2015 ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH April Lifeline MAUNDY THURSDAY APRIL 2 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM communion at both GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 3 APRIL 5 6:30 PM 6:00 AM Sunrise Egg bake breakfast follows 8:00 & 10:00 AM Easter Band & communion at both 8 & 10 There will be Noisy Offerings There is still time to drop of your unwanted treasures now thru April 8 (or to clean out the garage, spare room and attic) However you want to look at it. Please wait until Monday, April 6 to bring in large items for the sale! April Lifeline Page 2 General Information Sick or hospitalized ? Homebound Communion Anyone wanting to be included on the St. John Homebound Communion list please call the church office at 833-1703. Pastor John would like to visit you if you have any mental or physical health issues. Therefore if you or a loved one is ill, or if you are in the hospital for a planned surgery or any other reason do contact us! 3rd Gear (Senior High Youth Group) each Wednesday at 7:15pm Meeting location rotates monthly between St John Lutheran and Grace Lutheran. Marty Aberle (Youth Director) has regular office hours. He will be at St. John on Monday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. You can find him at Grace (835-1709) on Thursday from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Sunday Service Worship 9:00 am Call 833-1703. Traditional Worship (first and third Sundays) Prayer Ministers Prayer teams will be available in the narthex for prayer during all Sunday Communion services. Lutheran While communion is being served you are invited to go to the narthex and a prayer team will be there to hear your request and to pray with you. Please make use of this opportunity to pray! Contemporary Worship (second and fourth Sundays) Holy Communion Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday and April 12th and 19th Sermons Online Have you checked out Pastor John’s blog? http://stjohnwaseca.wordpress.com/ World Relief LWR “Fair Trade Coffee” or “Fair Trade Tea” may be purchased the first Do you need a RIDE TO CHURCH? Sunday of each month St. John is just one of several area churches that before or after services sponsors a Sunday bus service. or at the office. To schedule a pick-up please call Jean at the Church (833-1703) before Friday at 4:00 pm. Jacob Kuhns, Trevor Morris, Matt Wantoch, Chad Chum, Dana Elias, Ryan Schroeder, Darren Peterson, Nickolas Mihm, Jacob Lemmen, Please let us know of others to add to the list. Church Office Hours Monday — Friday 8:00 — 11:30 am 12:30 — 5:00 pm St. John Lutheran Church Mission Statement and Purpose St. John is a Christian family of disciples alive in a Scripture-based, Spirit-led mission of ministry, worship and play. Disciples at St. John Lutheran Church are expected to pray often, worship regularly, learn from the Scriptures, participate in the serving groups if physically able, offer their time and talent as the spirit calls them, and regularly contribute monetarily to support the mission and ministry of the church. April Lifeline Page 3 In March you were challenged to Be the Hero Fight Hunger and you rose to the challenge St John’s answer to the hunger fight was 149 pounds of non-perishables and $1,300 in monetary donations! St. John's Prayers Shawl Ministry is well on its way once again and it would be a blessing to have donations of yarn for our ministry. If you want to contribute to the Prayer Shawl Ministry just follow these guidelines: 3 skeins of "Lion brand Homespun Yarn" or "Red Heart Light & Lofty" Please make sure the dye lots are the same for the color chosen. These yarns can be purchased at JoAnn Fabrics, and Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Hancock Fabric and Walmart. Please bring the yarn to church and place it in the plastic bin located in Trinity Hall and labeled "Prayer Shawl Yarn". Thank you for your generosity. Southeastern Minnesota Synod 13th Annual B R E A K FA S T with the B I S H O P APRIL 25 T H E B I B L E , B E L I E F, & B E L O N G I N G 9:00—11:00 AM at Cabelas in