West Irondequoit Central School District L ISTWOOD E XCHANGE Equal Opportunity Employer www.westirondequoit.org March 2015 J OYCE N AGLE , P RINCIPAL Dear Listwood Families, I always welcome the month of March because, despite frosty appearances, spring really is just around the corner. Fortunately, March is a busy month for Listwood School; all the better to keep us productively active, and a little bit warmer, as we prepare for the last third of this school year and look ahead to next year. On Tuesday, March 3rd, our new kindergarten parents for the 2015-2016 school year will join us for Kindergarten Orientation at 7:00 p.m. in the APR. We have a new video in which students from this year’s kindergarten explain a day in the life… Wednesday, March 11th, is a half school day for students in grades 1-3 to accommodate Parent/ Teacher Conferences in the afternoon and beyond. Please contact your teacher with any questions or concerns. On Wednesday, March 25th, our current students will proudly accompany their parents to Listwood Open House at 6:30 p.m. It is a great evening of showing mom and dad our many accomplishments and varied fields of study. The Listwood faculty and staff look forward to joining with you in celebrating the milestones, achievement and growth of all of our students as they progress through the years. It is vital that we do so because students do not always see their progress toward goals, particularly in areas in which they may struggle. When this occurs, it becomes the work of parents and educators to teach our students to think about their learning with a growth mindset. For many of us, this is unchartered territory. I received a wonderful education and am grateful to all of my teachers and mentors who helped me grow. However, like many of you, I was educated with a fixed mindset which was the prevailing view of edu- cation for a very long time. The fixed mindset philosophy believes that you and I are born with a fixed endowment of talents and aptitudes. So, in my case, Joyce was good at English and social studies, and any task that required writing. There was truth in that view. I do like to read and write and I did became a social studies teacher, a career choice that I enjoyed and did well by. But there is a negative side to this philosophy and I experienced that as well. The fixed mindset maintains that we are all weak in certain academic and thinking areas and that there is not much we can do but manage our weaknesses as best we can. Not only did this mindset let me off the hook from persevering to higher success in math and science but it taught me to believe that if I wasn’t capable right away, I would never be. In short: if it wasn’t easy, it wasn’t attainable. A fixed mindset can even prevent a person from achieving in their preferred field because any struggle can be interpreted as reaching the limits of ability. What’s more, for a person with a fixed mindset, struggle triggers self-doubt and stress, reinforcing a negative self-image. The implication of a fixed mindset is that when a task is easy for Jack and not easy for me, Jack is smart and I am dumb. Students with fixed mindsets shut down rather than allow anyone to draw a similar conclusion. This can occur even when the student is demonstrably capable and intelligent because a solid record of academic success doesn’t prepare students for the inevitable challenges and difficulties encountered as they progress through their studies. Today’s educational researchers advocate that we start our youngsters early – and daily - in the development of a growth mindset; the belief that our brain power can and does grow as we work hard and keep thinking. How can you know if your student Continued on the next page P AGE 2 L ISTWOOD E XCHANGE Continued from the front page hefty list of new competencies ranging from “I know is on their way to a growth mindset? People with a growth my sight words” to “I can add numbers and write an mindset do not dread hard work or see a set back as an indicator of their ability or worth. They enjoy, rather than fear, challenges because they have confidence that they will ultimately succeed. This confidence carries them from challenge to challenge as they accrue skills and aptitudes along the way. How can we begin to turn a fixed mindset into one that recognizes our lifelong potential for growth? Researchers recommend toning down lavish praise for success and ramping up praise for effort and perseverance. Educational psychologist, Carol Dweck advises the use of the phrase “not yet.” She believes that we can rally our learner to embrace a growth mindset when we help them replace “I’ll never get this” with “ I don’t have it yet.” equation.” These youngsters were encouraged to celebrate and marvel at their collective growth. That is a good place for everyone to start. I look forward to seeing you in the coming days as we celebrate the growth of every student in the Listwood community. Best Regards, Joyce Nagle Principal of