CARILLON A Free Publication of First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-963-3579 ~ [email protected] ~ Facebook: First United Methodist Church Santa Barbara March 10, 2015 A PEOPLE OF RECONCILIATION Henri Nouwen was an internationally renowned priest and author who wrote over 40 books on the spiritual life. He was born in Holland (where one side of my family originates) and was ordained as a diocesan priest in 1957 (the year I was born). I had the privilege to hear him speak once in Chicago in the early 1980s. He died in 1996, leaving a literary and spiritual legacy for those of us who long for a deeper relationship with God. I have read nearly everything Nouwen wrote during his lifetime. Though you may not know his writing, you may recognize hints of his writing style and spiritual perspective in mine. In his book Finding My Way Home, Nouwen speaks of belonging to God from eternity to eternity, and explains that this brief earthly life is simply an opportunity to say, “I love you, too.” What touches me the most about his writing is that it combines spiritual passion, poetic sensibility, and a deep commitment to our shared humanity. He says that if you dare to believe that you are beloved before you are born, the length of your life doesn’t matter. He writes, “You are sent into this world to believe in yourself as God’s chosen one and then to help your brothers and sisters know that they also are beloved sons and daughters of God who belong together. You’re sent into this world to be a people of reconciliation. You are sent to heal, to break down the walls between you and your neighbors, locally, nationally, and globally. Before all the distinctions, the separations, and the walls built on foundations of fear, there was unity in the mind and heart of God. Out of that unity, you are sent into this world for a little while to claim that you and every other human being belongs to the same God of Love who lives from eternity to eternity.” In the short time Dallis and I have been in Santa Barbara, I have had a number of opportunities as a spiritual leader to be a person of reconciliation simply by showing up and being present. Following the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, I went to a community meeting at the Second Baptist Church (which is primarily African American) because of my concern that racism may have played a role. It is imperative that Americans not be so naïve as to think, 50 years following the peaceful march in Selma, Alabama, that our country is free of racism. Last week’s Department of Justice findings have shown systematic racial bias in the Ferguson police department. While this is not reflective of most law enforcement personnel, it does shine a light on a problem that still exists in our society. It’s important that we learn from such experiences in order to move toward change. The march for equality and justice is not over. Recently in our own coastal community a sign was placed on property owned by the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara. It read Je suis Charlie (French for “I am Charlie”) in reference to the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Not only was it anonymously and illegally placed on private property, but it was clearly a sign of hate toward a whole group of our neighbors. The Muslim community in Santa Barbara chose not to directly address this crime, believing it better not to give public attention to such ignorance and intolerance. It troubled other religious leaders though, including me. I couldn’t let it go. So several weeks ago on my day off I attended Muslim Friday Prayer. It was out of my comfort zone because I had never been before. I became a guest, observing and praying alongside this congregation (which by the way, is larger and younger than ours). That would have been that, except that the Imam Yama Niazi saw me and at the close of the service asked me to please come forward and say a few words to those gathered. I spoke of my belief in religious freedom as a founding principle of our nation and that I wanted to come and stand in support of their community being here. I stated my conviction that we need to build bridges of understanding between persons of different religious traditions if we are to move forward as the land of the free. I pronounced a blessing of peace. It meant a great deal to them. “You’re sent into this world to be a people of reconciliation. You are sent to heal, to break down the walls between you and your neighbors.” Grace and peace, Mark A Community of Prayer LENTEN AND EASTER CALENDAR Please keep the following people in your prayers Diane & Dan Adamson, Collin Barham, Terry Becker, Anne Clark, Gracie Fisher and family, Cathy Haas, Myra Hogan, Brigitte McKee, Ken McMillan, Marilyn Metzner, Betty Rezin, Joyce Richardson, Jack Smith, Carol Holle Umber, March 29th Palm Sunday: One Service @ 10:00 am. Follow Wilson the donkey and the procession into the Sanctuary and give glory to Jesus. April 2nd Maundy Thursday: 7 p.m. in Wesley Chapel. Worship service commemorating Jesus’ Last Supper. Pam Umthun, Ruth Warkentin, Nancy Weirbach, Rev. Elwood Wissmann. April 3rd Good Friday Community Worship Mid-Day Service at First Presbyterian Church at Noon. “7 Last Words.” • SB Mission Area Good Friday Evening Service at St. Mark UMC 7:00 include a “Cross-Walk.” April 4th Holy Saturday: Easter egg hunt and crafts, cleaning and preparing the Sanctuary for Easter begins at 9:30 a.m. April 5th Easter: Worship services to celebrate the glorious resurrection. Special music by the Chancel Choir with a brass ensemble. • In Remembrance John Ballje, March 1st. Husband of Ruth. Service Personnel Damon Belanger, Ryan Hirschler, Sean Jones, Catherine Lily Karl, Scott McKee, Kevin Meinert, Alycia Porter, Timothy Radcliffe, Matthew Wissmann. Prayers and Support Continue for Grace Fisher SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP LENTEN AND EASTER SERMONS & SCRIPTURES Prayers and support continue for Grace Fisher and her family as she undergoes treatment for her paralyzing illness. For updates from the family, please see the website Holy communion will be offered throughout Lent. March 15th “The Feast of Extravagant Grace.” Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21 March 22nd Pastor Alan Strout preaching. March 29th Palm Sunday (One service @ 10 a.m.): “The Feast of Humble Love.” Philippians 2:5-11, Mark 14:1-9. April 5th Easter Service: “The Laughter of the Redeemed.” Mark 16:1-8 THANK YOU WILSON ANGELS!! The Worship Committee would like to give our heartfelt thanks to the Wilson Angels who have sponsored the beloved Wilson the Donkey. Because of our Angels, Wilson will once again lead the Palm Procession into the Sanctuary on Palm Sunday. Thank you! The Worship Committee Donations to cover mounting medical expenses are always welcome and greatly appreciated! Please make your checks out to the Grace Fisher Fund and mail to 308 Paseo Del Descanso, SB, CA 93105 Dear Church and Extended Family, On December 4, 2014 the unexpected happened. I fell head first and fractured number C2 vertebra in my neck. Thanks to a skilled neurosurgeon, and Cottage Hospital’s Trauma and Rehabilitation Centers, I am recovering on schedule. This miracle could not have happened without the loving care of Nadine, my children and other family members, Pastors Alan and Mark and my church family’s encouragement and prayers. Thank all of you so much. You indeed hastened the healing process. A few years back, I remember that the theme of our stewardship program was “This is the Place” meaning our Church and its programs. Well, this is definitely my place, my sanctuary and my refuge. I am safe there being close to God and my loving church family. Blessings, Jack Schlothauer 2 LENTEN ACTIVITES LAST CONCERT IN LENTEN ORGAN SERIES THIS SUNDAY @ 3:00 PM LISTENING WITH THE HEART Silence and sharing around the Word of God Lent is a unique season for the soul’s exploration of life lived in God. As people on a journey of faith, we listen for the Word within the words of Scripture as we seek to hear the voice of God. Our free Lenten Organ Recital series concludes this Sunday with Ty Woodward. Ty is an organist with an extensive international career including classical and theatre organ concert performances at Westminster Abbey, London; Trinity Church, New York; the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles; and, the outdoor pipe organ in Balboa Park, San Diego. You are invited to a Lenten spiritual practice involving the reading of Scripture, contemplative silence, and prayers for our community and world. The Lenten recitals are sponsored by the SB Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and FUMC. Wednesday evenings in March: 6:30 p.m. in Wesley Chapel. Led by Pastor Mark MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE - APRIL 2ND “Holding Space,” a time of prayer for Grace Fisher, will become part of Pastor Mark’s “Listening With the Heart” Wednesday night program HOME MEMBER COMMUNION Holy Week: March 29 - April 4 During Holy Week volunteers will take the sacrament to facilities, homes and bedsides where our home members can receive the bread and the cup. The elements will be consecrated in advance by a pastor and an informal ritual to follow will be provided. Parish Care Team member, Frances Paresa will have the serving kits ready for pick up by servers after the Palm Sunday services. Servers will take the sacraments during Holy Week at a time convenient for home members. If you would like to serve in this very meaningful ministry to church family members unable to attend Sunday worship, please contact the office. The Maundy Thursday worship service on Thursday, April 2, at 7 p.m. will include a simple drama called “At the Table” in which we hear from biblical characters like Peter, John, Mary, Martha, and others. We will meet in Wesley Chapel (note the location change) for this worshipful time of singing, scripture, prayer, and the sharing of Holy Communion. Jesus gives a new commandment (mandatum novum in Latin) to love one another. “Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other” (John 13:34). Please join us and invite a friend to this meaningful Holy Week service. EASTER LILY DONATION If you would like to commemorate a loved one by designating Easter lilies in his/her honor or memory, please return the form below to the office by Friday, March 27th so that we can include your dedication in the Easter Lily Donors brochure. Be sure to write your check to FUMC with “Easter Lilies” in the memo line. Thank you! EASTER LILY ORDER 2015 In Honor of ______________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of _____________________________________________________________________________ My (our) name(s) __________________________________________________________________________ Easter Lilies @$10.00 each. Total: $____________ Enclosed is my check payable to FUMC for _______________________ Please turn in order by Friday, March 27th so we may include your dedication in the Easter Lily Donors brochure. 