Curriculum Vitae Clyde Wilcox Department of Government Georgetown University ICC 679 Washington, DC 20057 wilcoxc @ 202-687-5273 fax=202-687-5858 Professional Career 1996-present 1991-95 1987-91 1986-87 1984-86 2007 Professor, Georgetown University Associate Professor, Georgetown Assistant Professor, Georgetown Visiting Assistant Professor, Union College Statistician, Federal Election Commission F. Ross Johnson Visiting Scholar, Univ. of Toronto Education BA MA PhD West Virginia University Ohio State University Ohio State University 1975 1980 1984 Awards and Honors Bryan Prize, Outstanding Dissertation in Political Science, Ohio State University, 1984 Honorary doctorate, Kalamazoo College, 2000 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Department of Political Science, West Virginia University, 2000 Books God's Warriors: The Christian Right in 20th Century America. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. Serious Money: Fundraising and Contributing in Presidential Nomination Campaigns. (with Clifford Brown, Jr. and Lynda Powell). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995. Between Two Absolutes: Public Opinion and the Politics of Abortion. (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen). Boulder: Westview, 1992. Chapter 2 REPRINTED in Adventures in Social Research, by E. Babbie and F. Halley. London: Pine Forge Press. 1995. REPRINTED in Adventures in Social Research, 2nd edition. 1998. Chapter 3 REPRINTED in J. Lewis and K. Nordin (eds.) Research Writing in the Social Sciences. MA: Tapestry Press. 1996. REPRINTED in Research Writing in the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. 1998. Public Attitudes on Church and State. (with Ted G. Jelen). New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1995. Second Coming: The New Christian Right in the Virginia Politics. (with Mark Rozell). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1996. Portions REPRINTED in P. Escott,, eds., Major Problems in the History of the American South (2nd edition). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1999. Onward Christian Soldiers: The Christian Right in American Politics. Boulder: Westview. 1996 2nd edition, 2000. 3rd edition, 2005 (with Carin Larson). Interest Groups in American Campaigns: The New Face of Electioneering. (with Mark Rozell). Washington, DC: CQ Press. 1998. 2nd edition, 2005, (with Mark J. Rozell and David Madland). Portions of 1st edition REPRINTED in Peter Woll (ed.) American Government: Readings and Cases (14th edition, 15th edition). New York: Longman. The Financiers of Congressional Elections: Investors, Ideologues, and Intimates. (with Peter Francia, John Green, Paul Herrnson, and Lynda Powell.) New York: Columbia University Press. 2003. Interest Group Society (with Jeffrey Berry). (4th edition). New York: Longman. 2006. (5th edition, forthcoming 2008). 2 Monographs SETUPS: Financing Congressional Campaigns. Washington, D.C.: American Political Science Association. 1988. The Latest American Revolution? New York: St. Martins. 1995. Edited Books The Quest for Office: National Electoral Politics. (with Stephen Wayne). New York: St. Martins Press. 1992. "Serious Money: Presidential Campaign Contributors and Patterns of Contributions in 1988." (with Clifford Brown, Jr. and Lynda Powell). 67-72. The Year of the Woman: Myths and Realities. (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Sue Thomas). Boulder: Westview. 1994. "Why 1992? Explaining the Year of the Woman." 1-24. Risky Business? PAC Decisionmaking in Congressional Elections. (with Paul Herrnson and Robert Biersack). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. "Coping with Declining Fortunes: Committee On Political Education in the 1992 Elections." "Not so Risky Business: PAC Decisionmaking in the 1992 Congressional Elections." (with Paul Herrnson). Understanding Public Opinion. (with Barbara Norrander). Washington, DC: CQ Press. 1st edition, 1996; 2nd edition, 2002. "The Diverse Paths to Understanding Public Opinion." (1st edition; 2nd edition with Barbara Norrander). "Of Moods and Morals: The Dynamics of Public Opinion on Abortion and Gay Rights." (with Barbara Norrander). (2nd edition). 3 God at the Grassroots: The Christian Right in the 1994 Elections. (with Mark Rozell.) Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 1995. "God, Guns, and Oliver North." (with Mark Rozell). "The Christian Right in the 1994 Elections -- and Beyond." (with Mark Rozell). Political Science Fiction (with Donald M. Hassler). Charleston: University of South Carolina Press. 1996. "Governing the Alien Nation: The Comparative Politics of Extra-Terrestials." The Interest Group Connection: Electioneering, Lobbying, and Policymaking in Washington (with Paul Herrnson and Ronald Shaiko). Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1997. (2nd edition 2005, CQ Press) "The Dynamics of Lobbying the Hill: The Congressional Connection." (1st edition) "Continuity and Change in the Congressional Connection" (with Dong-Young Kim). (2nd edition) "Conclusion: Reforming the Process." (with Paul Herrnson) in The Interest Group Connection (1st edition) "'Only Permanent Interests'? Creating and Sustaining Interest Group Connections in Changing Political Environments." (with Paul Herrnson and Ronald Shaiko) (2nd edition). God at the Grassroots, 1996: The Christian Right in the 1996 Elections. (with Mark Rozell). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 1997. "Virginia: When the Music Stops Change Partners." (with Mark Rozell). "Postscript: The Christian Right and the GOP in 1996." (with Mark Rozell). The Changing Politics of Gun Control. (with John Bruce). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 1998. 4 "Introduction: The Changing Politics of Gun Control." (with John Bruce) "Gun Politics in the States" (with John Bruce) Women in Elected Office: Past, Present, and Future. (with Sue Thomas). New York: Oxford University Press. 1998. 2nd edition, 2005 "The Geography of Gender Power: Women in State Legislatures." (with Barbara Norrander). (1st edition) "Change and Continuity in the Geography of Women State Legislators" (with Barbara Norrander). (2nd edition). After the Revolution: PACs, Lobbies, and the Republican Congress (with Robert Biersack and Paul Herrnson). New York: Allyn & Bacon. 1999. "Conclusions: PACs and Lobbies After the Revolution." (with Paul Herrnson). The Politics of Gay Rights (with Craig Rimmerman and Kenneth Wald). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2000. "Gay Rights in the Public Arena." (with Robin Wolpert) Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the 1998 Elections. (with John C. Green and Mark J. Rozell). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. 2000. "Virginia: Prophet in Waiting." (with Mark J. Rozell). "The Christian Right in the New Millenium." (with Mark J. Rozell.) The Clinton Scandal and the Future of American Government. (with Mark J. Rozell). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 2000. "The Clinton Presidency and the Politics of Scandal." (With Mark J. Rozell). "The Paradoxes of Popularity: Public Support for Bill Clinton During the Lewinsky Scandal" (With Molly Sonner). 5 Campaigns & Elections: Contemporary Case Studies. (with Michael A. Bailey, Ronald A. Faucheaux, and Paul S. Herrnson). Washington, D.C. CQ Press. 2000. "Contemporary American Elections, an Overview." (with Michael Bailey and Paul S. Herrnson). 