Listwood School Today, as I observed a kindergarten class, the students engaged in growth mindset thinking. The task, designed for a celebration of the 100th day of school, asked students to write about what they can do now that they couldn’t do 100 days ago. The students collected a A RT U PDATE It is hard to believe that the month of March is already here! Our young artists are looking forward to showing off what they have been creating in the art room as the winds have been howling outside! M RS . M EGAN L ANDT working with clay. Second grade made birds and third grade made frogs. Both grades continue to learn about the unique process of working with clay, building upon what they had learned in the previous year. The techniques of scoring, adding slip and blending were used to attach pieces of clay together. Both projects will be fired in the First graders have recently finished X-Ray Style kiln and then painted with tempera paint. Animals inspired by the Aboriginal bark paintings of Australia. It is important for art students to be exposed to artwork from varied historical pe- Please do not hesitate to contact me with any riods, cultures, and aspects of humanity. This questions you have about our art curriculum. project is a great opportunity to appreciate a di- Think spring! verse form of artwork from another culture. Colorful cut paper, stylized animal details in crayMegan Henderson-Landt on, and a rainbow of paint dots make these eyecatching masterpieces something to be proud of! [email protected] Second and third graders have recently been P AGE 3 Dear Friends and Families, We have been having a lot of fun learning about the idea of balance in our last unit of study in physical education. The most important balance concepts have led to the exploration of gravity, how gravity works to pull us toward the earth, how our center of weight (in the hip area) is the point at which gravity's force is the strongest, and how our center of gravity must be held directly over the base or between the base to maintain strong balance. We experimented extensively with various bases of support. We asked ourselves the question of why do humans walk on their feet not their hands? (bigger base of support, stronger leg muscles support the body weight.) We used many types of equipment to explore these balance ideas. We used balance beams, mats, and stepping stones to help challenge our own body's balance. We then explored balancing objects on ourselves and upon other objects, always considering this idea of weight over base. I felt triumphant when one of my student's came in on a Monday morning and said," Mrs. Martin, I was skiing and I remembered to keep my weight over my base!" From there we could experiment with yoga poses which require balance and work in games where the object would be to knock an object "off balance." This led to conversations about the weight of an object, the placement of force to knock the object over and the most efficient means to accomplish this goal. We then branch off into what this might look like in the sport world (bowling, wrestling, judo, football, etc... and how moving the object or person off it's base might be beneficial). As always, it is a privilege to work with your children as they truly learn "through the physical" in physical education class! Our Rhythm and Dance unit will be coming up! We will explore folk dances from many lands! Yours in Moving, Mrs. Ann Martin 585-315-1429 [email protected] C OUNSELOR ’ S C ORNER M RS . E RIKA G UETTI As part of our conflict resolution and prevention program your child learned about Cooperation. I introduced this concept with the use of a puppet character, videos, songs, role-plays, a group project, and discussion. The puppet character stressed the following key concepts: Share ideas. Talk to each other. Listen to what others have to say. Speak and act kindly. Trust group members to do their job well. Do your part of the job. “In many cases, children learn best when they learn from each other. For children to work together and learn from their peers, they have to cooperate and work like a team. ‘Team players’ are children who: listen, encourage their peers, allow and invite others to contribute their talents and skills, follow as well as lead, recognize their strengths and use them for the common good, treat others equitably, recognize the needs of the group, think before acting, communicate calmly, and put competition aside.” (Building Character & Community in the Classroom 1997 Creative Teaching Press, Inc. p45). Please model and reinforce such behaviors in your child to ensure the development of healthy cooperation skills. Thank you for your continued teamwork in the development of your child’s emotional and social growth. March Focus Value: Week 1: Working together we discover things we could not find on our own. Week 2: Cooperation is a fun way to get the job done. Week 3: We show others they are important when we cooperate with them. Week 4: Others will