Owatonna S U N B E A M S U N DAY Keynote: APRIL 12 A special service to celebrate our youngest members, St. John Lutheran Sunbeams (children ages 0-4), and to recognize all those who have been baptized since April 2014! Join us after church, for cookies, milk / juice and a variety of kid-friendly activities. Rev. Dr. Eric Burreto from Lutheran Seminary $10 registration due by April 16 Contact the church office or Russ Tesch if interested in attending we need to pre register, but we will meet here at the church and carpool to the event. April Lifeline Page 4 Brothers and sisters in Christ, "They put him to death by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him on the third day..." (Acts 10:39b-40) This story is the golden thread running through the Bible -- this story of God's redeeming and forgiving love, this story of God's willingness to act in response to the world's evil, this story summed up in the words "...but God." On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the ultimate "but God" moment, the raising of Jesus from the tomb. It is both the proof and the promise of our faith. It reminds us of what God has done in the past while promising to us what God will do in the future. With both Jesus and the world, the evil trilogy of Sin, Death and the Devil did their best to do their worst. Good Friday appeared to be a complete victory for those forces of destruction. Evil reared its ugly head, and Good stood by idly and did nothing. When Mary went to the tomb, she went in deep sadness and despair; she went into a place of death; she went to a place with no hope; she went to prepare a body for burial; she went to put Jesus in his grave. But when she got there, she discovered that things had changed. The tomb was empty, the body was missing, and angels were lurking about. Mary had come upon the greatest "but God" moment of them all. Our lives are full of difficulty. Stuff happens, as is often said. Our plans don’t always turn out. And life is subject to the painful realities of decline and decay. But Easter reminds us that the church has an answer and that answer is God: God's love, God's forgiveness, God's power, God's calling; in short, God's action in the world. Easter is more than a promise of life beyond the grave, of happiness in heaven with our loved ones. Easter is a promise that God's power is active in this moment, in this place, in our lives. Easter tells us that our eternal life begins now and goes with us through death into God's future. Easter tells us that whatever may happen to us in this world there is an answer, and the answer is "but God." Can you think of a time when God surprised you? When you had a "...but God" turnaround of events? Share your story with a family member or a close friend! That is why we are full of joy as we cry out: Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Peace, Pastor John April Lifeline Page 5 7:00 pm Meeting April 24 Host: Dale Wegner Devotions: Bob Sleen April 13, Monday 1:30 PM Mary Circle meets in Trinity Hall Sarah Bible Study Group April 15, 9:30 a.m. at the home of Sharon Lewer April 21, Tuesday 7:00 PM Ruth Bible Study Meets @ Realife 1212 3rd St NE Hostess: Joann Spies Bible Study leader: Christine Anderson We will be baking cookies and putting together the college care packages for Those student studying for their finals. Thrivent will be supplying free T Shirts to all that help. We will be taking a picture of the group. ** If your student has changed their address since the beginning of the school year, please contact the office and supply us a CURRENT COLLEGE ADDRESS. SENIOR LUTHERANS 3rd Gear youth will be getting all set up for garage sale so the seniors are taking it on the road APRIL 8 @ 11: 30 AM L U T H E R A N N I G H T at the T W I N S Save the date T U E S DAY, J U LY 2 8 Meet at PIZZA RANCH WELCOME to CAROL Buffet is $8.95, price includes tax and beverage TILNEY who joins Marcia Bartz as a parish nurse. Are you planning a YOUTH activity? St. John Scrip has funds available for: ∗ ∗ ∗ Youth outreach and evangelism activities. Youth trips such as but not limited to: 3rd