Annals of Botany 88: 843±849, 2001 doi:10.1006/anbo.2001.1521, available online at on Nuclear DNA C-values Complete Familial Representation in Gymnosperms I L I A J . L E I TC H *{, LY N D A H A N SO N{, M A R K W I N F I E L D{, JO HN PA R KE R { and M I C H A E L D. B E N N E T T { {Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3DS, UK and {University Botanic Garden, Cory Lodge, Bateman Street, Cambridge CB2 1JF, UK Received: 8 June 2001 Returned for revision: 26 June 2001 Accepted: 7 July 2001 The gymnosperms are a monophyletic yet diverse group of woody trees with approx. 730 extant species in 17 families. A recent survey showed that DNA C-values were available for approx. 16 % of species, but for only 12 of the 17 families. This paper completes familial representation reporting ®rst C-values for the ®ve remaining families: Boweniaceae, Stangeriaceae, Welwitschiaceae, Cephalotaxaceae and Sciadopityaceae. C-values for nine Ephedra and two Gnetum species are also reported. C-values are now available for 152 (21 %) species. Analysis con®rms that gymnosperms are characterized by larger C-values than angiosperms (modal 1C of gymnosperms 15.8 pg compared with 0.6 pg in angiosperms) although the range (1C 2.25±32.20 pg) is smaller than that in angiosperms (1C 0.05± 127.4 pg). Given complete familial coverage for C-values and increasing consensus in gymnosperm phylogeny, the phylogenetic component of C-value variation was also investigated by comparing the two datasets. This analysis revealed that ancestral gymnosperms (represented by cycads and/or Ginkgo; mean genome size 14.71 pg) probably # 2001 Annals of Botany Company had larger genomes than ancestral angiosperms. Key words: Gymnosperm DNA amounts, C-values, phylogeny, ancestral genome size, Cycadales, Ginkgo, Gnetales, conifers, Pinaceae. I N T RO D U C T I O N The gymnosperms are a diverse group of woody trees that ®rst appeared in the fossil record in the Upper Devonian (approx. 350 million years ago). Combined molecular and morphological data have recently indicated that gymnosperms represent a monophyletic clade sister to the angiosperms with the cycads as the most basal group (e.g. Qiu et al., 1999; Bowe et al., 2000; Chaw et al., 2000). This well-supported phylogeny has challenged the more traditional view that placed Gnetales (Welwitschia, Gnetum and Ephedra) as sister group to the angiosperms (the `anthophyte' hypothesis; Donoghue, 1994) and the remaining gymnosperms as paraphyletic. These new insights into phylogenetic relationships within gymnosperms suggest that an evaluation of the evolutionary signi®cance of DNA C-value variation in this group is timely. Extant gymnosperms comprise approx. 730 species arranged into 17 families. A survey of DNA C-values by Murray (1998) revealed that data were available for approx. 16 % of gymnosperm species (i.e. 117 taxa). Thus gymnosperms are much better represented than other groups of land plants [data are available for approx. 1.4 % of angiosperms (Bennett et al., 2000a), approx. 0.42 % of pteridophytes (Bennett and Leitch, 2001), and approx. 0.1 % of bryophytes (Voglmayr, 2000)]. Analysis showed that gymnosperms have larger genomes than angiosperms (modal 1C value of gymnosperms 15.8 pg compared with 0.7 pg in the angiosperms; Leitch et al., 1998), * For correspondence: Fax 44(0)20 8332 5310, e-mail i.leitch@ 0305-7364/01/110843+07 $35.00/00 although the overall range of C-values of approx. 14-fold (1C 2.25±31.75 pg) was noted to be smaller than the approx. 