Lynda Arnold, Kelly Harvey, Celeste BleUdJ. Natban d. la Ronda and Ihelr r.pUce of lb. Ra II. Mr. Baker ""rved 85 lI6cond·ln<ommand to Tbor lIoyardahl on a slmllar boat made of papyrut r •• d. salling from Morocco to Barbad~ In 1970. thu pick·up ~1L1gt rt1(llltl~ltod. ~lhl1\Vlld a sOllting Ctll1lpllrtllWIlt. Htiministrlltors lind School B(1l1n!~ Iw"o 'l~rt1t1d thnt tllllSllllllW nlquit-!lIl11il1t~ willl1lllko it IlHlrll difficult to HCClimmodnlo II cnptu:ilv IOlld of high ~rlllll1l studont~. \\'IHltllllf llr nut thn district will ruquirtl ~tudl1l1tN 10 usn thn NOHI holts lind how surh 1I rnquirollH1nt would bo IllI· forcod (bu~ llIonitors; SOlltbolt chll(:k~l. n.Il.) will bo doturminod hy tho ~cho()1 bOllnl in II public !wllrill,ll to tHl hold IlIlur in tho YOllr. Should tho district roquifll tho usn of ~ullth!llts, lind Htudontn guttin,ll on thu bllH urI! duly romlndod of tlll! rtJ!<ullltfon, thn dilltrict would not bl! hold liablu ill CIlHIl of Ull accidllnt In which n child not wOllring II !lOllt bolt Willi injurod. llowuvllr, in lIuch n »ltlllltion, tho district would IlIJ !wid Iillh\n in lin IIcddont in which II child wUllrinH II HUllt IHllt WII~I injurod. Thu pOlisihility of rotrofittin,ll busns !nllwnr than 1977) will IIlso ho dutorrnitwd in II public lWilrin,ll. Thn CllSt of rotrll' fitting II bUH with Hlllltblllts iH nHtimlltud lit $2{)OO. Thn lid· ditionlll cosl til ihll Bill'.' bUH pri!:11 dUll to HllntlmltH lIud ndditiollnl pnddinf( iH o~limntllrlllt blllwlIllll $1500 lind $2700 dllp!IlHlinR IlI\ tho rnnllufllcturor. Thl! d!'ltrict HlIpplior hUH incliCllttJd thnt nllw lllm CURt!! to till) district con bu oxpoctud to ill!:rllll~11I hySIOOO pllr bUB. Tho district buys two to thrill} nllw lJUHIlS pllr yllilr. Mr. Smith /llslJ pointml out Ihllt dospito pro.sllatbolt statistic!!. BU pnrcllnt of flltnlitio!l involvin!l !lehool busus occur (Jutsidn thn bUH. 110 cummontlld, "What rfJlIlly fl!l!lrHvnllJ9 mo !nbout thn HOlltholt iHBuo) if! thnt wo'ro !ltillllJtting 12 !!tudontB stand up." Sovernl groups of pflrllntR woro prO!lOnt fit tho lIlfluting to furthor pursulJ thll reosoning bohind thn lid. ministrotion's percoiv(](l unwillingness to chnngo locutions 1\11', whon Smith copy of tho prlllH1Hl'd fllrm tll IHI usod for chull)!t1 trnll!lportntioll I'llqUtl!it!l. Tho fOl'!lt Itllow!I PlIl'llllttl to pl'ovititl tho di!ltrit:! with ~Ipocifit: illforIIIlllioll (illdlldillf( t!lIIP~ll rl1~llrdill~ chtlll,lll1!1 ill pick'lIp I1r dro\Hlff Hito~l. It IIhu !livu!! infllrllllltillll rtl~lIrdin,ll tho IIppml1H p1'Ol:t19~1. Tho lip- ponls Jlr(lCt1'I~ worb up from tho dirllc:tllf of tr/IIlHportlltioll thrt1\IHh tho HU\lIlrlntondllllt III thtl Adllllli honrd. It iH intnrll!ltinll to HotO. howl)vor, thllt tho form Hpncificlllly HtatO!t thnt tho htHtrd will look to tho HuporIntundont !lut! dlroctor of trllllNportlltioll to dutormlnu if it rnqlHlHt fIl!(uinw 8(luc:iul twntmunt. This iN oxaetly tho typo of clltch-22 thnt IIlIlIIY pltrontli hllVIl folt thomsolvo!l cllu!<ht in wlllln thoy npprollch tho bllllrd rll!lllrdin,ll trlllHlJlortntion Hltn dlnll!<o rtH)UtHlttl. Ail of tho \lIlrl1ntu prllHllllt lit thn Nov. :; rn()ntin~ I1X· prmlHl1(1 fruHtrlltioll ill dlllllin)! with tho ndmilli!ltrnlion und tho bonrd 1'I1~lIrdln,ll HIlCh rOi\IlO!ltH. Aer:ordillll to OliO. "I dnn't thlllK Iho form i~; lIoin)! 10 mllkll II hit of difforllnco. 1 think wl\'rlJ Roing to Hot tho \11111111 typn 1,[ (nll)!lltivllj rWlporwo Ifrolll tho udminiHtrntion)." Muny of tho othor!l Ilehoo(\ hi!1 foolin)!!!. Dr. lummi Fronek. Sllpnrintondont of thn Ilonooyo FllflH·Limu SchlJol fliHtricl. f'IIHpondod to tho pllront!! frtl!ltrntionH pilintillll out tllli! cllrnmunitillH !Iimply Wllron't dll!li!lnud for IIchool trnn!lportiltillll rllutllH. 110 notuc! thllt. "Wn nc:commodutll morll than yOIl rniHht think," !I[JuC\ficuliy indicllting thll diutric:t'H willin!lIHl~I!l to pld up lind drup off 1J1olllontllry HluiluutH lit bllbYBlttnr loclltionu. Bu!! routill!l roprUHllfltH II prolJlolll of conflir:tinR inturoHts in which "WhHt muy 0ll1tinul~1 on PnJ,!c to
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