First News First Reformed United Church of Christ 40 East Orange Street Lancaster, PA 717-397-5149 [email protected] April 2015 From the Interim Pastor... From Palms to Passion to Praise As we stand at the beginning of Holy Week, we are keenly aware that the jubilant cries of Palm Sunday turned all too quickly into the shouts of derision and rejection of Good Friday. If we had been there, would it have turned out any differently? Would we have recognized in an ordinary Galilean, who could not claim any high-ranking religious or social status, the Christ sent by God to be the Savior of the World? Would we have recognized a suffering God on a criminal’s cross, the ultimate form of Roman torture and execution? Likely not, for we still do not recognize the suffering Christ in the faces of those deemed of less worth and value according to our cultural norms today. We still do not recognize the suffering Christ: In the faces of undocumented workers who wish only to feed their starving families; In the lives of those who do not fit heterosexual or gender-conforming cultural ideals and are now facing a plethora of new discriminatory laws allowing businesses to deny service to them; In the faces of those whose basic rights and freedoms are denied or endangered by the same white privilege that enslaved their ancestors and continues today in the form of voting restrictions, subquality schools, and racial profiling. The people stood yelling, “Crucify!” and it breaks our hearts every time. For Jesus’ death occurs every time someone is ignored, mistreated, oppressed. “Crucify!” tears away at God’s Beloved. (From UCC Worship Ways, 2012 continued, page 2 Parish News From the Interim Pastor (continued) And yet, by the grace of God, the suffering of the cross is not the end of the story. On the day of Resurrection which we celebrate anew this Easter, our broken hearts are mended and our despair is transformed into hope. Let us come together with praise and joyful exultation, for all things are made new! It is not only Christ who is raised, but so are we…. If we accept the invitation to new life. Our God of second and third chances offers us anew the opportunity to be transformed by the same power that raised Jesus. God invites you and me into a new community so that we may be the embodiment in this world of the living Christ. We are called to live as Resurrection people who stand in solidarity with those who are rejected, marginalized, and made to suffer by the same forces that crucified Jesus. As Easter people, we dare to lives out the victory God has already won: the victory of compassion over hatred, justice over injustice, inclusion over exclusion. Jim Wallis and others have written of how, “during the deepest, darkest days of apartheid when the government tried to shut down opposition by canceling a political rally, Archbishop Desmond Tutu declared that he would hold a church service instead. “St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town, South Africa was filled with worshippers. Outside the cathedral hundreds of police gathered, a show of force intended to intimidate. As Tutu was preaching they entered the Cathedral, armed, and lined the walls. They took out notebooks and recorded Tutu’s words. “But Tutu would not be intimidated. He preached against the evils of apartheid, declaring it could not endure. At one extraordinary point he addressed the police directly. ‘You are powerful. You are very powerful, but you are not gods and I serve a God who cannot be mocked. So, since you’ve already lost, since you’ve already lost, I invite you today to come and join the winning side!’ “ May we live our lives with the same confidence and courage. Through our struggles with illness, grief, bigotry, violence and evil continue, we know that those forces have already lost. GOD’S LOVE DOES WIN! AND NOTHING, NOT EVEN DEATH, CAN SEPARATE US FROM THAT LOVE! Christ is Risen! Life and love abound. Welcome to the new community of Easter people! Easter Blessings to all, Pastor Janet Pastor Janet’s contact info: Phone: 828-290-5570 Email: [email protected] Page 2 From Dana’s Desk... Yours is the glory, Resurrected One! Endless is the victory you o’er death have won. These inspiring words written by Swiss pastor Edmond L. Budry are sung frequently throughout the seven weeks of Eastertide, set to the stirring tune Judas Maccabeus by G.F. Handel. And, for us, the good news of Jesus’ resurrection is not just a seasonal announcement, but a road map for all of life … a life inspired by LIFE. Megan McKenna, an internationally known author, lecturer, retreat leader and spiritual director, wrote: “On Easter, and