Thursday, January 22, 2015, WALLIS NEWS-REVIEW, Page 1 Wallis News-Review Your Community Newspaper Wallis • Orchard • Frydek • Simonton • Valley Lodge • Fulshear Volume 41, Number 10 Suspected scam artist arrested Thursday, January 22, 2015 $1.00 a copy By Johnny Griffin, Editor Following several reports of a suspicious person harassing churches and citizens in Wallis, attempting to get money over the weekend, Wallis Police Department arrested a suspect identified as Tracy Hayden, a white female. Hayden was charged with Criminal Trespass and Harassment. She was also reported to have recently left the Sealy area and she had obtained several checks from local churches there. Hayden was driving a vehicle she had rented out of the Dallas/Fort Worth airport, a 2015 Nissan Altima. After her arrest, multiple gift cards were located in the vehicle totaling over $2,500. She also had in her possession birth certificates and social security cards in other people’s names. Hayden was transferred to the Austin County Jail and bond was set at $10,000. She had bonded out of jail by early Monday. “This is the third incident in Tracy Hayden about eight months where we have made arrest concerning this same situation,” said Wallis Police Chief David Moseley. “All the subjects who were arrested came from out of town. I would like our citizens and churches to be aware that these lowly scam artists will WNR PHOTO BY JOHNNY GRIFFIN come from out of town and de- Tyson Dever, gave a powerful and inspiring talk, complete with student participation, to Brazos High School students on Jan. 15. Pictured, l-r prive our them of their money on stage are, Jonathan Jaynes, Lyndon Hardin, Dever and John Vasquez. with a sad story that just isn’t true.” The investigation in this case continues and it is possible more charges will be filed. pletely. which he related to his life in L – Live life everyday. QuitBy Johnny Griffin, Editor Those are the words of in- a wheelchair. ting is not an option. On March 11, 2005, Tyson troduction on Dever’s website R – Respect means it begins L – Lead, be a difference Dever survived a car accident and the words that guide his with you. He stressed that stu- maker. He told students that that left him paralyzed from life and his exciting presenta- dents respect themselves and no one can determine your atthe waist down. tion to high school students be prepared to take advantage titude but you. On that day, Tyson lost his and staff. He brought that of unseen opportunities. He challenged the group ability to walk and life as he message to students at Brazos O – Overcome the obstacles to take 10 minutes a day doknew it changed forever. What High School on Thursday, Jan. that are a part of life. He asked ing something most people Tyson gained was a desire 15. students to think about what choose not to do. You never to inspire people to be deterHe delivered that message they are doing with life’s gifts, know when that 10 minutes crease from $10,620.32 last mined in life and live life com- based on an acronym ROLL, not worrying about obstacles. will change someone’s life. year. Fulshear continued strong growth with receipts of $82,641.35, up 26.54 percent from $65,303.64 in 2014. Brazos Country receipts of $2,960.93 are up 48.17 percent This is the last of the Year in Re- tal does not include add-on less steel handgun. Superintendent Earl Jarrett from $1,998.29 last January. • EFI Panels officially said Brazos ISD received 24 Bellville receipts of $60,337.41 view for 2014. Some of the events amounts, which are which are opened Saturday at its new lo- applicants for the position of are a big 65.01 percent increase that made headlines in October, totaled after the fair ends. November and December in the cation in Orchard on Highway principal. “I’m excited to join from $36,564.81 in 2014. NOVEMBER 36. Formerly in Simonton, the Brazos and anxious to get Industry receipts dropped Wallis News-Review are listed below. • Brazos Cougarettes defeatnew 24,000 square foot build- started,” said McCarthy. 49.55 percent to $10,483.51 ed Deweyville in Bi-District by ing houses the fabrication • State Representative Lois compared to $20,782.40 in OCTOBER the scores 25-9, 25-9, 25-17 at shop and offices. David Ware, Kolkhorst held off a challenge 2014. • Seventeen beautiful La Porte High School on Tues- President and founder of the from Gary Gates and three San Felipe had a moderate 5.88 percent increase to young ladies will compete to day night. Brazos advances to business, started EFI 14 years other candidates for a deci$28,619.67 from $27,027.94 last be crowned the 2014 Austin the Area round and will play ago after working in the con- sive win in the State Senator, County Fair Queen. The con- Leon Jewett at A&M Consoli- struction industry for only a District 18 Special Election on year. Dec. 6. The Special Election Sealy continues to lead test will be held in the Austin dated High School in College few short years. • Wallis City Council ap- was called after Sen. Glenn the area with receipts of County Fair Convention and Station on Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. • Austin County voted in proved signing of an audit Hegar was elected State $150,754.24, an increase of 8.14 Expo Center on Oct. 9. • On Saturday, Oct. 4, the the same vein as most coun- engagement letter with the ac- Comptroller. Kolkhorst will percent from $139,401.38 in City of Wallis Development ties throughout Texas during counting firm of Seidel, Schro- serve the remainder of Sen. January 2014. The sales tax figures repre- Corporation will host the 13th the Nov. 4 General Election. eder & Company for the fiscal Hegar’s term that expires in sent November sales reported Annual Wallis Fine Rides Au- There were 7,223 votes cast in year ended Sept. 30, 2014. The 2016. tofest, to be held at the Guard- the county out of 18,572 reg- firm will begin work immedi• Retiring Austin County by monthly tax filers. Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 For details of January sales ian Angel Catholic Church istered voters. That is a 38.89 ately on the audit. Dennis King will be Parade tax allocations to individual grounds. A volunteer Plan- percent voter turnout. • The Wallis Police DepartDECEMBER Marshal for the 2014 Wallis cities, counties, transit sys- ning Committee has been • With a Thanksgiving Christmas Parade. tems and special purpose diligently planning this year’s ment will be starting a new • Austin County Judge districts, locate the Monthly edition of what has become a program called Kids, Cops blessing by their pastor, Faand Christmas. This program ther Thuy, the 17th annual Carolyn Bilski recently anSales Tax Allocation Com- premium regional car event. • Brazos Independent School is designed to help children Community Thanksgiving nounced she is a candidate for parison Summary Reports on the Comptroller’s website at District Technology Director that are in need during the Dinner distribution by the Texas House District 13. DisSociety of St. Vincent de Paul, trict 13 includes all of Austin, Eric Stuessel announced an Holiday season • On Monday, Nov. 17 at ap- parishioners and volunteers Burleson, Colorado, Fayette, taxinfo/allocsum/compsum. upgrade to the Internet bandwidth for the schools in the proximately 9:50 p.m., a black began Tuesday, Nov. 25 at Grimes, Lavaca and Washhtml. district at the meeting of the male entered the Wallis Quick the Guardian Angel Catholic ington counties. The post Board of Trustees on Sept. 17. Stop dressed in what appears Church. will become vacant with the • Bids for 303 entries in the to be all black, wearing a mask • Brazos ISD Trustees vot- resignation of State Rep. Lois 2014 Austin County Fair Youth and a hoodie, and demanded ed unanimously on Dec. 3 Kolkhorst, who won the Dec. Auction brought in $942,555.50 money from the clerk. The sus- to hire Mary McCarthy as as 6 special election for a seat in on Friday afternoon. This to- pect was brandishing a stain- Brazos High School Principal. the Texas Senate. Brazos students hear life-changing story Comptroller issues sales tax revenue Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said this week that state sales tax revenue in December was $2.35 billion, up 4.3 percent compared to December 2013. “Although moderating slightly, growth in sales tax revenues continues