e th Disciples’ Voice “Walking Today’s Journey of Faith Together” (513) 754-0777 Fax (513) 754-0779 www.trcchurch.org AWAKENINGS - 9:00 A.M. ADULT EDUCATION HOUR - 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP/COMMUNION & CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:30 A.M. Troy Sybrant, Sr. Pastor - [email protected] Olivia Bryan Updegrove, Family pastor/ Youth Coordinator - [email protected] Annmarie Lyons, Director of Music Debbie Osburn, Admin. Asst. - [email protected] Volume XXXV Number - 22 Voyager Sermon Series Nov 23: Luke 5:1-11; Mark 8:14-21 “A Boatload of Blessings.” Consecration Day is Coming November 23rd 10:30 Worship “A Boatload of Blessings” Following worship there will be a Victory Celebration as we celebrate and affirm the generosity of God expressed through this congregation. If you haven’t made a reservation email Lyle Dailey today. We want to have plenty of dessert for all that will be with us that morning; come celebrate! Instruments of Peace Sundays Nov. 23, Dec. 7, 14 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Music is one of the ways we praise God through voice and instruments. David played a lyre and sang. The early church continued praising God through song. If you’d like to be part of a group of wind and string instrumentalists, please contact Annmarie Lyons. All ages are welcome! News from the board see page 3 November 19, 2014 Welcome New Member Mary Holmes Please join in welcoming our newest member Mary Holmes. She comes to us by transferring her membership. Mary was born in Kansas and went to high school in Missouri. After getting married to David, they moved to Oklahoma. They had 30 happy years together. She was employed for 40 years for an insurance agency. She moved to Ohio to be closer to her daughter, Sidonie and her two grandchildren Terry and Lily. On Saturday, November 15 Mary celebrated her birthday. She enjoys playing bridge and oil painting. Words of welcome can be sent to her at 2960 Pine Grove Lane, Maineville OH 45039. We look forward to our future together! Mark Your Calendars! Fri., Dec. 5 Parents Night Out 6-9 p.m. CYF Lock-in 9 p.m. Fri. — 9 a.m. Sat. The Parent's night out will be Friday, December 5th. from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be followed by a lockin for all high school age youth. We are asking the kids to bring money to contribute towards pizza and such. The kids are welcome to bring movies or games they would like to play. Pick up from the lock-in will be by 9 a.m. Saturday. Without a vision, the people perish, but blessed are those who keep the law. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) Stewardship and Kids You know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives, it’s time for us to more than just survive, we were made to thrive. “Thrive” by Casting Crowns A few weeks ago our Family Group spent time talking about our world and how much $1 is really worth. The KIDS have been encouraged to make their own contribution to the church this year. Stay tuned to see how much their leadership can make a difference. Can you feel it? A fresh Spirit from God sweeping across the face of the waters of our congregation, bringing new life. Can you sense it? A mighty rushing wind being poured out upon young and old with visions and dreams, filling us with hope. Can you see it? A Biblical vision from Creation to Consummation, a story within which we are living, orienting us on this journey. Can you touch it? An ark of salvation welcoming us and all creation onboard, setting sail before our very eyes, beckoning us onward. God is acting in profound and powerful ways among us. Paint and fabric, fiberglass and wood, rope and paper in the hands of our many talented artisans become vehicles of God’s revelation, inviting us all to step within the Scriptural imagination and find ourselves living there. Sheet music and solos, stewardship testimonies and Scripture, choral anthems and family-led worship, from the lips of our many gifted singers and speakers both young and old become the very voice of God speaking into our congregation. None of this would be possible without the overflowing generosity of our God, the steadfast prayers from each of you for God’s blessings upon us, and the commitment across the board from leadership and membership to be part of this Voyage wherever God would take us. Thank you each for your faithfulness and trust in God. This seven-week Voyage was never meant to simply be a shore excursion or day trip, but rather to launch us congregationally into the next leg of our journey together. It is to provide the momentum for us to move into the good future God has prepared for us, and to do so with