ICES CM 2005/BB:11 Comparison between trophic models of protected and fishing areas for an ecosystem approach to fisheries in Adriatic Sea Simone Libralato 1,*, Marta Coll 2, Alberto Santojanni 3, Cosimo Solidoro 1, Enrico Arneri 3 and Isabel Palomera 2 1 Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c, 34010, Sgonico (TS), Italy 2 Institut de Ciènces del Mar, CMIMA-CSIC, Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta, 37-49, 08003 Barcelona, Spain 3 Istituto di Scienze Marine (CNR), Sezione Pesca Marittima, Largo Fiera della pesca, 2 - 60125 Ancona, Italia Italy Abstract The Adriatic Sea is one of the most productive areas in the Mediterranean basin. Because of this, an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management seems particularly appropriate, since it allows to account for the effects of both fishing and environmental pressures, along with their indirect and cascading effects on the trophic web. Mass-balance models, although static pictures of the ecosystem, can be a valuable tool in giving information on structure and functioning of the ecosystem, in evidencing effects of fishing and in allowing inference on management options at ecosystem scale. Comparison between models of exploited and non-exploited sub-systems can offer valuable insight, too. Here we compare two ecological models describing a protected and a non protected area for the same ecosystem, i.e., the Adriatic Sea. The former represents the MPA of Miramare (Gulf of Trieste, Italy). The latter represents the fished North and Central Adriatic Sea. The study is the first example of this kind of comparison in the Mediterranean Sea. In order to have meaningful result, model first were standardized and then compared on the basis of biomass and flows of production and consumptions aggregated into integer trophic levels and analyzed in terms of their trophic spectra. The comparison evidences similarities between the two food webs and differences due to intrinsic features of both areas. However, differences in the functional role of analogous trophic groups and in ecosystem structure are also highlighted, thus indicating functional changes that fisheries might have induced. Analyses applied to the exploited ecosystem model highlights the effects of fishing on target and non target species, and results are discussed in relation with the observations on the MPA model. Keywords: ecosystem approach to fisheries; fisheries impact; fisheries management; ecological models; marine protected area; Adriatic Sea. * Contact author: Simone Libralato: Dept. Oceanography, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/. 34010 Sgonico (TS), Italy [tel: +39 040 2140376, fax: +39 040 2140266, e-mail: [email protected] ] 1 Introduction Exploitation of marine resources produces impacts at all ecological levels, i.e. population, community, habitat and ecosystem, and thus, an ecosystem approach for the management of fisheries is nowadays recommended (ICES 2001). One of the tools used for an ecosystem approach to fisheries is the modeling approach of marine trophic webs (Hollowed et al., 2000; Yodzis, 2001; De Young et al., 2004; Hall and Mainprize, 2004; Pikitch et al., 2004; Maury and Lehodey, 2005), but, for an attempt in providing useful scenarios for fisheries management, complex ecosystem models need to be calibrated against time series and the lack of data allow their direct application only in few cases (Walters et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the comparison of static trophic web models describing areas subjected to different exploitation pressures, and particularly the comparison between exploited and protected areas, can provide useful insights on differences in ecosystem functioning attributable to fishing effects (JarreTeichmann, 1998; Libralato et al., 2002; Moloney et al., 2005). MPAs represent a quasi-natural system thus useful as comparative systems against exploited ones (Sala et al., 2002), although surrounding fisheries can have important indirect effects on the trophic structure and functioning of MPAs food web (Walters, 2000; Salomon et al., 2002). At the moment, MPAs are considered, beside valuable tools for the maintenance of biodiversity and the conservation of habitats, as the most effective practice for the management of natural resources otherwise depleted by fisheries (Roberts et al., 2002; Gewin, 2004). The aim of this work is to compare mass-balance ecosystem models of exploited and protected areas in the Adriatic Sea in order to identify differences in ecosystem functioning attributable to fisheries operating in this area. We