School District of Slinger 2015 Summer School Catalog Session Dates: June 18th to July 17th Session Times: Per. 1 7:45 A.M. – 9:50 A.M. Per. 2 9:55 A.M.–12:00 P.M. Vacation Dates: July 3rd and 6th Registration Dates: March 30th to April 24th The following pages contain the course descriptions, frequently asked questions, student rules and registration form(s). Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Jared Bruckert Director (262) 644-5261 ext. 1105 Tracy Friedemann Assistant Director (262) 644-6669 ext. 3149 Wendy Michalski Registration Secretary (262) 644-9615 Keri Hansen Summer School Secretary Summer School Student Rules 1. Students are to arrive on the school grounds no earlier than 7:30 a.m. 2. Once at school, students will stay in the Middle School cafeteria until 7:40 a.m. 3. No soda or soft drink will be allowed in the school building during the summer school session. The soda and snack machines are NOT to be used by students. 4. Electronics (game systems, IPods, MP3 players, cell phones) may not be used at school or at recess. 5. Students with cars must register them using the school administration registration form, on the first day of the summer session. 6. Students with cars are to park them in the designated area. They are not to go back to them until they are dismissed for the school day or are given special permission. 7. Students are to stay in their classroom areas or under the direct supervision of teachers during breaks or recesses. 8. Students are not to leave the school grounds at any time unless they have been dismissed to go home or have been given special permission by a summer school administrator. 9. All school grounds are drug-free and tobacco-free zones. 10. In addition to these rules, the individual building rules and bus rules that are enforced during the normal school year are in effect as well. Any violation of the above listed rules or any disruptive behavior of any kind can result in the student being suspended from summer school classes or bus services. All summer school classes are held at Slinger Middle School. Summer School Calendar June Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu Fri 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 4 Sat 5 Sun 28 22 29 23 24 Tue Wed 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 First Day 21 Mon July Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 4 No School 5 6 No School 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Last Day 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 2015 SUMMER SCHOOL COURSE OFFERINGS: ABT-American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Grade 5 Period 1 or 2 This course is designed to provide youth who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership skills, learn how to develop a babysitting business, keep themselves and others safe and help children behave, and learn about basic child care and basic first aid. Those who successfully complete this course will receive an American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Certificate. AOS-AEROSPACE Grades 1 – 5 ART-ART FLAIR Grades 1 – 5 Period 1 or 2 Aerospace involves the study of air, space and other related subjects such as weather, flight and astronomy. With the integration of many science and math concepts, teachers use a “hands-on” approach, which will involve experimentation and creative thinking in basic and advanced projects. Students may keep their rockets upon completion of the class. Period 1 or 2 Discover Art Flair and express your creative talents! Students will learn to appreciate, enjoy and create art. Create two and three-dimensional art forms using different media: clay, paint, tiedye, watercolor and plaster. Join us in art to show your “Flair.” ATW-Around The World With Hootie Grades 3 – 5 Period 1 or 2 (Previously Spanish) Students will travel with Hootie around the world to learn about customs, traditions, foods, languages, and the everyday lives of people living in different countries throughout the world. Students will celebrate the richness of cultures from around the world through art, music, and cooking. BEA-BEADS, BEADS, AND MORE BEADS Grades 3-5 Grades 1-2 Period 1 Period 2 Grades 4 – 5 Grades 1 – 3 Period 1 Period 2 Grades 3 – 5 Period 1 or 2 Do you enjoy beading? Do you want to learn how to make your own jewelry? Then this is the class for you. We will be learning how to create beautiful bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and much more. Join us now to make that piece you will treasure forever! BOA-GETTING BOARD Get your strategies and sportsmanship ready for this fun and exciting exploration in the board games of the past and present. Hone your math skills playing Yahtzee and Monopoly, or challenge those spelling skills while playing Upwords and Scrabble. The fun doesn’t stop there! Maybe you can be the “Big Mac” of the day. CAC-CARDS AND CREATIONS Are you creative? Do you enjoy making gifts and homemade cards for family and friends? If so, join us in Cards and Creations! We will be making refrigerator magnets, flip books for the future animator, owls from paper towel rolls, rolled paper beads, boxes, and origami. We will also be making a variety of cards, from holiday, get well, and miss you, the list goes on and on. As if that isn't enough, we will also be making a box to store and organize, by occasion, all of our cards. COM-COMPUTER SKILLS Grades 3 – 5 Period 1 or 2 Create an awesome slideshow using PowerPoint, insert graphics found on-line, and create great calendars using the Calendar Wizard in Microsoft Word. This hands-on class will allow students the opportunity to build on their knowledge of computers and educational computer programs. Students will receive the type of