On Sunday 28 September Gary, our Team Rector, was installed as an Honorary Canon of Carlisle Cathedral The Magazine of the Parishes of St Aidan’s, St George’s with St Luke’s and St Perran’s, Barrow-in-Furness TEAM TALK The Messy Church Team October 2014 The South Barrow Team Ministry 50p Sunday Worship : October 2014 5 October 12 October 19 October HARVEST THANKSGIVING *9.30 am Harvest Celebration at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s 11 am Morning Worship at St Perran’s 3 pm Messy Church at St Georges *9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Holy Communion at St George’s 11 am Morning Worship at St Perran’s 10.30 am TEAM COMMUNION SERVICE at St Perran’s Preacher: Revd Ron Wilson 12.30 pm Baptism at St Aidan’s *3 pm MEMORIAL SERVICE at St George’s 26 October *9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Baptisms at St George’s 11 am Morning Worship at St Perran’s 2 November *9.30 am Morning Worship at St Aidan’s *10.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s 11 am Holy Communion at St Perran’s 3 pm Messy Church at St Georges REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY th Sunday 9 November 2014 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s 10.50 am Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s 11 am Remembrance Service (CW) at St Perran’s Join us as we remember with gratitude those who have given their lives in past and present conflicts, and who are currently serving in places like Afghanistan & Iraq. God will remember them… will you? 2 The South Barrow Team - Useful Contacts Team Rector & Rural Dean of Barrow: Revd Canon Gary M. Cregeen, The Rectory, 98 Roose Road, Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9RL. Tel. 01229 877367 Email: [email protected] Team Vicar: Revd Jo Northey, The Vicarage, 31 Middle Hill Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9HD Tel. 01229 364246 Email: [email protected] Assistant Curate Revd Matt Hornby, The Vicarage, 98a Roose Road , Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9RL. Tel. 01229 877755 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: Mr Ted Fenton (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) 01229 820408 Mr Peter Gardner (St Aidan’s) 01229 825870 Mrs Geraldine Southam (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) 466327 Mrs Madge Wignall (St Aidan’s) 01229 820484 PCC Treasurers: Mrs Pat Liddicott (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) Mrs Sheila Simpson (St Aidan’s) 01229 839563 PCC Secretaries: Miss Alison Otto (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) Mrs Carole Williamson (St Aidan’s) 01229 825802 01229 826017 Vergers: Mrs Geraldine Southam (St George’s w. St Luke’s & St Perran’s) 01229 466327 Mr Keith Cockburn (St Aidan’s) 01229 826692 Hall Lettings Secretaries: Mr Ted & Mrs Ruth Fenton (St George’s & St Perran’s) Mr Keith Cockburn (St Aidan’s) 01229 820408 01229 826692 Weekly Team Newsletter: Judy Cowsill 01229 829710 Team Website: Dave Coram Email: [email protected] 15 The co-operative TEAM TALK funeralcare The next edition of TEAM TALK will be the NOVEMBER Edition. Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Barrow-in-Furness 103-105 Roose Road 01229 820 517 News items and articles should be forwarded to the Team Rector by SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER at the latest. Ulverston Higgin House, Cavendish Street 01229 582 167 Please see contact details on page 15 Thank you. ADVERTISING IN TEAM TALK The annual subscription for Team Talk is only £5 for the year (if posted, please add £5). Cheques should be made payable to: �St George with St Luke PCC’ and forwarded to: Miss Pat Hughes, 24 Kent Street, Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9 QT. We would like to provide an opportunity for local businesses and organisations to advertise in the magazine. While providing publicity for the advertiser and income would support the local church in South Barrow. At the back of church there are letters for would-be advertisers, along with details of cost, depending on the size of the advert. Do you know individuals, organisations or businesses who may be willing to support the magazine in this way? If so, pick up the details and pass them on. Thank you If you pay UK Income tax please consider making your subscription into a donation and Gift Aid it. Thank you PAUSE FOR THOUGHT... “Be strong and courageous.... The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31 v.6&8 TEAM WEBSITE! www.sbtchurches.co.uk Have you visited lately? 