Southminster Presbyterian Church ~ November 2014 New in the Pew I suspect many of you would say you are a friendly congregation. And I think that is true. I would like to challenge us to be more intentional about being a truly welcoming congregation. Here are a few things I’ve noticed, where I think we could be even more welcoming than we already are. When visitors arrive for worship, I often see them sitting by themselves before worship begins. I see church members sitting near them, but not speaking to them. I totally get that after a week of not seeing people, you want to catch up with your friends, and I don’t want to stop that. I invite you to keep your eyes open for people sitting by themselves. How could you welcome them in worship? I’ve mentioned this before, but some visitors arrive after worship has begun. I know you ALL like to sit in the back rows, leaving the front rows with the nice views open for visitors, but that requires visitors, who might already be nervous in a new place, and self conscious about being late, to walk to the front of the sanctuary in front of all those strangers. How would that make you feel if you were visiting for the first or second time? Are we really committed to being a welcoming church? Would you be willing to save those seats for late comers? Sometimes visitors sit in the seats that God gave your family after the Exodus. I appreciate that you are a congregation that is willing to let people sit in your “usual” seats. That is a sign of a welcoming congregation. Some people do like to sneak into worship and then race out the door as soon as worship ends, and that is fine. But others may be looking for an invitation to come downstairs for coffee fellowship. Some people may want an invitation to come sit with you at coffee. Some people may just be wondering where the bathrooms are. Some people may be wondering if someone would invite them to Sunday School. You are one of the friendliest churches I’ve been a part of. How could we make sure we are more than friendly? How could we be even more welcoming and help people find a home with us? Many of you reading this are new people—almost half of our worshipping congregation is new since I arrived in 2008. It means you remember what it is like to be new in the pew. I’m grateful for the ways this church passes on what it means to be a Southminsterian while also being willing to let newer members add their own understanding of where God is leading us. In Isaiah 43:19, God says, “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” The new things God does in our midst don’t always make us comfortable. Yet they always call us more deeply into relationship and trust in God. Grateful to be on this journey with you. Blessings, Marci 1 SOUTHMINSTER ORDER OF ST. LUKE PRAYER MINISTRY Everyone is welcome to join us the third Monday of each month at 7pm in the Jean Moore Youth room for prayer. We are honored to be able to pray for you! You can stay after we pray for you and participate in our study work and follow -up prayers or leave as your schedule allows. If you are interested in joining Southminsters Order of St. Luke prayer ministry, call any of us for more information: Carol Brunlinger, Chaplain, 376-8673; Cathy Barkell 322-4914; Dorothy Peterson, 343-6898; Steve and Phyllis Sanderson, 344-1376; Rita Wood, 376-2018. Deadline The deadline for the December newsletter is November 20th Serving in November November 2nd Liturgist: Jill Gertje Greeter: Kate Christiaens Ushers: Cora Beatty, Virginia Gabica, Marva Wertz, Sara Nevill Servers: Alan Cameron, Steve Crume, Geri Metzger, Juno Van Ocker Rev Joanna Dunn has accepted a new call, to serve a church in Rochester, Michigan. By the time you read this, she will have already moved. Her husband, Edward, our Presbytery exec and former interim pastor here at Southminster is still in town for a few more weeks, finishing up the good work he has done for Boise Presbytery. I have asked him to preach Nov 9 at Southminster, so we can have one more opportunity to worship with him before he goes to join the family in Michigan. I am grateful for the ways we are connected as Presbyterians, and grateful for having had the privilege to be colleagues with Edward and Joanna in this presbytery the past 6 years. Hope you can join us on the 9th to send him off with our love and prayers! November 9th Liturgist: Kay Hamilton Greeter: Nancy Amell Ushers: Evan & Nina Chambers, Maxine Wright, Loleeta Gwin Look for sign up sheets for the Sunday mornings Coffee Hour Fellowship on the bulletin board in the Narthex. November 16th Liturgist: Florence Niba Greeter: Loleeta Gwin Ushers: Paul & Noreen Pusey Jonah & Ron Baker Join us for Game Night Tuesday the 25th at 7:00 pm See Kay Hamilton if you have ?’s. November 22nd (Saturday Evening) Liturgist: Cheryl Marshall Greeter: Geri Metzger Ushers: Sally Tollinger, Carla Middleton, David & Lori Stokes November 30th Liturgist: Nancy McConaughey Greeter: Gloria Levis Ushers: Larry & Patsy Chase Pete & Laurie Cavey Coordinators Lunch fellowship on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at noon at Casa Mexico in Hyde Park ‐ Boise Bible study and breakfast the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30am at SPC. Liturgists and Servers ~ Lindy Reagan Greeters ~ Juno Van Ocker Ushers ~ Glenn Romig 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Presbytery PW Bldg in use 12-5 2 3 4 5 Worship 9:30 Stewardship