sponsorship-packet-2017 - Cromwell Center | For DIsabilities

Thursday June 1, 2017, 5:30—9:00, Marriott Sable Oaks, South Portland ME
How does your sponsorship make a difference across Maine and your community?
School can be painful for children who don’t fit in, who don’t look like everyone
else, who learn differently, or who can’t keep up in academics, sports, or social
situations because of learning, behavioral, developmental, emotional or physical
disabilities. Unfortunately, they are frequently left out, teased or bullied:
“I get laughed at whenever I do something different. I NEVER feel unique – only
different and wrong! “
By teaching empathy and understanding, we build safer and more inclusive educational and social communities for kids with special needs. Teachers report that
our program really helps students respect, include and stand up for each other. As
a result, bullying and exclusion of those with special needs – and the negative effects on their education – can be reduced.
“I learned to treat everybody the way I want to be treated—with respect.”
As an integral partner in Maine schools' anti-bullying,
inclusion, and community-building efforts, we are
fielding a record number of requests.
"The small elementary school that our students attend is in a rural area without much diversity... We
need to find outside sources to help us educate them,
to help our students understand about differences
that are easily seen and others that are not. We
would like to change attitudes and prejudices and
build understanding."
Number of children served by year
“Thank you all for not only coming to our school, and other schools in our district, but also for the work you
do to encourage a more accepting, aware, and knowledgeable world! You are making a difference every
day!" - Teacher
“You taught me about things that might happen so I’d know what to do if they occurred. Disabilities have
nothing to do with the person and who they really are. If somebody ever asked me if we should bully somebody I would say NO!” - Fourth grader
“Thank you for showing me that there’s more to disabilities than I knew; there’s abilities too.” - Fifth grader
See back for full list of schools served
180 Maine schools
served since 2004
Acton Elementary School
Agnes Gray Elementary School, West Paris
Alfred Elementary School
Ames Elementary School, Searsmont
Andover Elementary School
Belgrade Central School
Biddeford Primary School
Bowdoin Central School
Bowdoinham Community School
Boy Scouts, Falmouth
Breakwater School, Portland
Bristol Consolidated School, Pemaquid
Brownfield Denmark Elem. School
Burchard-Dunn School, New Gloucester
Cape Elizabeth Middle School
Capt. Albert Stevens Elem. School, Belfast
Carrabec Community School, North Anson
Carrie Ricker Middle School, Litchfield
Cascade Brook School, Farmington
Central School, South Berwick
China Primary School
CK Burns Elementary School, Saco
Coastal Ridge Elementary School, York
Coffin School, Brunswick
Congin Elementary School, Westbrook
Cornish Elementary School
Crescent Park Elementary School, Bethel
Dayton Consolidated School
Dike-Newell School, Bath
Dora L. Small Elem. School, South Portland
Dresden Elementary School
Drowne Road Elem. School, Cumberland
Durham Elementary School
Dyer Elementary School, South Portland
East Auburn Community School, Auburn
East Belfast School, Belfast
East End Community School, Portland
Edgecomb Eddy School, Edgecomb
Edna Drinkwater School, Northport
Edna Libby Elementary School, Standish
Eliot Elementary School
Elm Street School, Mechanic Falls
Enfield Station School, Enfield
Fairview Elementary School, Auburn
Falmouth Elementary School
Falmouth Middle School
Farwell Elementary School Lewiston
Fiddlehead School of Arts & Sciences, Gray
Frank I. Brown Elem. School, S. Portland
Fred W. Morrill School, Parsonfield
Garret Schenck Elementary School, Anson
George E. Jack School, Standish
George Weatherbee School, Hampden
Georgetown Central School
Girl Scouts, Falmouth
Gladys Weymouth Elem. School, Morrill
Governor John Fairfield School, Saco
Great Falls Elementary School, Gorham
Greely Middle School, Cumberland
Greene Central School
Guy E. Rowe School, Norway
H. B. Emery School, Limington
Hall Elementary School, Portland
Hall-Dale Elementary School, Hallowell
Hanson Elementary School, Lebanon
Harpswell Community School