to be seen across all economic sectors,” Hegar said. “Collections from the oil and natural-gas, construction, manufacturing, and services sectors rose, while remittances due to consumer spending in the retail trade and restaurant sectors also grew.” Hegar will send cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose taxing districts across the state their January local sales tax allocations totaling $618.1 million, up 7.7 percent compared to January 2014. All local municipalities received their first disbursements of the year. Wallis had receipts of $12,440.46, down a modest 5.75 percent from $13,200,02 last year. Orchard saw a big jump in receipts to $7,474.13 compared to $$3,848.81 in 2014, an increase of 94.1 percent. Simonton saw receipts of $15,734.28, a 48.15 percent in- 2014: Year in Review concludes Brazos FFA Alumni sets dinner, dance On Saturday, Feb. 14, bring your sweetheart and celebrate Valentine’s Day with us at the Annual Brazos FFA Alumni dinner and dance. Dinner will be served from 6-7:30 p.m. The Silent Auction will begin at 6 until 10 p.m. The dance will begin at 7:30 p.m. with music provided by Al Sulak and the CHECK US OUT ONLINE! Country Sounds until 11:30 p.m. Presale meal and dance tickets will be $20 each or $10 dance tickets will be sold at the door. For information/ tickets, contact Dennis Kulhanek at 979-398-1042 or Freddie Engelbrecht at 832671-0116 or any Brazos FFA member. All proceeds benefit the Brazos FFA. Blood drives honor Lacey Tanner, 19 Two blood drives are being held in honor of 19-year-old Wallis resident Lacey Tanner who is suffering from an unexpected pulmonary illness. Lacey is being treated at Texas Children’s Hospital, where she has received multiple blood transfusions. The Brazos High School National Honor Society is host- Wallis Weekend ing a blood drive on Feb. 5 for Lacey, who graduated from the school in 2013. There will be a community drive held on Feb. 9 at the Knights of Columbus KC Hall in Wallis. All blood donations are in honor of this patient and will go into the general blood supply for all patients in the Texas Gulf Coast region. Those who WEATHER donated at the blood drive on Jan. 17 will not be eligible to donate at either drives. Donations will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Brazos High School on Feb. 5 and from 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Feb. 9. Those who Commit for Life and donate at least once a Thursday, January 22 Friday, January 23 Saturday, January 24 Sunday, January 25 56°/42° 100% 47°/33° 20% 60°/39° 0% 64°/43° 0% quarter help ensure blood is on the hospital shelf for patients in our community. The donation process is simple and only takes about one hour. Donors should drink plenty of water and eat a hearty meal prior to giving. To schedule an appointment, visit and login to Digital Donor. Page 2, WALLIS NEWS-REVIEW, Thursday, January 22, 2015 Letters to the Editor Feedback wanted With our increase in new residents to our beautiful county, I say welcome. I would like to inform our taxpayers of a bill that was filed in the Texas House of Representatives by Rep. McClendon (D) - San Antonio. Her bill would like to authorize an option county fee for vehicle registration to fund certain transportation projects that the county may use the funds for non-tolled transportation projects. I can see a positive in that it will allow our commissioners a little more funding for road projects to help our motorist, however on the downside it’s another fee our taxpayers will not enjoy. As a conservative, I despise being taxed more and more Citizen’s Corner Dec. 8 - Redeemer Rd, AsEditor’s note: Citizen’s Corner is a monthly informational col- sault, Assist Austin County umn concerning police actions Sheriff’s Office whether it is by the federal and items of concern for local citiDec. 8 - 7100 Block of Hwy government or the state. As a zens. 60, Request to speak to Officer member of the Tax AssessorDec. 9 - South 9th, Request to December 2014 Collector Association of Texas speak to Officer half of our association supDec. 9 - 7300 Block of Hwy Calls For Service: 57 ports this bill but as for me I 60, Alarm Call Assist: 10 listen to my constituents as to Dec. 9 - Wallis P.D., Request Investigations Worked: 5 how you want me to fight in to speak to Officer Felony Arrest: Austin for your needs as your Dec. 9 - Columbus, Traffic Misdemeanor Arrest: 7 Tax Assessor-Collector. I seek Stop, Assist Austin County Traffic Contacts: 655 your feedback to serve you Sheriff’s Office better. Summary: Dec. 9 - 200 Block of North For further updates please Dec. 1 - Wallis P.D., Request 1st, Traffic Stop resulting in go to: to speak to Officer the arrest of Rodney Davis for or facebook us: Austin County Dec. 1 - 700 Block of Lakev- Warrants X3 out of JP Pct. 1 Tax Office or Twitter us: @Mar- iew, Animal Control Dec. 10 - Gresham, Animal cusAPenaTAC or call 979-865Dec. 2 - 6,000 Block of Rail- Complaint 8633 for more information. road, Theft Reported Dec. 10 - 6300 Block of RogDec. 2 - 7600 Block of Com- ers, Request to speak to Officer Marcus A. Peña merce, Traffic Stop resulting in Dec. 10 - Wallis P.D., Request Austin County the arrest of Kevin Browning to speak to Officer Tax Assessor-Collector for Driving While License InDec. 11 - 1,000 Block of Covalid with Priors lumbus, Disturbance Dec. 3 - Cedar St, Suspicious Dec. 11 - 6,000 Block of RailVehicle road, Request to speak to OfDec. 3 - Hwy 36 at Kaechele ficer RD, Suspicious Person Dec. 11 - 6800 Block of Ausremained low and even reDec. 4 - 7500 Block of Hwy tin,. Request to speak to officer cently dropped: we will pay 60, 911 Hang-up Dec. 11 - Hwy 36 at Mixville, less interest than has been the Dec. 4 - 6300 Block of Rail- Assist Austin County Sheriff’s case or will be the case in fu- road, Animal Complaint Office, reference Major Acciture years. So, at a moment Dec. 4 - 6100 Block of Rail- dent of cheaper raw materials and road, Suspicious Person Dec. 11 - Sealy Walmart, Aslower interest on capital, it is a Dec. 4 - 9800 Block of FM sist Sealy PD, reference pursuit better time to INVEST than we 1952, Welfare Check Dec. 12 - 7,000 Block of Comshall see for a long, long time. Dec. 4 - 7100 Block of Hwy merce, Officer Assist - Traffic We have a new, young 60, 911 Hang-up Related County Judge who has no Dec. 4 - 6900 Block of ComDec. 12 - 3,000 Block of Cundoubt come to Commissioners merce, Stranded Motorist ningham, Suspicious Vehicle Court with a vision of preparDec. 4 - 200 Block of North Dec. 12 - Hwy 90 West, Asing Austin County for the fu- 1st, Traffic Accident sist Sealy P.D., Reference subture. Although I might be in Dec. 4 - 500 Block of South ject with a Gun the afternoon of my service, I 6th, Suspicious Person Dec. 13 - 6,000 Block of Rogalso want to insure that AusDec. 5 - 7600 Block of Hwy ers, Suspicious Person tin County will be prepared to 60, Reported Fraud Dec. 14 - Wallis P.D., Request handle the future and attract Dec. 5 - 300 Block of Colum- to speak to Officer the most welcome of new busi- bus, Suspicious Person Dec. 16 - Commerce at Lenesses and residents. Investing Dec. 5 - 100 Block of Birch, gion, Traffic Stop resulting in in that future is imperative. I Suspicious Person the arrest of Brandon Calip for earnestly ask the taxpayers to Dec. 6 - Dollar General, Sus- Driving While License Invalid join us in a dialogue, a debate, picious Person and 2 Warrants out of Sealy a thorough exploration of this Dec. 6 - Westgate, Request to Dec. 16 - Commerce, Reckissue, and a VOTE on it. Giv- speak to Officer less Driver reported ing taxpayers a chance to voice Dec. 6 - Cedar St, Suspicious Dec. 16 - 100 Block of North and vote on the future is my Person 4th, Assist DPS on Traffic Stop obligation. Please allow me this metaphor: As Crockett and Travis and the other martyrs gazed out across the Alamo’s walls to TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION the south, they could see the AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry State Capital inevitable coming. We need delivered his farewell address to a joint session of the House only gaze east to see an inevitable force that will engulf our and Senate on Jan. 15. Before recounting various county with many new deaspects of the state’s performands. Will we be ready? mance during his recordbreaking tenure as chief execReese Turner County Commissioner Pct 1 utive, Perry said, “I have come here to reflect on what we have done together, and to say farewell. But most of all, to tell you Wallis News-Review it has been the highest of hon(USPS 060850) HIGHLIGHTS Your Community Newspaper ors to serve as your governor By Ed Sterling 6705 Commerce St. P.O. Box 668 for the last 14 years.” 