Gear or JAG mission trips Youth activities such as but not limited to: Halloween Can-Can, canoe trips, camping trips, movie nights. ∗ Youth scholarships to promote participation in church sponsored activities, leadership conferences, or spiritual retreats. ∗ Youth trip or activity supplies and necessities including: gas, food and transportation. April Page 6 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Resurrection Day! 7:00pm 3rdGear Video with Christ Community 8:00 am 6 10:00 am both with communion 10:30 am Noisy Offerings Video at 10:00 am Voice 5 He is Risen 12 9:00 am Sunbeam Sunday w/communion 10:15 am Fellowship Quilters 10:00 am 7 8 7:00 pm Commissions 7:30 pm Executive Council meets 9 10 4 6:30pm Good Friday Worship 11 RUMMAGE SALE Friday $1 Entrance Fee 5:00 PM — 8:00 PM 16 17 18 23 24 25 1:30 am Mary Bible Study 10:30 am 6:30 pm Sarah Bible Study at Sharon Lewer’s Executive Council 19 20 21 Quilters 10:00 am 7:00 pm Ruth Bible Study @ Realife 1212 3rd St NE 10:30 am Video Voice 9:30 am 5:00 pm Pizza 5:30pm Confirm 3rd Gear @ Grace 22 of St John Hostess: Christine Anderson 27 28 Contemp. Worship 10:30 am Video Voice 10:15 am during Fellowship following of St John worship Marty Aberle will speak to us on Youth Ministry 7:00 pm 3rd Gear at Grace 15 Council 9:00 am 3 5:00 pm Pizza 5:30pm Resume Confirmation 14 of St John 26 2:00pm and 6:30pm Worship 7:30 pm Easter Band Rehearsal Sat 13 7:00pm 5:00 pm Video Voice 2 Fri RUMMAGE SALE SET UP in both Fellowship and Trinity Halls Video Voice Traditional Worship with Communion and music by Senior Choir 11:30 am Senior Dinner Meet at Pizza Ranch Thursday Saturday 8:00 AM — 12:00 PM $2 Bag sale starts at 11:00 AM 10:00 Sunday School 5:00 pm Video Voice 9:00 am No Confirmation 6:00 am Sunrise Service followed by an Eggbake Breakfast by St John Council No Sunday School 5:00 pm Video Voice of St John Wednesday 7:00 pm Men in Mission will be packing College Care packages at this meeting NO Confirmation 2 Saturday Events on this day 7:00pm 3rd Gear at Grace Breakfast with the Bishop 29 30 5:00 pm Pizza 5:30pm Confirmation Communion 11:15 am Lake Shore 1:00pm Col. Court 2:00 pm Maple Terr. 7:00pm 3rd Gear at Grace Joint at Cabela’s MN River Conference Spring Event at Grace in Mankato April Lifeline Page 7 Church Council Leadership Openings We currently have 2 openings on our St. John Church Council. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Church Council has the responsibility for oversight of the mission and ministries of St. John Lutheran Church. If you are interested in serving as a Church Council Leader, please contact Curt Yess, Rodney Kolpin, or the church office. Summer Trip need to be in St John’s Trinity Hall on Monday, April 6 to help set up for the HUGE Rummage Sale. Check facebook and your mail for details for the rest of the week! Difference 04/01 Celebrating the Fool in All of Us Comedy Night! Joint meeting with Christ Community’s 20/20 folks! Location TBD 04/08 - 3G @ Grace Chapel; 7pm 04/15 - 3G @ Grace Chapel; 7pm 04/22 - 3G @ Grace Chapel; 7pm 04/29 – 3G @ Grace Chapel; 7pm 1:00PM - is the time that 3rd Gearians going on a 2015 General Fund Budget February Income Expense 3RD GEAR W E D N E S DAY NIGHTS! 2015 $15,388 (19,682) Year-to-Date 30,268 (39,719) - 4,293 - 9,450 BREAKFAST WITH THE BISHOP Annual guys morning at Cabela’s, Saturday, April 25. Cost to senior high students; $0, thanks to an anonymous contributor! Contact Marty to get on the “GOING” list! Stay updated by texting to 40404 include in the message follow @3rdgearwaseca facebook.com/3GWaseca D O YO U PA RT I C I PAT E I N S T. J O H N ’ S S C R I P P RO G R A M ? D O Do or have your children ever benefited from the profits earned from Scrip for our youth? St. John’s participation in this program goes back 13 years and credit goes to Barb Penny, Curt Yess and Amy LeCocq for spearheading the fundraising project. 