for now, nothing is as it seemed to be. Nothing is over even when it obviously is. In reality it’s just beginning; reality is unraveling, and the mystery is moving in on us. You see, the only things left in the tomb where they belong, are hate, inhumanity, injustice, war, killing, starvation, oppression, greed, overweening power, violence, rage and rape, destruction of the earth, despair, and death itself! It is time to seal the tomb again, with all that debris and garbage inside. They have been stricken, struck with a mortal blow, and they are defanged and undone. Those who have been buried in Christ know! The world and time and all created by God are eastering and rising up to new life again. The universe and all of us are the result of unbearable tenderness, and we are laced and threaded with everlasting life that cannot and will not ever be undone. Hope surrounds and delight stalks our every step, because Love still reigns and seeks us out no matter where we hide or live. “This is the day the Lord has made” is the refrain truly appropriate for these brightening days of Eastertide. This is the day, and it is every day, because the Crucified One opened his eyes to the incomparable glory of this day after the gloom and gore of what came before. We walk out of the tomb and back into our homes and churches, our workplaces and the weary world, but now we walk the Way of the Cross together with our Crucified and Risen Lord, and we walk all the way with God, all the way to glory.” So let our Alleluias ring out this Spring, and all our days, because the victory has been won. Our pilgrimage through life continues, and because of Easter, our GPS has us headed in a new direction, with the destination being LIFE….. may we continue the journey together, faith-fully. ALLELUIA! Pastor Dana’s contact info: Phone: 717-625-4551 Email: [email protected] Page 3 Parish News Holy Week Worship Palm Sunday, March 29 will be observed this year as “Palm/Passion Sunday.” The first part of the service will focus on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will then shift into the re-telling of the rest of the events of the last week of Jesus’ life. On Friday of Holy Week, April 3, please join us for our Good Friday service at 7 pm, which will include Communion, as we commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, as well as the traditional elements of Good Friday worship. The Downtown churches ministerium will also hold a Good Friday observance. From 12-3:00, there will be a service at St. James Episcopal Church. Over the course of the 3-hour period, different preachers will offer sermons on each of Jesus’ last words from the cross. Worshippers may come and go as they wish, staying for as little or long as they are able. Sunday, April 5, is Easter Sunday. “Christ is risen; He is risen indeed.” Come and join us for a bright and joyful celebration of Christ’s resurrection. The service will include a special Children’s Message, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and music by choir and brass. Annual Easter Egg Hunt The Children’s Church teachers will be hosting our Annual Easter Egg Hunt for children up to age 10 on Easter Sunday, April 5, immediately following worship in our courtyard. Come and join in the fun! B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Basket!) Easter Eggs Needed Anyone wishing to assist the Easter Bunny can help by providing filled plastic eggs. Please fill eggs with wrapped candy, jelly beans, or small trinkets. You may drop off your donations in the church office or on Sunday in Harbaugh Hall. Thank you! Page 4 Parish News Lancaster Association (UCC) Meets April 19, 3:00 PM at New Building of the Lancaster Council of Churches When? Sunday, April 19 at 3:00 PM Where? The Lancaster County Council of Churches Food Hub at 812 N. Queen St, Lancaster PA 17603 What? A short business meeting of the Association to elect a President, Treasurer, and members to the Members in Discernment Committee & Committee on Church & Authorized Ministers. Nadinne Ziegler will be installed as a member of the Association’s Members in Discernment Committee. A tour of the new Food Hub and information on their ministry to provide emergency food, clothing and transportation for the poor with the goal of helping them to live independently in the community. Everyone is welcome to attend. Each attending congregation is asked to bring items for the LCC April Showers Toiletries Drive for the needy. A box will be available in Harbaugh Hall in April if you wish to donate the following items: •soap •body wash •shampoo •deodorant •tissues •paper towels •bathroom tissue •toothbrushes •toothpaste •dish soap •disinfecting wipes •body lotion •boxes or small bottles of laundry detergent SOS program - Park City Diner and Day & Knight Diner Park City Diner and Knight & Day Diner have a program through which 10% of your dining check will be donated to First Reformed Church when you use the program card. At the end of 2014 we had received a total of $515.55 from these two diners as we participate in their “Share Our Success” (SOS) program. We can expand our participation by providing more cards to relatives and friends, so they can help our church. I have ordered an additional 250 cards for distribution in the near future. This is a great program for the church, with little effort on our behalf. Just distribute the cards, and follow up with those who have the cards, to ensure they are being used. Thank you for your support. Jim Chryst Page 5 Parish News In Our Prayers Free Tax Help We hold in our prayers: Would you like help with your taxes? Free tax assistance is available provided by IRS certified tax preparers at First United Methodist Church, Duke and Walnut Streets, Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 2:00PM. This AARP TaxAide Program serves persons with low and moderate incomes with special attention to those age 60 and older. Federal and state tax returns are prepared and electronically filed. Assistance is also provided for local taxes and property tax/rent rebates. Questions? Call 464-4560. Joel and Meagan Holler on the birth of their son Jordy William Holler, and grandparents Liz and Bill Groff. Toni Tice, recovering from surgery. Terry Styer, recovering from surgery. We continue to hold in our prayers: …Le An Ambrose, Bill Anderson, Leona Anderson, Carroll Barton, Cheri Becker, Kimberly Bender, Larry Bonaccorso, Stella Bonaccorso, Lois Bowman, Mary Brocco, Deb Burke, Marian Chavez, Carol Connor, Thelma Connor, Darlene Christiansen, Anna Devonshire, Kathy Gilchrest, Pat Harbaugh, Arlene Holbein, Phillip Holt, Etta Irwin, June Lantz, Bill and Ruth Moore, Ethel Murr, Kevin Parise, Jo Ann Peppler, Bobbie Pontz, Charles Rohrer, Phyllis Sanders, Chester Spotts, Janet Spotts, Jeanne Sullivan, Jess Turner, Paula Wagner, Kathy Warns, Ila Westbrook, and Robert Whetts. In the Hospital? When you are in the hospital, please be sure to let the church know, especially if you are admitted during the weekend. Our local hospitals are good at getting this information to us, but it helps if we hear from your family as well. First Ladies Luncheon Bushel of Love The food you donate to our Bushel of Love is distributed to our hungry neighbors by the Lancaster County Council of Churches. Thank you for your generosity! The April item is peanut butter (no glass please). Please place your offering in the basket in Harbaugh Hall. The First Ladies of First Reformed United Church of Christ will hold their monthly luncheon Tuesday, April 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the Elks Club on Duke St. You are invited to join the ladies of First Reformed for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Please contact Judy Ames at 393-0587 for information and directions. Page 6 Parish News Capital Campaign Update Inquirer’s Class Coming Up As of March 08, 2015, we have received $304,608.00 in contributions including gifts from FRC members, corporations and other churches. The Capital Campaign team would like to thank everyone for their donations to the campaign. The second Inquirer’s Class in our series is coming up in April or May. We will explore some of the history, beliefs, organization, and ministry opportunities of First Reformed UCC. The first class gave us the “bigger picture” of the UCC and its place within the wider church, and now we will find out more about how all that “translates” into this congregation’s identity and purpose. Please let Pastor Janet or the church office know if you are interested, and which Sundays in April and May you would be able to attend. We will then let everyone know the date. We look forward to hearing from you, - anyone interested in better understanding FRC is welcome! We have come a long way but we still have to pay off our Fulton Bank loan. We took out the bank loan in June 2013 to move the project forward and avoid expected increased contractor and material costs. The congregation was informed of the choices and voted to move forward with a low interest loan amount of $284,950.00. The Capital Campaign team, leadership, and our congregation have worked hard to pay off the loan balance which now stands at $107,000.00 as of March 2015. We have a beautiful renovated kitchen and fellowship hall where we can