NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Evergreen United Methodist Church 1120 Evergreen Court, Wahpeton, ND 58075 Office: (701) 642-6202 Pastor Jen’s Cell: (701) 640-6619 Jen Tyler, Pastor ([email protected]) Julie McGovern, Adm. Secretary ([email protected]) Worship Times: Sundays: 10 am Sunday School: Sundays: 9 am As we begin the month of November, I am reminded that Thanksgiving is drawing near, and we will soon be surrounded by outpourings of gratitude as people all over the country prepare to gather with family or friends for a meal and time of fellowship, and share what they are thankful for. One of the traditions at Evergreen I already love, is our intentionality of sharing reasons we are grateful. As you know, each week during worship we are invited to share what we are thankful for, and we share that list in our bulletin on the third Sunday of every month. This practice of living out and sharing our gratitude is so important. Praying through that list last week reminded me of one of my favorite traditions for the month of November. Starting on November 1, I take time to write down at least one thing I am thankful for each day. This has become widespread via social media over the past few years, becoming known as the “November Gratitude Challenge,” or “30 days of Gratitude.” I have taken part in this practice for several years now, and want to invite you to join me this year. Specifically, I hope you will join me in reflecting on unique reasons to be grateful. We are all thankful for friends and family and a good meal. Yet I wonder: how are we thankful in unexpected moments that catch us off guard, or take your breath away? For example: why might you be grateful for screaming children, or cold weather, or lots of traffic? What gifts await you when your plans fall through, your life is too busy, or your house is a mess? Is there a reason to be grateful when you have to stop and fill up that gas tank? Or stay an extra hour late at work? Or when you accidentally burn dinner? There is a silver lining in every circumstance, and often, those linings are blessings waiting to be recognized. This November, I hope you will join me in celebrating my favorite (secular) holiday of Thanksgiving not just for one day, but all month long. As we do so, may our gratitude shape and refine us, reminding us to give thanks to God, who gives us all things. Pastor Jen 4 - Stewart Gripentrog 6 - Kiki Beschorner 7 - George Bassingthwaite 8 - Lana Arutyunov 9 - John & Charlene Gange* 11 - Liana Agayev 12 - Marty & Debbie Boyer* 14 - Cody Metcalf, Laura Dokken 14 - Steve & Donna Krogh* 15 - Kevin & Kathy Hudson* 17 - Trevor Stevens, Meaghan Wolfgram 18 - Hunter Rittenour 19 - Roberta Whitehead 21 - Edith Wawers, Lester Smith 22 - Kelsey Richels 23 - Bev Stone 25 - Craig Clem, Eli Clem, KrisCinda Erickson, Kaytlyn Johnson 26 - Bonnie Beeson (*) Denotes Anniversary If your birthday/anniversary was not included or is in error-please contact the church office. Thanks! Remember to turn your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday, November 1 - Daylight Saving Time ends! An Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration Sponsored by the Richland/Wilkin Ministerial Tuesday, Nov. 25, 7 pm Breckenridge Lutheran Church Breckenridge, MN Message: Father Dale Lagodinski, St. John’s Ecumenical Bell Choir Refreshments and Fellowship afterwards All Loose Donations will be to support the local Food Pantry. All Individual Church Envelope Donations will be directed back to the church of origin. On All Saints Sunday, November 2nd, we will be honoring the memory of the loved ones who have been friends and members of our church family. We invite you to join our 10 am, service of celebration and remembrance, as we lift up the lives of those persons who have entered into eternal glory in the past year. New this year - the service will be broadcast on local cable channel 12 for those unable to attend. MISSIONS NEWS NOVEMBER - 2014 During the month of November, we are collecting granola/cereal bars (individually wrapped any flavor) for the Back Pack Project ONE THING. Totes are located in the Fellowship Hall for your donations. Let’s fill those totes In October we collected 304 pudding cups! No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank The Worship Committee would like to invite you and your family to come and decorate our church for the Advent & Christmas season on Sunday, November 23rd. We will begin following the worship service (lunch will be provided). Our Annual Charge Conference meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 16 following the 10 am, Worship Service. We will begin with a potluck meal followed by the meeting. All members and friends of Evergreen UMC are encouraged to attend this yearly meeting. Interested in becoming a member or learning more about Evergreen UMC? Plan to join us for our new members class! We will meet at 6pm on Tuesday evenings beginning November 11. Contact Pastor Jen for more information. EUMC Children’s Ministry November is now upon us and we are busy practicing for our Christmas program, which will be on December 14th during the 10AM worship service. Our attendance has been down and we are missing those of you who have not been here to spend Sunday morning with us. We will continue to meet in the back of the fellowship hall until the Chapel is repaired. We meet every Sunday from 9-9:50 AM, join us for music, fellowship and lots of fun! Important Dates: No Sunday school: November 30 Christmas Program: December 14 No Sunday school: December 21, 28, January 4 EUMC Youth News The Wahpeton/Breckenridge United Methodist Youth Group meets every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We have a lot of fun and interesting activities planned for our youth that we hope will help them grow in their faith, encourage them to build relationships, and enhance their spirituality. Everyone is welcome to bring a friend! November - December 2014 Schedule 11/02/2014 -- meet after church to discuss November 11th meal at ComDel. 11/05/2014 – Day of Hope, Blikre Activity Center, NDSCS – 7:00 PM 11/11/2014 – Fundraising meal at ComDel to be served from 11-1. 