FEBRUARY 2015 SKI NEWS Web Site: http://peninsulaskiclub.com/ Meet Up Group: http://www.meetup.com/Peninsulaskiclub-com/ Facebook Group: Peninsula Ski Club of Virginia CONTENTS: President’s Message 1 Ski Valentines 2 Members 2 th Meetings Including Feb 12 3 Contacts 4 SKI SECTION: Ski Activities Report 4 2015 Trip Schedule 5 Trip Reports 6-8 Late Breaking News 8 Bird Houses On Skis 8 For Next Ski News 8 Non-Ski Activities 9-10 Club newsletters, Ski News, are webposted monthly, Sept – May, on our web site at this link http://peninsulaskiclub.com/newsletters.html The September edition is also printed in black & white and mailed to members. PSC Members may provide photos and articles to Ski News Editor via email by the 20th of the month prior to publication (Feb 20th for March edition) with articles as attached Word Documents or pasted in body of email; please no PDFs. Send photos separately, in JPEG format - one per email. Dragon Lake, Vermont. Photo provided by Rick Irby PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: It’s February! Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day! What could be more romantic? Maybe spending a week in Vermont or Idaho. For those of you who are going to Mount Snow with me, I have a new picture of Dragon Lake from the North Face of the mountain. I remember one evening a few years ago, Janice and I snowmobiled across it with a group from the club. I’m told they had 36 inches of snow in the third week of January and the snow making machines are working every day. While I am writing this I still have openings for one male and one female on the Mount Snow trip, so if you’re interested give me a call. If you are a couple, I might still be able include you if a room is still available. The PSC started targeted on-line advertising in January in the hopes of bringing in new members and trip goers. Don’t forget you can hook up with the club on Meetup and Facebook where you can get information on other local activities and post pictures you want to share. Take a look at the rest of the newsletter for upcoming club activities including some learn to ski trips planned as part of our membership building efforts. I am glad to announce that Penny Oots and Suzie Scott have agreed to serve on the audit committee, but I have not heard from anyone about the search committee for board candidates (five nominees needed for the board). This is your club and it needs you. Please let me know if you can participate. See you on the slopes, / Rick Irby, President of PSC Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 1 PeninsulaSkiClub.com SNOW VALENTINES HIS MISTRESS My heart sank. I felt a feeling I found hard to identify. It was strange. It was a mixture that formed into a ball and clouded my mind. It pierced my heart. It stuck in my throat. It caused my eyes to tear. It wasn’t anger, yet I felt abandoned. That was it! A mixture of hurt, of being left out. The ball was jealousy. I was jealous. I saw the excitement in his eyes. He couldn’t contain himself. He became a different person in her presence. A child like joy, that adults just don’t experience often, exuded from his every pore. And then, and then I saw her. She was breathtaking. Her elegant white gown glistened in the light. Her hair shimmered like a clear mountain stream flowing over the rocks below. Her arms were outstretched. Her spirit was encompassing, affecting everyone in this small room. How could I compete with such a presence? I didn’t know what to do. I struggled with this rush of feelings. I must get a grip. I must remain in control. But how? Just then my husband took my hand. “Let’s go, Honey.” he whispered in my ear and we stepped from the gondola onto her snow covered gown. By Peggy Newcomb A LABOR OF LOVE Long ago at ski resort not so far away, a love-sick PSC-er entreated Agnes Evans to be at the top of a certain lift at a certain hour to immortalize (photograph) his proposal of marriage to his girlfriend. Of course it was ridiculously cold for standing around and for camera shutters to function at requested speed (this being the time before digital cameras.) There was bended knee…..there were squeals of surprise and delight…and there was the much anticipated “yes”. They were married and moved into a foreclosed upon fixer upper, and never heard from again. This is the modern interpretation of “they lived happily ever after.” Agnes’ feet thawed out in due time. Although her inclination to photograph