Celebrating 100+ Years of Ministry 1906-2015 Volume 49 Issue 3 We are a church of ordinary people caring for one another as we respond to God’s call for a just and sustainable world. Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church March 2015 1722 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY 40205 A SIGN OF THE NEW COVENANT IN JESUS CHRIST In our biblical heritage, God is described as “cutting a covenant” and offering a sign to mark the occasion. In the stories of Genesis, God established a covenant outlining humanity’s outgoing responsibility towards creation and inner responsibility concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Following the great flood, God cut a covenant with Noah to never again destroy life on earth and offered the rainbow as a sign. (These are called the Adamic and Noahic covenants). Later there’s the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants. Jeremiah envisioned a New Covenant that would be written on people’s hearts, and as people began following Jesus they proclaimed a new covenant being established in Jesus Christ. In a recent worship service, I was trying to draw a comparison between the water in Noah’s story with the waters of baptism. But wondered what sign reminds people of the new life God establishes through this “covenant?” I really liked when Maddie Vanamburgh spoke up and suggested that –in addition to water– people are a sign of God’s covenant in baptism. She’s right. There would be no baptism if people were not turning towards God. And the way people live should be a sign, for others to see Christ in our lives. “Out of the mouths of babes . . .” Psalm 8:2 / Matthew 21:16 HOLY WEEK OBSERVANCES Palm Sunday Parade on March 29 Meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:40 a.m. to receive your palm leaves and to join the walk through the neighborhood as we remember Jesus’ joyful entry into Jerusalem. We will return to the Sanctuary for worship at 11:00 a.m. Maundy Thursday Dinner & Worship with Communion on April 2 at 6 p.m. Remembering the “Last Supper” Jesus shared with his disciples during Holy Week, people will gather for a simple meal in Fellowship Hall. The meal and the worship will flow together as we meet around tables and remember Jesus giving his followers his “New Commandment.” Good Friday Service on April 3 at 8 p.m. A simple presentation of Lessons and Hymns telling the story of Christ’s passion. We will experience the story of Jesus’ last hours as the drama of his betrayal, trial and death unfold. It puts us into the story – as we await Easter morning and new life. Celebration of the Resurrection: Service of Worship with Communion on April 5 A Celebration of the Resurrection (with Communion). We will hear the story of the resurrection of Jesus and how his friends moved from fear to joy, then to a deeper understanding of who Jesus was and how he was calling them –and us– to live. This is also the Sunday for the One Great Hour of Sharing offering to be received. Challenging winter eased by sun & happy people! HCM LENTEN LUNCHEONS FOR 2015 HCM will have it's Lenten lunch series, “Jesus on the Road to Jerusalem– Will you join Him?” each Thursday of Lent, 12:00 noon to 1:00pm. A light meal of soup and bread will be served. There is no charge for the meal, however, an offering will be collected for HCM. When: 3/5 Where: Strathmoor Presbyterian Church Theme: “Living Sight”, Jericho, Mark 10:46-52 The speaker will be Rev. David Platt When 3/12 Where: Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church Theme: “Living Movement”, Caperaum, Mark 2:1-12 The speaker will be Sr. Melanie Prejean-Sullivan When: 3/19 Where: St. Paul United Presbyterian Church Theme: “Sharing Life Feeding 5000”, Galilee, Mark 6:30-44 The speaker will be Troy Burden, HCM LENTEN MID-WEEK WORSHIP ON WEDNESDAYS /WITH DINNER Lenten mid-week Worship and Fellowship Meals will be hosted this year on Wednesdays, from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. You are invited to join with members and friends of the congregation (at 6 p.m.) in the sanctuary on the Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18 and 25. GATHERINGS DURING LENTEN. The 40-days of Lent (a time for spiritual preparation between Ash Wednesday and Easter) offer opportunities for reflection and spiritual exploration. Please consider and encourage others to actively participate in Lent as a season of spiritual renewal. On Sunday mornings, during the 9:30 – 10:30 education time, you’re invited to join with others. People are meeting each week on Sunday morning during Lent. On Wednesday evening. On the next 4 Wednesdays during Lent you’re invited to an Evening Vesper Service in the Sanctuary (at 6 p.m.) followed by a simple community supper in the Fellowship Hall. When: 3/26 Where: Deer Park Baptist Church Theme: “Living at Ground Zero”, Mark 11:1-11 The speaker will be Rev. Chris Lieberman Thursday