HOW TO SELECT A GOOD DENTIST By ALBERT C. KOPPEL, D.D.S. BLOOD IN THE URINE DANGER By OLIVER E. THOMPSON, M.D. Better meals for better living Families everywhere now enjoy the many flavorful ways that Loma Linda VegeBurger can add zest and hearty appeal to daily menus. So delicious and easy to prepare. Calorie for calorie VegeBurger actually has more protein, iron, calcium, niacin, and vitamins B1 and B2 than many popular protein foods. Better yet, VegeBurger has no animal fat, therefore tends to keep blood cholesterol levels low. Loma Linda VegeBurger ready cooked makes quick "burger" sandwiches, patties, and baked dishes. Try serving this easy stuffed tomato recipe and watch your family pass their plates for more! You'll find VegeBurger and a variety of Loma Linda vegetable protein foods at your food store. Additional recipes on the label. Write Loma Linda Foods, Arlington, California, g6hror Vegeli or Mount Vernon, Ohio, for descriptive folder and recipe leaflet. rt+44PRort or • Co,,,,I,v4.5 NE1Wr. 14 Ca. STIOVE9 1C01VENTOIES Linda itz cup eon VegeBurger medium size tomatoes (Veen peppers or onions may be used) 1.1/2 cups cooked brown rice rotoatpotice 1 cupsteotmoa with peppers) 1 Ibsp. melted butter or margarine 3 Ibsp. chopped onion Scoop out tomatoes and drain thoroughly (chop and Vz tsp. salt use for tomato ul). Mix ingredients and fill torna toes. Bake in moderate oven (350 .) for 30 minutes. I ger Editor J. DE WITT FOX, M.D., L.M.C.C. JANUARY • 1962 • VOL. LXXVII, No. 1 Assistant Editor MARY E. CASTOR Medical Consultant ROBERT A. HARE, M.D., F.A.C.P. Consulting Editor HARRY M. TIPPETT, M.A., Litt.D. zgd 78th Year of Publication THE NATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL Art Editor T. K. MARTIN Editor, Braille Life & Health C. G. CROSS FEATURE ARTICLES Consulting Board of Editors ROBERT F. THEODORE J. CHINNOCK, M.D. R. FLAIZ, M.D. BLOOD IN THE URINE E. O'NEIL, PH.D. CHARLES SMITH, SCARLET FEVER J. Wayne McFarland, M.D. 8 Vera Killen Flaiz 10 Albert C. Koppel, D.D.S. 12 Kathryn L. Hagen, M.D. 14 M.D F.A.C.P. WALTER E. MACPHERSON, MAUD A DAY'S FOOD HOW TO SELECT A GOOD DENTIST M.D. WAYNE MCFARLAND, THE COMMON COLD D.D.S. YOUR ANTIBODIES Oliver E. Thompson, M.D. 16 Helen Spicer Menke!, R.N. 18 M.D., F.A.C.P. HAROLD M. WALTON, Contributing Board of Editors ROGER W. BARNES, JOHN LEROY M.D., F. BROWNSBERGER, M.D., F.A.C.S. E. COOLIDGE, M.D. M.D., F.A.C.P. GEORGE T. HARDING, ARLIE L. R.N. HERIN, MOON, M.D. C. E. PARRETT, 22 24 HOME NURSING 28 DIETITIAN SAYS 30 DELICIOUS HEALTH FOODS 32 HOUSEHOLD HEALTH 34 M.D. MARY CATHERINE NOBLE, 0. S. YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S. HORACE A. HALL, MAzie A. M.D. CRAWFORD, CARL J. LARSEN, 20 FAMILY FIRESIDE MARK COX, M.D. ERWIN A. FAMILY PHYSICIAN M.D., F.A.C.S. CYRIL B. COURVILLE, J. FOR HOMEMAKERS F.A.C.S. R.N., R.P.T. M.D. RANDOLPH, MENTAL HYGIENE M.D. H. L. RITTENHOUSE, M.D. HAROLD SHRYOCK, M.D. DUNBAR W. SMITH, M.D. LYDIA M. SONNENBERG, HENRY W. VOLLMER, KEYS TO HAPPINESS GOLDEN AGE 13 26 M.A. M.D., F.A.C.S. R. G. CAMPBELL Circulation Manager J. M. JACKSON Field Representative S. L. CLARK Field Representative and Advertising LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1961 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12. D.C.. U.S.A. All rights reserved. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office. A FAMILY MAGAZINE FEATURING RELIGIOUS HEALTH INFORMATION. The official journal of the Home Health Education Service. Published monthly by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send to LIFE AND HEALTH, Circulation Department. Washington 12, D.C., at least 30 days before date of the issue with which it is to take effect. Please send us your old address with your new one, enclosing if possible your old address label, to avoid error in old and new lists. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. U.S. CURRENCY. U.S. and U.S. possessions, 1 year $5.50. SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CANADA. Add 40c a year elsewhere. All subscriptions must he paid for in advance. Single copy, 50 cents, U.S.A. JANUARY, 1962 3 "CANNING AND FREEZING" Are daily pressures taking 10 years off your life? Read — DEAR EDITOR: I, KARIN ROON'S NEW WAY TO RELAX ou y n KARIN ROON'S NEW WAY TO RELAX Tired and listless in the morning? Suffering from a sense of fatigue and exhaustion? Depressed? This book will work a miracle in your life—relieving your tension, and giving you undreamed-of vitality. The endless flow of thankful letters from once-harried executives, newly-energetic housewives, ex-insomniacs, now-successful salesmen, and even grateful doctors, continually reaffirm the everyday value of Karin Roon's methods and the simplicity of their application. Seeing is believing. Send for Karin Roon's wonder book for a FREE 10DAY TRIAL. Use no-risk coupon below. FAMILY PHYSICIAN MRS. NATHANIEL KRUM DEAR EDITOR: I am a subscriber to LIFE AND HEALTH and enjoy your Family Physician column. MRS. CHARLES C. COUSINS RAISE THE FLAG! INTERESTING DEAR EDITOR: DEAR EDITOR: I have read a lot of magazines and books, but on page 14 of LIFE AND HEALTH for March, 1961, you really hit the nail on the head ["Hardening of the Liver" by William T. Gibb, M.D.]. You could not have described me any better if you had examined me first. After reading this article I feel that this is a very important time of my life. I feel ten years younger just reading this article. My hopes had all been about shattered as to a chance of getting better. I have been treated ten years for stroke. . . . You may start raising that flag when you get this letter, as you mention in the article on page 14, column 2, at the end of the first paragraph. Alcohol does not tempt me any more. MR. A. S. I find your magazine very interesting, and read it all the time. VERONICA WATROBA Conemaugh, Pennsylvania OUR JANUARY COVER 15, .14'11 Kdl, HAI 5, HEALTHFUL SLEEP OLIRLES AEU) Bridgman, Michigan Ls.F7.2g504:, MORE SENSE By Charles Kelly DEAR EDITOR: Please believe this : Now you can fall asleep in a few minutes, and sleep all night like a baby. If you have ever tossed and turned for dreary, endless hours, or resorted to pills to drug yourself to sleep, here's help you've been waiting for. It brings you a simple and incredibly effective way of inducing healthful, refreshing slumber. This book must work for you, or you don't pay a penny. Try the Kelly method for 10 days FREE... send coupon below. r HAWTHORN BOOKS Dept. LH-1 Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Please rush me the book(s) checked below for a free ten-day trial. I may return the book(s) within 10 days if I am not satisfied in any way, and owe you nothing. If 'I keep the book(s), I will remit $4.95 per volume, plus a few cents postage, as payment in full. KARINWAY ROONTO' RELAX F-1 THE NATURAL WAY NEW TO HEALTHFUL SLEEP El Name Address City Zone. . State SAVE! Remit $4.95 per book with coupon, and we'll pay postage. Same return and refund privilege guaranteed. j 4 Washington, D.C. Brooklin, Maine This book is guaranteed to put you to sleep —oryour money back! THE NATURA WAY TO HEALTHFUL SLEEP In the summer of 1961 we bought our first freezer, and as I picked up the August issue of LIFE AND HEALTH I read with great interest Emma Howell Cooper's article "Canning and Freezing." In talking with some- other housewives, I found that they agreed with her tastes. We also enjoy very much the recipes in each paper and hope to try all of them each month. You know that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Color Transparency by F.P.G. Let's go sledding! The crisp, clear atmosphere and crunchy snow are inviting. Whether you go sledding, tobogganing, ,skiing, or skating doesn't make too much difference so long as you go out some time each day, even though the snow is on the ground. If none of these vigorous sports appeals to you, bundle up warmly and take a walk. There is scarcely an exercise better than just plain walking. In this comfortable age, when human ingenuity has provided every means to make life easy, save steps, and create comforts, we are being robbed of our health, which is to a large degree dependent on exercise. Exercising is something that cannot be done for you. If you wish to have good vigorous health you must do it yourself. A I love your magazine, LIFE AND HEALTH. It has more sense than all the others combined. One thing perturbs me, however. In the March, 1961, issue in the article "Money Matters" [by Charles J. Stokes, Ph.D.] Mrs. Meisner feeds a family of seven on $52 a month. My one question is How? I have four children, and the very least I can manage with is $80 a month, and then it is very simple fare, for we are vegetarians. I would appreciate very much her secret, and I'm sure others would too in these days of high cost of living. I thoroughly enjoyed the two installments by Dr. Parrett on "Why I Don't Eat Meat." I am circulating these to my friends. MRS. W. M. BEACH Albuquerque, New Mexico • LIFE & HEALTH March of Medicine DID YOU KNOW? DANGER FROM TRAMPOLINES * The League of Red Cross Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross recruited 47 medical teams, including surgeons, physicians, and nurses, from 22 countries for emergency work in the strife-torn Congo. * ARC Certificates of Appreciation were presented to two volunteers who gave more than 1,000 hours of service to the Warren County (Pennsylvania) chapter of the Red Cross. They are Eugene B. Brown, first-aid chairman, and Paul Steinkamp, water-safety chairman. * Treasurer Paul A. Malmgren of the Waltham (Massachusetts) chapter of the Red Cross was given the 1960 distinguished service award by the Waltham Junior Chamber of Commerce. Two former chapter chairmen—Randall P. Cameron, Jr., and Lee M. Fraser—were similarly honored in previous years. * Seven new African states are planning to establish national Red Cross societies—Gabon, Ivory Coast, Malagasy (formerly Madagascar), Mali, Niger, Somalia, and Upper Volta. * Interest in a youth leadership conference at Richmond, Virginia, caused 10 Charleston, West Virginia, boys and girls and two teacher-sponsors to make an 800mile round trip by train to learn more about helping others through Red Cross service. * The late William G. Sirrine, first fund-campaign chairman of the Greenville (South Carolina) chapter of the Red Cross, in 1917 bequeathed $13,000 to the chapter in his will. * Mrs. Albert Owens, Gray Lady chairman for the Wichita Falls (Texas) chapter of the Red Cross, has been honored with the presidency of the YWCA in that city. * More than 400 accident-preventionminded Chicagoans enrolled in the Chicago Red Cross chapter's largest peacetime first-aid program. * Principal speaker at the Chicago Red Cross chapter's annual meeting, May 4, 1961, was Ralph G. Newman, a Lincoln and Civil War historian. * Americans set a peacetime record for blood donations through Red Cross in 1960. Donations through the 55 regional blood programs totaled 2,442,700—highest since the Korean conflict. Trampolines can be dangerous as well as fun. Many neck and back injuries have been suffered—some leading to paralysis or death, says Lloyd Jenkins, director of safety services, Lancaster Chapter, American Red Cross, and coordinator of safety, Lincoln public schools, in the Nebraska Department of Health magazine Better Health. This type of exercise can be very healthful and under proper supervision can be used to develop coordination, poise, balance, as well as to aid in posture building and weight reduction. The Lincoln public schools, realizing the dangers of misuse, have developed regulations to ensure the safety of students using the trampolines. Students serving as "spotters" are stationed on all four sides to guard against any chance a student may have of being thrown to the floor or of striking the frame while jumping. Although these accidents are dangerous, the snap received JANUARY, 1962 from the bed itself is an even greater hazard if the jumping is improperly done. One must land flat in a front drop. If the body is slightly tipped, with knees or hands hitting the trampoline first, the back may easily be snapped. A full-time, trained supervisor more than twenty-one years of age, with power to enforce safety rules, shall be on duty. No horseplay is tolerated. No more than two people shall be assigned to a trampoline at any given time, nor shall they attempt to jump until they have received adequate instruction. They shall walk, not jump, onto and off the bed. In a commercial enterprise the trampoline should be located at ground level, and there should be no running or pushing in the area. Definite instructions should be given each participant. * * * VITAMINS LOST IN CANNING The destruction of vitamin Bo during the processing of milk formulas is well known, as shown by studies of Dr. L. R. Richardson at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Additional studies show that serious losses of vitamin Bo may also occur in canned foods. Canning caused large losses in the vitamin Bo content of the foods, and storing for 9 to 15 months caused further losses. A NEXT MONTH CORONARY MAGIC WITH HERBS Dietitian BY JAMES A. BRUSSEL, M.D. BY ARLEEN NELSON, After a heart attack, follow your doctor's orders closely, and you may be able to follow a very nearly normal life. You can have a wonderful time experimenting with many exotic herbs in your kitchen. NEVER ENOUGH NURSES REGULAR FEATURES BY JOYCE W. HOPP, M.P.H. FAMILY FIRESIDE The nursing profession needs recruits. It offers many interesting kinds of work. CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN DIETITIAN SAYS • ek 5 States sometimes has to make changes in his health habits if he is to survive. When Dwight D. Eisenhower was still a general in the Army his physician advised him to stop smoking, and stop he did. The rich reward: a longer and healthier life. After his heart attack, General Howard McC. Snyder had to advise Ike to change his habits of eating. He eliminated some animal fats, dropped his weight a bit, and survived not only the heart attack but a heavy surgical operation as well. Other Presidents have developed good health habits. President Harry S. Truman, with whom I had a pleasant visit recently, told me he gets up at 5:00 A.M. and takes a brisk walk of a mile or two. He began this exercise program while still a Senator, but the habit was so valuable to his health that he has continued it, even into his retirement years. The reward: seventyABITS can be horrible, at least your face other than the one where seven peppy years and a pair of very when it comes to changing them. you usually start the razor. Put your limber legs. If ever a man thinks about changing hat on before your coat or vice versa. President Herbert Hoover, also a his habits and way of living, it is usu- Chances are you are such a slave of walker, gets up each morning to stroll habit that to change would throw you the streets of New York below his Walally as the new year rolls around. Millions of Americans sit down the off routine so much you'd be late to dorf Astoria Towers apartment. Work first week in January each year, pad work. has become his habit, and it is keepHabits often should be changed. ing him busy in his eighty-ninth year. and pencil in hand, and outline a long list of new year's resolutions they Even the President of the United Even our youthful President John F. Kennedy has developed the know they should keep. By February 1 the list has habit of relaxing in a fallen off the bedroom rocker to give his back a dresser into the wastebaslittle better support and SUGGESTED HEALTH HABITS FOR 1962 ket, and the old habits conposture. Remember, only one to a customer. One new Habits, hard to change, tinue on their merry way. habit successfully formed can mean new health We grow more ingrained in are best corrected by suband happiness for you during the new year. our unhealthful way of livstitution—slipping in a 1. Eat a balanced diet. Never skip or skimp breakfast. ing, perhaps even to the good habit in place of a 2. Breathe deeply. Ten deep breaths each morning to point of endangering our bad one. We cannot live a blow the cobwebs from your brain. vacuum life. We have to lives. Practically all the 30 , 3. Drink 8 glasses of water daily-2 before breakfast. do something. The brain Water is life's fluid. million Americans who are can think only one thought overweight have been at a time, so if we substitute 4. Avoid excesses—work, play, TV, idle talk. warned by their doctor, a happy thought for a sad 5. Stop taking habit-forming drugs—benzedrine, barwife, or friends that if they one we are in essence biturates, tranquilizers. Omit tea, coffee, alcohol. don't reduce they will bechanging our habit of 6. Take time to live. Avoid hurry and worry. Do with come insurance statistics. thinking. dispatch what you can. Control what is within your power, But they can't make themThe only way to change and leave the rest to God. selves push away from the your mental mood is to 7. Stop smoking. For the sake of your lungs, heart, table or change their eating think of the pleasant in stomach, and mouth. habits from rich, fatty, place of the sour side of 8. Exercise daily. A brisk walk, a snappy swim, or a sweet, high-calorie foods to life. game with the kids, preferably vigorous enough to work fruit and vegetable foods. The mistake too many of up a sweat. Everyone is a victim of us make is trying to revolu9. Sleep 8 hours nightly. Go to bed an hour earlier. habit. If you don't believe tionize our lives come the Relax before bedtime without TV, radio, or telephone. it, just notice how you tie new year. We're going to drop our weight, quit your shoes in the morning. 