used two mass balance models, one representing the Central and North Adriatic fished ecosystem (Coll et al., submitted) and the other describing one of the oldest marine reserve in Italy, the Riserva Naturale Marina di Miramare, located in the North Adriatic (Tempesta, 2005). This analysis represents a quite novel attempt, since ecological models of protected and non protected areas for the same system are available for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea. Both food web models were built by using Ecopath with Ecosim software package version 5.1 (, which implements several routines for the application of analysis and aggregation of flows, estimation of ecological indices and network analysis (Christensen and Walters, 2004). However, since some outputs and analyses of food web models are influenced by the number of compartments and aggregation used for representing food webs (Abarca-Arenas and Ulanowicz, 2002; Dunne et al., 2002; Angelini and Agostinho, 2005), a standardization of both models was necessary before developing the comparison of models’ results. This prompted two new models for the area, each made by 16 functional groups. It is expected that groups that occupy similar ‘niche’ in the two model structures provide similar ecological functions, even if they represent different ensemble of species. Conversely, a given species might be represented in different functional groups in the two models due to its different ecological role in the two contexts. We believe that analysis of those differences will provide additional insight in ecosystem functioning. 2 Materials and Methods Food webs of protected and fished ecosystem The food web model of the Miramare Natural Marine Reserve (Riserva Naturale Marina di Miramare) represents a small protected area in the Gulf of Trieste, where fishing is not allowed since 1986 (D.M., 1986). The original model for this area, which describes the protected ecosystem in the year 2003 through 19 functional groups (Tempesta, 2005; Libralato et al., submitted), was improved on the basis of new data available and updated in order to include jellyfish, cephalopods, seabirds and large predators. The updated model for Miramare Reserve (RNMM food web) accounted for 23 functional groups and describes the food web of the years 2000-2003. The food web model for the fished North and Central Adriatic ecosystem for the 1990s (NCA food web) was previously developed for the analysis of fisheries impact on ecosystem (Coll et al., submitted). The model represents the North and Central Adriatic food web, one of the most exploited ecosystem in Mediterranean, and excludes the eastern part (Slovenia and Croatia’s EEZ) and 3 NM from the coast. It is composed of 40 functional groups (compartments) each representing one or more ecologically similar species and is also incorporating the main fishing fleets operating in the area, i.e. bottom trawling, beam trawling, mid-water trawl, purse seine and tuna fishery and their by-catch and discards. The two models were standardized accordingly to a standard structure defined on the basis of broad ecological groups occupying functional niches that can be identified in all Mediterranean marine ecosystems. Therefore the standard structure accounts for 16 functional groups (Table 1) and it is believed to be generally applicable for Mediterranean marine ecosystems. Then, functional groups of the two original models were aggregated in the identified groups of the standard model, as reported in Table 1, thus obtaining standardized food web models for exploited North and Central Adriatic Sea and for Miramare Reserve useful for the comparison. Despite the small number of groups of the standardized models, they provide examples of a reasonable and general representation useful for Mediterranean ecosystems. Analyses of food web outputs Food web models allowed estimating trophic level (TL) and ecotrophic efficiency (EE) of each functional group represented. TL is defined as the average number of food interactions (steps) that allow energy to be transferred from primary producers and detritus to the given functional group (Lindeman, 1942) and it is estimated as the average trophic level of prey weighted by their proportion in the diet of the predator (Pauly et al., 1998). The average trophic level of the community (TLco), excluding TL = 1, reflects the structure of the community and is estimated as the weighted average of the TL of all the species within the ecosystem (Rochet and Trenkel, 2003). EE is the fraction of production of the functional group used within the food web by predators