14 Happy Birthday Messy Church! Last October we embarked on a journey into the unknown. Armed with our MAP objective : To grow a new form of worship service for people in our community not yet engaged in church. We set off on a very Messy journey! We have learned how to plan fun craft activities to teach bible truths, that food is always good in this – especially the chocolate fountain! We have found games to play to keep the less crafty happy and found songs that families enjoy. We have been educated in food hygiene and health & safety to make sure we are safe as well as happy! We have found out how to logistically cater for such large groups. What a year! Who knew that teaching people about God and worshipping together could be such fun!? But it’s only been possible thanks to our amazing team who help plan and resource the activities. Who provide delicious cakes and those who cook serve and clear up. Thank you to all who have supported Messy this year both practically and those who have been faithful in praying regularly for Messy and the families we meet. What’s next? As we start a new year of Messy Church, we want to continue in our mission to help families learn about God without even realising it because we are having so much fun! We want to continue to get to know the regular families who come and explore ways of helping them grow in faith, and we want to welcome all who come and join us. What can you do to support us? All of you can help us by praying for the team as we plan and deliver our activities. Pray for our families that they would meet God in a variety of ways and that they would find and grow in their faith. Many are generous in Helping us by providing cakes. Would you like to volunteer to help run a craft, a game, or help in the kitchen? Do you have a skill, something you might be able to come and do with the families for a one off session? Eg card making, woodwork….. You can also give financially on a one off or with a small regular donation to help us fund our activities. Thank you for all the support you have given Messy – we look forward to a new year of fun! Jo Northey 3 The South Barrow Team Register St Luke’s Mothers Union On September 4th, after our summer break, Baptism the Revd Jo. Northey presided over our opening service. Many thanks to her. On September 18th we enjoyed a lovely afternoon with Ted Fenton. He showed us lovely slides of a journey he, Ruth and two friends took along a French canal. The weather was beautiful and the scenery glorious. The afternoon ended with cake and wine provide by Doreen Bates to celebrate her birthday. Many thanks Doreen! 28 September Dominic Paul Geldart (b: 5 March 2013) @ St George’s Weddings 6 September 13 September Darren Jones & Rachel Smith @ St George’s Church Peter Simpson & Sheila Darlington @ St Aidan’s Church Funerals Doreen Finch We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of: 1 September 4 September 8 September 12 September 12 September 15 September 17 September 24 September 25 September Matthew Nicholls (85) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Harold Hitchin (84) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Kerry Hubbold (42) @ St George’s Church Marjorie MacLaurin (72) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Stanley Davies (89) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Betty New (84) @ St George’s Church Glenwyn Davies (65) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Dorothy Wilson (89) @ Thorncliffe Crematorium Christine Betteridge (58) @ St George’s Church MEMORIAL SERVICE SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER 2014 at 3 pm at ST GEORGE’S CHURCH Followed by light refreshments in the Hall If you would like a loved one to be remembered or know someone who has been bereaved who could be helped by this service please contact: Alison Otto by Tuesday 14 October. All welcome. Matthew 11:28: �Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”’ 4 The Blessings of Giving... During October the Sunday worship in the South Barrow Churches will provide an opportunity to reflect on God’s Generosity and to consider our response... Giving is good for you! That is a slogan that has the backing of the Bible. As we review personal giving in response to God it is worth thinking about some of the really happy times recorded for us in the Bible. Many of these times happened when God’s people gladly give as they remember God’s great generosity towards them. A great example of this is in 1 Chronicles when the leaders of the people gave precious metals and stones for the building of the temple. “The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD.” And King David acknowledges that they can give in this way for one reason only. He says to God, “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” Every one is happy! “They ate and drank with great joy in the presence of the LORD that day.” It should come as no surprise that the Bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver. Giving should be a happy thing to do! The local church relies on the giving of it’s members to ensure God’s work prospers locally and further a field. Giving is about the giving of ourselves to God - in service, in the use of our time and talents, as well as in �giving back’ money God has entrusted to us. Over the next 2/3 weeks please prayerfully consider your response to God, not least in giving regularly and efficiently to St George’s, St Aidan’s or St Perran’s. In the meantime, if you want to read about the happy giving read 1 Chronicles 29! 