KADOKA PRESS The official newspaper of Jackson County, South Dakota $1.00 includes tax Volume 107 Number 34 March 6, 2014 Grapplers grab state’s runner-up spot County Commissioners discuss opt-out option Philip Area wrestling team captures second place as a team at the South Dakota wrestling tournament that was held February 28 and March 1 in Aberdeen. Public position vacancies Friday, February 28 was the final day to file petitions for school board and city council positions. There are three candidates running for the Kadoka Area School Board positions. Two positions are open; the position held by Dale Christen and the position vacated by DJ Addison. Christensen is seeking re-election as well as Mark DeVries and Bob Fugate who also filed petitions. The election will be held Tuesday, April 8. The municipal election will not be held since there were no nomination certificates filed. The following councilmemembers are unopposed and will be issued election certificates: Colby Shuck (Ward 1), Arne Lund (Ward 2), Cory Lurz (Ward 3), and Brad Jorgensen (Ward 4). Sarah DeVries Jackson County Commissioners met on Friday, February 28, to discuss a tax opt-out proposal. Commissioners Glen Bennett, Jim Stilwell, and Larry Johnston were in attendance. Commissioners Larry Denke and Ronnie Twiss were absent. The current 5-year opt-out, expiring this year, allocated $150,000 per year. The proposed opt-out would be for $400,000 for the next three years (2015 through 2018). “At this point, it’s not adequate for the operations of the county,” said Bennett. Another reason for the desired increase is that the county is hoping to put a portion of funding back into CDs (as of January 1 there is $117,132 saved in CDs). Vicki Wilson revealed the county’s 2014 budget, which totals out at $2,349,956, and the fund balance as of January 1, which was $348,305.55. Three new funds have been added: the law enforcement equipment fund, the highway building fund, and the highway equipment fund. These funds were formerly in each departmental budget but have been set up by the county to ensure the funds would be spent on equipment. One of the county’s major priorities for funds is road and bridge repairs/replacement. Currently twelve bridges are said to be deficient, with four on the “redlist,” needing work or replace- 100th Day of School Celebration Nomination petitions may be filed for the following Jackson County positions: County Commissioner (District 1 - 4 years); County Commissioner (District 3 - 4 years); County Commissioner (District 5 - 4 years); County Auditor (4 years); County Sheriff (4 years, Ray Clements Jr., is running for re-election and Shawn Fox is also running); County Register of Deeds (4 years); County Coroner (2 year unexpired term); 3 Republican and 3 Democratic delegates to state convention. Petitions must be filed at the county auditor’s office. The deadline for filing nomination petitions is March 25, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. If a petition is mailed by registered mail by March 25, 2014, at 5:00 p.m., it shall be considered filed. Kadoka Elementary celebrated 100 days of school on February 27 with counting activites and cupcakes. To end the celebration the students popped 100 ballons! Short takes from the State Capitol Here’s a brief review of some of the S.D. Legislature’s recent action: The Teach for America funding bill, SB 127, met defeat in the Senate recently. It needed a two-thirds affirmative vote because of the funding, and received a 17-17 vote. While Sen. Phyllis Heineman, R-Sioux Falls, urged passage to continue the state’s investment to help Native American students achieve academic success, those against he funding cited Teach for America’s vast resources from donors nationally. The state’s $350,000 donation could be better spent in traditional k-12 education funding. The controversial bill to solve fishing and hunting rights on nonmeandered waters over private land in the state ended for this year by being tabled in the Senate on a 31-3 vote. “All involved parties should be on notice,” said Sen. Tim Rave, R-Baltic, who had served on an interim study committee on the topic, that the process of finding a solution would continue. The full resolution to the problem had not been found on this issue, Rave said. A bill remains alive for rebuilding a stretch of rail line from Chamberlain west to Presho, but the decision on whether it will be $6 million or somewhat less won’t be made until the final days of the legislature. That is when budget figures are squeezed into place on numerous funding bills. Both the House and the Senate have approved a ban on texting while driving a motor vehicle. However, with differences between the bills passed by each body, the final bill will have to have those differences hammered out by a conference committee. Both versions make texting while driving a secondary offense, which means it is not an offense which a law enforcement officer can use to stop a vehicle. An attempt to force HB 1183, a repeal of the state’s death penalty, to the House floor from the State Affairs Committee, called a “smoke out,” failed. The bill, said Rep. David Lust, R-Rapid City, “had a lengthy hearing in committee” and he opposed giving it more time on the House floor. The effort to stop Common Core, the testing program for k-12 schools, failed to receive support on various bills, ending the battle. However, Rep. Jim Bolin, R-Canton, one of the more vocal legislators speaking against the testing program, agreed with one measure that would prohibit the state board from adopting any such standards until July 2016. That bill, sponsored by Sen. Ernie Otten, R-Tea, is headed for the House floor. Money that has been overbudgeted for FY2014 was voted by both houses to revert to reserves, according to Rep. Susan Wismer, D-Britton, in protesting the bill’s passage. For the third year in a row, she said, money was being diverted except where it should go: to higher education and Medicaid providers. Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 9 Remember to set your clocks forward & replace the batteries in your fire alarms! ment this year. (One of the four, Blackpipe Bridge, has a five-ton limit placed on it). Allocation for gravel hauling was a big point of concern for those in attendance. “1.25 million over ten years,” said Paul Gropper, “and we just haven’t seen the results.” The county has 100,000 tons of gravel stockpiled currently, which they estimate is sufficient to cover 100 miles (using a 2-inch mat which would amount to about 900 tons of gravel per mile). Bids for gravel hauling will be taken at the March 10 meeting. The county is also proposing to replace the library building; estimated cost of a new construction is $150,000. Repairs are also needed on the highway shop’s east wall: an estimated $60,000 for mud-jacking, drainage, and re-roofing. $50,000 per year of the proposed opt-out money would be allocated to each fund. Four separate opt-out resolutions are being proposed. Gropper stated he is willing to circulate a petition to county residents to vote on the optout. He also said he would consider a petition to vote on whether the county should continue maintaining a library at all. The commissioners encourage people to attend the upcoming meetings. Stated Bennett, “We need input from everybody. We’d like to have them educated as to where we’re at and why.” Emery Kukal e students rocked the house when they counted to 100 while doing different exercises Jace Grimes Jerrett Hutchinson & Carter Kendrick Editorial 2 - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - Kadoka Press Lookin’ Around | Syd Iwan Fun Times I’ve been having so much fun this week. I’ve been dealing with income taxes, water heaters, and snow. Sounds like quite a bit of fun, don’t you think? Usually I don’t mind tax work since accounting is rather enjoyable. This year, though, I’ve had a really hard time making myself get with the program. The third of March is the deadline for ranchers who don’t estimate taxes, like us, so I’ve had to finally bite the bullet and get on with it. The return, I’m happy to say, is now done and ready to send either through the mail or online. I haven’t decided which just yet, but either is fairly simple and only requires a moment of time. Two things caused my reluctance to do the job. Depreciation is the first roadblock. They have so many rules and regulations about that which are extremely complicated. I have a publication from the IRS which tells all about it and runs to a hundred-plus pages. Just finding the right table to use takes concentration since you have to use the double-declining-balance 150percent table for farming and ranching, and there are several others that are similar but not the same. Even when using the right section, you have to use different parts depending on what month of the year you placed the asset in service. Unfortunately, our family corporation takes the 200-percent table instead of the 150 which adds to the confusion. I finally fought my way through all that gibberish and From the U.S. House | Representative Kristi Noem am pretty sure I have it right. It would be easier if you dealt with it more frequently than once a year. Secondly, I use a tax program that I get online for the computer that costs me about eighty bucks. It is worth the money, but it has glitches. You have to pay very close attention to what you’re doing and then usually go back and make some adjustments here and there. The program isn’t particularly designed with ranchers in mind so I have to remember that. This is despite the program’s claim that it will lead you through everything and come up with the correct return. This isn’t necessarily so. Still, it wasn’t as complicated as I had feared and only took a few hours to get the financial info entered and a completed return printed out. It looks right. I hope it is. I still have our corporation return to do, but that is pretty simple and only a few pages long, whereas the main ranching return runs to about twenty pages. Since I’m on a roll here, I plan to crank that out later today and be done with it. Then all I have to do is finish the accounting entries for last year on the books and set up for this year. That’s rather fun. I won’t have to work so hard in making myself do it like I did with the actual tax returns. Then we come to water heaters. We had to have a new one installed recently, but the factory heat setting wasn’t cutting it for wife Corinne who likes extremely hot baths (which I don’t.) Anyway, after several promptings, I got out the screwdrivers, removed the two plates, and reset the temperature for both the upper and lower tanks. Expecting a glowing report after Corinne’s bath that evening, I was shocked and disappointed to have her say the water temperature was lower than it had been. Her bath had been decidedly lukewarm. Aargh! Back to the screwdrivers and plates. She was right. Instead of turning the heat up, I had actually turned it down. They had readings for Celsius temperatures as well as Fahrenheit, and the Celsius had confused me the first time around. I tried again and apparently got it right this time since the water is hot enough to boil your hands if you try to do dishes in it just like it was with the old water heater. If you fiddle with things long enough— water heaters or tax returns—you might just