979-478-6412 Wallis, TX 77485 Perry painted a picture of 9790478-2198 FAX Texas “as a land of unlimited sis at the border.” PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Wrapping up, Perry said, “I opportunity” with mentions Joanie Griffin Owner/Publisher of such items as job growth, couldn’t pick a better succesJohnny Griffin Managing Editor Cindy Parkhurst Creative Design the booming oil and gas in- sor as governor than (former dustry, various other econom- Texas Attorney General) Greg Entered as Second Class matter January 2, 1975 at the U.S. Post Office ic drivers, fiscal management, Abbott. And he couldn’t have at Wallis, Texas 77485 authorized education and public safety. two better partners to lead this under section 132.22 Postal Service “While some still struggle in state than (Lieutenant GoverManual. Periodical postage paid at the the shadows of opportunity, nor and former Senator) Dan U.S. Post Office in Wallis, Texas 77485 we have created tremendous Patrick and (House Speaker) SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year possibilities for millions of Joe Straus. As I bid farewell, in the State of Texas $35.00; outside Texans. While the rest of the I know the future is in good Texas $40.00. nation has lost middle class hands.” STRAUS REELECTED POSTMASTER: Send address changes jobs, Texas has created them,” to the Wallis News-Review, P.O. Box AS SPEAKER Perry said. He also reminded 668, Wallis, TX 77485 or email to State Rep. Joe Straus, Rthe audience of challenges [email protected] recently faced, such as “the San Antonio, was elected to MEMBERS OF: disintegration of the Space a fourth consecutive term as Texas Press Association Shuttle Columbia, Hurricanes speaker of the Texas House South Texas Press Association Katrina, Rita and Ike, devas- of Representatives on Jan. 13, National Newspaper Association tating wildfires, the spread of opening day of the 84th Texas Ebola and a humanitarian cri- Legislature. Road bonds encouraged As I welcome our new County Judge, I apprise him and the public of a serious situation: the monies allocated to Road and Bridge activities in the county budget barely allow us to repair existing roads for safe travel – especially after extended rains, like recently, which left me with about ¼ of my 210 miles in disarray. We have almost no funds for actual improvement of existing roads. So, as growth laps at our door, let us begin a public dialogue about selling road bonds to fund real future road improvements. A general tax increase to raise money is unacceptable to me, as about 75% of a general tax increase will go to the general fund - with only 25% going to roads. State law prohibits us from raising taxes solely in Road and Bridge accounts. Rather, road bond proceeds can go 100% to the roads, for materials and contractors, being repaid from the General Fund’s tax revenues - my intent is to do so with little or no tax increase, there could be some. Why now? Now is an excellent time to INVEST in our roads. The price of oil has dropped to a low not seen in 5 years, therefore, asphalt and stabilizer will be cheaper; we can cover more miles for less. Secondly, interest rates have David J. Mlcak, P.C. Certified Public Accountant 327 Fowlkes Sealy (979) 885-4878 FAX (979) 885-2657 [email protected] Individuals ~ Partnerships ~ Corporations ~ Estates ~ Trusts ~ Exempt Organizations ~ LLC’s Over 30 Years of Experience CPA since 1985 with 10 years previous experience as a systems accountant, cost and managerial accountant and a chief accountant If we can be of any assistance to you, please give us a call. Call us if you can’t afford to do it on your own. PUPS - Prevent Unwanted Pets 979-732-5591 YOUR GOOD NEIGHBOR PHARMACY Rx Drugs • Sundries • Gifts Bridal Registry ~ Free Gift Wrapping PACKAGE EXPRESS CENTER - We ship via UPS Phone 979-335-4810 PUBLIC FAX NO. 979-335-4185 Hank Alexander, Your Registered Pharmacist I hope everyone had a great New Years. As you are aware, and because of you, the first annual Kids, Cops, and Christmas was a huge success. Thank you all for your donations, your time, and your support. Many of these children may not have had a Christmas if it were not for your support. The look on these young faces was priceless. We all know that the children of today are our future. Hopefully they will remember this for many years and at some point, pay it forward. I will continue to support this program, thus looking forward to the second annual Kids, Cops, and Christmas. On another note, there have been many calls from citizens in the evening hours in reference to solicitors. Remember, these people are required to have a permit. There are many advantages to this, but mainly we are made aware of who these people are and what they are doing in our city. If these people cannot produce a permit to you, I would be suspicious of their intentions. The paperwork is simple and quick to fill out. You have a right to ask to see this permit. Another thing people have asked me, is what is the non - emergency number to the Sheriff’s Office Dispatch. It is 979-865-3111. Also remember to call 911 or this number if you have an incident to report. These two numbers reach the Austin County Dispatch, and they are able to dispatch the proper agency immediately to address your situation. Everyone have a great month, and as always, if you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at [email protected] or by phone at 979-478-7111. In your service, Chief The vote was 128-19 in favor of Straus. The 19 votes were for second-term state Rep. Scott Turner, R-Frisco, a businessman and former National Football League player. overall economic growth in Texas. However,” he added, “in addition to the economic boost felt by Texas motorists as a result of lower gasoline prices, there are industries in Texas’ diverse economy such as transportation and some manufacturing that will benefit from lower energy prices. This, coupled with continued strength in construction, professional services and other sectors of the broader economy, should somewhat counterbalance a slowdown in the energy sector.” Governor Perry ends tenure with final address Life Savers neuter! Spay or neuter your pet today! SAVON DRUGS By Wallis Police chief DaviD Moseley Dec. 16 - Hwy 36 at Cougar Rd, Assist Austin County Sheriff’s Office, Traffic Related Dec. 17 - 1st at Commerce, Vehicle stuck on Railroad Tracks Dec. 17 - Marek RD, Alarm Dec. 18 - 3,000 Block of FM 1093 East, Alarm Dec. 18 - 6,000 Block of Commerce, Traffic Assist Dec. 19 - 5,000 Block of Gresham, Animal Control Dec. 19 - 3,000 Block of Gebhardt, Assist Austin County Sheriff’s Office reference Subject with a Gun Dec. 19 - 6500 Block of Commerce, Traffic Assist Dec. 20 - 200 Block of Birch, Debris in Roadway Dec. 20 - Hwy 36 South, Reckless Driver Reported Dec. 21 - Wallis P.D., Request to speak to Officer reference Lost Property Dec. 22 - Wallis P.D., Request to speak to Officer Dec. 23 - Commerce at 6th, Animal Complaint Dec. 24 - 6,000 Block of Rogers, Animal Complaint Dec. 25 - Barbara, Request to speak to Officer Dec. 26 - Hwy 36 at FM 1093 West, Suspicious Vehicle Dec. 28 - Wallis P.D., Request to speak to Officer - Reference Civil Matter Dec. 29 - 6,000 Block of Railroad, Theft Reported Dec. 30 - Wallis P.D., Request to speak to Officer - Civil Matter Dec. 30 - Gresham, Suspicious Person Dec. 30 - Commerce at Legion, Suspicious Person Dec. 30 - 600 Block of Apple Lane, Subject with Knife Dec. 31 - 100 Block of Cedar, Disturbance Dec. 31 - 6,000 Block of Guyler, Welfare Concern Dec. 31 - 300 Block of South 1st, Welfare Check Dec. 31 - Legion at Railroad, Animal Control HOLIDAY SALAD Submitted by VIRGINIA VERM Cauliflower Broccoli Redpepper Redorwhiteonion Seasoning Garlic,pepper,salt Italiandressing Breakandcutvegetablesintosmallpieces. Seasonwithgarlic,pepper,saltandItaliandressing. Tossandletchillfor24hours. REVENUE ESTIMATE