October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK EDITORIAL... SAY NO TO POLITICIANS IN TEMPLE TRUST BOARDS We at VAK and Temples Protection Movement are thankful to the Honorable High Court for ordering Status Quo staying the Operation of the recent Amendment to the Endowments Act by the Government of Andhra Pradesh which abolishes all the existing Temple Trust Boards. The Judiciary had to intervene when the Legislature has failed the Constitution of this Country. For the sake of devotees, we are giving details of what the new amended Law means for Temple Trust Boards. The number of trustees for each trust board has been increased by 3 members for various category temples. The Government promised before the Supreme Court in 1996 and again in 2013 that low income temples would be left to be managed by the Archakas. This promise has been forgotten by the AP Government as it is contemplating the Constitution of Trust Boards to even small temples by this Amendment. The so called legal brains in the Endowments Administration should clearly understand that if the Government goes back on its commitments made before the Supreme Court in 1996 and in 2013, it will definitely attract Contempt Proceedings before the Supreme Court. This is the reason that a Dharmika Parishad was incorporated in the framework of Endwoments Administration to overlook appointments to Trust Boards. This Dharmika Parishad also has been cancelled by the AP Government. Now, the Endowments Department is having a free run with no statutory authority to supervise it. The Temples Protection Movement would urge the Andhra Pradesh Government to take steps to withdraw the Amendments to the new Act and Constitute Dharmika Parishad immediately. The Government should hand over all of its powers to the Dharmika Parishad and make the Endowments Department work under the Dharmika Parishad. We would also urge the party in power in AP to keep up the promises made during elections with regards to Temples. The Government should keep all political elements away from the temples and entrust the appointments to the Temple Trust Boards to the Dharmika Parishad as per the Endowments Act. The Government of India is also requested to intervene in this issue as the subject matter is in the Concurrent List. Legislations to Religious Endowments can be enacted by the State Legislature only with Concurrence with the Union Government. n There should be no regional boundaries for temples. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 4 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 163 CONTROLLER OF CONTROLLERS Sri V.S. Karunakaran, Chennai Readers will agree that it is not that simple to get resurrected after death. Even epics record only a few incidents of resurrections after death. One of the most popular occasions like that is the resurrection of the son of Virochana who later came to be known as the most powerful and therefore called Mahabali. We had seen how he rose like a phoenix from his body by the powerful Mantras of Sukaracharya and was able to drive away the Devas who had tasted nectar. Mahabali had got from the sacrificial fire kindled by the mantras of Sukracharya a chariot, set of horses, bow and arrows that could not get exhausted. None could face him in a war and see victory. On top of this, he was also a great person of personal character. Unlike Raavana and other evil forces he was never given to adultery. He was also devoted to Lord Vishnu unlike his own great grandfather Hiranykasipu. Hiranykasipu stopped all sacrifices because that would mean honoring various deities. There were no sacrifices, no chanting of Vedas and no charity to saintly persons in his regime. On the contrary, Mahabali encouraged performance of sacrifices and also performed sacrifices himself. During those sacrifices there would certainly be Mantras that would evoke the blessings of Devas like Indra, Surya, Agni and offerings were therefore made to those deities. But how do we understand when the Puranas tell that the Devas suffered defeat during the ascendancy of Mahabali? Was he not offering to devas in his sacrifices as per the Vedic Mandate. He himself had performed Ashvamedha sacrifice and given charity then during that sacrifice. He should have offered to the deities as per the directions of Vedas. Then how is it correct to say he was keeping the Deva suppressed and drove them way from their positions. A friend from America asked me this question that how it was that Mahabali kept Devas out of their position when he himself performed the Yagas which were again in recognitions of the glories of the Devas. Some people say that Hiranykasipu and others did penance and had enormous power only because of the penance. That penance is to be on some deity. Who was the deity on whom did Hiranykasipu perform the penance. Was it Lord Narayana? Anybody will say no as answer for this question because Hiranykasipu hated Narayana to the core. He performed penance only after his younger brother Hiranyaksha was slain by Lord Vishnu taking the form of wild boar.. . That is why many of the people including the cinema directors paint Hiranykasipu as a devotee of Siva but here again problems come because Hiranykasipu was never accepting anybody having supreme power over him and so his being a devotee to Siva is only a defection suiting to the cinema or drama directors. The question of Hiranykasipu being devoted to Brahma does not also arise because Brahma himself was scared of Hiranykasipu. Some of the scholars compare the penance of Hiranykasipu to the election in democracy. Before the election, the politicians bow down to the voters. Pleased by that the voters vote for him. The voters voting for him are akin to Brahma giving the boons to Hiranya. Once the politicians come to power they forget they got the power only because of the voter and treat them shabbily like Hiranykasipu treated Brahma after getting the boons. This analogy leads us to the thought that Hiranykasipu was a non-believer like the Meemasaka. These are the ones who believed that the mantras recited in sacrifices on various deities were actually the givers of the fruits because of the mantras only had the powers. Actually no devas as described in mantras do exist. Their getting pleased or accepting the offering and giving gifts all is not fact. The above explanation will also land us in trouble because we hear Hiranykasipu driving away the Devas putting them to lot of difficulties. If devas do not exists how does one explain these incidents narrated in Puranas? We have to therefore take it that Hiranykasipu accepted the supreme powers of Brahma and Siva and Lord Narayana. He performed penance on Brahma to get power. After getting powers he started behaving as if he was the supreme. Lord Narayana had to wait until the power he received by penance melted away. It is like the voters waiting for the next election to oust the ones they authorized to govern them But in the case of Mahabali there were no such misdeeds. He was after all offering to the deities. Then what was the grievance for them? It appears that Mahabali performed all the sacrifices but offered the offerings in sacrifices only to Lord Narayana who was the one supreme in all of them. He understood that all Devas were only the body of Lord Narayana and Lord Narayana alone was the soul of all these deities. So he worshiped only Narayana through the sacrifices without offering any thing to the deities. Though he used the very same Vedic mantras that spoke of Indra, Agni, Surya etc., for him Agni was not the deity for fire. Neither did he take it to mean Lord Narayana, the inner soul of the deity of fire. For him the term Agni meant as per etymology the one who leads people. This fitted only to Narayana and so he never chanted any prayer for Agni when he said “Agnaye Swaaha!” He was very clear in his mind that it was none but Lord Narayana who leads him from the front. Similarly when he said “Indraya Swaaha!” He was clear in his mind that Indra as per etymology meant the one with enormous wealth ГЈВЁ=∞Ü«∂xfl ГЈВЁiQГЌ qxÜ≥∂yOK«∞‰õΩ<Г• "ГҐ_Г§HЛњ qв€ћQГ†`ГҐ =в€ћOz JГ…"ГҐ@в€ћВЎ ‰õÄ_В® "ГҐ@O`В«@"Г• =в„ўГЄГЋ~Гљ. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 5 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK and hence it referred only to Lord Narayana whose wealth alone is unlimited. He was therefore having the correct understanding of Vedas and Vedanta. That is why it was not possible even for Lord Mahavishnu to take on Bali in a war. Such was the power Mahabali had obtained by his devotion to Lord Narayana and his preceptors. That is why he became Mahabali, the unconquerable and a force that can counter even Lord. Only one minus point that stood in the success of Mahabali was his ego that none in the world except Narayana could sensor him. His devotion to the Lord was unmatched but was polluted by his forgetting that he was only a tool in the hands of the Lord! Thus in due course, he even forgot that there was a force controlling him and he began to think that no force could control him. That was the point where he had to be corrected and shown that there was a force above and the force cannot be fathomed easily. And there was the poor mother Aditi who had been performing surrender at the feet of the Lord to put her sons in power. Lord therefore took the form of a dwarf as her child and came to Mahabali concealing himself begging three feet of land from him. Despite the warning from Sukaracharya, Mahabali went ahead and gave the alms sought by the dwarf. The result was he lost all the wealth. But that was mundane and virtual. He still got the feet of lord Narayana placed on his head. Feet of Lord Narayana are described as real wealthTreasure by Seers like Alavandar. Please refer to the fervent appeal of Alavandar in sloka no 30 of his Stotra Ratna seeking this real wealth. The sloka in original reads thus. uƒ¬ÁÃuЖ’NВї Л› ГЃГЈoú∫Áƒ∫Á¬ÆÊ ГҐв„ўГЂГ†tГЃuo| q Гєmz Nw Л› oqm™Ω @ ГЎГҐГЉ в„ўtyÆÊ oЖ’ ГєГЃtГєWΩ N Л›\ГЉ NЛ›tГЃ ГҐГЏ ГѓГЃqГЃnN˛∫ƒÁum YqГЏ В ГЃ?@@ A free English version of this by our friend Shri S. Jagannathan is reproduced for the benefit of those of us who cannot be that comfortable with Sanskrit:“Your lotus-feet which playfully strode the upper worlds and lower abodes of jeevas; which drives away in a fraction of a second the afflictions of those who pay obeisance are the treasure of mine (and my clan). When will I possibly see, with these very eyes of mine Your Real Form?” Nammalwar had to go to Vaikuntam to get this treasure. He describes the reception given to him in Vaikunta and says that the sandals of the Lord were brought for placing on his head during the grand reception. For the benefit of those who may not be able to understand his original in Tamil I am giving the Sanskrit version of the verse by Sri Venkatasesharya Mahadesika (my Grand preceptor cum Grand Father) in his Pratibimbalaharee which reads thus EÀ™ÙÁSÆÁoΩ ú∫™™uƒ∆ãoz u o ГѓЛљz t Ж’z Л� ГЃ: ГЂЖ’yГ†z ГЂsГЃГҐz NВї Л› в„ўв„ў\“o: qÁ¬ÆÁ™ÁÃÏ ∫ uWΩ V Вї в„ў Ω @ В»yв„ўXZГ“ m Л™ uГҐuГЎв„ўuГє VbГЉ oys| Гє Г“ m Л™ ГјtyГєГЉ ГєГ“ m z | ГЈ ˚ÁÀÆÁÀÃÏ ∫ ÆÏ Ж’ oÆÁz • Г†z n Г† YГЃГЎГЏ : N˛∫ÁTВї z @ @ This means “The immaculate devotees in the absolute abode of the Lord who are glorified by the Vedas said “this noble soul has come to our place because of our fortune”. They waited for the arrival of the new entrant to Vaikunta in their quarters. As the new entrant crossed their residence they in their orderly sequence washed his feet. Moon faced dames (Sri Devee, Bhoo Devee and Neela Devee with their maid servants) greeted the new entrant with the Treasure (The sandals of the Lord), lamps, pots full of water and powder of turmeric and saffron” But Mahabali got not the sandals but Mahabalis the feet themselves. He did not have to go up to Vaikunta. He got them here itself on his head! That is why Prahlada, his grandfather who was there when the Lord was placing his feet on the head of Mahabali could not avoid his envy! Thirumangai Azhwar could not control his envy while describing the incident in his Thirunedunthaandakam! He gives the epithet Enviable to Mahabali! Though Mahabali was to be confined in a mansion like cell in Netherlands, Lord Narayana is still standing in the doorstep as his gate keeper. Here his devotion to the Lord without the negative aspect of ego has been resurrected. Appreciating his devotion, Lord Vamana made his birth day to be celebrated as the day of visit of Mahabali to his place in Bhoo Loka Kerala as Onam and not as Vamana Jayanthi! As the Lord controls even powerful personalities like Mahabali thus, He is called “the force that cannot be controlled by any other force. He is therefore called in Sanskrit by the name Niyama. One should remember this while performing his assignments enjoying the authority he gets. Whatever be the power we get in our hands, it cannot make us the most powerful because He alone is the most powerful and is the ultimate controlling power. If we chant this name thinking on the form of Balaji at Chilkoor, we are sure to realize this. We will be led properly by Him and become an exception to the adage “absolute power corrupts absolutely” even when we are given absolute powers! We will do better to appreciate the words of our new Prime Minister who says that as Pradhana Mantri he is the Pradhana Sevaka of the country and pray the Lord to give him the strength to follow his utterings in their spirit and make Bharath a golden Country! Dear readers of VAK, Nirukti sums up this glory of the Lord when it says uåÆ©Æoz \TЛ�z ГҐ uГҐГ†в„ўГЂГѓ Gtyu∫o:@@ Let us therefore chant the name “Niyamaya Namaha” to get rid of false prestige and ego. Success in all legally and morally acceptable attempts will surely be ours. Let us Chant Niyamaya Namaha @@uГҐГ†в„ўГЃГ† ГҐв„ў:@@ XHГµ =ВєHЛњГЋ ZO`В« L#fl`В« ã≤uГ· x KГ•~в€ћВ° HЛ�O>Г‹ J`В«_OВ» `В«\Лњ f„=`В«~В° HГµi#Г® ѨsHõÅ ∆ #в€ћ JkГЁQqГ† в€ћOz =Г™O\ГЏ_В»в€ћ. n October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 6 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK FO ÉèГ∂`ГҐ^Е’ГњГ•в€ћ #=в€ћГі G ГџГ“ o ГЃtГ†z ГҐв„ў: Chant this name to amend soured friendship or any personal relationship FO ^è•„`Г• #=в€ћГі G ГЎГЃп¬Ѓz ГҐв„ў: For issueless couple. ГЈВЁO`ГҐ# „áêÑ≤Î HЛ�~°‰õΩ FO q^è•„`Г• #=в€ћГі G uЖ’ГЎГЃп¬Ѓz ГҐв„ў: q∞„`В«в€ћГ…`ГЂ ¿ãflǨÏÉèÏ=O ГѓГ‘OKВ«в€ћHГЂ=_В®xHЛњ, ^Е’OѨ`в€ћВ« Г… Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies. P~ГЂQƺHГµ~В°"≥∞ÿ# tГўв—Љв€љ=ÙÅ HЛ�~°‰õΩ J<ГЂВє#Вє`«‰õΩ. =„[O Г–ГЏO\Лњ Гўв—Љs~ГҐxHЛњ....... –j ∆∫y∫ NzЛ› uВ¬L Chant 28 times FO #"≥∂ <ГҐ~°ã≤OǨÜ«∞ =„[^Е’O„ëêìÜ«∞ =„l}Г‹I =„[^ÕǨÜ«∞ =„*ГЏГњВ«в€ћ #"≥∂ =„[ #MГЏГњВ«в€ћKВ«II HГ‚ ГҐв„ўГЃz åÁ∫uГѓГЉ “ ГЃГ† Ж’\Вї t ГЉ … b~ ГЃ Г† Ж’u\~ m z @ Ж’\~ t z “ ГЃГ† Ж’\~ ГЃ Г† ГҐв„ўГЃz Ж’\~ ГҐQГЃГ†Y @@ Chant 108 times FO ГЈВЁГ·qëêªÜ«∞ #=в€ћГі FO ѨÙ+ВЁВЇ~ГҐH∆ÍÜ«∞ #=в€ћГі G ГЂsuƒ…eГЃГ† ГҐв„ў: G ГєГЏ … N˛∫ÁqГЃГ† ГҐв„ў: To keep Evil forces at bay. For overcoming bad times. ^Е’в€ћ+ВЁГ¬ â◊‰õΩÎÅ #в€ћO_Г§ HГЌГЎГЄ_В»в€ћHЛ�#в€ћ@‰õΩ. HõëêìÅ #в€ћO_Г§ q=ГљHЛњГЋ ГЎвЃ„O^Е’_В®xHЛњ. Devataakaarya-siddhyartham sabhaastambha-samudbhavam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram namaami runamuktaye Lakshmyaalingita-vaamaangam bhaktaanaam varadaayakam Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram namaami runamuktaye Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram namaami runamuktaye Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam kadrooja visha naasanam Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam namaami runamuktaye Simhanaadena Mahataa Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam Chant one time Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam namaami runamuktaye Prahlaada varadam sreesam daityesvara-vidaarinam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram namaami runamuktaye Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam bhaktaanaam abhayapradam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram namaami runamuktaye Vedavedaanta-yajnesam Brahma Rudraadi vanditam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram namaami runamuktaye Ya idam patathe nityam runa mochana samjnitam Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam sheeghram avaapnuyaat =∂#ã≤HOГµ QГЌ Гўв—ЉH=ГЋЛњ O`В«"∞≥ #Гї "ГҐГ в—Љв€љВ§ ZГ–ГЏO\Лњ Hõëêì#fl~Гљ<ГҐ =в€ћ~В°в€ћГЈВЁ\Лњ ~ГЂAHõÖÏ¡ =в€ћiÛáÈQÆÅ∞QГ†в€ћ`ГҐ~В°в€ћ. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 7 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Madhura Vijayam - 36 Sri Ranganatha Travel Part – II Tamil Manuscript : Sree Venugopalan, Chennai Story so far: This story based on the 14th century incidents was written by Sri Venugopalan based on the historic facts elucidated in Madhura Vijayam composed by Maharani Ganga Devi, Chief Queen of King Kampanaray. Two young men Vijayendra Vallabha and Dutta set out on expedition to locate the idol of Lord Ranganatha, Srirangam which was saved and kept hidden by four Kodavas without being ransacked by Sultanate invaders. After several adventures the two boys , with the help of Chenchu tribes found the idol along with one Kodava who protected the idol for more than eighteen years deep inside the forest of Chandragiri. Vallabha with the help of few hunters passed on this information to the King ruling there Sri Ranganatha Yadavaraya and the King immediately rushed to the spot.. Vallabha was advised by Yadavaraya that it is not safe to take the idol to Srirangam immediately as Sultan was still ruling the place. Lord Ranganatha was brought to Tirumala by the King Ranganatha Yadavaraya. Vallabha and Dutta stayed in Tirumala to decide future course of action… During the period of these events, Tirupathi and Tirumala were very small places surrounded by mountains and dense forest with wild life. It is said that Tirupathi was actually established by Lord Ramanuja in 1130 AD with a few streets around Sri Govindarajaswamy temple. Tirupathi also has another name known as Ramanujapuram which is not in current use. In a similar way Tirumala was a very small establishment with a few mantapams and the Lords temple. Vallabha and Dutta were staying in one of the Mantapams which was later known as Van Satakopa Vanam and became a part of Ahobila Mutt. Vallabha and Dutta got the opportunity of resting after several months of tiring and restless expedition. They decided to spend a few days on the Tirumala Hill to eliminate their tiredness. There is also another reason for their stay in Tirumala. Both the young men did not have darshan of Lord Ranganatha in their life so far. They have just now for the first time had darshan of him. They were feeling fortunate to see him every day three times. So far they have not seen a proper puja worship in the temple. The offering of dhoopa, deepa, prasadams, chanting of mantras, conduct of abhishekam of Lord etc., have never been witnessed by them. When they got a chance to witness all the daily chores of temple worship in Tirumala they got very interested and wanted to spend some time as devotees witnessing the daily chores. As they watched various chores, their levels of enthusiasm enhanced. They also had the fortune of visiting the sacred places of Acharyapurushas who stayed in Tirumala to perform the daily sevas to the Lord. They went to the south Mada street of the temple to see a clay walled house of Tirumalai Nambi who stayed there in the tenth century A.D. Tirumalai Nambi was maternal uncle of Lord Ramanuja who English Translation : CSL Narasimhan taught Ramanuja the inner meanings hidden in Ramayana. At the place where the south Madastreet meets North Mada street they visited the residence of Ananthalwar who was a famous disciple of Lord Ramanuja. There are also many residences of Acharyapurushas who belonged to Tiruchchukanur (Tiruchanur) on the Tirumala hills. When they visited all these places and tried to understand the old glory of the Vedic religion which was their religion, the two young people were bothered by a great sorrowful feeling in their minds. They began to realize that Sri Rangam should have been a famous Divyakshetram like Tirumala. вЂ�It is even more important than Tirumala by virtue of its history or kshetra glory. The lord of Sri Rangam has been worshipped by all the Alwars and Acharyas. Alas! What a sorrowful state, we are not yet able to see Sri Rangam. It is now in the hands of foreigners and is getting destroyed now. There is none who can restore the temple back to their devotees’ thought the duo. While thinking about restoration of Sri Rangam’s glory and lamenting over its current state, they considered even the current state of Lord Ranganatha as sorrowful. вЂ� Lord Ranganatha is living here like a guest under the cover of some one. He left Sri Rangam, his abode, 33 years back and he has been facing this plight since then. Why is no one realising this situation? lamented both the minds. As they were lamenting there was a growing anger in their minds on Sri Ranganatha Yadavaraya king. вЂ� Is he eligible to be called as king? He says he has been a sub-ordinate king to several empires and helped them win many battles. Why then he is not attacking Madurai? If he thinks he can do. He did not think. That is all!’ thought the duo in their minds for two weeks and one day decided to meet the king and express their feelings. They met the king and expressed their feelings to him in a clear manner. The king was surprised to hear their feelings. He took both of them and went into the Tirumala temple. He showed them the starting of work on Rangamandapam which is being exclusively built for Lord Ranganatha in the front portion of the temple. Later he took them inside to show the sanctum sanctorium of Lord Varadaraja and Lord Narasimha. “why are you showing these to us?” enquired the two young men. “When south India was attacked by the Delhi Sultanate army I anticipated that Kanchi Varadaraja Swamy and Ahobilam Lord Lakshmi Narasimha will visit Tirumala. I built anticipatory places of worship for them. But they did not come here. I did not do any anticipatory arrangements for Lord Ranganatha of Sri Rangam but he has arrived. I have now immediately undertaken a separate Mandapam for enabling worship to him. This is rq`В«O F Ü«Ú^ŒÉú ∂ГГЁ qв€ћ. ГЎГ€~ГҐ_Г§`Г• QГ” eKГ•O^ΰ䛀 J=HГЌГўв—ЉO LO@в€ћOk. T~В°HГµ xГ…в€ћKВ«в€ћO>Г‹ =∂„`В«O F@qв€ћ `«Ñʨ ^Е’в€ћ. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 8 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK all I can do at present. I am unable to do anything beyond this and I have become aged also to do anything valliant as you are desiring” responded Yadavaraya. Both the young men became silent after hearing this response from Yadavaraya. “Oh! Young men, don’t you know that I have health issues and cannot take-up expeditions. I decided to spend my rest of the life and die in the land of Lord Venkateswara. Because of this, I have built a palace for me here. Don’t you know that?” asked Yadavaraya Sri RanganathaYadavaraya openly expressed his mind to the two young men. The young people were silent. вЂ�Yadavaraya has interest but does not have valour now’ lamented the two minds. Immediately Vallabha looked at the King and said “Oh King! What you say are all correct. We are also happy that you are building a separate mandapam for Lord Ranganatha for conducting his daily puja . But we have a desire in our minds, can that be fulfilled?” “Please tell your desire” said Yadavaraya. “We have heard a lot about our Lord Ranganatha. He is worshipped according to religious and emperor’s practices