accidentally get them right. I probably need to tell you very little about dealing with more snow and extreme cold as we’ve had to this last week and all during this very long winter. You know all about that so I’ll just say my hope is that spring will come extremely soon. That groundhog that caused and/or predicted this extension of winter should obviously be shot. With taxes done and water heater set correctly, my current plans are to take most of the coming week off and do only those things that are truly fun. This might not give me a feeling of accomplishment like the last week has, but so be it. Let the good times roll. After Linda and I got married, we built our house on the farm near Dell Rapids where I was raised. As we were constructing our house, we took special steps to make our home as energy efficient as possible. The house is situated with a grove of trees to the north to block the cold winter winds and the south facing wall of the house is covered with windows. The winter sunlight fills the house and heats the house for free. We built walls 14 inches thick to accommodate extra insulation. I also installed an electric heat pump water heater for use in the summer. It heats the water more cheaply than resistance coils and cools the house at the same time, using minimal electricity. These things have made our house less expensive to operate, which has helped our family save money. When I took office, I became curious about whether we could apply some of these efficiency measures to Governor’s Houses. The Governor’s House program was established in 1996 to give more families the opportunity to own a home. The homes are built by inmates at Mike Durfee State Prison in Springfield and are in- '62 @ "'3). 3796'3)+ 984 @ 42+4;3+67 @ 97/3+77 /,+ 3796'3)+ 339/8/+7 43- $+62 '6+ 3796'3)+ tended to be quality, low-cost, lowmaintenance homes. More than 1,900 of these homes have been purchased by the elderly, persons with disabilities and by incomequalified families across the state. Last year, I asked the Department of Corrections and the Housing Development Authority to explore ways to make the Governor’s House more energy efficient, and, in the long run, save homeowners money. Their first step was to build a prototype which met the Passive House Standard. The Passive House Standard is a rigorous energy efficiency standard that requires heavy insulation, an airtight envelope around the house, highly efficient windows, highly effective heating and cooling systems, and an energy recovery air exchanger. Structures meeting the Passive House Standard have very low utility bills, and the homes retain enough heat to provide survivability even in extreme cold without power. The demonstration house was built in only a few months and the house was displayed at the State Fair to demonstrate the new cutting-edge building technologies. After the model was completed, it became clear that building every Governor’s House according to the Passive House Standard would Often times when I talk with folks in Washington about farming, they still picture a tanned man in a straw hat and flannel shirt perched atop a small, cabless tractor. Sure, there are still animals to feed, cows to be milked, and dusty fields to work in. We still wake up early and spend the day doing hard labor. But the industry has changed since then. I love being able to share what it’s like to be a producer today and stand tall when I say that I too was a farmer. The modern day farmer and rancher is a jack-of-all-trades. We’re chemists and IT specialists. We need to know about marketing, business, and mechanics. We invent. We innovate. We modernize. And we are subject to a litany of government regulations – many written by those who have never dropped a digger into the ground. Two years ago, the U.S. Department of Labor handed down a new proposal that would have undermined traditional family agriculture. Many South Dakotans hire their nieces or nephews to help out during the summer, but these requirements would have put new limits on what they could do. Safety on farms and ranches is make the house too expensive for those who qualify for the program. Instead of using the model that incorporates all of the standards, the new Governor’s Houses will apply some of the Passive House principles. The increased cost of the upgrades will be offset by the decrease homeowners will see in their utility bills. The new design includes better insulation and windows, an airtight envelope and an energy recovery air exchanger. These houses will meet the Energy Star Standard, making those who qualify eligible for federally insured mortgages which are available only to energy efficient homes. Homeownership is a part of the American dream, and the Governor’s House program has made that dream come true for hundreds of South Dakotans – people who may not otherwise ever own a home. By continuing to make the homes even more efficient and affordable, we’ll be making that dream a reality for many more in the future. To learn more about the Governor’s House program and how to apply, visit sdhda.org and click on “Governor’s House Program” under the “Home Buyers” tab or just type “Governor’s House” in your internet search engine. Congress has a bad habit of passing legislation that treats the symptoms of our problems rather than the problems themselves. From reauthorizing emergency jobless benefits, to expanding Medicaid, too often the quick fix is the wrong approach, and taking the easy way out merely leads us further from addressing the cause of our problems. According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans cited unemployment as their top concern. Their concerns are justified as 3.6 million Americans have been unemployed for six months or longer and the percentage of Americans in the labor force is the lowest we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president. All these factors are a clear indicator of why our leaders in Washington need to be looking for ways to break the cycle of chronic unemployment and get these men and women back to work, rather than throwing temporary fixes at our long-term problems. Q: I retired in 2013 but expect income in 2014 from work completed before I retired. Will this lower my 2014 Social Security benefits? A: For people younger than full retirement age, the Social Security annual earnings test, also /8)./3- &< *(/0.2, ,,/)+ @ +11 +2'/1 ,'62+6793/43 0'*40'8+1)4 )42 ! 6'/- )+11 #'938++ )+11 $! !.43+ &; "# - % ':+ &+(( ! "# ! % ':+ &+(( ! % !1+'7+ )'11 !./1/5 1/3/) '*40' # !./1/5 # " # ! % ':/* 412'3 % 6 4+3 1455+6 6 ! $(' $(% ) '*40' # !2&(/6 33) 3++** ! (* = **5 34 53(*5.*6 $411 ,6++ " % '*40' !6+77 !/43++6 "+:/+; $.+ !64,/8 !+33/3-843 4 496'38 +; %3*+6;44* !478 '/8. 3*+5+3*+38 /743 496/+6 96*4 4=48+ The legislation would provide a one-time, low-interest loan up to $10,000 for a long-term unemployed individual to relocate to start a new job. It would also streamline and improve job training by including the House-passed SKILLS Act, which would consolidate 35 federal employment and training programs and create a Workforce Investment Fund to serve as a single source of support for employers, workers, and job seekers at the state level. The largest ladder of opportunity for low- and middle-income families has always been broad and sustained economic growth.No matter how you spin it, no matter what government benefit you try to throw at it, there is no substitute for a job. Congress needs to start working on real solutions that will create jobs, better train America’s workforce, and break the cycle of chronic high unemployment. I will continue working with my colleagues to move this legislation forward and to start tackling the causes of our long-term economic problems, instead of simply treating the symptoms. called the retirement test, concerns how much can be earned from wages or self-employment in a calendar year without reducing benefits during that year. Called a special payment, money received for work done before retirement is not normally included for the earnings test. Income received after retirement is a special payment if the last action to earn it was completed before stopping work. Examples could include accumulated vacation or sick pay, bonuses and sales commissions. If self-employed, net income received after the first year you retire is a special payment if you performed the services to earn the payment before becoming entitled to receive Social Security. For example, say a person retired at the end of 2013 and started receiving Social Security retirement as of January 2014. In January, the person received payment for unused vacation time from the former employer. Since this vacation pay was earned before retirement, it is considered a special payment and not counted towards the 2014 annual earnings limit. Two local occupations often receiving special payments for Social Security retirement purposes are insurance agents and farmers. Insurance commissions for policies sold before retirement but received after the year of retirement are usually special payments. If a farmer fully harvested and stored a crop before or in the month of entitlement to SSA benefits, and then carried it over for sale in the next year, the income will not affect benefits for the year of sale. Keep documentation related to this. '*40' # = 5&.2 = **) =!&07 = 8*0 =":.2* 43*'= 6/*'= ' 2 84 443 '3* (= '554/382+38 " " That’s why on February 25th, I introduced legislation that would actually address the serious problem of long-term unemployment in America. My bill would exempt businesses that hire long-term unemployed individuals from ObamaCare’s mandate to provide health insurance or pay a fine for each uninsured employee. Currently, a key barrier to hiring for small businesses is the fear that adding a new employee will put their business over the threshold for ObamaCare-mandated insurance coverage. This legislation would remove the barrier for longterm unemployed individuals by eliminating the ObamaCare burdens and costs associated with hiring these workers. My bill would also enact a sixmonth employer-side payroll tax holiday for each long-term unemployed individual hired. For an employee hired with a $40,000 salary, that represents a $1,240 incentive to hire a long-term unemployed individual, which will help break the cycle of unemployment for those millions of Americans who have been out of work for 27 weeks or longer. .