GIVEN Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar on Jan. 12 released the state’s Biennial Revenue Estimate, necessary information for Texas lawmakers to craft a state budget for fiscal years 2016 and 2017. The 94-page document shows the state is projected to have some $113 billion in revenue available for generalpurpose spending during the 2016-2017 biennium. State revenue from all sources is estimated at $221 billion for the next biennium, a total that includes $110 billion in federal receipts and other income. State government begins with a projected $7.5 billion ending balance from the current biennium and that amount is added to the estimated $110 billion in projected general revenue-related collections from taxes, fees and other income over the course of the 2016-17 biennium. And, about $5 billion will be set aside for transfers to the Rainy Day Fund and State Highway Fund. The resulting $113 billion represents the estimated revenue available to the Legislature for general purpose spending in the next biennium, according to the comptroller’s office. Hegar noted, “The significant drop in oil prices in recent months will likely lead to a marked slowdown in oil exploration and production. This slowdown will dampen DONATE LIFE PROGRAM GROWS Texas Department of Public Safety on Jan. 14 announced that in 2014 nearly 1.4 million people added their names to the Glenda P. Dawson Donate Life Texas Registry, the database “of individuals who have officially indicated their decisions to donate organs and tissue to benefit thousands of people currently awaiting transplants.” DPS Director Steven McCraw said, “Every person who selflessly elects to register as a donor has the potential to save another individual’s life.” In 2014 a record 226 registered donors made nearly 800 transplants possible and currently, more than 13,600 individuals are awaiting organ or tissue transplants in Texas alone, according to the group Donate Life Texas. Three organ and tissue recovery agencies: LifeGift, Southwest Transplant Alliance and Texas Organ Sharing Alliance participate in the registry along with the Department of Public Safety and the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND PARTIES: Vulcan Construction Materials, LP, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 120167L001, which would authorize continued operation of the Simonton Sand And Gravel Plant 1 located at 3551 East FM 1093 Road, Wallis, Austin County, Texas 77485. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper Thursday, January 22, 2015, WALLIS NEWS-REVIEW, Page 3 Extension agent asks “Is the Drought Over?” By PhiliP Shackelford, auStin county extenSion agent ag/nr This week an old familiar friend made an appearance again in Austin County. Someone that we haven’t seen in some time, THE SUN! I’m not real sure how many days that we had of cool, cloudy weather with some light drizzle and scattered showers, but it seemed like an eternity. But we all know that as much as we complain about the weather, if you give it enough time, it will change to something else that we don’t like. Instead of being cloudy, cold and wet, it will be sunny, hot and dry. No one really thinks about drought during the wintertime, especially not now when everything is wet and muddy, but there will come a time in the very near future when we might question ourselves and ask “are we still in a drought?” Droughts in Texas are a common thing. No matter your age everyone can share a drought story. Guys that are the age of the greatest generation can remember the “Dust Bowl” and the drought of the 1930’s. The Baby boom generation can all relate to the drought of the 1950’s. Both generations can argue about which one was worse, but one thing is for sure, both droughts changed agriculture forever. The drought of the 1930s brought about technological changes to control soil erosion, and the advent of farm programs to serve as a safety net for farmers, while the drought of the 1950’s forced many to give up farming all together and get a job in town. Both droughts caused a catastrophic change and forced folks to rethink the way they did business. So what about today? The drought that is the most recent in our collective memories and the one that compares most to the historical droughts of record was the drought of 2011. A dry winter was then followed by a dry spring and a faster warm up than usual. Most ag producers knew that they were in trouble going into the summer months with little to no surface moisture and shallow stock pond water. Over the summer months and into the fall, we witnessed a drastic sell off of livestock, as parched dry ground yielded no grass, and stock ponds completely dried up. Cattle numbers in our area and across the state plummeted to their lowest level since 1950. But was the drought of 2011 the culmination of a cycle that had plagued Texas off and on since 1993 or even 1996? Or was it simply business as usual in Texas? One wet year, followed by two dry years, then two wet years, followed by another dry year. Are we still in a drought cycle, or are we trending back towards a “normal” rain fall pattern, and one that we can expect for the next 15-20 years. Climatologists across the country have come up with many theories and models about drought and how to predict the next one. They debate back and forth as to when this cycle began and when it might end. No one really knows for sure if we are in a 20-year drought cycle, a 30-year drought cycle, or if this is the new normal. However, there is one thing I know for sure, there will be another drought, and if you don’t like the weather today, just be patient, it will change. Pamela Catherine Haas New Arrival ... scholarship available AUGUSTUS (“GUS”) WYATT STEPHENS Pamela Catherine Haas Memorial Scholarship applications are available by request from The Pamela Catherine Haas Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc., and P. O. Box 101, Orchard, Texas 77464. The Pamela Catherine Haas Memorial Scholarship was organized in memory of Pamela Catherine Haas who was tragically killed in an auto accident on July 15, 1998. Pamela graduated from Brazos High School in 1991 and Texas Lutheran University in May 1998. Pamela was involved in community service work through Permian Basin Girl Scouts as Director of Horseback Riding Program at Camp Mitre Peak, Alpine, Texas for 8 years. She went to Honduras each spring for five years to work with the Honduran Veterinary Project, a missionary service. Pamela was active in 4-H, volleyball, basketball, track, swimming, band, horsemanship, F.H.A., Fort Bend County Fair, Houston Livestock Show, and Lone Star and Permian Basin Girl Scout Councils. Eligibility requirements of the candidates are to be high school seniors who are scheduled to graduate in the spring of 2015 and are planning to attend college or trade school. The scholarship will be dispensed to a graduating high school senior that meets the criteria of the interests of Pamela Catherine Haas. The applicants shall have a GPA of 2.00 or greater. (Based on 4.00 maximum possible) Candidates must have participated in community service work and extracurricular activities throughout high school. Applications must be postmarked by Jan. 31, 2015. Augustus (“Gus”) Wyatt Stephens was born Nov. 23, 2014 in Houston. He weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 19 inches long. He is the son of Pamela (Clesi) and C.B. Stephens of Houston. Pamela Stephens is formally from Wallis. Gus’ maternal grandmother is Jeanne Carroll of Wallis. His paternal grandparents are Sherry and Bob Blanks of Norman, Okla. and Jim Stephens of Houston. Annual turkey dinner set Sealy Catholic Daughters are hosting their Annual TurkeyDressing dinner Sunday, Feb. 