30t h A n n i v e r s a r y 1983- 2013 a vital force for gender equality 2013 Annual Report (l-r) Lee Roper-Batker and Julia Classen Dear Friends, On August 21, 2013, we lost a cherished friend and ardent catalyst for change: Mary Lee Dayton, founder of the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota. It is with reverence, gratitude and celebration of her life and contributions that we dedicate this 30th anniversary issue of the annual report to her. Mary Lee was a pioneer. In 1983, she made the first $1 million gift ever given to a women’s foundation to launch our foundation, the first statewide women’s foundation in the country. Every milestone achieved over three decades, each captured in the timeline across the bottom of every page of this publication, is directly and irrevocably connected to Mary Lee. Said Mary Lee, then: “I feel a responsibility as a privileged person, as a woman of wealth, not just to share my resources with others, but to actively work toward changing the status of women in our society.” And actively work toward that vision, she did. Throughout our history, Mary Lee was a guide, resource, and champion. So as we celebrate our 30th anniversary year by honoring our past and looking to the future, we will carry on her legacy and leadership to achieve equality for all women and girls in the state. “Women know what they’re doing.” Mary Lee Dayton (1925 - 2013) Great progress was made toward this goal over the past year, as our combined investments totaled nearly $2 million in statewide grantmaking. Through the Social Change Fund, we awarded $285,000 to 18 nonprofits for an initial year of multi-year funding and $10,000 in planning grants (see pgs. 4, 6-9). Through the girlsBEST (girls Building Economic Success Together) Fund, we renewed grants to 17 nonprofits for a third and final year of funding, and awarded $77,900 in planning grants (see pgs. 4, 12-15). It was a pivotal year for MN Girls Are Not For Sale (see pgs.4, 10 -11). We played a lead advocacy role in passage of the landmark Safe Harbor legislation. While it was an incomplete and underfunded victory, it brought us $2.8 million closer to the $13.3 million needed to provide safe housing and trauma treatment for child sex trafficking victims in Minnesota. We also awarded $350,000 in grants to nine organizations focused on advocacy, housing, and addressing demand. We took our 2012 Status of Women & Girls in Minnesota research on a summer listening tour to eight Minnesota cities (see pgs. 5, 16). None of this work would be possible without the commitment and support of our donor-partners. In these pages, we are thrilled to feature a profile on one such donor, Margo Maris, a member of our Legacy Circle for Women & Girls since 2007 (see pg. 18). For 30 years, you have stood beside us for equality and justice. Thank you for being a part of this rich history and for helping us shape a better today and future for the state’s women and girls. Onward, Lee Roper-Batker President & CEO Julia Classen Chair, Board of Trustees A Fund is Born $10 MILLION ENDOWMENT LAUNCHED CORNERSTONE GIFT Innovative Grantmaking Minnesota Women’s Fund established at The Minneapolis Foundation, the first statewide women’s fund in the nation. Launches a $10 million endowment campaign, the first women’s fund in the world to do so. Receives $1 million gift from Mary Lee & Wallace Dayton, first women’s fund in the world to receive a million-dollar gift. Distributes first grants, awarding $115,000 to 16 projects, statewide. 1983 1984 3 1985 1986 AT A GLANCE Fiscal Year 2013 (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013) OVERVIEW OF GRANTMAKING: In fiscal year 2013, the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota distributed $1,961,433 in grants through the Social Change Fund, MN Girls Are Not For Sale campaign, girlsBEST (girls Building Economic Success Together) Fund, donor advised funds, giving circles, discretionary grants, and program related investments. Social Change Fund We award grants and provide technical assistance to nonprofits across the state working to achieve equality for women in Economic Opportunity, Safety & Security, Health & Reproductive Rights, and Political Power. FY2013 Highlights • GRANT TOTAL: Awarded $285,000 to 18 nonprofits for an initial year of multiyear funding, and $10,000 in planning grants (see pgs. 6-9). • Served approximately 13,000 women, with an estimated total impact on over 100,000 women. • Allocated 50% of total funding to organizations working towards economic opportunity for women including education, workforce development, job training, employment opportunities, and financial literacy. • Convened “Igniting Change: Fueling Progress for Women and Girls,” with grantees from all funds – Social Change Fund, MN Girls Are Not For Sale, girlsBEST, donor advised funds, and giving circles – for a day of learning and capacity building. • Engaged grantees in seven technical assistance workshops on organizational and program capacity building, leadership and youth development, grant writing, advocacy, and research and evaluation. MN GIRLS ARE NOT FOR SALE Campaign A five year, $5 million campaign to galvanize resources to end the sex trafficking of Minnesota girls through grantmaking, research, and public education. • 2012 Mission Award for Responsive Philanthropy for MN Girls Are Not For Sale campaign (Nov. 2012). • Joined MN State Senate Pres. Sandra Pappas (St. Paul), MN State Rep. Susan Allen (Mpls.) and partners to announce landmark legislation to address child sex trafficking in Minnesota (Feb. 2013). • Grant to the University of MN to analyze and define the child sex trafficking market in the Twin Cities. FY2013 Highlights • Raised $4.7 million (as of Mar., 31, 2013). • GRANT TOTAL: Awarded $350,000 to nine nonprofits for one year of funding (see pgs. 10 -11). girlsBEST • Led cross-sector delegation of state leaders to Washington, D.C. (June 2012) to share state model to address child sex trafficking with congressional delegates and federal agencies. • Led strategy among public and private partners to advocate full funding for sextrafficked children in state Gov. Dayton’s biennium budget (2013-’14) for needed services, training, housing, and state costs (Jan.- May 2013). • Participated in stakeholder meeting (Dec. 2012) with national leaders at The White House, “Strengthening Victim Services for Survivors of Human Trafficking Stakeholder.” (girls Building Economic Success Together) Fund We award grants to statewide programs that prepare girls for future economic well-being in four program tracks: Academics, Entrepreneurship, Public Education & Advocacy, Employment Development & High-Paying/High-Skill Careers. FY2013 Highlights • GRANT TOTAL: $182,500 to 17 nonprofits for a third and final year of funding, and $77,900 in planning grants (see pgs. 12-15). • As a Partnership for Women’s Prosperity member fund, received $650,000 from Walmart Foundation to support girlsBEST for two years. • Independent evaluation outcomes: 100% of programs improved girls’ academic success, leadership development, and selfesteem; 95% of girls identified as a leader, mentored others, and aspired to work for equal opportunity for women and girls. • Survey results of girlsBEST programs proves its success in building girls’ future economic well-being: 1,278 girls served; 100% graduated from high school; 97% pursued post-secondary education; and teen pregnancy rate of 3 per 1,000, compared to 132 per 1,000 in Minnesota, overall. • Shared girlsBEST model with the Women’s Fund of South Florida and Washington Area Women’s Foundation for replication and localization of a similar model in their regions. • Celebrated and nurtured leadership of 11 girl grantmakers on girlsBEST Fund Committee (see pg. 28). RESEARCH, EDUCATION & PUBLIC POLICY We move Minnesota forward by educating and influencing leaders, institutions and communities to invest in economic, political, and social equality for women and girls. FY2013 Highlights • Released ON THE ROAD TO EQUALITY: Statewide Findings & Policy Recommendations (Nov. 2012), a supplement to the 2012 Status of Women & Girls in Minnesota research (see pg. 16). • Travelled to eight cities on biennial Road to Equality Tour to share the new research, conduct focus groups (10), and learn communities’ priority issues for women and girls. • Trained 600+ people through 15 workshops on GENDER EQUALITY Explorer to create tables, maps, and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand the status of women and girls in their community (genderequalityexplorer.org). Funding by geographic Area Jacquie Berglund (back, third from left), founder and CEO of FINNEGANS Inc., delivered an inspirational keynote at The Stir in March 2013. (L-r, back: Terry Williams, Mary Beth Hanson, Jacquie Berglund, Kerry Blevins, Lee Roper-Batker, Mpls. City Attorney Susan Segal. L-r, front: Nicola Dixon, Saanii Hernandez, Robyne Robinson, Mary Jane Melendez.) • Maintained partnerships to add gender lens to policy discussions: MN Council on Foundations’ Advancing Voices Task Force, MN Trafficking Task Force, Start Early Funders Coalition for Children & Minnesota’s Future, and Women’s Funding Network. CEO, FINNEGANS Inc.; 2013 Champion for Equality Award to Carlson. • Member of Partnership for Women’s Prosperity with five other women’s funds and Walmart Foundation to share best practices and find solutions to systemic problems facing economically vulnerable women and girls in communities nationwide. • DONOR-CENTERED GRANTMAKING: Ripley Memorial Foundation awarded $62,000 to 12 nonprofits for one year of funding. Welcomed two new donor advised funds, including Midwest Legacy Fund, formerly Midwest Health Center for Women (see pg. 17). BUILDING WOMEN’S PHILANTHROPY • GIVING CIRCLES: Women of Influence awarded $29,300 to seven nonprofits (see pg. 17). Engaging diverse, new generations of Minnesota donors to practice social change philanthropy for women and girls. FY2013 Highlights • Convened annual fundraising event, The Stir, with keynote Jacquie Berglund, Focus Area Twin Cities Metro ... 52% Foundation staff made it clear what their position was on the state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage (November 2012). Human rights for all won out when the ballot measure failed and same-sex marriage became law in May 2013. Statewide ............. 29% Greater MN ........... 17% Other .................... 2% • Leadership Circle level ($1,000+) grew to 213 donor-leaders and welcomed three new members to the Legacy Circle (see pg. 18). • Engaged one Philanthropy Fellow, one Reatha Clark King Fellow, and two Diversity Interns to create a pipeline of leadership opportunities for women of color in philanthropy and nonprofits (see pg. 28). • Benefitted from the generosity of 43 volunteers (see pg. 29). Funding use Safety & Security .......... 39% Economic Opportunity ....36% Health & Reproductive Rights ...... 15% Political Power .............. 10% Program ..................... 67% Advocacy/Public Policy...19% General Operating ....... 14% Halfway Mark INDEPENDANCE DAY AFFECTING Change Through Research STRATEGIES TO ADVANCE EQUALITY Raises $5 million of $10 million endowment goal. Minnesota Women’s Fund becomes independent charity; Board of Trustees appointed. Publishes research, Reflections of Risk: Growing Up Female in Minnesota. Board approves five-year strategic plan. 4 5 1988 1989 1990 1991 SOCIAL CHANGE FUND Create Economic Opportunity for Women Our Vision: Women have increased economic opportunity and fairness because of access to education, employment opportunities, availability of child care, and workforce development. Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota (Moorhead) | $15,000 To broaden employment access, enhance economic opportunity and address needs of women in workforce development. Project 515 (Minneapolis) | $10,000 To educate the state about discrimination of same-sex couples and advance policy change. YWCA of Minneapolis (Minneapolis) | $15,000 To conduct research on the intersection of racial equity and early education and support advocacy efforts to bring this information into the public debate around childcare policy. Planning Grants Midwest Community Development (St. Paul) | $5,000 Jeremiah Program (grantee) is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization whose proven, holistic approach transforms families from poverty to prosperity, two generations at a time. To provide funding for planning a homebased child care mentoring programs for East African refugee women. Grantee Partners In February 2013, the Women’s Foundation awarded grants to eight grantee-partners in this funding cornerstone for an initial year of multi-year funding, and one planning grant. Multi-year grants will be renewed for up to three years, based on an annual grant review and approval of progress towards goals. The grant period is through January 31, 2014. Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (Virginia) | $15,000 To support the Lake County Workforce Development Project collaboration to bring a gender lens to post-secondary technical education for welding and millwright work in the region. Asian Economic Development Association (St. Paul) | $15,000 To increase and support the leadership of Asian women business owners and managers by providing business counseling and training. Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (St. Paul) | $15,000 GROWING SOCIAL CHANGE To develop and implement a financial empowerment program to educate survivors of domestic violence/sexual assault about economic self-sufficiency. Jeremiah Program (Minneapolis) | $15,000 To develop an advocacy program to build knowledge and skills for women to become active citizens and leaders within the school systems, health care systems, and in public arenas focused on economic issues and creating change. Latino Economic Development Center (Minneapolis) | $15,000 To involve more women in its micro entrepreneurship trainings and to expose Latinas to career opportunities in the construction trades. Indicators of success enable us to evaluate Social Change Fund grants. Examples of social change that grantees will measure: • Adequate social safety net services assure economic self-sufficiency, through child care, housing, educational access, and workforce development. • Decreased pay gap: between men and women, between white women and women of color. • Full and equal access to educational and employment opportunities for women and girls. • Decreased discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, legal status, ability, and other systems that oppress women. Our Vision: Women have the right to experience the world as a safe place. Advance Women’s Safety & Security Grantee Partners In February 2013, the Women’s Foundation awarded grants to four grantee-partners in this funding cornerstone for an initial year of multiyear funding. Multi-year grants will be renewed for up to three years, based on an annual grant review and approval of progress towards goals. The grant period is through January 31, 2014. Breaking Free, Inc. (St. Paul) | $15,000 General operating support. Breaking Free serves women and girls involved in systems of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Kwanzaa Community Church – Northside Women’s Space (Minneapolis) | $15,000 General operating support. Northside Women’s Space provides a safe place and supportive services for girls and women who have been exploited by sex trafficking and the sex trade. Through partnerships and collaboration, North Shore Horizons (grantee) is leading efforts in northern Minnesota’s Lake County to strengthen the community and system response to sexual and domestic violence crimes, crime-victim rights, and healing for survivors of all ages. Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (Minneapolis) | $15,000 General operating support. Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center addresses systemic gender inequities across boundaries, focusing on the disproportionate gender violence against American Indian women and girls. North Shore Horizons (Two Harbors) | $15,000 GROWING SOCIAL CHANGE Indicators of success enable us to evaluate Social Change Fund grants. Examples of social change that grantees will measure: • Reduction in the number of American Indian and Alaskan Native women and youth who have been sex trafficked in Minnesota. • Increases in the number of immigrant women and women of color responding to and reporting domestic violence to better educated, culturally sensitive government agencies. • Effectiveness of coalitions and key messaging to affect changes in current state child custody policies that are harmful to battered women and their children. • Degree to which service and systems gaps have been identified and addressed to meet the immediate and long-term needs of girls and women who have been sex trafficked. To strengthen women and girls’ crime-victim rights in Lake County, North Shore Horizons works with partnering agencies to improve the system and community response to sexual and domestic violence crimes through a multi-agency collaboration. Statewide Investments FELLOWSHIP ESTABLISHED Grantmaking Grows Focus on Girls Annual grantmaking at $222,660, a 44% increase from 1987. Establishes fellowship program to create a pipeline of opportunity for women of color in philanthropy. Reaches $2 million mark in total statewide grantmaking. Establishes Girls’ Advisory Committee to institutionalize girls’ needs and voices in program work. 6 7 1992 1993 1994 1995 SOCIAL CHANGE FUND Guaranteeing Women’s Health & Reproductive Rights Our Vision: Women should have access to local, legal, and affordable health care, access to comprehensive sex education, and healthcare systems responsive to their needs. Expand Women’s Political Power OUR VISION: Women will enjoy equal influence at all levels of government, business, and nonprofits bringing new perspectives and expertise that advance equality and justice. Grantee Partners GROWING SOCIAL CHANGE Indicators of success enable us to evaluate Social Change Fund grants. Examples of social change that grantees will measure: • Health policy and practice adequately meet women’s health needs, protect women’s reproductive rights, and provide comprehensive sex education. • Gender, race and equity lens is applied in health research and delivery. In February 2013, the Women’s Foundation awarded grants to four grantee-partners in this funding cornerstone for an initial year of multi-year funding. Multi-year grants will be renewed for up to three years, based on an annual grant review and approval of progress towards goals. The grant period is through January 31, 2014. American Indian and Rural Women’s Leadership Project (Moorhead) | $15,000 To confront and challenge political inequality and change the cultural context of political leadership by providing practical skills, support, ongoing relationships, and training for American Indian and rural women. • Women’s health, wellness, and prevention are promoted within Community Action Duluth health systems and communities. (Duluth) | $15,000 To implement Getting Ahead, a 10-week economic opportunity leadership program to help participants understand issues of poverty and overcome barriers. Centro Cultural Chicano (grantee), a partnership with Latino and Chicano families that seeks to build resources to build a united community, received Foundation funding to develop evaluation protocols in order to improve and strengthen its health program. Grantee Partners In February 2013, the Women’s Foundation awarded grants to four grantee-partners in this funding cornerstone for an initial year of multi-year funding, and one planning grant. Multi-year grants will be renewed for up to three years, based on an annual grant review and approval of progress towards goals. The grant period is through January 31, 2014. Centro Cultural Chicano (Minneapolis) | $10,000 To support and develop systems and evaluation practices related to its health program, including logic models, work plans, and performance monitoring plans for program implementation. 8 Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (Statewide) | $15,000 General operating support for public policy work to advance reproductive justice. Pro-Choice Resources (Minneapolis) | $10,000 Women’s Health Center of Duluth (Duluth) | $15,000 To build community capacity by strengthening women leaders, increase access to resources, and create effective networks. Planning Grants To build a coordinated, long-term organizing effort that strengthens organizational, policymaker, and public support for public coverage of abortion. Everyday Miracles (Shakopee) | $5,000 To provide program planning for Isis Rising, a prison-based pregnancy, birth, and parenting project for women prisoners at the Shakopee Women’s Prison to improve maternal and health outcomes in the context of incarceration. BUILDING CAPACITY Milestone in Growth Establishes “Women, Money & Social Change” grant to help women-focused nonprofits fundraise effectively for corporate and foundation dollars. Reaches founding goal of $10 million in invested assets, the largest of any statewide women’s fund in the country. 1996 1997 OutFront Minnesota Community Services (Minneapolis) | $15,000 To identify and develop leaders within the lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women of color communities around economic justice and marriage equality. Community Action Duluth (grantee) uses innovative strategies to mobilize low-income people in the city and broader community in order to build assets that prevent poverty, create equality, and strengthens all. Women’s Action for New Directions Education Fund (Statewide) | $15,000 To support a comprehensive, multi-year program to build the leadership and communications capacity of women leaders in Minnesota in order to advance long-term, sustainable solutions. GROWING SOCIAL CHANGE marginalized communities – in local, state, and national office; more women elected to office. Indicators of success enable us to evaluate Social Change Fund grants. Examples of social change that grantees will measure: • Increased number of women voters. • Increased women’s leadership in public, private, and nonprofit sectors. • Increased number of women engaged in systems change work in their communities. • Increased representation of women – particularly women from FROM FUND TO FOUNDATION Assessing Impact Changes name to Minnesota Women’s Foundation. Completes evaluation to assess impact since 1983. 