afternoons: During Thursdays in March you are invited to participate in the noon-time HCM Lenten Luncheon Series. The time is always the same, Noon to 1:00 p.m.; the location changes each Thursday. USHERS CALLING ALL GRADUATES MARCH BIRTHDAYS If there is anyone who would like to serve in the future, please contact Carol Brees at [email protected] or call 502-644-0406. Alicia Bloos Jan Adams Jolie Bright Jonathan Teaford Jeremy Teaford Bruce Teaford Ben Adams Evan Hofmann Brad Harris Eleanor Short Daniel Hougland Dan Rapp Katie Allen Wesley Overstreet Tom Pope Mary Bennett Evie Macway Julie Hofmann Becky Shafer Clinton Grosz Nancy Troy Megan Smith BRP Newsletter 3 4 9 9 12 12 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 23 24 24 27 30 31 Please let the church office know if anyone in your family is graduating this year—college, high school, middle or elementary school. Please let the church know so we can share the good news. Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church Staff *Rev. Chris Lieberman Pastor Rev. Richard Teaford Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jim Brees Pastoral Associate *Lanie Sipes Seminary Intern *Qjuan Bright Youth Ministry Coordinator *Alicia Bloos Children’s Ministry Coordinator *Breañya C. Hogue Ubuntu Academy Director *Alice Gnau Co-Director Ubuntu Academy *Kelli Spatol Lead Tutor Ubuntu Academy *Jeanie Grosz Director of Music Ministries/Organist *Johanna Fears Office Manager Claire Detlefs Treasurer *Elisha Davis II Custodian Brad Harris Web Master (* compensated) Editor, Johanna Fears 1722 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY 40205 Ph: 502-451-8305 Website: brpres.org E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 ASH WEDNESDAY A few hearty souls braved the weather to attend the Ash Wednesday service. YOUTH SCHEDULE Saturday, March 7th: The Rock and Worship Road Show (concert) Location: Freedom Hall Time: The show starts at 7pm Cost: 10 dollars at the door (We will have to get to freedom hall VERY early; also, if you have binoculars, bring them) Sunday, March 22nd: Lunch and Lazer Blaze from 12-3:00 p.m. Any adult that wants to participate or help any way, please contact Qjuan at. 502-712-9647 or 502-553-8862 or email at [email protected] UofL Women’s Basketball Game BRP Newsletter Page 3 EASTER BREAKFAST BREAKFAST IN THE PARK—SATURDAY, April 4, 8:00 a.m. at Hogan’s Fountain Once again, it is time for our annual Easter Breakfast at Hogan’s Fountain in Cherokee Park. Becky Shafer is the Communication Coordinator – so please let her know how you can help at 895-0095 or email at [email protected]. The Breakfast consists of fruit, orange juice, egg casserole, bacon, sausage, milk and donuts. The cost for us to use Hogan’s Fountain for the morning is $150. We will welcome donations at the time of the breakfast to help cover the cost of the use of the park as well as food and supplies for the breakfast. Youth of the church have agreed to be our “Easter Bunny Assistants” – they will fill and hide the eggs for the children’s egg hunt. EASTER LILIES We will be ordering 25 Easter lilies through the Kentuckiana Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation again this year. The cost is $10.00. Please pay with cash/check when you order by completing a form and placing it in the offering plate during Worship or by leaving it in the church office by March 22nd. Make checks payable to Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church. Forms will be in the bulletin soon. On Easter Sunday, April 5th we will print recognitions of those you wish to remember or honor in the church bulletin. COVENANT COMMUNITY CHURCH at worship in the BRP Sanctuary To all the folks of Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church, There are many ways to help; please consider volunteering for one or more items listed below, and join in to enjoy the beauty of creation, the fellowship of a meal shared with our Church family, and the joy of Easter. Possible items to bring: Fruit, Juice, Donuts, Milk, Egg Casserole, Bacon and/or sausage. You can also volunteer to: help cook meat Saturday morning; buy and set up milk and orange juice; buy and set up paper plates and plastic cutlery; and help clean up. Directions From I-64, take the Grinstead Dr. exit and then turn (left if coming from I-64W, or right if coming from I-64E) onto Grinstead Dr. Take a left (almost immediately) at the light onto Lexington Rd. Take the next right into the park. The road will eventually turn into a one-way scenic loop. Follow this loop to the top of the second hill to Hogan's Fountain. We are so glad to be in your midst! We moved in with no difficulties (apart from the rain...) on February 1 and had our first worship service in your sanctuary on the 15th. We are still learning our way around and trying to make sure we leave things as we found them, but we are very thankful for your hospitality! As has been said before, you all are welcome to come to our service any time, and we are glad to know that we may join yours. We appreciated the chance to have a joint Ash Wednesday service, and who knows what other opportunities may present themselves. Thank you for the shelter in this time of transition for us. We are most grateful. Bendiciones, Rev. Mamie Broadhurst on behalf of Covenant Community Church From I-65, take the exit for Eastern Pkwy and follow it to the east over Bardstown Rd. until it "dead ends" at a traffic circle at the entrance to the park. Go "straight" through the traffic circle and get on the one-way scenic loop. Hogan's Fountain will be at the top of the next hill. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR 2015 OVERNIGHT TRIPS: Work Trip to West Liberty, KY: March 12-14 Annual Buckhorn Intergenerational Mission Trip: June 7th-10th BRP Youth trip to Washington D.C.: June 16th-20th Presbyterians for Earth Care at Montreat: September 15th-18th BRP Newsletter CCC at Worship Page 4 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S CIRCLES “Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians,” by Louisvillian Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, chair of the Department of Theology at Bellarmine University, is the 2014-2015 Horizons Bible Study book. The Morning Circle will meet Tuesday, March 10, at 11:00 A.M. in the Club Room, under the leadership of Joe Anne Overstreet. The Evening Circle will meet on Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 P.M. at the home of Joyce Lieberman, to discuss Lessons 4 & 5. For more information, contact Alicia Bloos, coordinator of this self-guided circle. New members and visitors are welcome to join both circles. Contact Joe Anne or Alicia for more information or to request a study book for $8. FROM THE MISSION COMMITTEE: Easter Food Baskets In the next few weeks food tags will be available on the Easter Egg tree in Fellowship Hall showing the food needed for food baskets we will provide for the HCM families we helped at Christmas. Food needs to be returned by Palm Sunday, March 29. The families will be invited to join us at Easter activities and pick up their food baskets at the church. Please pick up tags and know that your continued generosity to those in need is greatly appreciated! Mission Trips and Work Days March 12-14, the BRP Disaster Assistance Team will again travel to West Liberty, KY, to work on Habitat for Humanity projects and also assist the Baptist church which has graciously hosted us on all our trips with some projects of their own. Contact Peggie Elgin or Bill Bowman for more information. Watch for detailed information about other trips and work days in upcoming newsletters. Set aside these dates now if you wish to participate: Buckhorn Work Trip – June 7-10--Intergenerational– See Jennie Guelda for further information. Cedar Ridge Camp Work Day – Date To Be Announced– See Alicia Bloos to express interest. Presbyterians for Earth Care at Montreat— September 15-18 TRIP TO WEST LIBERTY The BRP Disaster Recovery team will be making its third trip to West Liberty, Kentucky, a town that was almost destroyed by a tornado in March of 2012. As in prior years, we'll do some kind of repair work and new construction. Most likely, the team will work with the local Habitat affiliate, and we'll stay overnight at the local Baptist church. The trip to West Liberty is planned for March 12 through 14. We will travel to the town on Thursday afternoon, work on Friday and Saturday, and return on Saturday afternoon. Team members are welcome to work on one day or two. If you're interested in joining the team, just let the church office (451-8305) know about your availability. Bill Bowman BRP Newsletter HELP PLAN FOR WEST LIBERTY WORK TRIP Wouldn’t it be nice to release some of our pent-up energy and frustrations over winter by pounding a hammer or sawing some wood on a Habitat for Humanity House in West Liberty the second weekend of March? A planning meeting is anticipated at the Elgin home on a Friday night or after church before the trip to cover details, weather permitting. Let the church office know if you have some interest in participating. Email updates will be sent to those who have participated in past working trips to West Liberty and Henryville, IN. On another note, keep your disaster kits up to date. We had to get water from ours when a water main broke in our neighborhood. One of the big plastic water containers had developed a small leak. So it is worth time to check up on the contents of your kit from time to time to make sure all is ready to use when you need it. Peggie Elgin The next Mission Committee meeting will be Tuesday, March 10, at 7:00 P.M. in the Club Room. We are involved in many on-going ministries. New members are needed to lend their energy and vision as we go forward with many local and global mission projects. Please consider whether