Announcements – Fall 2015 October 6, 2015 CSE4701 Homework 3 – Due Friday Oct 9, 11:59pm Part A: Design and ER Diagram from Written Spec and your Own Input/Assumptions Part B: EER to Relation Translation Midterm Exam – We will Review on Thurs 10/8 Tuesday Oct 13, 5:00-6:30pm ITE134 & 138 Advice: Sample Exam and Soln: Use BBALL Sample Schema ANN.1 Homework 3 – Part A ER Diagram Design CSE4701 Construct ER Diagram (no Inheritance) for Peoplesoft Basic Demo: Name, NetID, Email, Peoplesoft#, Major, Minor etc. Departments – Name, Code, School, etc. Courses - Dept, Num, Name, Descr, Credits, etc. Offerings – Course/Instructot, Yr, Sem, Section, etc. Grad report (per course and its offering) Planned Schedule (Shopping Cart) Supporting registration process/rosters/waitlists Supporting Plan of Study Augment requirements with your own assumptions Recommend – use the PPT in cse4701hw3.docx Right Click – Presentation Object – Open – opens powerpoint so you can save as a PPT to modify ANN.2 Homework 3 – Part B EER to Relational Conversion CSE4701 Given a EER for Pharmacy with Patients, Physicians, Drugs, Companies, etc. Basic Tracking Info Defined Scenario of usage explained EER Diagram provided ANN.3 Homework 3 – Part B EER to Relational Conversion CSE4701 ANN.4 Algorithm for EER to Relat Conversion CSE4701 STEP 1: CONVERT EACH ENTITY CREATE A TABLE STEP 2: WEAK ENTITIES CREATE TABLE LINK TO STRONG STEP 3: 1-1 RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE FKEY IN ONE OF TWO STEP 4: 1- MANY INCLUDE REFERNCE FKEY TO MANY SIDE STEP 5: MANY-MANY NEW TABLE STEP 6: MULTI-VALUED NEW TABLE STEP 7: N-ARY (3 or MORE) NEW TABLE STEP 8: INHERITANCE ANN.5 In Class Exercise 1 – 9/29/15 Class Convert the Following Diagram to a Equivalent Set of relational tables CSE4701 ANN.6 EER to Relat Algorithm Steps CSE4701 STEP 1: CONVERT EACH ENTITY CREATE A TABLE STEP 2: WEAK ENTITIES CREATE TABLE LINK TO STRONG STEP 3: 1-1 RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE FKEY IN ONE OF TWO STEP 4: 1- MANY INCLUDE REFERNCE FKEY TO MANY STEP 5: MANY-MANY NEW TABLE STEP 6: MULTI-VALUED NEW TABLE STEP 7: N-ARY (3 or MORE) NEW TABLE STEP 8: INHERITANCE ANN.7 What are Necessary Steps? CSE4701 STEP 1: CONVERT EACH ENTITY CREATE A TABLE for BANK, CUSTOMER, AND ACCOUNT: BANK(CODE, NAME, ADDR) ACCOUNT(ACCTNO, BALANCE, TYPE) CUSTOMER(SSN, NAME, PHONE, ADDR) LOAN(LOANNO, AMOUNT, TYPE) STEP 2: WEAK ENTITIES CREATE TABLE LINK TO STRONG BANK_BRANCH(BCODE, BRANCHNO, ADDR) STEP 4: 1- MANY INCLUDE REFERNCE FKEY TO MANY SIDE – ADD BNO ˃ACCOUNT(ACCTNO, BALANCE, TYPE, BNO) STEP 5: MANY-MANY NEW TABLES LOAN(LOANNO, AMOUNT, TYPE, BCODE, BNO) A_C(SSN, ACCTNO) L_C(SSN, LOANNO) ANN.8 In Class Exercise 2 Convert the Following Diagram to a Equivalent Set of relational tables CSE4701 ANN.9 EER to Relat Algorithm Steps CSE4701 STEP 1: CONVERT EACH ENTITY CREATE A TABLE STEP 2: WEAK ENTITIES CREATE TABLE LINK TO STRONG STEP 3: 1-1 RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE FKEY IN ONE OF TWO STEP 4: 1- MANY INCLUDE REFERNCE FKEY TO MANY STEP 5: MANY-MANY NEW TABLE STEP 6: MULTI-VALUED NEW TABLE ANN.10 What are Necessary Steps? CSE4701 STEP 1: CONVERT EACH ENTITY CREATE TABLES for