Westminster News February 27, 2013 Issue #513 “THE GREATEST AMONG YOU WILL BE YOUR SERVANT” MATTHEW 23:11 In Memory of Reverend Mary Jean Bartholomew Inside this issue: HOLY WEEK 2 OFFICE MOVING 3 MARCH Calendar 3 MARCH W.O.W. 4 CBC Update 4 Mission News 5 MARCH 9TH Hour 6 Office Notes 7 MARCH Leaders 7 Member Notes 8 V B S Plans 9 Youth Events 10 Dates to Serve 11 SESSION Notes 11 Worship Schedules Back A life well lived is measured by people in different ways. There are some who would claim it is the accomplishments achieved in one’s lifetime such as the honors and recog nition of a distinguished career. Others would assert it is the passing on to further generations such things as wealth, knowledge, and the tangible results of a lifetime. Still others who would allege it is the legacy of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. All these are indeed signs of a life well lived and to be celebrated when a loved one passes on to the next adventure in their journey. Mary Jean certainly achieved honors in her life most recently the Woman of Valor award from Church Women United. She passed along to many generations her wise teaching of the Bible and spiritual matters. And we at Westminster consider ourselves her children, and grandchildren, and great grandchildren in spirit if not biologically. Yet, we know Mary Jean’s “greatness” was really measured in a different way. She was above all a humble servant of the Lord. the midst of sickness; watched over the dying; and buried those she loved. She served the poor; attended community organizations; worked with people of other denominations and faith traditions; and gave l e a de r s h i p to the community of Madison. She was above all a servant and therein lies her greatness and legacy. Vern Forsberg, our other Pastor Emeritus, pointed this out to me when he thought of this scripture f rom Matthew to describe Mary Jean. “The greatest among you will be your servant.” Mary Jean was a servant to Westminster Church and the Madison community for over twenty five years. She baptized babies; taught Sunday school and Confirmation classes; led youth groups; recognized graduations; married couples; celebrated new births; ministered to people in Mary Jean was an amazing servant. I was awed by her ability to remember all the people she served – their children and grandchildren as well as what was going on in their lives. For all the softness of grace that was an integral part of her, there w a s a n u n b e n di n g strength in her as well. She was one of the first Presbyterian women to be ordained in Madison and, like any trailblazer, she had to be comfortable Continued on page 2.. Page 2 Westminster News Grace Note Continued from front page... In Memory of Reverend Mary Jean Bartholomew in her own skin. I have been told many times by Westminster members that you couldn’t say no to Mary Jean when she asked you to volunteer to serve in some way in the church. She was a strong advocate for mission both locally and globally. Even as her health diminished she continued to serve both in the church and in the community. Mary Jean died quietly in her sleep on a Saturday night. She had been accompanied in her final weeks by many of her “children” from Westminster who loved her just as she had loved them. There was no pomp or pageantry as she passed away. But I can imagine though, that as the angels gathered to worship that Sunday morning, there was much fanfare and celebration for Mary Jean had come home into the arms of the God she loved and served throughout her life. And as she was embraced and welcomed H OLY W EEK A CTIVITIES AT by all the saints of the church she heard these words from God who simply said, “Well done, Good and Faithful servant!” To God be the glory! Rev. P. Alex Thornburg Lent 2013 W ESTMINSTER Join us to celebrate Holy Week: Palm Sunday March 24 10:15am On this celebration of Jesu s coming into Jerusalem, Westminster will be entering our newly renovated sanctuary. We will begin downstairs in the Fellowship Hall and then process with palms up to the sanctuary. Maundy Thursday, Thursday March 28 7:00pm We will gather in the new entrance space for an intimate and meaningful sharing of communion together as well as the washing of hands in memory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Palm Sunday, March 24 will mark our return to worship in the new Sanctuary! Plan to be a part of this memorable day as we begin Holy Week in celebration of so many gifts! February 27, 2013 