The Banner “The Lord Is My Banner” —Exodus 17:15 Barrington United Methodist Church March 2015 Journey to Jerusalem: The Road to the Cross Why Lent? With every step we take during Lent, we experience—along with the disciples— the unexpected direction of Jesus' path. We want to know the true joy of Easter, but must experience the sorrow of Jesus' death on the cross. Rather than running to the resurrection, walk the journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, the path that leads to victory over death. We just began our Lenten Study last week by hearing God’s powerful statement of “I Am who I Am.”(Exodus3:14) Who is God to you? Why is it so significant to know who God is? The author of the study, Rev. Rob Fuquay, says “getting to know God means getting to know ourselves. The more we know who God is the more we know who we are.” I truly believe that our pilgrimage as Christians is a life-long journey of knowing God and knowing ourselves. When we confess God as our creator, we humbly recognize ourselves as finite beings. Our createdness tells us about our weakness and brokenness. Yet it also tells us that we are created by the sacred image of God; we are the bears of Imago Dei and the partners of God for the all goodness and beauty in the world. So this holy season, I invite you to join us in knowing God by pondering the words of Jesus, in the gospel of John, where He says that He is the Good Shepherd, the True Vine, the Way, and the Life. And by knowing who Jesus is, may we find ourselves anew and born with new names this Lent. Your sister in Christ, Pastor Mi-Sook In this Issue Pastor’s Column, page 2 Connection Point, page 2 Calendar, Crossroads Worship, page 3 Adult Ministries, page 4 Noah's Ark Christian Preschool, page 4 Children's and Youth Ministries, page 5 Palm Sunday Worship at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Cantata at 10:30 am Holy Week Worship Holy Thursday 7:30 p.m. Good Friday, 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 5 Did You Know? page 6 United Methodist Women, page 6 Reaching Out in Love, page 7 Staff contact information, page 8 Upcoming Events, page 8 Worship 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Pastor's Column by Rev. Chris Winkler “Create In Me a Clean Heart, O God…” “David did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and did not turn aside from anything that he commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.” —1 Kings 15:5 In one of the great stories of the Bible, David the great king is on his porch one day when he looks across into his neighbor’s yard and sees his neighbor’s wife sunning herself. It just so happens that the neighbor is David’s top general, a man named Uriah the Hittite. David instigates an illicit relationship with her and then attempts to cover up the relationship by lying and deceit. One sin compounds another and eventually, David decides that he must have Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, to be his own wife so he arranges for Uriah to be killed in battle. When his plan works and Uriah is killed, David thinks he has gotten away with his transgressions. But one day the court prophet, Nathan, comes and tells David a story where a rich and powerful man with many flocks of sheep has taken the one lamb that his neighbor had away from him. David becomes very angry at this injustice and pronounces judgment against the rich man saying, “As the LORD lives, the man who has done this thing deserves to die.” And Nathan says to David, “You are the man!” Through the story David is confronted by his own sinfulness and must face the consequences of his actions—which are many and difficult. It is in the anguish of recognizing one’s own sin and the price we pay for straying from God that these words from Psalm 51 were written: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me. We can feel David’s pain over what he has done, because we know, first hand, what it means to sin against God and our neighbor. At Lent we are called to meditate deeply about how we have been unfaithful—perhaps not as horrifically as David was—and how we have used our power and privilege to our advantage. We understand David’s plea, “Do not cast me away from your presence…” But what we must also remember as J. Clinton McCann has written in the New Interpreter’s Bible about this story and David’s remorse, “What is finally determinative is not David’s sinfulness, but God’s grace.” That is because Psalm 51, “Is not just about human nature; it is also about God’s nature. And the good news is that God is willing to forgive sinners and is able to recreate people.” We all have our “Excepts...” Those moments we would love to take back, that we wish had never happened. Lent is a time for us to confess the things we have done and the things we have left undone. But it is also a time to recognize that God’s grace is for us and that God is, indeed, willing to forgive and recreate us if we will repent and reconcile ourselves to God. May your Lenten journey be one of contemplation and repentance and may it lead you all the way to the Cross of Grace. Connection Point by Gayle Richard The season of Lent is a time of immersing ourselves in our faith and in the community that we find through the church. The passing of the peace is an important part of our worship services: It keeps alive the age-old tradition of recognizing and greeting