continue to serve meals for the less fortunate and provide a larger gathering area for this church congregation. We are all in this together and I hope you give this matter your prayerful consideration. Dean Mason First Reformed Church Lunch Join us on Sunday, June 7 for lunch at Isaac's Restaurant on N. Queen St, after church service. We will gather in Harbaugh Hall after our regular scheduled Sunday morning service and proceed to Isaac's for a group lunch. You would be responsible for your own tab. A portion of the proceeds from our lunch bill will be sent back to the church. Our last lunch there earned the church $125.75 and was a great chance to fellowship with fellow church members. More info to follow in the next newsletter and the church bulletin. Capital Campaign Chairman Page 7 Parish News Grocery Card and Gas Card Program Vivian Spiese and Jim Chryst would like to thank those of you who participate in the gift card fund raising program. During 2014 your purchases amounted to a contribution of approximately $2,700 for the church. That is a tremendous accomplishment! However, it is reasonable to assume that we could realize over $4,000 per year, if more folks got into the habit of buying these cards, and helping the church. We ask you to try this method of grocery and gas purchases and see why so many of our parishioners are involved and satisfied. Vivian and Jim. Congregational Life Team The Congregational Life Team (CLT) has recently undergone a restructuring. After serving for several years, Alyssa Leister resigned as chairperson. Thank you, Alyssa, for your dedicated service to this ministry at FRC. Judy Mason has become the Chairperson of the CLT. The team has been divided into three subteams to better focus on the different areas over which CLT has oversight. Nadinne Ziegler has agreed to take charge of the Fellowship sub-team. A leader is being sought for the Education sub-team, and a Worship team will be developed in the future. Thanks to all who work on this team which has much activity and visibility in the life of FRC. It’s A Boy!! Congratulations to Meagan and Joel Holler on the birth of their first child, Jordy William on Sunday March 15, 2015 at 5:43pm. He weighed 5lbs, 8 oz. and was 19-1/2” long. The proud grandparents are Liz and Bill Groff. Welcome to God’s world, Jordy. Welcome a New Member! On Sunday, March 22, Peg Kepner officially joined FRC. Peg is a familiar face to many as she has joined many FRC activities and worship services since St. Andrew’s closed a couple years ago. Peg is a retired teacher whose interests include gardening, reading and antiques. She is also very involved in community meals and helps with Tuesday dinners on behalf of both FRC and the former St. Andrew’s. You can reach Peg at: 230 Brenneman Road Lancaster, PA 17603 717-464-5144 [email protected] One of the gifts we give our new members (in addition to nametags and offering envelopes) is a loaf of homemade bread. Our thanks to Nancy Crawford who continues to share her gift of baking with our new members. Page 8 Parish News Fellowship Schedule Our fellowship time directly following worship is a crucial ministry at First Reformed. Our Church Growth Team does a wonderful job welcoming new friends into our space and they encourage visitors to stay for fellowship. This time provides everyone the chance to interact with one another and with the new faces that join us. If you are unable to do your assigned day, feel free to reach out to another member to see about switching. Please let the church administrator know if you do switch. She will keep an up-to-date list of Fellowship Hosts and will print them in the bulletin each week and the newsletter each month. Thank you for your commitment to growing our church and extending the hand of hospitality. April 5-Easter-NO FELLOWSHIP 12-Jen & Jeff Eaton 19-Jim Chryst 26-Bruce & Marianne Adams May 3-Diana & Patrick Helm 10-Chad & Sara Souders 17-Jack & Kay Hughlett 24-Dave & Kelly Cochran 31-Tara Schram-Trompeter June 7-Gloria Nixdorf 14-Toni Tice 21–Nadinne Ziegler 28-Meagan Holler July 5-Rick & Joanie Cashdollar 12-Audrey Shirk 19-Carol Tracy August 2-Ice Cream Social 9-Megan Malick 16-Open September 6-Welcome Back Potluck 13-Open 20-Linda & George Peterson 26-Sue Wike 23-Joanne Carroll 30-Open 27-Karen Risser October 4-Julie & Donovan Witmer 11-Jill & Kelly Van Belle 18-Becky DiLeo 25-Bruce & Christie Alton November 1-Kelly Wobrak 8-Lois Newswanger 15-Diane Sanchez 22-Hanging of the Greens Meal 29–Sandy & Terry Styer December 6-Alyssa Leister 13-Courtney Wettrau 20-Nadinne Ziegler 27-Diana & Patrick Helm Page 9 Member News Reach Out to Our