want to hear my ideas when I work cooperatively with them! Library Media News Mrs. Forties First graders will be comparing and contrasting different versions of the folktale, Rumpelstiltskin. These retellings of the traditional tale will include Rumpelstiltskin a German folktale, Tom Tit Tot an old English tale, The Three Spinning Fairies: a Tale from the Brothers Grimm, and The Girl Who Spun Gold a tale from the West Indies. The students will discuss the setting, characters, elements of magic and make-believe, patterns of three, and the problem and the solution in each story. Second graders will be learning how to use the text features in informational books. These features help students better comprehend information presented on a topic in a nonfiction book and in the World Book Encyclopedia Online. The text features they will be utilizing include the Table of Contents, photographs, picture captions, chapter headings, bold print, diagrams, maps, glossary, bibliography, and the index. Third graders will be studying Legends from around the world. They will begin with the Greek Myth, King Midas and the Golden Touch. Next, they will learn about the legends dealing with dragons and unicorns. We will discuss how myths about dragons and unicorns developed, what the different types of dragons and unicorns were in these legends, and how different cultures portray both dragons and unicorns. We will conclude with the legends, Saint George and the Dragon and The Unicorn and the Lake. Irish folktales will also be shared at all grade levels. PTSA NEWS MARCH 2015 Don’t forget about the Boxtops you can save and send in to help our school raise money for student events. Thanks to the hard work of our Boxtops Chairs who organize these items so that they are turned into funds for use at Listwood. Any questions please contact Andrea Monahan 323-1274. We would like to thank all the parents and family members who helped out at the Valentine’s party last month! With a special thank you to Lindsay O’Brien-Couchman for organizing. Your continued generosity and support helps provide our children Our next WICPTSA meeting is Tuesday, March 10th, at 7 p.m. in the District Office Bldg. All parwith the things they look forward to and enjoy. ents are welcome at this meeting and it is a great opportunity to learn more about what is happening We hope you can join us at in our school district. Cam’s Pizzeria on Wednesday, March 11th for a Listwood PTSA Family Night. Come down and Please contact us if you have any questions. We enjoy a night with friends and look forward to hearing from you. th neighbors. March 11 is a half day at Listwood for grades 1-3 so you can even make plans with friends and go Your PTSA Building Reps: for lunch, better yet lunch and dinner! Please see the next page for coupons for this event. Twenty Leah Napierala 467-8494 per cent of all Dine In or Take Out purchases be339-9842 tween NOON and 9 p.m. we make that evening will Donna Skelton be donated to Listwood PTSA. These funds help Melissa VanHeukelum 773-0586 pay for cultural arts, field trips and events at Listwood. Feel free to share the flyers being sent Lindsay O’Brien-Couchman 507-5911 home with all your friends and relatives. Questions, please contact Donna Skelton, 339-9842. Get ready for our most anticipated family event in April! Listwood Idol! It will once again be held in the Iroquois gym so we can accommodate the large attendance as well as provide our performers with a real stage. This year we will be showcasing all of the Listwood “Look What I’ve Done” entries at this event as well. Be ready to enjoy an evening of fun with our Listwood talent! . Listwood School Family Night at Cam’s Pizzeria Wednesday, March 11th Mark your calendars! Listwood Families and Friends will once again be headed to: Cam’s Pizzeria 717 Titus Avenue Location Phone: 342-1140 Don’t worry about cooking, call ahead and have dinner waiting for you! Join your Listwood friends anytime between noon - 9:00 p.m. This Listwood PTSA event raises funds for family events and cultural arts. Please bring one of the coupons below. For any questions, please contact Donna Skelton at 339-9842 H ELP U S R OLL I N The Dough! H ELP U S R OLL I N The Dough! To Benefit: To Benefit: To Benefit: Listwood PTSA Listwood PTSA Listwood PTSA Cam’s will donate up to 20% of your check to this fund Cam’s will donate up to 20% of your check to this fund Cam’s will donate up to 20% of your check to this fund Date of Event: Date of Event: Date of Event: H ELP U S R OLL I N The Dough! W EDNESDAY 3/11/15 W EDNESDAY 3/11/15 W EDNESDAY 3/11/15 Valid only at: 717 TITUS AVE IRONDEQUOIT (585) 342-1140 Valid only at: 717 TITUS AVE IRONDEQUOIT (585) 342-1140 Valid only at: 717 TITUS AVE IRONDEQUOIT (585) 342-1140 Please present this certificate at the time of payment to have up to 20% of your check’s value (excluding tax and tip) donated to the organization above. Not to be used with other coupons or discounts. Flyers are not to be