1-30. "They Did it Their Way: Campaign Finance Principles and Realities Clash in Wisconsin 1998" 45-54. The Election of the Century and what it tells us about the future of American Politics. (with Stephen J. Wayne). Armonk: M.E. Sharpe. 2002. "Introduction." (with Stephen J. Wayne). vii-xiv. "Wither the Christian Right: The Elections and Beyond" 107-124. "Conclusion." (with Stephen J. Wayne). 264-278. Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective: The One, the Few, and the Many. (with Ted G. Jelen). New York: Cambridge. 2002. TRANSLATED INTO SPANISH, 2006 “Introduction: Religion and Politics in an Increasingly Diverse World.” (with Ted G. Jelen.) . 1-26. "Religion and Politics in an Open Market: Religious Mobilization in the United States" (with Ted G. Jelen) 289-314. “The Political Roles of Religion” (with Ted G. Jelen). 315-324. REPRINTED IN “RELIGIJA I EUROPSKE INTEGRACIJE”, Ivan Cvitkovic and Dino Abazovic (eds.), Sarajevo: MAGISTRAT Sarajevo and Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. October 2006. IN BOSNIAN. The Christian Right in American Politics: Marching to the Millenium (with John C. Green and Mark J. Rozell). Georgetown University Press, 2003. 6 "Introduction: The Christian Right's Long Political March: Epilogue and Prologue. (with John C. Green and Mark J. Rozell). "Virginia: Birthplace of the Christian Right." (with Mark J. Rozell) Models of Voting in Presidential Elections: The 2000 Elections (with Herbert Weisberg). Stanford University Press, 2003. "Models of Voting in the 2000 Elections" (with Herbert Weisberg). The Values Campaign?: The Christian Right in the 2004 Elections (with John C. Green and Mark J. Rozell). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2006. "Saving Marriage by Banning Marriage: The Christian Right Finds a New Issue in 2004." (with David Beer and Linda Merolla). The Catholic Church and the Nation-State: Comparative Perspectives (with Paul Christopher Manuel and Lawrence C. Reardon). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2006. "Introduction: The Roman Catholic Church as a Political Actor" (with Paul Manuel and Chris Reardon). The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage (with Craig Rimmerman). Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2007. "If I Bend This Far I Will Break? Public Opinion on Same Sex Marriage." (with Paul Brewer, Celinda Lake, and Shauna Shanes). New Boundaries of Political Science Fiction (with Donald Hassler). Forthcoming, University of South Carolina Press, 2008. “Introduction: Changing Worlds of Political Science Fiction (with Donald Hassler). 7 Book Chapters "The New Christian Right and the Mobilization of Evangelicals." in Ted G. Jelen (ed.) Religion and Political Behavior in the United States, 139-156. New York: Praeger. 1989. "Member to Member Giving." in M. Nugent and J. Johannes, (eds.) Money, Elections, and Democracy, 165-186. New York: Westview. 1990. "Financing the 1988 Prenomination Campaigns." in Emmett Buell and Lee Sigelman (eds.) Nominating a President in 1988, 91-118. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1991 "Religion and Electoral Politics among American Blacks in 1988." in James Guth and John Green (eds). The Bible and the Ballot Box, 159-172. Westview. 1991. "Religious Group Identifications: Toward a Cognitive Theory of Religious Mobilization." (with Ted G. Jelen and David Leege). in D. Leege and L. Kellstedt (eds.) Rediscovering the Impact of Religion on Political Behavior. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 72-99. 1993. "The Political Effects of the Born-Again Phenomenon" (with Ted G. Jelen and Corwin Smidt). in David Leege and Lyman Kellstedt (eds.) Rediscovering the Impact of Religion on Political Behavior. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 199-215. 1993. "Preaching to the Converted: The Causes and Consequences of Viewing Religious Television." (with Ted G. Jelen). in David Leege and Lyman Kellstedt (eds.) Rediscovering the Impact of Religion on Political Behavior. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 255-272. 1993. "Public Opinion and the US-Japanese Relationship: A Comparative Analysis of American and Japanese Attitudes." (with Aiji Tanaka). in Seigen Miyasato, (ed.) Annals of the Japan-U.S. Relations Research Institute. Niigata, Japan: The International University of Japan Press. 1993. In Japanese "The Experience of the United States in Campaign Finance Regulation" in Aspectos Juridicos del Financiamiento de los Partidos Politicos. Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas. 1993. In Spanish. 8 "Abortion in the U.S. and Canada: A Comparative Study in Public Opinion." (with Marthe Chandler, Elizabeth Adell Cook, and Ted G. Jelen). in T. Jelen and M. Chandler (eds.) Abortion Politics in the U.S. and Canada: Studies in Public Opinion. New York: Praeger. 131-144. 1994. "Gender in the 1992 Elections." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook). in Herbert Weisberg (ed.) Democracy's Feast: The 1992 Elections. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House. 195219. 1995. "The Sources and Consequences of Public Attitudes on Abortion." in Ted G. Jelen, (ed.) Perspectives on the Politics of Abortion. New York: Praeger. 1995. "New Gateways to Adventure: The Creation and Marketing of Science Fiction Computer Games." (with Kevin Wilcox). In Gary Westfahl, George Slusser, and Eric S. Rabkin (eds) Science Fiction and Market Realities. Athens: University of Georgia Press. 194-207. 1996. "President Clinton, Public Opinion, and Lesbians and Gays in the Military." (with Robin Wolpert). in Craig Rimmerman (ed.) Gay Rights, Military Wrongs: Political Perspectives on Lesbians and Gays in the Military. New York: Garland. 1996. "From the Ballot Box to the White House: Gender, Public Opinion, and the Presidency." in MaryAnne Borrelli and Janet M. Martin (eds.) The Other Elites: Women, Politics, and Power in the Executive Branch. Boulder: Lynne Reiner. 1996. "The 1996 Presidential Election: A Tale of a Campaign that Didn't Seem to Matter." (with Paul Herrnson.) In Larry J. Sabato (ed.) Toward the Millennium: The Elections of 1996. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 1997. "The Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition: A Comparison of the Tactics, Strategies, and Activities of Two Generations of Christian Right Organizations." (with Mary Bendyna.) In James Penning and Corwin Smidt (eds.) Sojourners in the Wilderness: The Christian Right in Comparative Perspective. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 1997. "The Social Movement Meets the Party: The Christian Right in the GOP." (with John C. Green and James L. Guth). In Anne Costain and Andrew S. McFarland (eds.) Social Movements and American Political Institutions. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 1998. 9 "Pragmatism and Its Discontents: The Evolution of the Christian Right in the United States." (with Mark J. Rozell). In Madeleine Cousineau (ed.) Religion in a Changing Global World: Comparative Studies in Sociology. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 193-202. 1998. "Financing the 1996 Presidential Nominations: The Last Regulated Campaign?" (with Wesley Joe). in John C. Green (ed.) Financing the 1996 Elections. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 1999. 37-62 "Individual Donors as Financial Constituents" (with Peter Francia, Rachel Goldberg, John C. Green, and Paul S. Herrnson). in John C. Green (ed.) Financing the 1996 Elections. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 1999. 127-154. "Social Science in Space and Time." in Gary Westphal (ed.) Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 2000. 143150. 2000. "Follow the Money: Clinton, Campaign Finance, and Reform". in James P. Pfiffner and Roger Davidson, (eds.) Understanding the Presidency (2nd edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. REPRINTED IN Ideazione, 3, 138-155. In Italian. 2000. "Competing for Cash: Individual Finaciers of Congressional Elections" (with Benjamin Webster, Peter Francia, John C. Green, Paul S. Herrnson, and Lynda Powell." in Paul S. Herrnson (ed.) Playing Hardball: Campaigning for the U.S. Congress. New York: Prentice-Hall Publishers. 2000. "Familiarity and Contempt: Perot in 1996" (with Jeremy Mayer). in Ted G. Jelen (editor) Ross for Boss: The Perot Phenomon and Beyond. Albany: State University Press of New York Press. p 143-163. 2001. "Contributing as Participation." in Jerry Lubenow (ed.) A User's Guide to Campaign Finance Reform. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2001. p. 109-127 “Stealth Politics: Religious and Moral Issues in the 2000 Election.” (With Molly Andolina). In Mary Segers (ed.) Piety, Politics, and Pluralism: Religion, the Courts, and the 2000 Elelection. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2001. 10 "Campaign Finance after the 2000 Elections: A New Regime?" in Mark J. Rozell and John C. White (eds.) Contemporary Readings in American Government. Prentice-Hall, 2002. "Neuman Vs. Feingold: Wisconsin Experiment." in Ronald A. Faucheux and Paul S. Herrnson (ed.) Campaign Battle Lines The Practical Consequences of Crossing the Line Between What's Right and What's Not in Political Campaigning." Washington, DC: Campaigns & Elections.2002. "Popular Support for Electing Women in Eastern Europe: Some Indirect Evidence." (with Beth Stark and Sue Thomas). In Richard Matland and Kathleen Montgomery (eds.) Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. "Campaign Contributions and Democracy." With Peter Francia, John C. Green, Paul S. Herrnson, Wesley Joe, Lynda Powell, and Benjamin Webster). in Stephen J. Wayne (ed). Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Election? Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 2003. "With the Limits Raised, Who Will Give More? The Impact of BCRA on Individual Donors." (With Alexandra Cooper, Peter Francia, John Green, Paul Herrnson, Lynda Powell, Jason Reiffler, Mark Rozell, and Benjamin Webster.) In Michael J. Malbin (ed.) Life After Reform: When the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Meets Politics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. "BCRA's Impact on Interest Groups and Advocacy Organizations." (With Robert Boatright, Michael Malbin, Mark Rozell, and Richard Skinner.) In Michael J. Malbin (ed.) Life After Reform: When the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Meets Politics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. “Evangelicals and Abortion.” In Michael Cromartie (ed.) A Public Faith; Evangelicals and Civic Engagement. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 2003. "Campaigning for Cash Amid Chaos? George W. Bush, Campaign Finance Reform, and Presidential Fundraising in 2004. (With Keiko Ono). In James P. Pfiffner and Roger Davidson, (eds.) Understanding the Presidency (3rd edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2004. "Campaigning for Cash." in Paul Herrnson (ed.) Guide to Political Campaigns in America. Washington, DC: CQ Press. 2005. 244-255. 11 "Evangelicalism and the New Christian Right in American Politics." (with Carin Larson). In Manfred Brocker (ed.) God Bless America: Politik und Religion in den USA. Berlin: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 89-108. 2005. In German. "Parties as Carries of Ideas." (with Francesca Vassallo). in Richard Katz and William Crotty (eds.) Handbook of Party Politics.. Sage. 2005. "Religious Lobbying in Virginia: How Institutions Can Quiet Prophetic Voices." (with Carin Larson and David Madland). In Edward Cleary and Allen Hertzke (ed.) Representing God at the Statehouse: Religion and Politics in the American States. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2005. 55-72. “The Christian Right in Virginia”, (with Mark J. Rozell). In Glenn Feldman, ed., Politics in the White South. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2005. "The Christian Right and the Presidential Election of 2004." (with Manfred Brocker). In Torsten Oppelland (ed.), Die USA im Wahljahr 2004. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Atlantische Texte, 2005. In German. 163-184. "Interest Groups and Advocacy Organizations After BCRA." (with Robert G. Boatright, Michael J. Malbin, and Mark J. Rozell). in Michael Malbin (ed.) The Election after Reform: Money, Politics, and the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. "State Residency, State Laws, and Public Opinion" (with Barbara Norrander). In Jeffrey Cohen (ed.) Public Opinion in State Politics. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2006. "Campaign for Cash Under New Rules: Presidential Fundraising in 2004." (with Louis Dezsaran.) In James P. Pfiffner and Roger Davidson, (eds.) Understanding the Presidency (4th edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2006. “Radical Dreams and Political Realities: Religion and Social Movements in the United States” in Christiane Timmerman, Nonneman Walter, Hustebaut Dirk, Van Herck Walter and Mels Sara (eds) Faith-Based Radicalism – Christianity, Islam and Judaism between Constructive Activism and Destructive Fanaticism. P.I.E.Peter Lang: Brussels, 2006. 12 “The Faith of George W. Bush: The Personal, Practical, and Political.” (with Carin Robinson). In Mark J. Rozell and Gleaves Whitney (ed.) Religion and American Presidents. New York: Palmave/McMillan. 2007. p 215-238. "Prayers, parties and preachers: The evolving nature of political and religious mobilization." (with Carin Robinson). In Matthew Wilson (ed.) From Pews to Polling Places: Faith and Politics in the American Religious Mosaic Georgetown University Press. 2007. “Bridging the Cultural Divide: Accommodating Religious Diversity (with Jocelyn Weiner). In Valerie Martinez–Ebers and Manochehr Dorraj (eds.) The Changing Face of America: The Politics of Migration, Identity, Race, Ethnicity and Inequality. New York: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming, 2008. “Religion and Political Parties.” (with Payam Mohseni). In Jeffrey Haynes (ed). Handbook of Religion & Politics. London: Routledge. Forthcoming, 2008. “The Future of Campaign Finance Reform.” (with Peter Francia and Wesley Joe). In Richard J. Semiatin (ed.) The Future of Political Campaigns. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2008. “Religion and Social Movements.” (with Gregory Fortelny). Forthcoming, in Corwin E, Smidt, James L. Guth, and Lyman A. Kellstedt (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on Religion and American Politics. New York: Oxford University Press. Journal Articles – Political Science Journals "Fundamentalists and Politics: An Analysis of the Impact of Differing Operational Definitions." Journal of Politics 48: 1041-1051. 1986. "Religious Orientations and Political Attitudes: Variations within the New Christian Right." American Politics Quarterly 15: 274-296. 1987. "Policy Partisanship in Legislative Leadership Recruitment and Behavior." (with Aage Clausen) Legislative Studies Quarterly. 12: 243-264. 1987. "Religious Attitudes and Anti-Feminism: An Analysis of the Ohio Moral Majority." Women & Politics. 