13 Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2014 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD sends a message of hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled boxes & Christian literature. The programme provides an opportunity for individuals of all ages to be involved in a simple hands-on project that reaches out to suffering children while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift. Operation Christmas Child is the world's largest children's Christmas project, run by the Christian charity Samaritan's Purse. The charity has been sending gift-filled shoeboxes around the world since 1990, bringing joy and hope of into the lives of over 100 million underprivileged children. Last year, children and adults from across the UK got involved - including many churches, schools and workplaces - wrapping, packing and sending nearly 1 million shoeboxes full of gifts to disadvantaged children in Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. A leaflet providing information about the project, including a list of items which can be included, is available in each of the South Barrow Team churches. You are invited to bring your gift-filled shoe boxes to the TEAM SERVICE at St George’s on SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER. Gift-wrapped shoe boxes can also be delivered to: The Rectory, 98 Roose Road, Barrow, LA13 9RL, by Saturday 15 November, at the latest. Thank you. For more information about the Shoe-box Appeal please contact Julie Cregeen (01229 877367). Dust off the Christmas wrapping paper, get those empty shoeboxes out of the loft or cupboard and start filling them with gifts for a child who may otherwise receive nothing this Christmas! 12 SHARING YOUR STORY Some Christians seem to be incredibly confident about sharing their faith, but most of us feel unsure. We would love our family and friends, and even the people we meet, to somehow get to know a little of what our Christian faith means to us, and might mean for them. But how? 'Sharing your Story' is not designed to give you all the answers or turn you into an embarrassing or annoying God-botherer. It is designed for ordinary Christians who would like to be a little braver and a little better about helping others connect their life with God. Jesus last words to His disciples were "you will be witnesses for me". 'Sharing your Story' will help you gently, carefully and more positively witness to people around you. Each of the sessions will be led by Bishop Robert. He writes, "Although I often get to stand up and talk about my faith, I really struggle making conversation with family and friends. It just doesn't come easily for me. So in many ways 'Sharing your Story' will be about me learning along with everyone else. What we look at will be simple, practical and do-able. This isn't a course for 'high power' Christians who want a boost. 'Sharing your Story' is for 'ordinary' Christians who want to use the opportunities around them to bring God into the picture." 'Sharing your Story' will be at 9.30 am (until 12.30 pm) on: Saturday 22 November at St Aidan's, Newbarns. Don’t miss out! Please sign up for what promises to be a really useful morning! SCHOOL GOVERNOR Thank you... Peter & Sheila! Following the �retirement’ of Sandra Adams as a Foundation Governor at St Georges CE Primary School the PCC will need to appoint a new Foundation Governor - nominations for this important role should be forwarded to Alison Otto, PCC Secretary, by 31 October. Thank you It was a great delight for many of us to share in Peter and Sheila’s recent wedding at St Aidan’s. It was a truly special and lovely occasion. Instead of presents Peter & Sheila requested donations for the ’Fit For Purpose’ Fund over £500 was donated! We are most grateful for this generous gesture. Thank you! To all those who supported the recent �GOOD AS NEW’ sale at St Aidan’s—over £230 was raised for the �Fit For Purpose’ Fund! 5 Dedication....commitment... In the city of Oxford stands the Martyrs’ Memorial which commemorates some of the Protestant Reformers who died for the sake of the Gospel. The 16th of October marks the anniversary of two of those who burnt to death, rather than abandon their faith in Christ; namely, Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, and Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester. Ridley had been a renowned scholar and Latimer, a respected preacher; both men were key allies to Thomas Cranmer in bringing about the English Reformation, which had positively and effectively been introduced under the reign of Edward VI (154753). However, when Mary became queen she attempted to restore Roman Catholicism and embarked on a campaign to eradicate Protestantism by having about two hundred bishops, scholars and other men and women burnt at the stake. Nowadays, when it seems fashionable, in some quarters, to deny there is any such thing as certainty about religious truth, or any opinions to die for, perhaps we need to recall the likes of Latimer and Ridley who had discovered the truth and were prepared to die for it. Indeed, their testimony of over 450 years ago remains true for many Christians today, in places such as Nigeria, the Sudan, Iraq and Indonesia, where hostile persecution is a sad reality. In 1 Peter 3:17-22 those who suffer unjustly are encouraged to follow Christ’s example by enduring it with meekness, patience, and faith. For the heart of the gospel is Christ crucified and risen; His death for the unrighteous, alienated from God because of sins, is effective once for all because