on demand has dwindled (and the names elude her), Agnes’s recollection of this special event has not. And a certain PSC couple got married on a ski trip!!!!!! MEMBERS: 131 CLUB MEMBERS (in 88 memberships) as of Jan 23, LIST OF MEMBERS: 2015 IN FOND REMEMBRANCE: Patricia Redelsperger, 91 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: The password-protected member Yong & Wan Cho roster is on our web site, in Pat was featured in Feb 2014 Ski News, Lynn Holmbeck front page. Member Only Section, containing only the info that members gave Bonnie Sawyer permission (on membership form) to include in the web-posted roster. The user name and password for accessing this section of our web site are on the back of your membership cards. Our full membership/ contact list (not posted on web) is used to verify that people are current paid-up members, eligible to sign up for trips or attend member-only events, like the holiday party. PUBLICIZING: Our web site’s Membership Page at this link http://peninsulaskiclub.com/membership.html includes a flyer about our club as well as membership form & prices ($25 individual or $40 family). Please provide the flyer to friends interested in snow sports. Also invite them to participate with you on a trip or activity or attend a meeting. Post the flyer at your work, gym, favorite restaurant, etc. Our Membership Chair, Dallas Kipfer, also has Peninsula Ski Club business cards, with our web site listed. Cards can be easily carried in your wallet and passed along to local people who might be interested in our wonderful club. Dallas has extra print-outs of the afore-mentioned flyer printed on upgraded paper. Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 2 PeninsulaSkiClub.com PSC MEETINGS IN 2015 ND (2 THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER THROUGH MAY) FEBRUARY 12 Other Future Meetings: th The Meeting will be led by Mahyar Malekpour, Our Vice President. as of Jan 27, 2015 March 12, April 9 (Annual Business Meeting) May 7 (New ski club year) ABOUT OUR MEETINGS* TIME: 7 to 8 PM SOCIAL with a complimentary snack of pizza and non-alcoholic beverage. Meet with captains of our ski trips; sign-up for upcoming activities. Socialize with friends old and new. You may also purchase beer or wine and additional food. 8 to 9 PM MEETING with Program & Door Prizes LOCATION: ANNA’S PIZZA near Langley Air Force Base at *DECEMBER MEETING IS AN EXCEPTION. A party for members-only, Different location & start time. 2845 N. Armistead Ave, Hampton VA DIRECTIONS: From Interstate 64 take exit 261-B to Hampton Roads Center Parkway, East. At Armistead Ave traffic light turn left on Armistead going North. Anna’s is on the left in the Russo Village Shopping Center near Nettles Lane (before you reach turn-off for Langley AFB). Note: December meeting is at different locale. NON-MEMBERS & GUESTS MAY ATTEND A MEETING. Invite people you believe would be interested in our club activities and/or the program at a particular meeting. Sign-in your guest(s), get them a name tag, with red lettering, introduce them and give them club info about club activities during the social hour. WEAR A NAME TAG. It helps people get to know each other. MEETING PROGRAMS/TOPICS & SPEAKERS: Suggestions & Volunteers are always welcome. Please give your ideas to our Vice President / Programs Chair, Mahyar Malekpour. Program presenters receive a one-year membership in the club (after signing the membership form with indemnity statement). PHOTOS FROM JANUARY MEETING by Melva & Bob Mallison Graphic by Leonard Credeur. Did you see his Ski Nut article in January 2015 Ski News, page 6? http://peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_Jan_newsletter.pdf Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 3 PeninsulaSkiClub.com CLUB CONTACTS: Here’s a listing of some of the hard-working volunteers – who support our ski club. Logo-wear Lynn DeGregorio 766-3445 [email protected] 50TH Anniversary Chair: Lynn DeGregorio 766-3445 [email protected] Ski Trip Captains: Sonny Short, Rick Irby (see below) & Bill Bryan 851-0748 [email protected] PSC BOARD May 2014 through April 2015 Our Board consists of all un-paid members, dedicated to the club’s enjoyment of snow sports President Vice President Secretary Rick Irby Mahyar Malekpour Dorrie Thompson 890-0385 865-8695 851-4120 [email protected] Contact by phone or at meetings [email protected] Linda Adolph Dallas Kipfer Steve Liberman 472-4202 898-0963 321-7933 