THE MESSENGER March 2015 Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ Celebrating 175 years in the community 1840 - 2015 Church Staff Pastor Jed Watson [email protected] Monday – Thursday- 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday - Pastor’s study day Friday - Day Off Margo Paramski, Director of Christian Education [email protected] Monday and Tuesday – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator [email protected] Monday 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Tues, Wed, Fri — 8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Becky Fuller, Music Director [email protected] Millburn Church Early Learning Center Julie Zehner, Preschool Director [email protected] Worship 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Nursery Care and Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. T: 847-356-5237 F: 847-356-5669 Messenger Team Editor/Publisher—Kris Franks [email protected] Collators: Toots Bennett, Ron Bratzke, Lynnette Bratzke, Barb Coon, Donna Geiger, Ruth Young Deadline for article submission is the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next deadline is Sunday, March 8th. Do you like this new look for the Messenger? Please let the editor know your thoughts. Email your articles, comments, kudos, etc. to Kris Franks, Editor or to the Church Office Coordinator. You can also drop off your submissions at the church office. 1 Pastor Jed’s Message Friends: As I write we are about to enter the season of Lent. The liturgical color has changed. We’re in the season of purple now, which invokes a sense of heaviness, or gravity. Originally Lent was a time for confirmation students to endure some very rigorous self-examination, repentance and spiritual renewal as they prepared for their baptism vows on the Saturday before Easter. Today most Christians ignore it. But for those few who take it seriously, Lent can be a very meaningful time, though often, if done well, it can be a bit of a struggle. (Oh, that word - don't like that so much.) But it seems to me that we can never escape the reality that all of us do things, and say things, and ignore things, allow things, encourage things, and foster things that do harm to others, and ultimately to ourselves. Everybody knows what these things are in their own case. Does this not need to be confronted? Don’t we need a time like this season of Lent? Could we not all benefit from a little spiritual reflection, not the sort that’s designed to prey ravenously on our sense of guilt, but rather the kind that appeals to our consciences, that admonishes us to grow in righteousness, mature in character, and ultimately become stronger people? It’s possible to avoid this, and many of us do, but to live a life of authentic Christian discipleship we need to endure a bit of struggle as well as enjoy the peace. So we begin the Lenten journey together. It’s a heavy season – the heaviest of the year. It’s a time for reflection, and contemplation. It’s a time for honesty. It’s a time for penitence. Certainly it’s an opportunity for renewal. I would invite you to think of it that way. 6 weeks. It definitely offers an opportunity to grow – a time to rise above the habitual and conditioned ways of thinking and behaving and living, and to become the kind of spiritual persons we can be, and that God calls us to be. Peace and comfort, these are good things. But there’s something to be said for a little reflection, too. Peace and Love, Pastor Jed 2 argo’s Message Our Youth will be hosting another Parents’ Night Out on March 14 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Sign-up on the bulletin Board in Lauren Hall or outside the Preschool Room. It’s that time again, Noisy Offering on March 29! Save your change and let’s make some noise! All change collected goes to Mission Trip 2015. Youth Club Schedule for March: We will be meeting on March 1 for our regular youth meeting. Our next meeting will be March 15 which is our “mission” day. We will be helping with the P.A.D.S. meal. Youth from 7th grade through Sr. High are welcome. It’s that time of year again, we are preparing for VBS 2015! Don’t miss the fun as we enter The G-Force, God’s Love in Action July 13-17! Registration and more information coming soon! Don’t forget the Millburn Church Early Learning Center’s Preview Night Thursday March 5 from 5:307:00. We will also be celebrating Dr. Suess’ Birthday! Meet our Council Members Donna Zradicka- Administration Committee Chair Donna has attended Millburn Church with her family for many (30+) years. Husband, Jim, and kids (Anna, Scott) reside in Lindenhurst and often help with the Food Pantry and other Mission projects. Donna leads the spring and fall Thrift Sale fundraisers, and has served on the Pulled Pork Dinner and the Auction committees, and now, the 175th Anniversary Planning committee. Donna left Advocate Condell Medical Center after 25 years in the Public Relations & Marketing field. Donna enjoys relaxing at home with a fun craft project or cooking for the family. 