3 IF YOU ARE SPRING CLEANING, WE HAVE MESSAGES FOR YOU! MASTER CHORALE CONCERTS AT FUMC Saturday, March 21st at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22nd at 3 p.m. From Missions Committee: Westmont’s Master Chorale, under the masterful direction of our own Dr. Steve Hodson, will perform : Canto General: Song of the People. Lyrics from the epic poem by Pable Neruda; music by Mikis Theodorakis (who also composed the music for Zorba the Greek.) Tickets are $22 $12 students with I.D. general, $20 Senior, BACH/VIVALDI CONCERT AT FUMC Saturday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m. A truly magnificent concert featuring Bach’s “Magnificat” and Vivaldi’s “Gloria” will be performed under the baton of our own Nathan Kreitzer on Saturday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m. at FUMC. Three choirs with orchestra and soloists will participate. More information will follow, but mark your calendars for this not-to-be-missed event. WARMING CENTER AT FUMC CONCLUDES The . kitchen crew concluded this year’s Warming Center season at FUMC. Various churches open their doors to the homeless on rotating weeks throughout the winter Kitchen crew, bottom row from left: Muriel Pehle, months. This Patti Strout, Sally Laan, Reba Gonzales, Anita was a light year Baldwin, Sylvia Morikawa. Top row from left: for rain and Steve Carlson, Kevin Marvin and Dexter Pehle. cold so many FUMC volunteers did not have a chance to serve. Our Warming Centers were also blessed by wonderful donations that provided funds for the food that was prepared and served some 360 meals over the four month season. THANK YOU! FUMC YOUTH NEWS On March 29th the Youth Group will meet for a program and to canvass our surrounding area to invite the neighborhood children to the Holy Saturday Egg Hunt. For more information, see Izzy, Elizabeth, Gary or Pastor Alan. Are you planning or in the midst of a healthy spring cleaning or downsizing? Missions Committee asks you to consider saving your treasures and loving discards for the next Treasure Sale to be held May 8th. Items can be brought to the church beginning after Easter (April 5th). Thank you!! From Health Ministries: Now is the time to clean out your medicine box! Be sure to look at the expirations dates on ALL your medicines. Remove any pills, liquids, drops, creams or other pharmaceuticals that have expired and bring them to the church on any Sunday this month. Give them to Jeanette Day, the person offering you the hand sanitizer as you enter Fellowship Hall. Note, no syringes or needles can be accepted. BABY BOOK BASKETS TO BE DEDICATED MARCH 15TH Aimee and the Children, Youth and Family Ministries are still requesting donations of new and gently-used baby and children's books for Book Baskets. Our congregation has been blessed with many new babies and we would like to be able to bless these families with these baskets which will be blessed during the March 15th worship service. Thank your for your donations! NEW STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING Preparations are beginning to offer a new training class for Stephen Ministers. The weekly training covers the basics of caring and supporting those going through transitions, crises, or special times of need. Stephen Ministers are not counselors, social workers, or therapists. They are not invited to do errands, household chores, personal services, home health care, etc. They are commissioned to represent the congregation’s love and support in relationships of listening and caring and operate under strict rules of confidentiality. After the weeks of training, Stephen Ministers are assigned to a care receiver. They also meet monthly as a group for mutual support, study, and supervision. The training will be led by Martha Saatjian, Coventry Harris, and Pastor Alan. To learn more about Stephen Ministry please contact Pastor Alan. 4 MISSIONS OUTREACH AND MISSION AREA NEWS Shoes Needed for the Maundy Thursday Foot Washing: WillBridge, ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING - UMCOR NEXT SUNDAY: MARCH 15TH a local non-profit/advocate for the homeless and mentally ill, is hosting the 8th Annual Inter-Faith Homeless Foot Washing on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial Building, 112 W. Cabrillo Blvd. On Sunday, we, along with thousands of other United Methodist churches, will participate in the One Great Hour of Sharing. Our gifts will go to UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. With our financial support, UMCOR can continue to represent us in providing relief in over a hundred humanitarian causes in many places in the U.S. and internationally. Donations of NEW men’s and women’s boots, sandals, sneakers are needed. If you can donate, please bring the items to the office by Monday, March 30th. Please call the office if you would like to join the pastors in volunteering for this event. Wrapped Candy Needed for Holy Saturday