Good News for the People of God March 2015 THE ECHO The First Congregational Church of Eliot, United Church of Christ LENTEN SERMON SERIES Sunday Mornings at 10 am Rev. Dr. Beth Hoffman, preacher" THE LORD’S PRAYER March 1 “Name Tagged” The JOURNEY Continues Be sure to check out our special Lenten video media invitations. Share them with friends, neighbors and strangers. Tell them that your church could be their church too. Everyone is welcome. No matter what. They are beautiful videos, just like the church!!! Our Father ! March 8 “Kingdom, Come!” Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done! Keep Company on the Way ! ! March 15 “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” Give us this day, our daily bread ! March22 “Remember the Duck” Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors The Echo Church Newsletter 1 Good News for the People of God March 2015 The Seminarian Says Signs & Symbols of Lent A Kittery-Eliot Clergy Association Eccumencial Worship Invitation 7PM February 18 ! Second Christian, UCC! Rev. Linda Hirst, preaching! ! February 25 Meetinghouse Village! Pastor Bill Humphrey, preaching! !March 4 Eliot United Methodist Church! Fr. Scott Mower, preaching! !March 11 St. Mark's United Methodist! Rev. Bob Hett, preaching! !March 18 Kittery Point, UCC! Rev. Sue Frost, preaching! !March 25 ! St. Raphael's Catholic Church! Rev. Brad Hirst, preaching! !April 3 GOOD FRIDAY First Congregational, Eliot! Kittery-Eliot Clergy Association! For my Lenten practice this year, I have chosen "simplicity" -that daily, hourly, even minute-by-minute choice to let go of anything that complicates my life and keeps me from seeing God. Those things that complicate can take many faces - daily noise, in the form of radio or tv. Video games and Facebook which take up so much of my daily life. The simple lethargy of just not paying attention to what is going on in that moment of time. Not truly listening to people when they speak to me, because I am lost in my own thoughts about something else. It has only been one week, but I can already see a change in me - I am more peaceful, relaxed, less impatient with others, and enjoying life more. I see more simple beauty in everyday things. ! My choice of what to do for Lent came out a combination of two of my classes - Systematic Theology and Theology of Emotions. In Systematic Theology we have had a guest scientist speak to us about the neurology of the brain and how it impact religion, and most recently, how it impacts centering prayer. Centering prayer is prayer where you as the supplicant do not speak but you simply enter into a space of openness (SIMPLE SEEKING) and allow God to bless you. His premise is that even you do not feel anything happen to you, the chemistry in your brain has been changed. In Theology of Emotions, we have been discussing how the liturgy of our churches is very focused on thinking. Though this is very important, our professor argues that we have lost many of the SIMPLE virtues of liturgy that touch our hearts in music, dance, poetry, laughter, etc. She argues that there must at l e a s t b e a b a l a n c e o r o u r c h u r c h e s w i l l d i e . It i s t h e s e conversations on simplicity, on music and poetry, on how the brain changes with prayer, that led me into my focus for Lent. So far it is fascinating.My third class on the New Testament is beyond fabulous! The teacher is so extremely knowledge that he is almost intimidating if it weren't for his wonderful sense of humor. My only regret about this class is the speed in which we are going...we are covering a book a week, and I would love tap the professor's brain for more information on each book.! In faithful study, Sandy! ! The Echo Church Newsletter 2 Good News for the People of God ! For Our Prayers Mara Marshall! The Family and Friends of Thurston Caswell ! Marice Barzal! Mary Heller ! Ginny Elwell! Jeanette Driver ! Bill and Betty Baran ! Steve Pike! Carolyn Bogh ! Tyler Spinney ! Alaina Goodnough! Nancy Shapleigh ! Charlie Brooks ! Linda Stevens Donald Forbes! Pat Cress ! Linda Stevens ! Myrtle Boyer ! Bob and Anita Nelson ! Amy Becker! Laurie Smith! Mary Seibert! Ruth Vetter! Gage Paul! Rob Quinn’s mother! Our men and women in the service! Those who are seeking shelter.! Those whose names are known only to God! ! ! ! The Echo March 2015 Christian Education Who knew when Disney’s FROZEN became such a popular movie that we would actually be living in a seemingly neverending winter ourselves? As any child can tell you, Anna, in an “act of true love” sacrifices herself to protect her sister, Elsa. Love changes everything. In an “act of true love”, Jesus sacrificed himself for us. Because of Jesus’ great love, our hearts were changed. Our hearts thaw a little and we get a glimpse of paradise each time we show love for others by “doing” or “sharing”. Prepare your heart. Open your heart. Share your heart. Easter is coming and spring will come, too. ! The Christian Ed Board will be meeting upstairs in the parish hall after church on March 1st to discuss our spring mission project, Vacation Bible School (VBS), St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Children’s Day & much more! