NEWPORT GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY TRUST GCSE OPTIONS BOOKLET 2014 - 2016 KEY DATES FOR OPTION PLANNING Date Activity 11th/13th February PSHE meeting - a detailed look at the GCSE Options booklet and choices at NGHS. Explanation of procedures for choosing options. 25th/27th February PSHE meeting - an opportunity to ask questions about GCSE courses to a panel of Year 11/12 students. Complete a detailed subject review sheet in preparation for your final subject preferences. 7th March Subject preferences to be handed in. Early June Final Options Choices issued. Because of the idiosyncrasies of the timetable in a small school, it is impossible to give out the final options choices until this date. 20th June Final Option Choice sheet to be handed in. GCSE NATIONAL CURRICULUM KEY STAGE 4 This booklet gives details of the curriculum on offer at NGHS at Key Stage 4. The options process means that it is possible to study up to 11 GCSE and AS subjects at Key Stage 4. This is a broad and extensive Curriculum, which we are very pleased to be able to offer. The information published is correct at the time of going to print but may be subject to change for September in line with ongoing curriculum development. 1 KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM It is important for your personal development and your ultimate career prospects that you have a sound all-round education, which shows your ability in many aspects of the curriculum. To ensure this a number of subjects are compulsory. The table below indicates these compulsory subjects and how we meet our legal obligations at Key Stage 4. In Years 10 and 11 you must study: These compulsory components examined as follows: English English and English Literature (two GCSEs) are Mathematics (GCSE) or Mathematics AS Level Mathematics or an additional Mathematics qualification (details to follow) Science Physics, Chemistry and Biology (three GCSEs) A Modern Foreign Language French or German (one or two GCSEs) Religious Education Religious Education (GCSE) Physical Education Physical Education (non-examinable) Sex Education and Careers Guidance Included as part of the Personal Social and Health Education programme and the week’s work experience in Year 10 Citizenship Citizenship (non-examinable) WHAT CHOICES DO I NEED TO MAKE? English, Maths, Science, RE, PE, PSHE, and a Modern Foreign Language are compulsory subjects for all students. You must choose three subjects, at least one of which must be French or German, from the following: Art, D&T, French, German, Geography, History, ICT (AS) and Music. However, we ask you to put all 8 subjects in order of preference. This will give us the information we need in drawing up the option scheme and to personalise the curriculum for every student. 2 WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? We will look in detail at your choices, and the reasons for your choices. Every effort will be made to draw up a scheme of options which will satisfy your wishes, but it is impossible for any school to offer a completely free choice; subjects offered have to fit into a timetable pattern and are also limited by group size. We cannot release our preferred scheme of options until we are sure that we can indeed timetable it. Remember we must first ensure that Years 11 and 13 can continue with their current course. In addition, many subjects are taught by only one member of staff and this severely restricts our timetabling capacity. You and your parents will be informed of the option choices as soon as we possibly can do so, but this will not be until early June. ADVICE ON HOW TO MAKE YOUR CHOICES 1. Do not choose a subject only because your friend is opting for it, or because of your liking for a particular member of staff. 2. Do not avoid choosing a subject because it has meant more homework in the past. All GCSE subjects involve more homework than in Year 9. 3. Discuss your choice with your form teacher and subject teachers who can give you valuable help. 4. Think about: Where do my strengths and weaknesses lie? Which subjects do my teachers recommend me to take? What subject skills may I need for some subjects? Which subjects particularly interest me? 5. Ask yourself - what ideas about my future career do I have at the moment? 6. Discuss your choice carefully with your parents. 7. Remember that some subjects can be taken at A level, which have not been studied at GCSE, for example, Art/DT. Discuss this with your subject teachers. For languages it is necessary to follow the appropriate GCSE course if you intend to take the language at A level. 8. After you have made your initial choice you will have an opportunity to arrange an interview with a senior member of staff if you wish. 9. Every effort will be made to allocate you to the subjects you have chosen. However, it may be necessary to modify the choice and you must be prepared for this to happen. 