CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M BU ULLETIN SECTION S NS: Sec ction 1 1.PProjects at Sierrra Plan Room Sec ction 2 Planning Commission Agendas (Priorr to Permits) These e projects are usually u still with h the owner an nd architect or engin neer. Great wa ay to know everry project coming up. Sec ction 3 Building Permits ons 2 and 3 req quire a little mo ore research fro om you. There e Sectio are 2 websites you must m frequent to t get all the in nformation you seek. The websites s are The Assessors Office an nd A Reverse Phone Directory. We su upply you with the information n you need to get g name, addrress and p phone numbers s of the OWNERS OF THE PR ROPERTIES. We su upply you with the address off the project, OR O the name off the Owne er, OR the Parc cel Number. For fu urther informatiion, refer to the e first page of each e of those sectio ons. Sec ction 4 . LEEGAL NOTIC CES FOR GOV VERNMENTA AL/ PUBLIC PROJEC CTS IN NEVADA Sec ction 5. GO OVERNMENT TAL/ PUBLIC PROJECTS ARIZ ZONA, CALIF, UTAH (Links) Sec ction 6 Construction Directory D App plication Sec ction 7 Meembership Application/C A Credit Card Auth horization RESIDEN NTIAL ADD DITION/ RE EMODEL PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM ÒÒA4817 AD DDÒÒ Home e renovation -- GC or Hand dymen welco ome to bid as s well as individual subc contractors and a suppliers s @ 2454 AB BARTH ST, LAS L VEGA AS, 89142; Las L Vegas, NV N BID DATE E: Ongoing Bid Docu uments are on nline with sco ope of work, but b a walk throu ugh is required d as there are e no plans NEED: Home e renovvation. Pleas se call for an appointment. a SEND BIDS S TO: Big Mounta ain Properties s; 702/218-8126; Email [email protected] and markgross1234 [email protected] m and p paigecgross@; ÒÒA3936 AD DDÒÒ Home e Remodel DO NOT CON NTACT ARCH HITECT, ONL LY CONTACT T GC. This is i for S Subcontracto or bids only @ Las Vegas s, NV BID DATE: Immed Bid B Documentts are online NEED: LLC; John C SEND BIDS TO: Pantheon Construction SECTION N 1 PAGE 1 Simon; 2932 Carmello Dr. Henderrson, Nevada 89052; 702338-177 70 ; Email [email protected] et ÒÒA A3554 ADDÒ ÒÒ Remode el Garage, ne eeds plans drawn a and submitte ed for City ap pproval. Mu ust speak spanish h @ Las Veg gas, NV BID D DATE: Imm med NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Call Beto Landa ffor appointm ment 702/635 5-6019 ÒÒA A3552 ADDÒ ÒÒ Garage renovation a and add 900 s.f. livin ng area and e expand gara age @ Las V Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Immed Preliminary Bid docs online NEED: Alreadyy has framing contractor. N Needs all othe er trades, push co oncrete and electric!!! SEN ND BIDS TO: Cheryl Decker 702/400-2767 email Zenitth1772@gma Call for appo ointment ÒÒA A2175 ADDÒ ÒÒ Add a ro oom onto a h home. GC needed d. Call to ma ake appointm ment. Bids ha ave been way y too hig h, must be u under $5000 or don't both her calling. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Immed no p plans, call for appointm ment NEED D: SEND B BIDS TO: T Trisha McGill; 702/914 4-8857 Email jancindude@ ÒÒA A2172 ADDÒ ÒÒ Property y manager needs license ed contractorrs and handy ymen for ong going repair work on n rental prop perties. Ema ail you resum me. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Ongoing no plans, just email over you ur company rresume NE EED: SEND D BIDS TO: Paige e email [email protected] m 9823 ADDÒÒ Ongoing ((Property Ma anager) ÒÒ9 Residen ntial and com mmercial imp provements for Real Estate P Property Manger Send y your compan ny resume to o the con ntact. @ Lass Vegas, NV BID DATE: ongoing no plans NEED: SE END BIDS TO O: Linda Simone email to [email protected] et ÒÒ6 6735 ADDÒÒ 5 building gs and 6 HOA As need painting g contractorr @ Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: Ongoing g no Plans, O Ongoing prop perty management of properti es. NEED:: looking for a good paintin ng contractor for next year. Our co ompany signs property own ners who own n more th an 10 comme ercial building gs to long term m manage ement contraccts. We do evverything a bu uilding needs for upke eepBecause o of the type of buildings serrviced, we must co onduct a detailed look at yo our company,, but after your accceptance as a member - yyou retain excclusive right to o work on n our propertie es. Read thro ough our webssite to see more ab bout how we w workyour com mpany is give en a testing period o of 5 jobs, after which you b become a regular vendor.In n the Las Vegas area, we have 5 bu uildings and 6 HOAs that need yo our services fo or next year, worth over $8 87,000 in work.Ple ease visit ww and after reading, fill out th he contact forrm under Con ntact Us>Con ntractors. I can n answer any question ns, just reply tto this email, o or call 9.2679. I lookk forward to w working with yo ou. SEND 952.679 BIDS TO O: Peter B Becker" email [email protected] Checkk their website e for details h CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SECTION N 1 PAGE 2 ÒÒ5880 ADD DÒÒ Cabinetry -- Fix, Co oncrete coating repair around po ool, Replace chat with eitther concrete or brricks around back yard. @ Las Vegas s, NV BID DATE: Immed Call C for appoin ntment NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Lucy y 544-0308 ÒÒ1724 ADD DÒÒ Propertty manager needs n licens sed contractors for ongoing o repa air work on 300 3 propertie es for re ental homes @ Clark County, NV BID DATE: Ongo oing Email Resume NE EED: Property y Manager mana ages many prroperties and needs plumb bers, garage doorss, electricians s, HVAC, Iron n, appliance, handyman h services - new and d repairs. PUSH HVAC, ELECTRIC, ANING, LAND DSCAPE, PLUMBING, pre essure washe ers CLEA for sttreets!!!The Property P Mana ager wants co ompany resum mes, referenc ces, license in nfo, etc. maile ed. If you need help with your resume, we can email a samp ple for you. It is also at the secret website. SE END BIDS TO O: Remax Adva antage; The Cunningham C Group; G email only mana agement@cg om ÒÒ4081 ADD D, GOVÒÒ City C of Hende erson Neig ghborhood se ervices divis sion is solicitting contractors to su ubmit bids fo or Residentia al Reha abilitation Co onstruciton Services S for qualified homes in the are ea @ Henderrson, NV BID D DATE: Ongo oing Bid docs s online NE EED: SEND D BIDS TO: Hend derson Neighborhood Serv vices Division 267-2000 orr 267-2 2010 Gilbert Medina M emaill gilbert.medina@cityofhenderso Tuesdayy the 18th at 2:00 p.m. ; Please wait ou utside the building g at the entran nce. 3993 Ho oward Hughe es Parkway Suite #500 Lass Vegas, Nevada a 89169 NEE ED: Tenant Im mprovement fo or Rimini Street, a approx. 8000+ Class A offfice space INT TERIOR COMME ERCIAL TRA ADES ONLY - NO EXTERIO OR WORK No Unio on Preference e Open to ALL L Union or Op pen Shop Bidderss Non-Prevailling Wage; Prrivate Negotia ated Project SEND B BIDS TO: A ABG Builderss; Jeff P. Manning; Principa al General Ma anager; 5940 South Rainbow Blvd; Las Vegas, Blvd 89118; 7 702-474-0700 0 Email Estimat [email protected] demo olition, cabinetry y/millwork, plam m and solid surface tops, battt insula ation & fire safing, doors & fra ames & hardwa are, interior glas ss and g glazing, framing g and drywall, flooring, f acoustticceilings, painting/wall finishes, restroom acc cessories, wind dow coverings,, bing, fire sprink klers, HVAC, ce ertified air bala ance, electrica al plumb JOB WA ALK: Thursday, 11/20 at 10:00 0 a.m. NEED: Start Date: 12/15/14 4; Completion d date: 4/01/2015 5Scope of workk: hard/soft demo, M MEP, fire sprinkkler, structural ssteel, concrete, metal studs/dryywall, tile, floorr sealerFRP, t-b bar, restroom a accessories, painting, sheet metal, roll up doors,, doors/hardw ware, millwork k. and ffire alarm (Firre Alarm is Prroprietary - Murphy Electric c only)) SEND BIDS S TO: Marrtin Harris; LA ASBIDS [email protected] Phone 702/3 385-5257 702/3 384-7736 EM MAIL OR FAX X YOUR PACKAGE. See bin b numb ber 2400 for prequalificatio p on packet ÒÒA4795 CO OMÒÒ Tenant Improvem ment for Rimini Stree et Offices @ 3993 Howarrd Hughes Pa arkway Suite #500 0; Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: 11/24/1 14 @11:00 am m Bid d documents are online Job b Walk: SEND B BIDS TO: P PacifiCore Co onstruction; Estimato or:Paul Van K Kammen; 182 201 McDurmo ott West, Ste. B; Irvine e, CA 92614 O: 657-859-4 4500 ext. 111 F: 657-8 859-4519 r.vvalle@pacifico oreconstructio Roche C Constructors NEVADA PR ROJECTS: 70 02-252-3611 email esstimating@ro; PRO OJECTS OUTSID DE NEVADA: 970/356-361 11 Email estimatiing@rocheco om LAS ST CHA ANCE NOW A ACCEPTIN NG ADS IN THE SOUT THERN NEVADA CONST TRUCTION N DIRECTO ORY FOR 2015. THE ADS ARE GOO OD FOR A W WHOLE YEAR BEGINNIN NG 1/1/15. BUSINESS CARD ADS $ $350; HALF F PAGE IS $375. GO O SEE THE 2014 C CONSTRUC CTION DIR RECTORY A AT WWW W.CONSTRU UCTION22.COM ÒÒA A4789 COM MÒÒ Kiel Ran nch Historic Park Phase I @ 2465 5 Kiel Way, N North Las Veg gas, NV 8903 30, NV BID COMME ERCIAL DATE: 12/3/14 @noon Bid docu uments are online; Adden 1 NE ED: construcction of onsite e park improve ements, PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM which in nclude grading, wet/dry utilities, entrywa ay, monumen nt signs, p parking, stripin ng, lighting,sid dewalks, path hways, trails, ÒÒA4815 CO OMÒÒ Smith hs 350 Fuel Center C @ 46 600 landsca aping, irrigatio on system, pre efabricated re estroom, Sunsset Road; Hen nderson, NV V BID DATE: 11/24/14 Bid B picnic ra amadas, secu urity walls, ca able rail fencin ng,directional Docu uments are on nline NEED D: SEND BIIDS TO: and inte erpretative sig gnage, historic orchard ben nches, bike Martiin Harris; LAS S-BIDS@MAR RTINHARRIS S.COM Phone e racks, trrash cans, an nd typical parkk furnishings. SEND BIDS TO O: Burke& &Assoc; 385 P Pilot Road; La as Vegas, NV 702/3 385-5257 702 2/384-7736 EMAIL E OR FA AX YOUR PACKAGE. See bin b number 2400 for prequ ualification 89119; 367-1040 Fa ax Bids to 367 7-4083 email packket estimatiing@burkecg Include name of pro oject on your bid. OMÒÒ BluIP P TI at Tivoli Village V @ La as ÒÒA4814 CO A4770 COM MÒÒ Super 5 52 -- El Superr Store ÒÒA Vega as, NV BID DATE: D 11/25 5/14 @10:00 am Bid Tenant Improvemen nt, Exterior rrenovation @ 4610 W Docu uments are on nline NEED D: The scope of work includes Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 8 