10. Get in tune with God. Take time to pray, meditate, enjoy quiet solitude, away from the hustle and smoking, go to church, Now tie them a different bustle of life. dress better, love the little way. You can hardly change lady more, take the kids to your pattern. Try to shave the park oftener, and begin beginning on the side of THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBES FOR 1962 Just One New Habit! H 6 LIFE Sc HEALTH praying nightly. If we took on just one of these improvements as a new habit this year we would be accomplishing more than if we resolved to do all, then tossed the lot into the wastebasket in a few weeks. One day while I was in the Army I saw a big sergeant dump a huge sack of potatoes before some KP's. "Now, the way to peel these spuds," he said very brilliantly, "is one potato at a time." Although his schooling wasn't great, he learned one thing very well: You can do only one thing at a time. If you do that well, you've accomplished something worth while. On the other hand, if you butterfly from spud to spud, taking a whack here and a whack there, the potatoes never get peeled. This year, let's change just one habit. Once it is corrected, we'll move on to another. The only way to do it is to replace a bad habit with a good one. If we sit slumped in our soft chairs, let's change the habit by sitting erect. Keep your knees higher than your hips and your abdomen taut. See how much sharper you look, slimmer too; most important, how much better you feel, taking a load off your abdominal organs, which are cramped by slumping. Remember though, we suggest that you tackle only one new habit for the new year. Once you've mastered it, you can try another. If each of us incorporated one new beneficial habit this year, it would be a better world. Should you decide to walk a full mile each day, you'll get rid of aching legs and night cramps, perhaps backache, too. If you drop your weight twenty pounds you'll slip into your clothes with new pride and confidence and look into the mirror at a man or woman with real will power. Maybe regular churchgoing is to be your new habit. It can help bring happiness here and life hereafter If giving more time to making someone else happy is to be your new habit, you can be assured that true happiness will be yours, for happiness is won in no other way. Yours for one new habit, JANUARY, 1962 Oliver E. Thompson, M.D. ("Blood in the Urine," page 16), practices urology in Washington, D.C. He is a native of New York State, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. He received his A.B. degree from Columbia Union College, and after teaching a year went on to medical school at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, where he received his M.D. degree. Dr. Thompson took postgraduate studies in urology with Dr. Louis Bazet, of San Francisco, who inspired further study in the University of Vienna, Austria, Johns Hopkins Hospital, and New York Hospital, New York City. Dr. Thompson was head of the department of urology at Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Michigan, for five years. In his leisure time he enjoys sailing and photography. Academy of General Dentistry, an organization that encourages a program of continuing education for the dentist. His physician wife, the former Elizabeth Adams, is an anesthesiologist. The Koppels have two daughters, aged five and six. Their household at this point is busy and alive, for the girls have seven kittens, six turtles, five chameleons, and a toy poodle that is expecting puppies. Recently Dr. Koppel locked the door to his practice and spent one semester teaching at the School of Dentistry at Loma Linda University. He drives a Volkswagen, and Dr. Betty drives an Oldsmobile. In addition to his many outside interests, family activities, dentistry, and the dental office are his main hobbies. * * * Margaret Tinley ("A Heart Patient's Hints," page 34) was born at home, as was proper in the Midwest at that time. Officiating at the birth was her father's sister, Mary, whose grade average was 98.75 per cent when she got her M.D. degree from the University of Nebraska ten years before. * * * It was Aunt Mary who saw Peggy through two bouts of rheumatic fever. The disease left her with the damaged Albert C. Koppel, D.D.S. ("How to Se- heart that gave her lifetime experiences lect a Good Dentist," page 12), is a enough to write "A Heart Patient's Washington, D.C., dentist. He was reared Hints." Dr. Mary Tinley insisted that she keep on a potato farm in central New Jersey. He attended Columbia Junior College, up her schoolwork, even though she was received his D.D.S. degree from Emory out of school for weeks. "Nothing's wrong University School of Dentistry, Atlanta, with her mind" was Aunt Mary's philosoGeorgia, did a dental internship at Gar- phy. Peggy needed seven years to complete field Memorial Hospital in Washington, work for her college degree. With it she D.C., and took a year's graduate work in got a certificate from the school of journaloral surgery at the University of Pennsyl- ism at the University of Nebraska. She was vania Graduate School of Medicine. woman's news editor of her hometown Dr. Koppel served two years in the daily, the Council Bluffs Nonpareil, and U.S. Army as a captain in the Dental she retired January 1, 1961, because of Corps. He was stationed at Wurzburg, physical disability. She has since been Germany, the city where Roentgen dis- doing free-lance work, hoping to prove covered X-rays. He is a member of the that "nothing's wrong with her mind." • 7 H, IT'S nothing. Just a head cold. But what an awful time to have one—with a carload of relatives coming! I haven't the slightest idea where I picked the thing up." Have you ever said such words? More than likely you have, and probably you didn't have the slightest idea that the extra tension you were under in getting ready for the in-laws had anything to do with your sniffles. But it did have something to do with them, as medical research can tell you. Any extra tension load—whether overwork, lack of sleep, overeating, or a quarrel with the neighbors— can change the body's defenses and lay a person wide open to attack by many types of organisms. The nose is a wonderful organ. It houses the nerve endings of smell; it is the entrance for life-giving oxygen to the lungs and body; it is one of the escape hatches for poisonous carbon dioxide given off by the lungs; it conditions the air by warming, humidifying, and filtering it before it enters the body. Stopping dust and germs from entering the body and preparing the air for the lungs requires a well-regulated filtering system. To help you avoid catching cold you have tiny microscopic hairs (called cilia) lining the entire nasal cavity, which includes the bony cavities in the face called sinuses. The maxillary sinuses are located deep in the cheekbones; and the frontal are just above and behind the bridge of the nose. Hidden deep in the () wallpaper (mucus) in these apartments is miraculously self-regenerating. As it forms, it slides slowly along the walls to and through the ventilators, and merges with the paper in the hall. From there it is thrown down the back stairs (throat) into the incinerator. Fancy having clean carpets and wallpaper from cellar to garret every twenty minutes." Dr. Proetz showed what would happen if the maxillary sinus in your cheekbone were a room ten feet square (it is little more than an inch square): "It is dark, for the only communication with the outdoors is an eight-inch ventilator, which opens under a penthouse in the hall. "The walls, ceiling, and floors of this antrum are lined with the thinnest imaginable velvet, for the cilia even now are only 1/42 inch long and 1/300 inch thick. Yet if one were to heave a washtubful of molasses and a bucket of sand into that room, they would mop it up, carry it across the floor and discharge it through the ventilator in a short ten minutes!"— Adapted from Essays on the Applied Physiology of the Nose, pp. 219-221. Anything that upsets this mechanism of the nose, is going to produce trouble, and here the common cold comes in for discussion. The chemical reaction of the mucous secretions of the nose is slightly acid normally, but when a head cold starts, that secretion becomes alkaline. It changes in consistency, becoming thick and heavy, and the little hairs cannot move it the COMMON bones are the ethmoid and sphenoid sinus cavities. The job of the Cilia, or hairs that line these sinuses, is to be waving ever outward a continuous stream of very fine mucus. This mucus is actually a layer that lies on top of these fine hairs. It is like a continuous belt pushed ever forward by the movement of the cilia. Germs, dust, and foreign particles are trapped on this layer of mucus and conveyed to the nasal passageway. So efficient is the cleansing action of this remarkable germ-and-dust trap that it can kill many organisms on contact. To get an idea of how remarkable this protective mucus and the cilia on which it is carried are, note an illustration from Dr. Arthur W. Proetz, a leading scientist in the field of ear, nose, and throat diseases. He compared the nose and its sinuses to a duplex apartment, the sinuses being the rooms, and said: "These rooms have no doors, only ventilators. The 8 A J. WAYNE MC FARLAND, M.D. There is good news for you if you always have a cold—you can build up bodily resistance so that you very seldom come down with a bad cold. LIFE & HEALTH FIRST OF TWO PARTS A. Dk.VANI COLD along and get it out of the way. In time it becomes a perfect hotbed for germs. What changes the mucous secretion to alkaline from a normal reaction? Ah, that is where the quarrel with the neighbors, a week of too much tension, or lack of sleep plays a major role. Scientists have measured such reactions on the nasal secretions by very fine instruments. As soon as you are under stress the chemistry changes and the secretions start for the alkaline side. Most of us have organisms in the nose that can produce head-cold symptoms, but they, never get a chance, because our resistance is high. When we are cold resistant, the secretions of the nose are acid. We keep them that way by getting regular rest, using a wholesome and adequate diet, and controlling our emotions. Good circulation is another factor in this complex problem of the common cold, and it is not stressed JANUARY, 1962 enough. The person who has cold hands and feet and is sensitive to drafts has an abnormal circulation, not only of the skin on the outside of the body but also of the skin lining the inside of the nose. He would see a very interesting thing happen when he sits in a draft if he could look inside the nose. When his arms and legs are chilled, he has constriction of the blood vessels in the skin of hands and feet. At exactly the time this is going on he would see the blood vessels inside the nose grow smaller and the circulation slow down. A normal person may have some slowing down of circulation when he is cold, but never does it last as long as in the cold-sensitive person. When the circulation slows down anywhere in the human body, we are headed for trouble. In the nose it means that germs are ready to go to work. Can you do something to ward off colds? Is it possible to change from cold-sensitive and cold-susceptible to noncold-sensitive? You can do something, and the first thing to plan for is adequate rest. In all the experiments conducted on human beings to discover what can be done to help them build up resistance to the common cold, the factor that cannot be overlooked is rest. Fatigue causes imbalance in circulation, particularly chronic fatigue from loss of sleep and other causes. Even more interesting were the tests run on people who had many head colds. In the experiments the secretions of the nose would always return toward the normal acid reaction when they were lying down and at rest. If the sufferers got up and followed everday activity, the secretions of the nose stayed abnormal— alkaline—and it took longer for the mucus to become acid. That means the cold hung on. Here's how to avoid colds: 1. Get regular rest. A haphazard program of eating, sleeping, and recreation tends to frustration and fatigue. Fatigue and exhaustion are at the opposite end of the scale from rest. For cold prevention, the rule is plenty of physical rest. 2. Get mental rest. It is as important as physical rest. Emotional tension probably is one of the big factors in frequent colds. A man who was involved in the experiment on colds was following instructions to build up his body resistance. The tests of the scientists showed that his circulation had improved and he was getting along very well, was free from sniffles. Then he began to have one cold after another again. The physicians checked the man's program for preventing colds. He hadn't slipped up on anything, his schedule was exactly right. The tests showed poorer circulation in the nose. Finally the physicians checked on his emotional health, discovered that he was very much worried about his work as a teller in a bank. The colds started up when he began to worry about his work, and they stopped when his work situation was chinged. This experience shows how directly thoughts can affect circulation of the nose. In a cold-susceptible person, there is direct relationship between head thoughts and head colds. 3. Get an adequate diet. We used (To page 21) 9 DI Kt 11..! 111 'OW UMMI. N PI " mma". '44 . rce Day's Food INC GALLOWA by VERA KILLEN FLAIZ ROM my experience in following the conventional recipe, I find that there is an excessive amount of oil, cooking fat, and butter used— more than is necessary for good flavor, and far more than is desirable from the health standpoint. I have made it a study to develop recipes that possess the zest and flavor of the choicest dishes, but without the calorie-adding high-fat content often used. In serving a meal, the homemaker should try to make the dishes appetizing in appearance as well as to the taste. Mealtime should always be a time of happiness and contentment for good digestion. If you know of a lonely person in your area, a serviceman, a visitor in your church, invite him to your home whenever possible. You will be surprised at the pleasure you will receive, besides the good you will be doing him. Here are menus for a day, with recipes. BREAKFAST Breakfast Wheat Cakes* Grapefruit Sections Hot Drink DINNER Jellied Cheese-Relish Salad* Celery, Olives, Carrot Sticks, Thinly Sliced Raw Turnips Carrot Bread* Strawberry Angel Pie* Hot or Cold Drink Tomato-Sauerkraut Appetizer* Green Rice* Mock Chicken a la King* Little Beets (thickened with cornstarch and delicately cooked with lemon and honey) Baked Acorn Squash SUPPER Hot Chocolate or Postum Made From Soy Milk Hot Fruit Toast* or Cold Fruit Soup Sliced Cream Cheese and Crackers BREAKFAST WHEAT CAKES cup wheat kernels soaked overnight in 3/4 cup water cup milk 3 eggs 3/4 34 1 tablespoon oil or melted butter 1/2 teaspoon tartrate baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Drain water from soaked kernels, add milk, place in blender, and run 3 to 5 minutes until wheat and milk appear like thick cream. Add egg yolks and run 1 minute longer. Add oil, baking powder, and salt. Just turn blender to mix. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Cook on large grill so that the wheat cakes can be eaten at once. Serves 2 to 4. TOMATO—SAUERKRAUT APPETIZER To one large can of tomato juice add one can sauerkraut juice. Juice of I lemon. Little sugar and salt to taste. * See recipe. 