joy, vigor, courage, and hope. If you’d like to be part of that next leg, to launch this ship beyond our church walls into the homes that we share, to continue living into the Biblical vision that God is revealing to us, we will be embarking in early January. See me to be part of that voyage. With a vision, the people flourish. With a vision, we lead extraordinary lives where each and all thrive. Praise God! Family Group BIBLE TRIVIA! - December 7th!! Now that Family led worship is over, it is time to get back to that Bible! We will continue to meet following worship. Don’t forget MONEY for pizza. TEXT MESSAGE Please add yourself to the text messaging list for FAMILIES. Text @trccfamily to 567 238 4250. Children’s Worship & Wonder Advent Each week of Advent we will all be on the way to Bethlehem as we share the Children’s Worship & Wonder Advent story each week in worship. January 11th Following worship on January 11th, we will want EVERYONE to help us put the CW&W stories together. Supplies and more details will come in the future. Youth and Parents of Youth Please add yourself to the text messaging list. It will include reminders, scriptures, and weekly videos. Text @trcccyf to 567 238 4250. NEWS from the General Board Dear TRCC, In the spirit of openness and seeking input from the congregation, we would like to let you know of some recent developments that the general board is considering. Recently, we were approached by the developer of Everybody's Farm, that is interested in buying a portion of our property adjacent to a major project they are pursuing. This may be a positive opportunity for us to part with a portion of our land that is currently unused, and likely unusable because of water drainage issues. The board has decided to continue having discussions with the developer to gather more information. In addition, the Building/Property Vision team is considering how this might impact long and short term visions for our property and how it fits in to our long term mission. It is expected this process will proceed slowly, but we wanted to inform the congregation as soon as possible so you can be a part of the conversation. As we learn more, there will be opportunities to provide more details to the congregation and to seek your input. If you have any questions or comments on this matter, feel free to contact Jim Guckert or Lyle Dailey. Lyle Dailey, Moderator 513-441-7178 Jim Guckert, Trustee Chair 513-683-0753 Beautify our Sanctuary with Poinsettias $ 10.00 each Please have all orders in by Dec. 8th! Please reserve a _________ red, _________ white or _________ variegated I share them... in Memory of, in Honor of, or in Celebration of: (please circle one of the above) ________________________________________________ Please print or write clearly how you want us to list this Given by - ____________________________ After Christmas Eve worship you may take them home. THANKS! You may pay for these by putting $10 in a blank envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” or writing “Christmas Flowers” on the memo of your check and placing it in the offering plate. TRCC Food Pantry Items Needed Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen Please add an item from this list to your grocery list. soups, tuna, chicken, peaches, pears, pineapple, green beans, corn, apple juice, spaghetti, peanut butter, beef stew, chili. This helps the volunteers to complete boxes for those who are in need. Advent Devotionals November 23rd Advent devotionals are available now. Please pick up your copy, one per family. They are also available from Creative Communications for the Parish on Amazon kindle and nook, for those who prefer an electronic version. We are in need of a Volunteer Coordinator for the kitchen. I'd like to stress that this person DOES NOT have to go to the soup kitchen. We need someone to get the volunteers by: asking for volunteers in church, having a sign up sheet in the back of the church, emailing, calling people to make sure that they will be there. Most of the time we just need a few more people to round out our crew. Please give this prayerful consideration. If you have any questions, please see Carole Kubrin. Tapestry of Friends Friday, Dec. 5 11:30 a.m. We will meet at the church to car pool to Houston Inn for our Christmas luncheon. Please join us for a time of fellowship. Any questions, contact Lois Hofmann. Possible Gift Idea Have someone on your Christmas list who is hard to buy for or seems to have everything? Here's a perfect solution! You can purchase a food pantry box in your loved one's name. A $25 donation to the TRCC Food Pantry provides a box containing juice, oatmeal, fruit, vegetables, soup, stew, tuna, chicken, spaghetti, and