89102, NV B BID DATE: some e Landlord fun nded work an nd is required to be priced 12/4/14 @10:00 am; note sometim sepa arately. The sc cope of work in general is to inlcude butt mes builders want bids a day earrlier. Bid Documents are o not limited to:desig gn/build Arch & MEP drawin ngs, selective online; Adden 1; Clarification n CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M ÒÒA4756 CO OMÒÒ WalM Mart 4557 Rem model @ 3075 E. Trropicana Ave.. & McLeod Dr; D Las Vegas s, NV BID DATE: 12/3/14 @3:00 @ pm Bid documents are online NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: R&O R Construc ction; 895-932 22; 6787 7 Spencer St; LV NV 89119 9 Fax 895-9388 So. Nevad da; otherrs to R&O Co onstruction; 80 01/627-1403 Fax 801/399-1480 0 Website: ww om Roche Constructors C NEVA ADA PROJEC CTS: 702-252 2-3611 email estim mating@roche; PROJE ECTS OUTSID DE NEVA ADA: 970/356 6-3611 Email estim mating@roche ÒÒA4754 CO OMÒÒ MM Dispensary D at a Paradise TI @ 4647 7 Paradise Ro oad Las Vega as, NV 89169,, NV BID DATE: 11/17/14 @3:00 pm Bid B documentts are online NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Mike M Peterson n Const; Cesa ar a; 5051 Schu uster St; 89118 438-3881 Fax F 438-4635 5 Fraga Email cesarf@mik OMÒÒ Marriott Residenc ce Inn Room ÒÒA4752 CO Reno ovation @ Las Vegas, NV N BID DATE E: 12/10/14 Planss expected NEED: SE END BIDS TO O: Martin Harris; LAS-BIDS@MARTINHA ARRIS.COM Phone 702/3855257 7 702/384-773 36 EMAIL OR R FAX YOUR R PACKAGE. See bin number 2400 2 for prequ ualification pa acket OMÒÒ Bid #5182-DC # Parrking Lot ÒÒA4750 CO Reha ab for FMA & HWB Buildings UNLV @ Las Vegas s, NV B BID DATE: 11/19/14 @3 3:00 pm rfp; le et me know iff you w want this NEED: N SEND BIDS TO: UNLV Main n Campus, Campus s Svcs Bldg, Purchasing P Room 235 450 05 Maryyland Parkway y; Las Vegas, NV 89154 http:/// solicitations orr call 702/895 53521 OMÒÒ Ongo oing Commerrcial work. Go G ÒÒA4733 CO to their company y website and d fill out the preq qualification form f to be ad dded to theirr bid list. They will tthen notify you when the ey have proje ects up for bid. @ Las Vegas, NV N BID DATE E: Ongoing No Plans NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: SR S Constructio on Inc Go to http:///www.srcons m/subcontracttors/subcontrract or-prre-qualification n-application// Fill out the form f and submit. ÒÒA4714 CO OMÒÒ MarM Maxx Phase 3 Office Expa ansion @ 41 100 East Lone e Mountain Rd North Las Vega as, NV 89081, NV BID DA ATE: 11/18//14; Some GC C's wantt bids a day ea arlier Bid Documents are online; Adden n 1; RFIs 1-36 Pre-Bid Job Walk has h been sche eduled for 4 at 9am, Thurssday 10/30/14 meett in front of the e main entran nce facing Lone Mountain Road d NEED: SIT TE WORK; DE EMOLITION; SITE UTIL LITIES; LAND DSCAPING; FENCING; CO ONCRETE; SIITE CON NCRETE; ASP PHALT; MASO ONRY; STRU UCTURAL STEE EL; METALS;; CARPENTR RY; ROUGH CARPENTRY C Y; MILL LWORK;ROO OFING; INSUL LATION; SHEETMETAL/FL LASHING; DO OORS, FRAM MES & HARDWARE; GLA ASS & GLAZING; DRYWA ALL; CEILING GS; CAULKING & SEA ALANTS; PAIINTING; FLO OORING; CERAMIC TILE; TOILET T ACCE ESSORIES & PARTITION NS; PLUM MBING; FIRE E SPRINKLER R; HVAC; ELE ECTRICAL; FIRE E ALARM. SEND BIDS TO O: R&O Co onstruction; 8958 9322 2; 6787 Spenc cer St; LV NV V 89119 Fax 895-9388 8 So. Neva ada; others to o R&O Constrruction; 801/627-1403 Fax SECTION N 1 PAGE 3 801/399 9-1480 Website: www.rand Sie erra Contraccting; 445 CO ORPORATE D DR., SUITE A – ESCON NDIDO, CA; (7 760) 745-876 69 – FAX (760 0) 745-5121; David H Heiligerdheilig ger@sierracon ntracting.netP Project Burke&A Assoc; 385 P Pilot Road; La as Vegas, NV 89119; 3671040 F Fax Bids to 36 67-4083 email estimatiing@burkecg Include name of pro oject on your bid. A4657 COM MÒÒ CRCPDP-300 Colora ado River ÒÒA Commi ssion Contra act No. CRCPDP-300: Bo oulder City Bypass s T-Line Mod difications Prroject, Trans smission Line e Constru uction. Deta ails of the wo ork are provided in the contrac ct documents s @ Boulderr City, NV BID DATE: 12/4/14 rfp; let me kknow if you wa ant this NE EED: Bid docume ents are availa able via down nload at www and http p://purchasing; on CD upon re equest to (702 2) 856-3613 o or bhaymore@; by hard copy upon p payment of a$ $200 non-refundable reprodu uction cost fee e, or for review w at the Colo orado River Commisssion offices a at 555 E. Washington Ave enue, Suite 3100, L as Vegas, Ne evada. SEND D BIDS TO: Colorado River Co ommission; 5 555 E. Washin ngton Avenue e, Suite 3100, Las Veg gas, Nevada; 702) 856-3613 or bhaymo [email protected] ov ÒÒA A4612 COM MÒÒ Offsites s for project n near Boulder Hwy an ndKaren @ L Las Vegas, N NV BID DATE: 11/15/14 (Call to see if extend ding bid date) Bid documents are online e NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: John n Sara [email protected] 702/496 6-4432 or 646 6/638-2610 ÒÒA A4509 COM MÒÒ Many up pcoming com mmercial projects s all over the e United Stattes. Fill out the Prequa alification pac cket and the ey will put yo ou on their persona al bid list @ NV, CA, WA A, many states, NV BID DATE: Ongoing No o Plans, simp ply send comp pany resume NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Elevven Western Builders Inc; 2862 Exxecutive Placce; Escondido o, CA 92029 7 760/796-6346 6; fax 760//796-6358 ww om KRISTI SNELL Email to [email protected] om BUSINES SS CARD D AD IN THIS WEE EKLY BU ULLETIN N IS ONL LY $15 P PER WEEK A4268 COM MÒÒ Vitamin Shoppe @ Las Vegas, ÒÒA NV BID D DATE: Immed Plans e expected NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: P PacifiCore Co onst; Office: 6 657-859-4500 0; Fax: 65 7-859-4519; 18201 McDurrmott West, S Suite B; Irvine e, CA 926 14 Alexis Payyne alexis@p CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M ÒÒA4009 CO OMÒÒ Wilsh hire Congreg gate Care Facillity LANDSC CAPING ONL LY @ Henderrson, NV BID DATE: Immed Bid B Documentts are online NEED: LAND DSCAPING BIDS B ONLY SEND BIDS TO: Ledco or Consst; 901 N Green Valley Pkw wy #100; Hen nderson, NV 8907 74 p 702-947--3713 | f 702-3 320-8210 | c 702-704-5902 email Jeff Rensmo on Senior Esttimator [email protected] Direct: 702-94 47-3743 ; Debb bie Drinkwate er Estimating Coordinator C debb [email protected] m Direct: 702-947-3713 7 3 ÒÒA3981 CO OMÒÒ Three e Starbucks in Las Vegas s overr the next 3 months. m Send your comp pany Resume e to the GC @ Las s Vegas, NV V BID DATE: ongoing Seend your company res sume NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Radixx Const Inc, Trevor T Gansk ke Senio or Estimator; faxed to 208--442-5601 or emaile to trevo org@radixcon m. ÒÒA3937 CO OMÒÒ Highlland Investm ments @ Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: D Imme ed Plans exp pected NEE ED: SEND BIDS TO: Westpoint Developmentt Attn: Steve Yankke or Cindy Shearer 739-90 033; 9061 W Sahara Ave #105 5 LV NV 89117 Fax 432-44 462; Steve [email protected] and [email protected] and rebeccca@westpoiintdevelopme ÒÒA3885 CO OMÒÒ Golf Smith S Store 22,000 sq.ftt retail store @ Su ummerlin Sho ops; Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: Immed Bid B Documentts are online NEED: Ste eel stud framing; Dryw wall; Insulatio on; Plumbing ; Electric; HVA AC; Fire ssprinkler; Ceiling Grid; Alarm / security system; Store e front glass; Doors SEND BIDS S TO: Jim Baschnagel; 702-8 843-4110; Jim m.Baschnage [email protected] m ÒÒA3341 CO OMÒÒ A3341 Mosque @ Las Vegas, NV B BID DATE: Immed Bid docs d online NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Moe@mom meniassociate; Mom meni&Assoc; Moe M Momeni; 3110 S Dura ango Dr #205; Llc; LV, N NV 89117 Ce entury West Development D jame es@centurywe; 310/433-4458 3 8; Fax 413/4100194 4 ÒÒA2831 CO OMÒÒ Las Vegas V Athletiic Club @ N Las V Vegas, NV BID B DATE: Immed I Bid docs online NEED: All trades needed espe ecially Concre ete, masonry, plum mbing, electric, structural ste eel SEND BIDS B TO: M.C. M Nelso on Construction Services; Matt Nelson; 2655 S Maryyland Pkwy #2 201; Las Vega as, NV 89109 9 702/277-1914; fax 9 965-2520 ema ail mcnblu@g ÒÒA2748 CO OMÒÒ Mattrress Co @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Immed online; Ad dden 6 NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Penn non Const; Alexrr@pennoncon m ÒÒA2701 CO OMÒÒ Tivoli Village Upc coming Proje ects, mail yo our company y resume only y!!!! @ Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: D Ongo oing SEND YOUR Y COM MPANY RESU UME ONLY!!! NEED: SEND S BIDS TO: T HARDSTONE CO ONSTRUCTIO ON LLC; 302 S RAMPART T BLVD D; LAS VEGA AS, NV 89145 5 ÒÒA2636 CO OMÒÒ Alexa a Business Park P 7000 s.f. apprrox, includes s site improvements @ SECTION N 1 PAGE 4 Washing gton/Eastern; 873 North E Eastern (Alexa a Business Park), N NV BID DATTE: Immed Bid docs online NEED: Asphalt/ t/Paving, curb bs/gutters/walks/ drives, de emo/exterior and inte erior, grading,, signage, striiping/bumperss, street lites, masonry ry block walls retaining and d trash enclossure, landsca aping/ irrigatio on,electric, hvvac, plumbing, fire sprinkle ers, elevators,, cabinetry/ m millwork, finish h carpentry, ceilings , cleanup, columns, drywa all, flooring, m metal framing, glazing,, handicap/toiilet access, ha ardware,insulation, iron -call for d details, steel -- call for deta ails, paint, roo ofing, stair rails, stu ucco, weatherstip, window ws/doorsMaso onry SEND BIDS TO O: FM Con ntracting; Fred d Pritchard; 6 606-0177 fax 558-511 15 email Fred dpritch322@a PRE EFERS EMAIL B BIDS ÒÒA A2126 COM MÒÒ MGM bu usiness partn ner is seeking g to identify local and/or diverse bus sinesses for potentia al bid opporrtunities in ca ategories listed below. Please provide: com mpany name e, contact pe erson, phone, email a and website. @ Las Vega as, NV BID D DATE: ONGOI NG SEND C COMPANY RE ESUME TO B BE PUT ON THEIR B BID LIST N NEED: 1) Ho oists; 2) Consstruction Elevato r with operato or; 3) Constru uction Stairwe ells (to traverse e roof to roof) ;4) Fall Protection; 5) skyliight Protecti on (horizonta al life lines, sccaffolding); 6) Electrical Wiring a and associate ed supplies; 7 7) Temporary Fencing SEND B BIDS TO: M MGM Resortss Internationa al Design; Gerri Ha arris; Directorr Contract Administration & Constru uction Diversitty; 4882 Fran nk Sinatra Drivve ; Las Vegas, NV 89158; O Office: 702-692 2-2005; Email gharris@ ÒÒ9 9623 COMÒ ÒÒ The