REPUBLIC of TURKEY SINOP UNIVERSITY 2014 – 2015 ACADEMIC YEAR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT APPLICATION, ADMISSION AND REGISTRATION ANNOUNCEMENT The quotas for international students who will be admitted to Sinop University for the 2014 – 2015 academic year are presented below. Application, evaluation and registration will be in accordance with Sinop University’s Directive for International Student Application, Admission and Registration. ) DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION a) International Student Application Form will be filled in online through the university website. ( b) Turkish copies of high school diploma and graduation certificate certified by a notary in Turkey or the Turkish Embassy in your home country. c) Official Transcript (shows the grades for courses applicants took in high school, official transcript certified by high school administration) and Turkish copy of the transcript certified by a notary in Turkey or the Turkish Embassy in applicant’s home country. d) Secondary Education grade point average, high school diploma/graduation certificate and/or an official document from their high school that verifies the applicant’s secondary education grade point average and a Turkish copy of the document certified by a notary in Turkey or the Turkish Embassy in applicant’s home country (for applicants who don’t hold an official transcript during the application process). e) Official test score reports from international student entrance exams administered by a Turkish university in last 2 years. Original or Turkish copy of the document that verifies any one of the application criteria stated in Sinop University Directive for International Student Application, Admission and Registration. (This document must be certified by a notary in Turkey or the Turkish Embassy in applicant’s home country) Applicants must fill in the online application form and then SIGN this form before sending it along with other necessary application documents to International Student Office at Sinop University. They could also submit their documents and apply in person. Application documents received after the application due date or missing a document will not be taken into consideration. Sinop University does not take any responsibility on the issues related to postal service or documents’ legibility. Application Address: Sinop Üniversitesi Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı Korucuk Köyü Trafo Mah.No:36 57000–SİNOP APPLICATION, EVALUATION AND FINAL REGISTRATION DATES Applications to the Programs Application Evaluations Announcement of Admitted and Replacement Students Admitted Student Registrations 1. Replacement Student Registration 2. Replacement Student Registration : : : June 01 – July 22, 2014 July 23 – 31, 2014 August 01, 2014 : : : August 11 – 15, 2014 August 18 – 22, 2014 August 25 – 29, 2014 REPLACEMENT APPLICATION, EVALUATION AND REGISTRATION DATES Applications to the Programs Application Evaluations Announcement of Admitted and Replacement Students : : : September 01 – 08, 2014 September 09 – 10, 2014 September 11, 2014 Admitted Student Registrations 1. Replacement Student Registration 2. Replacement Student Registration : : : September 15 – 19, 2014 September 22 – 24, 2014 September 25 – 29, 2014 REGISTRATION LOCATION AND ADDRESS : Registration of students admitted to the university will take place at Sinop University International Student Office. Registration Address: Sinop University Office of Student Affairs International Student Office Rectorate Building (Ground Floor) Korucuk Köyü Trafo Mah.No:36 57000–SİNOP DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) - Original copy of high school diploma and accreditation document which verifies that your diploma is equivalent of a Turkish high school diploma (you could obtain the accreditation certificate from directorates of National Education Ministry or Turkish Embassy in your home country). Original copy or the certified Turkish translation of university entrance exam and/or equivalent of high school graduation exam results, Original or certified copy of exam results (For applicants who took international student entrance exam administered by Turkish universities), Original and copy of the passport with a student visa stamp on it, Financial eligibility documents that verify applicant has sufficient fundings to pursue their education in Turkey and/or a written statement signed by the applicant, (For the 2014–2015 Academic Year 11.000,– Turkish Liras (eleven thousand), Original or certified copy of Turkish Language Proficiency document, Residence permit (Students who hold a Turkish Language Proficiency document can obtain a residence permit at Province Police Headquarter. Residence permit is not required for students who don’t have a Turkish Language Proficiency document or are excused by university for any reason.) 