more. You will receive a card you can give to your designee acknowledging your gift. Shopping with no lines or hassles while making a difference in your community - priceless! Contact Marlene Perdue or Lois Hofmann of Tapestry of Friends. Voyage to Bethlehem, Sat. Dec, 13, 6-8 p.m. We are changing the name of Nativity Stories to Voyage to Bethlehem to be aligned with our Voyager Mission. Please read the lyrics to the carol “I Saw Three Ships.” One interpretation of the three ships reflects the three wise men. This is also being done so people won't confuse this event with Live Nativity. What hasn't changed is we are still trying to gather the largest number of Nativity sets from our members and the community. We are still asking that you write a little story on what the nativity set means to your family, and if you have any family traditions. The event is still December 13 from 6 to 8 pm, and it will feature music, cookies, cocoa, activities for youth and fellowship. A flyer is in the works. 11:30 am Madhatters 28 10:30 am Healing & Anointing 21 11:30 am Blood Pressure Check 11:30 am Family Group Gr 3-8 11:30 am Madhatters 14 11:30 am Family Group Gr 3-8 7 Sunday 29 22 15 8 1 Office Closed Monday Daisy Troop Office Closed 5:00 pm Stepping Forward Dinner 30 23 6:30 pm Daisy Troop 6:30 pm Light Dance Ensemble 7:00 pm College Age 16 6:30 pm Light Dance Ensemble 9 6:30 pm 2 Tuesday Ablaze Choir Handbell Choir Adult Choir Ablaze Choir Handbell Choir Adult Choir Ablaze Choir Handbell Choir Adult Choir 31 Office Closed 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Service 11:00 pm Christmas Eve Service 24 Office Closed 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 17 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 10 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 3 Wednesday 5 Friday 25 18 11 Office Closed 7:00 pm Cincinnati Civic Orchestra 26 19 12 Parents Night Out CYF Lock In Office Closed 6:00 pm 9:00 pm 12:00 pm Pastor at Panera 11:30 am Tapestry of Bread Friends 4 Thursday 2014 27 9:00 am Light Dance Ensemble 20 6:00 pm Voyage to Bethlehem 13 6 Saturday College Age Members Christmas Dinner December 16th 7:00 p.m. at B.D. Mongolian Grill Please let the office know if you can join us for our annual outing Reach Out Lakota Angel Tree All Gifts are needed by Sunday, December 7 Pick a sailboat from the tree with the age and sex of a child. Buy a $25 gift or gift certificate you think would be appropriate for that age; Bring the gift (with child tag attached) back to church UNWRAPPED and place it under the tree. Please include batteries. They ask you avoid purchasing clothing, stuffed animals and multiple gifts totaling $25 unless they are related (baseball and glove). All gifts need to be returned to church by Sunday, December 7. We will be delivering them to Reach Out Lakota on Monday, December 8th. If you didn’t pick up an ornament and still would like to support this great program, you can purchase a $25 gift card. Another way of support is through stocking stuffers (suggested less than $10) of items such as small toys like Barbie dolls, earrings, wallets, inexpensive board games, or matchbox cards. There will be a box marked Stocking Stuffers next to the Angel Tree for these items. Please contact Mairi Huizinga [email protected] 513-7793087 if you have any questions. Thanks for your support of such a great ministry program. December Birthdays 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 Kimber Owens Cara Rapp Matthew Lyons Leann White Jillian Wylds Tori Hagedorn Nancy Guckert Ruth Phillips Sue Schaeffer Jeanne Young Sally Engle Don Phillips Annmarie Lyons Tyke Updegrove Heather Hudson Sarah Phillips 21 22 23 25 26 28 29 30 Kailer Renzenbrink Nick Lee Rich Engle Abbey Sybrant Eleanor Buchanan Diana Hipple Hagedorn Madison Seitz Pat Swartz December Anniversaries 4 Brad & Lauren Sheets 31 Doug & Barbara Kennedy Holiday Sale Proceeds to benefit Youth UN Seminar Trip Sunday, November 30, 2014 Items available include: Lace Scarves Handmade Snow Globes Pincushion Teacups Handmade Denim Tote Bags Handpainted Greeting Cards Baked Goods And much, much more!!! Cara Rapp will be selling these items with all proceeds toward the trip. While at this point she’s the only youth confirmed, please support her and possibly others as they journey with other Disciples’ youth to DC and NY. 86th SEASON CINCINNATI CIVIC ORCHESTRA HOLIDAYCONCERTS Frozen Water ~ Ice and Snow Ballet of the Skaters by Meyerbeer & Skaters Waltz by Waldteufel Frozen by Kristin and Robert Lopez & Sleigh Ride by Leroy Anderson Our CCO Finale ~ Festive Sounds of Hanukah & A Christmas Festival Thursday, December 4th