2014 sales alone brought in close to $6,000 used for sponsoring our Youth. Can we let this resource go? Yet there are volunteers NEEDED to help with scrip sales on Sunday mornings. Amy is willing to continue as Scrip Coordinator only if enough people are found to sell on Sundays. Contact Amy LeCocq 837-9733 or Jean Cooper at the church office 833-1703. grace_stjohn twitter.com/3rdGearWaseca 3rdgearwaseca.org Farmamerica Board of Directors choose their Volunteer of the Year awards winners. Among the award winners was… (drum roll please!!) Volunteer of the Year - Organization 3rd Gear Youth Ministries The Volunteer Appreciation Event will take place on Monday, April 20 to receive the award. Marty Aberle will given a chance to say a few words. Congratulations! NOISY OFFERINGS ON EASTER 10:00 am Worship only April Lifeline Page 8 It’s time for our Rummage Sale at St. John. Is it time to spring clean your house? We hope you have been setting items aside for the sale. All profits go to youth of St John and Grace to support 3rd Gear and Junior High activities and mission trips. Thank you for supporting our youth! TIMES & DATES: Friday, April 10 5-8 pm Baptisms March 1 Kiara Roze Moen March 22 Carson Joe Harter $1.00 entry fee Saturday, April 11 8-noon with a $2 BAG SALE from11:00 am - noon Please only clean usable items. No computers, old TV’s or electronics or other items that require disposal fees. Supplemental funding provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans – Waseca City Chapter Need help hauling your donations? Call Marty Aberle (461-3552) to schedule a pick-up. Q U I L T E R S MNRiverConference SpringEvent DRESSINGINGRACEApril25 SonjaParr,Fairtrade Clothingeducator,will presentashortstyle showandinformation ontheEvnvironmental friendlyfabrics,cottons andknits,oftheclothing. Grace Lutheran Church 320 E Main Mankato 8:00 am — 12:30 pm Cost is $10 Register by April 16. Call church of,ice or Shirley Raetz. Car pool will leave St John at 7:15 am. Call Shirley Raetz 835-3912 if you need a ride. The St. John Quilters recently assembled 120 quilt top kits and are asking for help to get them ready to quilt. Tops consist of 48 squares sewn together to make a quilt top 60 x 80 inches. These are available in both the SimplyGiving® Aneasy,generouschoice narthex and in Trinity Hall. Please look at them to see if this is something you can help us with. The quilters have been busy this year and have finished many quilts but now find ourselves getting low on our supply of new and gently used sheets and fabric for the backs. We would appreciate any help we can get with this project. For the convenience of church members, we offer electronic giving. Authorization forms are available in the narthex or at the church office. For those already using Simply Giving there are cards available to pick up in the narthex on Sunday morning. Then you can drop the card into the offering plate when it comes your way. Page 9 April Lifeline April Service Schedule Maundy Thursday April 2, 2:00 p.m. Ushers: Mary Meyman, Arlene Weber Reader: Jean Miller Prepare/clean-up communion: Mary Meyman Church Council: __________ April 2, 6:30 p.m. Ushers: Confirmation students Reader: Linda Sandborg Prepare/clean-up communion: Brad Tetzloff Acolyte: Katrina Hoffman Church Council: Cindy Coy Good Friday, April 3 6:30 p.m. Ushers: Brian Tesch, Rodney Born Reader: Rodney Born Acolyte: Marla Wagner Church Council: Curt Yess Sunday, April 5 6:00 a.m. Ushers: Don and Linda Wesseling Reader: Sam Macklay Acolyte: Kailey Overland Church Council: Sam Macklay 8:00 a.m. Ushers: Larry Huber, Travis Huber Terry Huber, Tyler Huber Reader: LuAnne Huber Communion Prep/clean-up: Jody and Teri Wilker Acolytes: Grace and Ethan Speikers Church Council: Curt Yess 10:00 a.m. Ushers: Craig and Cathy Johnson, Angela Barbknecht, Lucas Barbknecht Prepare/Clean-Up communion: Diane Roesler, Mary Meyman Reader: Julie Spies Acolyte: Courtney Bartz Church Council: Rodney Kolpin Sunday, April 12 9:00 a.m. Contemporary with communion 9:00 a.m. Ushers: Dennis and Marcia Bartz, Jackie Krause, Myra Battenfeld Reader: Sue Erdman Prepare/clean-up communion: Steve Schroeder Acolyte: Christy Jo Born Church Council: Sue Erdman Sunday, April 19 9:00 a.m. Traditional with communion 9:00 a.m. Ushers: Lanae Feser, Mary Conway, Bruce