+78398 '*40' #498. '048' !451'6 #8 @ '*40' # $6+3)./3- 4, 8=5+7 )+11 0'=6+)01/3- 346;+< (/> 026+)01/3- -2'/1 )42 memo indicating the Agency would now have the authority to regulate “post-harvest” activities on family farms. These post-harvest activities include storage, fumigation and drying. OSHA doesn’t belong on family farms, and the law clearly states that. Small operations have a strong vested and personal interest in keeping their operations safe and viable. They don’t need to be threatened with more regulatory oversight to make sure they’re operating in a way that keeps their family safe. I once again put pressure on the administration to reverse course and earlier this month, the Department of Labor announced they would withdraw the memo and keep OSHA investigators off our family farms. I’m proud to stand up every day in support of family farms. I’m proud to explain what the industry is – and isn’t – and to keep unnecessary regulations away from farming and ranching operations. Most of all, I’m proud to represent a state whose economy is still rooted in the women and men who feed the animals, milk the cows, and work in the dusty fields – who wake up early and spend the day doing hard labor – who call themselves farmers and feed the world. Social Security | Howard Kossover, Public Affairs Specialist &.2 !75**7 = &)3/& ! # $ imperative, but we need to have a commonsense approach to how we address the issue. I joined other Members of Congress from rural areas to put pressure on the Department of Labor and by the end of April 2012, the Department of Labor withdrew the proposal. This situation is not an anomaly. A few years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they wanted to regulate dust to the point that it would have been hard for farmers to dig their fields unless it had rained that week. In response, I introduced the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act, which passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the administration reversed course. Then, in late 2013, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigators walked onto a small Nebraska farm. The investigators said the farm willfully violated OSHA regulations, including a rule on the proper gear to wear when entering a grain bin, and levied against this family a $132,000 fine. Since 1976, Congress has banned OSHA from regulating farming operations with 10 or fewer employees. However, in 2011, OSHA quietly issued a From the U.S. Senate | Senator John Thune Stop Treating the Symptom, Start Treating the Problem Office of the Governor | Gov. Dennis Daugaard Building More Efficient Governor’s Houses Standing Tall for Family Farms &' .885 ;;; -41*+3;+78 3+8 ?0*'.+/ 0.2.( 3856 &' 3856 ' 2 84 52 ' 2 84 3443 (= '554/382+38 "-* &' $ 5&< )*4&571*276 &((*47 35)*56 +531 &2< 4539.)*5 Kadoka Press USPS 289340 Telephone 605-837-2259 • PO Box 309, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543-0309 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 605-837-2312 Ravellette Publications, Inc. PO Box 309 • Kadoka, SD 57543-0309 Publisher: Don Ravellette Graphic Design/News Writing/Photography: Robyn Jones Graphic Design/News Writing/Photography: Sarah DeVries Published each Thursday and Periodicals postage paid at Kadoka, Jackson County, South Dakota 57543-0309 Official Newspaper for the City of Kadoka, the Town of Interior, the Town of Belvidere, the Town of Cottonwood, the County of Jackson and the Kadoka School District #35-2. • ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES • All of Jackson, Haakon, Jones, Mellette and Bennett Counties and Quinn and Wall Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 Plus Tax All other areas in South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.00 Plus Tax Out of state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.00 No Tax South Dakota Newspaper Association POSTMASTER: Send change of address to the Kadoka Press, PO Box 309, Kadoka, SD 57543 Correspondent News Kadoka Area News | Sydne Lenox, 837-2465 Tim and Tammy Merchen drove to Aberdeen on Thursday afternoon and attended the State B Wrestling Tournament which was held over the weekend, returning home Sunday. The Philip Area wrestlers took second place in the tournament with 134 points. The three Kadoka wrestlers results: Jed Brown, 126 pound class, won second place in the championship round, losing first with a score of 4-3; Chandler Sudbeck, 170 pounds, took second place in the championship round, losing with a score of 3-2, and Logan Ammons, 220 lbs., took third place winning with a pin in a time of 2:08. Logan also won the Dale Westberg Memorial Award for most pins in the tourney. Marv and Deb Moor drove to Pierre on Tuesday of last week to help their son, Mitch, celebrate his 30th birthday. Hank Kosters, Deb’s father, joined them for lunch that day. The Kadoka fire department was called to the home of Robyn and Jim Jones around midnight Sunday. The fire started in the basement fireplace and they were alerted by their dog. Thankfully the damage wasn’t extensive and they are safe. Pam and Keith Bonenberger returned home Saturday afternoon after spending about a week in Albuquerque, NM. While there they attended the national meeting of the Badlands Natural History Association. The pipes were frozen up last night, and the plumbers were hard at work clearing them out. Apparently the frostline really dropped what with the sudden cold cold temperatures. Ella Hindman stopped in for a short visit Sunday. Later grandson Christopher was here. He fixed my cell phone (I have had phone prob- Merle Stilwell was transferred to the Philip Hospital the first of this week after being in Rapid City Regional. He underwent surgery there earlier in February and returned home last Thursday, but was taken back that night for another surgery. Cards can reach him at home or at the Philip hospital, where he will be for several days. By the time this week’s paper is published the weather is supposed to be in the 40s. This area has endured sub-zero weather for many days and hopefully warmer weather is in sight. Luckily we do not have much snow, but the below zero temperatures have kept people close to home. lems all week, hopefully it will be better next week) and we had a nice visit. I made my usual visits to the care center; it seems as if everyone was okay there. Thought: do not forget small kindnesses and do not remember small flaws. Belvidere News | Syd Iwan, 381-2147 Frank Carlson took in an exotic sale at Platte recently. He came home with two miniature horses, two miniature longhorns, and a mini donkey. The donkey went to Brett Prang, but Frank is keeping the rest. His sons might be able to ride the little horses before long. You might as well start them young. In other news, he has started calving with a few now on the ground out at Mike Blom’s. Oddly enough, the ice hasn’t been all that thick for chopping the water for critters. A wind a while ago thinned it a bit, and the belowzero temps haven’t quite got it back up to full strength just yet. Scot and Jodie O’Bryan have mostly just been waiting for it to warm up and hoping that will come soon. Ted Vobr spent most of last week in the Philip hospital. Jim Addison drove him over there on Tuesday, and Dr. Holman decided he should stay. They did various tests for heart problems and pneumonia, but mostly decided it was just a bad case of the flu. He was still in residence on Monday. He said that was a good place to be during this cold snap, and he didn’t mind staying until it warmed up a bit. Since Ted has nine brothers and sisters, some of them have been calling to check on him and keep his spirits up. Betty Kusick said her daugh- ters have finally gotten home from traveling here and there around the globe. Loretta Schreiber and her husband, Lawrence, of Quinn just got back from a vacation in Hawaii. They did some island skipping and report having quite a good time. Kathy and her husband, Jerry, of Rapid City went to Colorado to visit Kathy’s daughter, and then journeyed south to Texas, Oklahoma, and Mexico. They were gone a couple of weeks and also enjoyed themselves. All the travelers are now recuperating from their travels. Betty said she was happy enough to stay at home while everyone else traveled around. She did visit Dolores Obr a couple of times last week, took her mail to her and so on. Church was called off in Belvidere on Sunday due to the snow and cold. Rev. McCubbin and his wife, Ruth, were gone at the time anyway since they were in Florida at a reunion of Ruth’s family. That was a good place to be since it was about the only state in the union that wasn’t having bad weather. Cella Baldwin celebrated her birthday on the first of March. It was too cold to do a lot of celebrating, but it was observed anyway. Chris is home at the moment after having been to Texas to check on his bees which seem to be doing okay. Terry said Cella’s birthday is % ! at a time of year when a person never knows what the weather will do. Sometimes it is nice and sometimes not. Marie Addison said it’s been so cold in Murdo that she hasn’t been able to get together much with the others who often do some exercises at the senior center. They do moving and stretching to a tape and may go on with it for a half hour or so. She said it keeps the joints loosened up and working half decently Eric and Pam Osborn spent some time on Sunday thawing out the water pipes in their basement. The whole system didn’t freeze up, but parts of it did. They also cut some wood to help keep themselves toasty. A ham was cooked although they were the only ones there to eat it. Some of the leftovers are scheduled to be made into bean soup that will go down nicely with a bit of corn bread. Pam said a coyote has been taking pleasure in irritating their dog. It wanders in, gets chased away by the dog, and then drifts back before long. Pam said to mention that she fully intends to return a green bag of Phyllis Word’s to her before very long. This is apparently some kind of joke going on between the two since the bag never quite seems to get transferred. Wrestling Tournament in Aberdeen. The Merchens were busy suporting all the Philip and Kadoka Area wrestlers. The team came home with second place trophy. Starting this week, the St. John Lutheran Church Lenten Services will be held. They will be every Thursday this year. Services will be held at 6:30 p.m. with soup supper to follow in the church basement. Ladies are asked to bring anything that would compliment soup or dessert. JoAnn Letellier visited with Bill and Marjorie Letellier in Philip one day last week. Thursday night Morgan Taft stayed in White River in order to play in the Pep band for the tournament. Our hearts go out to Leslie (Babe) WoodenKnife and family at the loss of his dear wife Leona. I have fond memories of serving on election board with “Ruth”, when she tried to teach me Lakota. I was such a slow learner we worked on the same words every election! We had many a laugh over that. Services were held for Leona Ruth Wooden Knife on Friday. May the Lord Jesus wrap His precious arms around you in comfort. James and Marjorie Anne Letellier visited in the Paul Beckwith home at Pierre on Friday. I realized, I must have been watching the Olympics too much when it seemed like it took a long Belated congratulations to Emmaline Eagle Bear of Blackpipe. Vincent Black Spotted Horse and Emmaline Eagle Bear were crowned Sweetheart King and Queen on Valentine’s Day at the White River Care Center. Emmaline is a true sweetheart and she even got roses! She joins a long list of Royalty from the Norris area. Susan Taft and Heather attended a bull sale in Pierre on Monday. Tuesday, Dan and Susan Taft attended the girls District Basketball tournament in White River. Morgan plays in the band. Wednesday, Dorothy Bligh and Maxine Allard made a trip to Valentine and kept appointments. Maxine also enjoyed a visit with her friend Jim Kroeger at the Cherry Hills Apartments. Sharon Ring attended Bible Study at the St. John Lutheran church basement on Wednesday afternoon. Word was received of the recent loss of Jed Wohlgemuth due to cancer. Jed is the son of Rev. Dick and Sue Wohlgemuth. The Wohlgemuths pastored the Norris Bible Church during the 70s. Folks may send them a card at: 114 2nd Ave. SE, Spring Grove, Minnesota 55974. The