vf i k Semi-Week- Collection of accounts W. Menefce, .Stanford. InteriorJouknal ly ft specialty. s. FARM AND TRADE ITEMS. Corn feeda more of the human onion neta '.than any other crop except rice, seed potatoes, ' 1802 mid K'Vdun seeds at McKlnney llros. Johnson, of Hoy Ik, bought of ' race, NortTMRK.N Stanford, Ky., March 1. 1. ..I.. .. 11',. if uwun, n uuiiuii ui 1 ..n- - Al.l jcni-u- iu - -- P. 13. .....ll.i umiu nt Special Inducements- - Money to Loa.v. Money in sums of B.o,WAWON,BUB.ManaKer one thousand to six thousand dollars to 2c. lleazley Hros. told to John Hrackett, loan, secured on tnorta:eson good of Hoyle, Uo ewes, with lambs thrown In, Address I.ntkiuok Joints a i, at SO 50. farms. MEANS BUSINESS. ollice. or Wantkd. To farm on shares Enokavixo beautifully and artistically 'JO well hied mares. Helmont Hied to or and Ollered Twice Thiice "M.ui, done at A. It. Penny's. Youi account is now ready. Please Rejected," a gerial, which begins in this Chief 8yj and Sumac. J. P. Crow, Mo-i. ....... i u- mil anil nettle. A. H. Pcnnv. issue ii p tl will run through several Fri nil""; Hupplieh of day editions, will be found ijuite Ht v your hookH nnd M. F. Klkin tCo. bought of J. M. enter of n'l kinds front A. It. Penny. LmTv fond a lot of fat cows at .: and of Wilof by are Hall those who Havk your watch, clock" and ioweiry tmninv It is printed on our third page. liam Welsh a lot of fat cows and heifers repaired at A. It. Penny'?. All work -warranted. at 21 to :!c. Mu. U. C. Hiiguhk, the artistic jeweler, IIkmkmiikk that all silverware, wntchcu. W. S. Parties has sold to u Califorrin", Ac, bought at A. It. Penny's wil. lint completed a very beautiful Bouveuir nia man the royally bred thoroughbred be engraved free of eharire. spoon. On the handle the word "Stan-fortl- " mare Fair Iady, by imported Ulenelg, We is beautifully engraved, while iu out of Fair, by Olen Athol, fdr $12,500 PERSONAL FOINTS. e thesponnn perfect pictuie of the each in hand, during the sleet of a year ago ap Mu. II. 0. Faiihis imjjetniimd at home Complete In Cincinnati c.it'le are firm at I to of pears. by eickne. to for best shipperp, feeders IIki.m returned to Pinoville, The Courier Journ,il says if the Stan- 1.15 and stockers 2 to .'tl; hogH are in alter a couple of month's stay here. ford city council will pa4 a law against fair demand with 4 HO for tops. Sheep has Mu. .John II. Kiiiky, of cats similar to the law that makes it a are steady at A to Oj. been appointed goyeinmont 1). M. Howman, Jr., of the Hellevue Unable oll'euse for a man to keep a balkhowling ing Farm, Hurgin, oilers the services dog Stock limits, or in town the Is Mi.s s. P. Sai.tkh, of Lexington, .New (iuardsman and magniliccnt Very of his immigration would he such the Kiicbt of her niece, Mrs. M. 1. M-- k the Ktieam of Clark :!I0I. Head his ad on our ns was wax never heard of before. we by II). ' sixth page and see what rich blood and Mill'erer a rip HoutIh MirhSik Tiik joint committee to ll.x the judi courses through their veins. has Wen eonllued to her bed for eeveral cial districts have agreed to make this, Hud Dnble has accepted in behalf of days. the 1.1th, with Mercer, Hoyle, Lincoln Axteli C. W. Williams' challenge to trot I). -. left Tniuiv Mtf.sK- .1. II. aki V. and (.in mud forming it. Casey is put in lAllerton ngainst anv stallion in the Wednesday to ,'iake their homo at the Kith with Adtir, Unfsell, Clinton, ' world for a purse of $10,000, on the Hirne, Texas. Munroennd Cumberland. This arrange- Independence track, provided the enW. K MtPiiKiihON left yeMerday for ment would make the Mth reliably demgoes to the winner. Ixinton, wheie he will o Inlo bind- - ocratic and we could