and he has been ruling SriRangam as its emperor. We were told that In his sannidhi in Sri Rangam, Tamil Prabandhams were sung always and Lord Ranganatha enjoys them a lot. Here also in his sannidhi we request you to arrange for reciting the Tamil Prabandhams.” Requested Vallabha. Yadavaraya slowly smiled and replied “Oh! Boy! Is this all your desire? We will fulfill this surely. Don’t worry.” Next day morning Yadavaraya started to organise recitations of Tamil Prabandhams in the temple. He had to get reciting devotees from various nearby places such as Tirupathi etc. he took a few days to complete the organization, but finally had started the practice. When they started reciting the prabandhams the temple staff objected to introduction of a new practice and hence this had to stop. The two young lads were heart broken with this event. (to be continued) NEWS JǨϟaГ… =в€ћ~î°OÖ’ ГЈвЂ�ZO, QГ†=~°fl~Гј ^Е’OѨ`В«в€ћГ… ㄬ`ÕºHГµ ѨÓ[Г…в€ћ ~ГҐO#QГ†~Гј, ÃãÃÑìO|~Гј 22 : #QГ†~В°OÖ’x q^•º#QГ†~Гј _Гґ_Гґ HГЌГ…hÖ’ QÆÅ JǨϟaГ… =в€ћ~Г®OВ° Ö’ [iy# N=в€ћ^ŒÇϨ ЕёaГ… Г‘вЂ�~ГҐГ® kГЁГ‘`ВЁ в€ћВ« Г…в€ћ N=}Гј Гўв—Љ~Q°î ÀѨ N~В°OQГ†<ГҐ^Г¤Е’ ГњВ«в€ћfO„^Е’ =∞Ǩ^Г•t‰õΩÅ 60= [#‡k# "Г•_в€ћВ» HõÅ∞ в„ўГ€=в€ћ"ГҐ~В°O в„ўГЄГњВ«в€ћO„`В«O Ѷ¨∞#OQГЌ [iQГЌ~Гљ. D HГЌ~°º„HГµ=∂xHЛњ ~ГҐR =ГљYВє=в€ћO„u N Г”H. KВ«O„^Е’ГўД±Y~Гј~ГҐ=Г™, ~ГҐR QГ†=~°fl~Гј N #~°ã≤OǨÏ<ВЈ ^Е’OѨ`В«в€ћГ…в€ћ =ГљYВє Ju^Г¤Е’в€ћГ…в€ћQГЌ Ǩ[~°Ü«∂º~В°в€ћ. 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Addressing the students of the math on its premises, Mr. Modi said Sanskrit was a treasure trove of science, art and culture, and a rich source of knowledge. He said Sanskrit would help tell the next generation about the contribution of our ancestors towards science and environment and “uphold the glorious tradition of Indian knowledge.” Expressing concern over global warming, he said that Indian shastras told how to live without causing any damage to the environment. Mr. Modi touched the feet of the seer of the Siddaganga Math, Shivakumara Swami, and sought his blessings. A cheque for Rs. 25 lakh was handed over to Mr. Modi for the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund for Jammu and Kashmir by the swami. (The Hindu 24.9.2014) вЂ�INSULT’ TO JEEYAR CONDEMNED Hyderabad-based Temple Protection Movement has taken exception to the way the Tirumala Pedda Jeeyar, an institution established several centuries back by savant Sri Ramanuja to preserve the customs and traditions, was slighted during the Dhwajarohanam a couple of days back. “The attempt to tinker with the Jeer’s role began in 1987 and even the Supreme Court interfered to set things right,” pointed out the Movement’s founder Chilkur Soundararajan. He expressed shock over the incident and cautioned that any attempt to interfere with the institution could amount to interfering in the custom and usage of the temple. (The Hindu 29.9.2014) ѨxÖ’ ㄬuв„ўГЄs ГЈВЁO`ГЂ+ВЁO Г…aГЁOKВ«HГµ ГЎГ€=KВ«в€ћГ›. HГЌh Ѩx J#flk Г–Г‹HГЎГµ Г€`Г• JГЈВЁГ…в€ћ ГЈВЁO`ГЂ+ВЁ=в€ћ<Г•^Г• LO_В»^в€ћЕ’ . October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK ГЈВЁOГЎГЄ^Е’HГњ В© в€ћВ« O...вњЌ ^Г•"åÅÜ«∂Å ГЎГЄГ…HГµ=в€ћO_»à ◊§Ö’ ~ГҐ[H©Ü«∞ *’HõºO `В«QГ†^Е’в€ћ... PO„^茄Ѩ^Õâò „ѨÉèГв€ћ`В«п¬Ѓ=Гљ ^Г•"åÅÜ«∂Å ГЎГЄГ…HГµ =в€ћO_Ȉ פ#в€ћ ~В°^Е’в€ћГЊ KÕã¨∂Î *ГЏs KÕã≤# ГЈВЁ=~В°}KВ«@Г¬O 2014 ÃÑ· ГњВ«в€ћ^•`В«^Е’Г¤ ã≤uГ· (ВїГЈ@Г¬ ГЈПЂHГЂ)x HЛ�#в„ўГЄyã¨∂Î ÃÇÏ· HГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ =в€ћ^ГЁВєЕ’ O`В«~В° L`В«~ГЋ в€ћВ° п¬ЃГ…в€ћ *ГЏs KÕã#≤ O^Œ∞‰õΩ '"ГҐH±— =в€ћiÜ«Ú ^Г•"åÅÜ«∂Å Ѩi~В°Hõ∆} L^Е’Вє=в€ћ=Гљ ÃÇ·ÏHГЂ~°∞ì‰õΩ HГµ$`В«[Лќ`«Å∞ `≥eГњВ«в€ћ*Ëã¨∞Î#flk. KВ«@ìã¨ÉèГГ…в€ћ ~ГҐ*ГЏВєOQГ† q~В°в€ћ^Е’ГєOQГЌ =Вє=ǨÏiВїГЈГЋ <ГҐВєГњВ«в€ћв„ўГЄГ·<ГҐГ–Г‹ KЛ�~В°= K«∂Ñ≤™êÎ~Гљ. ÉèГ‰õΩÎÅ J=QÍǨÏ# HЛ�~°‰õΩ ^Г•"ГҐ^•Ü«∞ ГЈВЁ=~В°}KВ«@Г¬OÖ’x JOГўГџГ…#в€ћ „Ѩ™êÎqГЈВЁв€ћГЋ<åfl=Гљ. qq^ГЁЕ’ HГЌВє@ys ^Г•"åÅÜ«∂ÅÖ’x ГЎГЄГ…HГµ=в€ћO_»à ◊¡Ö’ =ГљQГ†в€ћГ¦~В°в€ћ ã¨ÉèГв€ћВєГ…в€ћ J^Е’#OQГЌ ГѓГ‘OKВ«|_®¤~В°в€ћ. 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JГЈВЁ=в€ћ~В°в€ћГ… Г· ‰õΩ J=~ГЂ^è•Å∞QГЌ JxÑ≤OKГ•q ГЈВЁ=в€ћ~В°в€ћГ… Г· ‰õΩ J=HГЌГўГџГ…в€ћQГЌ HГµxÑ≤™êÎ~Гљ. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 20 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK AHOBILAM AND AHOBILA MUTT - 29 - M.V.Soundara Rajan Events so far: We are narrating to the readers on how Ahobila Mutt as an organization is democratic in composition and how Shishyas (disciples) have been protecting the interests of the Mutt. 39th Pattam Sri Azhagiyasingar is in his ripe old age and is also not keeping well. An Ahobila Mutt Shishyasabha with 17 members have been formed in this regard which was running a journal called VEDANTA DEEPIKAI. A successor needs to be nominated and there have been vested interests trying to take advantage of the situation. Shishyas have congregated in Madurantakam Maharangham on December 25, 1912 to influence the Jeer for the same and have concluded that it is as per their dharma to do the same. Read further…. We are reproducing the chair person’s speech of Diwan Bahadur Shri T.T. Rangachariar Swamy who delivered this lecture at the Madurantakam Mahasangam during December 25, 1912. The translated text of the lectureis as follows: There should be no room for hatred due to Philosophical differences (contd.) One who is desirous of salvation or upliftment should never forget that there exists one almighty Paramatma who protects and controls all the souls Jeevatma. All of us exist for his glory and are subservient to him. ГѓЖ’Л™ QuВЎЖ’tГЉ §¿÷ o¶Á¬ÁåΩ Fuo ∆Áãoв„ўГЏГєГЃГѓyo@ (Everything in this world including creation, protection and pralaya is controlled by Brahman, Paramatma. Please pray him with this mind set) FtГЉ §¿÷, FtГЉ qп¬ЃГЉ, Fв„ўГЃuГҐ ГџГ“oГЃuГҐ, FtГЉ ГѓЖ’Л™ Г†tГ†в„ўГЃnв„ўГЃ ÆÀoГЏ ГѓЖ’ГЃ|um ГџГ“oГЃuГҐ EГЃnв„ўГЈГ†zƒÁåÏú≈Æuo@ (He is the soul for all souls in living beings, humans including Brahmins and Kshatriyas and all non-living items or basic elements. All are controlled by him) ГѓЖ’|ГџГ“ozВ ГЏ YГЃnв„ўГЃГҐГЉ ooГЃz ГҐ uЖ’\ГЏTÏõÃoz@ (Since he is the inner soul of all beings he is not hated) ГѓЖ’|ГџГ“ouГЂsoГЉ ÆÁz в„ўГЃГЉ \TuoEГЃnв„ўГЃzú©ÆzГҐ ГѓЖ’|п¬Ѓ Гѓв„ўГЉ ú≈Æuo ÆÁz\ГЏ|ГҐ@ ГѓЖ’|п¬Ѓ t{nÆÁÀÙoГЃв„ўГЏГє{o Гѓв„ўnƒ™Á∫Ááå™XÆÏoГЂГ†@ LoГЃЖ’ГЃГҐzƒ¬ÁzNzЛ›uÀ™åΩ ГЂЖ’ГЃs|: ГєГЏГЉГѓГЃГЉ ú∫: ГЂв„ўwo:@ LNЛ›ГЃГЈoГџuOЛ›TГЃz|uЖ’ГЈtz Г†nГѓЖ’|п¬Ѓ otyqm™Ω@ (I am the inner soul of all beings including the demons. One who worships me as inner soul in every being in this world that worship is the real way to see this world.) Keeping all the above sayings of sacred texts a person interested in salvation should practice to worship the entire universe as Lord Govinda’s part. At this juncture it is worth listing frequently occurring questions in our mind. “(1) Many people are following many religions and philosophies. Can all religions and philosophies be correct? (2) Can we accept other sampradayas which have been shown to have lots of defects and inconsistencies equal to Our Sampradaya (Ramanujasampradaya) which is blemish less from top to bottom ? (3) Have our preceptors not brought out all the defects in other religions and philosophies? (4) Have our Acharyas not told us to stay away from opponents like staying away from fire and serpants and when we see people who don’t believe in the almighty leave them away and ignore them ? (5) How can we think everything is Paramatma other than our Sampradaya people? (6) Is it not said Г†sГЃ ∆uOЛ› uГҐTwвЂ�yÆÁoΩ tzЖ’oГЃTГЏВЄuГҐГЈtN˛ÁåΩ meaning as far as possible oppose those who belittles Lord and Acharyas? For all the above type of questions which can come to ones mind my submission is to act according to the existing times. I have following submissions or suggestions: (1) Religious differences or philosophical differences should not affect the basic humanitarian unity among human beings. (2) If people lose their unity based on the religious and philosophical differences it will cause