and fisheries, thus 1-EE represent the unexplained natural mortality (Christensen et al., 2000). The flows of a food web aggregated into integer trophic levels allow constructing simplified representations of the ecosystem such as the Lindeman Spine, which can provide useful insights on main flows pathways (Ulanowicz, 1986; Wulff et al., 1989). Moreover, aggregation of flows allows estimating the transfer efficiency (TE) for energy flowing from one integer trophic level to another: the TE for a given TL is thus expressed as the ratio between production of TL and production of TL-1 3 (Christensen et al., 2000). In the present work, the Lindeman Spine was modified for representing food web flows into the two classical food chains: detritus-based and grazing food chains. Several indices can be used for a comprehensive description of the food web, such as ecological indices (Odum, 1969), informational theory indicators (Ulanowicz, 1986) and network analysis measures (Finn, 1976). These indices are commonly used to evaluate degree of development, maturity and stability of ecosystems (Christensen, 1995; Dunne et al., 2002) and can be computed easily by using Ecopath (Christensen et al., 2000). In addition, it is possible to estimate direct and indirect effects that each functional group has on all the other groups of the web by using input-output analysis (Ulanowicz and Puccia, 1990). Eventually, the sum of absolute values of mixed trophic impacts for each functional group will allow to infer the total impact that one species has on all the food web (Libralato et al., 2005), and enables one to assess relative importance of functional groups and to identify key groups (Power et al., 1996; Piraino et al., 2002). Finally, the trophic spectra analysis will be used to enlight differences in productivity and standing stocks over trophic levels, thus providing insights on ecosystem functioning and effects of fishing (Guascuel et al., 2005). Since TL for each functional group is estimated with a standard deviation quantified in the index of omnivory (Christensen et al., 2000), we assumed variables (biomass, production or catch) for each functional group as being normally distributed with mean=TL and standard deviation = omnivory index. In this way discontinuity of variables along TL – which can influence results – are avoided. Since no real TL can exist between TL=1 and TL=2, the trophic spectrum is obtained by the sum of all the normally distributed values for all TL greater than 2 and the part of distribution that fall below TL=2 are mirrored and added to values of TL>2. This procedure represents an improvement on the presently used methodology for the analysis of spectrum of production, biomasses and catches over trophic levels. Results Trophic webs of Adriatic Sea (NCA) and Miramare Reserve (RNMM) showed large differences in abundances and production of the functional groups (Fig. 1A and B respectively). Seabirds (functional group number 15) and primary producers (1) are two orders of magnitude more abundant in RNMM than in NCA food web, while density of top predators (13) is two fold lower in Miramare than in Adriatic Sea (Fig. 1A). In terms of production (Fig. 1B) suprabenthos (4), top predators (13) and benthic invertebrates (6) showed values two orders of magnitude higher in NCA than in RNMM. Seabirds (15) and non piscivorous fishes (11) show higher production in Miramare than Adriatic food web. However, total biomass and production for all fish groups, all invertebrates and all consumers in the two trophic webs showed similar values (red dots in Fig. 1A and 1B). For most of the functional groups very similar trophic levels were estimated in the two food webs (Fig. 2A), with appreciable differences only for jellyfish (3), decapods (7) and non piscivorous fishes (11), all with higher TL in the NCA food web. Ecotrophic efficiency (Fig. 2B) estimated for each functional group was similar in the two food webs only for few cases, i.e., for seabirds (15), decapods (7) and benthopelagic fishes (10). Only polychaetes (5) and benthic invertebrates (6) showed higher EE in RNMM than in NCA while for all the other functional groups a higher EE is estimated for NCA food web. Calculating EE excluding fishing mortality highlights a better agreement between EE estimated in 4 the two food webs (Fig. 2B, red dots), in particular for small pelagics (10), non piscivorous fishes (11), cephalopods (8) and piscivorous fishes (12), thus evidencing similar predation mortalities going on in the two ecosystems. Modified Lindeman Spine for exploited and protected food web (Fig. 3) showed