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sealy Knights of Columbus Hall. Plates are $9 each, drink in- cluded, dine in or take home. Along with the meal there will be a cake auction, JCDA silent auction and a big drawing at 1 p.m. Sealy KC Hall is located at 1310 Hwy. 90 West in Sealy. corn, garlic bread and tea/coffee, dine-in or take out. There will be a cake auction and silent auction along with a drawing at 1 p.m. Proceeds benefit college scholarships, High school Project Graduation, local fire departments, EMS, etc., and National and State CDA endorsed charities and projects. Your support is greatly appreciated. Little League registration set Walk-up registration for Brazos Little League will be open at two locations this Saturday, Jan. 23. Representatives will be available at Ropers in Simon- ton and at Brazos High School on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Registration is also available on line at WNR PHOTO BY JOHNNY GRIFFIN a native of Germany, will describe his harrowing escape from Nazi Germany during World War II. Fifty members and guests enjoyed a German style meal featuring sausage and roast loin pork at the last meeting The team consisting of Gabriel Janish (team captain), Emily Martin, Reid Janish and Walker Eskew traveled to Denver, Co. to represent Texas 4-H in the National Western Round-Up Livestock Quiz Bowl on Jan. 9. The Western National Livestock Quiz Bowl challenged the team members to be knowledgeable in management practices, diseases, reproduction, nutrition, carcass evaluation and marketing practices for beef, swine, goats, sheep, poultry, rabbits and dairy cattle. Austin County’s 4-H Team advanced to the semi-finals after eliminating the Wyoming Quiz Bowl Team with a 17-7 win. In the semi-finals, the team aggressively competed against the Kansas team to end the match tied at 8. The semi-finals continued in a tie break round with a series FLAG DONATION FOR WVFD Monday, Jan. 26 Sausage with wheat roll, spinach, corn, applesauce, ketchup, mustard Tuesday, Jan. 27 Tacos w/trimmings, black beans, chilled peaches, salsa Wednesday, Jan. 28 Beef & Mac, tossed salad, Ranch, green beans, garlic bread, fresh fruit THuRsday, Jan. 29 Oven roasted chicken w/wheat roll, mashed potatoes, gravy, okra, fresh fruit FRIday, Jan. 30 Ham & cheese sub, lettuce, tomato, pickle, sweet potato fries, chocolate chip cookie, fresh fruit, mayo, mustard FFA member residing or attending school in Austin County. The project has five mandatory meetings between April and October with other meetings also scheduled during this time. Everyone is urged to attend the Monday, Feb. 2 meeting so that exhibitor registration information and required horse registration information can be distributed. For more information, please call Susan Rice at 979-877-7334, Matlock Rice at 979-885-9323, Duane Dudensing at 979-8778471 or Leigh Ann Schulz at 979-865-3127. Kocurek scholarship applications available those students who qualify. Students must be an active member of the Brazos FFA chapter or Wallis 4-H club, be at least 14 years of age, exhibit in November. They were also Those interested in the Bluea livestock/poultry project entertained by the singing of bonnet Chapter may contact and must be enrolled at a Brathe Concordia Gesang Verein. chapter president Herbert zos Independent School DisGuests are invited to attend Schumann at 979-865-3804. trict school. the meeting. Anyone, including non-German speaking individuals, is encouraged to join the Bluebonnet Chapter. Brazos schools Lunch Menu of three questions after which the Austin County Team feel short by 1 point with a final score 9 to 8 setting them in the third place team in the Nation. The Austin County 4-H Team will compete again on March 6 at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Beef Quiz Bowl. The team is coached by Austin County 4-H Agent Travis Gonzales and Dena Janish. Quiz Bowl Teams are now being formed for intermediate age and senior aged youth for spring competitions that begin in March. Any 4-Hers interested in competing on quiz bowl teams this spring competitions should contact their club managers or the Austin County 4-H Extension office. The Austin County 4-H Program provides many opportunities for the youth of Austin County. Austin County Colt Project meeting set Wallis Volunteer Fire Department received a flag, donated by Woodmen of the World on Jan. 13. Pictured, l-r, back, are Dee Edgar, Bennie Kanak, Jody Marling, Matthew Kulhanek, Donna Hoffman, Captain The Edwin J. Kocurek scholClark Main Jr., Ray McGee and Louis Heckmann Jr.; front row, Tom and Patricia Knapp, Woodmen of the World representatives, Asst. Fire arship is now accepting applications until Jan. 30 from Chief Dennis Kulhanek and Fire Chief Clay Engelbrecht. Exciting speaker scheduled for German Society meeting Joe Mannke will be the speaker at the next regular meeting of the Bluebonnet Chapter of the Texas German Society. The meeting will be held at the Hill Center in Sealy beginning at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Mannke, County 4-H team ranks 3rd in nation The Austin County Colt Project will hold an informative meeting on Monday, Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. at First National Bank Civic and Financial Center (11 North Bell) in Bellville. Anyone interested in showing a colt in the 2015 Austin County Fair should attend this meeting. The project’s new and standard rules and meeting dates for 2015 will be announced and requirements will be presented. Preliminary registration for the project will be completed on this night. The Austin County Colt Project is open to any 4-H or Wallis Catholic Daughters to host Spaghetti Dinner Annual CDA spaghetti dinner fundraiser will be Sunday, Feb. 8 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. hosted by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Queen of Angels #1538. It will be begin at 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Guardian Angel Church Parish Hall in Wallis. Plates are $ 7 each, which includes spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, green beans, Austin County 4-H team Gabriel Janish, Emily Martin, Reid Janish and Walker Eskew traveled to Denver, Co. to represent Texas 4-H in the National Western Round-Up Livestock Quiz Bowl. Applications are available through perspective FFA advisor or 4-H Leader. Applications need to be returned to your advisor or leader before Jan. 30 by 6 p.m. The scholarship winner will be announced in April 2015. The scholarship will be given to your choice of technical school, college or university upon proof of enrollment. THERE’S A STORY BEHIND EVERY KUBOTA. The Kubota story begins with a dream to connect with the land and a desire to create something enduring. It always ends with a satisfied customer riding on an orange Kubota. Stop by and start your own “happily ever after.” W.A. Virnau & Sons, Inc. 1537 HWY 36N SEALY, TX 77474 1537 Hwy 36 North, Sealy 979-885-3549 Page 4, WALLIS NEWS-REVIEW, Thursday, January 22, 2015 OBITUARIES TRAVIS ADAM HENRICHSEN Funeral services for Travis Adam Henrichsen, 26 of Austin, were Saturday, Jan. 17 at 11 a.m. at Guardian Angel Catholic Church in Wallis. Visitation was Friday, Jan. 17 from 5-7 p.m. Travis was born in Houston on Jan. 28, 1988 and passed from this life on Jan. 11, 2015 in the mountains of Shenandoah, Va. He was preceded in death by grandparents Mildred Smith and Marvin Henrichsen. He is lovingly survived by his parents Ricky and Gloria Henrichsen; siblings Amy Sodolak and husband Owen and children, Hunter and Haley; Nathan Henrichsen and wife Melissa and son Lucas; Ryan Henrichsen and fiancée Lauren Webber; beloved friend Taylor Koonse; grandmother Gladys Henrichsen and Thank You grandfather Edward Smith and many aunts, uncles and cousins. Travis never met a stranger and was passionate about even the simplest things in life, always seeking out his next adventure. His charismatic presence enticed everyone to enjoy his energetic personality. He clearly enjoyed the outdoors and had an incredible love of nature. Throughout his lifetime, Travis was an avid athlete. He participated in the AAU junior track league and received the honor and privilege to travel out of state to Ohio and Florida to compete in the National Championships. Travis was a part of the varsity tennis team throughout high school, and competed at the state tournaments his junior and senior The family would like to thank all who shared in the wonderful Celebration of Travis’ life through the visitation, rosary, memorial mass and graveside services. Our heartfelt thanks to all the friends and family members who brought meals, snacks, drinks and desserts to our home during this difficult time; the bereavement committee of Guardian Angel Catholic Church for organizing, setting up and cleaning for the reception following the service; all the mass intentions, memorial bench