He was the righteous one. This truth was discovered by Latimer and Ridley and was worth dying for; as the flames beat around them Latimer encouraged Ridley, saying: “We shall this day light a candle, by God’s grace, in England as I trust shall never be put out”. May we, as we encounter opposition for the Gospel’s sake, draw strength from Christ’s example and His victory, that our lives would be hallmarked by a radical trust in God and a faithful defence of His Word. 11 6 Barrow Foodbank News Thank you to everyone who donated this summer, to help feed 989 adults and 898 children during the school holidays.. As well as food donations, the Evening Mail campaign also raised over £2000 in cash, which will pay for 1.25 tonnes of food. Stocks now need to be increased to meet the demands of the coming winter, and collections will be held at Tesco stores at Hindpool Road, Friars Lane, Rawlinson St and Ocean Rd on Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th December, 9am to 5pm. If you can help for an hour or two at any of these stores, please contact Ann at [email protected]. At our Team Harvest Services this year, we will be supporting the Bishop's Harvest Appeal with cash donations, and Barrow Foodbank with food donations. If you cannot bring items to church, there are collection points at Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Roose Road Co-op stores. Sheila Simpson, SBT Foodbank Co-ordinator ADVANCE NOTICE: COMMEMORATION - WW I This year commemorates 100 years since the outbreak of World War One. Have you lost relations in this war or in WW II or in Korea or Afghanistan? If so, have you any photos, newspaper cuttings or memorabilia of them, could Dorothy Baines (St Aidan’s) have them, please? If possible, we would like to borrow these in order to make a display to honour these gallant men and women later in the year - to coincide with the Remembrance weekend in November. These photos would be copied when received and the originals returned. For more information contact Dorothy (822731) Thank you! SOUTH BARROW TEAM PRAYER MEETING The October SBT Prayer meeting will be on Wednesday 22 October at 8 pm at The Vicarage, 98a Roose Road. Using the framework of Night Prayer the meeting provides us with an opportunity to pray for individuals, the local Church and community and wider issues. This meeting is open to everyone, whether you attend the weekly Home Groups or not. “A Christian Fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer 11 6 Fruitfulness on the Frontline (4): Ministering Grace and Love �Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. Then the word of the LORD came to [Elijah]: �Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have instructed a widow there to supply you with food.’ So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks’. 1 Kings 17:7-10 God’s provision can come in the most unlikely of places and through the most unlikely of people. Having announced to Ahab that there will be a drought in the land, Elijah is led by God to a brook from which he drinks and where ravens supply him with food. When the brook dries up, God displays his power to provide in a different way. Just as God �directed’ the ravens (17:4), so now he �directs’ a widow to feed Elijah. Not the most obvious choice, perhaps. Apart from anything else, she lives in enemy territory, outside the fold of Israel. In addition, being a widow, the woman has already suffered loss; we are predisposed to imagine her poor and in need, eking out an existence. Indeed, as it turns out, she doesn’t have food to spare. When Elijah encounters her, she is preparing what will be a final meal for her and her son – a last supper. There is one place for each letter of the alphabet in the 26 empty squares in the diagram below. Fill in each letter so that a word of at least 5 letters is formed reading across only. Not all the letters in each row are used; it's up to you to discover which ones are needed to complete the right words. Some of the letters may fit in more than one of the empty squares to complete words; however only one arrangement of all the letters of the alphabet will complete a word in each row. Plurals not allowed. So it is with remarkable faith that she responds to Elijah’s promise that her meagre resources – a jar of flour and a jug of oil – will not run out. Against all her instincts as a mother, she is persuaded to feed Elijah first, and she discovers that God is able to meet their needs. She stakes all on the word of the Lord, and continues to do so in the daily round of flour and oil, every morning a fresh reminder of the Lord’s provision, every day a fresh opportunity to minister out of His riches. And, like other widows in Scripture, she takes her place in the circle of those drawn into God’s plan, such that Jesus Himself refers to her in Luke 4:24-26, reminding us that grace extends to – and comes from – unexpected places. We too may be the means by which God shares his abundance with neighbours, with colleagues, with strangers. And we minister grace and love to others as those who have been on the receiving end of it ourselves. So, it’s not about how great we are. It’s out of His own amazing generosity that God uses us to bless