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Non-Ski Activities Chair Valerie Grason Director at Large Sonny Short 206-1426 886-1385 [email protected] [email protected] 596-7783 [email protected] (And Meet Up Guru) Treasurer Membership Chair Ski Activities Chairman (And Strategic Planning Chair) (And Ski Council Rep) Ski News Chair/Editor Melva Mallison (& Newspaper Free Publicity POC ) Web Master Past President 868-4560 Winnie Feldhaus Same as current president [email protected] ALL PHONE NUMBERS HAVE AREA CODE (757) PHOTOS & PROFILES of Board Members can be found on our web site – Board of Directors section. http://peninsulaskiclub.com/contactsboard.html SKI ACTIVITIES Our almost 50th ski season is well underway with our trip to Telluride in mid-January. It’s such a great place for our club with plenty of places for groups with varying experience levels to ski together and all have fun. Plus it has unique features like “the Enchanted Forest” and “the beach” at Gorrono Ranch (see Tom Crockett’s trip report). We’ve added trips that are unusual for the PSC; here’s hoping they will attract the next generations. We’ll keep you posted. Maybe you can bring your kids and/or grandkids. Please, pass on the word that first-timers on a new trip receive FREE MEMBERSHIP in the Peninsula Ski Club for the rest of our club year. The skiing industry is changing with large corporations or investor groups buying resorts, connecting resorts, and building or improving lifts, lodging and other amenities. For example, Vail Resorts has purchased both Park City Mountain and Canyons; they’ll be connected into one resort by next season and become the largest ski resort in North America. There’s a movement, with some opposition, to connect Deer Valley, Park City/Canyons, Alta & Snowbird (already connected to each other), Brighton, and Solitude into one Europeanstyle mega-resort. In many places, that lost-in-the-wilderness ambience will diminish, but the conveniences and creature comforts will noticeably improve. Even our dear old Mt. Snow has the “bubble” many of us enjoyed last season and Okemo, VT has added one this season. As always, it’s still my goal to ski with as many members as I can, so look for me. I’ve now skied at one time or another with all but one member that was on the Telluride trip. Thanks for the memories! See you on the slopes! / Steve Liberman, Ski Activities Chair Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 4 PeninsulaSkiClub.com 2015 TRIP SCHEDULE (Schedule as of Jan 24, 2015) Trip Flyers can be found on line at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/skitrips.html WELCOME SKIERS & SNOW BOARDERS OF ANY AGE OR SKILL LEVEL DATES (2015) Jan 10-17 Jan 26 DESTINATION, CAPACITY, STATUS PRICE* Est. p/p Dbl Oc Telluride, Colorado Canaan Valley, WV Ski World bus trip in cooperation with the PSC. TOP (ft) BASE (ft) VERTICAL (ft) Flyer at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_Snowshoe.pdf JAN 30TH, DUE TO STEVE’S INJURY (see page 8) Jan 31 – Feb 7 Feb 8-14 (Sun.-Sat.) BRSC** Western Carnival Mt Bachelor, Oregon(PSC held a club trip there in $89 4,280 3,430 850 Club President, Rick Irby, served as PSC Ambassador $350 4,848 3,348 1500 POC is PSC Ski Chair: Or less if more people per condo. 886-1385 Steve Liberman TBD 4,000 3,365 $991 3,600 1,900 1,700 321-7933 [email protected] 2014) Mount Snow Vermont (Our Club’s Annual Tradition) Capacity: 52 on bus – 70 total Act quickly if interested 890-0385 See Flyer at INCLUDES LESSONS FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS Schweitzer Mt., Idaho Feb 21-28 Capacity: 30, Full – Get on Wait List Rick Irby [email protected] As of Jan 24, we have 31 on bus, 34 total. (Sat.-Sat.) Sonny Short [email protected] See mini trip report, page 8. Snowshoe, West Virginia NEW via carpool. 2 nights lodging. See CANCELLED Area code (757) 3,305 Two new members recruited. NEW Feb 4-6 TRIP CAPTAIN or Point of Contact (POC) 12,255 8,750 $1,760 See trip report on next page. ELEVATION $1,931 6,400 4,000 2,440 10,000 2,000 8,000 http://peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_ MtSnow.pdf Bill Bryan 851-0748 [email protected] – late cancellations happen! ON JAN 31st SPOTS JUST OPENED – ACT NOW! (see page 8) See Flyer at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_Schweitzer.pdf Mar 6-14 (Fri.