distributed in the restaurant or within the perimeter of the parking areas. Valid only for date listed above. Please present this certificate at the time of payment to have up to 20% of your check’s value (excluding tax and tip) donated to the organization above. Not to be used with other coupons or discounts. Flyers are not to be distributed in the restaurant or within the perimeter of the parking areas. Valid only for date listed above. Please present this certificate at the time of payment to have up to 20% of your check’s value (excluding tax and tip) donated to the organization above. Not to be used with other coupons or discounts. Flyers are not to be distributed in the restaurant or within the perimeter of the parking areas. Valid only for date listed above. Good for DINE-IN or PICK-UP Good for DINE-IN or PICK-UP Good for DINE-IN or PICK-UP N OT VALID FOR DELIVERY N OT VALID FOR DELIVERY N OT VALID FOR DELIVERY From the Health Office March is National Nutrition Month 25 Healthy Snacks for Kids From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics When a snack attack strikes, refuel with these nutrition-packed snacks. 1. Parfait: Layer vanilla yogurt and mandarin oranges or blueberries in a tall glass. Top with a sprinkle of granola. 2. Inside-Out Sandwich: Spread mustard on a slice of deli turkey. Wrap around a sesame breadstick. 3. Rocky Road: Break a graham cracker into bitesize pieces. Add to low-fat chocolate pudding along with a few miniature marshmallows. 4. Mini Pizza: Toast a whole-wheat English muffin, drizzle with pizza sauce and sprinkle with low-fat mozzarella cheese. 5. Spread mustard on a flour tortilla. Top with a slice of turkey or ham, low-fat cheese and lettuce. Then roll it up. 6. Sandwich Cut-Outs: Make a sandwich on whole grain bread. Cut out your favorite shape using a big cookie cutter. Eat the fun shape and the edges, too! 7. Banana Split: Top a banana with low-fat vanilla and strawberry frozen yogurt. Sprinkle with your favorite whole-grain cereal. 8. Apple Pie Oatmeal: Make one packet of microwave oatmeal with low-fat milk. Mix in 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce. Sprinkle with apple pie spice or cinnamon. 9. Mix together peanut butter and cornflakes in a bowl. Shape into balls and roll in crushed graham crackers. 10. Microwave a cup of tomato or vegetable soup and enjoy with whole-grain crackers. 11. Fill a waffle cone with cut-up fruit and top with low-fat vanilla yogurt. 12. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on hot popcorn. 13. Peel a banana and dip it in yogurt. Roll in crushed cereal and freeze. 14. Spread celery sticks with peanut butter or lowfat cream cheese. Top with raisins. 15. Stuff a whole-grain pita pocket with ricotta cheese and Granny Smith apple slices. Add a dash of cinnamon. 16. Mix together ready-to-eat cereal, dried fruit and nuts in a sandwich bag for an on-the-go snack. 17. Smear a scoop of frozen yogurt on two graham crackers and add sliced banana to make a yummy sandwich. 18. Microwave a small baked potato. Top with reduced-fat cheddar cheese and salsa. 19. Make snack kabobs. Put cubes of low-fat cheese and grapes on pretzel sticks. 20. Toast a whole-grain waffle and top with low-fat yogurt and peaches. 21. Mix together low-fat cream cheese, mixed dried fruit bits and shelled sunflower seeds. Spread on a toasted English muffin. 22. Blend low-fat milk, frozen strawberries and a banana for thirty seconds for a delicious smoothie. 23. Make a mini-sandwich with tuna or egg salad on a whole-grain dinner roll. 24. Sprinkle grated Monterey Jack cheese over a corn tortilla; fold in half and microwave for twenty seconds. Top with salsa. Contact our school nurse, Maria McCulloch, at 3361648 with any questions or concerns. Thank you. Attention Pet Owners!! Save the Date! 15th Annual West Irondequoit Foundation Benefit Golf Tournament Friday, June 26, 2015 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Webster Golf Club Scramble Format Registration fee includes a round of golf and lunch. We also offer a “lunch only” option. Visit www.westirondequoitfoundation.org or call 336-3067 for a registration form. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Call 336-3067 for details. Plan your foursome today! Follow the Foundation on: Residents are reminded that for the safety of all of our students, pets are not allowed on school grounds when students are present, including during arrival and dismissal times and during athletic competitions. At other times, pets must be leashed and under control. Please comply with requests from school district security, athletic supervisory personnel and school staff regarding pets on our grounds. And thank you for cleaning up after your pet, and keeping our walkways and playgrounds more pleasant for everyone! Home Connection: Supporting Writing Chrissy Miga, K-6 Director of Instruction Karyn Ryan, Supervisor of Student Services By this time of the year, you have probably already seen many