Linq (Huge ongoing project) The Bu ilder wants c company res sumes, referrences, license e info, etc. ma ailed. Do no ot call. @ Lass Vegas, NV V BID DA ATE: Ongoin ng NO PLANS S NEED: N New outdoor promen ade linking ca asinos on the e east side of the Las Vegas S Strip with resttaurants, barss and a 550-fo oot observa ation wheel.Th he centerpiecce of the proje ect is a soaring wheel - tallerr than the Lon ndon Eye and d the Singapo ore Flyer - witth spherical ccabins that can hold 40 people e each and take e 30 minutes to make one e revolutio on.The projecct is to link the e Imperial Pa alace and The e Flaming go hotel and ccasino.There will be over 2 200,000 square ffeet full of sho ants, and even n a 550-footops, restaura high obsservation whe eel. It's expeccted that overr 3,000 construcction jobs willl be filled and d the project w will create more th an 1,500 permanent positions. SEND BIDS TO: WA Ric hardson; 395 5 E Sunset Rd d; Las Vegas,, NV 89119 CO NOT T CALL!! ONLY SEND YO OUR COMPANY RESUME E OF YOU U WANT TO BID THIS PR ROJECT. The ey have been awarded d the job as the General C Contractor ÒÒ6 6931 COMÒ ÒÒ SUNRISE E AND ZINFA ANDEL RETAIL L PAD 1 Gro ound Up 5,00 00 sf partially y warm shell building g @ Las Veg gas, NV BID D DATE: Imm med CD (be sure to contact builde er for bid date e) NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: T TriCorp Hearn n; Bid Coordin nator Brooklyyn Erickson, for plan info or RFI’s via email at berickso on@tricorphe; Estimato or: James Mo orefield . [email protected] CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SECTION N 1 PAGE 5 cabinetrry/millwork,Finish Carpentry, cleanup, ccountertops, decking g, elevator, fire eplaces, tile/sstone,flooring, garage doors,iro ron, roofing, sstair rails, stairs, steel/strucctural, windowss/doors/alum SEND BIDS S TO: Eleg gant Homes LLC; He ezekiah Hend drix; 9225 W. Flamingo Ste e #170; Las Vegas, Nv 89147; 70 02-341-7437 Office; 702-254-0795 Fax Email ra annymckee@ A AND hezhend [email protected] ÒÒA A4365 CUSÒ ÒÒ Several High end custom homes s for bid now, and ma any more co oming up. Se end your compan ny resume riight away. @ Las Vegas,, NV BID DATE: Immed No Plans, send yyour resume o only. Must be e high qua ality sub. Pusshing masonrry bids NEED: SEND BIDS TO O: Elegantt Homes, Ran nny McKee em mail your GREAT DEAL! resume to his email rrannymckee@ A4220 CUSÒ ÒÒ GC Need ds good Dryw wall, ÒÒA Ca an you hire e someone to track down projec ct Insulatiion, or Stucc co subs that do Custom Homes @ le eads for $1.43 a day? ? Las Veg gas, NV BID D DATE: Ongoing send your company resume NO PLANS just send you ur company re esume!!! The Sierra Plan P Room m Members ship is only y NEED: All trades nee eded but push insulation, d drywall and $10 050 for 2 years, whic ch is only $1.43 $ a day y!! stucco ssubs SEND BIDS TO: Level Develoopment email resume to tgc07@ho an nd tchristen nsen@leveld NO ACTIVA ATION FEE! ÒÒA A4179 CUSÒ ÒÒ Custom Home @ Zo ois/Hodge Matterh orn Cabin in Mt Charleston, NV BID D DATE: ÒÒ5051 COM MÒÒ Genera al Contractorr operating Immed Bid Documents are online e NEED: grading/finish, throu ughout the west w coast an nd headquarrtered in Las temp po ower/toilets, u u/g dry utilitiess, demo, sewer/water, Vega as is seeking g to prequaliffy subcontra actors for eve ery concrete e, drywall, co ountertops/gra anite,cabinetss/millwork, trade e for a numb ber of upcoming tenant im mprovement finish ca arpentry, ceilings, decking//redwood,dum mbwaiter, and g ground up new construc ction projects s. Open sho op fireplace es,flooring/tile e, wood framiing, lumber, trusses, and union @ Las s Vegas, NV V BID DATE: Ongoing glazing doors/ward, m mirrors, tub e enclosures, insulation, Send d subcontracto or prequalifica ation package e and resume e to paint, ro oofing/ standing seam mettal, stair rails, weatherstrip, builder NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Allia ance Building windowss, doors, sidin ng SEND BIDS TO: JS S Leavitt Broup; Jeff P. Man nning; Princip pal; email Const; S Scott 702/232 2-8469 Email [email protected] and [email protected] om matterh [email protected] OM, ADDÒÒ Property Ma anagers, ÒÒA4805 CO PLANS SWIFT FREE E ON-SCRE EEN TAKE O OFF TOOLS Realtors looking for GC's and d Handyman n Services fo or YOU C CAN USE TO O MEASURE E SQUARE FEET, curre ent and futurre projects @ Las Vegas s, NV BID LINEAL L FEET, AREAS, COUN NTER, ETC. DATE: Ongoing Email over your y company y resume NEED: Landscapiing, Rock/dec corative, electtric, HVAC, Clickhe ere to down nload the fre ee 14 day trrial of Cabinetry/Millwork k, countertops s, drywall, garage PlanSw wift 9.0 NOT TE: BE SUR RE TO TYP PE doorss/openers,roo ofing, stucco, lath, plaster, General IN COU UPON COD DE C22 TO GET $100 O OFF THE Conttractors, Hand dyman that ca an do many trrades SEND D PROG RAM SHOU ULD YOU D DECIDE TO UPGRADE E BIDS S TO: Big Mountain M Prop perties; US Realty R & Prope erty TO TH HEIR FULL P PACKAGE, WHICH WIILL BE Mana agement; Paige Gross, Ow wner/Broker/P Property AROUND $900 OR SO. EXC CELLENT P PROGRAM, Mana ager; Sean Ke elly; 9670 W. Tropicana Av venue, Suite 100; Las Vegas, NV N 89147; cell 702-460-25 559 fax 702THIS IS S SOMETH HING THAT WOULD HA AVE GONE E 255-6 6612 Email seank.bmp@g s an nd FOR $ 5000 A FEW W YEARS A AGO. I HEA AR IT’S markkgross1234@ an nd paigecgros [email protected]; REALL LY EASY TO O LEARN, T TUTORIALS S, 24 HOUR R ÒÒ5951 COM MÒÒ 2500 S.F. Free stan nding office build ding @ Bould der Hwy/Delh hart St; Las Ve egas, NV BID DATE: Immed online; o wants design build NEED: Architect; Ground up, grade pa ad, landscapin ng, masonry building, electric, HVAC, H Light Fixt, Plumbingt, Fire Alarm m or fire ssprinklers if ne eeded; concre ete pad and fllatwork, ceilin ngs, clean nup, drywall, flooring, f wood d framing, lum mber,trusses, overh head doors, glazing, g handiicap toilet acc cess, hardwaq qre, insula ation, paint, roofingr built up; u weathersttrip, windo ows/doors SEND S BIDS TO: T RCI Co onst; George Russsell, Presidentt; 3530 N Pec cos Rd; Las Vegas, V NV 89115 643-4556; 378-5663 cel; fax is 643-1154 CUSTOM M HOME PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM HELP, ETC. ÒÒA A3726 CUSÒ ÒÒ Custom Home @ La as Vegas, NV BID D DATE: Immed Bid Doccuments are o online ÒÒA4380 CU USÒÒ TAS Residence R High end custtom NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: FM Contracting; Fred home @ MacDon nald Highland ds; Henderson n, NV BID Pritcharrd; 606-0177 fax 558-5115 5 email DATE: Immed Bid B Documentts are online NEED: Need [email protected] PREFER RS EMAIL BIDS Land dscaping/Irriga ation, Pol/Spa a/Water Treattment, Rockk/decorative, Electric E Prewire, Low Volta age, Concrete e, slabss, flatwork, lightweight, Masonry, appliances, CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M ÒÒA3725 CU USÒÒ GC AN ND subs nee eded for custo om home on n Mt Charlestton @ Mt Ch harleston Coad dy/Rodman Residence, R NV BID DATE E: Immed Bid Docu uments are on nline NEED D: SEND BIIDS TO: Rose emary Rodma an rosemaryro odman@yaho 702/3 328-0944 WE H HAVE A NEW 2 YEAR RATE WHICH IS ON NLY $1050. LE ESS THAN N HALF OF OU UR COMPETIT TORS PRICE AND A WE PUBL LISH MORE INFORMATION. NO ACTIIVATION FEE!! ÒÒA3195 CU USÒÒ Heese e Residence @ 8620 Horrse Dr., L Las Vegas Nv v. 89143, NV V BID DATE: Immed Bidd docs online NEED: SEND BIDS TO: FM Contracting; Fred Pritchard; 60 06-0177 fax 558-5115 ema ail Fredpritch322@ao PREF FERS EMAIL BIDS USÒÒ Peleti Residence Custom C Hom me ÒÒA3112 CU @ 8 Camino Barc celona; Lake Las Vegas South S Shore Neighborhood; La as Vegas, NV V BID DATE E: Immed Bid docs online NEED: Its a vacant lot in LLV V that we need d to add a split face CM MU retaining wall to in order to extend the t lot. N Need block wall, w electric, HVAC, H Plumb bing, Fire Sprin nklers, Concre ete foundation ns/slabs, cabin netry/millwork k,columns, countertops/gra anite, drywall, fireplaces, wood framing, wood d trusses, garrage doors, glazing, insulation n, paint, roofin ng, stucco/lath h/plaster, windo ows/doors/vin nyl SEND BIDS TO: Le evel Deve elopment Group LLC; Todd d Christensen n; o-(702)953-6427 7; f-(702)953-0 0765; tchriste ensen@leveld ÒÒA1916 CU USÒÒ Custo om Home 13,,415 s.f. 3 sto ory @ 13,000 s.f. cus stom in MacD Donald Highlands; Las Veg gas, NV B BID DATE: Immed Bid docs d online NEED: Asph halt/Paving, cu urbs/ Gutters// Walks/ Drive es, Grading, Sewe er, Water, Septic System, Block Wall, Pool, P spa, landsscaping/irrigation, rock/dec corative, Electric, Plumbing g, Fire A Alarms, Electtric prewire Se ecurity, cable e, phon ne,concrete, masonry, m appliances, cabin netry, carpenttry/ finish h, ceilings, cle eanup, counte ertops, drywall, flooring, framiing, lumber, trusses, garag ge doors, glaz zing doors/wa ard, mirro ors, tub enclos sures,gutters//downspouts,, hardware, insula ation, paint, roofing, r stair rails, r stucco, lath, plaster, weattherstip, windo ows/doors SEND S BIDS TO: T Brenna an's Ltd.; Corinne "Coo okie" Leo Execcutive Assistant to Gary R. Brennan; Business: (702)) 731-2 2001; Cell: (7 702) 688-3594 4; Fax: (702) 735-2006 corinne.sggmgmt@ USÒÒ SEE BIN B # A1874 85 finished d ÒÒA1875 CU 1/2 a acre lots and will be cons structed as semi-custom s homes. Projected d to schedule 3 or 4 per month as job b prog gresses. This plan is also in building Dpt.forplan D review. r @ Loga andale, NV BID B DATE: Immed I SEE BIN # 1874 NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: TNP T Construc ction Co. Inc.; Ken Flynn; 5550 Painted P Mirag ge Rd. #320; Las L Vegas, 8914 49 702/6 682-8124 email romeblvd@ ÒÒA0723 CU USÒÒ Custo om Home @ 2970 San Loren nzo Ct; Henderson, NV BID B DATE: Immed Bid do ocs online NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: CONTACT FOR ESTIONS JD Development D od; 743-0997 7 QUE ; Curtis Atwoo SECTION N 1 PAGE 6 wood@hotma AND S SEND BIDS T TO BOTH curtisatw TO curt isatwood@ho AN ND [email protected] A0055 CUSÒ ÒÒ 15,000 P PLUS several buildings ÒÒA custom m home MAIN N HOUSE, GU UEST HOUSE E, POOL HOUSE E, MAINT QUARTERS @ MacDonaldss Ranch; Hendersson, NV BID D DATE: Immed Bid doccs online NEED: Site improvem ments are do one. Bid on th he actual construcction of the ho ouse.Plumbin ng/Gas -- alte ernate materia ls per code. Alternate sizing of materia als.pool/spa