CURRICULUM VITAE MEHMET CEMAL ACAR, PH.D. Name : Mehmet Cemal Acar Date of Birth : Jully 08, 1965 Place of Birth : Sivas, TURKEY E-mail : [email protected] ; [email protected] GSM ,Office Phone : (533) 381 35 41, (352) 207 66 00 (Dahili) 40715 Fax : +90-352 437 52 67 Current Address : Erenköy Mah. Ardıçtepe Cad. Billur Evler Sitesi No:7/14 38050 Melikgazi/KAYSERİ Language :English (Fluent in reading, writing and speaking), German (Beginner) and Turkish (Native) KPDS 79/100 (Examination of Foreign Language Proficiency of State Employees in Turkey; in a way, similar to TOEFL) EDUCATION: Middle East Technical University (METU) 1984-1990-February B.S. in Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Graduation Project: Seismic Analysis and Design of a 10-story Hotel building Supervisor: Prof. Dr.Erhan KARAESMEN Erciyes University (ERU) 1996 – 1998 M.S. in Department of Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) • Supervisor: Asst.Prof.Dr. Hacı Bekir KARA • Thesis: Utilization of Kayseri Zinc-Lead Metal Industry Inc's Waste Materials For Soil Stabilization Sakarya University (SAUN) 2004 – 2011 Ph.D. in Civil, Structural and Env. Eng. (Geotechnical Engineering) • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zeki GÜNDÜZ • Dissertation: Geotechnical Properties of Kayseri Tuffs and Modeled With Artifıcial Intelligence Technique WORK EXPERIENCE: Organization SİSTEM PROJE MÜH LTD ŞTİ Position Description Start End Structural Analysis Engineer Making structural analysis of more than 10 residential projects and also having responsibility for technical implementation of them 1990 1990 IGL-STFA JOINT VENTURE Site Engineer KINALI-SAKARYA MOTORWAY (including 2nd Bosphorus Bridge) Constructions. Sewerage and storm water drainage plans and details, misc. pipe crossing, box culverts, over and under passes projects, retaining walls, bridge pier foundations and anchorage blocks formwork and RC projects. 1990 1991 BOLTON UNIVERSITY Guest Instructor YOK / World Bank II. Industrial Training Project. Training Program for Instructors through the Center for International Education at Bolton University Bolton/United Kingdom. (for nine months) 1991 1992 ERCİYES UNIVERSITY Instructor and Instructor Dr. Educational and practical expertise in the construction and geotechnical Courses and laboratory in Vocational collage. 1992 2011 ERCİYES UNIVERSITY Asst. Prof. Dr. University Management Positions:Head of The Construction Department of Kayseri Vocational collage. Geotechnical Engineering courses in the Ms Program of Civil Engineering 2011 2014 TEACHING EXPERIENCE University Courses Developed and Taught at Erciyes University INS522 Excavation and support systems, INS523 Geotechnical measurements and exploration INS MAT101 Mathematic-I and II INS ZEM101 Soil Mechanics I and II INS MKM 201Strengt of Materials INS MYD 201 Professional Technical Foreign language (English) INS TPG 201 Surveying INS SAT 101 System Analysis and Design Continuing Education Center at Erciyes University Occupational health and safety courses about, Commercial Building and Plugins (İşyeri Bina ve Eklentileri İSG) Occupational health and safety During the working in high places (Yüksekte Çalışmalarda İSG) Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Workplaces (İnşaat İşyerlerinde İSG) RESEARCH AREA OF INTEREST: Geotechnical Engineering, Retaining Walls and Deep Excavations, In-situ and Laboratory Testing, Liquefaction behavior, Foundation Engineering, Ground Improvement Techniques, Dewatering in Deep Excavations, Geotechnical Instrumentations, Computer Applications in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering RESEARCH PROJECTS Ph.D. Research Project (supported by FBD-10-3035 Erciyes University Research Fund) Title: Geotechnical Properties of Kayseri Tuffs Important Geoenvironmental Engineering Consultancy 1. Soil Investigation for construction of biological wastewater treatment plant in Kayseri Organized Industrial Free Zone and Geotechnical Consultancy. (Kayseri Organize sanayi Serbest bölgesi Biyolojik Atıksu arıtma tesisi) 2. Geotechnical investigation and Geotechnical Consultancy of approximately 50,000 m2 factory building in