-Sat.) Mar 8-13 (Sun – Fri) “Club Week” BRSC** EuroFest – Mayrhofen, Austria CSC Capacity: 45. Sign-up deadline was Nov 29, 2014. Okemo / Killington, VT NEW Columbia Ski Club (CSC) carpool in cooperation with our club. With enough participation a bus can be arranged. $2,540 PLUS lift tickets $635 3,344 1,134 2,100 4,241 1,165 3,050 Columbia Maryland Ski Club (CSC) invited us to join them. See BRSC info in notes section below. Or contact PSC Ski Chair POC is PSC Ski Chair: Steve Liberman 321-7933 [email protected] NOTES: PSC Ski trips require a payment to reserve your spot (sign up) and you must be a current club member (May 2014 – April 2015 ski club Year) with signed indemnity statement. The 3 new trips offer free club membership for this ski season for first timers (membership form required). Cancellation fees apply, based on date. * The price listed in this comparison grid is estimated, basic, per adult member. Additional pricing info is available in flyers and from Trip Captains. Senior and children discounts may also be available. ** BRSC = Blue Ridge Ski Council (our club is affiliated) – PSC membership allows you to go on BRSC “sanctioned” trips and on the two council trips listed here – with other council-affiliated ski clubs without having to join the other club. Our club does not currently have our own trip captains for council Western Carnival or EuroFest. Our Schweitzer trip is sanctioned (open to members of other council clubs). Sonny Short is our club’s rep to the Ski Council. There is a link to the council trips site on our club web site. BRSC is affiliated with the National Ski Council Federation. Please Tell Ski Activities Chairman, Steve Liberman, if you go on a BRSC Carnival, Eurofest or sanctioned trip with another club – and please send a trip report afterwards, for our newsletter, to let club members know about the experience. Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 5 PeninsulaSkiClub.com TRIP REPORT - TELLURIDE COLORADO Report & Photos by Tom Crockett Location: Telluride is an historic mining town which has morphed into a decidedly upscale resort village, tucked away in a remote area of the San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado. Telluride proper occupies a narrow valley floor with high mountain ranges to the north and south. The Telluride Ski Resort occupies the mountain range to the south. We stayed in Mountain Village, a separate, incorporated, even more upscale town located on the mountainside within the ski resort, roughly 1,000 vertical feet above Telluride. A gondola system provides free public transportation between Telluride and Mountain Village, and also within Mountain Village. The scenery around Telluride is spectacular, featuring some of the most impressive snowcovered mountains this side of the Alps. The views become even more spectacular as you ride the lifts higher up the mountains and start exploring the ski runs. Travel: We had trouble-free (but pretty full) flights on Delta from Norfolk to Montrose, CO by way of Atlanta. A relatively early departure from Norfolk put us in Montrose around noon local time. Our shuttle bus stopped for groceries and liquor on the way out of town, which made for a jolly ride the rest of the way to Telluride. The City Market was one of the best grocery stores we've been to anywhere, and the liquor store next door was also well stocked with a large selection of beer, wine, and spirits. It takes about an hour-and-ahalf to get from Montrose to Telluride, but nobody was bored either coming or going thanks to the aforementioned spectacular scenery along the way. The ranchlands and mesas around Montrose gradually give way to larger hills and then high mountains as you approach Telluride. For the return trip, we had a fairly comfortable departure time of 9:00 a.m. from Mountain Village, leaving Montrose shortly before 1:00 p.m., but we paid for it on the other end with a four-hour layover in Atlanta and an arrival back in Norfolk around 11:30 p.m. A number of the club members helped pass the time with a leisurely dinner at T.G.I. Friday's in the Atlanta airport. Accommodations: Sonny had us set up in two-bedroom (or one bedroom loft) condos at the Mountain Lodge in Mountain Village. The condos, though small, were well-kept with nice kitchens and daily housekeeping service. Although our units were not quite ski-in ski-out, the complex was bounded on both sides by green trails which could be reached via short, although hilly and slippery, walkways. The location made it fairly convenient to duck in to the condos for lunch or to take a