7: 59-78. 1987. 13 "The Timing of Strategic Decisions: Candidacy Decisions in 1982 and 1984." Legislative Studies Quarterly. 12: 565-572. 1987. "I Owe it All to Me: Candidates' Investments in their own Campaigns" American Politics Quarterly. 16: 266-279. 1988. "PACs and Pluralism: Interest Group Formation and Partisanship." Polity. 21: 155166. 1988. "Political Action Committees and Abortion: A Longitudinal Analysis." Women & Politics. 9: 1-20. 1988. "The Christian Right in the Twentieth Century: Continuity and Change." Review of Politics. 50: 659-681. 1988. REPRINTED in Louisa S. Hulett (ed.) Christianity and Modern Politics. New York: de Gruyter. 1993. "Some Like it Hot: Individual Differences in Responses to Group Feeling Thermometers." (with Lee Sigelman and Elizabeth Adell Cook) Public Opinion Quarterly. 53: 246-257. 1989. "Feminism and Anti-Feminism Among White Evangelical Women." Western Political Quarterly. 42: 147-160. 1989. "Evangelical Women and Feminism: Some Further Evidence." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook) Women & Politics.9: 27-50. 1989. "Organizational Variables and the Contribution Behavior of Large PACs: A Longitudinal Analysis." Political Behavior. 11: 157-173. 1989. "Share the Wealth: Contributions by Congressional Incumbents to the Campaigns of Other Candidates." American Politics Quarterly. 17: 386-408. 1989. "Evangelicals and Political Tolerance." (with Ted G. Jelen) American Politics Quarterly 18: 25-46. 1990. "Race Differences in Abortion Attitudes: Some Additional Evidence." Public Opinion Quarterly. 54: 248-255. 1990. 14 "Religious Orientations and Political Attitudes among Blacks in Washington, D.C." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook) Polity. 1990. 22: 527-543. "Race, Gender Role Attitudes and Support for Feminism." Western Political Quarterly. 43: 113-123. 1990. "Research Update: The Timing of Candidacy Decisions in the House, 1982-1988." (with Robert Biersack). Legislative Studies Quarterly 15: 115-126. 1990. "Financing National Campaigns: A Research Agenda." (with Robert Biersack) American Politics Quarterly. 18: 215-241. 1990. "Black Women and Feminism." Women & Politics. 10: 65-84. 1990. "Gender Differences in Foreign Policy Attitudes: A Longitudinal Analysis." (with David Fite and Marc Genest). American Politics Quarterly. 18: 492-512. 1990. "The Causes and Consequences of Feminist Consciousness in West Europe." Comparative Political Studies. 23: 519-545. 1991. REPRINTED in Joni Lovenduski (ed.) The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government: Feminism and Politics (volume 1). Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishers. pp 433-460. 2000. "Member PACs as Strategic Actors." (with Marc Genest). Polity. 23: 85-91. 1991. "The Dimensionality of Roll Call Voting Reconsidered." (with Aage Clausen). Legislative Studies Quarterly. 16: 393-406. 1991. "Support for Gender Equality in West Europe: A Longitudinal Analysis." European Journal for Political Research. 20: 127-147. 1991. "Evangelicalism, Social Identity, and Gender Role Attitudes." American Politics Quarterly. 19: 353-363. 1991. "Feminism and the Gender Gap: A Second Look." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook). Journal of Politics. 53: 1111-1122. 1991. 15 REPRINTED in Karen O'Connor, Sarah E. Brewer, and Michael Philip Fisher (eds.) Gendering American Politics: Perspectives from the Literature.New York: Pearson/Longman. "Economic and Foreign Policy as Sources of Reagan Support." (with Dee Allsop). Western Political Quarterly. 44: 941-958. 1991. "A Rose by Any Other Name: Measuring Support for Organized Feminism." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook). Women & Politics. 12: 35-52. 1992. "Religion and Feminist Attitudes Among African-American Women: A View from the Nation's Capitol." (with Sue Thomas). Women & Politics. 12: 19-40. 1992. "Profiling House Members: The Policy Dimensions Approach." (with Aage Clausen). Congress & the Presidency. 19: 65-74. 1992. "Anti-Feminism in Western Europe, 1975-1987." (with April Morgan). West European Politics. 15: 151-169. 1992. "Pitfalls of News Reports of Public Opinion Polls: Myth and Reality of American and Japanese Attitudes toward Each Other." (In Japanese, with Aiji Tanaka). Shinbun Kenkyu 487: 1992. "Public Attitudes Toward Church-State Issues: Elite-Mass Differences." (with Mary Bendyna, Shaun Geehan, Joseph Ferrara, John O'Donnell, and Rodney Taylor). Journal of Church and State. 34: 259-278. 1992. "The Abortion Issue Down Ticket: The Virginia Lieutenant Governor's Race of 1989." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Frederick Hartwig). Women & Politics. 12: 5-18. 1993. "Generations and Abortion." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen). American Politics Quarterly. 1993. REPRINTED in Malcolm Goggin (ed.) Abortion: The Shifting Political Landscape. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 1993. "Catholicism and Opposition to Gender Equality in Western Europe: A Contextual Analysis." (with Ted Jelen). International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 5: 40-57. 1993. 16 "Group Differences in Early Support for the Gulf War: A Longitudinal Analysis." (with Dee Allsop and Joseph Ferrara). American Politics Quarterly. 21: 343-359. 1993. "Sex and the Political Contributor: The Gender Gap among Contributors to Presidential Candidates in 1988." (with Clifford Brown and Lynda Powell). Political Research Quarterly. 46: 355-376. 1993. "World Opinion and the Gulf Crisis: An Empirical Investigation." (with Aiji Tanaka and Dee Allsop). Journal for Conflict Resolution. 37: 69-93. 1993. "State Political Cultures and Attitudes toward Abortion." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen). Political Research Quarterly. 1993. "Rallying Around the Flag and Partisan Change: The Case of the Perisan Gulf War." (with Barbara Norrander). Political Research Quarterly. 46: 759-770. 1993. "Republican Voting among Democratic Party Contributors: A Test of Rival Hypotheses." (with Clifford Brown, Jr. and Lynda Powell). Polity. 26: 127-140. 1993. "Seeds for Success: Early Money in Congressional Elections." (with Robert Biersack and Paul Herrnson). Legislative Studies Quarterly. 18: 535-552. 1993. "As Time Goes By: Daily Opinion Change During The Persian Gulf Crisis." (with Lee Sigelman, James Lebovic and Dee Allsop). Political Communication 10: 353-368. 1994. "The Gender Gap in Comparative Perspective." (with Ted G. Jelen and Sue Thomas). European Journal of Political Research. 25: 171-186. 1994. "Issue Voting in Gubernatorial Elections: Abortion and Post-Webster Politics." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen). Journal of Politics. 56: 187-199. 1994. "Issue Voting in U.S. Senate Elections: The Abortion Issue in 1990." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen). Congress & the Presidency. 21: 99-112. 1994. 17 "The Gender Gap in Attitudes Toward the Gulf War? A Cross National Perspective." (with Lara Hewitt and Dee Allsop). Journal of Peace Research 33: 67-82. 1996. "Entering the Mainstream: The New Christian Right in Virginia Politics." (with Mark J. Rozell). Spectrum: The Journal of State Government. 69: 26-32. 1996 "Second Coming? The New Tactics of the New Christian Right" (with Mark J. Rozell). Political Science Quarterly. 111: 271-294. 1996. "Racial and Gender Consciousness among African-American Women: Sources and Consequences." 17: 73-94. Women & Politics. 1997. "A Tale of Two Senators" (with Ted G. Jelen). American Review of Politics. 