TAGORE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL VASANT VIHAR SCHOLASTIC SYLLABUS SESSION 2015-16 CLASS VII MONT H APRIL -MAY ENGLISH MCB-Unit 1 GROWING UP Section I-I Bet you Can’t Section II – Living with Beeji Section III- Exactly Right (Poem-Oral Compre) Unit 2- ON THE MOVE Section I- Those six Days Workbook-Unit 1 Literature ReaderLesson 1- Tigers Forever(poem) HINDI ivataana MATH CHAPTER 1 Integers paz-@yaa maOMnao galat kha ? kivata- vaYaabahar ³iflp kxaa´ paz- ipta ko naama maQauklaSa saunaolaI kI saUJa ek TaokrI Bar ima+I vyaakrNa - BaaYaa, saM&a, sava-naama, Anaok SabdaoM ko ek Sabd, ASauiwyaa^M, Lesson 2-The Magic Bonbons AnaaOpcaairk p~ Grammar- thou ewY; CHAPTER 5 Lines and angles LIFE SKILLS SELP AWARENESS VALUE EDU Respect Chapter 5 Properties of parallel lines with transversal SCIENCE Chapter 1:NUTRITION IN PLANTS Nutrients, examples of the nutrients in the given food item, food chain, autotrophic, heterotrophic, saprotrophic , insectivorous and parasitic mode of nutrition with examples, photosynthesis and the raw materials needed for the process, mineral nutrients required by the plants and their replenishment. Life skills: critical thinking Value: caring for plants Health: Food and nutrition Chapter 2: NUTRITION IN ANIMALS nutrition, ingestion, digestion, absorption,assimilation, diagram of human digestive system, different kinds of teeth in humans and their functions, areas of the tongue which could various tastes, functions of teeth, tongue ,esophagus, small intestine and large intestine, Rumination. SOCIAL SCIENCE GeographyCh1:Earth's Srtucture and Landforms Life skill activity: Decision making wheel. Geog -Ch2:The Atmosphere SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN पाठ-१ वार्ाालाप * कठठन शब्दों के Introduction to the new book. ऄर्ा व पठरचय पाठ-२ लङ् लकार (प्रर्म पुरुष) L- 15 – La maison. * लकार पठरचय Vocabulaire. देना * नवीन धार्ुओं Healthcare activity: में समानर्ा व Being responsible ऄसमानर्ा and safe. पाठ –३ HistoryCh2:Kings and Kingdoms of EarlyMedieval Period Kabir values: Card 43 CivicsCh1:Democracy and Equality Gender sensitivity FRENCH Les verbes en “ER”, “IR”, “ RE” au présent. लङ्लकार मध्यमपुरुष * भूर्काल में द्विर्ीय पुरुष का पठरचय र्र्ा क्रिया के सार् संबंध पाठ –४ लङ्लकार उत्तमपुरुष धार्ुरूप लेखन पठ् ,द्वलख् हस्, Les Prépositions. MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH Phrases and ivana`mata Clauses, SubjectVerb Agreement, Word Order, Idioms, Writing SkillWriting a composition(Compar ing two people’s dreams) Activity- Earth Day, Life Skill- Self Evaluation (Prioritize!) SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Life skill: empathy Value: acceptance of others Health: food and nutrition Chapter 14: ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECT battery and circuit diagram, symbols of various electric components, element, factors on which the amount of heat produced in a wire depends Life skill: empathy, critical thinking Value: doing your best Health: Being responsible and safe activity: ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS(contd.) deflection of compass needle every time the current passes through a wire, electromagnet and its applications, construction and working of an electric bell,electric fuse. Chpater 13: MOTION AND TIME units used to measure time, speed and state its SI unit,linear, circular,periodic motion with examples, History-Ch3:The Delhi Sultanate Right to equality Section II- Around the World in 80 days(FA) ivataana paz laD,ko sao laD,kI BalaI, fUla AaOr ka^MTa maQaUklaSa Aaja,adI imalanaa @yaa pUNaivarama hao gayaa, gaaora vyaakrNa ilaMga, vacana, kala, Chapter 2 Fractions and Decimals Chapter 3 Data handling HEALTH MANUAL Balanced diet for healthy growth जीवनकौशलचलचित तथा मौचिक कार्यों में कु शलता देव शब्दरूप लेखन MANDARIN names of everyday foods and fruits verbs “eat”and ”drink” Trekking! (H & W) Unit 2- ON THE MOVE (contd) FRENCH चिन्तन Situational Decision (Value) , Give