Children And Youth Activities: Our Easter Eggs Please bring your gift to church on March 15th or send/bring your gift to the office at your convenience. Please write your check to FUMC with One Great Hour of Sharing (or OGHS) in the memo line. Thank you for your gift to assist UMCOR’s many mission programs. SB MISSION AREA MONTHLY GATHERINGS need your candy! We will be hosting our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Holy Saturday and would appreciate donations of wrapped candy to fill the eggs. Please drop off candy in the church office before March 27th. Help Clean and Prepare the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday on Holy Saturday, April 4th: Mark your calendar to help spruce up the Sanctuary on Holy Saturday. We supply the rags and Lemon Pledge and you can supply the elbow grease. The altar needs to be readied with Easter lilies and the white banners hung. Pew racks need checking and even the sidewalks need sweeping. We'll start at 9:30 and we'll be done before noon. Grab a few of your friends, don your work clothes and join us on that Saturday at 9:30 a.m. prepare the Sanctuary for JOIN PASTOR MARK ON THE SPRING UMC WORKTEAM TO SLC Pastor Mark will lead a FUMC team and join other Central Coast UMC’s to work at the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Depot in Salt Lake City, from April 27 - May 1. UMCOR West is a 22,000 square-foot depot that stores much needed disaster relief supplies that are sent stateside and abroad in times of disaster and war. Team members gather, assemble, package and shelve relief supply kits for future shipments. Expenses will include travel, lodging and meals. Lodging costs will be $50/night and will be at the Episcopal Church Center of Utah. If you are planning on joining the work team from FUMC, please call the office or Scott Burns, Chair of the FUMC Missions committee. The Santa Barbara Mission Area continues to strengthen the bonds between the three churches: FUMC, St. Mark UMC, and Isla Vista University UMC. In addition to participating in each other’s Lenten activities, monthly Mission Area gatherings will be hosted by a different church each month. The gatherings offer a variety of experiences for fun, fellowship, study, worship, and service that will further build relationships and strengthen the bonds and mutual mission and outreach of the three congregations in Christ. Please plan to join one of the following gatherings: April 19 Mission Area Gathering at St. Mark UMC: Sunday, 4:00-5:30 pm May 17 Mission Area Gathering at Isla Vista UMC: Sunday, 4:00-5:30 pm June/July Mission Area Gathering at FUMC: Speaker: Guest missionary to be announced. Date and time: to be announced *Workteam Wednesdays: Weds. evenings in July Rotating gatherings and projects at each church. The Mission Area is growing! You are invited to be UMW GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY MARCH 11TH AT 11:00 A.M. The United Methodist Women will hold their March General Meeting on Thursday, March 12th, at 11:00 a.m. in Asbury. The guest speaker is FUMC member, Cecelia Uribe, Ms. Uribe will present information on the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics (SBNC), whose purpose is to provide high quality, affordable medical and dental care to all, especially those uninsured and underserved. All are welcome! 5 First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non profit organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Santa Barbara, CA 93101 PERMIT NO. 43 Dated Material March 10, 2015 First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara: How to Contact Us Church Office: Open Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (805) 963-3579 Caroline Kavanagh and Suzanne McAdams, Admin. Assistants [email protected] Pastors: Rev. Dr. Mark Richardson, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Alan Strout, Associate Pastor [email protected] Children & Family Ministries: Aimee Dutch, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator [email protected] Izzy Jarvis, Elizabeth Spencer, Youth Leaders [email protected] Garden Preschool: Heidi Casper, Director (805) 451-5487 [email protected] Membership: Sylvia Morikawa, Membership Coordinator [email protected] The following may be also reached through the church office:(805-963-3579) Music Director: Nathan Kreitzer Organist: Dr. Steve Hodson Weddings/Events: Marte Franklin, Toni Straka Daily Devotional - A different inspiring recorded message each day by Pastor Alan: 805-962-5697 The Carillon is published on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, except when otherwise noted. The submissions are due to the office by the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. FUMCSB VISION STATEMENT The vision of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara is to provide a welcoming place where the congregation encompasses multiple generations, diversity is respected and celebrated, and commitments of faith lead to acts of mercy, social justice,and compassion. We encourage and support each person on their Christian journey of faith and offer a variety of ways of connecting with God through: Fellowship and Caring Ministries, Understanding through teaching and learning, Mission and Outreach, 6 Christian Faith. Creative expression of
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