17: 299-310. 1997. "A GOP Gender Gap? Motivations, Policy, and Candidate Preference." (with Mark J. Rozell). Women & Politics. 19: 91-106. 1998. "Public Opinion and Policymaking in the States: The Case of Post-Roe Abortion Policy." (with Barbara Norrander). Policy Studies Journal. 1999. REPRINTED in Christopher Z. Mooney (ed.) The Public Clash of Private Values:The Politics of Morality Policy, New York: Chatham House, 2000. "Public Support for Gender Equality in Athletic Programs" (with Lee Sigelman). Women & Politics 22: 85-96. 2001. "Pills in the Public's Mind: RU486 and the Framing of the Abortion Issue." (with Julia Riches). Women & Politics.24: 2003 "Presidential Persuasion on an "Easy" Issue: A Two-Way Street?" (with Michael Bailey and Lee Sigelman). Political Research Quarterly. 56: 49-58. 2003. "Causes and Consequences of Public Attitudes Toward Abortion: A Review and Research Agenda." (with Ted G. Jelen). Political Research Quarterly. 2003. 56: 489-50 "Sidney Verba's Voice." (with Keiko Ono). Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 2003. In Italian. 18 REPRINTED in D. Campus and G.Pasquino (eds.) Maestri della Scienza Politica. Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, 2004. In Italian. "Gender Politics in the United States: A Paradox." (with Shauna Shanes). In Gender Law and Policy Annual Review, 2005: 111-132. "Designing Campaign Finance Disclosure in the States: Tracing the Tributaries of Campaign Finance." Election Law Journal. 2005. 4: 371-386 "Trends: Same-Sex Marriage and Civil Unions." (with Paul Brewer). Public Opinion Quarterly 69: 599-616. 2005. "Attitudes toward Abortion in Poland and the US" (with Ted G. Jelen). Politics & Gender. 1: (2): 297-317. 2005. “Getting Religion: Has Political Science Rediscovered the Faith Factor?” (with Kenneth Wald). American Political Science Review 100 (4, December): 523-529. 2006. “Internet Fundraising in 2008: A New Model?” The Forum April, 2008. “Do Abortion Attitudes Lead to Party Switching?” (with Mitchell Killian). Forthcoming, Political Research Quarterly. 2008. “Religious Preferences and Social Science: A Second Look.” (with Ted G. Jelen and Kenneth D. Wald). Forthcoming, Journal of Politics. 2008. “The Gender Gap in Ideology.” (with Barbara Norrander). Forthcoming, Political Behavior 2009. Journal Articles – General Social Science "Popular Support for the Moral Majority in 1980: A Second Look." Social Science Quarterly 68: 157-167. 1987. "An Unchanged Minority: Popular Support for the Moral Majority in 1980 and 1984." (with Lee Sigelman and Emmett Buell) Social Science Quarterly. 68: 876884. 1987. 19 "Popular Support for the New Christian Right: A Test of Alternative Hypotheses." Social Science Journal. 26: 55-65. 1989. "Taking Stock of Schema Theory." (with Leonard Williams) Social Science Journal. 27: 373-395. 1990. "Race, Sex, and Support for Women in the Military." Social Science Quarterly. 73: 310-323. 1992. "The Effects of Religious Self-Identifications on Support for the New Christian Right: An Analysis of Political Activists." (with Ted G. Jelen). Social Science Journal. 1992. "Symbolic and Instrumental Values as Predictors of AIDS Policy Attitudes." (with Ted G. Jelen). Social Science Quarterly. 73: 737-749. 1992. "Measuring Abortion Attitudes: Methodological and Substantive Insights from the 1989 CBS/New York Times Abortion Surveys." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen). Family Planning Perspectives. 25: 118-121, 145. 1993. "Gender Differences in Public Attitudes Toward the Gulf War: A Test of Competing Hypotheses." (with Mary Bendyna, Tamara Finucane, Lynn Kirby and John O'Donnell). Social Science Journal. 1996. "Religious Coalitions in the New Christian Right" (with Mark Rozell and Roland Gunn). Social Science Quarterly. 1996. 77: 543-559. "Attitudes Toward Abortion in Poland and the United States." (with Ted Jelen). Social Science Quarterly.1997. 78: 907-921. "Religious Constituencies and Support for the Christian Right in the 1990s" (with Mark Rozell and John Green). Social Science Quarterly. 79: 815-827. 1998. "The Second Coming of the New Christian Right: Patterns of Popular Support in 1984 and 1996." (with Matthew DeBell and Lee Sigelman). Social Science Quarterly 80: 181-192. 1999. "Political Mobilization in the Pews: Religious Contacting and Electoral Turnout." (with Lee Sigelman). Social Science Quarterly. 2001. 20 "Limousine Liberals and Corporate Conservatives: The Financial Constituencies of the Democratic and Republican Parties." (with Peter L. Francia, John C. Green, Paul S. Herrnson, and Lynda W. Powell.) Social Science Quarterly, 86: 761-778. 2005. Journal Articles – Psychology Journals "Risk Taking and Presidential Voting: Gambling on McGovern and Carter." Journal of Social Psychology. 129: 161-168. 1989. "The Effects of Employment and Religion on Women's Feminist Attitudes." (with Ted G. Jelen). International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 1: 161-172. 1991. Journal Articles – History Journals "Popular Backing for the Old Christian Right: Explaining Support for the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade." Journal of Social History. 21: 117-132. 1987. "Sources of Support for the Old Right: A Comparison of the John Birch Society and the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade." Social Science History. 12: 429-449. 1988. Journal Articles – Sociology of Religion Journals "Evangelicals and Fundamentalists in the New Christian Right: Religious Differences in the Ohio Moral Majority." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 25: 355-363. 1986. "America's Radical Right Revisited: A Comparison of the Activists in the Christian Right in Two Decades." Sociological Analysis. 48: 46-58. 1987. "Political Action Committees of the New Christian Right: A Longitudinal Analysis." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 27: 60-71. 1988. "Seeing the Connection: Religion and Politics in the Ohio Moral Majority." Review of Religious Research. 30: 47-58. 1988. "The Fundamentalist Voter: Politicized Religious Identity and Political Attitudes and Behavior." Review of Religious Research. 31: 54-67. 1989. 21 "Support for the Christian Right, Old and New: A Comparison of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade and the Moral Majority." Sociological Focus. 22: 87-97. 1989. "Denominational Preference and the Dimensions of Political Tolerance." (with Ted G. Jelen.) Sociological Analysis. 51: 69-82. 1990. "Evangelicals and the Moral Majority." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 28: 400-414. 1990. "Religion, Group Identification and Politics Among American Blacks." (with Leopoldo Gomez) Sociological Analysis. 51: 271-287. 1990. "The Christian Right and the Pro-Life Movement: An Analysis of Political Support." (with Leopoldo Gomez) Review of Religious Research. 31: 380-389. 1990. "Blacks and the New Christian Right: Support for the Moral Majority and Pat Robertson among Washington, D.C. Blacks." Review of Religious Research. 32: 4356. 1990. "Religion and Politics among White Evangelicals: The Impact of Religious Variables on Political Attitudes." Review of Religious Research. 32: 27-43. 1990. "Religious Sources of Politicization among Washington, D.C. Blacks." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 29: 387-395. 1990. "Biblical Literalism and Inerrancy: A Reconsideration." (With Corwin Smidt and Ted G. Jelen). Sociological Analysis. 51: 307-315. 