AVON LAKE rm > r* :* SHEFFIELD m m -t 933-5100 "0 » c: n r- .*-. ID < I— o Valentine* Day Mon., Feb. 14th AVON SHEFFIELD LAKE A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LORAIN COUN . M.G..P. Introduces "Behind The Scenes" Staff Around Towns Jr. I ^'i'Jie Avon Lake Police Log RoturiisM inning with'this week's Press, we happy to announce the return of a Police Log.*' The.overall format „. MI le log may appear a bit different :than the paBU The main purpose Is to &eep,the public Informed of various goings oh in the community.,1 think most everyone will agree [rom the pabt log, ouxPollce Department Is very busy from the minor call (dog barking on In"'Wood) . to the major call (DWI, burglarloB, 'J-'UgB. etc.). A special thanks to the A.I..P.D. for returning. Your public missed you. (ThlB weok'B Police Log Is on page 6., Who Governs Avon Lake? In my "comments last week I referred to the ; Mayor and Council having a responsibility to upholL the Avon Lake City Charter.; This, statement Is true. However, I must point out It's council who voted on the legislation,regarding the recent "pay raise" to the Law Director. Mayor Allen, although present, has no vote. As of this printing, Mayor Allen,has yet to sign the ordinance regarding the Law Director1!! pay raise. His signature really has no ! bearing, If he doesn't sign the or1 dinance within 10 days, it still becomes law. , , : State of the City? Avon Lake Mayor Bob Allen will give his State of the City addresB, 7:30 Monday night February 14th; See you there. 1 1 suppose everyone has heard rbout, the. famous Groundhog from Pennsylvania, named Phil who predicts the length of winter, Well..i.we have our own weather preillcter right here in our area. HIB name Is none other than Avon Al. Al has a small burrow in the Lear Rd. area in Avon. I stopped this past week'to chat With Al and find out his thoughts on the winter days ahead. Al. who incidently, is also a Groundhog, wants area residents to know the remainder, of the winter will be relatively mild with one bad storm, Maybe our Al could become famous. We'll see ho*v accurate his prediction is. It's difficult (o start out an article like this because 'A'hen you're enumerating people with enough talent to sink a barge, you don't know who to put first,, so, with organization in mind, IT11 proceed in alphabetical order. " A " stands for Abies - Don Ablrs, that Is • and realistically, Don Is ' 'ablj'' to gently "put the hammer on" (do the best with what you've got, and do it nowl). This musical artist humbly performs his kind of magic - and sometimes magic is what It takes to get the best results. Upon hearing a sound which is "not pretty", Don juts his head back, places his hands alongside his head (with the motions of the contouring of a pnt'y tail], breathes deeply to gain his composure, ond patiently says: "let's try that again," Then with the closing of his oyas, the snapping of his fingers, and tlio bending of his kneo, this se'f-cuntrplled artist aims, once osdin, lo bring forth the best "quality" sound out of the M.G.P. chorus. "!'• - If the ayes have It - this " I " does. Currently accompanying during chorus r e h e a r s a l s , ' C a m e l o t ' s choreographer is Bernadetto Ilg(1982's alias target 'shooting expert. "Annie"). Each member,, of the llg Pam-lce holds thylr own In talent rivalry, and "Bervile" Is one who 1B n "right on'' performer. Crrccf utly displaying a nonchalant personality. Bernle easily goes about her w.ork ut guiding feet into "step-slide-step. stop-, slldo-step" until "The Lusty Month of May" Is entertainingly staged. . "K" stands for King - and fit for a king (Arthur that, is) is Set, Constructor/Designer Mike Krai, The pronunciation of his surname doesn't indicate his method of tranpartatlon - this gentleman Is by no means a baby at his work. Instead, Mike is a true "master" of design. Images pour from his mind downward through Is fingertips and free-handedly ronder gently onto sets which magically Urn into 3dimensional designs right before your very eyes. • "L" - If there's a now lease on life. Lorna Lease holds It. This year Lprna is Costume Coordinator, With a reference photo of ci'itumo design before her, Lurnn luKeu a dress with an almost regal look into her hands and converts ll into a nearly-authentic reprorfucHve beauty which wli! be worn bj , on other than Lady Guonevere In this year's Mighty Goliath production of "Camolol". This dedicated, capable seamstress (seemingly poising an a us tern character) contains an everpulsa'ing heart full of genuine loVe for what she does. Assisted by A.L.H.S.'s office wprket Carol Dougherty (nearly 1 always found back-stage with a tape measure around her nnck], this "team" of lutllbs prove they "aren't all thumbs',' by producing yards of material and miles of stitches Into "threads"r that need fit all sizes and ahapns o characters which this cast reputably contains. , " M " stands for melding • and with all the know-how of an export, Lighting Technician, ^orry Mitchell, engineers finishing touches on stage like unto rich husB of rainbow color.) accenting a wonderland dream. :•' , " 2 " stands for xeroing-in- and that's, exactly what Director, Lorene Coughlln does as aim knowledgeably, plots the scenes during rehearsal which began Intently this past January, but, M.G.P.'s production of "Camelot" didn't just begin last month, -Lorene and the othnr production officers have boon working on the coordination of this project since last summer. A lot of work goes into tit«se plays because those involved know that "anything worth doing Is worth doing well." Keeping the viewers in mind at all times, those hear-experts put enough of themselves Into each show that ynu can actually feol their personalities project Into the audience during each performance. Don't miss the captivating charisma portrayed during, this year's mighty Goliath production of "Camelot". Show dates,are.Mar^4wS«8^ia-&il2»™M Curtain goes up o p.m. evenings: Sunday's Matineo begins et 2 1p.m. Tickets . are S3 (one price for nil} each Friday and Saturday night and 12 each for the Sunday performance. . For advance-nalii tickets call Joanne Pulacok (PTA Council M.G.P. Ticket Chairman) at 933-B5DS. Don't Delay! Linda Johnson, Miss Teenager Of Ohio , Miss Linda Johnson, age 17, daughter of Tom and Joan Johnson of Avon Lake, has won the title, "Miss Teenager of Ohio" at the state pageant held Sunday, January 30, at the Marriott Inn in Columbus. Fifty-eight teens from 30 cities across the state, competed In the pageant, They were judged on the basis of personal interview, bathing suit and evening gown. The pageant committee endeavors to make the weekend a fun filled unique experience for the girls and their families, They "Believe in the youns people of the country and In their innate goodness. Too often people concentrate on the problems of the young." Along with other prizes wor., fs a trip to Miami Beach In the fall to compete In the national pageant, Miss Teenager of the U.S.A. Linda attends Avon Lake High School. She Is a member of the student forum. After high school she plans to pursue a career In nursing. She had served for two years on the Mayor's Youth Commission. As a member of Cleveland's "Singing Angels" for five years, Linda sang all over Northern Ohio, Pennsylvania and Western New York. In 1880 she toured Europe with them. Her most' memorable moment was when she shook hands with.Pope John Paul II. She happily recalls riding the train Brookside-Middle School Early Release PARENTS—PLEASE NOTEI On Friday. Februa-y IB, 1983, students at Brookalde High School and Sheffield Middle School will be dismissed as follows: 1:00 p.m. - Brookside dismissed and Bus pick-up , , 1:45 p.m. -Sheffield Middle School dismissed and Bus pick-up This schedule change Is necessary so that both schools can be converted to new electrical service by Ohio Edison. You may have noticed that power poles along Harris Road and Colorado Avenue have been replaced. For the schools, it is necessary to be without electricity for about six hours, In addition, the power outage will disrupt regular telephone service to the elementary schools. As a result, should you need to call one of the elementary schools after. 2:00 p.m. on February 10th, please use the regular night telephone numbers listed below: l.'Biirr School-940-6187 2. Forestlawn School - 949-6184 3. Knollwood School • 949-6166 4. Tennyson School - 949-0185 Elementary schools will be dismissed at their regular 3:15 p.m. time. We apologize for any Inconvenience these changes may cause. Linda Johnson !' , (Photo by Stephens Studio) from Italy to Switzerland, the good food at the hotels and sliding down the Alps In her new white Jeans. She met President Carter and Ohio Governor Rhodes when they appeared in Cleveland. ' Her ability to regain her composure along with the obvious requirements, gave Linda the points she needed to win. Those of us In attendance were extremely proud of Linda for bringing the title home to Avon Lake. .• uestion Of The Week "How much do mayors and councilmen make in Bay Village. Lakewood. N, Ridgevllle, Rocky River and Wesllake?" Answer: All mayors are full-time, councilmen port-time, Bay Village: Mayor • $32,000; Pres. of Council - $3,100; Councilman • $2,600. Lakewood: Mayor - $40,500; Councilman rS7;000. ,• ' $24,000; N. Ridgevllle: Mayor Councilmen-33,000, , Rocky River: Mayor- $34,000; Pres. of Council - $4,200; Councilman 53,600. . • ' Westlake: (increases to become effective April 1, 1983, are shown in brackets) Mayor • $37,050 ($39,650); Pres. of Council -,$7,500 ($8,000); Councilman: $5,000 ($5,350). :' , Happening Now! At 5490 Mills Creek Lane & 31990 Walker Road Amish Farm Brand Lb Chicken Legs..! Semi-Boneless Chuck Roast. Lb Tomato Soup... Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue Heritage HOUSe 10%.Oz Can Premium Quality Iceberg Lettuce Semi-Boneless Rib Steak Reg. or Thin Prince SLaghetti.... Lb Brookside Sliced Bavarian Ham Sweet Florida Valencia Juice Oranges Mayor's Report A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED After looking Into the matter, I would like to share with you my in dings regarding our Law Director's ocent raise, which Council .oraing to Chapter II, Section 12 of , Avon Lake Charier, "Council shall , by ordinance fix all salaries and rates of " J J P ^ s a l ont but the salary or rate of Retlremen Fund. This way of purchasing s similar to how we. built the Fire Station, how , wo added onto Iho Municipal Building, and how we built the Service Building. 11 | 8 the most loaslblo way for us to, make this type of purchase. In municipal fire planning, one of the main criteria Is to bo able to reach the tallest building that has ocpointed offfciai? offlcerlBoJBemployeo" cupancy In the City. This new truck ? n Hi b r, on ^ l o c t e d o r employed for a will meet that responsibility. Also, Ihe definitely fixed period of, time, shall not truck has multi-use for our Industry, pe increased or decreased durnn ihn our condominiums and even our «l™, • I 1M . OI " CO , o r appointment." residents. Unlike Bay Village's fire Chapter VII, Section 37, spates, "The truck, which has ho built-in ladder Director of Law shall se/ve •( the systemwifor rescue or escape, our new , pleasuret wofo Council for a terni not oxL?H. ,'1i, P/ovlde a ladder system feeding W years, nor In anyevent which will allow people to enter into to exceed the duration of the elective the bucket and walk down the ladder safely. In this way, there can bo a con'Council shall fix the rate and basis of Unuoiu flow of traffic but of the bucket compensation of the Director of Law." anr1 ' V ladder for evacuation Because the Law Director serves either i i'Jfl Is only one of Ihe uses pleasure of Council, he can serve IJIOV,JMU by ihe truck. My deep conanywhere from one day to two yeors cern as Safety Utnclor Is to provide -and can be dismissed anytime at Counour citizens the proper equipment to veil s discretion. Because of this, the meet all emergencies. This multi-uiie •J Vi P'f BCtar '3 term is not considered : definitely a fixed term - there Is no truck coultl save many lives and property when put Into service, which guarantee he will serve a full two yeara could not bo accomplished with the or a "fixed" time. Opinions were present equipment. At this timo, wo do •recjived from two other outside Law not have a mutual-aid contract with the i.£?tori!: 1 n d 'boy f«'. Council was , City of Lorain. We only have a mutualwithin their right to Ificroase or aid contract v;lt!i our bordering cities decrease our Law Director's salary and -Avon,'Sheffield Lake. Sheffield were not In violation of the Avon Lake Village, and Bay Village. Charter. ,' An °'hcr situation I want to discuss Is At this time. I would also like to let the purchase of our new fire truck. By all residents of Avon Lake know that purchasing the fire truck, Council has The Cable Television Advisnry Commerely replaced a 30-year old piece of mission for the City is sponsoring a equpment that Is no longer of use or "Kick Off To Coble" Somirtar on credit to our City. Ills a replacement of February 23, 1083 at 7:30 p.m. in Ihe a piece of worn-nut equipment. Since Avon Lako High School Cafeteria. ThB t - price on this truck has almost Seminar Is to triform and show groups uoublod in a fivq*year period, and aJnce and individuals, how they can produce Council has been selling money aside and broadcast tholr own programs on , for this, they felt ihe'/nmodiate pur- •Avon Lake's Publfc Access Television . chase of (he fire truck would save Channel. We hope to have a large . re f *w money on any price increases to the Clcitizen turnout Ihut nfg.it. kv ,ty,m the future. The money which has RobcrtE. Allen . Tbeen saved to this point is being used as , Mayor . ^ajdown.payment, and the rest of the money will be'a loan from the Bond Festival Preparations Underway We're ready to go flgatnl With this early start we expect an even bigger Homecoming '83 event. Remember our theme "Avon Lake - a great place to live." Your response to our 1st annual Homecoming '82 was excellent and we are now encouraging any suggestions to enlarge your festival. . Representatives -from various organizations please plan on attending the February 16th meeting now scheduled For 7!30 p.m. at Elyria Savings & Trust at the Landings. An important segment of this festival Is the History of Avon Lake. We would like someone interested to co-chair this jommittee. Other functions such as the parade, publicity, special events, etc., need to be filled. If your talents lie In any of these areas, would you please get Involved. After all, it's your festival. Let's show what wo can do. If Interested, please contact Isabclle Beal , 933-5364. Terry Shannon, 9332700 or Dave Aslaksen 933-5968. Avon Women's Club Meets The AVon Women's Club will be meeting on Monday, February 14, 1983 In the Central Trust Bank on Detroit Rd\. Avon, Ohio. The meeting will •begin "at 7!45 p.m. with an award 1 presentation to winners of the recent paster and essay contests. Guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. Kay William Dickerson. Assistant Professor of Commuhciatlon and Performing, Arts at Lorain County Community College, Mr. Dickerson will be addressing the topic entitled "For the Love of Life - Enjoy Being a Loving Human Being." Guests and friends are always v elcome - so plan to join us for an evening of love and friendship on Valenllne's Day. The regular business meeting will follow refreshments. Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. Marge Spetafore, Mrs. Linda Easterday, Mrs. Cheryl Sebold. and Mrs. Sheila Westfall. Educational Survey Committee Organizes section of the community. The survey The Avon Lake Educational Survey Committee will conduct a survey on the consists of ten multiple choice quesGoals of Education for Avon Lake , tlons plus ranking In order of priority eighteen learner goals, The survey will Schools March 11 through March, 28. take approximately fifteen minutes lo The purpose of this survey is to provide complete. All responses to the survey the AVon Lake Board of Education and will be kept confidential and will be usthe school administrators with direced only as part of the complete results. tives toward future high quality curThe Educational Survey Committee riculum .development and to provide members urge all those citizens condirection toward educational priorities. tacted to respond to this survey. It is A similar survey was conducted in 1974 and , successfully accomplished these most important for citizen's to express, whal direction they feel education objectives. take. Community involvement Approximately 1200 respondents for. should Is necessary to make this a viable the poll will be contacted by a random survey. process and will represent a cross- EXPIRES DEC. 31,1983 , GOODGVERY DAY SEVEN DAYS A WEEK AT THE LOVIN OVENS 933-4224 of 9334477 THINK TWICEII COUPON THIS COUPON IS GOOD »*iao EVERY DAY OFTHE YEAR. AND • OFF ON ANY LARGE MORE COUPONS AVAILABLE ATTHE STORE PIZZA'S NO PURCHASE NECESSARY REGULAR PRICE sample prices: large 12" plain cheese... large 12" cheese and one Items large 12" cheese and twr Items A SAVINGS AS HIGH AS | 00 •10 •2" *2" '370 / additional Items 7& cents each 7** £$ O ^ K , E O ni a0EMARK : with coupon with coupon with coupon PHONE ORDERS: 933-4224 933-570B • KINGOFQUALITYCARRYOUTFOODS OPEN! MON..TMUH8.4-12P.M., FPX-SAT.4-1A M SUN *I to P M / 933-4477 Lorries FloralShop 934-5216 VALENTINE'S DA YFEBRUAH Y 14th GASH-N-CARRY SPECIALS O AndU^ Daisies Valentine Day Bokay Arrangements $15.50 and up 5442 Colorado Ave., Sheffield • * , TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS AD MAY SAVE YOU MONEY ..AND COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE Collision damage on mid-size and compact cars, present a very serious hazard... ...Alignment, not only front end alignment, but total bo>*v alignment. With new engineering -advancements m manufacture of "light-weight" cars (1976 and newer), even slight collision damage can cause this misalignment. These vehicles have their suspension components attachgd directly to the inner body sheet metal, which saves weight, but is easily damaged. This mis-alignment can cause the vehicle to become virtually uncontrollable at highway speeds, often without warning. The alarming fact is this mis-alignment cannot be detected with the conventionat equipment that 90% of the auto body repair shops have today. Auto body collision repair today has progressed far beyond the bump shop and the shiny new paint. You, the customer, should take this for granted. But don't take for granted that the unseen areas are being repaired...make • s u r e . • •• ' . •• ,' ' , ' • • ' • ": / . Insist to your insurance company that your vehicle is repaired by a shop that has a modern uni-body alignment system. That is the only way you can be sure. EASTSIDE AUTO BODY CAR-O-LINER ® ...For The Finest...Specialists in Frame £r Uni-Body Alignment 288-2882 2720 COLORADO AVE., LORAIN Specialists In Bench Repairing Systems for Unlbodled Automobiles / HERE'S TO THE MAN WITH ONE EAR RING WH0T00KAP1CTURE OFADOVEONASTRING HE1SAGUY WHOM WE ALL LIKE The Press is a Newspaper of General Circulation in Loraln County Serving Avon Lake, Avon, Sheffield Lake, Sheffield, Since 1951 CIRCULATION 11,000 L«ll9i» To The Editor or letters ,in rotponwt to other letter* must bo lirlot. li'» important they Includo Vout nornc. ilsniiure, odd ton and tjhonn tiumber, Atl Intlort am sub|nct looflillng. HAPPY "40th" TO OUR MAN MIKE Dr. Carl Dlvlto - Redwood School Puppet Assembly * K-9KAROUSEL puppy Kindergarten Classss . (1 Session) 'NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ADVERHSINti pUilLlSllfKS For Puppies 8 Wooki • 4 Months ol Ago Helpful hints on housebreaking/chewing. Rick Hammer, Editor & Co-Publisher R.J. Hemmer Sr., Co-Publisher Introduction to leash & collar-and proper nutrition. Very educational. ,L , Instructor experienced breeder and exhibitor of dogs. I BonnlB Horvatti'AdvertUlng, . Ton! MuBaroyo-Aduartlalng Undo Hammer-Off lea Manager Rita Flnlm-Nowi Co-Ordlnator Cntharlno J . Bahoti-Clrcutatlon Mnnagor 933-4711 rrHE LANDINGS" AVOfVl LAKE Telephone 933-5100 Send news articles, adverlisemerts to: Box 163, Avon lake, O.. 44012 A.timmbor ol tlui P h u l u f u i i n t t i l Ortiuu WHICH tttcluiin*. SfJOUHBAN PHESS. N-) I in Eirtt Toledo Sii(»tir(»» WEST LIFE N«, IIMWeslliikn, BiivVillmJi1. Mtickv Hiv.v. fii ivi'nw Kirk anri No<lr> DCDSIIMI. O VEMMILION PHOrOJOUHNAl. No t in V,nrrml«-(.. (»•»• ET1IE CU INTV HEPOH TEM N I ) 1in HUKI", Qni,» , ANNUALOUrO»:AREASUBSCfllPTIOrJ 'IB™1 Avon School News. Redwood 3rd graders - Dental Health Month. Dr. Carl Dlvlta, pedlatric deni.