9 1998 1999 MN GIRLS ARE NOT FOR SALE Campaign MN Girls Are Not For Sale is a five year, $5 million campaign launched by the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota in November 2011 to galvanize resources to end the sex trafficking of Minnesota girls through grantmaking, research, public education and convening. GROWING SOCIAL CHANGE While we recognize that the prevalence of child sex trafficking has a complex set of root causes, the MN Girls Are Not For Sale campaign is specifically focused on decreasing the sex trafficking of underage girls by addressing the following three goals, plus the outcomes that we will evaluate and measure: Goal 1: Redefine sex-trafficked girls as victims of a crime and ensure access to housing and treatment. Addressing Demand Minneapolis Police Department (Minneapolis) | $47,500 To expand ongoing work in investigations of sex-trafficking cases; increase partnerships with City of Minneapolis; and develop protocols that are victimpartnered, cross-disciplinary, and rapid response. The Women’s Foundation of Minnesota received the 2012 Mission Award for Responsive Philanthropy for its MN Girls Are Not For Sale campaign. (L-r: Suzanne Koepplinger, Jess Kubis, Dorothy Skobba, Erin Ceynar, Lee Roper-Batker, Wade Fauth, Mpls. City Attorney Susan Segal, Rosa Tock, Julia Classen, Nicole Cooper, Valerie Spencer, Mary Beth Hanson, Katharine L. Kelly.) In March 2013, the Women’s Foundation awarded $350,000 in grants to nine organizations through MN Girls Are Not For Sale. The grant period is through January 31, 2014. Grantee Partners Advocacy The Family Partnership/Polaris Project (Statewide) | $50,000 For advocacy efforts focused on implementation of the Safe Harbor provisions to ensure publicly-funded housing and services for sexually trafficked girls, and federal advocacy activities to pass and enact Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act to position Minnesota as an applicant for federal support. Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (Minneapolis) | $30,000 To conduct statewide public awareness about the needs of sexually-exploited victims; and complete development and field testing of core training curriculum for professionals to recognize, intervene, and prosecute sexual exploitation crimes perpetrated against American Indian girls. Ramsey County Attorney’s Office (St. Paul) | $50,000 Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault (Duluth) | $30,000 To organize a multi-jurisdictional response between law enforcement and advocates by designing effective treatment interventions, implement new police protocols, and provide advocacy response to victims of trafficking. Housing To Breaking Free (St. Paul) | $50,000 To expand housing, educational programming, and trauma-informed, culturally-specific services for sextrafficked girls, and develop model protocols for victim-centered services among law enforcement, courts, and service providers. Heartland Girls’ Ranch (Benson) | $50,000 To develop a comprehensive, culturally specific housing model program based on survivor leadership, in order to meet the safety and healing needs of domestically sex-trafficked girls, ages 13 to 18. (Extended grant.) To transform police and prosecution practices to address juvenile sexual exploitation throughout the state; develop and analyze research database of sexual exploitation cases; and improve crossdepartment referral protocols. Social Change Outcomes • Legal policy recognizes girls under the age of 18 who have been sex-trafficked are victims of a crime. • Sustainable, specialized housing and treatment are provided for sex-trafficking victims. Goal 2: Decrease the demand that results in the sex trafficking of girls. Goal 3: Raise awareness and engage the public until there is zero tolerance for the sex trafficking of girls. Social Change Outcomes • Public education strategies aimed at youth, men, and the broader community to prevent the sex trafficking of Minnesota girls. • Public activism results in changes to laws, policies, business, and community practices that reduce the sex trafficking of Minnesota girls. Social Change Outcomes • Criminal justice systems implement blueprint for safety, which results in increased arrests for traffickers and buyers. At a press conference at the state Capitol, MN State Senate Pres. Sandra Pappas (St. Paul; pictured) and MN State Rep. Susan Allen (Mpls.; not pictured) announced the landmark Safe Harbor legislation to address child sex trafficking in Minnesota (Feb. 2013). St. Paul Police Department (St. Paul) | $47,500 To transform police and prosecution practices to address juvenile sexual exploitation across Minnesota and develop a toolkit that consists of protocols, investigative tools, internal training resources, and community outreach materials to share with police and prosecutors, statewide. Planning Grant Kwanzaa Community Church/ Northside Women’s Space (Minneapolis) | $5,000 To decrease the sex trafficking of girls by increasing the number of girls served through holistic partnerships and referral systems, and by increasing their access to supportive services. In Dec. 2012, the Foundation brought our partners to Shared Hope International’s conference (Washington, D.C.) for multi-sector training and best practices to address child sex trafficking. (L-r: Vednita Carter, Terry Williams, Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, Cece Terlouw, Lee Roper-Batker, Artika Roller, former U.S. Congresswoman Linda Smith, Khadra Abdi, Mpls. City Attorney Susan Segal, Mary Beth Hanson, Valerie Spencer). WOMEN’S FOUNDATION OF MINNESOTA Listening & Responding Focusing on Girls 20TH ANNIVERSARY Changes name to Women’s Foundation of Minnesota; reaches $2.8 million in total statewide funding. To improve and expand grantmaking, goes on 14-city listening tour; communities advise: focus on girls to change the future for women. Launches girlsBEST, a grantmaking and public awareness program to build the future economic power of girls. Celebrates 20th anniversary; awards first girlsBEST grants; reaches $5 million in total statewide funding. 2001 2002 10 2000 11 2003 girlsBEST girls Building Economic Success Together FUND girlsBEST Notable Practices Grantee Partners Independent evaluation of girlsBEST programs shows that those most successful in developing the economic potential of girls share the following six notable practices: Through the girlsBEST Fund, the Women’s Foundation awards grants to programs that build the future economic success of Minnesota’s girls. Priority funding is given to underserved, underrepresented populations of girls around the state. 1. Mentoring. Programs with women mentors from the community to serve as cultural and professional role models for girls to help them build confidence and economic readiness. 2. Diversity. Programs serve underrepresented and underserved girls throughout the state, including low-income girls, girls of color, immigrant and refugee girls, and girls in greater Minnesota. 3. Leadership Development. Programs build girls’ leadership by allowing them to plan, design and implement program and evaluation strategies and take activist roles in the community. 4. Cultural and Community Awareness. Programs focus on helping girls build self-esteem within their cultural traditions and community identities enhances girls’ leadership skills and self confidence. 5. Collaboration. Programs build collaborative relationships between schools, community agencies, religious institutions, and nonprofits. 6. Financial Literacy. Programs offer a variety of financial literacy curricula to help girls learn how to manage and save money as well as plan for the future. In August 2012, the following girlsBEST III grantees were awarded their third and final year of funding. Augsburg College – MN Urban Debate League (Minneapolis) | $10,000 Program Track: Academic To engage Minneapolis middle and high school girls of color in regional debate tournaments. The girls meet with diverse women leaders in academia, law, corporations, and politics and are mentored by women from the Women’s Studies department at Augsburg College. Justice and Opportunity for Youth (Rochester) | $11,000 Minnesota African Women’s Association (Twin Cities) | $12,500 Bagosendaan (Mahnomen) | $11,000 Program Track: Academic Program Track: Academic Program Track: Academic To utilize the Art of Yoga Project, a program for at-risk teen girls that leads them towards accountability to self, others, and the community by providing tools fo behavior change. To support the African Girls Initiative for Leadership & Empowerment (AGILE) program to increase the future economic success of African immigrant girls through leadership development, academic and career goal-setting, and post-secondary education. To partner with at-risk Native American girls (10-18) to increase their self-esteem and leadership skills through Bagosendaan’s Talking Circles and equestrian program. Dakota Wicohan (Redwood Falls) | $11,000 Program Track: Public Education & Advocacy To support the Wikoska project to build Native American high school girls’ leadership and self-sufficiency through culturally relevant curriculum to ensure academic achievement and postsecondary success. Girl Scouts River Valleys (Southern Minnesota) | $12,500 Program Track: Academic Bagosendaan’s (grantee) equestrian program engages at-risk Native American girls (10-18) in riding lessons and the care and maintenance of horses as a way to increase their self-esteem and leadership skills, and help them stay in school and remain chemically free. 12 Commissioner Charlie Zelle (far left; MN Dept. of Transportation) and Mpls. Mayor R.T. Rybak (far right) were judges for a debate about Twin Cities transportation that featured Lillie Oullette-Howitz (second from left; Mpls. South High School) and Browerti Koffah (third from left; Washington Technology Magnet School, St. Paul), members of the Augsburg College – MN Urban Debate League (grantee). To support Girl Scouts Connectz to help middle and high school girls from diverse, low-income communities discover new skills and values, connect with each other and positive adult leaders, and take action in their communities to create a positive future. Laura Jeffrey Academy (St. Paul) | $11,000 Program Track: Academic To support girls’ (ages 10-13) project that applies STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) concepts to the planning, designing, and building of a new gym changing room for the school, in collaboration with a female carpenter. MIGIZI (Minneapolis) | $11,000 Old Arizona Collaborative (Minneapolis) | $11,000 Program Track: Entrepreneurial To support the teen-girl launched and led 29th Street Petal Pushers flower shop, building girls’ leadership skills, selfesteem, and financial literacy through management and operation of the business. Parenting Resource Center (Austin) | $10,000 Program Track: Public Education & Advocacy To support the In the Footsteps of Our Grandmothers project to help Native American girls (ages 14-18) of the Ojibwe People reclaim tribal matriarchal traditions and learn to assume positions of leadership in their community. Program Track: Public Education & Advocacy To support the Girls Are in the House program and two listening circles for teen girls: “Paths to the Future” for girls (ages 12-14) to build skills and self-esteem, and “Honoring Our Diversity” for girls (ages 14-17) to strengthen positive identity, and promote understanding and respect for others. GROUNDBREAKING Research STRENGTHENING THE ENDOWMENT MILESTONE IN ANNUAL GRANTMAKING GROWING DIVERSE Leaders Publishes Status of Women in Minnesota Counties, first statewide study to rank, by county, data on women’s economics, reproductive rights, health and leadership. Publishes Status of Women of Color in Minnesota; launches $15 million endowment campaign; hits $6 million mark in statewide funding. Annual statewide grantmaking at $1 million, a Foundation milestone. Establishes Reatha Clark King Fellowship to build the leadership of young women of color in evaluation and research. 2004 2005 2006 13 2007 girlsBEST fund Grantee Partners I cont. Peacemaker Resources (Warroad) | $11,000 Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (Marshall) | $11,000 Program Track: Public Education & Advocacy Program Track: Entrepreneurial To support the Girls Lead and Leaders of Tomorrow programs for girls (grades 9-12) to build leadership, team-building, public speaking and promote community outreach through work on a public issue of their choice during the summer with a mentor. Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (Rochester, Duluth) | $7,000 Program Track: Public Education & Advocacy To position girls for future economic success by reducing teen pregnancies, promoting healthy choices and developing girls’ leadership skills through the Teens Teaching Teens program. To encourage girls to achieve academic success as well as developing business, financial literacy, leadership, and public advocacy skills through a girl-led small business model to develop, manage, market, and maintain a sustainable community garden. SURGE! (Mankato) | $12,500 Program Track: Academic To support the SURGE Youth Leadership Program for junior and high school girls designed to help girls understand their ability to control their future through leadership development, goal setting, and achievements, including high school graduation and post-secondary enrollment. WE WIN Institute (Minneapolis) | $10,000 Program Track: Academic leadership, cultural identity, and academic success for African American high school girls through layered mentoring and positive peer relationships. Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (St. Paul) | $11,000 Program Track: Academic To support the Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership (GGAL) program for immigrant/refugee young women in their junior and senior years of high school to improve leadership and academic skills and increase economic well-being and readiness to access higher education. YWCA of Minneapolis (Minneapolis) | $9,000 Program Track: Academic To support Discovery Leadership and Girl Power for girls of color in the Twin Cities (grades 4-8) to build academics, financial literacy, and leadership skills through afterschool and summer programs. To support the Women of Distinction Girls Mentoring Program to develop Planning Grants In December 2012, four-month planning grants were awarded 16 organizations to launch the fourth generation of girlsBEST. Bagosendaan (Mahnomen) | $4,600 (Program Track: Academic) Boys and Girls Clubs of the Leech Lake Area (Leech Lake) | $4,800 (Program Track: Academic) Casa de Esperanza (St. Paul) | $5,000 (Program Track: Public Education & Advocacy) Hmong American Partnership (St. Paul) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) St. Cloud State University – Native Skywatchers (St. Cloud) | $5,000 (Program Track: Employment Development & High-Paying/ High-Skill Careers) Justice and Opportunity for Youth (Rochester) Western Community Action, Inc. (Marshall) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) Old Arizona Collaborative (Minneapolis) Willmar Community Education & Recreation (Willmar) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) Peacemaker Resources (Warroad) Laura Jeffrey Academy (St. Paul) MIGIZI (Minneapolis) Parenting Resource Center (Austin) Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (Rochester, Duluth) Challenge Grants La Oportunidad (Minneapolis) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) Congratulations to the following girlsBEST grantees that received challenge grants and helped ensure their programs’ long-term sustainability and fundraising capacity: Men as Peacemakers (Duluth) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) Augsburg College–MN Urban Debate League (Minneapolis) Minneapolis Community and Technical College Foundation (Minneapolis) | $4,500 (Program Track: Academic) Bagosendaan (Mahnomen) Dakota Wicohan (Redwood Falls) Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (Marshall) WE WIN Institute (Minneapolis) Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (St. Paul) YWCA of Minneapolis (Minneapolis) Special thanks to the Walmart Foundation for its generous support of the girlsBEST Fund. Minneapolis Public Schools-Broadway High School (Minneapolis) | $5,000 (Program Track: Entrepreneurial) Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Detroit Lakes – Business and Entrepreneurial Services (Detroit Lakes) | $4,000 (Program Track: Entrepreneurial) Pillsbury United Communities – Brian Coyle Community Center (Minneapolis) | $5,000 (Program Track: Entrepreneurial) Project FINE (Winona) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) Redeemer Center for Life (Minneapolis) | $5,000 (Program Track: Employment Development & High-Paying/ High-Skill Careers) SELF International (Minneapolis) | $5,000 (Program Track: Academic) Laura Jeffrey Academy (grantee) is a tuition-free charter school in St. Paul that offers a year-round, girl-focused educational experience for grades five through eight. Students learn through rigorous study, by asking questions, solving problems, and participating in the community. 14 Project FINE received a planning grant to develop a new immigrant girls program focused on building identity, strengths, and creating a road map to pursue dreams. Listening & Responding ENDOWMENT GOAL REACHED Research Informs Action MN GIRLS ARE NOT FOR SALE Publishes Status of Girls in Minnesota; establishes permanently endowed fund for girls, the first of its kind at any women’s fund in the world. Achieves $15 million endowment goal; launches Status of Women & Girls in Minnesota in partnership with the U of MN’s Center on Women & Public Policy. Publishes Status of Women & Girls in Minnesota, takes it on statewide listening tour to inform grantmaking and public policy. Launches five year, $5 million campaign to end the sex trafficking of Minnesota girls, the Foundation’s first single-issue campaign. 2008 2009 2010 2011 15 RESEARCH, EDUCATION & PUBLIC ADVOCACY DONOR ADVISED FUNDS We move Minnesota forward by educating and influencing leaders, institutions, and communities to invest in economic, In fiscal year 2013, charitable gifts from donor advised funds and giving circles held at the Women’s Foundation helped move economic, social, and political equality forward for all women and girls in Minnesota and across the nation. political, and social equality for women and girls GIVING CIRCLES STATUS OF WOMEN & GIRLS IN MINNESOTA Project 2012 Road to Equality Tour: Engaging and learning from Minnesota communities to affect policy and achieve equality for all Minnesota women and girls held in eight Minnesota communities: Duluth, Grand Rapids, Marshall, Moorhead, Rochester, St. Cloud, Twin Cities, and Willmar. In November 2012, the Women’s Foundation released, ON THE ROAD TO EQUALITY: Statewide Findings & Policy Recommendations. The report is a supplement to the 2012 Status of Women & Girls in Minnesota (Feb. 2012), research by the Women’s Foundation in partnership with the U of MN’s Humphrey School’s Center on Women & Public Policy. and an array of community leaders from nonprofit, public, education, law enforcement, philanthropic and business sectors in each of the other communities. Key research findings from the 2012 Status of Women & Girls in Minnesota research were shared and community input gathered regarding women and girls’ equality. The goals of the listening tour were to learn, firsthand, how the Status research represents what women and girls are experiencing in Minnesota’s communities and to inform the Foundation’s grantmaking and policy priorities. Annually, data is gathered and analyzed in economics, safety, health, and leadership. The Foundation then applies a gender-race-place-equity lens to the findings in order to gauge the progress of Minnesota’s women and girls, and offer solutions. In addition to the community presentations, 11 focus groups were held, including targeted sessions with Latinas in Willmar, Native American/American Indian women in and near Leech Lake, refugee and immigrant women in the Twin Cities, In June and July 2012, the Women’s Foundation and Center on Women & Public Policy embarked on the Foundation’s biennial Road to Equality Tour. Community presentations were To read the policy recommendations report and access all of the Foundation’s research, visit www.wfmn.org. DONOR ADVISED FUNDS ACORN FUND | N. Jeanne Burns Pangea World Theater $1,000 AMY AND MARY FUND Nordhaus/Holasek Family ARTEMIS FUND | Blanche and Thane Hawkins, Lisa Hawklove Great River Greening $500 Oxfam America, Inc. $600 WATCH $1,000 ASTIA FUND | Lee and John Roper-Batker ANN LONSTEIN FUND | Ann Lonstein BAPTIZED PHOENIX FUND | Kim Lund CONCOLE FUND | Barbara Smith Reis EMPOWERING PROGRESS FUND Anonymous Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $31,464 1 HARRIS FAMILY FUND Kay and Martin Harris HMONG WOMEN’S FUND Hmong Women Achieving Together JAN MALCOLM/KRIS CARLTON FUND Jan Malcolm, Kris Carlton 3 JANET B. WATSON FUND Courtney’s House $2,500 MCTC Foundation $5,000 Midway Contemporary Art $250 New York Women’s Foundation, Inc. $2,500 Pathfinder International $500 Women’s Funding Network $11,000 4 Photo 1: Bremer Bank was a strong partner and generous host in Willmar (L-r: Debra Fitzpatrick, dir., Humphrey School’s Center on Women & Public Policy; Mary Ann Doyle, president, Bremer Bank, Willmar; Lois Schmidt, Bremer Nonprofit Resources; Foundation’s Saanii Hernandez and Kim Borton). Photo 2: In Marshall, teens from the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (girlsBEST grantee) attended the community presentation. Photo 3: Mary Beth Hanson (Foundation) and Deb Fitzpatrick take a break on the way to Grand Rapids. Photo 4: In Grand Rapids, the community turnout was strong and feedback about the research findings was rich and informative. 16 KAREN LEONARD FAMILY FUND Karen Leonard Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $5,000 KATHRYN GLESSING FUND Kathryn Glessing KINDER-VEALITZEK FUND Achieve Minneapolis $1,000 Art Buddies $500 Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery $1,000 MinnPost $1,000 Park Square Theatre $500 Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $10,000 Women Venture $25,000 LESBIAN FAMILY FUND Terry Williams and Susan Cogger LEXI FUND | Lynne Hardy Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $3,000 MARGO MARIS FUND | Margo Maris HEARTLIGHT FUND | Nancy Ward Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $2,500 2 JUSTICIA FUND | Peggy Ann Fisher Johaningsmeir Muskoka Foundation $5,000 Empowering Communities 30th Anniversary Launches GENDER EQUALITY Explorer, a free online tool that enables users to illustrate, analyze, and understand the status of women and girls in their community. Invested $15 million+ in total funding, statewide, since 1983; new address, new brand and logo, and new website. 