instances of your child writing! Your child writes all throughout the day, no matter what grade level he or she may be in. As the amount of writing increases throughout the year and as your child moves through the grades, you might wonder about the best way to support your child at home so they can be a successful writer. First, especially with younger children, always remember the basics. It’s important that at a young age children understand the importance of capital letters and punctuation. Take a few extra minutes after they have completed their homework and be sure all capital letters and punctuation are appropriate. This simple check can establish a good habit within your child to always present their best work possible! As your child’s writing becomes more complex, you will want to help them edit and revise their sentence structure and content. At first your child may write in simple sentences with just a subject (who/noun) and predicate (what/verb). As your child becomes more comfortable with writing, encourage them to write more and more complex sentences. Use the graphic to the right to help build new sentences with your child. You can see how the sentence at the top of the pyramid (in green) is relatively simple compared to sentence at the bottom of the pyramid (in pink). After your child has established solid sentence structure, you’ll then want to focus on the content of what they are writing. One simple idea to try at home is to have your child read aloud what they have written. Often our verbal comprehension is higher than our written or reading comprehension. By having your child read aloud their writing they may find an error in structure, spelling or content. By discussing with your child their word choice, you can expand their understanding and use for sophisticated vocabulary. Whether they are writing a fictional story or informational text, it is important that what they are writing makes sense and addresses the topic they have chosen to write about. continued on next page continued from previous page One area where your child is probably doing a lot of writing these days is in response to a text they have read. There are a few very important things to consider when reviewing a child’s response to text. First, you should check to see if your child has truly answered the question or prompt. Have the child re -read the question and their answer to see if what was asked has been answered. This will also help you understand if your child really understood what they just read. If they’ve answered the question, then next you will want to see if they supported their answer with text details. When writing in response to a text, a student should always use multiple details right from that text to prove their answer. If your child answers the question, but does not offer proof, ask them how they knew the answer. You can have them locate directly in the text the evidence for their answer. Your child can then use this part of the text as the written evidence for their response. One last way to support your child’s writing is to immerse them in published work. Yes, it’s important to have your child read books to build their reading skills, develop comprehension, and strengthen their vocabulary knowledge, but you can also use books to help build your child’s understanding of the choices authors make as writers and specific writing styles. For example, Patricia Polacco’s books often use examples of author’s craft like personification or onomatopoeia. By immersing your child in her books and talking about the specific way Patricia Polacco writes, then your child will begin to use those traits in their own writing. Plus you have fun reading together for a different purpose! Reminder: Annual Community Forum Monday, March 9 7:00 p.m. IHS Auditorium Issues Facing Teens: Alcohol and Other Drugs Social Media Learn from a panel of local experts. Questions? Contact Rita Dulaney @ 336-2921 [email protected] ****************************** A Note from our Transportation Dept. Students may not alternate afternoon stops. Students must get off the same bus, in the same location, every day. Supporting your child in becoming a more successful writer can be beneficial to both you and your child. You will spend time together while developing important lifelong skills! Students who ride the bus home or to a daycare provider must ride the same bus each day and must exit at the same stop each day. For your child’s safety we cannot honor requests, (even those in writing) for alternate drop locations. WEST IRONDEQUOIT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2015-16 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM A CHILDCARE PROVIDER 2015-16 school transportation is scheduled to be provided for eligible district pupils as follows: Distance between home and school legally attended; as measured by the nearest available route (public highway) must meet these minimums: GRADES K-3 ..... .... All Students GRADES 4-6 ..... .... More