10 LIFE & HEALTH GREEN RICE 3 tablespoons chopped chive or onion 3 tablespoons chopped green pepper 3 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 envelopes of G. Washington Broth seasoning (golden). If used, add no salt. 3 eggs 1 tablespoon chicken-style seasoning (McKay's is good) 3 cups cooked rice 3 tablespoons oil (regular recipe used 1/2 cup) 1 cup grated cheese 3/4 cup milk Brown onion, green pepper, and parsley in 1 tablespoon oil. Add seasoning, simmer few minutes. Remove from heat. Add remaining ingredients; egg yolk and stiffly beaten egg whites last. Bake 350° F. 1 hour. Serves 6 to 8. Serve with mock chicken S la king. MOCK CHICKEN A LA KING Onion as desired 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1/2 to 1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced 2 cups medium cream sauce (mushroom soup is good) 1/2 cup celery, cooked Add no salt. 2 ounces chopped pimento 3 hard-boiled eggs 1 tablespoon chickenlike flavoring 1 package G. Washington Broth seasoning (golden) dissolved in 1/2 cup boiling water. Slightly brown onion, parsley, and mushrooms. Add cream sauce, celery, pimento, and seasonings. Add a little milk if too thick. One small can water chestnuts with the hardboiled eggs may be added last. Serve on Green Rice. JELLIED CHEESE-RELISH SALAD 1 package vegetable gelatin 2 cups water or fruit juice 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 cup (or less) whipping cream 2 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese 1/2 cup small-curd cottage cheese 1 small can crushed pineapple, drained 1 cucumber, minced 1/2 cup nuts, chopped Dissolve gelatin in 1 cup boiling water, add 1 cup cold water or fruit juice, place in refrigerator until set, then beat—adding mayonnaise, whipped cream, and the remaining ingredients. Place chopped nuts in bottom of individual molds before adding mixture. Serves 8 to 10. CARROT BREAD 11/2 cups flour (2/3 cup whole-wheat, remainder white) 1 teaspoon tartrate baking powder 1/2 cup sugar (regular recipe uses 3/4 cup) 1/4 cup cooking oil (regular recipe uses 1/2 cup) 2 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 to 1 cup grated raw carrots 1/2 teaspoon salt Place all ingredients in electric mixer, mix on medium speed for 3 minutes. Bake in oiled loaf pan or square baking dish at 350° F. for 1 hour. STRAWBERRY ANGEL PIE 4 egg whites 1 cup sugar Salt as desired 11/2 teaspoons cornstarch Beat egg whites until they stand in peaks and are quite dry. Add sugar, salt, and cornstarch. Bake in buttered piepan at 275° F. for 30 minutes or 300° F. for 20 minutes. Filling 4 egg yolks beaten with 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup water 2 tablespoons cornstarch Juice of 1 large lemon Combine all ingredients in order given. Cook in double boiler until thick. Cool. Add fresh strawberries, peaches, or favorite fruit. Place in thoroughly cooled meringue shell. Top with whipped cream. HOT FRUIT TOAST I medium-size can mixed fruit 3/4 cup grape juice 4 tablespoons Minute Tapioca 1 can blueberries or pint box fresh blueberries 1 apple, minced Drain juice from canned fruit, add grape juice, thicken with tapioca, add fruit. In cold weather serve on 6 slices bread toasted until dry and crisp and then lightly buttered. Place minced apple on toast, cover with thickened fruit. HOT-WEATHER VARIATION Use the same ingredients, only use less tapioca and possibly more juices. You may add canned plums and pineapple juice. Cool in refrigerator. Serve cold. • JANUARY, 1962 11 When you and your family move to a different city or when your own dentist moves out of town, you need to know the best way of finding a new doctor to take care of the teeth of all the family. MAZINGLY, 32,804,000 Americans move each year. Suburbia is growing. Job transfers are frequent. New people in a community need many new services—a convenient shopping center, a reputable pharmacy, a family physician, and a family dentist. Finding a good dentist may be a problem to longtime residents, but it is particularly perplexing to new residents. The yellow pages of the telephone directory do not give a comparative classification of dentists as to their professional efficiency and mechanical ability. In selecting a dentist you are not interested in one who merely treats a toothache. You want one who is sincerely interested in you and your oral health problems. It is only natural for your family to want a continuing professional relationship. You can select such a dentist. Although you may not have scientific knowledge and technical know-how, you can evaluate the ability of this professional man you seek. Your judgment of a prospective dentist's competency may be based on a visit or two in his office. Dentistry functions in a limited area with welldefined procedures. It has regard for detail, exactness, neatness, and contour. It deals with symmetry, precision, and cleanliness. It has to do with the creation of beauty—the beauty of a smile. These characteristics should pervade a good dentist's daily life—even phases not directly connected with dentistry. You may judge him by these things you can see and understand. How to select a A 12 GOOD TIST A ALBERT C. KOPPEL, D.D.S. Human beings have certain attitudes and ways of doing things that are consistently evident in every activity of their lives. If you could pry into the personal clothes closet of a top-notch dentist, no doubt you would find the hooks on the clothes hangers hung tidily on the rod facing one direction. Look in his garage, and you would see hoe, hammer, spade, and saw hung neatly in the place provided. A frequent jest among dentists is their hoarding of little boxes and bottles. Dealers in dental supplies are aware of this habit, and they cleverly package many items in natty little boxes and bottles. Why this attraction for small containers? Only this—the realizaLIFE & HEALTH tion that they may prove useful for orderly storage of small items used by him in his work. What is the dentist's reputation in your community? People require the professional man who serves them to be impeccable in his business practices as well as in his skills. They themselves may not be prompt in paying their accounts with local merchants, but the dentist is expected to honor his obligations without delay. What regard does he have for the spiritual values of life? The dentist deals not merely with teeth but with human beings, who many times need the vibrant touch of spiritual encouragement. Is he always late for service club meetings and church services? Then his dental schedule is very likely met in the same way. Nothing succeeds like success. The dentist you are looking for will have an established practice. People appreciate his doing more than talking. The good dentist practices the prevention of dental decay. His own teeth are in a good state of repair. Everything about him shows the same meticulous care and attention. His automobile will not show a fender wrinkled on last winter's slippery streets. What do you see outside and inside his office? The answers to the following questions will assist in your evaluation: 1. Is the outside of his office neatly painted? 2. Is his office lawn cut regularly? edged and trimmed? 3. Is his name sign professional and neat? 4. Is the reception room attractive and tastefully furnished? 5. Is the reception-room reading material slanted to help you in better understanding good dental health and good dentistry? 6. Does he (and his staff) treat patients in a kind and friendly manner? 7. Does he have modern equipment for sterilization of instruments and easy, pleasant work on patients? 8. Are his operating rooms spick and span? 9. Does he wash his hands each time he returns to treat you? 10. Is his uniform clean? The dental office has many small instruments and supplies. To be effective in dental surgery, anesthesia administration, tooth-shade selection, and cavity preparation, every item must be placed consistently and neatly. Many people have fear of the dental chair dating back to childhood. Only the pain of a severe toothache will drive them to it. The good dentist is aware of this apprehension, and does his best to allay it. He uses methods of medication and anesthesia to minimize discomfort and nervousness. "Painless Dentistry" used to be an advertising slogan, but so improved are modern procedures that it is now taken for granted. The good dentist takes time to do a thorough examination. He uses X-ray, study models, and other diagnostic aids to ensure correct diagnosis. Because his interest is in the over-all health of (To page 25) your mouth, not in one filling JANUARY, 1962 By HARRY M. TIPPETT M.A., Litt.D. the LEGACY of TIME philosopher who frittered away many A HOMESPUN years putting off decisions and actions to a more con- venient season came to himself one day and made this pertinent observation, "I have spent my life in the land of tomorrow, and in no other land are the rents so high." Borrowing time from tomorrow's budget to squander on today's leisure exacts the highest usury rates one can imagine. Tomorrow with fair face and smooth tongue flatters the laziness and irresponsibility of the passing hour and woos wisdom from its judgment seat. The chief harvests of mafiana land are frustration and self-reproach over the foundered projects of yesterday. Out of the evil days of Domitian, which were not unlike our own stressful times, comes the penetrating comment of Martial: "Tomorrow I will live, the fool doth say; Today itself's too late; the wise lived yesterday." Deficit spending, borrowing from tomorrow's expected assets, whether on a national or individual scale, is a gambling kind of procrastination. The deferred-payment plan has lured many nations and countless individuals into insolvency. Putting off the day of accounting is perhaps more tragic in its effect on physical health and spiritual peace than in its cost in material security. For fear of what the doctor may find, thousands delay their physical examinations, only to discover too late some malignancy or disability that could have been corrected. Other people, lest they miss today's fun and frolic, let indulgence have full sway, sidestepping the moral code, putting off the day of reconciliation with God, only to meet in a most inconvenient hour the irrevocable decree, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee" (Luke 12:20). It is not within the province of this journal to preach; but for richer, happier living in 1962 let's try exploring TODAY for its true values and noble potentials. • 13 CREDIT: LEDERER L s STEVEN DOHANOS, ARTIST The quarantine sign helped people avoid disease by its warning of illness in a home. Prevention is the best way. A. 13, NNI Get your child to a doctor if he has serious symptoms. CARLET FEVER is an acute infectious disease of childhood that is much milder since the advent of penicillin. It is still a serious disease because of the possible complications and the mild cases that are overlooked. We no longer encounter the malignant form of scarlet fever, and death is rare. Mothers and fathers of today can be thankful for the advances in medicine that remove such diseases from the danger zone for their children and save many lives that in years past would have been sacrificed. The onset is sudden, with sore throat and rise in temperature. Vomiting may occur. The cheeks are flushed, and there is pallor around the mouth and nose. The tongue is coated at first, but soon there are red spots (swollen papillae) visible through the white film. This is known as the strawberry tongue, or strawberry-and-cream tongue by some. The white coating disappears, and the tongue becomes red, with the papillae prominent, by the fifth to the seventh day. We call this the raspberry tongue. Within forty-eight hours a fine red-spot rash begins on the neck and chest, spreads over the body but not the face. It fades on pressure, but reappears promptly when the pressure is released. In mild cases the rash may be overlooked. The rash may last a few hours to several days before it fades. Peeling may take place immediately, or not for one to two weeks. It is more 14 marked on the hands and feet than it is on the body. Scarlet fever is not very contagious in the early stages and first few days of the rash. Prompt isolation is very helpful in preventing the spread of the disease. The cases that go unrecognized are the chief sources of infection, which is spread by the secretions of the nose and mouth in droplet form. These droplets may contaminate the hands and articles such as handkerchiefs, linens, and toys. It is certain that germs can be found on the floors, walls, and ceiling of the patient's room. The germs can be air-borne within a room. Foods, especially contaminated milk and ice cream, have been the cause of some outbreaks. Streptococci have long been considered the cause of scarlet fever. There are several strains that can cause it. An epidemic may be caused by one or more strains, with first one and then the other predominating. There does not seem to be any uniformity in their occurrence. Scarlet fever has been thought of as a disease with a rash. In recent years the early use of antibiotics and antihistamines has no doubt masked or decreased the rash, which is really an allergic part of the infection. Because of the decreased rash, no doubt, many mild cases have not been diagnosed as scarlet fever but as strep throat, a familiar phrase. Not all of these streptococci germs have power to produce toxins, which are actually the cause of the rash. LIFE & HEALTH droplet sprays during the late incubation and early invasion period. Patients who develop discharging ears or glands are still a source of infection. A tongue as red as a strawberry, sandy Immunization against scarlet fever is available. skin rash, and inflamed throat tell your Because of the possibility of occasional severe reactions, it has not been used widely. It is of value to doctor that you have scarlet fever. He persons who will be constantly exposed, such as nurses must prevent complications with care. working on the contagion wards. Scarlet fever is more common in temperate zones. It is a constant potential danger in cities, causing occasional epidemics. Most cases occur in the winter and spring months. Isolation of persons having scarlet fever should be for not less than seven days, and longer if the throat is not normal or if there are draining ears or glands. All persons coming into intimate contact with the patient should be given penicillin to protect them against the disease. Diagnosis is made on the findings during the time of illness. A nose-andthroat culture showing the growth of a hemolytic (blood-dissolving) streptococcus helps support the KATHRYN L. HAGEN, M.D. findings. The white blood cell count is fairly high, with a certain type cell predominating. Treatment is not difficult in the average case. It can be carried on nicely by The appearance of the rash depends on the power the home nurse—the mother or a relative who may of the germ to produce a toxin, as well as on the come in to help her. Complete bed rest, plenty of natural immunity of the individual. If a person has fluids, and a light diet as tolerated are indicated. Headinherited or at some time developed an antitoxin ache and sore throat are treated as indicated. Measures immunity (antitoxins in the blood stream against to control vomiting are used when necessary. Penia particular toxin) he will get tonsillitis or a local cillin is the medicine of choice for scarlet fever. infection, but no rash will appear. These four factors —toxin- or nontoxin-producing germs and antitoxin Complications are treated as they present themselves. Infected glands, ears, and sinuses, also acute or nonantitoxin immunity—plus all the strains of kidney infections, can develop. The use of penicillin germs able to cause scarlet fever could very easily keeps these complications well controlled or commake a definite diagnosis difficult unless the doctor pletely in abeyance. Too many people believe that who is in charge of the patient runs tests that show one or two shots of penicillin should clear all sore him exactly what condition is present in each person throats. Your doctor only should decide whether you who has a sore throat. need penicillin for a sore throat. One attack produces protection against scarlet Treatment for ten days is none too long for the fever with the rash and against the particular strain average strep throat in order to prevent the poststrepcausing the attack. Thus a person may have more tococcal state, which is characterized by vague aches than one infection in one year. Relapses, especially and pains, pallor, loss of appetite, and many other in hospital wards, do occur, but they are now believed possibilities. Nephritis, or kidney disease, is one of to be a new infection contracted from a new patient the most dreaded results. The treatment may seem in the next bed suffering from a different strain. It is all too plain that scarlet fever with all its long and expensive at the time, but it will be much less expensive moneywise and healthwise in the long possibilities is still with us, only presenting itself run if carried to completion, and the germs are through different strains of the same germ family. eradicated. The incubation period is from two to six days Health is to be desired above all else, because after direct contact. Generally, the more serious the with it we can enjoy the best things in life, we can be case, the shorter the incubation period. Like most happy and free. • other contagious diseases, scarlet fever is spread by SCARLET FEVER JANUARY, 1962 15 EMATURIA (blood in the urine) is one of the most important and significant of urinary symptoms. In a study of 2,800 cases of urogenital diseases Mackenzie found 21.6 per cent, or 500, had abnormal bleeding. Every case of hematuria is either total, initial, or terminal. In total hematuria the entire urinary output is stained red. To the doctor this condition suggests bleeding from within the bladder, especially if the patient has no pain. In initial hematuria, only the first portion of the expelled urine is bloody. It suggests lesions of the prostate or urethra. Terminal bleeding often shows as a few drops of blood-stained urine after the bladder is emptied. It suggests diseases of the bladder outlet or posterior urethra. The longer blood stays in contact with urine the greater is the blood change from bright red to a dark, rusty color. Kidney bleeding is likely to produce a dark, smoky urine. If kidney bleeding is excessive, the urine may be bright red and contain clots that are wormlike because they have passed down the ureters (the tubes carrying the urine from the kidneys to the bladder). The passage of these clots is very painful. Blood in the urine can come from a variety of causes. It usually means some serious lesion or disease. Tell your doctor about it without delay. It should always be investigated promptly by a physician. It is rarely constant, is usually intermittent in character. There may be months or years between appearances. It is not an indication for symptomatic treatment, but is a warning signal that merits immediate thorough investigation. The family physician should at once make some investigation, and refer the patient to a urologist (specialist in urinary diseases) for more complete urologic study. "Gross hematuria" denotes a condition in which there is enough blood in the urine to give it a reddish color. "Microscopic hematuria" denotes an increased number of red cells in the urinary sediment. Normal urine contains a few red blood cells; as many as 500,000 may be found in a 24-hour specimen, according to Addis. The physician will call for an Addis count when he thinks it is required. The kidneys are placed one on each side of the spinal column in the midback, in an area sometimes called the loins. They secrete and excrete waste products from the blood stream. Millions of little tufts of blood vessels (glomeruli) enclosed in capsules act as filters. They transfer the urine to the tubules in the kidneys, which carry it on to the pelvis, or the collecting part of the kidney. From there it is carried down through the ureters to the bladder. The bladder, or reservoir, collects the H 16 in the Urine urine from the kidneys and retains it until the person empties it. The bladder is a muscular organ situated in the lower part of the abdomen, protected by the bony structure of the pelvis, or the hip bones. The urethra empties the urine from the bladder. In the male the urethra passes through the lower portion of the prostate area. In the female the urethra is a much shorter and less complicated structure. Bleeding can come from any one or several parts of the urinary tract. If the physician suspects that the blood is coming from the upper urinary tract, it is important for him to determine the amount of bleeding and whether it is from the right or left kidney. The causes of hematuria may be classified as general, or systemic (which are mainly outside the genitourinary system), and local (which are mainly in the genito-urinary system). For general causes we think of such conditions as scurvy, yellow jaundice, and leukemia. Local causes may be divided into these categories: 1. Bleeding from the lower tract, caused by posterior urethral infections; stricture, or tightness of the canal, due to ulceration and irritation from infection or foreign bodies, prostatic conditions, tumors, and stones. 