1000-fold range that has been reported in angiosperms (Bennett et al., 2000a, b). Despite good species representation of C-values, Murray (1998) noted that C-values were available for only 12 of the 17 gymnosperm families and that the Gnetales (comprising the Gnetaceae, Welwitschiaceae and Ephedraceae) were a group `where more measurements of genome size are needed if any meaningful phylogenetic relationship in genome size is to be revealed'. To address this need and to complete phylogenetic coverage of the gymnosperm families, this paper provides C-value data for the ®ve hitherto unrepresented families and also adds further C-value data for species in the Gnetales. M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S Plant material Table 1 lists the 15 species of gymnosperms studied in the present work. Material was obtained either from the Living Collections Department at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK (RBG, Kew), or the University Botanic Garden, Cambridge, UK (source indicated in Table 1). When cones are produced vouchers will be prepared and deposited in the Herbarium of RBG Kew (KEW). Estimation of nuclear DNA C-values DNA C-values were estimated using Feulgen microdensitometry except those for Gnetum costatum and G. gnemon. # 2001 Annals of Botany Company Sciadopitys verticillata (Thun.) Sieb. & Zucc. Cephalotaxus harringtonii K.Koch var. nana Ephedra americana Hunb. & Bonpl. ssp. andina Ephedra americana Hunb. & Bonpl. Ephedra distachya ssp. helvetica Ephedra fragilis Desf. ssp. fragilis Ephedra fragilis Desf. ssp. fragilis Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf. Ephedra likiangensis Florin Ephedra monosperma C.C. Gmel. ex C.A.Mey. Ephedra viridis Coville Gnetum costatum K.Schum Gnetum gnemon L. Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. f Bowenia serrulata Chamberlain Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Nash Coniferales 1 2 Gnetales 3 4 5 6a 6b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cycadales 14 15 Boweniaceae Stangeriaceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Ephedraceae Gnetaceae Gnetaceae Welwitschiaceae Sciadopityaceae Cephalotaxaceae Family 1995±2359 1995±2092 575±97 CAMB 1998±503 425.97 CAMB 1998±504 941/97 CAMB 1998±505 1998±500 1998±499 1998±498 1964±47701 1998±514 1997±5119 2000±3565 1996±4743 18* 16* 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 44* 44* 42* 20* 24* 2nb 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 Ploidy level (x) 12520 14524 17853 17140 18088 16667 18044 15621 14867 15719 15656 3940 3822 7056 17192 22168 1C (Mbp)c 12.78 14.82 18.22 17.49 18.46 17.01 18.41 15.94 15.17 16.04 15.98 4.02 3.90 7.20 17.54 22.62 1C ( pg) 25.55 29.64 36.44 34.98 36.92 34.02 36.83 31.88 30.34 32.08 31.95 8.04 7.79 14.40 35.09 45.24 2C ( pg) DNA amount 51.10 + 2.10 59.28 + 10.40e 72.87 + 2.10 69.96 + 4.00e 73.83 + 2.35 68.03 + 3.22 73.65 + 2.65 63.75 + 3.16 60.69 + 2.92 64.16 + 2.74 63.90 + 3.19 16.07 + 0.45 15.58 + 1.06 28.80 + 1.76 70.17 + 2.54 90.48 + 2.59 4C + s.d.d ( pg) b Accession numbers followed by CAMB indicate material obtained from the University Botanic Garden, Cambridge. All other material was from the RBG Kew. Chromosome numbers followed by * are taken from the literature. c 1 pg 980 Mb (Cavalier-Smith, 1985). d DNA content and standard deviation were calculated from measurements of 30 cells unless otherwise stated. e The large standard deviations in these species were due to diculties in preparing the material such that only 17 (Stangeria) or 20 (Ephedra) cells could be found that were suitable for measuring. a Taxon Entry no. Accession numbera T A B L E 1. Accession number, chromosome number (2n), ploidy level (x) and nuclear DNA amount for 15 gymnosperm species in ®ve previously unrepresented families 844 Leitch et al.ÐNuclear DNA Amounts in Gymnosperms Leitch et al.ÐNuclear DNA Amounts in Gymnosperms Root tips from the test species and the calibration standard Allium cepa `Ailsa Craig' (4C 67.00 pg) were ®xed in 4 % formaldehyde in SoÈrensens buer pH 7.0 and stored in 96 % ethanol as outlined in RoÈser et al. (1997). Feulgen microdensitometry was carried out as described in Hanson et al. (2001) and measurements were made using a Vickers M85a microdensitometer. For the two Gnetum species, ¯ow cytometry was used to estimate DNA C-values. Leaf tissue from Gnetum and the calibration standard Pisum sativum `Minerva Maple' (4C 19.46 pg) was prepared and stained with propidium iodide (PI), as described in Obermayer and Greilhuber (1999). Samples were analysed on a Partec PA II ¯ow cytometer, using distilled water as the sheath ¯uid, a 100 W high-pressure mercury