3 March 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY 12 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 6 7 6:30 Troop 87 6:15 Handbell Choir 7:00 Confirmation 7:15 Adult Choir 8:15 House Band 5:00 Soup Kitchen 5:30 Preschool Preview 7:00 Adult Ed 5:00 Set-up Button Show 9:00 Button Room Show 10 11 6:30 Den 3 & 9 6:30 Troop 87 6:15 Handbell Choir 7:00 Church Council 7:00 Pack 87 Comm 7:15 Adult Choir 8:15 House Band 12 13 14 6:00 Parents Night Out 16 8:30 Worship/Commun 6:30 BSA 10:00 Worship/Commun. Dens 1,2,5,&7 Sunday School 11:00 MYLO Soup & Salad 11:30 CLUB 8 Messenger Deadline 8:30 Worship 10:00 Worship/S. School TUESDAY 3 9 5:30 Girl Scts #40994 7:00 Adult Ed 11:00 Coffee Hour Daylight Savings Begins 15 8:30 Worship 10:00 Worship/S. School 11:00 Coffee Hour 11:30 Mission CLUB 17 St. Patrick's Day 6:00 4H 9:00 Messenger 7:00 Pack 87 Collating 7:00 CE Committee 1:00 Homemakers 6:30 Troop 87 18 6:15 Handbell Choir 7:00 Confirmation 7:15 Adult Choir 19 23 25 6:15 Handbell Choir 7:15 Adult Choir 26 20 7:00 Compassionate Friends 21 1st day of Spring MYLO's 71st Anniv. 22 8:30 Worship 10:00 Worship/S. School 24 7:00 MYLO 27 28 5:30 Girl Scouts #40990 7:00 Adult Ed. 11:00 Coffee Hour 29 Palm Sunday Noisy Offering Sunday 8:30 Worship 9:15 Handbells 10:00 Worship/S. School 11:00 Coffee Hour 30 31 6:30 Troop 87 PLC 4 Chili Cook-Off Results Congratulations goes to Tim Overocker who won the 7th Annual Chili CookOff and trophy! It was another popular family event and all the chefs who entered made it possible. A big thank you to the Youth Group for making the very popular grilled cheese sandwiches and to Russ Slade and Mikkel Storaasli for their assistance. Another thank you goes to Vi Miller, Sue Watson and Russ Paramski for all their help in setting and cleaning up, and to all the families who stayed, tasted all eleven chili’s and cast their vote. It was another very fun day in the life of Millburn Church. My last thank you is for Margo Paramski, my partner in this annual family event. –Mary Lester Discipleship Committee The Discipleship committee is working on some upcoming activities. Pulled Pork Cookout Committee We have changed the date to June 6th this year. That means we are starting the planning process! We are keeping the menu the same with the exception of making homemade mac and cheese instead of boxed. We've spent time reviewing and tweaking last year's event. We are very excited for this year’s BBQ! There will be many volunteer opportunities again. If you'd like to volunteer in advance, please contact Sarah Storaasli: [email protected]. Spring Rummage Sale Looking for Donations Coffee Hour Hosts Special thanks to all the Coffee Hour Hosts who provided refreshments during the month of February. 1st MYLO 8th Church Council 15th 175th Anniv. Planning Comm. 22nd None Please consider signing up to be a host(s). Groups and families are encouraged to host. Coffee, tea, sugar, cream, plates and plastic utensils are provided by the church. On April 17 and 18, the church will hold its Thrift & Bake Sale fundraiser. Now is a good time to clean your closets and start to gather outgrown clothes, unused housewares, decorations, linens, collectibles, trinkets, toys, small furniture and small electronics. The church will accept non-clothing donations starting in March to allow us to start pricing the merchandise. Early donations must be in boxes for storage. Then in April, we will accept all donations toward the sale. Please help support this fundraiser - donation receipts are available. Contact Donna Zradicka at 847-265-2708 or [email protected] with any questions. 