others in the community of faith, and it allows us a moment to say a kind word to our friends and those who sit around us. This brief time of greeting and fellowship reminds us that we are never alone on the journey of faith. But what about those who are new in worship with us? For a newcomer, the passing of the peace can be a long and lonely time. While the congregation is excitedly greeting one another, a newcomer may receive one or two perfunctory handshakes and then stand awkwardly alone for a very long three minutes. Keep your eyes open as you are passing the peace on Sunday mornings – look for those around you that you don’t know. Spend a moment with them to remind them that they have companions on the journey and that they will never be alone within the fellowship of believers that calls itself Barrington United Methodist Church. 2 Connect—communicate, understand, link, hook, unite, meet, bring, fuse, gather together, relate, integrate, fellowship, join March Calendar 2015 For the most up to date information go to Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 1 2 3 Holy Thursday Good Friday 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM 9:15 AM Moms' Group Faith Development Classes 10:30 AM Worship 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Fellowship Ministry 9:15 AM Children's Ministry 9:15 AM Faith Development Classes 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Women's Retreat meeting 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Faith Development Classes 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Fellowship Potluck The Banner Deadline 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Faith Development Classes 10:30 AM Worship 29 Palm Sunday 8:00 AM Worship 8:30 AM Pancake Breakfast 9:15 AM Faith Development Classes 9:30 AM Cantata Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Walk with Jesus 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Welcoming Ministry Disciple Study 7:00 PM Trustees' Meeting 7:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:30 PM Worship Technology Team 9:15 AM Moms' Group 7:00 PM Preschool Parent Association 7:00 PM Pictorial Directory meeting 9:15 AM Mom's Group 7:00 PM Worship and Arts 1:00 PM Traveling Tea Party 6:30 PM Preschool Board-Regular 7:00 PM Adult Faith Development 7:00 PM Finance Committee 7:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 9:15 AM Moms' Group 7:30 PM Leadership Council 9:15 AM Moms' Group 7:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Missions Ministry 7:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 7:00 PM Membership Ministries meeting 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 8:30 AM Preschool Grandparent Event CROSSROADS Barrington United Methodist Church 9:30 AM Women of the Word 11:30 AM Grace/Faith Circle 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 8:30 PM Cantata Rehearsal 9:30 AM Women of the Word 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:30 PM Cantata Rehearsal 9:30 AM Women of the Word 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:15 PM Cantata Rehearsal 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces New Location at BUMC 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces 9:30 AM 9:30 AM Women of Breathing Spaces the Word 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM Cantata Rehearsal 8:30 AM Preschool Grandparent Event 9:30 AM Women of the Word 11:30 AM Grace/Faith Circle 7:30 PM Worship 8:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Worship 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 5:00 PM Crossroads Worship 6:00 PM Fellowship in The Well 8:00 AM Cantata Rehearsal 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Confirmation Class 9:00 AM Justice and Healing Seminar 1:00 PM Cantata Rehearsal 4 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study Second Saturdays Informal and Engaging Worship Saturday, March 14 at 5:00 PM 3 Adult Faith Development Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m. —In the Chapel Noah's Ark Christian Preschool Contact Susan Brown, director, 847-844-3738 or [email protected] The God We Can Know In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives us the "I Am" sayings, meaningful metaphors such as “I am the bread of life” and “I am the light of the world,” to reveal his mission and purpose. The study book offers a weekly reading based on biblical study and personal reflections written by Pastor Rob Fuquay. Each short DVD segment was filmed in the Holy Land and takes us on location to where the “I Am” sayings of Jesus actually were spoken. Join us Sunday mornings in Lent for this insightful study series as we learn more about the God we can know and as we seek to answer Jesus’ question to us, “Who do you say I am?” If you have any questions, please contact John Watson at [email protected] Monday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m. —Mom's Group in the Parlor Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World by Melissa Spoelstra In the Book of Jeremiah, we find God calling out to His people with a message of hope—a message that intentional living is possible even in an unstable world. But how do we do this? Where do we start? Jeremiah offers women hope for living in an uncertain world by learning to navigate the challenges and circumstances of their lives. This six-week study examines God’s words