3 COURSEWORK AND EXAMINATION WEIGHTINGS GCSE differs considerably from the Key Stage 3 courses, in its emphasis on controlled assessments. A proportion of class work and homework from an early stage in Year 10 will now be assessed by your teacher and will form an important part of your final grade. You will need to organise your homework time carefully in order to meet controlled assessments deadlines. A list of the relative weightings for examination and controlled assessments is given below. Subject Examination Controlled Assessment English Language 60% 40% English Literature 75% 25% Mathematics 100% 0% Sciences 75% 25% Art 40% 60% (portfolio of work) French 40% 60% Geography 75% 25% German 40% 60% History 75% 25% ICT – AS Level 60% 40% (coursework) Music 40% 60% Religious Studies 100% 0% Technology 40% 60% 4 ART - OCR OPTION FINE ART What will I study? You will work from direct observation and imagination, develop ideas and explore different ways of responding to a topic. You will be encouraged to work with a variety of techniques to experiment in an imaginative way and to build upon and strengthen your current skills. You must use a range of media but often you can choose those you prefer for a final piece. Coursework can include any of the following: painting drawing textiles photography mixed media monoprinting lino printing digital artwork sculpture collage manipulation of images You will be expected to look at the work of well-known artists as this can suggest ways that materials can be used and how ideas might be put together, helping and informing you in your own work. You will also be expected to make connections with your work and the visual world around you eg. through first hand observation, images from books, internet magazines and other imagery or photographs. Visits to art galleries are an essential component of the course, locally, in this country and possibly elsewhere. All students may be given an extra option of going on an Art trip abroad in October or February half term. Places we have visited are Italy, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, New York and Amsterdam as well as London, Birmingham and Liverpool. How is Art GCSE assessed? Art is assessed on:  the way you respond to a stimulus and how you can investigate to develop your ideas;  your ability to experiment with and use a range of media;  your ability to work from direct observation;  your ability to change and develop work as it progresses to a final outcome or outcomes;  the way you respond to the work of other artists. Examination and Coursework Component Coursework Examination Description You will submit a portfolio (folder) of work for assessment (Easter Year 11) Exam paper is given out at least eight weeks in advance (after Christmas). You then develop ideas, experiment, etc. to prepare the final piece which will be completed in the exam. (over 2 school days ie. 10 hours) 5 Duration Weighting ongoing 60% 10 hours (2 days) 40% Marking The work is marked by your Art teacher and will be moderated by a visiting moderator. Display of coursework and exam pieces concludes the course. What skills will I have developed?     Working in a range of media successfully to a high level of skill Expressing ideas imaginatively in a visual and personal way Appreciation of work of other artists at first hand An understanding of the wide range of forms Art can take If you are considering Art at A level, then this course is essential, as it gives a good foundation for further work (though if you are keen and well-motivated it is not always essential if you really want to study Art). Homework Specific tasks will be set, eg. drawing from direct observation, researching techniques, also further development of ideas, completion of work in progress and research on the work of other artists will be expected. Your understanding of Art will be greatly enhanced by visits to galleries, locally or further afield. 6 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (Graphic Products) – AQA 3543 (Optional) What is GCSE Graphic Products? The GCSE Graphic Products course covers both visual imagery and the production of 3 dimensional outcomes, such as packaging, advertising, product displays, board games, pop-up books etc. You will use a wide range of graphic techniques to create, develop and communicate solutions to problems. The solutions will be modelled in a variety of graphic materials to convey 3 dimensional concepts to others. You will learn:        Drawing techniques (sketching, 3D work, application of colour and formal drawings); Modelling methods (using card, plastic, foam); Develop ideas, plan and produce products; Analyse and evaluate commercially produced products; Develop an awareness of industrial processes (e.g. printing techniques); Consider how past and present design and technology affects society; Recognise the moral, cultural and environmental issues inherent in design and technology. How is GCSE Graphic Products assessed? The Assessment comprises two components, 60% Controlled Assessment project and 40% exam. The project consists of a completed design folder and a 3dimensional outcome. The exam considers various designs, materials and processes in the context of a central theme sent by the board in advance. How much homework will be set? There will be one 30 - 35 minutes homework session per week which will be used to reinforce themes and where possible will be of a practical nature. It is therefore advisable for students to have access to an A3 portfolio to carry work. How does GCSE Graphic Products lead on to A Level? GCSE Graphic Products provides a sound basis for A Level study since it develops the key skills of communication, application of number, ICT, working with others, improving own learning and performance and problem solving. Design and Technology Graphic Products is uniquely placed to provide opportunities for all six Key Skills required at A Level and it is advisable, although not compulsory, to