Highland Park United Methodist Church TAYORI John Mark Wang, Pastor Ken Miyoshi, Church Council Chairperson Margie Miyoshi, Lay Leader Volume 60 February/March 2015 No. 1 WHAT’S INSIDE IMAGINENOMALARIA 2 Pastorally Speaking 2&3 Birthdays 3 Pictures 4 Scripture/Notes 5 Donations 6 Donations 7 Prayer List/minutes 8 Rummage sale notice 9 Calender 10 Advertisiing Published every 2 months Bishop Grant Hagiya has challenged each of us to save at least one life for each member of our families before Annual Conference. How many lives could you save? It will take many gifts, both large and small, to meet our goal. Here’s how you can donate : Edited by Margie Miyoshi Send a text message to 27722 and a $10 donation will be added to your phone bill. The words in your text message help your donation be credited to your conference: MALARIA PNW for Pacific Northwest Donate online at imaginenomaleria.org Make sure to select your local church so that your congregation will get credit. Make checks payable to Imagine No Malaria with your church’s name in the memo line and mail to : UMC—Imagine No Malaria PO Box 440544 Nashville, TN 37244-0544 Give to your local church—write Maleria in memo note The campaign administration costs are covered by a grant from the Gates Foundation Next deadline : March 23, 2015 Highland Park Tayori Page 2 Parsonally Speaking ... Dear beloved church family, Happy New Year! Our new year of 2015 started out wonderfully at the church. We have much to be thankful for in the New Year, including our wonderful pianist, Marie Magenta, our beautiful bright new floor, a renovated floor heating system for Butler Chapel, and a mild winter of snow! These are the tangible blessings we can rejoice and be thankful for but there is so much more. I am thankful for the excitement and joy the Holy Spirit has been filling our church with through your kindness and love for one another, and our community. We continue to support Grant Elementary School as volunteers for 2nd Harvest’s food distribution, and are beginning a Godly partnership with Family Promise of Spokane to combat homelessness in our community. As a church family, we have been able to adopt a family in need this past Christmas season, and love them through gifts, encouragement, and support. Our work with Crosswalk Ministry downtown serves to provide delicious and nutritious meals to youth enduring difficult life circumstances. These are the marks of the fruit of the Spirit in us. Christ is truly dwelling in us when we are able to love and serve the least of the world. Praise God for our church! Every once in a while, I am fortunate enough to attend Christian conferences and workshops to better serve our church. In late December, I attended Chinese Mission Conference West Coast 2014 with my parents and brother as a family vacation. In this conference of workshops, sermons, and buffet style meals for thousands of people, the Spirit of God was with us. One of the guest speakers, Rev. David Choi, of a church in Chicago gave a dynamic message and I took away three convicting points. 1. Rejoice in God for persecution in His name. 2. The Gospel is more worthy than our own life. 3. We need to stop living in fear and more in trusting God. How many of us live into this reality as Christians on a daily basis? Feb/March Even as pastor, I have much to do out of pure gratitude for the sacrifice Jesus made in order for me to have salvation and eternal life. Jesus Christ is Lord! Pray that we would all give more of ourselves for the glory of God. We have signs of the Spirit moving and stirring our church. Several of our church members have been following along with the Daily Bible Reading Guide, which breaks down the Bible into a couple chapters of reading per day until completed after 12 months. Praise God! The Bible is the Word of God given to us to nourish our spirit, and is one way God may speak to us. Though many of us have been Christians for most if not all of our lives, few of us have actually read the Word of God completely. Friends, family, and saints this should not be! Teresa, our small group Bible study leader, will be leading