Good Friday, March 29 7:00pm In this deeply spiritual service, we shall recount together in the service of Tenebrae or Shadows the final hours of Jesus life. Easter Sunday, Sunday March 31 8:15am :15am and 10:15am Come celebrate the resurrection in this joyous worship of God. Page 3 238238- 3121 Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8– 8–5 & Friday 88- 12 www.westminstermadison.org D ATES AND T IMES OF EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE . SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY March 4 and March 5 are designated as the big moving days from the old to the new office areas. We will need able-bodied volunteers willing to help between the hours of 1 and 4pm each of those days. By Tuesday, we will re-access the need for extra help. The office will technically be closed. The phones will operate, but we may not be able to take your call immediately. If you have an urgent need, the pastors can always be reached on their cell phones. 3 III LENT 9am Classes for all 10:15 Worship and Holy Communion Food Pantry Sunday 11:30 Mission Mtg 4pm M.S. SPAM 5pm H.S. SPAM 10 IV LENT 9am Classes for all 10:15 Worship in F.H. 11:30 Youth Council 17 V LENT 4 5 9am Classes for all 10:15 Worship and Holy Communion 9am Bible Study 4pm Kerygma Study Volunteers and staff moving to new office areas: Mon + Tues 11 12 18 25 9:30 KnitWits @ home of Pat Marshall 8:15 and 10:15 Worship and Holy Communion 9-10 Easter Breakfast 9:45-10 Egg Hunt 9 14 15 9:30 Study Grp 7pm AA 7:30 choir rehearsal 16 5:30pm DBSA 5:30pm Doin R Thing group 9:30 Study Grp 12noon Staff Mtg 1pm E N Circle 4pm Kerygma Study 5pm Articles due 5:30 M E Circle 26 27 28 29 12noon Staff Mtg 9am Bible Study 9:30 Study Grp 5:30pm DBSA 21 7pm Maundy Thursday 7pm Good Friday Worship 12noon Staff Mtg 4pm Kerygma Study 22 23 5:30pm DBSA 7pm AA 7:30 choir rehearsal 9:30am Newsletter Assembly 12noon WOW 7pm AA 7:30 choir rehearsal April 2 5am Serve @ shelter Youth Retreat @ PRES HOUSE 9am Bible Study Secretary out to 12 7pm Budget Mtg 8 9:30 A D Circle 7pm Session April 1 5:30pm DBSA 5:30pm DBSA Staff finish moving to new office area 9am Bible Study SATURDAY 2 20 H O L Y Easter 9:30 Study Grp 1 19 5pm Youth Movie Night 31 7 7pm AA 7:30 choir rehearsal 13 9:30 Knit Wits @ 12noon Staff Mtg home of Jan Browning 4pm Kerygma 7pm Education Study 7pm Stewardship 7pm Worship 9am Classes for all 10:15 Worship 11:30 Deacon Mtg 3 Cook for Pres House 4pm M.S. SPAM 5pm H.S. SPAM 5 Serve at Pres House 24 Palm Sunday 6 FRIDAY Worship and Holy Communion 30 W E E K April 3 9am Bible Study April 4 9:30 Study Grp 7pm AA 7:30 choir rehearsal S p r i n g Br eak: M ad i n ah Acad em y wi l l n o t h o l d cl asses M ar ch 25 th r o u g h Ap r i l 1 April 5 April 6 Page 4 Westminster News W ESTMINSTER O N W EDNESDAY The WOW group is held the four th Wednesday of each month. Lunch is noon, the program is 2pm. Suggested dishes bring include a hot at 1to or cold main dish, salad, IS W.O.W. rolls or dessert; or a monetary donation is appreciated too. Plan to hear interesting speak ers . W .O .W. strives to bring you informative programs. Program include: ♦ March 27 Program will be presented by Madison’s “Access To Independence” ♦ April 24 Program will be from WPC member, Doug Halls presentations Presenters and dates are subject to change. Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans. Peter F. Drucker CONSTRUCTION UPDATE FOR FEB. 25, 2013 Progress has been great on the building project! The Yuma and Narthex areas are nearly complete, with the goal of returning to the sanctuary for Palm Sunday service with the organ. The Yuma street entrance is complete; just waiting for railings and automatic door opener. Narthex work includes painting, window installation, ceiling tiles, heating & A/C; and over 50% of the floor carpeting is finished. Delivery and installation of the stair railings should be completed in the next couple of weeks. The lounge is carpeted, painted, and has new ceiling tiles. The upstairs small kitchen has been finished and needs only the plumbing connected. February 27, 2013 In the sanctuary the chancel wood floor and the main vinyl floor have been installed. Pew upholstering began last week, and the installer has indicated he will work 12-hour days to completion by our Palm Sunday deadline. Moving from the old offices to the new is a bit delayed and as soon as more information on the move date is available an announcement will be made. The landscape subcommittee is