instruction that will make them more knowledgeable and efficient users of today’s educational software. CRJ-CREATIVE JOURNALING Grades 3 – 5 Period 1 or 2 Through creative journaling and doodling, students will focus on specific areas of their lives and bring them to life in their very own keepsake. Every few days we will focus on a new technique and visual style that uses pictures and words as we use our creative muscles to dig in! From reflecting on our school year, to thinking about summer, and even finding out what we are thankful for, students will use creative techniques as an outlet of reflecting, writing, and drawing. There is no need to be an artist, as Mrs. Field will guide and show easy step by step instructions to make their journal pages come alive! CRM-CREATIVE MINDS Games, Crafts, Exercise, & Other Activities Grades 1 – 3 Grades 4 – 5 Period 1 Period 2 DAN-LET’S DANCE! Grades 1 – 3 Period 1 or 2 FIF-FOOD IS FUN! Grades 1 – 2 Grades 3 – 5 Period 1 Period 2 Grades 1 – 3 Grades 4 – 5 Period 1 Period 2 Grades 3-5 Period 1 or 2 Looking for something different to do this year in summer school? Why not give a little bit of everything a try! You won’t get bored from day-to-day; Creative Minds outstanding variety of activities guarantees that each day will be something new and exciting. Activities will range from: cooking & baking, crafting & DIY (do-it-yourself) projects, outdoor activities & games, and field trips to local parks and establishments. There will be fun for all ages and genders! Let these be the best 20 days of your summer! Bring your dancing shoes because it’s time to experience the joy of dance while learning routines by exploring rhythm, beat and movement. Literature, video and song make learning these routines fun and exciting. In the last week of school, students will perform the routines for family and friends in an awesome show. Come on, let’s dance! Do you like to eat? Do you like to cook? Do you practice good nutrition? Learn about eating right and the basics of cooking while preparing many different foods! Join us this summer and become a chef who can make food that will impress your parents! Due to the popularity of this course, students who have previously taken this class may not be admitted. GAM-GAME TIME! How about a day outside with great activities! This course explores all aspects of teamwork as students learn new games stressing physical activity and fun. Learn rules, sportsmanship, cooperation and safety for all types of outdoor games. Don’t worry! If it rains, we bring the games indoors. HPC-HARRY POTTER SUMMER CAMP Alohamora! Open the door to an adventurous summer and prepare to explore the wondrous wizarding world! This summer create potions, play wizard games, make your own school pet, enjoy wizard snacks and much more! Get ready for a fantastic, Harry Potter filled summer! MST-MIDDLE SCHOOL TRANSITION Grade 5 Period 1 or 2 It’s time to move to the middle school, but you can’t help but worry about opening your locker, finding your classroom, or making friends with the students from the other schools! No need to worry – help is here! In Middle School Transition, you will get to know the school, practice opening lockers, learn how to make new friends, PLUS find out how to be a successful student through good study practices, organization, and a review of key reading skills. MUS-LET’S DO A MUSICAL! Grades 1 – 3 NUT-NUTS ABOUT NATURE Grades 3 – 5 Grades 1 – 3 Period 2 Children will work together to perform a musical. They will learn new songs, memorize their speaking parts and practice their acting skills. A performance for parents will be given at the end of the session. During class time, there will be opportunities for additional singing and listening activities as well as a variety of other musical games and dances. This class is only open to students who will attend regularly and plan on participating in the performances. Period 1 Period 2 Taking nature walks, doing experiments and making art out of the outdoors are just a few of the ways that students will learn about the environment. We play games, take a field trip, use a lot of mosquito repellant, and we learn while doing it! RE1-READING FOR ENJOYMENT RE2-READING FOR ENJOYMENT Grades 1—2 Grades 3—5 SCI-SCIENCE WONDERS Grades 2 – 3 Grades 4 – 5 Period 1 Period 2 Grades 3 – 5 Period 1 Period 1 or 2 Period 1 or 2 Students will have a chance to use books and stories to develop complex thinking skills. A variety of techniques will be used to make the course educational and stimulating to all students. Grades 3 – 5 will include literature circles in their activities. Students in both periods will take a field trip to Slinger library every week, so they will need a library card. Students will become paleontologists, engineers, biologists, chemists and forensic scientists by exploring what scientists do: cabbage chemistry, fingerprinting, pond water and water filtering, dinosaurs and comparative anatomy. If the winds are right, you may even watch the “egg drop.” TDA-THEATER DRAMA From a variety of interesting choices, students will learn how to prepare and present plays. Scenery, props and costumes will be incorporated. This class is only open to students who will attend regularly and plan on participating in the performances. WOO-WOODWORKING Grade 5 Period 1 or 2 In this course, the student will cover the basic safety rules for using hand tools. In addition, students will learn about the different types of woods and will actually design and construct different projects. During the entire process, pride in workmanship will be stressed. Final projects will incorporate all that has been learned during the course and will be taken home for student use. SPORTSmatics