an Opportunity (GS), JULY SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN नम् Life skill activity: Self awareness Civics-Ch2:State Government-the Legislature पाठ- ५ लोट् लकार (अज्ञा के द्वलए ) पाठ- ६ संख्या बोधः पाठ- ७ प्रत्ययाः (क्तत्वा, र्ुमुन,् ल्यप्) Gender sensitivity जीवनकौशलactivity: चिन्तन Reservation of seats for women in चलचित तथा Legislature L- 16 – La Famille. Vocabulaire. Le passé Composé avec “ avoir”. Le possession avec “ de”. F.A Activity : Draw a family tree. MONT H ENGLISH Section III- A Trek Through the Himalayas (Poem) UNIT 3- A LAUGH RIOT Section I- Henry : A Chameleon Workbook Unit -2 Literature Reader Lesson 3-The Seven Cream Jugs Lesson 4- A Song from the Suds Grammar: Punctuation, Determiners, Types of Sentences(Positive and Negative), Prefixes-Suffixes Writing Skill – Dialogue Writing, Diary Entry Activity-Water, Life Skill-Responsibility, My Checklist for a National Park (Values), Do women make good teachers? (GS), Fruit Orchard!(H & W) HINDI ivaSaoYaNa , Aipzt, AnaucCod kaOSala ivacaara%mak , baaoQaa%mak SaarIirk ilaiKt va maaOiKk AiBavyai@t thou ewY; sammaana MATH SCIENCE construction of simple pendulum, distance vs time graph for uniform motion from a given data. Life skills: Interpersonal relationship Value: collaboration SOCIAL SCIENCE Civics-Ch3:State Government-the Executive Kabir value: Card 33 SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN मौचिक कार्यों में कु शलता MANDARIN Introduction to concepts of ye/want and like FRENCH ( 5 marks) MONT H AUG ENGLISH UNIT 3: A LAUGH RIOT(contd) Section II- Packing for the Journey Section III- Foolish Question (PoemOral Compre) UNIT 4: ONE WORLD Section I- One Earth to one World(FA) Literature Reader : Lesson 5 – Idgah Lesson 6- Mowgli, the Wolf-Child GrammarCollocation, Degrees of Comparison, Tenses(present & past) HINDI ivataana MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Chapter 6 Triangles and its properties Chapter 3: FIBRE TO FABRIC fabric ,examples of fibres obtained from plants and animals, shearing, scouring and sorting, sericulture, life history of a silkmoth lifecycle of a silkmoth, rearing of silkworms and processing of silk. Life skill: empathy Value: caring for animals Chapter 4: HEAT conductors and insulators,lab and the clinical thermometer,heat and temperature,conduction convection and radiation Life skill: Interpersonal relationships Value: collaboration History Ch 4: The Mughal Empire paz- Sah maoM maat, AakaSa maoM Akolao. Chapter 4Simple maQauklaSa klaakar kabaulaIvaalaa vyaakrNa ik`yaa, ik`yaa ivaSaoYaNa , pyaa-yavaacaI, ivalaaoma, AaOpcaairk Pa~, Apizt kaOSala ilaiKt tqaa maaOiKk AiBavyai@t baaoQaa%mak ivacaara%mak Writing SkillDrafting a Poster ,Message,Writing an article for jaIvana maUlya newspaper/school kt-vya prayaNata magazine Activity- Media, Life Skill- Critical linear equations LIFE SKILLS INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Life skill activity EmpathyComforters Geog Ch 4: How Surface Landform Changes Health care activity: Pure drinking water and clean air. Civics Ch 6: Media and Democracy Life skill activity: Effective communicationYou and I Statements. SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN पाठ- ८ सुवचनाद्वन पाठ – ९ एकः पठरवारः पाठ- १० कु शलः द्वचत्रकारः जीवनकौशलचिन्तन चलचित कार्यों में कु शलता तथा मौचिक उच्चारण में दक्षता प्राचि MANDARIN concept of negation ye /yao /xihuan FRENCH L-17 – Les pieces de maison L-18 - Les pieces de maison ( contd) L-19 – Les repas quotidiens. Vocabulaire. Passé compose avec “être”. Les articles partitifs. MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN FRENCH thinking, Self– Analysis, Humour selfdepreciating!