2. Bleeding from the midtract, caused by bladder LIFE & HEALTH If a person notices blood in the urine, he should tell his doctor about it, for it is one of the symptoms not to be neglected. OLIVER E. THOMPSON, M.D., F.I.C.S. A. 0, JANUARY, 1962 stones, tumors of the bladder, ulcers, infections, and diverticula, or pockets, due to overstretching of the bladder and rupture of its outer layers. 3. Bleeding from the upper tract, caused by stones, strictures, and tumors of the ureters; stones, tumors, tuberculosis, other infections of the kidneys, and inflammation of the kidneys, called nephritis (nephros, meaning "kidney"; and iti.s, "inflammation"), acute and chronic nephritis of the tubules and the glomeruli. The five most important causes of bleeding are stones, infection, tumors, tuberculosis, and nephritis. The past six or seven years have seen remarkable developments in diagnosis and treatment, owing largely to discoveries in bacteriology. The fields of research have discovered the various antibiotics. Refined techniques of the laboratory have made better diagnosis possible. Increase in scientific knowledge gives help in clearing up some of the more stubborn urinary-tract infections. Medicine also has made advancement. Treatment of hematuria depends on the cause. If the cause is infection, the physician must determine which bacteria are present. He does so by taking specimens of urine from both kidneys if there is reason to Aspect that they are at fault, and sending them to the laboratory for cultures and testing of sensitivities of the bacteria to the various antibiotics. The proper antibiotics will help clear up the infection. Urine cultures must be taken with sterile technique else they will be of little help. Some of the bacteria present in chronic infections become resistant to the antibiotics that earlier would have cleared up the infection. This fact emphasizes the importance of early treatment and staying with it until all signs of infection are gone. Negative cultures taken after a course of treatment show that the infection has cleared. Repeat cultures may be necessary if there are pus cells in the urine, if there is temperature, and if general wellbeing has not returned. If stones are present, they must be removed; strictures must be dilated to improve drainage; tumors removed and sent to the pathologist for diagnosis. Chronic infections must receive treatment. When they are present elsewhere in the body, sooner or later the kidneys are involved. Tuberculosis, infected tonsils, sinuses, abscessed teeth, chronic appendicitis, chronic gall-bladder trouble, and constipation put an added load on the kidneys. Sooner or later there are bacteria in the kidneys that are hard to remove. To treat the urinary tract and not investigate chronic or acute infection elsewhere in the body is a waste of time and money. Preventive medicine is still the best means of treatment. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is worth heeding. The average person can do more than he is doing to prevent kidney trouble with all its ills and other diseases by keeping up his body resistance. The ten rules for good health are fresh air, exercise, rest, recreation, wholesome food well prepared, sunlight, proper bathing externally and internally, no worry(To page 29) ing, ample clothing, and good cheer. 17 OU are no doubt familiar with the wonder story of the blood. You know that the red cells carry oxygen to the body tissues and keep them supplied with food, and the white blood cells protect us from many infections. A small boy came into the doctor's office for a blood count. Immediately he said, "Oh, I know what you are looking for. You want to see whether I have any little fighters in my blood." Our body has ways of protecting us from diseases besides the help of the white cells. The skin is our first line of defense, and if bacteria are able to break through this barrier and get into the blood or body tissues, they can make plenty of trouble. Sometimes these poisonous fellows sneak into our food or slip into the nose and ears and set up housekeeping. The mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and intestines protect us from invasion of poisonous bacteria, but there are some diseaseproducing germs that can penetrate even these barriers. Usually a certain disease is caused by a specific organism. In order to diagnose a particular disease, the doctor must find the bacteria or virus known to cause this type of illness in the material taken from the site of the infection, from the blood, or from the tissues of the person who is harboring the germs. Often these disease-producing bacteria have the same chemical composition as the body cells, and as soon as they gain entrance into the tissues they attach themselves to the living cells. Each type of bacteria produces its own particular kind of poison. When the bacteria attach themselves to the cells and begin producing their poisons, the cells are not able to receive their nourishment from the blood, and soon will die. The cells must begin their fight for existence. They manufacture specialized bodies to fight the bacteria that have attached themselves to them. These specialized substances have been given the name antibodies. If enough of these antibodies are manufactured to destroy the killer germs and their toxins, the body will be able to overcome the disease. Even after the sickness has been conquered, the body cells continue to produce these antibodies. They find their way into the blood and tissues and form a reception committee that is ready to attack these same bacteria if they should gain entrance at some future time. The more of these specialized antibodies produced, the better our resistance to the disease. Some bacterial and viral diseases give us a lasting immunity from further attacks, because our cells are continually making the antibodies that protect us. Others may produce only a short period of immunity, for the antibodies are not produced in great enough quantity for lasting protection. It is an interesting fact that antibodies have varied 18 •V. ' • ...... Your methods for destroying bacteria. They are too small to be seen, and the only way we can know of their presence is by the reaction that takes place in the blood or skin when brought in contact with the bacteria they were manufactured to destroy. This antibody reaction is used in diagnosing specific diseases. Let us consider typhoid fever. If the characteristic symptoms that point to typhoid are present, a positive diagnosis can be made by testing a sample of blood to determine whether the antibodies against typhoid bacteria are present. A sample of blood is drawn, and the serum, or fluid portion, is mixed with some live typhoid bacteria on a slide or in a test tube. When the two are mixed, something interesting takes place. You can watch the bacteria gathering together in groups. If there are a large number of antibodies in the serum, the bacteria will be clumped even when the serum is diluted many hundreds of times. When this takes LIFE & HEALTH place, we know that there are typhoid organisms present in the blood of this person, for the serum contains the specialized antibodies for destroying typhoid bacteria. Virus diseases are caused by bacteria too small to be seen by the ordinary microscope, but in recent years it has been found that these tiny killers also can be destroyed by specific antibodies. Science has found that people can be made immune from certain diseases by the injection of either weakened bacterial toxins or killed bacteria. These inoculations cause the body to manufacture the same antibodies it would if it were harboring the bacteria and had the disease. Before these scientific facts were known, the only way that an immunity could be produced was by having the disease. Do you see now why it is so important that you and your children be protected by these inoculations, so that they will not fall victim to these infections? Because of the widespread program of inoculation, diseases such as diphtheria and smallpox have almost disappeared. Some years ago the famo usWillard Parker Alany disease neutralizers protect you from repeated illness Antibodies by HELEN SPICER MENKEL, R.N. Vaccines contain antibodies that are designed to help your system ward off any prevalent diseases. JANUARY, 1962 Hospital in New York closed its doors for lack of patients. This hospital was built seventy-six years ago and functioned as a special communicable-disease center. The coming of preventive inoculation eradicated the need for specialized hospitals for such diseases as diphtheria, smallpox, measles, and other childhood killers. It has been only in the past few years that science has been able to produce a vaccine for the crippling disease poliomyelitis. This vaccine has forced polio to take its place with the other diseases that have been practically wiped out. When the body cells produce these antibodies, we say there is an active immunity present. If you should be exposed to a communicable disease and have never had injections to produce the antibodies against it, you can still be protected by an injection of serum containing the antibodies. These antibodies have been built up over a long period of time by the cells of an animal, usually a horse, that has had injections of the same organism to which you have been exposed. This procedure will give you what is called a passive immunity, because it lasts only as long as the antibodies remain in your blood. It may protect you until the danger of the infection that is threatening you has passed. Any substance injected into the body that causes it to produce antibodies against itself is called an antigen. Some of the antibiotics act as antigens, and when introduced into your system they cause your cells to produce antibodies. These antibodies cause trouble when you receive the antibiotic the next time. This reaction may result in hives, skin eruptions, and other annoying symptoms. We then say that you are sensitive to that antibiotic. Even the horse serum that contains the antibodies is a foreign protein substance, and the body may produce a reaction to it by manufacturing antibodies against it. That is the reason your (To page 21) 3he 3amaj Yhjsician We do not diagnose or treat disease by mail, but answer general health questions. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope. Address: Family Physician, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Vitamin B. Brittle Fingernails Can any harm come from taking vitamin B,„ over a long period of time? What can I do about fingernails that peel and break? I have tried using fingernail polish, but it only seems to make them worse. I have heard that gelatin is good for strengthening the nails. Is this true? We are not aware of any symptoms that follow the use of vitamin B12. In fact, to our knowledge some people have used it for a period of several years regularly. No Sugar in Blood A relative of mine has been diagnosed as having no sugar in her blood. From the combination of this difficulty and the medicines prescribed, she gets extremely upset. Is a lack of sugar in the blood curable? How long will a cure take? The symptoms you mention and the diagnosis your doctor made as to the blood condition of your relative suggest that she probably has functional hypoglycemia. This is not a true diabetic state, although sometimes we find it running along very close to diabetes, the patients having periods of very low blood sugar and then periods of very high blood sugar interchangeably. This fluctuation in blood sugar shows that there is an upset in the regular body process. The marked nervousness and upset of the nerve balance is a symptom to be noticed. The doctor observes various items in treatment, according to the individual. We have under observation at the present time such a patient, to whom we give insulin on occasion, but most of the time recommend his subsisting on a high protein diet. This does not mean a meat diet, but one relatively higher in protein than the average diet. It is probable that the condition is rather uncertain of being cured, but we believe it can be regulated by intelligent and proper guidance. One afflicted in this way should keep in quite close contact with his physician for guidance in dealing with new problems as they may arise from time to time. 20 It would be our thought that fingernail polish might dry the nails and cause more peeling than before. Fingernail polish contains chemicals that for some nails may have a drying effect. In some cases, women have noticed their nails breaking after using polish for many months without any period of rest for the nails. A more moderate use of polish may be tried. The splitting or breaking of the nails commonly comes when they are dryer than they should be and the normal cohesion of nail tissue is disturbed. Some doctors have thought that brittle nails reveal a shortage of minerals in the diet. The nails are very similar in structure to the skin, and anything that detracts from the nutrition of the skin might well do the same for the nails. Some of the more coarse vegetables have been recommended in the diet to bring about improvement in the nails and reduce splitting and shelling. We are not aware of the value of gelatin in matters of this kind. Preparations such as lanolin or olive oil rubbed about the nail and around its skin connections may prove of some help. * * * Dropped Kidney NIGHT IN THE HOSPITAL By MARION LEONARD Quiet is wrapped around me here, Cool hands bring ease where pain has reigned, And gentle whispers calm the fear Of fevered dreams. Now I, sustained In spirit and stilled of mind, walk hand In hand with you in night-thought land. I will remember this when I Come home, and I will pause, letting Remembered quietness untie The knotted hour while we, forgetting The hurried rush of time, bask in the word Of spoken love my night thoughts heard. Two years ago, X-ray photographs showed that I had a dropped kidney, and I was fitted for a support. But I have constant pain in my right side, back, and leg. Would surgery be wise for me? Even though X-rays showed dropping of the kidney two years ago, we think the wisest plan to follow now, if there is still trouble, is to have a new examination that will determine the present condition of the kidney on the right side. The position of the kidney may or may not produce other symptoms. We have known people with dropping of the kidney who were free from distress and were able to go along quite normally healthwise. But if the dropping of the kidney interferes with its function, intercepts the flow of urine, or in some other way upsets the normal economy of the body, then of course surgery should be evaluated. The present condition of the kidneys and their function should be considered in any decision calling for surgery on these organs. • LIFE & HEALTH YOUR ANTIBODIES (From page 19) physician injects a small amount of the horse serum under the skin before giving the full dose if you have had an injection of the serum at a previous time. If the skin surface becomes red and angry, he knows that you have built up a reaction against this foreign protein at some earlier time. He will then give you smaller doses over a longer period of time to cut down the danger of a severe reaction. All these injections must be given and taken only under expert advice and constant observation, for the production of immunity is a wonderful yet complicated advance in the treatment and prevention of disease. There are many diseases for which no immunity has been established, such as tuberculosis, cancer, and the common cold, but science marches on with rapid strides. • THE COMMON COLD (From page 9) to speak of certain vitamins as being especially needed by people suffering from colds, and in a way that is true. They are vitamin A (as found in any highly colored fruit and vegetable) and vitamin C (as found in citrus fruits). Now we learn that it is important to have all the vitamins and minerals. Besides these, a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrate is still a big factor in good body resistance. 