unthinkable damage to the world which should be not resorted to and avoided. (3) Our, country, India is a greatest example of how hatred due to religious and philosophical differences have destroyed the country (4) No philosophy or religion has ever been so far universally accepted by all so far starting from days of yore. (5) So far each of the religious or philosophical followers believe in their religion or philosophy and think that it is the right one. (6) Therefore, people should realize that it is not possible to eliminate religious and philosophical differences and behave in such a way that while they maintain belief in their religion or philosophy not hate others. (7) It is said that only people who hate the almighty will become opponents. If we think deeply people of other religions or philosophies cannot be classified under those who hate the almighty. They also worship him in some form and love him. (8) Therefore only those who are like Hiranyakashipu, Ravana, Shishupala can be considered as opponents and not other religious people (9) People who don’t believe in the almighty are only living beings and it is said that they should not be mingled with during prayer times, puja times and at times of discourses about lord. As they are not haters of almighty they don’t have to be hated. (10) Can the sayings of sacred texts like Bhagawatgita and Vishnupurana go waste? E.g. it is said in Bhagawatgita: EЛљz…bГЃ ГѓЖ’|ГџГ“oГЃГҐГЃГЉ в„ў{п¬Ѓ: NЛ›ВЄm LЖ’ Y@ a. (Not to hate any living or non-living being here is friendliness and kindness) And in Vishnupurana b. ГѓЖ’|ГџГ“oГЃnв„ўNzЛ› oГЃo \TëÁÁsz \TГЈв„ўГ†z@ ƒ∆™Ánв„ўuГҐ TГЃzuЖ’ГЈtz uв„ўп¬ЃГЃuв„ўп¬Ѓ NЛ›sГЃ NГЏЛ›o:@@ (when Lord Govinda who is the Lord of universe and is the inner soul of universe has become yours and is staying in you where is the question of friend and foe type of differences and need for those type of stories) c. nЖ’ВґГ†uГЂo ГџTЖ’ГЃuヅmГЏ: в„ўuГ† YГЃГЈГ†п¬Ѓ YГЃuГЂo Гѓ:@ Г†oГЂooГЃz S Г†u©™ëÁ©™z ∆fiÏ≥Ázuo Гєws≤Ï˛o:@ (Lord Vishnu is in me, in you and is in everywhere. Then where is the question of differences such as enemy and friend. All are your friends) Hence We have to relinquish at all times and all states creation of hatred among different religious and philosophical practitioners and grow love and ( to be continued...) harmony with all people. #в€ћ"≥fiO`В« HГµ+Ñì¨ _ВЁ Г§ ѨxKÕã∞¨ <ГЋ ГҐfl"ГЂ K≥á⁄Ê^Е’в€ћ.ГЊ ZO`«ÑxВЁ ѨÓ~В°~ГЋ ГљO^ГЂ K≥ÑCВЁ . October '14 NEWS w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 21 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Fight for Devotees’ Rights over Temple Trust Boards We at VAK and the Temples Protection Movement have taken the fight for freeing the Temples from Political Elements to the next level. When the AP Government enacted the Endowments Amendment Act 2014 cancelling all the Trust Boards and increasing the number of Members to the same, more with an intention to fill the Temples with Political Cadre… we petitioned to the Governor. We are assisting in the Legal battle against this Amendment Act also…. Editor 9th Sept 2014 To Chilkur His Excellency Sri E.S.L. Narasimhan, Subject: Assent to AP Endowments amendment Bill No. 6/2014 under Art 200 of Constitution of India Ref: 1. AP Endowments amendment Bill No 6/2014 as passed by Legislative Assembly and Council 2. The Hindu dated 7.9.2014 Press Report titled “ Bill on Temple Administration Opposed” *** We know that the interests of our temple system are very dear to your heart as a devotee as your Excellency has probably spent most time in temples than any other Governor since independence. As a Governor which is a secular institution though, we understand that your Excellency is bound to work under the four pillars of the Constitution in deciding on assent to anti temple AP Endowments amendment Bill No 6/2014 under Art 200. The Governor is also bound by the oath under Art 159 read with Art 51A(f) to protect and defend Art 25 and Art 26 of the Constitution which protects the rights of the Hindu devotees and temple worshippers to propagate the religion through spiritual administration of our temples. The Committee on working of Constitution in its report available at http://lawmin.nic.in/ncrwc/finalreport/v1ch3.htm defines Art 51A (f) “3.40.1 Clause (f) of article 51A requires us to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture. It follows that we may not break each other’s places of worship, set fire to religious texts, or beat up one another’s priests or obstruct those who exercise their Fundamental Right under article 25 to profess, practice and propagate religion. “ The following are the reasons why the Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments (Amendment) Bill No 6/2014 is dangerous to the very future of our temple system and does not deserve consent under Art 200 :1. The Government succumbing to political pressure to rehabilitate party men in temple trust boards in large numbers has put the short term interests of the Political Party in power ahead of the long term interests of the temple system in the Country in drafting this Bill. “The Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments (Amendment) Bill, 2014 will result in politicization of temple administration and undo the efforts made so far to free temples from political interference,..... C. Ramachandraiah” (The Hindu dated 7.9.2014) 2. What are the efforts taken to free temples from political interference? The draconian AP Endowments Act 30/87 on the basis of Justice Challa Kondiah Commission was passed on 9.4.1987 against the wishes of Religious leaders and overriding the concerns of the opposition for referring it to a select committee has caused grievous damage to the religious institutions in the State leading to excessive politicization, commercialization and corruption in the temple administrations. A strong devotee movement started for reformation in temple administration due to the havoc created by the AP 30/87 Act and by divine grace the Act was referred to a Select Committee exactly on 9.4.2007! 20 years hence correcting a historic blunder. The Select Committee consisting of members from all Political parties functioned as pure devotees and came up with a revolutionary report and the Act was amended through Act 33 of 2007 which was also appreciated by the Supreme Court. The Act mandated the constitution of a Dharmika Parishad based on the following Select Committee recommendation “A semi autonomous Apex body called Andhra Pradesh Dharmika Parishad is sought to be created to oversee the management of the entire temple system in the state. It would most likely discharge ^ГЁ#Е’ O L#fl"ГҐ~В°O^Е’iHВ© ^•#QГ†в€ћ}O LO_В»^в€ћЕ’ . ^•#QГ†в€ћ}O L#fl"ГҐiHЛњ `В«y#O`В« ^ГЁ#Е’ O LO_В»HГЎГµ Г€=KВ«в€ћГ›. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 22 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Fight for Devotees’ Rights over Temple Trust Boards... most of the functions being currently performed by the Government. It would have the authority and responsibility to institute appropriate administrative, financial and legal mechanisms to ensure that Endowments are preserved, dilapidated temples are renovated, temples become pilgrim-friendly, the rich traditions and cultural heritage are preserved and all stake holders participate in a spirit of partnership with devotion and dedication to bring temples back into social life as centers of moral education, human welfare, fine arts and architecture. It will not be merely an advisory body as envisaged earlier. It will be the policy making body with substantial autonomy to coordinate and facilitate better management of temples. The Sec 152 A(1) proposed in the amendment Bill is modified accordingly The present Government succumbing to political pressure within the Party to rehabilitate party workers in temple trust boards in large numbers has embarked upon this misguided amendment to an Act which had broad Political consensus and has acted unilaterally without taking anybody into confidence. The Process followed in coming up with this amendment itself is faulty as the Dharmika Parishad was first abolished and the views of the Parishad was not sought which was the intention of the Select Committee in creating such a body. 3. One of the key objectives of amendment Act 33 of 2007 is to revive the low income temples which constitute over 90% of the temples as articulated in the Statement of Objects and Reasons and approved by the Select Committee and this has been put in jeopardy by this amendment. For small low income temples of income less than 2 lakhs under Sec 15(2) the Select Committee had deliberately kept the number of members in the trust board as a low count of three as already there is a вЂ�may’ clause for constitution of trust boards here. It was felt that the trust boards are a burden to such small low income temples and the move to now increase this number to five members through the amendment Bill is not correct and will cause strain on the meagre resources of such temples. The Bill also goes against the commitment given to the Supreme Court and recorded as such in the 1997 judgement that low income temples will be exempted. In fact the Dharmika Parishad had resolved that such temples are to be managed by the Archakas themselves without trust boards and now by adding members it creates incentive for political pressure to constitute unnecessary trust boards for such small low income temples. 4. With regards to the other amendments to Sec 15 of the Act the concept of reserving a place in the trust board of all temples to the вЂ�donor’ has been given a goby through rewording of Proviso No 5 and deletion of the word вЂ�donor’. The proviso itself was inserted after considerable deliberation by the Select Committee to give due recognition to donors and this has been considerably diluted with an objective to insert more political members in trust boards of all categories of temples. 5. A GO based approach to abolish trust boards by a fresh Government and filling the same with their own political party members was negated by the High Courts in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in the past. A new approach has been invented to circumvent judicial intervention by amending Sec 15 to increase members and show this as a reason to abolish existing trust boards through new Sec 163. This will set a dangerous precedent as every new Government will keep adding members by amending Sec 15 in the future to achieve this same purpose and thus cause excessive politicization of the temple system. If this approach is consented under Art 200 then many State Governments will follow suit and this will lead to excessive politicization of temple trust boards all over the country. In view of the above we request your Excellency to kindly act as per вЂ�Dharma’ and as a devotee within the four pillars of the Constitution to protect the rights of the Hindu devotees and temple worshippers under Art 25 & Art 26 by invoking the powers resident with the Governor under Art 200 of the Constitution read with Art 159 and Art 51A(f) and refuse consent to the AP Endowments amendment Bill No 6/2014 when it comes up for your kind consideration. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely (M.V. Soundararajan) =в€ћOz ѨxHЛњ qв€ћOz# ѨÓ[Г–Г‹^в€ћЕ’ . =∂#=`ГҐfixHЛњ qв€ћOz# =в€ћ`В«O Г–Г‹^в€ћЕ’ . October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Fight for Devotees’ Rights over Temple Trust Boards... Governor urged to reject Endowments Bill вЂ�Govt. succumbs to pressure to rehabilitate partymen in temple trust boards’ Hyderabad : Concerned over the recent AP Endowments (Amendment) Bill, 2014 that will вЂ�threaten the very future of temples’, the Temple Protection Movement has petitioned the Governor to protect the rights of the Hindu devotees and temple worshippers. Representation Temple Protection Movement convenor M.V. Soundararajan, who submitted a representation to Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan here on Tuesday, said the government had succumbed to political pressure to rehabilitate party men in temple trust boards and ignored the long term interest of the temple system in drafting this Bill. Dr. Soundararajan urged the Governor to invoke the powers vested under Article 200 of the Constitution read with Article 159 and Article 51 A(f) and refuse consent to the AP Endowments amendment Bill when it would come up for his consideration. Interference The amendment was also opposed by Opposition leader in the Legislative Council C. Ramachandraiah as it would undo the efforts made so far to free temples from political interference, he said. The earlier AP Endowments Act 30/87 which was passed in April, 1987 against the wishes of religious leaders and the concerns of the Opposition had caused serious damage to the religious institutions in the State leading to excessive politicisation, commercialisation and corruption in the temple administration. Thankfully the Act was amended 20 years later in year 2007 by Act 33 of 2007 following a strong devotee movement for reformation in temple administration and a report submitted by a Select Committee. Significantly the Act mandated the constitution of a Dharmika Parishad to oversee the management of the entire temple system in the State, review low income temples, reduce political interference and transform temples into centres of moral education, Dr. Soundararajan said. Donors Unfortunately the present government abolished the Dharmika Parishad too, he said. The recent Act also has done away with the concept of reserving a place to the donor in the temple trust boards, he added. (The Hindu 10-9-2014) HC Restrains AP Govt from Appointing New Trust Boards to Temples HYDERABAD: In a setback to the Andhra Pradesh government, a Division Bench of the Hyderabad High Court on Thursday ordered status quo on the ordinance issued by the AP government abolishing all the trusts and temple committees in the State. The Bench comprising Chief Justice Kalyan Jyoti Sengupta and Justice PV Sanjay Kumar pronounced this in a batch of writ petitions by R Latha, ex-chairman of Sri Varasidhi Vinayaka Swamy temple, Kanipakam in Chittoor district and several others challenging the AP Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Ordinance dated August 9, 2014. The petitioners submitted that with the said ordinance all the chairpersons and members of the trust boards of all institutions, including the TTD, shall cease to hold office forthwith and thereby empowering the government making it a competent authority to appoint a person or persons to exercise the powers and perform functions of these institutions till new trust boards are reconstituted and chairmen/members are appointed in accordance with the provisions of Section 15 and 96 of the Principal Act, as amended by the said ordinance. The petitioners sought the court to declare promulgation of Andhra Pradesh Ordinance No 3 of 2014 to the extent of adding Section 163 to the existing provisions for the AP Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Act, 1987, as illegal and arbitrary. They also sought the court to suspend operation of the ordinance pending disposal of the writ petitions. While ordering status quo until further orders, the bench directed the registry to post the matter after one week. (The New Indian Express 12.9.2014) Temple trust board members can seek reappointment: AP govt tells HC It made the submission in its counter to the batch of petitions challenging the ordinance through which trust boards of all temples were terminated. The Andhra Pradesh Government has told the Hyderabad High Court that members of trust boards of temples in