2012 2013 JULIE CORTY FUND | Julie Corty Center for Victims of Torture $5,000 WATCH $1,000 Wilderness Inquiry $5,000 Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $21,495 MARY ROELLI HILFIKER FUND Mary Hilfiker St. Paul Parks & Recreation $1,200 MEREDITH FUND | Kris Maritz Metropolitan Consortium of Community Directors $26,000 Philanthrofund Foundation $2,500 Southside Family School $2,000 YMCA Camp Widjiwagan $20,000 MIDWEST LEGACY FUND RENOTA FUND | Anonymous RIPLEY MEMORIAL FOUNDATION FUND Aeon $200 Annex Teen Clinic $6,000 Centro $6,000 Division of Indian Work $4,000 Employment Action Center $6,000 Family Tree Clinic $7,000 Hmong American Partnership $3,000 Lao Family Community of Minnesota, Inc. 3,000 Planned Parenthood of MN, ND, SD $7,000 Plymouth Christian Youth Center $7,000 Way to Grow $3,000 West Suburban Teen Clinic $4,000 YWCA of Minneapolis $6,000 ROBERT FINNEY TECHNOLOGY FUND Karen and Kathryn Finney Black Girls Code $5,462.67 Rutgers University Foundation $1,000 Urban Ventures Leadership Foundation $1,000 SALLY JOHNSON AND KAY KRAMER FUND Sally Johnson, Kay Kramer SANDO-NEIMAN | Deanne Neiman SCHARLEMANN/BAKER FUND Romaine Scharlemann, Richard Baker Women’s Foundation of Minnesota $1,000 SOUTHSIDE FAMILY CHARTER SCHOOL FUND Southside Family School $15,000 THEA MILLER WECK & WILLA WECK SANBORN FUND Lauren Weck WILDHEARTS FUND | Jeanne Ravich WOMEN’S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH FUND Kathryn Glessing Pro-Choice Resources $99,000 GIVING CIRCLES WOMEN OF INFLUENCE GIVING CIRCLE Alexandra House, Inc. $4,700 Augsburg College-MN Urban Debate League $4,300 Breaking Free $3,900 FamilyWise $3,000 Jeremiah Program $4,100 Laura Jeffrey Academy $4,800 Old Arizona Collaborative $4,500 17 LEGACY CIRCLE FOR WOMEN & GIRLS DONOR PARTNERS Established in 2000, the Legacy Circle for Women & Girls is our way of thanking and recognizing donors who have remembered the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota through a planned gift. When the Foundation is placed in a will or trust, or named as a beneficiary of a retirement fund or life insurance policy, the donor is invited to become a member of the Legacy Circle for Women & Girls. We thank the donors for their partnership to move equality forward for all women and girls in Minnesota. profile: Margo Maris Legacy Circle member since 2007 A Generous Heart Revealed It is said that charity begins at home, and this was certainly true for Margo Maris. As a child, her mother taught her how to properly answer the door whenever a charity, such as the March of Dimes, came calling, and then to give ten dimes from her piggy bank. Generosity and a responsibility to help those less fortunate were family values Margo grew up with. Sometimes, however, a charitable nature can result in unanticipated, unexpected consequences. As a young woman, Margo learned that not all of her relatives were as charitable as her own family. Margo shared with several aunts and uncles her desire to give most of her estate to charities. None agreed with her sense of In 2007, Margo crafted her legacy plan and the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota was selected to honor her lifetime commitment to women’s equality. Her legacy includes a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, which will provide care for her disabled daughter for her lifetime, with the remainder coming to the Women’s Foundation. giving, and in one case, her portion of an estate was considerably less than others. Teaching school in Berkeley, Calif., during the late-1960s, Margo became fascinated with the intersectionality between political power and spiritual power. Eventually, this fascination led her to the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, Calif.). After years of study, she was ordained as an Episcopal priest. Prior to becoming a priest, Margo worked in other nonprofit organizations in Berkeley, helping foundations, like the Rosenberg Foundation, assess nonprofit grants. And in 2013, Margo created a charitable gift annuity at the Women’s Foundation, in which she receives annual income and the Foundation will receive the remainder at the end of her lifetime. We honor Margo Maris as a member of the Legacy Circle for Women & Girls and her philanthropic commitment to create a legacy of social change that levels the playing field for all women. From childhood to adulthood, the important lessons about the power of charitable giving had come full circle. 2013 Legacy circle Members Barbara J. Andersen John E. Andrus III David Baginski Beverly Louise Balos Sue Bateman Grayce Belvedere Young Inez W. Bergquist Priscilla W. Braun N. Jeanne Burns & Elizabeth A. Oppenheimer Erin Ceynar & Kevin Dalager Julia E. Classen Gloria Contreras Edin Julie Corty Mary Lee Dayton Barbara L. Forster Linda Ganister & Sue Duffy Joan Gilbertson Deborah L. Goodwin Sheila M. Gothmann Elizabeth C. Grant Nancy Halverson Teresa A. Hanratty & Luz Maria Hernandez Lynne Hardey Blanche and Thane Hawkins Carol and Bud Hayden Mary Ellen Hennen Julia A. Kelly Frances A. Kolb Sally T. Koplin Trust Estate Kay Kramer & Sally Johnson Marleen Kurschner a a a Margo Maris, member of the Foundation’s Legacy Circle for Women & Girls since 2007. 18 Karen Leonard Llewellyn H. Linde Ann Lonstein Carol Ann Lowinske Jan Malcolm Margo Maris Julia Maritz Kris Maritz Roberta A. Megard Deanne Neiman Ellen O’Neill & Sue Lawson Elinor K. Ogden Constance S. Otis Jean E. Phillips Jane B. Ransom Barbara Smith Reis Lee and John Roper-Batker Terry Saario Susan Sands Susan M. Sanger Romaine Scharlemann Barbara Schmitt Jan Schwarz Nancy Slaughter Irene Steiner Evelyn J. Swenson Emily Anne S. Tuttle Janet B. Watson Lauren P. Weck Terry Ann Williams & Susan Cogger Barbara J. Zimmerman & John Dickey a a a $500,000 plus Anonymous Otto Bremer Foundation Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation Carlson Family Foundation Mary Lee Dayton Walmart Foundation a $250,000-$499,999 The George Family Foundation Midwest Health Center for Women Pohlad Family Foundation Margaret and Angus Wurtele April 1, 2 012 - March 31, 2 013 Susan and Bill Sands Margaret and Phil Soran Mary Vaughan Wheelock Whitney and Kathleen Blatz Terry Williams and Susan Cogger Women’s Funding Network $50,000-$99,999 Julie Corty Carol and Bud Hayden Krisbin Foundation Kim Lund Mardag Foundation Kris Maritz and Harriet Edson Spencer $10,000-$24,999 Ameriprise Financial Connie Archbald Page and Jay Cowles Mae and Toby Dayton Marion Etzwiler Polly Grose Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Faye and Kenneth LeDoux Karen Leonard Ann Lonstein MOA Youth Authority Wendy Nelson Susan Oppenheim Nan Owen and John Lavander Eloise and Carl Pohlad Family Fund Brenda Radichel Quaye RBC Barbara and Jack Reis Schwans Anne Simonson Surdna Foundation Janet B. Watson Fund Weck Charitable Trust Wells Fargo Bank Julie and Charlie Zelle $25,000-$49,999 Anonymous Patrice D. Cooper Foundation Wendy and Douglas Dayton General Mills, Inc. Polly Grose Nor Hall and Roger Hale Nancy Halverson Blanche and Thane Hawkins Katharine and Tom Hull Susan Kinder and David Vealitzek Marbrook Foundation Margo Maris Gail Polley-Nordhaus Lee and John Roper-Batker $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Ascent Private Capital Management of U.S. Bank Grayce Belvedere Young and Daniel Young Jane Brattain Cisco Faegre Baker Daniels LLP Sally Hwang James R. Thorpe Foundation Kay Kramer and Sally Johnson Land O’Lakes, Inc. Jan Malcolm and Kris Carlton Katie and Timothy McGinley $100,000-$249,999 Anonymous Blandin Foundation Carmen and James Campbell Charlson Foundation Beverly Grossman Katharine L. Kelly Joyce and Richard McFarland Valerie and Ed Spencer a a a MSP Communications Emily Soltvedt The Private Client Reserve at U.S. Bank $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous The Allegro Fund Account B of The Saint Paul Foundation Elizabeth Andrus Marion H. Andrus Endowment Fund MWF of Minneapolis Foundation Katherine Austin Mahle Shayna Berkowitz and Phyllis Wiener Kimberly Borton Brown Family Foundation Marilyn Bryant N. Jeanne Burns and Elizabeth A. Oppenheimer Julia Classen Brenda and Jim Coulter Delta Dental EideBailly Elizabeth C. Grant Joanne Green Elizabeth Hannaford Lynne Hardey Elizabeth Hawn Hays Companies Sarah and B. John Lindahl, Jr. Mortenson Construction Molly O’Shaughnessy and Mike Monahan Piper Jaffray Lucy Rogers Romaine Scharlemann and Richard Baker Julie Steiner Still Ain’t Satisfied Foundation, a Foundation with Attitude Sunrise Community Banks Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Marie and Jim Uhrich Nancy Ward Pamela Weisdorf Winthrop and Weinstine Last September, Bud and Carol Hayden received the 2012 Mary Lee Dayton Catalyst for Change Award at the Foundation’s annual luncheon for Leadership & Legacy Circle members. The Hayden’s have been Foundation donors since 1985 and Legacy Circle members since 2002. $1,000-$2,499 Anonymous (2) Jean Adams Betty Albitz Sally Anaya-Boyer Sarah Andersen and Christopher Hayner Andersen Corporation John E. Andrus III Julie Andrus Sally Anson Constance Ash Associated Bank Minnesota, N.A. Abby Bailey Bank of America Connie Barry Benjamin F. Edwards & Company Sue Bennett Patricia Benson Tamra Borton Roger Bredeson Bremer Bank Joan Campbell Carlson Jude Anne Carluccio Diana and Robert Carter Erin Ceynar and Kevin Dalager Charter Solutions, Inc. Janet Conn Anne Cross a Cushman & Wakefield/ NorthMarq Susan Denk and Deborah Cundy Toni D’Eramo Sandy Dischinger Mary Dolan Mary Dorn Laurie Duxbury Karla Ekdahl and Peter Hutchinson Betty Emarita Evans Larson Communications, Inc. Fafinski Mark & Johnson, P.A. Connie Foote Shelly Franz Caroline and Robert Fullerton Debra Gardner Heidi Gesell and John Edgerton III Sharon Gifford Grant Thornton LLP Lili Hall Scarpa Mary Beth Hanson Justine and Robert Haselow Heartland Financial USA Inc. Saanii Hernandez-Mohr and Adam Mohr a Deceased 19 Debra Heuer Joan Higinbotham Mary Hilfiker Tina Hoye Elizabeth Huey Toni Jelinek Michele Jensrud Jessen Press Jane Kaufman Gretchen Kelly Rosemary Kessler and Kevin Filter Jessica and Ricardo Khan Rebecca Klevan John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Jodee Kozlak Anna Mae and Doug Lambert John Larsen and Mike Stewart Janet Leslie Katharine Lindahl Lindquist & Vennum Jeri and Stephen Lose Rachael Marret The Minneapolis Foundation Phyllis Moen Anne and Thomas Mootz Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Sandra Morris Mortenson Family Foundation Newman Long Term Care Beth Nordin Toni Nosbush Sheryle Ohme Patricia and Daniel O’Leary Deirdre and Sheff Otis Carolyn and Robert Papke Joyce Prudden and Michael Shoop Roo Solutions Teresa Rothausen-Vange Salo, LLC Ann Scovil Nancy Slaughter Paula Speltz Roe Karen Sternal and William Lahr Evelyn Swenson Jean Thomson and John Sandbo Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Laura Tiffany and Edward Foster Jane Treston Carol and Lynn Truesdell Emily Anne Tuttle Stacie Usem Maxine Wallin Tonia Weber Elizabeth Wexler Julie White Sharon Williams Linda Wilson Penny Winton The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis Mary Wong Angela Woodhouse $500-$999 Anonymous (2) Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Marcia Appel and Vincent Giorgi Connie Ardin Nan Bailly Sharon and Mike Bauerly Sarah Bell Haberman David Berger Leslie Bergland Patricia Bloodgood Diane and David Borton Diana Brashears Susan Breon Timothy and Regan Byrne Palmer Maura Cahill Lois Carlson Curtis L. Carlson Foundation Alexina Chai Kristen Christianson Reatha Clark King and N. Judge King Nicole Cooper and David Znameroski Helen Crosson Elisabeth Dayton Karen Diver and Arnold Selnes Mark Eliason Jennifer Facciani Meleah Follen Kay Fredericks Laurel Gamm Susan Gross Dolores Gutierrez Katherine Hadley and Cynthia Fay Keith Halperin Gayle Hayhurst Ruth Hendrickson Gina Holje Sabrina Hoppe Kim Howard Paul Jackson Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment, Inc. (grantee, pg. 14). 