the field of Kayseri Organized Industrial Free Zone in Kayseri belongs to BRN Bed Company (BRN Yataklarına ait, Ankara yolu 15. km Kayseri Serbest Bölge) 3. Geotechnical consulting of the hotel building in Kayseri Province in town of Melikgazi in district of Keykubat (Otel inşaatın 419 pafta, 3076 ada, 298 parselindeki şahıs arazisi) 4. Soil investigation and Geotechnical Consultancy of Kayseri SS cooperative of Furnisher’s small industrial site in the area of 1,200,000 m2. (Kayseri S.S. Mobilyacılar Sitesi) 5. Large number of soil analysis and reports of many firms (sieve analysis, the uniaxial compression test, triaxial compression test, specific gravity test, the field unit weight tests, Proctor tests, hydrometer tests, direct shear box test, consolidation test) [Çok sayıda firmaya ait zemin analizler raporlarları] Important Geotechnical And Ground Improvement Consultancy 1.Soil improvement project of construction of a biological wastewater treatment plant in Kayseri Organized Industrial Free Zone (Kayseri Org. San. Serbest Bölgesi Biyo. Atıksu arıtma tesisi) 2. Soil remediation of Approximately 50000 m2 of the factory building area of the Kayseri Free Zone belongs to BRN-Bed Company (BRN MATTRESS & COMPONENTS CO LTD Office – Factory Kayseri Serbest Bölgesi Kayseri Ankara Karayolu 15. Km Ambar Mevkii No:467 KAYSERİ / TÜRKİYE ) 3. Improvement Project of the Hotel construction area in Kayseri Province (419 pafta, 3076 ada, 298 parselinde) 4. Remediation of the foundation of Kayseri SS cooperative Furnisher’s factories with geotextile and jet grouting of belongs to a small industrial site in 1,200,000 m2 area (Kayseri S.S. Erciyes Küçük sanayi sitesi kooperatifinin yaptıracağı Mobilyacılar Sitesi) PUBLICATIONS: Journals: (Journals that are indexed by SCI) 1. New approaches to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations based on artificial neural networks ant ant colony optimization. Engineering Geology Vol.117,2011 Issues 1-2., Pages 29-38, 2. Predicting Elastic properties of Low strength Rocks by Using LS-SVM (Under review) Engineering Geology International Conference Papers: 1. Utilization Of KayseriZinc-Lead MetalIndustry Inc's. WasteMaterials For SoilStabilization Advances in Civil Engineering 4th İnternational Congress (ACE2000) Vol1, pp 287,, 2000 2. The Effects of Freezing and Thawing Cycles on The P-wave Velocity and The Strength of Tuffs. MERSEM'2012 8th International Marble and Natural Stone Congress. 2012, 2012 3. Modulus of Elasticity Determination of Rocks Using Comressometer, Strain Gauge and Lvdt. ACE 2014 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering. (Under review), 2014 SOFTWARE & COMPUTER SKILLS - Geotechnical softwares like, Slope, Stable, Geosoft, Geocal, Geopro, Bowles, etc. - Finite Element Programs like SAP2000, SAFE, PLAXIS, CRISP, GGU-RETAIN etc. - AutoCAD, Windows, Word-Excel-Powerpoint, Fortran and Visual Basic, etc. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION: Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Turkey (IMO) Middle East Technical University Alumni Association, Kayseri. Member and the member of the Executive Board Member,Turkish National Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering TECHNICAL CERTIFICATIONS: A course of study during the period 8th November 1991 to 10th August 1992 in The School of Civil Engineering at Bolton University-ENGLAND. Certificate of Competence in Computing (AUTOCAD) at at Bolton UniversityENGLAND Supervisor license in construction projects and applications authorized by Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanism (T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı, Proje ve uygulama Denetçi Belgesi) TURKEY Instructor license in Occupational health and safety courses authorized by Turkish Ministry of labor and social security (T.C Çalışma ve sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı İSG Eğitici belgesi) TURKEY CALCOMP Product Training Certificate OTHER INTERESTS Court Tennis, Football, Philosophy, History, playing instruments like the old Turkish saz (Another Turkish name for this instrument is bağlama) and drums.
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