Dedication Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm PWS Gathering 11:00 Brownies 6:30—7:30 Education Hour 11 Puppets Noon Time Change Deacons 7pm 6 10 11 Veterans Day 12 Horizon Study 11:00 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Church Office Closed Al-Anon PFLAG 7:00pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Men’s Lunch noon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Committees 7pm 16 17 18 19 Worship 9:30 Merry Martha 7:30am Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Noon Naomi & Ruth Circles 9:30 Rachel Circle 1:00 Puppets Noon OSL 7:00pm Brewed 4 Thought 6:30pm 23 Sabbath Sunday No Service T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm 8 Presbytery Mtg Bldg in use 9-3 Marci in New Mexico Worship 9:30 Education Hour 11 AA Group 7:30pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 9 Education Hour 11 7 Noon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Noon 20 Session 7pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 24 25 26 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Book Club 7:00pm Gold Rush 7:00pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Men’s Lunch noon Al-Anon Game night 7pm 30 Worship 9:30 Education Hour 11 3 21 22 Worship 5:00pm T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Newsletter deadline 27 Marci on vacation 15 AA Group 7:30pm AA Group 7:30pm Noon Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 14. T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 Brownies 6:30—7:30 Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm 13 SAGES 11:30 T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm 28 29 AA Group 7:30pm Neighborhood Breakfast 9-11 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Cana room in use 5-8 PWS Gathering 11:00 Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 Noon Fri 4 5 T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm AA Group 7:30pm 11 12 T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm AA Group 7:30pm Sat 6 SPC Handbell Concert 7pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Deacons 7pm 7 8 9 10 Worship 9:30 Horizon Study 11:00 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Lunch noon Al-Anon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm PFLAG 7:00pm Education Hour 11 Puppets Noon Brownies 6:30—7:30 Noon 13 Ana room in use 10 am—8 pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 Committees 7pm Marci on study leave 14 15 16 17 18 19 Worship 9:30 Merry Martha 7:30am Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Noon Naomi & Ruth Circles 9:30 Rachel Circle 1:00 T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm AA Group 7:30pm 25 26 27 AA Group 7:30pm Neighborhood Breakfast 9-11 Education Hour 11 OSL 7:00pm Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Session 7pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 21 22 23 24 Worship 9:30 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Book Club 7:00pm Gold Rush 7:00pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Men’s Lunch noon Al-Anon Education Hour 11 Christmas Joy Offering Puppets Noon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Worship Service 5:00 Noon 5:00 & 7:00 pm 28 Sabbath Sunday No Service 20 29 30 31 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Al-Anon 4 Noon We were sad to learn from the fall issue of the Haiti Education Foundation newsletter of the death of Dr. William (Bill) Landers, the oldest son of Dr. Gardner and Frances Landers. Over a thirteen year period of mission trips with his wife, Lynn, his brother, Dr. James Landers, Gardner and Frances, Bill volunteered at a tiny hospital in Leogane, Haiti and made a special difference in the lives of many Haitians through a program of screening to determine the cases of blindness. Many at Southminster will remember his wife Lynn, who accompanied Frances when she was a speaker during a Womens Sunday service several years ago. If you haven’t already turned in your 2015 Pledge form make sure you bring it with you to church on November 2nd—we will be dedicating our pledges during the service. The Saturday Sabbath Service in November will be on the 22nd. PWS Moderator Musings What a fun-filled, interesting Gathering we have planned for the 5th of November. Fran Ciarlo will be explaining the Portrait Help Project This project helps collaboration among professional photographers, hairstylists, makeup artists, computer gurus, all of whom volunteer their time, to provide free portraits for people in need. We will be helping by bringing new or gently used 8x10 and 5x7 picture frames. If you haven’t brought hats, gloves and scarves for the Agency for New Americans and wish to do so, please bring them to the Gathering. Rita Multerer will be delivering them that day. We will also dedicate the Thank Offering. Hope YOU can come: business meeting at 11, lunch at 12 and speaker at 12:30. Thanks once more to members, friends and neighbors for helping make our bazaar a great success. SO many worked SO hard and we had much good fun and fellowship also. And, of course, our sale would never succeed without all our wonderful and generous customers. Bless you all. Approximately 16 of us attended the retreat weekend at Nazareth Center. So informative and well done. We appreciated Connie Clark’s talk on her Appalachia Experience here at the church on November 1. Thanks to Lindy Reagan and all who helped with reception afterwards. It’s always so gratifying to have so many