Grades 4 -5 Period 1 or 2 Have fun playing sports while also learning how math fits into them! Sports explored include racing, basketball, baseball, volleyball, bowling, football, hockey, tennis and soccer. KIN-KINDERGARTEN ABC Grade 5K **Taught by Slinger School District Kindergarten Teachers** The purpose of this course is to provide kindergartners with additional enrichment experiences as well as review some of the main concepts that were covered during the regular school year. Students will be placed into flexible groupings based on developmental skills and progress made throughout summer school. End of school year assessments will also be considered when meeting needs of each child. This class lasts the entire morning and will include snack time and two short recesses. The students will come every day Monday through Thursday. There will be no school for Kindergartners on Fridays except for the first Friday of the session (June 20th). FIRST THRU FIFTH GRADE REVIEW Period 1 or 2 The purpose of these classes is to provide additional instruction and practice of the grade level basic skills that should have been mastered. The extra help will emphasize math, language arts and reading. Parents should check with their child’s teacher and principal to decide whether such additional practice in the basics is advisable. SECONDARY OFFERINGS MSC-MIDDLE SCHOOL CORRECTIVES Grades 6 – 8 7:45 A.M. to noon The purpose of this program is to give middle school students additional opportunities to complete required course work. School counselors will notify parents and students if their child must attend summer school. Students who enroll in this course are required to attend for the entire morning from 7:45 A.M to noon. HSC-HIGH SCHOOL COURSES Grades 9 – 12 7:45 A.M. to 11:50 A.M. The purpose of the high school course offerings is to give high school students additional opportunities to complete regular courses and earn credits towards graduation. Students must apply through their guidance counselor and must meet the requirements for enrollment as established by the high school’s administrators. There is a separate secondary school application form available in both the middle school and high school offices. Morning Drop-off Procedures To ensure the safety of students, we ask parents dropping off students in the morning to use the Olympic Drive entrance only. Olympic Drive Student Drop-Off Area School Football Field L o u s W a y Bus Drop-Off Area Lower Lot Baseball and Soccer Fields Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures Parents may use both levels for pick-up at the end of school. The busses will be parked in the lower level with engines off. A walkway marked with cones will be used to walk between two of the busses. Olympic Drive Student Pick-Up Area School Football Field Busses Student Pick-Up Area Baseball and Soccer Fields L o u s W a y FREQUENTLY ASKED SUMMER SCHOOL QUESTIONS Question #1: Can I return my registration form(s) before March 30th? Answer: YES, registration will begin March 30th and any form returned on or before that day will be entered on a lottery basis. Registration forms will be mixed, shuffled, and pulled at random to ensure all district children will have a fair opportunity to enroll in the more popular classes. Question #2: What grade does my child register for in Summer School? Answer: Summer School is a continuation of the regular school year. Therefore, your son or daughter will register for classes offered to that grade. (ex. Student A was in 4th grade during the 2014-2015 school year. Student A will register as a 4th grade student for Summer School) Question #3: Who qualifies for Summer School? Answer: Summer School is offered to students that meet one of the following criteria: 1) District Resident 2) Student open-enrolled into the School District of Slinger and occupied a seat during the 2014-2015 school year. 3) Out of district student, if space is available AND tuition is required. Question #4: Why must I turn my form in no later than April 24th? Answer: Once classes are set, teachers must be hired, supplies ordered and bus routes established. All of these tasks take time to complete. Late registrants particularly affect bus routes. Therefore, any student who registers after April 24th will have to use an established bus stop if a seat is available on the bus or parents may be required to provide their own transportation. Question #5: Why must I select three choices per period for each child when I register? Answer: Quite often someone will sign up for a class that is full or for which they do not qualify. In the past, this has meant many phone calls to solve the problem, which causes delays in confirming class lists and creates the problems described in answer #4. Question #6: If summer school is voluntary for most students why is it necessary to call and report a student’s absence? Answer: In these days of two-income families, it is possible for a student to miss the bus while his/her parents are at work assuming that he/she is safe at summer school. For younger children this is a definite safety concern and for older children there is a definite behavior concern. Either way, we need your help to make sure that your children are where they are supposed to be. Question #7: Why can’t I bring my child to summer school on the first day and then expect him/her to ride the bus home? Answer: Students will most likely have a different summer school bus route and driver than during the regular school year. If a parent drops off a child, he/she will not know the new driver and will have no idea which bus to take home. This can be a traumatic experience for your child on the first day of Summer School. Question #8: What if my