break. Both trails converged on two side-by-side lifts which provided access to opposite sides of the ski area. The Lodge was also convenient to one of the gondola stations (about a five minute walk on another slippery, hilly walkway), or you could opt for the Lodge's on-call shuttle service, which would take you pretty much wherever you wanted to go within Mountain Village. The Lodge's outdoor hot tub and heated pool were quite popular as an aprés ski destination for those with tired muscles and aching joints. Altitude: Telluride is high: the town is at 8,750 ft., our accommodations at Mountain Lodge were around 9,640 ft., and the lifts go as high as 12,570 ft. The highest peak in the ski area, accessible only by a strenuous climb, is at 13,320 ft. Despite the elevation, none of the club members had any serious problems with altitude sickness. Many of the members had obtained prescriptions for prophylactic regimens of acetazolamide, and that seemed to help. There were complaints of headaches (mostly just the first night), fatigue, sleep disruption due to periodic breathing, and shortness of breath when you tried to do anything that involved going uphill rather than downhill. The altitude didn't seem to have much impact on people's skiing ability, other than an occasional rest stop on the longer runs and perhaps a little more tiredness. Skiing: The Telluride Ski Resort occupies a vast expanse of mountainside, with several summits and Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 6 PeninsulaSkiClub.com plenty of superb terrain for all skiing abilities, ranging from gentle meadows for first-time skiers to extreme above-treeline chutes and bowls for true backcountry experts. The sheer size of the place was intimidating at first, but after a couple of days of exploring on the lifts and studying the trail maps, you could find your way around pretty well. The resort also offers a daily mountain tour which lasts for about two-and-a-half hours. Though the tour stuck entirely to green and blue trails, several of our members who participated described it as challenging, and noted that many people bailed out along the way. Telluride does an excellent job of grooming their trails, though they leave plenty of intact mogul fields and untouched backcountry terrain for those who enjoy such things. Not every run is groomed every day, but the resort web site is updated every morning with a list of freshly-groomed trails, and signs at the tops of the lifts also indicate which runs have been groomed that day. Many of the runs are big and wide, allowing for easy cruising even on the steeps, but if you want narrower and tighter runs, you can find those, too, along with glades, bowls, bumps, chutes, and just about anything else you can imagine. Highlights include: - - - - Galloping Goose: a 4.6 mile green run with a half-mile vertical drop, starting at 11,815 ft. Although nearly flat in spots, it runs through a variety of terrain and has great views of Mount Wilson, the iconic peak featured on Coors beer labels. The Enchanted Forest: an accessible glade with a network of groomed trails running through. Prospect Bowl: a forested bowl with open glades, a couple of nice green runs, and some challenging blues with steep headwalls. See Forever: an above-treeline blue that starts at 12,225 ft. and follows the ridgeline for a couple of miles before dumping you out near the gondola station on a network of trails above the Mountain Village town center. The trail is aptly named; the 360-degree view is absolutely stunning, and even though the trail itself is pretty easy, it's a little scary at first due to the sheer drop on either side. Revelation Bowl: a large open bowl on the back (south) side of the mountain with challenging black runs and a lift that takes you to the ridgeline at 12,570 ft. If you go down the front (north) side, you can choose from an array of double black runs, extreme mogul fields, and expert-only chutes. Polar Queen Express: located in the center of the ski area, this lift serves a hill comprised solely of blue and double-blue runs, including several mogul fields. Plunge Lift: high on the steep mountain face above Telluride, this lift services a number of double-blue, black, and doubleblack runs, some of which descend all the way into town. -Lift lines: What lift lines? Between the remoteness of the area and the vastness of the terrain, we rarely had to wait more than a couple of chairs to get right