than 1 1/2 Miles Applications for 2015-16 school transportation MUST be submitted no later than April 1, 2015. In the case of persons who move into the district after April 1, 2015, residence in the district must be proven with the district registrar (336-3061). After proving residence with the district registrar, and within 30 days of moving into the district, application must be completed and submitted for transportation. Pupils applying for transportation to and/or from a childcare provider must meet eligibility as stated above. The childcare provider must be located within West Irondequoit School District boundaries. The District reserves the right to require proof of New York State Certification of the childcare provider. Requests for transportation to a place of parental employment will not be honored, unless the employer maintains a registered childcare provider service and is located within the West Irondequoit School District boundaries. Children must ride the same bus every day and be dropped at the same bus stop every day; requests for transportation to alternate addresses on alternate days will not be honored. TO APPLY FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION TO AND/OR FROM A CHILDCARE PROVIDER, PLEASE COMPLETE FORM BELOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015-16 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION TO AND /OR FROM A CHILDCARE PROVIDER Please complete both sides of application. To Board of Education, West Irondequoit Central School District: I request that school transportation be provided for my child to and/or from a childcare provider in West Irondequoit during the 2015-16 school year. Child’s Name: __________________________________ Birth Date: _____________________ Home Address: _________________________________ Home/Cell Phone #: ________________ Parent Work #: _________________ Childcare Provider's: Address:______________________________________ Please CIRCLE home or sitter Phone #:______________________________________ AM Pick up: Home Sitter Start date:_____________________________________ PM Drop: Home Sitter School child is attending: ______________________________________________ Grade child is enrolled in as of September 2015: ___________ If Kindergarten (circle) AM PM Signature of parent or guardian: _________________________________________ Date of Application: ___________ SUBMIT APPLICATION FORM NO LATER THAN APRIL 1, 2015 TO: WICSD Board of Education 321 List Ave., Rochester, NY 14617 ATTN.: TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT OR FAX TO: 585-336-3023 -----------------------------------------------------CERTIFICATION We_____________________________________certify that __________________________________________ (Name of parent/legal guardian) (Name of childcare provider) assumes full legal responsibility for the care, custody and protection of the before named child from the time of drop off by the child’s parent until picked up by the school bus and/or from the time the child is dropped off by the school bus at the above childcare provider’s address, until the parent picks the child up. The childcare provider and the parent each individually agree that if the childcare arrangements described herein are terminated or altered, each will assume responsibility to notify the West Irondequoit Central School District Transportation Department at 336-2992. This certification applies to: Before school pick-up _______________ After school drop off _______________ Both before and after school _________ Signature of Parent ___________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Signature of Childcare Provider _________________________________________ Date ________________ West Irondequoit Performing Arts Presents March 26 at 7:30 p.m. March 27 at 7:30 p.m. March 28 at 7:30 p.m. March 29 at 2:00 p.m. Irondequoit High School Auditorium Tickets Available: IHS Box Office 585-336-2903 LISTWOOD SCHOOL March 2015 Dates March 3 Kindergarten Orientation for 2015-2016 at 7:00 p.m. March 11 Grades 1 -3 Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. Parent Conferences March 11 PTSA Family Event: Cam’s Night March 25 Open House - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. March 30-31 NO SCHOOL – Spring Recess Please remember children need to be dressed appropriately for cold weather. Children in grades 1-3 go outdoors daily for recess, weather permitting. ** Winter Coats ** Hats ** Gloves ** Snow Pants ** Boots **Label all belongings with your child’s name.** March 8th March 20th LISTWOOD SCHOOL 2014-2015 CALENDAR of EVENTS April 1–3 NO SCHOOL – Spring Recess April 6 School Resumes April 10 PTSA Family Breakfast April 24 PTSA Family Event: Listwood Idol/Look What I’ve Done 6:30 p.m. at IRQ May 4–8 Staff Appreciation Week May 7 Staff Appreciation Luncheon May 12 Kindergarten 2015-2016 Student/Parent Visitation 3:00 p.m. May 25 NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day May 29 PTSA Family Event: Penny Carnival 6:30 p.m. June 10 Sports Day/Picnic June 12 Flag Day Celebration 1:00 p.m. June 17 Third Grade Recognition 9:00 a.m. June 17-19 PTSA Book Fair June 19 PTSA Ice Cream Social 6:00 p.m. June 22 Kindergarten Celebration 10:00 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. June 23 Last Day of School/Report Cards Go Home K-3 Phone Numbers: Listwood School…………... 