1990. "Religious Dogmatism among White Christians: Causes and Consequences." (with Ted G. Jelen). Review of Religious Research. 33: 32-46. 1991. "Reluctant Warriors: Premillenialism and Politics in the Moral Majority." (With Sharon Linzey and Ted G. Jelen.) Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 30: 245-258. 1991. "Race, Religion, Region, and Abortion Attitudes." Sociological Analysis. 53: 97105. 1992. 22 "Religion and the Preacher Vote in the South." Sociological Analysis. 53: 323-331. 1992. "Catholicism and Abortion Attitudes in the American States: A Contextual Analysis." (with Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen).Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 32: 223-230. 1993. "The Dimensionality of Public Attitudes toward Church-State Establishment." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 32: 169-176. 1993. "Catholicism and Abortion Attitudes in Europe: A Contextual Analysis." (with Ted G. Jelen and John O'Donnell). Sociology of Religion. 54: 375-384. 1993. "Pre-Millenialists at the Millennium: Some Thoughts on the Christian Right in the 21st Century." Sociology of Religion. 1994. REPRINTED in William H. Swatos (ed.) The Rapture of Politics: The Future of the Christian Right. New Brunswik: Transaction Press. "Rethinking the Reasonableness of the Religious Right." (with Ted G. Jelen and Sharon Linzey). Review of Religious Research. 36: 263-276. 1995. "Conscientious Objectors in the Culture War? A Typology of Attitudes Toward Church-State Relations." (with Ted G. Jelen). Sociology of Religion. 58: 277-289. 1997. ADAPTED and REPRINTED in Insights on Law & Society 1: 2. 2001. "Context and Conscience: The Catholic Church as an Agent of Political Socialization in Western Europe." (with Ted G. Jelen) Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 37: 28-40. 1998. "Catholics and the Christian Right: A View from Four States." (with Mary Bendyna, John C. Green, Mark J. Rozell). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 39: 3. 2000. 321-332. "Uneasy Alliance: Conservative Catholics and the Christian Right" (with Mary Bendyna, John C. Green, and Mark J. Rozell). Sociology of Religion. 62: 51-64. 2001. 23 "Social Movements and Party Politics: The Case of the Christian Right", (with John C. Green and Mark J. Rozell). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40: 413-426. "Public Opinion on Church-State Issues in a Changing Environment." (with Rachel Goldberg). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 2001. EXPANDED and REPRINTED as “Public Attitudes on Church and State: Does Religious Diversity Foster Tolerance or Conflict?” (With Rachel Goldberg and Ted G. Jelen). In Mary Segers (ed.) Religion and Liberal Democracy: Piety, Politics, and Pluralism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2001. Journal Articles – Literature Journals "The Greening of Isaac Asimov: Cultural Change and the Political Future." Extrapolation. 31: 54-62. 1990. "Governing Galactic Civilizations: Hobbes and Locke in Outer Space." Extrapolation. 32: 111-124. 1991. "To Boldly Return Where Others Have Gone Before: Cultural Change in the Old and New Star Trek Series." Extrapolation. 33: 88-100. 1992. "The Not-So-Failed Feminism of Jean Auel." Journal of Popular Culture. 29: 6370. 1994. REPRINTED IN Contemporary Literary Criticism. 107. "Prehistoric Gender Politics" Extrapolation, 40: 325-334. 2000. Other Publications "Using Federal Election Commission Resources in Campaign Finance Research." PS 20: 75-78. 1987. "Using Federal Election Commission Resources in Teaching about Campaign Finance." News for Teachers of Political Science. Spring, 1987: 14-15. 24 "Why the Constitution Has Survived." The Fairmont Times-West Virginian, July 4, 1987. "Dollars and Nonsense: The Truth about 'Big Money' Politics." (with Michael J. Robinson and Paul Marshall) Public Opinion. March/April, 1989: 49-54. REPRINTED IN: in Robert DiClerico, ed., Political Parties, Campaigns, and Elections (Saddle River, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 2000), pp. 47-54. "An Astrological Realignment?" Journal of Irreproducible Results. 35: 12-13. 1990. "US-Japan Trade Friction and American Presidential Elections: Another Perception Gap." (In Japanese, with Aiji Tanaka). Nihon Keizai Shinbun. Feb. 17, 1992. "The Christian Right in the 1990s: Problems and Prospects." (with Ted G. Jelen.) The Public Perspective. 1993. "Explaining the 'Year of the Woman'." Party Line. 1993. From the Launching Pad Editor's column, Extrapolation. 1994. "Feminists for Life." in Sarah Slavin (ed.) Women's Interest Groups. Greenwood Press. 1996 "The Christian Right and the Virginia Republican Party: Marriage Made in Heaven or Holy War?" (with Mark Rozell). PS. 1995. "Estados Unidos: TLC, Inmigracion y Seguridad." Este Pais: 64: 27-30. 1996. In Spanish "The Heechee Series" and "Tales of Known Space" in Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press. 1996. "Serious Money: Fundraising and Contributing in Presidential Nomination Campaigns (with Clifford Brown, Jr. and Lynda Powell). Occasional Paper 6, Citizen's Research Foundation, University of Southern California. February, 1997. 25 "Dead Law: The Federal Election Finance Regulations, 1974-1996. (with Wesley Joe). PS 31: 10-13. 1998. REPRINTED IN Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis (eds.) American Politics, Classic and Contemporary Readings. (4th edition) New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1999. REPRINTED IN EXPANDED FORM in The U.S. House of Representatives: Reform or Rebuild? (Wilma Rule and Joseph Zimmerman, editors). New York: Praeger. 2000. "Contribution Strategies of Large Congressional Donors: 1978-1994." (with Robert Biersack, Paul S. Herrnson, and Wesley Joe). Citizens Research Foundation, University of Southern California. February, 1998. "Operation Rescue." (with Rachel Goldberg). in Judith Baer (ed.) Historical and Multicultural Encyclopedia of Women's Reproductive Rights in the United States. New York: Greenwood. 2001. "The Clinton Scandal in Retrospect. (with Mark Rozell)" PS 32: 539-540. 1999. "Forgiving and Forgetting: Public Support for Bill Clinton during the Lewinsky Scandal." (with Molly Sonner). PS, 32: 558-562. 1999. REPRINTED IN Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis (eds.) American Politics, Classic and Contemporary Readings. (5th edition) New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 2001. "Full Pews, Musical Pulpits: The Christian Right at the Turn of the Millenium." (with Rachel Goldberg and Ted G. Jelen). The Public Perspective, 2000. “Dissent from the Donors? Congressional Contributors and Campaign Finance Reform.” (with Peter Francia, John C. Green, Paul S. Herrnson, and Lynda W. Powell.) The Public Perspective May/June 2000. "Pollsters, Political Scientists, and Affect: Comparing the Treatment of Emotional Response." (with John Bruce). Votes and Opinions, 2000. "Raising the Limits: The Impact of Increased Individual Contribution Limits on Congressional Campaign Finance." (with Peter Francia, John C. Green, Paul S. 26 Herrnson, Lynda W. Powell, and Benjamin Webster). The Public Perspective May/June 2002. "Whose Conscience? Which Clause? Mandated Contraceptive Coverage and Religious Autonomy." (with Jeremy Mayer). Report for the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. 