in discussion over the fascinating book of Genesis in Sunday school and I encourage everyone to strengthen their faith with the group. Let’s not forget that even Jesus was a part of a small group, and they received a lot of God’s favor. God bless you! Grace and Peace, Pastor John February birthdays 9 Tina Webb 11 Marilyn McDowell 21 Masako Hamada 24 Jeanne Yamada 24 Shigeko Mukai 25 Joanne Ferris Daylight savings begins March 8 Highland Park Tayori Page 3 Feb/March UPCOMING EVENTS: Ash Wednesday Service 2/18 @5:00 pm Rummage Sale 3/6 & 3/7 @ 9 am Ayako Tanaka & Georgette Rogers Co-chairs Easter Sunrise Service 4-5-15 @ 6 am No host Breakfast At Frankie Doodles after Senbei Making 4/10 & 4/11 @ 8 Am Suki Yaki Dinner 4-25-15 Church Picnic 9/9 Senbei Making 9/26 Fall Bazaar 10/3/15 Marie Magenta Pastor John & father, Pastor John March Birthdays Teresa Mulkey &Georgette Rogers Pictures from 2014 5 Marc Takeshita 6 Wayne McDowell 10 Lili Hirata 13 Essie Webb 15 Michaela Marinos 21 Mary Ando 22 Debbie Fair Highland Park Tayori Page 4 Feb/March Ephesians 4:1-7 (The Message) In light of all this, here’s what I want you to do. While I’m locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk-better yet, run!- on the road God called you to travel. I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline-not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences. You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is present in all. Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness. But that doesn’t mean you should all look and speak and act the same. Out of the generosity of Christ, each of us is given his own gift. 4:14-16 No prolonged infancies among us, please. We’ll not tolerate babes in the woods, small children who are an easy mark for imposters. God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in lovelike Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love. Excerpts From A Blueprint for Discipleship: I will conclude this book by pressing each of us to make a decision about where we are going. Or if you have already committed to becoming a disciple of Jesus, I will remind you where you have committed to go so that we will remain focused in our efforts to arrive at our intended destination. In life, we have to decide where we want to go and how we are going to get there. We need to decide what is and is not worth living for and dying for. The most important decision that anyone makes in life is how to respond to the love of God in Christ Jesus. The ultimate question that confronts each of us when we consider Jesus Christ and the claims of Christianity is, “Where Are You Going?” If Jesus were to ask you that question directly, how would you answer it? We have too frequently settled for a weak God on- ly occasionally and unpredictably involved in our lives. We need to reawaken to the power and vitality of our spiritual heritage. We need to repent of our apathy and our spiritual complacency. We need to turn away from having faith in what we can do by our own powers and place our faith in what God is able to accomplish through us by God’s power. God calls each of us to some specific task. God wants to use every one of us. Each of us can be a part of God’s work in this world if we choose to follow wherever God leads us. Are you headed in God’s direction or somewhere else? Go to God and you will find that you are headed toward home. Finding out home with God is, after all, what the Wesleyan blueprint for discipleship is all about. Excerpts from Simple Church: Congratulations, you are a builder. Build lives. That is what ministry is all about. It is what you and your church are called to do. The apostle Paul gives specific instructions to church leaders (the above scripture from Ephesians). Ministry is done so that the body of Christ may be built up. The term Paul uses for “build up” is the Greek work oikodome. It is a construction term. It paints the picture of building a house. Constructing lives is the calling. First Peter 2:5 and Ephesians 2:22 compare the expanding of the kingdom of God to the building of a house. As people come to faith in Christ, the