donations, the music and singing for the services; Father Thuy Quang Nguyen and Deacon Jerome Losack Sr. for conducting the Mass and Rosary services; Wallis Police Department and Shenandoah County Sheriff ’s Office for all their hard work; all the prayers and support from family and friends; and all the family members who helped coordinate a beautiful service. Travis has left this world to celebrate with those who have gone before us into the kingdom of Heaven. God Bless you. The Henrichsen Family PARKER CHAPEL AME CHURCH 21107 Hwy. 36 S. – Wallis Alice Kindred, Pastor • 979-532-3751 Worship Services – 1st & 3rd Sundays – 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m.; Youth 4th Sunday; Sr. Missions 1st, 2nd & 3rd Tuesday 7 p.m.; Bible Study Wednesday 7 p.m.. THE SHEPHERD’S WAY A Non-Denominational Christian Fellowship Frank Lucas, Pastor 1225 Eagle Lake Rd., Sealy, 979-885-1225 Sunday Worship 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. ORCHARD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 979-478-7451 Rev. Pamela Jackson, Pastor Worship Service 9 a.m. Seniors Game Day, Monday 1 p.m. GREATER NEW FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 6406 Guyler St., Wallis Clay Spears, Pastor Church Services every Sunday; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 10 a.m. Evening Worship 5 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday night 6 p.m. Virginia Gilbert, Agent Anderson Paint & Body Shop 1125 Miller Road, Sealy, TX 77474 Tel: 979-885-3929 Fax: 979-885-1376 [email protected] ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 10471 Grotto St., Frydek 979-885-3131 Thuy Quang Nguyen, Pastor Mass Saturday 4:40 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) Beasley • Supply Pastor Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Every Sunday of the month CROSSROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD 301 Wallace St., East Bernard, 979-335-7706 Joe Barbee, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. • 979.885.7497 years. His continuous love of tennis earned him a scholarship to Temple Junior College. Travis’ profound love of nature, sense of adventure, and his free-spirited love of travel was evident to all. His overwhelming affection for animals, especially his dog June Bug, inspired everyone he encountered. His passion for photography allowed him to capture many beautiful scenes celebrating God’s creation. He had the pleasure of traveling extensively throughout the United States and to Europe for an extended exploration with longtime love, Taylor Koonse, to capture the beautiful scenes and adventures. Early on, his love of God was clear. Guardian Angel Catholic Church was his home parish for most of his life, and this allowed Travis to develop a deep love and kinship with God. He was active in Life Teen and participated in many opportunities to love and serve God by loving and serving others. He will live in our hearts forever. In lieu of customary remembrances, please join Travis’ loved ones in honoring his life with a memorial bench in Zilker Park in Austin, where he loved exploring with his dogs. Please email taylorkoonse@ for the link. WALLIS CIRCUIT EVANS CHAPEL AME CHURCH Sunday School 10 a.m.; Morning Services every 2nd & 4th Sunday at 11 a.m. FRIENDSHIP ASSEMBLY OF GOD 301 Wallace St., East Bernard 979-335-7706 Sunday School 10 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship Service 6 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Service 7 p.m. Nursery provided. FIRST WALLIS BAPTIST CHURCH – Hwy. 60 Dr. Eddie Carder, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. GALILEE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Wallis 979-478-7336 W. M. Hatton, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting; Every Other Saturday, Choir Rehearsal, 10 a.m.; Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Community Bible Class; Missionary Meeting Monday at 5 p.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. BROOKSHIRE CHURCH OF CHRIST 803 Waller, Brookshire J. Wilhite, Pastor Sunday 8:45 a.m. Bible Classes 10:45 a.m Worship; 6 p.m. Worship; Wednesday Bible Classes 7:30 p.m. ORCHARD TExAS COUNTRY CHURCH R. O. Murray, Pastor 15408 FM 1489 281-239-0725 Services each Sunday 10 a.m. RIVER BEND BAPTIST CHURCH John C. Crowe, Pastor 27600 FM 1093, Fulshear 281-346-2279 Sunday Morning Bible Study 9 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Night Youth Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Need prayer? 281-346-2279 option 3 or [email protected] SWEET CORNERSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Tommy J. Blackmon, Pastor 13230 Hwy. 36 N, Wallis 979-478-6614; Pager 713-804-7604 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Bible Study 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship 11 a.m. CALVARY TABERNACLE UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 309 Joseph St., East Bernard 979-335-6504 Robert W. Means Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.; Thursday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. MT. OLIVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1415 Marek Rd. Wallis Rev. M. Young, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays. Missionary Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursday, 12 noon; Choir Rehearsal 2nd & 4th Saturday 4 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 202 Sabine, Orchard, 979-478-7543 Andrew Bedo, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. EVERGREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church with the Community at Heart.” 208 S. 8th St., Wallis, 979-478-6662 Kevin L. Love, Sr. Pastor IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH 608 5th St. Sealy 979-885-3868 Eric J. Pitre, Pastor Masses: Saturday 5 p.m. English; Sunday 8 a.m. & 9:30 a.m. English; noon Spanish Cassidy and Nicole Brzozowski are pictured, l-r, at Brookwood Community near Brookshire visiting the Horticulture Division at Brookwood. LWML teens visit Brookwood, Krause Cassidy and Nicole Brzozowski recently visited the Horticulture Division at Brookwood Community near Brookshire. From there they went to Krause Center in Katy, where they interacted with residents by playing board games and card games with them. Their activities were 5243 Hwy. 36 N. 979-885-3113 Rusty Griffin, Pastor Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Cedar St., Wallis Ray Spitzenberger, Pastor Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship 9 a.m.; Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. SEALY CHURCH OF CHRIST 6th at Fowlkes Sealy, 979-885-3277 David Massey, Pastor Sunday Bible Class 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m.& 6 p.m.; Wednesday Classes 7 p.m.. GUARDIAN ANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH 5610 Demel, Wallis, 979-478-6532 Thuy Quang Nguyen, Pastor Masses; Saturday 6:30 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Sacrament of Penance-Reconciliation Saturday 6:15 p.m., or after 6:30 p.m. mass or anytime by appointment. Religious Education (CCE): Sunday 8 a.m., Jr. High & High School Wednesday 6:30 p.m.; High School Youth Ministry Program WALLIS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Ric Walters, Pastor Birch at Guyler, Wallis Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 330 Main Street Suite 4 Sealy, TX 77474 979-885-4787 281-347-6200 SIMONTON COMMUNITY CHURCH (Non-Denominational) 9703 FM 1489, Simonton Steve Littlefield, Pastor Sunday School 9 a.m.Worship 10:30 a.m. ALL AROUND COWBOY CHURCH 5812 Crosstree Lane, Sealy 979-885-1155 Sonny & Gloria Rice, Pastors Sunday 10 a.m.; Bible Study, 5 p.m.; Wednesday 7 p.m. NEW LIFE SANCTUARY UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 129 2nd St. Sealy 979-627-7194 or 832-876-9011 Martin Villarreal, Pastor Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Endtime Univ. DVD by Irvin Baxter WORDSERVE: A UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Nolan Donald, Pastor Huggins Elem. School, Fulshear Sunday services 9:45 a.m. 1ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 172 Selman Dr, Sealy Pastor Tim Narquez Sunday School: 9 a.m.Worship: 10 a.m. State Farm, Bloomington, IL 1211999 Lary Rosenbaum Sales Mgr. Financial Advisor . 