Section1 A. ~-mixture of minerals,volcanicglass,organicmatter,or other material B. Rock cycle-model showingprocesses that createand changerock 1. Sedimenta~rock canbe changedby heatand pressureinto metamorphicrock. 2. Metamor~hicrock can melt and cool to form igneousrock. 3. Igneousrock canbe broken into fragmentsthat maylater form sedimentaryrock. D. TamesHutton recognizedthe rock cyclein 1788by observingSiccarPoint, Scotland. DISCUSSIONQUESTION: What primary processes areinvolvedin the rock cycle?Pressure, temperature,andfragmentation Section2 A. Igneousrocks form from magmafound deepunder Earth'ssurface. 1. Magmareachingthesurfaceflowsfrom a volcanoasliY.!!. 2. Magmatrappedbelow the surfaceforms large-grainedintrusive igneousrock when it c.i .5 cools. Ii ., "2 ~ E 0 Co) 4. Basaltic igneousrocksare dark-coloredand dense. i a. ContainiI:2n and magnesiumbut very little silica ~ ~ ., b. Basalticlava flows ~ from a volcano. ;; "5 c 0 5. Granitic igneousrocksarelower densityand lighter color. a. Containmore~ and lessiron and m~gnesium b. Granitic magmais ~ and giff. 6. Andesiticrockshavea more balancedcompositionof mineralsand densitythan basalticor granitic rocks. ' "in "> :0 10 :i: ~ 10 "U ~ ..,. 0 g ., a @ 7. Crystal~, largeor small,canhelp identify an igneousrock asintrusive or extrusive. 8. Volcanicglassrocks~ so quickly that few crystalsform. ~ ~ 0 Co) ( T2 Rocks 9. SomerockshavehQl§ formed around once-trappedair and other gases. B. Igneous rocks are classified in two ways. 1. Where they formed-intrusive Earth's surface) (under the Earth's surface) or extrusive (at or near the 2. 'Mi!g!lli! type-basaltic, granitic, or andesitic DISCUSSION QUESTION: What does mineral crystal size tell about how rock formed? Large crystals-magma cooled slowly; tiny crystals-magma cooledmore rapidly; veryfew crystals-magma cooledvery quickly Section3 MetamorphicRocks A. Metamorphic rocks-changed by tem12erature, ~ressure,and hot fluids 1. ~ and ~ressure result from one layer of rock on top of another layer. a. Sometimestemperatureand pressureare greatenoughto mm rock, forming magma. b. Sometimespressureflattensmineral grainsin rockswithout melting them. c. As pressureand temperaturecontinueto increaseover time. one type of rock canchange into severaldifferent metamorphicrocks. t U EO) ., "E ~ E 0 u i ca ~ 2. Hot. water-rich ~ can move through rock. chemically changing it. B. Classificationof metamorphicrocks-by compositionand texture 1. Foliated texture-mineral grainsflatten and line up in parallellayersor bands 2. Nonfoliated texture-mineral grainsgrow and rearrangebut do not form layers DISCUSSIONQUESTION: What arethree factorsthat can changerocks?Heat,pressure,and hot, water-richliquids ., :5 '0 ~ 0 'in ~ "0 CO :f ~ e ~ ~ " ~ a () t 0 u Section4 SedimentaryRocks A. Sedirnentan rocks-mostly found on the exposedsurfaceof Earth 1. Rockfragments,mineral grains,and bits of plants and animal remainsmovedby wind, water,ice or gravity arecalledsediments. 2. Sedimentary rocksform in ~. B. Sedimentaryrocks-classified by what they weremadeof and how they wereformed C. Detrital sedimentaryrocks-made from broken fragmentsof other rocks 1. When layersof small sedimentsstick togetherbecauseof pressure,com12actionoccurs. 2. When waterand other mineralsmovethrough open spacesbetweenlargersediments, gluing them together,cementationoccurs. Ro(k~ T3 3. Detrital rocksoften havea granulartexture. 4. Rocksarenamedaccordingto ~ and~ a. Sedimentsizecanbelargelike~ of sediments. or smalllikeQn. b. Sediments canbewell-roundedor have~ angles. D. Chemicalsedimentaryrocks-non-clastic rocksformed when dissolvedmineralscameout of solution 1. Limestone forms from calcite. which was calcium carbonate in solution. 2. Rock salt forms from ~, which was salt in solution. E. Organicsedimentaryrocks-made from remainsof once-livingplants or animals 1. .ch.glk-made of microscopiccalcite-shellremainsof animals 2. ~-made of plant remains,chemicallychangedby microorganismsand compactedover millions of years F. Rockcycle-a continuousand dynamicprocess DISCUSSIONQUESTION: How do detrital, chemical, and organic sedimentary rocks differ? Detrital is formed from sediment fragments compactedor cementedtogether;chemical is formed from formerly dissolvedminerals; organic is formed from once-living things. . ~ ... ~ I I ~ GO £; "5 c 0 'in ~ "0 m I <B ~ "'8 ~ 13 0 t 0 u t T4 Rocks MINERAL COMPOSITION PERIDOTITE GABBRO DIORITE Fetds7At---~l~/ftft a,d};ftJ. .M,rAi Jlo.QM!pttl.!/ GRANITE OBSIDIAN 1;,1'(1 ; Fttd!:/A/l {j>(,r,q£ff PORPHYRIES RHYOLITE ANDESITE BASALT PUMICE SCORIA f P I '/2dJJ
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