2001. "American Exceptionalism? Campaign Finance in the United States." with Herbert Alexander. Report to the Organization of American States. "Campaign Finance Enforcement in the United States and Canada." Report to the Organization of American States. "Gay Rights." (with Molly Andolina) in Samuel J. Best and Benjamin Radcliff (eds.) Polling America: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 259-263. “The Christian Right in American Politics: Conquering Force or Exploited Faction?” in Understanding the “God Gap”: Religion, Politics, and Policy in the United States and Germany. AIGCS German-American Issues, Washington, DC: AICGS. “The American Electoral System: An Unfinished Experiment?” Democracy, 21: 37-44. In Arabic “Financing the 2008 Presidential Elections.” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Washington Bureau. In German. Report made available on foundation web page, Op-ed articles in The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Richmond Times Dispatch and several other papers. Book and Software Reviews "Using the Congressional Insight Simulation in Teaching About Congress." The Political Science Teacher. 1: 21-22. 1988. "Courseware Review: 'And If Reelected.'" Computers and the Humanities. 1990. Review of Demographic Change and the American Future. In Governance. 1991. 27 "Courseware Review: Simulating Electoral Campaigns." Computers and the Humanities. 1991. Review of The Concept of Utopia. Extrapolation. 1992. Review of The Political Mobilization of Religious Beliefs. Journal of Politics. 1992. Review of The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction. Extrapolation. 1992. Review of World Order and Religion. Review of Religious Research. 1992. Review of Fantasy and Politics: Visions of the Future in the Weimar Republic. Extrapolation. 1992. Review of The Catholic Church and the Politics of Abortion. In Review of Religious Research. 1993. Review of Legislative Campaign Committees in the American States. In American Political Science Review. 1993. Review of Echoes of Discontent: Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson, and the Resurgence of Populism. Journal of Politics. 1994. Review of First Nations: Race, Class, and Gender Relations. In Immigrants and Minorities. 1994. Review of The Impact of Churches on Political Behavior: An Empirical Study. Review of Religious Research. 1994. Review of Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch (Computer interactive novel). Extrapolation. 1994. Review of No Longer Exiles: The Religious New Right in American Politics. Journal of Church and State. 1994. Review of Flights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Extrapolation. 1994. Review of Androids, Humanoids, and Other Science Fiction Monsters: Science and Soul in Science Fiction Films. Extrapolation. 1994. 28 Review of Fundamentalisms and the State. Review of Religious Research. 1995. Review of Religion and the Racist Right. American Political Science Review. 1995. Review of The Anti-abortion Movement and the Rise of the Religious Right, in Social Forces. 1996. Review of The Bully Pulpit in Political Science Quarterly, 1999. Review essay: Change and Continuity in the 1996 and 1998 Elections; The Election of 1996; Toward the Millennium: The Elections of 1996, and Reelection 1996, and How Americans Voted in Public Opinion Quarterly, 1999. Review essay: "Religion and American Politics: Diverse Religion, Diverse Scholarship" Reviews of The Diminishing Divide: Religion's Changing Role in American Politics; Close Encounters with the Religious Right" Journeys into the Twilight Zone of Religion and Politics; and Stations of the Cross: Adorno and Christian Right Radio. in Journal of Politics 2001. Review of The Prophetic Pulpit, in Political Perspectives, 2004. Review of Trumping Religion in the Court, in Gulf South Historical Review, 2004. Review of Politics and Religion, in Review of Politics, 2004. Review of American Backlash: The Untold Story of Social Changes in the United States. International Journal for Public Opinion Research. 2007. Review of The Last Freedom: Religion from the Public Schools to the Public Square. Political Science Quarterly 2008. Conference Participation – Invited Papers • • • International Political Science Association Roundtable on International Political Finance and Corruption, Tokyo, Japan. 1989 Conference on The Political Consequences of the Decline of Communism, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 1990 Conference on Campaign Finance and Democracy, Marquette University, Milwaukee. 1989 29 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NES Board Conference on the Consequences on the Gulf War, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC. 1992 Seminar on Comparative Campaign Finance, Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City 1993. American Politics Workshop, University of Chicago. 1993. Conference on Politics of Abortion, Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle, IL 1993. Conference on PACs in the 1992 Election, University of Maryland, 1993. Conference on "Year of the Woman," Claremont Graduate School, 1993. Special Symposium on the Christian Right, American Sociological Association. Washington, DC: 1995. Japanese Political Science Association, Sapporo, Japan 1996. Conference on The Christian Right in Comparative Perspective. Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI: 1996. Conference on Electing Women to Public Office In Eastern Europe. University of Bergen, Norway, 1999. Conference on Presidential Primaries, Dartmouth College, 1999. Conference on Civil Society and Good Governance in the U.S., Center for the Study of Voluntary Organizations and Services, Georgetown University, 1999. Conference on Religion in the 2000 Elections, Rice University, Houston, TX, 2000. Conference on Evangelicals and Politics, Cape Elizabeth, Maine (Ethics and Public Policy Center), 2001. Democracy Forum: Political Party and Election Campaign Finance in East Asia, Seoul, South Korea, 2001. Conference on Religion in American Elections, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 2002. (Keynote Speaker) 2002. Colloquium: Maestri della Scienza Politica (Masters of Political Science), Bologna, Italy, 2003. OAS Conference on Campaign Finance in the Americas, Costa Rica, 2003. Conference on Comparative Gender Politics, Sendei, Japan, 2004. Conference on Civil Society and Politics, Mexico City, 2004. Conference on Religion and the Presidency, Ford Center, Grand Rapids, MI 2004. Seminar on Youth and Social Movements, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2005. Conference on “Religion, Policy and Politics in the United States and Germany: Understanding the ‘God Gap’” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Washington, DC. 2005. 30 • • • Seminar on Religion and Radicalism, Antwerp, Belgium. 2005. Conference on Gender and Religion, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006. Conference on Evangelicals and Politics, New York, 2007 Invited Lectures (Selected) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Uganda Human Rights Commission, Workshop on Constitutionalism and Security Organs. Kampala, Uganda, 2000. (Keynote Speaker) Kalamazoo College Convocation Speaker, 2000 Graduation Speaker, Political Science Department, West Virginia University, 2000 Conference on Electoral Politics, Budapest, Hungary. 2002. Indiana Academy of Social Sciences, Richmond, Indiana (Keynote Speaker) 2002. Seminar on Cultural Conflict in the U.S., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 2005. Witherspoon Fellowship Colloquium, 2005 COSSA Special Session on Religion and Public Policy, 2005 Seminar on Religion and Politics in the Public Sphere in the United States and Germany, Heinrich Boll Institute, Berlin, Germany. 