SHIP, SHIP_TYPE, STATE_COUNTRY, SEAOCEANLAKE: SHIP(SNAME, OWNER) SHIP_TYPE ( TYPE, TONNAGE, HULL) STATE_COUNTRY(NAME, CONTINENT) SEAOCEANLAKE (NAME) STEP 2: WEAK ENTITIES CREATE TABLES LINK TO STRONG SHIP_MOVEMENT(SSNAME, DATE, TIME, LONG, LAT) PORT(PNAME, S_C_NAME, S_O_L_NAME) VISIT(VSNAME, VPNAME, STARTDATE, ENDDATE) STEP 4: 1- MANY INCLUDE REFERNCE FKEY TO MANY SIDE – ADD TYPE, NAME SHIP(SNAME, OWNER, TYPE, PNAME) ANN.11 In Class Mega Exercise 3 User UName UState UPasswd UFName ULName UStreet1 UStreet2 UCity UZip UEmail Uphone UFax UCell UHomePage CSE4701 o Administrator APrivileges AExpirDate APasswd Seeker Payment PaymentID PAmount PStatus PDate Invoice INumber IDate d Poster PPosition PContactEmail Two Inheritance Hierarchies for UConnJobSearch. CreditCard CCNumber CCType CCExpirDate CCDate BankPayment BName BNumber BAcctNumber OnLineService SName STransID SFee ANN.12 In Class Mega Exercise 3 Education EUniversity EDegreeType EDegreeArea EGPA EStartDate EGradDate n DEGREES Seeker 1 1 CSE4701 Poster PPosition PContactEmail 1 Company CName CStreet1 CStreet2 CCity CZip CEmail CPhone CFax CCell CHomePage 1 WORKS FOR LISTS 1 1 1 ApplicationID Resume ResumeID RLName RFName RObjective RSalaryMin RFileName RFilePath 1 PRIOR JOBS n POST&PAY 1 1 n Payment PaymentID PAmount PStatus PDate JOBS LIST n APPLIES n Job JobID JListDate JobTitle JCity, JZip Jduties JYRSExperience **JDegreeTypes **JDegreeAreas JLowRange JHighRange JFillStatus n DateApplied SKILL SET n 1 JOB SKILLS n Skill SSkillID SSkillName PriorJobs PJCompanyName PJJobTitle PJDuties PJCity PJState PJStartDate PJEndDate **Attributes are multi-valued attributes Remaining Entities and Relationships for UConnJobSearch. ANN.13 EER to Relat Algorithm Steps CSE4701 STEP 1: CONVERT EACH ENTITY CREATE A TABLE STEP 2: WEAK ENTITIES CREATE TABLE LINK TO STRONG STEP 3: 1-1 RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE FKEY IN ONE OF TWO STEP 4: 1- MANY INCLUDE REFERNCE FKEY TO MANY STEP 5: MANY-MANY NEW TABLE STEP 6: MULTI-VALUED NEW TABLE STEP 7: N-ARY (3 or MORE) NEW TABLE STEP 8: INHERITANCE ANN.14 Step 1: Regular Entities CSE4701 USER (UName, UState, UPasswd, UFName, ULName, UStreet1, UStreet2, UCity, UZip, UEmail, UPhone, UFax, UCell, UHomepage) COMPANY (CName, CStreet1, CStreet2, CCity, CZip, CEmail, CPhone, CFax, CCell, CHomepage) RESUME (ResumeID, RLName, RFName, RObjective, RSalaryMin, RFileName, RFilePath) SKILL (SSkillID, SSkillName) PAYMENT (PaymentID, UName, PAmount, PStatus, PDate) JOB (JobID, CName, JListDate, JobTitle, JCity, JZip, JDuties, JYrsExperience, **JDegreeTypes, **JDegreeAreas, JLowRange, JHighRange, JFillStatus) ANN.15 Step 2: Weak Entities CSE4701 EDUCATION (ResumeID, EUniversity, EDegreeType, EDegreeArea, EGPA, EStartDate, EGradDate) PRIORJOBS (ResumeID, PJCompanyName, PJJobTitle, PJDuties, PJCity, PJState, PJStartDate, PJEndDate) ANN.16 Step 8: Subclasses (Do before Step 3) CSE4701 ADMINSTRATOR (UName, APrivileges, AExpirDate, APasswd) SEEKER (UName) POSTER (UName, PPosition, PContactEmail) INVOICE (PaymentID, INumber, IDate) CREDITCARD (PaymentID, CCNumber, CCType, CCExpirDate, CCDate) BANKPAYMENT (PaymentID, BName, BNumber, BAcctNumber) ONLINESERVICE (PaymentID, SName, STransID, SFee) ANN.17 Steps 3, 4 & 