design b build; landsca ape -- design build; electricc; hvac, light fixtures,, plumbing, firre alarms, fire e sprinkolers, vacuum, intercom m, security, tvv system, prew wire design/b build; concrete e foundattions,flatwork,, appliances, cabinetry/millwork, finish carp; ce eilings, cleanu up, columns; countertops, decking; ooring, wood framing, lumber, trusses, drywall, fireplaces, flo garage doors, glazing doors/ward d, mirrors, tub enclosures; gutters// downspouts,, hardwr;insullation, paint, rroofing stair rails, skkylights, steel//structural, stu ucco/lath/plasster - sand finish, w water softenerr, weatherstrip p, windows/doors SEND M LEAR BY E BIDS TO O: ONLY C CONTACT JIM EMAIL LEARC ONSTRUCTIIONINC@GM MAIL.COM AN ND JIMLEA [email protected] DO NOT C CONTACT A ANYONE ELSE. 9478 CUSÒÒ 5007 Hous se Right View w @ Las ÒÒ9 Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: asap 1 Plan; Structu ural Calcs NEED: PLEASE NOTE THEY BU UILD THIS PL LAN AT DIFFER RENT LOCAT TIONS SO BE E SURE TO S SUBMIT ht Fixtures, YOUR B BIDFinish Gra ading, Electricc, HVAC, Ligh Plumbin ng, Concrete, Cabinetry/Millwork, Finish h Carpentry, Counterrtops/Laminatte, Drywall, F Flooring/Carpe et and resilientt, lumber, trussses,garage d doors, glazing g, hardware, insulatio on, roofing/tile e, stucco/lath//plaster, weattherstrip, windowss/doors SEN ND BIDS TO:: Habitat fo or Humanity Las Veg gas; 1401 N. Decatur Blvd. Ste. 35; Lass Vegas, NV 9 Email [email protected] 89108; 702-807-5259 ATTE ENTION BU UILDERS: We are a free e service and an exteension of yourr office. W We operate like a construction li brary. If y you give us s your plan ns, the subc contractors s and supp pliers chec ck out the plans s and send d you their bids. You u can send yo ur subs he ere to bid y your projec ct at no charge e. ÒÒ6 6681 CUSÒÒ Habitat fo or Humanity 2 Houses, same p plan @ Millerr; Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Immed Bid docss online NE EED: Please note, they bu uild this same house a at different loccations, so be e sure to subm mit your bid. SEND B BIDS TO: H Habitat for Hu umanity Las V Vegas; 1401 N. Deca atur Blvd. Ste. 35; Las Veg gas, NV 89108; 702-6386477 Fa ax 702-638-64 478 Email Recepti onist@habita g; Darryl@ CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M ÒÒ6680 CUS SÒÒ Habitatt for Humanitty House @ Hart Lane; Las Ve egas, NV BID DATE: Im mmed Bid doc cs online NEED: Please P note, they build this s same house e at differrent locations, so be sure to t submit your bid. SEND D BIDS S TO: Habitat for Human nity Las Vega as; 1401 N. Deca atur Blvd. Ste. 35; Las Veg gas, NV 89108 8; 702-638-64 477 Fax 7 702-638-6478 8 Email Rece eptionist@hab; Darryyl@habitatlas ÒÒ6127 CUS SÒÒ Custom m Home MacDonalds Ran nch @ 1737 Tangiers s Drive, Henderson, NV BID B DATE: Imme ed Bid docs online o NEE ED: Utilities do one. Bid Hou use itself all trades needed SEND D BIDS TO: Gary Brenna an or Errin Ben-Samo ochan Execcutive Manage er; 731-2001; fax 735-2006 6; email erin@ @manorsuites ÒÒ2501 CUS SÒÒ Custom m home MacD Donalds Ran nch @ (T Tangiers Driv ve); Henderso on, NV BID DATE: D Imme ed Bid d docs online NEED: D O N O T C A L L IF YOU ARE NOT THE FO OLLOWING TRADES T - In nterior Stair Railin ng - Utility Tre enching. SEND BIDS TO O: Ecologic Consst; Jaime Med dina email onlly [email protected] MU ULTI-FAMIL LY HOUSIN NG APA ARTMENT AND A COND DO PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM ÒÒA4696 MU ULÒÒ Rose Gardens Tow wnhomes Reno ovation @ N Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: 11/6/14 4 @2:0 00 pm ( Call to see if exten nding bid date e) Bod Docu uments are on nline Job wa alk Subcontractor site walk k will b be held Thursd day October 23rd 2 at 10:00 0 AM NEED: SEND BIDS TO: PRECISION GCC, INC;; BRAD COLLINS; ESTIMATOR; 3380 Industrial Blv vd., Suite 101; Westt Sacramento o, CA 95691; T 916.381.46 640 X12; F 916.3 381.4819 C 916.960.7666 9 Email BCO OLLINS@PRE ECISIONGC.C COM ATTEN NTION MEMB BERS: PL LEASE REF FER US TO O YOUR FR RIENDS, WE W WILL EXTEND YOUR MEMBERSH M HIP IF THE EY SIGN UP WITH W US. Call TO ODAY!! 702/871 1-1077 ÒÒA4178 MU ULÒÒ PROJ JECT CALLED Big House e 129 u units Multi-F Family Housing @ PROJECT CALLED D Big H House 129 un nits; Horizon Ridge, R betwee en Stephanie and G Gibson; Hend derson, NV BID B DATE: Immed Bid Docu uments are on nline NEED D: SEND BIIDS TO: Helle er Developme ent; Mike Rushing 702/503-7861 Email [email protected] com SECTION N 1 PAGE 7 ÒÒA A2640 MULÒ ÒÒ MULTI-F FAMILY HOU USING -- Reissued project -- ne ew plans @ PROJECT CA ALLED Big House 1 129 units; Horizon Ridge, b between Step phanie and Gibson;; Henderson, NV BID DA ATE: Immed Bid docs online NEED: sitew work, concrette, masonry, metals, woods a and plastics, tthermal and m moisture prote ection, doors and win ndows, finishe es, specialtiess, furnishings,, special construcction, mechan nical, electrical.I believe th he breakdown n is: 13 T Ten-Plex build dings plus clu ubhouse with pool and landsca aping. Breakd down: 13 1Br//1BA 102 2B Br/2Ba 14 3Brr/2Ba Total 12 29 units SEN ND BIDS TO:: ALL CONTACT VIA EMAIL!!! Intercontine ental Enterprises, Inc.; Pattty Rushing, Preside ent; Mailing ad ddress: 6575 5 Whispering S Sands Drive; Las Veg gas, NV 8913 31-2221; 702-336-3439 Ce ell 702-5456888 Offfice; 702-655 5-0188 Fax [email protected] DO NO OT CONTACT T ANYBO ODY ELSE BU UT BY EMAIL L TO PATTY O OR YOU WILL BE E DISQUALIF FIED FROM T THIS PROJE ECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ÒÒA A1876 MULÒ ÒÒ Apartme ents @ Rome Residential Apartme ents; Las Veg gas, NV BID D DATE: Imm med Bid docs s online NEED: SE END BIDS TO O: TNP Co onstruction Co. Inc..; Ken Flynn; 5550 Painted d Mirage Rd. # #320; Las Vegas, 89149 702/682 2-8124 email [email protected] ÒÒA A0044 MULÒ ÒÒ 34 Aparttments (3 bu uildings plus admin b bldg, clubho ouse, etc.) Prrevailing Wag ge @ N Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Immed Bid docs online NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: T TNP Construcction; Ken Flyynn 702/6828124 em mail romeblvd [email protected] m AT TENTION G GENERAL L CONTRAC CTORS: CHEC CK OUT TH HE AGENDA A SECTION N OF THIS BULL LETIN. IT IS THE BES ST PLACE FOR YOU TO FIN ND OUT AB BOUT UPC COMING PR ROJECTS!! GIVE E THAT SE ECTION TO O YOUR FO ORWARD PLAN NNER SO Y YOU HAVE E PLENTY O OF WORK COMING UP. MIN NORITY ADVERT TISING IS S ONLY $20 PER W WEEK!!!! CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SECTION N 1 PAGE 8 4:00 pm rfp; le et me know iff you want this s DATE: 12/3/14 @4 S TO: Cityy of Boulder C City Public NEED: SEND BIDS Works; PO Box 6135 50; Boulder C City, NV 89006 6 293-9200 Plans a re at A4743 XGOV VÒÒ Boulde er City Project No. 14ÒÒA 0910-LF F; LANDFILL L BULK WAT TER DISPENS SING STATIO ON @ Boulde er City, NV B BID DATE: 12/11/14 @2:30 p pm rfp; let me know if you u want this NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: C City of Boulde er City Public Works; PO Box 613 350; Boulder City, NV 8900 06 293-9200 Plans are at ÒÒA A4677 XGOV VÒÒ RFP fo or Pedal Boatt Conces ssion at Lore enzi Park @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: 12/2/14 rfp;; let me know w if you want this NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: C City of Las Ve egas; 400 Ste ewart Ave 1st Floor Ciity Hall; Las V Vegas, NV 89 9101 229-623 31 Fax 3849964 ww ww.lasvegasn bids ÒÒ6 6141 XGOVÒ ÒÒ Provide Residential Rehabi litation cons struction serv vices for qua alified homes in Henderso on @ Henderson, NV BID DATE: TRACT HOME Ongoing g Bid docs online NEED D: SEND B BIDS TO: PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM City of H Henderson Ne eighborhood services 267-2000; 2672010; G Gilbert Medina a email Gilbert.M Medina@cityo ÒÒA1874 TR RAÒÒ 85 Ho omes finished d 1/2 acre lotts ÒÒ5 5077 XGOVÒ ÒÒ Oregon Housing and d community y and w will be consttructed as se emi-custom homes. service es seeking pu ublic/private e partnership ps to perform m Proje ected to sche edule 3 or 4 per month as a job section n 8 managem ment and occ cupancy revie ews in the prog gresses. Westerrn States exc cept Oregon @ Western S States, NV This plan is also in building Dpt.forplan D review. r @ BID DA ATE: ongoing g rfp NEED D: SEND B BIDS TO: Loga andale, NV BID B DATE: Immed I Bid docs online Oregon Housing&Co ommunity Ser rvices; NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: TNP T Construc ction Co. Inc.; www.oh hcs.oregon.go ov to downloa ad rfp 503/986 6-0974 Ken Flynn; 5550 Painted P Mirag ge Rd. #320; Las L Vegas, ÒÒ1 1093 XGOVÒ ÒÒ Prequaliification for jjobs less 8914 49 702/6 682-8124 email romeblvd@ than $2 250,000.00 @ Nevada, N NV BID DATE E: Ongoing orm may be do ownloaded att ÒÒ6357 TRA AÒÒ Village South Project 3 Homes @ RFQ NEED: Prequalification fo m or by requessting a hard ccopy 775/888-off th he 215 and Giibson Rd. in Henderson, H NV N BID DAT TE: 7070 S SEND BIDS T TO: Nevada Dept of Tra ansportation, Imme ed Bid docs online o NEE ED: We prefer contractors ; 775/888-707 Agreem ment Services 70 that h have experien nce and are fa amiliar with trract home ÒÒ0 0018246 XG GOVÒÒ State ements of qu ualifications construction.We will w be building g three homes in the next nergy Servic ce Companie es for perform mances phasse of our Villag ge South Projject. There is s two floor pla ans from En cting service es for future projects @ Statewide, with a an "A" and "B B" elevation on each. Lot 1 will be a plan n 2 contrac B 355 50sq ft; Lot 2 will be a plan n 1 A 2988sq ftLot 92 will be b NV BID D DATE: On ngoing RFQ NEED: S SEND BIDS a pla an 2 B reverse ed 3550sq ftW We have alrea ady build 85 TO: S State of Neva ada Public Wo orks Board 48 86-5115 home es in the com mmunity and after a these thre ee we will hav ve ÒÒ0 0017381 XG GOVÒÒ Appllication to prre- qualify @ four m more and tha at will finish ou ut the Village South. After the Las Veg gas, NV BID D DATE: Ongoing RFB NEED: last ffour, we have a five lot parrcel that will lik kely be the Applicat tions will be a accepted from m general building same e homes just down the roa ad. SEND BIDS TO: contract tors for new b building const truction and from specialty y AllWe est Homes; Jon Allsop; 11 Commerce Center C Dr.; contract tors to act as prime bidder rs for specialt ty projects Hend derson NV 89 