(Value), Stop Pollution! (H & W), Dos and Don’ts (GS) SEP. UNIT 4: ONE WORLD (contd) Section II- The Stranger Section III- Where the Mind is without Fear (Poem) ivatana paz- ek isaMD/olaa eosaI BaI maQauklaSa gaullaI DMDa vyaakrNa Grammar Use of For/Since Revision Workbook-Unit 3 & Unit 4 Writing Skill-Formal letter writing t%sama, td\Bava , punaravaRi<a kaOSala Chapter10 Practical geometry Geog Ch 5: Diversity of life on earth ११. महात्मा जीवनकौशल- LIFE SKILLS Life skill activity Creative thinkingRelationships Effective communication Revision for Half Yearly Exams HALF-YEARLY revision HEAT (cont) land breeze and sea breeze, models of heat transfer in solids,liquid Healthcare activity: बुद्धः चिन्तनकु शलता Spelling Test ( 5 marks) Revision. संकलनात्मक परीक्षा-१ Relaxing mind by पाठ्यिम – relaxing body parts दीपमद्विका पाठ५, ६, ७, Eavaja evaM vaacanaa, ivacaara%mak , ऄपठठर् गद्ांशः द्वचत्रविानम् baaOiwkta, MANDARIN Revision of unit IV ilaiKt tqaa maaOiKk AiBavyai@t SAI– Lessons 15- 19 ( 45 marks) MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN FRENCH jaIvana maUlya p`ao%saahna OCT. UNIT 5 – HELLO, Mr. GHOST Section I- Sir Lawley’s Ghost paz- dixaNa Af`Ika maoM gaaMQaI gaIrI Section II- The Ghost kivata- maa^M of Christmas yet to Come Literature Reader – Lesson 7- Oft, in the Stilly Night Lesson 8- The Strange Man’s Arrival GrammarReported Speech Writing SkillInformal Letter, Advertisement ActivityArchitecture, Life Skills- Creative Chapter 7 Congruence of triangles ( 10 Classes) maQauklaSa- Chapter 9 Rational numbers na[- idSaa LIFE SKILLS vyaakrNamauhavaro laaokaoi@tyaa^M p~ kaOSala ilaiKt tqaa maaOiKk AiBavyai@t ivacaara%mak , baaOiwkta COOPING WITH STRESS Chapter 10: RESPIRATION IN ORGANISMS respiration in the living organisms, breathing and cellular respiration, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, inhalation and exhalation, organs of human respiratory system, mechanism of breathing Life skill: coping with stress Value: right and responsibilities Chapter 11: TRANSPORTATION IN ANIMALS AND PLANTS transport of materials in plant or an animal, functions of blood,plasma. History Ch 5: Architecture as Power १२. Civics Ch7: Advertising जीवनकौशल-- सुभाद्वषर्ाद्वन स कत ाषा ल उच्चारण करन में L- 20 – Une grande nouvelle. L-21 – Les vêtements de l’homme. कु शलता Les prépositions de lieu. MANDARIN Introduction Le futur simple. to concept of school/classr La Négation. oom/subjects learnt Vocabulaire. MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN FRENCH Thinking (What to . jaIvana maUlya do?), Play Pranks! sahyaaoga (Values),Are festivals are about food? (H & W), Act 3 Manual (GS) NOV. UNIT 5 – HELLO, Mr. GHOST(contd) Activity-Gender, Section III- The Little Life Skill ActOrchard 2 (Manual), Green (Poem) Mutual Understanding UNIT 6- BUILDING (Values), , Act 4 BRIDGES Manual (GS), Act 3 Manual (H & W) Section I – Apologize! Workbook- Unit 5 Literature ReaderLesson 9- Says Dogberry to the Watch Grammar- – Adverbs, Compound words Writing Skill- Bio Sketch ivatana paz- hma vatna saa maa^MirSasa, daoho maQauklaSappIta ka^MD, tIna BaIKarI, vyaakrNa ]psaga-, p`%yaya, Sauw ASauw, vaa@ya , Apizt, AnaucCod kaOSala ilaiKt tqaa maaOiKk Chapter 8 Comparing quantities GENDER SENSITIVITY GENDER RATIO TRANSPORTATION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS (cont) components of blood and their function, types of blood vessels, function of heart, pulse rate, circulatory system in various organisms, excretion ,constitution of urine, diagram of the human excretory system, transport of water and minerals and food in plants ,ascent of sap, transpiration . Life skill: self awareness Value: caring of family Health: Being responsible and safe Chpater 12: REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS Reproduction,vegetative and reproductive parts of a plant,sexual and asexual reproduction,methods of asexual reproduction with examples,Sketch the reproductive parts of a flower,self pollination and Geog -Ch7: Life in Deserts HistoryCh6:Towns Traders and Craftsmen Civics-Ch5: Gender and Inequalities १३. मूखाः भृत्यः MANDARIN L- 22 – Les Vêtements de femme. Le futur proche. Introduction of concept of Le passé recent. classroom further explained F A Activity : Design a French costume . ( 5 marks) MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN FRENCH cross ,ollination,fertilization in flowers,seed dispersal in plants AiBavyai@t ivacaara%mak , baaOiwkta jaIvana maUlya DEC. maanavata UNIT 6- BUILDING ivatana BRIDGES (contd) Section III- The English Lesson(Poem) Workbook– Unit 6 Literature Reader: Lesson10 – The Morning After Lesson 11 – Leaving the Valley Grammar-Tenses (Future tense) Writing Skill- Article writing, Notice Activity- Market, Life Skills- social and Emotional, Sensitivity towards the challenged(Value), Appreciating Healthy lifestyle(H & W), Act 6 Manual (GS), Section II– On Being Sarah paz-hmaara Gar, jaOsaI tasaIr vaOsaI Kurak maQauklaSa ima~ ka ?Na, Chapter 12 Algebraic expressions Chapter 11 PERIMETER AND AREAS baOjau baavara vyaakrNa kark, ivarama icah\na, p~, AnaucCod kaOSala ilaiKt tqaa maaOiKk AiBavyai@t SaarIirk kaOSala Chapter 15 Visualising Solid Shapes Project based BASED Chapter 5: ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS acids and bases,examples of acids and bases from daily life,indicators,neutralization reaction,applications of acids and bases on daily life. Chapter 6: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES physical and a chemical changes, physical properties of a substance. Life skill: Interpersonal relationships Value: collaboration Geog- Ch8 : Life in Tropical and Sub Tropical Regions १४ नैव द्वक्तलष्टा Civics Ch 8: Markets Around us बलं र्स्य L-24 – La vie quotidian. जीवनकौशल-- Vocabulaire. न च कठठना १५ बुद्वद्धयास्य L-23 – Un courrier électronique. स कत ाषा ल उच्चारण करन में कु शलता Les verbes pronominaux. MANDARIN introduction to names various sections of school such as auditorium library gymnasium Les verbes “ tenir, écrire, lire, se lever” au present, passé et futur. MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE SANSKRIT/ MANDARIN FRENCH jaIvana maUlya Aaraogyata JAN. UNIT 7- PICTURES OF THE PAST Section I:Salim and Tansen Literature Reader Lesson 12 – The Battle of Blenhiem GrammarPrepositions, Collective Nouns Writing SkillBrochure Activity-Changes, Life Skills- Social and Emotional,Monumen ts: Our Pride! (Values), Role of women in the Society (GS), Act 6 Manual (H & W) FEB 19 days UNIT 7- PICTURES OF THE PAST(contd) ivatana paz- Kaojaa kI Kaoja maQauklaSa svaaiBamaana vyaakrNa iBannaaqa-k Sabd, AnaokaqaI- Sabd kaOSala- Chapter 11 PERIMETER AND AREAS (continued) Chapter13 Powers and Exponents LIFE SKILLS History Ch 10: India in the 18th Century द्वचत्रविानम् , ऄपठठर् गद्ांश, पत्रलेखनम् Geog Ch 9:Life in MANDARIN Temperate Concept of verb Regions qu (to go) …..to be continued EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Good listening L-25 – Le depart. Le passé compose avec “être” Les verbes pronominaux au passé. Vocabulaire. ilaiKt tqaa maaOiKk AiBavyai@t ivacaara%mak , baaOiwkta jaIvana maUlya praopkar ivatana paz - AanaMdvana maoM baabaa AamaTo ko saaqa. Chapter13 Powers and Exponents संकलनात्मक (Continued) Geog Ch 9:Life in Temperate Regions …….continued Chapter 14 Revision for Final ऄपठठर्गद्ांश परीक्षा – २ – पाठ्यिम – S A II – Lessons 20– 25. All grammar done the whole year. MONT H ENGLISH Section II– Mahabalipuram(Oral compre) Section III- The Fabulous, Fabled Silk Road Grammar-Modals, Conjunctions Workbook– Unit 7 HINDI MATH maQauklaSa Symmetry laGaukqaae^M hasyavayaMgya ka ipTara (ACTIVITY BASED LESSON) vyaakrNa punaravaRi<a kaOSalailaiKt tqaa maaOiKk AiBavyai@t, baaOiwkta lagaanaa jaIvana maUlya saihYNauta SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Exam SANSKRIT/ FRENCH MANDARIN रचनात्मक कायाम् ( 45 marks) द्वचत्रविान ऄर्वा पत्रलेखन Spelling Test. ( 5 marks) पाठ ११, १२, Revision. १३ व १६ स्वरसंद्वध संस्कृ र्संख्या १ से ४ ललगानुसार शब्दरूपाद्विलर्ा, देव, ऄस्मद्, युष्मद्, क्रकम् व र्र्् (र्ीनों ललगों में) धार्ुरूपाद्वि – लङ् व लोट् लकार में MANDARIN introduction of the concept of reading time
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