ham; out the sign tire purse not onh proud of the numWeaie r nevs for the ('. S. railroad. without fcai, "No republican need A. buOcbiiracter of the stallions u ber, U a- - It sky mid wife, who cmuhi f i : of the Intiiiiioii Jouh-na- i issue in MAjYES, this M. h re to attend the bodhlde of Itf mother, TiiKitk is talk among a uumlier of promns more double me than There returned ycft'rday to their home at Gol- inent bniHsiii.'ii lien of purehhsi'ig manv as we ever had before at this time den lily, Mo. U pifce of near How laud, the of the year ami the has barely An I. M. Unci haiaecurwl the er property of Mr. II. .1. Durst, and buildA peniniil of our sixth commenced. vutml Mr. James Yetr, of Hoyle, to ing a track thereon. The page will bo of benelit to breeders of take ihMtttiof ih breaking tiabh he kite shape is the popular Inu'k now and u,jH AND section, who have an unusually b''Ti open. wnl by carrying out the aim v it if nioretlian strong array to choose from. Mux. It. (8. am who was brought up probable that some ( th fast horses X It is getting to be almost as i fr mi a few day? mjo by her .mi would reputation and make both heie ctittle in this section as it dehorn to Upright and I Iortzontal. I. mooev for their owHra. Hid Httd motlitr, Mm. (leon IJti 13. Uruce introducMr. is, out West. J. Stationary, V ht1liS? and Portable. All ' W" ii. n, i still veiy ill. Sh ban ed it here and many other farmers ave up to sizes .riHCf power. r..i A cflHT.iiN yminn Mrs. W. P. Walton, who hfc who hss Ti f. yiE5Safrt itiir.i followed his example. Mr. l!ruc has it for in Safety, Unoqualed diwrtw f Simplicity, b en down with the wirne Strength and matlo the ls't the prsfieul snow by of 55 cattle that can now be kept driving a nmii to a splendid slcixh and herd Durability. n.x week. In slvlr Impmvlnif. iu a (Mini that only about 25 could be Write fur Free Illuuratctl I'ampicts ami your wants to Mit. Hahuiv tiliimsu, a IaixIiihUjii t.iklng a niimlwr of the ouiig ladies out removin horns were before their kept f i nut druniiiier.'niifl Miss Annie ISriillnjf. sleighiuic, beenNie lightly alarmed at his A WES & CO., &fT" ed. It is a rather painful operation, but Jy- Ot of b. W' Short atreet, pnt Sunday horses Incoming unmanageable while foi piiin a CITY and NKW very while lasts short VOK SI'RINCrlKI D. OHIO. Hurley tlnnki tber I" no out a fe ereniot-'- ago, and told his com the tn -- t.it. it is far bettei than having the cattle , -;me horn-'I.esunU)ii 'Inn piiuiou, who ii not afraid of Mnfinl. that gored by each other. mi NKW AI) VEKTI1F.M EXTS. r.i t HY .: no kn iw Mr Hurley, but she had bvttei jump, for he could not iMiliM r.e Unit be h a mm of ana control the unruly beasts. He was a GRAB ORCHARD. Falls Branch Jellico Coal Co. little shocked when tiie fair damncl ie- Will Mr. Mcltober'H was in town marked: "I expect you had better do Minern. lut'i.'ri of tlie KNlIN"E CITY AND VICINITY. Dl'.M.KK IN-seems to like Crab OrchHe Tuesday. m and lii.es." let jumping have the the V. in old and this his home Claim ard. x KW I INK of ZelL'ler fhoes just icreiv It is needless to add that no jumping " Try it We are llnvole astnti for Manfor J and that he has relative here to visit. was done. hanks'. ( til tit s. II d Orti e .ornr ol Depot ulrcet and ladies of the Christian chnich Kowl.im! The criming. K. W. with who his Mil. is Smith, , WATTS. HIGGINS Wai'Iius Atiikiitos, who was Mint by will give a lunch party of some descripwife at Col. T. P. Hill's, Iihs just comnight. have They illinm Cooler, ha recovered Htillleiciit' Thursday tion next pleted the Murphy branch of the RichlytolHMiut. not yet fully decided exactly what style mond and Danville railroad, after 