MUŞ ALPARSLAN UNIVERSITY APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, QUOTAS, REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND EVALUATION CALENDAR FOR PALESTINIAN STUDENTS TO BE ADMITTED FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 On the condition that students have graduated from a school equivalent to Turkish high schools or they are at the final class of that school and that they got the minimum baser points in one of the exams stated in Annex-1, who are Palestinian students can apply. QUOTAS Bölüm Adı Süre Kontenjan Duration Quota Name of Department Eğitim Fakültesi Faculty of Education Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği Elementary Science Education 4 5 İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği Elementary Mathematics Education 4 5 Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Elementary Social Studies Education 4 5 Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Faculty of Arts and Sciences Felsefe Philosophy 4 5 Tarih History 4 5 Sosyoloji Sociology 4 5 İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences İktisat Economics 4 5 İşletme Management 4 5 Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Political Science and Public Administration 4 5 İslami İlimler Fakültesi Faculty of Islamic Sciences İlahiyat Theology 4 (Prep. Class 5 Özel Koşullar Special Requirements Excluded ) İlköğretim Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği Religious Culture and Ethics Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Computer Engineering Sağlık Yüksekokulu School of Health Sciences Hemşirelik Nursing 4 5 4 5 4 5 Education B. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR APPLICATION 1) Application Form in Annex-2 filled in completely, 2) Certificate of Turkish language proficiency, 3) Passport copy (certified), 4) Certified copy of high school diploma (The diploma should be translated into Turkish.) ( Certificate of Equivalency received from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education or from Turkish Embassy located in the applicant’s country which shows that the diploma is equivalent to the diplomas received from Turkish high schools.), 5) 5 photos, 6) Two envelopes with postage stamps on which the recipient’s address is written. CALENDAR FOR APPLICATION AND EVALUATION 21 July-08 Agust 2014 Applications 12 August 2014 Announcement of Results 18-20 August 2014 Exact Registration Dates 26 August 2014 Turkish Proficiency Exam EVALUATION OF APPLICATIONS 1) The process of evaluation of applications and the placement of candidates to departments and programs are conducted by a commission appointed by Muş Alparslan University Rectorate. The university is free to fill the quota or not. Meeting the application requirements does not necessitate placement. 2) Turkish language level of the students eligible to enroll in is determined according to the result of the Turkish proficiency exam made by Muş Alparslan University Turkish Education Center (TÖMER).Exam results are evaluated according to the 3 levels below and the following procedures are employed to the students at these levels: A Level: Student’s level of Turkish language is adequate. The student can start the education. B Level: Student’s level of Turkish language can improve in a short time, the student can start the education but he or she has to attend Turkish language courses. C Level: Student’s level of Turkish language is inadequate, heor she has to attend Turkish preparatory class for 1(one) year. 3) Among the applicants enrolling in the university, those who have B level of Turkish again take the Turkish proficiency exam made by Turkish Education Center at the end of the academic year they started. Students who reach the required level continue their education. However, those who fail again take elective Turkish courses offered by their departments besides their education. 4) After enrollment, students whose level of Turkish is C are obliged to take Turkish languagecourses organized by the university or take Turkish language courses whereever they want after getting permission from the university. At the end of the courses, they take Turkish proficiency exam made by the university and the ones who prove that they have level A or B can start education. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE RESULTS Application results are announced on the university website . Candidates admitted to our university have to get an ‘Educational Visa’ from Turkish Embassy in their country (or the closest country). This visa is necessary to enter Turkey and to enroll in the university. TUITION FEE AND EXACT EREGISTRATION Tuition fee has been determined as 3 times more than daytime education fee and 2 times more than evening education fee stated by Ministerial Cabinet. Exact registrations will be made by Muş Alparslan University Registrar’s Office during the period indicated above in the Calendar for Application and Evaluation. Required Documents for Exact Registration 1) High school diploma, 2)Transcript of Records, 3) Education annotated passport. 4) Certificate of equivalence which indicates completion of secondary school equivalent to that in high schools in Turkey. (the process of equivalence procedure run by Turkish Embassy or Consulate located in the applicant’s country or Ministry of National Education, 5) Residence permit (issued by police department), 6) Turkish language proficiency document, 7) 5 photos. NOTE: The student must hold Turkish copies of the required documents stated in items 1 ,2, 3 and 4 certified by Turkish Embassy or Consulate located in his or her country. APPLICATION AND CONTACT ADDRESS: Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Kampüsü Öğrenci İşleri Dairesi Başkanlığı Diyarbakır Yolu 7. Km. 49250 Muş/TÜRKİYE Telephone: + 90-436 249 49 49 / 1150 E- mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1) Applications must be submitted in person or sent by mail. (Any document sent by e- mail or fax will not be accepted). 2) Delays in mail will not be taken into consideration and applications with incomplete documents will not be evaluated. 3) A student can apply for maximum 5 departments. EXAMS AND BASE POINTS WHICH WILL BE ACCEPTED IN APPLICATIONS ANNEX-1 SAT I, A minimum of 1100 points in total and a minimum of 600 points in Mathematics, GCE (A Level) Exam, A level in at least 2 subjects at least one of which is on the program applied for, ACT (American College Test) exam, Math, Science Reasoning and a minimum of 21 points in total, Tawjihi exams made in Jordan and Palestine, A minimum average of 75 points in all Scientific Stream courses Bachelor’s Degree (Baccalaureat Libanais) exam made in Lebanon, A minimum of 13/20 diploma grade in Scientific Stream, French Bachelor’s Degree, A minimum of 12 diploma grade, Abitur Exam, A minimum of 4, Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya Exam, For Science and Engineering departments a minimum of 170 over 240, for other departments a minimum of 160, International Bachelor’s Degree, A minimum of 12 diploma grade, University Entrance Exam made in the People’s Republic of China GAOKAO, A minimum of 480 / 750, In international science olympics which TÜBİTAK recognizes and joins, Gold, silver or bronze medals, Apart from those above, exams accepted by the university, Being assessed as successful by the university. MUŞ ALPARSLAN UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FORM FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS TO BE ADMITTED IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 ANNEX-2 A. KİŞİSEL BİLGİLER/PERSONAL INFORMATION Adı Soyadı/Name Surname Uyruğu/Nationality Doğum Tarihi/Date of Birth Yazışma Adresi Correspondence Address Telefon/(Telephone B. LİSE BİLGİLERİ/HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION Mezun Olduğu Lisenin Adı Name of the High School Graduated from Fotoğraf Photo Mezun Olduğu Lisenin Bulunduğu Ülke ve Şehir Country and City where the High School is Located Lise Mezuniyet Not Ortalaması High School Grade Point Average Not Sistemi/Grading System Toplam Öğretim Süresi (İlkokuldan başlayarak) Total Education Duration (As of Primary School) C. LİSE SONRASI SINAV SONUÇLARI/EXAM RESULTS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Sınavın Adı* Name of Exam* Konusu** Subject** Puanı Grade Sınav Tarihi Date of Exam D. BAŞVURMAK İSTEDİĞİ FAKÜLTE/YÜKSEKOKUL-BÖLÜM/PROGRAM FACULTY/SCHOOL-DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM APPLIED FOR Tercih Sırası Fakülte/Yüksekokul Bölüm/Program Preference Faculty/School Department/Program Order 1 2 3 * SAT I, GCE, ACT, Tawjihi, Baccalaureat Libanais, Baccalaureat Français, Al-Shahada, Al Thanawiyya, Gaokao ve IB sınavları, vb., * SAT I, GCE, ACT, Tawjihi, Baccalaureat Libanais, Baccalaureat Français, Al-Shahada, Al Thanawiyya, Gaokao and IB exams etc. ** Math. Verbal … vb. ** Math. Verbal … etc. Yukarıdaki bilgilerimin eksiksiz ve doğru olduğunu kabul ediyorum. I acknowledge that the information I give above is complete and correct. Tarih ….. /.…./ 2014 Date İmza Signature Not: Birden fazla bölüme başvuran adayların yerleştirilmeleri tercih sırası dikkate alınarak yapılır. Note: Placement of students applying for more than one department is made considering the preference order.
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