4 passport photos taken within last six months, Bank receipt verifying that student has paid the tuition fees, Day Program : T.İş Bank Sinop Branch IBAN No : TR07 0006 4000 0017 4000 6951 37 Evening Program : T.İş Bank Sinop Branch IBAN No : TR23 0006 4000 0017 4000 6951 40 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRATION PROCESS: a) Preparing your documents based on the guidelines given above and paying the tuition fees will enable you to complete your registration without any problems. b) Applicants must register in person. Applicants cannot be registered through power of attorney or mail. c) Applicants who have not registered by deadline will lose their right to register and will not be re-registered unless they are re-placed by the university. d) Registrations of applicants whose documents are missing or inaccurate will not be completed. However, if they agree to submit missing documents after registration deadlines, their registerations could be completed only when there is available quoate left after the final re-placement students registered. e) If applicants don’t have a Turkish Language Proficiency document or their proficiency level is C, their registerations will still be completed only when their other documents are accurate and complete. Also, later they will be allowed one year to improve their Turkish. In one yer period, they will be exempt from the rights given to students. F) Registered international students must apply in person to Social Security Institution and pay insurance fees within 3 months after their registeration to be able to benefit from general health insurance in Turkey. Otherwise, they will not be able to benefit from the opportunities of general health insurance during their studies. It is students’ responsibility to make necessary arrangements for health insurance. TURKISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAM : Our university will administer a Turkish Proficiency Exam on September 15th 2014 to identify students’ Turkish level. Details regarding time and location will be announced on Student Affairs web site the week before the exam. ( PROGRAM QUOTAS : FACULTY/SCHOOL Faculty of Education Science Education Early childhood Education Elementary Education Social Studies Education Faculty of Science and Letters Statistics Mathematics Turkish Language and Literature Turkish Language and Literature (Evening Program) School of Health Nursing Faculty of Fisheries Fisheries Engineering School of Tourism and Hotel Management Hospitality Management Vocational School Computer Programming Computer Programming (Evening Program) Environmental Health Electrics Electrics (Evening Program) Cultural Heritage and Tourism Machinery Machinery (Evening Program) Mechatronics Mechatronics (Evening Program) Accounting and Tax Applications Accounting and Tax Applications (Evening P.) Underwater Technology Tourism and Hotel Management Tourism and Hotel Management (Evening P.) Boyabat Vocational School Map and Survey Map and Survey (Evening Program) Construction Technology Construction Technology (Evening Program) Gerze Vocational School Computer Programming Computer Programming (Evening Program) Maritime and Port Management Maritime and Port Management (Evening P.) DURATION QUOTA (In years) 4 4 4 4 10 10 20 10 4 4 4 4 5 5 2 4 3 4 10 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Garment Production Technology Graphic Design Graphic Design (Evening Program) Accounting and Tax Applications Tourism and Hotel Management 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Note : Programs that were not assigned a quota on 2014–ÖSYS Guidelines will not accept international students. APPLICATION EVALUATIONS : 1. Application evaluations and placements will be performed by Sinop University International Student Admission Committee. 