4. Eat foods containing many vitamins and minerals and few sweets. In one experiment, the scientists found that in the cold-sensitive group a high sugar or carbohydrate diet caused increase of cold symptoms. If you are one of these susceptible-to-colds people, less white sugar, candy, cake, pie, and ice cream should be one of your rules. For general health, the average American eats far too much sugar and not enough protective foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter, citrus fruit more than once a day is an excellent idea. If you wish additional vitamins and minerals in tablets or capsules, that is quite all right. To be sure you are getting the right amount, consult your family physician. • JANUARY, 1962 CAN GERMS BE BY-PASSED? By WILLIAM J. CROMIE NFRIENDLY germs can kill you if U they are not by-passed or overcome. You must know how they act and how to evade or conquer them. Although the action and reaction of a germ invasion is alarming, you need not despair. Nature has provided outer and inner lines of defense. If you observe her safeguards, you may sidetrack a germ onslaught. In other words, you can bypass germs. The outer line of defense is prevention. The over-all method of prevention is to keep your body in a state of vital resistance. In order to do this you must employ agents in the materia medica of nature: 1. Fresh Air and Sunshine. Resistance against germ warfare is lowered if the air breathed is unclean. Gas from the exhaust of a car is bad. The air in theaters and other crowded places is impure. You may counteract the ill effect of these conditions by having plenty of fresh air while you sleep. Sunshine, after all, is not only the source of all life, light, and heat but also the greatest germ destroyer. Get plenty of sunbaths. 2. Regular Exercise. Activity is life, and stagnation is death. This is true of the body. Physical exercise different from your occupational activities is a must. After sixty years of practice I conclude that walking is the best exercise. Muchused leg muscles will condition the lungs, give health, and outdistance germs. Also include swimming in your exercise agenda. 3. Adequate Sleep. Sufficient sleep will reinforce resistance against sleepless bacteria. For the fatigue of a strenuous day's work, restful sleep has the power of automatic repair. Eight or more hours of sleep will restore lost powers. Physicians prescribe rest and sleep for heart disease and nervous conditions. Should we not take a hint and so bypass ill-health? 4. Bathing. Keep the skin clean by bathing. The sweat glands in the body, placed end to end, would make a sewage system ten miles in length. Keep it clean. At every opportunity take a package bath that combines sun, water, and air. And, incidentally, drink six or eight glasses of water daily in order to keep clean inside. The inner defenses are clean nose and throat, a healthy stomach, and friendly antibodies. 1. Skin, Nose, and Throat. A normal skin repels bacteria. If the skin, is cut or broken, germs take over and may cause even lockjaw or blood poisoning. When it is injured, apply an antiseptic immediately. Breathe through the nose, because the hairs act as filters and prevent germs from reaching the lungs. Gargle often with salt water in order to tone the mucous membrane—a teaspoonful of salt to a glass of water. When the throat feels hot and begins to tickle, spray it with a good antiseptic. This measure may sidetrack a cold. 2. Stomach. The stomach contains acids that destroy putrefactive germs. If you overeat or eat foods that are injurious, you pave the way for a germ invasion. A great affliction from errors in diet is constipation. If you are so troubled, eat a laxative, bulky food each day. A few laxative foods are apples, peaches, prunes, cherries, grapes, figs, rhubarb, and oatmeal. Bulky or rough foods are cabbage, broccoli, kale, lettuce, spinach, and whole-wheat bread. Remember the truism "You are what you eat." If you are unsure about diet, get a good book on diet that includes information on vitamins. 3. The Friendly Antibodies, White Blood Cells, and Antitoxins. We should assist these blood warriors in our effort to build up a rich blood stream. The over-all line of defense against germs and bad emotions is the power of a well-balanced mind. If the mind is sick, the body is also sick. Extreme fear and worry can cause mental illness. The poisons of fear, worry, and frustration can be as dangerous as deadly bacteria. When the mind is tranquil, cheerful, and hopeful, better health will be assured. Cultivate the virtues of faith and love for their beneficial uplift. Proverbs 23:7 says: "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Don't be introspective. In other words, don't indulge in self-pity by looking inward. Look outward—or better still, look upward. The only way to by-pass harmful emotions is to change the line of thought. You should have a hobby or two, and cultivate an interest in other persons. You will find prayer and religion to be excellent uplifts. Live a cheerful religious life. You can by-pass deadly germs and harmful emotions. The know-how is of great value if you apply persistent action. • 21 Jour Jicaltii 1D 'ol Fathers and mothers, send your questions about your children to: The Children's Physician, LIFE AND HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C., enclosing stamped, addressed envelope for reply. By ROBERT F. CHINNOCK, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California Child's Appetite up to three months ago our two-yearold girl seemed to have a good appetite, but now she will not eat at all. What shall we do? There is a tremendous variation in the eating pattern of children, and it is quite common for them to eat better during the first and occasionally second year of life than they will eat later. Children have the best appetite during those periods of life when they are growing rapidly, such as the first year of life and adolescence. So long as a child is healthy, gaining weight adequately, and growing there should be little concern if the food intake is small. Make an attempt to see that the child's food intake is well balanced. Omit between-meal feedings when the intake at meals is small. Make mealtime a time of relaxation for the family. If a child does not eat the food placed before him in a reasonable time, remove the plate without making an issue of it, and give no more food until the next meal. Too large a serving on a plate may discourage a child. Especially when a child is not eating heartily make the servings small. He will have the feeling that you are not asking too much of him and that he can eat what you give him. Hip-Joint Disease My 10-year-old boy has been having a lot of pain in his hip, and we have been told that there has been some destruction of the bone in the hip joint. Is this likely to cause permanent damage? During the years of adolescence it is not uncommon to see a condition that when X-rayed shows some destruction of the bone. It may be in the hip, knee, foot, and occasionally other bones of the body. When this condition is in the hip, it is known as Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. When after examining a youngster and his X-rays a doctor makes this diagnosis, the outlook for eventual complete recovery is usually good. At times it may be necessary for the youngster to be kept off the leg for a period of time, and in severe cases bed rest may be indicated. If the change in the X-ray picture is caused by infection of the bone or a growth in the area, the outlook is not so favorable as when the diagnosis of LeggCalve-Perthes is made. Fresh Fruit for Babies? Is it true that you should not give children under one year of age fresh fruit such as berries and peaches? In general, it is preferable to give children under one year of age cooked fruits, with the exception of banana and at times scraped apple. Cooked fruit is a little less likely to be laxative and generally is better tolerated by very young children than raw fruit. Raw foods tend to have larger particles, which are easily lodged in the throat and may cause choking. Do not give a baby berries, because the seeds might lodge in his throat and cause him to choke. • •..••••-• FROM WHERE I STAND By JEAN CARPENTER MERGARD The school's dismissal signal shrills. After a pulsing pause, there spills Through gasping doors the youthful throng, Whose energies, pent up too long, Erupt now with an echoed whoop. Seeing this homogeneous group Of bodies, each equipped complete With swinging arms, shoe-scuffing feet, And busy head, I never fail To marvel at the fine detail Exceptionally manifest That sets our child off from the rest! Whenever a growing child has persistent pain, limping, or limitation in the use of one or more of the joints, see to it that he has prompt examination by a physician. 2.2 LIFE & HEALTH LISTEN TO YOU By WILLIAM I. RANKIN THE personnel director of a famous department store in Chicago once said, "Every year I must interview at least a thousand men and women. Out of this number we hire probably 150. One of the things I watch like a hawk is the applicant's speech. Because most of our employees must deal with the public, we are careful always to select men and women with pleasant voices. It is surprising what poor speech most people have, even high school and college graduates." Have you listened to yourself lately? Go to a corner of the room, face closely into the corner, cup your ears, and speak a few words. That strange voice you hear is yours. Most, people think they know what they sound like, but most are sadly unaware of the true sound of their voice. While working in a voice clinic during recent years, I helped record hundreds of voices. After taping the voice, I usually asked the person to sit and listen, and I sat back and watched his facial expression. I t invariably underwent a change from shocked surprise to disbelief. The usual expression was "Is that my voice? W-why, it doesn't sound like me." To me it sounded exactly like him. Under the stress of this anxious age our voices become unpleasant without our being aware of it. Harsh, strident voices take away our charm and alienate our associates. You probably know people whose friendship you don't care to cultivate. How often you have said to yourself on sighting one of them, "There is So-andso: I don't want to talk to him." Why not? Perhaps his conversation is dull, flat, colorless, monotonous. He has no gift for words, no facility, no felicity in expressing himself. He does not know how to talk. There are inarticulate people who are incapable of carrying their end of a conversation. If you don't keep it going, there is only a long embarrassing silence. His awkwardness in speech is so painful that it makes you uncomfortable. After a few stilted words about the weather, the conversation bogs down. You both wish you were somewhere else. There are people whose annoying habits of speech grate on the nerves—people who ramble on and on, people who JANUARY, 1962 punctuate every few words with "and uh, and uh," people who insist with "See? Understand? See what I mean?" and of course there are always the cliché riders —"You said it," "You're tellin' me," "You can say that again." To be sure your own speech is well modulated and pleasant to the ear, ask yourself these questions: 1. Is my speech clear? The only thing more annoying than having someone continually saying, "Huh? What? How's that?" is to have to be continually asking, "Huh? What? How's that?" If people frequently misunderstand you and ask you to repeat, you have lazy lips. Practice saying everything with your lips forming the words flexibly. One campus character I met was known as Mumbles. He came into my recording studio one day, and I did some experimenting with him. I asked him to read for me, and coaxed him into opening his mouth as wide as possible and still be able to read the material. The results were phenomenal; he sounded like a different person. I played the recording to some of his close friends. They wanted to know who it was. He was so elated that he used his new voice to talk his way into several top leadership positions. 2. Is my voice harsh? Shrill, brassy, strident voices stem from tension. They are murder to the nerves. To break the habit of talking in a tense voice simply calls for a daily dose of relaxation. Try yawning; nothing else is quite so relaxing. One of the best relaxing exercises I know is one I learned while in military service. Let your neck completely relax until your head drops helplessly on your chest. Slowly revolve your head clockwise for several complete revolutions; then reverse. 3. Is my voice weak? Weakness of the breath stream on which your voice depends means an unexercized diaphragm muscle. Spread the fingers of both hands and place them under your rib cage. Press upward. That is your largest and most important breathing muscle. Say "boom" several times with a bouncing roll that makes your abdomen jump. Shouting, whispering aloud (stage whisper), deep breathing, and long walks are all of great therapeutic value in improving the voice. 4. Is my voice flat and colorless? This may sound unrelated, but when I hear a person with a dull, monotonous voice I want to tell him to laugh—laugh heartily all over. If he could keep a happy point of view and retain a smile in his voice as he speaks, he would no longer sound flat and colorless. Nasality is common to the person with a flat voice. If you sound nasal, try consciously to use your mouth and throat more actively. Sound words in your throat so that you feel the friction there. If you haven't sung a tune lately, do so. If you haven't read anything aloud lately, do so, with or without a listener. After only a few months of practicing on developing your voice power and effectiveness, you will discover that living is more fun—your friends are now pleasantly aware of your contribution to their surroundings, people enjoy chatting with you without becoming restless, you make a telling impression on schoolroom wisdom and social interchange, your associates take your counsel without becoming irritated, even your family is receptive to your ideas of improvement in the home. As you learn to use your voice properly, you will see the effect on other people. You will see for yourself that now people really want to listen to you talk. • 23 Send your questions on family problems to: The Family Fireside, LIFE Cr HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply. By HAROLD SHRYOCK, M.D. Professor of Anatomy, Loma Linda University School of Medicine CHILDREN'S MONEY (Concluded) Whose Money? How much control must I assume over the money my fifteen-year-old daughter earns? The reason you ask this question is that you realize you and your husband are making a substantial investment in your daughter's personal needs. If yours is an average family, you and your husband are providing her clothes, food, school supplies, and room with furnishings. Now that she is earning some money, possibly by baby-sitting, you may consider it logical for her to return to you at least part of her earnings to help on what you are spending for her benefit. From a strictly business standpoint, it is logical for you to assume that your daughter owes you something in return for what you are doing for her. The most important consideration is the opportunity you parents have to help her obtain adequate preparation for adult life. It is good for her to be encouraged to earn money by her own efforts. If you take part of what she earns, she is tempted to reason, Why should I work if the money I earn is not mine to use as I choose? It is recognized that as long as she is at home and particularly while in her teens, she is responsible to you for her general conduct. It is proper for you to guide and counsel her as to how to spend her money. Why not work out such a friendly relationship with her in these and other matters that she is willing to plan with you on how she will spend her money? Make sure in all your dealings with her that you recognize clearly that this is money she has earned and over which she has control. By the age of fifteen she should have reasonably good judg24 ment for purchasing clothes, things for her room, and school supplies. Arrive at an agreement by which she will accept the responsibility for providing from her own earnings some of her needs. This plan will save you the cost of buying these articles from the family budget. It will give her experience in handling money and teach her the true value of her purchases. .!.1:$ • I ; A f. 1: it .) Daughter's Handicap I am a college girl engaged to be married. My fiance recently told me that it seems to him I am quite ignorant as to the value of money and seem inexperienced in making financial plans. This remark caused me to realize that I have never had the opportunity of handling money. My mother, who is a widow, has provided my needs one at a time out of the trust fund my father arranged for my education. What can I do at this late date to learn wise handling of money? I agree with you that it is unfortunate you have not had the opportunity to handle money and to plan your financial affairs. The only benefit to be derived from bemoaning this circumstance is to impress you with your duty, when later you become a mother, to make sure your children are not so handicapped. The very fact that you are aware of your shortcoming is a favorable indication. In most families the wife assumes certain responsibilities in the home and its affairs. Their exact nature is determined by an agreement between husband and wife. Once you are married, you and your husband should give deliberate study to the division of responsibility between you two. No doubt he will be happy to help you in planning a food and household budget. As your experience develops, you will be able gradually to go ahead without help from him. He should understand that in the early part of your experience of learning to use money it is probable you will make certain mistakes. I trust he will not be critical of you in this