5 Mission Committee Happenings The Mission Committee works to coordinate and inspire mission program participation for Millburn Church. If you have an interest in helping with a mission activity, suggesting an activity for committee consideration or joining our committee, contact chairman Marianne Turnbull. January 31st was our Love INC furniture project. Thank you to Maria Moreano for heading this activity. Our furniture team of seven moved a senior from her apartment in Lake Villa to assisted living in Round Lake Beach. Check out their team picture on our bulletin board. Our ecumenical bread and bakery distribution is ongoing weekly. Each week volunteers from our church and others join Tom and Marianne Turnbull at the Pepperidge Farm outlet in Pleasant Prairie to box up the donated items for distribution to six food pantries. Thank you to Deb Morrissey for joining our Saturday morning bread pick-up team. The church Food Pantry continues to serve area families by appointment. Items that are in low supply are listed on the small bulletin board just outside the drop off room door (across from the Chapel). Take the slip as a handy reminder when shopping. Contact Donna or Jim Zradicka with any questions about the Food Pantry. Coming up: March PADS meal will be a turkey dinner. The turkeys are purchased and need to be cooked. The sign-up sheet posted in Lauren Hall lists needed meal items, and contact Marianne Turnbull if you can help with the meal. Spring activity will include our highway clean-up. The date is not yet set but there will be a sign-up sheet posted. Contact Al Sommer for further information. The literacy project is moving along with training classes scheduled. Information is on display in Lauren Hall. Contact John Storaasli for information on this rewarding project. MYLO News At our February 24th meeting we had “learn to knit and crochet” as our program. For our March 24th meeting we will be making chemo caps for the Lake Forest Hospital Cancer Center. We will be making them out of fleece or knit fabrics. If you would like to help with this project, we are accepting donations of fleece, cotton or knit fabrics. It takes about 1/2 yard per hat. You are also invited to join us on the 24th to sew hats (bring your sewing machine if you can). If you can’t sew, your help is still needed to cut out fabric. We are also collecting hats that are knitted or crocheted. These need to be made out of soft yarns (donations of yarns are also accepted). This will be a year-long mission of MYLO. We are inviting members of the congregation to share their skills with us. Hats will be for men, women and children so various sizes are needed. If you have any questions or need patterns please contact Sue Heinlein. 6 CELEBRATING 175 YEARS AT MILLBURN CHURCH Millburn has a long history of nurturing people for ministry in the church. Frequently, students from Chicago Theological Seminary supplied the church as they completed their training. Two of them, Norman Rice (1923-25) and Everett McNair (1927-28), were ordained at Millburn Church. Lauren Messersmith came to Millburn Church as a student pastor in 1942 and was ordained in the church in 1945. Unlike other student pastors, he stayed for a 31 year pastorate. The church has also nurtured ministers from within the congregation. William Bradford Dodge Gray, Father Dodge’s grandson, and Alexander Thain, sons of the congregation, became Congregational ministers. More recently, Aaron James, who grew up in the church, graduated from Yale Divinity School and since 2009 serves as Senior Minister of First Congregational UCC of West Dundee, Illinois. The church has also nurtured women in ministry. Clara Stedman, a grand-daughter of Father Dodge, in 1885 accepted an appointment with the American Missionary Association to teach in a missionary school in Kentucky. Una Minto began a 26 year missionary ministry in Angola, Africa in 1920. Marjorie Hughs, another daughter of the church, was appointed by the Methodist Board of Foreign Missions first to a Calcutta Girls school and then the Mount Herman Girls school in Darjeeling, India before her death in 1936. In 1996 The Rev. Kathleen Bleyaert, another daughter of the congregation, was ordained and served on the church’s staff as Minister of Pastoral Care. The Rev. Alisha Mills is the most recent member of the church ordained. From A HISTORY OF MILLBURN CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST by Paul R. Meltzer 7 Circle of Prayer Concerns Sarah Storaasli’s mother, Merilyn Recovering from pulmonary embolisms Dianne Etienne’s mother After surgery Scott Etienne’s mother After placement of a stint Janele Overocker’s friend After surgery Glenda Class Recovering from a fall Becky Fuller’s friend, Jeff Howe After back surgery Jeff Howe’s daughter, Addie Has been ill Danielle