back on the lifts. The slopes were generally uncrowded, even empty at times, though some runs got busier in the middle of the day. In order to get folks off the mountain by closing time (4:00 p.m.), the lifts operated on a staggered schedule, with closing times ranging from 3:15 to 4:00. As public transportation, the gondolas ran from 7:00 a.m. until midnight, making it easy to get around if you wanted to go into town for dinner, shopping, or entertainment. Weather: The weather was great. The week started with snow showers followed by several inches of fresh powder before giving way to three consecutive days of crystal clear skies and brilliant sunshine. Temperatures ranged from the teens at night to daytime highs in the upper 20's early in the week and then low 30's to around 40 late in the week. Very comfortable for this time of year -- temperatures could have easily been 10 degrees colder, or more. Meals: Sonny arranged us three group dinners for, along with a welcome reception at the Lodge on the first night. The highlight was the Wednesday night dinner at the historic New Sheridan hotel in Telluride, served in a private dining room with a custom menu featuring steak, salmon, or chicken (all superb) and a painstakingly crafted chocolate mousse dessert. Thursday night featured a potluck when many of us converged in one of the condo units with our leftover groceries and wine to celebrate the great week we were having. For those who preferred to do less cooking, the ski area was littered with restaurants (accessible only from the lifts, so basically for just mid-day meals), the Lodge offered a restaurant/bar with good food, and there were many restaurants and bars to choose from in Telluride and at the Mountain Village town center. All in all, quite a wonderful ski week. / Tom Crockett (photos and story) See more photos of this trip (by Tom Crockett, Mahyar Malekpour and others) on Face Book – Peninsula Ski Club of Virginia. Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 7 PeninsulaSkiClub.com TRIP REPORT – CANAAN VALLEY WEST VIRGINA This Ski World red-eye day-trip collaboration was arranged by our Ski Activites Chairman, Steve Liberman, who is also our Targeted Advertising Chair. The purpose was to promote our ski club, while having fun skiing. Rick Irby was our club “ambassador” on the trip, which gained us two new members. The photo was provided by “Lynn H” who emailed “There was a light snow falling all day which made the skiing very pleasant.” LATE BREAKING NEWS STEVE LIBERMAN INJURED – SNOW SHOE TRIP CANCELLED. Steve was hurt in a skiing accident January 30th on a trip with family. His helmet cracked (better the helmet than his head, but he has a concussion and other injuries). Steve is our Ski Activities Chairman. He was planning to participate in the Snowshoe carpool trip Feb 4-6th, but must cancel. His wife, Judy, contacted the known interested parties about that trip. Get Well, Steve! OPENINGS ON SKI TRIP TO SCHWEITZER MOUNTAIN IDAHO DEPARTING FEB 21st. We’ve had some individuals cancel, including at the end of January. Though airlines will be higher this close to the trip, Trip Captain Bill Bryan will help with airline arrangements. Basic trip price without air is $1,198 and includes slope-side hotel style lodging, 5 of 6 days of lifts, ground transportation, daily breakfast, two group dinners, and a welcome party/dinner. Space is open to men, women, and/or couples. Please read details at: http://www.peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_Schweitzer.pdf BIRD HOUSES ON SKIs Mary Berger gave these bird houses, mounted on an old pair of her late Husband Karl’s skis, to sons Rick and Greg. Mary, who lives in Maine, skied with us on the Panorama trip a few years ago. She and cousin, Agnes Evans, met up with our club at the Whitefish airport. What fun they had! NON SKI ACTIVITIES ON NEXT TWO PAGES LUCKY STORIES for next edition of this newsletter: With a nod to the luck of the Irish on St Patrick’s Day, how about some lucky ski, boarding, snow-related or club-related stories for our March Ski News? Please provide your lucky stories to editor, Melva Mallison [email protected] 596-7783 by Feb 20th. Did you know you can find current and previous editions of our newsletter on our web site? The newsletter page is at this link http://peninsulaskiclub.com/newsletters.html Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 8 PeninsulaSkiClub.com Peninsula Ski Club of Virginia (PSC) DATE In 2015 NON-SKI ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE As of Jan 24, 2015 The latest info is available in “Other Activities” section of our club web site http://peninsulaskiclub.com/otheractivities.html 2nd & 4th Saturday 9 AM Corrected date Feb 6th, (Friday) 8 PM Now Through April 4 Hike the Noland Trail – A brisk walk through the woods. 