20 Terri Johnson Dr. Art and Martha Kaemmer Janis Keil Day Laura Kinkead and Richard Neuner Jess Kubis Linda Kummer Katherine and Patrick Leighton Alice Lesney Lommen Abdo Peggy Lucas Janet McFarland Kathleen McKay Mary McKay Victoria McWane-Creek Jill Meyer and Louise Hotka Bev Mooney Kate Mortenson Margaret Murphy Dr. Katherine Nevins Ann Newhall and Rick Schleuss Debra Newman Oak Grove Foundation Mary Jo O’Hara Elizabeth Olson Meredith Olson Gale Pearson Carol Peterson Jean Phillips Sally Pillsbury Sheila Plunkett Constance Pries Jeff Prouty Ashley Rajaratnam RBC Foundation Diana Rehnberg Laurie Rice and Brad Frederiksen Bonnie Russ Patricia Samuel Susan Sanger Denny Scharlemann Julie Schroeder Mary Sill Jeffrey and Helene Slocum Harlan Smith St. Paul’s Parish April Sutor June and Brent Thielen Kris Ulland Mary Vaughan Anna Vignetti Suzanne Weinstein Sue Westerman Margaret Winters Wipfli $250-$499 Anonymous (5) Veronica Ahern Amy Andersen Angie Andresen and Randall Larson Jennifer Barrett Marion Bauer Diane Berthel Beth Bird Tawanna Black Sally Blanks Kerrie Blevins Carla Blumberg Nina and Ken Botsford Priscilla Braun Ellen Breyer Kim Brunner Rudy and Elvi Brynolfson Sai Chang Jan and Scott Cheney Sadie Christianson Jeff Coate and Sylvie Martinez Dr. Yvonne Condell Diane Cooke Nancy Cosgriff Laura and John Crosby Lesley and Stewart Crosby Deborah Cundy Terrell Daniels Abby Dawkins Maria Dillon Lois Dirksen Eagle and The Hawk Foundation Patricia Egan Kristin Eggerling and Paul Blomquist Kelly Elkin Joan Endres Nancy Etzwiler Christianna Finnern and David Hunt Catherine Fischer Pauline Fofana Margene Fox Leslie Frecon Marna Fullerton Patricia Gaarder Leslie and Robert Goodale Karen Grabow Peter Hamilton Connor Teresa A. Hanratty and Luz Maria Hernandez Ruth Henderson Joanne Hitch Marilyn Hoegemeyer Diane Hoehne Penny Hornig Katherine Hubbard Denise Isaak Ann James Suzanne James Dan Jasper Phyllis and Donald Kahn Brenda Kaminski Michele Kimball Dag Knudsen Susan Lacek Stephanie Lauenstein Llewellyn Linde Donna Lindsay-Goodwin Monica Little Corie Loes Judith Mandile Phyllis Maritz Jennifer Martin Erin Mattson Jaclyn May Jennifer McGee Anna McNanley Maren Milbert Janis Moebus Joan Moser Kate and Claude Nielson Laura Oberst Linda Ojala Kaye O’Leary Helene and Martin Oppenheimer Mari Oyanagi Eggum Diane Page Cheryl Paullin Dan Pederson Adaire C. Peterson Mary Ellis Peterson Lynne Rasmussen Wynne Reece Kathleen Riley Linda and John Satorius M. Patricia Schaffer and David Weissbrodt Gail and Patrick Schoenfelder Barbara Schubring Susan Segal Elizabeth Shober Dorothy Skobba Robert Simonds Ginger Sisco Kathryn Sloper Ann and Conrad Smith Susan Stacey Lynne Stanley Leslie and Don Stiles Susan Stiles Kari Suzuki Dinah Swain Sandra Swami Mary Tambornino Patricia Tanji Terri Tersteeg Diane Thibodeau Charlaine Tolkien and Karen Hawley Clara Ueland David Wagner Heidi Walsh Margaret Webb Whitney Foundation Sara and Doug Wolff Barbara Wood Catharine and Michael Wright Nou Yang Anita Young Kathleen Zeug Lee Zurek $100-$249 Anonymous (33) Roberta Abdo Theresa Abdo Whelan Laura Abraham Mary Adamski Cheryl Alexander Stearns Mary Allen Dr. Susan Alpert Charlene Altman Lorie Alveshere Becky Amble Wendy Amundson Gail Anderson Pennie Anderson Rosella Anderson Susan Anderson John and Rebecca Arenivar Jane Arsenault Sara Aulizia A. Austin Jane Bacchus Dennis and Jeannette Bailey Ann Bancroft John and Julie Bandemer Mary Bang Julie Banker Katherine Barton Cynthia Bauerly Edie Baumgart Shannon Baynard Paula Beck Jen Beckham Joan Bednarczyk Carol and Thomas Beech Barbara Belew Kari Berg Patricia Berg Janet Berry Carolyn Bingham Pamela Binns Teresa Biss Bonnie and Cam Blodgett Bloomington Federated Woman’s Club Margie Bodas Ryan Bolin Haley Bonar Sharon and Carl Borine Jerra Boudjouk Becky Boyd Mary Bren Sandra Brenny Mary Brindley Carol Broback Erin Broviak Meg Brudney girlsBEST Fund grantees displayed their hopes and Denise Byers dreams at the annual grantee convening in April 2013. Jacqueline Byrd Leslie Cadle Ann Cadwallader Kimberly DeBaere Bobbie Fredsall Patricia Callaghan Ann DeGroot Carol Freeman Amanda Cammack Molly DePrekel Lan Freitag Christine Cammack Royetta DePrycker Nancy Fulton Dr. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell Beth Dhennin Mary Gabler Linda Campbell Eugenia Dixon Jane Galbraith Pat M. Carlson Kathleen Dolphin Michele Garnett McKenzie Heidi Carpenter Rick Groger and Karen Garvin and Mary Carpenter Don Yager Jan Brundige Mary Carter Mary Donnelly Enrique Gentzsch Barbara Case Robert Donnelly Nicola Giancola Julie Causey Libby Doran Kathleen Gill Karen Chandler Amanda Downs Julie and Thomas Johns Stuart Chastain Phyllis Dozier Katherine Golden John Choi Marta Drury Linda Goldenberg Debby Christakos Julie DuBois Melinda Grace Margaret Chutich and Marilynn Dunbar Gretchen Grey Penny Wheeler William Egan Gregory Grinley Susan Cipolle Maryann and Katherine Grumstrup and Megan Clapp Robert Eliason Michael Bing Darolyn Clark Susan Emerson Stephanie Gunderson Jill Colvin Jean Enloe Preeti Gupton Community Shares Janet Entzel Donald Hadfield of Minnesota Karen Erickson Kristen Hager M Conlin Sara Evans Jason Halupnick Jeanne Corwin Wendy D Evans Michelle Halverson Michelle Courtright Connie Evingson and Amber Hanson Laurie Coyle Ross Fefercorn Margaret Harder Ginny Craig Jill Farris Jill Harmon Jeanne Crain Nancy Feldman Erin Harney Eleanor Crosby Stephanie Fenner Helen Hartfiel Shelly Crowley Ester Fesler Connie Hartshorn Tharangi Cumaranatunge Gregory Filice Randy Hartten and Anita Cummings Antonia Filipiak Ron Lotz Marilyn Cuneo Rosalyn Fineran Lucy Hartwell Monica Dahl Rachel Flanders Mary Hartwig Tracy Dalager Christine Fleming John Hartzheim Cynthia and Jasper Daube Mindy Flood Eric Haugee Mary Davidson Gretchen Fogo Kathy Havlik Laurie Davis Terri Foley Heidi Hawkins Aimee Dayhoff Tammie Follett Alice Hawks Suzanna de Baca Beverly Forsman Jelan Heidelberg 21 YWCA of Minneapolis (grantee, pg. 14). 22 Gretchen Hengemuhle Sandy Herman Bill and Paula Hicks Mary Kay Hicks Christopher Higgins Bert Hill Karen Himle Cecily Hines Anne Hodgson Judith and Alan Hoffman Kathleen Hokemeir-Seim Dr. Wilhelmina Holder Hollstadt and Associates Sally Hornig Norman Horns Linnea House Jennifer Houston Kathryn Houston Jennifer Hovelsrud Ruth Howe Patricia Hummel and Richard Mammen Heidi Humphrey Carole Hunter Kim Hunwardsen Connie Iversen Rebecca Iverson Beth Jackson Julia Jackson Ruth Jackson Marlene Jacobs Jacqueline Jarosz Jacquie Jaskowiak Jenny Jefferds Angela Johnson Holly Johnson Jill Johnson Katherine Johnson Roberta Jones Catherine Jordan Lisa Jore Ann Juergens Nan Kafka Deborah Karasov Darla Kashian Jane Kay Sally Kellogg Michele Kelly Amy Kenzie Pam Kerber Deb Kierstead Courtney Kill Judith Kim and Gary Larson Rocel Kingman Michael Kithcart Wendy Klager Lisa Klein Winnie Klick Julia Knight Tracy Kochendorfer Katy Kolbeck Andrea Kopfmann Sheila Kramer Pam Krank Leslie Krona Jan and John Kronholm Teresa Kruse Carolyn and Larry Kuechle Amy Kuester Marleen and Richard Kurschner Lori La Bey Melissa Lally Jill LaMere Anne Larsen Hooley Mardi Larson Marjorie Larson Karen and Will Law Eleanor Layton Debbie and Andy Lee Jewelly Lee Pamela Lehan Gwen Leifeld Gwen Lerner Virginia Levy JoAnne Lewellen Anne Lewis Searcy and John Lillehei Jacqie Lind Carolee Lindsey Joyce Lizzi Alice Lloyd and Jeff Crawford Kendal Loewen Mari Lowe Carol Ann Lowinske Sharon Lubinski Betsy and Brian Lucas Judy Lysne Katie Maas Ann MacDonald Jean and Brian Machart Camilla Madson Marilyn J Maloney Mary Marseden Emma Marshall Karen Martin Kimi Martin Sylvie Martinez Julie Matonich Maria Maughn Shannon Mayer Catherine McBride Wanda McCaa Mary McCarten-Doyle Mary Ann McCauley Carolyn McClay Jeannine McCormick Monica McCrackenTietjen Shannon McDonough Alison McElroy Carla McGrath Heather McKay Tammis McMillan Theresa Mehen Velner Maggie Menk Jeri Meola Lisa Meredith Sonja Mertz Dr. Christopher Meyer Lindsey Middlecamp Kelly Miller Laurie Miller Anna S. Min Kathy Mock Lynn Moline and Becca Norris Judith and Michael Mollerus Patricia Moore Julie Moore Rapacki Louise and Jon Morgan Stacey Morken Joe and Diane Moseley Wendy Motzel Bonnie Mulligan Molly Muniz Linda and Reid Murchison Monica Murphy Gwen and Mason Myers Karla and Peter Myers Navigate Forward, Inc. Carol Neeser Dr. Audrey Nelson Deb Nelson Kristen Nelson Nancy and Russell Nelson Ann Ness Judith Neumeier Barbara Norrgard Grace Norris Ann Novacheck Mary O’Broin Margo O’Dell Judith O’Donnell Elinor Ogden Susan Olsen Cathryn Olson Karin Olson Laurie Olson Nancy Olson Randy Olson Ellen O’Neill Kelley O’Neill Anneliese Opitz Elizabeth Ordal Renae Oswald-Anderson Stephanie Ott Lorena Palm Alyson Palmer Senator Sandy Pappas K Pardoe Melissa Parker Lindsay Tiffany Parr Mary Jean Pearson Joy Pecchia Gloria Perez Mary and Paul Perron Mary Lynne Perushek Kael Peterson Ed and Josie Phelps Dave and Abby Pinto Geoffrey Pletz Maureen Plitzuweit Plymouth Congregational Church Paquita Poindexter Janet Polach Jennifer Polzin Lucinda Pratt Terese Pritschet Joanne Provo Anne Pryor Charlie Quimby and Susan Cushman Mary and Thomas Racciatti Diana Rankin Susan and Gary Rappaport Linda Rebane Victoria Reinhardt Marianne Remedios Eileen Rice Emily Riddering Amy Roberts Ingrid Roberts Cynthia Rodahl Donna Rodel Irene Rossman M.E.G. Roy Barbara Rummel Judith Russell James Rustad Sandra D. Sandell and Clayton F. Giese Kathleen Sandstede Patricia Saunders Gloria Schmid Sarah Schmidt Karen Schneider Melissa Schoech Mary Schoessler Elizabeth and John Schott Gwen Schultz Erica Schumacher Judy and Anthony Schumacher Vicki Schwartz Kim Schwichtenberg Maria Schwingler Penelope Scialla Karen Scofield Jean Scoom Carolyn Shrewsbury Doris Skalstad Hannah Skildum Sam Skoda Norma Skordahl Natalka Slabyj Joanna Slominski Samantha Smart Merritt Kathleen Smith Kelly and Mark Smith Natalie Smith Carlson Paula Soholt Sue Sorenson St. David’s Episcopal Church Jo-Anne Stately Mary Ann Stauffenecker Dr. Nardie and Sally Stein Ann Stewart Jackie Sticha Betsy Stites Marcia Stout Strategic Dreaming, Inc. Libby Strong Karen Sturm Tara Sullivan Tamera Tesky Ausen Carol Thompson Jackie Thompson and Eugene Frazer Linda Thrasher Sara Thurin Rollin Peter Tiffin Karen Trouba Katherine Tunheim Ann Turbeville Leslie Turner Robin Tutt Abby Uhrich Mary Vang and David Her Patti and Paul Vincent Charlene Wade Steve and Mary Walsh Ginger Wange Carol Washington Kathy Waters Dr. Jeanie Watson Susan Weedman Mary and Jerome Weigenant Kelly Weight Susan Weinberg Deb Weiss Steven Wells Lou Welter Gretchen Westbrock Westminster Presbyterian Church Dr. Deborah Wexler Barb Whiting Joan Wigginton Anne Wight Lynn Willenbring Laura Willette Sandy Williams Rufus and Elizabeth Winton Paige Wittman Louise Wolfgramm Carol Woods Elizabeth Wray Elaine Wyatt M Hannah Young Michelle Young Joan Yue Carol Zapfel Jane Zilch Kristine Zulkosky $1-$99 Anonymous (42) AAUW Minnesota Julie Abel Lisa Ackerman Diann Albers Christine Albrecht Jessica Altmann Sandra Andersen Cheryl and Douglas Anderson Donna Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Emily Anderson Kari Anderson Marna Anderson Stephanie Andrews Patricia Angell Sandra Antonelli Amy Ariel Louis Asher and Lisa Wersal Tamara Asher Virginia Ashlock Harn Lesley Atwood and Richard Smith Cynthia Rae Babcock Sharon Bahensky Peter and Tanya Bailey Anne Baker Cathy and Gary Ballman Joan Banashek Alyssa Bance Mary Banwell Kathleen Barber Debra Barnes Sandra Barnes Regina Barr Amber Barrus Emily Barter Elizabeth Bartlett Nancy Bauer Suzanne and Warren Bauerfeld Rita Bauerly Sally Baumgartner Susan Baysden Jocelyn Beard AnnMarie Becker Michelle Beeman Mary Begalle Kathleen and Gale Benson Jennifer Berg Jenny Berg Heather Berglund Barbara Bergman Farrel Bergner LeeAnn Bezek Patricia Biermann Lisa Bigaouette Sharon Bigot Ray Bissonnette Kathy Bjerke Tassie Blackstone Ellen Blanchard Mia Blanchett Kristin Blenkush Buffie Blesie Mary Beth Block Barbara Blumer Kevin Bogle Nicole Boldt Catherine Borgert Caitlin Borgert-Spaniol Diane Boruff Robert Bothmann Lauren Boulware Katlyn Bourget Susan Boutwell Katie Bowman Emilie Branca Kathryn Brandes Adrienne Breiner Patricia Brinton Barb Brotherton Ashley Brown Meghan Brown Laurel Browne Ryan Buck Kathy Buggy Joan Buie Kathleen Burke Julia Burman Stacey Burns Mary Butler Susie Byers Carolyn Cade Briana Cain Tyler Candee Parrel Caplan Beverly Carlson Patty Carlson Susan Carter Toni Carter Karen Cavanaugh Cecilia Cervantes Helen Charles Doyle Michael Chmiel Christy Christensen MIGIZI (grantee, pg. 13). Dee Ann Christensen Rachel and Donald Christensen Kristina Clark Jean Clarke Deborah Cochran Jennifer Cole Beverly Conerton Harriet Conkey Barbara Conti Katie Cooney Anne Core LaVonne