and benefit others, and may allow us to see Him work through us in ways we could not even begin to imagine. Yes, God’s provision can come in the most unlikely of places and through the most unlikely of people, even through us. Antony Billington 10 7 HALLOWE’EN - Just harmless fun? If you visit any supermarket over the next few weeks you will be welcomed by a large Hallowe’en display. For many retailers Hallowe’en is seen as a great sales opportunity; clearly they detect a market growth in this area of consumerism in recent years. As responsible people we all want the best for those in our care. Of particular concern is that we do not in any way want to hinder our children’s development. There are certain aspects of Hallowe’en which are clearly unhelpful and for some children harmful. THE BACKGROUND The word Hallowe’en comes from All Hallows (All Saints) Eve, and is celebrated the day before the Christian festival of All Hallows. Halllowe’en was a pagan festival with a twin emphases: fear of the dead and evil spirits alongside with the customs associated with predicting the future. These pagan customs were remarkably persistent, so the Church provided alternative festivals that incorporated many of the old customs. Instead of fearing evil and worrying about the future, All Saints provided a time when the achievements of the saints were remembered and the ultimate triumph of good is re-asserted. HALLOWE’EN TODAY Nowadays Hallowe’en is seen as harmless fun, it is thought that demons and ghosts don't’ exist and witchcraft and occult practices are just superstitious 8 Nonsense. But whether real or imaginary, these things are symbols of evil. Concentrating on evil at Hallowe’en can bring fear to impressionable young minds. For some it is upsetting and causes nightmares. This is often underestimated. Hallowe’en can also breed an unhealthy interest in the occult, which leads to emotional, mental, and spiritual distress. This is confirmed by child psychologists, who are dealing with increasing numbers of disturbed children. While trick or treating can breed vindictive attitudes, and lead not just to childish pranks as ’tricks’, but vandalism and even violence. In addition, it is dangerous today for children to be knocking on the doors of strangers. CAUTION RECOMMENDED Christians believe that good and evil are opposites. This does not mean that all characters have to be classified as �goodies or baddies’ in a simplistic or unrealistic way; however, we need to exercise concern when evil is presented as no more than �fun’ at Hallowe’en. While it is recognised that no harm is intended at Hallowe’en parties we are walking on thin ice whenever we fail to make clear distinctions between the harmless and the harmful. place. Why not do an alternative children’s party event on All Hallow’s Eve - maybe a rainbow party! Christians believe that evil is a real but defeated power. Hallowe’en, however, is about evil triumphant, where it is in the ascendant and is given to much importance. For Christians Hallowe’en is a distortion of reality. It may also give children a false sense of the power of evil. There is in all of us a desire for the best; whether it be physical or spiritual. But our appetite for spiritual satisfaction can lead us to sample much that is harmful such as astrology, spiritualism, weird religions - some of these can become obsessions. It is through such interests that evil powers can charm their way into our minds to confuse and oppress. Therefore it is important that our children and grand-children get the power of evil into perspective. A parallel can be drawn with the reporting of crimes. At the end of �Crimewatch UK’ the presenters are careful to say that their programme is unrepresentative. The nature of the programme means that it dwells on muggings, burglary, and violence, but such crimes are put in context by reminding people that they are more in danger of being run over than mugged. The presenters recognise that it may create a false sense of vulnerability in the audience by focusing on what is after all a minority event. We need to be watchful that Hallowe’en is not allowed to do this. By giving evil undue attention, it might increase young people’s sense of vulnerability in the world. NO NEED TO SPOIL THE FUN Nobody wants our children to feel isolated from their peers and the fun of a �party’. We should not wish to remove anything enjoyable without putting something which is equally fun in its SEEKING THE BEST But God revealed Himself to be a caring God. He directly forbids any dealings with evil powers which enslave. Through His Son Jesus Christ He offers a personal relationship with Himself: we can receive forgiveness for all that is a barrier between ourselves and the source of all spiritual goodness. We can, as the Bible puts it, be ’born again’; become spiritually alive, able to know our caring, loving God, as ’Father’. As Hallowe’en makes us consider the well-being of our children and young people, it should also encourage us to consider whether we are spiritually secure ourselves - �what does if profit a person to gain the world but lose their soul’. Article based on a CPO publication 9
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