helpful people, no matter what we do. Enjoy our beautiful fall weather, and have a blessed Thanksgiving. Best wishes, Carolyn Warner 343-5421 5 The woman at Southminsters Presbyterian Church have completed another successful Holiday Bazaar. Thank you to this loving and caring congregation. Also thank you to all the members and friends that help make this bazaar possible. As of this time the bazaar has made $4558.05 to help go towards the different missions. God has truly bless this church and congregation. In Christ Love, Gloria Levis, Lindy Reagan, and all PWS Members. The church office will be closed November 11th in observance of So THANKFUL to the Newsletter Before going to bed Saturday night November 1st Remembering the words of Christ, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (from Acts 20:35) There are many options for those seeking to give alternative gifts during the holiday season (or at other times, too). Recently, the Presbyterian Church published this year’s Giving Catalog. In this catalog, you can choose gifts that will radically improve the lives of people across the globe like livestock, seeds, water filtration systems, school supplies, cleaning tools, or pots and pans. For a complete list of gift options, check out the 2014 Presbyterian Giving Catalog---Print copies will be available in the narthex; you can also access the catalog online at gifts/. The Haiti Education Foundation is another alternative gift option. Frances Marshal Landers, a Presbyterian Elder from El Dorado, Arkansas, founded this organization, which strives to provide quality education to the children of Haiti. Possible gifts include scholarships for one or more children, school supplies, and goats for families with young children. More information is available in the narthex; you can also find information online at Take time to review these alternative gift options NOW. The mission committee will be ready to take your orders after worship on Nov 9th and 16th. We will have cards that you can use to send to your loved ones, notifying them of the special gift you have given in their honor. Thank you for considering this opportunity for gift giving! 6 SAGES will meet again on November 13 (Thursday) at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for a catered lunch followed by a program dealing with tax issues relevant to older adults. The speaker is a CPA, Bill Martin, who specializes in the applications of recent tax law changes. All older adults are invited to join us in our SAGES activities. If you have not been contacted, please let our church office know of your interest so that we can put your names on our contact list. We hope to see another great turnout for this program. Your Planning Committee: Darleen Gilbert, Kathryn Nicholas, Marva Wertz, Paul Pusey, Harvey Pitman, and Glenn Romig. Carolyn Warner Glen McConaughey Barbara Cole Marva Wertz Judy Varvel Marci Glass Nancy Crawford Donald Hyde Larry Andrews Charese Kelly Scott Blackhurst Carol Town Ingred Stokes Marie Collier Geri Metzger James Sower 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 12th 14th 15th 17th 18th 19th 23rd 24th 26th 27th 30th Southminster Session Rev. Marci Auld Glass: Moderator Leila Inlow: Clerk Richard Anderson: Treasurer Andy Dahlke: Stewardship Chair Carrie Lillard: Parish Life Chair & Nomina ng Lori Casady: Parish Life Larry Andrews: Personnel Alan Cameron: Building & Grounds Dawn Phillips: Worship & Nomina ng Jill Gertje: Personnel Randy Marshall: Outreach Chair Julie Anderson: Chris an Ed Jim Multerer: Stewardship Jim Smithers: Building & Grounds & Outreach Steve Crume: Mission If we missed your special day please let Susan in the Church office know. Deacons Loleeta Gwin Geri Metzger Moderator Kate Chris aens Rita Multerer Lori Stokes Marva Wertz Juno Van Ocker Gloria Levis Nancy Amell Judy Varvel Carol Town Carolyn Blackhurst (Temp) November 16th at 6:30pm Louie's in Meridian See Randy Marshall if you have any questions. All are welcome. 7 #5 #2 #7 #1 #6 #10 #3 #9 #8 #12 #4 #11 Southminster Presbyterian Church 6500 W. Overland Road Boise ID 83709-2099 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT NO. 121 Return Service Requested If this publication is no longer needed, please notify the church office. Issue 2014:11 The Messenger This monthly periodical is published by Southminster for free distribution to congregation and friends. Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Marci Auld Glass Commissioned Ruling Elder. . . . . Carol Brunlinger Commissioned Ruling Elder. . . . . Randy Marshall Commissioned Ruling Elder. . . . . Julie Anderson Clerk of Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leila Inlow Choir Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claudia Sutherland Handbell Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Phyllis Tincher Organist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Pohl Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . Susan Dunn Custodian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Davila Nursery Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . Deloris March Southminster Presbyterian Church 6500 West Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83709-2099 Phone: (208) 375-5330 Fax: (208) 375-5338 E-mail: [email protected] Web: [email protected] Church Office Hours Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM Closed Monday and Friday 8
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