1) lunch will lie. the I nm.asent.for The Central Keliliwly lledKC Tin- in.thv tlniiiinabulation of tl o( Imrd work. He was engineer Fence Co., ul Lancailer, and offer llip teryices of comments in UReless aliuor-pheany make to It Our stock of Men's, Hoys' and Ladies' Shoes was (deign bells tilled the ambient both mytelf and the Company to the citwuns of and general manager of it, and on the I am very thankful for the libercounty. to will is Lincoln hard it snow, but the on siy ellcct that to words yesterday, or tlrst of March turned it over to the transal patruQas,r received and hope by lair deal.nK o liud items for a paper under the circum- merit continuance. Karmcri in iifed of a jtood complete order department portation iu fence will Imd me at the Mer llou in Stanford Wantmi. Hsks mi 12), Hutter:KceiiM stances, as everybody is at home and on each County Court day. less much have than it cost and could at Hides, tnllow and feathers at the hluhest wJOSSON will, we think, stay there until the enow done under contract. He will go market prices. II. K A W. II. Wear-e- n. been gone, as is minus urait urcuani fiom here to the Chesapeake A; Ohio, to is sleigh. Than now tttrVc buy them direct from the manufacturers. We in tracking Mr. double a hand it. take Dr. W. M. Doores has gone to Fok 1!knt. Dwellim; with nixrnnw Smith is a line civil engineer and nltho' Citv Judg has appointed the followini; can give you a better Shoe for the money than can be found else The on to visit his daughter, Mrs. Liv- officer lohold an electinn at Ihe ''iio. earden th Ol po-- it a made us young, has much Seven reputation fleet April. lo he !t satinrday in where. Hon. D. II. Kdmiston is at Councilme ingston. Apply to John M. McKoberts, locater and builder of railroaiN. n and a City Judyelor tho City of Stanford few days. W. W. Penn for a home wb Judge, S. S. Slyer and S. P. btac SV. How laud is being in town Wednesday for the purpose of ear line TiiKstrei't to Sheritt, () ). Neland. Clerk, J. V. llayden. with corker, Hav r. Patkuk's iii Hy order of Ihe City Council .Mrs. John Higgins the benelit of giving again agitated and considerable new Irish-maJ. W. HAY DEN, Clerk. the snow so deep that onr solitary will She Texiw. Vernon, rates to cheap being is who subscribed. Those stock dldn'l even dare to venture on a In Lace Curtains, Scrims and China Drapery. have investigated the matter are sure startSaturday. Mr. Will Ilaldeinan and parade. will proven paying investment. It can friend came to ('. O. Wednesday. They it Wi: have united patiently since Jauu-- ar be built and stocked now cheaper than are the guests of Mr. John Huchanan. Tin notice forew.irn hunters, fitvrnien and Some very choice Patterns in nice Dress Goods; you would do well' not to teepas on our laud without olhcr aconu.t your I ft for you to to examine now and buy early. is very che.ip and Suppose they aie on a hunting expediIron over before. at all mikh will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. higned: N'Ver- visiting lim is Fish James Mr. witli us. We need he money tion. a larue of are cars on number hore there C. M.srODNAMOORE Foe our 16 and lengths in Kid Gloves; White and Opera K. IIKUCE. ss unci V Sin. the market that have been superseded daimhter, Mrs. Dr. Carp 'liter, in St inTHOMAS C. 1IAI.I.. all sizes. Color; nil feeble quite has been STEELE IIAII.KY. Kok S.i k. A cot tap and lot contain-I- n by electric ca is, which can he bought at fold. He A.M. KEI.AND. unseasonan picked has we fear II. V. (JAINES. one ueiu ol ground on Uaiivillestieit. a little over half their cost. There JAMES (il YEN'S. ,l'il, rn nt the iloor. Will ell cluvip. !. will be a meeting on the 21th to