^t, pbsaB with Redwood kindergarten students: ti-r) Julie May. Chris Younglass, Thomas Cardor, and Angela Capretto to demonstrate good teeth brushing habits using his puppets and teeth model. Dr. Divlta, representing Family Dental Care Associates from Lorian and Elyria, put oh a puppet show designed for Kindergarten through grade three. The program was very effective in supporting the study of dental hygiene and healthcare habits. Let me explain State Farms -. unbeatable combination ol sen protection ond oconomy. ' ' William ThornhUl ; 33467Uke'Rd. '; Avon Lake,,Ohlo 933-2720 , Redwood third graders are "all'smlles" In preparing for tholr involvement In dental health, Each third grader received a Dental Instruction Kit containing a toothbrush! toothpaste, and disclosing tablets (wetar-soluble food coloring]. The kits are taken home to encourage to do a batter Job of bruahlna Ihoir teeth. , ) , \ T REMEMBER i SCHOOL CALENDAR , Thurs, Fab. 10, Pep Club -Cafeteria 3;15; AFS Club ; -Room2203:15 , Thurs, Feb.10, Band Ensembles 8:30 Sat. Feb. 12, Lincoln's Birthday: Ski Club to Brandywtue Leave 12:30 return 7:45 Mon. Feb. 14, Valentine's Day: H.S. P.T.A. Cafeteria 7:30 , • *• * THE TOOTH, THE WHOLE TOOTH, N OTH1NG BUT THE WHOLE TOOTH The abtive title Is in the^ February issue of the instructor magazine for teachers. The catchy title is most appropriate for February's National Dental Health Month. Dental Health is emphasized among the four elementary buildings, especially in grade three. Among the many pamphlets containing literature about dental health is an article which states that "Although there have been many recent improvements in the dental health status of children and adults, there is a great need for continued efforts. The statistics are changing, but dental decay and poriodontal disease are still widespread. Elementary teachers across the county report that there are many chldren who do not own toothbrushes. And, according to a recent public health survey, an, estimated 20 million Americans have never been to a dentist. Experience In other areas of the, health field has made clear the need toguerd against the complacency which may result as dental health improves. For example, the immunization program In this country has been so successful In reducing the incidence of contagious childhood diseases, that In recent years, people have seemingly ''forgotten" Ihe importance nf vaccinating their children. The result has been epidemic outbreaks of dlsenes such as measles. To prevent a similar situation from brciirring in dental health, regular,1 checkups and daily personal care of teeth and gums are essential. Without such continued attention, gains which have been made in dental health may, be lost. Dental health education programs carried out in the classroom would be credited for part of the improvement of children's dental health but the need for continued committment to caring tur' teeth and gums must be emphasized. Habits can be developed wliich will last a lifetime.'1 ,,,,,, STUDENT TEACHER AT AVON LAKE HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Laura DuPerow a, student from BaldwinWallace College, has bean assigned to the Avon Lake Schools for her Btudent teaching experience. Ms. DuPerow is currently teaching Physical Education classes at the High School under the direction of Ms. LaurloDelamater. Ms. DuPerow will split her student teaching time between the secondary and elementary schools. She will be at the elementary schools starting February 14 and tench under the direction of Mrs. Edith Sezbenskl. , Ms. DuPerow is a graduate of Bay Village High School and Is currently In her senior year at BaldwinWallace College. Ms. DuPerow Is e Physical Education major and Is pursuing a minor in Health. She is a member of Delta Zeta Sorority at Bbidwln-Wallace and the women's Softball team. Her hobbles Include Jogging, baking, photography and craft work. FOR THAT ', SPECIAL VALENTINES GIFT..:*: SHOP • .-;:;•. '^ CARD AND GIFT SHOPPE DETROIT AND ABBE ROAOfl : OPEN DAILYM.THURR. & FR1.10.fl,8UNi 1-B A BALLOON IN-A-BOX FOR VALENTINES DAY Ms. Laura DuPerow, student teacher (Baldwin Wallace College] , , SCHOOL LUNCH MENU (Subject to change] WBU *eb. 9. Meat end Gravy on buttered w/bulter< whipped " r m corn '«" /fSSf;.nik. Thurs.,Feb. ,io, Vegetable Soup,, hot ham & y & 1 U r r l StickSl chpco S ilk? ° Frl. Feb. Hi Honosi A,h« F| s h Sandwich, trt lators. coin fjliiw, llncoln log tirownlo, milk Mon. Fob. 14. Rom«o Sandwich, lovers triuncte jullct potatoes), sweetheart pickle chips, heart i, nh r?0' Db ' cupcake, love potion no. a, " " Tues. Feb. 15, Beor-n-roni; ivarm 8narHr tnflD, Harden salad, fruit jello, milk. ' r " c toast> CALL FOR VISIT Avon Lake Surprise Your. Valentln'e With An Elegaht Mylar Balloon In a,Gift Wrapped Box Remains Afloat 2-4 Weeks DELIVERED NATIONWIDE AVON LAKE Police Motes During the pant 10 days the Avon alcohol r^'aled charges. Lake Police Department received 107 Three juveniles arrasied in Ihe High calls for assistance, The fallowing sumSchool art!.- for Intoxication. , mary contains Information on some of ' 01/20 A 35 yoar old Loroln man those calls. , charged with DWI while driving on : 01/23 Two Sheffield Lake men were Miller Road nt 3:00 a.m. arrested at a local store after It was A 45 year old Sheffield Lake man arreported that they were acting rested for DWI on Walker Road at fl:30 suspicious, A 20 & a 21 year old from p,m, Sheffield Lake were arrested for Intox,01/30 An Inwood resident reports ication. two stereo speakers stolen from his 01/24 Two juveniles were removed truck. The Realistic brand speakers were valued at $'tl. , , from the High School and turned over to parents for being Intoxicated, A Euclid, Ohh resident reports the 01/25 A Smugglers Cove resident , T-Top panels v.Hiied at S500 stolen reported his window broken by a B-B from his 1979 Trt 's-Am while parked Shot that came from the area of Miller overnight at a local -notel. Road. . An Inwood resident reported her A 19-year-old male from Copley, jiuJ-e entered during the night and Ohio was arraigned in Municipal Court clothlrig. a purse and ID papers stolen. , for aggravated burglary. This anj.it Is Duff Drive and Bel mar Blvd. the result of an Investigation Into a residents report thnt someone made an break-In of a Forest Blv, home oh obscene drawing on th.-fr houses with a 02/07/82. blue marker during the n.'ght. 01/26 A Learwood student reported 02/01 A resident on Avalon Drive a 5350 Saimer clarinet stolen froma reports his 20 Inch BMX dirt bike locker In the music room. The clarinet stolen. The bike is white >vith red trim was taken about 01/14. and wheels. 01/27 Detectives and Uniformed Of* 02/02, A resident, on Beachwood flees executed a search-warrant on , drive reports his vehicle entered and a Berkshire Road home. Two persons ar- light brown American TouHster briefrested.and a large amount of Illicit case stolen. , drugs found; ; After an accident at HJHiVa.m. on Lake Road a 23-year-old Luraln man 01/28 - A Lakewaod Drive resident reported SHOO', worth of automotive was arrested and charged Tilth. DWI and possession of marijuana. Officers parts taken from his residence. These also notad that the man was clothed in parts were engine parts for a Chevrolet. womans clothing and tried (o pass ' Five juveniles and one adult arrested himself off as a woman. In the shopping center for drug and ON SIZES 8-14 GIRLS & BOYS CLOSENG OUT SALE (Sizes Spring Clothing f. 8-14} 50%-70% OFF SB? SB?*.™ Winter Clothing W TOPS, BOTTOMS, COATS, JACKETS, SWEATER, PAJAMAS Infants' & Children's Wear ( The Practical" ^Specialty Shop^ "THE LANDINGS" AVON LAKE 933-9162 AON I.CM. 1TIM HTPtOIT «OAD« AVON, OHIO «B1t The Avon Animal Hospital wishes to welcome Jeanie Wagner to our staff of animal health profession. Jeanie is active in showing both confirmation & in-field trials. She also judges f'sld trials and is involved in obedience training. In addition to grooming by appointment, she will be available for phone consultation on training for field or show. FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 934-6616 TOLL FREE 1-800-282-9273 SAVINGS FOR 25% VALENTINES JORDACHE B IT ~> Now in Misses: Straight Legs & Baggies Si2es6-16 Hours: TUBS.-Sat. 10-6 Thura. tillS A£A<%"THELANDINGS" 4643 A V 0 N LAKE • ' HIGHLANDER LAUNDROMAT DRYCLEANERS "-• 933-3310 • 138 L(':ir'R(l..'Av<in L i i k u . O h i o .. PARDON OUR DUST AND DEBRIS. WE'RE REMODELING OUR LOCATION TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS NOW CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF -•it SPECIAL HOOVER SPIRIT ™ CANISTER •7Vi QT. BAG • 4 " WHEELS EDGE CLEANING 1 24.000 RPM MOTOR FEBRUARY SPECIAL Save :1ooy]/hen you bring in the coupon in thi's&d.* •; -THISWEEKS- ONLY -AttendantonDuty • Mtin., TUGS.. Thurs:..& Fri. -9 a.m.-6 p.m. .• • Sat.'-9a"m.-fl:"5np.m. • , ' Bulk Dry Cleaning & Custom Wash Complete and Beady t o Wear W?r.3 . ' • . - . ' . p ; . • • . * • • . SNURR'S ' SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT- HARDWARE, INC, COUPON Present this coupon for $ 1 0 0 savings on dry cleaning or custom wash i ; Ont coupon p«f Itmllv E>pl'M Ftb. 28. 1983 ' DOITYOURSEU • , Z). 5254 EAST LAKE ROAD Corner Abbe Er Lake Roads i SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHtO 44054 1 (216)949.6296/1216)949-5348 HEADQUARTER OPENSUNDAYS10A.M.-2P.M. ^ 5 " Avon Council AVOW LAKE HARDVVAR£ Phone 93.3-6101 33445 LAKE RD. A full-service, one-stop resource for the professional or thtt do-it-yourselfer. ...|p OPEN 'BliKjCaL SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. , ^ g ;: w : Mon, thru.Fri. 8 a.m,-6 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m,-5'p',m. Sunday9n.rn.-1, p.m. ' " SERVING YOU FOR OVER SO YEARS!!! All Security Center 24 Hour Alarms Radio Dispatched Emergency Service u , • , Locks Installed Safes 933-3101 158 LEAR RD.r AVON LK. "We have the Key, to Your Security" ; Don Ames: Locksmith 933-5809 AFTER 5:00 Drexel Heritage By Paul Morton , , At a special meeting Thursday night. Avon Council voted to, table two ordinances granting the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI] permission to dump fly.ash In land It owns at the Intersection of S.R. Oil and Miller Road. Council President Edward Krystowski said that he wanted to be sure that CEI had followed the specifications outlined by council in previous dumping operations before passage of the ordinances. He said that he was concerned that CElhad not installed the proper drainage tiles called for In the previous agreement, and that he would check on It as soon as passible. . • • . ' • • ' John Smltek said that he felt the city should require CEI to have an on-sitc inspector present during Jumping operations, to make ce-.tain the specifications of the ordban « are followed. Smitek said, "T. ,J city engineer drew up the specifications. He should have his own man there, w h o would be familiar with the specifica- tions, and would make sure they were followed." . ,' . "A, Smltok also said that If the land fill were not drained properly, it would be "very unstable. It would be Just like quicksand." r. ., Z : Law director Tom Smith said that if Council did not do anything about making assurances that CEI would follow_^ the specifications before passing the^jj ordinances, the city could run Into legal « trouble later, In making CEI comply;!'! think the isauos being raised, ore substantial enough that I don't think It should be passed tonight." , ,-;-:ij| A second ordinance waB.tabled, because Smith fold made . certain amendments in tho city's optlon'to buy the land fill and adjacent property oiico owned by CEI reclamation was'cbmf p l e t e d . " .'.' ' ••.:•'. j;:^sM. The amendments would >pecniUJ;thcJ city to lease the land for a dollar-por( year until the land Is told. Tbe£cjtyj would also,, have the right ; o f f first refusal, should CEI decide to s e p i h e land. That Is, the city would haveithe" right to buy the land from : CBliat|the same price offered by another .buyer1*** Good Samaritan To Raise Fiinflsj programs. Both in local. areas yandf; on . Friends and . Neighbors of Good the national level; •"-•• :•'.) • • ^ A v ^ S S ^ S r Samaritan Skilled Nursing and For more'Information: on: howaful Rehabilitation Center will Join the Staff and Residents at that facility on Mon- : can be part of this fun-filled program. day, February 14th from 11 a.m. to 4 contact Karen Parson brBarb.Bartlome at Good Samaritan Nursing Horned p.m., to ralBe funds for the Heart Association. The e'"5nl is a part of the Nursing Home R>. c'n'Roll Jamboree conducted ; • -.;: ;.••- . - ; , v ::^}^^m each Ft tuary by Nursing Homes , In Overeaters Anonymous we"finiijft. across the country. Sponsored by the is not what ,WB-cat* bUt^U^ls|whatyH] American Health Care Association, eating us. Being oyerwelght isfnpjfun'i| The Jompbree encourages the Com- Do you ;have;;coritrbl^pf5yqur^o^ munity to give financial support; to habitBi^dr do th6y;hav,e;cbntrol;of^ Health Education and Research. ;< ' "::'•' • O'A"has 'fblind, a^way^to^pennaiiiinS Tho Marathon furid-i-pjser"' tradl? /•1ast«og^^dglit^; : ipls>';Want^lb^^ffl . tionally features individuals rocking la more7 We-ln'yiia^du'^q^Mr^ebrtfary^ rocking chairs opd •,rolling ' in 10, ThursdBy/-evDnlng1jme'e"tlng" fa tithe* wheelcharls for donations pledged; to :: United ; IJresbyterlah'!;' Church;^i3234bS them by members of the community. ;'" Ele'ctrlc BpuleVard/: A von^LSi SilsiaH Each Nursing Home Individualizes Its 1 at 71;ao^1p.m^f?6ffpl^a^i^!4HreSW3a..-M Jamboree with additional moneyFebruary i4vMonday^mbrning^moeBnW making activities., at tho;.Lake^Shbre:;MetiHodJsti'GKurcha The money raised by the Jamboree i \ d31ia:Eledtrio\iBoiilp,Vardi|Aybii|,Iiakei will be used for public and professional starting a't':iO!lB^i[mi'fBabjislVftrig'''*' education and for community, service Overeat? Overweight ^..available, MID-WINTER SALE ISSTOREWIDE -.rr^^M^^ir^ Lock Lights to Security SAVETO 50% ON DREXEL HERITAGE GALLERY FURNITURE Unique' Lite-ErNuff 'ke^fibld^ lights up 'locks in ddrki;::H''&Mjs doorwerys and parkingv^reas! FREE upon proof, of purrhasgS of any Weiser Lock : seajrUy^ deqdbot* orikeyed^entrcmcij lockset^ Get tbp'qual^ ity Weiser locks and get your' ' Lite-E-Nuii: '"'4 FREE. A501DLH Hunilngton *1S3S ABBE ROAD LUMBER CO. • S AVETO 50% FREE PARKING, 'FREE DELIVERY • INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE 'HonoMt Quality & Servle*' - WE DELIVER - Mon.-Frl. Open B a.m. Sat. 9a.m. 2100 BROADWAY LORAIN 244-2288 SHOP M O N . Er FRI. TILLS P.M. E. Lake Rd. & Abbe Rds. Shoffiafd Uke, Oh. Offer Good Till 4-30-83 CALL 949-6111 Judge H.T.Webber To Speak Avon Lake High School's and Loarwood Jr. High School's P.T.A.s will havo a combined meeting at Avon Lake High School on Monday, Feb. 14th at 7:30 p.m. to hoar Judge Henry t . Webbar speak on "Juvenile Justice'!, fudge Webber was elected to his third term as Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Dlvl-, sionlngt November. He Is involved In working with new, programs In the Juvenile area as well ai<, building a strong Child Support Bureau. He also has been Instrumental In the "passage of the Juvenile Justice Bill, which brought about reform In the treatment of Juvenile offenders on a local basis rather than treating them out , of their homo basis. • The meeting Is open to everyone who wishes to attend. A question and answer period will follow the speech. ' To celebrate National Founders Day, (ho P.T.A.'s will serve a special SQth birthday oaks. A.L.H.S. Commemorative Plate and Tiles are now on Sale. This is the main money-ma king project for the high school P.T.A. this year. The monies earned will go for scholarships, to send high school students to summer educational camps. 