9014; 702-566 6-9541 O; 702 2-567-6385 F; F BIDS TO: C Clark County School Dist' Construction 702-2 271-7801 C (preferred pho one contact, i am rarely in my SEND B Manage ement; 799-24 466 ext 302 office e) All corresp pondence will need to come thru my GREAT DE EAL! [email protected] email address and anyone p at 702-2 271-7801 may call my cell phone Can y you hire so omeone to o track dow wn project ÒÒ7706 MUL LÒÒ Joshua a Hill Condos s @ N Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: D Imme ed Bid docs online NEE ED: Asph halt/paving, cu urbs/ gutters/ walks, gradin ng, sewer/watter, signa age, striping/b bumpers, tem mp power, toile ets, water, Term mite Spray, U/G Dry utilities s/ landscaping g/irrigation, electtric, HVAC, Light Fixt, Plum mbing, Fire Alarms, Fire Sprin nklers, Elec -P Prewire, conc crete foundatio ons, slabs, flatwo ork, lightweight, appliances, cabinetry/m millwork; finish h carpe entry, ceilings s, cleanup, co ountertops,decking, drywall, flooring, framing/w wood, lumber,, wood trusse es, garage doorss/openers, gla azing, doors/w ward, mirrors, tub enclosures, hand dicap/toilet access, hardwa are rough and finish, insula ation, iron, pa aint, roofing 3 ply roof single ply, 90#; sttair rails, stucco/ lath/ plaster, weattherstrip, wind dows/doors, windo ow treatmentt SEND BIDS S TO: Blue e Marble Deve elopment; Ben n Young; Chie ef Operating Officer; V. P. Consstruction; 702-251-0789 Office; O 702-399 9-7269 Fax; 702-5 538-5108 Ce ell; byoung@b bluemarblede 2929 E. Centtennial Pkwy.;; N. Las Vega as, NV. 89081 GOV VERNMENT TAL/ PUBL LIC PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM ÒÒA4760 XG GOVÒÒ Man nhole Rehabiilitation Phas se 1A & 1B (14-E-01 11 & 14-E-012 2) @ Boulder City, NV BID B lead ds for $1.43 a day? The e Sierra Pla an Room M Membership is only $1050 0 for 2 yea ars, which is only $1.43 a day!! CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M AT TTENTION BUILDERS S: W We are a fre ee servicee and an exxtension off yo our office. We operate like a co onstruction n library. Iff you give us your pllans, the su ubcontracto ors and su uppliers ch heck out th he pla ans and sen nd you the eir bids. Yo ou can sen nd y your subs here to bid d your pro oject at no charrge. COMME ERCIAL NOT IN NEVADA N PROJECT TS AT SIERRA PLAN N ROOM ÒÒA4816 YC COMÒÒ Pierr 1 Imports - @ Orem, Utah, UT B BID DATE: 11/26/14 rfp;; let me know w if you want th his NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: R&O R Construc ction; 895-932 22; 6787 7 Spencer St; LV NV 89119 9 Fax 895-9388 So. Nevad da; otherrs to R&O Co onstruction; 80 01/627-1403 Fax 801/399-1480 0 Website: ww om ÒÒA4813 YC COMÒÒ Ame eritrade Rem models primarily of floorring and pain nt work @ All A over US, US U BID D DATE: 12/4/14 rfp; let me m know if you u want this NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Rand R Construc ction Corp poration; Kathy Little; 1117 Perimeter Ce enter West Su uite N401 1; Atlanta, Ge eorgia 30338; direct 404-95 53-5880; mob bile 404-3 309-6628; ma ain 770-777-4 4177 Email [email protected] m COMÒÒ Chip potle @ Mac con, GA, GA A ÒÒA4812 YC BID D DATE: 12/2/14 rfp; let me m know if you u want this NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Rand R Construc ction Corp poration; Kathy Little; 1117 Perimeter Ce enter West Su uite N401 1; Atlanta, Ge eorgia 30338; direct 404-95 53-5880; mob bile 404-3 309-6628; ma ain 770-777-4 4177 Email [email protected] m COMÒÒ Chip potle @ N.La akeland, FL, ÒÒA4811 YC FL B BID DATE: 12/3/14 1 rfp; let me know iff you want this NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Rand R Construc ction Corp poration; Kathy Little; 1117 Perimeter Ce enter West Su uite N401 1; Atlanta, Ge eorgia 30338; direct 404-95 53-5880; mob bile 404-3 309-6628; ma ain 770-777-4 4177 Email [email protected] m COMÒÒ Mitc chell Gold + Bob Williams s ÒÒA4810 YC @ Leawood KS, KS BID DAT TE: 12/1/14 rfp; let me know w if you want this t NEED:: SEND BID DS TO: Rand Consstruction Corp poration; Kath hy Little; 1117 7 Perimeter Centter West Suite e N401; Atlanta, Georgia 30338; 3 direct 404-9 953-5880; mo obile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-4177 7 7 Email Little@rand COMÒÒ Anto oine Town Center C - (TÒÒA4809 YC Mobile Shell) @ Houston, TX, TX BID DA ATE: 12/1/14 4 rfp; le et me know iff you want this s NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Warwick Const. C Cindy Gutierrez, G Estimating SECTION N 1 PAGE 9 Adminisstrator. Please e fax your bid d to 832-448-3 3000 or contact us at 832-448-7000 Email: [email protected] A4808 YCOM MÒÒ Hardee e's @ Abbevville, LA, LA ÒÒA BID DA ATE: 12/8/14 4 rfp; let me kknow if you w want this NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Gan naway Contra acting; Susan Monson n; 770-365-22 226 cell; 770-6 650-7722 x 106; 254 N Main Sttreet Alphare etta, GA 30009; www.gana; To odd Larkin todd_larrking@ganaw ÒÒA A4807 YCOM MÒÒ Smith''s #475 Remo odel @ Hollada ay, UT, UT B BID DATE: 1 12/11/14 rfp; let me know if you w want this NE EED: SEND D BIDS TO: BatemanHall, Incc.; Richard Sttephenson; 20 08/523-2681; 208/5244435; 14 405 Foote Drrive Idaho Fallls, ID 83402 jessica. leavitt@batem m A4806 YCOM MÒÒ Smith''s #158 Remo odel @ West ÒÒA Jordan, UT, UT BID D DATE: 11//25/14 rfp; le et me know if you wan nt this NEE ED: SEND B BIDS TO: R R&O Constru uction; 895-93 322; 6787 Spe encer St; LV NV 89119 Fax 895 5-9388 So. Ne evada; otherss to R&O Con nstruction; 801/627 7-1403 Fax 80 01/399-1480 Website: www.ra A4804 YCOM MÒÒ Courty yard Marriottt/One Marina a ÒÒA Hotel @ Redwood C City, CA 9406 65, CA BID DATE: 12/3/14 rfp; let me kknow if you wa ant this NE EED: SEND BIDS TO O: TriCorp p Hearn 11281 1 Pyrites Wayy #A; Gold River, C CA 95670 916 6/779-8010; F Fax 916/779--8011; Estimato or: Ryan Smiith Berickson@ ÒÒA A4803 YCOM MÒÒ Dollar Tree @ Aub burndale FL, FL BID D DATE: 12//1/14 rfp; let m me know if yo ou want this NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Ran nd Constructio on Corpora ation; Kathy L Little; 1117 Pe erimeter Centter West Suite e N401; A Atlanta, Georg gia 30338; dirrect 404-953--5880; mobile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-417 77 Email [email protected] ÒÒA A4802 YCOM MÒÒ O'Reillly Auto Parts s Store @ Houston n, TX, TX BIID DATE: 12 2/4/14 rfp; le et me know if you wan nt this NEE ED: SEND B BIDS TO: W Warwick Const. C Cindy Gutierrrez, Estimating Administrattor. Please fax yourr bid to 832-4 448-3000 or contact us at 832-4487000 E Email: [email protected] ÒÒA A4801 YCOM MÒÒ Christian Brothers s - @ Indian Trail, NC C, NC BID D DATE: 12/3//14 rfp; let me know if you u want thiis NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Rand d Constru uction Corpora ation; Kathy L Little; 1117 Pe erimeter Center W West Suite N401; Atlanta, Georgia 303 338; direct 404-953 3-5880; mobille 404-309-66 628; main 770 0-777-4177 Email L [email protected] A4800 YCOM MÒÒ VooDo oo BBQ @ F Frisco, TX, ÒÒA TX BID D DATE: 11//24/14 rfp; lett me know if yyou want this NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Gan naway Contra acting; Susan Monson n; 770-365-22 226 cell; 770-6 650-7722 x 106; 254 N Main Sttreet Alphare etta, GA 30009; www.gana; To odd Larkin todd_larrking@ganaw CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M ÒÒA4799 YC COMÒÒ Inte erior Remode el of an existing SF H Hardware Sto ore with Site ADA Upgrad des. Also o Remodeling g the Nursery y, Wrought Iron Fencing,, New Garden Cen nter Canopy. @ Paso Rob bles, CA BID D DATE: 12/3/14 rfp; let me know if you wan nt this NEE ED: SEND BIDS TO: Reeve-Knig ght Constructtion 916/8651524 4; Fax: 916/78 86-5113 lorip@ @reeve-knigh ÒÒA4798 YC COMÒÒ Pet Suites @ Ro oswell GA, GA G BID D DATE: 11/19/14 rfp; let me m know if yo ou want this NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Rand R Construc ction Corp poration; Kathy Little; 1117 Perimeter Ce enter West Su uite N401 1; Atlanta, Ge eorgia 30338; direct 404-95 53-5880; mob bile 404-3 309-6628; ma ain 770-777-4 4177 Email [email protected] m COMÒÒ Michael Stars Po once City ÒÒA4797 YC Mark ket @ Atlanta a GA, GA BID DATE: 11/21/14 rfp; let l me kknow if you wa ant this NE EED: SEND BIDS TO: Rand d Construction n Corporation n; Kathy Little; 1117 Perim meter Center West Suite N401; N Atlanta, Georgia 303 338; direcct 404-953-5880; mobile 40 04-309-6628; main 770-77 774177 7 Email Little@ ÒÒA4796 YC COMÒÒ Reg gus 1890 Cus sh Plaza @ San S Diego o, CA BID DATE: D 11/19 9/14 rfp; let me m know if you wantt this NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Ra and Consstruction Corp poration; Kath hy Little; 1117 7 Perimeter Centter West Suite e N401; Atlanta, Georgia 30338; 3 direct 404-9 953-5880; mo obile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-4177 7 7 Email Little@rand COMÒÒ Harbor Freight Tools T @ ÒÒA4794 YC Farm mington, NM, NM BID DA ATE: 12/1/14 4 rfp; let me know w if you want this t NEED:: SEND BID DS TO: Warw wick Const. Cindy C Gutierre ez, Estimating g Administrato or. Pleasse fax your biid to 832-448-3000 or con ntact us at 83 32448-7 7000 Email: cgutierrez@w ÒÒA4793 YC COMÒÒ Men n's Wearhous se #4633 @ Graftton, WI, WI BID B DATE: 11/19/14 rfp; let me know w if you w want this NEED: N SEND BIDS TO: Warwick Consst. Cindy Gutierrez, Estima ating Administtrator. Please e fax your bid to 832 2-448-3000 or contact us s at 832-4487000 0 Email: cgutiierrez@warw wickconstructio ÒÒA4792 YC COMÒÒ Linq q3-One Buck khead Plaza @ Atlan nta GA, GA BID DATE: 11/19/14 rfp; let me know w if you w want this NEED: N SEND BIDS TO: Rand Consstruction Corp poration; Kath hy Little; 1117 7 Perimeter Centter West Suite e N401; Atlanta, Georgia 30338; 3 direct 404-9 953-5880; mo obile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-4177 7 7 Email Little@rand COMÒÒ Cou untry Club off Roswell ÒÒA4791 YC Deck k Addition @ Roswell, NM N BID DATE E: 11/19/14 rfp; le et me know iff you want this s NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Ganaway Contracting; C Susan S Monso on; 770-3656 cell; 770-650 0-7722 x 106; 254 N Main Street 2226 Alpha aretta, GA 30 0009;; Todd Larkin todd_ _larking@gan ÒÒA4790 YC COMÒÒ Dolllar Tree @ Sun S City, AZ, AZ B BID DATE: 11/18/14 @10:00 am mst rfp; let me know w if you want this t NEED:: SEND BID DS TO: Ma arco SECTION N 1 