preparing an overall plan with the help of Prof. Harrington and one of his students from the UW landscaping class that developed some alternatives during the last semester. A furniture subcommittee will decide soon on the needs for the Narthex and the lounge. We hope to have new furniture in place by mid-May. A NOTE ABOUT: our parking lot - the city has notified us they will be modifying the city water mains this summer; which means we will coordinate with them on removing the old pavement, re-grading, and laying new pavement. (This city project will probably take place during the months of June-August) Ed Cothroll Chair, Centennial Building Committee Page 5 HYGIENE KITS in March! When you hear about a disaster in the news, don’t you wonder how you can h e l p ? T h e mi s s i o n committee wants you to know that when we support the One Great Hour of Sharing, we ensure that the church is able to respond right away to provide assistance to victims of disaster. We are also offering the opportunity to assist in another way this year--we will be assembling the Hygiene Kits that are provided to those in need when disaster strikes in a community. We are asking you to help by purchasing items that are needed for the kits. Then we will assemble the kits after worship on Sunday, March 17. We are asking that you buy several of one of the items necessary for the kits. We will put out tags March 3 with a list of what is needed and will ask items to be returned the following week. The items required are very specific, and are all packaged in a re -sealable bag so that they are ready for distribution. Our goal is to provide 50 kits! Please join us in the assembly process—many hands means it will just take a few minutes of your time to help those in need! The kit includes the following items: 1 hand towel (approximately 16" x 28", no fingertip or bath towels) 1 washcloth 1 wide-tooth comb (remove from package) 1 nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards; remove from package) SPOTLIGHT ON MISSION Submitted by Kathy Kamp 1 bar of soap (bath size in wrapper) 1 toothbrush (in original packaging) 6 Band-Aids® or other adhesive bandage strips A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi SPOTLIGHT ON MISSION ONE GREAT HOUR of SHARING SHARING BRINGS JOY TO OTHERS, TO GOD, TO US Through generous gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), Presbyterians have for many years faithfully heeded God’s call to provide assistance to those who suffer the effects of disaster, conflict, or severe economic hardship. Projects are underway in more than 100 countries to serve people seeking to reclaim and restore their lives. Sharing Resources ~ Changing Lives. Please join Christians all across the country in opening their hearts to witness tangibly to the abundant love of God through One Great Hour of Sharing which on Palm Sunday, March 24. Special envelopes are available at church and this offering will be received on Palm Sunday, March 24. Thank you for your longtime support of this offering, as together we are Kathy DePaul, on behalf of the Mission Committee Submitted by Kathy DePaul Page 6 Westminster News WORLD DAY OF PRAYER OFFI CE: 238-3121 STA F F Rev. Alex Thornburg OFFICE HOURS: 7am to 3pm Mon -Thurs. Cell: 338-9905 Home: 467-8993 alexthornburg @gmail.com Rev. Kathleen Owens, Associate Pastor for Education and Mission OFFICE HOURS: 10am to 3:30pm, Mon. - Thurs. The World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. It is a movement initiated and carried out by women in more than 170 countries and regions. It is a movement symbolized by an annual day of celebration – the first Friday of March – to which all people are welcome. It is a movement which brings together women of various races, cultures and traditions in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year. Through World Day of Prayer, on March 1, 2013, women affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence in the world. The motto of the World Day of Prayer is “Informed Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action”. Action ‹ (cell) 608-347-6317 kathleen@westminsterm adison.org Joe Chrisman Minister of Music Home: 288-0872 westminstermusic@ sbcglobal.net Michaeline “Mike” Hansen –Admin Secretary OFFICE HOURS: 8am—5pm Monday Thurs. 8am—12noon Friday Admin. Secretary 238-3121 info@westminster madison.org John Tarr -Administrator OFFICE HOURS: in Monday—Thurs. 