study this first as an option at GCSE. 7 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH LITERATURE AQA HIGH TIER (Compulsory) Students will prepare for the two subjects combined at GCSE. In the first year students will prepare for and sit their controlled assessment pieces to ensure these and their speaking and listening assessments will be completed by the end of Year 10. In Year 11 students will move on to prepare for and sit their two GCSE English Literature examinations and their one GCSE English Language examination. About the subjects English teaches skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. English Literature explores the effects writers can achieve through structure, imagery, diction and narrative style. Why are they important? Learning to analyse text and media is an important skill for everyone, as is the ability to recognise the line of an argument and to be able to produce a clear one yourself. You will often be expected in life to present information orally, and this too is something you will practise in English lessons. Assessment GCSE English Language (60% examination, 40% controlled assessment) GCSE English Literature (75% examination, 25% controlled assessment) The GCSE English Language course is as follows: there is one 2 hour 15 minute examination which tests reading of non-fiction and media texts, and writing for a specific purpose. In addition there are controlled assessment assignments in the form of at least three speaking and listening assessments, and written assignments focusing on extended reading (one 1200 word essay); creative writing (two tasks totalling 1200 words); and a spoken language study (one 1000 word essay). The GCSE English Literature course is as follows: there are two examinations, one of 1 hour 30 minutes which tests modern prose or drama in addition to an exploration of different cultures, and one examination of 1 hour 15 minutes which tests poetry from the AQA Anthology and unseen poetry. One additional unit of controlled assessment is also covered in the form of one 2000 word essay linking Shakespeare and heritage texts. Homework There are two homeworks of 30 - 35 minutes each week. However, preparation for controlled assessments or practice exams may spread over a week or more, and may not fit neatly into the homework layout. A fair amount of time for completion of the task will always be negotiated with the students. How do GCSE English Language and English Literature lead on to A level? At the High School, the AS and A2 courses lead to the OCR English Literature qualifications. Students who have enjoyed the literary elements of the GCSE course, who enjoy reading and are fascinated by language use, will want to hone their critical skills at this level. 8 GEOGRAPHY – AQA Specification A (Optional) Why choose Geography? Geography is a bridge between the arts and sciences and is therefore a relevant and flexible subject. It gives an awareness of issues at all scales from local to global. These include:     Environmental relationships between people and their surroundings; Sustainable development; Our global interdependence; An understanding of cultural differences. It offers transferable skills such as data collection, analysis and evaluation which are used in other subjects as well as Geography. As students of Geography you will become equipped in a wide range of skills sought by Higher Education Institutions and employers. Geography is a well respected and sought after academic qualification. What will I study at GCSE? There are 3 units all of which emphasise inter-relationships between people's activities and the environment. These units are:    Unit 1: Physical Geography - the Restless Earth, the Challenge of Weather and Climate, the Coastal Zone, and water on the land (rivers). Unit 2: Human Geography- Population Change, the Development Gap, Tourism and managing urban environments. Unit 3: Local Fieldwork Investigation. How GCSE Geography is assessed You will be entered for the Higher Tier (grades A* to D). There are three components:   Unit 1 and 2 are assessed by 2 written exams, each lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. Both are worth 37.5% of the final grade. Unit 3 is a controlled assessment. Pupils will have to write up their fieldwork investigation under the supervision of their teacher in lesson times. Homework There is one homework of 30 – 35 minutes each week. These will usually be related to topics studied in class or to reinforce skills and previous knowledge. What will Geography GCSE lead to? Geographers work in almost every field of employment, and the qualification would support applications to for science based degrees like psychology and environmental sciences as well as humanities degrees like law and business. 