PAGE 10 Contracctors, Inc.; PO O Box 805, 10 00 Commonw wealth Drive; Warrend dale, PA 1509 95; Maggie B Bradley - (724 4) 553-3853; Jayne B Baxter - (724) 553-3846; Phone: (724) 7 741-0300; Fax: (72 24) 741-0335 or 0316 or 0305; Email mbradle ey@marcocon m and jbaxter@ ÒÒA A4788 YCOM MÒÒ Zaxby's @ Durham m, NC, NC BID DA ATE: 11/20/1 14 rfp; let me know if you w want this S TO: Ran NEED: SEND BIDS nd Constructio on Corpora ation; Kathy L Little; 1117 Pe erimeter Centter West Suite e N401; A Atlanta, Georg gia 30338; dirrect 404-953--5880; mobile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-417 77 Email [email protected] ÒÒA A4787 YCOM MÒÒ Mattre ess Firm @ T Thomasville, GA, GA A BID DATE E: 11/18/14 rfp; let me kn now if you want thiis NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Gana away Contraccting; Susan M Monson; 770--365-2226 cell; 770-6507722 x 106; 254 N M Main Street Alphare etta, GA 30009; www.gana; To odd Larkin todd_larrking@ganaw ÒÒA A4785 YCOM MÒÒ Sam's Club No. 82 244-209, Remod el @ Housto on, TX, TX B BID DATE: 1 12/12/14 rfp; let me kknow if you wa ant this NE EED: SEND D BIDS TO: Roche C Constructors NEVADA PR ROJECTS: 70 02-252-3611 email esstimating@ro; PRO OJECTS OUTSID DE NEVADA: 970/356-361 11 Email estimatiing@rocheco om ÒÒA A4784 YCOM MÒÒ King S Soopers No. 115 @ Denver,, CO, CO BIID DATE: 12 2/8/14 rfp; le et me know if you wan nt this NEE ED: SEND B BIDS TO: R Roche Constru uctors NEVAD DA PROJECT TS: 702-252-3 3611 email estimatiing@rocheco om; PROJECT TS OUTSIDE E NEVAD DA: 970/356-3 3611 Email estimatiing@rocheco om ÒÒA A4783 YCOM MÒÒ King S Soopers No. 006, WIW Remod el` @ Colora ado Springs, C CO, CO BID D DATE: 11/24/14 4 rfp; let me know if you w want this NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: R Roche Constrructors NEVA ADA PROJE CTS: 702-252 2-3611 emaiil estimatiing@rocheco om; PROJECT TS OUTSIDE E NEVAD DA: 970/356-3 3611 Email estimatiing@rocheco om ÒÒA A4782 YCOM MÒÒ Estes Park Transitt Hub Parking g Structure @ Estes Parkk, CO, CO B BID DATE: 11/24/14 4 rfp; let me know if you w want this NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: R Roche Constrructors NEVA ADA PROJE CTS: 702-252 2-3611 emaiil estimatiing@rocheco om; PROJECT TS OUTSIDE E NEVAD DA: 970/356-3 3611 Email estimatiing@rocheco om ÒÒA A4781 YCOM MÒÒ DIA, C Concourse C,, Escalator Replace ements @ D Denver, CO, CO BID DAT TE: 11/21/14 4 rfp; let me know if you w want this NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: R Roche Constrructors NEVA ADA PROJE CTS: 702-252 2-3611 emaiil estimatiing@rocheco om; PROJECT TS OUTSIDE E NEVAD DA: 970/356-3 3611 Email estimatiing@rocheco om CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M ÒÒA4780 YC COMÒÒ Foo othills Mall Re edevelopment, Bloc cks 14B and 15 1 @ Fort Co ollins, CO, CO C BID DATE E: 11/21 1/14 rfp; let me m know if yo ou want this NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Roche Con nstructors NEVADA PRO OJECTS: 702--252-3611 em mail estim mating@roche; PROJE ECTS OUTSID DE NEVA ADA: 970/356 6-3611 Email estim mating@roche ÒÒA4779 YC COMÒÒ Walmart Neighb borhood Mark ket No. 6 6587-00 @ El E Paso, TX, TX T BID DAT TE: 11/19/14 4 rfp; le et me know iff you want this s NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Roche Con nstructors NEVADA PROJECTS: 702-2523611 email [email protected]; PRO OJECTS OUTS SIDE NEVAD DA: 970/356-3 3611 Email estim mating@roche ÒÒA4777 YC COMÒÒ Ft Carson C Mainttenance Hangar @ F Fort Carson, Colorado, C CO O BID DATE:: 11/21/14 rfp; r let me know if you u want this NEED: SEN ND BIDS TO: SDV Const; 6436 Edith Blvd. NE N Albuquerque, NM 8710 07 505 . 883 . 3176 - office 505 . 888 . 8914 - fax f Teai Joan n Schw wertfeger tj@s ÒÒA4776 YC COMÒÒ Orem Condos @ 568 W 173 30 S, Orrem, UT 8405 58, UT BID DATE: D 11/25/14 rfp; let me m know w if you want this t NEED:: SEND BID DS TO: Rimrrock Const; Wade W McAlliste er; 11635 S 700 7 E #100; Drap per, UT 84020 0 801/748-16 642; Fax 801/7 748-1666 Em mail buyo [email protected] us ÒÒA4775 YC COMÒÒ Reg gus 1005 Con ngress Cente er @ P Portland, OR, OR BID DA ATE: 11/17/1 14 rfp; let me e know w if you want this t NEED:: SEND BID DS TO: Rand Consstruction Corp poration; Kath hy Little; 1117 7 Perimeter Centter West Suite e N401; Atlanta, Georgia 30338; 3 direct 404-9 953-5880; mo obile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-4177 7 7 Email Little@rand COMÒÒ Chip potle @ Poo oler, GA, GA A ÒÒA4774 YC BID D DATE: 11/21/14 rfp; let me m know if yo ou want this NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Rand R Construc ction poration; Kathy Little; 1117 Perimeter Ce enter West Su uite Corp N401 1; Atlanta, Ge eorgia 30338; direct 404-95 53-5880; mob bile 404-3 309-6628; ma ain 770-777-4 4177 Email [email protected] m COMÒÒ #685 57 - Wal-Marrt ÒÒA4771 YC Neig ghborhood Market M @ El Paso P TX, TX X BID DATE: 11/18 8/14 rfp; let me m know if yo ou want this NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Martin Harris; LASBIDS [email protected] Phone 702/3 385-5257 702/3 384-7736 EM MAIL OR FAX X YOUR PACKAGE. See bin b numb ber 2400 for prequalificatio p on packet ÒÒA4769 YC COMÒÒ Win nston Salem, NC, Merc chant's Tire @ Winston Salem, S NC, NC N BID DATE E: 11/20 0/14 rfp; let me m know if yo ou want this NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Rand Cons struction Corp poration; Kath hy Little; 1117 Perimeter Center West W Suite N4 401; Atlanta, Georrgia 30338; diirect 404-953-5880; mobile e 404-309-6628; main 770-777-417 77 Email Little [email protected] m COMÒÒ Taco Bell @ Ga astonia, NC, ÒÒA4768 YC NC BID DATE: 11/24/14 rfp; let me know w if you want this t SECTION N 1 PAGE 11 NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Ran nd Constructio on Corpora ation; Kathy L Little; 1117 Pe erimeter Centter West Suite e N401; A Atlanta, Georg gia 30338; dirrect 404-953--5880; mobile 404-309 9-6628; main 770-777-417 77 Email [email protected] ÒÒA A4767 YCOM MÒÒ Hickorry Tavern - B Brookwood Village @ Birmingham, AL, AL BID DATE: 11/21/14 rfp; let m me know if yo ou want this NEED: SE END BIDS TO: G Ganaway Con ntracting; Sussan Monson; 770-3652226 ce ell; 770-650-7 7722 x 106; 25 54 N Main Street Alphare etta, GA 30009; www.gana; To odd Larkin todd_larrking@ganaw ÒÒA A4766 YCOM MÒÒ Christian Brothers s Automotive e @ Oco otillo, AZ, AZ Z BID DATE: 11/20/14 rffp; let me know if you want thiss NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Rand Constru uction Corpora ation; Kathy L Little; 1117 Pe erimeter Center W West Suite N401; Atlanta, Georgia 303 338; direct 404-953 3-5880; mobille 404-309-66 628; main 770 0-777-4177 Email L [email protected] A4763 YCOM MÒÒ The No orth Face @ Castle Rock k, ÒÒA CO, CO O BID DATE E: 11/25/14 rfp; let me kn now if you want thiis NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Warw wick Const. Cindy G Gutierrez, Estiimating Administrator. Plea ase fax your bid to 83 32-448-3000 or contact u us at 832-448 8-7000 Email: [email protected] A4762 YCOM MÒÒ Smith''s Fuel Cente er #485 @ ÒÒA Albuque erque, NM, N NM BID DAT TE: 11/24/14 4 rfp; let me know if you want thiss NEED: SEND BIDS TO: R&O Constru uction; 895-93 322; 6787 Spe encer St; LV NV 89119 Fax 895 5-9388 So. Ne evada; otherss to R&O Con nstruction; 801/627 7-1403 Fax 80 01/399-1480 Website: www.ra A4761 YCOM MÒÒ CVS P Pharmacy #10 0618 @ ÒÒA Highlan d, UT, UT B BID DATE: 1 12/3/14 rfp; le et me know iff you wan nt this NEE ED: SEND B BIDS TO: R R&O Constru uction; 895-93 322; 6787 Spe encer St; LV NV 89119 Fax 895 5-9388 So. Ne evada; otherss to R&O Con nstruction; 801/627 7-1403 Fax 80 01/399-1480 Website: www.ra A4757 YCOM MÒÒ Regus s 3129 @ Lee es Summit ÒÒA MO, M MO BID DATE E: 11/17/14 rfp; let me kn now if you want thiis NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Rand d Constru uction Corpora ation; Kathy L Little; 1117 Pe erimeter Center W West Suite N401; Atlanta, Georgia 303 338; direct 404-953 3-5880; mobille 404-309-66 628; main 770 0-777-4177 Email L [email protected] A4755 YCOM MÒÒ Departtment of Child and ÒÒA Family Services Bu uilding @ Sa andy, UT BID D DATE: 11/20/14 4 rfp; let me know if you w want this NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: R R&O Construction; 895-93 322; 6787 Spence er St; LV NV 8 89119 Fax 89 95-9388 So. N Nevada; others to o R&O Consttruction; 801/627-1403 Faxx 801/3991480 W Website: m CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SECTION N 1 PAGE 12 SEND B BIDS TO: C CRC Construction; 7011 S South 700 West M idvale, Utah 8 84047, fax to 801.568.510 04 or email it to [email protected] 9802 ZZZÒÒ Ò Several Trracts and Custom Home ÒÒ9 projects s coming up p. The Builde er wants com mpany resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. maile ed. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: ongoing g no plans NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: P Pardee Home es of Nevada;; Purchasing; 650 Wh hite Drive, Suite 10 00; Las Vegass, NV 89119 MAIL BID PA ACKAGES ONLY!!!! ÒÒ9 9801 ZZZÒÒ Ò Several Trracts and Custom Home projects s coming up p. The Builde er wants com mpany resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. maile ed. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: ongoing g no plans NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: D DR Horton; 33 30 Carousel P Pkwy; Hendersson, NV 8901 14 MAIL BID PACKAGES ONLY!!! ÒÒ9 9266 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g projects, prequa lification nec cessary; Upc coming Com mmercial projects s; The Builder wants com mpany resum mes, referen ces, license info, etc. ma ailed @ Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Ongoin ng online or g go to http://ww ation go there e and gett registered NEED: SE END BIDS TO O: http://ww ation go there e and gett registered, o or fill out prequ ual form on o our website see othe er ÒÒ6 6393 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g projects, prequa lification pac cket Upcomiing Commerrcial Projectts; The Build der wants com mpany resum mes, referen ces, license info, etc. fillled out @ La as Vegas, NV BID D DATE: On ngoing Bid do ocs online NEED: GC SE END YOU UR COMPA ANY RES SUMES TO T would li ke all resume es and referen nces emailed. SEND THE FO OLLOWIN NG COMP PANIES BIDS TO O: Straub Const; 202 W College St; Fallbrook, CA A 92028 7 760/414-9000 0 fax 760/414-9100 RFP, specific ations, and project informa ation may be viewed and Th he following Builders B do no ot use plan ro ooms, but you aded online a at: https://strau may be put on the eir bid list if you y meet theiir qualificatio ons. downloa (userna ame:; passsword: straub)) b) Folders You must send your y information to get app proved to be on straub.t est@straubin th heir bid lists. Be sure to in nclude compa any resumes,, Public F Folder Upcom ming Bids D-B B, Fuel Cell, D Davis Monthan n referenc ces, license info, bond inffo, etc. AFB, Tu ucson, AZ ÒÒ6 6090 ZZZÒÒ Ò GC Comm mercial does rremodel, If y you need help p, ask us for a sample resume packet at a insuran nce, property y manageme ent of comme ercial 871-1077. propertties. Send R References, rresume, licen nse info, etc. ail @ Las Ve egas, NV BID D DATE: On ngoing Just If the ere is not a ph hone numberr listed, Pleas se do not call the via ema send yo our company resume NE EED: SEND D BIDS TO: builde ers, simply mail m your resu ume. Alliance e Construction n Advisors; M Mike Forche'; 2 2500 N Buffalo #235; Las Ve egas, NV 89128 email to ÒÒA2173 ZZ ZZÒÒ Property manager needs mforche [email protected] m licen nsed contrac ctors and han ndymen for ongoing o repa air ÒÒ5 5909 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g Union Proje ects. GC work k on rental prroperties. Email you resume. @ Las s wants y your compan ny resumes, references, license info, Vega as, NV BID DATE: D Ongo oing no plans s, just email etc. em mailed @ Las s Vegas, NV V BID DATE: Ongoing over your compan ny resume NEED: SEN ND BIDS TO:: NEED: Just sen nd your comp pany resume S SEND BIDS Paige e email paige [email protected] TO: U Unique Home e Builders; [email protected] ÒÒA1354 ZZ ZZÒÒ Upcom ming Comme ercial Projectts; The Builder wantts bid prequa alification pa acket filled out o in orrder to bid th heir projects. @ All over United U States s, US B BID DATE: Ongoing Bid d docs online NEED: ÒÒA4745 YC COMÒÒ Hidd den Valley Country C Club & Pool @ Draper, UT, U ut BID DATE: D 11/17 7/14 rfp; let me m know w if you want this t NEED:: SEND BID DS TO: R& &O Consstruction; 895-9322; 6787 Spencer S St; LV L NV 89119 Fax 8 895-9388 So.. Nevada; others to R&O Construction; C 801/6 627-1403 Fax x 801/399-148 80 Website: www m ÒÒA4741 YC COMÒÒ Rem mington Aparrtments @ Helena, MT, MT BID DATE: 11/20/14 rfp p; let me know w if you w want this NEED: N SEND BIDS TO: Rimrock Consst; Wade McA Allister; 11635 5 S 700 E #10 00; Draper, UT T 8402 20 801/748-1642; Fax 801/748-1666 Em mail buyo [email protected] us ÒÒA4738 YC COMÒÒ Trac ctor Supply Co. C @ McCo ook, NE, NE BID DAT TE: 11/17/14 4 rfp; let me know if you wantt this NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: R& &O Consstruction; 895-9322; 6787 Spencer S St; LV L NV 89119 Fax 8 895-9388 So.. Nevada; others to R&O Construction; C 801/6 627-1403 Fax x 801/399-148 80 Website: www m ÒÒ3464 YCO OMÒÒ City of o Phoenix, Purchasing P Divis sion conductts bid and prroposal open nings for goo ods and g general serv vices most Frridays at 2:00 pm @ Calv vin C Go oode Bldg 8th h Floor; 251 W Washington n St; Phoenix 8500 03, AZ BID DATE: D Ongo oing rfp NE EED: SEND D BIDS S TO: A listt containing in nfo Iwith all cu urrent soliciitations is ava ailable at www ntract/opportu unities/goods or Purchasing Divisio on 602/262-7181; 251 W Washington W St; S 8th F Fl;p Phoenix, AZ A 85003 602 2/262-7181 or o 602/534-55 500 tty CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SE END YOUR R COMPAN NY RESUMES TO THE E FOLLOW WING: ÒÒ5903 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming Custom Home Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Ongo oing Bid docs online NE EED: Company Lette er of Introducttion Copy of all a current bus siness license es Copyy of current co ompany insurrance SEND D BIDS TO: Habittat for Human nity Las Vega as; 1401 N. De ecatur Blvd. Ste. S 35; L Las Vegas, NV V 89108; 702 2-638-6477 Fa ax 702-638-64 478 Email Receptionis [email protected] ZÒÒ Upcoming projects, ÒÒ5443 ZZZ preq qualification packet p Upco oming Comm mercial Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: ONG GOING Bid docs online NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Whiting Turner; 67 720 Via Austi Parkway, Su uite 300 L Las Vegas, Nevada. N 89119 9; Fax: 702-6 650-2650 and 457-4 4112 ÒÒ5052 ZZZ ZÒÒ Generall Contractor operating throu ughout the west w coast an nd headquarrtered in Las Vega as is seeking g to prequaliffy subcontra actors for eve ery trade e for a numb ber of upcoming tenant im mprovemnt and a grou und up new construction c projects. Open shop an nd union @ Las Veg gas, NV BID D DATE: Ongoing Send subcontractor preq qualification package p and resume to builder NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Allia ance Building Broup; Jeff P. Man nning; Princip pal; email [email protected] om ZÒÒ Upcoming Commerc cial and Public ÒÒ4150 ZZZ Proje ects, Prequa alification Pac cket, The Bu uilder wants company resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. mailed @ C California, Nev vada, etc., CA, C NV BID DATE: D Ongo oing Bid docs s online NE EED: Builder wants pre qual packkage filled out to get on the eir bid list SE END BIDS TO O: Perin ni Building Co ompany; Email to [email protected] om ZÒÒ Upcoming Commerc cial and Public ÒÒ4149 ZZZ Proje ects, Prequa alification Pac cket, The Bu uilder wants company resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. mailed @ C California, Nev vada, etc., CA, C NV BID DATE: D Ongo oing Bid docs s online NE EED: Builder wants pre qual packkage filled out to get on the eir bid list SE END BIDS TO O: Core e Const; 7150 Cascade Valley; Las Vegas, NV 89128 8 794-0 0550; 794-05 573 nvprecon@ @coreconstru ÒÒ3824 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming Commerc cial and Public Proje ects, Prequa alification Pac cket, The Bu uilder wants company resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. emaiiled @ Many y places, NV V BID DATE: ongoing Bidd docs online NEED: SEND BIDS TO: McCarthy Conttractor; Southwest Division n (Nevada) – Karie K Lawson n; 2340 0 Corporate Circle, C Suite 12 25 Hen nderson, Neva ada 89074; email e to klaws [email protected] ÒÒ3743 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming Commerc cial and Public Proje ects, Prequa alification Pac cket, The Bu uilder wants company resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. mailed @ M Many places, NV BID DAT TE: ongoing g Bid docs SECTION N 1 PAGE 13 online NEED: SE END BIDS TO O: ENGINE EERED STRUC CTURES, INC C.; 12400 Wesst Overland R Road, Boise, Idaho 8 3709; Phone (208) 362-30 040 FAX (208 8) 362-3113; www.essiconstruction ÒÒ3 3740 ZZZÒÒ Ò Agencies C Certifying Disadva antaged (min nority) Busin ness Enterprrises DBE's @ Clarrk County, NV V BID DATE E: Ongoing Bid docs online NEED: SE END BIDS TO O: There a are several compan nies that can h help you obta ain your minority status, disadva antaged busin ness, etc. ÒÒ3 3236 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g Commercia al and Govern nmental proje ects. @ Nevvada, Colorad do, California, NV, CA A, CO BID D DATE: Ongo oing Online B Bid Invitation, prequal and sub vendor form; NO O PLANS NEED: Builderr wants p pre qual packa age filled out to get on their bid list SEND B BIDS TO: JJaynes Comp panies; fill outt prequal ification packket and send tto http://ww es/suppliers/Jaynes_Sub_ Prequallification.doc Jaynes Corp p; Kris Jordan 702/8767524; fa ax 876-7693 e email kristinajj@jaynescorp ÒÒ2 2663 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g Commercia al Projects; The Bu ilder wants c company res sumes, referrences, license e info, etc. Em mailed @ La as Vegas, NV V BID DATE:: Ongoing g NO PLANS S NEED: SEND BIDS TO: TWC Constru uction; EMAIL L RESUME T TO dblackw wood@twccon m ÒÒ2 2609 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g Commercia al Projects; The Bu ilder wants c company res sumes, referrences, license e info, etc. ma ailed @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing g Prequalifica ation package e and online NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: S Sletten Consttruction of Ne evada, Inc.; 5825 S Polaris; Las V Vegas, NV 89 9118 rmccullo [email protected] MAIL OR EMAIL ONLY, DO NOT BO OTHER THE BUILDER PL LEASE ÒÒ2 2608 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g Commercia al Projects; The Bu ilder wants c company res sumes, referrences, license e info, etc. ma ailed @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing g Prequalifica ation package e and online NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: R Roche Constrructors NEVA ADA PROJE CTS: 702-252 2-3611 emaiil om; PROJECT TS OUTSIDE E estimatiing@rocheco NEVAD DA: 970/356-3 3611 Email estimatiing@rocheco om ÒÒ2 2499 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g projects, Up pcoming Comme ercial Projec cts; The Build der wants co ompany resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. emaiiled @ Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Ongoing NO PLANS S NEED: SEND B BIDS TO: U United Constrruction email to davide@ ÒÒ2 2498 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g projects, prequa lification pac cket Upcomiing Commerrcial Projectts; The Build der wants com mpany resum mes, referen ces, license info, etc. ma ailed @ Las Vegas, NV BID DA ATE: Ongoin ng Bid docs o online NEED: GC would like all rresumes and references em mailed. SEN ND BIDS TO: Warwickk Const; 832//448-7025; Lo orena Rivas M Machado, Project Administratorr lrivas@warw and m see other marsha @warwickcon CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SECTION N 1 PAGE 14 1566 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g Various Hou use ÒÒ1 Remod els, Burnoutts, Need Stuc cco Call for A Appointment @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing Se end Resume NEED: GC would like e all resumess and referencces emailed. ÒÒ2481 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming projects, SEND B BIDS TO: R Robert Kirby T Truline Consttruction Co; preq qualification packet p Upco oming Comm mercial rkirby@ @trulineconst.c com Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, ÒÒ0 0194 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g- 2 Casinos, TI work, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N Shopping Ce enter, Apartm ments @ Nevvada, BID D DATE: Ongo oing Bid docs online NE EED: GC wou uld Small S Colorad do, California,, NV, CA, C CO BID DAT TE: Immed like a all resumes an nd references s emailed. SEND S BIDS TO: T NO PLA ANS NEED D: Builder wan nts resumes. SEND BIDS S Clarkk & Sullivan Construction C - North Highla ands Office; Kate K TO: T Templeton De evelopment G Group Attn: Jim m Mitchell; Bake er or Nora Oliv varez; 3612 Madison M Aven nue, Suite 25 5 3311 S Rainbow #22 25 LV NV 891 146 North h Highlands, CA C 95660 Fa ax 916-338-7701 see othe er 0190 ZZZÒÒ Ò Send resu w ÒÒ0 mes for aparrtments- new ÒÒ2455 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming projects, constru uction and property management. Th he Builder preq qualification packet p Upco oming Comm mercial wants c company res sumes, refere ences, licens se info, etc. Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, mailed. . @ Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: Ong going NO referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N PLANS NEED: S SEND BIDS T TO: Ovatio on BID D DATE: Ongo oing Bid docs online NE EED: GC wou uld Develop pment Attn: C Construction P Purchasing; 6 6021 S Fort like a all resumes an nd references s emailed. SEND S BIDS TO: T Apache e #100 LV NV V 89148 Addisson Inc; Tracy y Brails; ema ail tbrailsford@ m 5685 5 South Came eron 0188 ZZZÒÒ Ò Upcoming g 20 acre sho opping ÒÒ0 Las V Vegas, NV 89 9178 center, street projec ct, office buiilding, tenant ÒÒ2400 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming Commerc cial projects, improve ement work @ Las Vega as, NV BID D DATE: Ongoing g NO PLANS S NEED: SEND BIDS TO: gove ernmental prrojects @ La as Vegas, NV V BID DATE:: Michelin n Properties A Attn: Peter Miichelin; 9012 Night Owl Ongo oing Online Bid B Invitation, prequal and sub vendor V NV 89134 form;; NO PLANS NEED: Builder wants pre qual packa age Court LV filled out to get on their bid list SEND BIDS S TO: Martiin ÒÒ0 0014944 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcom ming projects s, repair and Harris; LAS-BIDS@MARTINHA ARRIS.COM Phone 702/385- service e for Homeow wner's Assoc ciation. The Builder 5257 7 702/384-773 36 EMAIL OR R FAX YOUR R PACKAGE. wants c company res sumes, refere ences, licens se info, etc. See bin number 2400 2 for prequ ualification pa acket mailed.. ESPECIALLY PLUMBERS AND ELE ECTRICIANS S ZÒÒ Upcoming Commerrcial Projects s; ÒÒ2203 ZZZ @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing NO O PLANS The Builder wantts company resumes, refferences, NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Excellence Comm munity Manage ement; April P Parsons; 601 Whitney Ran nch Dr #B10; licen nse info, etc. mailed @ Las L Vegas, NV N BID DATE E: Hendersson, NV 8901 14 Ongo oing Prequalification package and onlin ne NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Burke&Ass soc; 385 Pilot Road; Las ÒÒ0 0014920 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcom ming Commercial Vega as, NV 89119; 367-1040 Fax F Bids to 36 67-4083 emaiil projects s, high rise c condos, time eshares; The e Builder estim mating@burke Include name of project on yo our wants c company res sumes, refere ences, licens se info, etc. bid. mailed.. Especially looking for q qualified MB BE/WBE ZÒÒ Property y manager needs n license ed bidders ÒÒ1879 ZZZ s @ Las Veg gas, NV BID DATE: Ong going NO contractors for ongoing o repa air work on 180 propertie es PLANS NEED: S SEND BIDS T TO: Penta Building Group; JJodi Cardone e; 181 E Warm m Springs LV V NV 89119 for re ental homes @ Clark County, NV BID DATE: Ongo oing Email Resume; NO PLANS P NEED: Property ÒÒ0 0014913 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcom ming Multi-Fa amily Mana ager manages many prope erties and nee eds plumbers s, Projectts; The Build der wants com mpany resum mes, garag ge doors, elec ctricians, HVA AC, appliance e, handyman referen ces, license info, etc. ma ailed @ Las Vegas and services - new and d repairs. PUSH HVAC, ELECTRIC, Mesquitte, NV BID D DATE: Immed NO PLAN NS NEED: CLEA ANING, LAND DSCAPE, PLUMBING, pre essure washe ers SEND B BIDS TO: R Red Vista Buiilders; Beth L Lopez; 1000 N for sttreets!!!The Property P Mana ager wants co ompany Green V Valley Pkwy # #300-147; He enderson, NV 89074 resum mes, referenc ces, license in nfo, etc. maile ed. If you need ÒÒ0 0014912 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcom ming Tracts. T The Builder help with your resume, we can email a samp ple for you. It is wants c company res sumes, refere ences, licens se info, etc. also at the secret website. SE END BIDS TO O: Remax mailed @ Las Vega as, NV BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO Adva antage; The Cunningham C Group; G email only insurance PLANS NEED: Pa articipation in GC's WRAP mana agement@cg om equired. SEN ND BIDS TO: Pinnacle Homes, Inc; policy re ÒÒ1878 ZZZ ZÒÒ Upcoming home rep pair work. Th he Lonette Nagy; 8080 W Sahara #D D; Las Vegas,, NV 89117 Build der wants co ompany resumes, referen nces, license e info, etc. mailed @ Las Vega as, NV BID DATE: D Ongo oing NO P PLANS NEED: Especially Stucco, Pa aint, Masonry repaiir work. MUST T BE LICENS SED AND BO ONDED. SEN ND BIDS S TO: Nesc co Const; Mik ke Rasmussen n; 1450 W Horizzon Ridge Pkw wy; Henderso on, NV 89012 2 SE END YOUR R COMPAN NY RESUMES TO THE E FOLLOW WING: CO ONSTRUCT TION PROJ JECTS AT SIERRA S PL LAN ROOM M SE END YOUR R COMPAN NY RESUMES TO THE E FOLLOW WING: SECTION N 1 PAGE 15 0014371 ZZZ ZÒÒ Severa al Tracts and semiÒÒ0 custom m homes com m ring up. Th he Builder wa ants compan ny resumes, references, license info, etc. mailed. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing NO O PLANS NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Dessert Wind Hom mes of Nevada a; Chris Fawce ett; 4535 W R Russell Rd#1;; Las Vegas, NV 891 18 0014369 ZZZ ZÒÒ Severa al Tracts com ming up. ÒÒ0 The Bu ilder wants c company res sumes , referrences, license e info, etc. ma ailed. @ Lass Vegas, NV V BID DATE: Ongoing g NO PLANS S NEED: SEND BIDS TO: Woodsid de Homes off NV Inc; For ssite work onlyy, send resumess to Regina B Bates. For dirrect constructtion (anything g not haviing to do with h the land itse elf) send resum mes to Paul Whitsce ell 5888 W Su unset Rd #200 0 Las Vegas, NV 89118 ÒÒ0 0014368 ZZZ ZÒÒ Severa al Tracts and Multi-Family y Housin g projects co oming up. T The Builder w wants compan ny resumes, references, license info, etc. mailed. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing NO O PLANS NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Warrmington Hom mes; Attentio on: Purchasin ng Agent; 836 63 W Sunset # #200 LV NV 89113 0014366 ZZZ ZÒÒ Severa al Patio Cove ers, Casitas ÒÒ0 and Re model projec cts coming u up. The Buillder wants compan ny resumes, references, license info, etc. mailed. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing NO O PLANS NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: Reliabuilt Const C Company LLC; Mrr. Uri Sally; 22 280 Villefort C Ct LV NV 89 9117 ÒÒ0 0014365 ZZZ ZÒÒ Severa al Tracts, Cus stom Homes s and Re model projec cts coming u up. The Buillder wants compan ny resumes, references, license info, etc. mailed. @ Las Vegas, NV BID DATE: Ongoing NO O PLANS NEED: SEND BIDS S TO: MEB B Const&Devv; Attention: Project Manager; 536 65 Cameron St; Las Vega as, NV 89118 ÒÒ0014849 ZZZÒÒ Z Upco oming Commercial Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO PLA ANS NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Matt Consttruction; Bob Volpe; 6416 Arville; Las Vega as, NV 89118 ÒÒ0014824 ZZZÒÒ Z Upco oming comm mercial and tenant improvem ment projects s; The Builde er wants company resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID DATE E: Ongoing No Plans NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Contractors C West; W Kurt Linde en; 4275 N Rancho #145 Dr D Las Vegas s NV 89130 ÒÒ0014657 ZZZÒÒ Z Upco oming Comm mercial & Casino Work; Th he Builder wa ants compan ny resumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO PLA ANS NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Taylor International Corrporation; Jim Mason; 4040 0 Dean n Martin Dr LV L NV 89103 ÒÒ0014656 ZZZÒÒ Z Upco oming Comm mercial & Residential; The Builder wan nts company resumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO PLA ANS NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Sacon Con nstruction; Da avid Saxton;l 3670 3 N Rancho Dr #1 107 Las Vega as, NV 89130 ÒÒ0014655 ZZZÒÒ Z Upco oming Tracts s SEND RESUME; The Bu uilder wants company re esumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO PLA ANS NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Ryland Homes; Cherlyn n Webster; 89 925 W Russell Rd #200 LV NV 89148 Z Upco oming Comm mercial ÒÒ0014561 ZZZÒÒ Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO PLA ANS NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: Kitchell Co ontractors; 177 71 E. Flaming go #213B 891 119 Z Upco oming Comm mercial ÒÒ0014560 ZZZÒÒ Proje ects; The Bu uilder wants company c res sumes, referrences, license info, etc. mailed @ Las Vegas, NV N Free b bids on yo our project.. BID D DATE: Ongo oing NO PLA ANS NEED D: SEND BIDS TO: GB Group Southern Inc.(The); Grego ory Brown; 89 921 We h have EXCE ELLENT co ontractors that want ay Ave. Gilroy y, CA 95020 Murra to bid d your job. You may a also send your subs s ÒÒ0014559 ZZZÒÒ Z Upco oming Tenan nt over t to bid your r job at no cost to eit ther of you u. Imprrovements an nd Remodels s; The Builde er wants company resume es, reference es, license in nfo, etc. mailed Ema ail the pdf files to sierrraplanroom@ @ Las Vegas, NV N BID DATE E: Ongoing NO PLANS NEED: SEND BIDS B TO: Durango D Cons struction; Den nnis Smith h; 4620 Eake er St. #1; NLV V NV 89081 ÒÒ0014518 ZZZÒÒ Z Trac cts coming up The Builde er wantts company resumes, refferences, lice ense info, etc. maile ed. @ Las Vegas, V NV BID DATE: Ongoing O No planss NEED: SEND BIDS TO: KD De evelopment LLC; Monique Harnett; 566-954 41; 11 Comm merce Center Dr HD N NV 89014 FREE FOR T THE B BUILDE ER
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