Craig Barbara Crosby Beth Dahl Lorie Dahlheimer Kaila Dalager Katherine Dalager Piyali Nath Dalal and Justin Felicetta Mary Lynn Dana Julie Daniels Emily Darling Patricia Davis Anthony De Angelis Maria de la Cruz Rosario de la Torre Chitralekha Deka Julie Dekker Karen Dekker Lara Delamater Margaret Dennison and Corey LeVasseur Lisa Desotelle Denise DeVaan Christina Devine Mona Diebold Loretta Diez Becky Dobbs Suzanne Donsky Wyn Douglas Kathy Drazen Nkayo Drepaul Carol Drinkard William Drury Megan Dulgar Lynette Dumalag Aydin Durgunoglu Timothy Dykstal Estella Eckart Joye Ecklin J. Michele Edwards Mary Eggen Barbara Ego Deborah Eisenstadt Nancy Elleby Suzanne Elwell Kelli Enders Linda Engberg Linda Engebretson Julie Engel Alice H Engelman Ruth Engelstad Dan Erhart Nancy Erickson Jean Esbensen Julie Esch and John Young Bonnie Esposito Jenny Evans Kiera Faber Ronit Falck Cynthia Farrell Elizabeth Feckter Florence Felknor Judith and Roger Felton Nicole Ferholz Julianna Finzen Kathie Fitzenberger Emily Fitzgerald Alyce Flowers Leah Flygare Rachel Flynn 23 Nancy Forman Denise Fosse Dianne Frantz Laura Freas Julia French Josie Fritsch Rosemary Froehle Barbara Frohnert Lori Gallagher Lynn Galle Heather Gardner Allison Garside Areta Garthune Dorothy Gascoigne Nancy Gellerman Ruth Mary Gens Elizabeth Gergen Nan Gesche Cynthia and Robert Gilbertson Rhonda Gilbraith Ruth Glaser Barbara Gleason Mimi Gleekel Cathy Glover John Goggin and Julie Weighter Jacqueline Gohdes Goldstein Family Fund Alison Goodwin Abby Gossman Katherine Gowans Pamela Green Aretha Green-Rupert Kristy Griffin Louise Griffith Diane Grinde Sharon Grosh Gail Gruis 24 Lori Gubash Angie Guggisberg Brianna Gunderson Sylvia Gunderson Julie Guth Cathy Guthrie Dr. Heather Haakenson Marianne Hageman Beverly Hall William Halverstadt and Donna HoltanHalverstadt Stacy Hanley Kathryn Hanna Brighid Hansen Christine Hansen Jaime Hansen Diane Hanson Cindy Hardel Jane Hardy Martha Hardy Suzanne Hargis Rene Hari Mary Harrington Kay Harris Juliana Hass Jody Hauer Kim Havey Dr. Rebecca Hawthorne Terri and Jack Hawthorne Alana Hedlund Elizabeth Heefner Linda Hegg Laura and Mark Helmueller Kelly Hendrickson Kaaren Hensrud and Carol Hubbard Mai Her Volunteers drive so much of the Foundation’s annual work. Here, some of our very favorite volunteers prepare gift bags for our annual fundraising event, The Stir. Sandra Herzog Ruth Hiland Louise Hiller Jodi Himmer Lisa Hinz and Stuart Macdonald Nicole Hittner Nora Hoaglund Amanda Hoang Maggie Hoeg Bethany Hoerter John Hoffman Douglas Hollie IV Grace and David Holm Rachel Holman Heather Holmes Margaret Holste Elizabeth Horton Kathryn Houge Sarah Howard Mary Huettl Cynthia Hunt Roben Hunter Thelma Hunter M. Hurwitz Mildred Huttenmaier Loan Huynh Jo Irons Frances Iverson Jennifer Jackson Mary Jacobson Tammy Jamieson Judith Jaskowiak Kira Jasper Rosemary Jennings Dana Jensen Gina Jensen Wendy Jerome Bridget Jewell B Jodi Casey Johnson Constance Johnson Kirsten Johnson Kristine Johnson Jan Jones Sarah Jones Bradley Jordahl Redlin Linda Jordan Ross Jordan Sue Jung Sue Justice Cynthia Kahrmann Joy Kalt Linda Kaner Step Kaufenberg Mary Keirstead Laura Keller Gretchen Kelly Mary Jo Kelly Cheryl Kempe Diane Kern Maggie Kirchoff Judy Kishel Monica Klimek Sharda Kneen Leslie Knoblauch Katie Knutson Joanna Koenig Kimberly Kokett Frances Kolb Rebecca Kopka Rand Kopycinski Debbi Korstad Lori Korte Luanne Koskinen Kristin Kramer Sherri Krueger Linda Krugman Ann Kuitunen Rebecca Kutty Aleesha Kveton Allison La Pointe Elizabeth Lambrecht Simeon Lancaster Larissa Land Leslie Langsev Colles Larkin Jennifer Larson Mary Larson Dr. June LaValleur Myhanh Le Barbara Leary Nila LeDuc Amy Lee Don and Marlyce Lee Kathryn and Theodore Lee Lindsey Lee Hutchins Lisa Leet Julie Lehr Beth LeMieux-Madson Kim Lemke Amber Lemna Bernie Lesser Anna Levine Rep. Tina Liebling Andrea Liming Theresa Lippert Lisa Litchfield Mary Loberg Rep. Diane Loeffler Carol Ann Logan Ann Longfellow Hubertina Loobeek Jessica Looman Carol Lord Victoria Lou Carol Lovegren Kristy Lucksinger Becky Ludvigson Kristen Lund Margaret Lund Catherine Lundoff Raymond Lundquist Celine Lyman Elda Macias Nicole Madsen Kim Mageau Lisa MaGee Kathy Magnuson Kathleen Maleck Shari Maloney Mary Jane Manion Kelly Mansell Renee Marino Lynne and Howard Markus Bruce Martin Jennifer Mathews Gail Maudal Stephanie Mayerle Patricia McArdle Elizabeth McCambridge Ilona McCauley Tracey McCoy Catherine McDonald Susan McDonald Kelly McDyre Mary Jo McGuire Sally McGuire-Huth Jeffrey McHugh Avange McKnight Thomas McNanley Jill Measells Roberta and Robert Megard Andrea Merims Nancy Merritt Melissa Metzler Monica Meyer and Michele Steinwald Midwest Blinds Athena Mihas Ben Millard Carrie Miller Laurie Miller Barbara Milon Toni Mindrup Margarrette Minor Tracey Mittelstadt Renee Moelders James Mogen Pamela Moore Susan Moore Megan Morley Nancy Morrison Mary Mortenson Elizabeth Mosiniak Sara Mountain Sharon Mrocek JoAnne Mueller Mary Ellen Mueller Carol Mulligan Kristine Mullmann Bonnie Munger Kathleen Murphy M. Kathleen Murphy Sue Murray Shehla Mushtaq Calla Nassif Mary Neal Sharon Negley Linda Nelson Mary and Ronald Nelson Muriel and Norwood Nelson Rebekah Nelson Heidi Nemcek Brooke Newfield Linda Nguyen Andrea Nordaune Nancy Grace Norman Stacy Nystrom Arlene Nystuen Barbara Obershaw Tom O’Brien Diane O’Connor Elizabeth Odegaard Leah Olm Claire Olson Kelly Opdaul Charles and Margaret Opp Angela Orfield Rachel Orvik Laverne Orwoll Elizabeth Ossers Sharon Oswald Kerri Pacholke Amber Paniaqua Jen Parshley Janet Parta Aleina Pastwa Elizabeth Pavlica Suraj Pelluru Happy Peris Jose Peris Annie Perkins Shirley Perkins Kristen Perron Robin Persons Ruth Peterson Sharon Pfeiffer Jennifer Phelps Sara Pierson Robert and Roxanna Plouff Stephanie Podulke Lisa Pogoff George and Sharon Polley Susan Popkin Andrea Porter Angie Porter Christine Pouliot the Prouty Project Janelle Prusi Quickway Rigging & Transfer, Inc. Elizabeth Quinn Trish Quistgaard Roberta Radford Elizabeth Rammer Patsy Redfield Jessica Reilly Christine Reisdorf Gretchen Reisetter Carla and Howard Rekstad Barbara Renshaw Angela Riniker Amy Robare Annemarie Robertson Heather Rogers Sara Rollin Stephen Rose Amy Rosenberg Debra Rosenberg Kathy Rosenberg Mark Rossi Roberta Roth Nancy Rotramel Mark and Nancy Rubin Anne Russell Drs. Barbara W. and Roy H. Saigo Karen Sakamoto and Robert Angell Patricia Sandin Margaret Sannerud Cindy Sattler Barbara Saunders Jude Schaaf Carolyn Schaefer Paula Schaefer Nancy Schafer Pat Scherven Karen Schlotthauer Barbara Schmitt Theresa Schneidar Edward Schneider Jacinda Schneiter Claudia Schnitker Betsy Schollmeier Arlis Schroeder Robin Schroeder Judith Schuster Belle Scott Diana and Thomas Scott Teri Searles Julie Seidlitz Faith Sell Joe Selvaggio Anne Sempowski Ward Angela Sersha Janice Shardlow Murtice Sherek Elizabeth Shippee Gail Shore George Shuffelton Lina Shurslep, DDS Galina Sidorova Several times a year, the Foundation hosts a luncheon for Fellows from nations around the world enrolled in the University of MN Humphrey School’s International Fellowship Programs. Bethany Sievert Wendy Simon Judith Sims Blanche Singer Reverend Theodore Sitz Kari Sivula Cynthia Slater Linda Smaller Annette Smith Eve Smith Janice Smith Joan Smith Katelyn Smith Michael Smith Carolyn Sneep Teresa Sonier Jennifer Sowieja Jeanne and Richard Specht Kathleen Spehar Sandra Sponem Cindy Spreiter Timothy Stanley Erin Stanly Janet Stark Cynthia Stauffer Dawn Stebbing CeLois Steele Claudia Stegora Laura Stellmacher Jane Sternberg June and Ken Stewart Claire Stokes Melissa Stone Dr. Susan Strauss Diane Stroot Rachel Stulen Rachel Sturgis Michele Sullivan Marcia Summers Rose Svitak Anita Svoboda Audrey Swanson Anne Sweeney Pamela Sweet Cynthia Swessel-Hofer Deborah Talen Valerie Tanner Karen Tarrant Charisse Tester Dr. Kay Thomas Erin Thompson Karen Thompson Thomson Reuters Thomson-Thelen Deborah Thorp Rosemary Thorsen Berne Thury Sandra Tighe Stephani Tikalsky Timmerman-Koloc Betty Tisel Sharon Tolva Patti Totozintle Dianne Tuff Janis Tweedy Margaret and Robert Twiton Wendy Underwood Mary Van Evera Van Haaften Diana Vance Bryan Nancy Vanderburg Bernadette and Phetsy Vang Traci Vibo Jennifer Vickerman Joyce Vincent Stephanie Vitt Peter Voelker Sarah Vogt Jacquelyn Vranicar Louise Waddick Amy Wagner Deborah Wall Jayna Wallace Nicholas Wallin Darlene Wallner Brendan Walsh Shauna Walsh Anita and Lee Ward Sandy Warner Summer Watson Esther Wattenberg Virginia and Adam Waud Carol Waugh Sara Weathers Dianne Wegscheid Judith Weir Emily Welna Carol Wenner Erica West Darrell and Judith Westby Julie Westerlund Lynne Westphal Molly Weyrens Lynette Wheelock Laura Whisney Sarah Whiting Karen Wick Marguerite and Alex Wilson Vanessa Wilson Kathleen Winters Judith Wise Gail and Peter Wollan Pepe Wonosikou Howard Yee Gina Zaffarano Wilfred Zalaznik Karen Zeleznak Judy Zimmer Fran Zimmerman a Deceased 25 Mary Jean Sampson Laurie Duxbury Caitlin Carnahan Sheila Plunkett Betsy Good Terri Foley Desi Kneen Sharda Kneen Ferne M. Noreen Jane Hardy Pauline Sarbaum Roberta Radford Erin Ceynar Linda Nguyen Kacey Kroeck Regina Kroeck Joanne Norman and M. David Molly Weyrens Marilyn Schneider Karen Schneider Julia Classen Maria de la Cruz Granddaughters Betsy Stites Mary Tambornino Gloria Segal Susan Segal Lucia Cowles Page Cowles Arlene Skoglund Michelle Halverson Creek Family Victoria McWane-Creek Rena Smith Suzanne Hargis MN Girls Book Group at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Meg Brudney Mary Ellen Thompson Jackie Thompson Dakota Wicohan (grantee, pg. 13). N MEMORY Barbara Allen Judith Kim Jean Bailey Diane and David Borton Mary Ballard Jacquelyn Vranicar Geraldine Barton Katherine Barton Marcia Batzlaff Audrey Swanson Sue Garnett Michele Garnett McKenzie Ina Kuoksa Lisa Meredith Marilyn Grahek Montgomery Penelope Scialla Loren Maker Mary Davidson Catherine Griffin M.E.G. Roy Rumohr Gulhaugen Laurel Gamm Carolyn Hoegemeyer Marilyn Hoegemeyer Rachel P. Bissell Carol and Lynn Truesdell Lois Houkom Sally Baumgartner aura Borton Dennis Bailey Tamra Borton Alice Jarrard Amy Jarrard Doris McKay Heather McKay Mary Esther McKay Kathleen McKay Melanie L. Moen Phyllis Moen Donna Waldhauser Mary McKay Christine Walthour Tracey Mittelstadt Janet B. Watson Antonia Filipiak Barbara Wilhelm Winnie Klick Bobbie Wilson Vanessa Wilson Louise Mordorski Carol Mordorski Sophie and Rose Dalager Erin Ceynar and Kevin Dalager Tess Dayhoff Aimee Dayhoff Mary Lee Dayton Anonymous K. Deka Chitralekha Deka Lt. Nancy Dunlap Susan Segal Abby Engelmann Terri Foley Eleanor G. Nelson Kristen Nelson IN HONOR Elizabeth Olsen Susan Olsen All Involved Anna S. Min Zora Fosse Denise Fosse Kristy Olsen Juergens Ann Juergens Pennie Anderson Erin Ceynar Dorothy Fox Karen Tarrant Marjorie Osborne Anita Cummings Maddie Aulizia Sara Aulizia Gail Frazer Preeti Gupton Kathleen Pecchia Joy Pecchia Aunt Maren Kay Harris Mina Garthune Areta Garthune Olivia Rosemary Kafka Nan Kafka Florence Posthomas Gretchen Reisetter Tobias Ball Lisa Pogoff Daniella Maria Anna Vignetti Elinore Kees Joan Wigginton Janet Prosser Anita Cummings Susan S. Engel Linda Engebretson Paulette Kelly Karen Law Carter Fairfield Marcia Stout Berneice Freund Barbara Norrgard Barbara Bowman Woodworth Barbara Saigo Janet S. Burns Judith B. Schuster Mary Castor Patti Totozintle Patrice D. Cooper Elizabeth Gergen 26 Victoria Tolbert Dr. Wilhelmina Holder Samantha Rei Crossland Betty Tisel Herdis Jensen Maren Milbert Esther Amy Ariel Elizabeth C. Grant Denise Byers Nora and Sian Last Ann Higgins Noa Grosby Darla Kashian Karen Leonard Rick Groger and Don Yager Michael Guest Joy Kalt Nadia Levine Kay Harris Mari Oyanagi Eggum Sue