12noon to 4pm jtarr@westminster madison.org Dorothy Blotz Accompanist [email protected] Vern Forsberg Pastor Emeritus vernandsallyforsberg @gmail.com February 27, 2013 NINTH HOUR IN MARCH WHAT DO PRESBYTERIANS BELIEVE? Last winter and spring we offered a series on what Presbyterians believe and this year we are back with a new edition full of different topics. The discussion based classes will meet at 9am in the Youth Suite. Each class will be based on articles from the Presbyterians Today issue “What Presbyterians Believe 2.” You are encouraged to pick up the magazine in Fellowship Hall or the Youth Suite to read ahead of the class, but it is not necessary. March topics are: March 3 “A balancing act” March 10 “What happens when we die?” March 17 “Do miracles still happen?” new Narthex for this special intergenerational education opportunity. Palm Sunday Ninth Hour A class convenes weekly showing 30-minute DVD lectures by Prof. of Religious Studies, Tyler Roberts, of Grinnell College; entitled: "Skeptics and Believers: Religious Debate in the Western Intellectual Tradition." Tradition." On Sunday, March 24 all Westminster members are invited to come together for a special 9th Hour opportunity in celebration of Holy Week. We’ll be preparing for our own Palm Sunday parade, and enjoy a dramatic interpretation of the events of Holy Week. In place of children and adult classes we’ll meet at 9am in the The class is facilitated by Ed Daub, in lower level Room #5 and will continue through the sp ring academic semester. The Westminster 2013 membership directory is available at church in Fellowship Hall, to be picked up at your earliest convenience. Keep this book by your phone/computer for easy access to all of the people who participate in the life of WPC. Helpful Online Resource s: www.pcusa.org: www.pcusa.org Presbyterian Church U.S.A. “Hear” the Sunday sermons! Go to the WPC web site, Click on Pastor’s Blog, Click on the dated sermon and listen on line. W ORSHIP L EADERS LITURGISTS: March 3 March 10 March 17 March 24 March 31 IN Newsletter Dates THIS ISSUE FEBRUARY 27, 2013 5 PM ARTICLES DUE W ED . M ARCH 20 Announcements for the Sunday worship bulletin should be emailed to the church secretary no later than noon the Wednesday prior to the worship date. www.jknox.org: www.jknox.org John Knox Presbytery, Richland Center WI 1-800800-424424-7935 Page 7 Westminster is on Facebook! Westminster Presbyterian ChurchMadison, WI MAILING W EDNESDAY 9:30 AM M ARCH 27 5 PM ARTICLES DUE W ED . A PRIL 17 MAILING W EDNESDAY 9:30 AM A PRIL 24 5 PM ARTICLES DUE W ED . M AY 22 MAILING 9:30AM THURSDAY MAY 30 MARCH, 2013 Chris Tabisz Karen Osborne Henry Johnson? Jeff Hayes -Palm Sunday Ed Cothroll 8:15am -Easter -need 10:15am -Easter 1ST GREETERS March 3 Abe & Carrie Aberle March 10 Doug & Juanita Halls March 17 Dick & Peg Zimmer March 24 Wally & Peg Douma -Palm Sunday March 31 ………TBD……………...8:15-Easter ………TBD……………... ………TBD…………….10:15-Easter ………TBD……………. USHERS March 3 Bruce & Liz Murray, Peg & Dick Zimmer March 10 Ed Cothroll, Bob Bush, Doug K., Marge Hamann March 17 Rhea S., Linda K., Karen O., Alice P. March 24 Dick & Peg Zimmer, Dale & Marian Rohde March 31 8:158:15- Doug K., Ed Cothroll, Jan & Jack B. 10:15 10:15:15- Linda & Paul Bishop, Margie Knott, Lee DeSpain 2ND GREETERS (Deacons Assigned) Narthex F. Hall March 3 Cindy Kornetzke Julie Madden March 10 Karen Osborne Kathy DePaul March 17** Jan Browning 17** Ann Rowley March 24 Carrie Aberle Cynthia Bush March 31 {Easter Breakfast is 9am to 10am) COMMUNION SERVERS March 3 (Intinction) Dave Granquist, Sandy Curran Cynthia Bush, Liane Kosaki March 24 –Palm Sunday Abe Aberle, Andrea Kenny, Carl Martin, Liane Kosaki March 31 –Easter (+4) 8:15 (+2) 10:15 Jeff Zebrowski, Ed Cothroll 6 COMMUNION SERVERS NEEDED on Easter ♦ Chair of Worship is Sandy Curran who schedules the Liturgists & Communion servers. Contact her: 469-6100, or [email protected] ♦ Vicki Cothroll schedules the Ushers and Greeters. Contact her 831-4493 or [email protected] ♦ If you cannot serve on the date listed, please find a substitute and contact: the office secretary, 238-3121 or email the church office. ♦ 2nd Greeters, please find a sub with other Deacons & inform the office. ♦ * *The scheduled Board of Deacons meetings are listed, as they affect how much time an after-service greeter may have to serve in Fellowship Hall. Westminster News Page 8 C E L E B R AT E M A R C H B I R T H D AY S ! O U R M E M B E R S 1 Ron Behling Britta Fiddes 4 Isabell Buffat Betty Bush 5 Wally Douma 7 Jeff Butler Agnes Dako 9 Pat