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Please come share your ideas, past experiences, dreams and desires as to how we can serve our children, our church and the wider community!We will be listening to the Easter story and coloring eggs on Palm Sunday, March 29th. ! We try to be careful but with so much excitement spills can happen so please try to wear appropriate clothing. Teens & tweens, your assistance on this fun day would be much appreciated. Please let Sheryl Goodnough know if you plan to help so that we can make sure we have enough helpers. There will not be Kidz church on Easter Sunday. Families are encouraged to attend a service together as our Christian Ed Board members will be participating in the Easter services or attending worship with their families. A special treat will be provided for the children at the 10AM service. Don’t forget to save the date for VBS July 6th – 10th. See you in church!! Church Newsletter 3 Good News for the People of God A Page From the Pastor Recently in worship, we gave up out alleluias for Lent. We actually buried them in the snow! I asked for a show of hands as to who gave up chocolate for the season. One person was giving up chocolate! This is braver than I could be this year and I applaud the effort!! We know Lent as a season of conversion: we acknowledge the ways we have turned away from God in our lives and we focus on turning our hearts and minds back toward God. Hence the three pillars of Lent are prayer, ( like the Lord’s Prayer) fasting and almsgiving (giving in sacrifice). ! These observances help us turn away f r o m w h a te v e r h a s d i s t r a c te d o r derailed us and to turn back to God. Gi v i n g u p s o m e t h i n g f o r L e n t i s ultimately a form of fasting. We can deprive ourselves of some small pleasure or indulgence and offer that sacrifice up to God. Or we might “give up” a bad habit way of positivel y turning our life back towards what God wants for us. ! I encourage you to turn your heart and mind back towards God and to help, here are some things I recommend we give up! We could also tr y giving up chocolate.! The Echo March 2015 ! Fear of Failure Your Comfort Zone Feelings of Unworthiness Impatience People Pleasing Comparison Blame Guilt Over commitment Entitlement Apathy Hatred Negativity The Spirit of Scarcity Going Through the Motions Complaint Gossip Bitterness Distraction Giving up Mediocrity Destructive Speech Busyness Loneliness Disunity The Quick Fix Worry Idolizing Jealousy Resistance to change Pride Ungratefulness SelQish Ambition Self SufQiciency Sorrow Self Loathing Agonizing Over the Past Fear of the Future A Small View of God See you on the way!" " " " " Pastor Beth Church Newsletter 4 Good News for the People of God March 2015 Looking Ahead We remember not just Jesus' entry in to! Jerusalem in the past, but also his entry in the future. The Echo Church Newsletter 5 Good News for the People of God Ladies Circle March 2015 Mission Ministries At our February 4th meeting at 11:30, we put together 20 bags for ladies at Footprints for Valentine's Day. Ladies were asked to bring a sandwich and Sue Bicknell had a delicious dessert for us. Dottie reported that 15 helmet liners have been made already this year by the ladies of our church. Great work, Congratulations!!We are once again thinking Mission Kits. Carole said there is a need for hand towels, face clothes, ivory soap and individually wrapped toothbrushes. For the buckets we put together, some of the things needed are 100ft clothesline, cloth pins, work gloves, sponges of all sizes, DAWN dish soap.! We are asking for people to crochet or knit items for babies or toddlers but also any items for the fair. If you would like to help and need some suggestions or patterns, speak to Jane, Dottie or any one in Ladies Circle. ! Since the Religious Board had to pay for the supplies for their sub sandwiches this year, we felt it only fitting that as one of our local missions, we pay for them. This would allow them to show more of a profit for all their hard work. A donation of $50 will be given to the Pancake Supper committee to help pay for their supplies. ! The Mission Board would like the help of the FCE congregation!. The tornado and flooding season is near, and we would like to send as many clean-up buckets as possible this year, as well as the Hygiene Kits, and we need articles to fill both. There is a list of articles need on the Bulletin Boards, in each church building.! Items needed ! HAND TOWELS, WASH CLOTHS, IVORY TOOTH BRUSHES; INSECT