11/12/2014 – Meet at Evergreen 11/19/2014 – Meet at Breckenridge – Thanksgiving Trivia 11/26/2014 – No Youth Group 12/03/2014 – Meet at Evergreen 12/10/2014 – Meet at Evergreen 12/17/2014 – Meet at Evergreen – Christmas Party 12/24/2014 – No Youth Group 12/31/2014 – No Youth Group If you have any concerns or questions, please text me or call me at 701-640-0328, or email me at [email protected]. Blessings, Mary Last Saturday ( October 25) was the annual Bazaar at Evergreen United Methodist Church and what a great day it was!! We could not ask for a much better day and the communities’ support was great. There were many enthusiastic shoppers and luncheon guests. God seemed to be ever present in the greetings and smiles all around. It was good to see all the familiar faces who “would never miss” our Bazaar. We had many nice craft and sewing projects. It was so good to see all the shelves filled with all those delicious homemade baked items in Grandmas Pantry. The luncheon guests were looking forward to the delicious lunch and the mouthwatering pies. So far we have taken in about $5,000 before expenses. These monies will be a blessing for several local Mission Projects such as the Christmas Kids Project, camps scholarships, and other local as well as global ministry projects. The next UMW meeting will be Nov 13th at 7:00pm. Denise Eastin will have the lesson on “Human Trafficking” There will also be installation of officers for the coming year. Hostesses will be Hope Circle. World Thank Offering will be taken in the individual circle meetings during the month of November. The Program Books for the new year are being prepared and should be ready soon. Nov. 11 Joy Circle meets at 7:00pm Nov. 18 Hope Circle meets at 9:30am and Sunshine Circle at 1:30 pm God--forgive me when I continually ask for things and forget to Praise You for them. Your generosity is more than I deserve. Amen Thought for the day: Recall it as often as you wish. A happy memory never wears out. Blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving. Bev Stone: Communications Harris Bailey will be going to Haiti with the Solar Oven Project November 13-24, 2014. Needed:  Prayers for the team  Money for Solar Ovens (write checks to Evergreen UMC)  Donate for children’s hospital the following: Underwear/socks for children Toothbrushes/toothpaste Medicine - especially: Children’s Tylenol Children's ibuprofen Children’s Benadryl tablets Triple antibiotic ointment Silvadene ointment (burns) Hydrocortisone cream 1/2” rolls of adhesive tape Gauze pads (2x2” or 4x4”) Eye drops All items need to be brought to Evergreen by Sunday, November 9th. Monetary donations are also welcome - Fern Bailey is willing to shop for you if you prefer. Trustees Update: Update on chapel: After some extra work to get bids approved by our insurance company, we are finally making progress on the repairs in the Zion Chapel following the August 4 fire. Temporary heat has been set up in the building to prevent pipes from freezing as colder weather sets in, and as soon as we are given the final approval from the insurance company, other repairs will be underway. We are hoping that work can begin this month. A few repairs are also underway in our main building, including replacing the heat pump compressor that heats the offices and entryway of Evergreen UMC. This is the last of the heat pumps that needed to be replaced over the past several years, and is going to cost $6751.60. If you would like to contribute to this unexpected expense, please make checks payable to Evergreen UMC with “heat pump” in the memo line. Thank you to everyone who worked and contributed in any way to our Fall Bazaar. Your prayers, time, groceries, crafts, donations and baked goods make it a huge success. We made just over $5,000!! LIBRARY-November 2014 The following books have been purchased and donated by UMW. These are some of the new Reading Course books for 2015. They can be read by anyone. Perhaps you would like to pick one up on Sunday morning, or if you are here during the week, Julie can help you. They are on the north wall in the library. UP- a mother and daughter’s peakbaggin adventure. THE CHURCH AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES A GIRL CALLED PROBLEM-Thirteen-year-old Shida whose name means “problem” in Swahili has a lot of problems in her life. SUM IT UP –Pat is a remarkable, leader, lady and coach. (“one of the best of all time”) TOUGH COOKIES-“How well do we trust out leader?” A National survey says nearly two-thirds of Americans think there is a leadership crisis in our country. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO DINNER? –“This can be a great help and comfort to parents who are looking to make their family mealtimes more satisfying, more regular, more meaningful, more tasty.” BULLY.COM -Jun Li is a brilliant student, more comfortable around computers than people. The principal accuses him of a cyber bullying incident. To prove his innocence, Jun has seven days to track down the true culprit. RETURN TO SENDER –Mari feels torn between her Mexican roots and her new life in Vermont. BEHIND THE KITCHEN DOOR “This book will leave readers angry at the injustices detailed within, queasy about eating out, and much better tippers.” HELP THANKS WOW –Three simple prayers to get you through tough times and everyday struggles. PRAYING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE-is a guide to productive prayer. THE CALL; Living Sacramentally,Walking Justly.- This study is a “how to manual” for people interested in growing spiritually and engagement in mission. YOU RAISE ME UP - is a story on endurance, survival, tenacity, perseverance and a people choosing death rather than giving up their Christianity. THE TRUE COST OF LOW PRICES- Low prices that benefit first-world consumers often put the poor at even greater risk. Annetta Nies, Librarian EVERGREEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1120 EVERGREEN COURT WAHPETON, ND 58075 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Permit No. 89 Wahpeton, ND 58075 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Join us for our November sermon series on “Surprising Gifts!” November 2 “Surprising Saints” November 9 “A Surprising Difference” November 16 “Surprising Transformation” November 23 Stewardship Sunday “Surprising Gratitude” Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~ William A. Ward Sometime we complain that God put thorns on roses. Yet others will rather say that God is good to have placed roses among the thorns. In both cases we shall however be thankful for the roses. ~ Kurt Avish If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?” ~ William A. Ward
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