Tafts kept appointments in Martin on Wednesday and then attended Parent/Teacher Conferences in White River that evening. It was such a nice day Thursday that Bob Totton of Murdo came down and visited Howard and Nette Heinert’s in the morning and then went to Ed and Carol Ferguson’s to visit was a dinner guest. Later that afternoon he visited in the James Letellier home. Ty Merchen also got in on the fun conversation and history lesson on “Days Gone By” in Norris. There was plenty to laugh about and still is – like building the hall, etc. Tim and Tammy Merchen spent the weekend at the State B $ time to make minute oatmeal! Would you believe - Red Leaf was represented in Hawaii this last weekend? As luck would have it; Richard Charging Hawk and Branden Marshall were invited to play for an Oklahoma softball team at a fast pitch tournament in Hawaii, while it was a freezing cold weekend in South Dakota. The guys left, only to have the games cancelled due to rain. They do have pictures of them laying on the beautiful beach, whales, etc. to prove they were there. The worst part is we still have the frigid temperatures to welcome them home. I only wish we fans could have gone along, don’t you? School news: Norris School had a late start today due to the cold weather. Wednesday evening Parent/ Teacher Conferences were held at the school. Monday, March 3 they are busy celebrating the birthday of Dr. Suess with special reading and different activities. Maxine Allard hosted the Norris Bible church Sunday School in her home on Sunday. It was so cold she was glad she didn’t need to get out. John and Kristie WoodenKnife hosted a belated birthday dinner in honor of her daughter Roxie at the Norris Township Hall on Sunday. Roxie was taking police training in Pierre so unable to celebrate till this weekend. Proud of you, gal! %#( ' %#$ & " "% ( " %! ATTENTION: # The Jackon County Library will be closed on the following days: Wed., March 12, Thurs., March 13, and Friday, March 14 %" $"% ( "# % ## Thank You! $ " ( "# ( ( ( "# # "! ( "# & # "# " " # # # 3 Norris News | Marjorie Anne Letellier Gateway News | Lola Joyce Riggins, 837-2053 (Let it ring.) Quilting was held in the community room on Wednesday. Lila Shirley Josserand, Whidby, Margie Peters, Susie Bauman and Lova Bushnell were there. May we put Oliver and Charles Willert on our prayer list. Oliver is back at the care center but as I understand, Charles is still in the hospital. Kadoka Press - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - # $ % $' $' ' % " % *% ' %#!!,& " ' + # '# ) #&' % * % + + (! " (& #" " & " ## Sports 4 - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - Kadoka Press Kougars finish regular season against Scotties Grapplers grab state’s runner-up spot The Kadoka Kougars played their final game of the regular season on Friday, February 28 against the Philip Scotties. Parents night was held along with senior reconigtion. Seniors on the team are Lane Patterson, True Buchholz, and Aage Ceplacha. It was a tough battle between the teams, but Kougars fell to the Scotties 25-73. Patterson and Aaron Janis each had four points, while Deontae Thorn, Brendon Porch, AJ Bendt, and Ceplacha each added three. “Our last home game of the season is always a hard one to play,” said coach Mark Reiman. “But proud of the team and the improvements they have made.” True Buchholz drives the lane for the basket. Lane Patterson goes above the defense to the hoop. Bringing home the runner-up plaque, was made possible by a great team effort from the Philip Area grapplers. With 11 of 14 weight classes represented, Philip placed four individuals in the championship bracket, more than any other team. State champion Parkston placed two. They had wrestlers in all weight classes but one that placed from first to eighth. It’s those numbers that gave them the championship spot. Head coach Matt Donnelly said Philip Area wrestlers put forth a great effort, representing themselves very well. They upset several matches where they were the underdogs, he said. Lane Blasius won the championship spot for the 152 weight class. Taking second were Jed Brown, Rance Johnson and Chandlier Sudbeck. Placing third was Logan Ammons. Placing fifth was Nick Donnelly. Ammons won the most pins award for the second year in a row. N.Donnelly, a freshmen, achieved his 100th career win while at the tournament. Blasius won the Lynn Wagner Memorial Scholarship. Fifty-six teams were represented at the tournament. Team points were: Parkston – 158, Philip Area – 134, Beresford – 111, Canton – 108, Bon Homme/Scotland – 106, Stanley County – 84, Howard – 79, Winner – 72.5, Webster Area – 65, Flandreau – 61, Elk Point-Jefferson – 56, Lemmon/Mc-Instosh – 50, Burke/Gregory – 47, Wagner – 39, Mobridge-Pollock – 38, Tri-Valley – 37, Hot Springs 34, Bennett County and Clark/Willow Lake – 32, Miller/Highmore-Harrold – 31, Parker – 29, Custer and McCook Central/Montrose – 28, Groton Area – 27.5, Andes Central – 27, Britton-Hecla – 26, Faulkton Area – 25, Deuel – 21, Garretson – 19, Kimball/White Lake/PlatteGeddes – 15.5, Sunshine Bible Academy – 15, Ipswich/Leola – 14, Mt. Vernon/ Plankinton/Corsica – 11, Harding County – 9, Potter County – 8.5, Hill City – 8, Kingsbury County – 6, Redfield/Doland – 5, Sioux Valley and Warner/Northwestern – 3, Newell - 2, Sully Buttes – 1, Alcelster-Hudson, Crow Creek, Lead-Deadwood, Lower Brule, Lyman, Marion/Freeman, Red Cloud, St. Thomas More, Tiospa Zina, Wessington Springs/Woonsocket, and WolseyWessington – 0 106 lbs: Hunter Peterson record 33-15 •Maj. Dec. by Chase Anderson (PKR) 0-13 •Pin Preston Jones (BRH) 0:36 •Dec. by Dylan Colt (EPJ) 2-4 113 lbs: Keagan Fitch Brendon Porch makes the shot. record 21-20 •Maj. Dec. by Josh Weisbrod (CWL) 2-11 •Dec. Parker Ramstad (TV) 4-2 •Tech Fall by Logan Mahoney (PKST) 4:37 126 lbs: Jed Brown 2nd record 41-8 •Pin Cameron Biggins (WIN) 2:42 •Dec. John Lemer (CAN) 3-2 •Dec. Dawson Semmler (PKST) 4-2 •Dec. by Bailey Neises (HOW) 3-4 132 lbs: Rance Johnson 2nd record 40-10 •Pin Logan Kafka (WAG) 3:13 •Dec. Justin Haneke (BER) 7-4 •Dec. Daniel Slama (SC) 4-1 •Dec. by Luke Loudenburg (HOW) 4-9 138 lbs: Nick Donnelly 5th record 39-12 •Pin Caleb McNeil (RED) 2:28 •Maj. Dec. Tyler Willems (GAR) 12-0 •Dec. by Sean Bice (WIN) 0-5 •Dec. by Jared Lyle (BER) 1-3 •Dec. Jake Operpriller (HS) 1-0 145 lbs: Kaylor Pinney record 33-18 •Dec. by Levi Schonebaum (B/G) 1-7 •Win by Def. Brock Belkham (FLA) •Pin by Tyrel Haley (WIN) 0:57 152 lbs: Lane Blasius 1st record 47-1 •Pin Noah Beck (B/G) 0:11 •Tech Fall Riley Potter (FAU) 4:56 •Dec. Weslee Dvorak (PKST) 4-0 •Dec. Jake Scofield (FLA) 4-2 160 lbs: Reed Johnson record 35-15 •Dec. Ryan Yost (RED) 7-6 •Pin by Jace Christiansen (FLA) 5:00 •Dec. by Dillon Stadlman (PKST) 3-5 170 lbs: Chandlier Sudbeck 2nd record 47-3 •Pin Lane Rottele (WNW) 0:13 •Maj. Dec. Miles Semmler (PKST) 9-0 •Pin Nathan Duerre (WEB) 2:21 •Dec. by David Kocer (WAG) 2-3 182 lbs: Grady Carley record 36-18 •Tech Fall by Turner Blasius (KWLPG) 2:06 •Dec. Mason Kilker (BRH) NA •Dec. by Josh Lasley (CAN) 0-4 220 lbs: Logan Ammons 3rd record 32-9 •Tech Fall Brett Christman (RED) 5:40 •Maj. Dec. by Brady Reiff (PKST) 0-9 •Pin Justice Verhey (PKR) 1:57 •Pin Tyson O’Daniel (SC) 2:22 •Pin Alec Lee (FAU) 3:11 •Pin Ryley Ostbye (CAN) 2:08 Donnelly noted the wrestlers’ success could not have been possible without the support of the parents and others in the community and for that he is very thankful. Logan Ammons took third at state wrestling. He was also awarded a plaque for the most pins during the tournament. is is the second year he has received this award. Jed Brown received second place at state. Chandlier Sudbeck placed seconded at state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ooking for awesome people for part and/or full-time positions at Sunset Grill & Kadoka Subway. Must be willing to work some evenings, and some weekends. Offering mileage compensation for excessive travel. Great work atmosphere, wages and profit sharing! If you’d like to join our team, apply in person or online at www.subway.com or call 837-2400. Community Five generations gather Kadoka Press - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - 5 Kadoka Area Honor Roll Grades 6-12 HIgh School “A” Honor Roll Myles Addison Logan Ammons Foster Berry * (4.167) Aage Ceplecha Logan Christensen Gavin DeVries Brady Jandreau Raven Jorgensen * Emery Little Thunder Taylor Merchen * Lane Patterson * April Perkins Emily Schlabach * Racheal Shuck Chandlier Sudbeck Austin Thayer Shelby Uhlir * Destiny Dale Elizabeth Hoon Herbie O’Daniel Myla Pierce Dylan Riggins Jerica Coller Kassie Hicks Shai Lamont Braden Letellier Allie Romero Scout Sudbeck * Deontae Thorn * Cami Uhlir Jarrett VanderMay Venessa Buxcel * Miranda Dale Ciara Eberle-Faulk * Carson Good * Kirsten Kiewel Emily Knutson Kelsey Lensegrav * Jeremy Ring * Shaina Solon * Pictured (L-R): mother Mariah Kimball, grandmother Tammy Twiss, great great grandmother Mary Bull Bear holding Merrick James Kimball, and great grandmother Mary “Tudy” Pierce. McKenzie Stilwell Emma Stone Lindsey VanderMay “B” Honor Roll Sam Pretty Bear Jr. Aubrey Schnee Matthew Waters Jed Brown JoAnne Cross-Amiotte Wyatt Enders Aaron Janis Brennan Kukal Brendon Porch Zach Stone Kyler Ferguson Elijah Hogen Steven Kiewel Tigh Livermont Chloe Baldwin AJ Bendt Mariah Dale Geoffrey DeVries Colby Enders David Kary Summer Last Horse Paul Smiley Jackie Thayer Storm Wilcox Sydney Word Middle School “A” Honor Roll Kaelan Block Esperanza Hartman Rosemary Hoon * Ajiah Ortiz-Pierce Aybree Pitman Reese Sudbeck Marcella Baldwin Kaylee Eisenbraun * Cameron Good * Marcus Herber * Katy O’Daniel Rosalie Rosales-Kleinhans Savannah Solon * Anna Stone * Tel VanderMay Ashantae Bement Lavin Bendt Greyson DeVries * Jarred Hicks * Lilly Jandreau Luke Keegan* Kobe Lamont Richard Lamont Kaycee O’Daniel “B” Honor Roll Patrick Brown Dawn Claussen Tyra Fugate Abe Herber Hunter Johnson Sage Keegan Ashley Letellier Mataya Livermont Tarryn Petrak Katherine Plenty Bull Stephanie Ring Jory Rodgers Kianna Badure Triston Swift Hawk Kaylee O’Daniel Adie Patterson Eve Patterson Katie Reddest Seth Slovek Naomi Thayer Dylan VanderMay STATE BIRTH RECORDS ACCESSIBLE THROUGH COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS Certified copies of birth records from across the state are available in Jackson County, according to Mitzi Mitchell, Register of Deeds. The office has access to computerized birth records statewide and can issue a certified copy of any South Dakota birth. In the past, birth records were only available from the county where the birth occurred or from the South Dakota Department of Health, Vital Records Program. Birth records are available from 1905 on. As earlier years are entered in the computerized system, records from those years will also become available. The cost for a certified copy of a birth record is $15.00 as of July 1, 2012. * indicates a 4.0 Kadoka Area School District Elementary Honor Roll All A’s Makaylan Bonenberger Jyntre Coller Gracie Eisenbraun Tawny Gropper Linoln Koehn Chye Livermont Crystal Livermont Alexandria Madsen Jared Nemecek Dalton Porch Don Schofield Levi Sharp Damius Spotted Elk Mason Stilwell Andi Stone Gus Stout Chael Thorn Isabella Williams All A’s & B’s Adam Amiotte Breezy Amiotte Lanie Blair Maxx Blair Kash Block Madison Brown Hannah Brunsch Kyla Clifford Willard DeCory Cyril Eisenbraun Cass Finn Wyatt Fransua Denton Good Jackson Grimes Jordan Grimes Storm Guptill TJ Hamar Tia Has No Horse Charlie Heathershaw Garrett Hermann Caden Stoddard Sammi Jo Stout Gaven Sudbeck Emelia VanderMay Ian VanderMay Alivia Waldner Maggie Whirlwind Horse Tyus Williams Emily Zickrick Maxwell Zickrick Savon Iron Rope Hudson Johnson Felicity Keegan Farryn Knutson Kalee Leach Sina Little Elk Ivan Littlesun James Livermont Jonathon MacFeat Tyrel Mansfield Bradley Martin Reece Ohrtman Reed Ohrtman Alonso Ortiz Dustin Plenty Bull Kyra Poitra Tyler Ring Morgan Sammons Kaitlyn Schofield Ryan Shuck Dante Sitting Up 2EGI ST ER ED 3PR I NG 0AI R S 2EG 3PR I NG 9EAR L I NG (EI F ER S 2EGI ST ER ED &AL L "R ED #OWS &AL L #AL VES 9EAR L I NG &AL L "UL L S 6KDPURFN/LYH 2¶1HLOO1 -ONDAY !PR I L "VD U J POF F S .B U U -PXF S Z 6KH 6HOOV6KH 6HOOV .P H D L 8I J T Q F S J OH 8J OE Y 73% 5$ 5P U B M Y 4 J U [ "M M J B OD F # $ #8 r 88 r :8 r .J M L #8 r 88 r :8 r .J M L ! ! & ' ! $%# ! ! "# 6KH 6HOOV6KH 6HOOV ! ! Y U F S Y #F #8 r 88 r :8 r .J M L #!"