9 HISTORY (Optional) What is GCSE History all about? History at GCSE links to some of the 20th century topics you have studied in Year 9. Your course will involve a study of World and European History starting in the early twentieth century. The course will help you to understand some of the most important problems of international affairs, which face us today. Through depth studies you will gain insight into particular problems of the past. You will have the opportunity to develop the skills to look beyond the headlines, to ask questions properly and to express your own opinions. Will I enjoy this course? You will enjoy this course if you want to study a subject that involves learning about and discussing the events that have shaped today's world. You will study world issues such as why America was plunged into depression in the 1930s and why peace was not achieved after 1939. If you are interested in learning about the modern world and like to put forward a well-developed point of view, then you will enjoy History. The pursuit of historical knowledge of people and events is profoundly interesting and fun – a form of time travel that illuminates characters, chains of events and how they come to be! How is GCSE History assessed? Examination and Coursework Component Paper 1 Paper 2 Controlled Assessment Content International relations - the Post War Years 1945 – 75. Depth study: The USA between 1919 – 1941. A source-based investigation of an historical issue taken from the British Depth Study, 1906-18. One assignment will be set focusing on a study of Germany 1918 - 45. Duration Weighting 2 hours 45% 1½ hours 30% Internally assessed 25% Homework There is one homework session of 30 - 35 minutes per week. The homework set will generally be related to topics studied in class and will help to develop historical skills, homework may also be used for revision purposes and to review and consolidate skills and knowledge. What skills will I develop? As well as learning about History, the course will enable you to improve your skills in communication, IT, working with others, improving own learning and performance and problem solving. Studying History encourages you to produce well-reasoned conclusions based on the evaluation of evidence, which is a highly transferable skill. How does GCSE History lead on to A level? GCSE History will provide you with the necessary skills to study this subject at an advanced level. It can also be used to support many other advanced courses including English Literature, Art and MFL, for example. 10 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY The ICT accelerated learning program will allow you to complete an AS Level in ICT by the end of Year 11. The advantages of this option are it will give you extra UCAS points for your university applications. Also, most universities require you to take an ICT course in the first year, but in most cases if you have an AS in ICT you would not need to attend. Completing an AS a year early will also help in your university applications, especially when applying for over subscribed courses as it will make you stand out from other applicants as many schools offer accelerated AS courses. You could be able to complete the A-level in Year 12 by studying the A2 units which will give you a complete A-level by the end of Year 12 instead of Year 13. This gives you the opportunity to gain four A-levels instead of three. AS ICT This course aims to develop problem-solving skills through the practical application of ICT. In order to do this effectively you will need to:  Know the difference between data information and knowledge.  Appreciate the features and functions of computer software and hardware and communications technology and what can and cannot be achieved using ICT systems in a variety of applications, eg industry, commerce, education etc.  Acquire skills in collecting facts, analysing them and being able to select the appropriate software package to develop the solution to the problem. What can I do with an AS in ICT? It will give you a deeper understanding of ICT and how it is used and managed. This will be useful in whatever you choose to do in the future as ICT permeates all aspects of our lives.  It will support your future studies or career no matter what area you choose to follow.  It will provide a sound foundation for higher-level studies in ICT or ICT related subjects at university or college  In many universities students are required to take an ICT course in the first year of their course. However, in many of these universities students with an AS ICT are not required to do so. The AS course is made up of 2 modules of work: 1. Examination Unit 1 - An introductory AS module covering : Knowledge, information and data; the value and importance of information in our society; control of information; the capabilities and limitations of information technology; the social impact of information technology; the role of communication systems; information and the professional; information systems malpractice and crime; the legal framework of IT; Health & Safety; Data capture; verification and validation; 11 organisation of data for effective retrieval; software – nature, capabilities and limitations; manipulation and processing of data; dissemination/distribution of information; hardware – nature, capabilities and limitations; security of data; network environments; the human/computer interface. 2. Coursework Unit 2 - Coursework unit covers:  Publisher to create booklet  Web design using Dreamweaver  Access to create a simple database  Word to create mail merge letters  Animation software  Video editing software for filmmaking  Audacity for sound recording and editing How will my work be assessed? Unit 1 is assessed by means of written examinations (2¼ hours). Unit 2 is assessed through the practical task and is internally assessed and externally moderated by WJEC. Homework There are two homework sessions of 30 – 35 minutes each per week. These will be related to topics studied in class to reinforce knowledge and understanding. 