lamp, a quartz air objective (50 0.82 N.A.) and a high-quality red sensitive photomultiplier. The ®lter combination used was KG1, BG38, FM, EM520, TK560 (to/from objective), FM, 2 3 (diaphragm), TK560 and RG. For each Gnetum species analysed, six preparations of unknown and standard material were made and each preparation was analysed at least three times, with 5000 nuclei per run. Chromosome counts Chromosome counts of Ephedra species were made to determine the ploidy level of the material studied. Root tips were prepared using a standard Feulgen-stained squash technique as described in Hanson et al. (2001). Roots were pretreated using a-bromonapthalene for 24 h at 4 8C prior to ®xation, and hydrolysed in 1 M HCl at 60 8C for 8 min before staining. C-value data from other sources To interpret C-value data for the 15 species estimated in this work in the context of C-values known for other gymnosperms, the data were pooled with C-values for 137 other species [115 species collated by Murray (1998), 21 Pinus species published in Hall et al. (2000) and Joyner et al. (2001), and Wollemia nobilis by Hanson (2001)] to give DNA amounts for a total of 152 species (see Murray et al., 2001). [NB Where more than one C-value for a species was listed by Murray (1998), one was identi®ed as the `preferred estimate' and was assigned as the `a' value. The `a' values in Murray (1998) were taken for the present analysis. C-values for Pinus aurescens and P. koraiensis listed by Murray were excluded from the present analysis as they were considered to be unreliable (Murray, 1998)]. R E S U LT S A N D D I S C U S S I O N Table 1 gives DNA amounts for the 15 dierent gymnosperm species studied. The data were combined with previously published C-values for 137 gymnosperm species, thus C-values for 152 species corresponding to 21 % of all gymnosperm species are now available. The combined data are summarized in Table 2 and are compared with equivalent data for angiosperms. C-values estimated in the present work ranged from 1C 3.90 pg in Gnetum 845 T A B L E 2. Comparison of nuclear DNA C-value data for 152 gymnosperm species and 3493 angiosperm species listed in the Angiosperm DNA C-values database (Bennett et al., 2000b) Number in sample Mean ( pg) Standard deviation Median ( pg) Mode ( pg) Minimum ( pg) Maximum ( pg) Gymnosperms Angiosperms 152 17.56 7.02 17.37 15.80 2.25 32.20 3493 6.32 9.81 2.90 0.60 0.05 127.40 gnemon to 22.62 pg in Cephalotaxus harringtonii var. nana and thus fall within the approx. 14-fold range of known gymnosperm C-values, from 2.25 pg for Gnetum ula to 32.20 pg in Pinus nelsonii. Analysis of the new data Analysis of molecular and other data (Bowe et al., 2000; Chaw et al., 2000) shows that gymnosperms are divided into ®ve dierent groups: (1) Cycadales (cycads); (2) Ginkgoales; (3) Gnetales; (4) Pinaceae; and (5) Coniferales II (comprising all conifer families except Pinaceae). Families whose C-values were estimated in the present work fall into three of these groups: Gnetales, Cycadales and Coniferales II. Cycadales. The ®rst C-values estimated for the two Cycadales families Boweniaceae (Bowenia serrulata, 1C 12.78 pg) and Stangeriaceae (Stangeria eriopus, 1C 14.82 pg) fall within the range reported for the two other Cycadales families (Cycadaceae and Zamiaceae: 12.05±21.10 pg). Gnetales. The Gnetales comprise three families: Gnetaceae, Welwitschiaceae and Ephedraceae. Previously, C-values were known for only two species in this group: Gnetum ula (Gnetaceae, 1C 2.25 pg) and diploid Ephedra tweediana (Ephedraceae, 1C 8.90 pg). This paper reports ®rst C-values for a further 12 species, namely two Gnetum species (G. costatum, 1C 4.02 pg and G. gnemon, 1C 3.90 pg), nine tetraploid Ephedra species (1C 15.17±18.46 pg), and Welwitschia mirabilis, the only species in Welwitschiaceae (1C 7.20 pg). The range of C-values known for Gnetales has thus increased to 2.25± 18.46 pg. Coniferales II. Prior to the current work, C-values for six of the eight families that comprise Coniferales II (see Table 3) ranged from 6.50 to 20.00 pg. The ®rst C-value for Sciadopityaceae (Sciadopitys verticillata, 1C 17.54 pg) falls within this range. By contrast, the ®rst C-value for Cephalotaxaceae (Cephalotaxus harringtonii var. nana, 1C 22.62 pg) is larger than the 1C value of 20.00 pg for Libocedrus plumosa in Cupressaceae. Thus the range for Coniferales II (now 6.50±22.62 pg) is increased. 