SC H O O L D O C UM E N T NO —1 2 1 9 9 . B O S TO N P U B L I C S C H O O L S LI A N G OUR SE 0 F STII II Y I N I TA FO R S EVE NT H AN D E I G H T H G R A D E S F I RS T U NI T O F I NT E R M E D I AT E SC H O O L S AN D C L ASS E S O R F I RS T Y E AR C L A SS E S I N H I G H SC H OO LS , . F O R N I NT H G R AD E S O F I NT E R S EC O N D U N I T M E D IAT E SC H OO L S O R F O R S E C O N D Y E AR C L ASS E S I N H I G H SC H OO L S , WI VE R S I TY of CAL I F OR N I A AT L O S AN G E LE S LI BR AR Y TY TI N P R I N G D E 1 TO N P AR T M E B OS OF CI 9 2 1 1 27 9 1 1 N T I N S CH OO L C O M M I T T E E B O S T O N S E P T E M B E R 12 , , , Or dered , T hat the C o u rse of S t u d 'in I ta li an , F i rst U ni t S ev e n th and E i ghth G rad es of I n terme d i ate S c h oo ls and C F i rst Y ear Classes in H i gh S c h oo ls ' S e c o n d U nit 'F o r G ra d es of I n terme di ate S chools , or S econ d Y ear Clas ses i a n f b d d d chools i s here a o te the r in t in t e n t o w S , ' p p g 'fiv e h , or c opies there o f as a s chool d o cument , i s here b 'au th Attest ' TH O R N T O N D . AP O L L ON I O , ) P C I 008 U 5 8 4? O UTLINE S O F WO R ' IN ITALIAN F O R I N TER M E D IAT E S C H OO LS AN D C LASS E S AN D F O R FIRST AN D S E C O N D Y E AR C LASS E S IN H IGH S C H OO LS , . In the interme d iat e schools where I talian i s taught pupils should b e gin the stu d ' of thi s langu age in the se v enth and eighth g r a d es The work of the s e two y e ars taken t oge th er constitutes the Fir st U nit In rare cases inte rme diat e pupils may have thi s work in the e ighth and ninth gr a d es The work of these two ye ar s would likewise constitute the First U nit I n either case the s tu d y would d eman d five half hour periods of instruction weekly for two y e ar s It may further happen that the interm ediate s chool pupil will not take up Italian until the ninth gr a d e The committee fe e ls that thi s plan is inferior to either o f the preceding for the earlier the pupil b e gin s a foreign If th e work is taken only in the langu a g e the b e tt e r ninth gr a d e a mini mu m o f se v en half hour periods per wee' or 210 mi nute s weekly per year must b e devoted to it This work must be e quivalent to the work of Grades VI I and VIII together and therefore likewise constitutes the First U nit The av erage first year for e ign langu age cour se in high schools consists o f fi v e forty minute periods per week or 20 0 minutes weekly the whole y e ar This al s o constitutes the First U nit Ninth grade forei gn language preceded b ' langu age work of Grades VI I and VIII constitutes the Second This is e quivalent to second year language work U nit in the high school which also constitutes the Second U nit The allotment of time for each grade or each unit was carefully considered on the basis of the degree of m aturity o f the pupils and o f the m ethods followed in intermediate s chools and high schools respecti v ely The plan as de s cribed abo v e wa s accepted by the committee appointed to draw u p the outline of work in Italian , . . , ' . . - . . , . - / , , , , . . . , , , - . , , . . . . , . . , , . . (3) The membership of the co mmittee is as follows ' M R P A U L V D O N O VAN C hairman M aster of the C ontinuation S chool M ISS ' ESSI E L A AM S D orchester H igh S chool MR ' O E L H A E WA C hief E 'a miner M I ss A V I S A 'I N G ST O N G i l H igh S chool M I SS M A R IE A SO LA NO B oston N ormal S chool . , . . D , TH . , Y . , . . r s , . ’ . , . I T ALIAN O U T LIN E O F . WO R ' F O R . TH E FIRST UNIT . According to th e new plan the First U ni t comprises the work of Grades VI I a n d VIII of interm ediate schools or clas ses or o f the first year in h igh schools . . , . M E TH OD . The conversational method should be used througho u t the course no text book being employed for the firs t half year At the outset make it clear to the pupils that the Italian lan guage is purely phonetic Give many illustra tions with marked emphasis on the indivi dual sounds Special dr ill s must of whi ch the words are composed be given in the vowel sounds Select names o f familiar O bj ects in the schoolroom for the basis of a vocabulary adding names o f well known O bj ects at home in pictures in books etc D rill thi s list and add to it in succeeding lessons T he fact that a ll nouns in Italian are of the