336-1640 Mrs. Joyce Nagle - Principal Mrs. Iannone - Secretary Health Office……………… 336-1648 Mrs. McCulloch - Nurse Transportation Office…….. 336-2992 District Office…………….. 342-5500 Web site: www.westirondequoit.org Rob Line We are continuing to have fun and expand upon our learning in music class during March! Here are some musical highlights from this month: 1st Grade: One of my favorite music activities with the first graders during the month of March is reading the book Drummer Hoff – We read this book with a message of teamwork (and, of course, as the title suggests, we add some drums!) – Then, several students help to act as the different characters in the story. It’s a jam-packed music class, but we finish by acting out this fun story complete with a drumming accompaniment. Be sure to ask your first grader what their special job was during this performance! 2nd Grade: Second graders will perform a dance to the Irish song “Rakes of Mallow” to continue our work on musical form and distinguishing between two different sections of music. This is a partner dance where we will be pretending to cook some “Irish Stew” – I sure wish I had a class set of wooden spoons for them to click together and stir, but our rhythm sticks that we often use in class do the trick as well! 3rd Grade: The third graders have a very important month in music! We are spending a lot of time talking about different instruments and which families they belong to. This serves as preparation for a few weeks from now where all third graders will get a chance to choose an instrument for fourth grade instrumental music! Talk as a family and figure out which instruments might be best suited for your child – We hope that each student finds an instrument that they really enjoy and will continue playing for many years to come. Keep an eye out for more information on this coming soon from the fourth grade music teachers. Have a great month! Board of Education Election and District Budget Vote Board of Education The Board of Education is made up of seven district residents, who serve as volunteers. The board sets policy for the school district; policy which is put into action by the superintendent and his staff. Members are elected to office at the District Vote in May and serve three-year terms. Terms are staggered so that two or three seats are open each year. There are three seats open for election in May 2015. The Monroe County School Boards Association offers a session for those who are thinking about running for a school board position. Prospective School Board Candidate Seminar Saturday, April 11 8:00-11:30 a.m. Airport Holiday Inn Please contact the association at 328-1972 or visit www.mcsba.org to register. Candidate petitions are available from the District Office on weekdays from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Closed April 3rd) Completed petitions must be filed with District Clerk Patricia Kelly by Monday, April 20th at 5 p.m., call 336-2983 with questions. Vote Day Volunteers Needed If you are a qualified voter of the West Irondequoit School District and would like to help out at this year’s vote by working at a registration table or a voting booth, please contact Patricia Kelly at [email protected] or 336-2983. Volunteers work three-hour shifts. No prior experience required! Budget Preparation The Board of Education will discuss the following 2015-16 budget topics at their upcoming meetings: March 5 - Iroquois School @ 7:00 p.m. 2015-16 Expenditures - Non-personnel March 19 - District Office @ 7:00 p.m. 2015-16 Expenditures - Personnel Agendas and supplementary materials are always posted on the District Web site: www.westirondequoit.org. The Board of Education will adopt a proposed 201516 budget at the April 23 Business Meeting District Office 7 p.m. Specific information regarding the vote, the budget and the Board of Education election will be printed in the district newsletter The Quote, to be mailed in early May. Information is also available at www.westirondequoit.org and on ICAT 15. We also invite you to follow us on Facebook & Twitter. We’re West Irondequoit CSD. 3 West Irondequoit Schools March 2015 Breakfast Menu Grades K-3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Cini Minis Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Mini Pancakes Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 5 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Mini Waffles Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 12 9 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 2 3 9 Pillsbury Mini French Toast Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 