10" Plates are $10.00 and ft" cork tiles ore $5.00. Purchase your, , plate or tile by calling Jo Grospltch 033, 0403 or Joanne Polacokt 033-5509. Childbirth Education Classes Childbirth Education Association of Lorain County offers a seven-week series of classes, starting every month. The classes Incorporate the techniques of the American Lamaze and are taught only by R.N.'s, with extensive childbirth aducatlon experience and motional training. The series covers topics , such as: muscle toning and relaxation, medication and anesthetics, breathing techniques, nutrition, Infant feeding,, labor and .delivery, the newborn and post partum care. Through these classes couples obtain the tools they'll need to participate in t^e birth of tneir child . b e c a u s e - t h e y , are ',prepared psychologically and physically. C.EiA. offers morning classes, evening classes and a refresher class series with-a sibling class for children two years old and up. ; Classes should be taken in the last two months of pregnancy. Limited class size enables instructors to provide Individual attention to each couple, so register as soon as possible. For more Information and registration, please call Lori Hudson, 244-3145, or Bev. Glesler, 385-0310., AWANA Open House Calvary Baptist Church, 32807 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lake, will have an AWANA open house on Wednesday. February 8 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Parents of the AWANA club children are welcoira to come and participate with their children In game time, handbook time and council time and learn what they do on a typical AWANA night. , Dorothy Gauchat, founder of Our Lady of the Wayside, Is shown then king the members of vhe Avon Lake Welcome Wagon during the club's February luncheon meeting for their contribution to the Home, Also receiving a check was Kay Bondurant of, the Human Resources Center, Welcome Wagon supports several local charities through Its philanthropic fund reisers. , , ,' , , . Avon Lake Soccer News On January 30, 1063 Avon Lake's It and under Indoor soccer 1 team! experienced their first loss of the winter season against a strong offensive Elyrla team. Although the, efforts of goalie Matt Ramagli were outstanding, Avon Lake's defense could not hold Elyrla. The only goal for Avon Lake was scored by Paul Nauman. The Bandits play their next game February 13th at , 4:15 at L.C.C.C. against Berea. The 14 and under, team suffered another loss against Oberlln. It was a hard fought game on both s. >s ending In a 2-0 score. Defenders Steve Vernon < and Kris Smith battled valiantly to keep the score down but Avon Lake's foreword could not penetrate, the Oberlln goal. The Bullets play their next game at L.C.C.C. on February 13th at8:16i , , The Bullets, along with their coach, John Smith, and assistant coach, Alan Thell, are going to the Coliseum Thursday night to view the Cleveland Force In action. The boys and girls are In for nn additional (rent because they wl!? be watching from the Central Ban! Ijgot obtained for us by Kathy Zdldor. Thank you, Kathy. , • BOWLING SPECIAL Gvory Friday [i2F*tdntghtto4A.M. tells ^iW'3 one PER O U GAME Don't Need A*QUA MARINE LANES 184 Miller Hd., Avon Lake, O. OFFICE 933-6223 CLEVELAND 835-7242 • ALLEN-JONES INSURANCE AGENCY MON.-FRI.9-5 SAT. 9-Noon Complete Insurance Service Since 1952 ROBERT E.ALLEN DONJONES "The Landings" 32730 Walker Rd. " H " Building Avon Lake, OH 44012 PET CARE John H. Simpson, - Veterinarian•:< ' In the past few weeks we have seen several casei of parvovlrUs( This Is a new disease which appea ed only a lew years ago. It is a highly contagious Intestinal disease characterized by vomiting1 and diarrhea (both sometimes severe and blbody), a high (emper&iure, and rapid dehydration. The heart muscle may also be Injected In young puppies, Onset ol ' symptoms Is Usually sudden. At the first signs of symptoms It Is Imperative to Ihe dog's recovery that Immediate Veterinary treatment be carried o u l . However, vaccination' Is the best method of preventing potentially fatal canine 'parvovtrusdlse»se; ' This messaytf Is brought to you as a public service from Dr. John H. Simpson, Avon Lake Anlmfll Clinic. Inc. 124 Miller Rd.. Avon Lake, Phone 9335297. Tax-Deferred Benefits With IRA It used to take big money to take adv-.ttage of tax-deferred benefits. Now with an individual retirement account (IRA}, every working person is eligible to save valuable tax dollars. You can open an IRA account at Lorain County Bank for as little as $100. Then, you can add small amounts to your account until you reach the annual legal limit. . .$2,000 for individuals, $4,000 for working couples. . .$2,250 for couples with one spouse working. Actually, you save twice with IRA's. First, you can defer taxes on money placed in your IRA account and this results in lower current taxes. Second, Lorain County Bank pays guaranteed high interest rates and the interest is not taxable until withdrawn — usually when you are in a lower income tax bracket. , Compare the Lorain County Bank plan. Remember; a substantial penalty is required for early withdrawal. ; LORAI _„ counm BANKM I 0 U M HOOIIHG LENDER THE LORAIN COUNTY SAVINGS & (RUST CO. Detroit Road'at Rt.,83, Avon,,Ohio 44011 Phone: 216/934-5277 MEMBER F D I C ,' , \ . • Get all the details from any office of the Lorain County Bank Lakeshore o AND FINE DINING ,O DINNER Cll • i-A'nARET D MGARVEY'S ,8rvcrl at 1:30 THEATRE ... Dtnnar at 3:00 ot and the.' show bej nor Theatre In; McGarvey'a Cabarol ^ nly $11.95 for Tho coat r ^dW1!'Private lBs«ons( $ Vn* uS!hB.Uet, Dwceicte otajn Tap. )•«• "" S12 per month M-. n D 8 l eprlvote H and ^ f keyboard / S «»a"f Ba bara Vash Is theInslrucdance l o r and MiM BarbBji^ t h oo f - FEBRUARY 18, IB. z = J e d r , Z B l h lima- , Interested in^;$| Saturday 7 FEBRUARY 12 S S : i pSmances are Sundays^ ?REE LOBSTER 3:00 p.m. at McGurvey •, ^ , . •**x.*j' with 8 oz. Fllst Mignon 1 FRAAIMSB Dinners for 2 JUST rBXJr 1 COUPON PER DINNER EXPIRES 2/28 W by Reservation Call 9 3 4 - 4 2 1 0 , After Dinner, Reminisce with an Elvis Presley Revue by s, i , «TI . iFRAAWTl GEMINI" ".•»*-niy 1 RESTAURANT a L O ^ J ^ I - l UNEMPLOYED? STOCK IN THE HOUSE??? TAKE YOUR LADY TO BREAKFAST, LUNCH OR DINNER. SELECT ANY ITEM ON OUR MENU... HER ME M I S FREEH If- UNEMPLOYMENT CARD REQUIRED OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 28 I U £>ll CORNER OF LAKE & ABBE ROADS | ? |5~e^ ' - " ^ ; cpupoflis^il^li! I i; t I g vi 5 :• A. L OUR DINNERS . .L OF AIT m m niMUFRS MIUUI i •-"• iWJm?&9¥:<V -'ml Urn t^^t'mtmm'i f » M M A INCLUDE SOUP £r SALAD • i^-.'.avi*•:••;• VEGETABLE & ROLL I E (/) «S GOOD ANYTIME OF DAY" f_ COUPON BAR, CHOICE OF POTATO, " • D^0- P i t ga • 3 . • *;• Tfcn .Carry Out pnly.J' A»I ;.».™^r Thru Fobruury.. ^*^j QUART OF PElRSI Valentines DinnerDanee with any size pizza i TKiu.4 I'MIJIM Monday, Feb. 14, '83 Here's a Special Night Out for Your Sweetheart Rose and Box bf Candy for the Lady Dinner 7:30-8:30 Menu: Boston Bibb Salad w/Lemon Dressing Broiled Strip Steak, Sauteed Scampies"^ Baked Potato Honey Glazed Carrots Cherry Tart Dance -8:30-12:30 Live Entertainment — Michael Douglas Revue $29.50 per couple PlusT&x& Gratuity Resarvations call Ext 316 Appearing Saturday. - Comedian Sammy Petrillo Phone 933-2000/1-000-362-2570 AQUATVIARIINJE 2i6 Milter Road, Avon Lake, 44012 SPECIAL VALENTINE SUNDAE FEB.12-14th - DINNER SPECIALS Jumbo Beef MONDAY: Parlour Platter TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY; Clam Dinner Fish Special Ham Dinner Chicken Dinner Fish Special SA TURD A Y £r SUNDA Y C D C r Dessert Sundae With Any r t l i L t Dinner Or Dinner Platter 25' OFF % Gallon Of Pcirlour Deluxe Ice Cream DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Sun.'Thu.J.7B.m.-Sp.m. Ffl.&Sit.7i,mMlp.tn Avon Laka 227 Miller K.Tjt Dan's Delicious Delicatessen By Eileen Kropf Dollcotessen: a, store aollins alnedy pnpared or r b q u l Z 8 preparation for serving Dan's Delicatessen i 5 < a i m D i v marvolousl The doll, proudly ownodbv Dan ScarpitI f|,8 ( h G doflnltlon o f 'delicatessen" t o a " r ' . While serving the people, of Avon Lake and surrounding areas for twonty-two years, Dan's Deli has only grown bettor and better. BoForo Dan's Delicatessen oamo Into existence..Dan worked as mnnagoi f he Sparkle Market. When he saw L feLtfC Jf tfi^ being put up landlord If he could runt space there as a dell. Dan's store opened for business on April 1, I960; At first, Dan's enterprise was a dntry store. Eventually It grew Into a specialty store that Introduced party traysi fleer and wine wore added along with genuine corned beef and kosher salami' ?",? « b A "*?» became a magnificent Full-Hedged delicatessen. All of the food at Dan's Delicatessen Is cooked right In the store. Every Item Is freshnes?-chocketl to bo sure that It Is really good. , • ; Olferod at Dan's are rOiut beef and corned boef, macaroni and potato sulads. chill, baked beans and cream cole slaw, fust to mention a few. The dell's menu lists over ten dinners and thirty sandwiches. Dan's also soils beer and wtne, soda pop, chips and pretzels, and everything else that makes a doll a dell, ; At one lime Dan's Dell had room for fifty people to sit doWn to eat their food, but today alt dinners are carryout., , , ! pan's Delicatessen ts known as the "Parly Center," Tl.«.y will prepare beefs, hams or anything else that fits your fancy for parties, weddings or wakeB. party trays put together by "the best tray maker in Ohio," Mary MacDonald, will be prepared upon request. Party trays or food for the occasion can be delivered by Dan's, but most of his Items are by pick up only. Very soon though, Dan's Delicatessen will go into delivery to the senior citizens at Beechwood Tower two times daily. Dan's Delicatessen Is a happy business, family run by Dan, his wife Dale, and his daughter Josephine. The family's aim is> to dleaBE people, and ttin,, nlx.h.n " ( „ __!.,_ It 1 t__. they pledge "to serve t k j people bollBr > "i '; ta Dan's Delicatessen, located at Stop 05 on Lake Road next to the Avon Lake Post Office and Liquor store Is open Monday through Saturday from 10,a.m. until 9 p.m., and on Sundays from' I I - i a.m-until 8:30 p.m. £ 933-2700 CHICAGO PIZZA PUB Valentine Special - Feb. 14th li.' FREE PITCHER OF POP (DINE IN ONLY) and FR EE D E L I V E R Y We Feature: Pizza, Sandwiches, Spaghetti & Ravioli Dinner 32089 Electric Blvd. AvonLak TROPICANA RESTAURANT presents... KICK Wed., Thurs., Frf. & Sat. 10:30-2:00 a.m.> & LOUNGE •? FEATURING LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY MUSIC BY ROADRUNNER 10 P.M. TIL 2ft.M.,. WEDNESDAY Dan Scarplttl DAVE SANCHEZ SPINS YOUR FAVORITES FROM BO'S & BO'S Happy Houi - Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9-lC:30' Ladles Night-Thursday 223WllllQr Rd.. A.L. 21 & Over Proper (D VALENTINE SPECIAL Heart-Shaped CALZONES "The Meeting Place for Music Loi/ers" LUNCH-11:30-2:00 p.m. SERVE? MONDAY-SATURDAY EMJOY OUR GOLD DUST SPECIALS] (3.99) Served Dinner Hrs. ONLY 5-9:30 p.m.| FRIDAYS - Perch Served w i t h French Fries & Cole Slaw »3 f l * 933-2484 CARRY OUT LUNCH TIME HAPPY HOUR 1U.m.-3p.m. Mon.-Ftl. HAPPY HOUR AT OUR BAR MON.-FRI. 3:30-6:30 p.m. NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 1:00 P.M. Sun. - "OLDIES J A M " 8;00-Midnight Rt. 83 & Walker Rd. A . I . 933-2374 We honor Visa, MosterCharge and American Express , 21 & OVER PROPER ID REQUIRED^ Dtnnorn Served Tilt 10 p.m. 33424 Lake Rd., A.L. SHEFFIELD LAKE 5402 LAKE RD. SHOWTIME - 9:00 P.M. FREE CARNATIONS FOR Y.OUR SWEETHEART *" 933-9781 o r 933-3318 AVON LAKE 445 AVON BELDEN 933-3801 With MIKE "MAD DOG" ADAMS and "FIDDLER" HAL LITTLE WILLIE AND THE ALLSTARS Make Your Reservations Now For St. Valentine's Day Party-Feb. 12 | Entertainment by; , , w ' f |0U1TAp0DGE iM8-<i SPECIAL MENU PIZZA-BBQRIBS SPAGHETTI - CHICKEN DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS 223 Miller Rd./A.L. FINAL APPEARANCE - W E D . Good 'oh Southern raunch 'n'roll FRIDAY • SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE 1 NIGHT ONLY 10-2 A.M. CONTINUOUS 10 P.M. TIL2 AM. RESIMJKANT FAMILY RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE I Spaghetti & Meatballs w DINNER SPECIAL, M O N D A Y S & TUESDAYS Includes Kitchen Salad & Roll .' #$1.99 # for Vol«n*tno's Pou,hib,14 FULL COURSE DINNER FOR TWO FILET M1GNON With A Complimentary Split of Champagne Ladies Receive A Valentine Daisy 3 LARGE - ONE ITEM PIZZAS •10 00 T0GO Sun.thruThurs; (Not Valid With Coupons) ftffiS! DELIVERY Call 949-8102 am o< to go F*b,14 & IB Open Dally H-a.m.-li p.m. n i m w i . 11 «.m.-12 p.m. Fri. Er Sit. Noon-9 p.m. Sunday ;J w ° Avon Lakj»RprreationJQfepi By Jim Klanlgun Director JUNIOR JAZZERCISE, Under Ihe instruction of Vlckl Fowkes the Junior Jazzcrciso program at Ihe Old Flrehouso Is off to a great start Over 30 children ure now gaining the advanlugos of this program on Thursday oftcrnoons. Children Qgos 4 • 13 will improve in coordination, soil concept and conditioning. _ RECREATION DEPT. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Valentlrie Day Party, Wod"*"Feb. 9, 6:00 P - m " Beach p a r k Towers, 34,50. day, (A.M Monday thru * > sessions •.Ice Skating .'Monday, th&. Thurtf,;f 4100-0:00 p.m.. Friday. 4:00-10:00 p.m.;f Saturday, lOiOOa.m.-lOiOO p.m.^Sunvia dav ii00-9i00 p.m.. (weather penult^ i B l r l c e Pond. Free. :•• ?*?$!$$ Thursdays. 4=16 sis family discount available. Dani™ Coordination. Saturdays, gwdfl Z-Ihru 6. 1:00-1145 p.m.. Old Firehouso. S12. , . _ Ballet & Tap Dance - Ballet I, Saur days, 11:15-12 noon., grades 1 thru 7. OldFlrehouse,S12. Ballet II. Tuesdays & S ^ Y 3 ' Tuesday 4-30 - 5:15 p.m.. Saturday 12-00 -12:45 p.m.. $12. ' Kinderdance. Saturday. 10:30-11:15 n.m.. ages 4-6, Old Flrehouse, $12. Melanle Neldinr, and Lisa Vaught en JoJ Junior JaKerotse at the nfFlrehouae Civic Conter. NG'S They're new. They're fresh. They're made from scratch. Delicious buttermilk biscuits. Now at Kenny King's. • • . , . . . . I. ' ... We use only the best Ingredients-like real buttermilk —and cook our biscuits up in small, botches all'day long. So they're always fresh and delicious. , , • Use the coupons below and try buttermilk biscuits from Kenny King's. They're the best thing : next to our chicken. . . ' • , , nnnnanw 2 PIECE SNACK • 2 pcs. of Kentucky Fried Chicken* • Fresh Bokgd Biscuit with Butler Coupon good for up to 2 olfor* & $1.29 *>a. Llmll one coupon Oft cuslamor Coupon noctl only lot tomOlnaiion «trllelrt«ili O'dol*. Nol unlid *lll> olhcr disccunl u ' i s ' i This coupon good a\ nil pm< l(CiO.iH"0 Xonny Ktng'iiii location locations tako pui oidff's only O!lo< o p i m s A ''III 3, 3 1083 1083 Uenny 3 PIECE Reg. 53,19 • , • • 1 1 1 1 1 I IDBBIBIIHEIH0 MEAL 3 pcs. of Kentucky Fried , Chicken" Kentucky Fries'! Fresh Baked Biscuit with Butter • Sated Coupon good tor up to 2 oilers t,t S2.69 ea. Limil cnv coupon pel r.utianw Coiitinn uood iinly Id con'tiinntion *nltnldjrh oidox Not Valid wil'i Othpr diBCOunl olfp'i THIS cnuuon good ni ad b»( lielpalwo KHnny kino's locnliorn Takr- out oideis Rofl. S9.49 DINNER FOR 4 1 • 9 pC3. of Kentucky Frlec Chicken^ - 4 Fresh Baked Biscuits • t Ig. Mashed Potatoes with gravy • 1 Ig. Salad ; Gel all this lor Just $7.89 with this Coupon ' Limll one coupon pa' customs*. Coupon pood only fnr •'onbination white'dnrh ordotl Nol valid wlm othei Oiicounl olfi-'* This couDan good si all p»|. lisiontind Kenny K/ng « local tons Take oul O'0«rs t)"lv OI'n'fDt'Mtp'113, 1083 15 PIECE BUCKET Reg. $11.84 A M D 6 : BISCUITS • 15 pcs ol Kentucky Fried Chicken* • 6 Fresh Baked Biscuits Qgt all I h l i lor Just S9.B9 with Ihlt Coupon ' Limit ono coupon par cuilamai. Coupon good only lor combination whllofdaik otdatt, Nol valid with other discount OIIPIB. Thli eouponqoM at all parMcloallng Kenny King's (oeslloni, Taho oul oidnis only. Olfw oiplfDi Apfll 3,19B3, kenny king's n H n n mtmm m u m m • 1 , • # ' Avon Weekly Sports Nevt/s pts. and 6 rebou.nds whileJJ.ave Demers. .BOYS^FRESHMAN? BASKETBALL added 14 pts. and John Morog 10 ptB, TOURNAMENT , Brian Barnhart hit three key foul shots Avon will host their second annual GIRLS CLAIM INLAND WEST ^r=<. CROWN , In the 4th quarter and alto had 7 assists Freshman Basketball Tournament star* and 3 steals. Tim Ruffner, Bob Werner The Avon Girls Varsity Basketball ling Saturday, Feb. 12th. Avon's and Bill Bommer aided the victory with earn has assured themselves of the InFreshman team will meet Columbia at fine defensive efforts. Avon now plays land Conference West title by defeating 11:30 a.m. Other first round action wilt Keystone In their last conference game see Ftrelands against Keystone at 10:00 next Friday AT Keystone so COME ON will match them against Lutheran West a.m.; Independence will meet Brooklyn with Sara Ondlck snoring lo pts. They OUT AND CHEER THIS TEAM ON who ts the Inland Conference East Dlvlat 1:00 p.m. and CuyahogaHeights bounced back to beat Keystono 24-20 TO VICTORY AND THE INLAND plays Lutheran West at 2:30,'p.m. The with Sara Ondlck, again leading the fland i S SConference S S f ' T h eChampionship A w U 1 P 1 ^ in lh « InWEST CONFERENCE TITLE!!! gome at scoring with 12 pts. and Yvonno Smith first round will finish Tuesday at 4130 Mldvlew High School this SSturdnv and 6:oi) p.m. The semi-finals will be with 10 rebounds. The entire team gets JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS AT WIN NO. evening at 8i00 p.m. COME ON OUT a 'star' for the win over Columbia 2fl-18 played Thursday, Feb. 17th at 4:30 & 10 , TO M1DVIEW AND SUPPORT THE 0:00 p.m. The loosers of the seml-fhiil In a super display of total team effort. On Tuesday, the J.V. team notched , GIRLS IN THEIR QUEST FOR THE Points scored in a game do not always round will play a consolation gf.me INLAND CHAMPION8HIPIII Thev Saturday, Feb. 19th at 10:00 a.m. v.'lth represent the total picture of how a up win No. 9 against Brooklyn 53-40 as everyone on the team saw considerable won over Keystone 43-35 with Burb the Championship Game at 11:30 r,.m. garni is, won and this team has shown action and F'1 but one got into the scorBraatz scoring t5 p | a . a n d Vickie on Sati'tday, Feb. 19. Admission will that throughout the season. ing column. Jeff Mott led (he w^y with Ehrllch 10 ptsi, Karen Miller had 8 pis. be $1 and refreshments will bo 14 pts, which Is below, his-season and 14 rebounds. They beat Inavailable. ' FRESHMAN GIRLS NOTCH SECOND average. Pat Flanagan had 8 pts. with dependence 67-33 with Barb again VICTORY Joe Schafeicontributing 7, Tom Ruffleading the way with 21 pts. and Kim This team bent Lutheran West 28-20 ner 8. Tom Ruffner lead in rebounding Pahys 17 pts. Continuing on, the team on Tuesday. Dominating the Insldn with 11. It was good that evar>onegot beat Luyanoga Heights 50-48 In Overwere Marianne Slegert and Lisa Bruenlo play so much In front of a Parents* time With Barb Braotz scoring 22 pta., ing with 9 and a points respectively. Might crowd. Kim Pahya 10 pta. and Vickie Ehrllch 7 Kelly Jam.ia had 4 pts. and Jonl Marassists. Barb Braatz was aelacted as' The boys rolled over South Amheret tinez had J while Almee Furlich and for 10th win as the lead at times was 20 one of 5 Players of the Month by the Nadlne Caco each added 2 pts. A strong pts. Jeff Mott lead the toam with 28 Lorain Journal. Then the girls beat ColThe Sheffield-Sheffield Lake Jaycee floor game from guards Heidi Staub KB,; Mike Jarnr* had 11 pts. and 17 reWomen are taking orders for Valentine la 3 3 9 in O v and Laurie Kvach enabled the Lady ?I?