masculine or o f t h e feminine gender constitutes a chief d ifficulty for E ngli sh speaking pupils T o overco m e this constant attention must b e given to the association o f the article with the noun The knowledge o f a comparatively few words enables the pupils to formulate answers to simple q uestions asked by the teacher These q uestions must contain all the Words necessary to form the answer To give practice in the langu age these questions and answers may be written o n the board by the teacher and Copied by th e pupils - , . , . , . . - , , , , . . - . , . . . , . (4 ) After a few lessons the pupil answering the question may write both q uestion and answer on the blackboard care being exercised by the teacher to see that the correct s pelling be gi v en The pupils should be able soon to reproduce in their o wn words the s ubstance of so m e sim ple stories told by the teacher who should first satisfy himself that the content is clearly understood This m ay be done orally an d in writing A review o f the pre vious lessons should be given daily and made as varied as possible some min utes of each reci tation b e ing given to the review of the main points of the preceding lesson C onj ugation of the more co mmonly used verbs should be introduced early The individual and the concert r ecitation of the present tense and later of the other tenses should be a part of the d ai ly lesson These v erb forms should be used in connection with the vocabularie s to compose simple sentences Interest in the language will be fostered and heightened by an ac q uaintance with some simple songs an d poems In this connection a phonograph is a valuable adj unct and ma' be used to present to the pupils well rendered Italian songs and selections from the m ore familiar Italian O peras such as 11 Trovatore Ai da Lucia di Lammermoor and C avall eria Rusticana All the work here described should be continued for a full half year supplemented in the second half year by the use of a text book At no time should an incorrectly pronounced word be allowed to pass unnoticed The ” “ pupils should be drilled in the use of both t u a n d Lei Grammatical se quence should be constantly in the mind of the teacher as the work progresses although little or nothing should be s aid about grammar as such Un til the time comes when pupils can understand the reasons for the use of certain constructions formal rule s should n o t be given The study of for mal grammar belongs to the Second Uni t In general Italian shou ld be the langu age of the recita , , . . . , . . , . , . . , , - , , , . - - , - . . . , . , . . , ( 5) tion B u t there will be times when an explanation in E nglish will be u seful and necessary G R AM M AR The following topics should not be taught as technical gramm ar b ut the order should be followed as closely as possible by the teacher a s the work progresses Articles ' ( a ) defi nite ( b ) indefinite ( c) contraction with prepositions ( d ) s ingular and plural Nouns ' ( a ) plural of “ ” fem inines in unaccented a “ ” m as cu lines in unaccented a “ ” m as cu lines and fe minines in unaccented o ” “ and e ” “ ” “ m asculines in ca and ga m onosyllable s ( b ) the partiti v e constru ction Adj ecti ves ' ( a ) position u sually before when shorter than noun an d denoting si z e and q u antity After denotin g nationality m aterials color tas te s mell etc ( 6 ) number ( similar to nouns ) ” “ “ ' — fem inines in o e ca co ( c) gender go ( d ) agreement ( 6 ) num eral s cardinals 'ordinals to 10 0 ( f ) po s sessive a d j ecti ves (g) demonstrative adj ecti v es ( h ) comparison P ronoun s ' ( a ) personal conjuncti ve disj u ncti ve . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . , , , . 2’ , , ,1 . . . . . . . . . . (6 ) i) , I , (e) ( a) ( b) pos s es s ive ” “ us e of ne with partiti v e . present in d icative past definite . . pre s ent perfect VO . C A B O LA R IL COR P la bocca I ’ I O I T A L IA N O O UM A NO mignolo la faccia la fronte la gamba la gola la guan cia i1 labbro la lingua la mano i1 mento LE P frat llo la sorella lo z io la ma dre . . naso occh o il ’ 1 i ’ l ore cchio il il anul are il il fi glio il e . petto piede la spalla lo stomaco I a testa ERSON E la nonna il nonno i1 marito la moglie la sposa il nipote la nipote il presi dente il re la regina il si gnore la signora la signorina L A C ASA la m b iglia o l orologio . An tonio