$ # $ ! ! r ( " 3 * OH F OVJ U Z r $P OOF B M Z 'J OB M 1S PEVD U r " " 3 5F O9 4 " r 1 " 1P XF S 5PP M r $P OOF B M Z $B W B M S Z ! " " !$ 5J NF M F T T Y /F X %F T J H O #8 r 88 r :8 r .J M L $ " ! r $POOF B M Z $B QJ U B M J T U r 1 " 1PXF S 5PPM r ""3 5F O9 4 " r 4VNNJ U $S F T U 'PD VT 6 +H 6HOOV & D O YLQ6 % LO O - X WK$YH $WNLQVRQ1( 53,3URPRWLRQV $ % ("3 6M U J NB U F Y /F X %F T J H O #8 r 88 r :8 r .J M L #F B V 3B W F M M F U U F %PO 3B W F M M F U U F & 4 B M F C P P L XJ M M C F B W B J M B C M F M B U F .B S D I P OM J OF B U XXX 31* Q S P NP U J P OT D P N Church Kadoka Press - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - 6 Robert L. Young__________________________________ Edith “Thelma” Johannesen_________________________ Robert Leroy Young, age 94, of Kadoka, S.D., died Monday, March 3, 2014, at the Rapid City Regional Hospital. Robert Leroy Young was born June 15, 1919, at Reeds Spring, Mo., the son of Edgar and Narcissus “Dude” (Smith) Young. At the age of five, he moved with his family to Pajaro Valley, Calif., where he received his education. Robert entered the U.S. Army, serving in World War II. After his honorable discharge, he returned to southern California. He was united in marriage to Alma Lewis on August 18, 1946, in Mexico. They made their home in Hollister, Calif., for one year before moving to Prunedale, Calif. Robert worked for the Civil Service at Ft. Ord as a heavy equipment operator and also was in the Navy Reserves. He retired in 1979, and began driving school bus for the next seven years. His wife, Alma, preceded him in Edith "Thelma" Johannesen, age 97, Quinn, S.D., died March 2, 2014, at the Good Samaritan Center in New Underwood. Edith "Thelma" Chadwick was born January 24, 1917, to Elvin and Edith (Rush) Chadwick in Wabasha, Minn., in her Grandma Chadwick’s home. At six months of age they moved to St. Paul, Minn. A year and a half later, she was joined by her sister, Stella. Because of her father’s declining health, they moved to Cottonwood when she was 11 years old. There were lots of things for a city girl to learn on the farm. She worked on the N.Y.A. program making mattresses until Pearl Harbor was bombed and the program was stopped. On December 17, 1941, she married Harry Johannesen, the love of her life, in Rushville, Neb. They moved on the hill above her parents. Two years later they started their family. She enjoyed raising a big garden and canning. She loved seeing all the animals on the farm, especially the baby animals. Every year she raised lots of chickens. death on November 11, 2004. He continued to make his home in California, where he enjoyed watching baseball and football. He was an avid bowler for many years and enjoyed drinking beer. Robert was also a member of the VFW. Survivors include his daughter, Beth Murray and her husband, Willard, of Philip; three stepdaughters, Juanita Brier of San Bernardino, Calif., Virginia Denning of Madera, Calif., and Phyllis Rodrques of Tracy, Calif.; 16 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; 114 great-great-grandchildren; and 30-plus great-great-great-grandchildren. In addition to his wife, Alma, Robert was preceded in death by his brother, Edgar Glea Young; sister, Vida Delois Crowe; and two stepsons, Calven Eugene McKinney and Harley Joe McKinney. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Arrangements are with the Rush Funeral Home of Philip. His online guestbook is available at www.rushfuneralhome. com State of South Dakota | Senator Jim Bradford Legislative Week 7 Greetings from your District 27 Senator Jim Bradford. We’ve now completed the seventh week of work in Pierre. We passed “cross-over” on Feb. 25th, and now will focus on House Bills, just as the House will take up the bills which have passed the Senate. When bills are passed by the other body, but with changes that may not be accepted by the other legislative body, they must end up in a conference committee to iron out the differences. The last couple weeks of each Session have a lot of moving parts as the Appropriations Committee gets the final revenue numbers, adjusts the budget accordingly, and figures in the cost of any new legislation which passes which impacts the General Fund. Health care has been at the forefront this Session. Several bills were primarily sponsored by Democrats which would have a tremendous impact on the lives and health of South Dakotans. I was proud to co-sponsor SB 122 which would provide audiology services for South Dakota’s children. The prime sponsors were District 21 Democrats and my good friends, Sen. Billie Sutton and Rep. Julie Bartling. Prior to bringing this issue forward, insurance companies actually provided no coverage for hearing aids. It was all out of pocket, unless those requiring services were Medicaid eligible. SB 122 did not require insurance companies to offer this benefit, but sought to define what those benefits should be if the insurance companies chose to offer a plan. It lays out guidelines which include providing for physician care and licensed audiology services. Due to support for this issue, 3 of the 4 biggest insurance companies in the state are now committed to covering these life-changing services. Another related bill (HB 1166) was supported by the Governor through the Health and Human Services Department. It proposes to expand the use of the Telecommunications for the Deaf Fund to provide hearing aids on a sliding scale according to economic need. The fund has been growing over the years with $15 cents from every phone line, including cellular, contributing to the fund. Let’s hope that these efforts will help children. Proper diagnosis and services to hearing-impaired children will change lives. While it doesn’t happen very often in our area, farmers and ranchers that have land covered with non-meandered water will want to know that some steps are being taken to protect their rights. A bill passed the House which restricts the use of motorized vehicles or combustion engines on private property, even if it is covered by water or frozen water. These engines cannot be used on a non-meandered lake within 660 feet of an occupied dwelling, church, school, or livestock confinement. County officials will want to know that the bill that redefined Ag property with only a $1,000 income provision is going to be pulled by the sponsors. Their lobbyist told me that they will be satisfied to have the Ag land property tax task force study the issue this summer. Several of our Directors of Equalization expressed concerns about the shift that would occur in property taxes. I invite you to contact me with your questions and concerns on this or any other topic. I may be 605-685-4241 or reached at through email at Sen.Bradford@ state.sd.us 3/4 c. confectioners' sugar for dusting alternately with the milk. If the batter is to stiff,a tablespoon or two of milk may be added. Pour and spread evenly into 2 prepared pans 3.) Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in the preheated oven,until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wirerack,then turn onto a serving plate. Dust with confegtioners sugar right before serving. In the Kitchen Irish Tea Cake Ingredients: 1 1/2 c. butter,softened 3 c. white sugar 6 eggs 1 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract 5 1/4 c. all-purpose flour 2 Tbsp. baking powder 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1 1/2 c. milk Directions: 1.) Preheat oven to 350* F. Grease and flour 2-9-inch round cakes. 2.) In a medium bowl,cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs,one at a time then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour,baking powder and salt;stir into the batte Meals for the Elderly Monday, March 10: Tater tot casserole, green beans, biscuit, and pears. Tuesday, March 11: Swiss steak in mushroom grave, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, bread, and pears. Wednesday, March 12: Homemade pizza with meat and vegetables, corn O’Brien, and apricots. Thursday, March 13: Sliced ham, scalloped potatoes, peas, bread, and cherry crisp with topping. Friday, March 14: Chicken enchiladas, lettuce salad, V-8 juice, and plums. Questions or for more information about the meals program please call 837-2413. Upcoming Area Events Thursday, March 6: •District boys basketball at Jones County. •KCBA meeting at Club 27 at 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 7: •District boys basketball at Jones County. •Middle school boys basketball tourney at Kadoka. Saturday, March 8: •Middle school boys basketball tourney at Kadoka. Monday, March 10: •Jackson County Commissioners’ meeting at Jackson County courthouse in Kadoka, 9:00 a.m. •Kadoka city council meeting at city finance office at 7:00 p.m. press@ kadokatelco. com In November 1970, she was widowed. She continued to live on the farm with her son, Howard, until June 2006 when he suddenly passed away. Then she moved to Rapid City to live with her daughter, Betty, and her husband, Bruno. She enjoyed reading, writing letters to people in the hospital, military, or any other occasion, solving crossword puzzles and visiting with family and friends. Fellowship of God | Dr. James L. Snyder Church Ain’t What It Used to Be I have been going to church for more years than I care to remember. I rather like going to church. I do not go to church because I have to. I go to church because it is a wonderful place and it is filled with wonderful people. Are there hypocrites in the church? Yes, a whole lot more. In the news recently was a snake handling church in Kentucky. They believe you can pick up a poisonous snake and if it bites you, it will not kill you. I know the Scripture they use for that, but I am not sure they understand what that Scripture really means. The fact that the minister of that church died from a snakebite might bring into question the validity of what they believe. I would not feel comfortable in that church I am sure. Then I learned of a church in Virginia. I have often had a lot of respect for Virginia and visited quite a few times. Some great men and even presidents have come from the state of Virginia. You can imagine how alarmed I was to hear about this new church. When somebody told me about it, I thought they were saying it was a “Knewest church.” I never heard of such a