« , i " . « " m e . Karen bouida for a fine game. Ruffner & Hlgcandy. A one pound box of assorted Eagles to control the tempo of the game Miller's basket with 1:26 left in overglns had 10 & 9 rebounds respectively homamada chocolates la only $4. as they both had sevur?) key passes for time lifted the'Eagles to the win. Barb as these Eagles controlled the boards 4*7 Suckers and novelty Items start, at 25'. baskets. , Braatz had 20 pts. and Vickie Ehrlich 10 to 30. Everyone played well, It was a Call Dolt! LeVeck, 949-6025 or Sharon pis. CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS good team effort as they were deterDoMartltils. 949-2978 to order. BOYS VARSITY ROLLS ON mined to avenge their earlier season .,' Candy wilt be sold at Fisher's Big TOWARD INLAND TITLE loss. , ; , JUNIOR VAR3ITY GIRLS CONTINUE Wheel In Avon Lake on Saturday, WINNING WAYS , The Avon Eagles held South February 12th and Sunday, February Amherst to 5 pts. In the 4th quarter FriThe Junior Varsity Girls have conFRESHMAN BOYS 13th. , . .' , .' ' ' ;;,. day night to pull out a 50-49 victory. tinued their very winning Ways as they The team has carried on learning the Please, support the Jaycee Women. The win kept Avon in a tie wlih now have a 1S-1 rBcord Tor 1st plHce In game of basketball as they lobt to In- They are active In Jiclping ;nmny Flrelands for 1st Place In thB Inlnnit the Inland Conf. West and 2nd place dependence 45-33; lost to Lutheran charities In (he area. Conference, West with a 10-2 record. Overall. The girls lest their first and on-, West S2-28 ai..' lost to Keystone 41-23. ty losing game to Lutheran West 33-20 Gery Sinltek lend the Eagles with 16- Jaycse Women Candy Sale • DID YOU KNOW THAT MAUTIM_US WORTH IS THE FINEST FITNESS CFIMTER IN THE AREA? • DSD YOU KNOW T H A T THE CORNER STORE ff - ;iYour Complete Model Train Shop.,." ^^'Wlde SelectionTo Choose From : , , •'!• ••.'•''. • N e w Et U s e d T r a i n s ' LIONEL N . Y . C . sot-m-stook J J ,' ". -1M9ColondoAv»..loiiln Nautilus /Vorffs.fnc Tha Ultimata in Phyalcal Conditioning for Man & Woman WAUTJLUS NORTH MEMBERS CAN * ENJOXRACQUETBALL, TENNIS AND SWIMMING? • D.'!b:YQU. KNOW T H A T NAUTILUS NORTH HAS BEEN PROVIDING FITNESS EXPERTISE FOR ALMOST 6 YHS. AT THE SAME LOCATION? • DID YOU KNOW THAT CLEARANCI Western Shirts and BlouselS: UP TO Leather ^ Blazers and SUit Coats ^M m UP TO ., . OFF Chamois. Vf( &8OHQEONOP THE TO All. • ' , ? . Goose .Down r HO/ _ F. Vests and 0u/0.P JacketSs ; .•• * IV1en's-,& Women's. •' ' >' WESTERN BOOTS H»*' P MORE HELPFUL FOOT-CARE INFORMATION •>•-.•: Men's & Women's ' U , iFNQT...CAU933J07SFQRD£fAtLSAND COmumHTARYSESStONORSTOPm&SEEUSt ARNOLD T. M AG P w ~ T 7 T I 7 r . - .ALL UP.TO - KARLZIMMER, DIRECTOR NAUTILUS NORTHJS STILB. OFFERING M E M B E R S H I P S A T REDUCED RATES? . T H E LAWOHNGS" RT. 83 & WALKER R O A D , A V O N LAKE Men's & Women's > Shjr'ts 933-8075 The ankle sprain is a common inj which can result in torn or jury, d the ruptured ligaments around the ankle joint. Ankle sprains are not always attributable to accidents. Frequently, this injury is recurrent, and is related to unstable knee, ankle, and lower joints. This cause of injury is preventable by the use of balance devices worn in the shoes. An ankle sprain can be more serious than a fracture, and ©1932 ATM could lead t o permanent disability. Immerse the joint in ice water, or use cold packs around the joint...and see your podiatrist right away. Dr. Magy presents this information In the interest of your foot health. For a FREE EXAMINATION and CONSULTATION, call Dr. Magy at 327-2440, Dr. Arnold T. Magy. Physician and Surgeon of the Foot. Offices in Mills Creek Commons, 32668 Center Ridge Road. North Ridgeville. For Toll Frea Dialing Call 1-800-722-9760. 1 MS SUNSHINE f ARMS CHOCOLATE ICECREAM CONVENIENT FOOD MART WHITE BREAD SPECIALS AVAUAOLE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 THRU THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4 AVONLAKE 453 AVON-BELDEN RD SELF SERVICE MEATS 137 LEAR RD 1 CUSTOM CCU SHEFFIELD LAKE 4786 LAKE RD. CUSTOM DiU 3411 COLORADO AVE. SELF SERVICE MEATS SUNSHINE FARMS - PURE FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE COCA- COLA ASK FOR DETAILS ABOUT OUR MAXWELL HOUSE® COFFEE, SANDWICH CLUBS DELI DEPARTMENT FEATURES. ALL DELI PURCHASES FRESH SLICED AT THE TIME OF SALE, TO INSURE FRESHNESS FRESH SLICED OR MEALj FULLY BOILED H A M RRAUNSGHWEIGER WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS. WE ACCEPT CLASS-ACTION FOOD PURCHASE CERTIFICATES. COLD BEER & WINE Av*ll«bl« * • * 4/} 4" for CARBY-OUT WINE ON SUNDAYS AFTER 1:00 P.M. NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS DAN-DEE CHEESE FLAVORED CORN TWISTEES PEPPER LOAF WONDEROAST CHICKEN WE flESERVG THE RK3HT TO CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS AND TO UMIT QUANTITIES. ADVERTISED ITEMS AVAILABU I N PARTICIPATING STORES. OPEN 7 WHS TIL MIDNIGHT! Letters succuss. , Sovtmtoen bowling alloys participated this yonr ... our many thanks to bowling proprietors, league socretarlos and bowlers Tor thalr par* tlcipatlon. Our thanks to Elm or Zpllal for his help In this event. And all the volunteers for their holp.Wu want to wipe out cancor In your llfallmel You domakoadlfforonnol, Sincerely i ' , Linda Sesock Special Events Director 43099 North Ridge Rd. Elyrla, Ohio 44035 Thanks For The Help Dour Editor* 1 would like to toko thta opportunity to'lhonk tho young man who stopped to assist me last Tuesday ovohlng whori our dog WBB hit by a car. Bridget survived the accident and our family greatly appreciates his quick thinking and kindness. ' Sincerely, , Mrs. RussManternach Cancer Bowl A Success Thanks Bowl Down Cancer! We nt the American Cancer Society (Loraln County Unit) would like to thank everyone that helped; make our 19th Annual Bowl Dawn Cancer a big To the Editor! The Avon Lake Fire Fighters would like to thank all thone who made our 21st Annual Dance a SUCCBBBJ especial- ly the Avon Lake business community which donated tin generously. To the businessmen and or course to those who attended, your patronage and support aro greatly appreciated. Slnctiroly, Wllllum A.MorrlB, prou* , Avon Lake Fire Fighters Thanks for Support Gemma Rho would like ti thank you fortha suppbrt your newspaper has allowed us as a community group this past year. The projects attempted were much more successful because of this tmpport. , ' Yours truly, Gamma Rho C.A.T. Says Thanks Thank you f or your co-operation and apace for publishing the recent Com- munity Action TDom (C.A.T.) letter concerning consumption uf alcoholic beverages and/or Hiognl chemicals by minors, < .• • . We would also like to thank all those already responding and allowing us to print their names. IF others would like to return their forms, we will continue to collect them at tho Human Resource Center Tor our parent directory. If you have futurn space available we would like to list uome additional names. We also appreciate the support of many local churches and organzialions. If any persona or organizations have suggestions or solutions to our complex drug and alcohol abuse puzzle, please feel free to communicate with us at the Humnn Resource Center. We need everyone's help. WE CAN AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Nancy Cacll and BUI Stives Co-chalrpersons C.A.T. TOP SHELF RESALE | » CONSIGNMENTS NEEDED Children & Adult Dress Clothes ! needed for upcoming Easter • ;> ••: Style S h o w 1 Call for appointment 324-3718 41459 Griswold Rd. Mon. thru Sat. 10-4 PM ST. THOMAS ALL {NEW ALL NEW PRIZES BINGO GAMES LOVELY BOXED FLOWERS Azaleas InctudwValtmtlna '' •'• THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS 719 HARRIS RD., SHEFFIELD LAKE, O.44054 ' ; Games Start 7:00 P. M. 20 Regular Games hrysantheraums1;'' m FTD Fragrance N Flowers Bouquet W. of fresh flowers f r t l ond the beautiful t^tVjScent of Arpege in * v'*,a rlbbbn trimmed ^'A handled basket '1000" PROGRESSIVE COVER ALL (Continuous Gome) One Numbor Added Each Night $ 400°° GUARANTEED Large Roses Sweetheart Roses Carnations Mixed Flowers Cash-N-Cawy Daisies Prlco. Start At *7» Teleflora WHAT TO DO WHEN ^ INFLATION MAKES AUTQ RISKS RISKIER: Perfume Bottle Bouquet Country love bouquet Exquisite crystal pe rfume bottle with a heaH-shapcd stoppei that's delivered with ' lovely Valentine flowers The freshest'^ offlowers trimmed with red & white gingham Is pushing all costs sky high, sothe liability «WK!C Valentine Candy Green | Plants M Valentine Jewelry Mtrhaal W. Bommer 3G971 Detroit Bd.. A«oh, O. ImvlngThoAroa Since 1932 NATIONWIDE Nation . , ' ' . ' . • ' • '•'UwWWfirt&M.'^' 1 .^-' • , ! . • • ':•',-• .-•( 'v. I :',•.': v ' - l vou^'de ,"•'• V W / . M " 1 . ^ ^ • - • • - • ' • ; Arrangements*^ 5?.; Feb. 13th FLEISCHMANN'S CORN OIL IGA TABLETREAT 17 02. MARGARINE BREAD 1 LB. QUARTERS GREEN] I ,, 16 o z . « 2 CANS)] 16 OZ. LOAVES IGA SHREDDED CHEDDAR OR CREAMY OR SUPER CHUNK 18OZ.$1 SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTRR.. JAR GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD 39 * 80Z.$4 MOZZARELLACHEESE.... PKG WHOLE OR CREAM SI 19 DELMONTE^OJ * 5OZ. S O 19 CAN «• 14 02. $ 4 69 . BTL. X ' 24 OZ, $ ^ 3 S , BTL. A , JOHNSON & JOHNSON BABY POWDER EARL^ CUTORiFREIj ,.., MINTV FRESH! SCOPE MOUTHWASH ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE . 2 FOR 8 9 * FRESH GREEN BROCCOLI ,BUNCH 1 LB. 7 Q C PKG5. #5? , CALIFORNIA CARROTS... SOUTHERN Y A M S . . . . . . . FRESH GREEN SPINACH . BONELESS 69 2 REEF CHUCK UNDERBLADE ,,.,.,..4LBS.$100 10OZ.QAC PKG. ^ ^ CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 8 113'5 FRESH GREEN O N I O N S . , , , . . . . . . . . 3 48'S FRESH NEW CABBAGE LB. 25 : USDA CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS UNDERBLADE , USDA GRADE A TRIPLE LEGGED $ CMUCK STEAK ,.,, FRY[NG CHICKENS ,,...... LB, USDA CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS MOCK USDA GRtkDE ATRIPLE-BREAS1 FRYING CHICKENM S TENDER STEAK ,.LB. „ QUARTER SLICED PORK LOIN ! SUGARDALE USDA CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS TOP $ BLADE STEAK. LB. IGA TABLERITR QUALITY LEAN BEEF STEW MEAT ,'. CHICKEN FRANKS'! S LB. DYTHEPIECESUPERIOR IGA TABLERITE QUALITY »• FRESH COD S SLAB BA'CCM --« -"• (FISHAVAIL/DLE^EO LB. m* •i .'is'. M O R R E U CHIPPED CHOPPED H A M P l8. Chart lh« label lor wdtan eonnl, Any JMt m«k« a IK* WEAVER CHICKEN ROLL COUNTRY SMOKED MEATS . , .' • , . • . ' ., ' 1 6 ® ,,,, , NATURAL CASING BRAUNSCHWEIGER ' 2 •'••-fc1*-' " ; LB ' ,,|LB. 2 • . ^ L - 1 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED-, AD GOOD THRU: SAT,, FEB. 12,1983 • • i ' ' HUNT'S; TOMATOJ KETCHUPJ . * . - LB. : MOZZARELLA CHEESE......'...! BROOKSIDE .' ...,..,..., , $ ...LB.^39 .................. SLICED PEPPERONI .,.,...'..,.,.. IGA TABLERITE QUALITY I . .....LB. mon.-fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. sat 9 a.m. to 6 p.mj 37525 COLORADO AVE. AVON. OHIO 934-5109 sun. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m VANISH^ DRY BOWLS CLEANER^ LIMIT-1CC wm REGULAR OR DIET .' PEPSI-COLA OR MT. DEW 1%LOWFAT IGA MILK I\!S 16 OZ. BTLS. 17oz Q Q C & DEPOSIT A GRATIN OR SCALLOPED PKG. © 5 7 HALF $ < 1 9 POUND X IGA POTATOES ALL VARIETIES TATOS ; NABisro NILLA VANILLA WAFERS . 16OZ. $ PKG, i KEEBLER (BONUS PAK) TOWNHOUSE CRACKERS BEEF, CHICKEN, PEPPER , 42 OZ, CAN $ : i SOZ. CAN C CHOW MEIN NOODLES...; LACHOYBI-PAKS , .LACHOY 13 V. OZ, CANS COLLEGE INN CHICK-N BROTH. GENERAL MILLS 16OZ. $ < | BOX JL , CHEERIOS CEREAL ......... LACHOYFROZEN LB. LB. LBi 69 89 USDA CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS ENGLISH ROAST;„, ,' SWIFT SIZZLEAN , , . , . . . . LB. ;,M, BREAKFAST STRIPS OSCAR MAYER LB.' HARD SALAMI ECKRlCH SMOKED $ff$2 89 O^OZiOOC PlCG. ' O 9 . , 1202. %A 49 CHICKEN CHOW MEIN . PKG, X ORE IDA CRISPERS MRS. PAUL'S (FROZEN) , FISH FILLETS PKQ. %F5F soz. Q Q C PKG. ZF9 IGAIFROZEN) 8OZ.$<f , , PKG. J , , , 5QT. $ O 9 9 .........CTNR, O , O 602. ORANGE J U I C E , . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . A : SAUSAGE OR KIELBASA 39 EGG ROLLS. , LA CHOY FROZEN SUPEHIOR INCREDIBLE BULK ICECREAM 1202.$ 4 .PKG. A , QQ C CANS 7QC i *? NESTLE'S CRUNCH , 6CT. $ 4 19 ICECREAM BARS, • PKG. X BOB EVANS (REGULAR, HOT, SAGE) ROLL SAUSAGE... | WHITE OR ASSORTED | • AURORA I BATHROOM B0 VQa«! K G ! TISSUE i , . . . , P ^ * ' > : LIMlVi COUPON PER FAMILY • I Z>0FFEREXPIRESSAT..FEB.«,1BB3 REG..SUPER, DEODORANT I STAYFREE MAXIPADS. I I , | j , LIMIT 1 COUPON PER FAMILY 3. OFFER EXPIRES SAT., FEB. 12,19B3 COUP0W UP.ONATIGA Mton Uka' ( jCV-01*. 1KRFAMILY AT.TFIB: 12,1963, » $4*9! PKO. JL COUPON AT 1QA rtt B Awoti Uko N0RD1CA COHAGE CHEESE » ™ I STRAWBERRY ' ; » " $ - 3 9 ! HONEYCOMBS: ^ X ' IIMIT 1 COUPON PER FAMILY I I D0W2IPL0C [SANDWICH BAGS.,, 24 , ( u 2 | » O m PKQ, B 9 • LIMIT 1 COUPON PER FAMILV • • 4.0FFEREXP1RESSAT.;FEB.1211983I WITH THIS COUPON AT IGA • Bllllnghursl b Avon U k * 1 &t10.00PURCHASEOHM0HE I REO,, DRIP. ELE, PERK JFOLGER'S ;i $ 1 | COFFEE .....I.. -C*N • | g , 9 \ LIMIT 1 COUPON PER FAMt, V OFF EH EXPIRES SAT,, FEB. 12. t963 i $149 BTL !• SYRUP,.,..:.. A LIMIT, 1 COUPON PER FAMILY I 6. OFFER EXPIRES SAT.. FED. 12,1983 •'4 WITH THIS COUPON AT IGA l h B A L l e I BIOVALU 1 . ' " " " ••• : • : • . , . ABRIC JSFSOFTENER. bNE Q Q ,»LLONO%I I J LIMIT 1 COUPON PER FAMILY 10. OFFER EXPIRES SAT.. FEB. 12,1083 ,j MON.-FRI. •J&SSSM. 33 SATM.TOBP.M.SUNDAVS | 7 9 C LAKE BD-AVON LAKE.OHIO Skating Party A roller skating party sponsored by the Avon Eduaatlon Organization will be held on Sunday, February U, *9B3, at the Elyrla Roller Arena, from BtOO p.m. to 7 00 p.m. Admission at the door will be $1 26: skate rental is 75 cents Advance tickets costing SI 00 will be on sale during the lunch hours at both Avon Middle and Avon East Schools from Wednesday, February 9, to Friday, February 11,1983. y~\ Dancercire ; St Thomas PTU of'* Sheffield Lake Is sponsoring Dancerchet a7 dancs fitness exorcise program to mustti, wm evening at * J" i* *W ^ Elrlnger Hall, 71B H n w * Rd. The cost Is 920 for the; s week session. For morel Information, call Nancysf Kozlowskl.oM-BZBO.* >4 •• TRANSACTION Soup Lunch & •& The United Church of M J Christ, 603 Sunset, Shef- Ml, field Lake, will serve $$% another delicious lun-^ c h e o n on F r i d a yn. February 11, from ll'0 ;» am. - 1-00 p.m. N1t-t* menu will conpWt o: I choice of elthet •"VeB...t«iM * BroccolL,or,if-V getablej ^Beef^Sotlp, sandwiches^ i_C h a r r y^j AT a r t sV#la ri*di ^bflvflrageV-for SilSO^WB^v $ looted forward to'^serv'inS'r^Vs andseeingyou, - < « « - ^ " Stfff HOWDY! ONE OF MY FRIENDS WILL WIN A VACATION FOR TWO AT A WESTERN-STYLE RANCH. ^ Dean's List • Win an action packed, fun tilled, 5dayvacaHonfor2atElRancho Stevens, Northern Michigan's beautiful 1000 acre ranch resort, or Win a Great prize by guessing just w h e n Pardner's i,O00.0Oath transaction will occur., • . ' ' • • , • , •ysc • *\i. To be eligible for WMtorn Ranch Vacation - Be the person who •'.,,; has the one'mllllonth transaction. • • . ' To be eligible for one of 4 prizes • Tell Us When the 1.000,000th , transaction will happen. ' " , • ' ' . 1tt Prb»*a S500 Gift Certificate from the Backpacker's Shop,, • >:• ' Ohio Canoe Adventures 5128 Colorado Avenue , * ., • Sheffield Lake. Ohio ' 1 2ndl<rf2e-a S250 GlftCertlflcalef sm the North Eaton Hardware ' & Tack Shop 2175 E. Royalton Road , . . ! Columbia Station, Ohio ' ' 3fdPriz«>a $200 US. Savings Bond from EST Bank Marketing Department , • , Elyrla, Ohio , , 4th Prize* a $100 Savings Account from EST Bank , Marketing Department , , i --. Elyrla. Ohjo ••• • ' , . \ Fill Out The C o u p o n From This A d Here are some clues that might help you pick the winning time of the 1,000,000th transaction, , Total transactions 1980 • , , 117,453 Avg, transactions per month , 18.070 Total transactions 1981 , 350.091 Avg; trqnsactlons per mohth , 29,174 Total transactions 1982 • • > • • • • 435.179 Ava, transactions per. month , 36,265 Total transactions first 3 months 1982 87,166 Total transactions last 3 months:i982 ' 124,767 Total transactions from June'80 to Dec, 31st, 1982 90Z728 Number transactions needed to hit 1,000.000 97,272 ' ,' i Pardner's 1,000,000th Transaction Entry Form Al of Pardnei'i customers have helped him reach this great milestone. Now let Pardner help you have some fun and mavbe win some great prizes, Enter today and keep using Pardner cat i CANTON - One;hundred fifty underclassmen^ Including 25 who earned^ all A's for a ^perfeclV grade-point •» average "sYotft 4.0 appear on >he,Walsht£ College Dean's List-for? the fatl semester of 1B82B3. The Dean's^-LlsU, recognizes full-time?" students who achieve,a!1grade^average of 3,5ror^ hlahBr in any semester 'H*'* Includnd on the fall- O f semester Dean's List as ' a n n o u n c e d , by 1"Dr. ^ Laurence J, Bove, dean, "^ are' lj• Freshman Monica J. * Drda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Drda of 3685 Stoney Ridge Rd., Avon. Miss Drda, who Is"-H •' majoring in;; elementary ," education, is a graduate' of Lorain Catholic High School. Freshman Mark P. Peterson, son of Mr. and v Mrs, Bob Peterson, ' formerly of the Avon area but^nowof 157 Walsh St. S.E., North Canton; u n d e c l a r e d major) graduate of Avon Lake High School. think' the 1,000,000th Pardner transaction will hoppen at: 1 1 Hour tCkel« ,, «n wpm) & Trust MEMBER FDIC Enter as often as you like and send your entrlss to: Elyrla Savings & Trust National Bank Attn: Marketing Department, . . 