C arlo D omenico rancesco G iovanni Luigi P aolo E nrichetta F rancesca Luisa M argheri ta M aria F . la sco della la sedia i1 soffi tto ’ la parete i1 pavi mento (7 ) lo specch i o la stan z a cucchiaio l cucin a il div no la fin t la forchetta il guardaroba il Ietto i1 piatto la poltron la porta i1 portone la sala da pran z o i1 salotto la scala a a es ra I a h b re ria G A B IT I LI la berretta la calz a CI B I E L la fragola il frutto I l a gna o l aran cio ’ il bu ro il c afi e pettine 1 scarpe la spa zz ol la tasca il E e a B EV AND E l insala ta ’ r i1 la cam e la cena la cola z ione il dolce i f gi li la fame la farina il formaggi o a . ' an e ll o ’ e i calz oni il cappe llo i1 fa zz oletto i guanti l ab ito ’ l la tavola i1 tavolino 1a ta zz a il te lefono 1 tendine i1 tetto la tovaglia i1 a ’ il ta pe to latte u i maccheroni la mela la minestra l olio il pane la patata i1 pepe sale la s te gli spaghetti i1 e il te ’ l uva ’ la z uppa I L G IA R D IN O la foglia il garofano i1 gigli o l al b e ro ’ la castagna l e rb a ’ LA e gli S tati S CU O LA l in gles e l I tali an o l pi la l vagna la lettera il libro 1 maestra I L T EM P O l ora l primavera il quarto d ora la sera la settimana a s a l anno l au tunn o il di il dopo pran z o l esta te ’ maestro 1 pagina la parola la penna il quaderno la scat la lo scrittoio la scrittura o a ’ . a ’ il la margherita la ro a il tulipano la vi oletta il l in chi ostro ’ ’ la busta i1 calamaio il campanello la carta il direttore . s il fi ore ’ la pera i piselli iI pran z o la pr gna il h mon e uo la bandiera d . ’ a ’ ( 8) . agosto sette mbre ottobre novembre di cembre d omeni ca lunedi martedi mercoledi giove di venerdi sabato la stagione il febbraio mar z o me zz ogi orno C AM P A G NA la montagna il prato LA . terreno la vi a i1 la strada ferrata A'IO N I I N . italiano la R ussia n russo un l I n gh ilterra ’ u municipio l ospedale la strada la sta z ione i1 teatro l a torre l ffi io della posta il ’ il la prigione la scuola marci a pie de i1 ’ gall o l ’ u z orso tigre 1a vacca il il passero l usignuol o ’ la mosca P R ONO M I . tu egli ella esso essa io, , mi ti , , , Si, me , , gli a , 1e , me ' , noi voi essi esse , la , 10 , , ci vi ne , , , , loro li s i 1e , , te a te se a se lui a lui lei a lei , , , ( 9) , , , , , la quale che il qu al e I chi ? n terrogativi . che cosa ? qu a l e ? D imostratim ' . questo quello quel questa quell a qu ests quei P ossess ivi tuo il i1 su o il i1 nostro vostro i1 loro qu al cuno un altro la mia la tua la sua la nostra la vostra la loro u r mi ei i tu oi i suoi i nos tri i vostri i loro el o brutto bui o buono contento e d ucato basso corto gran de mie 1e tue l sue le nostre 1e vostre 1e e ' nulla un o nessuno ni ente o gri gi o nero . rosso verde ' giall G b l . i AG G E T I VI a zz rro bianco b uno quelle r ene al i inutile m aled ucato mesto nuovo piacevole povero puli to ricco ro zz o scuro . sgarbato impatico s splendido sp orco v el oce roton do sottile largo lungo piccolo stretto ( 10 ) tutto troppo Compa r ativi e r S u pe la tivi I ottimo peggi ore ERB I V contenere coricarsi correre costare cucinare cucire dimenticare dispiacere d overe essere fare fumare guardare lavorare a dagio insieme 1a ancora come lesto male meglio meno md mvd m no levarsi mandare mettere morire mostrare muovere nevicare nuotare pagare parlare partire pensare piacere piovere portare potere pregare prendere recitare respirare ricevere rincrescere piu poche volte poco presto pure qualche volta quanto ( 1 1) pessimo superiore rispon dere rompere saltare scrivere sedersi sorgere spegnere sperare spingere stracciare strisciare studiare suonare tagli are tenere tirare tramontare udire vedere vendere venire vi vere volere . non mai non piu oggi peggio qui . . A VV ERB I gia m rregolc ' raramente sempre si solamente spesso subito tardi troppo nu po poco velocemente un e n C O N G I U N 'IO N I ' ne Oppure ma me n tre perch e P a con contra contro dietro a dopo di durante fra , da d . avanti a in intorno di O UTLIN E O F a quando se tuttavia RE O S I 'IONI invece di lonta no da per prima di sen z a sotto P . WO R' F O R sopra su tra verso vicino a T H E SE C O N D UNIT . This Unit compri ses the work of the ninth grade in inte rmediate schools or classes when preceded by two years of the study of Italian or the work o f th e second year in high schools , . M E TH OD . The