Mullin 10 Nell Seiberlich 12 Lou Ann Schermerhorn 14 Connie Jones Bud Waggener 26 Kate Fletcher Toni Vial 28 Kristen Kuecken 29 Sally Jennings 30 Nanci Bjorling Mary Moss Marcia Stockton 31 David Zimmer We do not wish to overlook anyone. If you see that your birthday has not been listed in the monthly newsletter, please call or email the office. We may not have your necessary and full birth date (M/D/Y) in our database MEMBER NOTES We extend our deepest condolences to the family of member, Larry Graham. Larry died at HospiceCare on Feb. 4, surrounded by his wife Judy and family members. A memorial service was held Feb. 10 at Covenant Presbyterian Church; with a reception immediately after at Westminster. Thank you! Throughout Larry's illness your love and support was with us always. Your prayers, phone calls, food and notes blessed us each day. You are truly our church family that sustained us through this journey, thank you. He is finally at peace. from Judy Graham {new email is [email protected]} ‹ February 27, 2013 15 Judi Bradshaw-Rouse Rick Dettloff Kira Dohrn Jones Sarah Hasselkus Bill Toomey Carrie Zellmer 19 David Wright 21 Kathy DePaul Jerry Tarr 23 Benjamin Bishop 25 Julia Sherman Judy Thompson We are all deeply saddened by the death on February 16, of the Rev. M a r y J e a n Bartholomew, Westminster’s Pastor Emerita. She was 88. A service of celebration of Mary Jean’s life and resurrection will be scheduled sometime in mid -April, 2013. ‹ W e w e l c o me n e w members, Doug & Connie Evans…, joining WPC in March, who come to us by transfer from Lake Edge UCC in Madison. Doug is a retired Middle School Counselor and Connie is a retired teacher; they have two grown children, Sarah and Trent. Welcome!! ‹ Congr at u lat ions to members, Jeff & Sarah Hayes, who welcomed a new baby girl, Lucia Marie into their hearts on February 19, and is the new little sister to Anjali & David. ‹ Page 9 PLEASE REMEMBER THESE FRIENDS & FAMILIES IN YOUR PRAYERS... ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Betty Clausen Rev. G. Edwards (Alex) Baby Finnian Gainey (Bush) Judy Graham Millie Gray Britta Fiddes ( HospiceCare) Tara Ker (Alex) Betty Paddock ( Hebron) May Peters Joyce Schultze Ed Sheldon (Ruth) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Nancy Sinha ( St. Mary’s Care Ctr) Carla Smith ( Connie Jones) Martha Snyder Millie Stevens ( Hyland Park Care) Marion Sweet (Elliott) Bill Toomey (Shirley) Toni Vial Bud Waggener ( Katherine) Bob Watson ( T. Bear) Jim Zellmer Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha VBS PLANNING TEAM As we enter a New Year plans for the summer are already in the works. This means it is time to start thinking about Vacation Bible School! We will host our own Westminster VBS this year in our new building. The Education committee is forming a sub-committee to work specifically on VBS plans. If you have an interest in exploring potential themes, developing creative plans for educating our children and inviting other children in please consider being part of the 2013 VBS team! The VBS team will meet about once every six weeks until June. If you are interested please contact Pastor Kathleen. PEN PALS NEEDED FOR THOREAU STUDENTS We have a new opportunity to increase our relationship with students at Thoreau Elementary by forming pen pals between our members and students. It is very helpful for children to have the opportunity to practice their writing skills by writing letters. Pen pals are needed to write back and give the students some practice with their reading as well. mission trip to St. Paul, Minnesota. We also enjoyed the opportunity to share a fav or i te ga me w i th everyone. Thank you especially to all the people who helped to make the event happen by making soup, or bringing bread or cookies. ‹ Please let Pastor Kathleen know if you are interested. ‹ THANK YOU!! The youth would like to thank everyone who p a r t ic i pa t e d i n t h e Westminster Jeopardy game and soup lunch on Feb. 24. We raised $450 for our LET’S FILL THE MITTEN TREE THRU MARCH! Page 10 Westminster News YOUTH COUNCIL The Youth Council will meet after worship on March 10 in the Youth Suite. We’ll be reviewing the Jeopardy Game & Lunch, and looking toward our other fundraisers and the Easter Egg Hunt! Adults are welcome! O U R MEALS FOR SPAM When our youth gather on Sunday evenings for SPAM, they enjoy sharing a meal together. This is a highlight as our Middle and High School students sit down and share the highs and