10 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 16 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk Pillsbury Cini Minis Assorted Juices 9 Assorted Fruit Milk 17 Pillsbury Mini French Toast Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 23 24 22 SPRING RECESS NO SCHOOL 30 4 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 11 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk contain at least 50% whole grain) At least 1 full cup of fruit must be offered daily, and students are required to take at least a half cup (so students must 6 take either a juice or a fruit, which may be either fresh or canned, in addition to the main entrée and the milk) 13 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 18 Pillsbury Mini Pancakes Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 19 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 25 Pillsbury Mini Waffles Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk 26 Breakfast Breaks Assorted Juices Assorted Fruit Milk New Requirements for the School Breakfast Program: All grains must be whole-grain rich(must 20 Student Breakfast $1.50 Faculty & Staff Breakfast $2.50 (tax included) 27 SPRING RECESS NO SCHOOL 31 Breakfast $1.50 Student milk $0.50 Milk choice: 1% white or fat free chocolate & skim. Faculty & Staff Breakfast $2.50 tax included. Now you can pay for your meals on-line. Visit our website: www.westirondequoit.org . Once there, Food Services is listed under “District”. Menu is subject to change without notice. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Looking for part-time employment while your children are in school? Call the Nutritional offices at 336-2953 and ask for Betsy!! West Irondequoit Schools March 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hamburger or Cheeseburger on a Bun Sweet Potato Fries Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 2 Pasta with Meat Sauce Zweigle’s Hot Dog on a Bun Tangerine Chicken French Fries Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Brown Rice Raw Veggie Sticks 4 Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 10 10 Breaded Mozzarella Sticks w/Marinara Sliced Carrots Raw Veggie Sticks 4 oz. 100% Juice Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 17 18 17 Pasta with Meat Sauce 9 Chicken Nuggets Bush’s Baked Beans Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 16 Hamburger or Cheeseburger on a Bun Sweet Potato Fries Raw Veggie Sticks Diced Pears Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 23 SPRING RECESS NO SCHOOL 30 Green Beans Raw Veggie Sticks Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 3 Green Beans Raw Veggie Sticks Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 24 Grades K-3 Lunch Menu Thursday Maple Glazed French Toast Sticks with Sausage Links Steamed Broccoli Raw Veggie Sticks 4 oz. 100% Juice Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 4 HALF DAY RELEASE FOR CONFERENCES 11 Taco with Trimmings & Brown Rice Seasoned Corn Raw Veggie Sticks Applesauce Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 18 8 Maple Glazed French Toast Sticks with Sausage Links Steamed Broccoli Raw Veggie Sticks 4 oz. 100% Juice Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 25 Five Components make a meal: meat, or meat alternate, grain, fruit, vegetable and milk. You can have everything but you must choose 3 items and one must be either 1/2 cup fruit or ¾ cup vegetable. SchoolFriday Pizza Crunchers Pizza! French Fries Raw Veggie Sticks Golden Diced Peaches Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Spinach Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mixed Fruit Fresh Fruit Milk 5 Macaroni & Cheese Pizza! Mixed Vegetables Raw Veggie Sticks Golden Diced Peaches Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 12 913112 Japanese Cherry Chicken Leafy Green Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mixed Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Brown Rice Raw Veggie Sticks Fruit Cocktail Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk Romaine Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mixed Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 19 6 Student lunch $2.55 Faculty & Staff lunch $4.05 (tax included) 13 Pizza! 2 Breaded Chicken Drummies 0 Pizza! Tater Tots Raw Veggie Sticks Golden Diced Peaches Assorted Fresh Fruit Milk 26 Spinach Salad Raw Veggie Sticks Mixed Fruit Fresh Fruit Milk 21 20 27 SPRING RECESS NO SCHOOL 31 Lunch $2.55 Student milk $0.50 Milk choice: 1% white or fat free chocolate & skim. Faculty & Staff Lunch $4.05 tax included. Now you can pay for your meals on-line. Visit our website: www.westirondequoit.org . Once there, Food Services is listed under “District”. Menu is subject to change without notice. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Looking for part-time employment while your children are in school? Call the Nutritional offices at 336-2953 and ask for Betsy!!
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