matter and will recognize that it is not your fault you have failed to gain the experience in the use of money that most young people have attained at your age. • LIFE & HEALTH GOOD DENTIST (From page 13) or extraction, he takes time to talk to you in plain language so that you will understand your dental problem and its solution. He is aware of the importance of caring for children's teeth. Pedodontics, as this phase of dentistry is known, is actually the prevention of adult dental problems. A thoughtful dentist has a working patient-recall system and makes appointments for you at regular intervals. At these appointments he removes the tartar, or calcium deposits, and stains from your teeth, thus helping to prevent pyorrhea and resulting loss of teeth. He may spot any new pin-point dental decay on these recall visits. This program establishes a system of preventive maintenance for you, with the end result of long-time the American Dental Association. His association with fellow ethical dentists indicates his genuine interest in his profession and the dental health of his community. The pastor in the pulpit presents the perfect pattern for living, but he doesn't claim perfection. We have outlined some ideal characteristics of a good dentist without claiming that we meet all of these standards. Dentists, like others, are human—don't expect to find one with all of these exact qualifications. These are some of the characteristics by which you may judge the dentist you are looking for. By these standards he gains or loses patient confidence. If your score tallies well, you have the happy assurance that the dentist you have selected is "tops." A r * * ELECTRO-WARMTH OPENS A MARVELOUS NEW WORLD OF LUXURY SLEEPING COMFORT TO YOU. STeep ON IT no-f- wndeic it 50 H EAT Ri Electro-Warmth is placed, not over the user to cause heat depression, but "ON THE MATTRESS" to supply radiant energy—soothing warmth that is absorbed by your body while you sleep. It relieves restless sleep, and helps quiet your nerves. * Adjustable to any desired temperature. * Automatically turns on extra warmth if room cools. * Dial hangs on the head of bed within easy reach. * Seven feeler buttons enable you to find desired setting without light. * No interference with radio or TV. * 5-year warranty. * Recommended by doctors. * Thousands in use. * Money-back guarantee. Write for additi_onal information or $24.95 ORDER DIRECT FROM Postpaid THE ELECTRO-WARMTH CO. Double Bed Bed 4115-C Aspen St., Washington 15, D.C. 411S-C FITNESS WITH FUN health to your mouth and economy to your purse. Generally the fee for dental service is about the same for any specific service. Remember that here, as in other areas in life, you get what you pay for. The good dentist will keep you—his patient—informed as to fees for his services and will discuss freely with you in advance any questions you may have as to financial considerations. If necessary, he will make available to you a method whereby payment for services may be spaced so that you may have good dentistry within your budget. Not everyone is able to purchase the services of the dental profession. The conscientious dentist will give freely a portion of his time to clinics or institutions where these services are made available to such people. Time is important. Bosses and baby sitters keep you hopping. A good dentist is considerate of your time. He will try to see you at the appointed time. He will plan your work so that you will have the least possible number of appointments to complete the dental service you need. Knowledge increases rapidly in this twentieth century. Today's techniques may be outdated tomorrow. The good dentist is keenly aware of this fact. He keeps abreast of dental science by taking regular postgraduate courses and by reading up-to-date scientific literature. He is a member of the local dental society and JANUARY, 1962 Because of the high rejection rate of draftees in recent wars and as the result of Kraus and Hirschland's report on muscular fitness and health, says Better Health, published by Nebraska's Department of Health, there has been a mounting interest in fitness of the American people. In June, 1956, President Eisenhower called a conference on Fitness of American Youth that sparked the creation of the President's Council on Youth Fitness three months later. The American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation set up a battery of tests accompanied by tables of percentile scores based on age. Separate scores for boys and girls in the age groups of 10 through 17 were worked out after the reports of the representative schools were received. The Amateur Athletic Union of the United States has also promoted amateur athletics by giving every individual an athletic goal toward which to strive. In neither case is there any emotional stress; the children measure themselves only against standards instead of competing against superior performers. Both ask for wholehearted cooperation from all community groups interested in youth. The activities to be used in training for these tests provide fun and entertainment, as well as healthy, strong bodies. The tests include the regular and modified push-ups and pull-ups, sit-ups, sprints or dashes, standing broad jumps, runwalks, and softball or baseball throws. For further information and for the catalog of test materials and certificates, write to AAHPER—NEA, Fitness Department, 1201 Sixteenth St., NW., Washington 6, D.C., or for the AAU tests to the AAU of the United States, 233 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. • MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY Over 2 Million SUNFLOWER DISHCLOTHS Were sold in 1960 by members of societies, clubs. groups. etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury and make friends for your organization. Sample FREE to Official. Cohoes 1, N.Y. SANGAMON MILLS, INC. Established 1915 SENSATIONAL OFFER! FINEST ELECTRIC JUICER 0„,19" postage Sales tPalousifFi C Now you can enjoy all the healthful benefits of delicious fruit and vegetable juices made right in your own home in an instant. Just flick the switch and delicious garden-fresh juices, rich in natural vitamins and minerals, come pouring out. They're so digestible . . . and completely pulp-free. The PERFECT JUICER quickly juices raw carrots, beets, cabbage, apples, pears, and other fruits or vegetables. HOUSE OF NUTRITION 1125 Sixth Avenue San Diego 1, California Ask about our 20% discount plan on complete line of food supplement. Free Catalog on Request 25 the Golden This page is dedicated to all our Golden Age readers who are still young at heart. It is designed to improve and encourage active hobbies, good diet, and outdoor exercise. By OWEN S. PARRETT, M.D. FAILING MEMORY R. CHARLES MAYO said once, "In youth our minds are like wax to reD ceive and like adamant to retain, whereas in the later years of life we often find that the mind is like adamant to receive and like wax to retain." You may have noticed when you try to bring up a name of someone you should know well that it is elusive, yet in an unexpected moment it pops into your mind without effort. The harder you try to force the name into your memory, the more impossible it is to recall it. You may have noticed also that if you trip on some object, it is a little more difficult to recover your balance than it was ten years ago. You're getting a little older. Don't be too unhappy about it, only plan to do something about it. Over the years I have observed that the minds of gospel ministers remain active to an advanced age. While attending medical college I was walking on the campus and chanced to meet the late J. N. Loughborough, a minister in his eighties who had just completed a world tour of preaching. As we walked together he pointed to a bed of flowers and said, "When I was here a year ago these flower beds had —" and he described the former planting. His memory had retained the observations of the previous year, which a world tour might have erased from most minds. The well-known writer Mrs. Ellen G. White, who wrote on many subjects, including education, emphasized study of the Bible as a means of strengthening the powers of the mind. A certain preacher told me that he acted on this suggestion as age advanced and he noticed that his memory was get26 ting faulty. He memorized portions of the Bible and experienced great improvement in his memory. The great mind of Abraham Lincoln was fed on six books in his possession, one of which was the Bible. We can but wonder what would have happened if Lincoln had had television, a library of today's books, and had attended the movies being fed to millions of young Americans. I have found when a name is hard to recall that if I associate it with some other word which I remember it is easy to GOOD NIGHT, OLD YEAR By ELAINE Y. EMANS Good night, Old Year. What does One say to one who was Companion from the first, Through good times interspersed With lean, and friend who spent His final measurement Of hours for one's delight— Except Good night, good night? bring up. Such a word may be something far-fetched, for by a strange perversity of the human mind foolish matters are harder to forget than sensible ones. My nurse wife tells me that one of her teachers in anatomy—a subject that is full of hard names to memorize—would give her students tips for memory aids, such as "can you lick your eye" for canaliculi. She never forgot that name. If you put your arm in a sling for a few weeks an X-ray will reveal some de- calcifying of the bone, for nature tends to remove or deteriorate what is not used. The last thing anyone who retires should do is nothing! I called on a patient who was retired and living in a trailer. As I turned to leave, he asked me whether I would like his business card, then handed me a card with his name on it. Printed on the corners was: "James Blank, retired, no phone, no address, no business, no money." On the back it said, "Unhurried, unworried, unemployed, and unessential." He died soon afterward. Maybe his complete retirement had little to do with his passing, but everybody should remain active physically, mentally, and spiritually if they intend to remain alive and not start tapping the sidewalk with a cane or have their thinking go on crutches. Memory is like a switchboard where we try to plug in and make a contact with a recorded fact. The more elastic and mobile our little nerve brush ends are kept, the more readily they will find the object sought. Under alcohol, these nerve contacts go wrong, and we get all mixed up until we may really think we know something entirely different from the facts. Hardening of body tissues is an accompaniment of the aging processes. You can never predict just what part of the body may be affected first or most. If you will follow the right program, you should be able to keep your mind active and your memory good to a ripe old age. In a former issue Of LIFE AND HEALTH I discussed the matter of keeping blood circulation active as long as possible. Essentially, success in doing so means a low saturated-fatty-acid-diet program and resulting low cholesterol. Don't be afraid to exercise to a point LIFE & HEALTH of sweating once in a while. Don't be fooled by the advocates of a high-protein diet. Keep your fruits relatively high, and cut out meat, eggs, and animal fats. Cut cream, sugar, and sweet desserts to a very low level. Drink plenty of water. Keep happy. Nothing will so rapidly destroy mental equilibrium as worry, whether over imaginary problems or actual problems. If your marriage partner does not meet your ideals in every way, find ways of adjusting. The best way to adjust is by both of you living unselfish lives. The Bible has the answers for both of you. Remember that our lives will always be shaded by the environment in which we were brought up. I remember hearing a lecture given to young couples on family relations, in which the lecturer told the wives, "Don't think you are going to change entirely that fine young man you married. You could, all right, but to do so you must get him from the cradle." By the time we have reached the Golden Age, where many of us are, I am sure most of us men feel that the girl who stuck by us through thick and thin, in prosperity and adversity, fussed a little at our mistakes but always stayed by and helped us get out of the mess we made, is worth keeping. I am sure the wives also would say as much for us. Nothing will so prolong your youth and vigor, mind and body, as a happy outlook on life. Keep your memory bright and active by refusing to let anything get you down. • JANUARY, 1962 DRIVING AFTER DARK By HOMER ALLEN Reprinted from Indiana Department of Health Monthly Bulletin OW many "one-eyed monsters" have you met lately while driving around H town? How many cars have you seen with only one taillight shining? How recently have you looked at your own auto lights to see whether they are all functioning? Night driving is difficult under the best conditions. If people persist in driving cars with anything less than 100 per cent of the lighting system functioning, they are adding to their chance of becoming involved in an accident. It is now generally agreed by authorities that at sundown (on dark days, earlier) it is advisable to turn on headlights rather than parking lights. It is good sense to increase your own light range and make it easier to be seen by other drivers. There are still too many drivers who fail to follow the law about dimming lights. A driver is required to dim his lights at least 500 feet before meeting a car and at least 200 feet before overtaking a car. It is sheer carelessness or indifference not to follow this rule. Dimming one's lights is the courteous thing to do—but drivers get in trouble through the lack of this courtesy. "Slow down at sundown" is a good maxim. Dusk produces tricky shadows and illusions. Side vision is almost nil, and forward vision is limited to the range of your headlights except in well-lighted urban areas. Here are a few suggestions to help cut down the hazards of night driving: 1. Have a light check the next time you are at a service station. The attendant will be glad to help you. 2. Use headlights, not parking lights. 3. Never wear sunglasses at night. 4. Keep windows clean. 5. Watch for pedestrians. Almost half of pedestrian deaths occur between 6:00 P.M. and midnight. 6. Stop to rest if you become sleepy. 7. Reduce your speed. Although only one third of our total auto miles are driven at night, two thirds of the traffic deaths occur at night. In other words, night travel is about four times as deadly as day travel. There will never be enough enforcement officers to catch every violator of the traffic laws. Each driver must be his own policeman, and develop the skills and attitudes conducive to safe night driving. • Beautifully Located in a Suburb of Our Nation's Capital T HIS modern general hospital maintains therapeutic standards aimed at bringing new strength and vigor to body, mind, and spirit of each medical, surgical, and obstetrical case admitted. EUGEAE LELAIM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Ritvrdale, Maryland raar ',ANT SOME LAN6et TENDERTIps il NU-VITA FOODS Portland 14, Ore. What's DIFFERENT \ about TORUMEL YEAST TORUMEL YEAST has a Protein Efficiency Ratio up to 80% higher than Torula or Brewer's yeast. You get vital B-complex vitamins and minerals plus balanced Amino-Acids which greatly increase protein utilization. Protein can be harmful when improperly utilized; it is not how much you take, but how much your body can use efficiently. TORUMEL, unlike many food yeasts, is easily digested, readily assimilated. Fabulous-for-Flavor! You owe it to yourself to try TORUMEL. You'll like it! Morning, Noon or Night! Available as: POWDER—that dissolves instantly in hot or cold water. TABLETS—for convenient 'easy-to•take measured amounts. 'PRICES Powder: Tablets: or 14 oz. 250 1,000 $1.50 52.00 $6.00 If not available at your Health Food Store, order direct from THE EMEN EL co. LOMA LINDA, CALIF . 