that Transfer Efficiency (TE) is generally higher in the exploited ecosystem than in RNMM. Both classic food chains of RNMM, grazing and detritus-based, show decreasing transfer efficiencies for increasing values of TL, and TE of grazing food chain is, for any TL, higher than corresponding efficiency of detritus-based chain. Such pattern is not evidenced in NCA food web that shows transfer between TL III and TL IV respectively minimum in grazing food chain (TE=2.4) and maximum in the detritus-based chain (TE=18.8). The low TE between TL III and TL IV in the grazing food chain can be related with the high production of jellyfish and the low use of this production in the food web, while the higher TE between TL III and TL IV in the detritus food chain can be related with the higher use of decapods and cephalopods with TL ≈ III. Moreover, the low TE (TE=1.8) between TL II and TL III in detritus food chain evidences the importance of benthic invertebrates in the NCA model. The TLco is 2.02 and 2.16 respectively for the detritus-based and the grazing food chain of the NCA model, while correspondent TLco values for RNMM food chains are 2.10 and 2.38. Accordingly with this, TLco for the whole food web (excluding TL=1) is 2.12 and 2.28 for NCA and RNMM, respectively. Primary production that flows into detritus in RNMM food web is much higher than in NCA and this is due to the macrobenthic producers that are less palatable than phytoplankton and thus less used within the food web. Export in detritus is one fold higher in RNMM food web and it has to be intended as the surplus in the mass-balance that can outflow from the system (as it is likely to occur in Miramare) or accumulate into the bottom sediments (more likely to occur in the Adriatic large system). Synthetic indices estimated for the two food webs are compared in Fig. 4. It has to be observed that large differences between the two food webs are encountered for properties and indicators directly related to primary production (i.e. Net Primary Production, Net system Production, Flows to detritus, Production, Exports, Primary production/Respiration, Primary Production/Biomass): all these indices are one-two folds higher in RNMM than in NCA food web. Some indices of ecosystem maturity and stability (i.e. Biomass/throughput, Omnivory index) have similar values in the two food webs, while Connectance Index, Biomass/Production, Finn’s path length are slightly higher in NCA food web and Finn’s cycling index is more than double in NCA food web than in RNMM (Fig. 4). Estimation of total effect of each functional group on the food web is reported in Fig. 5 for the two ecosystems. In the fished ecosystem, small pelagics (10) show the highest total impact despite a relatively low biomass and thus can be considered key functional group (Piraino et al., 2002), while an analogous role is played in protected ecosystem by non piscivorous demersal fishes (11) and top predators (13). Conversely benthic invertebrates (6) and primary producers have high impacts and high biomass in Adriatic and Miramare food web respectively, thus they appear to be structuring functional groups (Piraino et al., 2002). Jellyfish (3) and polychaetes (5) showed similar patterns in the two food webs, appearing as groups with intermediate abundances and effects. Results of trophic spectra analyses are shown in Fig. 6. Production spectrum (Fig. 6A) highlights the higher production of NCA food web for all range of TL except for TL close to 3 mainly due to small and medium sized pelagic fish production in the protected area. Conversely, spectrum of biomass over trophic levels (Fig. 6B) shows higher biomasses in Miramare food web for all TL below 3.1. Fig. 6C reports the ratio between the previous two spectra, thus showing the spectrum of the ratio P/B that 5 evidences an exponential decreasing trend of P/B for NCA and a more constant P/B over all TL range for RNMM food web. Trophic spectrum of catches for Adriatic Sea (Fig. 6D) shows that exploitation is targeting mainly species at TL close to 3, but discards are highly concentrated at TL=2. Discussion Comparison among the food webs of protected and fished area of the Adriatic Sea evidences a number of differences that cannot be ascribed to fishing impacts alone. Indeed, the two food webs describe ecosystems of different dimensions, thus while Miramare food web can be considered very local and specific (Tempesta, 2005; Libralato et al., submitted), the North and Central Adriatic Sea food web represents the average of a quite vast area (Coll et al., submitted). At the same time, while Adriatic model