lows of their week (an adaptation of the Prayer of Examen) while breaking bread together. Church members are invited to bring a meal and join with us. Plates, utensils & drinks are here. We just need food for 10-15 delivered to the Youth Suite at 5pm! The sign-up sheet is on the Youth Suite bulletin board. HOLY WEEK MOVIE NIGHT, NIGHT, MARCH 24 All youth and friends are invited to the Youth Suite on Sunday, March 24 from 47pm for a movie and pizza. EASTER EGG HUNT The youth will host an Easter Egg Hunt for those under the age of 10 at 9:45am on Easter Sunday, March 31. The Egg Hunt will take place indoors this year. Children are invited to come to the Youth Suite to decorate their bags and then head out for the hunt. Youth helping with the hunt— meet in the Youth Suite at 9:30. February 27, 2013 We’ll also be working on filling the eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt (and probably eating some of that candy too). Y O U T H Page 11 PWW CIRCLE SCHEDULE We welcome all women for fellowship, mission concerns and bible study. Due to construction at the church this fall, meeting places will vary from the church lounge so watch the Sunday bulletin or call your circle’s contact person. ABIGAI L DORCAS CI RCL E 3RD TUESDAY EACH MONTH 9:30 AM ESTHER NAOMI CIR CLE 3RD TUESDAY EACH MONTH 1:00 PM MARY ELIZABETH CIR CLE 3RD THURSDAY MONTHLY 5:30PM SUPPER & MEETING Call: Lee DeSpain 827-6064 Call: Ruth Hein 273-4724 Call: Cynthia Bush 276-9318 SERVE/COOK at SHELTER! Contact KATHY KAMP to help serve or cook [441-0970] - the sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall. Our next PANTRY Sundays are March 3 and April 7 Contributions can be most non-perishable items and can be placed into the Pantry Box near Fellowship Hall. The next date to serve dinner at PRES HOUSE is MARCH 17 Contact Sandy Curran, [4696100], to help. Serving is the third Sunday each month at 5pm. FROM THE STATED SESSION SESS ION MEETING HELD MONDAY, FEB. 25, 2013 The quarterly meeting of John Knox Presbytery met via video conferencing on Saturday February 16; the Madison site was Covenant Presbyterian. Pastor Alex and Elder Peggy Douma attended. WPC Stewardship Committee proposal for accounting procedures were approved: 1. Any potential transfers (carryovers), of budgeted funds from the current year to the next year, must be presented in writing to the Budget Committee before October 31 of any year. 2. All receipts for WPC expenses must be submitted on a monthly basis and at the end of year no later than Dec. 31. WPC Mission Committee request to fund food for the homeless shelter was approved. On first Sundays, we will collect food for Allied Drive pantry and use loose bills in the plate for the homeless shelter meals. Coin donations will continue to go to the children's mission project. Opportunities to Serve: Elder, Jeff Zebrowski reported that we need people on the Nominating Committee; and Elder, Jake Burris is looking for additional members to serve with the Personnel Committee. Westminster will host a full Presbytery meeting on Tuesday May 21st and we need a committee to plan lunch and coffee breaks for 80 or more people. See Pastor Alex. NON-P ROF I T ORG U. S . P OS T AGE P AI D M ADI S ON WI P E RM I T NO. 996 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Westminster Presbyterian Church 4100 Nakoma Rd Madison WI 53711 We Are Especially Thankful for... Call: 608-238-3121 Email: [email protected] Fax: 608-441-7798 Facebook: Westminster Presbyterian Church-Madison, WI Wes tmins ter M issio n Ever seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, we strive to follow Jesus Christ by being… Attentive to the Word, Faithful to our covenant with God and each other, and Diligent in ministering to the needs of the world. Westminster is a member of the Covenant Network, welcoming & honoring all! See Page 2 March 3 3rd Sunday in Lent 10:15 Worship and Holy Communion March 10 4th Sunday in Lent 10:15 Worship March 17 5th Sunday in Lent 10:15 Worship March 24 Palm Sunday 10:15 Worship and Holy Communion March 28 Maundy Thursday 7pm Worship and Holy Communion March 29 Good Friday 7pm Worship March 31 {No education classes} Easter Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:15 and Holy Communion 9 to 10am Easter Breakfast 9:45 Easter Egg Hunt Child Care all morning Please Join Us! 9am Education classes for all ages 10:15 Worship Child care all morning & Coffee Fellowship after the service
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