27 By MARY CATHERINE NOBLE, R.N., R.P.T. AMERICAN YOUTH FITNESS A PHRASE much bandied about in the popular press today is "youth fitness," or "physical fitness." Last May the magazine Wisdom devoted an entire issue to the subject, playing up such notables on the American scene as Vic Tanny, Paul Dudley White, and President John Kennedy. Each of these men received the magazine's award for his contribution toward increasing the nation's awareness of physical fitness. In 1956, President Eisenhower created a new advisory council called the President's Council of Youth Fitness. He included people concerned with the health of the nation such as the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Secretary of Commerce, and the administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. It might be said that here was a little core Cabinet concerned with the vital problem of a society gone flabby, as Bud Wilkinson, present director of the Council, has chosen to call the situation today. At the same time, President Eisenhower appointed a President's Citizens Advisory Committee on the Fitness of American Youth. About 125 leaders in business, industry, medicine, health, welfare, labor, sports, and education served on this committee. They sponsored four yearly conferences on youth fitness and established a Youth Fitness Office in Washington. Twenty-nine State governors saw the importance of sound health and created State youth fitness councils or advisory committees. A colloquium on the scientific aspects of exercise and fitness was held at the University of Illinois in December, 1959. Fitness was interpreted as referring to 28 "health (organic condition) and motor ability (strength, endurance, flexibility)." Exercise was defined as including "all types of physical activity (work, play, sports, dance, designed movement)." Some twenty-one papers presented indicated that there is indeed a scientific basis for the claims many people have made for exercise in a fitness program. The Council of Youth Fitness sent out a publication in July, 1961, to help schools in planning a program of improved physical fitness. President Kennedy's statement on the inside cover says that the decisive force in the nation's renewed effort to strengthen youth physically is school. The publication recommends three simple tests for use of the school screening program to identify the physically underdeveloped child. The only equip- ment needed is a chinning bar, a stop watch or a watch with a sweep-second hand, and forms for making a record of the findings. These tests measure the strength, flexibility, and agility. One test is to measure arm and shoulder strength, a second test is to measure flexibility and abdominal strength, and a third test is to measure agility. Arm-and-shoulder strength is measured by pull-ups. The test is modified for girls, but for boys it is conducted with the chinning bar placed high enough so that the boy tested can hang freely without touching his feet to the floor when his legs are straight, with arms straight. The boy grasps the bar with palms facing outward. The test action is to pull the body up by the arms until the chin is over the bar. The body is then lowered until the elbows are straight. The exercise is repeated a number of times. Boys ten to thirteen years of age should be able to do one pull-up; fourteen- or fifteen-year-olds should be able to do two pull-ups; and sixteen- or seventeen-yearolds, three pull-ups. Here are rules for the exercise: 1. The pull must not be a snap movement. 2. The knees must not be raised. 3. Kicking of the legs is not permitted. 4. The body must not swing. If the person starts to swing, the one testing him is to stop the motion by holding an arm straight across in front of his thighs. For girls, the bar is adjusted to chest level. The girl starts by holding the bar, palms out, legs extended out under the bar so that the body is on a slant and the arms are at a 90° angle with the body. The heels, resting at an angle on the floor, are braced by the person testing, to keep them from slipping. LIFE & HEALTH The test action is to pull the body up with the arms until the chest touches the bar. The body is lowered until the arms are straight. Eight of these modified pullups is considered passing for girls aged ten to seventeen. Their rules are: 1. The body must be kept straight. 2. The chest must touch the bar, and the arms must be fully extended afterward. 3. No resting is permitted. 4. One pull-up is counted each time the chest touches the bar. Sit-ups were chosen to test flexibility and abdominal strength. Both boys and girls should be able to do sit-ups. To pass, boys from ten to seventeen should be able to do fourteen sit-ups; girls, ten. Begin by lying flat on the back, legs straight, feet about a foot apart, hands clasped behind the head, feet stabilized by someone holding them at the ankles. is perfectly straight from shoulders to feet. (This is the position normally assumed if one is going to do push-ups.) 3. Return to the squat position, and then return to the erect position. A signal is useful such as "Ready, Go!" The action starts on "Go." At the end of ten seconds, the one examining should say, "Stop." Although we concur that the schools can play an important part in such a program, in our opinion the most decisive influence is the home. No one has a keener concern for the total well-being of a child than his parents. Only 7 per cent of a child's time from birth to age fourteen is spent in school activities, and it has been estimated that each pupil gets about five minutes' personal attention from the teacher each day. How important for parents to know about the physical fitness of their children, how to test it, and possible ways of improving it! • does the work of Machines in One! liquefier Soup Maker Juicer Ice Cream Maker Blender Grinder Salad Maker Miner The VITA-MIX Combination Continuous Automatic Pul• E ectioni $29.95 Juicing Attachment in combination with $59.95 Vita-Mix BOTH $6990 for only STAINLESS STEEL VITA-MIX waive NATURAL FOODS, Inc. Dept. -LH-1 8615 USHER RD. CLEVELAND 38, OHIO NATURE'S FOOD . . . BRIMFULL WITH NATURE'S TRUE TASTE AND GOODNESS! DIARY ENTRY, JANUARY 1 By Elly Marshall BLOOD IN THE URINE Gift wrapped in crisp new-fallen snow, Tied with a redbird's ribbon of cheer— What can this morning so aglow Promise us but a bright new year? Here is the action for testing: 1. Sit up and turn the trunk to the left. Touch the right elbow to the left knee. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat the sit-up, turning the trunk to the right and touching the left elbow to the right knee. 4. Return to starting position. 5. Count one complete sit-up each time the person returns to the starting position. Children and youth who have grown rapidly may have some difficulty doing sit-ups. This rapid-growth factor should be kept in mind. The test movement to check agility was the squat thrust. Before testing, it is important that the child understand the test action clearly. If a girl aged ten to seventeen can do three squat thrusts in ten seconds, she is considered physically fit; a boy in the same age group, four. To start the test, the person being tested stands at attention. Here is the action: 1. Bend the knees and place the hands on the floor in front of the bent knees. The arms may be between, outside, or in front of the bent knees. 2. Thrust the legs back from the squatting position far enough so that the body JANUARY, 1962 (From page 17) Many patients come to my office complaining of burning on urination. When the urine specimen is examined, there is found a high specific gravity. This may be due to fever or infection elsewhere in the body than the kidneys, but too often the cause is very simple—the patient is not drinking enough water. When questioned, he says, "I do not like water. It makes me sick." He does not realize that the sickness is caused by absorption of poisons in the stomach by dilution of its contents. Wash out this poison, mucus, or fermented food, and he will feel better. Water is still our best diuretic (kidney stimulant). Our bodies are 85 per cent water, or liquid; only 15 per cent solids. If we would have a healthy body we must wash out the impurities with plenty of water. Every one of us should drink six to eight glasses of water a day; more if the weather is hot or we are doing heavy exercise. This amount of water along with the liquid we take in our food will give the kidneys plenty of fluid to wash the waste products from the blood. Your doctor will tell you whether you are drinking too much water, which may be true if you have swollen ankles or kidney trouble, heart trouble, or diabetes; or whether you are eating too much salt, which will cause retention of fluids in the tissues. Tell your doctor at once of any bleeding from the urinary tract, so that you can continue to live a useful, healthy, and happy life. • California-grown dried fruits and nuts . . . sesame seeds . . . hulled pumpkin and sunflower seeds . . . and honey! ORDER OUR DELICIOUS SAMPLER NOW! A delicious assortment of 8 fruits plus a complimentary bottle of FICTONE . . . Only $2 postpaid. Reduced rates for group purchases. Send for your FREE H-L catalog from FARMER HASKELL Organic Fruit Products 1591 PALM AVE., FRESNO 4, CALIFORNIA Get RELIEF From Arthritic, Rheumatic Pain with Nola meat Effective help for neuritis, colds, and "flu" with THERMOPHORE "fomentations." FACTORY PRICE Money-back Guarantee Pain-soothing heat "at the snap of a switch" gives you quick relaxation and relief from soreness. The Battle Creek THERMOPHORE replaces messy old-style hot packs and wet towels with quick, convenient, moist-heat fomentations. USED BY FAMOUS SANITARIUMS ... A professional appliance, yet safely, easily used at home. Satisfied users testify to the effectiveness of the THERMOPHORE when moist heat is desired. Included are a 27" x 13" electric unit (uses AC or DC current), two washable covers, a safety thermostat, a switch, and a 10, cord. Write Today for Literature THERMOPHORE Battle Creek Equipment Co. Dept. LH-1, Battle Creek, Michigan 29 Mlle Dietitian If you have a question or problem regarding food or diet, address: The Dietitian, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply. By LYDIA M. SONNENBERG PRUNES I N OUR search for new and different excitement we tend to overlook the virtues of the old and familiar. We sometimes do so in menu planning; for instance, when did you last serve prunes at your house? This well-known fruit almost as old as history has an exotic background. According to legend, prune-plum trees are native to Persia, and were brought to Europe by Alexander the Great after the Persian conquest, about 331 B.C. Greece, Hungary, and finally France had flourishing orchards of this delicious fruit, but it was the Hungarians who learned how to dry it so that it could be eaten not only in season but all year round. France specialized in growing prune plums as delicacies for the table. A Frenchman named Louis Pellier was responsible for making California the world prune center. He and his brother Pierre came to America to make their fortune in the California gold rush of 1849. When gold prospecting proved futile, Louis Pellier decided to settle in the warm Santa Clara Valley of California and raise some of the crops for which his native land was famous. He introduced the prune plum. Now three fourths of the world's crop is grown in California, and about half of America's crop is grown in California's famed Santa Clara Valley. Prune-plum growers allow the fruit to reach full maturity on the tree. They bring the fruit in from the orchard and pass it over a shaking device that removes leaves and other loose debris. Then they give it a cold-water spray. They spread it on trays placed in modern dehydrators, where in 18 to 24 hours under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity the moisture content is reduced to about 18 per cent. After dehydration the fruit is taken to the packing plant and graded by size 30 in a mechanical grader, then placed in large storage bins in warehouses under controlled temperature. just before the dehydrated prunes are packed for market they are given a hotwater bath and steaming, which restore their moisture content up to 24 or 30 per cent and preserve their wholesome goodness. While the fruit is still moist, hot, and tender, it is quickly and scientifically packed for market. Dried prunes are packaged in tripleseal wrapped cartons and in transparent plastic bags. Each year the prune crop varies in abundance of particular sizes, but pound for pound there is practically no yearly difference in the amount of edible fruit that is harvested. BEGINNING By R. H. GRENVILLE A beginning is a holy thing. First flutter of a fledgling wing, First star to grace the evening sky, First bud to open April's eye; The first proud step a baby takes, The tender thrill when love awakes, The first faint trickle of a stream, The rosy dawning of a dream. A beginning is a precious thing, A prelude to the flowering Of faith. My soul, the past is done! Behold, the rising of the sun, The quickening buds, the melting snow. Bless yesterday and let it go, For greater good is on the way. Here comes a bright new-minted day! Prunes are a valuable asset to good nutrition. They contain a liberal amount of quickly assimilable fruit sugar, and so are a good source of quick energy. A serving of four medium prunes supplies about 75 calories—a little more than one slice of bread. Like other dried fruits, prunes are an excellent source of iron. Four prunes contain almost as much iron as an egg. Not only do they have a good iron content but that iron is efficiently used to build new red blood cells. The fact is that prunes, along with apricots and peaches, ranked second to liver and kidney in a study on blood building. With low hemoglobin and anemia common in people of all ages, especially adolescent girls and young mothers, a diet liberal in blood-building elements is a, good nutritional safeguard. Besides being important in mineral values, prunes are a good source of some vitamins. A serving of four medium prunes supplies about 10 per cent of the recommended adult dietary requirement of vitamin A. We should point out that prunes contain only a trace of vitamin C, for they largely lose this fresh-food vitamin in the drying process. Prunes are a natural bowel regulator. They provide soft bulk and have an active principle that performs specifically as a regulator of the large intestine. Thanks to modern processing, today's dried prune is a soft, moist, flavorsome fruit that needs little or no cooking and is a luscious confection to eat "as is." Most children and many adults have a sweet tooth. Tree-ripened prunes, high in natural fruit sugars, are an ideal confection. One pound of dried prunes equals four cups of cooked prunes with pits or three cups of cooked prunes without pits. You don't have to cook prunes in order to get cooked prunes. Because modern processing methods partially cook them LIFE & HEALTH and fully pasteurize them, part of the plumping has already been done for you. There are several methods you can use to finish plumping them and get soft, whole prunes for the table and your favorite recipes. With any of these methods you can vary the flavor by adding lemon or orange slices or a little cinnamon. You do not need to add sugar, for nature has produced sweetness in abundance in the fruit. Boiling water method: Over a pound of prunes pour a quart of boiling water. Cover the container and let the prunes soak for twenty-four hours in the refrigerator. The longer prunes soak, the plumper they get. This method gives a light-bodied juice. Soaking and cooking method: If you like a thick, syrupy juice on your prunes, soak them first (overnight preferably). Cook by bringing the water to a quick boil, turn the flame low, and simmer three to five minutes. Steaming method: Place dried prunes in a colander and set over a tea kettle or pan of boiling water for thirty minutes or more until they are plumped. You get no syrup with this method. The goodness remains in the fruit. The easy way to chop and pit dried prunes is to use scissors and snip the prune meat from around the pit. Here are some easy but delicious and healthful prune recipes. California Fruit Salad Lightly toss together equal portions of fresh or well-drained canned sliced peaches, orange segments, and snipped plumped prunes. Fill a crisp lettuce cup with the fruit mixture and top with shredded coconut and a maraschino cherry. Prune Compote Combine equal portions of fresh pineapple or mandarin orange sections and plumped prunes. Chill. To serve, top with whipped cream if desired. Hot Fruit Delight A light dessert for a chilly night: Grapefruit halves topped with chopped prunes dribbled with honey and heated in the broiler. Breakfast Fruit 1. Equal parts of plumped dried apricots and prunes. 2. Prunes with sliced bananas and orange juice. 