represents the food web of the pelagic and demersal continental shelf system, Miramare food web points toward the description of a coastal area. As an example, modified Lindeman spine highlights the higher importance of grazing food chain than detritus–based one in NCA food web; conversely, RNMM, due to the presence of benthic macroalgae and seagrasses, showed large primary production that necessarily is accumulated into the detritus or more likely exported. Moreover, the higher importance of top predators in the NCA food web in comparison with RNMM is related with the lower dimensions of the latter, which is limited in terms of top predator presence. On the contrary, the higher biomass and production of seabirds in Miramare reserve is also related with the coastal nature of the area. On the other side, the comparison highlights common patterns between food webs. For example, the relative maximum of biomass and production spectra for TL=3 is due to the high abundance of smallmedium sized pelagic, non piscivorous and benthopelagic fishes in both food webs. Moreover, many functional groups show similar trophic levels, highlighting similar ecological roles in both ecosystems, and EE estimates evidence similar use of production in the two food webs if fishing mortality is excluded. However, despite differences inherent to the food webs features and the different amount of data used for their description, inevitably affecting their robustness, several results evidence the effects of fishing. For example, fishing activities imply higher use of production (higher EE) in many of the functional groups for the NCA food web. The mean trophic level of the community (TLco), expected to decrease in ecosystems impacted by fisheries (Rochet and Trenkel, 2003), is lower in the NCA food web than in the protected area. Moreover, while both detritus-based and grazing food chains show lower TLco in NCA than in RNMM, the TLco estimated for NCA grazing food chain is particularly lower than the correspondent one in RNMM, highlighting high impact on grazing food chain in fished ecosystem. Trophic spectra results are particularly important in evidencing a reduction in biomasses in the fished ecosystem and highlighting higher production in the exploited ecosystem than in protected one. Moreover P/B spectra shows that productivity in fished ecosystem is higher at low trophic levels than in protected area, but while P/B is exponentially decreasing over TL in the former, it is almost constant in the latter, thus P/B in RNMM are estimated higher than in NCA for high TL. These results are a clear confirmation of the effects that exploitation has on biomasses and production patterns: decreasing the average trophic level of the community (Pauly et al., 1998; Piet and Jennings, 2004), increasing the productivity at low trophic levels in order to sustain high trophic levels targeted by fisheries. 6 Moreover, fishing can be very likely the cause of anomalies in transfer of energy along classical food chains as highlighted by the modified Lindeman Spine. Food web of the protected area has a monotonic decrease of TE for increasing TL that is in accordance with theoretical proposals (Lindeman, 1942; Burns 1989; Strayer, 1991). Conversely, food web of the fished system provided clearly non monotonic efficiencies: although these anomalies can be ascribed to fishing effects since they occur at TL=III, the most exploited trophic level (mainly due to fishing of small pelagic fishes), further investigations are needed for unambiguously identify such non-monotonic feature of TE values as an effect of fishing. In relation to this, TL II related with detritus-based chain is also partially fished (mainly due to fishing of benthic invertebrates) and shows very low TE from TL II to TL III, highlighting a low use of the production of this compartment in the food web of NCA model, production that is converted into detritus. This TL II is also maintained mainly by detritus. Therefore, the link between the benthic invertebrates and detritus components of the NCA model is shown to be a key interaction in the exploited food web, interaction that could be enhanced directly or indirectly by fishing activity (e.g. due to removal of predators). Comparison of synthetic indices for the food webs is controversial and it has been highlighted that such comparisons seems to be useful when developed within similar ecosystems in different periods of time rather than between different ecosystems (Jarre and Christensen, 1998; Tudela et al., 2005). However, several indices describing both Mediterranean food webs are similar