Ende Recovering from mono Mourning Joan Simmons Mourning the sudden death of her sister, Jean Eric Walters Grieving the end of his daughter’s pregnancy Nanette Thorson Mourning the death of her father, Marvin Continued Prayers Meryl Perlstrom Stacy Messner’s brother Struggling with ALS Warren Wells Rehabbing at Rolling Hills Linda Ryckman Diagnosed with breast cancer Maureen Slade’s Aunt Sheila Fighting 2 forms of cancer Dave Force’s sister, Eileen Diagnosed with early stage breast cancer Norma Welch Steve Strang Barb Coon’s cousin, Sue Cancer has returned Chuck Beach’s sister and brother-in-law Recovering from illness Sarah Storaasli’s cousin Diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer Tim Chichester Recovering from a fall and surgery after car accident Alicia Rayner Tumors are stable Joan Simmons’ daughter Diagnosed with breast cancer Cindy Rendl’s friends, the Pruess’ Expecting a baby diagnosed with terminal kidney disease Carol Rossi’s niece, Eileen Fighting a serious illness Nanette Thorson Continued recovery from a stroke To add or remove a name to the Circle of Prayer, please contact Pastor Jed or Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator. 8 March Birthdays 1st Laura Dragin 2nd Mara Tanneberger 4th Steven Strang Alicia Rayner 7th Grace Strahan Wayne Nowack Scott Messner 8th Joan Stewart Sarah Warrem 9th John Plonka Mark Denman 10th Sierra Slade 11th Maryella Mills 12th Ruth Holst 13th Jenna Denman 14th Kelly Grimes 15th Ron Bratzke Carly Kraft 16th Al Sommer Donna Geiger Altar Flowers We need your help!! Our Altar Flower Chart is posted on the bulletin board in Lauren Hall. There are several open Sundays needing to be filled. Please check out the chart and consider signing up for a Sunday. Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator, will call you during that week to ask if you want the fresh flowers in a vase or a dish arrangement and also if you have a color choice. The flowers are delivered to the church from Floral Acres, Antioch—your cost $27. You can also provide your own flowers if you wish—just indicate that on the chart next to your name. This is a nice way to participate in decorating the altar but still able to take home and enjoy yourself after the 10 a.m. worship service. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator. Evan Zaloudek 17th Sue Heinlein MYLO Hosts Soup & Salad Luncheon 21st Zachary Slade Emily Monahan 23rd Zachary Moreano 24th Laura Petroff Landin Majerowski 26th Scott Messner 27th William Strahan Lorel Chichester Cloe Etienne Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 1st. MYLO is hosting another Soup and Salad Lunch after the 10 a.m. worship service. We will be serving 5 homemade soups, salads and desserts. Cost is only $5.00. Please stay after church to join us for a great meal and visit with your Millburn Church family and friends! 29th Hannah Skinner Millburn Church fact: In 1845 the first benevolent (mission) offering the church collected amounted to 51 cents. 9 Can you fit the underlined words correctly into the grid? One letter has already been entered to get you started. Is It Time to Get Up? by Duncan MacKellar Ho hum, is it time to get up? How long have I been asleep? Are you aware it's freezing out there? The snow is three feet deep! What do you mean by waking me up? This cold is just insane. An Arctic hare or a polar bear Would feel the need to complain! A tortoise needs a lot of sleep So I'll carry on if I may. It's far too wet to get up yet, Try again on a sunnier day. I don't know why you're bothering me, I've important things to do. I need to dream and plan and scheme, Wake me up with a better view. Put me back in my box again With all that lovely straw. Do the right thing, wait until spring When the wind is not so raw. Ah, that's better, it's cosy in here, It all could have ended in grief. I'm all right now but could do with some chow, Any chance of a lettuce leaf? How many shamrocks like this one can you find in this Messenger? 10 Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ 19073 W. Grass Lake Rd. Lake Villa, IL 60046 Celebrating 175 years in the community 1840 - 2015 Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we worship God as a spiritually alive church, welcoming all and reaching out with love as Christ’s disciples. March 8th starts Daylight Savings Time… turn your clocks ahead 1 hour ! Answer to Kids Page: 16 shamrocks Please our earth. 11
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