5-mile walk on the Noland Trail, the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, weather permitting, at 9AM. Please let Dorrie know at least 24 hours in advance if you will participate. Virginia Symphony Night at the Movies with John Williams Ferguson Performing Arts Center, Newport News VA. Tickets start at $25. Everyone purchases their own tickets but we can meet for dinner before if people are interested. Deadline Feb 4 to let Valerie know so she can make reservations for dinner before the concert. Purchase tickets at http://www.virginiasymphony.org/concerts/2015/02/06/271/at-the-movies-with-the-music-of-john-williams/ or call 757-892-6366 M-F 9:00 - 4:30 POINT OF CONTACT (POC) Area Code 757 Dorrie Thompson 752-4521 [email protected] Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com Broadway in Norfolk - Chrysler Hall http://broadwaynorfolk.com/ Sister Act Feb 20 – 21, 2015 Camelot April 3-4, 2015 Contact Valerie if you are interested in coordinating a night out to see a particular Broadway Musical with other club members – and perhaps have dinner together before or after. Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com Entertainment Book Dinner at Tuscany Ristorante Feb 25 (Wednesday) 6 PM Italiano, 12638 Jefferson Ave, Newport News VA Use your coupon from the entertainment book or just join us for dinner and pay without the coupon. To attend, notify Valerie at least 24 hours in advance. In subject line of email use “Entertainment Book Dinner." Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com Leonardo da Vinci at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg VA. Exhibition Feb 21 Feb 28 (Saturday) April 5. Tickets are $15. If you are interested in coordinating another date, please contact Valerie This is one of only two 1 PM Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com venues for seeing this exhibition – the other is in Boston. Don't miss out! http://muscarelle.org/coming-february/ Entertainment Book Dinner at The Chamberlin, March 19 Fort Monroe, 2 Fenwick Road, Hampton, VA (Thursday) Use your coupon from the entertainment book or just join us for dinner 6 PM and pay without the coupon. To attend, notify Valerie at least 24 hours Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com in advance. In subject line of email use “Entertainment Book Dinner." March 25 (Wednesday) (7-8PM Courage or Cowardice Colonial Williamsburg - Capital Hall of Burgesses. Advance ticket required. $18 Purchase tickets at http://www.colonialwilliamsburg.com/plan/calendar/courage-cowardice/ Call (888) 965-7254 or contact Valerie by March 16 if you would like her to get tickets. Payment required in advance if you would like Valerie to get the tickets. Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 9 Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com PeninsulaSkiClub.com Love to Golf? Please let Bill know how often you would like to go golfing. Once a year, once a month, once a week, whatever! He will then determine where and when. email [email protected] Love to Bowl? Let Steve know if you would like to get together Steve Liberman for bowling. He will make arrangements at AMF York Lanes on Route 17 in Yorktown to be convenient for most club members. 321-7933 [email protected] Love Tennis? Let Agnes know if you are interested in tennis and tennis parties. (Including indoor tennis in the cold weather) Your Ideal Date & TIme Bill Lewin 619-8922 The Non-Ski Activity of Your Dreams. Any member willing to be a non-ski POC for an activity or trip, please contact Non-ski Activity Chair, Valerie Grason. Also email non-ski activity info to Valerie with info copies to Web Master Winnie, Newsletter Editor Melva, and Meet-Up Guru Dorrie so we can get the word out to members and potential members. Contact info, including email addresses, are in this newsletter and on our club web site at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/contactsboard.html Skiing Together Since 1966 FEBRUARY 2015 Ski News, Page 10 Agnes Evans 867-8072 YOU PeninsulaSkiClub.com
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