of instruction to His wayward people through the prophet Jeremiah, and provides women six guidelines for intentional living to overcome fear, worry, and doubt as they surrender their wills to God’s and put their hope in Him alone. This class is open to any mom interested in spending time with other moms in an atmosphere of encouragement – all are welcome! Childcare will be provided for infants, toddlers and kindergartners not in school that morning. Contact Jody Horton at horton4062@ Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30 a.m. —W.O.W. (Women of the Word) Join women for fellowship, study, and great conversation. Meet in the Parlor. Contact C Watson, [email protected]. Friday Mornings 9:30 a.m. —Breathing Spaces New Location! Join us at our new location in The Well gathering place at BUMC. All are welcome to read and pray the Scriptures with Pastor MiSook as a guide. Contact Pastor Mi-Sook Yoo at [email protected] for information. Saturday Mornings 8:30-10:00 a.m. —United Methodist Men’s Study 8:30-9:00 a.m. Coffee/food/fellowship 9:00-10:00 a.m. Meet in the Parlor A study of the letter to the Colossians Facilitator: Brian Kramper (briankramper@yahoo. com) 4 Above: The Kim family from left, Michelle, Lyla, Lisa, Krista, and Jay Below: The kids enjoy dancing at the Annual Dinner Dance. photos courtesy of Susan Brown Annual Dinner and Dance Auction We want to thank all of the church members that made donations for our auction and for those who came to the dance and helped serve. We had a successful event and we could not have done it without all of your support and prayers . March Happenings at NACP Stop by and tour our school, we will show you why we are the place for you. We are having the best time this year and the only thing missing is …YOU! Your child will have a Christian education that will help them succeed in life. Butter Braid Sale Coming in March Our Butter Braid sale will be in the lobby on March 1 and March 8. We will have a table for you to stop by and order your favorite butter braids before Spring break. Imagine No Malaria The week of March 16, the preschool will be raising money for Imagine No Malaria. We will be collecting change each day. If you would like to have your child bring in change on Sunday the 15 or 22, you can drop it off in the container by the preschool office. Youth Ministries March 2015 Schedule Contact Pastor Christal Bell at [email protected] All youth in 7th-12th grade are invited to come and join the fun! Youth Sunday School Join us Sunday mornings in Lent for this insightful study series as we learn more about the God we can know and as we seek to answer Jesus’ question to us, “Who do you say I am?” Sunday, March 1 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Youth Group *Special Time* 1:00-3:00 p.m. Service project: meet at the Willow Creek Care Center. Space is limited please call Pastor Christal to sign-up. Sunday, March 8 Sunday School in the Youth Room , 9:15-10:20 a.m. Youth Group at 5:00-7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 15 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Youth Group at 5:00-7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministries Children & Families Facebook Page! Are you on Facebook? Want to stay current with what’s happening in Children’s Ministries? I created a page just for you! Please find “Missy Konopka” on Facebook and I will add you to our “Secure Group”. Walk With Jesus Churchwide Event, March 29 Please plan to join us for an exciting new Easter Event here at BUMC. We will all enjoy the UMM Annual Pancake Breakfast together immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service and then begin our “walk”. Groups will truly experience Holy Week as we journey through 4 different stations; The Last Supper, Gethsemane, Good Friday and lastly the Easter Resurrection. We are looking for Greeters and Station Leaders. If you have an interest, please contact Pastor Mi-Sook or Missy Konopka. Mardi Gras Celebration We had 55 people join us for our Mardi Gras family event this year! We are so thankful you could join us. We ate great food, decorated “floats” and paraded together as one. photo: Susan Brown Sunday, March 22 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Happy Spring Break! No youth group Saturday, March 28 Confirmation Class in the Youth Room, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sunday, March 29 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Youth Group at 5:00-7:00 p.m. Summer Mission Trip—Save the Date July 5-10 2015 at the Rosebud Reservation South Central South Dakota (Near St. Francis, South Dakota) Elena Sloan and Maddie DuBois serve with the BUMC Youth Group at the Willow Creek Care Center photo: Christal Bell Can You Lend a Hand, Please? We are looking for volunteers for Children’s Church on Easter Sunday. To give our regular teachers a break, we are looking for helpers to be with the children during the 9:30 a.m. worship service and the 11:00 a.m. worship service during Children’s Church time. All the children PreK-2nd will be combined in the Dining Room for crafts and a movie. We need 2 helpers for each classtime. If you can help please contact Missy as soon as possible at [email protected] or 847-836-5540 ext. 106. Save the Dates! Vacation Bible School will be June 15-19, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. We are traveling to