Walworth County Sheriff's Office 1770 County Road NN • Post Office Box 1004 • Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121-1004 David Graves Kurt Picknell Sheriff Undersheriff WIS C ON S IN LAw ENFORCEMENT OPERAnONS Effective: 4-05-2010 ADMlNISTRAnON Telephone 741-4410 Fax 741-4645 WRITS OF RESTITUTION/ASSISTANCE COORT SERVICES Telephone 741-7141 CENTRAL RECORDS Telephone 741 -4470 Fa x 741-4492 Walworth County Sheriffs Office Procedures 1. All Writs of Evictions must be accompanied by $1,500.00 Cash or Check, made out to the Walworth County Sheriffs Office, and keys to the property the defendant is being evicted from, if available. 2. The $1,500.00 check will be used for Sheriff, Moving, and Storage Fees. If the cost of Eviction exceeds $1,500.00 the landlord/attorney will be contacted and must immediately pay the balance due to the Sheriffs Office. If the Cost is less than $1,500.00 the balance will be returned to the plaintiff by check. 3. The Original Writ must be brought in along with 3 copies and additional copies for each person to be served. COMMUNICAnONS Telephone 741 -4625 Fax 741-4475 DETECnVTE BUR EAU Telephone 74 I -4400 Fax 741-4492 D RUG UNIT Telephone 741 -4600 Fax 741-4643 PATROL D IVISION Telepho ne 741-4400 Fax 741-4492 PROCESS DIV1SIO N Telephone 741 -4480 Fax 741 -4492 TRAINING DIVISION Telephone 741-4680 Fax 741-4615 EMERGENCY GOVERNMENT Failure to comply with the above procedures will result in the papers being returned or not accepted. If you have any questions, please free to contact any member of the Civil Process Division during normal business hours: Monday - Friday 8AM - 4 PM. Telephone 741-4616 Fax 741-4645 JAlL OPERAnONS Thank you, ADMINlsTRAnoN Telephone 74 1-4510 Fax 741-4644 ClASSlACAn ON Telephone 741-4530 Fax 741 -4671 Captain Gerber Walworth County Sheriffs Office Civil Process Division (262) 741-4480 WORK RELEASE 7111120 II Telephone 741 -4547 Fax 741 -4640 INTAKE Telephone 74 1-4580 Fax 741 -4642 Walworth County Sheriff's Office 1770 County Road NN • Post Office Box 1004 • Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121- 1004 David Graves Kurt Pic knell Sheriff Undersheriff WI SCOl, S I N CIVIL PROCESS FEES LAw ENFORCEMENT O PERAllONS EFFECTIVE: APRIL 5, 2010 ADMlNISTRAllON Telephone 741 -441 0 Fa x 741 -4645 COURT SERVlC ES Pursuant to Walworth County Ordinance, effective AprilS, 2010, the Walworth County Sheriffs Office will implement a new fee schedule for Civil Process. Telephone 741-7141 CEN11lAL RECOR DS Telephone 741 -4470 Fax 741-4492 As of April S, 2010, service of process papers will be charged at $80.00 per person, per paper, pre-pay only. C OMMU NlCAllONS Telephone 741-4625 Fa x 741-4475 Service $80.00 ( per person, per paper, pre-pay only). NO REFUNDS DETECllVE BUREAU Telepho ne 741-4400 Fax 741-4492 DRUG UNlT Telephone 741 -4600 Fax 741-4643 PATROL DMSI ON Tele pho ne 741 -4400 Fax 741-4492 Writ of Restitution & Writ of Assistance $1 ,SOO.OO Deposit and keys Executions and Replevins Pre-payment of $80.00 per person Additional Sheriffs Fees will be billed. Sheriffs Fee Current deputy hourly rate; overtime rates will apply if applicable. Sheriff s Sales Pre-payment of $IS0.00 per Sale Date. ($7S.00 Posting and $7S .00 Sale Fee) NO REFUNDS PROCESS DMSION Telepho ne 741 -4480 Fax 741 -4492 TRAlNlNG DI VlSION Telephone 741 -4680 Fax 741-4615 EMERGENCY GOVlERNMENT Telephone 741 -46 J 6 Fax 74 1-4645 ALL INVOICES ARE NET DUE 30 DAYS JAIL O PERAllONS David Graves ADMiNISTRAllON Telephone 741 -4510 Fax 741 -4644 Sheriff By: ~~ Captain Gerber Process Division (262)741-4480 CLASSIACAllON Telepho ne 741-4 547 Fax 741 -4640 INTAK E Telephone 74 1-4530 Fa x 741 -4671 WORK RELEAS E Telephone 741-4 580 Fax 741 -4642 r J /'~ / DG :DG/km 7111 /20 II
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