Sorenson Madeline Haakenson Heather Haakenson Mary H. Lewis Anne Lewis Mary Paulsen Rene Hari Beverly J. Hall Susan Popkin Eileen Longden Ellen Breyer Mary Ellis Peterson Christine Fleming Darlene Harbour Laurie Miller Junice Lysne Judy Lysne Robin Phillips Loan Huynh Carol and Bud Hayden Joe Moseley Jean Thomson and John Sandbo Elizabeth Macaulay Leah Olm Gail Polley-Nordhaus Dan Jasper George Polley Elsiana Hittner Nicole Hittner Martha Malan Brendan Walsh Cathryn Quinn Elizabeth Quinn Julie Hottinger and M. Bamonti Eric Haugee Dorothy Maleck Kathleen Maleck Nancy Reilly Jessica Reilly Julia Maritz Geoffrey Pletz Emmy and Rylee Rjos JoAnne Mueller Kris Maritz Phyllis Maritz Geoffrey Pletz Lee Roper-Batker Terry Williams and Susan Cogger Grace Hubbard Katherine Hubbard Katharine and Tom Hull Nina Botsford Margene Fox Heidi Humphrey Kate Nielson Jose Peris Valerie and Ed Spencer Jerry MacInnes Patricia Angell Mary Beth Hanson Lee Roper-Batker Anne Hunter Thelma Hunter Midwest Health Center for Women Jill Farris Nicole Madsen Grayce and Sophie Genz Kathleen Burke Katharine L. Kelly Mary Brindley Diane Page Terry Williams and Susan Cogger Mom Leslie Bergland Elizabeth Shober Carol Moore Nicola Dixon Sharon Bauerly Cynthia Bauerly Samantha Gilats Kay Harris Anna Kerber Pam Kerber Sienna Mullmann Kristine Mullmann Bernice Rand Senator Sandy Pappas Dawn Bird Julie DuBois Girls in Duluth Amber Paniaqua Euan Kerr Nardie and Sally Stein Sophia Mushtaq Shehla Mushtaq Adam Klosowski Kelly Weight Dee Reisdorfer Vicki Schwartz Blasphemina’s Closet Betty Tisel Kim Keul Shannon Baynard Jenna Nand Arleen Nand Kari Ann Koskinen Luanne Koskinen Kaki Riesner Julia Knight Erin Bogle Kevin Bogle Girls and Women Peter and Tanya Bailey Kaila Dalager K. Pardoe Dan Pederson Helen Kline Kay Harris Anya Nordstrom Dianna Seltz Verlyn Johnson Suzanne Bauerfeld Kathleen Benson Judith Felton Carla Rekstad Jeanne Specht Elizabeth Olson Cathryn T. Olson Elizabeth A. Oppenheimer Helene Oppenheimer Patricia Provo Joanne Provo C. Rossi Mark Rossi Bonnie Russ Darolyn Clark Carolee Lindsey Dorothy I. Russell Anne Russell Natalia Salinas Rosario de la Torre Lilyanna and Isobel Sampson Anonymous Susan Sands Gloria Perez Paula Schaefer Louise Wolfgramm Lupe Serrano Amber Hanson Amber Shipley Kimberly Borton Carol Shorrock Ruth Mary Gens Barbara Sill Mary Sill Natalie and Nicole Spehar Kathleen Spehar Harriet Spencer Valerie and Ed Spencer Valerie Spencer Nina Botsford Rocel Kingman Linda Murchison Kate Nielson Peacemaker Resources (grantee, pg. 14). Betty Swain Dinah Swain Sandra Swami and Ward Green Nancy Grace Norman Tom O’Brien Lee and John Roper-Batker Terry Williams and Susan Cogger Anne Tatlock Kim Schwichtenberg Third World Women Margie Bodas J. Michele Edwards Edie Thorpe James R. Thorpe Foundation Tho Vang Nou Yang Holly Varni Erica Schumacher Nancy Ward Anita Ward Sarah E. West Annemarie Robertson Patty Wiens Mary Sill Terry Williams Janet Berry Lee Roper-Batker Katie and Sarah Wright Catharine Wright 27 women’s foundation of minnesota Staff, Board and President’s Advisors (l-r) Nicole Cooper, Charisse Tester, Mary Beth Hanson, Heidi Walsh, Jess Kubis, Dorothy Skobba*, Erin Ceynar, Romaine Scharlemann, Terry Williams, Saanii Hernandez, Lee Roper-Batker, Kim Borton. (Not pictured: Naomi Marx.) * Indicates former staff STAFF BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kim Borton, Dir. of Programs Julia Classen | Chair Principal Consultant & Partner, Aurora Consulting, Inc. Erin Ceynar, Dir. of Corporate Sponsorships & Events Nicole Cooper, Communications Assoc. Mary Beth Hanson, Dir. of Communications Saanii Hernandez, Senior Program Officer Jess Kubis, Executive Assistant to the President & CEO Naomi Marx, Reatha Clark King Fellow | Program & Development Coordinator Lee Roper-Batker, President & CEO Romaine Scharlemann, Senior Gift Planner Charisse Tester, Bookkeeper Jean Adams | Vice Chair Chief Operating Officer/ Chief Financial Operator, The Minneapolis Foundation Joanne Green | Treasurer Budgeting & Finance Reporting Manager, University of Minnesota Suzanna de Baca | Secretary Vice President, Wealth Strategies, Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Tawanna Black, President & Consultant, Innovations by Design Cecilia Cervantes, President, Hennepin Technical College John Choi County Attorney, Ramsey County Julie Corty Community Volunteer Susan Denk President & Owner, White Crane Construction Pauline Fofana Consultant Dr. Wilhelmina Holder Executive Director, Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment, Inc. Katharine L. Kelly, Community Volunteer Victoria McWane-Creek, Youth Counselor, Catholic Charities - St. Cloud Children’s Home Elizabeth Olson, Chief Financial Officer, Grassroots Solutions, Inc. Ashley Rajaratnam, Proposal Editor, International Development Division, Land O’ Lakes Michael Resnick, Ph.D, Professor and Director, U of MN Healthy Youth Development - Prevention Research Center Lucy Rogers, Development Director, Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center Valerie Spencer, Community Volunteer April Sutor, Vice President, Community Impact, United Way of Olmsted County Rosa Tock, Associate Coordinator of the International Fellowship Programs, Humphrey School of Public Affairs Committees AUDIT Pauline Fofana | Chair Katy Kopp Adam Brenda Coulter Jess Kubis Jane Treston Lee Roper-Batker Heidi Walsh Maureen Wilson FINANCIAL LEADERSHIP Joanne Green | Chair Elizabeth Olson | Chair Jean Adams Mary Bredeck Suzanna de Baca Rebecca Klevan Jess Kubis Catherine McBride Lee Roper-Batker Carol Peterfeso Heidi Walsh Terry Williams Victoria White Director, Leech Lake Child Welfare PRESIDENT’S ADVISORS Karen Diver Blanche Hawkins Carol Hayden Kristine Maritz Wenda Weekes Moore Heidi Walsh, Dir. of Finance & Human Capital Terry Williams, Vice President DIVERSITY INTERNS & FELLOWS Sharon Hwee Sarita Mutha Catianne Ngante 28 Commitees & Volunteers (l-r) Terry Williams, Katharine L. Kelly, Julia Classen, Cecilia Cervantes, Tawanna Black, Pauline Fofana, Victoria McWane-Creek, Elizabeth Olson, John Choi, Valerie Spencer, April Sutor, Joanne Greene, Dr. Wilhelmina Holder, Michael Resnick, Julie Corty. (Not pictured: Jean Adams, Suzanna de Baca, Susan Denk, Ashley Rajaratnam, Lucy Rogers, Rosa Tock, Victoria White.) * Girl Member Board Member in blue Staff Member italicized 2013 Volunteers Nelle Anderson Debra Balazovic Roger Bredeson Beverly Carlson Emily Cerkvenik Susan Cogger Samantha Daddi Judi Dalager Kat Dalager Neva Dalager Sylvia Doerr Laurie Duxbury Jaclyn Farrell girlsBEST FUND Victoria White | Chair Ashley Rajaratnam | Vice Chair Grayce Belvedere Young Tawanna Black Kim Borton Sean Buehlmann* Alice Bygd* Nicole Cooper Terrell Daniels Joanne Green Alexis Hayden Diane Hayden Saanii Hernandez Joan Higinbotham Wilhelmina Holder Kristal Jackson* Tabitha Jackson Chanel King* Karen King Caroline Kupchella* Naomi Marx Clare McGinley* Katie McGinley Ming Montgomery* Maddy Norgaard* Lily Rogers-Grant* Lucy Rogers Lee Roper-Batker Romaine Scharlemann Delilah Schuster* Sarah Stinson Dinah Swain Lorri Todd Adele Watkins* Terry Williams GOVERNANCE Lucy Rogers | Chair Grayce Belvedere Young Kim Borton Cecilia Cervantes Julia Classen Jess Kubis Ashley Rajaratnam Rosa Tock Terry Williams Christianna Finnern Mindy Flood Werner Julie Froslan Betty Grant Molly Harden Jessica Henderson Ruthie Henderson Julia Holtemeyer Kim Kokett Jessica Khan Rosalie Kurtz Karen Leonard Lauren Livingston Jaclyn May Arlene Nand Elise Parks Gail Polley Nordhaus Patti O’Leary Rhetta Power Diana Rehnberg Emily Riddering Kathy Schaaf Carolina Schuster Razeena Shrestha Linda Snouffer Kaylyn Sudik Monique Thompkins Bobbi Wrona Emma Zelles Elizabeth Zelles SOCIAL CHANGE FUND April Sutor | Chair Victoria McWane-Creek | Vice Chair Amira Ahmed Margie Andreason Susan Beaulieu Kim Borton Julie Corty Susan Denk Amy Cram Helwich Saanii Hernandez Jess Kubis Naomi Marx Anna Min Astia Roper-Batker Lee Roper-Batker Lois Schmidt Barb Schubring Roderic Southall Pheng Thao Terry Williams Pepe Wonosikou MN Girls Are Not For Sale | Committees FUNDRAISING Valerie Spencer | Chair Grayce Belvedere Young Barbara Forster Brighid Hansen Katharine Hull Heidi Humphrey Katharine L. Kelly Dick McFarland Lucy Rogers Lee Roper-Batker Romaine Scharlemann Kate Strickland Terry Williams PROGRAM Suzanna de Baca | Chair Cordelia Anderson Kim Borton Vednita Carter Joy Friedman Mary Beth Hanson Amy Hartman Saanii Hernandez Beth Holger-Ambrose Roberta Jones Katharine L. Kelly Suzanne Koepplinger U.S. Marshal Sharon Lubinski Naomi Marx Lauren Martin Karen McElrath Beatriz Menanteau David Nelson Wendy Nelson Kate Richtman Artika Roller Lee Roper-Batker Mpls. City Attorney Susan Segal Shunu Shrestha Bethany Snyder Valerie Spencer Rosa Tock Patty Wetterling Terry Williams PUBLIC EDUCATION Katharine L. Kelly | Chair Jeff Bauer Kim Borton Mark Cross Deborah Cundy Lisa Duff Mary Beth Hanson Luz Marie Hernandez Wilhelmina Holder Laura Keller Jeff Moravec Samantha Capen Muldoon Gayle Ober Liz Richards Sarah Riley Lee Roper-Batker Terry Williams Julie Zelle Since 2007, the Reatha Clark King Fellowship has provided renewable, two-year fellowships to women of color in evaluation and research. (L-r: Saanii Hernandez, Reatha Clark King, Nicole Cooper.) 29 FINANCIALS Summarized Financial Information Statements of Financial Position 3/31/13 3/31/12 Assets Operating Cash 1,497,375 1,335,947 Accounts Receivable 6,438 23,767 Contributions Receivable, Current 760,167 1,039,972 Prepaid Expenses 50,094 27,448 Property & Equipment, Net 172,953 38,896 Restricted Cash - Long-Term Investments 16,514,082 15,772,689 Program Related Investments 600,000 500,000 Beneficial Interest in Trust 36,182 30,429 Employee Receivables - Contributions and Pledges Receivable - Long-Term, Net 802,355 972,353 Total Assets 20,439,647 19,741,501 Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Grants Payable Gift Annuity Liability Total Liabilities 61,784 45,238 385,000 72,769 564,791 343,062 Unrestricted, Including Board Designated Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 717,913 5,133,552 14,023,391 19,874,856 20,439,647 612,206 4,033,365 14,752,868 19,398,439 19,741,501 38,838 59,224 245,000 Statements of Activities Temporarily Permanently 3/31/13 3/31/12 Support and Revenue Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Total Grants and Contributions 434,507 1,768,661 24,000 2,227,168 3,819,897 Special Events, Net 121,666 121,666 159,637 Other Operating Income 16,796 16,796 5,392 Investment Income, Net 54,682 1,190,649 5,753 1,251,084 (156,460) Net Assets Released from Restrictions 2,026,661 (2,026,661) - Net Asset Transfers 591,692 167,538 (759,230) - Total Support and Revenue 3,246,004 1,100,187 (729,477) 3,616,714 3,828,466 Expenses Grants, Research, and Public Education 2,699,645 2,699,645 2,523,755 Administrative 403,580 403,580 356,589 Fundraising 37,072 37,072 64,460 Total Expenses 3,140,297 3,140,297 2,944,804 Change in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year 105,707 1,100,187 612,206 717,913 4,033,365 5,133,552 (729,477) 14,752,868 14,023,391 The above financial information is summarized from our records. To receive a copy of our audited financial statement, please call Jess at the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota at 612-337-5010. 30 476,417 883,662 19,398,439 19,874,856 18,514,777 19,398,439 a vital force for gender equality We invest in social change to achieve equality for all women and girls in Minnesota. 30th Anniversary 1983 - 2013 105 Fifth Avenue S., Suite 30 0, Minneapolis, MN 55401- 6050 612.337.5010 • WFMN.ORG • Find us on Facebook and Twitter.
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