thus highlighting ecosystem type similarities, while main differences among synthetic indices have been related with differences on primary production data on both models. Mixed trophic impacts analysis highlights the little impacts of cephalopods, marine turtles and benthopelagic fishes in both food webs. Interestingly, despite their very low biomass, non piscovorous fishes, top predators and seabirds have high impacts in the protected but not in the fished area’s food web. Conversely small pelagics and decapods (respectively target and by-catch of fisheries) have high impacts in NCA and intermediate impact in RNMM food web. The high importance of small pelagics for the NCA ecosystem and fisheries is, however, due to the high positive impacts on their predators and high negative impacts they have on benthopelagic fishes, on small pelagics themselves and on non piscivorous demersal fishes as evidenced from the mixed trophic impact analysis (not reported). These negative impacts have to be considered as competition for food resources. The high impact of small pelagics on the trophic web is a feature identified also in other ecosystems (Cury et al., 2000) and need particular attention: due to their importance (key role), their overexploitation can bring to deep changes in structure and functioning of the ecosystem, and therefore a precautionary approach (FAO, 1996) is needed for the management of the fisheries targeting these species in Adriatic Sea. Conclusions Despite ecological and dimensional differences in the fished North and Central Adriatic and protected Miramare Natural Marine Reserve, the comparison of their food webs is useful in highlighting differences that can be associated to fishing activities. Results gave insights on effects of fishing on ecosystem structure and functioning, in particular enhancing productivity and decreasing standing stocks. 7 Considering the whole food web, both exploited and protected ecosystems seem to have similar properties, thus evidencing a similar functioning, except for some effects related to fisheries exploitation. This similar functioning, however, is obtained through a different role played by functional groups within the two food webs. Results also highlight effects of protection, in particular increasing trophic level of the community and accounting for higher biomasses with respect to fished ecosystem. Therefore these results highlight the usefulness of protection of marine areas as valid tool for the management of natural resources. 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Institut za Oceanografiju i Ribarstvo.Vol IV 11 Standardized food web model 1 Primary producers 2 Zooplankton 3 4 5 Jellyfish Suprabenthos Polychaetes 6 Benthic invertebrates 7 Decapods 8 Cephalopods 9 Benthopelagic fishes 10 Small and medium-sized pelagic fishes 11 Non piscivorous demersal fishes 12 Piscivorous fish 13 Top predators 14 15 Marine turtle Seabirds 16 Detritus 1 North and Central Adriatic Phytoplankton 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 27 Micro and mesozooplankton Macrozooplankton Jellyfish Suprabenthos Polychaetes Comm. scallops and gasterop. Benthic inv. Shrimps Norway lobster Mantis shrimp Crabs Octopus Squids Benthopelagic fishes 28 29 30 31 32 24 25 26 Anchovy Sardine Small pelagic fishes Horse mackerel Macherel Dem. fish1 Mullets Flatfish 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 33 34 35 37 36 38 39 40 Vul. hake Non vul. hake Gadids Conger eel Anglerfish Turbot and Brill Dem. fish2 Dem. sharks Dem. skates Small tunids Large pelagic fishes Dolphins Marine turtles Seabirds Discards By catch Detritus 17 18 15 16 * 12 11 10 14 13 Miramare Reserve Phytoplankton Macrobenthic producers Microzooplankton Mesozooplankton Jellyfish (1) Amphipods Polychaetes Bivalves Echinoderms Decapods (2,3) * Cephalopods 2 3 1 Atherina spp. Chromis chromis Engraulis encrasicolus 5 6 7 8 9 4 Diplodus spp. Mugilidae Sarpa salpa Sciaena umbra Sparus aurata Dicentrarchus labrax * Sharks and rays * * 19 Marine turtles (5) Seabirds Detritus (2,3,4) (3) Table 1. Functional groups in the standard model identified for Mediterranean food web and corresponding groups of the North and Central Adriatic and Miramare Reserve food webs. For these food webs original numbering is reported (see respectively Coll et al., submitted and Libralato et al., submitted). Miramare Natural Marine Reserve food web was complemented with some groups (identified by *), and information available in literature: (1) Piccinetti and Piccinetti Manfrin, 1984; Malej, 1989; Zavodnik, 1991 (2) ISMAR-CNR biological database (1990-1997); (3) Coll et al., submitted; (4) Jardas, 1972; Capapé and Quignard. 