God is calling you to serve in this ministry. SUMMER CAMP AT CEDAR RIDGE Information is hot off the press about 2015 summer camps at Cedar Ridge Camp, the camp and conference center of Mid-Kentucky Presbytery located right here in Jefferson County! Various camps are offered for children ages 7-16. Check out opportunities on the camp website, www.cedarridgecamp.com, or see Alicia Bloos for camp brochures. BRP is offering partial scholarships. In addition, the following discounts are being offered: Presbyterians who register before Derby Day will automatically receive $50 off overnight camp and half off a second week of day camp for each child booked. Additionally, Presbyterians can get another $50 off per child by using the coupon code "Presbyterian" when they check out. Register today for early discounts! It only takes five minutes!! Make a fun, rewarding, enriching experience part of your child’s (or grandchild’s) summer experience! KIDS’ CLUB Now that the worst of the winter weather is behind us (we hope!), Kids’ Club, for children in third through fifth grades, will resume activities! Watch the worship bulletins for more information, or if your child is interested in joining us, contact me with your child’s schedule and interests. March 22: Following worship, we will make and eat pizzas and enjoy time together making crafts. KIDS’ CLUB CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN Page 6 KIDS’ CLUB (CONT.) In June, the Presbytery is again sponsoring a MiniCamp weekend for 3rd-5th graders at Cedar Ridge Camp. This is the perfect introduction to the camp experience for our youngsters. Our Ivona attended last year and had a great experience. I hope to have a large BRP group participating. Our children may begin lifelong friendships with other area Presbyterian children! Contact me if your child is interested. Alicia Bloos, Children’s Ministry Coordinator; [email protected], 502-454-5259 GOT BATTERIES? Do you have batteries lying around the house? What do you do with them when they don't work any more? Household batteries--the ones used for flashlights, remote controls, and other small appliances--shouldn't be thrown in the garbage because they contain zinc, silver, mercury, lithium and other heavy metals. The same is true for button batteries from hearing aids and watches. Rechargeable batteries also contain nickel, lithium, and lead, and shouldn't be thrown away. So, what do you do with all those batteries? Metro Public Works would like you to take your batteries (and other hazardous waste) to their disposal site near the airport, but who's going to drive many miles to dispose of one AAA battery? That's where BRP's Green Team comes in! During the next several months, BRP will have a container in Fellowship Hall where you can bring your batteries. Once we have accumulated enough batteries, we'll make one trip to the disposal site to recycle all the household batteries, button batteries, and rechargeable batteries all at once. Most of us are already recycling our used paper, cardboard, aluminum, and glass, so let's recycle all our batteries too! Bill Bowman World Day of Prayer 2015 Women, men and children in more than 170 countries and regions will celebrate World Day of Prayer, Friday, March 6, 2015. The women of the WDP Committee of The Bahamas call us to consider Jesus’ words to the disciples after washing their feet: “Do you understand what I have done for you?” The women of The Bahamas describe what Jesus does when he washes the disciples’ feet as “radical love”. Radical love comes from humility, compassion and commitment. God’s radical love is not static or selfcentered; it reaches out and draws others in. Although we perhaps first associate this country of islands with the pleasures of vacation and images of tropical paradise, there is much more to learn. As we listen to our Bahamian sisters throughout the worship service, we see the transformation that occurs when a teen mother finds support to continue her education and raise her child, when a breast cancer survivor and people living with HIV/AIDS find strength to live out their journeys, and when the chains of oppression are broken. Through this service, the women of The Bahamas give us an invitation to beauty and love in the name of the transformative and radical love that Jesus brings to us all. This year’s service will be held on Friday March 6 at Highland United Methodist Church, 1140 Cherokee Road (at the corner of Patterson Avenue and Cherokee Road). Registration is at 10:00 a.m. and worship is at 10:30 a.m. Food and fellowship are planned immediately following the service. Canned goods will be collected for Highland Community Ministries. Please make offering checks payable to “Church Women United, Louisville” and specify for WDP. For more information, contact Genny Scheldorf at 239-5931. THE JENNYE BELLS The handbell choir will begin practice in the later part of March. The dates