3. Prune juice and apple juice, half and half, starts the day off in a little different fashion. On cold mornings, serve it bubbling hot. Tasty Spread A mixture of finely snipped prunes, a little grated orange rind, and cream JANUARY, 1962 cheese makes a tasty spread for toast, crackers, and sandwiches. "That is why the mamma kitty has such a big tummy," said my four-year-old. "Do all babies come from their mamma's tumAdd to Your Recipes mies? Did I come from yours?" Some of your old stand-bys such as rice "Of course." My story began naturally pudding and bread pudding take on new and matter-of-factly, with no subterfuges flavor when you add chopped prunes. • or veiled hints. My daughter's curiosity was satisfied. I realize that not every family can acquire a pregnant cat as an object lesson for the children, but sex and babies may be introduced casually and unceremoniously into the conversation. There does not need to be a rule or set age when explanations occur. They should be made when curiosity is shown. It is wise to point out that these matters should be discussed in the family circle rather than with strangers—they should be kept "special" for mother and dad. I suffered an embarrassing moment through failure to do this. One day in the grocery store a rather annoyed woman approached me as I stood waiting my turn. "Do you know what your little girl came over and asked me? She asked me whether I was going to have a baby. When I said No, she replied, 'Well, you have such a big stomach, I though you were.' " I apologized for my daughter's precociousness, and later at home talked to her very solemnly about asking questions of strangers. As to the indelicacy of the question, I realized that must wait until Where Babies Come From she was a little older. By MARIANA PRIETO As the years passed, there were discussions and more detailed explanations. As HERE do babies come from? has ala well-adjusted youngster she knew and ways been the question mothers accepted the miracle of life as she accepted evaded. Unfortunately, if mother doesn't the beauty of the moon and the warmth of supply a logical or adequate answer, her the sun—as one of nature's wonders child usually finds out from some other rather than as a whispered secret. She person, usually far less capable of exknew that life is a part of God's greatness plaining. and power. As the mother of an inquisitive young daughter, I wondered how to present the explanation of the baby riddle. I talked to other mothers, and each had a different idea. FRESH TEXAS "Oh, I'm not worrying about that, at MACHINE-SHELLED least not until my child is older—say seven or eight years old at least" was the general attitude. But my four-year-old would not be brushed aside with vague answers, so I decided that a natural reply and explana"Eat Pecans for Health" tion was the best. We had a cat that was Packed in 1 to 30 lb. boxes soon to have kittens. My young daughter loved the cat and liked to carry her about. HALVES-81.10 per lb. One day when she picked up the cat I PIECES—$1.05 per lb. said gently, "Don't squeeze her or you Plus Postage will hurt the baby kitties inside her." On 5 lb. box always figure 6 lb. postage "Where are the little kitties?" she plus 10 cents insurance asked. Price, subject to change without notice. "Inside the mamma's tummy," I explained. ei,e0/ ce"When will they come out?" YANCEY, TEXAS "When they are fully formed and ready Phone 2261 to be born," I said. "You see, they are not ready now." W c5;-"k 31 DELICIOUS HEALTH FOODS By LUCILLE J. GOTHAM SHOPPING trip that includes a stop at a health-food store will surely result in your featuring some fine epicurean treats on your table. Should you have no such store in your city or town, the same delicacies may be purchased directly from the producer in most instances. Let us consider some of the foods you can expect to find. Before World War I literally tons of a concentrated yeast extract were being imported into the United States from a company having plants in Germany, Bavaria, and the Orient. Because of the war, the United States' order for the yeast extract was transferred to England. The extract is now produced in the United States and other countries. It has several valuable properties. Being a yeast derivative, it is exceedingly rich in the B-complex vitamins, in iron, and in other minerals. Most remarkable, however, is the rich mushroom and meaty flavor it possesses and imparts to foods such as gravies, soups, sandwiches, and entrées. A large restaurant chain in the East has used more than a thousand pounds a month for the preparation of a gravy that tastes much like roast-beef gravy. A famous tearoom near Boston has added a little to one of its dishes and kept it a secret. This dish is said to have been the reason for the popularity of the tearoom. The yeast extract comes as a pastelike substance for quickly blending into gravies and other dishes, as soup cubes, and as a salt for shaking onto potatoes and other vegetables, sandwiches, and many salads. Here are a few of the popular recipes using the yeast extract: A Rich Brown Gravy (Has roast-beef taste) Mix one tablespoon each of flour, fat, and the yeast extract in a frying pan over a hot fire until the flour begins to brown. Then gradually add about 11/2 cups of potato water, plain water, or milk. A little extra salt may be needed. Some use onion or garlic salt. For variety, mushrooms may be added and the liquid added can be sour cream. Should you enjoy an unthickened gravy, simply melt butter and add a little water and some of the yeast extract. Blend well and serve. 32 Ever-popular French Onion Soup Dissolve a tablespoon of yeast extract in three cupfuls of water. Shred fine a large onion and cook it in a little butter until tender. Add the onion and butter to the soup. Salt to taste, and pour in bowls with cubes of buttered toast floating on top. Minced chives or parsley may be spread on the toast with the butter. United States market came from Japan, where it originated. It is now made by U.S. chemists from wheat gluten. A teaspoonful added to macaroni, rice, or noodles especially enhances the flavor. It is said to be widely used in commercially seasoned and tinned spaghetti and beans. Then there is a powder that tastes like bacon yet is free of grease and low in calories. It gives a meaty taste to scrambled eggs, green beans, potato Rice Soup salad, and other foods. There is also a variety of vegetable (An excellent supper dish) soup cubes. One is green in color and Prepare a saucepan of yeast-extract contains several savory vegetables. broth by adding the extract to plain or Health food shops dispense many galpotato water until the desired color and lons of sparkling juices each day. They taste are obtained. Salt to taste. Add often feature a juice bar, and have a varichopped celery and celery leaves. Finally' ety of fresh vegetable and fruit juices. add the rice, cooked or raw. Simmer all You will discover tropical and somewhat together until vegetables and rice are rare juices, such as pomegranate, among tender. them. Try this delightful punch: Papaya and Limeade For each glassful of beverage use the juice of one-half to a whole lime, depending on the size of the glass, and about a tablespoonful of papaya syrup. Fresh nuts, malted nuts, dried fruits including tender pears and black figs, comb honey, and maple sugar are featured at the shops for your delicious yet healthful bonbon dish. As dessert for dinner, pass stuffed dates, maple-sugar leaves, nuts, raisins mixed with peanuts, or honey-nut brittle. Golden Butter (Always found on the Battle Creek Sanitarium menu) Mix a little of the yeast extract with butter, using a teaspoonful to one-fourth pound of butter. Spread out in a flat dish, chill, and cut in squares. Piquant Cheese Sandwiches Mix a teaspoonful of yeast extract with a cake of cream cheese, adding a tablespoon of milk to soften. When well blended, a few chopped nuts or a pinch of caraway seed may be added. Spread on sandwich bread or toast. At the health food shops or your grocer's you will find another special seasoning that has a chickenlike flavor. It is a white crystalline product called sodium glutamate. The first to appear on the Honey-Nut Brittle Slowly cook honey until it forms a hard ball in water, or to what is called the "crack" stage. Pour it over nuts that have been placed on a greased surface. Crack in pieces and serve. Soy Cheese (Another treat from the Orient) For centuries peddlers have sold soy cheese in the streets of the Orient. Now it is available in cans in our shops. It resembles salmon. Mock Salmon Slice soy cheese and place on a platter garnished with parsley and wedges of lemon. There are the lean gluten chops, gluten steaks, glutenburger, vegetable wieners, and the rich nut foods. They come in small and large tins, ready to serve or LIFE & HEALTH with little preparation needed. They give the satisfaction of meat and are nutritious. They are greatly appreciated by many during Lent and on Fridays, by vegetarians, and by people on meat-restricted diets. Here are some recipes that your family would be sure to enjoy. Gluten Patties Mix equal amounts of ground gluten and cooked rice. Add an egg for each pint, some ground celery and onion, salt and sage to taste. Form into patties and brown on both sides. Serve with your favorite hamburger buns. APPENDICITIS AND COLON CANCER Appendicitis in people over 40 may actually be caused by or be a mask of a colon cancer. This conclusion was based on a 36-year statistical study at Los Angeles County General Hospital by Dr. Donald C. Collins, of Loma Linda University College of Medicine. In this study it was noted that 3 per cent of the people over 40 who suffer from acute appendicitis also have an obstructing distal left colonic tumor, which is too often unobserved while it is still localized and can be removed. pendicitis should have a quick and gentle exploration of the left colon before appendectomy. This examination will prevent loss, of time and opportunity in removing the cancer before it can spread. • Wholesome Flavorsome teana OLD-FASHIONED Cracked Wheat Cereal indm! ,„/ , 6 exa for that Delicious Nut-like Flavor Whole Grain with all the Nutritional values of the "staff of life" —contains the entire Wheat Germ! ELAM'S CRACKED WHEAT CEREAL, THE GROWN-UP'S FAVORITE THAT KIDS LOVE, TOO! FREE Recipe Folder—Write Dept. I 9R ELAM MILLS Make Gluten Loaf Mix two cupfuls of ground gluten, two eggs, a half cup of chopped nut meats, mushrooms or olives, a cup of crumbs, a half cup chopped onion cooked in butter until tender, one teaspoon sage or basil. Add garlic or celery salt to suit taste. Mix well and bake at 350° F. for 60 minutes in a greased and crumbed bread pan. In a study of some 60,000 patients operated on for acute appendicitis, 10,000 were over 40. Of this group 3 per cent had unsuspected left colon cancers. Dr. Collins urges surgeons to stop making a fetish of a tiny appendectomy incision when there may be danger of colon cancer. It is wiser when operating on a person over the age of 40 to keep these facts in mind, not be caught napNutmeat Sandwiches ping with an unrecognized obstructing Mash about one cup of canned nut- lesion, he said. In this series, he noted that four-andmeat and moisten it with mayonnaise. Add chopped celery, green pepper, and a-half months elapsed from the date of the appendectomy to the time the colon finely chopped hard-cooked egg. cancer became obstructed, and 78 per Nutmeat Salad cent of these obstructing lesions when Cut nutmeat in cubes. Toast the cubes finally recognized and surgically exunder the broiler. Mix them with ground plored were beyond the confines of the hard-cooked egg, celery, onion, and salad colon. The Los Angeles surgeon notes that dressing. Serve on lettuce. There is not room to mention the the right half of the colon is concerned many food surprises awaiting you at the chiefly with absorption of water, is thin health-food stores, such as pleasing natu- walled, and has few muscles. The left rally flavored vegetable gelatins, substan- half is concerned chiefly with propulsion tial health breads, soy butter, soy milk, of feces, is thick-walled, of smaller caliber, and many foods for those on special diets, and possesses powerful muscles. such as diabetic, allergy, and low-calorie From this study it would appear that regimens. • patients past 40 suffering from acute apJANUARY, 1962 A Division of National Bakers Services, Inc. BROADVIEW, ILLINOIS Health First JUICES --- improve your diet --Help yourself to a better Diet with the ALL Stainless Steel K&K SHREDDER JUICER where you get: 25% MORE JUICE! with the all Stainless Steel K&K SHREDDER JUICER at all Diet Food Stores or write to Dept. KNUTH ENGINEERING COMPANY 1-1 1720 N. California Ave., Chicago 47, III. 33 ousehoti 08M WORK By MARY E. CASTOR O YOU like to work? Find some way to enjoy your housework. Cleaning house, washing clothes, and ironing can be fun. You can learn to get real pleasure out of your daily work. Go at your work with zest. Start in with relish, be eager to do the job. In this way you develop momentum, and it will carry you a long way. Savor things about you as you work. Look out the window as you start breakfast, and welcome the light of day. Look at the colors of the sunrise. Fill your lungs with good air when you go out on the porch to get the milk. As you dust the house, think of the happiness you had in selecting your furniture, your books, your household equipment. Think of what a fortunate woman you are to have some housewares that make your work easier. Do your tasks willingly, with joy. Wake up your family with a happy voice. Stay cheerful, and see how your mood reflects in all their shining faces. As you wash the breakfast dishes, laugh and talk with the baby. Enjoy her latest accomplishment, listen to her little stories, share her life and pleasures as you go along. She's a baby for only a very short time. Give happiness to people as you work. Be pleasant to the postman, the paper D boy, the milkman. When you set out for market, greet your neighbors with a smile. Look for chances to bring a light into the grocer's face, warmth to the eyes of the woman who totals your purchases, an answering smile from the woman who accidentally bumps into you. Look for joy, give joy, and the most casual meeting can give such joy as makes the heart sing. Find deep satisfaction in doing your tasks precisely instead of carelessly. Do them in the spirit of an artist, taking pleasure in fine craftsmanship. Here's the best secret of all: After you finish a job, look over your work with satisfaction. There is scarcely a joy greater than the joy of creating, and when you do a job well you are producing something good with your own hands —you are creating. Stop long enough to take full pleasure in sparkling dishes, shining furniture, a gleaming floor. You gave them their glow, and you may glory in it. Take time for the children. Let them know how much you enjoy being with them. Guide them in working; teach them to do their work well and to enjoy it. Stay with them as they do monotonous chores, and help them to have fun doing them. Don't let them get the feeling that they are doing lonely, arduous tasks. Love your children and give them a part of yourself—your affection, patience, vitality, time. Let them know they are valued members of the family, are enjoyed, and are respected by you. Is ever a job difficult when done for those you love? Enjoying, sharing, and helping will make your most ordinary task pleasant. • A HEART PATIENT'S HINTS By MARGARET TINLEY EARING a strapless brassiere eased my daily breathing immediately, just as oxygen did when I was in difficulty. In a strapless bra, the breasts are supported from below by spring metal U's. With straps, the weight of the breasts hangs from the shoulders. For a woman in a strapless bra, the motion of breathing, the lifting, is changed from a pull on shoulder and neck muscles to a pushing. That advice from my doctor was such help that I set about finding what other special items of clothing would benefit a cardiac patient. Finding and talking up what helped me instead of complaining about all the things that disturbed me aided me in forgetting myself. It was fun to draw up a set of cardiac commandments. 1. Give your heart an uplift with a strapless bra. 2. Throw your girdle into the trash can and let a garter belt keep up your hose. I panted for six months before I found this out for myself. 3. Go well shod, but not in laces. Shoestrings mean bending exertion several times a day. W 34 4. Consider the drip dry, and do likewise when you take a bath. A brisk toweling after a bath is not good! It sets the blood slugging through that old heart. A loose robe of terry cloth eliminates the need for arm-movement drying. Step directly from tub or shower into terry cloth scuffs, wrap the full terry robe about your wet body. Blot, pat yourself dry, or just sit hugging your smart little self. You'll luxuriate in this human drip-dry method. Good for men cardiacs and asthmatics, too. 5. Let your openings and closings face forward. The back-fastened look fashionably new for spring 1962 may be hard on husbands, but it's harder on mom when her roommate's not around. Apron ties take effort for the same reason, but they needn't. Sash or belt can wrap around and snap, hook, or tie in front. There are spring plastic or metal hoops to put in the waist bands for clamping around your middle lightly. 6. Avoid constriction at the waist. Petticoats and other underclothing can be made with waistbands (,the wider the better) and placket openings, such as men's trousers have, in place of elastic. No more rosy rings around the middle. Elastic bands are for noncardiacs. 7. Cover curls, not curlers. To look decent to go to the doctor about shortness of breath, I caught myself spending twenty minutes with arms upraised, putting my hair in curlers and taking it down. I put it up again that night and most other nights, in spite of day-end fatigue. A charm-school teacher told me that a smoothly placed net or cap can maintain a wave or curl, but I had to prove it to myself. Hair setting is one of the most fatiguing routines in my life. I find I can get by with two settings a week when they are my own. 8. Coat yourself warmly but shortly. Every doctor will assent to this commandment if he ever made a round of calls or errands in cold weather wearing his long overcoat instead of his jacket or car coat. Being cardiac-careful doesn't cost a cent extra. I look and feel smarter because I'm breathing easier. Try some of these ideas. The breath of life you save will be your own. • LIFE & HEALTH "Because the littlest things upset my nerves, my doctor started me on Postum." "Spilled milk is annoying. But when it made me yell at the kids, I decided I was too nervous. "I told my doctor I also wasn't sleeping well. Nothing wrong, the doctor said after the examination. But perhaps I'd been drinking lots of coffee? Many people can't take the caffein in coffee. Try Postum, he said. It's 100 % caffein-free—can't make you nervous or keep you awake. "You know, it's true! Since I started drinking Postum I do feel calmer, and sleep so much better! Can't say I enjoy having milk spilled even now—but trifles don't really upset me any more!" Postum is 100% coffee-free Another fine product of General Foods he By ARTHUR S. MAXWELL "SP In these ten beautiful BIBLE STORY Volumes Actual Book Size 7" x 93/4" will be found: More than 400 stories unexcelled in clarity of presentation. Nearly 2,000 pages. Full coverage of the Bible narrative The writer of these ten marvelous volumes, THE BIBLE STORY, Arthur S. Maxwell, is a world-renowned editor, author, and lecturer. He is known and loved the world over by scores of millions who have read his ever-popular BEDTIME STORIES and CHILDREN'S HOUR series. from Genesis to Revelation. Exquisite four-color illustrations by nationally known artists at every Review & Herald Pub. Assn., Washington 12, D.C. page opening. Reading enjoyment for the children of the modern family. I wish to know more about these ten wonderful volumes that make the Bible a living book in stories and pictures. Please send full particulars. No obligation of course. Name Address City Zone State
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