Homebound Following you will see a list of First Reformed members who are not able to come to worship or to our many church events (so called “Homebound”). Without exception, they miss being able to be here and be a part of this community. They eagerly receive any kind of contact from us. You are encouraged to send a note, send flowers, make a phone call, make a visit. You will be rewarded much more than you can imagine. Jess Turner 507 Country Place Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 Mary Brocco 156 Tracy Berg Rd. Lancaster, PA 17603 Etta Irwin 600 Freemason Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Thelma Conner Room 506 675 Willow Valley Square Lancaster, PA 17602 Jo Ann Peppler Country Meadows Rm. 202 1380 Elm Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 Bill Anderson Reed Run Room 325 1520 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Leona Anderson Juniata 306 1520 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Phyllis Sanders PCU9 200 Luther Lane Columbia, PA 17512 Charles Rohrer Luther Acres Room 133 600 E. Main St. Lititz, PA 17543 Birthdays Anniversaries 1—Jim Fisher 11—Bill Moore 23—Nadinne Ziegler 7—Jim & Timna Fisher 5—McKenna Kraft 11—Bruce Alton 24—Leah Altobello 8—Darlene & Ron Christiansen 7—Dan Sanchez 12—Ann Hogarth 25—Joanne Eby 16—Chad & Sara Souders 7—Carys Eaton 13—Judy Mason 26—Pr. Janet Boyd-Weidler 17—Jenni & Brian Sigman 9—Phyllis Ezard 19—Don Walton 28—Heather Crawford 10—Linda Esbenshade 21—Linda Mamourian 28—Riley Kraft 10—Thelma Connor 23—Janice Morris Page 10 Worship Participants April 2015 Altar Guild 5—Georgia McCune & Kelly Wobrak 12—Mary Anne Remley 19—Kay Hughlett 26—Tara Schram-Trompeter Bell Ringers Lector 5— Jim Chryst 12— Megan Malic 19— Carol Martin 26— Georgia McCune 5—Patrick Helm 12—Kelly, Dave & Spencer Cochran 19—Jim Fisher 26—Toni Tice Money Counters 7—Carol Martin, Alta Hamric, Art Ezard 13—Bonnie Van Tassel-Parent, Janice Morris 20—Gordie Kraft, Linda Esbenshade 27—Sandy Frey, Alta Hamric Children’s Church 5—Kelly Cochran 12—Kim Kleckner 19—Judy Ames 26—Diane Sanchez 5—Sara Souders 12—Alta Hamric 19—Kim Kleckner 26—Diana Helm Fellowship Hour 5—No Fellowship—Easter Sunday 12—Jen & Jeff Eaton 19—Jim Chryst 26—Marianne & Bruce Adams Sound Tech 5—Dean Mosemann/Don Walton 12—Dave Sanchez 19—Dean Mosemann/Don Walton 26—Dave Sanchez Flower Sponsors 5—Easter Flowers 12—Ron & Darlene Christiansen 19—Jim Chryst 26— Usher Captain(s) 5—Sandy Schlemm 12—Joanne Eby 19—Jim Fisher & Ila Westbrook 26—Alta Hamric & Art Ezard Bulletin Sponsor Joanne Eby Nursery Greeter Carol Martin (4/5); Carol Tracy Welcome Table Joanne Carroll Communion Assistants (April 5) Jim Chryst, Carol Martin, Sandy Frey, Megan Malick If you cannot serve as scheduled, you must find a substitute and then advise the Church Office, either by phone (397-5149) or email ([email protected]). Page 11 ~April 2015~ Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 NO Choir 5:30 NA 5 6 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship with communion 11:45 Easter Egg Hunt 12 10:00 Staff Meeting 11:30 First Ladies 5:30 Community Dinner: Trinity UCC 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:00 Outreach Team 7:45 NA 13 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship 1:00 CCP 7:00 AA 19 7 20 14 5:30 Community Dinner: Highland Presbyterian 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:45 NA 21 8 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 9 Fri 3 12-3 Good Friday at St. James 6:15 Chime Reh. 7:00 pm Good Friday Service at FRC 7:00 AA 5:30 Community Dinner: St. Paul’s UCC 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:45 NA 27 28 6:30 Finance Team 26 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship 7:00 Leadership Team 7:00 AA 5:30 Community Dinner: Sonlight Bible Church 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:45 NA Community Breakfast: Apostles UCC 8:00 AA 10 11 8:00 CCP Community Breakfast: Grace UCC 8:00 CCP 7:30 Choir 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 15 16 8:00 AA 17 7:30 Choir 5:30 NA 22 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 23 18 Community Breakfast: St. John’s Episcopal 8:00 CCP 10:00 Staff Meeting 8:00 AA 24 25 Community Breakfast: FRC 8:00 AM Newsletter Deadline 4 5:30 NA 10:00 Staff Meeting 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship 3:00 Lancaster Association Mtg. Sat 7:30 Choir 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 29 30 8:00 AA 31 1 Community Breakfast: Apostles UCC 7:30 Choir 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 8:00 AA
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