Boyce, David Lewer Prepare/clean-up communion: Vickie Hill, Amy LeCocq Reader: Carol Tilney Acolyte: Amia Broughten Church Council: Bruce Boyce Sunday, April 26 9:00 a.m. Contemporary no communion 9:00 a.m. Ushers: Rodney and Vickie Kolpin, Joseph and Loretta McCarthy Reader: Julie Spies Acolyte: Sam Eberling Church Council: Suzie Root SPRING AHEAD Sunday, March 8 9:00 a.m. Contemp w/communion 9:00 a.m. in TRINITY HALL We are still looking for youth who are interested in reading the lesson on Sunday or that would like to help usher. PHOTOBUCKET Please post your own pictures to share "ministry" being done… at church, in the community, wherever you are! Take snapshots with your own camera/phone and download them into www.photobucket.com Log in using: Username: StJWaseca Password: Trinity April Lifeline Page 10 E L E C T RO N I C G I V I N G T O S T. J O H N We are called to recognize that God is the giver of all that we possess. That is why our offering, during our worship service, is such a vital and important part of our worship. We respond, with gratitude, to God’s gifts to us through Jesus Christ, by giving a portion of what God has given to us, to support his work through his church. THANK YOU for providing St John with snow removal service this winter. A growing number of churches are finding electronic giving programs to be one more means of providing church members with an opportunity to be Christian stewards and givers in their local church. Church members are choosing to have their contributions automatically withdrawn from their personal checking account or savings account. The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) has established a relationship with Vanco, a company specializing in EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) services. This relationship enables St. John Lutheran Church in Waseca to offer electronic giving. The EFT process is very easy to initiate. Simply call the St. John Church office at 833-1703, or visit our St. John website at www.stjohnchurchwaseca.org/ and click “Online Giving.” One of the key benefits of an electronic giving is convenience. The offering we receive is still an important part of our worship. And so, we have special offering cards for electronic giving participants. These cards state that the church member has given through electronic giving. Thank you for your giving. A potluck of people A churchless Chrisan Many congregaons enjoy gathering for potluck dinners — meals largely unplanned, when people bring food to share. Usually, the main dishes, salads and desserts balance out. The fun is the variety mixing together on a plate and the surprise factor of what’s contributed. In response to the queson “Can I be a Chrisan without joining the church?” someone once said it’s as possible as being: Churches and communies — even families — are potlucks of a sort, too. When groups assemble, each person contributes something unique and somemes unexpected. When all is mixed together, the whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts. A beauful balance o&en results: One is a good singer, the other writes well; some are strong leaders, others dependable team members; some are tradional, others innovave. An explorer with no base camp. Together, it’s delicious! Potlucks are somemes called covered-dish dinners. But don’t keep your gi&s “covered”! Share them because you’re a valued part of the whole. A scienst who does not share his findings. A student who will not go to school. A soldier who will not join an army. A cizen who does not pay taxes or vote. A salesman with no customers. A seaman on a ship without a crew. A businessman on a deserted island. An author without readers. A tuba player without an orchestra. A parent without a family. A football player without a team. A polician who is a hermit. A bee without a hive. April Lifeline Page 11 On Thursday, March 19th, I had the privilege of leading the invocation at the Waseca Farm and City Luncheon. Here is what I said. – Pastor John “Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. (Ecclesiastes 11:4-6) It’s no surprise to me that the