spiritual house is expanded. The new addition is constantly being added. In both senses you are called to partner with God in a great building project. You are to build the lives of individuals by helping them progress in the faith. You are a builder. You must be careful how you build. The how is important. To build the lives of people effectively, you need a clear ministry process. If you want your process to be clear, you must define it, illustrate it, discuss it, and measure it. Highland Park Tayori PLEDGES/GENERAL OFFERINGS– Nov 2, 2014-Jan 11-2015 Akiyama, Mas & Miyo Ando, Care Ando, Mary Barker, Mary Beck, Marsha & Duane Bertrand, Mieko Bott, Vern & Kathy Christenson, Mike & Junko Clevenger, David & Hiroko Corneil, Mike & Lisel Cooper, Patricia Edamatsu Daly, Joseph & Michiko Deeley, Minako Dow, Rev. Kevin & Elaine Edamatsu, Phyllis Edamatsu, Seiko Emoto, Jerry & Linda Evans, Scott & Jeni Ferris, Tom & Joanne Fukai, Pam Furumasu, Chuck & Amy Grendahl, Linda Hamada, Masako Hashimoto, Dorothy Heyden, Gene & Toni Hirai, Mike & Marcie Hirata, Lili Honda, Ada Honda, Karla Honda, Kazuko Kawabata, Jim & Pat Kessinger, Paul & Charina Kusel, Scott & Karen Luther, Norm & Rosalin Magenta, Marie & Kurt Weigel Marinos. Chris & Patty Maruyama, Yosh McDowell, Wayne & Marilyn Miki, Mihoko Miller, Jason & Anne Page 5 Minata, George & Aiko Miyoshi, Ken & Margie Mulkey, Teresa Munk, Diana Murphy, David & Anita Nakata, Harry & Kimi Newton, Chris & Pam Mukai, Shigeko Oka, Nobie Okamoto, Sumi Okura, Bonnie Ono, Tsuyoshi & Masako Pelloux, William and Yoko Rogers, James & Georgette Sanders, Yaeko Schierman, Pamela H. & Daniel Snowden, Chris & Sydnee Stephenson, Bill Suemori, Emi Takami, Debbie Takami, Mary Takeshita, Patricia Tanaka, Ayako Tanaka, Alice Tanaka, Mikel Tanaka, Pat Tarlton, Chieko Tetsuka, Charlotte Wakabayashi, Sakae Walker, Ed & Serena Walker, Motoko Wang, Pastor John Mark Watanabe, Theodore Webb, Chieko & Essie Yamada, George Yamada, Jeanne Yamamoto, Kaz Yonago, Hida Anonymous (25) Minata, Brett Ellison Kodama, George & Hiromee Heyamoto, George & Susie Ehama, Shiochi & Noe Kayahara, Teru & Tayeko Kayahara, Arlene Kayahara, June Schindler: Kaz & Grace Kayahara Ken & Geoff Kayahara In memory of Hito Hashimoto, Harry Emoto, Masuo Akiyama: Chris and Pam Newton In memory of Roy Akiyama, Marc Akiyama, Kay & Shizuko Mita: Hisako Akiyama In memory of father Katsuji, mother Matsuye, brother Kenneth and Aunt Tomiko: Lynda Peterson In memory of Sam Hirata: Lisel & Michael Corneil In memory of Tom Ando: Care Ando In memory of Tom Barker & Sam Tanaka & Shizue Kihara: Mary Barker In memory of Rev. & Mrs Shigeo Shimada & Mr &Mrs Jintaro Kawabori: Gloria & Isamu Kawabori In memory of Tets Nobuku: Ayako Tanaka In memory of Marie Matsumoto: Ron Matsumoto In memory of Migaki family : Mrs. Kiyo Shioshi MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Mas AkiyaIn memory of Leonard ma: Kaz Yamamoto Kasai: Tsuyoshi & Masako Ono Thelma Yasuhara Jim &Pat Kawabata In memory of Kansuka & Haruko Minata, Marie Shigeko Mukai Feb/March Jeanne Yamada Eva Aoyama Karen & Allen Hatley Miyo Akiiyama Duane & Marsha Beck Dorothy Hashimoto Ada Honda family: Karla Honda, Marcia & Michael Hirai, Rhona Honda, Bill Carson Mark Houk P.L. Johnston Tsuyo Matsui George & Aiko Minata Chris & Pam Newton Nobi Oka Joan Schwisow Ayako Tanaka Pat Tanaka David & Gwen Utley Tina & Michael Winebarger Steven & Laura Yoshihara Mark & Donna Young To Endowment: Mary Barker, Wayne & Marilyn McDowell In memory of Kinuyo Spencer: to endowment, Motoko Walker General donation United Methodist Women Youth group breakfast fund Sunday School Fund: Ada Honda Chris & Pam Newton Charlotte Tetsuka Use of Hall: Spochien Toddler’s Class Honor of 94th birthday to youth group fund: Ada Honda Spokane Alliance: Marsha Beck Tayori: Kaz & Grace Kayahara End of year gift: Larry & Susan Mukai Highland Park Tayori Thanksgiving offering: Ada Honda David & Hiroko Clevenger Kaz Yamamoto Emi Suemori Anita & David Murphy Rev Shiro & Mabel Kazato Duane & Marsha Beck to Adopt a family Mary Ando Christmas Offering: Anonymous Pat Tanaka Lisel & Michael