330 Main Street Suite 4 Sealy, TX 77474 979-885-4787 2014 IRA contribution. Andy Krampitz Andy Krampitz Andy Krampitz Financial Advisor . Financial Advisor Financial Advisor . 330 Main Street Suite 4 201 Fowlkes Sealy, TX 77474 330 Main StreetSt. Suite 4 979-885-4787 Sealy, 77474 Sealy, TXTX 77474 979-885-4787 979-885-4787 [email protected] SIPC Member SIPC Member SIPC 979-478-6103 Member SIPC 228 East Front Street, Sealy (979) 885-2967 34350 I-10 West, Brookshire (281) 934-2479 18821 F. M. 1488, Magnolia (281) 356-2530 1331 Highway 6 West, Alvin (281) 388-0388 6401 FM 359, Richmond (832) 595-9500 820 Bus. Hwy. 290 N, Hempstead (979) 826-3273 4323 Ave. H, Rosenberg (281) 342-2452 Mon. - Sat. 8 aM to 6 pM • Sun. 12 to 5 pM ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Meyer St. at 6th St. Sealy Eric LeBrocq, Pastor 979-885-2359 Worship 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist every Sunday 10 a.m. 289 Gebhardt Rd., Sealy, TX . 1000 Meyer St. • Sealy ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) Wallis, Kirstin Springmeyer, Pastor Worship 9 a.m. Holy Communion Every 1st & 3rd Sunday CHRISTIAN CITY FELLOWSHIP If you’re not at your last (Inter-Denominational) If you’re not at your last job, why is your 401(k)? First National Bank of Bellville 979-885-6140 job, why is your 401(k)? Wallis Branch Andy Krampitz Serving the Community Since 1890 Andy Krampitz St. Wallis, TX 77485 Jeff GIlbert, Agent If you’re not at your last 6404 Railroad 979.478.6900 26440 FM 1093 Rd. Ste 310 If you’re not at your last Fulshear, Texas 77441 job, why is your 401(k)? job, why is your 401(k)? Don’t forget to make your Financial Advisor part of their mission outreach with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 515 Cedar Street, in Wallis. LWML officers and Teen Sponsors, Cheryl Davis and Peggy Spitzenberger supervised the trip and treated the girls to a special lunch at Brookwood. Wallis 138 S. Dill East Bernard, TX 77435 979-335-9900 THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $10 PER WEEK. CALL JOANIE AT 979-478-6412 Thursday, January 22, 2015, Wallis NeWs-RevieW, Page 5 Classifieds 979-478-6412 SERVICES LOST HELP WANTED FOR RENT HOUSE LEVELING & LOST SILVER CHARM BRACELET IN WALLIS. Silver charm bracelet with 2 charms, one is a heart and other a cross. Please call 979-533-4216 if you have found it. references with phone numbers and mailing addresses. Salary: District scale. Position opened until filled. Applications can be downloaded from our website at . Contact person: Clay Hudgins, Brazos Middle School Principal at 979-478-6814. No faxed copies will be accepted. STORAGE UNITS. ALSO 3BR house off Hwy. 36 near Wallis. 979-478-7200 or 979633-8200. FOR RENT warehouse spaces. Wallis Rentals. Call 979-885-7119 after 5pm or 979877-8105 between 8am-5pm. FOR RENT, 3-2-2 BRICk HOME in Orchard, sits on corner lot home is 3 years old, ceramic tile floors, carpet in bedrooms, granite counter tops, ceiling fans, window blinds, fenced back yard. $1450 a month Call Scott at 281-7502033 HERITAGE SQUARE APTS. 7626 Hwy. 60S - Wallis 979478-7478. Available Now! FOUNDATION REPAIRS Slabs-Piers & Beams Replace rotten sills & wood Wayne Ivy, owner 281-232-6268 FOUNDATION REPAIR Concrete Slab w/Lifetime Warranty Pier & Beam w/2 yr Warranty Aluminum Seamless Gutters FREE QuotES Texas BesT FoundaTion RepaiR (979) 543-7700 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. Glenn Alexander Surveying. Bellville. 979-8659145 MOBILE HOMES HUGE SELECTION of new and used single wides and double wides in stock!! Our competitors hate our low prices! Come see the difference! Reliable Homes of Sealy * 390 Gebhardt Rd * 979885-6767* RBI33813 I PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED MOBILE HOMES! Clear title or small payoff is ok. Must be ‘85 model or newer! Call Chris at 979743-0551. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: In accordance with the employment policies of Austin County, notice is hereby given that Justice Of The Peace, Precinct 4 of Austin County is accepting applications for a Part-Time Court Clerk position. Applicants must have good organizational and customer service skills; typing, filing, phone and computer skills for a busy and high caseload court. Austin County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will not discriminate against person for reason of socioeconomic level, race, sex, religion, age, handicap or national origin. Applications are available at 19 Birch Street, Wallis, Texas or www. . Applications and resumes will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January, 30, 2015. SPECIAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE POSITION at Brazos Middle School Brazos Independent School District is now accepting applications for a Special Education instructional aide position at Brazos Middle School for the 2014-2015 school year. Requirements: minimum high school diploma, eligible for a paraprofessional certificate, fingerprinted according to Senate Bill 9, TB test, and a completed application and list of 3 STEVEN’S SERVICES ONE CALL ONE LOW PRICE AUCTION 30th AnnuAl DeWitt County All BreeDs Bull & FemAle sAle Sat., Jan. 31 Cuero Livestock Commission Co. Bulls sell at 11 am Females sell immediately following Approx. 30 Bulls and 300 Females Offering the following BULLS •Angus •Brangus •Charolais •Polled Hereford •Hereford •Beefmaster •Brahman Females Featuring Bred, Pairs, and Opens F1 Braford (many Tiger Stripes) • Brangus • Brahman Black Baldy • Brangus Baldy • Other Crossbreds Sponsored by the DeWitt County Purebred Breeders Assoc. and the DeWitt County Beef and Forage Committee along with Anthony Netardus, DeWitt Co. CEA-AG 115 N. Gonzales, Suite E, Cuero, TX 77954 361-275-0816 USED &NEW MODULAR Contact this newspaper for more information 50x126, 48x60, 52x78, 24x40, 160x122, 35x103, 72x169, 12x36, 48x72, 28x56, 40x65, 12x40, 122x61, 60x108, 36x36, and many more! Offices, Clinics, Stores, Labs, Housing, Laundromats, Guard Houses, Restrooms, Showers, Cabins, Day Care, Class Rooms, Storage etc. Regional ads available 000-000-0000 979-478-6412 BUILDINGS We can remodel or build to suit. We deliver and install on your site. Cody: 214-213-2691 Jim: 214-697-3543 Morgan Building Systems Simon’s Tree Nursery Specializing in Container Grown Trees LET US LANDSCAPE YOUR YARD Donate A Boat or Car Today! “2-Night Free Vacation!” 10407 Hwy 36 Orchard, TX 77464 1- 800 - CAR - ANGE L sponsored by boat angel outreach centers COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL Free eStiMAteS! AUCTION Advertise Your Business or Event STATEWIDE HELP WANTED 979-885-9542 Building & Cleaning of Lakes & Ponds, House Pads, Shop Pads, Roads & Land Clearing, Demolition & Hauling of Road Material, Sand & Gravel, etc. Dump Truck Box Blade Track Hoe Dozer Motor Grader Back Hoe LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Jeraldine Szymanski, Deceased, were issued on January 14, 2015, in Cause No. 14PR-9856, pending in the County Court at Law of Austin County, Texas, to Joseph A. Szymanski. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: C.E.Clover, Jr. Attorney at Law P.O. BOX 1765 SEALY, TX 77474 DATED the 14th day of January, 2015. C.E. Clover, Jr. (s) Attorney for Joseph A. Szymanski, Independent Executor of the Estate of Jeraldine Szymanski, Deceased State Bar No.: 04413000 P.O. Box 1765 Sealy, Texas 77474 Telephone: (979) 885-3533 Facsimile: (979) 8853534 E-Mail: [email protected] BUY • SELL • TRADE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE STOP CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION FOR AN AIR QUALITY PERMIT PROPOSED PERMIT NUMBER: 120167L001 Serving AuStin And Surrounding CountieS Steven Zientek, Owner - Wallis, TX • 979-257-4055 Bolten’s Dozer service Michael Bolten Owner 979-877-4408 979-877-8557 FRE Est E ima tes 3006 FM 949 • Sealy, Texas 77474 Land Clearing • Fences • Roads • Ponds Lakes • Pads • Scraper/Excavater • Insured E s FRE imate Est LIC# 59348 KEN CLAY (979) 627-5188 [email protected] Schneider iS hiring truck driverS! Experienced drivers, new Class A CDL holders and owner-operators should apply ($6,000 tuition reimbursement for qualified candidates) uP tO $7,000 Sign-On bOnuS may aPPly earn uP tO $76,000/year Some drivers home weekly New compensation rate increase for owner-operators apply: | more info: 800-44-Pride EOE M/F/D/V Tanker, Dedicated, Van Truckload, Dray Work APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. Vulcan Construction Materials, LP, PO Box 791550, San Antonio, Texas 78279-1550, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 120167L001, which would authorize continued operation of the Simonton Sand And Gravel Plant 1 located at 3551 East FM 1093 Road, Wallis, Austin County, Texas 77485. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on May 21, 2014. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less. The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Houston regional office, and at the Knox Memorial Library, 6730 Railroad Street, Wallis, Austin County, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Houston Regional Office, 5425 Polk St Ste H, Houston, Texas. PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID). INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. If you communicate with the TCEQ electronically, please be aware that your email address, like your physical mailing address, will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. Further information may also be obtained from Vulcan Construction Materials Lp at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Melissa Fitts, Project Manager at (830) 249-8284. Notice Issuance Date: December 17, 2014 Page 6, WALLIS NEWS-REVIEW, Thursday, January 22, 2015 Sports Brazos Cougars sweep week The Brazos Cougars stayed in contention for post-season play with wins over Boling and Hitchcock in district action last week. Brazos, trailing 33-30 at the end of three quarters, outscored Boling 22-7 in the final quarter to pull away for a 52-40 win. Dillon Gonzales led Brazos with 18 points, Josh Janicek added 13 and Jeremy D’Rubio hit 12. Other scorers were Chris Demny 5, Cameron Clark 3 and Jemarcus Mayo 1. Brazos never trailed Hitchcock on Friday night. They ran out to a 32-15 halftime lead and finished strong for a 56-36 victory. Janicek scored 15 and Gonzales put up 11 points. Other scorers were Demny 9, D’Rubio 9, Clay Mayo 6, Jemarcus Mayo 4 and Clark had 3. Brazos stands with a 3-2 district record. They are open Tuesday, Jan. 20 and host Hempstead on Friday, Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. WNR PHOTO BY JOHNNY GRIFFIN Cougar Josh Janicek, right, emphatically rejects a shot from a Hitchcock player during Brazos’ win over the Bulldogs on Jan. 16. Helping with tough defense are Cougars Cameron Clark, No. 11, and Jemarcus Mayo, No. 21. WNR PHOTO BY JOHNNY GRIFFIN KRUEGER SIGNS WITH GRAYSON COLLEGE Brazos senior McKenzie Krueger, seated center, signed a scholarship offer on Jan. 16 with Grayson College in Denison to play softball for the Lady Vikings. Pictured at the signing are, l-r, seated, Matt (father), McKenzie and Jeni Krueger (mother); standing, Brazos Athletic Director Mike Bonewald, Chandler Krueger (sister), Brazos Head Softball Coach Jerry Bonewald and Brazos Asst. Softball Coach Kevin O’Rourke. ZAPALAC SCORES A WIN Alan Zapalac, a 2013 Brazos High School graduate and redshirt freshman for The University of Texas Track team, posted a win in his first competition as a Longhorn in the Weight Throw. He registered a throw of 18.56 meters (60-10.75) for the victory and ranks as the No. 3 Longhorn in UT history. His throw also is the No. 8 performance of all-time by a Longhorn. Information from SEIDEL SCHROEDER & COMPANY LLP C E R T I F I E D P U B L I C A C C O U N TA N T S Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8 a.m.-12 Noon • 1-5 pm Tax Services • Auditing • Computerized Bookkeeping Financial Planning • Estate Planning • Trusts Profit Sharing Plans and Administration 620 Hwy. 90 West Sealy Texas 77474 979-885-6588 Fax: 979-885-6291 WNR PHOTO BY JOHNNY GRIFFIN Cougarette Lindsey McAnaly, No. 10, grabs a rebound and was fouled on the put back attempt against Hitchcock on Jan. 16. AUSTIN COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT TAX SALES AND RESALES FOR FEBRUARY 3RD, 2015 AUSTIN COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE SCHEDULED FOR 10:00 A. M. Cougarettes split wins Tax Sale Information* 1) Tax foreclosure sales are conducted by the Sheriff of the county where the property is located. These sales are held on the first Tuesday of the month between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the courthouse steps at a place designated by the commissioners’ court. 2) All sales are without warranty of any kind. Purchasers receive a Sheriff deed that is without warranty. Bidders should satisfy themselves concerning title and location of the property and improvements on the property including any encroachments prior to bidding. Neither our firm nor our clients can guarantee the title to any property. The tax sale is an “as is”, “where is”, “buyer beware” sale. If you have any questions about specific liens or ownership of the property, you may research the title yourself or through a title company. The judgments in these cases list the parties included in the tax suit. Taxes may be due beyond what is listed in the minimum bid amounts and must be paid independently of the bid amount. For more information on the properties listed below please contact Kevin Davidson, mailing address 1235 North Loop West, Ste. 600, Houston, TX 77008, contact phone number (713) 862-1860 ext. 6903, E-Mail address [email protected] or you may also contact Tina Swonke @ Austin County Appraisal District (979) 865-9124. Austin County Appraisal District 2012V-0075- Brazos Independent School District, ET AL vs. Rodriguez, Marina Robles February 3rd, 2015 TRACT 2: GEO: R46208 PART OF LOT 9, GLEN-JO RANCH SUBDIVISION, AUSTIN COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN CLERK'S FILE NUMBER 030597 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF AUSTIN COUNTY, TEXAS. Value $49,127.00 2012V-0108- Brazos Independent School District, ET AL vs. Cooper, Earnstine, ET AL Subject to 2014 taxes. GEO: R11762 A STRIP OF LAND BEING 32 FEET WIDE OFF OF THE NORTH SIDE OF LOT 5, BLOCK X OF THE A. J. MAY ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF WALLIS, AUSTIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 416, PAGE 841 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF AUSTIN COUNTY, TEXAS. Value $5,638.00 Subject to 2014 taxes. MINIMUM BID AT ORIGINAL TAX SALE APPRAISED VALUE AT TIME OF JUDGMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER R20285 $3,750.00 07-06-2012 Cause # 2008V-0101 Austin County vs. Blackmon, Sandra, Et Al LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK FORTY-ONE (41), WALLIS TOWNSITE, AS SAID TOWN IS RECORDED IN VOLUME X AT PAGE 7 $2,171.38 Huddleston hit 2. Tomia Lang led scoring against Hitchcok with 8 points. Talicia Lang had 6, Hamm hit 5, Chelsea Garbs 4 and Amber Garbs 2. The Cougarettes play Hempstead on Friday, Jan. 23 at Brazos and travel to East Bernard on Tuesday, Jan. 27. FULL SERVICE CLINIC COMING SOON RICE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES WALLIS CLINIC FREE SCREENINGS EACH WEEK January 22 January 29 February 5 February 12 - Lipid Panel (Cholesterol Tests) - HemoglobinA1c - Thyroid Panel - CMP (Complete Metabolic Panel) Each week will be different screens and tests. THINGS WHICH CAN BE CHECKED AT EVERY VISIT $5,638.00 Blood Pressure Glucose (finger stick) Pulse Ox (Oxygen saturation) EENT (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat) MINOR AILMENTS THAT CAN BE SEEN Colds/Flu Sore throats Allergies Rashes Bronchitis Muscle strains More involved or identified issues will be referred to RMA-EB, RMA-EL or RMC ER PATIENT EDUCATION TOPICS AUSTIN COUNTY TAX RESALES PREVIOUS OWNER CASE NUMBER LEGAL DESCRIPTION Estimated Minimum Bid or Value (whichever is the lower amount) The Brazos Cougarettes defeated Boling, 33-24, on Tuesday, Jan. 13, but lost to District 24-3A leaders Hitchcock, 25-48 on Friday night. Talicia Lang led scorers against Boling with 10 points. Tomia Lang put in 8, Amber Garbs had 5, Paige Hamm 3, Chelsea Garbs 3 and Amanda Dietary Teaching • Diabetic Foot Care Skin Cancer Prevention DATE OF INITIALTAX FORECLOSUR E SALE OPENING BID FOR RESALE OpEn 8AM-5pM EACh ThuRsdAy Appointments can be scheduled by calling 979-234-2551 or 979-335-4433. Walk-ins (work-ins) are also welcome. $2,612.14 $870.00 703 COluMBuS ROAd (KC HAll) WAlliS, TExAS
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