Christian faith has much to say about farms and farmers, crops and harvests. Our faith grew out of agricultural religious cycles and many of our celebrations and feasts are long associated with the farming year. One church I served as a pastor had a blessing of seed each spring, and a harvest festival each fall. At another church I served, in cattle country, I was invited to bless the newborn calves. I’m a city boy through and through. The shrubs outside our house shy away when I walk by; even plastic plants beg not to live in my home. Yet God has deemed me to be a farmer of sorts as I am bound by sowing and reaping in this world. In many ways, our churches are also like farms. Whether I am consciously aware of it or not, I am planting for my next harvest in everything I do and in each word that I speak. We plant the seeds of belief in the hearts of our children in the hope that those seeds will become fruits of faith. We are also given ministries and missions to tend, so that Christ’s work amongst us can grow and expand. I do not understand what happens when a tiny seed is placed in the ground, and then grows into something very different. But God knows. I do not understand what happens when I speak a word and by some miracle it takes root and grows in someone’s life. But God knows. All I know is that I am to plant seed in the morning, work in my field all day even though I have no idea what will come of it. And we are each expected to bring a faithful harvest to God at the end of our lives, showing Him that we have shared our faith with others, and planted new seeds of belief in the hearts and minds of those we leave behind. We are each meant to be hardworking farmers of faith, so that we might receive the bounty of God’s blessings and receive an eternal share in Christ’s Kingdom. Let us pray: Our Gracious God, we come before you today to give you honor and praise. You are the source of all that is good. You are the source of all of our blessings; thank you for every gift that we have been given. We thank you for the opportunity to come and gather together this day. Lord Jesus, thank you for the work of our farmers and for the food they provide to our people. Bless this luncheon today – a time to recognize accomplishments, to give awards, to network with Agriculture and industry. We ask for your hand of blessing upon us. Guide and direct our time together so that it is full of wisdom, productivity, and respect for one another. Be with farmers as they plan ahead for next year’s crops and livestock. May they be respected and appreciated for all that they accomplish amongst us. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen. Nonprofit Organization US Postage Paid Permit No.35 Waseca, MN 56093 St John Lutheran Church 401 3rd Avenue NE Waseca MN 56093 Website: www.stjohnwaseca.org Phone: 507-833-1703 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Council Members and Staff Senior Pastor PastorVicki R. Hultine, work # 833-1703 Pr John Omans, home 833-1525# 833-1539 Church office 833-1703 cell 201-1103 E-mail -- ltin E-mail [email protected]@aol.com Council President Curt Yess, 835-3498 Council Vice-President Rodney Kolpin, 835-7780 3rd Gear Youth Director Marty Aberle, 461-3552 website www.3rdgearwaseca.org Current Council Members: Home # 833-1084 Council Secretary Cindy Coy, 837-9115 Senior Choir Director Deb Wantoch-Yess, 835-3798 Finance Brian Tesch, 461-4030 Assistant Choir Director Jan Macklay, 835-8706 Financial Secretary Vickie Kolpin, 835-7780 Organists Jan Macklay, 835-8706 Al Tonn, 507-234-5737 Education Stacy Vance, 461-4208 Ministry and Outreach Bruce Boyce, 833-7978 Congregational Life Sue Erdman, 835-5968 Marcia Bartz, 507-676-0608 Worship and Music-at-Large Suzie Root, 201-2155 Meyman, 362-8870 Building and Grounds Sam Macklay, 835-8706-4571 Custodians Brad Tetzloff, 461-5143 Cindy Fordham, 521-1085 Parish Nurses Marcia Bartz, 507-676-0608 Carol Tilney, 835-7311 Church Secretary Jean Cooper, 833-1703 Fax number 833-2662 E-mail [email protected] Website: www.stjohnchurchwaseca.org
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