Corneil Phyllis & Ken Hathaway Jim & Pat Kawabata Yaeko Sanders Motoko Walker George Yamada Jeanne Yamada Care Ando Duane & Marsha Beck Kimiko & Michael Johnston Anita & David Murphy Emi Suemori Chieko Tarlton Ayako Tanaka Kaz Yamamoto Hisako Akiyama Mary Ando David & Hiroko Clevenger Gregory & Kathy Fjeran Chuck & Amy Furumasu Dorothy Hashimoto Rev Shiro & Mabel Kazato Haru Kuroiwa Darrell Mihara Mary Mihara George & Aiko Minata Chris & Pam Newton Nobi Oka Tsuyoshi & Masako Ono David & Gwen Utley Chieko & Essie Webb Hida Yonago Eva Aoyama Mike & Junko Christenson Fumi Munekiyo Tsuyo Matsui Ronald Matsumoto Sumi Okamoto Karla Honda Page 6 Susan & Dennis Okamoto Pastor John Wang Initial Pledge Envelope: Dorothy Hashimoto Karla Honda Yaeko Sander Ayako Tanaka Mikel Tanaka Alice Tanaka Hida Yonago Imagine No Malaria fund: Kathy & Vern Bott Chuck & Amy Furumasu Norm &Rozalind Luther Chris & Pam Newton Marie Magenta & Kurt Weigel Phyllis Hathaway Charlotte Tetsuka Mosquito Net: Mary Barker Ayako Tanaka Feb/March exhibited an artistic gift at an early age and shared it with his family, friends and the Spokane community for the rest of his life. He worked as a sign painter for Markham Advertising from 1955 to 1981, painting billboards around the region. He designed and painted the N Division White Elephant Store’s northfacing wall and his personal touches can still be seen there. In a desire to express his love for his Savior, he painted a large copy of Sallman’s, Head of Christ, and presented it to Highland Park Church in the early 50’s, where it is still displayed. Mas devoted many years of volunteer leadership to his church, the JACL, and boy scouts and was known for his beautiful vegetable garden. He married his soul mate, Miyo Yamaura, on November 22, 1945, passing away one week after reaching their 69th anniversary. In these last years, family was blessed to witness his love for her every evening as he kissed and hugged her goodnight, saying, Masuo Akiyama passed from this “God loves you and I love you.” earth into the presence of his Lord Condolences to Miyo, son, Paul, Jesus Christ on November 29, 2014 daughter, Laura Yoshihara and at home with family in Spokane. their families. Memorial services He was born in Eastport, ID on were held at Highland Park on DeMay 19, 1917 along with twin cember 19, 2014. brother, Makio (Mickey) The famiCondolences also to Janis Saiki on ly, including parents Manjiro and Rin, and older sister May, moved to the passing of her mother, Jean FinSpokane when the twins were about negan on December 24th. 4 yrs old. Mas and Mickey attend- Condolences to Mihoko Miki on ed Lewis & Clark high school their the passing of her husband Henry. freshman and part of their sophoHe was born in Matsqui, B.C He more years. Due to challenges fac- received his degree in Electrical ing them during the depression and Engineering and had a career in the following the loss of May to tuber- aerospace industry. He and his wife culosis at age 17, the family immi- of 50 years lived in Los Angeles grated to Japan in 1933 when the before moving to Spokane . Henry boys were 16. Mas returned to fought a long and courageous battle Spokane when he turned 18 and with ALS. made it his permanent home. Mas Highland Park Tayori Page 7 Know anybody in need of prayer? Healing from illness Wesley Miyoshi Tom Ferris Joanne Ferris Vern Bott Webb family Those in nursing homes Maggie Nishimura Mara Mihara Yoshiko Nakagawa Dee Matsumoto Sam Ogo Healing at home Connie Seikijima Mitzi Saiki Please let Pastor John or Pat Kawabata know Church: 535-2687 Pat: 624-6892 Feb/March ing. Checking with Avista for an energy audit to find where we lose the most heat. Avista may also be able to replace the light by the short stairway. Alice and Karla are checking into a sign for the church. Many do not know that the grounds are our church. Several minor repairs are needed: the kitchen sink has a faucet that drips, men’s restroom also has dripping faucets, several of the fluorescent lights need to be changed. We will be purchasing a new folding machine for the bulletins and the newletters. Pastor John will