Andhra Pradesh could reapply for continuation and their right to reapply has not been taken away. The Government put up this argument in its counter to the batch of petitions challenging the ordinance through which trust boards of all temples were terminated. The Government maintained that the right of the trust board members to reapply was not taken away. The Government could consider the reappointment of the trust boards. The Telugu Desam Government had earlier brought an ordinance cancelling all the temple trust boards and later brought a bill, which is awaiting the assent of Governor ESL Narasimhan.Several petitions were filed in the High Court challenging the government decision. (The Hindu 18.9.2014) HC asks Andhra govt to suspend ordinance on temples HYDERABAD: Taking a critical look at ordinance issued by Andhra Pradesh government aimed at removing all trustees of temples in the state, the Hyderabad high court on Friday sought to know from its advocate general P Venugopal whether the state can suspend it for now. The aggrieved parties will challenge the Act, following which, the court can adjudicate the issue, the bench said. The AG told the bench that he would consult the state government. The bench comprising Chief Justice Kalyan Jyothi Sengupta and Justice P V Sanjay Kumar made this observation while hearing a batch of petitions that challenged the state’s decision to remove the existing temple committees en masse. When the AG told the court that there is no point in challenging the ordinance since the same has been made into an Act after obtaining the approval of both the Houses, the Chief Justice enquired about the current status of the ordinance. The AG replied that after the approval of the legislative houses, the temple committees bill will be sent to the governor for his assent, following which, it becomes an Act. The CJ then made a suggestion asking the state to suspend the ordinance till it becomes an Act. Appearing for one of the temple trustees, senior counsel UO KÕÜ∂« e, ZГ–ГЏ KÕÜ∂« e Jx J~В°=Г· в€ћГњГ•в€ћВє =~°‰Äõ KÕã∂¨ <ГЋ Г• LO_В®e. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Fight for Devotees’ Rights..... R Raghunandan Rao said that the action of the state in removing all the trustees was arbitrary and unconstitutional. He cited several cases where such arbitrary decisions of the states were struck down by the High Courts and the Supreme Court. The bench posted the matter to Tuesday for further hearing. Earlier, due to non-appearance of the AG during a hearing, the court had ordered a status quo. (Times of India 20.9.2014) AP govt. on the back foot on Endowments Bill The case of the AP Endowments (Amendment) Bill passed by the legislature to replace the earlier ordinance is turning out to be embarrassing for the government as the Governor sought clarifications in the wake of representations against it. The вЂ�controversial’ Bill passed by both the Assembly and the Council on September 6 despite concern from the Opposition that it would pave the way for politicisation of temple trust board committees was sent to the Governor for his consent soon after. Interestingly the Bill was introduced even as the High Court issued status quo orders on the ordinance terminating the trust boards of all temples when it was challenged by several petitioners. In the wake of serious reservations from many quarters, the Governor sought clarifications from the Endowments Department. However the department is yet to give the clarifications sought even after nine days. But the government went ahead and submitted an affidavit in the High Court on Thursday in response to the petitions opposing the Bill. Sources said that if the Governor was not satisfied with the clarifications, he may refer the Bill to the President under Article 200 of the Constitution. Expressing concern over the amended Bill that was passed hurriedly particularly when the original legislation was enacted after approval from the Select Committee, the Temple Protection Movement had submitted a representation to the Governor on September 9 urging him not to give his assent. „\ãπìÉ’~°∞¤Å ~В°^Œ∞ÌÃÑ· ВїГЈГ¬@ГЈПЂHГЂ UГ‘вЂ� PiВ¤<≥<£ûÃÑ· ÃÇ·ÏHГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ P^Õâ◊O ÃÇ·Ï^Е’~åÉÏ^ВЈ, ÃãÃÑìO|~Гј 11 : PO„^茄Ѩ^ÕâòÖ’ ^Г•"åÅÜ«∂Å „@ã¨∞ìÅ∞, HГµqв€ћ\©Å#в€ћ ~В°^Е’в€ћГЊ KÕã¨∂Î ~ГҐR ^Г•"ГҐ^•Ü«∞ ГўГџY *ГЏs KÕã≤# PiВ¤<≥#∞ûÃÑ· ГњВ«в€ћ^•`В«^Г¤Е’ ã≤÷ux HЛ�#в„ўГЄyã¨∂Î ÃÇ·Ï^Е’~åÉÏ^ВЈ ÃÇ·ÏHГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ P^ÕâßÅ∞ *ГЏs KÕãO≤ k. D P^ÕâßÅ#в€ћ ÃÇÏ· HГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ ㄬ^•è # <ГҐВєГњВ«в€ћ=ВёiГЋ [ã≤ãì ПЂ Hõà Ϻ}ГјВїГЈ<ВЈ QГ†в€ћГЎГЄГЋ, [ã≤ìãπ Ñ≤q ГЈВЁO[ГњГјв€ћ ‰õΩ=∂~Гј`ГЂ ‰õÄ_Г§# ^ГЁЕ’~å‡ã¨#O =в€ћ^ГЁЕ’ВєO`В«~В° L`«Î~В°в€ћп¬ЃГ…#в€ћ QГ†в€ћ~В°в€ћ"ГҐ~В°O WzГ›Ok. PO„^茄Ѩ^Õâò KГҐi@|в€ћГ–ГІ, Ç≤ÏO^ζ =в€ћ`В« ГЈВЁOГЈВЁГ·Г…в€ћ, ^Г•"ГҐ^•Ü«∞ ГЈВЁ=~В°} PiВ¤<≥#в€ћГ» 2014#в€ћ ГЈВЁ"ГҐГ…в€ћ KÕã¨∂Î J<Г•HГµ Ñ≤\ Лњ+ВЁ#в€ћВЎ ^•YÅÜ«∂º~Гљ. D Ñ≤\ В©+ВЁ#ВЎ#в€ћ ^•YГ…в€ћ KÕã≤#"ГҐiÖ’ HГЌ}ЛњГЎГЄHГµO N =~°ã≤kГє q<ГҐГњВ«в€ћHГµ в„ўГЄп¬Ѓqв€ћ ^Г•"ГҐГ…ГњВ«в€ћO =∂r K≥·~°‡<ВЈ P~Гј. Г…`В« `В«k`В«~В°в€ћГ…в€ћ L<åfl~В°в€ћ. QГ†`В« <≥Å 9= `Г•n# ~ГҐR„ѨÉèГв€ћ`В«п¬ЃO *ГЏs KÕã≤# PiВ¤<≥#в€ћГ»`ГЂ \Лњ\ Лњ_Г§`ГЂГЎГЄ@в€ћ Jxfl ^Г•"ГҐГ…ГњВ«в€ћ „@ГЈВЁв€ћГ¬ É’~°∞¤Å∞, HГµqв€ћ\©Å∞ ~В°^Гњ ГЊЕ’ ∂« ВєГњВ«в€ћx, HЛ�`«Î HГµqв€ћ\©Å U~ГҐГЉ@в€ћ KÕ¿ã JkГЁHГЌ~В°O ^Г•"ГҐ^•Ü«∞ ГўГџY‰õΩ HГµeГЉOKГҐ~В°<åfl~В°в€ћ. „ѨÉ∞ГГЁ `В«п¬Ѓ *ГЏs KÕã#≤ PiВ¤<#≥ в€ћГ» J„HГµ=в€ћ=в€ћx ㄬH\Гµ OЛњ KГҐГ…x Ñ≤\+Лњ #ВЁ в€ћВЎ ÃÇÏ· HГЂ~В°в€ћ#Г¬ в€ћ JÉèºà iГ·OKГҐ~В°в€ћ. PiВ¤<#≥ в€ћГ» J=в€ћГ…в€ћ#в€ћ xÅ∞ѨÙ^Г…Е’ KÕÜ∂« Г…x HГЂ~ГҐ~В°в€ћ. "ГҐ^Е’#Г…в€ћ q#fl `В«~ГҐп¬Ѓ`В« ÃÇÏ· HГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ ВїГЈ@Г¬ ГЈПЂ HГЂ L`В«~ГЋ в€ћВ° п¬ЃГ…в€ћ *ГЏs KÕã∂¨ ГЋ „ѨÉ∞ГГЁ `ГҐп¬ЃxHЛњ, ^Г•"ГҐ^•Ü«∞âßY‰õΩ <ГЂ\©ã∞¨ Г…в€ћ WzГ›Ok. D HЛ† ГЈВЁв€ћ qKГҐ~В°}#в€ћ "ГҐ~В°O ~ГЂAГ…ГЎГЄ@в€ћ "ГҐ~Гљ^• "Õã≤Ok. (PO„^èŒÉèГ∂qв€ћ 12.9.2014) Temple Protection Movement convenor Soundararajan in his representation said that the Bill would threaten the very future of temples as the government was succumbing to political pressure to rehabilitate party men in temple trust boards. (The Hindu 20.9.2014) Fresh writ needed to challenge govt. action: HC A Division Bench of Hyderabad High Court comprising Chief Justice Kalyanjyothi Sen Gupta and Justice P.V. Sanjay Kumar on Tuesday made it clear that fresh writ petitions had to be filed challenging the action of the A.P. State Government in dissolving all the Trust Boards of temples as the ordinance was replaced by the Act, after the Legislature had passed the Bill and Governor gave consent. The bench was dealing with a batch of writ petitions filed by several members of Trust Boards challenging the ordinance amending the AP Charitable Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Act, 1987. Initially there were orders of statusquo. On Tuesday, Advocate-General of AP P. Venugopal informed the Court that the Act was published after the Legislature approved the ordinance and Governor gave his consent. The bench declared that the present writ petitions were closed and the petitioners were at liberty to file fresh cases challenging the new Act. (The Hindu 24.9.2014) Plea against trust boards Ordinance closed Hyderabad: A division bench comprising Chief Justice Kalyan Jyoti Sengupta and Justice P.V. Sanjay Kumar of the Hyderabad High Court on Tuesday closed a plea challenging the AP Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments (Amendment) Ordinance as infructuous....... P. Venugopal, advocate general of the AP, said the Ordinance was culminated into an Act as both the house of the legislature passed the Bill and the Governor has given his ascent to the Bill. While vacating the status quo granted on September 11 on the Ordinance, the bench closed the petition by granting liberty to them to file fresh pleas against the Bill. (Deccan Chronicle 