12 MATHEMATICS (Edexcel 1MA0) Why do I have to take GCSE Mathematics? GCSE Mathematics covers a lot of basic skills that you will need to use in a variety of ways all through your life and because of this it is a compulsory subject for all students in Years 10 and 11. You will use a lot of what you learn in the course in other GCSEs that you study. For example, in Science you may be asked to use formulae and solve equations, in Geography you will need to read charts and diagrams and use statistics and in D&T you will need to use measures and make scale drawings. Many jobs and careers also require GCSE Mathematics as an entry requirement. How is GCSE Mathematics assessed? Assessment in Mathematics is by two 1 hour 45 minute papers each worth 50% of the total marks. As in the SATs both exam papers cover the whole syllabus and the first is a non-calculator paper, in the second calculators are allowed. All students will be entered for the Higher Tier where grades A* to C are available. Homework There are two homework sessions of 30 to 35 minutes each per week. The homework set will generally be related to the topics studied in class but students will also be asked to complete past papers for essential practice of the skills that they have learnt in lessons. How does GCSE Mathematics lead on to A levels? GCSE Mathematics is an important foundation for many subjects you may wish to study at A level. If you enjoy Maths and achieve a good grade you may wish to continue with it in Year 12 and take it at AS or A Level. Here you will learn many more applications of Maths in Statistics and Mechanics as well as continuing with the basic algebra and trigonometry in Core Maths. 13 MODERN LANGUAGES (AQA) - FRENCH AND GERMAN One Modern Language is compulsory and you may opt to take both languages. What is involved in GCSE Modern Languages? In the modern world, languages are an increasingly valuable skill as communications expand. Knowledge of one or more languages will enable you to speak and write to people of different nationalities, as well as to develop an appreciation of other cultures. What will I study at GCSE? You will study the four language skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing to a higher level than in Key Stage 3, and you will have ample opportunities to speak and write about topics of personal interest. How are Modern Languages assessed? You will work towards the Higher Tier examinations: the Reading and Listening papers in the final assessment, being worth 20% each. The Speaking and Written Assessments are worth 30% each of the total. In both French and German you will take two examinations, in Listening, and Reading plus controlled assessments for Speaking and Writing. Examination lengths are as follows: Higher Listening 40 minutes Higher Reading 50 minutes Speaking Controlled Assessment (two tasks submitted for moderation) Writing Controlled Assessment (two tasks submitted for marking) Speaking Assessment Students complete two controlled assessment tasks which will be in the form of a dialogue. The tasks will be marked by the teacher and moderated by AQA and each task should last between 4 and 6 minutes. Written Assessment Students complete two controlled assessment tasks independently, and final assignments will be written under supervision with access to a dictionary. They should produce 400-600 words across the two tasks. Homework One session of 30 - 35 minutes each week. How do GCSE Modern Languages lead on to A level? The fact that the GCSE courses are much concerned with practical communication is a good basis for further development of these skills to a higher level: anyone coping well with a GCSE course should cope well at A level. 14 MUSIC – Edexcel (Optional) We have chosen the Edexcel syllabus because of its traditional approach to the study of musical styles and in particular its suitability as preparation for A’ Level. Why should I study Music? Music GCSE is an opportunity to explore creatively the most pervasive of all human art forms. If you wish to take the performing arts further, perhaps at A’ level or beyond, then Music is an obvious choice; if you are thinking of pursuing science or the humanities Music GCSE is still a subject that Universities like to see on an application form. To get a good grade at GCSE music you must assimilate a large amount of unfamiliar technical knowledge and understanding, develop good presentation and performing skills and be a very good listener. Music is NOT a soft option. Should I study Music? You should study music if you are interested in learning more about the many different styles and genres of music both past and present. You should be a reasonably confident performer on an instrument or voice and be prepared to continue with your vocal or instrumental studies as part of your coursework. You should be interested in learning how to develop your composition skills; perhaps you will have made up your own pieces of music already. What must I do to pass GCSE Music? You must submit two performances at the end of the course, one must be a solo and one must be an ensemble with at least one other player or singer (who is not an accompanist). You may record these performances at any time during the course and you may re-record them if you wish. Performance counts for 30% of your marks. You must submit two compositions at the end of the course. The compositions must be based on two different styles of music. They might be a song with guitar chords or a tune for