846 Leitch et al.ÐNuclear DNA Amounts in Gymnosperms T A B L E 3. Mean, minimum (min.), maximum (max.) and ratio of 1C nuclear DNA amounts for the ®ve groups and all 17 families of gymnosperms for which C-value data are available, together with % of species in each family or higher group with C-value data Higher group Family Cycadales All families Boweniaceae Cycadaceae Stangeriaceae Zamiaceae No species with C-values No species in family/group % Representation 6 1 2 1 2 145 2 17 1 125 4 50 12 100 2 1C nuclear DNA amount ( pg) Mean Min. Max. Ratio (max./min.) 14.71 12.78 13.75 14.82 16.58 12.05 12.78 12.75 14.82 12.05 21.10 12.78 14.75 14.82 21.10 1.8 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.8 Ginkgoales Ginkgoaceae 1 1 100 9.95 9.95 9.95 1.0 Gnetales All families Ephedraceae Gnetaceae Welwitschiaceae 13 9 3 1 125 65 29 1 14 14 10 100 12.44 16.04 3.38 7.20 2.25 8.90 2.25 7.20 18.46 18.46 4.02 7.20 8.2 2.1 1.8 1.0 Pinaceae Pinaceae 83 220 38 22.02 5.75 32.20 5.6 13 15 10 15 60 10 100 6 19 11.89 12.20 22.62 12.53 10.80 10.70 17.54 11.05 9.60 6.50 9.55 22.62 8.25 9.95 6.60 17.54 11.05 6.50 22.62 15.80 22.62 20.00 11.40 18.10 17.54 11.05 13.55 3.5 1.7 1.0 2.4 1.1 2.7 1.0 1.0 2.1 Coniferales II All families Araucariaceae Cephalotaxaceae Cupressaceae Phyllocladaceae Podocarpaceae Sciadopityaceae Taxaceae Taxodiaceae 49 5 1 19 3 16 1 1 3 375 34 10 125 5 168 1 16 16 Number of species in each family taken from Mabberley (1997). Analysis of C-values and genome sizes in dierent gymnosperm groups Combining these new data with previously published C-values enables the mean, minimum, maximum and ratio of C-values for each of the ®ve groups and 17 families to be summarized (Table 3). A comparison of C-values in each of the ®ve groups of gymnosperms shows that the minimum, maximum and range of C-values dier considerably between the dierent groups, with Gnetales being the most variable. However, Gnetales is the only group examined to date that contains polyploid species; the remaining 144 gymnosperms with known C-values have all been recorded as diploid (see Murray, 1998; Hanson, 2001). Polyploidy in gymnosperms is rare in all but Ephedraceae where approx. 40 % of species were estimated to be polyploid (Delevoryas, 1980). The ploidy level of the two other genera in Gnetales is unclear. Both Gnetum and Welwitschia have high chromosome numbers relative to the majority of gymnosperms (2n 44 and 42, respectively) but have been considered as diploids by Khooshoo (1961) and in the present work (Table 1). Interestingly, if a comparison is made of genome size rather than C-value (by dividing the 2C-value by ploidy level) then all members of Gnetales whose C-values have been estimated are characterized by small genomes (mean 7.23 pg) compared with the four other gymnosperm groups (Cycadales mean 14.71 pg; Ginkgoales 9.95 pg; Pinaceae mean 22.02 pg; Coniferales II mean 11.89 pg). The Pinaceae now become the most variable gymnosperm group in terms of genome size. (NB If the ploidy level of Gnetum and Welwitschia is greater than two then this would only strengthen the observation since the range and mean of genome size in this group would be reduced.) Analysis of C-values in dierent gymnosperm families With C-value data for all 17 gymnosperm families now available, the mean, minimum, maximum and ratio of C-values for each family can also be summarized (Table 3). The most variable family is Pinaceae with a 5.6-fold range in C-values, followed by Podocarpaceae (2.7-fold), Cupressaceae (2.4-fold) and Ephedraceae and Taxodiaceae (both 2.1fold). If, as above, genome sizes rather than 1C values are compared, the Ephedraceae show only a 1.2-fold range and become one of the least variable families with two or more 