24.9.2014) „@ГЈВЁв€ћГ¬ É’~°∞¤Å ~В°^Е’в€ћГЊ PiВ¤<≥<£ûÃÑ· "ГҐВє*ГЏВєГ…#в€ћ `Àã≤ѨÙzГ›# ÃÇ·ÏHГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ ÃÇÏ· ^Е’~åÉÏ^ВЈ, ГѓГЈГѓГ‘OГ¬ |~Гј 23 : PГ…ГњВ«в€ћ „@ГЈВЁв€ћГ¬ É’~В°в€ћГ…В¤ в€ћ, HГµqв€ћ\©Å#в€ћ ~В°^в€ћЕ’ KГЊ ГЈГ• ∂¨ ГЋ UГ‘вЂ�„ѨÉ∞ГГЁ `В«п¬ЃO *ГЏsKÕã#≤ PiВ¤<<≥ û£ ÃÑ· ^•YГ–Л‡#В· "ГҐВє*ГЏВєГ…#в€ћ ÃÇÏ· HГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ ㄬ^•è # <ГҐВєГњВ«в€ћ=ВёiГЋ [ã≤ãì ПЂ Hõà Ϻ}*’ºu ВїГЈ<ВЈQв€ћГ† ѨÎ [ã≤ãì ПЂ Г‘вЂ�g ГЈВЁO[ГњГјв€ћ ‰õΩ=∂~ГјГ…`ГЂ ‰õÄ_Г§# ^ГЁЕ’~å‡ã¨#O =в€ћOQÆà ◊"ГҐ~В°O `Àã≤ѨÙzГ›Ok. PiВ¤<≥<ВЈГ»#в€ћ KВ«@ìã¨ÉèГÖ’¡ P"≥∂kOz# J#O`В«~В°O QГ†=~°fl~Гј P"≥∂^Е’O`ГЂ KВ«@Г¬OQГЌ ~°∂á⁄OkO^Е’x PO„^茄Ѩ^Õâò Ur Ѩ~ГҐO‰õΩâ◊O "Г•}в€ћQГЂГЎГЄГ–ГІ HГЂ~°∞ì‰õΩ q=iã¨∂Î XHГµ ㄬux HГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ ѨijГ…#‰õΩ WKГҐГ›~В°в€ћ. KВ«\ГЏГ¬xfl ГЈВЁ"ГҐГ–ГІ KÕÜ∞« ‰õΩO_В® PiВ¤<<≥ û£ #в€ћ ГЈВЁ"ГҐГ–ГІ KÕÜ∞« _В»O x~В°~HГ·В° "Гµ в€ћГ• J=Г™`В«в€ћO^Е’x, D "ГҐВє*ГЏВєГ…#в€ћ HЛ�\Лњ"Г¬ Гњ Г• ∂« Г…x HГЂ~ГҐ~В°в€ћ. Ur "ГҐ^Е’#Г…`ГЂ UH©ÉèГqOz# ÃÇ·ÏHГЂ~В°в€ћГ¬ D "ГҐВє*ГЏВєГ…#в€ћ HЛ�\ЛњГ¬"Õã¨∂Î... KВ«\ГЏГ¬xfl ГЈВЁ"ГҐГ–ГІKÕã¨∂Î "ГҐВє[ВєO "Õã¨∞‰õΩ<Г• ВїГЈп¬ЃK«Ûù Ñ≤\ Лњ+ВЁ#~°¡‰õΩ LO@в€ћO^Е’x ГЈВЁГЉ+ВЁOГ¬ KÕãO≤ k. PГ…ГњВ«в€ћ „@ГЈВЁв€ћГ¬ É’~В°в€ћГ…В¤ в€ћ ~В°^в€ћЕ’ ГЊ KÕã∂¨ ГЋ PQÆã∞¨ Г¬ 9# PO„^è„Œ Ѩ^ГўГ• ГІ „ѨÉ∞ГГЁ `В«п¬ЃO *ГЏsKÕã#≤ PiВ¤<<≥ û£ #в€ћ ГЈВЁ"ГҐГ–ГІKГЈГ• ∂¨ ГЋ z`«∂~ГЋ в€ћВ° lГ–ГЏВЎ HГЌ}ЛњГЎГЄHГµOÖ’x N=~°ãk≤ Гє q<ГҐГњВ«в€ћHГµв„ўГЄп¬Ѓqв€ћ PГ…ГњВ«в€ћ „@ГЈВЁв€ћГ¬ =∂r K≥~В· ‡° <ВЈ P~Гј.Г…`В«, =в€ћiHЛ�O^Е’~в€ћВ° "Г•~Л† п¬Ѓ~В°в€ћ Ñ≤\+Лњ #ВЁ `ВЎ ГЂ ÃÇÏ· HГЂ~В°в€ћ#Г¬ в€ћ P„â◊~ГљOz# q+ВЁГњв€ћВ« O `≥eã≤O^Г•.... (PO„^ГЁЕ’*’ºu 24.9.2014) B#fl`ВєВ« =в€ћO>Г‹ HГЂiHõÅ#в€ћ KВ«OѨÙHГЂ=_В»O HГЌ^Е’в€ћ. "ГҐ\Лњx J^Œ∞ѨÙÖ’ LOKВ«в€ћHГЂ=_В»O. October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 25 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Fight for Devotees’ Rights over Temple Trust Boards... In the wake of controversy over Secular Governments taking over the control of Hindu Temples, the Jijnyasa and the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha have jointly organised a seminar on 6th September at Bangalore to address and discuss the urgent issue of freeing Hindu temples from Government control. The event was attended by Dr M.V. SoundaraRajan, Convenor Temples Protection movement, Chilkoor, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, former Union Minister, Swamy Dayanad Saraswati of Arsha VidyaGurukulam, Shri Justice Rama Joyce, MP, Shri Ramesh Dikshitar, Advocate among other eminent dignitaries and Mutt heads. The seminar started with the introduction by Shri Amit Malvia of Jignyasa who gave various examples of various movements across the country in various states which fights against government interference in temples. He also cited the example of Chilkoor Balaji temple which fights against government interference by following hundiless and non-VIP treatment system . Shri T.K. Ramesh spoke about the success of the Chidambaram case which they fought against government. ShriJagadeeshShetty a member of TWS gave a power point presentation of how the government looted the lands, wealth of Hindu temples. Shri DayanandaSaraswathiSwamysaid that a secular government cannot interefere in religious activities such as temple management.He insisted that temple income cannot be spent for executive officers. He insisted that the responsibility of the management should be by a governing body free from government control. The keynote address at the seminar вЂ�Hindu Temples and Government Control’ was delivered by Subramanian Swamy. The seminar also discussed several other issues relating to Hindu religious temples. Subramanian Swamy’s address was focussed on questions like why should a вЂ�secular’ government control any religious institution, and why should it control only Hindu places of worship and not those of other non-Hindu denominations?He too stressed the need of centralized governing body independent of government interference. Shri M.V.Soundararajan while answering in the questioning session gave an elaborate reply for the question on what can be the alternative for managing the temples without government interference? He cited the below four valid points: 1. Chilkoor system should be followed as an alternate system like non- hundi/non VIP treatment. 2. If the devotees want to contribute something to the temple, a Daily Pooja fund scheme , a corpus for temple can be created where the devotees can contribute online. 3. A centralized independent governing body “DharmikaParishad” should be created with eminent scholars and archakas in the governing body and not by government bodies like Endownments Department. 4. Ticket systems should be abolished. JO^Е’OГ–Г‹x Ö’@в€ћ#в€ћ =в€ћOz ГЈВЁfiÉèÏ=O ѨÓiГЈВЁв€ћOГЋ k, HГЌh =в€ћOz ГЈВЁfiÉèÏ=O Г–Г‹x Ö’@в€ћ#в€ћ JO^Е’O ѨÓiOK«Ö^Г‹ в€ћЕ’ . n October '14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK Éè‰à Ωõ Г…ГЋ J#쐊"Г ГҐГ…в€ћ – DEVOTEES' EXPERIENCES Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 122 LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES... I had lost an important document in my computer, and had been reaching many days for it, using search engines, etc. while again searching for it. my mother recited the mantra "Kartaveeryarjuna Raja bhanu..." 25 times. Suddenly, in the same folder that I had checked at least 10 to 15 times, I found the lost document! It was the most amazing miracle. We lost a valuable coral necklace when out shopping. We recited this mantra all night, and next day went around all the shops we had visited earlier. Finally in one of the shops, the shop owner gave us back our necklace, which had fallen on the floor! similarly, I found my lost mobile phone, in another incident. We thank the Lord for his kindness and "Raja Kartaveeryarjuna.." for restoring our lost property to us. We thank you for publishing this mantra, which has been so very useful to us. - A Devotee zÅ∞‰õÄ~В°в€ћ ÉÏÖÏr J#∞„QÆÇϨ O – 122 `«Ñ≤ÊáÈ~Гљ#q ^Л�iHГЌ~Гљ... <ГҐ HГµOѨӺ@~üÖ’ KГҐГ–ГЏ =ГљYВє"≥∞ÿ# _®‰õΩº"≥∞O@в€ћ HГµxÑ≤OK«ÖË^Е’в€ћ. ^•xx "≥`В«HГµ_В®xHЛњ Z<Àfl ~ГЂAГ…в€ћQГЌ Z<Àfl „Ѩܫ∞`åflÅ∞, ГЈВЁ~ГјГ› WOl<ВЈГ…в€ћ "ГҐ_Г§<ГҐ „ѨÜ≥∂[#OГ–Г‹^Е’в€ћ. =в€ћmВ§ "≥uЛ†H ГЈВЁO^Е’~В°Ж’Г№OÖ’ =∂ J=∞‡ ''HГЌ~°Îg~ГҐВє~В°в€ћЛљ<ГЂ <ГҐ=в€ћ ~ГҐ*ГЏ ÉÏǨï...—— J<Г• =в€ћO„`ГҐxfl 25 в„ўГЄ~В°в€ћВЎ LK«ÛùiOzOk. J^Е’в€ћЖ’Г№`В«O! <Г•#в€ћ 10 #в€ћO_Г§ 15 в„ўГЄ~В°в€ћВЎ "≥uHЛњ# á¶ÈŤ~ГЂВЎ `«Ñ≤ÊáÈ~Гљ# _®‰õΩº"≥∞O\ГІ Г…aГЁOzOk. Wk KВ«=в€ћ`ГҐВЇ~В°"Г•в€ћ!! 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All slokas Chant 28 times FO ǨÏ$+вЂ�Л†HГўГџГњВ«в€ћ #=в€ћГі G J В yNz ∆ ГЃГ† ГҐв„ў: For overcoming bad habits ^Е’в€ћ~°Å"ГҐ@ВЎ#в€ћO_Г§ q=ГљHЛњГЋ ГЎвЃ„O^Е’_В®xHЛњ. FO =+ВЁ\ГЏВЇ~ГҐГњВ«в€ћ #=в€ћГі G Ж’В bΩ N ˛Á∫ÁÆ ГҐв„ў: For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa Interviews, building relationship "ГҐВєГЎГЄ~ГҐaГЁ=$kГєHЛњ, WO@~°∂fi ºÅÖ’ ã¨Ñ¶¨ÅO HГЌ=_В®xHЛњ 㨇iOKВ«O_Г§. FO N=в€ћ`Г• #=в€ћГі G В»yв„ўoz ГҐв„ў: Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth. Гўв—Љs~В° в„ўЕ“O^Е’~ГҐВєxHЛњ, ГЈВЁOѨ^Œ‰õΩ. FO JHõ∆~ГҐГњВ«в€ћ #=в€ћГі G Eq∫ÁÆ ГҐв„ў: For Education and better Financial strength. q^•ºaГЁ=$kГєHЛњ =в€ћiÜ«Ú SГўв—Љп¬Ѓ~ГҐВєaГЁ=$kГєHЛњ. FO Ѩ~В°=∂`«‡<Г• #=в€ћГі G ú∫™Ánв„ўГҐz ГҐв„ў: For self employed people, for promotions and success in games. „HВ©_В®HГЌ~°∞ʼnõΩ, ГЈВЁп¬ЃГњВ«в€ћO LГЎГЄkèÖ’ L#fl "ГҐiHЛњ, L#fl`В« Ѩ^Е’=ÙÅ∞ PtOKГ• "ГҐiHЛњ. FO Éè∂à `«ÉÏè =<ГҐГњВ«в€ћ #=в€ћГі G ГџГ“oГџГЃЖ’ГҐГЃГ† ГҐв„ў: For better health. =в€ћOz P~ГЂQГЌВєxHЛњ. FO ѨÓ`ГҐ`«‡<Г• #=в€ћГі G ГєГ“ o ГЃnв„ўГҐz ГҐв„ў: To remove mental stress and for mental peace =∂#ã≤ H Гµ P~ГЂQГЌВєxHЛњ =∂#ã≤ H Гµ XuГЋ _ Г§ #в€ћO_Г§ q=ГљHЛњГЋHЛњ. FO Гўв—Љ~°‡}Г‹ #=в€ћГі G ∆™| m z ГҐв„ў: For Job Satisfaction L^ГЂВєQГ†OÖ’, KÕ¿ã ѨxÖ’ JOHЛњ`В« ÉèÏ"ГҐxHЛњ, `В«$Ñ≤ÎHЛњ. QЛ�ѨÊ =ВєHЛњГЋ jГ–ГЏxHЛњ, 㨄`В« ГЉ=~В°#ГЋ ‰õΩ, „HГµ=в€ћtHГµ} ∆ ‰õΩ „áê^è•#Вє`В«xв„ўГЄГЋ_в€ћВ» .
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