child needs to be picked up at one location and dropped off at another? Answer: Parents should identify such multiple pick-up and drop-off points on the registration form. The school district will attempt to meet all such requests submitted on the summer school registration forms. All requests for such service after April 24th should be called in to the bus company office. However, such late requests may not be honored after the summer school bus routes have been determined. Enrollment Fees Slinger uses a variable-fee schedule for classes. Select your classes, refer to the table for class fee and calculate the total fee for both classes. ABT AOS American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Aerospace ART Art Flair $5.00 RE1 or RE2 SCI ATW Around The World With Hootie Beads, Beads, and more Beads Getting Board Cards and Creations Computer Skills Creative Journaling Creative Minds Let’s Dance Driver’s Education Food Is Fun Game Time Harry Potter Summer Camp Let’s Do A Musical $5.00 SPO Sportsmatics $20.00 TDA Theater/Drama $10.00 $5.00 $15.00 $7.00 No Fee $15.00 $5.00 No Fee $25.00 No Fee $7.00 WOO KIN 1GR 2GR 3GR 4GR 5GR MSC MST HSC Woodworking Kindergarten ABC First Grade Review Second Grade Review Third Grade Review Fourth Grade Review Fifth Grade Review Middle School Correctives Middle School Transition High School Correctives $20.00 No Fee No Fee No Fee No Fee No Fee No Fee No Fee No Fee No Fee BEA BOA CAC COM CRJ CRM DAN DEA FIF GAM HPC MUS $30.00 NUT Nuts About Nature $10.00 $10.00 Reading for Enjoyment $5.00 Science Wonders $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 Calculation Worksheet Period 1, choice 1 _____ ____________________ Course Code Name of Course _____________ Course Fee Period 2, choice 1 _____ ____________________ Course Code Name of Course + _____________ Course Fee Matriculation Fee = ________________ (add both course fees) Example: AOS Aerospace $10.00 FIF Food Is Fun $25.00 Matriculation Fee = $35.00 The matriculation fee is the total cost of both classes. For those classes with No Fee, use the value of $0 for the calculation. Enclose a check for the amount of the matriculation fee with the registration form. Make checks payable to School District of Slinger. 2015 SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM STUDENT NAME_________________________________________________________ CURRENT SCHOOL ____________________________2014-2015 GRADE___________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME_________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ CITY____________________________ZIP____________PHONE__________________ SUMMER SCHOOL CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT (required) _________________________________________________ EMERGENCY PHONE CONTACT (_____) _____________________________________________ DOES STUDENT RECEIVE SPECIAL SERVICES? Yes No PLEASE LIST ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS: __________________________________________ Fill out even if you are only using one of the options (AM or PM). YES AM Bussing is needed YES PM Bussing is needed No AM Bussing is needed No PM Bussing is needed Pick-Up Information (AM) Drop-Off Information (PM) Address: ___________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: _____________________________ City: _________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Phone: ________________________________ You must select 3 choices Period 1: 7:45 – 9:50 (course code) Choice 1:_____ Period 2: 9:55 – 12:00 (Name of Course) ________________ (course code) Choice 1:_____ (Name of Course) ________________ (Use the first choices to calculate the matriculation fee) Choice 2: _____ ________________ Choice 2: _____ ________________ Choice 3: _____ ________________ Choice 3: _____ ________________ **See Payment Notes (following page), complete and return: ** I give permission for my child to participate in all activities of these classes. ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________ Date Attach the matriculation fee to this registration form. No registration will be accepted without the appropriate fees paid. Make checks payable to School District of Slinger. Registration will begin on March 30, 2015 and end on April 24, 2015. Return the Registration Form and Payment to: SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SLINGER SUMMER SCHOOL 207 POLK STREET SLINGER, WI 53086 Payment Notes: Please include a check for the classes you have chosen made payable to School District of Slinger. If your first choice classes are full, we will automatically go to your next choice. This may result in a change of payment amount. If there is an overpayment, please indicate how you would like us to resolve the overage by choosing one of the following two options: ____ Apply refund to my child’s lunch account balance. ____ Send me a refund in the form of a check. Please note: refund checks will not be issued until mid July. If there is a shortage and a balance due, you will be notified of the additional amount. Your child’s enrollment in the chosen classes will not be confirmed or secure until the full amount has been received. All payments must be made before the first day of summer school. PAYMENT $__________ CASH $__________ CHECK #______________ This payment is for the following students (First and Last name): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Please return these forms and payment: registration form payment notes payment If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact us. Jared Bruckert Director (262) 644-5261 ext. 1105 [email protected] Tracy Friedemann Assistant Director (262) 644-6669 ext. 3149 [email protected]
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