105 Court Street •'. ; ; Elyrla, Ohio 44036 , • A. Open to onyono • VOU do not have to bo a Patdner us enlrvtam All entrleilemalrtbtopertvol EST Bonk. V Avon Ait Frames 934-5152 By Appointment •:....t,.,,. \ ; l i t I SHEFFIELD - Space Cable is havabout the resources available for help! ing trouble with some "spaces" in Speakers from the, police depart- < Sheffield Village, according to several ment, schools and various agencies will council members. conduct the informal meetings. The cable television firm lias , A .neighborhood representative will presented council wllh a map showing contact parents when a mooting is wherfrthe firm will string Its Unas to brscheduled In their area. ing cable into the homes of villagers. SHEFFIELD LAKE - Cherry (arts But, the map does not Include several and a soup lunch are on the menu at the areas that should be eligible for service,, United Church of Christ on Fob. 11th. according to council members Howard Tho lunch,, which lit open to the Bliss and Elmer Scott. public, runs from 11 o.m, to 1p.m. In The two councilmen contend that at Pilgrim Hall, 603 Sunset Avo., Shefleast four areas have been left out of field Lnkoi the map: a half-mile stretch on ColTho $2.50 coat will .'Include orado Avenue from Lake Breeze west homemade croam of broccoli or to the railroad tracks [15 homes and vegetable beef soup, sandwiches and a four business firms): eight-tenths of a beverage, mile on Abbe Road, north of Colorado SHEFFIELD-SHEFFIELD LAKE Avenue (3Z homes, a church and four Brookslde graduate Donald Wyatt Is business firms]; an 000 foot stretch of looklhg for a 1903 Leader, the Cardinal Gulf Rood to the Elyria boundary [five yoar book, to replace the one that was homes, three duplexes and, one lost in a flood In his basement. business), and an area near Linda Lane The year book wan lost shortly after off East Rivor Road (nine homes). Wyatt returned home from Vietnam in , The firm's map also shows three' 1 9 0 0 . • streets v/hore there are no homeB, but Wyatt will bo attending tho 20th class loaves out others Where there should bo reunion at BrOoksldo this summer, He enough customers, Bliss said. was vice president of his graduating class. Space Cable; In a letter, had informed council that the firm had made a Anyone with a spare 1963 year book map of the village to include areas with may contact him at 233-8771. at least 30 homes per mite. The firm SHEFFIELD-SHEFFIELD LAKE 'feels that any area with less than 30 Atthough the official -registration is homes per.mile would be unprofitable over, boys and girls can still play Youth far them,' , Baseball this season if their parents contact any one of the league officials, Such a standard would service about SO percent of tho village's 693 homes, , Boys and girls teams for seven and the company said, and omit only those eight year olds are especially needed. arBas where the average density was 16 Among the officials to contact are! homes per mile. Ken Breeden 949*5944, Terry Van Mayor Len Pando will meet with a Uum. 949-2100, Ellis Stevens, 949representative from Space Cable to go 0820. over the map and also make a house-toSHEFFIELD LAKE — Jon Curtis Is house survey. , the chairman of the Sheffield Lake Clvin Service Commission. Ho i^as apSHEFFIELD LAKE — The Homo Spun Crafts sale will be held on Feb. , pointed to a three-year (arm by Mayor IZth from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at tho Avon Daniel Fragassi. Lake Park Building, 32770 Lake Road. , Ho has served under Mayor Donnld Smith whon ho was chairman and lator The ' fair features items made by Investigative officer of the board. senior Citizens or disabled persons from Jamofl Foirwoathor, newly-appointed Sheffield Lake. Avon and Avon Lake. member, WBB elected vice-chairman. Donors may bring Items foi sale after ;a a m. on the day of the sale. The ar- He b filling tho remaining two years of ( tioh», "however, must be made by , tho torm of Jamoa Jennings, who has, moved out of the city. • sanlor or disabled residents. Debbie Akera Is the commission s inFor mote Information eBlU49-B72Z. vestigative officer. She la aorvlng the The Bale Is sponsored by the Trl-Ctiy final year of a three-year term. Office on Aging. • , Gladys Kastler haB been re-appointed SHEFFIELD-SHEFFIELD LAKE^ secretary, a post she has held sinno Two area groups have linked up to hold 1962 When Sheffield Lake became a clo series of coffee Matches to Inform tv and the bonrd was organized. parents of middle school agB children SHEFFIELD-SHEFFIELD LAKE about drug and alcohol abuse. , Tho annual adult membership drive is The Sheffield Lake^ Chemical under way for the Friends of Itu. Dependency Group ar.d the Sheffield Domonkas Library. ,' , . Lake planning committee of the Human The drive, which runs through Resources Center oro holding me February, features membership cards for one dollar. There Is also B $5 neighborhood meetings for parents of patron's membership, The cards are sixth, seventh and eighth g™dflrt. The meetings will identify the pro: available at the library. All proceeds blemB of drug and alcohol use and are used to help the library. abuse among students and tell pareniB ST. TERESA'S PoLUC, Wednesday Night Ca«hprlM 7 : 0 0 20REGULAR GAMES K OF C HALL 1783 MOORE RD. AVON, OH. r BRING IN AD FOR FREE CARD WITH ADMISSION 00 I ON 60 NUMBERS SPECIAL JACKPOT *1000 GUARANTEED JACKPOT *40Q00 Weekly PHzeS End of Month Door Prize Feb. 23rd-1 < ,ur Spray Carpet Cleaner Family Dentistry (AT "THE LANDINGS") MICHAEL J. KEARNS, D.D.S. JOSEPH E. RUSSELL, D.D.S. INSURANCE ACCEPTED PERIODONTAL TREATMENT MINOR ORTHODONTICS CROWNS , •TOOTH BONDING •DENTURES •ROOTCANAL FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SATURDAY AND EVENING OFFICE HOURS 871-4678 933-4486 LUPECHEVROLET 'WHERE YOUR DOLLARS BUY MORE PRODUCT AND BETTER SERVICE" CHEY? TRUCKS LOW € PRICES % Avon Olde Car Parts Swap Meet 1979 CHEVROLET E the cars inCar Parts Swap Mont. Dealers B n D*S donBttoa will be a dollar, and doors will bo open 9>0D *> m ' * h £ X S!00 p.m. The Meet la sponsored b y ^ e MenF3 Club of Lthe church, and proWith the arrival of Lent, Holy Tr'nlty ceeds'wi" boneftt the church. For addiParish, Avon, announce? not two but tional details phone Ernie, 037-6164. three Fish Fry dates I . , The popular dinners will be held, nn the following Fridays! February^ljh. March 11th and March 25th fromi 4.30 to BidO p.m. In the church hall on Nagel r Holy Trinity Fish Fry % t p r i ° c " s for the dinner, which consists of generous portions oi nsnFrench Fries, cole slaw, roll, b u « « and choIceoF beverage, remains the same low price of S2.95 for adults, and Si.flfi for children agpd 12 and under. Choice t~ ' Gamma Rho CP ,d Party CHEVETTE.4-SPQ. 1980 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE. 4-SPD. _ 1980 CHEVROLET $ 4 0 0 0 MOW2A, AUT0MATIC T 43W 1981 CHEVROLET % IMPALA WAGON 1981 CHEVROLET MAL1BU WAGON 1979 FORD GanimaRho's Annual Card ^artyls ' M BANK FINANCING the door, and on|oy the best and biggest bargain dinner around I 7:00 and last until 10.00, Don , eVcntt , 1977 DODGE PANELVAN 1980 MAZDA PICKUPTRUCK •3369 •2999 1982 CHEVROLET OPENMON;Er lTHURS.'TIL9:00P:M. '•'- Holy Trinity Hall, purchase ^w*§ MARQUIS S-10 PICKUPTRUCK LTD LANDAU February 0, 18811 BJ W $j 1977 OLDSMOB1LE CUTLASS 1977 MERCURY MARQUIS 1978 MERCURY k MltESO.OFAdUAMARlNE 607 MILLER RD. AVON LAKE, O. SEE GARY LUPE, DAN ZEGARAC BARNEY ROTHGERY ;. , < ' J T\ PHONE 933t615.1i r< * J 18 19 V a r s i t y H O V B B a s k e t b a l l - W e l l i n t j t o n 0130 ( A ) Gymnastics - Rooky River ( A ) • , ' • • ' KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Registration of kindergarten children in tho Shuffleld-ShefHotd Lako City Schools for the 1983-U4 gchool year will bo held on March 15-10 In each af tho olomentary school buildings. Parents should plan on registering their children at thq school building which basically serves their neighborhood. Registration hours will be from 9:00-11:30 and 1:00-3130 p.m. each day. In addition, there will be an evening registration1 from 7130-0!00 p.m. on March , 15, Children MUST be five years of age by < g= SHEFFIELD/SHEFFIELD LAKE September 30. • j > S, CITY SCHOOLS MENU Children need not be present at the time Of j ! i=, Monday • Ravioli w/Meat, Peanut Butt or Sandregistration. Parents should be sure to bring the i ', wlcht Croen Boansi Peaches. Milk, following information to the registration; ; {• , Tuesday • Hamburger on a Bun. Trt Taterb, Dlcod 1, The child's birth certificate or other proof of , Fruit, Milk, . ' • • • ; birth. • ' .. Wednesday - Peppeconl PUza, Buttarod Corn, Pud2, Proof of legal custody <• if the person enrolling ding, Fruit, Milk, , the child Is NOT the natural parent, ! Thursday - Turkey w/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, 3, Proof of Immunization.,State law requires that a Broad & Button Tossed Salad, Applesauce, Milk, child must have completed • or be In the process of Friday - Grilled Chcnso Sandwich, Soup completing the following before they may attend w/Crackors, Potato Wedges, Fruit. Milk. school {but NOT before registration]. . COMING EVENTS - 4 oc 5 Polio Immunization FEBRUARY . - 3 combined dlptherla, tetanus & whooping cough 14 ,' Gymnastics-Buckeye (A) --Rubella - German measles 15 SMS 7th & Bth Grade Basketball - Sallorway -Rubeala - hard measles Varsity Boys Bnskotball - Avon - oi30 (H) The Loraln County Health Department nt 9800 S. Murray Ridge; Elyrla, conducts a free immunization 17 , SMS 7th & (1th Grade Girls Basketball - Vorclinic from 1 - 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each milldn Middle (A) month. For more information call 244-8281 Schools J. R.'S BAKERY At registration parents will bo given Health ,and , Dental formB which must be cumpletbd and returned , to the school, (These forma may be picked tip In advance of registration to colncldo with early doctor appointments.) j It Is very Important that children be registered for ' school in the spring so the schools may determine the , number of classes needed, class size, attendance areas, and haVe necessary supplies on hand the first day of school.' : SHEFFIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL •,' EIGHTH GRADERS SCHEDULE FOR BROOKSIDE It Is that time of year again In which eighth graders will be scheduling for Brpokslde High School next year. On February 22nd and 23rd the Guidance Dept. will bo talking to 8th graders in their Social Studies classes about topics such as credits arid' general course selection. On February 24th, the Brop'.isido Counselor;) will give each student their scheduling materials and explain scheduling dhd COUISQS In detail. Each student should dlscustt their schedule with their parents, so as to present the,desired schedule to the counselors on the following Monday, February ZBth. In order for a schedule to be processed, it must be signed by the parent or guardian, the , student and a counselor, , BARR BULLETIN BOARD Monday, February 14th • Valentine's Day Card Exchange and Treat Saturday, February 19th - Olympics of the Mind County Competition - LCCC Monday, February 2lst - Presidents' Day • NO SCHOOL * FOR YOUR VALENTINE | BAKED FRESH DAILYj • Pepperonl Buns 933-6595 • Breads • Buns • Sausage Buns j Er Open Daily Mon. thru Sat. 10-6 Sundays1~6 Check These Prices: 4 Cylinder Tune-Up 6 Cylinder Tune-Up DAN'S FRIED CHICKEN •I"- "IT'S THE BEST IN TOWN" 4 PC. •2.8H 8 PC. *6.70 12 PC. VB.BB 18 PC. #10.96 20 PC. *14.40 24 PC- #16.66 DAN'S HOMEMADE SALADS "TASTE THE DIFFERENCE" • POTATO • MACARONI • COLE SLAW * BAKED BEANS Compare At *59"" . It's Silly To Pay For Big Advertising Budgets '933-3291 LLOYD-MANWELL : ; FORD . 33450 Lnko Rd. Avon Lako, O. - SHRIMP Dl DAN'S PARTY TRAYS • ••SANDWICH PEPPERONI SLICED THIN AND LENGTH WISE WITH MELTED MOZZARELLA CHEESE AND PIZZA SAUC *' ON A FRESH DIAMOND JIM ROLL THIS tS BIG DEUCSOISS ANDFILUNG 10 PIECES SHRIMP CRISP FRENCH FRIES HOMEMADE COLE SLAW PHOIMEORDERS WELCOME- NEW AT DAN PEPPERONI-KING Get A Skate-On With Your 9 3 3 - 3 2 I D • SUN. 1.1-6:30 Now Showing 1. The Verdict R 2. The Entity R 3. Ator PG 4. Videodrome R Starts Fri. . fTlpvIe fTloney® REDEEMABLE AT THE BOM OFFICE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OM ' , THE BACK OF THIS COUPON' • Yif • Tl AVON LAKE, OHIO SPEC. PRICE Cupid Suggests/ "Buy your Sweetheart a MovSe Money Coupon for Valentine's Day/' .i THE VILLAGE SHr • IIIIII••If11III • ' I.The Verdict R 2. The Entity R 3. The Rolling Stones Let's Spend The Night Together PG 4. AtorpG Adults $2.00 Until 6:00 p . m . M o n . thru S a t . & First Show Or Capacity tun, & Holidays. Tickets Sold 30 M l n . Before S h o w t i m e r h o n e U r a l m 933-3155-Elyrlo, 1-324-2151 • ^ 'sj Sat-, Feb. 12th Opon Skating 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Featuring Tom Christopher D.J. Family Night-Wednesday 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Open Skating Every Night 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Frl.&Sot. Eves. 8 to 11 Sat. Er Sun. Afternoons 1 to 4 CALL 933-8800 IN THE AVON LAKE SHOPPING CENTER „ M. »XAKE RD.vW^OE SADDLE INN "r SKATING HOURS Important Issues were kept covered up - but you,can not fool all the People all of the time - and Ihose issues musi bo faced now. it Will, from now on, take mon with Wisdom anu Courage to make tlio Bost with whatever Issues wo aro faced. Regardless how great the Pain and Suffering may bo, don't got discouraged, perhaps the bad Luck could ba the Woll of goud Luck. Today yet,, I thank my Guiding God for Iho 13th (my Lucky Day) of Sopi. 1043, When 2 men from ilm U.S. Army came In our Avon Lake PowcrPlant, where I worked In the'Stonm-elect. department Here Rick Is for 15 yrs. and told me to pack up my A Pleasant bay to,You & Yours! and,leave tho Plant for the duraOn this 12th of Feb., it will be 174 tools tion of (he War, because my father in , yrs.. that in a cold Log Cabin a poor litGermany might ask mo to blow up the tle Honest Abo was bom, and thni his Power Plant, What a wise, clever own efforts and Determinations, that I kill the hand which fed became the 18th President of One Na- Foresight? me and my family. After the War they tion under God, and the first President sent a nice letter to tell me that my jdb born outside the 13 original states. As at the Plant may be resumed without he grew up and obscrvod the Wrongs any trouble, and I wrote right back that, and (he Evils of Mankind, he made If I was not good enough ihen, they, some radical also warning statements, may have my Job..'I opened up my own as he said in Jan. 1837, "Those business, "C. .Motor for any Tiro" on Capitalists generally act harmoniously, my own property right on Lake Rd., and In concert, to flucce the Poopl* and What Joyli was, also lot of hardCertainly they have done a Good Job? work, to serve my people from near and the Day soon may come, when and far, for In those days Rt, 2 & Q was they fleece themselves, for tie who digs heavy traveled from, East io West, You a hole for others, may foil In himself see how all things happen for the Best. and the sooner the better. Another Well my good Mother, may her Spirit Quote by Abe, "Surely, we arc not a Rest In Peace had a saying "Welt in Nations of Idiots, let the people know Name, it shall be alrir.ht again". the facts, and our Country will bo God's II takes a wild, rough ocean to makd e safe." Right now as our Country Is good captain use his heart, Right? Finalvory iriuch Unsafe, our People were far ly we got whtit we nporl, some snow, , from knowing the Facis, and too many •whiuh gathers nitrogen thru Hie 1 atmosphere and puts that nitric acid In our Gardens. Meadows and fields Io bring forth good Vegetation, loaded With Clorbphyll (greon stuff), the vory Life Line from man and Quest, and we can observe God's Luw "Thou utiuit eat no. moot with red blood," or "Thou shall not kill." |unt lliltik what Fonr niicl Dlc.viot -dloiiop'Do* cre'ufureil arb"f1lled with brio re man puts that bullet thru tholr hoad > could tt bo ilia reason thai some people arc filled, with Foar ft Disgust In Mo??? Jusl thinking! ' Auf Wiedorsblin, Carl Molor, Avon Lako • Band Aids Meet The next A.LH.S. Shoreman Bend Aids' meeting is Wednesday, Fob. 10th. at o p.m. in the high school band room. , Anyone attending the Band Aids' meeting' are Welcome to watch the rehearsal of three high school bands for the Winter Concert. Winter Conceri ,. is Thursday, February 17th at 7:30 p.m. Special, Guest far the evening performance Is Dr. Donald E. McCathren, Conductor £ and Clarinet Soloist. Tickets for the "evening performance are $2.00 for 8 Adults find $1.00 for Sr. Citizens and , StudentB. Advance tickets may be purchased by calling Janet Coffey, 9339196 or Lois Davis, 933*9057, Band members will travel to Elyrta, Ohio on Saturday,; Feb. 19th for District So)o and Ensomblo Contest. Avon Schools Menu jm is WBDMFEB.'O Taco w / L o t t U c e / Cheese : , Buttered Corn Fruit Cup Cookie , THURSi, FEB. 10 Chuck Wagon Steak A Mashed P;ot./Gr. Buttered Mixed Vog. Buttered Bread Fruit COUPON' : : , , • • BA7TMES FRI..FEB. 11 PepperonI Pizza < Buttered Gr. Beans Mixed Fruit Cookie. MON..FEB.14 Hamburger Sand. French Fries Buttered Gr. Beans Fruit i • • ' TUBS., FEB. 15; Sausage Patty , , Buttered Potatoes ,,' Buttered Peas Buttered Bread Applesauce Vi PINT OF MILK IS . INCLUDED, IN ALL "LUNCHES. OFF . Shell Maintenance; Free Battery Heart Shaped Cookies Decorated Cupcakes Red Foil Heart Shaped Decorated Cakes Red p ; Red Foi Foil Heart Shaped p CbotciM J Chocolate Chip Expires Feb. 28,1983 , ; , --WITHTHIS COUPON— — — ' uto Care THEONLYHOME BAKERY IN TOWN A F A" From Scratch Place Your Order Today! 933-6212 PHIL'S AUTO CARE SERVICE CENTER 33505 LAKE RD. AVON LAKE 933-871^ 33479 Lake Rdi, Avoni Your Valentine Will Love Our New Gingharti Hearts A.A.R.P. i Flllad Meeting Mr, Tom Avellone of Avellone Pharmacy in Bay Village will be Iho speaker at the A.A.R.P. meeting ,on the 16th of February at 12 Noon, A.A.R.P. meets 3rd Tues* day of the month at the United Church of, Christ on Electric Blvd. All seniors are cordially, Invited to s stimulating urn! attractive meeting whore yoti meet' some, of the other 118 members, perhaps your friends or neighbors. n. TREAT YOURSELF TO A CREATIVE STYLING, PERM, OR HAIRCUT; YOUR HAIR PLUS OUR PROFESSIONAL STYLISTS ARE A PERFECT MATCH. CALLTODAYI! 933-3251 fJEXTtO SADDLE INN i . AVON LAKE 1ZV4 pz. \ With tUllcloU" bom, oU' glnohs'n h M H W i aviliabla In Plnh, MloW, b j blus. with m»tehlno t l « flowati ' ,. i W* »!M> hiw ,• wU«»ljc,(Ion o( ItidlllojiBl •«) 1* hwrti i t Wilt • • m«ny Mi «<Vi& Sickroo^SerVlce A V O N LAKE DRUGS, I N C . SnlonrentBls PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS . Compete Utte Of Modtcal EtiUtpmBnte Supplied For Q P HomeU.e 33471LAKEROAD S&3210 AVON LAKE,OHIO«012| 93W153 If"; I""*!: ' 53 'i ..