7: 1-1,1-m, m-n, n-ary 1-1 CSE4701 RESUME (ResumeID, UName, RLName, RFName, RObjective, RSalaryMin, RFileName, RFilePath) SEEKER (UName, ResumeID) 1-m JOB (JobID, CName, JListDate, JobTitle, JCity, JZip, JDuties, JYrsExperience, **JDegreeTypes, **JDegreeAreas, JLowRange, JHighRange, JFillStatus, ApplicationID, Applicant, DateApplied) m-n REQUIRESSKILL (JobID, SkillID) HASSKILL (ResumeID, SkillID) n-ary - POST&PAY (Poster, PaymentID, JobID) ANN.18 Step 6: Multi-valued Attributes CSE4701 Add: DEGREETYPE (CName, JobID, JDegreeType) DEGREEAREA (CName, JobID, JDegreeArea) Change: JOB (JobID, CName, JListDate, JobTitle, JCity, JZip, JDuties, JYrsExperience, **JDegreeTypes, **JDegreeAreas, JLowRange, JHighRange, JFillStatus) To JOB (JobID, CName, JListDate, JobTitle, JCity, JZip, JDuties, JYrsExperience, JLowRange, JHighRange, JFillStatus, ApplicationID, Applicant, DateApplied) ANN.19 Final Set of Tables CSE4701 USER (UName, UState, UPasswd, UFName, ULName, UStreet1, UStreet2, UCity, UZip, UEmail, UPhone, UFax, UCell, UHomepage) COMPANY (CName, CStreet1, CStreet2, CCity, CZip, CEmail, CPhone, CFax, CCell, CHomepage) RESUME (ResumeID, UName, RLName, RFName, RObjective, RSalaryMin, RFileName, RFilePath) SKILL (SSkillID, SSkillName) PAYMENT (PaymentID, UName, PAmount, PStatus, PDate) JOB (JobID, CName, JListDate, JobTitle, JCity, JZip, JDuties, JYrsExperience, JLowRange, JHighRange, JFillStatus, ApplicationID, Applicant, DateApplied) EDUCATION (ResumeID, EUniversity, EDegreeType, EDegreeArea, EGPA, EStartDate, EGradDate) PRIORJOBS (UName, PJCompanyName, PJJobTitle, PJDuties, PJCity, PJState, PJStartDate, PJEndDate) ANN.20 Final Set of Tables CSE4701 ADMINSTRATOR (UName, APrivileges, AExpirDate, APasswd) SEEKER (UName, ResumeID) POSTER (UName, CName, PPosition, PContactEmail) INVOICE (PaymentID, INumber, IDate) CREDITCARD (PaymentID, CCNumber, CCType, CCExpirDate, CCDate) BANKPAYMENT (PaymentID, BName, BNumber, BAcctNumber) ONLINESERVICE (PaymentID, SName, STransID, SFee) REQUIRESSKILL (JobID, SkillID) HASSKILL (ResumeID, SkillID) DEGREETYPE (CName, JobID, JDegreeType) DEGREEAREA (CName, JobID, JDegreeArea) POST&PAY (Poster, PaymentID, JobID) ANN.21 Announcements – Fall 2015 September 15 CSE4701 Homework 2 – Basic and Advanced SQL Northwind and Chinook DBs Eight Problems – 4 on Each Schema ANN.22 Homework 2 - Two 4 part Problems CSE4701 Due: Monday 9/21, 11:59pm Instructions to load DB and perform SQL queries Chinook Database Sample: Digital media store, tables for artists, albums, media tracks, etc. NorthwindExtended Database Sample – Database of Employees, Customers, Suppliers, etc. ANN.23 Northwind Schema CSE4701 ANN.24 Homework Problem 2.1: Chinook CSE4701 Find all of the playlist(s) that contain the largest number of pop tracks and return the artist name and amount of tracks. Find all artist(s) that have the most tracks classified as “Rock”, “Jazz”, “Rock And Roll”, “Pop”, and “Classical”, sorted by Genre Name and then by Artist name, and return the artist name, genre, and amount of tracks. Note that more than one artist may have ths ame number of most tracks. Find the name of the artist and the name of each track for all artists with more than 5 tracks. Note that an artist