flute and piano or any combination of voices and instruments you might wish. This is the most truly creative part of doing GCSE music. Composition counts for 30% of your marks. During the course you will study a set of pieces of music which are taken from a variety of styles and genres. Classical music does feature prominently, however there also pieces from the popular and world traditions. At the end of the course you must sit a listening exam which will test your knowledge of the music you have studied. The exam counts for 40% of your marks. Will I have much homework? Students will be expected to complete short theoretical exercises, listening questions and composition exercises at home. In addition it is expected that they will devote between one to two hours per week to practicing as part of their continuing instrumental and vocal studies. 15 PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION (PSHE) This programme covers both Citizenship and PSHE aspects over the two years and is delivered via weekly timetabled lessons. What is the PSHE course about? The PSHE part of the course will build on the issues discussed in Years 7-9. The programme continues to focus on a range of skills that will enable you to become well prepared for life beyond school and for adulthood as participating members of society. It will also help you to cope with change and to be responsive to challenges and opportunities, and therefore help you develop in a flexible way which is integral to society's changing character. The course is designed to provoke personal insights and reflections on your personal developments and learning as well as help you plan how you can use this in the future. The main areas you will be studying in Years 10 and 11 are: Personal Wellbeing - Sex and Relationships, Careers Research and Work Related Learning, Sleep, Good Mental Health, Body Image and Economic Well-being, Health and Safety. Understanding Self and Others - Working in Groups, Coping with Difficult Situations, Developing Resilience. What is the Citizenship course about? The course is divided into 4 themes: Community Action and Active Citizenship To include looking at how individuals bring about change in communities and the impact campaigns can have on political decision making. There will be an opportunity to carry out and evaluate your own Active Citizenship project. Being a Citizen in the UK: Democracy and Identity To include looking at how citizens can participate in the democratic process, particularly elections and voting. Fairness and Justice To include looking at the rights and responsibilities of a British citizen, how these rights are affected by the law and the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Global Issues and Making a Difference To include looking at key international bodies such as the United Nations, in particular their dealings with global issues. The usual order of delivery will be: Year 10 Economic – wellbeing and careers Active Citizenship Project Launch School and the local Community Relationships & Sex Education Citizenship Project Exhibition Healthy Eating Study Skills National Government Rights and Work Year 11 Target setting for the year Post exam planning – experience A level options The Nationals and Global Economy The Legal System Finalising post 16 planning Global Citizenship Emotional Wellbeing and Intelligence Preparing for Sixth Form 16 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (COMPULSORY) Why Do I Have To Take PE? As part of the National Curriculum, Physical Education is a compulsory subject. Throughout year 10 and 11 it is a non-examination subject, however you will complete a range of practical assessments across all areas of the curriculum. The importance of Physical Education within the school curriculum? Physical Education is important within the curriculum as you will develop an understanding of the benefits of exercise and physical activity and how this can contribute towards leading a healthy lifestyle. Within the KS4 PE curriculum we strive to offer a diverse range of activities in the hope that all students will find an activity they would like to participate within outside of school life. It is important that all students regularly participate in physical activity and this is an expectation of all students throughout the two years. What activities will be offered to me? During your time in year 10 and 11 you will have a wider breadth of activity options available for you to participate in. Some of the activities you can expect to take part in are: netball, football, basketball, aerobics, fitness, volleyball, lacrosse, handball, tag rugby, archery, athletics, rounders, cricket, dance and problem solving. Additional opportunities available within PE As part of the PE curriculum you will be given the opportunity to spend a half term doing Fitness at Newport Fitness Centre and we are also developing links with other agencies to further improve the range of activities that are available to you. Furthermore, we also support the development of sports leadership within all lessons in the KS4 curriculum focusing specific lessons on the improvement of this. You will learn about fair play, health and fitness and communication as a leader and official and will plan and lead activities for other students both within our school and the local community. 