at 7:00 Tylersville Road Christian Church 6771 Tylersville Road in Mason Laurence Bonhaus, Music Director Free Admission LIKE US ON FACEBOOK GREAT MUSIC, GREAT FUN ! MINISTRY OF LOVE 11/23/14 Awakenings Patton Family Acolyte Matthew Ferguson Media Mairi Huizinga, A Lyons Children’s Moment Sarah Ferguson Worship & Church Life Leader Steve Simmons Elders Communion Invitation Offering Invitation— Laura Dailey Early Deacon Noah Tietsort Team Deacons: # 4 Pam Hacker, Joe Weber, Sarah Phillips, Bev McKinney MINISTRY OF LOVE 11/30/14 Awakenings Volunteer Needed Acolyte Matthew Ferguson Media Bob Phillips, David Broz Children’s Moment Olivia Updegrove Worship & Church Life Leader Daun Seitz Communion Invitation - Ed Vennerholm Elders Offering Invitation - Carole Kubrin Early Deacon Ron Alexander Team Deacons: # 2 Kelly Nolte, Megan Hein, Susan Guckert, Steve Simmons, Ron Alexander, Dianne Alexander, Rhonda Godbey, Cara Rapp Mad Hatters 2nd & 4th Sunday After Worship For any questions ask Debi Freimuth or Carol Yarborough. See you there!!! Worship Space Transformation We want to thank the many who have been assisting with the transformation of the Worship Space for our Voyager sermon series. November 18, 2014 PRAYERS: EMILY HIGBY (Kubrin's friend) LAURIE HANNA (Amy Donnenwerth's friend) MARY KELLY (Mairi Huizinga’s aunt) ANDREW LYONS KELLY NOLTE WILLIAM DALEY (Mairi Huizinga’s dad) T.J. CUSICK (Amy Donnenwerth's friend) VERNEDA HIVELY (Amy Donnenwerth's aunt) BARB & DOUG KENNEDY CAROLE KUBRIN Pat Marchman (Diane Alexander’s relative) Pam Hacker Rebecca Nooe (Elisa Simmons' friend) Grace (Amy Donnenwerth's friend) Personal Concerns: PAULA SUDDARTH & family. For those traumatized by the church, including me & my family. CHRIS RAPP (Rhonda Godbey's son) LARRY & family (community prayer) Phil Chavez (community prayer) All in military service and their families. Major Ben Brown (Candy Hein’s brother) Turkey Chris Keyes (USMC) Okinawa Dan Ormond (Kubrin's nephew) US Sgt. Brandon Payne (Debora Ahmed's son in law) Major Greg Polk Ft. Leavenworth Major Todd Polk, Alaska Joy: JESSICA VON LINTEL expecting 3rd child (Kurt & Debi Freimuth's daughter) Mason HS band placed 5th at Bands of America competition, best ever. Invited to Rose Parade. 3 new toilets in women's rest room. Mary Holmes joining 11/9 by transfer of membership. For the ongoing artistry & movement of the Holy Spirit in this Voyager Series! We are currently collecting all names that have been part of this process. Please check the list to ensure you’re part of it. Grief: Family & friends of NASYA MORGAN (Diana Hipple's cousin) Family & friend DICK MAYLEBEN (Eric & Mike Mayleben's father) Thank you goes to all who participated by painting, making sail boats, pillar of fire and many more who have assisted behind the scenes. Thanks again for all the hard work. Please Note: Names will appear on the Prayer Concerns List for 4 weeks unless notification is given to extend. Please call the church office when names can be added or removed. All Creatures Great & Small committee There is a sign up sheet on a clipboard at the rear of the sanctuary for volunteers to help plan and execute the plan for a successful event on May 2, 2015. We are seeking people who can work with Animal Friends to promote the event and attract attendees. We are looking for a couple of people who can work to attract rescue groups, vendors and other exhibitors. This will involve phoning folks and forming relationships with group event coordinators. We are also seeking one person who can do web page and social media for us. We need to start working NOW to have a successful event, so if you are interested, please sign up! Thanks, Kurt Freimuth TYLERSVILLE ROAD CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) 6771 Tylersville Road Mason, Ohio 45040-2902 DATED MATERIAL Address Service Requested PRAYERS Local: Prayers for those under the influence of habit forming drugs and their families ..those impacted by the loss of experienced Social Workers. ..The success and growth of our Faith Alliance Organization MISSION AND MINISTRY November 22 23 9:00 a.m. Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen Consecration Sunday 11:30 a.m. Family Group Madhatters Happy Thanksgiving Office Closed First Sunday of Advent Regional: Prayers for support and stronger programs for our homeless and those seeking job opportunities 27 28 30 Global: The control and hopefully a cure for Ebola ..Unrest in the Ukraine and Middle East ..Nationally elected leaders work for the healing of our country. December 4 7:00 p.m. Cincinnati Civic Orchestra 5 6:00 p.m. Parents Night Out and CYF Lock In
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