for practices will be March 19, 26 and April 9, 16. These are all Thursday evening practices from 7-8 PM. We will play the bells during the April19th service. We welcome new members. Please see Jeanie or Anne for more information. Anne Campbell PER CAPITA Like many Presbyterians, you may have wondered, “Exactly what does per capita do?” Per capita is an amount of money per member (this year, $24.00) that our congregation pays to our larger Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This money is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together. It is the money that enables us to work with other Presbyterian churches in our presbytery and across the country. It is also money that allows us to work with other churches to further the mission of Jesus Christ around the world. BRP Newsletter CHOIR JUST A REMINDER that choir members meet at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays for rehearsal. I would like to start a Praise Choir for anyone interested. There would be a commitment for once a month to meet on Sunday and the rehearsal to be held on Sunday Morning from 10:00 a.m. until 10:40 a.m. The target age is 16 to mid 30’s, but also available for the young at heart who'd like this music occasionally. Please contact me if you are Interested at 643-7660. Jeanie Page 5 March 2015 SUN 1 MON 2 TUE 3 9:30 a.m. Music and Sunday School 10:30 Fellowship Time 11 a.m. Worship Mrs. Lanie Sipes, Preaching 12:15 Ubuntu 5pm CCC 8 WED 4 6:00 p.m. Lenten Worship followed by Dinner THU 5 FRI SAT 6 7 World Day of Prayer 8 a.m.-Noon Farmers’ Market 4:30 p.m. Ubuntu Tutoring Youth: 7 pm The Rock and Worship Road Show (concert) 8pm CCC Planning Mtg 9 9:30 a.m. Music and Sunday School 10:30 Fellowship Time 11 a.m. Worship 12:15 Ubuntu 5pm CCC 10 11 11 am Day Circle, Club Room 12 7:00 p.m. Mission Committee, Meeting 8pm CCC Planning Mtg Noon-1 p.m. HCM Lenten Devotion Luncheon 4:30 p.m. Ubuntu Tutoring 7 pm Evening Circle home of Joyce Lieberman 17 18 19 6:00 p.m. Lenten Worship followed by Dinner Noon-1 p.m. HCM Lenten Devotion Luncheon 7:30 pm Choir 4:30 p.m. Ubuntu Tutoring 6:00 pm Lenten Worship followed by Dinner 13 14 8 a.m.-Noon Farmers’ Market Set clocks forward 15 16 9:30 a.m. Music and Sunday School 10:30 Fellowship Time 11 a.m. Worship 12:15 Ubuntu 5pm CCC 22Communion 7 p.m. Session Meeting 23 24 25 26 April newsletter deadline 6:00 p.m. Lenten Worship followed by Dinner Noon-1 p.m. HCM Lenten Devotion Luncheon 7:30 p.m. Choir 4:30 p.m. Ubuntu Tutoring 8pm CCC Planning Mtg 29 Palm Sunday 30 Monday of 5pm CCC 21 8 a.m.-Noon Farmers’ Market 8pm CCC Planning Mtg 9:30 a.m. Music and Sunday School 10:30 Fellowship 10:40 Palm Sunday Parade 11 a.m. Worship Noon: Youth Event Kid’s Club Activity 5pm CCC 9:30 a.m. Music and Sunday School 10:30 Fellowship 10:40 Palm Sunday Parade 11 a.m. Worship 20 Holy Week 27 28 8 a.m.– Noon Farmers’ Market 31 Tuesday of Holy Week Building User Groups: Tues. Coterie, 7:30-10 p.m. 1st. Sun. NA, 1:30-5 p.m.; M/W/F: NA, 11:30-2 p.m. Wed. AA, 6:30-8 p.m.; Fri. AA, 6-8:30 p.m. Thurs. HCM Painting Class, 1-3 p.m. Celebrating 100+ Years of Ministry 1906-2015 We are a church of ordinary people caring for one another as we respond to God’s call for a just and sustainable world. Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church 1722 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY 40205 For those with phones or devices with scan readers, you can scan the image above and it will open the BRP website. For others, the web page is at www.brpres.org MARK YOUR CALENDARS March 1 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Feb. 23 through March 2 March 4, 11, 18, 25 6:00 p.m. March 5, 12, 19, 26 Noon March 5, 12, 19, 26 4:30 p.m. Music and Sunday School Fellowship Time Worship Service , Mrs. Lanie Sipes preaching Rev. Lieberman is on vacation Lenten Worship followed by dinner HCM Luncheons Ubuntu Tutoring Program March 8 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Music and Sunday School (Turn clocks forward for daylight saving time) Fellowship Time Worship Service March 10 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Day Circle, Club Room Mission Committee Meeting Evening Circle at home of Joyce Lieberman 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Music and Sunday School Fellowship Time Worship Service March 12 March 15 March 12 –14 March 17 March 18 and 25 Work days in West Liberty 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Session Meeting Choir March 22 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Noon Music and Sunday School Fellowship Time Worship Service with Communion Youth Event - Lunch and Lazer Blaze Kids’ Club—Pizzas and Crafts March 29 9:30 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Music and Sunday School—Palm Sunday Fellowship and Palm Sunday Parade Worship Service PLACE STAMP HERE
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