2005. Fisher Center Lecture on Religion and Gender, Hobart and William Smith College, 2006 Series of Lectures on Sexual Diversity and Religion in the US, University of Toronto, 2007. William E. Phipps Religion & Philosophy Interdisciplinary Lecture, Davis and Elkins College, 2007. Series of lectures on Campaign Finance, University of Nanterre, France, 2008. Lecture to China’s Central Party School, 2008 Conference Participation – Papers Presented • • • • • • • American Political Science Association 1983-84, 1986-2007 Midwest Political Science Association 1983-84, 1986-94, 1995, 1997-2000, 2002-07 Northeastern Political Science Association 1987, 1989-1990, 1992 Southern Political Science Association 1988, 1990-92, 1995-96, 2001, 2004-05 Western Political Science Association 1988, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2001-2005 Citadel Symposium on Southern Politics 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 1982, 1986-92, 1997, 2005 31 • • • • • • • • • • • • Association for the Sociology of Religion 1990-93, 1995 American Sociological Association, 1993, 1995 Social Science History Association, 1989, 1993 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research 1982 International Congress on Sociology 1990 Madrid, Spain, Krakow, Poland 2001 International Conference of Europeanists, Council of European Studies, 1994. Association of Asian Studies, 1996. International Congress of Americanists, 2000. Warsaw, Poland World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. 2001, Krakow, Poland; 2005, Stockholm, Sweden. Association for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature in the United States Padua, Italy. 2002. Association for the Study of Non-profit Organizations and Voluntary Action Montreal, Canada, 2002. European Consortium for Political Research, Marburg, Germany 2003. Teaching Experience Undergraduate Introduction to American Politics (one and two-semester versions), Public Opinion and Political Behavior, Politics of Interest Groups (lecture and seminar versions), Congressional Politics, Religion and Politics, Seminar: Politics of the Christian Right, Scope and Methods of Political Science, Introduction to Public Policy, State Legislative Internship, Public Affairs Internship, Senior Theses, Washington Semester Program Graduate Political Participation and Voting Behavior, Political Socialization and Public Opinion, Research in American Politics, Advanced Statistical Methods in Political Science, Selected Readings in American Politics, Field Seminar in American Politics 32 External Funding Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Research Award -- 1988 National Science Foundation Grant (with Paul Herrnson) 1992-1993 SES-9209342 Consortium of Universities in the Washington Metropolitan Area Cooperative Grant for Faculty (with Paul Herrnson and Candice Nelson) 1992-1993 Matsushita International Foundation Research Grant (with Aiji Tanaka) 1994 Consortium of Universities in the Washington Metropolitan Area Cooperative Grant for Faculty (with Paul Herrnson and Ronald Shaiko) 1995; 1996 Citizen's Research Foundation Research Award -- 1996 Joyce Foundation Award (with John Green, Paul Herrnson, John McAdams, and Lynda Powell). 1997; 1998 Dirkson Congressional Center Research Grant, 1997. Mershon Center Grant (with Herbert Weisberg) 2001. Professional Service American Political Science Association • • • • • • • • • Executive Committee, Religion and Politics organized section, 1993-95 Chair, Religion and Politics organized section, 1994-95 Representative, Consortium of Social Science Associations Board of Directors, 1998-2000. Committee on Professional Ethics, 2002-2005. Victoria Schuck Award Committee, 1998 (for Best book in Women & Politics) Program Chair for Voting Behavior and Elections, 2004. Best paper committee for Voting Behavior and Elections, 2005 Nominations committee, Voting Behavior and Elections section, 2005. Task force on Religion and Politics, 2006-08 Midwest Political Science Association • • Brooks-Cole Committee 1990 Nominations Committee, 2001 33 Southern Political Science Association • • • Program Chair for Public Opinion, 1997. Nominations Committee 1998. Chair Nominations Committee, 2008 Religious Research Association • Nominations Committee 1994-95. Associate Editor, Social Science Journal 1989-93. Editorial Board, Women & Politics 1990-2003, Editorial Board, Extrapolation 1992-present Editorial Board, Political Research Quarterly 2000-2005. Editorial Board, American Political Science Review 2001-2007. Editorial Board, Social Science Quarterly, 2006-present Manuscript reviewer for American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, American Journal of Political Science, Political Science Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, American Politics Quarterly, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Public Opinion Quarterly, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Women & Politics, Gender and Society, Politics & Gender, Journal of Women, Politics, and Public Policy, Social Science Journal, Polity, Western Political Quarterly/Political Research Quarterly, Party Politics, Family Planning Perspectives, Policy Studies Journal, Southeastern Political Quarterly, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Sociological Focus, Social Forces, Sociological Perspectives, The Sociological Quarterly, Research in the Sociology of Religion, Sociological Analysis/Sociology of Religion, Sociological Inquiry, and Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Book reviewer -- Cambridge University Press (Anthropology and Political Science), The Johns Hopkins University Press, Oxford University Press, University of Chicago Press, Yale University Press, University of Virginia Press, Wayne State University Press, Pennsylvania State University Press, University of Kansas Press, University of North Carolina Press, Columbia University Press, University of Kentucky Press, New York University Press. 34 Book reviewer for Brooks-Cole, St. Martins, Congressional Quarterly MacMillan, Westview, W.C. Brown, Prentice Hall, M.E. Sharpe, Greenwood, Allyn & Bacon, McGraw-Hill, Rowman & Littlefield, Routledge Grant reviewer for the National Science Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts. Editorial board, The Encyclopedia of Religion in American Politics. Editorial Board, The Encyclopedia of Guns in American Life. Editorial board, Transmedia project on editorial opinion, 1998. Advisory Board, Campaign Assessment and Candidate Outreach Project, University of Maryland, 1999-2000. Advisory Council, project on campaign finance disclosure in Latin America, Transparency International and the Carter Center. 2005-present Board of Trustees, The Campaign Finance Institute, 2000-present. Guest, various television and radio programs, domestic and foreign. Speaker, International Visitor Programs, U.S. State Department, 20 years Speaker, various Digital Video Conferences, U.S. State Department Speaker Programs in Mexico, Uganda, Kenya, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and Jordan, U.S. State Department Coordinator, Composure Under Fire, U.S. State Department (training course for Foreign Service Officers and Foreign Service Nationals) Expert Witness, Justice Department. Consultant, Justice Department. Consultant, professional polling for campaigns and interest groups Consultant, The Mini Page. 35
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