be taking some time off to study for his coming ordination and has taken the week of January 11 to complete some of the paperwork. Pastor John is gone January 16 & 17 for a conference meeting in Seattle and at the end of January will be going to Washington D.C for a Forum sponsored by the General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church. Marilyn McDowell, Chair of the PPR Committee, reminded us that the pastor has 4 weeks Administrative Council Minutes of vacation time and he should take those to avoid burn-out. This was passed down from the District SuOpening prayer given by Lay Leader, Margie Miyoshi. perintendent. Family Promise of Spokane asked if they could use the Minutes from November 9, 2014 were approved as social hall for about two hours each Monday evening. written. They feed some homeless families from 5:30-7:30 Attendees: Ken & Margie Miyoshi, Georgette & P.M. They will begin at the end of January. The trial James Rogers, Wayne & Marilyn McDowell, Diana period will be for six months. Other organizations will Munk, Alice & Mikel Tanaka, Teresa Mulkey, Jason provide the meals. A motion to allow Family Promise Miller, Pastor John Wang, Ayako Tanaka, Mary Bark- of Spokane to use the social hall on Monday evenings er, Kimi Nakata, Ada Honda. was seconded and passed. Mary Barker will monitor the meetings. Finance: Jason reported the project of replacing the floor is almost completed, final step is putting a seal- Next meeting: February 8, 2015 or as called. ant on. Alice Tanaka is getting bids for this final step. Respectfully Submitted, Mary Barker The metal handicap ramp was voted down, should get bids for a concrete ramp by sometime in March. Rout- —added note from Mary -On January 18, 2015 after church we celebrated the Japanese/Chinese New Year ing for the walkway should be set for the bidding. with a tasty potluck luncheon. There were many peoWe have contacted Rehm to take care of the parking ple and it was good to visit with people we hadn’t seen lot when at least three inches of snow or more falls. for awhile. Several people received beautiful gifts Cleaning of the walks is a separate matter. when their names were drawn. There was plenty of food so no one went home hungry and plates were The Board consented to have a free library stand where the community can take out books or exchange made for shut-ins. It was a nice way to greet the New Year with Great food, Great Friends, and a Gracious books. Jason will check into this. God who loves us all. The church heating system is now repaired and work- Rummage Sale March 6-7, 2015 Please no broken or torn articles February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 3 Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM 4 5 Turn Around meeting 6 7 8 Ad Council Meeting 9 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 10 Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM 11 12 13 14 15 16 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 17 11Spochien Toddler Class Food distribution 4-6 pm * 18 Ash Wednesday Service 5:00 pm 19 20 21 22 23 Nikkei Women’s club Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 24Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM 25 26 27 28 *(at Grant School) March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 3 Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM 4 5 6 Rummage Sale 9 7 Rummage Sale 9 8 Daylight Savings Begins 9 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 10Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM 11 12 13 14 15 16 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 17 11 Spochien Toddler Class // food Distribution 4-6 pm* 18 19 20 21 22 23 Nikkei Womens Club 11 am Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 24 Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM 25 26 27 28 29 30 Family Promise 5:30-7:30 pm 31 Spochien Toddler Class 11:00 AM *(at Grant School) Highland Park United Methodist Church 611 S. Garfield Street Spokane, WA 99202-2329 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPOKANE, WA PERMIT NO. 441
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