1C-value estimates (Fig. 1). Obviously more data are needed to determine the full range of C-values in families with more than one species. However, even in families in which C-values are known for a good percentage of the species (see Table 3), the range of C-values is considerably smaller than that encountered in some angiosperm families (e.g. in the Poaceae the range is 103.9-fold and in the Fabaceae 73.1fold; Leitch et al., 1998). As more data accumulate it will be interesting to see if the relatively narrow range of C-values noted so far in gymnosperm families is typical. However, the constancy of chromosome number and structure found in most gymnosperm families (e.g. Khoshoo, 1961; Murray, 1998) suggests that large variation in C-values, as found in some angiosperm families, is unlikely. Leitch et al.ÐNuclear DNA Amounts in Gymnosperms 12.53 (8.25 - 20.00) Cupressaceae (19) 9.60 (6.50 - 13.55) Taxodiaceae (3) 22.62 Cephalotaxaceae (1) CII 11.05 Taxaceae (1) 17.54 Sciadopityaceae (1) 12.20 (9.55 - 15.80) Araucariaceae (5) 10.70 (6.60 - 18.10) Podocarpaceae (16) 10.80 (9.95 - 11.40) Phyllocladaceae (3) P 22.02 (5.75 - 32.20) Pinaceae (83) 8.51 (7.59 - 9.21) Ephedraceae (9) Gn 7.20 Welwitschiaceae (1) 3.38 (2.25 - 4.02) Gnetaceae (3) Gi 9.95 Ginkgoaceae (1) 13.75 (12.75 - 14.75) Cycadaceae (2) 16.58 (12.05 - 21.10) Zamiaceae (2) Cy 847 14.82 Strangeriaceae (1) 12.78 Boweniaceae (1) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Unreplicated genome size (pg) F I G . 1. Comparison of the mean and range (in parentheses) of genome sizes in all 17 gymnosperm families. Families are arranged into their higher groups but within each group there is no phylogenetic order. Higher groups are indicated by the following abbreviations: Cy, Cycadales; Gi, Ginkgoales; Gn, Gnetales; P, Pinaceae; and CII, Coniferales II. The number in parentheses following the family name gives the number of species for which genome size data are available. Phylogenetic signi®cance of DNA C-values in higher groups of gymnosperms It now seems clear that gymnosperms are a monophyletic group (e.g. Qiu et al., 1999; Bowe et al., 2000; Chaw et al., 2000). The exact evolutionary relationships between the dierent gymnosperm families remain controversial but recent molecular sequence data are increasingly resolving these controversies. Combined molecular analysis of mitochondrial, nuclear and chloroplast gene sequences by Chaw et al. (2000) identi®ed cycads as the most basal group of gymnosperms. Ginkgo was the next most-basal group and sister to the remaining three groups (Pinaceae, Gnetales and Coniferales II), and Coniferales II was sister to a Gnetales Pinaceae clade. Bowe et al. (2000) reported similar ®ndings despite sampling dierent taxa and genic regions and using dierent methods of analysis. Evaluating the phylogenetic component of genome size variation encountered in the gymnosperms is essential for a full understanding of its evolutionary signi®cance. Leitch et al. (1998) superimposed angiosperm DNA C-values onto a robust phylogenetic tree and concluded that the ancestral angiosperms almost certainly had small genomes (43.5 pg). In a similar way, superimposing the C-value data for each of the ®ve groups of gymnosperms (Table 3, Fig. 2) onto the gymnosperm phylogeny suggests that ancestral gymnosperms (represented by cycads with a 848 Leitch et al.ÐNuclear DNA Amounts in Gymnosperms 11.89 (6.50 - 22.62) Coniferales II (49) 22.02 (5.75 - 32.20) Pinaceae (83) 7.23 (2.25 - 9.20) Gnetales (13) 9.95 Ginkgoales (1) 14.71 (12.05 - 21.10) Cycadales (6) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Unreplicated genome size (pg) F I G . 