-It; 'i " > * • i .'" u :'•' , ! . . ; • • • *' /' 1 .' ?;', ; \ \ : ESS. FEBRUARYS. ' 8 Attention Middle Schoot Parents Renee Pais Of Creative Colors Colors Your World For hundreds of years tho secrets .of color were known by Iho royal houses bf Europe, but not until the early part of this century did this knowledge become available In tho United States. With today's bolder more daring fashions, color has become essential for the total look. Renee Pals, a talented young native of North Ridgevllle with a keen eye for tight and pigment has brought this magic , o f fabric and cosmetic chromatics to Northeast Ohio. AB a, licensed cosmetologist for. (! years. Reneo suspected that there was more to fabric and make-up color than lust making them match each other. Only o l o w monthu ago Roneo discovered that others had felt tho Bathe woy. After some travel and additional sludy both In and out of Btato, Reneo, has become a color consultant. Her n e w l y . Formed. company ( Creative Colors, stands ready do to your colors, in consultation, cither Individually or In groups of up to 6 participants. : Are you a parent of Middle Schoo age children? Are you ^ ' " J reports of drug and alcohol use and abuse among your c h i l d r e n > classmates? To help The premise Is simple. Everyone's ikin has a blend of natural pigments. T lese blends fit Into 4 cetogorleB. For convenience they are named for the seiions. Once your season Is Identified, a complete cosmetic look Is applied using sheer muke-ups In colors which are specifically yours. In addition to thla, you are given a book of fabric swatches In your colors to enable you to moro wisely select your clothing, The consultalon also Includes tips on clothing style as well as hair st.'h and color. The'consultation can be performed In your home [or less, than the price of a wash and permanent. • Renee Is available for consultation 7 daVs a weok by appolntmimt at hours suitable to your needs. Her services are oriented, to the individual man or woman., ConsultBtion!l and presentations are also available for businesses, professional offices and clubs. For more information call Renoo at 3275400. Read anct use The Classifieds and Feeling Bcuiitiful" V ffltth;°XX"5*!K not only of the problems but a i j n e s o u r c e * available for hotaj a«|jriw of nalghborhood "coifoe Watches wiu bo held starting February 8. Sp from the schools, police £ and various agencies will giv Capital University Encounter Group Tho Senior Lutheran League is LookInn forward to their 14th Annual feeatwhich will beheld February. u , • 12 and 13 at Christ Evangelical. Lutheran Church. Avon J*g>. TJj-Jj counter Group of six to eig students -bom Capital Uiavrtsltf i j CDlumbub, Ohio will arrive Friday evening, and spend the weekend staling bible study, songs, and skttB under Ballet class will begin tho n # sesatoh February 23rd. Reglatratloi wlU be on February 23rd before olassi > te cost for the session Is $12 for reside. IB and $14 for , non-residents of 8),efflold Lake. The class Is hold Wednesday at 5!15 • B!0Q at the Shufflotd Lake Community Civic Center located on Lake Road. The class Is a 0 weok program. TheNaturaiKitchen ~ VALENTINES SPECIAL RED PISTACHIOS ROASTED/SALTED BEG. $6.23 LB. N O W ~*9 * 4 * °, LB. ' *@ 'While Supplies *.Bst , ft IRIDOLOGY LECTURE-FREE WED., FEB. 9,7:00-9:00 PW1 ^ W COOKING WITHOUT (VIE AT-11 TUBS., Feb. 15 7:30-9:30 p.m. Renee'M. Pals ConsU I mm und Licensed 327-5460 933-6616 CARGO UNLIMITED I N C . 'Her In vestment Clothing Headquarters'' THSS SALE'S FOR 40% to 60% OFF WINTER Blazers* Skirts, Blouses, Dresses, Coats, Jackets, Sleepwear, Accessories, - And more! Rt. 83 and Walker Rd. At"THELANDINGSM .AVON LAKE, OH. 44012 Baton daas will begin on 1J«"f " ^ RanislraUon w uo Wednesaey. ? K r y S d from 4*30 - WB at ttaj Shefflefd Lake Community > Civic Cbnter/Baton class mtiets Wednesday* from 4sao • 8 i s for beginners Thoi ctisi* IS™ weeks Is $12 far resident9 and $14. for non-residents '^ BREAD BAKING WITlt JANE Tues., Feb. 227:30-9:30 p.m. x m 5 I that Special Person A Special VALENfl$mmMM< n •m .2 A Large Selection at a Reaspnalsio Coat $$0 Famous for oiir "Siioky R b l f i " , ; ; ^ ' ^ * ' OPEN FOR DINING-; W Moh.-Frl. 10-6, Thurs. 10-8, sat. 10-5 TUB>dny thru T h u r e d a y , . . . . . . . . . . . . . - " . 1 iaO-10 pirn. Friday and Saturday , . : . . . . , . . . . 11:30-11 p.ttj. Sunday • • ' . . . . . . . . . . i ; ' . . . . . . . . . . Nootva, p.m. THE NATURAL KITCHEN 32045DETROITRD. : AVON : ; f ;rAi , [I Avon 937-6864 ;. Clevolahd87r;30B4] VALENTINE'S DAY Real love isn't just for a moment, but for all time. Real karat gold is like that, ;, too. Choose from our fine selection of beautiful karat gold jewelry, it's a gift your loved one will cherish long after Valentine's Day. is gone. LADIESSOLID GOLD RING WITH HEART-SHAPED GARNET * - 0 ovo /O Nothing else feels like real gold. ELP! SHEFFIELD LAKE YOUTH BASEBALL NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT For Every Gal. Of Gas You Buy Frl., Sat. h Sundays We Will Donate 1* Per Gal. To The Sheffield Lake Youth Baseball « SAVE!! Repairs &• Tune Now Can Save You That Tow This Winter Special Engine Check BySun Comuter Professional Services Nolhhg PIM miiltes any moment m precious. ALL S A L E S F I N A L , Store His.! MOT.,-Tiles., Wed,, Fri. & Sal. 10-6 Thurs. 10-8 the theme of "SelfDiscover)r" TheEncountorCroup, alongwimiiw junior and.Sentor Luther Leagues,, wffl present the 8unday morning worship Service. andwiUJotn tho congregaUon In a potluck following the service. Any teenagers wfchlng to Join to * t o enriching weekend, plaase call Mrt. Bill Farmer. B33-08B0 or George Ray. 933-6932 for menl rooBrvattons Ballet & Baton Classes Natural Foods Gr KHohenware "Tho Landings" Rt.B3&WBlk«rRd. PURCHASES VfitH THIS AD soon. qp %THE NATURAL KITCHEN ^ ^ ^ COLOR ANALYSIS 10% OFF or; UpikBUhoae informal meetings., , ' The Sheffield Lake planning Commttto of Human Resources Center and the Sheffield Lake CharalcalP on «»ndoncy Group,are nharlns In the Auto Care Beautiful lownlry Incomparably Priced" , "The Landings"1 Avon Lnhu Sheffield Lake 949-6286 933-3159 !»?• 4 i l i i n . f if. H...fi|. tri (.<: •"••-(*• m M SENIOR ADULT NEWS t1 I r I •' • i'itt • TMiPageliSpomoifldAjA * Community Service ByTtii Avon Lake Praii 4575 LAKE RD., SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHIO 949-8146 SERVJNG AVON LAKE, AVON, SHEFFIELD LAKE, SHEFFIELD Tri-City Office On Aging SENIOR CITIZEN PRESS VolI.No.7 Contributors: WWTell UuyLamson MaryMezlak Blanche Mnrse Calendar Of Events (1) Golden Agers meet the first and third Wednesday o f the month at the United Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd. A v o n Lake at noon for a b r o w n bag lunch. This month they will m e e t on Feb. 2 n d and 18th. O n Feb. 10th, Clara Szeldntad will present a program on Alaska. ' • ; ' (2) Lake Erie Seniors m e e t o n ; Thursdays at noon at t h e United Church o f Christ - 32601 Electric Blvd. ^.Dear" friends, for a catered lunch. Call 933-3688 b y I^The blah month of February Is here. .^Everyone I talk to says the same thing --, Tuesday night for reservations. P r o ^ifjlcanget through February, I'll have grams for February Include Banjo A l lyttmsde.1" •'; '...'''', and a birthday slng-a-long o n F e b . 3 , ^ S With all the talk we hear about the films o n Feb. 10th,, Ross Herrick and ?baoV. thing* people do, it's time to hear Peru o n Feb. 17th, and Elsie Blitz and ^ about some of the good thingB. It's hard the Square Dancers on Feb. 24th. i;to"'describe the, feeling you get when (3] Autumn Rebels, meet for a n o o n catered luncheon o n Tuesday, Feb. 8th 'ou' nee, people working together to and Feb. 22 at the Barn. 37711 Detroit elp-'phe; another, Thla was the case Rd. In A v o n . Call B34-5449 by Sunday (Plwhen we gave surplus butter away. •People just cyme In and helped. Men evening for reservations. /carried cases of butter In and left their (4) Sheffield Lake Seniors meet on £names7ahd phone numbers to help us Wednesday, Feb. 9th at noon at the, unload ^when more conies In. A lady Sheffield Lake Community Center 4S75 lU8tvBat down' and helped get taforma- Lake Rd. in Sheffield Lake. '• J.tlori'and diatribute when she sow we (5) AARP Chapter 2 8 « m D e l f l _ ° n were shorthanded. Anyone who has Tuesday, Fobrunry lBtn 'lost faith In oeople needs to come In brown bag lunch at the of Chrlal, 32001 Electric . o hoar iland-seeUhat: people are Innately good Sand wiMr,g; to help one another. We Tom Avalon, the Say Village PharlalsaWant tottbinkMayor: FragRBBi for m a c l a t i ' ! •••».:• i;bii>pportYiri these ventures andI tho IB) The Tri-Ctty Office on Aging to r fXorai^Salvatlon Army . * f C & Board of Directors meets on feobn^as we gel more cheese, bu ter Feb. 19th atUOO p.m. at tlie S $etc. in, wo will lot you * " ° w : ?*£ J f « g Community'Conter. Visitors aro most ^.Information we . received J j » * "H welcome. ; % distribution of butter and cheese w j I «2r<i.ito piaCB o n the same-day, l/awn ,"" *wspapers arid listen to the radio for B4^Havaanlcemonth.aryMei;iak AARP Chapter No. 2643 wlIV he [Director's Message S AARP IncjohneTax for ,>>:: quasVlontthat haB come - r --. " •;concerningIncomefromIngres) ', there has always been a det m S2asasi,5S£: VoL1,No.7 Feb. 9,-1983. someone for 3 days, the postman will notify the Avon Lake Police Uept. The Police will then pull your card and call the contact person. If the contact person cannot bo reached, the police will visit, tho Postal Alert homo to see if assistance 1B needed. If you would like further Information please contact Mary Jo Etter at 933-6870, Suaan Kltch at 933*6589, or Laura Hollinger at 9338757. You can also call our office. This Is a very good program, so please sup* por.lt.'. ', ; Filling Out Med. B.C. Forms Etc. Blood Pressure Clinic':; "rO'sfff'iSaturday F<3b. sth from 10:00 till 2:00 p.m. at Chef Henri's - Avon lakeiShop-; ping Center. Sponsored by the Avon Nurse Association. • . ; •' Saturday, Feb. 5th from 10:00 'till 2:00 p.m. at Thrift Foderal Bank inlhe Shoreway Shopping Center. Sponsored by tho Jaycettos of Sheffield Lake. , ; Homespun Crafts-; ;! Tho Tri-City Office on aging assists people with Medicare. Blue Cross and other insurance' forms. We have the forms and will be glad to help you complete them. Call our office at 949-6146 for an appointment. Also Gordon Ran* dolph will be available in our office. Call 949-8146 for an appointment with him at our of flee Homespun Crafts will be hold on the Becond Friday cf the month, Feb. lltL from lOiOO to 4:00 p.m. You will find, new ltemB available as wall as the familiar bid ones. Tho sole is hold at the Old Recreation Bldg. on the Lako Rd. In Avon Lake. Came In and register for the door prize, no purchase necessry, The p^l-o is a $5.00 gift certlficato for hn Item on sale. We are open ot 6!00 a.m. to take in new crafts. All proceeds go back lo the maker. For mota Info. Reach Out And Touch Someone Award call 048-6722. This month's award goos to all thn pooplo in this aroa who have been BO helpful in,dlBlHbutmg surpluo food. Wo "don't know all your names, but our thanks go out to you. In this day oF hearing so much bad about people, we fool It 1B time to talk about some of the good thingB pooplo do. , ' Will Toll «-3r*JS Disabled Parking Stickers Guy Lamson explained the rules mrd teHulations for receiving'a disabled parking teg. Lot us, just reiterate thimi tor you. To apply fot an appIlcDtlon ' nr a dlBobled placard, you can write to . ie Bureau of Motor Vehicles, p . o . J!>.x 10521, Columbus, Ohio 43216 - Atl itlon: Special PlQtca. You may QIHO •,'ill : at 614-883-7596. Tliora Is a one ttmo >'U* ly charge of 55.00 for the placard. TMs placard can be placed in the window tif any car the disabled person Is riding in.; Meals-On-Wheels Our,Meals-bn-Wheels program continues to operate five days a week at a cost of $2.00 per day, If you or soat noon at the United Church of meone you know, is unable to prepare 32601 Electric Blvd. in Avon - - - - . ? their own meals due to llness dr dtabU lsabelle Weavert program chairman has ty in Avon Lake or Sheffield Lake call arranged lor Tom Avalon, B pharmacist TCOA office 949-8146 so that we ?rom Bay Village to speak on drugs and oar arranae to servo these people. In presclptions. Blanche Morse, the new-, can Avon' plSse call Marge Spatafore at ly elected president of AARP tavUes 937-6816. visitors to attend this P « 8 « ™ ^ h f » J * a brown bag lunch before the program. There Is also a small charge for drinks and to contribute to the church toward the utilities. The officers ot AARP would like to welcome anyone over 6S BARNHART'S GIFT GALLERY to .attend their r a t i n g s . , , Gifts For Afl Occasions Plus Antiques Adult Health Clinics J ST'fni'ptirar*! . andGlasswaie 1 CaBonce. AndforalL come is over It must all be listed. There •.trim deduction for any *g;«J* *™ year, but according to tb- dtoWct .supervtoor that's the way «ib. You can (get:help directly from the IRS at 300 288-1703 •a. 1 Avon City Hall; and St. ----— Church in Sheffield Lake.(Call the Red Cross at 245-6996 for further Informa tibn. ;:.:•.' .' .' • : IABRYVANDEROORD transportation fs. fn advance. Avah Uk.-M. Avon LakB-Ju No AUdrB Seniors in Avon •nd;Avon, Lake may postal Alert call 933-8141 and ask, for the Service Dept. Make your request a monthlnaj , vance if you can. The bus goes.to MW way, Mall on ,Wed. and shopping at Fazio's .on, Thais. Make your Medica Appts. in advance Ifposs »ble. In Shef and do not fieM Lake - » «»«J146> Dlal-a-Ridf ;"«";.;lL;elderly;,pr ^ " " ^ I ' b y . l o check on inBU •'^•••4 323 4 0 * « ; , We can arrange to your home for a brief visit. - *" '. . ••••* 3 0 » • . ; • * ' Avon Middle School Honor Roll Julie Bays, Krlsten Braun, Dtnne Hassei, Kevin Kratt, Jeanlne Martini,, die School have « ? h t S &Vfar Richard Poruban, Timothy Rak, Jason Smith and Joe Spelgle. academic honor roll or ihe merit roil wr SEVENTH GRADE • All As and Bs tha third grading period. ,Hnniror and 1 C; Kenneth Gerhart, Michael Ic* FIFTH GRADE - All AB. Jennuer vin, Kristin McDanlels, Jill Snyder and MaryWrlght. EIGHTH GRADE - All As* Kelly Burgess, Doug Matt, Jackie Martin and Claudlne Slegert. , EIGHTH GRADE - All' AB and Bs' Carolyn Auble, Brian Bliss, Bill For* thofer, Greg Haydon, Peggy Kraus, y Dave Marlette, Faith Paulchell, Nick Perrotto, Ted Ruffner, Mike Stockard Schneider, Kelly Sparks, Matt and Kathy Teamed i. Slockard, Leslie Wilson and EIGHTH GRAjJB — As and Bs and 1 Workman; ' _ „„,,., r . FIFTH GRADE - As and Bs rnd • t . C: Brad Alten, Hotdi BroadWell, Michelle, Elliott, Scott Goemmel, Kim Cory Flaher. Christopher Garrit . *ynn Klmberly, Bill Patterson and Angela PerroUo,, Tyler Ruffner, D«™jrtrtok. Robinson. ' , Eric Slegert, Dawn Smith SIXTH GRADE - Vi As: Lucey and Jennif-sr ^ , chy.. • ' Lake residents ^epaylhg SIXTH GRADE - A . Aa and Bs. Kim The following student-. al Avon Mide M £»2? Did You Know Brndshaw, Gaorge • DOUIOB. JSti Dbssa Dz.ibak. Jennifer Easterly.: ChrW Englund. Carole Fanlozzl. William Grake, Paul Cudde, Marl Gundersen, Karen Hogrofe,, Kris H;, m, KB ly Hughes, Kathy Kelloy, Brian McCallic, Jeff Miller. John Miller, Mlcheln Montpetlte, Tom Paulchell, Jennifer Phillips, David Pocos, Jeff RldgBway, Amy Spatafore, Rob Wenzler and Deborah SCHILUNCER AND RE1LLEY TO BE REDSKINS ANDY SCHILLINGER, the coM.V.P. ol Ihe Southwestern Con. [erenco and of Avon Lake's Championsiilp football team, and SHAWN REILLEY, an All-Conference tackle, have both received four-yoar footbal. grants to Miami of Ohio University. COACH TIM ROSE will visit .Won 1 lake today to sign the pair to a •national letter ot Intent. Both wore highly recruited from schools in BB well os out the field house Thursday evening. I am sure you Won't be disappointed. ,AdmtaBlon prices are $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for students. • SIXTH GRADE - As and Bs and i C: Chris Braun, Russ Campbell, Cathy Crawford, Heather Kirk, Heidi Kirk, Chris Kv itek and Becky Martin. • : SEVENTH GRADE - All As and Bs: SHOREGALS DRAW SOUTHVIEW IN FIRST ROUND OF AAA TOURNEY , The 1983 Girls' Sectional/District Haaketball Tournament will be held at Westlake High School this season. The Shoregals will play Saturday. February 10 at •i.lB p.m. whnn they will take on the "Sumta" of Southvlow High School. If thov should win thoy would play ugain on Saturday, February 28 at 2:45 p.m. vs. the Bay-St. Augusfne winner. Dean's List i The following students from this area have been named to the Dean's List for the 1962-83 Autumn quarter at the University of Cincinnati; Rohert Conrad, son of ot «tnti». A.NDV ami SHAWN werij the Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Confirst of a number of alhlates from the rad, Detroit Rd., Avon. community to announce their intenDaniel Haradem, Garden Drive, Avon. tions. Others will be committing within the next month In what appears to be a JIM BLACK. RANKED John Evans, flon of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Evans, banner year for Avon Lake athletes. THIRD IN STATE Avon JIM BLACK received a forfeit Friday Carriage Lane, ' UNDEFEATED GIRLS' BASKETBALL night against 01ms ted Falls to run his Lake, TEAM TO HOST BAY THURSDAY Sharon Marttn. record to 18-1 on ihe year. The 98 1b. The Avon Lake High School girls' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wrestler had that day been ranked 3rd A • P . Me t z g e r , hasketball learn, 18-0 on Ihe season, In the state by the Ohio Wrestling Moorewood Avenue, will host Day, 15-3, In the final home Association publication. Chip Klllus of game of the season Thursday night at Bay was ranked lBt p*?d Jim Biggs of St. Avon Lake. B:30 p.m. For those of you In the com- Ed's 7th. Both wUl muet JIM in the Sec- ' Lawrence Mitchell, son munity who have not been able to see tional Tourney to be hold at Avon Lake of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitour finest girls* basketball team In the High School on Feb. 25 and 26. chell, Lake Road, Avon school's history, Ihlnk about coming to Lake. THE JAMES 4 REALTY EA NATIONAL RELOCATION Avon Lake 933-2500 CENTBR Cleveland TRADE IN PROGRAM 871-5255 12% FINANCING On nice tliroo bedroom ranch with full basement, gas heating, carpeting o n l \ 1 Y^ar old, 2 car garage, and fenced In yard. Good location and only asking $53,500. Call John bsabu for tour today. SMUGGLERS COVE CONPO One floor living with three bedrooms, 2 full baths, utility room, formal dining room, 2 covered patios, one overlooking golf course off • master bedroom. Maintenance fee.Includes heat JIid water. Tennis courts, pool and rec centor for the easy life. Priced at 858,500. Cell Cathy Hugick for details. NEW LISTING Hemodeled three bedroom home situated on double lot. consisting of new kitchen with eating space, master suite with full bath, and dressing room and walk-In closet, full basement, new 2 « car garage,.and maintenance free alum, exterior. Asking S53.900. VA asaumable 8.50% rate. Call Jackie Carraway for details. vldlnn $875,000 was "»""-:-7^;"; schoogl operation. Figures ™ c ^ e f e January from the county audiiqrahow^ the 2:90 figure has already been redto^ ed to2.70. "" 1982DodgeColt4Dr. Automatic Radio AlrConditfoning JNhftewaUs ^ "Cloth Interior^ Freight 6995 1979 DODGE ASPEN 2 dr., 6 cvl., automatic, radio, pokier steering, while wall & wheel covers. *29£5 1980 DODGE OMNI 024, automatic, AM-FM, powar stoerlng, air conditioning, whtta walls, ( RsllevwriMti . •" ••• ,: 1978 DATSUN 200 SX 6 spaed, AM/FM, bucket M B U , roadwhoeis. ' *"<••• Dick Baker Dodge, '" ~"MMI'> -•••?',;-r.. . nil PU . ^ Jim! 32745 WALKER RD. EXCELLENCE A T ITS BEST Four bedroom split with full basement, family room, rec room with bar, 214 car attached garage, 2% baths, formal and Informal dining areas, matntanance frae ex1 tcrior, many extras and In MINT condition. Excellent executive area in the center of Avon Lake. Call James A . Gemellla, Jr., today to see this QUALITY custom built home. NEED MORE ROOM? Then this four or five bedroom ranch with 3 baths, 2W car attached garage, largo kitchen with eating space, full basement with finished rec room with bar Is for you. WoodbUrntng fireplace In living room, addition can be master suite or in-law suite. A great buy for only 469,900, Call Jackie Carraway for appointment today. 