Nazareth! (Children must be 4 before September 1st 2015.) It takes a village to host VBS, so please consider volunteering some of your time to help us out. It’s a great way to be a true servant. Any questions call or email Missy at mkonopka@ or 847-836-5540 ext. 106 5 Did You Know? Written by the Church and Society Ministry Group of BUMC The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, preached that the role of the church was to take the message to those left outside of organized religion. Today, the United Methodist ministries follow those social principles by our Book of Discipline on World Community that pledges us to seek the meaning of the gospel in all issues that divide people and threaten the growth of world community and reminding all member churches that our Communion is open to all. At Barrington United Methodist Church, we bring these principles to life through our prison ministries, work with the USO, our support of Barrington Family Services, our Vacation Bible School and our Ambassador program. Vacation Bible School is a great way to reach out to kids with the gospel. VBS will be June 15-19, 2015 at BUMC. photo: Aimee Webber United Methodist Women Circle Meetings, March 5 11:30 a.m. "Bring your own lunch" gathering in the Dining Room with an opportunity for fellowship. 12:15 p.m. Grace Circle will meet in the Dining Room for a "Welcoming through Giving" program. We'll take a look at the work of United Methodist Women by checking out the website. For more information, contact Janeen Hamack. 12:15 p.m. Faith Circle will meet in the parlor. For more information, contact Carolyn Schneider. Mark your calendar for these upcoming events: Saturday, May 23 Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist Women Spring Retreat at Barrington UMC Saturday, July 11, Mission u One Day Event at Oak Lawn UMC Thursday, July 16-Sunday, July 19, Mission u at NIU, DeKalb Day of Spiritual Renewal "How Is It with Your Soul?" Join Elgin District United Methodist Women for a Day of Spiritual Renewal on Saturday, April 18, at Calvary United Methodist Church, Villa Park. We will begin the day at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 2:30 p.m. The program will be presented by Rev. Young-Mee Park, DeKalb District Superintendent. Registration forms are on the bulletin board in the lobby; cost is $15 (includes continental breakfast and lunch) and RSVP's are due on April 6. Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz. 6 Lenten Devotional A different kind of Lenten devotional is available at the United Methodist Women website. Each week in Lent, beginning with the story of Joshua—a story of leadership—individual and collective responses to racial injustice will be explored as well as the role we might play in ending systemic racism in our church and society. Mission u: Learning Together for the Transformation of the World Mission u is an opportunity to study current issues impacting society. It is open to everyone: men, women, children and youth. The topics this year are: Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God, Latin America: People and Faith, and The Church and People with Disabilities. Mission u will happen on two weekends. Mission u One Day Event Oak Lawn United Methodist Church on Saturday, July 11 Mission u Weekend Event Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, July 16-19 Come… explore how to pray and learn in ways that restore, revive, and revitalize who you are…leave with a resounding “It is well with my soul!” We invite you to consider this opportunity, it is an educational and enriching experience! Details regarding cost and registration will follow. Scholarships will be available from Elgin District UMW; Look for registation forms on the bulletin board in the lobby. Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz or Norma Jung-Stein. Reaching Out in Love Reach serve, influence, involve, concern, help, assist, impact, contact, inspire, engage, care, save, encourage, benefit, minister, nur ture Be an Usher on Easter Sunday Ushering is a great way to welcome members and visitors into worship on Easter Sunday. Offering a warm welcome is a wonderful way to serve others. On Easter there are three opportunities to usher: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Please contact Steve Black in person on a Sunday morning or by e-mail sblack1599@ if you are willing and able to usher on Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday Outreach from BUMC On a frigid Ash Wednesday morning, as commuters at the Barrington Metra Train Station were waiting for their morning train, Pastor Uziel Hernandez and Pastor Christal Bell offered ashes for anyone wanting to mark the beginning of Lent with the historic ritual. photo: Christal Bell Adult Mission Opportunities The Missions Ministry Group has been working to bring BUMC members opportunities to go out in the community and help. Below are the current local opportunities. Epworth Homeless Shelter - meal serving, set up, clean up and fellowship with the guests. Sunday, March 29, starting at 7:00 p.m. Epworth United Methodist Church 5253 N. Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 Rockford - Saturday, May 16, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Indoor painting prep and painting at the new facilities for Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (recycling and environmental steward organization). Please contact Scott Downing at [email protected] with questions or dates you want to volunteer. As additional opportunities become available, we will post them. Prison Ministry: Help for Returning Citizens In interviews with individuals in prison on what would help them the most upon release, one of the major requests is for personal care products. We don’t think about it, but when someone is released from prison they usually don’t have shampoo, soap, razor and shaving cream etc. Personal care products must be purchased. If the “Returning Citizen” has little or no money and is not employed, it is difficult to obtain these items. The missions committee is asking the congregation’s assistance through donations of items for Personal Care Kits. These Kits contain essential needs that will help start these individuals in their new life. Listed below are the contents of both the male and female kit. We ask your assistance by providing a kit or any of the items listed below. Please find the container in the lobby marked “Prison Ministry” for your donations. For further information contact Bill Bible at [email protected] or Keith Leoni at [email protected]. Personal Care Kits Male shaving blades shaving cream toothpaste toothbrush deodorant shampoo wash cloth talcum powder Female shaving blades shaving cream feminine pads (one small/one large) toothpaste toothbrush deodorant shampoo and conditioner wash cloth talcum powder (baby powder) Blessing of The Well On Saturday, March 14, after the Crossroads worship service and on Sunday, March 15, between worship services, we will bless our new gathering space at Barrington UMC called The Well. The Well is located adjacent to the front door, right off the main lobby. This new space provides a place for anyone to spend time at the church in a casual atmosphere. It is for everyone who needs a place to rest or wants to have a small informal, impromptu conversation. Please wander in on a Sunday morning or anytime the church is open to relax and enjoy a hot beverage! photo: Christine Streed 7 Barrington United Methodist Church Building community. Worshiping God. Creating Disciples. Serving all people. 98 Algonquin Road, Barrington, IL 60010 Phone: (847) 836-5540, Fax: (847) 836-1644 Web: Noah's Ark Christian Preschool: 847-844-3738 Senior Pastor: Rev. Chris Winkler, ext. 102 [email protected] Associate Pastor: Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, ext. 103 [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Paula Gordon, ext. 105 [email protected] Children’s Ministries Coordinator: Missy Konopka, ext 106 [email protected] Communications Director: Christine Streed, ext. 110 [email protected] Connections and Engagement Ministries Director: Gayle Richard, ext. 107 [email protected] Financial Director: Lynne Richardson, ext. 104 [email protected] March 2015 Sunday Mornings 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel 9:15 a.m. Faith Development for all ages 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Second Saturdays Crossroads Worship at 5:00 p.m. Director of Music and Worship Arts: Karen Maxwell, ext. 134 [email protected] Organist: Jeffrey Neufeld, ext. 133 [email protected] Director of Contemporary Music: Seth Durbin [email protected] Preschool Director: Susan Brown, ext. 121 [email protected] Reception and Facility Scheduling: Elizabeth Laverd, ext. 101 [email protected] Youth Director: Rev. Christal Bell, ext 109 [email protected] Upcoming Events and Opportunities Wearing and Eating of the Green! It's time for our annual St. Pat's Day potluck. This year we are encouraging everyone not only to wear green, but to bring green food! The potluck will be held Sunday, March 15, at 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. The main course will be supplied by the Fellowship Team. Everyone attending should bring a green vegetable, a green salad, or a green dessert. Let's see how creative we can be! Contact Carol Henrikson with any questions. Justice and Healing: An Ecumenical Response March 28, 9:00 am – 12 noon Fellowship Hall In the wake of the fear, anger and hostility arising from the incidents in Ferguson and other cities across the country, what are our individual Christian responsibilities to not only understand the issues but to speak out about injustices and act in ways that demonstrate our commitment to Christian ideals? Join several esteemed speakers and pastors, including Jim Winkler, President of the National Council of Churches, Rev. Chris Winkler of BUMC, and Rev. Zina Jacque of Community Church of Barrington as they lead a dialogue and conversation on justice and healing for our nation. No advance registration required. Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 29 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall Join us throughout the morning for a delicious Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the BUMC United Methodist Men. All proceeds from free-will contributions support “Meals for Millions,” which provides food to families in need throughout the country and the world and equips them with resources to build futures of health, hope and dignity. One Day Women’s Retreat, April 18 Order My Steps: Walking with the Lord and Following in His Steps Stonegate Conference Center, Hoffman Estates, IL Sign up Sunday at the Fellowship table
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