organ-Ue- , able time for his visit. I. S l'HII.I.IPS. whi'ii we hope steps will be taken anionut--Saturday hut (7 C. KiiKleman, Jr. on Our sales for the immediate construction of the i21 20. During the week we purto llslle on deep feet live TiiKsnowis line. It would enliven businc hcreaud j chased II cases, or l,:K0 do.en eirgs. t hat tiap and in many places yesterday the draw it givat disd of trade to our iner Nearly liOO were amount tliis of doen body. IjncaslrrMap' was in it up to the chants. received on Saturday. My competitors' D. ' Iid miybody ever? Lrug-gis- t -Tin: sfsliiciion cfise at pent the day in computing and telling that the Nimeis.'t u ill not down. It will be ie- - the people what I would lose on eggs. Keeps the ntciV ihe t .i'id largest laii ty of Tiik train men said as a Complete Stock of y tliey are trying to liguro out snow in themoiintaiiiHwasaboul as deep ineinbered tliat Thomas 11. Cojipage was Fruits, Goods. Fancv am still as here. Theie him lsvn no troume yei charved with MHlucine Mis Dick and what I will make mi them. Candies Nuts, Cigars Is- if Slaughter. her lather went all the way j paying 12J cent" I. on the load, but theieV hound to siiijimti : ' Ai d Liiiar. o in the Hy Commencing on Friday night, March and brought Coppage back to Missi-sipthis Keeps on. .'itli. 1). (i. Slaughter Will riri':iint In fntv the niiisie. The uroof was nrettv """. . 1. ....... I. p.ial. Tint HiintTior conn iihs iiiiiiuiv" m, n I. was regular iiaiicing ucmirui uireci, mu ior some re.ison uopp.ige i, .,nrf i ol Lincoln circu 'I hat be a:o leep the cheapen Mo of the decision will be which II(. O.chard, 1HS lllHrri,.d since and Crab IHC,!W1K in deuce , ni(1,v , ,, llieiwfof J. U. Allor.1 vs. in. . iij , ,.ontilMU., ,.,.), Friday night until broktlJ t100M lie u.M for ilatimueH l Bti. i (,ain)l;.,. Mjt t0lll.hl bv xf1MS Dick far 'merit siillicient eiicouiage.nent is , . court dismissed th. i.w. w, ba q a Yrgctattlt'S&C , and that he ex hange all limit I ..!,.. r,. ...l;... mill .riilltll.lllt'll Will DIllV ul KoiHlfr llacoii, l.irJ, liulter, Kgs, 1'itatov, ...... Walts A: Higgius Dick to have Mr. Coppage arrested nil iiei ui tiiniki' iii mind , will. Il lie pay. tlie bastardy when he next b..ows his face in be ulntfgfd the nominal sum of 25 cents etc lor are sole agents for Stanford and ... . . :.. rei.tu .i Market Prices. i in. Falls io Hrauch Jellico Coal Somerset, lie is neiween tlie uevil ami to assist in paying mr me union. j - will be a source of great pleasure to the GoniN delivered anywhere in the dty and Ills daiPromptly and in style. in will all sea, and probagenuine, blue deep of the the tdiippeiH Co. miners and ly trip made to Kuwl.uxl endeavor should they tieand damage go ml. suit by people let the young Head hilily their coal. original Jellico &3TKNGRAVING on all goods sold, free of charge. Old gold and fault. to make it a success. and call on them. . i silver taken in exchange. c What Wktiiki:! Mondav if began SrKKi.K, dealer iu general mer-s I, Hale and Miss Celia William to snow a little after sundown and conlandiM' at lluslonville.made an assignwere married yesterday at Wilsru as his is I'M tinuing to fall all night ami next day, it Alcorn ment Tuesdav. Dr. near Beo Lick. Adams', 10,lXK) and was eight inches dee)) when it stopped, Bignee ami his liabilities are snow storm does not seem to Tlie fVKissets fi.tXH). The heaviest l0.ets are a although a great deal of il had melted. have been general. There are parls of Wednesday the sun came out, a thaw number of city Unas. the .State that none fell at all. commenced and much of tlie snow was p Hai Sleet, snow and ice have probably Koy Tint boys snow balled young