9 » STOP, LOOK, BUY • » 3 bedroom ranch with 2 car detached garage and fenced In yard. All appliances stay. Call Jeanne CuttS today and see why this home can speak for Itself. SO M U C H FOR SO LITTLE In this two bedroom home with VA car garage, large double lot, 17x7 sun porch, appliances, utility room, and In move-In condition. Great starter or retirement home. Call Rose Kllmkowskl to see today. .:' ' m WILLIAMSBURG COLONIAL Area of no-,'' homes features this four bedroom colonial^ with 2 K baths, full basement, 1st floor, Utility room, family room with woodburnar, large, country1 kltcherv formal dining room, and many extras.! Cannot be duplicated for asking price and only 2 years old. Call1 Jackie Carraway for personal tour.' ., ' ;, WOODS OF WILLIAMSBURG 173 Frederlcksberg Dr., Avon Lake. W e build custom homes on Vi acre wooded lots. Come and see our three bedroom,ranch model featuring 2 ftiij baths, formal and Informal dining areas, woodburner In great room, GAS HEAT with low monthly bills, first floor utility room, closets galore, and many extras*. QUALITY thrUoUt. Landscaping, generous decorating allowances, and FIXED 30 year rates available along with a trode-ln program. Why not call for more Information today. James A. Gamellla, Jr. OPEN SUNDAYS 1-4, . T?ZT\?ST5Z4 EST To Celebrate 1,000,000th ATM Transaction Hour ."Automatic Toller Machine, will soon have Its onamillionth transaction, and the bank has .announced plans for a spoclnl promo' tlon and contest to celebralo the event, according to Alan L. Murphy, Sr.'Vlco President, Marketing, "This is quite a milestone for this particular bank sorvice,'' Murphy sold, ana wo plan on recognizing the customer who has the 1.000,000th transact on by giving that person a real western style vacation at an actua ranch-resort to symbolize the cowbov naturo of Partner."' The contest part comes In whereby anyono can guess lust when the l.OOU.OOOth transaction will occur and win one of 4 other prlzus. These are: 1st Prize • a S8D0'Glfl CcrtiflcntG from Qhlg Canoe Adventures' Backpacker Shop In Sheffield Lake. MiC Prize - a $250 Gift Certificate from the North Eaton Hardware and Tack Shop in Columbia Station. 1 3rd Prize - a $200 Savfngs Bond from ESTBank. 4th Prize - a 5100 Savings Account from ESTBank. Holy Spirit Guild Meets rtn Thursday evening, February 17Hi, Holy Spirit Guild will hold Its monthly meeting at 410 Lear Rd [Across from Fastio'sJ. A soup and sandwich meal, prepared by Its .members, Is planned. Soup's on at 8:30 p m Guild members and their friends are Invited. The guest speaker for the evening Is Lois Wagenkehcht, " The Glass Expert". She will give a talk on the art of Antiquing and Garaging. A collection of gold and white tableware, antiques, crystal and china will bo shown. , , Because of numerous requests, the program will be open to the public at 8 p.m. Local newspaper and radio ads will provide clues to help I ho public guess when I ho transaction will happen, with tho actual winners determined by the bank's auditing department, "We have somu real nice prizes for the winners of the contest," Murphy said, "and' we at the bank hope a very a no joins us in the fun of the celebration." Bunk customers who have a Pardnur 24 Hour Banking card and use It arc automatically eligible to win the ranch vacation. Entry forms, for guessing whnn the 1,000,000th transaction will happen, will be Included In the newspaper (ids and be available at tiny E.ST office. Total ATM transactions exceeded 438,000 In 1082 with nearly 26,000,000 in dollar volume. As of December 31st, 1082, only; 07,272 more transactions were needed In the early months of '83 to reach tho 1,000,000th plateau. Birdseed Sale Avon Lake Boy Scout Troop 300 Is holding their year long wild birdseed sdle. This Is a deluxe mix of seed which attracts many beautiful species of birds living In our ma. To place your order, please1 call one of the following: Rich Zullo • B33-4873; Bob Koren , 333*6008 or Howard PrBSsnell - 933-8288. Seed Prices are - 25 lbs. •35,00 and SO lbs. $0.00. Jim Miller 8Associates Realtors 660 Dover Center Road 27 Dover Junction Mall Bay Village. OH 4O40 Cleve. Loraln 835-6500 933-6550 DENTAL NOTES , • • : , ' . B Y : • • • - • ' . •;" .; Robert L.Rasaie.D.DS. Crooked & crowded teeth, If (routed early, often pi events prolonged orthodontic treatment and iixtrtctloos during the teons. A tt'ruded low?r |aw, which makei the upper front teeth appear to look "bucked", or protruded, can be treated tractions ^during the with, a removable ap- "teens!-.".' V ; ' pliance to stimulate the message brought grewih and reposition- to This you In the Interests of ing of the lower few to bettor' denial hea/lh give the child a better from the office of Dr, appearance thereby Robert L. Rassic, 225 eliminating prolonged Miller Rd., Avon Lake. treatment requiring ex- Phone 933-ZS49. ''A i_, IB::A COUNSELORS ATLAW WHV WOT INVESTIGATE THIS VALUE? / 82S19 At only $89,900 thl? la ti fine vajue for those look1 Ing fora largo family tiome. With ovar 2700 aq. H. of tlyE i>lng area'.there ts "elbow" room lor th« .large family. 4 vr b8drooms, TA baths, famllv room plus finished basement & within steps to the elementary school. All largo looms. CallJIm or Carol Judge at 933-6550 or 335-6500. HARD TO BEUEVEFI OHLV *3S.B00 82560. Thl9 attractive 3 bedroom bungalow with nowur cream colored aluminum aiding is an outstanding value In todays market. I K cor detached garage. Will sell V.A. of F.H.A. with normal doVwn payment, could be , loss than rent. Cnll Jim or Carol Judgo at 933-6550 or 835-6500. L'--'#> reRMd* AwnL>k?,Oh« tC«n« o( Lake. Moon & Electric) CANT PAY VOUR BILLS ON TIME? There are often alternatives to bankruptcy, wage earner plans, and trusteeships although sometimes these are the best procedures Jo follow. U^Ki'don,.Tiles..Thurs)OA.M.-lil:0OP.M» HOURS. Wcd.&Fri.' »:00A.M.'5:3uP.M. , Sat, 9:tlOA,M.-4:onP.M i PHONEfnunc. LORA1N! J^YJU^ 833-0231 3C3-OOOZ , CLEVELAND: 3ANDUSKY: 10% A S S U M A 3 L E L 0 A N B4500, Three bedroom ranch'on a large lot, Perfect starter home, $39,900. Mark Lundy. EXCEPTIOWAL2 BEDROOMIII '84884 All1 the works been done In this well maintained " home! New kitchen which Is very eye pleasing & knotty pine breakfast nook.1 Completely new bath.. 11 yr. olu roof & newer concrete drive. Money saving $42.00 gas budget. Garage ts fully Insulated & with gas tine for heat could be a great hobby shop. At only 646,900 It could bo less than rent. Will V.A. or F.H.A- Call Jim or Carol Judge, 933-6550 orB35-6500. 871-2228 (4191025-1fid3 , WI:IJ,MVI: von ntr HAIRSTYLE •-.-;i i OK YODK ! II ISrVI,F, w ?OUIMTnY SETTING AVOW ONLY W7.9Q0 R2520. Attractive well kept 4 bedroom, 2 bath bl-level home with heated 2 car garage plus hobby or workshop garage In rear. F.H.A. appralsedll You'll anjoy the rura sotting & opun spaciousness.' Owner relocatlngll Cell Jim or Carol Judge, 933-6550 or 835-6500. r I •• (. . •.. i • i • '.-.•; ! • • • _ \*t \ OAsssa HRUWWEIDE PUILT LAKEFRONT1I 85299. For only e very fewl Quality aboundsIn.this.ink.. Ing 2 bedroom lakefront home. Pegged « * h ™ * * * * floors thruoutl Peruvian quarry tile Wtchenflow. SoId cherry wod paneling In .pactoui119x17famil¥' « « n . w h h hiioe oversized fireplaco hearth. Pella v w o d * l n d w » thruout, security system & underground sprinkling system. Spectacular lake view. Call Jim or Carol Judge, 933-6550 or 835-6500. fll -V "flS CHARMING AS IT LOOKS) 821W This enviable Pilllard Colonla' la located on a lovelv tree lined street of tiueiity homos; Centured on on oversized 175x203 ft, wooded lot, it offers all tho amenities vou expect In a gradoilb home; 4 generous slta bedrooms, 2Y> baths, family room with woodburner, formal drawing room & finished basement Curb oppeal Is enhanced, by side entry garage. 12% 30 yr. financing. Call Jim or Carol Judge at our new no., 933-6550 or 835-6500. the . ' 934-4092 3/000 Detroit Hd. Awoti. Ohio ' S.ilnn Prr-.i.'ripthiir'C.enter •' * BEOROOM COfy :.•«<•:«•.•' ' . i l ' BOB FRA2IER. K M I ,-.•<•,•".«•,.,. PQR0R0W1NQ FAMILIES 7,A. A63UMABLE '.•i/f >.l'-',,-W/ti '."«•* '.ft') 1 •,•4" a. ''*•*••-/ MARYAMNTILOEN 1 ft»-619 l 5. , ^ • I/ft'! •'Ill ' •"' ••:'<•., " . * . ' * . '•< ' r.-ivr;•••:•.). '; j 1 '/ ',^« / / ! V V j -ji.* 8195 y't'»t.tj, •,•*! 'In to: y ',li '«/'*> /III MAKE AN OFFER . 5'J338. Attractive 3 bedroom tanch with ™ " W | ! * ! " " i ; crten, fQ"c»d yard and Oarage. Asking M3.W0. Cei' at, o(.|i'.iMt j CAROL R A M A Q L 1 , B33-«196. ,' NEA'TASA'PINI MODF.HN - AFFORDABLE - DEttlRABLE i nil l Lh'»..2 '••" (I«"H1». Sollor willing tu H«U.»M.«W' r » n " 1) '•" l l M A R V NEW CPJ THE M A H k t r AVON LAKE A nu'tmr »!';" 'I hmJtuom, I V, .bath tjiitiunlow with (inliiv ml ijiiiMirniiiti, hiiii/owiy "»'l n.HaiJiijii gormi'i. .Cntnlilcluly miliir-ucittit. All Htchun npplloncoa mtnaln In•'(.lutiiriti ii riiiw mlciowjwu ovun. SARAH CHU.1CM, 933-B1B6. Euurvitilntl olioiii1 thin 4 btidmtmi hotnti in «ur«ctlv« • ih« ••Mlfirj. firMfjI/ico. btjtjtuomn. ftont porch, unrj fltiitnci"». Cnii...• •,*,„, R . t-D —». M MM. F.D MITCHELL, B33-B1W. - I Gruat home lor Inrge family, Including fenced vord, cantfDl air, 2 boths, 2 cor garage, ond special financing. Coll MR. ED MITCHELL, 933-619B. INVESTMENT PROPERTV i , , ^ 52090: Or uxcelmrit .tarter hor.e in Avon Lake. Large, Irvine room, separata fining nomJMW*S'^»^ sinn Bpaca. Asking «3,9OO. Call CAROL RAMAGLl; 933-3196. SELLER WILL ASSIST IN FINANCING 47756, Outstanding value • 4 bedrooms, Vk baths, lull basement, Lakevlew Park area, Lorain. Seller anxious to move out-of-state and willing to consider all reasonable offers. Asking $51,000. To see call MARY VORISEK, 9334195. 00 )• Homos for Sale AVON LAKE,~~Yodtr Blvd., 3 bedroomt, 2 bathe, ranch, plenty of storage must see to appreciate, 163,B00,934.B491of933-4W6. Avon Laka Home for Sale By owner 3 bedroom tpPt with many axtrat CallS33-Z«32. 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch, boternant all apptlanca), • own at financing, 9 H % . Redwood, Balmararea, 1-333 4964, ___. i Rend i "GEM" 04 In Avon Lake. 139,000, llnanclng available, Call 933' Lots and Acreage For Sale DUllliABLE LOT In Avon • M M I I W I I jiie.»i»l lae'Alcn. Phona 933-4314/ . Lot* lot Sale 3 CNiice building tots in a Vary dejl'nblo Peiklnt Towmhlp SubDlvi«"tti, C I O M to Churchet, Schoola end nimpplng. Phono 826-0711 (or moiti inlotmailon. N ' Lot lor Sale ' Fanirtsiis building lot located in Huron TownsIilp. This lot it unfounded on 3 sides bv Watar • ihe Huron Rrvst oh one 3"ln and tho Huron Lsgooni an Ihtt oiliui two. Muit ba leen to be opc l i i t . AiMng 150,000.00. Phona l ! l i 06 Cemetery Lots 2 Elmhiitit Csmatarv Lota, 4400.00 flBCl'- Writs; Louli Fa thing, Boa 2S3, Bull yHt,;ili, Atk,, 72819, 12 , Business Opportunities Man pi Woman • Ba your own boss, set ynif onn houri, (rlnga benlita, insuranhe, Fot mora inlormatloni call 933-8234.933-6992,349-2738, ifili MifiiSifilarniTimiMiaiiHigirirTBiiiiii »SbaaiaBWtf»T8tMg^-^ niiiCmmmi TaFfif "•• " l W L j m i 3 l i y ^ T * u # n your own Jeen-Soortawaar, Intsnl-Pieloan • or ladrts Appatai SloJa. OHsUng all nationally known btand* such as Jordache, Chie, Lee, Uvl. Vandarbllt, Calvtn ' Klaln, Wrangler over 200 oihar brands. 17,900 to *ie,900 Include* beginning inventory, airfare lor on« to Fashion Cantar, training. Hiturag.grand opening promotions. Call Mr, Kostackv 16011,3278031. ' ,__ 14 For Rant QFFIC FOR BENT! Sulto available in Professional Building, 1000 Sq. Ft,, B33-4314, . OFFICE SPACE • The perfect location! 515 AvoniBcldsn Rd, <Rt. S3! nsar WalVei Rd. in Avon Laka. 1500 • a . It, Includes laaaaholda, oas host, Eatlly accwitble In 1-90,933-6908. •HUBO*< • L I K E " ' N E W DUPLEX, 2 i bedioomi appliance!, carpeted, utility room, near shopping and boach. LatM. u Hilt las, Mcurtty. S239 mo. Phone 433-5OBS. 2&3BEDROOM DUPLEXES TORRENT IN SUBURBAN LORAIN • Pleasant neighborhood n u i Colorado 6 Kaiitaa A v V i • Prlwataly ownad tt managed • Altractlve floor plans • Largt yards • Fully carpaiad • At a renlai baMd on your Income (or aualtfled moderate Income families • Applications now.baing accepted lorourwtltlnglltt Cillo.-1-439-3800 Equal Houtinfl Opportunity 2 BH Home In Sheffield Loke,~base" men I, f*nc«d>ln yard, garaga, a32i.GOmontri,-iopata,933-9020. Avon Lake, 3 bedroom'ranch, 2 tull baths, family room, (Innlico, full boMmant, din Inn room, aecurlty, »400amonthiCall933-2144, 1 Doivnitalri of double house for rant, 3 flRi, Oetrolt Rd., Avon, 934-5915 afterap.m.. , WANTED •• Someone to share 6 BR homa. Call after B p.m. 933-B902. • • '• '• • • . ' ' •:,.•,•; LOTS WITH RURAL RAPTUR_E J Picture building your dream house amid tovwrhig J W , ? enhanced b V a babbling brook meander ngflilon g a pit-1; turonquo ravine. It ddes exist right hare In Avon. •ThMM». , in^t' 1 of many bulldabio tow available In j ^ o s v ^ S o m e j havo cas available.) Call today.,HELEN BOQQS. w * - . j • 619B. • , ' .• • • , ,, .•';,.it 3B^?OOMRANCH.M7 I 500 • ^tfON IAKE • This 3 boiroom homo tins a gro aumablo loon ut 8tt • nti.iuol poicenlOQo roto. Alumin ,'• J siding hos boon oddoti, located on a nlco streat in Sheffield Lake; Por a par. donnl (but coll HELEN BOOGB. 833-8196. . '- • • ' :'<»{& • - : - ^ l ' T;.;» ranch offers a nice floor plan with iBrge eat-ln;kit*^ - .wi/dlnihg room, (Ireplaco. 1W baths, and attached 2s"1 car garage.,' All with special financing. : MARK: MO RAN, 933-6195. ^J^ Sft. SALBUM ABLE MOnTOAOE •; 52932. BeautifUllv decorated 3 bedroom horrm ' • ' • • ' " • walking dbtanfta to school. NeW carpeting ano r m l n u m siding. Price reducad 92,000. Call CAROL; RAMAQLI, 933-6195, for i l l the details., , -.$ DELIGHTFUL CAPE COP Very nicely kopt ond decorated with largo roc-"^, 2 car garage with nice aet-up for Work shop, and panoieo me room In basement. Call MR. ED MITCHELL, 933-6195. 3 BR. COLONIAL, 953,500 Below Malket Financing on this very cozy home, Con-' venlently located in Avon Lake with basement, large rooms, screened porch, and much more. MR. ED MITCHELL, 9334186. Landings Condo for rent, 2 badrooma, 1460.00 a month. Call Mr, 510118,933-3801, 22 Situations W a n t e d Will babysit, my home, wall • * • peilanced, full or part-tlma. Call before 7 p.m. 933-2027. H O U S E W O R K / H O U S f CLEAri\HQIV " f R L Y CARE. Honast, clean. Wanted • Ambit lout, parson who dependable. Good rafernces, B334694 after 3:00 p.m. loves T-inlfts, peoole, and lots of money. W a ne»d styllats. Have (un Cara lor the aldarly, day or evening. while making good inoney to ai'apleCan give rafetancea, 949-5409. i.iant family Inioma, Call bah , 110 ' Will babyiit, your home or mine, own 7 2 3 S W 1 B transportation, Midway Mall aieoi 1323-2B4B. JOC OVERSEAS • Big mon.y fait. •20,00 to 150,000 plua par year. Call 1 •718-8426000, E»t. 3788. 20 • . ; • • Retiree Group seeking office WANTED • Dependable, experienced moltiar to Vvateh one year old bay. In Ihe Avon arei, Plaasa call attor 8 p.m., 934-50B2, . ^ Ambitious people ttj work oart-tlme, no aipeilanca neadgd, Call 933-8679, mk lot Pen. J__ „,, ; Part-dm a folk truck d'lvat with prior experience needed. Send Inoul'los. and/or rasumis to P.O. B o i 183B4 A.L 26 Public Notice CALLCALBURME1STER 933-3766 • • . • • • . , ; i r . ^ : v ^ J • ' • - ; : ' . . , ' . v ' S.-': •'?'t !ffi4'$$i T 51816. .Large living room, eat-in kitcnenV,wlth i;apji|i pliances, 3 bedrooms, den and garago. Prlcareduced to| ; t $46,500.,Call CAROL R A M A f 933-VW^:^;;wti^M LOOK INSIDE... 26 PublicNotlce For FrM Book of Chrlit, Vrtit to the Ameriun Continent, call ZB80434, 323-3153. i EARrJ11.7t'%CNI.R.A. Individual, Retirement, Annuity Rollover I.R.A.'s eligible Call WesAlven Today 933-8875 32 Personals LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY; Take NEW B-SLIM diet olon. and Aquewep "wgttt nl'l>". Cntml)! Shop, Avon. ^ Unemplovad family man needs work, wollpeou'lnp. palnllng. rqoflnrj. genarel handyman, 933-88S3i 40 Services Buck's Hardwert, 37079 Del'Oll Rd..' Avon, Storm window and screen repair. CBH934-S119. FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHER ' Color weddlnai my apeclstty, 933-8753. ,t | PIANO Technician, Paul C. Jonas, tuning ' repairing, regulating. Cell 933-JK.'. Minner Piano Tunlni) Et Repair, piano lesioni, reasonable rataa. Call 949-. 2MJ. , ; ; W n fill MnnOWUTANUFE INSURANCE M HRO PO LtTAN AUTOfrHOM EOW NiRS ME1R0WUTAN HOSPITAUZATION MnR0P0LtTANI,flA p SllJ5* ' m ^&¥*M Help Wanted .Beautician with, follow Ing. Atk for Al, cleaning/ground caHB33-8880. • maintenance work Pan-lime dental receptlo.ilst, maluta parton, will train. Send (esume to WritB P.O. Box 116 Avon Lake Press, P.O. Bon 103-K, Avon, 0.44011 Avon Laka, 0.44012, CRUISE SHIP JOBSI Great incom* Dapondabla. oncerlenced molhv potential. All occupation), Tor In' with excellent referenda, will babysll formation call 131,21 741-9780, Ext, | In my home. Eastvlew School district. 