17 RELIGIOUS STUDIES: PHILOSOPHY & APPLIED ETHICS OCR GCSE Specification J121 This OCR Short Course option will give students the opportunity to explore and reflect on questions about existence and morality. Students will develop their thinking and analytical skills and evaluate their own and others’ ideas on philosophical and moral issues. Specification Aims This specification gives students opportunities to:  Adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion.  Explore religions and beliefs, reflect on fundamental questions, engage with them intellectually and respond personally.  Enhance their personal, social and cultural development, their understanding of different cultures locally, nationally and in the wider world and to contribute to social and community cohesion.  Reflect on and develop their own values, opinions and attitudes in light of their learning.  Consider religious and other responses to moral issues.  Identify, investigate and respond to fundamental questions of life raised by religion and human experience, including questions about the meaning and purpose of life.  Develop transferable skills and those relevant to the study of religion. Content The following topics will be covered: Philosophy 2 Good and Evil:  The Problem of Evil.  Coping with suffering.  Sources and reasons for moral behaviour. Religion and Science:  Origins of the world and life.  People and animals.  Environmental issues. 18 Ethics 1 Religion and Medical Ethics:  Abortion  Euthanasia  Fertility Treatment  The use of animals in medical research. Religion, Poverty and Wealth:  Religious views of wealth and the causes of hunger, poverty and disease.  Concern for others.  Uses of money.  Moral and immoral occupations. Assessment The above content is examined through four 1 hour examinations. There is no coursework. Homework Homework is set once a week to ensure full coverage of the syllabus. 19 SCIENCE (AQA) Key Stage 4 Science We will be offering students GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate sciences Why is Science important? Science is about understanding the world around us from the smallest particles up to the entire Universe and everything in between. Science is behind many exciting developments which enrich our lives in so many ways and we want to prepare our students to both gain an understanding and to be part of making the world a better place for tomorrow by using the Science they have learned here. How will Science be assessed? At the end of Year 11 all written components will be set: Component Description & Duration Weighting Biology B1 Written paper 45mins 25% Chemistry C1 Written paper 45mins 25% Physics P1 Written paper 45mins 25% Biology B2 Written paper 45mins 25% Chemistry C2 Written paper 45mins 25% Physics P2 Written paper 45mins 25% Biology B3 Written paper 45mins 25% Chemistry C3 Written paper 45mins 25% Physics P3 Written paper 45mins 25% To gain a GCSE in Biology students will have completed the following components: Biology B1, Biology B2, Biology B3, 1 Centre Assessed Unit in Biology. The same pattern applies to Chemistry and Physics. The centre assessed unit is as close to coursework as is allowed and focuses more on the How Science Works elements of the syllabus as well as assessing their practical skills. This component counts as 25% of each Science’s GCSE and will be conducted within lessons at some stage during the course. The context of these ISAs change each year and these may be conducted when the topic that the ISA is set around is being taught. How much homework will be set? There are three homework sessions of 30 – 35 minutes each per week. How does Separate Sciences lead on to A level? The three separate sciences provide through preparation to commence A-levels. Separate Sciences allow more time to study topics in depth and ideal to those students aspiring to a science related course at university. Pupils who have taken separate sciences statistically are more likely to secure the top grades at A level. 20 HIGHER EDUCATION A LEVELS CURRENTLY ON OFFER The school offers the following A levels - although this situation may be subject to change on a year-to-year basis. Please note that this comprehensive list will support any choices at degree level. AS/A2 in: English Literature, History, Geography, Business Studies & Economics, French, German, Art, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Music, Psychology, Design and Technology, Government & Politics, ICT, Physical Education, RE (Ethics & Philosophy). UNIVERSITY Most girls who attend this school stay on into the Sixth Form to study their chosen subjects at Advanced or Advanced Supplementary level and of these the majority go on to university so that they can gain a degree. They do this for several reasons: 1. The choice of careers is far wider if you have a degree; the chance of getting a job is greater. 2. The experience of being at university brings maturity and independence. The opportunities available for intellectual and personal development are manifold and the range of sporting, musical and leisure activities available are wide and readily accessible. Some careers demand specific degree qualifications but this is not so for the majority. Employers look for people who are adaptable, flexible, capable of working both independently and as part of a team and who have the intellectual capacity to study for a degree. The actual subject matter studied is often not as important as the skills acquired in its study. 22
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