2. Gymnosperm phylogeny (left-hand side, based on Bowe et al., 2000 and Chaw et al., 2000) and genome size data (right-hand side) showing the mean followed by the range of genome size values encountered in each of the ®ve orders of gymnosperms. The number in parentheses following the higher order group name is the number of species for which genome size data are available. mean 1C 14.71 pg) were probably characterized by larger C-values than ancestral angiosperms. More sampling, particularly in the six remaining genera of Cycadales, would help con®rm or refute this hypothesis, although cytological analysis has already shown that many cycads possess large chromosomes (e.g. Sax and Beal, 1934; Marchant, 1968) and hence (by inference) large genomes. The recent proposal that Gnetales arose from within the conifers (`gnepines hypothesis') and perhaps even within the Pinaceae (Bowe et al., 2000; Chaw et al., 2000) has necessitated a major reinterpretation of the evolution of conifers and Gnetales and the characters which de®ne these groups. The extensive morphological divergence of Gnetales from the rest of the conifers (e.g. loss of narrowly triangular, one-veined leaves, resin canals, and woody ovuliferous cone scales) has been paralleled, perhaps coincidentally, by generally high rates of molecular evolution (Bowe et al., 2000). If large genomes were ancestral in gymnosperms, it seems likely that this morphological and molecular evolution was accompanied by a reduction in genome size, so the small Gnetales genomes are, most probably, secondarily derived. Both the above hypotheses (i.e. that ancestral genomes in gymnosperms were large compared with those of angiosperms and that the small genomes in Gnetales were secondarily derived) are based on the assumption that since the gymnosperms ®rst evolved approx. 350 million years ago there has been no further extensive evolution of genome size. To accept or reject this requires knowledge of C-values in the ancestral seed plants, although there are formidable problems to be overcome before this assumption can be con®rmed or refuted. For example, the recent combined analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data for representatives of all the main lineages of land plants shows unambiguously that horsetails (Equisetum sp.) and ferns are the closest extant relatives to seed plants (Pryer et al., 2001). However, there is a lack of phylogenetic consensus within the fern/horsetail clade. Since the 1C DNA amount data for ferns and horsetails varies 165-fold from 0.44 to 72.67 pg (Grime et al., 1988; Bennett and Leitch, 2001; Obermayer et al. pers. comm.) and the ancestral groups within this clade are unclear, inferences about the ancestral genome size in this extant sister group are currently impossible. There is a further problem in that the progymnosperms, which are widely accepted as containing the ancestral group of seed plants (Hilton, 1998), are now extinct so no direct measurements of DNA amount can be made. One possible solution to this is to examine fossil progymnosperms (especially the Aneurophytalean group which is considered to be the most likely to contain the ancestral seed plants) and identify key cells (e.g. stomatal guard cells that do not exhibit endopolyploidy) that can be used to track changes in genome size based on the assumption that cell size is correlated with DNA content. Such an approach has been used in both plants and animals. In plants, Masterson (1994) tracked changes in DNA amount in fossil angiosperms over 100 million years to look for evidence of polyploidy. In animals, Conway Morris and Harper (1988) used this approach to identify changes in genome size in conodonts (Chordata) over 270 million years, and Thomson (1972) examined changes in genome size in fossil lung®sh over 400 million years. If such an approach is successful, the results will shed light not only on the evolution of genome size within the gymnosperms but within the spermatophytes as a whole, and will perhaps provide insights into the origin of the clear dierences in genome size observed between angiosperms and gymnosperms. L I T E R AT U R E C I T E D Bennett MD, Leitch IJ. 2001. Nuclear DNA amounts in Pteridophytes. Annals of Botany 87: 335±345. Bennett MD, Bhandol P, Leitch IJ. 2000a. Nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperms and their modern usesÐ807 new estimates. Annals of Botany 86: 859±909. Bennett MD, Cox AV, Leitch IJ. 2000b. 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