turned into water and slush, hut it killed tliti fruit in Texas ami Arkansas. ai.d yesterday, clerk for K.F.J oncs.Sr., clouded up again hy night ami again the glass stopper The snow was so Jeep in Memphis street he retaliated by throwing a snow came lastly but nuisflessly down glass iu couldn't run. at them, which shuck the plate break- and continued to do so a.l day yesterday, cars .State Senate defeated the measThe windows, Warren's l'eo-piA. e inches, reaching a depth of some one of A. K ',il'!l''j making two cents a mile the maxiat valued was HH J ing a hole iu it. The glass are prune to My that they never saw ure charged by the railroad he to rate mum Haviuir removed iny likrber Snop to the Cora 0. such a storm before at the time of year, mucinl Motel, am ol theSlate.as it oughfto have done. getting longer rememwith is others hut k niemories Lixri-- Mk Maiiv Hw Frederick .1. Hamilton, a New York Prepared to Accommodate Ladies She ber a heavier fall of snow at corn plantmiito a reputation as a fruit raiser. reporter, whose duty called newspaper as well as Gentlemen, own rais ing time ju April. The present is tlie is now enjoying orangcH of her teni the toinvcBtigateonoof him upon tree wen mieu who heaviest, though, in this locality iu more In ftDyihtng thy my with iu my line. Cbil-I- o in., und bus a lemon . . with typhus fever, has i. i,.. wlttd on. Call n mc. ..." than a dozen years. Yesterday's pre- itients stricken .ne iobo fruit, near V ripe, ..i dread disease. He the read: to "Threatening dictions victim and a snow. fallen her in The best Chilled Plow made, Kxtras carried in stock. Satisfaction JICSSi: THOMPSON, tiutte a number of tropical trees and died on the field man Friday Clearing l,rvi. freezing with ..uu temperaof independent JJ.K.&W. H. WKAREN. """, guaranteed. nit and eoou she will bo la Commercial ttolvl. Warmer, fair Saturday." ture. duty. of concomeu nre fruits the South as far kb blue-jras- a TO THE TRADE. '-'0 ' -- ! L -. JFaving purchased at manufacturers' first cost a complete line story-readin- Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Fine Shoes, will offer thorn at Prices Boyond Competition. Just opened placed on sale 60 PIECES OF WHITE GOODS fti Bargain Prices; and also a line EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. court-lioui- 'A Hhk CLOTHING DEPARTMENT store-keepe- r, Mam-brin- Complete with Spring Styles, and with our usual Low Prices. Remember can save you money buying from us. Also the Newest Shapes in Men's and Boys' Hats. o Eggs and Feathers bought at the highest market prices at THE LOUISVILLE up-ply- ." Iver-tisi- Main Street, Stanford. kite-shipe- Manager. OT3UAM KINitllPjEIS d sf URBAjYSKY, Proprietor. sl 4 STORE -- I 1 y?v rt ln-t- . STEEL BOILERS, 5Rcisj ;gm. 1 1 Semi-Portab- le 2C-hor- &- jrTi v TIIE J 1 i . a LF.FFEL s SEVERAME . kty. -- r SON, & - Original Jellico Coal. r.ll-nu- TO TIIE FARMERS. - Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Shoes, &c. Ni-ar- s re, Never More Complete Uotioe of Elootion. Cin-cinns- ti C1l'. court-hoiu- c iS-)- n The d Newest : : Things POSTED. lull-c- it I zo-butt- I win-teran- d W.B.YicRDBERTS, d DOIT'T TOT! X2TOW 1 . . 1 . . WEAKEN JESSE Dick-Coppa- . $( trai y and Jeweler, ue tie-- ay To-da- 1 I DRUGS, - A J pi I 11 .!. I i I.!... ir i sum-Stanfor- d, , . ..... Kow-i...i- .f I JOOJSTT FOHG0ET V. Staple Groceries, And Provisions,, ,,,-,- BOOKS, PAINTS. WALL PAPER, Jewelry & Silverware, - Highest . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired first-clas- s I - I- - Ad-am- The Vulcan Chilled Plows, L1 1 rr 1 .gKU 1 hBHMMkiBS'' tiE3MMHk9iP fti yi. I . ) !
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