work of the first few week s of the Second Unit s hould con s ist of a rapid but thorough review of the vocab ulary and the main points taught in the First Unit The problem of teaching Italian diff ers fro m the work in French or in Spanis h The pupils in the Italian classes are in general of Italian parentage and nearly all of them have some kn owledge of the langu age either in th e form o f faulty Italian or as a dialect C ons eq uently the aim o f the instructor should be to teach these pupils the cor rect pronunciation the proper use of words and the right grammatical construction In accordance with thi s pur pose the us e o f Italian as the language of the classroom is earnestly recommended a n d all mistakes in grammar or in pronunciati on m ade by the pupils whether in oral practice or in reading should be carefully correcte d by “ the teacher F or this reason th e so c allled sociali z ing ” o f recitation s is not reco mmended in teaching a foreign langu age The pup il must hear speak and write only correct forms Thus a procedur e which may be a dmi s sible and hav e it s ad v antages in the teaching of subj ects whi ch hav e the nativ e ton gu e for a bas i s beco me s danger . . , . , , . , , , , - . , . , . , ( 12) when teachin g a foreign lan guage especially durin g the fir st ye ars of instruction Instead selected poem s and dialogues should be carefully prepared memori z ed and recited by different pupils to the profit and pleasure of th e entire class The learning of songs is also of great v al u e for by following the music the pupils ac q uire the correc t pronunciation and accentuation of words Form al translation may be started early in this Unit E xtracts and complete stories from the best writers of prose and O f poetry should be chosen and used either for readin g or translating The vocabulary m ay be enr iched by noting carefully the new words found in these reading lessons These words should be written in the note book and used in dril ls given by the teacher In this Unit the pupils should make a m ore c ompreh e n siv e and formal study of grammatical principles includin g the review of the rules which were inductively presented in the F irst Unit C onstant practice must be given in th e use o f pronouns conjunctions and prepositions T he verbs given in the syllabus should be conj ugated in full and each tense thoroughly drilled so that the pupil s m ay know how to use it correctly Formal composition and much of th e oral practice m ay be based on matter read or translated O riginal compo sitio u oral or written based on a subj ect selected by the teacher ma' be attempted at the close of the Second Unit This work is useful when carefull y directed by the instructor The pupils must use o nl y what they know fo r to attempt the use of unf amil iar words or construe tions leads only to difficulty and co nf usion The skillfu l teach er who wishes to do this advanced form of composi tion will know how to direct it to the best adv antage At least twice a week for periods of from ten to fifteen minutes the teacher should give dictation taken from so m e poem or from reading selections familiar to the pupils T he necessity and usefulness O f dictation cannot be too strongly emphasi z ed T he occasional use of phonographic records of spoken Italian is recommended ou s , . , , . , , . . , . . . , . . , , . . , , , . . , . . , , . . . ( 13 ) CO N CL U S I O N . Although the m atter has been touched u pon in the s pecial report s the committee wi shes once m ore to rem ind teacher s of classe s of beginners that the gramm ar outline for the First Unit of work h as bee n constructed for the sole p urpose of furnis hing a concise compact and sy s tem atic outline of those f act s o f gramm ar which may appropriately be taken up during the cour s e of the Firs t Unit work It is not expected that the grammar will be taught in a form al way n or that the teacher will follow the order of presen The order method of actual presenta tation gi v en here tion etc are left to the j udgment of the teacher It i s not expected however that the limits here noted will ordinarily be exceeded The sam e consideration applies to the Second Unit with the understanding that the gramm atical work O f this Unit wi ll be m ore systematic and complete , , . , . , . , . , , , . , . 1 27 9 1 1 ( 14 )
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