2. During placement process, priority is of applicants who took an international student entrance exam administered by Turkish universities. Later, the scores of applicants who took any one of the exams below are converted to 100-point scale. EXAM CRITERIA SAT I Depending on the program you’re applying to: between 1000-1100 GCE (A Level) Test A level in at least 3 subjects (one must be related to the program you’re applying to) and average score of all subjects must be at least C level or higher ACT (American College Test) Scientific reasoning, Math and Composite score must be minimum 24, Tawjihi Exams in Jordan and Palestine For Science classes, test score average must be minimum 90, Baccalaureate Libanais Exam in Lebanon In Science majors, GPA must be 70 or above (out of 100) International Baccalaureate Depending on the program of which GPS is used : minimum 28 out of 32, Abitur Exam maximum 4, Gaokao University Entrance Exam in China Al–Shahada–Al Thanawiyya Baccalaureate Exam in Syria Al–Shahada–Al Thanawiyya Baccalaureate Exam in Libya for score type of target program: minimum 490 out of 750, for Science Stream at least 240, for quantitative/verbal at least 190, for others at least 175 minimum 195 for Science and Engineering Faculties, For other programs minimum 185, Diplome Debirestan in Iran minimum GPA: 12/20 and minimum Pişdaneşgahi score: 12/20, University Entrance Exam in Greece 40% of or above full score University Entrance/ High School Graduation Exam in Macedonia University Entrance/ High School Graduation Exam in Kosovo Baccalaureate Exam in France YGS / LYS in Turkey TCS Turkish Republics and Related Communities Exam Ujian Akhir Naitonal Exam in Indonesia In Science Olympics TÜBİTAK recognizes and attends 50% of or above full score 40% of or above full score minimum GPA 12, for associate degree programs, minimum score is 140, for bachelor’s degree programs, at least 180 is required, minimum 40 minimum 60 golden, silver, bronze medal Additionally, medals won in science oliympics recognized by TÜBİTAK are also calculated as points and converted to 100-points scale. Based on the scores recalculated on 100-point scale, applicants who have scores between 40 and 100 are placed into programs. 3. After the placement based on 2 criteria mentioned above, applicants are placed into the remaining quota based on their secondary education GPA. 4. If multiple applicants have the equal scores, first, secondary education GPAs, if the scores are again equal, Turkish Language proficiency exam results are used for placement. Finally, if the applicants still have the same scores, younger applicant is placed into the program. T.C. SİNOP ÜNİVERSİTESİ / SİNOP UNIVERSITY 2014 – 2015 AKADEMİK YILI YURTDIŞINDAN ÖĞRENCİ KABULÜ BAŞVURU FORMU / INTERNATIONAL STUDENT APPLICATION FORM FOR 2014 – 2015 ACADEMIC YEAR (Noktalı yerleri doldurunuz / Please fill in the form using only Turkish and English Characters) KİŞİSEL BİLGİLER / PERSONAL INFORMATION SOYADI, Adı / SURNAME, Name :………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Uyruğu / Nationality – Cinsiyeti / Gender :………………………………………………....– Kız / Female ( ) Erkek / Male ( ) Doğum Tarihi / Date of Birth dd /mm/yyyy :……………………………………………………………………………............................ Yazışma Adresi / Contact Address :………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. (Ev / home) – Cep / Mobile :………………………………………………………………………………………………………… E–Posta / e–mail :……………………………………………………..@...…………………………………………… LİSE BİLGİLERİ / HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION Mezun olduğu/olacağı lisenin adı / Name of the high school (graduated/ are going to graduate :………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mezun olduğu/olacağı lisenin bulunduğu ülke ve şehir / The Country and the City of the high school you have graduated / are going to graduate :………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DÜZEY BELİRLEME SINAV PUANINIZ / PROFICIENCY EXAM SCORE Sınav türü /Examination Type / Puan /Score :………………………………………………………………………../……………………………… Ortaöğretim Not Ortalaması /High School GPA :……………………………………….…………………………. ÖĞRENİM GÖRMEK İSTEDİĞİNİZ PROGRAMLAR / DEPARTMENTS YOU ARE APPLYING TO TERCİH SIRASI Order of Preference FAKÜLTE / YÜKSEKOKUL Faculty / School PROGRAM Program ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. Bu formdaki bilgilerin doğruluğunu onaylıyorum. Verdiğim bilgilerin ve belgelerin yanlışlığı ve eksikliği durumunda başvurumun değerlendirilmeyeceğini kabul ediyorum. Beyanımda değişiklik olması durumunda, yazılı olarak bilgilendireceğimi ve belgelendireceğimi kabul ediyorum. / I certify that the information given in this application form is complete and accurate. I accept that my application will not be processed in case the information and the documents submitted are incomplete or inaccurate. I understand that I should give a written declaration If any change occurs in the information. SOYADI, Adı / SURNAME, Name :……………………………………………………………………… Tarih / Date: dd /mm/yyyy :……………………………………………………………………… İmza / Signature: EK / Attachment(s) 1. Sınav sonuç belgesinin fotokopisi ve çevirisi / Exam score reports and certified Turkish copies of documents 2. Onaylı diploma fotokopisi ve not belgesi ile çevirileri / Certified Turkish copies of diploma and transcript translations.
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