1977; Zupanovic and Jardas, 1989; Costantini et al., 2000; (5) Fasola et al., 1989; Bogliani et al., 1992; Boldreghini et al., 1997; Baccetti et al., 2002. 12 10000 10000 1000 1000 100 100 Invertebrates 6 Consum ers 1 2 Invertebrates 6 3 Consum ers B Adriatic 4 0.0001 0.001 0.0113 1 0.1 8 7 1 12 9 10 11 4 5 100 1000 10000 P Adriatic 2 Fish 3 10 10 1 Fish 10 5 10 7 1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 13 12 1 0.1 8 9 11 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 0.1 14 +10000% 0.01 15 0.01 14 + 1000% 15 0.001 0.001 +100% A - 90% - 99% B 0.0001 0.0001 P Miramare B Miramare Fig. 1. Comparison of biomasses (left figure, A) and productions (right figure, B) of each functional group (black dots) and of ecological main groups (red dots), i.e., all fish, all invertebrates, all consumers for food webs of Miramare and Adriatic. Functional groups are numbered according with Table 1. 4,5 1 11 0,9 13 4 7 9 9 2 8 1 15 12 8 3,5 7 12 0,8 14 16 0,7 10 7 3 9 10 EE Adriatic TL Adriatic 11 14 3 2,5 4 2 2 5 0,6 4 0,4 0,3 6 12 3 A 1,5 0,1 15 13 0 2 2,5 3 TL Miramare 3,5 4 4,5 B 5 13 1, 16 1 1,5 8 11 0,2 1 10 0,5 0 6 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 EE Miramare Fig. 2. Comparison of trophic level, TL, (left figure, A) and ecotrophic efficiency, EE, (right figure, B) estimated for each functional group in Miramare and Adriatic food webs. Fig. 2B also reports estimates of EE obtained by excluding fishing mortality (red dots). Functional groups are numbered according with Table 1. 13 Fig. 3. Modified Lindeman Spine for the trophic web of fished ecosystem (above) and protected area (below). Roman numbers stand for integer trophic levels, P for Primary Producers and D for detritus, thus are identifiable classic detritus-based and grazing food chains. Flows are in gww m2 year-1 and biomasses in gww m2 . 14 10000 Throughput Consumption Production Net Primary Prod. Respiration Flow s to detritus Exports Biomass System Indices - Adriatic 1000 100 Ascendency % Finn's Cycling Index Net system Production 10 +10000% Finn's Path Lenght Primary Prod/Biomass Respiration/Biomass Primary Prod/Respir 1 0,01 +1000% 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Connectance Index Omnivory Index Biomass/Production 0,1 +100% Biomass/Throughput -50% -90% 0,01 -99% Syste m Indices - M iramare Fig. 4. Comparison of synthetic indices estimated for the food webs of protected (Miramare Reserve) and exploited (North and Central Adriatic) ecosystems. Indices are represented in logarithmic scales in order to compare their ranging over some orders of magnitude. 15 1,0 11 10 1 13 6 2 7 0,8 1 15 0,6 12 2 Total effect 10 0,4 11 5 8 12 4 7 5 3 3 0,2 13 9 Primary producers Zooplankton Jellyfish Suprabenthos Polychaetes Benthic invertebrates Decapods Cephalopods Benthopelagic fish Small and medium-size pelagic fish Non piscivorous demersal fish Piscivorous fish Top predators Seabirds Marine turtles Miramare food web 9 8 0,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Adriatic Sea food web 14 15 14 4 0,0 0,2 Biomass proportion Fig. 5. Effect of each functional group on all the other groups of the food web estimated for Miramare and North Adriatic standardized food webs. Groups are numbered according with Table 1. Two groups showed high effect and high biomass (structuring functional groups) and are out of scale, i.e., Phytoplankton for Miramare food web (biomass proportion = 0.74; total effect=0.96) and Benthic invertebrates for Adriatic food web (biomass proportion =0.61; total effect = 0.93). 16 3 20 A 18 Adriatic Sea B Miramare Adriatic Sea Miramare Deleted: A 2.5 14 Biomass (gww m -2) Production (gww m -2 year -1) 16 12 10 8 2 1.5 1 6 4 0.5 2 0 0 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 2 2.2 2.4 Trophic Level 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Trophic Level 30 0.14 P/B Adriatic Sea C D P/B MIramare Discards Deleted: C Landings 25 year -1) 0.12 0.1 -2 Catches (gww m P/B (year -1) 20 15 10 0.08 0.06 0.04 5 0.02 0 0 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Trophic Level 3 3.2 3.4 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Trophic Level Fig. 6. Analysis of trophic spectra for production (A), biomasses (B) and production/biomass (C) for food webs of protected (Miramare) and exploited ecosystem (Adriatic Sea). P/B is estimated by the ratio of trophic spectra of production and Biomass. Trophic spectra of catches (D) for Adriatic food web is reported for landings and discards. 17
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