thing. My question quite naturally was, what is it that these people knew. I am constantly open for any new information so my curiosity went up. Then my friend pulled out his smart phone and showed me a videotape that was on the news about this church. It was not a “Knewest church” but rather a nudist church. When I watched it, I laughed because I believed my friend was playing a prank on me. There are stupid people in the world, I admit, but I think even stupidity has a limit. He finally convinced me that this was a real news story of a real nudist church in Virginia. Fortunately, the people who produced this video for the news strategically blurred out certain parts of the video of which I am everlastingly thankful. It is a legitimate church and the motto, according to the pastor, is that they do not want to judge people by the clothing they are wearing. Really! How about judging people by the clothing they are not wearing? Bible Study: Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the Kadoka Presbyterian Church. This study is on the Holy Spirit and is led by Ken Toews. Everyone is welcome. Ladies Bible Study: A nine week study, “A Journey of Faith, the Life of Moses,” is being held at the Kadoka Presbyterian Church. The study begins Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. The study concludes on March 10 and 12. Please join us. Fellowship of Christian Athletes: Each Wednesday night at the Young Life building on Main Street. Supper is at 6:30 p.m. with devotions to follow. All high school aged students are welcome. Release Time: Each Wednesday at 2:45 p.m. for students aged from kindergarten through eighth grade at Kadoka Presbyterian Church. Catechism: At Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church on Wednesday evenings. Supper and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. with class to follow for students aged sixth through twelfth grade. Inspiration Point The Foundation of Wisdom Proverbs 9:10 tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” The connection between these two concepts may initially be difficult to grasp: How can fearing God make us wise? First, we need to understand what it means to fear the Lord. This term is used to describe an awesome reverence for God that moves us to acknowledge Him as the sovereign Ruler of heaven and earth, submit to His will, and walk in obedience. The result of such a response will be the acquisition of wisdom. For those of us who commit to living for the Father’s purposes rather than our own, a greater understanding of the Lord starts to develop. The Holy Spirit will enable us to see circumstances and people from His divine perspective. This kind of wisdom reaches beyond human perception and gives us discernment to make decisions that fit into the Lord’s plans for our lives. Knowing that He always works for our best interest, we are empowered to walk confidently through both good times and bad. But there are those who reject God’s instructions—they dishonor Him by refusing to acknowledge His right to rule their lives. It’s foolish to rebel against His authority and think you can win. Fearing God is the only way to know real wisdom. What is your attitude toward the Lord? If you truly reverence Him, you will listen for His directions and heed His warnings. A desire to honor and please Him will motivate you to turn from evil and seek to live in obedience. And the result will be wisdom beyond human understanding. Friday, March 21: •Community play at Kadoka auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 23: •Community play at Kadoka auditorium at 2:00 p.m. NOTICE: Free Federal Tax return preparation is available at the Jackson County Library, Kadoka. Returns for low and middle income taxpayers of all ages are prepared. Call Deb Moor 837-2689 at library for an appointment. Or Bob McDaniel 605-859-2227 (Philip) for information. NOTICE: The Jackson County Library in Kadoka will be closed on March 12, 13, & 14. Apart from the sheer ridiculousness of this sort of matter, one matter truly annoys me. Where do they keep their offering? On second thought, I do not want to know. Then a brilliant idea sloshed its way through the corridors of my mind. What if these two congregations had a convention together? The snake handler’s and the nudist churches get together for an annual convention. Can you imagine the craziness of such a thing as that? Then I got to thinking about it again. That would be grossly unfair to the snakes. Who in the world would they bite first? On the other hand, would they grow legs and run for the nearest door? I remembered what Jesus said to Peter referring to the church. “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). The church does not belong to men or any one man. It belongs exclusively to God. The more churches look like the world around it the less pleasing it is to Jesus, the head of the church. Church Events: Wednesday, March 12: •Indian education meeting at Kadoka school at 5:30 p.m. - school board meeting to follow. Saturday, March 22: •Community play at Kadoka auditorium at 7:00 p.m. After a fall in May 2010 she was unable to walk again so moved into the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in New Underwood. She is survived by her daughter, Betty (Bruno) Blaszkowski of Rapid City; her sons, Gene (Ester) Johannesen and Jerry (Jody) Johannesen, all of Wall; 14 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry; her son, Howard; her parents; and her sister, Stella. Visitation will be held from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, at the Rush Funeral Chapel in Wall, and one hour preceding the services at the church on Friday. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 7, at the United Methodist Church in Wall, with Pastor Darwin Kopfman officiating. Interment will be at the Mt. Hope Cemetery in Quinn. A memorial has been established to the Good Samaritan Center of New Underwood. PEOPLE’S MARKET WIC, Food Stamps & EBT Phone: 837-2232 Monday thru Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Church Calendar CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Kadoka • 837-2390 Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m. LUTHERAN PARISH - ELCA OUR SAVIORS LUTHERAN • Long Valley Pastor Frezil Westerlund Sunday Services: 5:00 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kadoka • Pastor Gary McCubbin • 837-2233 Worship Services: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: Sr. Adults - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: All Ages - 9:45 a.m., • Sept. - May Release Time: 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. • Sept. - May FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interior • 859-2310 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. BELVIDERE COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Gary McCubbin • 344-2233 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Donuts: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sept. - May OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Bryan Sorensen • Kadoka • 837-2219 Mass: Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Confession After Mass INTERIOR COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. • Church: 10:30 a.m. EAGLE NEST LIFE CENTER Gus Craven • Wanblee • 462-6002 Sunday Church: 11:00 a.m. ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH-LCMS Midland • Rev. Glenn Denke • 462-6169, SD (6 mi. north and 3 mi. east of 1880 Town) Sunday Worship--10:00 a.m. MT/11:00 a.m. CT Classifieds Kadoka Press - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - 7 Classified Advertising & Thank You Rates: $5.00 minimum for 20 words, plus 10¢ for each additional word. Call 837-2259 or email: press @kadokatelco.com Help Wanted Real Estate Business/Services HELP WANTED: Fun summer job, Badlands Trading Post & Prairie Homestead, Cactus Flat, Exit 131 off I-90, convenience store/gas station/historic sod home/gift shops. Full or part time, flexible scheduling. Contact Heidi at 433-5411. KP32-6tc HOUSE FOR SALE: 4-5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, full finished basement with fireplace, 2 large decks, oversized garage, underground sprinkler system, price reduced. Call 605-3902615. KP32-tfn HILDEBRAND STEEL & CONCRETE: Will do all your concrete construction jobs. Call us and we will give you a quote. Office 837-2621, Rich’s cell 431-2226, toll free 877867-4185. K45-tfn HELP WANTED: An experienced, full-time mechanic at Les’ Body Shop, Philip. Must have own tools. Wage DOE. Stop in and apply with Mike. 859-2744. KP31-tfn HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT: 600 Main Street, Kadoka, directly across from school. Call Jim Plaggemeyer (605) 438-3010, or Matthew (605) K32-4tp 488-0330. Thank You Rentals Thank you to the doctors and entire nursing staff at the Philip hospital for the great care I received during my stay. Thank you to Rob and Peggy for everything you have done for me. Bob Eckert APARTMENTS: Spacious one-bedroom units, all utilities included. Young or old. Need rental assistance or not, we can house you. Just call 1800-481-6904 or stop in the lobby and pick up an application. Gateway Apartments, Kadoka. 36-tfc A very BIG thank you to all who donated pies and other gift cards and certificates for our resident's activity fundraiser. We raised a little over $900 in which this will pay for quite a few bus rides and supplies. Thanks again your continued support and it is truly appreciated. Cathy Stone KNH Activities Coordinator ! WEST RIVER EXCAVATION: will do all types of trenching, ditching and directional boring work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or call 605/837-2690. Craig cell 390-8087, Sauntee cell 390-8604, email [email protected]. 27-tfc SEPTIC TANK PUMPING: Call 8372243 or contact Wendell Buxcel, Kadoka, SD. 10-tfc NEED A PLUMBER? Licensed plumbing contractor for all your indoor plumbing and outdoor water and sewer jobs call Dale Koehn 4411053 or leave a message at 8370112. KP30-4tp Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for milling of 2,146 sq. yards of city streets will be received by the City of Kadoka, South Dakota at the City Finance Office until 4:00 p.m. (MDT) on March 10, 2014. The asphalt to be milled is approximately 2 to 4 inches thick. Milled material will be left in place. Envelope shall be marked “Locust Milling Project”. The bids shall be for two (2) items: mobilization (lump sum) and milling (price per square yard). The City of Kadoka will assist with traffic control. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 7:15 p.m. (MDT) at the Kadoka City Council Meeting on Monday, March 10, 2014, and award made as soon as possible. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities therein and reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder as they so determine. There must be enclosed with each bid a draft, certified check or cashier’s check certified or issued by a state or national bank domiciled in South Dakota, payable to the order of the City of Kadoka in the amount of at least 5 percent or, in lieu thereof, a bid bond of at least 10 percent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract and furnish the required performance bonds. Each bid must be accompanied by a certificate of insurance with minimum liability coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). ! " ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS " Pursuant to State Law, a copy of the bidder’s sales and use tax license and a copy of the bidder’s excise tax license as issued by the State of South Dakota must accompany the bid. In lieu of a copy of the license, the bidder shall submit appropriate evidence that the bidder and all affiliates have the appropriate licenses. The beginning and ending dates for this project will be negotiable, to correlate with the beginning date for the project by the hot mix asphalt company. The City of Kadoka will be responsible for traffic control on this project. Questions regarding this project and bid specification should be directed to: Patrick Solon, City Street Superintendent at 605-837-2140. Statewide Classifieds: A 25-word classified ad in each of the states’ 150 daily and weekly newspapers. Call (605) 837-2259. AUCTION PURPLE WAVE IS conducting two no-reserve construction equipment auctions on Thursday, March 13. Bid now on heavy trucks, dump trucks, skid steers, backhoes, scrapers, loaders, graders, crane, rollers, oil distributor truck, excavator, tractors, trailers, forklifts. Bid now at www.purplewave.com. EQUIPMENT HIGHMORE-HARROLD SCHOOL DISTRICT seeking quality used skid loader. Send picture and specifications of unit if priced under $25,000. If over $25,000, submit sealed bid labeled “Over $25,000 Skid Loader” to Supt. Chip Sundberg, Box 416, Highmore, SD 57345, call 605-852-2275 for details. EMPLOYMENT PRESIDENT/CEO – Visit: www.advancebkg.info for job description. Submit cover letter, resume and current salary information to: Maureen Simet, ADVANCE, PO Box 810, Brookings, SD 57006-0810. [email protected]. FOR SALE PROM DRESSES 50% off. Central South Dakota’s largest selection. Hollywood Shop, 333 S. Pierre Street in Pierre. Call 605-2246222 or 605-280-5743 (cell). PATROL OFFICER – Hourly pay range: $20.69-$25.17/hr. Visit: www.cityofbrookings.org Return application w/resume to PO Box 270, Brookings, SD 57006-0270. [email protected]. WATER/WASTEWATER TRAINING SPECIALIST – provide technical advice, assistance, and training to rural and small town utilities. Analyze situations, evaluate possible courses of action, make decisions, and give advice and recommendations regarding water/wastewater system operations. Qualified individuals should submit resume, references, and statement of qualifications to: South Dakota Rural Water, PO Box 287, Madison, SD 57042. Additional information can be located at www.sdarws.com under Member Services or email [email protected]. FAULK COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT accepting applications for FT Highway Maintenance individuals. Benefit package. Motivated, positive attitude, work with others. Valid CDL. EOE. For application call 605-598-6233. HEALTHCARE JOBS. Now hiring: RNs, LPNs/LVNs, CNAs, Med Aides. $2,000 Bonus – Free Gas. Call AACO @ 1-800-6564414 Ext.22. CUSTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL has full-time RN opportunities available working in the beautiful southern Black Hills of SD. We are located just a short distance from Mount Rushmore, Wind Cave National Park, Custer State Park, Jewel Cave National Park and many other outdoor attractions. We offer competitive salary and excellent benefits. Please call 605-673-9418 for more information or log on to www.regionalhealth.com to apply. EOE FARM HELP WANTED: Full-time person for general farm work on cattle farm, tractor driver. Experience necessary. Call 605-5472257 or 712-551-7828 for details. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS: LPNs & CNAs, top weekly pay, direct deposit, & flexible schedules. Take control of your schedule with TriState Nursing. Apply online today. www.tristatenursing.com 800-727-1912. HYDE COUNTY DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION seeking two temporary employees for countywide reappraisal in Hyde County. Up to 40 hours per week at $10.00 per hour. Application deadline: March 17. Obtain application at Hyde County Courthouse, 412 Commercial Avenue, Highmore, SD or call 605-852-2070. BRITTON-HECLA SCHOOL Dist. currently has the following positions open for the 201415 school year: Elem. Teacher and K-12 Vocal Music Instructor w/wo coaching. Closes 03/14/14. Send LOA and resume to: Kevin Coles, Supt., PO Box 190, Britton, SD 57430 or [email protected]. The Britton-Hecla School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin or handicap in its programs and acitivities or employment practices and policies. FOR SALE: Spider, Salamanca,and Bridger pea seed. Looking for experienced seed growers. Inquiries call Great Northern Ag 701/497-3082 or visit our websitewww.greatnorthernag.com. LOG HOMES DAKOTA LOG HOME Builders representing Golden Eagle Log Homes, building in eastern, central, northwestern South & North Dakota. Scott Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig Connell, 6 0 5 - 2 6 4 - 5 6 5 0 , www.goldeneagleloghomes.com. NOTICES ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewide for only $150.00. Put the South Dakota Statewide Classifieds Network to work for you today! (25 words for $150. Each additional word $5.) Call this newspaper or 800-658-3697 for details. HEALTH/BEAUTY IF YOU UNDERWENT Testosterone Therapy for low-T and suffered a heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism or a loved one died while undergoing Testosterone therapy between 2000 and present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727. '% $$ [Published February 20 & 27 and March 6, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $69.18] ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS #!' ( & !"& "( *"'& $ '("& ' ** * () ' * "& '# "( &#) '. ( ++% - , *"'& Two Weekends: March 7-10 & 14-17 Mr. Peabody & Sherman Rated PG Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m. Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m. For updates on movies, call: JACKSON COUNTY ASSESSMENT NOTICES Property owners in Jackson County should have received their assessment notices. These assessments are for the 2014 assessment year and will be used to determine the property taxes payable in 2015. Property owners are encouraged to review these notices to ensure the information is correct. Also, if the property owner disagrees with the valuation assigned to the property, the owner has the right to appeal this valuation through the appeal process. The local boards of equalization are meeting at 7:00 p.m. March 17, 2014 at the Kadoka City office. Town of Interior March 17 at 7:00 p.m. at Cowboy Corner. Cottonwood, Belvidere dates may be obtained from that town clerks/chairman. Deadline to appeal to these boards is March 20, 2014. The county board of equalization will meet April 9, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. and continue until all equalization matters are done. Any property owner wishing to appeal to the county board of equalization must do so in writing by April 1, 2014. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for furnishing, laying and compacting approximately 500 tons of “Hot Mix” asphalt concrete, with an additional 50 tons to be used for patching at various locations, will be received by the City of Kadoka, South Dakota at the City Finance Office until 4:00 p.m. (MDT) on March 10, 2014. Envelope shall be marked “Locust Street Improvement Project”. The bids shall be for two (2) items: mobilization (lump sum) and “Hot Mix” Asphalt Concrete (price per ton in place). Bids will be opened and read aloud at 7:15 p.m. (MDT) at the Kadoka City Council Meeting on Monday, March 10, 2014, and award made as soon as possible. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities therein and reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder as they so determine. The “Hot Mix” shall be laid 4 inches thick in 2 inch compacted lifts, with emulsified asphalt tack applied under each lift. Asphalt concrete shall meet South Dakota specifications E1 P.G. 58-28. The owner reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities bid by up to 25% for budget purposes with no change in unit prices. Payment for “Hot Mix” will be made to the nearest one tenth (0.1) ton on weigh tickets that accompany each delivered and placed load on this project. There must be enclosed with each bid a draft, certified check or cashier’s check certified or issued by a state or national bank domiciled in South Dakota, payable to the order of the City of Kadoka in the amount of at least 5 percent or, in lieu thereof, a bid bond of at least 10 percent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract and furnish the required performance bonds. Each bid must be accompanied by a certificate of insurance with minimum liability coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). Pursuant to State Law, a copy of the bidder’s sales and use tax license and a copy of the bidder’s excise tax license as issued by the State of South Dakota must accompany the bid. In lieu of a copy of the license, the bidder shall submit appropriate evidence that the bidder and all affiliates have the appropriate licenses. The beginning date for this project will be negotiable; however, all work on this project must be completed before August 15, 2014. A penalty of $100.00 per day will be assessed for each day past August 15, 2014, that the project remains incomplete. The City of Kadoka will be responsible for traffic control on this project. Any questions may be directed to the County Director of Equalization. Rosemarie Bennett, CAA Jackson County Director of Equalization Questions regarding this project and bid specification should be directed to: Patrick Solon, City Street Superintendent at 605-837-2140. [Published March 6 & 13, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $104.60] [Published February 20 & 27 and March 6, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $86.73] NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR FILING NOMINATING PETITIONS PRIMARY ELECTION The deadline for filing nomination petitions is March 25, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. If a petition is mailed by registered mail by March 25, 2014, at 5:00 p.m., it shall be considered filed. Nominating petitions for the offices of County Commissioner District 1 - 4 years County Commissioner District 3 - 4 years County Commissioner District 5 - 4 years County Auditor 4 years County Sheriff 4 years County Register of Deeds 4 years County Coroner (2 year unexpired term) NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION Voter registration for the Municipal Election to be held on April 8, 2014 will close on March 24, 2014. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at HYPERLINK "http://www.sdsos.gov" www.sdsos.gov or call the county auditor at (605) 837-2422. Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor’s office, municipal finance office, secretary of state’s office and those locations which provide drivers licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a form at HYPERLINK "http://www.sdsos.gov" www.sdsos.gov. Voters with disabilities may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration, absentee voting, or polling place accessibility. 