can have multiple tracks without having an album. For the artist “AC/DC”, find the playlist(s) which contains the most tracks. Return the artist and Name of the Playlist. There may be more than one playlist with the most tracks. ANN.25 Chinook Schema CSE4701 ANN.26 Homework Problem 2.2: Northwind CSE4701 Find the list of all customers from United Kingdom sorted by Company Name in ascending order and return the company Name and Country. Find the number of customers that are located in each country. Your query should return just a number representing the number of customers who are located in each country. Find the product ID, Product Name, UnitsInStock, ReorderLevel, and the shortage amount (sorted by Shortage amount in Descending order) where the ShoratgeAmount is a calculated column and it is defined as ShortageAmount: ReorderLevel - UnitsInStock Hint: Only list products that that have ShortageAmount > 0 Find the Product Name, UnitPrice, and UnitsInStock and Sorted by ProductName for all products where the product name start with “Ch”. ANN.27 Initial MySQL Workbench Screen CSE4701 ANN.28 Instructions – import .sql file CSE4701 ANN.29 Instructions – Query DB CSE4701 ANN.30 Instructions – Query DB CSE4701 ANN.31 Instructions – Generate EER CSE4701 ANN.32 Instructions – Generate EER CSE4701 ANN.33 Instructions – Generate EER CSE4701 ANN.34 CSE4701 Chinook EER ANN.35 Chinook_Schema&referringTitle=Documentation CSE4701 ANN.36 Albums and Tracks If you want to see data: SELECT * FROM CHINOOK.ALBUM; CSE4701 SELECT * FROM CHINOOK.TRACK; ANN.37 Explaining Chinook Schema CSE4701 Employees and Customers are Two Main DB Users Repository Track Artists and Their Albums Each Album has Multiple Tracks Tracks are of a Particular Media and Genre Customers can Also Create Playlists of Tracks Customers have Invoices Each Invoice has Multiple Lines Each Line References one Track ANN.38 Another HW3 Hint – What about Problem 3.3c? CSE4701 Find all of print album name and tracks of all of the albums by the composer James Hetfield, grouped by Album What Does Data for Track Look Like? SELECT NAME, COMPOSER FROM CHINOOK.TRACK; ANN.39 Another HW3 Hint – What about Problem 3.3c? CSE4701 There are other Spellings to Consider: J. Hetfield There are some Hetfields without First Name or Initial What SQL Command is Needed for Searching Composer? LIKE is Used to Compare Partial Strings '%' (or '*') Replaces an Arbitrary # of characters '_' replaces a single arbitrary character SELECT FNAME, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ADDRESS LIKE '%Houston,TX% ' ANN.40 Explaining Northwind Schema CSE4701 Suppliers: A Suppliers Contact Info and web link. Products: Names, suppliers, and Prices Categories: Categories of Northwind products such as Beverages, Condiments, Confections, Dairy Products, Grains/Cereals, Meat/Poultry, Produce, Seafood Orders: For each Customer with dates &Shipping Order Details: Products, quantities, and price. Employees: Typical Info. Customers: Typical Info. Shippers: Typical Info. ANN.41 Northwind Schema CSE4701 Northwind EER ANN.42 SELECT * FROM NORTHWIND.PRODUCTS; CSE4701 ANN.43 Another HW3 Hint – What about Problem 3.4b and c? CSE4701 Count and print the number