Harriet Beecher Stowe School, Brunswick
Harrison Elementary School
Henry L. Cottrell Elem. School, Monmouth
Hichborn Middle School, Enfield
Hollis Elementary School
Horace Mitchell Primary School, Kittery
Hussey Elementary School, Augusta
James O. Kaler Elem. School, S. Portland
James W. Russell Elementary School, Gray
Jameson Elem. School, Old Orchard Beach
Jefferson Village School
Jordan Acres Elem. School, Brunswick
Kennebunk Elementary School
Kennebunk Consolidated School
Kermit Nickerson Elem. School, Swanville
Lake Region Middle School, Naples
Lebanon Elementary School
Leeds Central School
Levey Day School, Portland
Libby-Tozier School, Litchfield
Lincoln Elementary School, Augusta
Line Elementary School, West Newfield
Lisbon Community School
Longley Elementary School, Lewiston
Loranger Midd. School, Old Orchard Beach
Lyman Elementary School
Lyseth Elementary School, Portland
Mabel I. Wilson School, Cumberland
Madison Elementary School
Madison Avenue School, Oxford
Manchester School, Windham
Marcia Buker Elem. School, Richmond
Marshwood Great Wks School, S. Berwick
Marshwood Junior High, Eliot
Martel School, Lewiston
Mary Hurd School, North Berwick
Mast Landing School, Freeport
Memorial School, New Gloucester
Mildred Fox Elem. School, South Paris
Mildred L. Day School, Arundel
Miller School, Waldoboro
Minot Consolidated School
Monmouth Middle School
Montello Elementary School, Lewiston
Morse Street School, Freeport
Mount Ararat Middle School, Topsham
Nathan Clifford School, Portland
New Hill School, Portland
Noble Middle School, Berwick
Nobleboro Central School
North Yarmouth Memorial School
Ocean Avenue Elem. School, Portland
Otisfield Community Elementary School
Oxford Elementary School
Oxford-Cumb. Canal School, Westbrook
P.W. Sugg Middle School, Lisbon Falls
Paris Elementary School
Park Elementary School, Auburn
Pettingill Elementary School, Lewiston
Phippsburg Elementary School
Poland Community School
Pond Cove Elem. School, Cape Elizabeth
Prescott Memorial School, Washington
Presumpscot Elementary School, Portland
Readfield Elementary School
Reiche Elementary School, Portland
Riverton School, Portland
Sabbatus Central School
Saccarappa School, Westbrook
Scarborough Middle School
Sea Road School, Kennebunk
Sebago Elementary School, Sebago
Sebasticook Valley Midd. School, Newport
Shapleigh Memorial School
Shapleigh Middle School, Kittery
Sherwood Heights Elem. School, Auburn
Skillin Elementary School, South Portland
Snow School, Fryeburg
Songo Locks School, Naples
South Hiram Elementary School
Southport Central School
St. James School, Biddeford
St. Thomas Elementary School, Sanford
Steep Falls Elementary School, Standish
Stevens Brook Elem. School, Bridgton
Sylvio Gilbert Elementary School, Augusta
Telstar Middle School, Bethel
Troy Howard Middle School, Belfast
Union Elementary School
Veazie Community School
Village Elementary School, York
Wales Elementary School
Walton Elementary School, Auburn
Washburn Elementary School, Auburn
Waterboro Elementary School
Waterford Elementary School
Waynflete School, Portland
Wells Junior High School
Wentworth School, Scarborough
West Bath School
West Harpswell School
Whitefield Elementary School
Williams Elementary School, Oakland
Williams-Cone School, Topsham
Windham Primary School
Winthrop Grade School
Wiscasset Primary School
Woodside Elementary School, Topsham
Woodstock Elem. School, Bryant Pond
Woolwich Central School
Yarmouth Elementary School
Cromwell Center Dinner & Auction, June 1, 2017, Marriott Sable Oaks, South Portland, ME
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all schools served
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Recognition in books
donated to 700+
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2017 Dinner & Auction Sponsorship
Please email the information below to [email protected] or mail this form by May 1.
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E-mail __________________________________________________________________________________
Sponsorship Level:
____ Prime Sponsor
____ Patron
____ Supporter
____ Contributor
____ Friend
Please mail payment to:
The Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness
97A Exchange Street, Suite 205
Portland, ME 04101
Please respond by May 1st
Call us at 207-775-9955
E-mail us at [email protected]
Visit our website: www.cromwellcenter.org