1516, Call 018(^933-9301. ATTENTIOrUICENSED REALTORS; Experienced cara tty your toddler RnBn(JaI^laj]n|aB^A||fiBiiIfii staf. while your work, Mull Aye,, B33-W4. vice all-IUU O! LeKman > John son Will babysit in mV home. Eaitviaw Realty> <s offa'lng the career minded School area. Expa'lnnced mother. •Bent a chsnee to aarn a higher Call 933-9810. dagrm ol proftislonallsm and an a i panded commission bate by becom. Ing mulll-iicanied In taal estate, insurance and teeurltlei. I* you am 24 education and . hungry, have fl good sailing record Instruction ; and the ambition to become a Financial Planner, call Lorrla Arp at 9334450. We oiler 2 excellent commit- PIANO INSTRUCTION by consar" tlon plans (of you to choosa from vatory trained, experlsncad teacher. d »p a ndtn a.on y oil tearly.a b 111 ty, Alllaveli.949'2054. • AVON LAKE LOT, »15,000 ; ; ^ H ^ . 70 ft. frontage with all utilities at street. We:Ols6:havjB| lots'of lots of all sizes and'prlces ava'lablB'.iCal^MM.^SJI MORAr PROPANETANKS < Master Mower Service. 690 AvonDelden, ' Avon Lake, 933^4400, Morii-5«tii 9:00-6130 p.m. •. HOUSE CLEANING In the Landingi men, rein's ness. Call batwean 1 6 6, 931-6943. _ . Computerized•' : "Tabloids : - •;' • •.Circulars'&i^f • Newspapera•Magoilnos^-'i^l • New/sprint or Offset paper ',:,'fr* • Addressing" •'••, •., •, '.. ••!"£$& PHOTO JOURNAL SundutkV,OH44870 • 1 .'- ./h\ 1-419-625:5825 | EdToomey i , ' ;; A.I ELECTRICAL WORK, raoelrs'6^ ntw Installatlona. Phone 933-5fflM,5p33-439Banvilma. ^>. Mlnnaf Piano Tuning & Repair, piano |J!v laitana, r«atonabls rai*a.. Call •'•••': 948-2902. . .' • • • v:. Coplos mada 20 each- Avon Laka-— Press^tilCB. 1SaL«arRo,,A.L. • -: PareniaOf 'B3Gt«duata»: Oidtr,'-" , PataonalliadQtadUBtlon •••• ••••. Napkin* N o w * M a r o o n , Gold or »!• Tiidltlonsl, A l l o C o n t l r m » t l o n . \.: : ' F l n i Communion t t 30% Off Wadding invitation*. , ,'.;' The Printing Gallery , 933-2004 233-8149 < INCOMETAX SERVICE 1 • Individuals ' • Partnership* ' • Cotpo'Btlonj . SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANTS, INC. 33467 Lake Road SUlielOe ' Avon Laka 1 g-SMoni-Frl,., Evening & Saturday , By Appointment Call 933-9187 Need An Expert LARRY a GATES~BUJE5IR ner ? PAINTING RESIDENTIAL GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 9l Contract6r TE-BAB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Automatic Oponors Installud CALL RU5S HARKINS , 84B-6076 • • • • • • FREE ESTIMATES NovvSchodullnoFor Summer Exteriors CALL GARY 933-2064 Yoats £xpariBhce 40 Sarvtcqs vjadanause The classifieds g* MAGICIAN tt 'BALLOON TWISTER * sej- Children* Pattys A Specialty ' 62 Got RoijdyFor.Vyint(y- 933-8581 Miscellaneous For Sale fi£ Reasonable - References KE1MDERAS ICORDWOODI SERVICE Established fe22M334 or 981-3774 Service ' tfon-icti * NMWM(I'I »Eitwoor TOP SHELF RESALE SALE 2S%-50% Off AH Clothes MolhSl ,, 334.3m _ j&HWINNI BICYCLES and L B ' « V | O ^ MowBr and Factory t.'BlnBd tarvlco, TtBdB-Ini accepted, Rogsr and WjaVs, BayShiipplr,BCenl5r. 1.871K-2 MIDW skis, slio'ib men's pole*.: «2S:w. Cetl efle* * l 25% ?0% Off All Clothes 1 M D I iovthruSntUrdny 10-4 p.m. 324-3718 PLUMBING, HEMODEUNO WORK • .updatt > & beauilry yoUr prewnt S balhroomi replace that IMkv faueet ('of drain. Install that now vanity or -enclose your shower. For more Information on cout1 & Idaas, phonn ,268-9867 ,__ ^_ 70 ,' Snowmobiles 72 Household Pets AKC Beagle pupplos, Six weeks oUi, Phone 1.419-628.9288. SPAYCO, low cost neliieilng and spaylrig, Call 934-6304..; , All Breed Grooming,' dog training < clBMOrprlvate,call933-4711. For Safe; Efficient , Fireplace */ coii Bob 933-3040 Professional D J & Ught Show, We play tor all occasion!. 933-eSM, S 8 8 Rsfiair Sorvice, TV & ippltance rspalrs, houwcall IIS.SS with thla BO, 36841 Detloll, Avon. 934-6749,, ASTROLOGY charta, tesdlnflt and parties, Bull STARCAST1NQ Bt 288< . One female, IB month old German ' Shepherd Hblind, neutered, Call 9339124BftBrBp.m. — Part Miniature Coltla Pitps, free to good homii. 933-2345. FrM,MalB Cat, neuterod, black 6 White, 4 wHts paws, 10 mos. old, shots, litter trained, Call 949-5SB9, Personal or Family Problems? Profes74 Animal Services skmsl.CoUruellna Available, Human Resources Cental, Tho Landings, Avon Lake. Call 933-6022 for day or Doo Obedience Classes, Indoois, eoit evening' appointments. State and sldn Lotaln, B weeks, 120,00. Call 949countysubiidliedlues. . . •. 72B4or9B7-6B53. FIRMAN TO DO PAINTING, waltpipering 6 tllo work on off days. 76 Horses, Livestock FlBtennces, 949-7317. „ Equipment Wood Stoves, Fireplaces, Fully Insured. Call now fir Btofilfij , AFTER 4:30 P.M. OR 779-7924 KITCHENS Call Gaol-Hi) nt tr H.D. Kochenower Piano Tuning & Restoration 45 Yrs, In Business Two C -awmobile* & trailer, will sell In own'.'or whole. A>.1 shape, Citll for doiall*. 933-4869 belore 0:00, 933' 4B22it«r8:00,AtkorD«lo. , 1 Chimney Sweep JAMIE'S CHIMNEY 949-7647 Spocliitttlnnln BATHROOMS AND HoTieToTs'Bfe"-'Black PainT2*¥».i nul broken, very guntie, B33-99O8. 90 Autos for Sale FOB"A GOOD USED C A n ' e T r f a l i piice, see B'UCB or Dan at Gsrblck 148 Garage Sales Motort, 1600 Colotado AUs., LorBln, ,' Phprie2B8-024a,. ^_ .„ ..™ GOOD NEIGHBOR Thrift & Gltt jBBpa, Caia, Trucks undot stOO 1 Shop, 140 Lear Rd.. A.L., 933-Bai7i.auiillable at local g r t ' t • * • J " M ( GOOD NEIGHBOR Thrift 6 Gilt ttieo, call irafundBblsl t-819-663Shop, 140 Leaf Rd., A.LB33-B6J7. 02Jt. Ent. 7433, for voUf 19B3 dlteclory. 54 li^Bj; ; ,,. n r . „«— 1981 didi Custom Ctulsef, loaded, U pflUcngar, dlaHDl, 933-4859 .bofotc B 58 Household Goods p.m. Art.lar Oalfl,...,.^ ^ ~ — 1980 DUlck LaSabto Coupa, iticflllflHl DavBnport & matching chnlr, gold t) eonrJlllohLe»«93JM399-. „, • baige, A-1 fiondllloni mis G' • 8' ovnl,, •17. AMC AttibMsodor, t u m ooud,. Blue, excellent condition; catpatlng, 22'x 12H", gold *iulBIUr»i like now. caJ1atl«r6!30,933:2202,., . Must sail, HSWB no.atti'aae apace. rilANKSfO BRUCE { j f t ? * M f t mekBtalfcr,934-6813, L._ . , . , 'BICK FOR A DOZEN OB M 0 « F"1" Kilchan tot, whlio To bio, 4 VolloW CARS. AMEN. • high-back chain, i 126.00; 4 black 'leather swivel dlnnetto Lhafrb. 42Q.O0 92 Boots & Motors ea,; qiioan slie sola'bod, (irautt plaid, 1130.00;. nroen/rjoid btocidt tor.' J iUonal couch, 6176,00: 42" Hpl> YKVi *'6wn«'r6o~T-'npT "tsSitfT t'oi"^'orsngB catamiti Ism pa, 110,00: o'<l«o flood condition, *1200 ABk lor- Hav (task chair, 130 00, Evniythlna in Ion 0316800 .condition Callattor 1 p m 933 MR5 CALL 9335026 MO BUILDERS BUILDING AND REMOOCLING GARA3ES • ROOFS AND ALUMINUM SIDING, ALL TYPES FAUCETS -. . 933-8686 • FIREWOOD STORE HOURS: . Moh.". Tu*>.. Thiii't. & Frl. 9.5 • Won, 10-2. Sut.S'T , VISITOUR SHOWIIOOM CLEVE. PHONE621-6332 Emnrijnncv No. • 933 4!K9 ' ' • ' Avon Lako,:OH KENDERA CONSTRUCTION, INC. • BONDED • INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES - Floors • • • Drives Patio SI do w o Ik • Footers ' • Backhoe & Dozer Work • Basemen t Repair & Excavating < • Sewer & Water Lines • Tree Clearing 333-358-fl SELECT HARDWOODS S 89 0 0 /Cord 333-2061 Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at 322« 4652 or 244-4652. tu-tn MAINTENANCE CLEANING COMPANY our business Is keeping your business clean, commercial, industrial & Office. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE: 365-4262 Village Portraits Unique Pencil, Technique ' Custom Matting & Frames 933-4484 and Concrete Work. NEW and REPAIR , DANNY GEORGE i 933-9421 KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION Need an Upstairs finished, adding on a lomlly room o; Onrago? For major or minor repairs, call lor a fraa estimate. 937-0337 PRINCE GENERAL CONTRACTING I COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT Bns»rnant Ramodallng • Addition* • Flrtplieas Wiring • Cone rait • Boollno • Putlo EndosUrea • Saragss Siding • Wood. Vinyl. Aluminum • Bathrooms if Design Engineering • Residential & 1 , : • Commercial Our RapUtation U Formed On Anourala Esilmataa, On-Tlma Complatlom, Quality Work At Raosonabl* Ratsa ... Painting • Interior/Exterior * Plumbing Repair • Drywall References Upon RaqUost - Licensed & Bonded Call 933-^902 AftorBp.m. - , . FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. , COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING MARK MILLER PROFESSIONAL PAPERHANGING & PAINTING 10 YRS. EXPERIENCE ESTIMATES 933-8528 937-5826 INCOME TAX SERVICE Federal-State-City-Countv Individual-Smalll Business Umlitg Avon Uln and Surrounding Ctmmuni(!iiJ)vti iS y»m Master's Degree-Noiary Public Call for appt. R.O. Redinger 933-8857 I RENTOUR CARPET CLEANER AVON LAKE HARDWARE SERVICE fliOJOBTOOSMALU * •..•• 9M-4716 AFTEH < P- Stone, Brick Slock • OFJ»LUWBIiMG SERVICE CONCRETE 933-ZIS7 •«»fB:OO FREE ESTIMATES , BUD NAG EL E*p«rl«nGfd, wallpapering & Inside , COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE 937-5569 Lomln, Ohio i - , * TRYTHEM STUCpO 4 ••• •;,•>' • • " ^ • & Located Off Rt, S3 at 33060 Webber Rd. Avon Lako , NEWORREPAtX SALE ; % •i_ . • > . ,y Footurlno bight outitandinc] wines tirodlJcod on our farm Irom our own local orapes CEILINGS TOP SHELF RESALE '.'• tj- H O M t PHONK Kra.:12-« Dolly; M Sat. MO'TFI .BALDWIN PIANOS Try a.Hats Vou Buy DRISCOl MUSIC CO. -\ '•}'•' i\. BURNS KLINGSHIRN WINERY WgEKDA \'S A FTEti 5 P. M. qssessED5To down I Taka ovar paymantt I5S.00 moiiltilf. 4' • a* llnblng fltrow ilun. NBW bujbi, letter*. Hila Slant. Coil ' FREE VB00.6I6-7M6, anytime. . Ti DISPLAY ^INCOME TAX SERVICE, IB.W B 'vfb DiLiiiMcKeli/BVi • CRAIG 1 i; ; t ;• ADDITIONS 1933-8539 •1641, • ' " CRAIG INSULATION 288-9371 • ' • . r ' ' • * . :i ; * • PLASTERING %otlBllc , .; ( . 3 .f ON" f. Experience Cellulose .'-- • • • . • . - H Lenny's Glass Service Company CALL 949-5442 ANYTIME Storms-Scinons ' Repairod *446 Center Rd. fAvon Lake, O. Sales & Service Of Genie Door - Openers Electric Installations , k » Ranges • Dryers '•f • Outlets New Services Installed •^ I I U l l d Call 933-2330 ' > » < to Leonard's Plumbing t* Hooting Comploto Snloi b Service, Leaks; Puddloi or Ptooda AVON LITE ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. (4 , Blown Insured & Licensed JMARY, KAY 'COSMETICS, Dotii ,Wtbb,'lnd«pendant Bsautv Consul'tlflt,B33-W0 : W* RemodQUng Paper Hanging & Custom Painting, Free Estlmntas Call 933-2555 SflnEMAN , TO DO PAINTING, Wiltpip«riiiB & tHe work on of) days. jjW»lar«ncBa9«73i7 lDEEnPROC£SSINr,934-4B77.' iPHOFESSIONAt. I Iballpapaflng, remotJallng, Free \ Httrnalas. Four Sea torn Homo Cars, iPaulQtthan, owner, 933 0120. CALL 933-4OO2 LEW GEN DECORATING & PAINTING House Cleaning I C A K I S , all occasion, E.T., Smurf, h v ™ . W.M.B.E. ,, Construction Management Stru'cturof Concrete Bank Vaults Mechanical Pits Retaining Walls Loading Docks 933-6101 BRING THIS AD SAVES200 AL'S GUNS& AMMO 325 Abbe Road Sheffield Lake, O. We sell guns & specialize in the,remafiufacture of ammunition. OPEN: MON,, Tues., Thurs,, Frj. 4:30 P.M.,-y P.M. Compare oiir quality and prices i:.^ • PARTS • • ruNE-yps McNeeley Contracting • RENTALS • ACC£SSpRlt< • SHARPENING : Additions Lorge or Small ,: Concrtli. Block, Ekctncil, EMfgv tH-cWitWimJowi 6 Doott, "noling b GiiitM fls»no {*•)/" 0 O/AJf Typ*fQtli>rant»*d Workniatvthtp f.Hm-t.CaH TlmMcNeoloy MASTER MOWER SERVICE 933-6715 690 AVON BELDEN. BT. 83 A&inWC APPLIANCE INEXTTOSISSON'SI A N D Y ' S SERVICE Installation and Service On All Makes & Models-* WASHERS , • DISPOSALS DRYERS • AIR CONDITIONERS • REFRIGERATORS • DEHUMlDIFlERS • RANGES • DISHWASHEBS • MICROWAVES A V O N LAkE, OHIO •' • ANDYRUSNAK 933-5565 JOHNGUGGENBILLER bXPBHTS - 2 4 HR. SERVICE I CUP & SAVE »500 O F F ^ ^ U \mmm — — — i H^M — _^ _ O O d R S I t OPERATORS Roiidantlol & Commorolol • Qiiolltv Product* • Reasonable Rotoa • Fast Secvlco ' • Ropolron All MUKOB • Brokon Sprlno Spocinim 934-5807 PARTS DEPT. OPEN SIX DAYS SELF STORAGE 998 AVON BELDEN mOUTE B3) AVON, OHIO 44011 934-6070 or 933-3818 eft. s ft, i i o ft. x 1O f t . M IO f t . X i o ft.'x 1O f t . * i o ft io ft IB ft 2O f t an f3O ft OUTSIDE STORAGE AVAILABLE For Moblto Homoa, Boats. Trollefa, oto, Maxwell Sower, Cleaning & Plumbing GEO.J. GATES BUILDER 24 Hr. Service 36327 KlnzelRd. Avon.Ohlo Sines 1950 Complete Home , Remodeling & New Construction , Call 949-2039 See Coupon In Free Estimates Call 934-5747 Phone Book Storting at *12.SO 33465 LAKE RD. 933M6790 LAKE SHORE QUALITY CONCRETE WORIg :?^aVS "••'.SSters • sidewalks -Parking Free Estimates Ae* ^ , . 9 3 3 - 2 5 1 9 csiiafWspi oesSlit 933-4490] .KUHI H I ; l. <• Painting • Interior • Exterior • Paperhanglng • Textured ceilings 934-5756 SUPERIOR GLEAN IIMGCOINC SHORELINE REFRIGERATION INC. Heating & Air Conditioning i Heat Pumps • Gas/Electric/Otl Furnaces Boilers-Hot Water/Steam •Kerosene *7 0 0 ; - Sff55MIred.'-.«o«9«i!t ' 1 3 S 0 (A AN°S|» M ' ' 3 5 . 0 0 SOFA b CHAIR DONE SOMEDAY • \tXS!SiSZtXSC"tr*'e""" lOlSENlOUCmZENDIBCO'JNT i | i 2 Yrs. Of Competent Workmanstilp In The Avon-Alton Lake Area 3W-ail3tELRYIAl INCOME TAX SERVICE LD; NOBLE 933-5848 fAIRWEATHER ROOFING • R6H00FS • RE^AIHS • SEAMLESS GUTTEHB b DOWNSPOUTS Vv l V * * ""blimp Trunk. B«l<Mo« flamodaling-BilTypa* Sldtiig ConcttuWoik J •' Ueenwdel : A I I 033-9E08 OR 933-5742 iniurtd^J B'titD-UP B00F8 • HOOF MAINTENANCE IF NO ANSWER C M l 933-2517 INCOME TAXES 933-3617 Jim & Diane George, CPA's Individual, Partnerships and Corporate Returns APPLIANCE FEDERAL-STATE-CITY Accounting Services Available SERVICE/INC. Brakes Radiators Transmission AJrCondKiol.,.rs Wheel-alignments FACTORY A U T H O R I Z E D SERVICE ON WHIRLPOOL • JENN-AlR • NOHGE ADMIRAL • MAGIC CHEF - CALORIC WASTE KtNG-ISE > ' Sharp - Panasonic - R o p e r - e t c . Mufflers Tune-Ups 933-2922 OR-LEASE A CAR -Qaalified Insurance Replacement Rates -Unlimited Mileage •' '" - Clean, Well-Equipped lyi'^d-Size Cars Rent A Pick-Up Truck/$20.00 Per Dav ForWyi Your Light Hauling • ' . . ' *• C a l l • - • - . ' . G-fENtERPRlBES •> of Ohio MARUNA BROS. BODY SHOP! and stay cozyl 933-2911 933-6311 Wo SorwIcS All MDJot ApplloncBO-Most Brands 173 Lear Rd.. Avon U k e , O. TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE S 33446 Lake Rd. (between Ford &Tropicana) I B71 77421CLEVE ! RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL INDIVIDUAL-SMALL BUSINESS HIGHLY TRAINED EXPERIENCED COMPETITIVE FEES * Insurance Claltnsi Collision Work. Repair Et Reflnlsh 763 A Von Betden Rd, 933-6988 ' . 9 3 3 - 3 6 6 2 [' sSAUSre .933-2535 CLEVE. 835-3369 ELYR. 365-2100 HEATING AIRCOND. [FURNACES HEAT PUMPS • AlR CONDITIONIN QUALITY MOWER SERVICE Snowthrowers • Tractors • Walk Mowers • Sales • Parts • Tune-Ups AVON LAKE FEED AND GARDEN CENTER 810 Avon Belden Rd. Rt. 83 (NextToR.R.Tracks) , ; M W1NTERSPECWL ' •- J f t t | ^ HM t " rpuiu. f 934-5116 We Service t Most Brands i ;;..M$ 'If- -. BRAND NEW 1983 CHEVE7TE rtATCHBACK SCOOTER NOW IN STOCK AND READY FOR DELIVERY. MANY TO CHOOSE FROM AT THAT PRICE! Sale Price •Plus Tax and Title Fees' permonth Ladies are w e l c o m e to shop at Prout. Please visit us, w e make car buying fun. No hassles, no high pressure . . . JWST HONEST TO GOODNESS IGW-kOW PRflCES! IW.-V:. SPECIAL "GET ACQUAINTED OFFER" A V O N LAKE RESiDENTS ,' Dinner for 2 at the Shof». "No Ektra Charge" when ' you take delivery of an1 .lew or used car or truck from Pfout Chevrolet, Jo out to dinner In stylet t I hoi 1o o.cmd 139,00 OI'c ttund Ihiu fttb., I9aj] WALKER RD, PICK YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT $99.04 per month $1200 down $117,44 per month $500 down $130,58 per month no downpayment • (11,9% Financing GMAC for 4fl months on approved credit. Call our Finance Manage* for details, I . CHEVROLET S3 ai tew G \r 11OO EAST BROAD ST., ELYRIA Corner Rt. 57 By-Pass Brood St. "ROUTE 20 LORAIN 245-1511 ELYRIA 365-7311 OLEVE. 777-633S SUGAR RP. 'Only 15 Min. A'way FORGET THE STICKERI COMPARE THESE PRICES Brand New 1983 60 000 Free Miles t ® Monthly Payments SPORTY 2 SEATER ldtrf Brand New 1983 \h*t 47 Brand New 1983 BRAND NEW 1983 Brand New 1983 F100 J — B LEASEAPiCK-UP 19B3 RANGER 60,000 Free Miles 46 Monthly Payments Closed End Lease 5" n°ff^S4 Door 7480 , EIOO ' VAN S I- i U . Wagon Brand 8 3New 8 01983 BrandNawl983 % 4 <& E_ ^ I I S FAIRMONT " " ; ; 4 poor % P E R I Auiommic 8280 MUSTANG Crown Victoria Automatic Transmission Power Steering *6980 MONTH" A Small Truck With HUgged\ . Performance, Factory '-r Official Special Sale1 Price One Price Sale - 5 -B | ; . r ^ | V ' 7 S Ford L T D ••„ 5S395 44995 445SS 6459S 62696 S2795 «0996 6-1295 «295 SC395 y* y £0 . Vv v U ^t^mOKmmi i "I'M" WMWB "!-i.y J'-.'i;!vV".1'.'^iH«J'lm»M|V««i™i,(lF^,i; : ,.^&M,BiP^Jff_ ALL OUR MEAT IS CHUCK R O A S T ^ I P L B . 1 CENTER CUT • \_ $ | 69 COUNTRY COUNTER, INC. USD A CHOICE CHUCK ROASTIgfLB 1 ENGLISHCUT " " $ 1 ROAST OR FAMILY STEAKS u> 1 . H ROUND BONE ffi20 r\JL nUnDl FRESH.LEAN BOLOGNA SlTFER LB. 1 ECKRICH ALL MEAT V $ 1 ....;* LB I THANKYOU 0 Q FACIAL TISSUE mcr..Q.O SPECXLRETJUL $179 TURKEY LEGS OR WINGS LB. O i l $ 1 STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTLB. I STUFFED YOUNG 09 TEA BAGS QQC ROASTING CHICKENS LB. o a STUFFED • PORK CHOPS * LB; 1 £ 1 FRESH lOOC^UNT 39 TURKEY BREASTS,.,.,, 1 $ 00 MARGARINE : i t 2 / l Futac SPECIALRETJULSIM} GREEN BEANS PECAN % = CLUSTERS •»«. PLUS DEPOSIT COLA REGULAR, DIET OR FREE 8/16 OZ. SAVE 20* BORDEN*S GALLON :« ^ &l / 0 I T l i J j A BORDENS GALLON 1 FRESHLIEE CUT OR FRENCH 79 $ 1 2% MILK SAVE 30V SPECIALHETAJL $1:59^ CHERRY PIE FILLING FRESH ; «• ,- g g CANE SUGAR SLB. LB. OVEN READY: BONUSSAVINGS SHURFINE GRANULATED 69 LEAN. MEATY BEEF NECK BONES su(l) LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ; 1 0 0 - GUARANTEED SATISFACTION »P 1" " 8 GROUND BEEF PillCEGEFFCCTIVC WEO.THHUSAT SAT1. U AM-6 PM j , ^ . 2 I'M WEnESERUETHE . niQMT TO UM1T Qlfl-NTITtCS $ | 69 LB., •» . •_„„ .O A U T V r1-?:*' SHURFINE PUMPKIN..»« $ 00 BISCUITS ..^™K...^?:. 4/ l BUTTERMILK•BQH.pEN.iiGAiLON $ P 9 SKIPPY CHUNKY OR CHEAMY p PEANUTBUTTER * 18 OZ. 4'9i CHOP SUEY VEGETABLES C 79! LACHOY 28 OZ. ORANGEJUICE I s 9 9 BORDEN'S ELSIE e fr KELLOGG'S FROSTED FLAKES ;.„;, LACHOY SAVE30 ICECREAM ^ G ,L $ I 49 CHOW MEIN NOODLES LA CHOY WHIP TOPPING..."™.. 59 C BEAN SPROUTS CHOPPED BROCCOLI...!?^;.. 49° SOY SAUCE ,«. ...;...;........•.29 o z . LACHOY B R O C C O L I GREEN.,, .... BUNCH 5 9 89 <: C ONIONS .g^Sffb 3 L BS!49 ORANGES =>™*......., 88-s 6 / 8 9 c LARGE HEAD HAWAIIAN PUNCH SHURFINE SALTINES FRESHLIKE ,...io oz. ...46OZ. , .16OZ. WHOLE OR CREAM CORN, GARDEN SWEET PEAS C A B B A G E GREEN ..•...,.....„.;...•......LB, 1 9 f C'TTTT/^IT CALIFORNIA JLIJMI 1 U U C ICEBERG ; LARSEN 2/79 c C MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER 4 / $ 1 0 0
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