of suppliers for each of the eight different categories of food which by name are: Beverages, Condiments, Confections, Dairy Products, Grains/Cereals, Meat/Poultry, Produce, Seafood For each country (ShipCountry in Orders), total the Freight charges. The countries are: France, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Switzerland, Venezuela, Austria, Mexico, USA, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, UK, Ireland, Portugal, Canada, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Argentina Need to use Both Grouping and Aggregation Operations See Slides 123 and 124 from Chapter 8 ANN.44 Announcements – Fall 2015 September 8 CSE4701 Homework 1: Assigned Today Due – Monday, September 14, 11:59 pm Submit to Homework 1 on HuskyCT ANN.45 Homework 1 – 5 Problems Writing Relational Algebra Queries Utilizing the TV/Movie Schema – pgs 2 and 3 CSE4701 ANN.46 Homework 1 – 5 Problems Explaining the Tables CSE4701 Person Table: A person can be a Director or an Actor. TVShows Table: ShowName in combination with StartYear forms the key. Episodes Table: For each TV Show, the Episodes for its entire run (all years in sequential order) Movies Table: MovieName in combination with Year forms the key. Roles Table: Roles are tracked by Show (Movie or TV). TVRoles and MovieRoles Tables: Actors are identified by the roles that they play in a given show. TVDirector and MovieDirectors Tables: Directors are identified by the movies and TV shows they direct in a year. ANN.47 Third Page Shows Tuples CSE4701 ANN.48 Third Page Shows Tuples CSE4701 ANN.49 Five Problems CSE4701 Find the names (Last and First) and State of All persons that were in a Movie in 1997 All persons that were in a TV show in 1987. All persons that were in either a Movie in 1997 or a TV show in 1987 All persons that were in both a Movie in 1997 or a TV show in 1987 Find the last names (Last and First) of the directors for all Movies and TV Shows that have the same name (TV Show and Movie have the same names). Find the names (Last and First Name) of all actors and their roles for “Friends” for Episodes 11 to 25. Find the names (Last and First) that played the same Role in a TV and a Movie who won an Emmy for the TV role but did not win an Oscar for the Movie role. Find the names of all Shows or Movies that have won an Emmy (TV Show) or Oscar (Movie). ANN.50 Let’s Look at Problem 1a CSE4701 Find the names (Last and First) and State of All persons that were in a Movie in 1997 What are Tables that we Need? Movies to get 1997 Movies by Year MovieRoles to Find the PersonID for all Actors in those Movies Person to Use to Find Last/First Names Identify Needed Info by Table and How Link ANN.51 Let’s Look at Problem 1a Find the names (Last and First) and State of All persons that were in a Movie in 1997 Find the Movies in 1997 CSE4701 Movies1997(ShowID) = ShowID ( Year=1997 (Movies)) Find the Actors in those Movies by Movie Roles MovieActors(PersonID) = PersonID( Link those Actors to the Person Table 1a.Answer Movies1997.ShowID=MovieRoles.ShowID (Movies1997 x MovieRoles)) = Lname,Fname,State(Person.PersonID = AllActors.PersonID(Person x MovieActors)) ANN.52
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