3 Republican delegates to state convention Jo Manke-Rodgers, Finance Officer Town of Belvidere 3 Democratic delegates to state convention [Published March 6 &13, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $26.00] Statements to be filed by persons wishing to fill positions of Republican Precinct Committeemen or Republican Precinct Committeewomen shall be filed in the office of the County Auditor located in the county courthouse during regular business hours (Jackson County Courthouse: between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, and 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., local time). Nominating petitions for the office of U. S. Senator 6 years U. S. Representative 2 years Governor 4 years State Senator - District 27 2 years State Representative - District 27 2 years shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, State Capitol Building, Pierre, SD 57501, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Vicki D. Wilson Jackson County Auditor [Published March 6 & 13, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $52.66] Notice of Vacancy and Filing Deadline WEST RIVER WATER DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The following offices will become vacant due to the expiration of the present terms of office of the elective directors: DIRECTOR 1: Representing all of Haakon County; Rainy Creek/Cheyenne, Sunnyside, Ash, Cedar Butte, Huron, Peno, and Shyne townships in Pennington County; and Dalzell Canyon and Northeast Pennington Unorganized Territories in Pennington County. FOUR YEAR TERM. DIRECTOR 3: Representing all of Mellette County; Morgan, Mullen, Okaton, Scovil, Williams Creek, and Zickrick townships in Jones County; and Grandview and Westover Unorganized Territories in Jones County. FOUR YEAR TERM. DIRECTOR 5: Representing the cities of Oacoma and Reliance in Lyman County; Oacoma township in Lyman County; and East Lyman and Lower Brule Unorganized Territories in Lyman County. FOUR YEAR TERM. Nominating petitions may be obtained Monday through Friday from the following offices between the hours of: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Secretary of State’s office & County Auditor’s office 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at West River Water Development District office (a) Secretary of State State Capitol, Suite 204 500 E. Capitol Pierre, SD 57501 Phone No. 773-3537 (b) West River Water Development District PO Box 407 307 Main Street Murdo, SD 57559-0407 Phone No. 669-2931 (c) All local County Auditor’s offices The petition must be filed with the Secretary of State’s office no earlier than the 1st day of January, 2014, and no later than 5:00 p.m. CT, Tuesday, March 25, 2014, for the primary election. Petitions which are mailed by REGISTERED OR CERTIFIED MAIL prior to 5:00 p.m. CT, March 25, 2014, the last day to file, will be considered timely filed. Jake Fitzgerald, Manager West River Water Development District [Published March 6 & 13, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $47.46] NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION Voter registration for the Kadoka Area School District 35-2 School Board election to be held on the 8th day of April, 2014, will close on the 24th day of March, 2014. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at HYPERLINK "http://www.sdsos.gov" www.sdsos.gov or call the Jackson county auditor at 8372422, the Jones county auditor at 6697100 or Haakon county auditor at 859-2800. Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor’s office, municipal finance office, secretary of state’s office and those locations which provide driver’s licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at HYPERLINK "http://www.sdsos.gov" www.sdsos.gov. Voters with disabilities may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration, absentee voting, or polling place accessibility. Jo Beth Uhlir, Business Manager Kadoka Area School District [Published March 6 &13, 2014, at the total approximate cost of $29.26] IN CIRCUIT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF JACKSON ) )SS ) Estate of Alice B. Wilmarth, Deceased. PRO. NO. 14-01 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is given that on the 20th day of February, 2014, Kenneth D. Wilmarth, whose address is PO Box 326, Kadoka, SD 57543 was appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of Alice B. Wilmarth. Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred. Claims may be filed with the personal representative or may be filed with the clerk with a copy of the claim mailed to the personal representative. Dated this 28th day of March, 2011. /s/ Kenneth D. Wilmarth Kenneth D. Wilmarth PO Box 326 Kadoka, SD 57543 Clerk of Courts Jackson County Courthouse PO Box 128 Kadoka, South Dakota 57543 605-837-2122 Kemnitz Law Office PO Box 489 Philip, SD 57567 605-859-2540 [Published February 27, March 6 & 13, 2014] Public Notice Deadline Friday at Noon Agriculture 8 - Thursday, March 6, 2014 - Kadoka Press Applications for CRP hay available Winner Regional Extension Center Bob Fanning, Plant Pathology Field Specialist 842-1267 SDSU Research on Spring Wheat Seeding Rates Spring wheat planting season is approaching, and several growers have indicated intentions of beginning soon. Seeding rate is a management decision that is a critical component toward achieving maximum profitability on your farming operation (revenue less seed cost). With funding from the South Dakota Wheat Commission (http://www.sdwheat.org/), new spring wheat seeding rate research has been conducted by SDSU Agronomists from 20102013 in eastern South Dakota. This research showed a seeding rate of 1.2 million pure live seeds (PLS) per acre maximized yields in 3 out of 4 years. The 2.3 bushel/acre increase in yield in 2012 would have covered the cost of increasing the seeding rate from 1.2 to 1.8 million PLS/acre in that particular year, but averaged over the last 4 years, profit per acre was slightly reduced by increasing seeding rates above the 1.2 million PLS/acre. Assuming an average germination of 95% (viable seed) and purity of 99%, the 1.2 million PLS/acre (28 PLS/ft2) equates to a 1.3 million seeds/acre. During the study, seed size varied from 12,812 to 26,374 seeds per pound, which can change the planting rate from 1.69 bushels to 0.82 bushels per acre, to achieve the same number of seeds per acre. SDSU Seed Testing Lab (http://www.sdstate.edu/ps/seedlab/index.cfm) and other labs offers germination (viable seed), purity, and seed count services to help growers achieve their targeted seeding rates. Informal surveys suggest most growers are currently closer to the 1.5 to 1.8 million PLS/acre seeding rate. The updated seeding rate recommendations based on this recent study will leave the previous recommended seeding rates unchanged; Good seedbed – 1.2 million PLS/A or 28 PLS/sq ft; Poor seedbed – 1.5 million PLS/A or 35 PLS/sq ft; Late planting – 1.8 million PLS/A or 42 PLS/sq ft. To calculate seeding rate: Bu/A seeding rate = recommended seeding rate (PLS/A)/% germination/100 x % purity/100 x seeds/lb x 60 lbs/Bu. Example: 1,200,000/(0.95 x 0.99 x 16,000 x 60) = 1.3 Bu/A. Wheat has the ability to flex components of yield to achieve equal yield with less plants. In this study, components of yield (heads per live seed planted, heads per square foot, seeds per head, and seed size) were measured to help explain the adjustments spring wheat plants can make under a range of plant populations. As seeding rate increased, the number of heads per live seed planted decreased, and the number of heads per square foot were similar at 60-61 heads. At lower seeding rates, plants increased the number of seeds per head and produced larger seeds. In summary, with good seedbed conditions and normal planting dates, 1.2 million PLS/acre will achieve yields equal to that of higher seeding rates because spring wheat plants can adjust yield components with the resources available. Averaged over the last 4 years, profit per acre was slightly reduced by increasing seeding rates above the 1.2 million PLS/acre. There is reason to increase seeding rate however, such as limiting multiple tillers. A higher percentage of main tillers produces larger heads and shortens the window of heading and flowering, allowing more timely heading time fungicide applications. For more information about this spring wheat seeding rate study, contact Nathan Mueller (688-4211), or to view Nathan’s article, complete with graphs and tables, visit: http://igrow.org/agronomy/wheat/ and click “Crop Management”. !! ! < !" #) ,%( % +33( 582 3* :)-+, 84 '%770) %032+ :-7, 7,) ))5-2+ ,);)22) ,%530%-6 800 %0) )%5 5)'35( 45-')6 *35 &37, :)-+, 846 %2( 7,) ))5-2+ &8006 %! Available at Kadoka Press & , !! %" & ( & * % * & '' # * ' %& ' & & " ' "+ !#)( #+' (#& % +! * & "! & & * & & ! ! #+ &(' * , (! & & & &' % '# "%', Harvest for Hunger Farmer’s Income Tax Record Books STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS! Call 605•837•2259 /// ( !$!($!. +,' # '% % !$ !& ' ( !$!($!. +,' # '% ,%"! Midwest Coopertives is again joining with other CHS Country Operations locations for the fourth "Harvest for Hunger" food drive. They will be gathering funds, food, and grain to help fight hunger in the local communities. This year's campaign will be from March 1st to March 20th 2014. CHS will again be matching contributions to local charities of the employee's choice, which makes your donation help even more! Feeding South Dakota will again be the recipient of the meals collected. In the past three years our patrons, business partners, friends, and employees have raised $119,329 for Feeding South Dakota which is 596,645 meals for local families; along with donating $45,441 to the Pierre/Fort Pierre Food Pantry, providing 227,205 meals. We also have donated funds and food items to the Hyde County, Wall and Lyman County Food Pantries. You can make a big difference in the lives of many local families! We hope we can count on your help again this year. All Midwest Cooperatives locations will begin accepting donations of money, grain or food items on March 1st. If you have any questions please contact Bob Fuller at our Pierre office, 605-224-5935. For $150, place your ad in 150 South Dakota daily & weekly papers through the … Baled residue from CRP ground will be available in limited quantities. SDDA will coordinate the donation effort between the CRP participant and the livestock producer. The recipient will be responsible for expenses and arrangements associated with transporting the donated hay. Extra precautions may need to be exercised as movability of the hay is limited. Producers receiving hay will be selected by SDDA based on the number of applications received, the amount of hay available. Applications for the program can be found at http://sdda.sd.gov or by contacting SDDA. For more information, contact Jamie Crew at 605-773-4073. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture encourages ranchers from blizzard disaster declared counties to apply for donated 2013 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) mid-term management hay bales. Applications are being accepted until 5:00 p.m. CDT, Friday, March 21. USDA’s Farm Service Agency is allowing producers with 2013 CRP mid-term management hay to donate the baled residue to SDDA, rather than destroy it. All producers in the affected Atlas blizzard counties are eligible for the donated hay. Submitting an application does not guarantee distribution of hay to your operation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