REPELLENT [SPRAY]100 YDS OF CLOTHES LINE, ALL SIZES OF SPONGES, CLOTHES PINS, GLOVES[FOR WORK OUTSIDE], AND MASKS. ! T h e r e i s a l s o R a f fl e g o i n g o n u n t i l t h e Christmas Fair in November, for a pair of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. This helps us to fill purchase the items that we need to fill the buckets and other kits that we don't have enough articles. All items can be left in the b a s ke t i n t h e n a r t h e x . M A R K YO U R C A L E N DA R S F O R T H E F O O D S A L E APRIL 18th Janice Bowden has agreed to take over as our new treasurer in May when Doris Grover retires after 15 plus years. On March 4th we will be going out to eat at Norma's in York. We would invite anyone who would like to join us to please tell Ja n e a h e a d o f t i m e a s w e h a v e t o m a ke reservations. We will start to work on our Thrift shop in March. I know no one is thinking now of cleaning clothes closets, but it is a good time to do so while we are inside so much because of all this SNOW!!!!!! Jane Spinney! The Echo Church Newsletter 6 Good News for the People of God March 2015 Sunday Servants ! Fellowship Hosts 1 - Jennifer Swanson & Sherri AndersonWormwood 8 - Laurie Troy & Loretta Downey 15 - Sue Beattie & Diane Burbank 22 - Paula Caswell & Joanne Cultrera 29 - Joan Donhauser & Dottie Edson ! ! Ushers 1 - Liz Futterrer & Sandy Norris 8 - Brad & Jennifer Swanson 15 - Al & Jeanne Morin 22 - Walter & Linda Gove 29 - Richard & Joan Donhauser ! Acolytes 1 -Liam Quinn 8 - Ella Quinn 15- Andy Wormwood 22 - Felicia Nelson ! Liturgists 1 - Mark Hoffman 8 - Mark Dodge 15 - Sherri Anderson-Wormwood 22 - Linda Gove 29-Pastor Beth and Friends ! Deacon of the Month Liz Futterrer ! ! ! ! ! The Echo ! Birthdays 6 - Jennifer Pelkey 7 - Rob Quinn 8 - Brian Sanborn 10 - Ann Emery 10 - Lisa Marshall 10 - David Wheeler 18 - Lydia Hoffman 23 - Allana Sanborn 25 - Richard Donhauser 27 - Susan Downey 28 - Kyle Cultrera 28 - Rachel Roberge 30 - Diane Hair 30 - Shawn Troy ! Anniversaries 25 - Vicki & Jeff Koch ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Church Newsletter 7 Good News for the People of God ! Sun Mon Tue Wed March 2015 Thu 5 Fri 1 2 3 4 Holy Communion 10a Worship and Sunday School 7p Craft Group 7p Lenten Book Study 9a Church Office Open 11a Lenten Lunch Study 6:30p Choir 11:15a Ladies' 8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class Circle Lunch @ 4p Bluegrass 9a Church Office Norma's Group Open 1p Banjo Lessons 7p Lenten Worship @ Eliot UMC 6 8 9 7 10 11 12 10a Worship and 7p Craft Group Sunday School 7p Lenten Book THE CONCERT Study SCHEDULED FOR THIS DAY HAS 5:30p Deacons BEEN NEW MEETING POSTPONED DAY 9a Church Office Open 11a Lenten Lunch Study 6:30p Choir 11:30a Sr. Citizens Group 1p Banjo Lessons 5:30p Property Board 7p Lenten Worship @ St. Mark's UMC 8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class 12p Garden Club 9a Church Office Open 4p Bluegrass Group 15 16 17 St. Patrick's Day 18 ECHO ITEMS DUE 10a Worship and Sunday School 11:30a Finance Committee 7p Craft Group 7p Lenten Book Study 9a Church Office Open 11a Lenten Lunch Study 6p Council 6:30p Choir 1p Banjo Lessons 8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class 5:30p Halfway 4p Bluegrass 9a Church Office Gang Group Open 7p Lenten Worship @ First Cong'l Kittery Point 22 23 24 25 10a Worship and Sunday School 11:30a Christian Ed Meeting 7p Craft Group 7p Lenten Book Study 9a Church Office 1p Banjo Lessons 8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class 4p Ham & Bean Open 7p Lenten Worship 4p Bluegrass 9a Church Office Supper Open 11a Lenten Lunch @ St. Raphael's Group Study 6:30p Choir 29 Palm Sunday 30 31 10a Worship and Sunday School 7p Craft Group 7p Lenten Book Study 9a Church Office Open 11a Lenten Lunch Study 6:30p Choir 19 26 13 Sat 20 27 14 21 28 ! EASTER FLOWERS for the sanctuary can !be ordered until March 22. Make a 10 dollar donation for some lilies and the opportunity to memorialize a loved one, honor a ministry of the church and give glory to God. Forms are available in worship and in the church office. The Echo Church Newsletter 8 Good News for the People of God February%18% Second!Christian! Linda!Hirst,!Preacher! ASH%WEDNESDAY% !! March 2015 February%25% Meetinghouse!Village! ! Bill!Humphry,!Preacher!! March%4% Eliot!UMC! March%11% St.!Mark’s!UMC! Scott!Mower,!Preacher!! Bob!Hett,!Preacher!! Lent! Signs!and!Symbols!! of!! Ashes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Vine% %%%%%Crown%of%Thorns% %%%%%%Thirty%Pieces%of%Silver%% %%%%%%%%%%%%Rooster% Dice% % March%18% First!Cong’l!KP! Sue!Frost,!Preacher!! % % Cross% March%25% St.!Raphael’s! Brad!Hirst,!Preacher!! April%3% First!Cong’l!Eliot! GOOD%FRIDAY%%% Ecumenical%Worship% KitteryNEliot%Clergy%Association% The Echo Church Newsletter 9
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